The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, May 29, 1867, Image 3

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    f oral IHatUu
. j '.t c , , . ,
Mishler's Herb Bittern, u certain euro
for Dyspepsia, at Q. W. Robert & Go's.
Dbmonsthatbd That tlie tale stylo
of short drosses display '. large foot to a
great disadvantage,
The heavy ralna ot Saturday and Sat
urday night filled the banks of Ten
Mile to overflowing. Much of the bot
tom land was itiundatcd and some dam-i
age done. , .
. , Rkoibter in Bankruptcy. We notice
the name of'Capt. J. B. Donley, of Mt,
Morris for the 24th Dist., among the
list of nominations 'for Western Penn
sylvania, and recommended by chief
Justice Chase for appointment to Hon.
Wilson McCaudless. It is tin excelleut
'. Goto G. W. Roberts, and buy our
paints, dry and in oil.
A Goon IIotjsk. Our readers will
refer with pleasure to the advertisement
of A. & B. F. Campbell Jr., in another
column. The name of the old firm has
been done away with but the establish
ruent still maintains its reputation for
honest dealing, good stock and cheap
rates. You liavent seen Wayneaburg
until you visit Campbell's Storo.
.,;' . ...
All the popular Patent Medicines ot
the day, sold at G. W. Roberts & Co's.
'A Man ou a Monkey 1' Rev. Alex.
Clark of Pittsburg, proposes to deliver a
lecture to our citizens,with the foregoing
for a subject, on Tuesday evening the
4th of June, in the College Chapel.
This really brilliant and able minister
combines iu his discourses tho elegant
and instructive. Ho abounds in 1'ioli
coloring, dazzling imaginative, and
practical wisdom. Lot all who would
not miss a treat attend.
To au. Whom rr may Concern All
porsons indebted to Win. A. Porter will
at once make payment to him, and if he
is indebted to any person let them pre
sent their accounts and get their pay.
W. T. E. Webb is no longer my as
aignce, Wm, A. Pouter.
Ferfumery, Hair Oil, Toilet Soaps and
a great variety of Notions, at G. W.
Roberts & Co's.
Corn. The season is about over and
most of this grain is planted. Farmers
tell us that corn planted thrco weeks
since has not yet come up, owing to
wet, unseasonable 'weather. In all prob
ability re-planting will have to be done
in this, section. The wheat and lruit
prospect is cheering.
Hard at It The workmen are fast
ra-rooliiig tho Hamilton House. This
is in perfect accord with Guiiikr spirit
of improvement. He buys the biggest
houses, keeps tho biggest stock of Dry
Goods and sells them the cheapest of
any man in the County.
Uphams Freckle, Tan and Pimple
Banisher, for sale at G. W. Roberts &
: Tntc Exhibition. On last Thursday
evening the exhibition given by the
Javenile Mile Somety of the C. P.
Church, in the College Chapel, passed off
in good stylo and with the eclat deserved
by the performers Much might be
said oonoorning the manner, matter and
obaraclor of all that was said and done,
without disparagement to tho youthful
actors. There were those in the audience
w ho listened with unfeigned pleasure to
the reading of their productions. As
none but linguists can appreciate the
exquisite musto they have on suoh oc
casions, we cannot pi offer our opinion
on that score. The tableaus were con
sidered good, the beBt part of the pro
gramme. A large audience attested the
faot that it) just requires our youth and
beauty to bring the citizens out, We
have nothing to chronicle concerning
order, unless it may be the boorish habit
of stamping, which, to the credit of the
boys, was but little indulged in this
time. A good deal ot superior sole
leather is usually worn out at publio exhi
i titions, by stamping and shuffling to
manifest the approbation of their wear'
ers, ot the performances, or attraot at
tention. We notice that gonerally who
stamp the hoayiest are least able to fur
nisb boots for thomsolyes. Stamping is
an Indication that the persons are in the
habit of attending cheap shows of a low
order, where the custom is popular, and
Iho habit accompanies ,thera into halls
where respectable exhibitions are held.
Enthusiasm which manifests itself by
' atampinir is not to be dosired. Cattle
iu fly-time are justified in indulging in
in this privilege ( but wero they to visit
College Chapel and stamp half as muoh
as animals capable of counting two, how
1 long would their presence be endured T
Goino Down. A, TV Stewart offers
his stock ot Dry Goods at auotion in
viow otthe deoline. Guniun, the A. T,
Stewart of Greene County, will not sell
at auotion but he is offering his stock at
suoh low ratos that competition will
Jjirdly be thought of. .'
Over With. The Democratic Pri
mary election oo last Saturday was
marked with more than ordinary inter
est, The contest for Sheriff was most
animating. The friends t the different
candidates voted early and often. Men
were voted from West Virginia. Iu
the evening tho returns cave sure indU
cations ot an overwhelming majority
forBilveus for Sheriff. His majority
over both candidates being something
less than 2,500.
Wantku'. 10,000 lbs Broko Wool
well washed j 1000 lbs new feathers
100 bushels corn ; 1000 lbs Bacon, .
The highest price will be paid for the
above articles. Wm. A, Pouter,
Waynesburg, May ';2d, 1807. 4t.
Lindsey's Blood Searcher for sale at
Dr. D. W. Braden's Drug Store,
City styles,
latest and best, at Frank
Dull Just now the tamers are busy
washing and shearing their sheep, mak
ing it dull. We may look.however, for
flush times soon, as the wool clip in this
county is estimated by an old dealer to
bo woj-th $000,000, and it will not be
long until it is in the market.
Connoisseurs say that Frank M'Gur- i
gan has the unest and most fashionable
goods in the place.
Bazaar and Festival The enter
tainmcnt in the Court House on to-morrow
evening promises to be a recherche
affair. The Hier's Baptist Mite Society
have long had it in preparation. It will
bo wanting in no particular. Those
who attend may have the assurance of
being feasted on tho early delioaoics of
the Boason, can be iurnished with divers
fancy articles from a chemise band to an
elegant bonnet for the ''doar one," bo
sides contributing to tho advancement
ot a worthy causo. Take our word for
it and go.
One Dollar will buy one bottle Lind
sey's Blood Searcher, at G. W. Roberts
& Co's.
Personal. We wero not allowed
last week owing to the crowded state of
our columns, to notice tho return of our
friend Mu. Rouert Adams from Wash
ington, D. C. "Bob." has served tho
Government nobly and faithfully .for the
last six years in the capacity of defender
and official, and now volunlaiily returns
among us to escapo tho excitement of
the city. Ho is ever welcomo in Waynes
burs. Frank M'Guiman ns'nnUlics the peo
ple of the county by his low prices.
The Washington Roubeky The ao
count of which wo publish on our out
side, has a-ixuiiicd another shape since
the article referred to is in type. We
learn that tho young Ellsworth was a
detective from Cii.ciunatti and in the
guise of a '-fast young man" sold the
guilty parties and proved tho means of
their arrest. The denouement i said to
have created considerable surprise in
town and country. That locality is be
coming celebrated, criminally, so much
so, tb.'it,hereibouta instead of consigning
an offender to tho realms nt Pluto we
tell him to go to Washington county !
Pure Drugs and plenty of them, at
D. V. Braden's Drug Store
Tni.M.MiNos, a large and fancy assort
ment at if rank JU Uurgan's.
Truk a PiiEACiiiNU. In every branch
of business, the benefits of advertising
are immense, Ihero is a risk but it is
small, and the probabilities are largely
in favor of success when you let it be
known that you have something for
sale, theroby going steadily to work to
turn up something latherthan sit still,
waiting for something to turn up.'
Guiher understands this and improves
every opportunity, of letting people
know that he has a large and fine assort
ment of Dry Goods which are sold at
the lowest possible rates-
Laird's Bloom of youth for the com
plexion and skin, at G. W. Roborts &
Enlarged. On last Monday the
Pittsburgh Gazette actually came to us
with a broad grin on ita face , this may
seem strange, too, whan we toll that it
is longer than it ever was. The Gatelte
is the largest and cheapest journal in
Wostorn Pennsylvania, complete in all
ita departments and what is better, rad
ically right in politics. It has com
pleted its first year under the manage
ment ot the present proprietors, Penni
man, Reed & Co., and if itoontinues in
success as heretofore must outstrip all
competitors iu the journalistic race. It
now contains 30 columns ot good read
ing and costs considerable less than any
daily or woekly in tfto city. Every one
of our tanners should send tor the Ga
zette. N. 13. The Gazette would be
more popular here I' we could get the
last edition on the day of issue.
Wm. A. Poktur will sell Shoep Shears
and Wool Twine cheaper than the
cheapest, lie cannot be beaten in the
price of any article he has a full line ot
goods, the place to get bargains. It.
Toi.r. payers indebted to Waynes
burg Pike Co., at gate kept by James
Buck, will be expected to pay arrearages
to the Company Tkkabuukr.
Halli Hair Ucnewer, the host prepar
ation for the hair in use, at U. W. Rob
ertiiVCo'i. , ,
Outlandish. Some porsons devoid
ot shamo, without respootfor themselves
or the community at larae, have indulg-
ed tfieir Cowardly propensities of late iu
,i , , r
the committing of sundry outrages. On
last Saturday Dight the house of Mrs.
c. u . i j. .
Susan Pettitwas stoned and aoverai
windows and the sash broken. On
Sunday night the same persons, we pre
sume, amused themselves by throwing
large stones and a barrel into the well of
Mrs. Allison. What cause these ruffians
have for injuring the property ot these
ladies we cannot surmise. Indeed,
could there bo a caase T We Call the at
tention of our borough authorities to
this matter with the expectation that
means will bo taken to quell such riotous
pioceedings in future, and we warn
suoh as engage in it that unless the ca
rousing is desisted from they will be ap
prehended and summarily punished.
Wk would be much obliged to minis
ters it they will furnish us promptly with
notices ot the marriages at which they
officiate. Also, to any person who may
furnish us with notices of deaths occur
ring in our community. Marriages,
deaths and other iucidents have occur
red recently which we should have not
ed, but they came to us too late. By
heeding this you will confer a favor on us
and our readers.
Allen's Lung Balsam and Perry Davis'
Pa m Killer, in any quantity at Braden's
Drug Store.
Lecture. Our readers will hear in
mind the temperance lecture ot Rev. J.
A. Davidson, in the uhnroh on the hill
this evening, After the exercises he
will . organize a Lodge of Good Tem
plars. Mr. Davidson comes to us aftor
haviug spent eleven years in the lecture
Geld, in England, British America, and
in the United States, especially in Cali
fornia and Michigan, and is strongly re
commended from different parts of our
state, having recently organized forty
one lodges in the Eastern part of it.
Another large arrival at Frank
M'Uurgnn'u Clothing and Dry Goods
Attention Reserves 1 T h u r s d a y
next is the day tor tho first annual meet
ing of tho Pennsylvania Resorvo Asso
ciation, to bo held in Harrisburg. Gen.
Win. M'Cundless has been selected as
tho orator for tho occasion. All mem
bers of the above distinguished organ
ization during the war, are earnestly
requested to attend. Tho 30th of May,
181)4, the Reserves fought their last
battle ns a body.
Gen S, M. Baily, formerly Colonel ot
the 8th P. R. V. C , extends an earntBt
invitation through theUnioutown papers,
to the members of the Rcsoryo organiza
tion. All ot Ayer's and Jayne's Medicines
sold at Braden's cheap Drug Store. '
Trial op Lennox. The trial ot John
Lennox, charged with the murder ot
Robert Morrow, in the borough of
Washington, on the 21st of October,
1HG4, was commcnoed in the Court of
Oyer and Terminer of Washington Co.,
on Tuesday. District Attorney Boyd
Crumrine, and N. P. Fetterman. Esq.,
of Pitts, appeared fi r the Common
wealth and Messrs. Montgomery, Gib
son, Hart and Brady for the defense
Tho prisoner, when arraigned, plead
'not guilty,' and the trial was proceeded
The jury, alter an absence of some
hours, agreed upon a verdict of "murder
in the second degree," and recommend
ed the prisoner to the mercy ot the
Court. Lennox was brought into Court
and sentenced by Judge Aoheson to
eight years imprisonment in the ' Peni
Tun Siuour. Murder. The Grand
jury oi v asningion vo. iouna a irue
T L UT. Lf . rt I 1 .
bill against John Bird and Thomas
Whittaker, the alleged Sproul niurdor
ers, evidence nave been adduced to
warrant their being held for trial. The
case is made strong enough to insure
the belief that they may be convioted.
A true bill has also been found against
Bob, Mathews, the alleged robber of
tho Canonsburg Bauk. Tho trials of all
these prisoners will not take place before
the next term of Court.
Whrrk'8 tub Disgrace t We under
stand that certain parties in our neigh
borhood have perpetrated matrimony,
but in order to gratify a fashionable
tolly won't "own up." Now it tho
'blissful state" m not to blissful why not
"acknowledge the corn!" Caret and
wrinkles come no sooner for a frank
avowal, and it is very evident that it
leaves no room for scandal. Take a
friend's advice and if you are in the har
ness don't try to kick out so soon I
Cold col der Russian A mericft.
18th inst., at the residenoe of the bride's
father, B. F. Rickey, by Rev. Kendall,
Mr. J. Younker and Miss M. A. Rickey,
all of Greene county Pa.
Saturday Kvbsino, May 25, 1807.
The quotations of the Now York Stock Ex
chango to-day are as follows:
U. 8. Bonds, Os 1881 '. ...MV
U. S. Bond, S 20's, 1H2 100'
U. S. Bonds. 11-208, 18G4 10r
C. S. Bonds, 6-20's, 18US 10(i
IT. 9. Bonds, (now issue) 6-20s, 18G6.....107J
10 40s 0I)
iJocemoer 'umpounas ...,i iii:
August 7-8U8 100,
June 7 -80s ion
July 7-80s 105J
! Saturday, May 28, 1807.
hus been very unsatisfactory. The opinion
is ironoral that there will not be any Oeculod
; n!e nnlll after ham m.
active all the week. Holders are not dlspos-
ed to itive way la order to effect sales, but we
!""'",",,'., rnn,.- ,n ,',..
lina been considerable dealluif.
Wu quote the Pittsburgh market as follows,
which are the wholesale prices (
GRAIN Wheat at . $3 10
Corn at $1 iiool 3(1
Rye at o$l 72
Buckwheat $3,2fi37ft.
Onts 70.
FLOUR Sprina Wheat at SU.SOalU.
Winter " at a 10,00
Hvo at $9 ROidlO.Ou
IlAY Baled at ; $23,00 ton.
Iiooso at .;. fi27.oo2S,(Mj
EGG9-8alcs at 17alc
CUKJiSK Western Kesurvo at IU.
Hamburg at...., 17(918
New York Goshen at S0a22
UUTTEtt Prime Koll at 1520c.
APPLES Per barrel at fT.aOg.B.JO
PUTATOE8 Per bush at 1 80
Chicago May 25, 1867.
Flour Spring extra $12 50aU 00.
Wheat Irregular ; No, 2 opened at
12 (0. declined to 2 50, and closed at
2 57a2 60.
(John Firmer and steadier. Sales of
No. 1 at $1 02al 03i No. 2 at9ua9Bo;
closing quiet at 1 02 tor No. 1, and 9u
a97o for No. 2.
Oats Firm and 8a4o higher; sales
of No 2 77a79o, olosing at 7o.
Rye Dull aud unchanged.
Provisions Quiet i mess pork $22 50
Lard Sales at 12o.
Beeit Cattle Firm at $G 25a8 70
for oonimon stock steers to smooth ship
ping beeves.
Hogs Active at 6 00a6 80 for com
mon to extra choice.
Sheep Dull ot 7a7 20.
Wayneaburg Market,
Butter, fresh roll 15 to 20
Collee per lb 30 to .'
Corn per bushel fi"
Corn meal per bushel
Coiintrv Soaii ni;r lb OR
Candles, mould per lb 25
Candles, dipped " "... , 20
Cheese per lb 2r
Dried Peaches per lb , f
Ktfirs pr dozen .' "
Klour per bbl 1 00
Flax seed per bushel 2 00
Feathers per lb 65
Lard per lb 1
H. W. Flour per lb J
Molasses 75 to I fio
Oata per bushel 35to
livo per bushel 1 00
Timothy seed per bushel 275 to 8 p
Rice per lb li
Hugur, crushed per lb
Sugar, retiued " " ; 'M
Sugar, New Orleans, G lbs 1 00
P. It. Sugar, 8 lbs 1 00
Syrup, per gallon 1 00
Salt, No. 1 per bhl 4 00
Soft Soap per giillou 25
Tar per gallou 1 00
Tea per lb 2 00
Turpentine per gallou 1 50
Tallow per lb 15
Wheat per bushol 2 50
White Lead per keg 4 to 5 0C
White Lime per busiiel 150
Potatoes per bushel ,,..123 to 1 50
Turnips, per bush ..; 45
. . o
May 27 Gold closed at 1 37.
rl'.quirksimmkoiatk attrktiok,
and should uk chucked.
Ik Ai.lowkd to continuk,
For Bronchitis, Alim a, Catarrh, Consump
tlvo and Throi Diseases, Troches are
used with always fiood success.
will fiud Trochet useful In clearing the voice
when taken before Sinning or Speaking, and
relieving ihe throat after an unusual exertion
of the vocal organs Tho Trochet are recom-
mBndBd nnd nreacrlbed bv Physlclana, and
t " .
haVo had testimonials from eminent men
i throughout the country, Being an alwom of
, moriti and having proved their efficacy by
a tost of many years, each year finds them in
new localities in various Darts of the world
and the Troches are universally pronounced
better than other article?.
Oiitain only Brown's Bronchial Troohm,"
and do not take any of the Worthless Imitauons,
that may bo offered. Solo kvbbywhkbb.
WOT A Young Lady returning to hor
country home, after a sojourn ot a few months
in the city, was hardly recognized by hor
friends. In place of aoarse, rustio, flushed
fiico, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost
marble smoothness, and instead of twenty
three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon
inquiry as to tho cause of. so great a change,
she plainly told them that she used the CIR
CASSIAN BALM, and considered It an in
valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By
its uso any Lady or Gentleman can improve
their personal appearance an hundred fold,
It is simple in its combination, as Nature her
self is simple, yet unsurpassed in 'its efficacy
in drawing Impurities from, also healing,
cleansing and boauufylng tho skin and com
plexion. By its direct action on tho cuticle it
draws from it all ltslmpurltlos, kindly healing
the same, and leaving the surface as Naturo
iutended It should be, clear, solt, smooth and
beautliul. Price $1, sent by Mail or Express,
on receipt of an order, hy W. L. CLARK Ss
CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Favotto St.. Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agonta for the salo of the
Know Thy Destiny. '
Madami E. F. Thornton, the great English
Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Psychomotrlclan,
who has astonished tho scientific classes of
tho Old World, has located horsolf at Hudson,
N. Y. Madamo Thornton possesses such
wonderful powers of second sight, as lo en
able her to impart knowledge of tho great
est Importance to the single or married of
clthor sex. While In a state of trance, she
deliniates the very features of the person you
are to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument
ofiutouso power, known as the Psychomo
trope, guarantees to produce a' Ufo-hke pic
ture of the future husband or wife of (lie ap
plicant, togethor with date of niarrlago, po
sition In life, leading tralta of character, &o.
This Is no humbug, as thousands of ttlsUrrt Jnl
als can assert. She will send whoa desired a
corilfled certificate, or written guaruntco,
that the picture Is what It purports to be. By
enclosing a siuull lock of hair, aud stating
place ol bhth, ago, disposition ad complex
ion, and enclosing fllty cents and stamped en
velope addressed to' yousulf, you will receive
the picture and desired Information by return
mail. All communications sacrolly oonfl
deuttal. Address In confidence, Madami; E.
F. Thorntok, P. O. Box :'3, Hudson, N. Y.
Icbl3 '67-ly
A Substitute for Calomel.
Tbm Pint tra aunpoMdof nnom raoU, harlDf
lb potrer lo Mu tht momMou af lb ttnr
prompt! u4 Snottullr bin pill or monurr,
wd wilhoui produoloiurof IhoM ilairoMblo or
dnrau offeoto which often fellow tho uM of tho
11 tor.
In til bUloiu dluraon Uimo Plllt mor bo mod with
eonfldonoo, u thoy promote tho dtahorio of T tiled
bllo, ond remoTo tboto ohttruotiono from tho Uror
tnd biliary duetv which on Iho ou of blUou
OJToetloni Inirenonl.
Booduho, ond oil dlwrdon of tbo Llror, Indlooted by
ollow skin, coated tonnue, eootlvoaon, drowilnooo,
ond t general fcellni ot woorlneu ond loaltnde,
showing thtt tho Uror U In o torpid or obotruotod
la short, tboa Pills mor bo ntod with od ron
tons In oil eosee when purgotlro or ollomlr
medicine Is required,
Plosao oik lor "Dr. Bebonok's Hondrtko PUIt,"
ond obwrro thot tho two llkonosm of the Doctor
ore on the QoTernraeut stomp ono when la the loot
stoxo of Consumption, tnd tbo other la hit present
Sold by ill Druggists tnd dotlers. Prleo If oont
per box. Frlnclool Office, No. U North Ith Street,
Phllidclphlo, Po.
Uooerti Wholesale Agentot Denies Borneo A Co.,
tl Pork Bow, Now York; S. B. Honeo, lot Belli
more St., UtHltnore, MO. i John 0. Pork, N. K.
cor. el Fourth tnd Wilnut St., Cincinnati, Ohlot
Walker Taylor, 1M ond 189 Wabuh Annuo, ,
CIiIcoko, IU. t Collins Brothers, southwest corner
ol Second tad Vino Sis,, St. Louis, Ho.
4th b eth w. so. mo. 1 jr.
Wonderful but True.
MADAME REMINGTON, tho world-renowned
Astroligist aud Somnambulistic Clair
voyant, while iu a clairvoyant stato, deline
ates the very feitturcs of the person you are
to marry, andby too aid of un iustrumiut of
Intense power, known as tho Psyclioinotropo,
guarantees to produce a perluet aud Ufo-liUo
picture of tho tuturo husband or wife of the
applicant, with ditto of marriage, occupiition,
leading traits of char tctcr, &e. This is no
imposition, as testimonials without number
can assert. By staling place of birth, age,
disposition, color of eyes and Itair, and en
closing fifty cents, and stumped envelope ad
dressed to you.sulf, you will receive the pic
ture iiy return mail, together with desired in
formation. t-yAildress in confidence, Maimmk Gkr
triidb KtMi.NuioN, P. O.Box 2117 West Troy
N. Y. . febIS '07-ly.
S'rce to Everybody.
A Largo (i pp. Circular, giving information
of tho greatest importance to the young of both
It tenches how the homely may bacomo
beautiful, the despised respected, and the for
saken loved.
No youiiB lady or Ecntlaman should full to
send their address, aud receive a copy post
paid, by return mail Address
r. j. drawer, zi,
fob20,'fl7-r,m Troy, N. Y.
And is the most delightful and wonderful ar-
ticlo tho world ever produced.
Ladies will fiud It not only a certain remedy
to Restore, Darkon and Boautify tho Iluir, but
also a desirablo article for the Toillet, as it is
highly perfumed witli a rich and dollcute per
fume, independent of tho fragrant odor of
the Oils of Palm nnd Macu.
The Marvel of Peru.
A new and beautiful portuiue. which In
delicacy of seent, and tho tenacity with which
itcljngsto tho handkerchief and person, is
I be ttbovo articles for sale bv all druiriilsts
and Perfumers, at $1 por bottle each. Bent
oy express to any address nv proprietors.
1. W. WKlUHl' BUO.,
100 Liberty Bt., New York
Oct. 24, 1800. ly.
llounly l ax statement.
Account of tho School Directors of Morean
township, in relation to bouuty taxes levied
and collected in 1804 t
April 1st, 1801, levied $1,217 87
By exonerations $ 19 81
By collector's commission. 8.1 00
by cobalt paid rarKlnson...,
By cash paid M'Glumphy,
300 00
300 00
iiy do. Uass and Jiucuing-
ham 600 00
By interest on orders 8 00
Iiy cash paid school fund 60 00 1,210 81
Balance uncollected 7 03
Bounty tax levied and collected in 1806 t
Toam't. of bounty tax levied $5,819 88
By exonerations $ 888 09
By collector's per ccntage 171 59
By cash paid lor 19 vol-
enteera 5,259 15 $5,819 88
we, me undersigned auditors, ao Hereby
certify, the foregoing statement is correct, ac
cording to the accounts laid before us for set
tlement, to the best of our knowledge.
JOHN BELL, Auditors.
The account of T. P. Pollock, D. P. IBoll,
Jacob Rush, and Henry Bell, Commissioners
of Morgan township to levy and collect a tax
10 pay volunteers, uy an aci 01 Assomuiy, ap
proved the 21th day of August, 1861.
Amount of tax levied $0,819 62
By exonerations $770 00 .
By interest and disc't paid
Bank 82 00
By ain't paid cotleotors... 130 23
By " not yet collected... 56 00.
By attorney's lees 10 00
Bv transnt'n and exp. of
volunteers 128 85 $1, 170 08
$5,813 01
To subscription money $2,713 00
Tlv mniinf nntrl 1 7 vnlim.
tocrs $8,853 70-$8,355 91
2 21
Balanco to collect $55 00
Balance due Col. IIarrls....$ 69 00-f 67 21
Balance duo Commissioners 178
We, tho undersigned, do certify that the
foregoing statement is correct, according to
the papers and allegations laid before us.
6;16-8t JOHN BELL, Auditors,
Mercantile AatcsNuieiit Lint
of Greene County, Fa., Tor
the ear 1S07.
MrRlroy, Dlekwm A Sbano
A V Utiiiluiur
! CniiKliwuuur k Son
M IIiiiw
Wm lluiiKhnar ,
0 A Mivlriisutt
Wrn limy A Sons
J M A S I Utu (ctl.tlll.rjj
fttlllir T0WN8UIP.
J M rirowo
A S Morris
WO Morris
J f l)onlo A Co
U Sonth A Oro
K V MwrU
A P Suwiirt
J H Taylor
0 O Loiuloy
0 II I'jtitl
WT Williams
A Mitlo
JuuwiA Woolsoy(illatillory)
N Cleavuogcr (Olstllli.rt )
Daltcy k Ob
Stauluy A Sirklosmlth
Iints A Looiloy
T L Cumnions
J h MonlRHr
Win lliirtninn
llilli.y A MHchnor
HorntT A Cri4tliUo
J 1 lllitllUWH
Holiry Jimi.oa
A J JJuruutt
A J Rnraon
Amos Wiilton
VlutuliiT Allinui
Millor Inms
Stout Prior
Urluh l.ippi.ncott ((llstlllary)
U 11 Muruuock(lt.tlM.Ty)
Huwlt nnithors
C'lowl A Uro
J A Llmlai.y
Hmllli A Hluck
A J Mm tin
U11II17 A Flftitnikon
1, MukIiom A Co
J0IH'i SoilKwick
0 I. Urmiy
R YotniK
M A Joiinlen
W II Murtln
oiau not..
VI u 00
H I vo
1 Tun
U T oo
H Ton
ia looo
I to 00
it TOO
U Too
1) 10 01)
IS 13 M
II l'j 60
13 lilOO
l'i 12 60
14 TOO
U T no
11 TOO
U Too
26 00
13 10 00
11 U 60
14 T 00
14 T 00
14 TIM)
15 10 00
14 T nn
13 10 HO
i:t in no
la lo nn
14 T tin
14 Too
14 TOO
14 Too
14 T nn
14 TOO
14 Too
26 (Hi
0 ItfUO
13 10 00
13. loon
13 10 00
13 In no
11 10 00
14 7 Oil
14 T no
14 Ton
14 7 00
14 7 uo
14 7 oo
14 7 On
14 TOO
1J 12 f,n
13 in tm
14 7 on
14 7 00
14 T OO
14 T 00
14 7 00
14 TOO
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 TOO
14 7 00
13 10 00
11 7 00
14 TOO
14 7 00
14 7 0n
13 II) no
14 T no
14 TOO
14 7 oo
T 20 00
1 2000
7 20 00
1.1 10 00
13 10 Oo
13 10 00
13 10 Oi)
11 10 00
13 10 no
13 10 00
13 10 Ol)
13 10 00
II 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 7 00
13 10 OO
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 TOO
13 10 00
14 TOO
14 7 00
15 10 00
14 700
13 10 00
13 In oo
13 lo 00
14 Too
14 Too
13 lo OQ
14 Too
Diuliim TbuQias
Smith A Hnpklus
Jacob Swurt
J A II I'oliil
W Rom A Co
O 0 Lmnlnv
Jollll HiuIhoq
Hiiltur Uutlsou
Ri'hhoii Calvort
Oiunluu A Strustililor
P UcCollougli A Co
II 8 White
John IJarirur
11 s Into (ut tho mill)
. auurru lonnaiiir.
Woodruff A Dye
Illnslt A lllnut
u w tlruy
Junius lluvs
I) M AJ W Walton
HiikIimA KIiiuUiI
M'tUuinnliv A Luwls
O.HirKo lloiti'h (.M.tllliTy)
WtiHiii.n Hr.von (iiutlllory)
John lliinlgiiu (ilUiilkTy)
Pelijr llrown
N Clark A Son
L.K Uvnno
Frank M'Uurirun ,
SaytM'sA llodkiusoa
A J Soworrf
Jimii'H (luiiior
A A II VOampoell
Shirk ASuttuu
Lowis Uuy
Tlioiiionnii A Iliiltsoll .
Tii.vlor A W1.II11CO
N II MrClulluuJ
I.nac Hooper
II A illnehurt
J Mitniii'll
Scott A Co
O W Roberts A Co
M A Ilnrvoy
Slater oaonbaugh
D W nrailoil
Ilrailen A Co
Win Bulky
Unas A Taylor
P M Qrlinoo
JiuiuiM Call A Co
Coll,UobertaAOo ...
Ji-sse Hook
K A Unua
II I. Illltltnnn
A J l.lpiii'llLOlt
Hook A Wlaa(ilMIIIory)
ovwiii.ui n,.7V... will u nnill lit IHB I rillVlliriir S
OHioll 111 WllVIK'Hburff. nil TIiiiimiIiiv tl Vrlrinv M,.w Jlft
unil 31, 1807. A. HOWARD. Mercantile Aiiiirulsur.
ii'i just jfAsmuwa djsmaind
J. W. Bradley's Clebrated
Tlie Wonderful Flexibility and crcat com
fort aiid pleasure to any lady wearing tho Du
plex Klliptic Skirt wilt bo experienced partic
ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car
riages, railroad cars, church pews, arm chairs,
for promenade and house dress, as the skirt
can be folded when in use to occupy a small
Slace as easily and conveniently- as a Silk or
luslin Dress, an invaluable quality in crino
line, not found in any Single Spring Skirt.
A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, com
fort and great convenience of wearing the Du
plex Elliptic Steel Spring Bkirtfor a single dar,
will never aftorwards willingly disponse with
their use. For Children, Misses and Younn
Ladies they are superior to all others.
They will not bend or break like the single
spring, but will preserve their perfect and
graceful Bhapo when three or four ordinary
skirts will have been thrown aside as useless.
The boops are covered with double and twist
ed thread, and the bottom rods are not only
double springs, but twice (or double) covered:
preventing them from wearing out when drag
ging down stoops, stnir, &o.
Tlie Duplex Elliptic Is a great favorite with
all ladles and Is universally recommended by
the Fashion Magazines as the standard skirt
of the fashionable world.
To enjoy the (allowing Inestimable advan
tages in Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, per
fect manufacture, Btyllsh shape and finish,
flexibility, durability, comfort and economy,
enqujro for J. W. lilt ADLEY'S Duplex Ellip
tic, or Doublo Spring Skirt, and bo sure you
get the acnulno article.
CAUTION. To guard against Imposition
be particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as
"DUPLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz.: "J.
W. Uradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,"
upon tlie waistband none others are genuine.
Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin
being passed through the centre, thus reveal
ing tlie two (or double) springs braided to
gether therein, which is tlie secret of their
llexlbility and strength, and a combination not
to he found In any other Skirt.
For sale In all storeB where first class skirts
aro sold throughout the United States und
Manufactured by the Bole Owners of the
U7 Chambers & 70 & SI Reade 8ls , N. Y.
B; 15-tlm
Administrator's Notice.
IETTEfiS of administration having been
J granted to the undersigned upon tho estate
of Murgeret Kuonoi, of Dunkard tp., Groene
county, Pa., doe'd t notice is hereby given to
all pei sons Indebted to said estate to make
immcdlato payment, and those having claims
will present tLcra properly authenticated for
6; 16-Gw
Dunkard tp., Administrator.
l.KTTKHSof adnilDlilrntlon hating Wn irrantiil to tho
uiiilurslKiiml upon tho ostoteofOno. K. Minor, late of Mar
ion tp this county, nollco Is luirel.y iilvon to all poraona
havlnit olaltns aRiunst aalil oalute to pruamit thuin, prop
orly atithoutlcatiHl, nr sottlomont, and all ponima Indobt
ckI to tbs saais aro roquootod toiaako prompt payment.
. ' Ba Minor,
lltt-SU . , 4.L.MIJUS, Adiat'a,
.l 'i.HL-'.JJI.
Have Just nrrlcd from the East with a
large assortment of foreign aud doineitlo
which they propose to sell at the lowest CA8II
l'HICKS! such a Dress Goods, Drona
Trimming, DresS Rntuins, Ladliw't
tfhmvla, Boots and bllues, Hats and
Caps ; also, a great variety of nice
articles, at yery low prices, for
Geiitiemen & Ladies' Wear,
Wares or all kinds, and a complete varie
ty Of the best UKOCEIUKS. AU of
which they primnso to sell at the very lowed
Aguros, depending on the quality and cheap
ness of their goods to gain thorn custom.
Ulvo tlii-m a Cull before, purchasing elso
wherc, ami thoy will prove tnat the aove la
correct, lloom in Allison's building, nearly
opposite the Court House, Wavncsburg.
The Most .Successful XedicJiiM
In the World. .
Established In 1835 by ono ol
our Most Eminent Physicians, and
now used throughout North and
Sonth America, with more pleasing
results than any other Medicine la
coses ot diseased Liver, Blood oj
Skin, Indigestion; tosttYenesc,
Billons ; Complaints, Rheumatism
and Fever and Ague
Thousands of certificates', are In
our possession, giving detailed
accounts of perfect Cubes effected
by these , Invaluable Medicines.
They regulate the' System and put
all .the functions of the. body
In a healthy condition. t
Soli by all Drugglsto. Wbito Eowtaud, Propria
ton, Suooaooort to Dr. JolA UoOst tat St. IT; J
Uoffiit, Now York. '
I.mi'riivki) liosK Wash cures secret and dell
Cite disorders In all their stupes, at little ex
pense, little or no change iu diet, no inconve
nience and no exposure. It is pleasant In
tasto nnd odor, immediate in its aetion, and
free iroiri all injurious properties. 8; 13aow-ly
iAI Jflillli.
yyEhave Just received1 a splontild stock of
0 3P 3T G4-
mnm clotiiinoi
Gents' Fiirnisiiing ' Goods,
Which we will Bell at the lowest rates:.. Call
aud exxniine our stock. Prices aro down and
if we can't sell a man the clothing lie wants
nouodtin VViiNKsnuna CAN.
Room In Allison's Building, Waynesburg, Pa,
' -AT- ' ' '.
ti IB-
fabrics, as Kepresenied,
to Bell, and the rhadt cash will secure
the very best of bargains. Call and examine
his stock. r h. K. EVANS.
4;24-Um Waynesburg, Pa.
AIiL PEK80N8 Imrborlnn pnunr-i aro hornby notlflMf
that tho Omint jr will pay no bill for boarding or oarn tIt.
en tbem, unless tlw pauper Is ro turned to tho poor bous
Immmllntoly. And all porsons who entice away paupart
able to labor and employ Uinm, will be required to pay for
the labor, and unless paid for quit will be brought for th
anio, as well aa proceeding criminally for said oiTenoa.
May 16, 1307. XaTiiua Uiniha.
Moboas Bill,
Win. P.SroTT,
5 1 22 St Poor House Diraetonu
THIS Mtalillshmtnt will ha oarriod outhaproaantsaaooii
In all its porta, Carding, Spinning, nianurauturing Cloth,
Flannel, Blankets, Janes, Casainult, nto., aa formerly Wo
ask the pittronago of our ftirtner cuslomnrs and tho pabllo
gonerally. Jams Rush,
o:22 4t . . Carmlchaolo, Pa.
US. 3VE. sayors,
In addition to othor huilnew will attend to HI oeoaa
In ttankniptoy that ma; lie ontrustod to his oaro. OtBoa.
oppoalto Drug Storo u( tt. W. lUoorlo Oo,