The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, June 26, 1867, Image 2

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    ler's Mnloiiu'iil ih. i mi i in- i.lnlil ill' tlu
lirst attempt lo rob Mr Dinsnioio. li.ibu'
eune on to tu-u rikI went to her house.
Mm. Creaoraft certilies in tlio most posi
tive manner, upon the strength ot her
diary, tliat 'llabe' was there every nijht
from tho 10th to the 2 lib of November,
and that during tint time hu was on no
evuning out laierthan halt past miiu o'
clock, yd I have the authority of Mr II.
Taylor, ami Hubert (Jh ohon jr butchers
of this place, both of whom aru f,'miilt)
ncn of uiiiinpo ioIiabU voracity, for say
ing that at about two o'clock on a certain
market morning within that very period
they met I fun upon tho street i on which
occasion ho stopped them and asked lor
a cigar,
This statement which they aro ready
lo certify, if tiocessary, completely dis
pose of Mrs, Croucraft's testimony,
' fortified us it might havo been by her
diary, and shows that otall defences that
ot'auaMl is among the most unreliable.
In tho next place the fact that Foglcr,
In his confession, mentions having ap
plied to James Montgomery, on tho eve
ning of the murder tor powder to load
the pistol, utter having already provided
himself with cartridges t the store of
Mr. Dongan, is dwelt upon as clinching
proof that tho confession cannot be Iniu.
Mr. Montgomery deliantly asks, '11 the
pistol was loaded with cartridges, what
did Foglur want with powder lo hmd it t
Tho answer to tins is easy. Fngler, ns
is well known, was a man ot limited
means, and in procuring the cartridges,
had probably laid out all the little money
he had to spare Jn view of the con
templated attack upon Mr. Dinsinoro, he
naturally enough supposed that somu of
Ihe loads would be discharged f'r im the
pistol, and desired to replace them in or
dor that in ease of the arrest the condi
tion of tho weapon might not betray bis
guilt. Ti:at this was his object in asking
Jas. Montgomery for the powder is evi
dent from his statement in the ooiilcssion
that the next niornintr alter the murder
ho tried to get balls to icjil ice the two
loads that had been discharged, but was
Having said this much in regard to
Mr. Montgomery's first attack upon the
oonfossion, I must desist for the present,
reserving what I have to say in reply to
his second article for another time.
K H Smith.
JIl'-NUY Cl.AY Dkan is boldly ndvoent
ing repudiation, lie takes the ground
that tho Government has no Coiisiim
tional authority to coerce a sovereign
State against its will s thai when a Si. ale
Wills to leave the Union ii has n clear
right to go i that war to retain it before
going or bring back a State after ii lias
gouo, is usurpation ; and that, all debts
contracted to furnish supplies for such a
war, are illegal i and he, therefore, ad
vocates the repudiation of the national,
debt. Henry Clay Dean is endorsed iu
a reliable Democrat by a large majority
of the (Joppernead press ot the country.
T - . . I . . . . . l I .1
is noi uio party which uieso oigans
represent, iiuniore, in lavor ot lepu.
diatton t Exchange.
A eciiooi, mastick in Montgomery
oonnty whipped one ot his female pupils
oninercituily because she would not
weep the 6cliool room, This fact is
commented on by a Delaware journal ss
radical cllet to the whipping ot eiiini
nals in that State; but when th'i fact is
known that tho schoolmaster ami the
Jury which neqtiitlctl lnm aro Coppcr
leads, the 'offset' will not appear so if-
Tub New York Day Hook says it the
Northern army were withdrawn from
Ihe South, the negro would at onco seek
to enter into his old relations with his
former master. That is the most stu.
pendotis joke of the season, llnd the
Cay Book said there would have been an
attempt to reduce the negro to his old
oondition, the statement would be nearer
tho truth.
The pooplo of Central City, Colorado,
have subscribed $'5000 to bo paid for
Indian scalpj 'with tho cars on,' at the
fatoofS20 a pieco. From all appear-
anoes, beucral Wicrman will have to
fight with a two-edged sword, and it
may be questioned whether tho white or
the red savages arc tho moro lawless and
Tub question of free railroads was
eneakingly dodged by tho Copperheads
who nominated Bharswood tor Supiemo
Judge. For the lust two years, the
leaders of that faction havo been char
ging that they only are in favor of a free
railroad law i but they prove their hypo
criey by dodging the question at the' first
The Union Focilm Railroad now runs
three hundred miles west ot Omaha, to a
station called North 1'latto. Six weeks
ago there was not a hotiso in the place
now it is a flourishing town of'six hun,
pred inhabitants, and has a daily tran
sient population of as many moro.
What NkxtT An exchange says
that falso ears, false lips, and false bos
oms, made of India rubber, havo been
invented, and are actually worn by
eorao ladies in Philadelphia. Tho bos
omg are warranted to erase finger marks
A caso has recently eomo before tho
court in Chiongo in which a woman tes
tified that every day tor thirteen years
her husband lias quarreled with and
beaten her, sho living all this timo in
' constant fear ol death..
Tins Government jug is filled with
about a million gallons of Cbnllsoaled
whisky. A sad commentary on tho
meanness of tho t radio and truflloers in
Di'.uwAim is a sweet htllo pieco of
antediluvian territory. They gave a
man sixty lashes before hanging him,
the other day, at Newcastle. Delaware
ii a 'Democratic' Slate,
SkyriiaIi iinfortuiiato young men of
'good family' in boutli. Carolina have
been compelled to go to work or go
waged. Ami Democratic, for which
blame the Radicals, ,
, , Jamf.s W. OAMrnm, sheriff of JofTor.
on county, and the man who hung
aonn jjrown, oioa ni ennnostown, W
Ts., a fow weeks ago.
Tiikrh nro ono hundred and throe
millions of dollars io gold in the No.
tional Treasury.
it it tfiiMvit n t r t
J, E. SAYERS, KiWor and Publisher.
Two doll u s a year, payable Inviirlnlily in
mlviuice. One dollar fur six mouths, payable,
luvarlahly in advance.
AnviiirrisKMnNTs Inserted ut $1 fiO personam
for three insertions, and fillets, a square for each
additional insertion; (ten lines or less counted
a siiiaro.)
Local advertising and Bpkciat. Noticbs, in
cents per line for onk Insertion, with
CiTA liberal deduction to yearly adver
Advertisements not marked with the num
ber or Insertions desired, charged for until
ordered out.
Moiik than ono thousand penplo rosd tho
I1i:i'i;iii.h',an every week, tlmteiinnnttie readi
ed directly tlirmijih any oilier medium.
Of Mouongahela Tp.
Ol'HichhiU Tp.
com Misstimrn,
Of Gil moro Tp.
Of (irecno Tp.
poor norsK nmncTOK,
Of Dunkard Tp.
We canno forego the opportunity cf
saying an early good word for tho excel
lent ecnilemen who cnmpriso the Tto
publican ticket. It is evident that tho
convention in making their choice choso
representative men Men unimpeach
able in private or political affairs. Hard
woiking honest men, tellers of tho soil
and devotees of tho work bench, men
whom the people ot Greene should dc
light to honor. Such men our county
needs at present to represent her nt the
Stato Capitol and to take charge of our
immediate trusts. Wo begin to think
the people nro nwlikening to a sense of
duty and that they will yet discern tho
necessity of a change of rule, if they
wish to rise lo a level with surrounding
enmities in the way of improvements.
In tho Assembly wo want a man lha1
will talk and net for a Free Railroad
Law. At home we want live, active men
to li 1 the ( Hiees, such ns are offered by
the parly of advancement and reform.
The days of logyisin must soon bo num
bered. Wesliiko no contract between
our candidates and those who oppose
When Congress passed the Rccon.
struciion act, Andrew Johnson, in a
long nnd vulgar menage, vetoed tho
Bill alloying that it created a military
despotism, declaring that it gave the
military commandants di-cretionnry
power to will and to do whatsoever they
would. When Congress passed the bill
over the President's voto, hu acquiesce)
and announced that ho would faithfully
execute it as tho law of the land. Rut
since Congioss has adjourned ho has
turned nullifier, nnd through his attor
ney general, Mr. Stansbury, has con.
strucd tho Reconstruction Aot to mean
that the military commanders havo no
power, 6ave to bo subject to his imperial
will that they are not vested with any
authority to interfere with the local civil
governments, let them lie ever so vile
that they cannot remove any from office
nor fill vacancies, ifco., ifco , to tho end
ot tho chapter, nnd in pursuance ot this
opinion, hu is about to remove General
Sheridan and rcstoro to oflico the refine
lory rebel oflieeis whom that faithful and
gallant General displaced. In view o'
this manifestation ot the spirit ot nullifi
cation, it is l ight that Congress should
conyene at once, ond whilst they expound
tho law to him, let tho Committee on
impeachment make a noto ot his recent
It is nonsense to speak of 'tho halcyon
days of the republio under Democratic
ulo. In its duration not a state was
admitted but to advance tho interests of
slavery. No public enterpriso exhibited,
the treasury was robbed to fill politicians
pockets, two or tlireo useless wars fourrht
and to signalizo their demoniac spirit o
revongo for loss ot power, they attempt
ed to ruin tho government by arraying
tho South and North against each other,
thus inaugurating a civil war which has
no equal in history. 1 ho people, cer
tainly do not desire to bo ruled by Dem
ocrats. It is confidently expeotod that the
Republican Convention to day nt Wil
linnisport willdeolaro for Gen'I Grant
for the Presidency. There seems to bo
no doubt that he will accept the nomi
nation from tho party, nnd, of courso,
ho will bu the next chief Executive.
This lias been a foregone conclusion in
tho minds of many and is daily being
impressed upon many more His courso
and his sympathies hitherto accord with
Republican principles, dony it who may.
We imagine that Hen foot polo' the
Rads would'nt ton oh him with is being
considerably ihortonod.
MaorGcu. Jno. A. Itawlings, (Jen. Orant's
chief of Bluff, made a speech, ruceiitly, to the
citizens of Galena, tlia home of himself and
the Gunoral. ItlsHtrong la Radical predilec
tion, lucid lu vindicating Congress and its pol
icy. It possesses tho peculiar significance of
being Ilia opinion of a man who shares the
closest intimacy with Orant and may there
fore bo considered ns expressing the sentiments
of tho gallant Chiufuin. The speech occupies
four columns of the Pittsburgh Commercial atu
we aro unable to copy, which wo regret.
Tub closing paragraph in a letter
lately lrom Cunuda to an old friend m
this county, the writer being an Ameri
can citizen of African descent, closes
thus i "You aro still sending plagues
on us poor Canadians. First you sent
Skodadlers, then Fenian?, and now vou
have sent Jeff Davis Wo liopo this is
to bo tho last vial ot wrath that will be
poured out on us for ono genoiniion at
least. Valiandigham and Jako Thomp
son and the most of your first class
tlnitors havo lift, but Jiff, God only
knows when wo will get o'earof him "
Giii'at Finn, Tho American Varieties
Theater, in Philadelphia, was burned
down last week. Thirteen deaths are
recorded, besides many others that re
ceived serious injuries. Tho estimated
value of the loss is 1 00 000. The moral
loss however, is not very great, as the
writer hereof oneo visited that institution
and came away wonderfully demoralized.
'Do Nor Rkw&tkh' is tho heading of
nn lid'tonal in tho Petersburg, Va.,
Rrpress of Tuesday, This paper is tho
only ono in Virginia that advises the
citizens not to register. .Even tho Rich
mond Examiner which has until
recently counselled inertia and delay,
now says ; 'Tho citizen who can register
but will not, will be ns falso to the Slate
and peoplo as if lie were tho most de
liberate aud dotnrmincd enemy.'
Stanton Stii.i. Fium It is gratifying,
indeed that, whilst the President and
nearly all his Cabinet Ministers have
betrayed their trust, the Pennsylvania
member, Mi Stanton, Seo. of War
stands truo and immoveable. Ho dis
sents entirely from tho Stanberry con
struction of tho Reconstruction act and
interprets it as Congress designed it
should be.
Ohio Poi itios -The Republican Slato
Convention of Ohio met at Columbus on
the 10th inst , and nominated General
R ii Hayes for Governor, and Samuel
Holloway for Lieut. Governor. Tho
convention was largo and harmonious,
and the nominees arc generally favorites
throughout the Stato.
Thk Republicans in their conventions
and local meetings are taking distinct
ground in favor of the Free Railroad
Law, and wo take it that as a matter of
courso tho State Convention this week
will do tho same thing The Democratic
party, not being for it, kept silence
Tun trial of John II. Snrratt, for com
plicity in the murder of President Lin
coln lias been in progress about two
weeks. The prore-ution has woven at
web of evidence around him that canno
fail of conviction, unless tho defense ma
terially invalidates the testimony.
Tun cntiro vole of tho Philadelphia
delegation to tho Republican State Con
vention to bo held on lha 2(ith instant,
will be given in layor of tho nomination
ot the Hon. M. Russell Thayer, of that
city, for J ustico o( tho Supremo Court.
Tun Zane!-vil!c, O., Courier says :
Tho Carbondale, Illinois, A'ew Era
comes to us floating the name of John
A. Logan for President in 18G8. Tho
Era has tied to a good man and gallant
soldier, but wo Grant it in this section.
. .n--
Tho president, having recently return.
ea lrom a tour to North Cuolina, is
now efffor Roston, ostensibly to assist
in laying some kind of a "corner stone'
of a hotel, we think.
IIkad okk. Difficulty havinc arisen
between the Prosident and his Mexican
Minister, Mr, Campbell, tho latter pre
ferred lo resign rather than obey. He's
a poor slick 'teny rate," and so is his
A Short Rkion. As soon as Maxi-
millian fell, old Santa Anna, who had
gained a temporary lodomioiit in tho
jungles of Moxioo, proclaimed himself
evperor. Ho was immediately escorted
twenty miles out to sea.
Gun. Dan'i.. E. unwilling to
beoomo the supple tool of Androw John-
son, the nullifier, desires to bo relioved
trom command of tho District of the
Gk.NKII U. Poi'K. Ill a disnnldi 1ntu,l
the 17tll of Jllllfl. to flminrnl Oi.n,.t
It. iB untrue that negroes have been ap
pointed in Mobile. The municipal gov
ornmont is completo, and is composed of
tho bost men in tho city.
Tim Connootiout Sonata has msoi1 nn
eight hour law. It has nlroady passed
the House, and goes iuto operation on
mo nrsi ot January next.
Junoit Aoiihson. one would think
would lcel "awful bad" aftor reading the
Beaver Lical ot Juno 21st, on the ques
tion of granting wbiskey license.
A pAiiivKiisnuiio Man Mruuiiiticn and
RouuuD w ins Saloon 1 The Murdcr.v
still at large One of tho most dinboh-
eal murders that has ever disgraced the
history of Parkersburg was committed
about 3 o'clock yesterday morning,
Tho hour is ascertained by tho cry of
'murder' bavins been heard about that
time by some ot tho neighbors. It
seems that ono or more infamous scoun
drels entered the saloon on Market street
kept by Mr. Lillcnthall, knocki.d him
down, inflicting a severe wound upon
his forehead ; then cut his throat from
ear lo ear, robbed him of every cent
they could lay their lninds upon, and
then made their escape. rarkenburg
Gazette, June 0.
A SlIAU. 'C O N K K I) K II A O Y,' TIlO
Wheeling Intelligencer hopes that when
Gn. Grant gels back to headquarters
he w II make some provision for a thor
oiitrh and radical reconstruction of the
village ot Claysviile, Washington coun
ty, Pennsylvania, on the Uumpfiel 1
railroad. It says.- 'We are ii-lialily
informed that when tho General's tram
passed up Wednesday there was a crowd
at Claysviile, part ot which cheered tor
General Grant and part tor Jefl, Davis,
and that thoso who cheered tor Jeff,
were the larger part. During tho war,
Claysviile was so notoriously disloyal
that it. was known as 'Little Richmond.'
Even big Richmond had more decency
limn this when visited recently by the
Gi:NKitAi, Lonosthkut publishes a lot
tor in a New Orleans paper recommend
ing compliance with tho military recon
struction bill, which, he says, 'is a peaoo
1 ho Heading Guse.'te, tho organ of
.Mr. Ulymcr, lale Democratic candidate
for Governor, copies tho abovo extract,
and adds the following comment :
'A devil of' a peace offering, to be ivre.
The Genera! is getting demented !
Sucli is tho comment of this 'Demo,
cratic' journal. It is short and signifi
cant; but it emphatically conveys a
clear meaning 'of Democratic principle.
Thk President lias ordered his Private
Secretary to procure and preserve ft list
ot all tho delegates to tho Into Pennsyl
vania Copperhead Stale Convention, tor
refeience in tho future bestowal of patro
nage in this Statp. No man, a member
ot that Convention, will receivo recog
nition at tho White House, because Air.
Johnson was snubbed with contempt by
that body. Wo admiro Andy's giitj
but won't Ihoro be n shaking among the
dry bones of Pennsylvania Democracy ?
Tun following banks have 'burst' since
tho National banking operation ; Veiw
nngo National Bank, Franklin, Pa. ;
Tenness'o National Bank, Memphis,
Ten n i First National Bank, Attica, N.
Y. ; First National Bank, Medina, N
Y i First National Bank, Columbia,
Mo ; First National Bank, Carondolot,
Mo. i Merchants' National Bank, Wash
ington D. C ; First National Bank,
New Orleans, La. Not one of the fore
going, it will bo seen, was located in
New England.
Mit. Thomas J. Duiiant closes a privao
letter by saying : 'And I am of opinion
that no ono ot the Into icbel Slates
should he admitted into Congress by its
representatives until an amendment lo
1 ho National Constitution shall havo
been adopted, establishing irrevocable
universal suffrage ami equality before
tho law in every Stale ot tho Union.'
Founhy lias heard Spurgecn preach,
and writes hoina to bis 'two papers,
both daily,' that he 'would raiher be
Charles 11. Spurgeon, surr'niided with
the love of the rescued souls of the work
ing people of his parish, than ihe Lord
Bishop of a thousand churches ot
Tun sold'crg of Pennsylvania will of
courso not forget that a resolution com
plimenting General Sheridan, offered in
tho SliaiMVuod Slate Convention, was
declared out, of order. When wis, or
when will be, n resolution complimentary
of a Union soldier, in crder in a Cop
perhead Convention.
DltATIl-Blvl) RlCl'KNTANCK. In nn old
graveyard at Baton Rouge, is a tomb,
stone bearing tho following inscription :
'lie lived a Democrat and died a Chris,
tian ' Brownsville Clipper.
Aix nil! Republican JounNAi.s in tho
Stato of Pennsylvania nro boldly de
nouncing tho Attorney General's opin
ion, misconstruing tho military recon
struction law
Tins 'Democrats' of a county conven
tion in Kentucky, havo nominated Jesse
D. Bright for tho Legislature. This is
of course dono to reward Briglil's
Louisiana files into tho ranks of the
Union. Tho Union Convention lias an
nounced tho name of their organiza
tion to bo tho 'Radical Republican
Onic caso of cholera is reported in New
York this season. This should bo suffi
cient admonition to everybody to take
every noollul sauitary precaution.
'You need a littlo sun nnd air,' said a
physician to a lady patient. 'It I do.'
was tho reply, -I'll wait till I got a hus
band. It is now definitely arranged that the
forthcoming Pennsylvania Agricultural
Society Fuir will bo hold in Pittsburgh.
Ir is said thatovery respectable pliy.
siciau in Washington City lias twenty to
litty cases ot typnom lever
under his i
charge. "
Tins Ron. Isaac Newton, Commis
sioner of Agriculture is lying danger
ously ill at his resideuco in Washington
Momi.K, June 18.- Registration com
menced in this city yesterday. Ono
hundred and fifty voturs wore rogistor
od ; 23 being whites, and 127 blocks.
Richmond, Juno 20 Registration in
the city bo . far stands 1,010 blacks lo
880 whites.
Montoomeuy, Juno 20. Tho result of
tour days' regutrotion in Montgomery is
1,183 blacks and 657 whites,
Nbw Jkhsky, not tho most advanced
Slato in educational matters, has abol
ished corporeal punishment in the public
schools, ,
Tho Empiro of Mumimilian expired,
4 o'clock a. m. , at (juerctaro, n ciiy one
hundred miles northeast of Mexico, m,d
the capital of the princu ot I hat name
Here ihe emperor bail been besieged by
tho Liberal forces, under Escobedo, for
sixty. nine days. He had bis headquar
ters in tho Convent La Cruz, which was
built by the Spaniards, and with its for
tifications covers neuily fifteen acres of
ground. It is a place ot great strengih,
and commands tho city and mail to
Mexico. It is so impregnable thai any
ono who gels possession, with a few Initio
dred troops, can levy contribution, and
cranio civil war. 'The first battallion of
tho line,' Maximilian's bust infantry, was
stationed in ihe Convent. E-cobedo hell
the mountain of Correias, just opposite,
and Ins 'Mipioiue power' battalion lay in
the valley t. ieeu. Starvation in the
garrison determined t ho Emperor to out
his way oul on ihu night ot tho 14th,
with three thousand infantry and six
hundred good cavalry, reach tho moun
tains, form a junction with Oliyera, who
was supposed to have two or three thou
sand Imperial troops, and get into Vera
Cruz, where ho could stand a long siogo,
have tho sea to bring supplies, and lake
him away when he concluded to leave.
Everj llung was ready. The enemy,
unsuspicious, had determined to give up
tho starving out plan, and attack the
garrison in force at sunrise. Corn was
scarce with tho besiegers, ond tho be
sieged had nono j but had for some time
been living on the flesh of starved hors
es, mules and dogs. Juarez was press
ing Jisooucdo to bring tho sie?'o to
close Corona taunted him fiercely with
want ol energy, and tho order of assault
had been given. Knowing nothing of
each others plans, Maximilian was to as
sault the Liberals at midnight and es
cape ; they to assault in tho morning.
Treachery spoiled the arrangement. Mo-
Jin was to defend tho city with three
thousand citi.nns. while tho Emperor
and his torco fought their way out.
Two hours before ho was to start, fifty
four pretended deserters, 1'iom the Lib
eral lines, wero brought in, who said
Juarez was besieged in San Luis, by
Ortega; nnd Escobodo was to go at
once to his assistance. Mcjia asked him
to organize his citizen garrison. Max
imilian postponed his plan, nnd about
the same hour, Esoobcdo rode down in
person, to aountcrmand tho order of as
sault lie had tho city by the treason ol
Col Lopez, commander of tho Convent
Lopez is a Mexican, was high in the con
ticlcncu ol the Emperor, a portly, hand
some man, with no nppeutaiico ot Mexi
can i but rut her the look of an aristo
cratic Ango Saxon. Ho was one of
the last men, in llin train ot Maximilian,
to have been suspected of treason, but
just after Esuobcdo had given the order
ot attack, he iceeivcd a letter from Lo
pez offering, for 8t)l) to give up the
Cruz. At 4 o'cloclcA. m., ol the l.llh
May, Escohedo's marched in at one gate,
and those ot Lopez oul nt another, as
Villi tho first streak of day the Em
peror awoke and was the first to find that
something was wrong. Ho hastily
awoke Prince Salin-Salin, saying, 'Come
along quick,' nnd opened his door. Here
lie met n tile ot Liberal soldiers, com
manded by Col. llincoii Galiurdo, to
whom Lopi-z poirted out his late friend
and master, saing, 'Thai's he!' nnd
in god Riucoii to secure him. liiucon
would have liked to capture the Emperor
in a light, but scorned to take htm thus.
Going up to ids prisoner ho pushed hrn
out ot the convent into the city street,
saying, "You aro a citizen you are no
soldier; we don't want yt uranwz ' He
wen! on foul to Ceiro do la Cinipana.
nt the ether extremity of the i-ity. His
Mniigu' inn huM-nis, and such of his i. Ill-
eers us could break t!,roui'h the Lib lal
gaiud, tiillowo and eolleelcl llieiw
The Imperial troops,' generally drop
ficil their guns ami sliotiteil vice la JjM
erlad, ns the Liberals filed in, but Mini
moil rallied a portion of the regiment of
the Emperalrix, on a broad street, aud
gavo battle At tho first lire, lie was
wounded, his men surrendered, and lie
was made prisoner.
Meanwhile Maximilian had boon join
ed at tho Cetro do la Campana, or Bell
Height r fortified bill commanding the
other extremity of the city by Generals
Mijia, Castillo and Avtllano, and Prince
Salm-Salin and others of his officers,
but it was quickly evident that resistance
or escape was equally impossible. Four
battalions ot infantry nnd nearly the
whole of tho Liberal cavalry surrounded
tho hill, A largo white Hag was accord
ingly sent down from tho Cerro, nnd the
Emperor, with h's principal officers, sur
rendered unconditionally to General Cor
ona. They wero allowed to retain their
horses, arms and personal property, and
later in tho day were marched round by
tho outskirts of tho city to tho Cruz.
1 ho hussars and the remaining forces on
the Corio oaino down in detachments,
and most of thum surrendered lo Cor
ona's American legion.
Colonel Campos, a Mexican officer
commanding tho Emporor's escort, nlono
etidoaVored to escape. Mounted on a
magnificent grey steed, a six shooter in
each hand and 81,001) in his bell, ho
doslied down the mountain side and tried
to break through tho Liborul cavalry.
Impossible as tho attempt was, it seemed
for llio moment as it it would succeed.
His horso stood at nothing, but jumped
ditches, barricades and earthworks with
equal ease Rallied nnd turned at one
point, Campos tried another; ho shot
dead a Liberal Major who attempted to
atop him and wounded several other
men. Finally ho was himself wounded
and captured. The samo day hu was
shot by order ot Eseobedo.
There was soon a rush of dealers in
market, bringing provisions to the torn-lno-stricken
peoplo i n general plenty
and general joy. Tho surprise was so
completo that not a gun wos spiked, not
an officer esoaped. Tho day after tho
betrayal Eseobedo ordered that all Im
perial officers who did not sui'tciidor
within twenty-four hours would be shot
when captured. Mendex was found tin-1
der tho floor of a house ond shot. He
asked to luce his executioners, but was
shot in the buck os a traitor. Tin first
volley did not kill him. Ho pointed to
his head. A corporal put tho muzzle of
Ids gun to it, tired, and he was gone
lie was an Indian, and had shot two
Liberal Generals while prisoners,
july iissioK
Washington, June 2 1 .The following
circular letter is issued by Hon. Robert
C. Sehenck, Chairman of the Union Re
publican Executive Congressional Com
Washington, D C, June 21, 'G7.
To I I'm. ;
Dkau Snt In view of tho recent de
cisicn of the Attorney General cf the
United States and tho action ot tho Ad
ministration, 1 am requested by many
RepuMicau Senators and Representa
tives to remind you of the very great
importance ot your being punctually
present in your plaeo to answer to your
name when the two hou-es shall assem.
ble at twelve o'clock on the 3d of July
next. It is thought essential to secure
quorums, if it should only bo to remain
in session long enough to pass somo
declaratory acts on the subject of recoils
struction. Very truly and respectfully
KimiaiT C. Hon unck.
Chairman Union llcpublicau Exec. Loin,
The Richmond Whig ot llio 17th inst.
prints a long leading article on tho situa
lion, which contains tho following sig
nificant passage : 'Iu closing this arti
cle wo would remark that party move
ments now in the South derive their sig
nigjuoo and importance trom their
reference to the Presidential election
It he live, and will consent to run, Gen.
Grant will doubtless bo llio next Presi
dent of the United States, and tho prob
ability is that all extremists, will support
Tho Whig also says that it wants 'no
firebrands or makeweights in the con
vention,' and urges its readers to vole
for liberal and pal riot io Ucpublicnis
when such present themsolves. This is
an indication of n marked change of
seiilinieut in certain quarters in Virgin
ia. A iihctat. prizo fight oecureil near the
mouth of Aquiu creek, Virginia, a short time
since between two 'biuisers' named Aaron
and Collycr. The fight was presided over by
a leiulinj; Democratic pnlillcl.ui ol' 1'hilailel
phin, named lihl. MoMullin, and continued
iitiout two hours and a half. Hixty-elj;lit
rounds were l'oui;ht, r.nd at tho closu of Ihu
last one Aaron was pronounced winner. The
Democuitic politician nliovo alluded to, noti
fied the press reporters present, that if they
mentioned his name In connection with the
light in their reports, lie would 'slice your
eiiis oirwiien I catch you in Philadelphia.'
The manner ol man he is, may bo seen from
his speech to the crowd ou tho occasion.
Here it is :
'These hyer boys have como bycr to fight,
and I have comu to seo 'em. I lilo to sue it,
nnd thay're going lo Ikdit on their merits, I
am chosen relereeand I'm goint; to caution
them liolh once when they make a mistake,
and after that I'll decide iigidnsl any man who
does it again.'
Ir Is already certain that Congress will re
nBscmblo in July. Ihu President has endeav
ored to prevent this by giving out that he
would convoke the Ihmsc a month later. No
intimations or positive assurances from him
on that subject can have any weight, because
nobody puts any confidence in them. Ho
docs not want Congress should come together.
Thai is iitiout Ihe last tiling he does waul.
Hut Congress has a duly laid on it, which it
cannot escape from It it would. Fortunately
it has no disposition to evade any just
responsibility. In the pies out iiilitiule
of public sen 11 in ant. It nny weh be
iinlicipati'd t at when Congress s mil lu as
sembled, it wil do its work quickly and with
the plainness d i nan led by llio Biuutioa.-
IHltuburijli Uuzc.tlc, of Motility.
A mohni: n or two ago, ns a couple of
mechanics wore passing through the
Capilid Grounds, at an early hour on
their way lo their daily labor, they dis
covered a black snake lying on the board
walk. Tho men at once attempted to'
dispatch tho ugly customer, but his
snakeship escaped lo bis hiding place
under the boards. This is not a 'snake
story.' but sti icily truo. A black snake
is not very desirable in tho public
grouiKM, where so ninny porsons par
tieiilorly Indies ond nhiluicn nro ooutin
uully passing liar. Telegraph
1510 KKUIiVED.
CuAiii.i'.srox, Juno 10,
To the Adjutant (imei'nl of tho Army, U'Wi-
inttam l hovo tho honor to request that 1
may bo relieved from tho command In this
military district. I respectfully demand a
(Joint of Inquiry upon my official actions,
that I may vindicate myself from llio accusa
tions of the Aitnrney Uenernl, published ills
presumed, with the approval oftho President.
Congress having declared these so called Stato
governments illegal, Urn declaration of tlio At
torney General that military aulliorltv has not
superceded them, prevents tho execution of
tlio Keconstrue.iiou act; disarms me of llio
means to protect the life, property or rights of
citizens, and menaces all with ruin
D, E. Sicklks,
M ij. Gen. Commanding.
Cksmi.o. finr.itlNAX lnm tili'innplii'il In (l.'iii-nil (Irnnt,
ilucllnliiK ti (ixti'inl llio Hum ri'iilnlrnllun In !,niilliiiia,
In cninpllnnra Willi llio rrlii.nt' nomlitiniml limtnir.
Ilnnit.nii tlin grniiml Unit reUtrntlnn lull linen Roinplotfil,
itn! ho illil not fniil llku kts'pltitf up uxpiMmlvo Imiirilnto
milt now Utile cnmtiiR tu al tho clnwiuh hour, llccluir
ncli'i-li'D thit Attorney fli'imrul'i opinion im opriiliin llio
bi-outl rum! tuv poi jury nml (Vnut to triivcl on, nml rcnmrkii
upon Urn I'ri'Hilonrn lilflir mit'igoiilion to Urn rcrotiHtrun.
tlnnliiw. ll'iit'liT IliUroport llio lliui. in to lio tixtonilisl,
ln ili'ttli-oi) to Im notlllml, nml would ilu 11 at oiua, tut Uio
I'rvnMiMit' U'li'tfriim wiim iiiiiiiIIIIoiiiiI,
KcursEOK JneiTHu'8 Moons On tho 2tst
of August next n celestial phenomenon will bo
witnessed, which bus only twice boforo been
recorded In history. The planet Jupiter will
on that day tie seen unaccompanied by her
satellites for nearly two hnus. Of her four
mentis, thrco will bo Invlsablo ou account of
their passing simultaneously ovor Jupiter's
disc, and the fourth will bu Immersed lu the
shadow of the planet.
Ohio advices stato that Ihornlt trcoinro
loaded down with moro fruit than they can
bring to perfection, and a larger supply Is
anticipated than has been had for years.
Tim councils of nianv cUim tmvo nlnmilv
formally piohiblted tho usii of llio-wnrks on
the 4lh of J uly. The fata of Porlaud, Maine,
hsi luduced this action.
1 - -. .""A i .-j;
MienlPg Sale
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Kxnnnns.
is ued cut of the Court of Common Pious
of Greene county, and to me directed tliera
will bo exposed to public sale at the' Court
House In Wiiynestmrg, on
next, at ono o'clock P. M., the following prop,
erty, vU: All tho right, litlu, Interest and
claim of defendants of, la aud to a certain
tract of land situaln hi Mononguhuia town
fclilp, Greene Co., Pa., containing one, hundred
and nineteen acres, more or less, nlmut 80
acres of which Is cleared. Adjoining lands of
UcnJ imin Maple, John Minor Samuel Minor
and W illiam Gray, and others, nnd lias erect
ed thereon a lug house, wealherboarded, log
stable and oilier out buildings; there is an
ExcclliiRt Orchard on the farm,
ALSO. Another lilecn nl lotwl etluotA l. enl.l
l township, beginning at a course on the creek
, thence by Muds of Thomas hoard's heirs, Ave
, Perthes, thence by lands of Noah Hartley,
' HI perches to a course thence up tho creek
H." nntcben. Hhoich bv loml of Tlma na,-,la
Ik li s 24 perches, to a post by a sycamore,
thencedown the creek by llio same a I perches
to the place of beginning, containing one ucru
more or less.
ALSO, Another piece of land situate in said
township, beginning on the coal and board
line, tliennu by 8aiil lino !)J perches to a stake,
thence by land of Noah Hartley, 7 perches in
the creek, thence by land sumo 5 8-10 perches
to the place of beginning, containing one acre
more or less.
Taken In execution as the property of the
Whilcly Creek Oil Company, at tho suit of
Win. lVdlips.
(li'JU-at. HEATH JOI1KS. Sheriff.
lteimty Tnx Elcport
FItOM Dunkard township, for Ihu year 1801,
Jehu Davis collector.
To amount of duplicate $8,088 00
By amount of bonds re
deemed $1,497 45
Paid to F. & 1). Hank of
Waynosburg 5,113 05
Pcrccnlage for collecting
and paying out 15.174
Kxonotat'ions l;!2 48
Paid Geo. Keener 40 oil
Paid E. Furinan UG 00
Paid by order of a Di
rectors of 1804, to Wm.
Williams 13 01)
lialanco remaining in tlio
lnmdsof Collector Davis 1,020 23
Am't in bauds of A. P..
Stewart, disburscr of
said fund 20 05-8,088 00
We, tho undersigned auditors, certify that
tho nbovo statement is correct according to
tho information given us by the School Direc
tors and Treasurer of said bounty tux.
C;2C-3w Auditors
TjlOR SALE, 1,500 acres of Timbor Land, on
' the Baltimore and Ohio Itallroad, noar
Littleton Station, West Va., on which there is
s Steam Saw Mill, Tannery and abundance of
tho boat kind of t'tave lluilding and Stave
Timber. Is rich and well adapted to grazing,
and will be cut In parcels to suit purchasers.
Apply toO. Marshall, noar the premises, orto
Dawson Adams, Waynesburg, Greene coun
ty, Pa. l;3(i-(im.
The IVIoiioiigalicla House,
rpiIE best accommodations furnished the
L travelling public. House and appurtenan-
nca mmtilnli. ToMm oKvova anri.o.l lwinnll.
fully with the delicacies of the season. Horses
lor line ; lecu ami siunung ntreasonuoie
GUEENECOL'NTV. The undersigned,
Trensi.rer of Grecnn county, hereby gives
notice that in pursuance ol the Act ol Assem
bly approvetl March 8, 18515, ho will attend in
tlio several townships aud boroughs at tho
times and places designated, between the
hours of nine o'clock, a. m., nnd five o'clock,
p. m ; to receive the Slate and County Taxes
for I8C7, to wit :
1st wisric,
Cumberland township and Carmichails bor
ough, Tuesday and Wednesday June SAtli
and '.'ilt.h at the house, of Henry J, Jennings,
Jctl'crson township, Thursday, 27th ot Juno,
at tlio house of Win. Kelley.
Morgan township, Fri lay, 2Sth of Juno, at
the house of Morgan Hell.
Washington township, Saturday, 20th of
June, at tlio house of Clinton Lewis.
2nd wkkk.
Franklin township, Monday, 1st day of July,
nt the house of Smith Greene.
Whiteley township, Tuesday, 2nd day of
July, at the hoijse of Elizabeth Morris, New
town. Greene township, Wednesday, tho 8d of
July, at the house of Jeremiah Stewart, Esq.
Moiiongahela township, Thursday, the4tli
of July, at Ihe home of Wm. Mcsterzutt.
iunk'rl toniiHliip. Kri.lny, llio (ah of July, nt lliu homo
of tf ml M.-Hlorult, Tiiylnrtowii.
I'.rrv town-hip, Siiliirilny, tlio 6th or July, nt Hit hoimo
of M. ilui-i'owx.
tin WKKK.
Wayrm township, Mmiitny, tlio 8ihof July, t Ilia lor
of llr-r.lll Colhnrt
(III ro township, Tuomhy, tho (Illi of July,ntthauoiiia
of Knocli llnnni'ti.
Sin liiuhlll toniiKhlp, Wi'ilnomlny, tlm loth of.fuly, at tlio
liouo ol' Kawiu Forri-I, Ni'W frociioi't.
A I ti tuvnhli, Tlmi'mlny, llio 11th of July, at tlio
lloitNool AilKHHttlH Milter.
Illrlililll towni,hli, I'll'liiy, nml Sntimliiy llio 12th nd
l.'llli,ut llio hotido of Miu-J'Ty llryiiu, Juctuiinvillo.
4th wkkk.
Mori'ln tovii"lili, Monthly, tho 16th of.Iuly.atNinovoli,
at llio huiiHo of A. .1. Ilttrkt-r.
IVntro towtHlilp, Tiu'wlny, tho 10th of July, at tho homo
of 11. II Ch ii rt li, HokoiuvIIIo,
Im'lixan townnhl, Wi'ilucKiliiy, tlio 17th of July, at tlio
IllHINU III T. l. Otll'llllllUll.
M.ii ltiii tmvn.lilp Tliurml iy llio 181 b nf July, nt tlio
TrmiHiiri.r'a Ollleo, in Wuyuoaburg. Tnoo. Inn,
IV;-J'J-tlf. Troiwun'r.
Havo Just arrived from tho East with a
large assortment of foreign and domestic
which thoy propose to sell at tho lowest CAblt
nuclei sucli asiircss uoous, urcss
Trimming, Dress liuttons, Ladles's
Shawls, Hoots and Shoes, Hats nnd
Cups t also, a great variety of nice
articles, ut very low prlcos, for
Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear
Wares of all kinds, and a cnmploto , varie
ty of tho best OKOCEIUICS. All of
which they proposo to sell at tho vory lowest
h, . ,l,,twtt1H,n, nn Htn niiitltltr antf olinnn.
llglUUE,, V.WJ.W .... M.,j .uvitp-
ness of their goods to gain them custom.
Olva them a call before purchasing clso
where, anil they will provo tnut tho a'jove is
correct, ltonm in Allison's building, nearly
opposite tho Court House, Wuvaesburg. "
M'.TTI'.ltS TK8TAMKKTAHV oil tho tnlo of KMA.
tlljl'll BI'AOIIiaiS, Inlr of Jiii'knin t , (lroono county,
tluo'tl, liitvlnu linen urnntiit 1" Uio tllnli'ralitlinl, liotleola
iiitroliy ulvon lo nil iifrmiUN Imltthtiil to unlit i-nlnlp to miiko
liiiiin.illiitii imviiii-ut. nml tlioHohnvhiiz rlnliun to uroanit
thviu lininoiliiiiuly, luonorly HUlliMillottlnl fljr MUMiianl.
6t-St, of Aleppo towiiahlp, A'linlnlltrmtor.