fotal lite WAYNESIiUllG: WEDNESDAY, JUNE "?6, 18(17. Allen's Lime Ualsam. fur sale nt O. W. Roberts & Co's. .. ' Nkw Apvektiskmknts. Tlio attention of our readers is specially directed to llie following advertisements, which appear for the firiit time in our paper to-day i Bounty Tax report, ol Dunkard To. Hotel Oliver & Bayard. Shorirr. Sale Wliitely Crock Oil 'Co.' Land Sale Dawson Adams. MONONGAHELA VALLEY UAILUOAD MEETING GHEENE COUNTY'S OF FER. BmiwNBViM.R, Juno 20, 1807. ' The corporator and fiii-mls of the Monongaliela Valley Railroad met here to-day. The meeting was largely nt-teud-jd. Delegate were present from Greene, Fayette, Watihington ami Alle gheny counties. McKeesport, Elizabeth, Mouongahela City, Belleyornon, Cooks, town, Greenfield and California reported their quota if . lock f ecured. Jirowns villo pledged her quota, and appointed a committee to obtain it. The delegates from Giecno county volunteered to raise fifteen thousand dol. lars, and double it if necessary. The meeting was addressed by Dr, Van Vooihis, of Fayette county, and Drs. Culver and ration, of Greene, The meeting was enthusiastic, nnd argued well for success. Tho mooting adjourned to meet at Jkwiskson, Greene oounty, cn the 23th ot Juno. Wo apprehend that there must bo some mistako about the figures nttribuU ed to Greene county, in tho abovo dis. patch. Iflljm county only appreciates a Ituilrond, $15,000 worth, slio has very little comprehension, cither of tho cost or value of such an Institution. Friends ot the Railroad, thoro will bo a meeting on tho subject, at Jefferson, next Thursday. Do turn out nnd mani fest, by your presence and liberal sub scriptions, that you nre not entirely in different to this great measure, which appears to be the only hope of our salva tion from eternal isolation. . Puro London Cordial Gin. guaranteed gen uine, at G. W. Roberts & Co's. O- Wasuinotos County ltrcruu! ioan Con vention. The Hepubliean Convention was held in Washington county on Mou. day of last Week, and the following ticket placed in nomination : Assembly John Ewing and J. It. Day, of Washington county, and TIiob. Nicholson, of Denver. Sheriff M.ij. Henry A. Myers. Jury Cum. Joseph H M'Lain, Tieasurer Cant. Jns. P. Hart, Commissioner II. 15. M'Lcnu. Auditor Joseph Liuion, Director of Poor Win. Davis. Coroner Ca it. C. W. M Daniel. Tho Hon, Geo. V. Lawrenco and William J. Alexander wero appointed delegates to the Slato Convention. Win. A, Mickly was appointed chair man of the County Committee lor the ensuing year. Go tn G. W. Roberts & Cn.'s and get a bot tle of Misldor's Herb Miters. Tub "Bin Snow," on Thursday last, is voted by ever) holy that attended, a magnificent ''sell," and wo believe ptet ty nearly everybody was there. People complain mightily of the wheat famine, and deplore the necessity of sending so much hard earned money out of the county for flour. Yet, in two short days thoy patronize this silly, vulgar show, to tho extent of more money than the en tire outlay for flour during tho wholo season. Ayor's Cherry Pectoral for sale at G. V. Roberts & Co's. Tub Kino, Wo noticed a tew days ago a large assemblage of persons form, ing a ring on ouo of our principal street. On enquiry wo learned that a ground, hog was in their midst and was about to be pitted against all the "dorgs" in town. The Inst we noticed of the u 11 air was a half dozen dogs whipping around the corner from the battle ground as though they had tin kettles tied to their caudal appendages. Hence, we infer that "woodchuck" is entitled to tho belt. Is thkhb no RiiMuiiY t Tho Borers are literally eating up all the locust timber in this section. They play sad havoo lor such an insignificant worm. ' Good, Bhtticr, Bust I T. Lucas & Co., ot Rice's Landing, wishes to inform tho publio that they are constantly re ceiving choice goods, in their lino, which thoy purpese exchanging for cash or trado, at astonishingly low rates. See card in another column, G2G.3t The Right Placb. L. K. Evans re ceives New Goods weekly, and always has something fresh and latest stylo for his customers, of the something that ho can soli cheaper than "any other man." Thanks to Tim CounT. Wo noticed last ' week that no licenses woro granted lu tho County to drinking hoimcs, but neglected to congratulate tho Court for their manly action In tlio matter. Wo hopo that our Judges will contlnuo to exorclso such righteous discration In this matter, at least, 'till grog telhn are taught to be a law-abiding class. Coo's Dyspopula Cure for oule at G. W, Roberts & Co's, TtiiuoiiiziNo. Some of tho disciples of Bacchus, who feel aggrieved oyer tlio develop ments of Illegal IniWc uuidu during tlio lust two Cum ts, have concluded, nsnlust resort, to try the game of terrorizing It over the Tom peraneo cause. By false and malicious mis representation thoy are Inciting certr.In reek ess fellows to liuunddown the witnesses who teslifled against them. Tills wont win. Tlio temperance people of tills community mo too mucli in earnest to be deterred from lining their duty by the lawless exhibition of oaths, clubs and stones. Mkkhy asij Wish. A Comical Monthly Paper for Boys and Girls, consisting ot eight paics, twenty-four columns, beau, tifully illustrated by handsome engrav ings Subscription price only 50 cents a yen, payable in advance, A beauti ful little Pnzii'e sent free as a premium to every subscriber. In the First Num ber ot Vol III, is C'linineneed a new Serial, by tho celebrated dipt. Mayne Ueid It will run through the year.and is entitled the 'IIhadi.kss IJoiiskm n,' a Hlntiigu lalo ot Mexico. Also numerous oilier attractions, Puzzles, (Prizes rewar. ded monthly,) Correspondence, Litem, ture, intercoms; Stories, comic and olherwiso , Poetry, Kecipes, Scraps, tfco. No HuMiit.o. Address Slurry and Wise,' Uox 18, Station G. N. Y. City. G ;19-2t. For pure Cud Liver Oil gotoG. W. Huberts & Co's. Oca marriage notices are rather scarco tills this week. Wo reckon tho weather is so warm as to prceludo tlio necessity of matches. Doubtless, so soon ns tlio thermometer falls tho trade will revive. Goon Thiii'laiis. The Vigilant Lodge, organized hero but a few weeks ago nre energetically nt woik and nre increasing their number and influence rapidly. To promoto tho Temperanco reform is the sole aim ot tho Order, j et its weekly meetings afford tho happiest of social intercourse. Let it continue ever to flourish and to be useful. Dr. William's Inviirnrntor and Hair Itcnew crlor sale at G. W. Roberts & Co's. Umjl'is Ai.aiim we trust is being rais ed about rust on the wheat. We presumo it is tho rapid decline of flour that hurts our 'bone and sinew worst! Tine Stuawiikkhy Fustiv.u, nt tho C, P. Church on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of last week wa a pleasant af fair very well patronized. Though the evenings were cool, ice-cream was smartly punished. Tin; itrsu. Constitution Lile Syrup for im pure blood, sold at llraden's Diug Store. How is it honk, All agree Evans pell tho cheapest goods. that Sash. IIuc.iiks, pilot ot an -Old Lino' Steamer, and well known in tho Mon. ongahfla valley, died very suddenly on Frnlay list w Pittsburg. Ho wtis buri ed at lyiveinon. Cause mania a JntU. Wool is quoted nt nominal prices lu New : York. No improvement looked for until there is a revival in the Dry Goods business. j Wants to he "Bitten'1 Pomkhoy No 2. 1 The editor of tiiu New Casllu Gazette and Ikmotru t. Wliito Lend an I Pure Linseed Oil, cheap at Braden's Drug" Store. Fayettk Co. Soi.mi iis' Musjmknt. Tlio ! Coiner Stone of the Soldiers' Monument wi', be laid at Uniontown on July 4 th The cere, monies attending it will be imposing. Rev. John R. Clark, or Allegheny, the gallant Col onel of the ll';!rd Rig. will bo the orator of the occasion. This is a noble enterprise, and why does Greene canity lag iu this fitting honor to for p itrltitic dead ? G. AV. K. Minor. Esq Wc crllee with much gratification that our worthy friend, G. W. K. Minor, Esq., lias been appointed Dep uty Collector for Fayette comity, vice Mr, Roddy, dee'd. EDUCATIONAL." Agreeably 'to a previous call of the chairman, the committee appointed to locate tho Western Penn'a, Baptist College, met at Brownsville, Fayette Co. Pa., on thj 7lh lust. Different localities were named, mid tully discussed by (heir respective ndvocates, but niter mature deliberation it was unanimously agiced to locate saidCollego nt Jefferson, Grccno county, Pa. Tho committee appointed by the Ten Mile Association, will meet at Jefferson, July 4th, 1807, to ntteud to importnut business assigned them. A full attendance is very desirable. It was unanimously resolved, that a copy of tho proceedings of this convention bo sent to tho different papers of Grccno, Fay ctto'nnd Washington counties, for pub licntion. A. A. Puhman, Esq., Ch'm. J. W. Pakkinson, Seo'y, Window Glass, Pittsburg City ainss, best brand, nt Bradcu's Drug Store. 4 - What ok tub Gi.omous Old Fouiitii I July Fourth, that glorious natal day, is almost hero, nnd yet wo hear of no preparations being mndo to celebrate Can we not havo, at least, a gocd old fashioned Sabbath School Pio-NioT Ur have wo become entirely indifferent to tho anniversary ot our Nation's birth 1 Arouse, ohyo seemingly ungrateful sons and daughters of noble sires and kindle once again tho (Ires of patriotism ou Freedom's altars! Martial Music We linvo heard none for so Ions that the thought of it soomelh like a legend. Boys, bring out tho Fife and Drum nnd giyo us a remit), iscenso ot- battles fought and victories wou. , M.u Dojs Wu learn that several rabid dogs have been killed in different p jits of tho country, and our citizens ought to engage in a crusade against tho worthless cms that infest the town, and thus avoid the risk of losing valuable lives by these pests to tho community. Nearly nil of our .exchanges give ac counts of tho deaths if children by hy drophobia, nnd state that, as is usually the case, numbers ot dogs have been kil led, but too late to remedy tho mischief. Mor in'iowit 1'umt. Good Tiiinos. Tho sevon of palntn bks is here. Wo have had currant and gnosehiiry pies which now nro hcinu MipercO'lud by the delicious choiiy. We have been te'islin on stran berry Inxtl i ii'" for some days, and will soon substi tute llie moi'M substantial rapl or y, me so ou to the i ud. Such delieaiies in epieuiecan iclish, or 'any other man IMPOR I ANT TO THE AFFLICTED. 8. 1'. Rhyas, M. D., will for the benefit ir the nllll. ted visit Waynesbiirg, Pa., nt 111 Ilumiltun House, where he can be consultec fiom Iho 25th of June to the filh of July. lie removes Cataract, straightens crossec' eyes and speedily cures granular lids, IntlaniM lion nnd other elite ises of the eye. IIu ciir"h deafiicss, discharges from, and other disensi of, the oar. tie straightens club feet, teinoves cancers and tumors, unci restores crooked and dr formed hands to health nnd beauty. He wiilnwko a beautiful lip nut of a deformed hp. lie gives special attention to the diseases of the nasal passages, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. He treats diseases of thu respiratory organs, such ns laryngitis, bron chitis, consumption in its (list, &e., withmed cated lluiils which aro astonished by mi Instru ment invented for '.lie purpose. This instru ment convei tj tlio medicine into a spray or mist, anil at each Inhalation the medicine is applied directly to the diseased parts. Diseas es and deformities requiring skillful surgical cperutionsjor medical treuliueiit properly cared for. Or the three leading Republican dallies of Pittsburgh, t'trh havo "the largest circulation in Western I'ennsylvaniaand enjoy the largest sbaro ol business patronage." 'Much conceit there ! liKAimn, nre you sure you hav'nt a couple of tlio printer's dollars slicking about your "old clothes?" rumc Codliver Oil, 'Hint will not become rancid, sold at Riadeu's Drug Store. NEED FILLING UP. As tho heats cf Summer nro very npt to generate poison from exhalations from pools of stagnant water or accumulations ot filth it would be advantageous to the health and comfort of our citizens to re move all nuisances that noyv exist in our midst, and seo to it nt once that every mud-holo, or receptacle of filth is drain ed, nud tho nuisance promptly abated It surely ccsls too much to raise frogs nnd miasma, from ponds in close proxi mity to our street!: at the expense ot the health of tho people. Will not some one move in this important matter at an early houi 1 An unknown man was discovered hanging by tho neck ou a tree, near tho mouth of Wliitely creek on the Mnnnngahehi, by Ilia cr..'W of the steamer Gallatin, one day 'ast week ; supposed to havo committed suicide. We have no further particulars, for which wo nre IndcbWd to the residents of that locality. I'lTTSuTKU (JKM.KU MAKKKT. S.vrciioAY, June 22. 1807. During the past week business iu ou gener al market has been dull. There was a fair trade dono in groceries, but without change In price kkvo in a few articles. Grain lias rul ed dull until the close of the week. Floui has been active all the week, nnd although prices I have nut undergone liny change, yet nt Or1 ' close of the m.oket there was an upwaul 1 tendency. Any veiy material advance In pri 1 ces is nut looked for, and at th; same time there is no apparent prospect of a decline, at present, on the choice brands usually handled here, Margins ou flour, in this market, lire now small, nnd dealers aro not disposed to hold. We quote the Pittsburgh market ns follows, winch aro tho wholesale prices GRAIN-Wheat nt Com nt Rye at Buckwheat Oats , 10 titiio no mi 2:. fSofojIiT.-i 02 FLOUR-Spring Wheat at $1 l,25al 1.7'.. Winter " at aijlil.nt) Ryo at If!) fiu.flu.00 HAY Rale'd nt $2t,oo V ton. Loose at.... $18.00f.f22,()U EGGS-Sales nt 20(,(()0c. CHEESE Western Reserve nt Hejlfi. Hamburg nt I'molll New York Goshen at 20a0() nUTTER-l'iiinu Roll at lnKSc. APPLES Per barrel at $9.00ai MM). POTATOES Per bush at 1 03 BREADS TUFFS THE DYING KICK. In New York, on Friday, the com inonor kinds of Hour were (iiote(l(wliole sale)nl trom $0 80 to 8 15 a Imrrtl ; higher grades at i'l'oin $S o0 to 1J9 30. A month ago, tor the lower grades the wholesale price was Ironi $10 03 lo 411 80; tor the next higher grade, 12 00 to $13 15. Ou these kinds of Hour alone, then, the average decline, 111 thirty days, has been $3 75 on evcrp bund, or fully thirty-throe per cent. Thero was a slight spasm iu the New York market on Saturday n sort ol dying kick, which, instead ot alarming tho public, gives assurance that all will soon bo over. Thu continued sunshine nnd free breezes of tho lat few days have proved a settler. From every quarter the, most hopeful uccouuts reach us concerning tho crops. Iu southern Illinois tho wheat harvest has already commenced, and new wheat is reaching the southern markets. Corn is coming forward finely, and, with no untoward oireumslnnco, the crop will bo vory large. Truly tho skies are blight. Commercial of Monday. 0 NEW YORK DRY GOODS MARKET. Nkw Yoiik, Juno 22. Dry Goods dull and sVciidy, tiliuetlngs lOJalHo, Rleachud Mus lins unchanged. Ticks, best mains steady, low makes, nominal, t'ursut Jeans a simile cnslui't Amoskcng, 1"J. J'rluts steady nud in liilr request. Waynesbnrg Market, coiiiiKorKit wkkiUy ur j. licuiiin J IUitlcr, flesh roll : joj Collee per th ;so to ail Com per bushel en Corn meal per bushel 70 Country fcSoap per lb. (is Candles, mould por lb . s0 Candles, dipped ' ",. 18 Cheeso per lb ' Dried Peaches per lb 6 ! Kiwa pir dozen l riour per uni 14 bo Flax seed per buahel 3 on Feathers per lb 05 Lard per lb 10 H. W. Flour per lb; 8j, Molasses , 7,-, to I no Oats per bushel r, 0 no Rye per bushel 1 00 Timothy seed per bushel 273 to II is Rice per lb , 15 Sugar, crushed per It) ; fa Hicrur. I'ellned " " 20 Sugar, New Orleans, 0 lbs ,..:...;:...,.'.'. I 00 I'. It. Sugar, H lbs .; 1 no Syrup, per gallon no -alt, No. I per bid 3 o vift Soup pi r gallon.. ' jr, t'-ir per ismIIoii , 00 Tea per lb ou Turpentine per gallon 1 r0 ainnv per lb 15 heal per bushel -2 r0 A'hilo Lead per keg 4 i n 01, Vliile Lime pcrlnisuel ) :,o Potatoes per bushel 200 to 2 25 o CHICAGO MARKET. Ciiic.voo, Juuo 22, l8t!7. Flock Dull and nominal. Wiihat Puscttled and 12al3c lower than yestenlaj's ; sales of No. 1 at iji2Uoa2ua, No 2$ I 7-'al 7H, closing at $1 72. Cohn Moderately active and 4e lower; sales of No. 1 at 8."uwie, No. 2 at K2iiK4c, elo.-hig heavy at 8: Jo for No. I, 82c fo: No. a. Oats Dull ut Ul.i(i2c for No. 2 iu store. Rvii Dull at $1 on lor No. I. l'novi.noxs Dull and uomiua'.ly easier. Lurd IIJ'HIJc. Hons IJiuet nt $5 87JaB 30 for good to clinieo. TJ. S. STOCK MARKET. Satuiiuav Evumno, Juno 24, 1807. The quotations of tlio New York Stock Ex change to day nro as follows: U. S. Ronds. Us 1881 U2J U. S. Rond, 5 20's, 18tS2 nog U. S. Ronds. B-20B, 1801 mitj U. S. Ronds, B-20's, 1805 , 107 HMDs 100 December '01 Compounds 117 August 7-30s , , 100$ Juno 7-HOs .looj July 7 -30s 100J NEW YORK MONEY iUIKEt! June 21 Gold closed ut 1 38. SPECIAL HOTICES. TO MY FRIENDS AND PATRONS. I have, as many of you aro aware, sold my Dental practice to Dr. J. S. Hertlg. lie hns been engaged in tho practice of Dentistry for seven years, the latter half of which timo I have been acquainted with lilm and his pro fessional career, and know him to bo uu hon orable, upright, energetic mini ns well as one of llie most careful and successful opera tors I havo ever known. 1 can conscientious ly recommend him lo all mv patrons, feeling assured ho will render tho very best satisfac tion to nil. I must now say farewell to all my frleuds. und pleasant acquaintances. I go to seek auother home, expecting to seo but few of you again in Ilia present 'state, but cherish ing a fond hope to meet you all in the land of llie Just. With every good wish believe mo truly yours, S. S. Patton. 0;l2-3t. to 'oi.nrTiVKs. Tin- .ulvi vtiH.'r, h iving bonir.wt.irnl to lu'iilth hi n fnw wi'okn liy n Tory flnilu rrmwly, utter IiuvIiir sunur.'il for novrml yi'iin. with nwvrre liuigiiir.'cticin, nu.l Unit ilroail (IIhl'iihi! Coiisiiiiiptlun Is inixioitH to niiiku known lo hid t'tfllmv.;iifJVr'rpi tlio mean of cure. To all who ilt'sln- It, 1m w ill .-inl i. c ipy of tlio irt.f.erlp linn n.t'il (fivi'.if rliiiro.) with tho (liroi'tinna for prepar ing Hint uhIiii; the ti:uni which they wilt Unit r snro euro for C'otiwiinptioii, Ajttinni, Ilioiu-liltin, Cnuxbs Cl.ln mid. uUTiiroat mill l.un Atrirllniid. Tho uuly oljeet ..f Iho lUverilsor iiimiiiliiiiftliu I'o'iiiTlpiloiilii lo benefit tho nf fliel"tl, 11111I Kprea.l ltifonnutioll whloh lie conceived to bo liivjilimhle, unit lie hi'peovory BulTerci' win try liii, an It Kill eml lliem nothing, unit may provo u Messing. l'iirtles wirihiiiK the preirri'tlon, fro... by rotnm mall, will UKV. EDWAIttl A WILSON, Oifi-ly. Willlauuliurg, Kina Co., Now York. 12KK011 OP YOUTH. A Oentleniiin who mifferej for yonra from Nnrrmn Dp bllily, i'l'olll itnro Decay, all'l nil tlio iifTeetH of youtlifiil in,i..crellon, will, for tho inlio of un"erlii,' Iniiiimiity, Demi flee toilllwho neeil It, iiml receipts iiml .liroctiolu for nmliinp; the ulniple remedy by which lio wiw ciireil SiiU'ereiiiwii.liliii,' to prollt by tlio mlrortliior'i oxpei -loner, cim .In no by nililrenHiiiK, in perfect contblciiro, 0;5-ly. JOHN IS. OOIiUN, 4J Ce.lur St., Ntw York. COLGATE & CO.'S GERMAN i:sM$m: soap In liiiilliiraetnreil from I'lmK MA 'XUHI.ILS, mill limy lio coii.ll.'rc.l Iho TAN OA ItlJ Of DXCIM.LENCC. For inlo by nil rti'o ecru. 0,5-ly. the .:al,ng pool, AND IlorsH OF MUIICY. Howanl AMorlntlon Tteportii for Yoiina Mon, on lb ei-ini.iof Kolitinle, iiml the. i-rni!., iiliiKeHiinililloiues ili'i.i'oy theniniily power, anil create Inipuillmcnlft to niar rlaue, wliii HiirnnieuiH of rollef. Sent In Hoaleil lotter on- Velopei. IVeii ol'ebarKe. Ail.lreM 1)11. .1. SK 11.L1N IIOUOU. TON, llowiml Amoclullon, I'lillinlelplila, t'u. 651y. tSf A Younq Lady returning to hor country homo, after a sojourn ot a few mouths in the city, was hardly recognized by hor friends. Iu place of a conrso, rustic, flushed face, slio had n soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty three she really appeared but cightoon. Upon inquiry as to tho cruse ut'. so great a chance, she plainly told them that sho used the CIR CASSIAN BALM, and considered It an In valuable acquisition lo any Lady's toilet. Uy Its tiso any Lady or Gentluinau can Improve their personal nppuiranco nn hundred fold. It is simple In Its combination, ns Naturo her self Is simple, yet unsurpassed in Its elllcacy In drawing Impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and com plexion, liy its direct action on tho cuticle it draws from it all Its Impurities, kindly healing tho same, and leaving tlio surface as Naturo Intended it should bo, clear, snlt, smooth and heatitlliil. Price $1, sent by Mall or Express, on receipt of an order, by W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayotto St., Syracuse, N. Y. Tho only Ainerleau Agonts for tho sale of tho same. Kuotv Thy- Destiny. Madamb 12, F. Tiiountox, the groat English Astrologlst, Clairvoyant and PHychoirclrlclau, who has astonished tlio scientific classes of Iho Old World, hs located herself ut Hudson, N. Y. Madniuo Thornton possesses such wonderful puwers of second sight, at lo' en able her to Impart knowledge of tho great est importance to the slng'e or man leu ol eilhersex. While la s still a of trance, she dellnlates tho very feutures of the person you are to marry, and by tlio aid of an Instrument of lntuuse power, known as tho l'sycliomo trope, guarantees to prodtlce a llle-hke pic ture of the future husbnud or wife of the op pllcsnt, t "gethor with date of marriage, po sition In life, lending traits of character. Ac This Is no bumbuir, ns thousands of testimoni als cvi asseit. Blio will send when desired a certified curtlfleatc, or written guaiauteo, Hint the picture Is what It purpntts to bo. Ry enclosing a small lork of hair, and stnting place ol bltlh, age. dlspnsltlou und complex Ion, nnd enclosing Ulty cents nnd stamped en velope addrcsfed to yoltself, yon will receive the picture nnd desired Information by return mid'. All coniimi'iieatiiinH sacre.ily confl dentin!. Address In ronlldenee, Maiia mr F,. F. Tiiohnton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. febIS '07-ly DR. BCHENCK'8 MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. TlKM l'illi ro conipiwod ol vtrloiu roou, hnn( the power to to'ai tho lecrcllom of lh livor u proniptlr and otrcolually ai bluo pill or meroory, and without produr.Iuii any of tliow dlairoMhls or danserom clTocH which ottou lolioir the tuo ol tho laltor. lu all bllioui dlwrilon ihow PilLa may lio iwd with conllilonco. aa thoy promolo I lio dlaohargo of TMIatod tiilo, aud removo IhoM oMructloui Iroio Uio llror and biliary ducta, which are tho oaiua of bUloia afTcctioni In iroiieral. HCIIKNCK'S MANDBAKE PILLS ouro Sick Iloauaolio, and all dlnoruon ol tho Llror, Indicated by allow akin, ooatad tongue, comItoumi, drowiina and a general fcetluii ol wearluen and laultndo, ahowlnii that tho llror U In t torpid or obitructod condition. Iu ahort, Uiojo l'illi may bo used with adrau tago In atl caaee whon a purgaUro or altoraUre) laedleluo It inquired. Tioaso ask tor "Dr. Schonok's Mandrake Pllta," aud olmerro that tlio two llltoneaiei of the Doctor are on Iho Uovoruniuit atainp one when In Uio last ta:jO of Consunipllou, and tho other In hli areeent hoaltli. Bold by all Druggists and dealers. Prtoa It oonle per box. I'rlnolpal Office, Mo. Id North lh Stroet, Philadelphia, Pa. (Icneral Wholeaalo Amnts: Detnaa Barnee & Co, SI Park How, New York; B. 8. Ilauco, 106 Haiti, more St., llalllinore, Mu. 1 John 1. Park, N. K. cor. of Fourth and Waluut Bt Cincinnati, Ohloi Walkor A Taylor, 134 and 1st Wabash Arenue, Chicago, III. i Collins Brothers, aeuthwoal cornel ol Second aud Vino Sts., St. Louie, Ho. t4U liHh w, ea, mo, lrr. Wonderful but True. MADAME UEMINOTON, Iho world-re-tifiwned Astriiligist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while in n clairvoyant state, deline ates tho very features of tlio person you aro to marry, andby tho aid of an instru livnit of intenso power, known as tlio Psychomotrope, guarantees to produeo a perlect and lil'e-liko picture of the ftttuiu husband or wife of tho applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, &c. This is no Imposition, ns, testimonials w ithout number can nsst;rt. ,Hy stating place of birth, age, disposition, cofor of eyes and hair, and en closing titty cents, and stamped envelopo ad dressed to you.solf, you will receive the pic ture by return mail, together with desired in formation. , cyAddress In confidence, Mao.uie Guit TiteiiB Kniu.NuTo.N, 1. O.Uux i!ii7 West Troy N. Y. febl3'li7-ly. O Free o i:vcryloiiy. A Largo G p. Circular, giving inlorination of th8 greatest importance lo the young of both sexes. H tenches how tho homely nny become beniiliful, the, despised respected, and tlio for saken loved. Ho young lady or neutlamnn should fail to send their address, and receive a copy post-. p tin, ov return mail. Aiiuresj P. O. Drawer, 21, rebM,'G7-0m Troy, N. Y. PREPARED OIL OP PALM AND MACE, Foil I'llliSURVINO, UCSTOniMO, AS!) nEAUTI PYISO TIIK HAIR. And is tho most delightful nnd wonderful ar ticle tho world ever produced. Ladies will Iiml it not only a certain remedy tn Restore, Darken and Beautify tbo Hair, but nlso a desirable iirliclo lor tlio Toillet, as ills liik'hly oeii'ttined with a rich and delieata ner fume, independent ol the fragrant odor of tho Oils ot Palm and Maco. The Marvel of Peru. A new and boAiitifbl nnrt'time. whlMi tn di.lieacv of scent, and the teuncitv with whlrh it cljngs to the liandkerchlef and person, is uiiciiuaueti. Tbe itbovo articles for silo bv nil drueirtsts and Perfumers, at $1 por bottle each, beut ny express to any nililress tiv proprietors. T. v. witiuiir &c:o. Kit) Liberty St., New York Oct. 24. J "OH. I y. THE RUSH IS NOW AT S. ODENBAUGU'S Drug store! 1 IE respectfully informs tlio citizens and phy lx sifisns getiurally, that lie has received tlio largcit and finest stock ot Drugs and Medicines ever offered In this market, which ho will SELL CHEAPER than can bo purchased anywhere else la tho county. Taints of all Kinds, Dry and In oil, of tho very best quality, cheap er man mo cheapest. DYE STUFFS, of tho very finest selection. OLD LIQUORS of nil kinds, the finest that can bo procured iu the Mate. THE UNYIELDING LUNG SYRUP 1 A remedy unsurpassed forthe euro of blead ing of tlio lunu's, spitting of blood, soreness of the breast and chest. Will clianire tho frail yellow complexion to one of health, and will euro dvspepsla. This syrup is ono of the most useful" medicines of tlio day. This is a lato medicine and wo do not know of It failing in a single case try it. Also, nil orher prominent patent modielncs nlwnysonhnnd. Together with the Cough Exterminator, tlio best in uso for diseases of tho throat, coughs, &o. Also, n syrup the only remody for hooping cough, all for sale nt S. Odenbauglt's Drug Store. GjlOOm. Adntinhtnitor's Notice, 1ETTERS of udministrntion hnvlug boon J granted to tho undersigned upon the cstato of Margoret Keonei, of Dunkard tn., Oreeno county, Pu., doe'd nollco Is hereby given to all poisons indebted to said estate to mako imniedlnto paymtnt, and those having claims will present tliem properly niitlumtleated for settlement. JNO. S. KEENER, 6;15 Gw Duukurdtp,, Adtuiulstiator. Moffatis Life Tills A5D riKEMX B1TTEBS. t . Tlio Most Successful Modlclnw in tho World, i - . ; Established la 1835 by one of our Host Eminent Fhysicl&ns, and now used throughout . North and South America, with more pleasing results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Llrer, Blood or Skin, Indigestion, Costlreness. Bilious Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague. . Thousands qf certificates aro in our possession,, giving detailed accounts of perfect CURES effected by theso invaluablo Medicines. Thoy regulato the System and put all tho functions of the body in a healthy condition. ' Sold brail Druggists. White ft Howland, Propi etora, Suoceesore to Sr. Job Uolbt and Or. IT, B. Moffat, Now York. NEW CSOWS ! AT A. & BENJ, F. CAMPBELL'S TUY GOODS, NOTIONS, HaTS & CAPS, 1 l.nnl. .in. I ul,,.o 1... -,l ..... w. - ' ....ihi.u.1 a,..., o, iiiimuuir,, ni u, glassware, wall paper, whitlow blinds, and all kluda of urocerics at tho lowest enati.rn nrlp... ritllVTS 10 10 20 CENTS! Brown Muslins 10 to 23 cts.( black muslin IS tolilcts,, nil wool delaines .11) els, nil wool delaines, figured, S.l els., fancy delaines, 25 cts., poplins and mcriuos, bnlmoral and honp skirts, men's nad boy's hats autl caps, Jaeu- llctt. imill mill mvlna .nt.alln fringe and cords, ladles nud gentlemen's col- iiua, uciuiig nun uucKies. corsetts anil nalr nets, Irish linen nnd shirt breasts STRAW TRIMMING! Hcoteli. French and domestic ginghams, Flan nels, tweeds, nnd leans, umbrellas, silk and cotton parasols, ladies baskets nnd bats, ladles bug'o tihiunints and buttons, silks aud lawns CLOVES AND HOSSRY! cotton yarn, carpet chain nnd Imttlne, ladies," men's, misses and children's shoes, Uneu and cotton diapers, table covers and crush, pud trimmings and milling, mohair caps & ribbons, fancy soaps and perfumery, ticking and check, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS! It would he useless to undertake to mention all our gootls. We will try to sell the cheap est and best goods lu the county. Uivo us a call, and don't forget tho place, Campbell's corner, opposite tho Adams House. ft;2!l-tt Helmbold's Fluid Extract Ts a certain cure for diseases of tho m.AODKIt, KIONKYS, GKAVFX, DUOPSY, OWUNIO YVEAKNKSfl, KB MALE COMPLAINTS, GliNKHAL DK- JilLITY, and all disoasesot the UH1NAKY ORC1AN3, whether existing in lALE OR FEMALE, fiom whatever cuuso originating and no mat ter o"f UOWLONO STANDING. Diseases of theso organs require tho uso of a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to, Consump tion or Insanity may eusuo. Our Flesh and lilood are supported Hum Ihesu sources, aud the HEALTH AND I1APPIEESE. and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt uau x.'iu.fiu imiicuv. IIELMDOI.D'S EXTRACT HUCIIU. Established upwards of l years, prepared by II. T. IIELM30LD, B'J Woatlway, New York, anil i. 101 South loth Street, Philadelphia, Ta, 8:13cow-ly FOR NON-RETENTION on INCONT1N enco of Urine, irritation, inflammation, or Ulceration ot the maimer, or kiilnoys, diseases oi ii, e prostrate glands, stone in tlio bladder, calculus, gravid or brick dust deposits, aud all diseases of iho bladder, kidneys und dropsical swellings, Usk IlKt.Miioi.n's Fluid Extract Buchc 8:i:)oow-ly IIELM1I01.DS CONCENTItATKD EXTItACT IIL'CUO la the Great Diuretic. HUMDOLD'J CilMCI'.MTIliTED tITB.UT SAIH.irilllLU the Great Blood Purifier. Both aro prepared according to rules o' Pharmacy ami Chemistry, nnd are tin most active mat can no nnuio. i); i aeow-1 v MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR nro regained by Ilelmuold'fl Extract Buchu, 8;l3oow-ly. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives health and vigor to tlio Inline and bloom to ti e pallid check. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epi leptic tits ensue. !t:13ow-ly HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU nnd Imphovkd Rosk Wash cures secret and deli cate disorders in nil their stages, at little ex pense little or no change iu diet, nn inconve nience ana uo oxposuro. u is pleasant in taste nnd odor, immediato In its action, and frco troin all injurious properties. 3; 13cov-ly THE GLORY OF MAN 13 STRENGTH. Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helmbold's Extract Buchu 8:llicow-ly ENFEKBLKD AND DELICATE CONSTI TUTIONS, of both sexes use Helmbold's Ex tract Uuchu. It will give brisk and energotic toolings, nnu cnauio you to sieop wen. 8:!3eow-ly HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU CHU is plcasnt in taste and odor, froe from all injurious properties, nnd Immediate In its action, SilJcow-ly Takkdo more unnlensent und unuscful rem cdics for unpleasnn t aud dangerous diseases. Uso Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Improved Hose wash. 0:13cow-ly. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS .'jstOisd by Helmbold's Extract Buchu. 3jl3eow-ly Sleiitistry. I have located in Waynesburg, and am oc cupying Uio Into rosldeuceof Dr. 8. 8. Patton. Having taken great pains to becoino thorough, ly acquainted with both tlio theory nnd prac t.ce'of Dentistry, and having bad au experi ence of seven years tn the profession, I fool warranted lu saying that my patients .shall have no causo to complain of Inferior opera tions. F.vtrnntlnn wilf hn rinrlArn1 nnHi uuv .... ..... ,.v .VU.......U I'.ttlllOCW, I when desired, by tlio administration of. "L.augiuug gits or oiner anosinctics. Uuargos iuiiuerui.1, nnu uu tiiBiuu(nn wnrrantea Rs represented. I will be at' homo without' per. miVetifure from tho fifteenth to tbe thirtieth, of every month. JOS. 8. HERTIG. G;12tf WONDERS NEt'GIl IE1SI! . AT TUB (Slotting tore OF N: CLARK & SON; TT 13 NO LONGER IMPOSSIBLK TO OCT 1 a full suit for 7 SO, of good material, that we will warrant to give entire satisfaction.- Light Caashner Pants and Vest fur 4 AO, fln aud ulce style Summer Pants and Yest fur $J 60, tho very best all wool OASSIMER SUITS ! from 30 to SS dollars, the same that lias cot you 4 dollars. A largo and boautil'ul stock of t Hats and Caps! The newest and best stylos, the more elegant aro tho Uemiutta, St. Cloud, yacht, Broad way and Eoi,l3octy Cap,' tho cap durlvlnp Its name from i England aud America's Munificentbonefactor-Mr. GEO. PEVBODT. Every American youth who lores hor greatest, benefactor should not fall to have one of those CAPS. A full and 'complete assortment of Gentlorncn's furnishing goods. We have the) I'ew York Mill and Wamsutttv M'.nlin Shirts, two of the best brands of muslin manufactured. THE CELEBRATED' ENGLISH RUFFLE SHIRT, Wool and Casslmer Shirts, Fine Corsot Jenn Drawers and Summer Undershirts, Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery, with ties, hows, and scarfs in endless varloty. ' Th Eugene, Victoria, and Isabella How, tho very newest; the Zephyr Scarf, 7000 Paper Collars, Of all styles, Ward's, Shakspere, Linen Imita tion. Water Proof, Embroidered, Keystone, Goldsmith's, Phoenix. Grays.&c, &c. A few nice late styles cassimers that will be sold by iho yard , We kiutlly ask you to com pnro prices ueforo buying, . 6; 22 ly WALLACE MTyIOIV DEALERS III GROCERIES' and provisions, ! Okk dooe Wkit er Peteb Biiowh's Srona. We have lust received si well sclecteiT stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, which w purchased for CASH ant) are confident that wo can supply our customers and all who may favor us with a call, as cheap if not cheaper than any other bovtse in the County. COFFEES, bUOARS. . MOLASSES,. 8YRUP3, , TEAS, RICE, , , SODA, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SNUFF8, CANDLES, BOAI EXTRACT COFFEE, STRAWBERRIES, JELLIES, &C, &C. Don't fail to call and examine our stock ftnd see for yourselves, for we are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. 5;8 tl. 18G7 SPRING AUUIVAL OjF 1867 DRY GOODS -AT- HBQUCBD PRICBSl g --AT- "MINOR'S OLD STM" THE GOODS 'ALL FEESb TUB if "sr jLm 33 s ; LATEST AND OETI TtlE " . . . ; , . , , i Fabrics, as Rresented, AND TUB ASSORTMENT KEPT COMPLETE, Thk CNDERSIGNED IS DETERMiNEf) to soil, s'nd tho uradt cash will secure the very Dcbi oi uargsina. vim ST?" L. K. EVANS. , his stocl ICR. 4,21-8n Wsynosourg, i s, . t P