ti it sin tlilTll, 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY ,. ,. OF NORTH AMERICA! rSiiV:i(lclliin.( OlJVji ' Injurandi ( ompiny tn America. CASH ovan $l,7I.OOO. SEVENTY ONE YEARS Successru1 Bnl ...... Ii'n.rl..tira wild n rnniltutlon for IN TRGU1TY and HONORABLE DEALING ttvji 11 V4tti'.niiv miv ulmilh-. institution U'Si'H PAID since organization, I7,- lilt. BUM. IUTF.9 for nil the safer classes tr property, Insurance nl DWEI.WJNua aim lmk.'K or' STONE DWELLTNOS tainted PERPETUALLY, if desired, on terms of tlie greatest economy ami saiecy w wu , It Is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insnre In the best C.mpanh a. nnd there is NONE R FT TER "than the old INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. DIRECTORS ! Arthur G. Collin .,Amiia V. .lone,, r ,Toin.i A rtrown, i k.i 8. Morns Wain, John Musr.n, .... .'(lei. L Ilii)'ift"b,. . Viiuicia H. Cone, aiarlcsy-r, rr 'Toward ti. Trotter, IMbnrdD. Wrod,.;-; Edward S, Clarke, Win. C'nnimlnKS. AVJii fl Welsh . Wimffii It. H'i Wl!lSll, iivcn. T Charlton Henry, I-n iC.) - T .tanms N. 'Dlrksnn ' f-,. ARTHUR U. LUl'rUH, riestut-"'. $a'.Wf1 M . t Agnl(.. or. Greene County "THE VflRIB ISTfl.MSIIO , at tub wWpmiii. ni'vVt..iTio-8';' 1 BMADE BY THE' GREAT ASTR' -LOOIST. f3pPME H. A. PERRtGO. vflhc reveals sccreis no mortal ever kne . . 6ho restores to happiness those who. Iron, dolt'fVi' events, catastrophe crosses In love. v;lo of relations "ml f'i',1(l8v I"';' niom-y. tfce. have become despondent. Mm brings together those long appointed, gives in ornvv tlon concerning nbfrnt IVien Is or lovers, re stores lost or "stolen property, tells you the buslncssyou are best qualified to pursue nnd in what you will be most successful, cause speedy marriages and tells yon the very day you will mnrrv, ixivcsvnu the name, likeness and characteristics of the poi son. She reads your veiy thoughts, nnd by her ntmost super natural powers unveils the dark nnd hidden .' . mysteries of the future. From the stars we 1 see In the firmament the malifie t-irs Unit overcome or predominate in the configuration from Hie. aspect" nnd pnsltim "I the plan . .t and the fixed stars In tho le V ns at tie time-1 f birth, she dei'.U' rs 'he lil'MV" ''"' of man. Fall not to consult the gr nteu As ' iroioulst on eMitli. It posts yon Mil ii nitle, and you may never nsain have so favor hie an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, $1. Parties liv ing at a distance can consult the Madame by mail. with .equal safety and satisfaction tn themselves as if In person. A full and explicit- Plwrt, written out, with all Inquiries answered and likenesses enclosed, sent by mall on receipt of price above mentioned The strictest s cresy will hi maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest crder urnislied those desiring tliem. Write plainly the day ot them' nth nnd year In which you were born, rnclosinz a sinnll lock of huir. Addrcoo. ' Mihamr H. A. PKRRIOO, P. O, Drawer 2!I3, Huffalo, N Y. febin,'67-!.V : glPnlMI CSPilLI. Throw nwnv ycairfal.se frizzes, jour switches, wirwig , . Peslruc live oi c 'nilort. nnd not worth a fig: Come nued. 'time youthful, come "H'V ,ll,l lllir And rej'iice in your own iiiMiriani hair. ' . RI'.PARATOR CAPILLI. For restoring ludr upon bald heads (from -,hnt..v.i-emisi! it mav havf fallen out) and forcing n erol.li ol h iir upon the face, it bus no : equal. It . ill force tho beard to grow uron , the smoothest face In from live In eight weeks, orlmir upon bald hcmls lufiomtwoto tlueo : months. A few ignorant p'ac thinners l avo ! , asserted that there is nolh ng that will force ! or haBtcn the growth of tho hair or beard Their assertions are misu, iu'" " Inn witnesses (from their own experience) can t bear w ituess. But many will say, I ow are we to distinguisn tlie genuine in-m ... "I'"'""" It certainly la dlflnult, as nlnc-tenllis of tlin diflerent Preparallons advertised Tor tho ludr and beard are entirely worthless; and you may have already thrown way largo amounts In their purjhaso. To such wc would sny, try the Roparator Capilll, it will cost you nnth ' tag uulesi it fully eoines up to our represen tations. . If you'' druggUt dot s not keep t, send us one dollar imd we will forward it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the mo ney, which will be returned you on apphca tlo'n, nrovidlnp; ontiro satisfaction is not glveu. Address, W. L. CLARK cfc CO., Chem sis, . . ; No 8 West Enyettc St., Syracuse, N. 1 febl3,'07-ly WHISKEHS . . ' i , AND . 'M US T A0HE8 nnnwri n umw unon tho smoothe; nnnrFD to mow upon tho smoothest face Ijl UiV -.A." t (,'"" I r In from three to flvo weeks by using Dr. SEVIGNE'S. RESTAUUATEUil CAI'IL-' LAIKE, tlio most wonuornu oievrijr modern science, acting upon tlie Beard mid Hair in an almost miraculous manner It has been used by the elit of Paris and lViidnti With the most fluttering success. ' Names of all purchase a will bo registered, and if entire satisfaction Is not given m everv Inst nice, the: money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by .i. m.iot kiiiu nr ul . lacoverv in mail, sealed and postpaid. i. ucBcnpiivo circulars and testimonials mailed tret!. Ad dress BKHGER. SllUT,S&C?TS"nt,,, No. KWer Street. Troy, N Y. Soie igimtsfttr tho United States. tob20,'67ly ' Thoro comelh glad tldlnga ot joy to all, To young nnd to old, to great and to amall ( Tho beauty which once was so precious and h free forall, and all may bo fair. BrTuscaaor ... CHASTELIAR'S WHITE I, I VV I D ... i . ' EN. for Improving and Beautifying tho Complek , Tho moil valuable and perfoct preparation Jft use, lor giving the skin A bcautilul pearl ffi,o i nt. that Is only found In youth. It U foulckiy removes . Tan. Freckles, Pimples, Blotches. Moth Patches. Sailownoss. Inns, and all Impnritlci of tho skin, kindly fceallngtho same leaving the skin white and learsa alabaster. Kb rse can not bo detcct- 1794. ed by the closest scrutiny, ana using vpro- table preparation Is perfectly harmlcsa. It U 1" . the only article of the kind used by tho French. , ' ' and la considered by the Parisian as Indlspen. fU I gable to a perfect toilet ' Upwa-dsef 80,000 ".'.bottle were sold c during tlie past year, a Mf" ' sufficient guvantee of lu efficacy. Price on ly 7ft cents. " Sunt by mall, post-paid, onre eeipt of an order, liy DEKQEH, SnUTTS A Co., Chemists. a6 River 81., TioyN. Y. foWW'BT-lT. LASTIC SLATE ROOFING and o niEit ruitrosEs. A a Roofing Material It stauds unrivalled mastic it adapts Itself to every shape and slope. Nnn-c mbtistlnlo, Impervious, non eipansive, and undecaying. FROST DOES NOT CRACK NOU HEAT DISSOLVE IT. Tim onlv ronfinc matcrlnl ever discovered that will r sist the action of the elements as long aa thn structure It protects Being susccptl lile of little, ifiny wear from exposure, and perfectly Fl HE-PROOF. It Is unequalled as a coating for Manufacturing and Farm Build ings, fences, bridges, bottou.8 of Vessels, Vaults. &c. His crenccs iilven In any nart of the county, or specimens shown to visitors. Apply by letter, or in person to R. L. JONES, Hr.NTLKVsvii.tR, Wash. Co. Pa. S. II. DO A If, U L. JON E8, Licensees of Wash, nnd Oreeno counties. L. W. Jones, Agent 4;2t tl Wayncsburg, Pa. CONVERSION OF 7 3-10S. IN renlv to numerous lnmiiries in regard to the manner of convrling tho August 7 8-10s Into the new fi-2il Gold Connon Bond wo make the following statument for the benefit of the holdeis or 7 H-1H8, who may nt.l tie lniormeu : Tho Uoverninent rommitcs the interest on both bonds in currency iron) the data of the nmtiiriiiir of the last column. nllowiuK seven and three-tenths on the 7 3-ins, and charging six l cr rent on the B-'Jiis For example : you send to Washington i&IWHI 7 8-10 Bond which reaches there on May 1st $1,100 74 ilavs interest, (From Feb, 15th) U li 5 2US. $1,001) I in clays Interest, (From Jan. 1st.) 19 AH (This, is caiuled ut ;iii." days p-r annum.; 1.019 5(1 1,014 80 Allowed fur 7 3-lus,... You pay Government 4 7il P will be seen by this that the Oold interest is given as currency, which is of itself a profit tothopaity converting the 7 8-IOsof nearly kioiit noi.LAiiS per iftl.otio. nsidu from the fact that at the present rate of Gold, say 40, the 4-20s pay over 8 per cent, per annum. At present wo are converting tho 7 8-10s on much better terms thau the Government ns the present buying nnd Rolling rates enables us wallow the holder ol tho 7 8-IOs a better figure than has yet been offered by any one as a commission. Parties exeleinulng through us. In addition to uettin much better terms than they can from the Government, will have their 5-20s deliver 'd to them immediately, thus saving delay We also register any bonds sent to us without charge. n all Ronds sent us by Ex pros', we pnv charg-is both ways and remit promptly as directed. .lis T. Hiuovtfe Co., Dealers in Government Securities. Corner Fifth and Wood Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa fi;tm. i:i:;.tia'i' s salt:. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issui d nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Gieeno county, and to mp directed, there will be exposed to public sals at tho Court House, in Wayncsburg, on Saturday, 1st day of June next, at ono o'clock, p. m., tho fol lowing prone-ty. viz : All the right, title, Interest and claim of de fendant of, in and to a certain Tract ot Land piiunto in Wayne township, Greene county, Pa., containing lour hundred and filty acres, moro or less j about threo hundred acres cleared, and has erected tlicreon two hewed log dwelling houses, two log stiiblts, ono log barn and oth.-r out buildings. There are two apple orchards and other improvements on tho pre mises. Adjoining lands of Olha Sprngg, David Sprngg, William Spragg, John Spragg and others. Taken in exeeutlon as tho property of Den nis Mc fallen and Samuel W. Felton at tho , suit of Thomas II Meighen for use of Admin istritors ol John Luce, dee'd. IIbatu Johns, fi,-n 4t , . ' Sheriff, FRANK. M'CURCAN ; j TT , 11 AS ' JUST OPENED A FIRST CLASS stock of Clothing, Trimmings, Notions, &c, In the New Store Ro.mi in Mr- Geoigo E, Minor's building, nearly opposite tho Farmers' & Drovers' National Bank, WAYNESBUJIC, PRIVVA. The stock Is all now and fresh, purchased ; since the late decline lu prices, for cosh, which enaiues run to seu mucu loirur man iiiosu who have old stocks bought at high prices. . I would be highly gratified to havo all my old friouds,custoiiiers and tho public generally to call and see mo at my new atoro. I will endeavor to make it pay all thoso who favor ' mo witli a call, as I am determined to soil at . , .11 ,,! -ntir.i oiili.r.ifillnn DU1.1I I'llVW "D "Hi V V V w,.u...v.w. CTDo not f rget tho plaee, in tho New Blore uoom. in mr. uoorire a. minor s uuu ding, nearly opposlto the Farmers' & Drovers' National Bank. . 4; 17 if , FRANK. M GURGAN. SI FFElt 10 ITIOKE ! I When by the nso of DR. JOINVILLE'S ; ELIXIR you can bo curod permanently, and i ut a tilllinir cost Tho astonishing success which has attended this Invaluable medicino for Phi steal and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy. Im potency, or any of the consequences of youth ful indiscretion, renders It the most valuable P'ttparallon over discovered. It will remove all nervous affections! de- Eresslon, excitement, incapacity to study or usIiipbs. loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of Insanity. &c. It will restore the appetite, renow the health of those who have destroyed It by sensual ox pom nr evil nrnotlcos. Young men, he liumhuged no more by 'Quack Doctors" and tunorant practitioners, lint send wlMioht delay ior the Elixir, and be atnnec restored' tn health and happiness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every Instance. Price mi nr four hottlwa to one hddress, $:t. One bottle is sufficient toeflcct a cure in all ordinary cases , ALSO, DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, lor the speedy and permanent cure ot Gonorrhea. Gleot. Urethral Discharges. Gray- el, Stricture aud all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. - Cures effected In from one to five days. Thoyare prepared from vegeta ble extracts that are harmolcss on the systom, nnd never nauseate tho stomach or Impreg nate the breath. Nochnngeof diet is neces sary while using thorn, nor docs their aotlon in any manner mionero wiui uusiueBapunmiui. Pi lea id I nnr hnx. r.itiuir of tho abo"o mentioned articles will he sent, to any addresaclosety scaled, and poBt pnld, by mall or expreas, on receipt oi price. Address all orders to iiFnnrcit BIIUTT9 & CO.. Chemists. No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. lbM,'6T-l.y iff mmmi. Shirk & Sutton, (Successors to A Wileon, Jr., renn'a.) Wayncsburg, We have removed to Wayneahurg, and le- aneetlhllv Inform mir friends and tho public, that w e are now receiving a beautiful assort. incut ot HAP BV GOODS, For thn florlni! Trade, to which WO invito the attention ot ourom customers ami mi mu cin to an examination of our stock, which em braces tho " . 1 . ' . 1 -II .u ... . LATEST SPRING STYLES. Or DRESS GOODS of all descriptions, very pretty and at astonishingly Low Prices! And aro determined no ono. shall sell better ... . .. iir 11 .. . goods at less prices man we no. neutui . i..ntlon tn nnr stock of Millinery Trimmings, Ilahnoral and Hoop Skirts, llosiory, uioves and Ribbons. CALICO AND MUSLINS, And every variety of Goods usually kept In a flint class Store MEN BOYS FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds. Mm & Boys HATS, CAPS, ROOTS & SHOES. and Queenswarc. It would be useless to un dertake to enumerate all our goods. Wo will endeavor to make It to your interest to deal with us. We hope by giving strict attention to business and honorable dealing, to merit a liberal Bhare of patronage. Drop In at all events ' DON'T FORGET THE PLACE At A. Wilson's Store room in Wilson's New Building, Wayncsburg, Pa. April 24-tf STHIH T It I I K ! 1867. M'Elroy, Dickson x Co., NO 3-5 wood troel; PITTSBURGH, MY GOODS. Havo their stock open for tho trade. GOOD GOODS! AT REASONABLE PRICES. 8. M. M'ELROY JAMES DICKSON. 8;I3-Sui JOHN T. bHANE. ARE, WITHOUT EXCEPTION. THE most extraordinary Medicine of the ago. Comprising, us they do, Remarkable Power in expelling worms, with pleasant taste and perfect safety . They contain no Mercury, no 1.. . . . ?. if.... .Ml lA7.....n..i4 jtnncrai, no lurpenime, hu mm ii.imra, no Poison, nothing injurious, They aro en tirely Vegotable. Symptoms or worms : Hcmngoi me nuse, roverUlinnaa. twitrhiiiL' or starting suddenly during sleep, pain in tlie stomach, loss of llesh, paleness with hectic appetite sometimes vora cious, at others feeble, a dullness of the eyes, Hrou'sinnss. a swelled utmcr I'm. tongue whito- ly furred and studded with red spotts, lend or garlio bream, grinding oi leein iiunng weep, a sensation of lodgment in tho throat, an un natural cravintr lor diet, chalk or clay, fret- fulness and irritability of temper, cholio fits and palsy. Intestinal Worms are among the first to undermine tho constitution in tho list of diseases. They often occasion severe dis- easH. onrllnn- sometimes iatallv, particularly when they ascend to the stomach. Their presence in their most ordinary situation is attended with unfavorable effects upon the gen eral health. Eminent mon assert that all are moro or less troubled with worms, and.that many die annually from this cause, who, by tho timely administration of a proper remedy would be saved. As FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES may bo taken without any un pleasant results, and as nrst children are fond of them, their use is recommended to those apparently healthy, and thus dispel the causo of what would produce sufloring. Bo careful what you uso. Various reme dies have from time to timc.boen recommend ed, such as Calomel, Oil of Wormwood, Tur poutino, ttc, so that dangerous and even fatal consequences are produced. The necessity of a safe and sure remedy has caused much research and study by the proprietors of FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES. They nro positively sate, ploasant aud effectual. They do not kill worms, but act by making their dwelling place disagreeable to thorn. In order, however, to guard conauiners against deception by a baso compound, the analysis of Dr. A. A. HAYES. State Assayer, proving the above statement, is annexed. 'I have analyzed the WOIM JAWbKlUEKS preparer' by Messrs. Fbi.lows & Co., nnd find hot tlinv Hm fme from Mercurv and other metaliP or mineral matter. Theso . Lozenges . l.tif... It.. AA......it..i1 iili.uBiitit li tuatn 'I um BtlllUliy t;wuilJ"oto.w. (.. ia...,v ... ...o.w. safe, yet Burn nnd effectual in tho'r action.' Iti spectrally; A. A. II itks, M. D. i ssayer of the State of Mass. i Please remember .hat Fellows' Worm Loz enges are prepared with great caro fiom the concentrated extracts of two plants They do not act as a purgative or etnolic, will not debilitate tho patient, are so simple an infant may devour a whole box without harm, nnd will at tho same expel tho worms in an extra ordinary manner. . 1 ' CarFellows' Worm Lozongcrs Is the only Worm Remedy in existence combining harm less qnall'les with delicious taste and amazing power. Price Twenty-five cents por Box. Five boxes for a dollar. Tho signature of Fellows & Co. is attached to each genuine box. Sold by Medicine dealers generally. Prepar ed at the Now England Botanic Depot, for tho Proprietor, 3. C. FRENCH. Di'.mab Bahnks & Co., Gen'l Agents, N, Y. 4;24-0m, ' ; CUKBtfR COUNTY, HS. Ix tub Orphans' Court, Duo. Tkrm, 1800, No. 17. IN the mattor of the Partition of tho Real Eslato of Iaaao Blackledge, doe'd. And now to witt March 18, 1 807, on mo tion the Court grant a rule on the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, to bo and appear at the next Term of Court nnd choose or refuse tho premises at the valuation, or show Cause why the same shall not be Bold By tho Court, ' J. F. TEMPLE, Clerk. All persons Interested will take notice of the above rule of Court, and attend If they see proper, ! M-t HEATH JOli.No, Sheriff. tft TO THE REPUBLICANS OF THE UNION ' The National Union Committee ai peals to tie Uepublio ins ot every State, tor ttieir assistance ana co-opeiniuii iu Ibis auspicious crisis ot our country. We deem it ot the hmheet importance that the Republicans of each State should Immediately reorganize for the remaining eleotions ot 1807, preparatory to the coming Presidential contest. Es pecially should this organization be im mediately effected lti those States wnion have nevor boforo recognized as tho only just basis of government the equal and inalienable rights ct man. XNol a day should be lost in forming and strength ening within those States a publio senti ment in consonance with the principles which underlie the great political organ ization to which we bvlong. To this end, we dosire to prosecute a sytomatio and thorough canvass of tho Southern States, by the most elBoient speakers of both races. We would sec ond treir efforts by a distribution of documents, enforcing the principles, policy and aims oi the Republican pat ty. We wou'd call, in every locality where it is possible, meetings for disciiSHion, where those who are with us in principle may learn to act with unity and energy. These measures aro required to bring out the vote ot that large body of Re publican Unionists who now render tho Southern States a battle-field of pnn uiple. It is the pressing need of the hour that bold, judicious and able men, thoroughly Imbued with our creed, should there explain our principles, es tablinh our faiihlulnes to them, and prove that national greiitiietmand human ii'ceilnm depend up ui tlio permanent triumph ot our cause. Beyond this, it inmost, p.shpnti il tiinl vh should now otfiblisli ic llio-p Slates-. free 1110111:111. five iu-i rh and n free prpKM. Every part ot this Republic must be open to tlip ili -en-sion i f I't'in ciples mill iikiimiu'n Tl:is iiiii-t be su-t-tiiined, ns a cardinal p-'-nt in our if fed. at any and every iix;inl EfT.itM to luiiniiiliite the humble and I'M-cia-it voter mi the part otthtSniiiliern plainer, must be met with the hii'ii ii of freemen, and the duU'i'imimtioii winch a just cause sauutit'iis. In time pn-t ilii Republican p.irty hu struggled again-!, unjust rejiinnrl being sei tional in its nuns and charac ter, though Hi tirpnsi'.x nnd its meaiH't efl'-cting tliem well' siioli as the fathers ot tho Kcpiiluii approved ll was ac cused ot being governed by selfish mo tives, ftiitl ot desiring to aggrandize the North at the expense of the South. I t adversaries, having the power to nilence and to crush all opposition, denied all discussion, and overawe! even freedom of thought in fit'ieen States of the Uotcn. It is, therefore, now an imperative duty, which we owe to our party and to our selves, to embrace the first opportunity of truly representing to those Status how consistently we havo contended for the interests, welf ire and freedom ot the whole Union. The overthrow of slavery and the rebellion, and the enfranchisement ot the freedmen, rendering this overthrow se cure and final, have happily vindicated our course and organization ; but it is necessary to stamp the conviction ot our loyalty and tidolity to tho right, ir. respective ot section or raco, upon the reconstructed States. For the first time in many years the enthusiastic followers of our flag and confessors of our faith are there taking part in the popular gathering, and in many uf the Southern States, we have reason to believe that they lorm a decided majority. They are, however, without organization, and lack cohesion and discipline necessary to success. Three-tfourtbs ot the Repub licans have never voted, aud have no practical knowledge ot the means where by the popular will is expressed. With many of them, the habit is fixed, ot ren dering implicit obedience to able and dexterous politicians who are implacably hostile to our principles and determined on the prostration of our cause. Our immediate action is therefore imperative. We oaanot doluy without imperiling all for which so much has been sacrificed iu the past. Confident in our strength in (he North, tho West, anil the Pacific States, we must not fir gt that we have a great duty to perform toward the loyal aud true men of the South. Republicans 1 our appeal is to you, to carry on and sustain the work which a few loyal and true men have so nobly begun. We. cannot ask speakers, in addition to giving their time and talents lor months to this labor, to delray their own necessary expenses. We oanno.t print and distribute documents ot the charaotej required without a heavy out. lay. We have no means or reliance except upon the gcneions spirit ot that great pnrty hicb holds the claims ot humanity and freedom aboye all price Tho patronage of the Gov. rmuei t brought into power by the s atesm ui- shipt the courage, uml the loyalty of that , t wi, it ttu ()H jD ,11H ,0(J W()rkt ; r i ,., I .Weil,, . ,.- " ,el ''" Plw"' lliei.lly and personally to i on. II you are rich give generously it poor, senu us whati'V' ry.ii can nff-ird. The generous put pose nud the noble niio sanctity the hiiinbltst efforts. At all event-, act promptly, and let us toel that Ihe sytnpu thy of the Republican party is with us in our purpose of making this great ht.id the borne of true Republican piinoiple. where distinctions ot race and color aie unknown, and where liberty, virtue and intelligence form the enduring basis ot our greatness and prosperity. ; . Address letters and contributions to Gov. Marous L. Ward, Chairman aud Tieosurer, Newark, Now Jersey. Executive Committee of the Nalitnal Union Committee. Marcus L. Ward, N. J. Samuel A. Purvinnoe, Pa; Wm. Claflin, Mass.; John B. Clark, N II j Horace Qreely, N. Y. II. II. Stark-, weather, Conn.; N. B, Smithers, Del.; II. W. Hoffman, Md. , New Yomt, May 16, 18G7. Tine tnostest tun tor the (easiest money having a pretty girl to kiss you on both oheeks,and then to say eho'thoughc it wa cousin Tom.' : ; Woman is a link between earth aud Heaven Exchange. J So is a sausage tossed into the air Prentice, AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE FOR THE ' PURIFYING OF THE BLOOD, DR. J- W. POLAND'S HUMOR DOCTOR, A Positive Remedy fo all kinds of Hu mors, par'lculnrly Erysipelas, Nettle Rush, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Carbuncles, Boils and Piles. It is very ctatifyinir to say of ibis, or of any other medicine, "It Is the very best remedy known." it is not always so easy to prove It It is, however, exceed ingly irratilvine to the proprietor of this medi cine, that, while he declares to the public that this Is a most wonderful and effective specitlo for Humors, as stated above, he has abundant proof at band to sustain his statement. For sixteen yerat the Humor Doctor has been manufactued and sold, and every year has Increased tho value or its reputation, ana tlie amount of Its sales. In New Hampshire. where It originated, no remedy tor humors is so highly prized. An eminent phvslcian (now an army surgeon) when practicing in Now Hampslilro, purchased between fifty or sixty galonssf it, during somo seven or eight years, unci nsnn it in- ma nracucu. iiu un sum then ordered it for the hospital wnero lie was stationed. Other physicirns have purchased It, and have used it in practice with great success. When the proprietor lived in Now Hampshire, at Goflstown Center, lor tlio space of thirty or forty miles around, and in Man chester particularly, the Humor Doctor was well known and highly valued for the numo rous nnd wonderful cures which It effected. Though manufactured In large quantities the supply was trcquenuy exuausieu, anu pur chasers had to wait for more to be mado. In that region some vory severe cases of Ery sipelas were ireaiou wun ana sney weru cured I Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, those ugly, palnlul ulcers, were entirely removed wherever this medicine was faithfully used. io it, was with Scrofula and Salt Rheum. Tho llnmnr lWlnr cured tliem. For the sako of Biiowing what is thought of It, a lew testimonials aro here Inserted: Milton G.ilk, Esq , Boston. I hereby cer.itv that I was sorely afllicted with lloils for two years, developing them selves upon my limbs and other parts of my body The sufferings which I endured troni theiii hic indescribable. Suffice It to say that I liiilhfuilv tried several of tlio most popular liiinini remedies, but without removing tlie iiflllelion At lenirlh. by the earnest reques ol an intimate Irieud, 1 wn" Induced to try Dr. J. A . Poland's Humor Doclor. and am verv ban'nv to attest that all my Boils were removed, and my health was restored by us ing Dr Poland's aforesaid medicine Boston. Jan. 14, IMSi. MILTON GALE. A. C. Wallacp, Esq., Manciibstkii, N. H. Dr J. W. Poland Dear Sir i I verv cheer fully give my testimony in favor ol your Hu mor Doctot aa an excellent remedy Cor humors, Mv numerous aequiiiiilano"8 in Manchester know how severely I was alllicted with BoiL and they know how perfectly good my health is at present Yt ur Humor Doctor cut ed me. Please refer to me for particulars In my case. Juno 1 1, Ittftti. A. U. WALLACE. Mas. PoitTun, Dovkii, N. H. July 22, IHSfl. Da. Poi.anh: I received your letter in quiring as to the effects ol your medicine on tea-sickness I am happy to say that I think it is "the medicine" for that dreadlul sick ness. I tried various prescriptions, but found none that settled the stomach and cleared Ihe head like the Humor Doct r. I felt as though I could hardly wait to get ashore, to entreat you to introduce it into ship chandlery stores, that it may find its way to thoso who suffer upon the mighty tlcep from sea-sickness. If captains wiib take their families with them, or carry pnsscngels, should try it for once, they would never be willing to voyago with out it. 1 have used it for my family since Its intro duction to tlio public for hillcus habits, head ache and humors about my chi'dren, aud have always found it a sure cure. 1 am not loud of having my name appear in public and would not consent to It on any other account but to roliovc tho suffering i but If the foregoinc will bo of any service to you or tlio public, you can mnko uso ot u. Yours, HARRIET M. PORTER. Yours, Much moro might bo stated In relation to this medicino, as contained in testimonials, but it is noedless. Ask Manchester druggists about It, especially E. W. Blake, at Barr's. Inquire of Mr. Henry Plnmcr, of Bedford, whoso wife was cured by it of Salt liheum. Ask almost any person in Goffstown, and they will declaro i's value as a remedy, as used iu their own cases or by their friends. The Humor Doctor was formerly seld at fifty cents per bottle ; but the cost of every ingredient composing It has gone up so enor mously, that the price has been raised to levmtu tint cent onhi. and that by compulsion. Tho Humor Doctor is prepared at the New England Botanic .Depot, to the Proprietor, J. C. French Bold hv Medicino Dealers everywhere. DEM AS BARNES & CO., General Agents, New York. 4;2-(iin. Something New IN WAYNESBUBO, PENN'A. THOS. B RAD EN f At Ihe room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to Braden's Drug Store.) Respectfully informs tho good pooplo of Greene county, mill no uas openeu a HARDWARE STORE. And invites a call from his friends and the public generally. His Btoro is filled with everything In his line needed by tho Farmer and Mechanic. Being a practical farmor, ho knows exactly tho wants of his farmer friends. Among his variety of goods will hu found Iron, Nails of all kinds. Planes of all varieties, Au- irors. Bnices. &o. Tuttlo toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand saws aud tools of all des criptions. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowlnrr Machines. Cuttlne Boxos. Corn Shel lers. Plows. Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and everything In his lino. SADDLERY HARDWARE, ' A general assortment of saddlery hardware, to which he invites the attontion of purchasers. WOODEN, WARE OF ALL KINDS. Tubs, Buckets, Butter B iwls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Fixlns. ' ' - Willow Baskets: llrnoins, Brushes, Coai Buckets. Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, I4SI10I Guns, Boys Wagons and si Us All persons desirous of putchastng any of tho above articles and many others not men tioned 1 will consult their luterest by CALLING SOON. He will take pleasure In showing his stock at all times. So give blm a call when you come to town. Hemembor tho place, oppo site the First National Bank. decliitf TU03. BRADEN. 3Pu.lDlio3Motice AS THE FIRM OF HUGHES & LUCAS Is dlsolvod by mutual conaont, the Com mission business will still be carried on at the old stand, in good ordor, and on the most reasonable terms, in the namo and style of L. HUGHES & CO., (senior partner). They flatter themselves, by having the House and ilia hnat location In the ulace for that busi ness, that they will nuoaiva a liberal share of the publio patronago . They will also keopa good aupply of GRO CERIES on hand to accomodate all who may favor thorn with ft call. i ' L. HUGHES & CO. ijtO-tf Rice's Landing, Fa. NEW EXCITEMENT! tllE PROPOSED IMPEACHMENT OF H. RINEH ART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES I HAVING JUST RETURNED FHOMTE city, he had opened the largest New Grocery In town, no des'res to Inform the citizens of Wayneahurg and vicinity of the care he have taken In selecting Btock, having on hand irrvtd siinnlv of CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO, CI GARS, TAR, also, FKOVISI ONS, BACON, DRIED BEEF POTATOES, FISH, DRIED PEACHES, &0 , t&O , ito- Call and see h'.ra as ho has been getting a HEW SUPPLY You will find him accomodating, and can soil lower than any one tn tlio place, aw sure to go to tho right place, in LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc cupied ny ino rosi uiueo. aplS.'ilii-tf BEAUTY ! AUBURN, GOLDiN, VUZ N AND SILKIH CUSLS, PRODUCED by tlio use of Prof DE HKKL'X FRISERLECIIEVEUX. One application warranted to curl t he most straight and stubborn ludr ol either sex in-o wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and London, with tlie most gnitifvmg results Does no in jury to the hair. Price by mail sealed and postpaid,' Descriptive circulars mailed treo. Address MERGER, SHUTTtf & CO., Chemists. No. 2ii River St.. Troy, N. Y., Solo Agents for the United States. feb'-Mi.'IIT-lV . EXCELolORI bXotUIUU! ClIASTELLAR'S II Mil 1 X I I.IUIIX iTOit ! KOll IIKMOV1NO SIll'KIIVI.UOCS llAIB. To the Indies especially, this invaluable de pilatory recommends itself as being an almost fiidispensible article to female beauty, is easi ly applied, does not burn or Injure the skin, but acts directly on :no roots 11 is w irraiueu to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads or from any part of the body, completely, totally and radically exlerpatmg tlio same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. nils 1st 10 onivaiucio usea ny ino rrencn. and is the only real effectual depilatory in ex istence. Price 75 cents per package, sont postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by UERGKIL SUU i 1S CU., Chemists, eb20.'7-ly 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO, OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA. VIA NICARAGUA, KVKRY TWENTY DAYS, With Passenguks, Fhkioiit, anu U. S. Mails. On the following first-class Steamships : On Atlantic Ocean I Connect';) on Pacific Ocean SANTIAGO DK CUIIA, AMKH1CA, - BAN P1IANCISCO, J108KB TA V 1.011 NICARAGUA, I NlilllUSKA, DOKATO, NKVADA. PASSAGE AND FREIGHT AT REDUC ED BATES. SAILING DAYS FROM NEW YORK. March 30th.,.18li7. I May 1st and20tli, 1807. April until...'" Juno 10th and aoth ' And overy twenty days thereafter, leaving on tlie Saturday previous when a regular Sailing Day comes on sunuay. f oriuriuer lniorma lion apply to the NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. Wm. H. Wriih, Pres'l. I D, N. Cahbinoton, 54 Kxchango I'lace, Ag't., 177 West Ht, N. Y. cor. Warren, N. Y. 8:20-8mo. ThA Wnndftr of thft Arft I TIME, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED I THE LATEST AND BEST CHUBS' t ONE OF THE LATEST PATENTS, ISSU cd on the 1 1tn day of September, 1800, to Wm. R. McCutcheon, of Washington, Iowa, will be on exhibition in a fow days at JOHN MUNKELL'S, n Wanycsburg. Pa. This CHURN must supersede any thing of the kind hereto'ore produced. The simploness of its construct ion, and its two-fold or reversed motion, that produces butter from three to six minutes must induce the community to examine Its qualities. It saves time it saves work and produces as much butter ns any churn In ex istence. Mr. Munaell has full power to sell rights for Pennsylvania or New York State as well as to furnish Churns to citizens of this county. MORRIS, ULLOM & CO. Agonts. SALE OFTOU At LO "S I rPIIERE WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC J. Sale at Wayncsburg, Greene co., Pa , on Monday, May 27,1807, Town Tots in the proposed rew addition to tlie Town of Waynesburg. Theso LOTS aro delightfully situated South of the Court House, and afford fine building sites. The plan of the addition to tho town, showing the bits, Streets, Alleys &c., is al tli office of E M. Snyers and VV. E Qapeii, Esqs., in Waynes burg, who will answer all Inquiries In relation to tho propurty, and sell to persons who wish to buy at PRIVATE SALi. Those who desire to make a choice soloctlnri would perhaps do well to call Immediately aud obtain it afcjrlvato sale. TBRMSi One-third of the purchaao money in hand and tho balance In two equal annual payments with interest. ' 11 A. BAYERS. fft-tf ONEY FREE AS WATER. 10,000 ACTIVE LOCAL nnd Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade In ovory city, town, vlllago. hamlet, workshop ana factory, throughout the ontiro world, for the moat saloable novoltles ever known. 500 Per cent PROFIT and roady sale wherever of fered 1 1 Smart mon and women can make from $1 to A0 por day, and no risk of loss I A small eapltal required of from t-0 to $100 tho more money invoBtod the greater the Sooflt. No money required in advance we rst aond the articles and reoolvo pay after wards I If you actually wish to mako money rapidly and easily, write for full particulars and address M1LN0R & CO., (From Paris,) febia-ly 310 Broadway, New York City. FOUTZ'3 eiusiAn Htm nl Gal Mem. Tht pmuatloat loag and l&vormtil known, will Uior. oughly nlnvl(oral broken-down and low-iplrlted bone, bj etreogUionlDf and eleanilog ili tomaca and iota. Hoe. , It I pro ventlva ol all dl etue Incident to Dili saloitlj inoh I YELLOW WA. TER, HEAVES, COUonS, PI8 T KM PER. FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, o. It HH improve! tht wind, IncnuM Um ppetlU-slYM moot a ud gloujr iklo and Irmniformi lb LDNO FIVER, eUKncBt, Blunbl ikeleton bono. . Into a tUu-looklns and iptrite To keeper of Cowi this preparation la Invalnabl. It Uonate til t)uanUtaud Improve the quality Ul mi miiR. iinM- been proven by ac tual experiment to Inoreua Iha quan tity of milk and cream twenty per oenl and make tho butter firm and tweet. In fattenlnf eattle.ttstvMUieia an appetite, looten- 'make them nnr weir ... u. " much (alter. In all dUaau ol Swine, inch a Cough, TJIoars la the Lane, tiver, ke., title article aate ai a ipeciflo. Br putting from a one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel ot ewill the above dlieaeea will bo eradicated r entirely prerented. If given In time, a tertata preventive and cur for tn Hog Lnoiera. Fries ti Canta per Paper, or 6 Papers tor IL PBEPAEED BY S. A. FOUTZ Ac BUO AT THMR H0LF.R DlUia AND MEDlflNE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Bid. For Sale by nrugiitt and Storekeeper through out the United Statoi. Roberts & Co., agents. Wayncsburg, Pa. nov2i'0 ,-ly. RECONSTRUCTION NOT OF THE UNION RUT OF Is&acHooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY I MR. HOOPER would still have his riends and patrons bear n mind, that he con tinues In the Grocery and Confectionery trade at his usual place ol doing business, and that lie lias iubi received A Fresh Supply of the best quality of all ai tides in his line. TOYS NOTIONS and a great variety ot useful articles always on ban d. . BEFRESHMENTS, In connection with tho above, Mr. Hooner keops a Restaurant, where ICE CREAM, ber ries anu an the luxuries oi ino Beason can do obtained, Tlie most attractive and most popular resort In town. , June 14. 'OS-ly Crisper Coma. Oh I she was beautiful and fair With starry eyes and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained tho very heart and mind, CRISPER COMA. For Curling the Hair of Either Sox Into Wavj and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curies. By using this article Ladies and Gontlcmen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is tho only article in tho world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. Tho Crisper Cuma not only curls tho hair, but invigorates, beautifies aud cleanses it; is highly aud de lightfully perfumed, and is tlio most complote ortlelo of the kind ever offered to tho American public. Tho Crisper Coma will be sont to any addn ss, scaled and postpaid for $1, Address all orders to W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists No. 8 West Favotto St., Syracuse, N. Y. Iebiil.'ii7-ly WALL PAPEHSf FOR SPRING SALES OF 18C7. Wa aro now prepared to oner to our custo mers, and tht Trade generally, an extoneive co' lection of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, - riitK noAiiD hunts; kto., etc. Embracing all qualities of goods, known to the Trade for Parlors, Dining Rooms, Halls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &c ALSO, TUVMURENT (III I'LIITIIAND FAPER WINDOW himdes. ' ;: , At thn' Lowest Markot price, at . No. 107 Mai ket St., near Fifth. JOS. H. UUGUES & BRO. mO Sins. H TstfUl'Ui. fl ai(l!Lti&, STO.E WORKS! mm & siNMiT. STILL continue to carry on the Marble and Slono cutting business at their long estab lhhed sbind Immediately East of the Publio niaro, Main Street, Wayncsburg. This establishment ha been In constant oioratlon since I8:iil, nnd tho long experlenoa and energy of the proprietors, linked with the. ererclse of sound Judgment and good taste, h vo won for them a wide spread aud enviable reputation. An oxteuslvo stock of the various varieties of tho host marblo kept constantly on, hand. Special at'enUon paid to polishing, piosslng, cawing at- engraving. All ordo'' mil filled. December 2. 18(12- VALUAULE PROPERTY FOR WITH GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, COAL ; BANKS, &0. 1MIF, Undersigned oflors at private salo that . valuable property, situate on the Monon gahola River, at the Mouth of Muddy Creek, Grecuo county, Pa . containing about forty five (45) acres of rich bottom laud. There il on tho promlsa a valuable - STEAM ENGINE! which will be inoludod in tho salo. Tho Coal Bank I open and shows nn Inexhaustible aup ply. No more desirable location for a Distil lery can be found In tho Btato. . For further particulars apply to E. A. Flen oikon, Davidson's Fui ry, Greene county, Pa., or by loiter to tho undersigned, ' JOHN M. DARRAII, M-Bm. IlorUvllle, Bucks Co., Pa.