The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, June 12, 1867, Image 2

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    Slu IWpublicJitt.
J. E. SAYERStdittTaii rebliiher
WKDffrDAY, JUNE II, l67.
Two dollars a yew, payable Invariably Id
Advance. One dollar for tlx month, parable,
tnwlobly In advance. ..,.,7.- -TERMS
AtTKBTisKMi;KTi Inserted at 91 SO pertquar
- 0,t.''"rtlona,and80cta. a square to each
additional insertion, (ten llnet or leu counted
a square.)
Local advertising and flracur, HoTicas, "10
ctnta per line for oni Insertion, with
STA liberal deduction to yearly adver
Users. . .
Advertisements not marked with the nm
her of Insertions desired, charged for until
ordered out. . .
Mori than one thousand people read the
Rkpublioak every week, that cannot be reach
ed directly through any oiher medium
More ihsn one year ago we made our
bow to the readers of the Ukpi iimoan,
just one year a.i we gave a planing
notice to the entering upon a new vol
ume. The times have wmnght chances
with all, and we have almoni grown in.
lunate in atqu tinliinco. You weekly
anticipate the coining ot your paper, and
it has grown to be our weekly pleasure,
ai well as toil, to cull, clip and write,
that its psges may be freighted with
. good cheer and welcome intelligence.
Our hopes and anticipations, c eriehed
from the outset, have been realized to
1 aa extent that makes the retrospect a
happy one. We look back with pleas
ure upon the battle fought and won the
campaign of 'HQ. It gives us joy to
think we held the helm during so nota
ble a struggle, and nerves us for the
terner duties that are before. We have
all confidence in the fidelity and sterling
worth of Little Greene's uinomtt. W6
offer no vaticinations as to the future,
but would poiot to the past as a guide.
Be what you have been and all will be
The gasconading edit-: r of the New.
castle Gaze te and Democrat, raiut have
been on "a tare" last week and grabbing
bis pen about the time the "busthead" '
was dying, "out of sorts" with hiracelf
and everybody else, rattled offhn leader.
Having exhausted his thunder stock in
trade he comes down to the point "thus
1 6.
People arouse! Souud the bugle got
into line prepare for the contest with
the Brin resolution of being victorious
make up your minds to have equal pro
tection, and equal taxation on kei-udi-
We have no ouncepiion of what he
means by "equal taxation" and "equal
protection," knowing that this govern
ment provides liberally and equitably for
Its citixenn more so rtnw than at any
period in its history. As an exponent
of that party he assumes to represent we
have his declaration 'tor "repudiation at
Xtie hazard of revolution !" in other words
the old slogan ot the Democratic party'
'-rule or ruin !" Without direot refer
ence to the montrous proposition of re
pudiation it is bad enough.' It is evident
the man means "tight," jnm as Democ
racy did in I860, but this time he wanta
war in the North and against those who
won the late struggle the men who
handled lho greenbacks and those who
handled the inunket. It is not probable
that his desires will be gratified, bi t did
be succeed in kicking up a muss, ten to
ono he would want to be a quartermas
ter. Exhilarating A abort jaunt into
the country last week refreshed our en
ergies somewhat and gave us the oppor
tunity of observing the general appear,
noe and condition ot affairs among the
farmers A universal hopt-fulnesx is dif
fused into the spirit of the people oon
earning the crops. Never did Nature
promise a more bountiful yield The
Crass has seemingly leaped from the
earth, the foliage burst irora the buds,
and cereals of all kinds present that rank
appearance betokening lusty growth.
The only thing we can complain ot 1
the non-working of the roads. In but
very few instances bave they been touch'
d. Where- they are it is but rudely and
imperfectly done. Not sufficient drain
age, no provision for comfort in the lev
elingand breaking. The people look
t this matter too much in the light
of the man who wouldn't root his house
when it rained because he couldn't, and
when it didu't ram beoause it didn't
seed it .Sou is the time the roads
should be worked. We hope the pres.
nt Court may give us relief in the way
tt a proclamation to oouuty supervisors,
Xt oan't be too severe.
Out. U. S. Grakt will visit Washing
Ington, Pa., on to-day, for the purpose
' of attending the wedding of bia cousin,
' W. IL Smith, and Miss KcKonnan,
daughter of William MoKennan, Erar.,
f that place. During bis stay in With
iogton, the General will be the gnest of
William Smith, father of W. H. Smith
!- Lrrmgirlon ft visit to her Uncles. Is
bout to retire when ootuin asks ber to
'wait lor prayers.' .
. , She responds. Wby, does Unole
pray t I tbvght hi was a Democrat '
Whit I ptrtissa t
JJKiiuciucr, so-uullod, Is constantly
I'ratiog of "the olden times when their
party ruled and everything rested on
fHd basis." We have no occasion to
refer to the wanton profligacy of the days
of Pjcroe and Buchanan, when traitors
tilled the offices of Government from the
White House down to the post office at
the cross roads, when the public till
was . robbed, and the . working-inau's
worth estimated at ten cents a day. No,
those are not pleasant recollections tor
Democracy. But, take New York city
at the present day, moved and .manipu
lated in her governmental machinery by
Democratic engineers. Plunged hope
lessly in debt, taxed to the extent of mil
lions, not for the good ot all, but to pass
into the pocket of some pet of the coun
cil, steeped in vice and wretched in her
poverty. Will the picture compare
with what Americans would have their
nation T It not, determine never to be
beguiled into the support of a man who
protest the principles ot so-called De
mocracy. Cau.miciiaki.s, June 3, 1867.
The members of the Gnene comity
Agricultural Society (net in the M. E.
church, May 23, 18(17, and elected the
following Board of Officers and Mana
gers tor the ensuing year; Pukdent,
11. II. Cree; Recording Secretary, I),
W. Ditiigherty ; Corresponding Sccctarg,
3. 1. Ackiin ; Treaiurcr, J. P. Mitohe
ner; Auditors, John, Ilewjtt, Thomas
Orngo, Sr. : Managers, Wm. Ailes, J.
M. Harper, David Shroyer, John Wiley,
Corlily Garrard, T. L. Cummins, Dr. J
II Laidley, S. B Swan, Jonah Ran
dolph Daniel Thompson, John Crago,
Sr , W. 11. Sharpneok. Adjourned to
meet the last Saturday in June, 2 o'clock
P. M., at the Jeuuing'a House, in Car
michaels. Where alt interested will at
tend. II. II. Ciuoo, Pres't ,
The counsel for the Government in
the Surratt case are on hand and ready
for the commencement of the trial on
Monday last. Ex-Congressman Riddle,
of Ohio, has completed, in connection
with the Assistant District Attorney, the
Prli,ninr',e, ct lho evidence. The 1e.
iense are also ready, and the only delay
will be in obtaining a jury, which it is
thought will take several days. There
are tour attorneys for the Government
and two tor the defense. The former
are confident of conviction, and will pre
sent evidence for the prosecution far
more important than that produced on
the military trial ot the conspirators, and
which will, it is believed, clear up the
hidden details ot the assassination plot.
The Congressional Judiciary Commit
tee adjourned on Monday to the 26th
inst. Tho final vote on the question of
impeaching the President stood four for
and five aguinst A resolution of cen
sure, however, was passed by a voto of
seven to two, deolaring that the Presi
dent had been guilty 'of acts which mer
it the condemnation of the people.' We
hope this may be the last of it.
President Johnson in hia recent
speech at Raleigh exclaimed : "I again
ask, trienda of my childhood, where aro
they T where are tho Smiths and Jones ?'
What a darned queor question that is.
The Democratic State Convention to
nominate a candidate for the Supreme
Bench assembled at llurrwbiirg, on Tues
day, the 11th day of June
Tine Democracy are preparing for a
stubborn fight during the coming oam
paiges, What are the friends of Repub
licanism doing in Greene 1
The Bkavek A rocs comes to us in
new dress. Il is looking well and is de
serving of the liberal patronage bestow
ed by the citizens of Beaver.
The Philadelphia Evening Star, an
enterprising little daily has moved into
a new building on North Seventh St.
It is a lively sheet devoting most ot its
columns to local improvement.
Shooting Akfaik. An accidental
shooting affair occurred on lat Thurs
day in the borough of Washington, re
sulting in the death of a colored man
named James Bryan, , It appears that
Bryan and another colored man named
Samuel Adams, both residents ot Wash
ington, went out on a gunning expedi
tion, and when near the Cemetery, out
side the borough, Adams discharged the
gun, accidentally shooting Bryan. The
ball took effect in Biyan'a body, near the
heart. He was taken to his home, and
physicians summoned but no hopes ot
bis reoovery were entertained, After
the shooting, Adams delivered himself
up, and is now in custody. The shoot
ing occurred between one and two o'clock
in the afternoon. The injured man has
since died.
The Pittsburg Gasetts of Friday last
says two brothers, sons of James Hen.
shaw, ot Fayette county, were hunting,
and having treed a squirrel the elder
brother tired at and wounded it, and
while running after it the gun in the
hands of the younger brother waa acoi.
dentally discharged, the ball entering the
right aide ot bis brother and lodging
near the region ot the heart. The no.
fortunate young man walked home, a
distance of over bait mile, and re
lated the ciroumstanoe. A suriroon was
called, but could do nothing tor him.
He died from toe enects ot the wound io
sbout eighteen hoars after it was reoeiv-
Won't Cqju Or . The Fourth ot Ju
ly oelebrstioa has been given over at
Brownsville. The citisenk of Fsyette
oounty will observe the day in the laying
ot the corner stone of the Soldier's Mod.
urnent, at Unlontown. , : ;;'. ;
ERAL. The opinion of the Attorney-General
upon tho clauses in the Reconstruction
Acts respecting the rights to vote and to
hold office, lias in itself evidence of its
necessity, for the questions whiuh have
arisen need to be deoider) by the highest
executive authority. Else, says the N.
Y. Tribune, five military commanders
might make five different interpretations
of a law which needs to be uniformly
enforced in the States in which it is op
erative.' Whtlher Mr. Stansbery cor
reotly defines the limits ot the law is an
other and important question, not fully
to be examined at present.
Tho Attorney General recits the pro
visions of tho law which affect the right
to vote and hold office, and attempts to
define those classes who are entitled to
registration ; tho qualifications of resi
dence and age are comparatively unim
portant. Of chief interest Is the extent
to which, taking part in the rebellion is a
disqualification from voting Mr. Stans
bery elaborately examines tho meaning
ot the act which excludes officers who
have taken part in the rebellion, and de
cides that oncers (it the militia are not
included t that the ast does not apply to
municipal officers, and that with all thoso
who are not strictly State, Judicial or
Executive officers, the uncertain defini
tion, which he contends exists in the law
must be construed in favor of the voter.
A vast body of officers, he asserts, are
not positively excluded bv the law. The
disqualification based on the breaking of
the oatti ot omce is the next a'll.jeot ot
the opinion which ia given to this effect
that the disqualification is intended to
comprehend military as well as civil
officers, and to be more g neral in ap
plication to United Slates officer than
to those of a Stale. Of more practical
importance is the next question what
acts constitute the guilt of ei.gaging in
rebellion, or of giving cotntort or aid to
the enemies ot the United States T A
these acts are defined the number of
voters is to be restricted or enlarged
Mr. Stansbery advances the extraordi
nary Opiuion, that the phrase 'enemies of
the United States' should be confined
to what he asserts to bo its legal mean
ing, viz , foreign nations, and that only
such of those who gave aid and comfort
to Great Britain in 1812, and to Mexico
in 1817, should be distianchised under
the clause. Yet he is 'not quite prepar
ed to say that Congress wuy not have
used it as applicable to the rebellion ' It
is woll that he was not quite prepared to
make such a decUion, for if there is any
thing clear and unmistakable in the law,
it is that Congresa meant absolutely the
enemies ot the United States who fought
at Uettysburg and Atlanta, and not by
any means those who were defeated forty
years ago on the Lakes, or at Monterey
and Buena Vista. This meaning cannot
be escaped, and the Attorney General,
therefore, gives it weight. He would
not include in the disfranchised classes
those who were compelled to aid io Re
bellion, conscripts, salves, and officers
who, n obedience to at facto govern
ment, were concerned wilh the odmiuis
tration of law. Purely civil and neces
sary officers he cannot bring himxelf to
believe w ere meant by Congress, and
upon this point the argument is very
full. We cannot say that the Attorney
General has muted his opinion very em
phatically, or tersely, though for this he
may plead the alleged uncertainty and
vagueness of the acts themselves. Uut
lho drift of his argument may bo sum
med up to he io his own words s
'The intent (ot the acts) as expressed, is
to enable the' people of each of thesu
States to frame a Constitution tor tho
State by the exercise of the right of
suffrage. There are clauses ot the aot
giving the right by general terms ot de
scription to the people generally, and
expecially to those who bave never en
joyed the right before.
There are other clauses of the act
which, by general terms, take away this
riuht of suffrage from those who always
enjoyed it. The rule of construction a--to
the clauses which givo the light must
be liberal, and to them the general terniB
are tint to bo restricted, but to those
clauses which derogate from the existing
right the rule ot construction amst be
strict, that none should be excluded who
are not clearly within the letter and in
tent ' With this general const root ion
we are satisfied, but not with the special
opinion based upon it
Tub Republicans of Lawrence oouuty
have nominated the following unexcep
tionable ticket i For Assembly. John
Edwards, by a majority ot 429 votes
over yv . u. itaruison, present member i
Treasurer, R C. Leslies Sheriff; D. C
Rhodes; Astociato Judge, Thomas
Pomeroyt Commissioner .John H. Gorra
ly; Register and Recorder, 'Sylvester
Gaston i Auditor, Wm M. Gibson i Jury
Comnussioner.Robert Boyd.John Elder,
Esq., was chosen delegate to the State
Convention and instructed to vote for
Jud?e Pearson. Resolutions in favor nt
a free railroad law and denunciatory of
rcoreant memoers ot tne rennBylvania
Legislature were adopted.
The municipal eleotion in Washing
ton, D. 0 , on Monday ot last week re
sulted in tho eleotion of the Republican
ticket by upwards of 1.500 majority.
The negroes turned out early in strong
tbroe, and patiently waited their turns to
deposit their ballots. . They were thor
oughly organised, and the many at
tempts to impose upon them proved
laughable failures. ' Many ot them re
oeived their tickets in their ohurohes on
the previous day, and at the polls refus
td to listen to any one whom they did
not know. The election passed oft in
quietness, but one colored man and two
whit men having been arrested.
The Commercial ot Saturday last says
the primary elections ot . the ' Fayette
County Demooracy last Saturday,' result
ed in the choice ot the following ticket i
Assembly, Wm, H. Playford i Treasur
er, Wm. S. Slrinkler Commissioner,
David II. Wakefield i Auditor, Finley
Chalfant i Poor House Director, Lacy
Hibbs;Jury Commissioner, John Sni
der Cproncr, William R Semans. At
the convention of the return judges, on
Mo;: day, an effort was made to have
Weotlcy Frost and Thomas B. Searight
appointed delegates to the State Con
vention of 1868, it being usual with the
Democracy of that county to appoint
their delegates a yesr ahead, so that the
voters cannot instruct. The conven
tion, however, remembered Senator
Searight's betrayal of bis constituents in
voting against the I ree Uailrosd Law in
the Senato last Winter, and wisely con
eluded to withhold further honors from
him. The motion was amendid by
substituting the names of 0. E. Boyle
and Joseph i. McCnrmick, who were
duolared the delegates to the State Con
vention of 1 808, Mr. Boyle was a mem
ber of tho lower House last Winter, and
voted and labored with the friends of a
Free Railroad Law on all oooasions
Th's action of the convention is a severo
rebuke to Suuator Searight, who has
heretofore imagined that he carried the
Democracy ot Fayette in his pocket,
lho only resolution adopted by the con
vontion was the tolowing, and that
unanjjinnuid.y i r ;
itiofoiti.'Tlitt thisS Convention is
f tvor of a just and fair Free Railro
Law throughout
State ot Pennsyl
A tew d.iya tdnce, in the Washington
county Court, Judge Achenon called the
attention ot lion. W'm. Montgomery to
the tail that the jury which had tried
the case of John Lennox, had handed to
the Court a paper in relation to emne
remarks ho had chosen to make about
trieiu when Lennox was arraigned for
sentence, and stated that as the paper
contained matters which were wholly
personal to him he would hand it to him
without reading, in order th.u he might
make such re-ponse as he thought pro -par.
Mr. Montgomery said that H con
tained nothing lie was afraid ot. or was
not ready to answer, and a-ked the
Judga to read it The paper set forth
that tho j"ry felt themselves greatly
wronged by the infamous slanderous
charge of perjury which had been made
upon tliem in open Court by Mr. Mont
gomery, and appealed to tho Court to
vindicate them from the ohargo, and
require Mr. Montgomery to m ike amends
by retracting the game, ihis oourse,
they said, was duo not only to them.
reives, but to the " protection of future
juries who could not teel safe from the
attacks ot Mr Montgomery so long as
tie stood unrebukeu tor his conduct.
Ou hearing this paper rend, Mr. Mont
gomery at once rose and stated that he
had mado no such charge against the
jury that he had ' only said he feared
the verdict was the result ot a com
promisethat iit was, the jurors were
guilty ot moral penury,.: lie did not say
,that the jury had compromised away
their convictions ot right, but ' if they
did, they had proven unfuithful to their
oaths. lie went on at considerable
length to show that in a civil case, where
only a matter of dollars and cents was
in question, jurors might compromise,
but it was otherwise where the guilt of
a party accused ot orune was iuvolved.
Judge Acbeson remarked that ihe
Court felt at the time that the reflections
oast upon the jury were altogether un
warranted, and be had accordingly inter
pose and stopped Mr Montgomery as
soon as soon as he could. Making all
uue allowance tor the zeal and earuent
nens of counsel, he must say that such
imputations as Mr. Montgomery bad
indulged in were not justified by the
tacts, tor he had never known a jury
that he thought had labored more lion
estly, faithfully and conscientiously to
discharge their duty than the one that
tried this o.iso. As Mr. Montgomery,
nowever, nad mado bis response du
claiming any intention to charge the
jurois with perjury, be hopod the matter
would end nero.
Tub Republicans ot Beaver county uu
tne ota nisi, piaoeu in nomination the
following excellent ticket : For Assem
bly, Thomas. Nicholson; Prolhnnotarv,
John Conghoy; Treasurer, Capt. E
Barnes ( Commissioner, Wm Ewutg;
Associato Judge, Hon. M Lawrence.
Resolutions in favor ot General W. W,
Irwin for State Treasurer, and in favor
of a tree railroad law were passed. Hon.
M. S Quay and Col J, Weyand were
elected delegates to the State Conven
tion, with instructions to vote first for
Hon. 11. W. Williams, of Pittsburgh,
for Supreme Judge and alter him for
Judgu Pearson.
. Tue Government, MOW ftHYsl f nrt inf Ar
est upon registered United States securi
ties at New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Cincinnati, Chicago, Nw
Orleans, Charleston, St. Louis, San
Francisco, Buffalo, and Pittsburg.
Friday. May 81, wa observed by the
ladies of Richmond, Vn., in decorating
the craves of the Confederate dporl
The stores were generally closed. There
were anoui ju.uuu people in the Holly
wood Cemetry.
Hon. L. Harris IIi'oox, s delegate
from Onondaga county, N. Y., to the
Constitutional Convention, was shot
dead at Stanwix Hall, Albany, on Tues
day night of last week, by Gen. Cole.
itimoer aenier in oyraouse. tjole was
formerly in the cavalry service, and be
claims that while he was in the army
Hiscox commlttod an outrage unon hia
(Cole's) wife. After the shooting Cole
surrendered nimseii io tne police, saying
that he had the proot of Hisoox's guilt in
his possession.
Cou Joint P. Glass," Speaker ot the
aat House of RaDresentativH. U II mail
lby the Pittsburgh Dispatch as candi
date for Mayor ot that city. ' . ,
The oourt of Wash! no: ton count ha.
resolved to issue no more licenses to sell
liquor, God blew the oourt.
Ukn. Shkpihan has issued an order
appointing Benjamin F. Flanders Gov
ernor of Louisiana, vice Thomas J. Du
rant declined.
I have located In Wayneshurg, and am oc
cupylng the late residence of Dr. 8. 8. Patton
Having taken great pains to become thorough!
y acquainted with both the theory and r"c
hce of Dentistry, and having had an expert
ence or seven years In the profession, I fret
warranted in saying that my patients shall
have no cause to complain of Inferior opera
tions. Extraction will be rendered painltaa.
when dealrod, by the administration of
"Laughing gaa'ofotheranesthetlcs. Charges
moderate, and all operations warranted aa
represented. I will be at home without per
tuhmtun from the fifteenth to the thirtieth of
every mouth. ., JOS. 8. UEHTIQ.
hoots and shoes, hardware, queenaware,
elassware, wall paper, window blinds, and all
kinds of groceries at the lowest eastern prices.
riti.vrs io to ao cents.
Rrown Muslins 10 to 33 cts. black muslin 15
to 40 cts., allfwool delaines Ml cts , ll wool
delaines, figured, 85 cts., fsncy deluiuos, 25
cts., poplins and merinos, halmoral and hoop
skirts, men's sad hoy's hats and caps, Jaco
nett, mull and swing muslin, hire, edging,
fringe and corda, ladi-s and gentlemen'a col
lars, belting and buckles, corsetts and hair
nets, Irish linen and shirt breasts
Scotch. French and dom.stic ginghams,
nela, tweeds, and leans, umnrellas. silk snd
cotton parasols, ladies baskets and hats, ladies
bug'o trimraln a aud buttons, silks and lawns
cotton yarn, carpet chain and hattlne, ladies,
men's. mUuMts anil c)titln.ii'a
cotton diapers, table covers and crush, puff
u uiimiiiKR aim ruming, monalr caps & ribbons,
iiiucy soups and perfumery, ticking and check,
It would lie useless to undortako to mention
all our goods. We will try to sell the cheap
est and best goods in the county. Give us a
call, and don't forget the place, Campbell's
corner, opposite the Adama House.
G REENE COUNTY. The undersigned.
Treasurer of Greene county, hereby gives
notice that in pursuance ot the Act ot Atse m
hly approved March 8, 1855, ho will attend in
the several townships and boroughs at the
times and places designated, between the
hours of nine o'clock, a. m., and five o'clock,
p. m j to receive the State and County Taxes
for I8G7, to wit : '
Cumberland township and Carmlchicls bor
ough, Tuesday and Wednesday June 25th
and 2(th at the house of Henry J. Jennings.
Jefferson township, Thursday, 27th of June,
at the house of Wm. Kellev.
Morgan township, Friday, 28th of Juno, at
tho hnuan nf Mnnmn Rail
Wushington townBhlp. Saturday, 29th of
yui.o, an ,ug uuuv wi VUIJbUU 1.GVV1S.
2nd wkek.
Franklin township, Monday, 1st day of Julr.
Whiteley township, Tuosday, 2nd day of
Tl.1l a Ik. kmian ..P r-lll .1. V. 1 IT
Greene township, Wednosday. the 3d of
Til It. ItA..b T i .
Monongahela township, Thursday, the 4th
of July, at the house of Wm. Mesterzatt.
Dnukarit lowmhlp. FrMjr, the StU ot Julr, it the home
or Hull Muatermtt, Tnylnrtown.
Pmj tnwiwhip, Saturday, tho Sth of July, at tht home
ofM. Borrowa.
An wfw
Wnynetowiuhlp, Monday, tho 8th of July, at the itor.
GJImore tovnahlp, Tutaday, the Oth of th. home
nf Rnnrh llnnnon. .
8rlnithitl to,rnhtp. Wednwday, the 10th of July, at the
houa.orR.lwln Fmrri'l. Ni-w Vreiort.
Alloppo KiwnHhlp. Thuraday, the 11th of Jnly, at the
huuaeof Autruatua Mlllrr.
KiolililU tuwuahlp. Friday, and Saturday tho 12th and
13th,at the home of Marjery Bryan, JaclMonTtlle.
4th wkkk.
Morris townahlp, Monday, the 16th of July, at Nlneteh,
at tho houae of A.J. llarkor,
,Tni.r,townr,U- TwM-lay.the 16th of July, at the honaa
of R. B. Church, Rogereville,
Jacltaon towtiahlp, Wednoeday, tho J7th of July, at the
houae of T. J. OrienbaiiRh.
Marion town.hin Thuraday (he 18th of July, at the
VM-ti. TrMMUrnf.
Ilaiintt- Tut ItaanAa-tt
FROM Perry township, for the year 1764,
o mm iwujijr ajuiiecvor,
To amount of duplicate $2,70165
By amount paid as direct
ed by the School Direc
tors of the townshlp...r.$3,fi9 73
Balnnce on hand 4 U2-2.70I fiJ
Bounty Tax for 1805, Reuben Brown col
lector! DR.
To amount received from Jno. Cem-
. 'r 9 4 92
Amount of duplicate B,8r.2 47
3,857 89
By amount paid hy order
of the township $3,352 47
Bui. in hands of collector 4 02-8.B7!H
Bounty Tax for 186A Jno. Lemly c Hector.
To amount of duplies. $3,201 41
By amount collected and
paid out t3.3 Tl
Percentage for collecting
and paying nut r.8 80-2,705 01
Ttalinpcp uncollected or In the hinds
ofeolWtors 4fla 40
We, tho undersluned auditors, certify that.
the above statement Is correct, to the bost of
our knowledgo. W, G. MOHRis
(t,'5-8w And'to'a
We, the Grand Jury aaxwably tolnatrncttonof the Hon
orable Court, did visit the Poor Houae belonging to the
Coottty of Greene, and after making a oarrful .lamina
tion of tho liulldlnai and premlaee report that we think
the Inatitution according to our Judpient la In
food order. Wa Anil the rooma In good order, bedding
aufflclent and aleanly. The dining room la lariro and oom
fortablo, with two Rood atovaa, one In each of tho rooma.
The atoTO rooma, bake rooma and oellan are well luppHed
with all that am neceaaary, and are found in moderately
good order. We alaoaraoftho opinion that the preaent
alewarU, Mr. William Rlnrhart and hia lady art worthy of
UieooDjilenoe of the people of the oouuty Sir the reaill
niiea manifest to the Inmates nt the Inatitution and Air the
DKunar In which we And the bulMlnir. Wa would also rec
ommend the prooent board of Director! to tho cnnAiltnce
of til. people of to. county mr the care they are) taking- of
tht aSairaof tholnaUtutlen. March 91. IMT.
. u v J1:. h WNIiKY, foreman.
And now to wit March M, 1897. The Court order th
report to be puhliehed In Iks county papyri and recorded
upon th nlauteja of aha Court ly the Oonrt.
r. TIMPLI. Prethy.
IS hereby given tlist I havs sold my store
rati reapectfully call upon thoso Indebted to
me to coil snd sottle Uiolr socounts. I need
my money and must hare It, Come one, corns
all t and settle. T, HUDSON RUTH.
U-lv. Oarmlchaels, Pa.
Tho Largest Exhibition in th World!
With a Model and Corapleto ';
M 12 NAG IS II I 12 '
AkJ CwiI'tUnon af th liadiM TUnt uibrMl la
I'rtMiitlns; new Km tnj Oiirtmi A nlnV T'l-twatlsi
hiMs)ntUUrtMt.ndfnarsi V4rll eJ jRven Vcr . Hun In miy oncrn in AVUa, A
' major portion of tit
zoological, :-spec;meno 1 '
Hair beea fust Imported. Aiaoni Ilia faitnrM are ,
An .riiwini if. Yxtni A tartan E i-phai rvrr fp- 1
lura.l, Yuuiifuft anil hmal.tjU arm ncn Onlv It -Biuinhs)
otil Man-ia IM Inahaa Itl.h. a4 w- l.ha
, U pound), anrt iha w mUrful i Vrfornitrif
at ft
33 Xj 3?
... A Colcaaal Aalatle.
tnm ton amall t t-ar1 on font, V ill pot V ihoWn in,
tn 1 ar ; iut wilt ln iaffi.r,iia in tlia It ins -e
; t ...... - : -.iw-.:. :t.
ThwlVrtfiT Aninnl rnnMnr will a. arU. FiinMlto
nt.Ttlia D-ri, rnnliiniiif LIONS, I HiKM", LKUP.
Ail!' AND T'l:tt:, ami ffivn ThrilUn
I'trturinani with lh Flore ami i ?(
Mo inters
Th Yf DlipIsT of WILD ANIMALS and th
Wilt bt fln In ton on with lh
The lions will rontnln a Ma,r;nlflfcnt Zebra (
Tiiwnrlns OTirl 'h, V. hi o riii'imil, Mvt.n Ft
lllh; Ta-tn African Lion (Six Moutlia old)
Kltii-na. Ilni-et nml tiret'iiat .i.oiroi n In any
MeniiisriM I-noted tlow i.nil fnlfl Long I.lp
it'll Jli-nra only AnlninUol iln'kliul
known touxi-t) Th l.j-uliiiaor.lei llhu-k Lit n
n Uomiiilqun Alp;n ft i il "Mlp if llio Di-a-i'riw
: I' irf i'f Milmrai Hhuk, tlricait
nml A.hIIIo Llona nml J.ium area I Jlangnl 11.
ItHis; Cnft I hihI hmitll Amt-iUun J.vuiarrla t
llliu'k, (frlizlr mi. I I'li.nninun Hi-at( r-trlpt-d
anilliottuii Kilt I Kallowuntl r-pottetl
li.r t I itHhm- ret tloit't Wolvrat l'ltiuhrra
Foil's) ('initial ltictuii!umoiiat('oiiiiiiraHia
erai M'iosi- c vll Cut I I'nilrln lint. Ac,
Trill, n KUI.I. AVI All V OF 111 HUH, ami all ih
kcuvru v uiuiy of Api a, linbooui-una Uonkcyt,
Constats of FOltTY PB1NDPAL AKTINTK", amoag
whom are SIX KTAR I.ADIK. more than have orer
leeo .,(t.Jni on. KtiUESfHIAN llOW.
M'll iCnrlotta'Wh'tbfy,
l.U lVtHn I ouiii,
M. 'o Muririirctta Lo Moync,
MIks jHimette Mnylnno,
aiidM'mu Clciiiene Yah Icr.
Two Good Olowua,
1'cto ( oi.Ulin & Clins. Murgau.
sTulin Con lilln,
The Athlclo uj linnoll llall ulaiilpulator.
J. HeMifUi(1ejr,
riiampivn Hare Hack . ul.r.
fleo T)rlotie, Omar IlollaK I.Iiew, BllTr,
tor. (3 Hunter, K Hanliin, I'larre, Jn.n, Koch
ford. Uunbar. Mona. Prrrllla, W. Itkhnrosoa
itUalar Charlfa unil Mr. II. Whitboy,
And others, furnishlnf all tht is Korel, Aatoundln a ad
Mandanl in the Kqucetrian Act.
Will ba mmla upon tho Entroo into Town Trjr
Uunelatlns of '
Drawn x Slxteun Arahinn Iloraoa. contnlnlne; ERITNER'S PHILADELPHIA COR
0 SUPERB DENS, olojaii'ly painted snd omamanted.
C3T 1? 13. o Toa m of 23 1 o jz 2x tX 7X "t S '49
1 ' Ail linmena atock of
Trained Blooded Circus Horses,
And a LONG LINE OP W AGOv'S, CARS, fee .th whola formlnj a PUDLIO TA
UAlV. worth u iluy'e Jouruoy to wltnaaa. , ,
the l-Ienaceries and Circuses tinder one Tent for One Single Prlco
of Admission.
wo Ptrformancos, Afternoon & Evening, at 2 &7 1-2 o'clock
Doors open one boar previous. "
Soata for ail who come. Plenty of Room.'
ud'ar.J0 yoaw,
OarmiohsBls, Wed'sday, June 19,
! '
Waynesburg, Thursday, June 20,
' . . AT
Washington, Friday, June 21, '67.
Inventors' IVotice.
litTTSRS testamentary on thoestalaof Tliomai Ktiaihea,
laWof Jefferoatowuahli, Greene Co., Pa., decM., having
been granted to th underelgned, notloe la haraliy given to
all peraoua indatited to said cetat to make Imnaeoiata pay
ment and those having olalma Io present then properly ao
thentlcaUdroreottlwueot. JOHN IIUOHKR,
8;3-8v !faecntorofT1iot.nnghea,dc'd Jeffereontp
BITII STAaOKRS, late of Jackwa p, Greene oouuty,
deo'd., having been granted to tha nnderaignad, notlcu la
hereby given Io all pereone Indebted to aalil aateta to make
Insmedlst payment, and those havtag claims to preaent
(bam Imniadlauly, properly authenticated for settlement.
S)MI. f Alpy lewnihlp, Adatlalatratar.
..I ... ...t. .. ,
.Uu lister.
EC I 3KT 3C1 . '
t v
- 50 CENTS
AuiuinUtrator'a Notice.
LETTERS of administration hartngSsea
urantod to tbe undenlfined upon the estate
of Margaret Kwner, of Dunkara tp., . Greene
county, Pa., deo'd i notice Is hereby giron to
all pei sons Indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, snd those having claims
will present t:.em properly authenticated for
settlement. JNO. & KEENER,
8;lS-0w Dunkard tp., Adminlstiavtof,
. Tau no mora unpleasent and unuseflil rem
edles for unpleasent and dangerous diseases.
Uo Helmbold's Extract Bucbu and Improred
Boss wash. . saSson-lT.