NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. April 21 Quid closed at 1 87 J. Wftjneibnrg Market, COBRsSOTKD WKEKLT BT JT. OC1HKB. Butter, fresh roll 1 to 20 Coffee per SO to 8a Cora per bushel Corn meal per bushel 70 Country Boap per to 08 Candles, mould per to 28 Candle, dipped " 80 Cheese per lb Dried Peaches per lb Eggs ptr dozen i8 Ffourper bbl 1 JO Flax teed por bushel..- 2 "JJ Feather per lb Lard per lb B. W. Flour per lb J Molasses.. 75 to 1 60 Oats pe bushel Bye per bushel Timothy seed per bushel... Bice per lb...... Sugar, crushed per lb Sugar, refined " " - Sugar, New Orleans, 6 lbs. pTll. Sugar, 8 lbs Syrup, per gallon... Salt, No. 1 per bbl 8a8oap per gallon Tar per gallon Tea per lb Turpentine per gallon Tallow per lb Wheat per bushel White Lead per keg White Lime per busnel Potatoes per bushel Turnips, per bush :.. S5tO 0 ....1 00 to 8 2 ! 2i .. 20 ,. 1 00 ... 1 00 , ..275 1 00 4 00 25 1 00 2 00 1 60 15 2 AO ... 4 to 5 00 1 60 .125 to 1 60 45 PITTSBURG 6EXERU MARKET. Batubdat, Ma 18, 18C7. We quote the Pittsburgh market as follows, which are the wholesale prices i URAIN-Wheatat W 00 Cora at $1 ll '2 Bye at fill 67 Buckwheat 3,2637B. Outs 8l- FLOUR-Spring Wheat at $U,75al5.00 , Winter " at a 10,00 Bye at 5ol0.oo HAY Baled at 23.00 V ton. Loosest )25.003',(Ni EGGS Sales at 170 1 Jo. CHEESE Western Reserve at I4al. Hamburg at 17(5I8 New York Gushon ai 20a'J 2 BUTTER Prime Roll at 18:;0c. APPLES. Per barrel al $ POTATOES Per bbl at 3 25 TJ. a "STOCK MARKET. Saturdat Evkmno. May 18, 18C7. The quotations of the New York Stock Ex rlmnim to-riuv are as follows: U. 8. Bonds, 6s 1881 HI U. 8. Bond, 5 20's. 1802 K' II. S. Bonds. 6-20. 1864 105 U. 8. Bonds, 5-20's, I SUB 100 U. 8. Bonds, (new Issue) 5-20s, 1805 107 10 40s .December '04 Compounds ii August 7-3U8 .Tuna 7-808 10:1 Jiilw T-ailB 105; v"v ' SPECIAL NOTICES. Simh A COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT Rkquirbs iumkpiatb attention, AND BII0UI.D UK ClIliCKKI). Ip Am.owkd to continue, irritation ok iiik i.uncis, a l'kr manent tiiuoat d1skase, ok CONSUMl'l'lON IS OFTEN THIS ItESULT. It R O W W ' S BRONCHIAL TROCHES HAV1MO A milECT 1NPI.DKNCK TO TUB PARTS, OIVB IHHKDIATB BKLIKV. For BroncliltU, Ahma, Catarrh, Cons ump tlve and Tliroa Diseases, Troches aro used with always good success. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKER will find Troche useful In clearing tho vobo when taken before Sinuing or Speaking, and rellevinc lhe throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs The Trochei arc rccom- mended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an alwom of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by test of many years, each year finds them in now localities in various parts of the word and the TrocJiet are universally pronounced better than other article?. Obtain only Buown's Bronchial Tkochus," and do not take anv of the Worthier Imitations, that may be offered. Sold bvebywhkbk. Kov2l-6me THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE or AM INVALID. Published for Hie benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer ifrom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ol Manhood, &c, supplying at the same time Thb Mbans or Bki.f-Cuhb. By one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a potpaid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., May23'6G.-ly Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. tar A Youno Lady returning to hor country home, after a sojourn ot a few months In the city, was hardly recognized by nor friends. In olace of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty- three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By Its 'use Any Lady or Gentleman can Improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple In Its combination, as Nature her self Is simple, yot unsurpassed In Its efficacy In drawing Impurities from, also hoaling, cleansing and beautifying the skin and com plexion. By Its direct action on the cuticle It draws from It all Its Impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature Intended It should be, clear, solt, smooth and beautltul. Price $1, sent by Mall or Express, on receipt of an order, by W. L. CLARE & CO., Chemists, No. 8 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the sumo. Know Thy Destiny. Madams E. F. Thornton-, the great English Astrologlst, Clalrvoyantand Psychometrlclan, who has astonished tho sclontlflo classes of the Old World, bas located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wondorful powers of second sight, as to en able ber to impart knowledge of tho great est Importance to the single or married of elthorscx. While In state of trance, she dellnlatos the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument of Intense power, known as the Psychomo trope, guarantees to produce a life-like pic ture of the future husband or wife of the ap plicant, togother with date of marrlsgo, po- Inaulry as to the cause of so greats change, ' tne several townsmps ana uorougus ai me jsugene, victoria, ana isaoena now, mio very j .i - ,.iutni tnid ti,M tiiat alio used the CIR-' limos and PlftCes designated, between the newest, the Zephyr Scarf, 7000 Paper Collars, . she plainly toM thorn that sho usod U UH hourg of Mi flve M h mit9pi!te LneB Imita- CASSIAN BALM, and considered It an In- , roeelvetho State and County Taxes Hon. Water Proof. Emoroidored, Keystone. sltlon In life, loading trait of character, Ac. i This Is no humbug, as thousands of testimony ! als can assert She will send when desired a : certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture Is what It purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place ot bit tli, ago, disposition nd complex ion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped en velope addressed to youself, you will receive the picture and desired Information by return ' mail. All communications sacredly confi dential Address in confidence, Mada mi K F. Thorntom, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. leDia '07-ly SB.. BCHENCK'fl MANDRAKE FILLS. ' A Substitute for Calomel. Thm Wis an eomxe4 ef virion roou, turiof th power relax Ik Mcmtatu t IU Urtr M prompllr us eSeetatiljr bio fill tr menu?, u without producing ur of Ibow dlaaTbl er Autmaa effect wtuok eUea feUow th bm f lbs latter. In all blliou disorders Umm PI1U najr be and with nmfldeno. u they promote lb discharge of Ttlialed bile, end ramor those sbetnieUoii from lb Hrer nd blllarj duet, which ore the mum ef bUIM flections In general. BGHKNCK'S MANDKAKB FILL! or Iltk Headache, end ell disorder, of the Lin, Indicated br allow akin, ooeled longne, eosUrenaas, Arawabnsa, end toner! feeling el weariness and, howlnf Ihet the Uni U In e torpid w abstracted sndltion. In abort, theet rule mar be and with ad ran tue In ell com when poriMln er alum! re SMdielne U required. Pleas ak tor -Dr. Sohenak'i Mandrake Pills," end Dwm that tho twe likenesses ol the Doctor an en the Oenrnuioui stamp en when la the last stag of Uonaametloa, and the ether la hie preaent health. Sold br all Dm, lata and dealer. Prlo Si eenta per box. Prineipl Ollloo, No. U North Sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Arenuu Demaa Barnee k Co, Prk How. New Yorki 8. 8. Htnoe, 10S Balti more 8k, BalUmoro, Md, t John D. Park, M. , cor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohlst Walker Taylor, 184 end US Wabaah ATenna, Chteairo, ILL i Colllna Brother, aonthwaat cornet 01 Beoond and Vine Buw, Bt. Leal, Ho. lith Kh w. ee. mo. 1 r. Wonderful but True MADAME REMINGTON, tho world-renowned Astroligist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while in a clairvoyant state, deline ates tho very features of the parson you are to marry, andhy tuo al I of an Instrument of intense power, known as the Psycliomotropc, gnarantees to produce a perlect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of char icter, &u. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and en closing lilty cents, and stamped envelope ad dressed to you.self, you will receive the pic ture by return mull, together with desired in formation. (Address iu confidence, Madamh Gkb Tiuinu Remington, P. U.Box207 West Troy N. Y. feblS '07-ly. o Free to Everybody. A Largo 0 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both 8CXC8. It teaches now the homely may bscome beautiful, the despised respected, and tho for saken loved. No young lady or entlaman should fail to send their address, and receive a copy post paid, DV return mam Address P. O. Drawer, 21, fob2O,'G7-0m Troy, N. Y. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, FOK FltESKRVINO, RKSTOKINO, AND BEAUTI FYING THIS HAIR. And is tho most delightful and wonderful ar tlclo tho world ever produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy ..-..... r. , r, , . . tu s,nsur0u sua uttir, out also a desirable article for the Toillet, as it is highly perfumed with a rich and delicate per fume, independent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. The Marvel of Pern. A new and beautiful pertuiue, which in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which itcljngsto the handkerchief and person, is unequalled. The above articles for Bile hv all druorirlsts and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address bv proprietors. T. W. WRIGHT A CO., 100 Liberty St., New York Oct 24. 1800. ly. JNEW PEBFIUE FOR THE H1SURKUCU1EF. PhmUl "Night Bleeailai Ccrcn." PhalM'a "Nlfbl Bloeminf Cerem. PhaUa's " Night Blooaniaf Ccrcaa." PhaUa's "Night BUomlag Crca. PhaUa' "Night BUanaiag Ccrcae.M A meat eiqnlalte. delicate, and Frasrant Perfume, llitliled from the rare and beautiful flower from which It tkea ita name. Huafaetnred only by PflALON eV RON, New Vrk. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S TAKE NO OTHER. Jy25,'50-lyeow NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO THE TAX PAYERS OP QREENECOUNTY. The undersigned, TreasLror of Greeno county, hereby gives notice that in pursuance ol the Act ol Assem bly approved March t), 1855, ho will attend in for 1807, to wit i 1st wekk. Cumberlana townsnip ana uarmicnasis nor- ouuh, Tuesday and Wednesday June 2lth and 2flth at the house of Henry J. Jennings. Jefferson township, Thursday, 27th ol June, attka kfinaanfWm glls attlie house OI yvm. tveiiey. Morgan township, Frlilny, 28th Of JUUO, at Cumberland township and Carmichmls bor tho house ot Morgan lieu. Washington township, Saturday, 29th of June, at tho house of Clinton Lewis. 2nd week. Franklin township, Monday, 1st day of July, at the house of Smith Greene. Whlteloy township, Tuesday. 2nd day ef July, at the house of Elizabeth Morris, New town. Greene township, Wednesday, the 8d of July, at tho house of Jeremiah Stewart, Esq. Monongahela township, Thursday, the 4th of July, at the house of Wm. Mesterzatt. Dnnkard tnwnihlp. Friday, tke 6th of July, at the home of llnd Muateraatt, Tnylortown. Perry townnhlp, Saturday, the tth of July, at the home oi n. uorrowe. SO WEEK, Wayne townahlp, Monday, the Sth of July, at the itore Of Rnain Colbert Ollmore townahlp, Tueaday, the 9th of July.atthehoute of Enoch llennnn. Sprlnglilll townahlp, Wednnaday, the 10th of July, at the home of tviwln Verrel, New freeport. Allepno townahlp, Tlntraday, the 11th of July, at the home of Aiifuatna Miller Klchhill townahlp, Friday, and Saturday the 11th and 13tb,at th houaa of Karjery Bryan, Jacksonville. 4th webK. Morrla townahlp, Monday, tke 16th of July, at Nineveh, t the houaa of A. J. Barker. Centre townahlp, Tueeday.the loth of July, at the bona of R R. Okurah, Bogeravllle, Jackann tewnahip, Wedueadaj, Uu) lttk of July, at the home of T. J. Odenbangb. Marion tewnahip Thurtday the llth f July, at th Trewnrer't Offloe, In Wayneabwrs. Ssorlaan, SiSS-tU. TreMttrer. Register's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby give to all creditors, legatees, wards and other persons Inter ested, that the undersigned Executors, Ad ministrators and Guardians have filed their accounts In the Register's Office, ond that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court to be held within and for the county of Greene, on WEDNESDAY, June 12, 1867, for confirmation and allowance. PETER DROWN, Reg. & Bee. Account of Thomas II1H, Guardlsn of Enos Zimmerman, minor child of William Zimmerman deceased. Account ol Thomas Hill, Guardian of Caroline Zimmerman, nlnor child of William Zimmerman, deceased. Account of Alexander Davis, acting Executor of Christopher Davis, deceased. Account of Francis Drake, Esq., Guardian of Mary Vannatta, min r child of Jolina than Vannatta, deceased. Account ot James A. Black, Esq. Administra tor of the estate of Charles Mesler eatt, deceased. Account of Saines a Black. Esq , Administra tor of the estate of Wm. F. linllou, deceased. Account of R. S. Long and Ell Long, Admin istrators of Jeremiah Long, dee'd. Account of Jno. C. Flenniken, David Q. Brad dock and James H. Brad clock, Ex ecutors of the last will and testament of Francis Braddock, deceased. Account of D. W. Longdon, Atlm'r. upon the estate of Jesse Sprouls, deceased. A count of John Auld, acting Exocutor of the last Will and Testament of Peter Muckle, dee'd. Account of A. M.Ritchie, administrator upon the estate of Wm. Anderson, dee'd. Account r.f Wm. Duval), administrator of James Hlxenbautsh, dee'd. Account of Abraham Stiiggors and Jamos Stewart, administrators of Htncirers. dt C'd. James, Account of I homos Adamson. administrator of Leroy Ganear, dee'd. Account of Jesse Busscy. Jr., Executor of Jesse Bussey, dee'd. Account of James Call and Andrew Wilson, Executors of Win. Wilson, doo'd. Account f John Haver, Gunrdiim ol the minor children of Archibald Kerr, dee'd. Account of William Gwyun, guardian of John T. Rinulmrt, a minor child of Ellenor Rinohart, dee'd. 5; 8 -to WONDERS UR CEASE I AT THE OF N. CLARK & SON. i ! JT IS NO LONGER IMPOSSIBLE TO GET , 1 'u'l 8ult for 7 f'0-of Bnod lnntrlj tllllt I wn will warrant to irlve entire satistaction. L!" ht CaB8liner Pan,8 Mi Vest for 4 B0, fine and nice sty e ; summer ranis uu yeov mi $3 60, the very best all wool . . r. i r.. A.. ASSIMER SUITS ! J fYnm 50 to 25 dollars, tho same that has cost you 45 dollars. A largo and beautiful stock of Hats and Caps! The newest and best styles, the more elegant are the Henrietta, St. Cloud, yacnt, ttroau way and Pealbody Cap, the cap derivinp Its name from England and America's Munificent benefactor-Mr. GEO. PEABODY. Every American youth who loves her greatest benefactor should not fail to have one of those CAPS. A full and complete assortment of Gentlemen's furnishing goods We have the New York Mill and Wamsutta M"slin Shirts, two of the best brands of muslin manufactured. THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH RUFFLE SHIRT, Wool and Casslmer Shirts, Fine Corset Jean Drawers and Summer Undershirts. Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Hosiery, with ties, bows, and scarfs In endless variety. The Goldsmith's. Phoenix, Gravs.&c.. &c. i A few nice late styles casslmers that will be ' sold liv tl ie vard We kindly ask you to com- nripesbefore buvlne 6 22 lv Pa P"c-Bbeiofo ouymg l ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , ....... t . t . j. 1 LETTEtS of admlnlntrallon having been granted to the Minor, lata of Mar. ion tp this county, notice it hereby given to all pemm having clnlma agaiuat eald oetate to preaent them, prop erly authenticated, for aottlement, anil all iaranaa indiibt- ea to tua euiuo are reiiueaiuu w uhku prompt imyuiout. Barih Mutea, S : 32 St. it.l.Mim Admr'a. LEGAL NOTICE. All, PKK80N8 harboring paupera are hereby nntlfled that the County will pay no bills for boarding or care giv en thorn, unleai tho niiaper la returned to the poor home Immediately. And ail pereona who entice away paupera able to labor and employ them, will be required to pay for the labor,and unleea paid furauit will be brought for the aino, aa well ua proceedings criminally for said onenco. J May 10,1307. Aamu RiNiater, Moaoan Bill, Wm. P. Sfoit, S t M St Poor Houae Directors, NOTICE! KXCH1XBK B&NK Of WAYNESBURG. (ODD FELLOW'S ASSOCIATION.) WILL advance cash on judgments, notes, mortgages and other securities. Col lections promptly attended to and deposits solicited. The stock of this bank can be bought at the office of the bank, opposite the CoUit House, until the 1st day of July next. Shares (25 each. Dividends July and January. J. P. RANDOLPH, PresH. A. L. Mtkrs, Cashier. 5;23-3t HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU CHU is pleasut in taste and odor, free from all Injurious properties, and Immediate In Its action, 8il8tw-iy Sheriff's Sales. T)Y virtue of s writ of Fl. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene count, and to me directed, there will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House In U ...nn.l...... an TitAuilft 1lt.hrlanf Tuna next, at I o'clock, p. m., the following proper- ty, viz i All the right, title, Interest and claim of delenditnt, of, la and to certain lot of ground or lease thereon, belcg part of Robert maple s 'arm, situate in iuuaaru tp., nounuea as follows i commencing at the coal bank al l nomas ytuhuoiu Bium, .ucuu runuiug down what Is called the State road seventy feet, thence up the bank fifty feet, thence Wbltueld's store, inence running west seventy reel along sulci oana, ana inence south fifty feet to the beginning: containing one-btlf acre more or less, on which are erect ed a good frame dwelling house and other buildings Taken in execution as the property of Rou bsn A. Hazlett at the suit of J. U. Bowlsby. ALSO, By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, limed out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene county, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the same tims and place all the right, title, interest and claim of defenpant of, in and to a certain lot of ground in Greensbomugh, Greene county, Pa., front ing on First streo one hundred feet runing back to the Monongahela river, adjoining on the South by lot of John Mesterzatt, on the North by lot of James Hamilton; and hap erected thereon one large irame Maclilm Shop two stories high, and one ice house, &c Taken in execution as the property ot Charles Collier and John Scott, trading am! doing business as Collier & Scott, at the suit of Union Iron Mills. HE AT1I JO -INS. 622-tB. Sherlfl of Causes FOU TK1AL AT J UNK TEKM, 1867- FIItST WKKK. Houlpworth vsGwnu's Executors, No. 144, March Term. 18!l. Marsh vs Deaves, No. 83, June term, 1 857. Wartit-ld & Co. vs Hook, No. 71, June terra, 1858. Rinehurt & Dill vs Jacob Riaehart, No, 208, March term, I s.i9. Same vs Same, No. 209, March term, 1859. Nichols vs Uoulsworth, No. I8H, JunuT, '02. McCleuryvs Meighvn. No. 55, D. C. T., I8(i2. Meiglieu vs MuL'Uen, No. 6, Dec. T., 1802. Teagarden vs Ho;lier, No 117, M.trchT., '04. Hogo vs llell, Wo. 35, Uucembur T 181,5. Walton vs Walton, (divorce) No. 59, March term, 1800. Ross vs Hichhllltp., No. 157, March T., 1800. Martin vs Snyors, No. 184, March term, 1800. Com'th of 1'enn'a. vs James Seals, No, 7, September term, 18G0. Taviorvs Marion Tp., No. 71, Sopt. T. 1800. McElroy & Co. vs Burns' Administrators, Ho. 100, December term, i860. Stewart vs Stephens, No. 17, March term, '07. BKCOND VVKKSI 1st division. Hook vs Hook, No. 19, Nov. term, 1850. Daugherty lor use vs Weaver, No. 12, Sept. term, 1850. Coe vs Lindley, No. 17, June Term, 1857. Sliough vs Kiuney's heirs, No. 29, Hept.T, '57. Ililderbrand vs Lambert. N. 64, Sepl T, '00. Morris vs Lucas, No. 71, June term, 18K2. Shelby vs Dunham, $a. 92, September T., '02 Tanner vs Hughes & Kincuid, No. 79, June Term, 1804. Shitrtineck vsCurl, No. 104, March term, 05 South vs Long, No. 62, December term, I85. Hickman vs Hickman & Wyly, JNo. 9, March term, ihuu. 2nd division. Martin vs Driver's administrators, No. 04, March term, 'GO. Lindsey use us Bell, No. 09, March term, 0t. Gor ion vs Shrivor, No. UO, March term, '0G Foster Administrators vs Anderson, No. li, June term, '60 Kcener's Administrators VB. Minor, No. 82, j June term, 'Gli. Henry Lantz vb Stephens, No. 1 40, .Tune T, '08 Hook vs Odeubitugh, No. 211. JuneT., 1800 Hornbake -'S Duukurd Valley Oil Coinp my, No. 60, September term, 1G0. Evans vs South et al No. 7, Dec. term, '66, Bi later vs Oliver, No. 71, December term, '00 Lantz's Ex'rs vs Hook, No. HO, March T. '07. J. F. TEMPLE, 6;22-tc. Proth'y. 1ISI OF APPLICANTS FOR TAVERN LICENSE AT JUNE TERM- Maria Futton, Waynesburg Urcciie Co., Pa. G. W. Fetrell, New Freeport, do do Rinebart Church. Rogisrsville, do do Strosnider & Turner, Waynesburg, do Henry II. Duvall, Jefferson, do D. A. Worley. Wnyno burg, do Phillip Rully, Jacksonville, do Jesse Wells, do do Thomas Bradley, Waynesburg, do M. 8. Green, Bridgoport, do George Cowell, Davistown, do Boniamln Morley, Willow Trco, do Margaret Wilson. Jacktnwn, do 6;22-to J. F. TEMPLE, Proth'y. GREENE FACTORY THIS oatabllalimont will be carried on the preannt araaon Inall tta parte, Carllng, Spinning, manufacturing Cloth, Flannel, Blmikota, Junes, Caaeiuett, etc., aa formerly. We aak tho patronage ot our former cuHtomoreand the publio generally. Jtuu Uahbui, 6 : as U Carmichaeli, I'a. THE GLORY OF MAN IS iTRENGTIL Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Helmbold's Extract Buchu. 8:lUeow-ly 1867 18G7 SPRING ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS -AT BSOICIB PRICES! AT 'S OLD THE GOODS ALL FRESH, TDK STYLES LATEST AND BEST! THE 1'abrics, as Represented, AND THE ASSOATrOT KEPT COMPLETE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS DETERMINED to sell, and the ready cash will secure tho very best of bargains. - Call and examine his stock. L, K. EVANS. 4-,24-8m Waynesburg, Pa. ENFEKBLKD AND DELICATE CONSTI TUTIONS, of both sexes use He mbold's Ex tract Buchu. It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you to sleep well. Jil8eow-ly Bounty Tax Statement. Account of the School Directors of Morgan township, in relation to bouuty taxes levied and collected In 1804 t Dr, April 1st, 1864, levied fl,247 87 Vr. By exonerations 9 49 34 By collector's commission. 85 00 By cash paid Parkinson.... 800 00 By cash paid M GIumphy. 800 00 By da. Qass and BuckW ham 500 00 By interest on orders 6 00 By cash paid school fund 50 00 1,240 84 balance uncollected 7 08 Bounty tax levied and collected In 1805 i Dr. Toam't. of bounty tax levied f 5,819 83 Cr. By exonerations $ 880 09 By collector's per centago 174 89 . By cash paid for 19 vol- enteers 8,259 15 $5,819 88 We, the undersigned Auditors, do hereby certify, the foregoing statement Is correct, ac cording to the accounts laid before us for set tlement, to the best of our knowledge. J. C. POLLOCK, MILLER UMS, JOHN BELL, Auditors. The account ofT. P. Pollock. D. P. fBell. Incoh Rush, and Henry Bell, Commissioners it Morgan townslitt, to levy ana collect a tax to pay volunteers, ty an Act oi Assembly, ap proved the 24th day of August, 1804. Dr. Amount of tax levied $0,819 02 Cr. By exonerations $ 70 00 Bv interest and disc't paid Bank 82 0 By ain't paid collectors... 130 23 By " not yet collect, d... 55 00 By attorney's tees 10 00 By traimpt'n and exp, of volunteers 128 85-41,170 08 $.",0I2 !H t'-',7l3 00 Dr. money.. Ji To subscription By nmnunt paid 17 vn leers 1,353 70-$8,85!i Balance to collect $55 00 (Jr. Balanco duo Col. Harris.... 5!) On $ 57 21 Balance due Commissioners 1 70 We, the undersigned, do certify that the foregoing statement Is correct, accoiding to tho papers and allegntions laid lielove us. J. C. POLLOCK, MILLER IAMS, B;15-8t JOHN BELL, Auditors, Use Hulmuolu's Fluid Extiuct Buchu. 8:l3eow-ly THE JUDICIA.RY COMMITTEE of the Senate meet at Ilarrisbure on Monday. May mm. prox.. at two o-ciot k, r. m., io noia a " rf . "'Vv, Session for the investigation of the OlZXXtitiZft made against Rail Road Companies lor alleged . makion township. extortional charges upon treights and passen-1 gers. rarties uiterestea are noimort to at tend. L. D. SHOEMAKER, U.t Chairman Committee. LAZEAR BROTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS. 84 & PO tout. Culaw Street, CORNER OF CAMDEN, ' nnivmlln Rnltlmoro and Ohio Railroad DeDot " ' Jts. B. Lazear, Wm. L. Lazkar. fistR-lf. Helmbold's Fluid Extiact BUCHU Is a certain euro for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DE BILITY, and all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, fiom whatover cuuse originating und no mat ter of i HOW LONG STANDING. ! Diseases of these organs require the use of a ' diuretic. , If no treatmont is submitted to, Consump tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood aro supported from those sources, and the T1WAT.TH AND HAPPIEESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re'ianle remedy. ittpt Mnm.rvs EXTRACT BUCHU. Established upwards of 18 years, prepared by 11. 1. iir.uiiuuii0, 894 Broadway, New York, and L8 104 South 101b Street, rnuaueipuia, ra. Jii- -LVJ-. -?-- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW In addition to other buaineaa will attend to II "'" In Mankruiitc? that limy be oiitrmted to hia ooro. 0Hlc, oipolto Drug Store of O. W. KoborU A Co. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS .jstuteo by Helmbold's Extract Buchu. 8;l8eow-ly wallaue & Taylor, DEALERS IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, Onb dooh Wbst ov Pktbr BnowN's Stork, W ha lust, received a well selected stock of CIIOIOE'FAMILY GROCERIES. which we nurehased for CASH and are confident that we can supply our customers and all who may favor us wltli a can, as cneap it am cuuiur than any other house in the County, COFFEES, bUGARS. MOLASSES, SYRUPS, TEAS, RICE, SODA, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SNUFFS, CANDLES, SOAPS, EXTRACT COFFEE, BTKAWUEKIUBO, .Trcr.LlKS. &C. &0. Don't fall to call and examine our stock and see for yourselves, for we are determined to sell as cheap as the cheapest. M-tl. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by Helmbold's Extract Buchu. 8jiaoow-ly. T. W. ROSS. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, 0 FFICE In Jewell's building, West end of Main street, Waynesburg, a.l,-tf WHERE'S THE GO08B THAT LAID TEH iSUUT" Tahk no more unpleasant and unuselul rem- Immediate payment, and those Having ciainn claims against the same to present theralm edles for unpleasant and dnngoious diseases, will proMint . em proyerly WJ.nPJ5 tot wedlately, proporly authentlrstod for settle Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Improved . settlement. vr' ij f i. , niont, AARON GREGG. RoM washV. 8.18eow-ly. fll-(lw DunUrd tp., Admlulstrator. 515-6vr. Cumberland tp., Executor. mercantile AaHCHisiuent List of Greene County. Pa., Tor the year 180T. MONOKQAHKLA TOWNSHIP. ouai not. 1J 11 fro H I oo 14 T 00 14 TOO 14 T lib 14 TOO 13 10 00 3 60 00 14 TOO 14 TOO 13 10 00 I 'i 12 60 VI 12 Ml U 12 W 14 TOO 15 120 14 7 00 14 T 00 14 TOO 14 TOO sr. oo' S 24 00 1.1 10 00 12 12 do II 7 H 14 1 00 14 TOO 15 10 00 14 7 OU 15 10 00 13 111 00 13 10 110 14 . .7 00 14 T 00 14 TOO 14 TOO 14 T oo 14 TOO 14 TOO 0 26 00 0 26 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 1. ... 13 10 00 14 ? n. 14 7 00 It 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 1 , 7 no I I 7 00 12 is no 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 , 00 14 7 00 14 7 (W 14 7 00 II TOO 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 1 I 7 00 13 10 u. 14 7 00 11 7 no 14 7 00 14 7 Oo 1.1 10 ol) 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 7 20 00 7 20 00 7 20 00 13 10 00 13 lOOO 13 10 110 13 10 00 13 10 Oil 13 10 00 13 10 00 13 10 (X) 13 111 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 II 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 13 10 (10 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 TOO 14 T 00 13 looo 14 700 13 10 00 13 looo 13 looo 14 7 oo 14 7 oo 13 lo oo 14 7 oo e 26 oo McElroy, Dfckeon than A V Hounhoer D GoiiKlivuour s Sou M llaaa Win IkiiiKhnnr 0 A MMtrMHtt Win Urny Bona J M B T Oray (ilUtlllory) l'CHUY TOWNSHIP. 1 M Brown A 8 Morrla WO Morrla J P Doulw Co 1) South lUro I UorrU DUN It AHD TOWNSHIP. A P Stewart I K Taylor O 0 Lomlar D H I'.wl WTWIIIIanu A Haple Joiim A WonliMy(illit(ll7) N C'lverijor (ill.UII-rv) UliKENI TOWNSHIP. lUlloy A Co Stanloy 4SI(klmltb Lnllta A l.umly t VStwtouA Co CUHIIRIILANDTOWNSHIP. T t Cummoua CARM10HAKLS UOKOUUII. J I Moniker Wm llurtmitn jnldny A MitchniT HuriK-r A CnwilHlo J P llutlutwa Henry Jimiaon A J UOHOAN TOWNSHIP. A J Bumon Aiiuw Wnlton Kli.tcher Allinan Millur liana Htiuit Pi -li,r Urlilll (itUllllrl)') CI II Morulorkell-ilH.Tvi .Ilir rKltON TOWNSHIP. II. wll Nrolluira Cluu.l A llro J A l.ltKlnty Huiilh a lllurk A J Muriin It.ill. y A r'lrnnlk.'ii 1, HukIi.'h A Co JiMfpli StilKWk-k O I, I), in,) II Y.iiniu M A .l.ilIPl: II W II M me, Uiiilillil TIkiiiiiik MH11HIS TOrt NSIIIP. Rlilllli A II',nklli , Jllilnll SwiU't I J A II I Vim W ItoSH A Lo WHITKLY TOWNSHIP, 0 0 Lnniley loiili liii'ihim Wultit Humiu WAYNIi TOWNSUIP. UfiiHnn Culvert Urniilou sftrt, ,lT llil.MOIlK TOWNSHIP. P McL',illuiisu i ',, B1'UI.NU1II1,L TOWNSHIP. II SlVluli, J.ilin ILirip'r II S it'hltu (at tin' mill) ALKPTO TOWNSHIP. Wooilruff A Dya lUCIIillLL TOWNSHIP. BlMlt A niKa JiililimOiliigty D W Uniy Jaimia lliiyn D M A J W Walton HiiKhiiM A KiticulJ M'Olumiihy A IaiwIi Jl!rB'0WJ N Clurk A Son I,K Kviiik Frank M'Onriiin Siiynni k Honk luon A i SowiirN Jaiiu-a Guilier All! f fainiil.dll Shirk A Sutton Lewis Dtiy TtlolilMOll A BitllZRll Taylor A Willlttoo N U McClelliuul Ihimc HiNiiHir II A Hlmliart J Munnnll Scott A Co OWKolmrtaACo M A Ilurvoy SliiU'rOdiinliHiigh D W Bruilun Brailin A Co Wm llnlloy Huaa A Ttylor ltulHtvua JACKS0W TOHNSiiir. CENTRE TOWNSHIP. P M Orlmiie Z Gordon JauiusCall A Co CalLHoutirtaACn F1IANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Jdaae Honk 8 A Hum H L Huffman A J l,liiiincott liooK A w so (it Htl mrvl Tliot'oiirtor Aiiimitl will be hold at tlio Troniiurur Oftlce In Wayutfaburg, nil Thumtliiv ami Krlility, Mny 30 and 31, 181)7. A. HOWAltl), Morcuutilo Aliraisor. 6;Mt LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Ulebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oil DOUBLE SP1UN0) SKIRT. The Wonderful Flexibility and erent com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing tlio Du plcx Ellii'tlo Skirt wilt he experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car riages, railroad cars, church ews, armchairs, lor promcnaue ana nouso uress, as mu Bain can bo folded when In use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a silk or Muslin Dress, an invahublo quality in crino line, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, com fort nnd gront convenience of wearing tho Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single dav, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Blngle spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape whi n three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as urcIcss Tho hoops are covered with double and twist ed tlirt ad, and tlio noitom rous are not only doulilo snrlnirs. but twieo (or double) covered; preventing them from wealing out when drag ging down stoops, stuir, &c. Tho Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladles and Is universal!! recommended b tho Fashion Mugazin s as tho standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the lollowing inestimable advan tagos in Criuolino, viz.! superior quality, per fect manufacture, Btyllsu snaps ana ciiittli, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enouire for J. W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you trot the aenu no article. CAUTION. To guard against Imposition be particular to NOTICE that skirts oll'cred as "DUrLKX" nave the red mic smni'i, viz.t "j W, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steol Springs,' upon tho waistband none others aro Konutnc. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed tlirougn tlio centre, mus rcvoal lnirthotwo for double) smlnas braided to aether therein, which is the secret of thuli flexibility ond strength and a combination not to be found In any other Skirt. For sale in all stces whero first class skirts aro soli I throughout tho United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by tho Solo Owners of tlio Patent, WESTS, BltADLEY & CAIIY, U7 Chambers & 711 & SI lteade Sts , N. Y. 5; IS-ltm HKLMlToLD'8 CONOKNTIUTBD EXTIUCT DU01I0 It the Great Diuretic, BSLHSOW' OONCEKTIATKD ISTKAUT SAHUPAilLLA It the Great Blood Imier. Both aro prepared according to rules oj Pharmacy and ChomlBtry, and aro th" mos1 actlvf that can bs niado 8;iiloow-ly Ad itlnitrntoi'N Nonce. T ETTERS of admlulHtrutlon having been U granted to tlio unaersieniiu upon mo esiaie offargnretK.eeuei, of Duiikard tp., Greene . , county, Pa. . dee'd i notico is norouy given to- all pet sons Indebted to said eslute to make, NOllCTII I.Ui NEW! MRS. E. S. BAYERS & IIOSKINSON Have lust arrived from tho East with a largo assortment of foreign and domestic DRY GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES, which they proposo to sell at the lowest CASH PKICESI such as Dress Goods, Dress Trimming. Dress Muttons, Ladles's Shawls, Boots and Shoes, Tints and Cups also, a great variety of nice ui'llclcs, ut very low prices, for - Gentlemen & Ladiesfjpear,' Wares of all kinds, end a complete varie ty of the best OUOCERlESr All or which lliuy proposo to sell at the very lowest hgitrus, dcH!iidlng on the quality and cheap ness of their goods to gulu them custom. Give them a cull before pun-hosing else where, and they will prove tnut the above la correct. Room In Allison's building, nearly., opposite the Court House, Waynesburg. 4 I,'(I7 tf . ClimaxI Ciim'a! : f Page's CUmax Salve, a Famllj blessing for 25 cents. ';.-', It heals without a scar. ' No family should be without It ' , We warrant It to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Eheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of the Skin. ' For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &c, it makes a perfect cure. It has been used over fifteen years, without one failure. It has no parallel having per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up In larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment. Sold by Drugs-lit trarfihsn, Wtlt Hawtan. ProrrMors, 121 Liberty Stmt, New Toik. I ADIES AND GENTLEMEN, FELLOW CITIZEN " I MR PRESIDENT, D3 LY WE E havo Just rcccivod a splendid stock of SPRING AND SI Al M I. It CL0T1II1G! ADAPTED TO VVKAU i ALSO, MEN AND BOYS' A FULL LINK OF Gents' Furnishing Goods, Which we will sell at the lowest rates. Call and ex iin'uio our stock Prices aro down and If we can't sell a man the clothing ho wants nououv in WiYNtsnunaoAN. A. J. SOWERS. Room in Allison's Building, Waynesburg, Pa. rjl-:im. FOR NON-RETENTION oa INCONT1N- ence t Urine, Irrigation, Inflammation, or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in the bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all diseases of tho bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings, SALE OF TOWN LOl'S I THERE WILL BE OFFERED AT PUBLIC) Bale at Wayuesburg, Oreene co., Pa., on Monday, May 27, 1867, Town Tots In tlio proposed new addition to tlio 1 own or Waynesburg. Tliese LOTS aro delightfully situated South of the Court House, and afford lino building sites. The plan of tho addition to the town, showing tho Lots, Streets, Alleys &e., is at tho offlco of E. M. Sayers aud W. E. Unpen, Ksqs., in Waynes uurg, wno will answer all inquiries in relation to tho property, and sell to persons who wish to buy at PRIVATE SALE. Tliosa who desire to make a choice selection would perhaps do well to call Immediately aud obtain it ut private sale. TERMSi One-third of tho purchase money in hand an I the balance in two equal annual payments wl h interest. It A. SAYERS. ri;l-tf HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIITJ and Imimiovkd Kosk Wash cures secret and deli cato disorders in all their stages, at littlo ex lense, little or no chango iu diet, no Incouvo ilenco und no exposure. It is pleasant In taste mid odor, immediato in its action, and Veo trom all injurious properties. 818oow-lr M ARBIE WOJtKS. mniCHHILUIIH!)., (Jewells old stand, upper ond of town ) 'PTE publle nrn respectfully lnformod that 1 HnninvrsLrlll & Bro. have juBt received a largo stock of all kinds of MARBLE WORK! Such ss Gravo Stones, Monuments. Mnntla Work. Ac. We aro prepared to furnish work at reasonable terms on short notice. Call aod examine our stock, styles, and prices be fore purchasing elsowhoro. 6;8-tf HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU glvos health and vigor to tlio frame and bloom to the pallid chock. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and ir no treatmont Is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epi leptic tits ensuOj 8: 1 8ow-ly EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 1 KTTEHS testamentary nn ihaui.t. i I J Alford Gregg, of Cumberland town- ship, Greene county, Pa., doo'd., havinir been granted to the undersigned, notice is hemr. g jV(;n to all persons Indebted to sold estate to make Immediate payment, and those hvmir