'I .tGNVSnSlOOFJ 3-1GIS. IN reply to numerous Inquiries In regard to the in 'tiiicr til" t-oiivc niuir tne August 7 8-lOs lulotlie now -2t) Gold Gouixm Bund we make the- fullowlng statement lur the benefit of the lioldeii of 7 3-108, who may not bo informed i -Tho Government computus the interest on 'both bonds in currency from the date of the maturing of the Inst coupon, allow ing seven and three-tenths on the 7 8-lOs, and charging six per cent on the n-'JOg. For example i you ,. vend to Washington 100Q 7 -lu Bond which reaches there 011 . ' May 1st $1,000 74 days Interest, (From Fob, 15th).,.... H 60 6 20s, $t,000 Hi) days Interest, (From Jan. 1st.) J9 (This is counted at 305 days par annum.; - 1.019 58 1,011 80 Allowed for 7 8-lOs,.....: Tou pay Government . 4 Tit it win Da f 1 seen hvthls that the Gold Interest lmrlvfinnacurrencv.whlr.il is of itself a prufll totho piuty converting tlio 7 8-lusof nearly mow dollars per $I,IUI), aside from the fuel that at the pros'.wt rate of Gold, say 40, the 4-20s pay over 8 per cent per annum. At Dresont wo are convci ting tho 7 8.-10e on much bettor terms than tho Government as tho present buying and Balling rates enablrs us wallow tho lioliler ot tne 1 a-ius a tieuer , figure than has yet been offered by any one as acommlsslon. Parties exehnnglng through us. in addition toccttinir much better terms than they can from tho Government, will hnvo their 5-20s . delivered to them Immediately, thus saving dolay. We also Tcaistcr any bonds sent to us without charge. On all Bonds sent us by Ex J 1rsi, we pay charg-il both ' ways and remit promptly as directed. Jas. T. BnADr B Co., Dealers in Government Securities. Corner , Fifth and Wood Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. r g;i-9t -- . ,..lATJ5BTTASHiOJS8 DEMAND v ' J. WV Bradley's . Olebrated Patent . ' ' . - DDPLEX ELLIPTIC 1 ; :". i V m i (OR DOUBLE SPRING) tiLlii ri i '.'.""' i --':";', , ,' The Wonderful Flexibility find great com I ort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Du t, plex Elliptic Skirt wilt be experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car Wages, railroad cars, church (ews, ami chairs, (lit fof promenade and 'bouse dress, as the skirl . can bo folded wlien In use to ; occupy a small V place aseasltv and conveniently as a -Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quality in crino Uno not found in wiy Single. Spring Skirt. 0 -v AJady owing, enjoyed the, pleasure, enm ' fort and great convenience of wearing tho Du plex Elliptic Sleel Spring Skirt for a slnglffdav, will never afterwards willingly dispense with '7 their use.. For Children, Misses mid Young Ladles they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the single Bprmg, hut wM preserve their perieri and graceful shape wh n three or four ordinary 1 Skirts will hnve been thrown uiilu as useless The hoops are covered with double and Iwi-t- cd tlin atl, and Ihe liottom rods arc not only double springs, but twice (nr double) covered: preventing them from wearing nuiwhon drag ging down stoops, stair, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorito witli all indies and is universal!) recommended lv the Fashion Magnzln s as the standard skirt of the fashionable world. To'chjoy the following' Inestimable advan tages in Ciinollnc, viz.i superior qualitv, per- feet manufacture, stylish shape and finish, ' flexibllliy, durability, comfort and ecnnomv, f enquire for J. W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic of Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get ttift aenuine article CAUTION. To guard asalnst Imriosltlon be particular to NOTICE that skirts offered ns nitpr.RY" !, tWH ink Llnmn vif . T "W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," ! 1'ntt,0,, nl(l ,1"rln? Jha past vw, a tipofl the wftistband-none othersarc geiiulno. fnfflclent puvantee of its efneacy. Price 011 AIso Notice that every Hoop will admit a rin 'v. " ents. Sent by mall, post-paid, onre helng passed through 'he cenlre, thus reveal-, ce'Pl lr'lra t , lug the two (or doubled springs braided to- BERGLK, SHUTTS&Co., Chemists, pother therein, which ia the secret of their ft , .285 Bivcr St., Troy N. Y. flexlbllitv and itranirth and a combination not tcnzO 07-1 V. 10 oe iounii in any oilier kiii. For sale lr. nil sto-es where first class skirts aro sold ... throughout the United States and elsewhere. 1 - - a Manuf&ctnrf d bv the Sole Owners of the Potent, WESTS, BRADLEY CARY, 97 Chambers & 79 & ft Kendo Sts , N. Y. ! 6;l5-!lm " LADIES AND. GENTLEMEN", FELLOW CITIZENS ! MR. PRESIDENT, DilY - w Ehave just received a splendid stock of vip. RING j' ' AND .' SIMMER CLOTHING! ' ADAPTED TO MEN AND BOYS' ;:WEAti 1 ALSO, A FULL LINE OP (Gents' ,FurnisLing- Goods, - . Which we will sell at the lowest rates. Call and examine our stock. Prices are down and ; if we can't sell a man the clothing he wants ' " HODODTM WAVHESBUnO CAM. A. J. SOWERS. " Boom In Allison's Building, Waynesburg, Pa. B;l-8my , ',' WHI5KE5S ; M LT STAC HE S! FORCED to grow upon the smoothest faco hi from three to nve weeks by using Dr. SEVIQNE'S RE8TAURATEUR CAPIL LAIRE, the most wondorful discovery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and Lrndon with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers will bo registered, snd if entire satisfaction is nnt given m everv instance, the money will bo cheerfully refunded. Price by mall, sealed and postpaid, l. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Ad dress BEROER, SIIUTTS&OO., Chemists, Jlo. 685 Rlvor Street, Troy, N. T. Sole agentsfw the United States. fob2O,'07ly ' ' Hf ONEY FREE AS WATER.- I ,. JYl 10.000 ACTIVE LOCAL ' ' and Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all : ages, are wanted to solicit trade In every city, I' . ' town, village, hamlet, workshop and factory, throughout the entire world, for the most saleable novelties evor known. 500 Per- Cent PROFIT and ready sale wherever of rl' ' fcrod 1 1 Smart men ana womeu can make ' from $1 to $S0 per day, snd no risk of Ion 1 7A small capital required of from $20 10 ft 100 ;the more nionoy Invested the greater the sl 'woflt.' No money required In auvsnco-we JBrst send the articles add receive pay after '"wardil If you actually wish to make money " fapjdiy anl easily, write for full particulars ' fend address JULunun a (r rorn ran,; sio Broadway, mw jtwiwtf., JPLASTJCVSUATE HOOPING AND OTHER, PURPOSES. As a Roofing Material It stands unrivalled 1 mastic it adapts itself to every shape and slope. Non-0' mbustlole, impervious, nou expanBive, and uudccaylng. FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOIl HEAT i i i V DISSOLVE IT, i i 1 Tlio only roofing material ever discovered that will r.-sist the action of the elements as long as tho atructtiro It protects Being Buscoptl ble of little, If mv wear from exposure, and perfectly Fi HE PROOF. It is unequalled as a coating for Miinufacluring and Farm Build ings, fences, bridges, bottoiLS of Vessels, Vaults, &c 1 . . Ko erenccs given in any part of tho county, or specimens shown to visitors. Apply by li'tter, nr in person to R, I JONES, Hknti.kysvillk, Wash. Co. Pa. S. II. DOAK, K L. JONES, Licensees of VVash. and Greene counties. L. W. .Tonus. Agent. 4j24 tl Wayncaburg, Pit. ITirow away your false frizzes, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig: Come aged, como youthful, come ugly and lair And rcioieo in your own luxuriant hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a groth ot hair upon the face, It has no equal. It .till force the beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to eluht weeks. or hair upon bald Jieada in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is notlrng that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or beard Their assertions aro lalse, as thousands of liv- ing witnesses (Irom their own experience) can I bear witness. Hut many will say, l ow are we ' in aisiiniiuisn urn guiiuiuu iroin 1110 Biuiuima 1 , It certainly is difkult, ns nine-tenths of the different Preparations advertised for tho hair and beard are entirely worthless; and you may have already thrown t. way large amounts In their pur.ihasu. To such we would say, try tho Kepamlor Capilll, it will cost you noth ing unless it fully comes up to our represen tations. If your druggist does not keep it, send u one dollar and we will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for tho mo ney, which will be returned you on applica tlo'n, providing entire siitisfuction is not given. Address, W. L. CLAKK & CO., Chemists, No 3 West Eayotto St.,Sy ratuse, N. Y fob 13, '07-1 y There cometh glad tidings ot joy to all, To young and to old, to great mid to small ; Tho bnimty which onco was so precious und raro, Is free for all, and all may bo fair. Et rats csu or CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID EX HI EL, For Iranrovinii and Beautifying tho Complex ion. The most valuable and perfect preparation In use, for giving tho skin a beautitul pearl like tint, that is only found In youth. It quickly removes Tun. Freckles, Pimples, Blotches. Moth Patches. Sallowness. Erupt ions, and all Impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and clear ns alabaster. Its vse can not he detect ed by the closest scrutiny, and being a vege table preparation is perfectly hirmlesa. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, snrl is considered by the Parisian as Indlspen- I SalllB tO rt PCrtCPt toilet. UpWa'flS' I mi.UUO NEW STORE! FRANK. M'CURCAN HAS JUST OPENED A FIRST CLASS stock of .' -t , DRY G-OOXJS, Clothing, Trimmings, Notions, 4c., In the New Storo Room in Mr. Qooige E. Minor's building,, nearly opposite the Farmers' & Drovers' National Bank, WAYNESBURG, FENiVA. The stock Is all new and fresh, purchased since the late decline lu prices, for cash, which cnnblos me to sell much lower than those who havo old stocks bought at high prices. I would bo highly gratified to have all my old friends,customers and the public generally to call and see me at my new store. I will endeavor to make It pay all those who favor mo with a call, as I am determined to sell at such prices as will give entire satisfaction. ssrDo not ftrgot the place, in the New Store Room, In Mr. Gcorgo E. Minor's bull ding, nearly opposite the Farmers' & Drovers' National Bauk. 4;l7-tf FRANK. M'GURGAN. AJFTLICTEDi SUFFER I0 MORE J When by the ubo of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and at a trifling cost The astonishing success which has attended this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss or Muscular Energy. Im pntoncv. nr any of the consequences of youth ful Indiscretion, rendors it the most valuable preparation ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, do pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanity. &o. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who havo destroyed it Dy sensual ex cess or evil Drnctioes. Young men, be humbuged no more by 'Quack Doctors" and ignorant practitioners, but send without delay for the Elixir, and be at once restored' to health and happiness. A perfect euro Is guaranteed In everv instance. Price ftl or four hotllos to one address, $8, One bottle Is sufficient to effect a cure In all ordinary cases. ALSO. DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for tho spoedy and permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Grav el, Stricture and nil affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cares effected In from one to five dnys. They sre prepared from vegeta ble extracts that aro harmeless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or Impreg nate the breath. No chango of diet is neons sary while using them, nor does their action In any manner Interfere with buslncupursuits. Price ft I per box. -, ..,. Either of the above montlonod articles will be sent, to any address, closely sealed, and post paid, by mall or express, on receipt of price. Address all orders to - BERGEIt, BHUTTS A CO., Chemists, Wn OQX TJIv Rlrul TVa XT V ,tobvT.v . . : HEIDJlli. Shirk & Sutton, (Successors to A. Wilson, Jr., Waynesburg, Peun'a ) W have removed to Waynesburg, and i spe ctfully Inform our friends and the public, that w e are now receiving a beautiful ananrU moot of CHEAP DRV GOODS, For tte Spring Trade, to which we Invite thoattenUou of our old customers and all oth ers ti an examination of our stock, which em braces the " LATEST SPRING STYLES Of DRESS GOODS of all descriptions, very pretty and at astonishingly Low 3Erioos! And aro determined no one shall sell bettor goods at loss prices than we do. We call at tention to our stock of Millinery Trimmings, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves and Ribbons. CALICO AND MUSLINS And every variety of Goods usually Ttept in a flint diss Store MEN BOYS FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds. Men & Boys IIAT3, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. tiltOCERIES. MOTIONS and Queonswaro. It would be useless to un - dertu&o to enumerate all our uoods. We will ! endeavor to make it to your, interest to deal fwlth 11s. ; , DSTWe hopo by giving strict attention to nusiuesg and hnnornme dealing, to merit a liberal share of patronage. Drop iu at all events. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE At A. Wilson's Store room in WiUon's New Building. Waynesburg, Pa. April 24-tf. SPRING TIUDE! . 1867. M'Elroy, Dickson k Co., 3NTO 54L wood Istreot, PITTSBURGH, WBUS DRY H. Havo their stock open for the trade. GOOD GOODS! AT REASONABLE PRICES. 8. B M'ELROY. JAMES DICKSON. 8il3-8m JOHN T. bHANE. FELLOWS' WORM LOWES! ARE, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. THE most extraordinary Meuiciue of tho ago. Comprising, as they do, Remarkable Power iu expelling worms, with pleasant taste and perfect safety. Ti ey cotituiu no Mercury, no Mineral, no Turpentine, no Oil ot Wormseed, no Poison,' nothing injurious. They are en tirely Vegetable Symptoms of Worms : Itching of tho nose, feverishncss, twitching or starting suddenly duriug sleep, pnin in the stomach, loss of flesh, paleness with hectic appetite sometimes vora cious, at others feeble, a dullness of the eyes, drowsiness, a swelled upper lip, tongue white ly furred and etuddod with rod spotts, fetid or garlic breath, grinding of teeth during sloop, a sensation 01 lodgment in the turout, an un natural craving for diet, chalk or clay, fret fulness and irritability of temper, cholic fits and palsy. Intestinal Worms are among the first to undermine tho constitution in the list of diseases. They often occasion severe dis ease, ending sometimes fatally, particularly when thev ascend to the stomach. Their presence in their most ordinary situation is attended with unfavorable effects upon the gen eral heahh. Eminent men assert tbut all arc more or less troubled with worms, and that many die annually from tills cause, who, by the timely administration of a proper remedy would be saved. As FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES may be tuken without any un pleasant results, and as UK'St children are fond of them, their use is recommended to those apparently healthy, and thus dispel tho cause of what would produce sulloring. Be careful what you use. Various rcme- j dies have from time to time, been recommend ed, such as Calomel, Oil of Wormwood, Tur pentine, &c, so that dangerous and even fatal consequences are produced. The necessity of a safe and sure remedy has caused much research and study by the proprietors of FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES. They are positively safe, pleasant and effectual. Thev do nnt kill worms, but net hv makinp their dwelling place disag-eeahle to them. In order, however, to guard consumers against deception by a base compound, the analysis ! of Dr. A. A. HAYES. State Assayor, proving j the above statement, is annexed. "I have analyzed the WORM LOZENGERS prepared by Messrs. Fai.tows & Co., and find that they are free from Mercury and other metallc or mineral matter. These Lozenges aro sKimiiiy compounded, pleasant to tiwte, safe, yet sure and effectual in their action. R spoctfully, A. A. Hatks, M. D. Assaver of the State nf Mum. Please remember that Fellows' Worm Loz- onges aw prepared with great care from tho 1 concentrated extracts of two nlanta. Tlmv do not act as a purgatlvo or emetic, will not debilitate the patient, are so simple an infant may devour a whole box without harm, and will at tho same cxpol the worms iu an extra ordinary manner. 3"Fellows' Worm Loiongers is the only Worm liemody In existence combining harm less qnalltics with delicious taste and amazing powor. Price Twenty -five cents per Box? Five boxes for a dollar. The signature of Fellows & Co. is attached to each genuine box. Sold by Medicine dealers generally. Prepar ed at the New England Botanic Depot, for tho Proprietor, J. O. FRENCH. Demas Babnls & Co., Gen'l Agents, N, Y. 4;24-6m. LEGAL NOTICE. ALL PiSKSONB harboring nuipan an hmbv notlBad tint UM County will pny no bill, for boarding or cr lr. a thorn, union the pnuper li roturnxl to tho poor huuu Immollntoly. And all purioni who tntloe w, paupura Abla to labor and employ them, will be required to pay for tho hibor.nnd unleaa paid for ault will be brought for the lame, aa well ai proeoedtnge criminally for aaid offenoo. , May IS, 1W7. AMIII1R IIINMAH. MnnoAif Bait. Wm. V. Scorti Poor liouao Dlrectort. S 1 83 3t GREENE FACTORY THIS Mtahllihment will be carried onthepraietitmiunn Inall Ita parte, Card I of, Spinning-, aiMuAwturtngUlotli, flannel. Blanketa. Janea. Oaaalnett. etc.. aa formarlT Wa aak the peArosaft of our former cuatomera and the pnblio jijsia, CaJmwbielf, PaV f i A QUEER COURTSHIP. 1 The poi lod ot courtship ia not a!wa a time of romance and affeoiioD, at may be supposod. If the wooer 11 romantic 'tort of 1 ohnp, and Ihe wooed, a aentl mental darnsol, then, In euoh ease, there are many hoar ot eqstaoy and bliss ' enjoyed, by two loving hearts. But it takes all kinds of people to make up tre world, and it ia not to be sujipos. ed that every body who indulges in the bliss ot courting, is disposed to look up on love-making, as a period of senti mental enjoyment. No, not innoh. An illustration,, ot this fact, ocourred, says the Hartford p0t, which we cannot tor boar relating. In a small country town, in Hartford county, a widower who had acted the part of a brute nd tyrant to his wife, went shortly after tho demise of his npouso to a btixora widow, who, like nor Knitfir, hnri "not the best roputat ion for suavity of manners arid meekness 'ot temper. The following colloquy ensued : VVoll, madnm, 1 am come to see you.' Well, you may just clear out again, for Ml have nothing to do with you You need not think to gut me. You abused and whipped your first wife and I know what kind .of a fellow you are. You can bet high on that.' ; Yes, I. did, and it I had yon I'd make 1 . . , V0" toe the I J B've you a d 1 good thrashing overy time you tleservcd ; it. and I would not lt-t v. 11 tfotn if w.rv . ",,u 1 WJ,U 'tl y. U vote, II t'ciy woman in town ran to the polls -ith ballot in hand.' . Strange as it may appear, this very loving and roroantio couple, were united in the 'holy band of padlock' three days afterwards. "Wnaoverwomtin In thto humor wooed Wuh t ror woman InthUhuinorwout" We think not. THE FAMILY THAT DON'T TAKE THE NEWSPAPERS. ' The man don't take the newspapers was in town the other day. lie brought his family on an ox sled, and 'baited' before a store. He still believed that Millard Filmore was President, and wanted to know if tho 'Kamsuhulkiiis' had taken Cuba, and if sd. where they had taken it Ho had sold his pork for six cents, when ho might huye hud twelve. One of his boys went to a black smith's shop, to be measured for a pair of shoes and another mistook the Court house for n church. He hung his hat on a hook and waited patiently one hour tor meeting to b?gin. One of the girls took a lot of scod onions to the postollice to trade off for a letter. Shu hud a baby which she carried in a a 'sugar trough,' stopping ocoHHionally to rock it on the sirTewalk. When it cried she filled its mouth with a cotton handkeroliief and sang 'Barbara Allen. The oldest boy had sold two ooon skins and was on a bust 1 When Inst seen, lie had called for 'sody and water,' and stood soaking gin gurbruud in it, and making wry faces. The shopkeeper mistaking his meaning had given him a mixture ot's.il soda ami wa'e and it tas'ed strongly of soap. But lie had 'hearn tell ot sody water,' and was bound to give it a fair trial, 'puke or no puke.' The old man had a tea kettle he wanted 'fixed up,' and ho carried it to the milliner shop. The lady thought he was crazy but noticing the hole in the kettle politely told him to take it to a tinner's shop. He then took an old plow to the jeweller's shop to have it 'plntcd and sharpened. 'Wo told the old fellow he ought to read the papers, but he would not listen to it Ho was opposed to, internal improve ment' and he thought 'larniii' was a wicked invention. BARBARIC JUSTICE IN DELAWARE. Mkw Casti.b, June 3 Only one man was publicly pillored and whipped on Saturday. Till, a whitish black man, who in a fit of drunken rage killed his broth, er, after the latter had struck and kicked him, was convicted of his crime. This was bis sentence : 'That you pay a One of 85,000; stand in the pillory one hour ; be whipped with sixty lashes, and be imprisoned for life.' He stood, a public spectacle, the mark for the mean est man's taunts, with his head thrust forward, his arms fixed, in the pillory, under this broiling June sun, one hour. Me was then taken down, stripped to tho waist, and his wrists pinioned to the whipping post. He underwent the .:, u)nu, tua ,, x, 8,xty bIowS ol the cat' Its c,ne thonB increased his punishment to Ave hundred j, .,.i ' ult . " . - , 1,111 Uunalo Lxpress is responsible for the following : 'One of our printers who used to set tvne in the .Tnbun ofhco, smiled audibly yesterday when someooay wondered that Horace Oreelv oould be willing to let his name go down to posterity affixed to Jeff. Davis's bail bond. 'Horace knows,' be says, 'pos terity oan't read the signature.' ' 11 "1 .(. .. .... .i-i 1 mmt The following Irish conversation was heard in a street in St. Louis. 'Fat, what do you think of President John son T' 'Faith, an' bo's a good merchant,' How so, Patf 'Ba jabersl he sold arms to the Fenians and then took the arms back and sold the Fenians,' Bhkak his legs In answer to a note from one who signs herself 'A distressed Mother,' we reply 1 The only way to cure your son of staying out 'late O'nights' is to break his legs or elso get the 'calioo,' he runs with to do your house work. ..,-. Robert IIbndrbsiiott, well known as the 'Drummer Boy ot the Rappahan nook,' eloped from Poughkeepsie, with a rich rnerobant's daughter, on Friday last- They were married at Newburg. The interesting pair are 'soaroe 19 years old.' ! : - r . " AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE FOR TtiE ., PURIFYING OF TflK BLOOD, 1? DU ,...;.W.. . POLAND'S. HUMOR DOCTOR, Positive Remedy fo all kinds of Hu rl mors, par'lcularly Erysliielas, Nettle Kush, Bait HUeuni,- Scrol'ula,4 Csrbuuclts, Bolls snd Piles. , It Is very gratlfyiug to say of this, or of any other medicine, 'It Is" the very best remedy known." It Is not always 30- easy to prove it. It is. however, exceed ingly gratifying to the proprietor of this modi due, that, wlille hd declares to the piiblintli.it this is s most wonderful and effective specltlo for Humors, as stated aboVe, he ho abundant proof at hand to sustain his statement.1 For sixteen yeras the Uumor Doctor hits been manufactued and sold, and every year has Increased the value of Its reputation, and the amount of its sales. In lew Hampshire, where it originated, no remedy for humors is so highly pilzod. An eminent ph vsloian (now an army surgeon) when practicing in Now Hampshire, purchased between fitly or sixty galonsof It, during some seven or eight years, and used it in lit practice. lie has since then ordered it for the hospital where lie was stationed. Other pliysicinis have purchased It, and have used it in practice with great success. When the proprietor lived in Mew Hampshire at GulTstown Center, for the space or thirty or forty miles around, and in Man chester particularly, the Humor Doctor was well known and highly valued for the nume 011s and wonderful cures which it effected. Though manufucmrcd In largo quantities tho supply was frequently exhausted, and pui chattels had to wait for more to bo made. Iu that region somo very severe vases of Ery sipelas were treated with and they were cured I Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, those ugly, painliil ulcers, were entirely removed wherever this medicine was fuitlifully ued. 3o it wns with Scrofula and Salt Rheum. The Humor Doctor cured them. For tho sake of showing what is thought of 11, a icw testimonials are nere iiisuiiuii:. Milton Gams, Esq , Bostom. . . .. ,:..':." with Bolls fur two vwirs iievoioiiing them, solves up"u my limi.s and wtl.er parts of my ljaJVi ''t tll. .n, i,,if wliu:h I entluruil troiii ig them are Indescribable, bodice It to say that I lulthfully tried several of the most popular humor remedh-s. but without removing the affliction At length, by tho earnest request ot an Intimate menu, 1 was induced to try Dr. J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor, and am very happy to attest that all my Bolls were removed, and my health was restored by us ing Dr. Poland's uforesaid medicine. Boston, Jan. 14, 1851. MILTON GALE. A C. Wallace1, Esq., Manciikstuii, N. II. Dr. J. W. Poland Dear Sir : I verv cheer fully give my testimony In favor ot your Hu mor Doctoi as an excellent remedy for humor, My numerous acquaintances in Manchester know how severely I was afflicted with Bolls and they know bow perfectly good my health ' istit present Your Humor Doctorcurcd ine. flense reter to me tor particulars In my case. Juuo 11, 185G. A. C. WALLACE. Mas. Poman, Dover, N. II. July 22, 1 SrtS. Da. Poland: I received your letter in quiring ns to the effects of your medicine on isea-siidiness I am happy to say that I thiuk it is "tho medicine" for that droadlul sick ness. I tried various prescriptions, but found none that settled the stomach and cleared Ihe head like tho Humor Doctor. I felt us though I could hardly wait to get ashoro, to entreat you to introduce it into ship chandlery stores, that it may find it wav to those who suffer upon tho mighty deep from sea sickness. If captains who tnko their families with them, or carry pussengels, should try it lor once, they would never bo willing to voyage with out it. 1 have used It for my family since its Intro duction to ihe public for bilious habits, head ache nud humors about my chi'dreu, and have always found it a sure enro. J am not fond of having my name appear in public, nnd would not consent to It on any other accountbut to relieve tho sulferirg j but if tho foregoing will bo of any service to you or tlio puuiic, you can mnan use 01 it. Yours, HARRIET M. PORTER. Much more might bo stated In relation to this medicine, as contained in testimonials, but it is needless. AHk Manchester druggists about ft, esecl.i11y E. W. Blake, at Birr's. Inquire of Mr. Henry Plumer, of Bedford, whoso wife was cured by it of Salt Rheum. Ask almost any person In GofTstown, and they will declare I's value as a remedy, as used iu their own cases or by I heir friends. The Humor Doctor was formerly seld at fifty cents per bottlo ; but the cost of every ingredient composing it has gone up so enor mously, that the prion has been raised to levmty jioe cents only, and that by compulsion, Tho Humor Doctor is irepnred at the Now England Botanic Depot, fo the Proprietor, J. C. French Sold by Medicine Dealers everywhere, DEMA8 BARNES & CO., General Agents, Now York. 4j2l-llm. Something New IN WA YNESB URG, PENH' A. THOS. BRADEN ( At the room fonnerly occunlod by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to Brauen's Drug Store. Respectfully informs the good people of Oreone county, that he lias opened a HARDWARE STORE. And Invites a call from his friends and the public generally. His sture Is Illicit with evcrythl lg in his line needed by the Farmer and Mechanic. Being a practical farmer, he knows exactly the wants nf his farmer frl"nrls. Amoug Ills variety of goods will be founil Iron, Nails ofall kinds. Planes of nil varieties, Au gers, Br ices. TuttlC' toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand buws and tools of all des criptions. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing Mucblncs, Cutting Boxos. Cora Shel ters, Plows, Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and everything In bis line . . SADDLERY HARDWARE, A general assortment of saddlory .hardware, to which he Invites the attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Buttor Bowls and all kinds of Kitchen Woodon Flxlns. Willow Baskets! Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckots, Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns. Bnva Wacons and sli.ds. All persons desirous of purchasing any of the above articles anu many omen not men loncd i will consult thoir futerott by CALLING SOON. Ho will take pleasure In showing his stock at all times. So glvo him a call when you come to town. - Remember the place, oppo site the First National Bank. , deomf TH03. BRADEN. FtLlsXloHNTotlOO AS THE FIRM OK" HUGHES & LUCAS Is dlsolvod by mutual consent, tho Com mission business will still be oaniod on at the old stand, In good order, and on the most ruaaonahlo terms, In tlio name and style of L. HUGHES A CO., (senior partnor). They flatter themselves, by hnvlng the House and the best location In tho placo mr that busi ness, that thoy will nuoaiva a liberal share of tbepubllo patronage ' . They will also keeps good supply of GRO CERIES on band to accomodate all who may favor tbem with a call, i. I HUGHES fi CO. ' ItlO-sf Noel Landing, Ps THE rnOPOSFjf 'IilPsA citMliNT ,2 i !;,, " v., H.EINEHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES I HAVING J UST RETURN ED FROM THE city, he lis opened the largest I '. H 'VMl t i ' '' New,; Grocery In town. ITo des'res to Inform the'' citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity of the care ho have taken In selecting stock, having on band a eood supply of - CONFKUTIONS, TOBACCO. " CI GARS, T Alt. also. PHOVIS1 . ONS, BACON, DRIED UKEF POTATOK FISH, DRIED PEACHES, . Cull and see him as ho has been getting n HEW SUPPLY You will find him accomodating, nnd can sell, lower than any one in the place. Be sure to go to the right place, lu LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc cupied by thu Poht Olll ce. iipi8.'lM.-tf BEAUTY ! AUBURN, Gbl.D.N, FLAXtiN AND SILKEN CURLS. PRODUCED bv the uso of Prof. T)E UREUX ERlSEHLECHEVEUX. One application warranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair ol either sex iu'o wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by Iho fashionables of Paris and London, with the most irrutifving results Does no in jury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid. $1. Descriptive circulars mailed Ireo. Address BEltOER, 8HUTT.S & CO, Chemists, No. H5 River St., Troy, N. Y., Solo Agents for the United States. feb'iu,'ii7-ly EXCELolOni EXutLolUrt! CHASTELLAR'S HAItl I xti;kui. uto2i ! FOII RKMOV1NU Slll'Hlll'r.UOUS HAUL To tho Indies especially, this Invaluable do. jrllatory recommends itself as being an almost luiuspcnsiiiio article to tenmlo Deuuty, Is easi ly applied, does not burn or injure tho skin', but acts directly on iho roots It is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads or from nnv part of tho bodv, completely, totally aud radically e xtorpating tho samo, leaving tho skin Bofi. smooth and natural. This is the only article used by tho French, and is tho only real effectual depilatory in ex istence. Price 75 cents per package, sont postpaid, to any address, ou receipt of on order, by BURGER. SHUTTS & CO.. Chemists. ' e 10. MI7-1 y BK5 River St., Trov. N Y. . NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA. VIA MCVHAul'A, K VICKY TWENTY HITS, With Passekukrs, Fiikioiit, and U. S. Mails. On Ihe following ftrstclasn Steamships t On Atlantic Ocenn I Vonntct'a on Pacific Ocean SANTIAGO UK, CUIIA, A.MIvltlOA, SAN FBANCISCO, MOSHS TATI.OU ' , MCA1IAOUA, NUII11ASKA, , IIOKATO, HKVADA. PASSAGE AND FREIGHT AT REDUC ED RATES. SAILING DAYS FROM NEW YORK. March 30th... 1 8G7. May 1st and 20th, 1867. April 2uth... " June 10th nnd soth " And every twenty c ays thereafter, leaving on the Saturday previous when a regular Sailing Day comes on Sunday. For further informa tion apply to the i NOltl'U AMERICAN STEMSIIIP CO. Wm. H. Wkuu, Prea't. m Exchange Placo, N. Y 8:20-8mo. D, N. Cahrinoton, Aa't.. 177 West 8t.. cor. Warren, N. Y. Tho Wonder of the Age J TIME) MONEY AND LABOR SAVED! THE LATEST AND BEST CHURN! ONE OF THE LATEST PATENTS. Issu ed on tho 1 1 1 li day of September, 18011, to Win, R. McCulc'icon, of Washington, Iowa, will be on cxbliiltlon in a few days at JOHN MUNtfELL'S, n Wanyesbnrg Pu. This CHURN must supcrsedoianv thing of the kind bereto'i re produced. Tho slniplcncss of its construct ion, nnd Its two-fold or reversed motion, 'hut produies butter from three to fix minutes uiuat Induce thu community to examine Its qualities It save time -It saves work and produces ns much butter ns any churn In ex istence. Mr. Mmuull has fu'l powor to sell iIl'IiIs for Piin-svlvanla or New York State ns well as to furnish Omnia, to citizens of this county. MORRIS, ULLOM & CO. 8 2 tf Agents. ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD JSTOMSIIED AT TIIH WONDKIIFIir, nKVKT.ATIONg MADE BY THE GREAT ASTK LOOIST. MADAME H. A. PERRIGO. Sho reveals secrets no mortal ever know. She restores to happiness those who,. Irom doleful events, catastrophes, crosses In lovo, loss of rolal Ions and friends, jussnf money, Ac, have become despondent, She brings togothor those long seperated, gives Iniorms tion concerning absent frlen ts or lovers, re stores lost or stolen property, tells vnu the buslnossyou nro best quiilllled to pursue and in what you will bo most successful, cause spoody marriages nnd tells yon tho very day you will niarrv, elves you the namo. likeness and characteristics of the parson. Sho reads yonr veiy thoughts, snd by her almost super natural powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of tho future. From tho stars we seo In tho firmament tho mallflo stars that oyorcoma or predominate In the configuration from tho aspects and positions of the plan ets snd the) fixed stars In tho hoavens at tho time of birth, she deduces the future dts.tlny of mnn. Fall not to consult the greatest As trologlst en oarth. It costs you Cm a trlllo, and you may novor again have so favorab'e an opportunity. Consultation feo, with llkonesa nnd nil deslrod Inibrmnttnn, tftl., Parties liv ing at a dlatnnco can consult the Madams by mail with equal snlely and satisfaction to themselves, as If In person." A full and ex plicit Chart, 'written, out, with, all Inquiries answered nnd likenesses envloped, sent by mall ou receipt of price above mentioned. Tho strictest s"crcsy will be maintained, snd all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly tho day ot the month and year In which you woro born, enclosing a small lock of hair. - Address, Madams H. A. PERRIflO, ' P. O, Drawer 208, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 Mi ai Ha FoweEgts. , Tbl prtMrataHh long tad (avorabl known, wUI tw ouhly ntarliorata) troliun-dowa an 4 vw-ipirito. aoraaa, by atrangthaninf M olauauM Ok aumua ana in tinea. H Is a m urn. vantlv of all dia cajtra liuiln thla animal, such as LCNQ FEVJtK. QLAHLZM. YRLLoW WA- . TV. ' TICK, H K A V E 8. UUUOHB, PI8- i" . l .l fl . J. ,T1 TKHr'F.K. KK- VEKS, FOUWDKR '.--i'f V" '4 i.uaa or affk- . TiTK AND VITAL BNEROY, So. Ita uaa improToa Uia wind, ioorauaa Iba appetlle- glrea ora'cbl' AAttm lnt0 "to'f and fplrltoi To kMnara of Com thla nn.nam.iinn i. tnwi...i.i- It loorawei Uia quaaUr; and Improrea tht quality V oiuioniia. jtnu f.. ,v been proven by aa VT i .Tl ii i in oal experiment to IKS 'w57T5l Increue tho auan- milk and twenty per i mate tut Sraa and fatttmn RlTeathem I aprallte. looaena f MSSj aukat them thrift uuon nutar. Ia til dlteuei ot Swim, iuch aj Coughs, Clean la the Lunira, Llrar, ko., thla artiolo , aou aa a apecino. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in barret of .will tlio above dlaeaaoa will bo eradicated r antlrely prwvented. If gireti In time, a oertatB prevenuve and cum for Ua Hog Cholera, . Pries 24 Cents per Paps, or 6 Papers for tl, rHEIAHED BY S. A. FOUTZ & DRO., AT THEIR ffnOMtSUI BRI G AMD MFDIC1N8 DEPOT, Ko. 116 Franklin St.. Baltimore, lid. For S;il by DriigKlsta snd Btorekoepan tbrsugo ' out the United Slates, Robelis 04 , Co., agents, Wayneshure, noviii'b' ,-ly. Pa, LlECOiNSTRUCTION NOT OF THE UNION 15UT OP ,.1A, IsaacHooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY! MR. HOOPER would still havo his rl'ends anil patrons hear n mind, that he con tinues in the Grocory and Confectionery trade at liis usual plnce ot doing husiness, and that ho has lust received A. Fresh Supply of tlie best quality ofall ai tides In his line. TOYS NOTIONS arid a crcat varietv of useful articles always ou hand. ' ; . itJtiif illibtlMtJm'S, a In connection with the nhovo. Mr. Hooner . keeps a Restaurant, where ICK CREAM, ber-" ries ami an the luxuries ot Die season ,ean be olitaincd. The most attractive and most popular resort In town. Juno 14. '5-lv Crisper Coma. Oh I she was beautiful and fair With starry eves and radiant hair," Whose curllna; tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very heart.aml mind, ' CRISPEB COMA. . ' For Curling the Hair of Either Sax Into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy : MasslveCurles. Er using this article LaiHi-s and Ocntlomcn can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It Is tlio only article in the world that will curl straight hair, and at tho samo time give It a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but Invigorates, beautifies nnd cleanses it) is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind evornft'oredto the American public. '1 he Crisper Coma will be sent to any udilr ss. sealed and postpaid for $1, . Address nil orders to ... W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists No. fl West Fnvetto St.. Syracuse, N. Y. lel13 '07-ly . . ' ' WAtli PAPERS! FOR SPRING BALES OF 1807, .. We are now prepared to offer to our custo mois, and tht Trade generally, fan extensive co ledum of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, FIltK ntlAKII PMIK1S, KTC, KTO. Emliracing nil qualltle of goiKls, known to the Trade fur Parlnrs, Pining Rooms, Halls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &o. ALSO, ' TliANNPiRENT Oil UM II M TAPER WINDOW . MIIDLS. At thn Lnwrst Market price, at No. 107 HLvket Si near Firth. JOS, It. HUGHES A RRO. mfl flina. . . ' ' . W A t K S Ul'HU .fl 1 ttULE A. si I'OSB STTLL continue to carry on tho Marble snd Stone cutting business at their long estab lished stand Immediately East of tho Public aware, jfnln Street, Wnynosburg. ' This estiiblishment has been In constant deration bIiico I8;)l), nnd tho long experience add cnerirv of tho nronrlotora. United with the eircrciHe of sound judgment and good taste, hvo won for thorn a wide spread and enviable reputation. An oxtonslve stock of the various varieties of tho best marblo Kept constantly on hand. Special at'DMon paid to pollsliing, pressing, coTvmg nti : engraving. i All ordo'f mt flllod. December 23, 18(12."' ' jftAr. "jF l tlty .ol -VMS , VALUABLE PROPERTY ( FOR & vLXji XS! ..-vi WITH GRIST M1LU SAW MILL, COAL ., U.YNK9, &0. THJ! Undersigned olTors at private sftle'that valuable proporty situate on the Monon gahola Rlvor, at the Mouth of. Muddy Creek, Grueuo county, IV. containing about forty Ave (46) acres of rich bottom hind. 7. Tuart Is on tho promlsas a yalunb.lo, ,i t ,. f 'Pi t e, , i ; k juj; i n E r which will bo lucludod In tho s do. The Cool Bank is open and shows an lnexhuustabls sup-, ply. J No nioio dosirable looatlun .lor. a Pistil lery can bo found in tho Stato. , . . " For further partleulars spply to E. A, Flen nlkon, DnvtdBon's Fotry, Groone eouity. Pa., or by letter to the undersigned, w 1 ' ' 11- " JOHN M. DARRAIV" B;l-0m. HsrtsvlUo, Bucks Co., Ps.