if 'lifJfti m . IlflEII. FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS GOD GIVES US TO SEE THE RIGHT. Lincoln. gmh f apcg-gcwtefl 'to griitfo f iterator Iwip, omc ant pjsttemw ffltnm, fa, k VOL. XI WAYNESBUBG. PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2C, 186T. NO. 3. BY JA3. E. BAYERS. OKFIOB IS BAYBH3 IIUILDINO, KA8T OF T1IK. COIIItT 1IOU9H. FIRST NATIONAL 11.11, OK D. Bosun, Rrcs't. .T. C Fi.knnikkn, Cashier. DISCOUNT DAY-TUESDAYS. May lOtiG.-iy. . DEALER IN Books Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper. &o. Sunday School Hooks of all Ulmls constantly on hand, room In Mrs Hush's buihiinir. formerly occupied by Cotterell to Taylor, Waynesimrg, ra. May u. 'u.-iy Carriage Manufaelurer WAlNKSlU lU", J ESPECTFUEUY tfves nntlco Hint lie ims Y Willed in nWaynesuorg, im ""- tends to manufacture C A II 1 IAGES . n.,v. 1, a pynprience in In style, finish and durability, will tire sanction. IltaWminBKC2SS Uie best material In market, ana employ none but competent workmen. , . nnp .- erAll new work warranted for one year.. Wnvnesbunr. Fell. 21. IBCO t J WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MUN CTIIRCT, OlVOSlTB COU T IIOU8R. KEEPS ON HANDS ALWAYS A. choice ml select assortment of watches and Jewel Kepai.'lnS (lone at the lowest rates. npi, 'y "shehmah" HOUSE," JUST OPENED BY TH053. BrcicUoT' IJOSITIVELY the most complete Hotel in our town, Everything combined to fur nish the liest accommodation ever yet offered to the public, Meals furnished at nil hours, table provid ed with the best of Iho season. Travellers and llinsc desirous of refreshment will do well to call, "Tom" sllll retains his old reputation of an accommodating KenUenian, am', hospitable landlord. House, the one for merly occupied bvtho "Messenger" Oillce. May !,'(i(J.-ly. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. (In Wilson's Bimi.dino, Main St.) Saddles, Riltlles, Harness kept on hand and made to order. Work done In tho bust style, and at reasonable rates. 3-Hupairlnn a speciality on short notice Farmer friends go look at his stock. 4;24-ly. MARBLE WORKS. S11HMERSBILL&BR0,, (Jewells old stand, upper end of town ) milE publle are roRpcctfiilly Informed that J. 8ummersi;ill & Bro. have just received a Lirgo btock of nil kinds of MARBLE WORK! Such as Gravo Stones, Monuments. Mantle Work, &c. We are prepared to furnish work at reasonable terms on short notice. Call and examine our slock, styles, uuJ prl 'cs be fore purchasing elsewhere. 5;S-lf John IIuoiiks. Thomas Lucas. T. LUCAS & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants. AND dealers In Groceries, Ilardwaro, Leather, Shoo Findings, Iron, Nails Salt, Fish, &c. Also, agents for Aubrey, Cromlow & Coon's Window Sash. Asupply kept con stantly on hands. Rice's Lauding, Pa., above tllO JtttN. Gifi-tf. LAZEAR BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GUOCEHS AND COMM1S. 8ION MERCHANTS. IV'o. 77, Exchange Place, iBctltlixxoro. .Tas. 1J. Lazkaii, Vn, L. Lazkau. fi;15-ly. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. LK'nEH'J testamentary on the estate ol Alford Oregg, of Cumberland town ship, Greene county, Pa., dee d , having been granted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to nil persons indebted to said CBt'tto to make Immediate payment, and tlioso having claims against tho sumo to present them lin : modlately, properly authenticated for settle ment. AARON GREGG, Cjl5-0W. Cumberland tp., Executor. H3, 3VE. savers, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. lniuMllliiii In other bimlnrM will ntti'nit to Toll rae In Itiiiikriiiti-v Unit limy be I'litrnnted to hi ouru. Olllw, 0iuiiIIii Drills Store of U. W. lloberU i Co. SLATER ODENRAUGH' DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Li quors and every thing pertaining to a Hist class Drug Storo. Proscriptions carolully com pounded. "Crcigh's Old Htund," Waynes urg, Pa. May 80, 'fin.-ly, S. Dealer In Rooks and Stationery, Magazines, Dally Papers Funcy Articles, &c., Way jisburg, I'a pl,'C0-1y T . W.ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0 FFICE In Jewell's building, West end of iiiain uvreoi, waynoBUurg, a,i,-tr ETTYSBTJRG ASYLUM ton INVALID eoi.niLiis. Tnror)orntcil by Act of Assembly of the Common wtulth oi I'cutiBVivtiulti, Murcli otim7. Tho Hoard of Supervisor uppoiutoil hy tho nhnve Cor poration to enrry out thw object it of tint act of liinirnru tIoi,,rMK'ctiHlly ntinnimce to tlif puMic that tlm I'kihIii turn of Kim) ivutilii Iihh HiillinriKctl tin rainliiK of I'umU fur tho vrtt'tinti, .'ftnltlUhineiit, uinl iiiaiiilonutict'tt of au Asylum for Invalid Sultlic-i of tlio Into wur, to be built oil the Hal tic Kh-M of tldtlynlmiK, uml .mud huloucmi'iit to TMtCrioiii: tltiKi'HH to coHliiliiHt) to this nciinvolcnt oljcct, liiivw im no witrpil tint (,'ornonitlon to tllnlributo Hiiiuiiii"t tin tttilixrri fjiTH Hiirh artfclcM of viilitu ami inturcNt, from wile jut ion vj tli the Into wur, or tiny inimyH(ftri!ctit, projt iTty.orcotiito, rial or purional, whatovcr, in tliUHtatoor iMMuwiurt, nt sui'ii tiiim or upon nti:h tcriiiH, ami in flucn way Htnl manru r wh.iUo'Vi;r.tw to th-mlmll sei'in tit. any luwuof the Commouweulth to thu contrary uutwitlutuntl- inn. Tim cntM-prlup ti cordially rccoincndcd hy tho following iiiuiit'o aim wen Known K'!niii-iw-n : Major General GEO. G. MEADE, Ex-Governor A. G. CURTIN. Major General GALUSlI A PENNYPACKER, Jl.iji'ruenural li. m. liltiaiOKY, Major General JO'IN R. HH( )OKH, Major General CIIAHLES H. T. COLLIS, Major Geno nl II'Y J MADILL, M J r General J S L. SELFJUDGK Bn.MidiiT General JAMES A HEAVER, I'ritradier General JOSEPH F. KN'lPE, lirgadier General WM. J BOLTON, Hrinadior General S M'L M. ZULICK, BHu'adier General JOHN K MURPHY, HrigadierOun'TnlJOllN F. BAI.LIElt, Hriitailler General T. F MoCOY, Brigadier G.'iieral 1 E WINSLOW, Brigadier G-neral liEN'UY PLEAS A. NTS, Brigadier General J P. S GOHIV. Hrigmlier Giuioial J M. OAMPBELI Brigadier Genera'TIIOS. M WALKER, Brigadier General VM. COOPKK FARLEY, iingnuier uenerai a. m. unwu, Colonel F. S. S'l UMIiAUOH, TIiomIIc lor tin. iTirttituti'in (thirty ncroa) linn ulrpiuly bi't'ii iul'rliii4t-il, iiimI it in liojuril that tliu guuil work Duty CIIIIUIK'IH'II lli'ini'l. IIIKHUIIUIIIT. tfill,hfrh')tl(,HH will lin mei'lvi'il at tlio nflli'O of thn AkmO' rhitfoii, Nn. ll-Jll CliiiHtimt Hinift. lMilladt'liihia, on anil al'trr jumiiiiy, tun utn Hayut M iy, m7. Fur 1'ilt'li fliilHi'riitlin nl' llvn ilollavn n rorlinratn will In) Ihmiii-i), whleli Mill ciitltlii thi'hnhlur tu HUiiuirtii'lu of vnlim iih may ho awanU-il to ItH ntimla-r. Thi tli'HtillHtrihittiou of awiinlH will lin niailo Initnill- flti'ly inioll tln rori-inl of Mo.ooo KiilisriiiitioiiH atf'uarh. Tho ilUti'iliutlon will lo public, unit nnuYr tho ilim't BniiiTvinion of tint ('oriorutorri. htTsoiis al it illMtanoo iirn ri'qni'Htoil to remit tlii'lr full- HiTiprioiiN (whou iiriiftii-abio) tiy font nllliru inoiiuy orui-r, or ('(ilsti'i'i-il h'tti-r, tu hami'i) jii'oni)it ili'llvi'ry. inri'ot an icucm to .i. it. i n 1 1-1 a , SKI'IIET.MIV lloMIIHil' SuliKIIVIHOHH, llux MUl.l'.O., l'llihulellilihl. Thn follnwhur Ifl ll si'lii'ilulo of I ho iiwiihIn to liolliailo nil- 1 ' 1- tlin Hint illMtrlliiitlon. Thn Iti'in.i of niaiiioniln uml Ihfi'iu iniiH rttuni-.H wi-ri1 inuvliimi'il tl'oin citii'iw of tin South ihtl'inif tliowai'.anil their ueniiiiieiieHu 1h ivrtitiei to hy I i si'rt. llehl.- A4' r the tnoMt extensive ilnimonil lin- liortern in Die unmilrv, iiinl by J. Uennann, ilianioml nut ter, New lol'k. GETTYSBURG ASYLUM FOR INVALID SOLDIERS. liicorponiU'il by Art of ANni'inbly of the Conimonwoulth ol I'eniisvlvaiiia, linr!i n, lKii7. Otllcu 11110 CllliaT.NUT Street, 1'llilailellillla. FIRST DISPOSITION. Eighty Thousand Subscribers nt Fivo Dollars Jiai'li. 1 Piamnnd Necklace, 48 Brilliants, valued nt... $30,000 1- 1 l-Mamoni i i. luster Brooch uml Ear Rings Award 10-40 Govern 15,000 3 1 ment Bonds 4 1 Diamond Cross, set iu 10,000 Silver fi 1 Diamond cluster lirooch ti 1 Award 10-40 Govern ment Bonds 7 1 Diamond Single Stone Ring 8 1 Diamond Cluster Brace 7,000 5,000 5,000 4,500 4,000 let a- i Diamond riinglo Stouo Scarf Pin 4,000 1 Diamond cluster brooch 4,000 1 Diamond Cluster brace let 4,000 1 Pair Single Stono Dia mond Ear Rings 3.500 1 Diamond cluster brooch 3,000 1 Award 10-40 Govern ment Bonds 3.000 10 11 12 13 H- lfi- 1 16- 1 Diamond Single Stone Pin T. Diamond Single Stone 3,000 3,001) 2,500 2,500 riuu Diamond cluster brooch Diamond Single Stono Ring 17 18 10- 1 Diamond and Emerald Brooch 2,500 Diamond Single Stouo Ring 2,000 Diamond Cluster Kinir... 1.G00 20- 21 Long India Camel's Hair Shawl i.noo Choice Emerald Stud... l,riU0 23 al eingio siono umniouil "nig 25 to 34 10 Awards of 10-40 Gov ernment Bonds, each 85 1 Threo-Htono Diamond nnd Ruby, Lull-hoop Ring 1,000 1,000 800 800 COO so- 1 87- I Diamond Single-stone Ear Knobs Pair Diamond Cluster Studs 38 1 Diamond Sincle-stoue Ring, Blur setting fi00 8'J 1 Diamoud Single-stone Pin 40 1 Diamond Cluster Brace let 41 UiflO 10 Awards of 10-40 Gov ernment Bonds, each COO COO COO 400 350 250 200 200 51- 02- Lady's Diam'd ct watch Diamond Single Stone Rin Diamond and Opal Clus ter King Diamoud Hiimle Stone s;i l 54 1 Klnjr 1 Pair Emerald Scarf Pins 1 Dinmnud Single Stono Si ml I Diamond Cluster Pin... 1 Camenand Pearl Brooch 55 CO 57 58 150 100 nnd Ear Rings 100 COto 158-100 Awards 10-40 Govern ment Bonds, each 150 to '(58-100 Awards, Government Legal Tenders, well... 8,000 AwartU, Government legal 100 SO lenuers, each 5 Tlio illHtrllintloti of tlniiiliovo rewnrili will bo mailt) In 1'iilillc n noun im tlio milircrlptlon In lull, of whlrli duo no tliv will he Klvi'ii tluimiili thu imperii. On uml niter May Dili the llliiinuliiul will bti on exhibition at tlio ulllcu of tho AMoeintloii. Tho public cull rntinilently My on everything lining con (lili'tcil III ihu mint lninoriihli nml fair liiiiuner. All the iiwiiiiIh will be luiliileil to certlfleitto llutileni, Immediately nttor tliciliHtrllmtlou. froeof all rout, ut llm ollli.o uf tho Colllllllliy, No. 112U UllKHTNUT Street, lMlllltilollihlu. OEIITIriCATI, Wehereliy certify Unit wclinvo exnmlnoil tho Dlamoiul OiukIb, I'earln, KuieraliU. ItubleR, nnil ntlior I'roclouii Bl"iie, iu ilimorlboil In the nliovt lilt, and tlml thiini all gouuluo, 1IENLE DUO'S,, Diamond Imnortrrn, liit.M urjrs Ltxi, tiew York. J. IIEMMANN, Diamond Setter, ' , M Bkoujik Street, Now York. WANTED. IliMikiicnu livluiil contaliilnft twenty cortlficalt', n!U HTHnilCD DOLLAIIH. Allorileri for Cerlllleutet inint he mldreininl to J. 1). IIOKKMAN, Secretary, M'Hiii. Box 1-tNl, 1'iwt UfUcv, riitlnilclphia. G From tho Cumberland Presbytoiian NATURE A TEACHER. : HUMAN PRO GRESS. There is an apparent relation between the several departments of God's gov ernment, and a beautiful analogy in the application ot tho laws of each. There is, however a radical difference between thorn, whioh is clearly exemplified by ooniparing tho physical department with the moral ; for tho laws of the former are inexorable while thosoofthe latter are free, yet, a knowledge of tho ono assists-us to understand the other. A knowledge; of Physics is a very valu able auxiliary in studying ethics. The laws of the spiritual world are, in a great deyree, reyealod in tho material world. Christ teaches us this by em ploying natural things to illustrate his doctrines. N ilure is a iireat teacher. The earth itself U a great oook on whoso rocky leaves, by God's own hand, is recorded iu own history ; Hint is, some thing about its ago and the character of its iiihni giants bi'tiiro man came here to live But this, bonk can only be read by the earnest student of ecienco There are. however, other lessons to bo learned troin this teacher that are not so dillicult i that aro, indued, so very easy, so palpable, that the must casual observer, the most reckless thinker, can not but gain some knowledge from this source, though ho do it unwittingly. Tho sun shines upon tho earth, warms vegetation into life, and there is physical development. Tlio Sun of righteous- ness shines upon the human soul, ani mates its latent virtues, and thero is moral development. It is a geological revelation that the noble metals, gold, silver, platinum, and all physical jowels, the diamond, garnet, emerald Sso, did not origiually exist upon the surface of the earth, but anter ior to man's creation woro thrown up from its depths by an igneou9 or volcan io aolion. This is a physical phen omenon. It is a psychological fact that all moral jewels, brilliant ideas, maxims, sentences worthy of preservation aud immortality, do not originally" exist npon tho surface of tho mind, but are thrown up from its depths, from the human understanding, by the agency of thought. This is au intellectual phen omenon. Capillarity gives aliment to the plant. This is thd souroo of physical growth. Heflection givos vitality to tho idea. This is tho source of intellectual growth. Tho wind, the agency ol excitement among the aerial elements, diives along our streets, whirls around our dwellings, dispelling niiasmatio vapor, driving away tho seeds of pestilence, making the air healthful and bracing. This is ati rnospherio enthusiasm. Sensation, the agency of excitement among the mental elemouts, permeates ever avenue of tho person ; excites every passion; arouses every dormant power of tho mind j calls into requisition tho esthetic elements of the sou! j dispels melancholy; drives away stupidity nnd imparts vigor and animation to the whole being. This is psychological enthusiasm. The dashing rain falls rapidly upon the frozen grouud, the violent shower beats voheineutly npon tho parched earth, ' making excavations hero nnd there, tearing down fences, washing away property, turning over houses, and passes away, leaving the ground harder than before. This is violence in the physical world. But the quiet rain falls all day and falls all night, and con tinues to fall till tho chains of winter aro broken or till tho crusts of summer are melted, and then passes nway leav. ing all nature rejoicing. This is calm, ness in the physical world. Thoentl u' siastio reformer approaches the man of dissipation and impetuously upbraids him calls him a fool for pursuing a course that must inevitrbly end in pain ful unhappiuess. Rut he only excites tho parsion of die unfortunate man and instead of reforming him confirms him in his ruinous course. This is violence in tho moral and intellectual world The dispassionate minister remonstrates with the inebriate quiotly, reasonably, yet earnestly. lie excite his reliction. Tho dissipated man sees the lamentablo position be oocupioa, luraeuts his reck lessness, is convinced that his course is foolish and dangerous and resolves to reform. This is calmness in the moral and intellectual world. Tho seed of a plant lies inolosed in a dried or frozou crust ot earth. Loner neglected by the rain it refuses to grow. The tompestuous shower sends down its impetuous drops, j but shielded by the hard earth it still lingers disconsolately in the ground. At length a more quiet and enduring ram comes falling softly nnd constantly upon the hardened crust. It mellows it. The seed is reached. It awakens into lite and gladly goes forth to meot the sun. Ignorance rests npon our world like a dark pall. It incloses humanity ith prrjudico as a manufac turer ot busts incrusts his subject with gypsum. Within is entombed a human soul. Hero is tho great problem to b" solved by the philanthropist. How can this crust be broken that the mnn may be exhumed and mado frcot Persons thus environed by prejudice reason af ter this sort: My father worshipped at Jerusalem, therefore, so must I; my father was a Presbyterian, therefore I am: my father believed in immersion, therefore, I d , our fathers framed the constitution o the United Stales, it must in mi case lie changed my father said it is not the mind, but the color ot the skin thai make.- ihe.innn, therefore I inn opposed to negro suffrage; my fuller cut his grass with a so the and thresh ed his wheat w th a flail, therefore. I doi my father was a duniocrut. or a wine therefore ho am I. Let a rabid fanatic a proaoh a person of this character with his new theories and iu his violent way charge him with beinsr in error ami iu rist on his changing his course ot doing. He at onco incurs his displeasure , for our honest yeoman thinks the good name of his fuhcr is being villified. 'What do I want with this machine V lie indignantly inquires, 'my father never had one.' 'Me vote this ticket t I'll do uo such thing. Do you think I'll vote a ticket my fathor nevor did t Away with your radicalism turning the world up side down. I'm no turn-coat, I'll have you understand.' The tffjrt ot our fanatical reformer has proved entirely futile. This poor bou! is still in prison. So he will ever remain unless a mild, con sistent man approaches him and reasons with him quietly, earnestly, and convinc ingly, littlo by little removing his hab its, gradually breaking in pieces tho crust ot prejudico that surrounds him, till his captive spirit is released and joy fully goes out to meet the light, like tho growing seed-germ when released from its cloddy bed by the quiet rain. Poor, old, unfortunate John Brown, partially deranged and frantically mad because of tho injuries ho had received from the fiendish slave power, rushes fanatically on the author of his grief to destroy it, and gives his life for his rashness. A distinguished radical senator from New England reoords two votes with the op position because his own parly did not quite come up to his standard of right, and thus prevented the admission into the Senate of advocates of his own prin ciples. A brilliant Massachusetts looturcr denounced the great emancipator in tho severest terms because ho countermand ed tho orders of Fremont and Hunter man minting the slaves in their depart ments, What then shall we say T That wo have no need of storms ? That violent agitators and fanatical reformers are a curse 1 By no means. But let them operate in their appropriate spheie. When the wind blows quietly in uniform directions there is no rain. Thero must bo some excite -jeiit to produce this phe nomonon. There must bo a rushing to. gether of air-torrents to t'renk up this monotony in the ntmospliero. This causes violent ram accompanied with thun ler nnd lightening, and wo have a st. no which purifies tho nir and loaves it. in proper condition to send us those quiet showers which our fanners so glad ly welcome, It is but a little since we witnessed a civil storm. And oh, what a storm it was I It was terrible. It mnde great excavations in tho plain ol humanity and hurried beneath its detri tus thrown ifp by its blood-torrents ma ny ot our bravest and best citizens. But it dispelled from the political atmosphere that fearful malaria that so fatally dis eased the nation, and prepared our peo ple for moral conquests which is but the quiet, and yet earnest advancement of truth. Uur fanatics, our radical radioals arc much needed in carrying on this great conquest. Not that we expect them to accomplish anything by being brought in contact with the prejudiced class, but we want tliora 4o make the in telligent think we want thorn in the front to remove obstructions and cut away underbrush ; we waut them to con stitute the pioneer oorps ot, the great ar my ot human progress. I know they pronounce bitter invectives and, some' times, made bold declarations. In Enir land tho same class has boon throatsned to usurp tho control of tho government if Parliament does notratify the suffrage reform bill. So they talk. But what o itt They are but performing their work, Their mission is a sublime ono to be the leador in tho establishment ot the great principles of right. Next folio the more philanthropists teaching the ignorant and prejudiood. All the time tho numbers of both are increasing. Meanwhile the conservatives are far in the rear constantly pulling back, pro testing vociferously and threateningly against leaving the principles of their tithers to follow in tho footsteps of the miserable radicals. But tor all that I hey come. The army ot human progress g cs right on. Thus are marching the great principles ot justiou and right, the radical radicals in tho front and the con srmt we conservatives in tho rear, nnd right manfully they maintain their ro Bpectivo positions. God grant thnt the inarch of these principles may be a tri umphant ono and that their advocates may u.iimatidy receive a rest as peace ful a, their labors are utormy I VV. T. P, From tho Washington Reporter. MONTG05IERY VS. FOG LER. Miissns. EniToits: W lieu Mr. Mont x gomery concluded to assail tho recently published confession ot Robert Pogler, if he had chosen to treat it as Fogler's own production, written by himself, witnoui dictation or inuunnoo irom any quarter, and then sought to convince the public that it wa unworthy ot belief, futile as I might have considered tho task, I should certainly never have felt called on to reply. This, however, he has not done, but on the other hind, at the very outset, makes the broad and sweeping allegation that tho confession, instead of being the work of tho 'wretch ed man who purports to be its author,' was gotten up for him by others. This bold accusation, it will bo observed, is made in general tortus. Mr. Montgom ery no doubt purposely omitted to name any ono as having been oonccrnod in concocting tho statement, first, with a view of affording no one a pretext for answering him, and secondly, Hint in case any one did answer, ho might he enabled to accuse such person with hav ing 'kicked' without being 'spurred.' But as I havo stated heretofore, the na ture aud circumstances ot the case are such that I cannot afford to let this reck less chargo pass without demonstrating its utter falsity and branding it as it de serves. A simple statcmeut of facts will show that this much is imperatively de manded at my hands. It is fresh in tho recollection of all that Fogler was triod and convicted at Fob- ruary term lust, aud that sentence of death was pronounced on him on the 28th day, of February. Notwithstand ing his conviction and sentence, ho still continued for a time to cherish tho hopo that ho would in Boino way be enabled to escape tho dread penalty ot the law, That hopo was seriously shakon on bis learning that tho Supreme Court had re fused a writ of error in his case, and I am satisfied was finally extinguished by the reading of tho death warrant to him which took p'.aco on Saturday, tho Gth of April. Now if this confession was onnooctcd lor him, as Mr. Montgomery nllcgos, it must havo bocn done by some person or persons allowed to hold com munication with him between this lust mentioned date aud the day the con ton. siou was signed, which was on tho 15th ol April. Tho only persona visiting him during that time, in addition to myself and Mr. Kennmly, thu juior, were Ksv. lr Browiisoii, It v, V 15 Watkins, Hev. Joseph 1. !; . n W in. Ilornish, Esq., nnd Dr. 11 .M. Ol.uu, the physician to the jail, with perhaps a casual cull Irom two or threo olhets, but oi that 1 am not certain. I can truly affirm, how ever, that there was no visit mado to him by any ono during that time without my being fully acquainted with tho ob ject. Dr. Clnrk's cnlla were exclusively in the lino of his professional duty, and thi others woro mnde solely with a view of promoting the prisoner's spiritual wellure, and thus preparing him to meet his rapidly approaching end. As I stated last week, Mr. Montgom ery himself acquits the tubsoiibing wit nesses of all connection with the confes sion, except the more matter ol appends ing their, names to It. This of oourse exonerates Mossrs. Watkins, Horr and Clark from the charge, whioh is thereby narrowed down to Dr. Brownson, Esq., Hornish, Jailor Kennedy and myself, who wero tho only other porsons ncous tomcd to visit Fogler during tho lime tho confession is alleged to have been conoocted for him. Having had him in custody, m I said before, and boincr per fectly familiar with tho object of every visit that was mado to him, I can assert most unhesitatingly that not a single one of them had aught to do with tho prep aration ot his confession, and hence that the charge ot Mr Montgomery that it was the work of other hauds than Fog. ler's, is utterly, absolutely, and may 1 not say niacliciously falso. In this assf r. lion I wiilhefullji Rusta ned hy Me-sr. Brownsrn, Ilornish and Kennedy, whose reputation for voracity it would be downright insult lo compare with that of tho depraved and abandoned cliaVao- ters by whose testimony Mr. Montgom ery seeks lo bolster up his reckless and foolhardy attack. Tho first suspicion I had that Fogler was engaged in prepar ing his statement, was Ins repeated re quests for paper to bj luniished him Theso requests were iniido so frequently, and the qunntity ot paper consumed was such as led me to ask on one occasion what it was (or, when I was informed hy Mr. Kennedy, that Fogler said he was engaged in writiiLg his confession. That I had aught to do with getting it up, or dictated any portion of it whatev er I most emphatically deny, and I have tho authority of the other worthy gen tlemen who visited him, for saying that they aro equally clear of all connection with its preparation, Having thus repelled this wnnton charge, which though not direotcd at me by name, was nevertheless from the very uaturo of tho case, such aa I could not suffer to pass unheeded, justice alike to tho living and tho dead doniands that I should expose the silly attempt of Mr. Montgomery to east discridit upon the oontession of a man, convicted felon though he was, who had no motive in the world but to stato what was true, and with whoso dying words was mingled a re-aflirmation of its entire truthfiilneis iu every particular, I can mako all al lowance tor tho anxiety of a father to shield his son iu tho hour of peril, but even parental affection itself will not be justified in an outrage upon truth, justice and common sense to accomplish its pur pose in this behalf! Robert Fogler com mitted a great crime which ho expiated upon the scaffold ; but prior to his de parture from earth, he wrote out and has placed upon record a detailed nar rative of all the facts and ciroumstances attending its porpolratton which I ven ture to say no candid and unprejudiced mind can hestato to accept as truthful in every respect. Ihe tone and tomper in which the confession was written, the inherent evidence ot trulhlulnoss ap parent upon its face, as well us numer ous corroborating toots nnd ciroumstanc es, all servo to commend it as worthy of entire credence i and notwithstanding Mr. Montgomery's skill aud experience in making thi worse appear the better cause, it will acquire more learning and ability than either ho oi' any other living man possesses, to shake tho wide spread aud deep seated conviction that every word of this plain and simple statement is truo. The R vmw & Examiner may come to his aid, nnd assert it it chooses, that tlio confession has been made too comprehensive to obtain goi.eral cre dence," and "bears greater evidenco ot malignity than sincerity ;" it may assert, too, that the evideuoe adducod by Mr. Montgomery to ovciturn it is "over whelming,'' but it will nil be in vain 1 tlio straight forward narrative of Kobcrt Fogler will stand against it all. Mr. Montgomery resorts to his old and favorite cry of 'persecution, and would fain havo tho public believe that the ob ject is to hunt him dowu. In utter dis regard of plain facts hn asserts that tho confession was concocted by his enemies, and sanctioned by Fogler, the whole design being to ruin him and disgraoo his family. Now so lar Irom this being true, I am satisfied tho public will bear mo out in the assertion that a more general feeling of sympathy was never exhibitod for any mini than was shown tor him when the taot was mado known that a member of his latnily was charg ed with having been concerned in the murder ot Mr. Dinsmore. The bitter resontmenti that bad lasted for years were forgotten, and the men who Lad long been estranged from him by the acrimonious feelings engendered in for mer controversies did not hesitate to condole with him in his distress. Not a single harsh or unkind word was spoken concerning him even by those who had long been considered his most implacable enemies. When his son was arrested and lodged in jail, instead of putting irons on him as I might havo done, in dotorence to Mr. Montgomery's feelings and wishes I re laxed the rules, and allowed the family to have free access to hira as far as I poosibly could consistent with my official duties and the safe-keeping of the pris oner. All this kindness he now requites by asserting that the confession of Fog ler is nothing but a tissue of falsehoods to which a dying man's assent has been fraudulently procured with the solo de sign of destroying himself and his fami- Of one thing Mr, Montgomery may rest ussured, and that is that a great majority of tlioso who aro conversant with the history of the caso from begin ning to end, concur in the opinion that ho would have shown himself a wiser man had hn neycr attempted tho task of assailing Fogler's confession, damaging as its statements may have been to his sons. It the reputation of his family ia dependent upon the success of his effort iu that lino, they are in a sad situation indeed. Ho may labor till doomsday, and pile affidavits mouutain high, but still tho conviction that the statement which Robert Fogler, illiterate as ho may havo been, reaffirmed with his dy ing breath, is true, will remain unsha ken. But how does he soek to show that the confession is unworthy ol boliof t Tho arguments he attempts to deduce from Fogler's use ot legal terms is hardly worth noticing. When it was suggested by James Montgomery that the contemplated robbery could be best accomplished by sotting fire to the out buildings ol Mr. Dinsmore, Fogler ob jected to that plan on tho ground that two indictments could be preferred against them -one for burglary and one for arson nnd this is adduoed as evw donco that the confession was written by somebody clso. as it ovinces too intimate an acquaintance with legal terms to ba tho work of so unlearned a man. Won derful ! As it ninety-nine men out of every hundred did't know that breaking into a house at night was burglary, and setting fire to buildings was arson! But again, he told 'Babe' lie supposed the law would make their offonce 'burglary with intent to murder.' I am no lawyer, but legal gentlemen inform me that this is a term that would hardly be made use of by one who bad any knowledge of tho profession, and hence proves just the opposito ot what Mr. Montgomery in tends. As regards the 'prolongation' of Main street, Fogler heard that very ex pression used during his trial, and'henco it is not strange that he employed it m describing the Hickory road running from the t pper end ol town. Tho diflorepenoies between the confes sion and the statement made by Fogler before the Coroner's jury, and on whioh Mr. Montgomery lays so much streisr aro all satisfactorily explained by Fogler himself, who says that at the request of James Montgomery he had promised not to implicate him il arrested. This effectually disposes ot the fine spun ni'fiumeut mado on that point, and hence I need not wnslo time in replying to it Tho next assault is upon that part of ot tho confession which speaks of the breaking oi the window at Miller's, and horo tho uflldavit of Henry Miller and wife, (the latter of whom is a sister of Mrs. Montgomery) is produced to show that no glass was broken in the window. Tho affidavit itself states that no such occurrence ever took place. Now I have it from the best authority that Mr. M'Keo, the owner of the house ocoupied by Miller, called tho attention of tho lat ter to one ol tho windows which had evidently been broken by something being thrown against it, as the indenta tion of the sash was still to be seen, whereupon Miller informed him that it was broken by some person unknown tn the family. Mr. M'Kee also epoke to him on tho subject on two other sepaiate occasions, and each time Miller told him a different story in regard to the break ing. In view of these contradictory statements there u manifestly no reliance wnaiever to oe placed in tho affidavit of himself and wife, whioh has been io triumphantly paraded. next we have Mrs. Crencraft who u - relied upon to show the falsity of Fog w1