1791; t..wl I SURA NOB CO M P A N V or NORTH AMERICA! riiii:i1 lillia.t Oldrst InsorancR ' oinpnny In America. PASII CAVMt, NO W'nPl.OS. OVEB , $1,7:11.000. SEVENTY ONE YEARS Successful Bust 7!PH Experience, Willi IV reputation for IN TEGRITY ami IIONORAULE DEALING UNSURPASSED bv ""V inuiV. Instituliou. IO'-Sr''S PAID since' organization, If 17,- V ttfrfABBsNl fitta I8r.:-lhf frf olussca ip orprnp?rtf, inanrnirco 01 uvii.v.i,v.a "i CONTENTS, Ik IpoctalMv. 1 - ' '. BRICK br 3TONE DWELLINGS Insured ', . ...j. ..'J ,...r-..i. t. Ihn Irtuio-ml : r -!; WT ' !l'i ill j .-w...-. j.;j..,.'!.. .. 'V J V, .,.! .1,,..,. I. VON'RBMT twii .i. il.,l.l T-C )VC . ' ..v.rjxY OF NORTH amiiuk-v Dinr Arllmr G f'Hln Samuel V . Jni ea, John A i?riwn, Charles Tny'nr, Ambrose White, Richard D. W- od, William Welsli, 'll-i ! M m's Wa'n, -! J-,hn M i' n. : Geo L. Hurrison, Frauds 11. Cope. Kdword II. 1'iotlcr, Edward S. Clarke, Wm. Cnniininirs. William 11. Rowen T Chariton Henry, T.,mr'N Dickson ARTHUR 'O. COFFIN, President. Cu tl'uTT.8.-cr,;t,.gr.M JutiV 7 II A ''on I ir Greene County. ASTBOLOQT. Til WILD AT Till! WIINIIKIIFI I. 1II.VI I.ATIOSM MADE BY THE GREAT ASTR LOG 1ST. MADAME H . A. P E R ft I G 0 . She reveals seoreis immortal ever know. She restores In happiness those who. from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, ' ' loss of relations nnd IVii nilB loss of money, I j, &c,, have become despondent,- She brings together those long s p rntfd, gives In oriii-i-tlon concerning absent ti'n n Is or lovers, re stores lost or stolon property, lulls you the businessyou are hibt quttlilUd to pursue and 1.. 4- i..ii ...ill lin mns.t KUnrTMSl'ui. C.ltlftt! 111 wunu iu ... - " speedy murrinpes nnil ti lls yon Hie vi-ry diiy you will mari'V, uivesyw Hie nnmo. liUeiies and clmraeteristica of (lie pfiRon. She rewls your veiy OinnuliWj'iwwl 1V her iilmost siiicr 'nntural iiowcvs iuiveilit the durU nnd hidden myste.i'ii'S of Hie, futuro. From llio ftnra we Benin the firainment Hie mnlifli: hrs Unit overcome or preihimlimte i" Hit confiuurilioii from Hie nspect" and poMlions of Mm plan ets and Hi') fix d stum in the In'iivnsm ihu ' .time cfbiiih; she (ledwr Hio I'uMire ih Htlny of man. Full not to consult llio prentest As trologist on earlli. II eofts yon tail a Irllle, and you may never acaln have so favor b'e nil opprtunily. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired inloi iiintion, l. 1'm ties liv ing at a distanee can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety mid satisfaction to themselves, as if in person A full and ex plicit chart, written out, with all Inquiries answered and likenesses enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of pr'.ec above mentioned. Tho strictest s' cresy will he maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. ! References of the highest Tder urnislied those desiring thorn. Write plainly the day ot ,, tuemcuth and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, JUdamk II. A. PFRRIGO, I. O, Drawer 2'.)3, Buffalo, N. Y. febl.VMy Throw away yourfalso frizzes, your switches, your wig Destructive ofemloi't, nnd not worth a fig: Come sgoih come youthful, come ugly and lair And rejoice iu your own luxuriant hair. , . REPARATOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from Whatever cause it piny have fallen out) and forcing a grol hot hair upon the face, it tins no equal. It ill force the beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from live to ckht weeks. rhair upon bald heii hi in fiom two to throe months. A few ignorant practitioners l avo asserted that there is noth ng that will force or hasten tho growth of the hair or beard Their assertions aro false, as thousands of liv ing witnesses (from Iheir own expel lence) enn bear witness. But manv will say. 1 ow aro wo to distinguish lit" genuino from the spurious 'i fit certainly is diflcult, as nine-tenths of tint liftcront Preparations advertised for the hair and beard arc entirely worthless; and you .' may have already thrown way large amounts In their purchase. To such we would say, try tho Heparator Capilli, it will cost you noth ing uulesi it fully comes up to our repressn t.n.mn Tf vonr dnisridst does not keep it. send us ono dollar and we will torward It, postpaid, toirether with a receipt for tho mo- nev, which will he r turned you ou apphca tioh nrovidiuir entire satisfaction is not given, j , V 1 ' ..r t nrimr.t, cn n,mi.t, unci us ono dollar aiid wo will forward it, Address, W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, JNo a vest ttnyeuu Du.oyiacueu, ai. j fob 1 8, '('"-1 y WHISKEPS AXO MUSTACHES! I.ORfEli to'grow iipdn tho smoothest face ' in from thri.'e to live weeks by using Dr. SEVIGNE'S RESTAUU VTEUIt CAPIL LA1RE, the most wouderlul discovery in modern science, acting upon the Beard aud Hair in an almost miraculous manner Il lias been used by tho cllto of Paris and Lcndon with the most fla'toring success. . Names of all purchases will he registered, nnd if entire satisfaction is not gtVenui everv Instance, tho money will bo cheerfully refunded. Price by' mail, scaled and postpaid,!. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mnlled free. Ad dress BERG KU, SIIUTTS it CO., Chemists, Mo. .'885 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Sole, agnuUfor the United Stales. feb20,'C7ly ! There comelh glad lldlngs oljoy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small j The beauty which onco was so precious and Is froioir ail, and oil may be fair. Bi this csb or ' t . . fc'1-.'.v.-. CHASTELLAR'S - s 'i.. .. i 1 - ' ' I rtVIIITE LIQUID .:..'."..vi'.n..4 SUM for Improving and Beautifying tho Complex - The most valuable and perfect preparation Iii use, lor giving the skin a boautllul pearl like lint, .tint is only found in youth. , It eulckly removes' Tari. BVcckles, Pimples, Blotches. Moth ratcb.es. Ballowness. , , Erupt ions, and all impurities of the sklni kindly healing tho samo lcnvlng the fkln white and clear os alabaster r Its vse can not be detect ed by tho closest scrutiny, ond being a yo tablo preparation Is perfectly lurmlesj. It ji the only article of the kind used by thy French, and li couBlderedby tho Pailshm m lndlsten sahle to a perfect ttdh-t. Upwa-ds t 80.000 bottles' were ' sold ' during ihs past'Vear, a iufflclent wttntee of its efficacy. Price rn lvT rent.' Sent by mail, pbstpM"' onr9 ceipt of an order, h? " ' BERQER. SHUTT8 St Co.', Chemists. '. 'i' ' : SBJ River f3t.,' Troy N. T. ltpH'Wi(,',; :i,n ' .', - .;'::., i 41, S O-M ET II I N M M! MltS:u! S 8AYERS&" IIOSKINSON . . . ( - " - j Ilave In-1! arrived . fimn Ni Y' rk with large issort.r.ent of P'relgn nud domcBiie fiRY.-' GOODS V which limy propose to sell at the lowest CASH .,1'HICKttl sueli na Press Goods. Dress ' ' Trunmliu.', Ori'ss Hnttons. Gay's Patent ... Muffs, Ladies's Shawls. Furs, Boots nnd Which, Hats und Caps j also, great variety of ' nlco articles,' " i, " 1 at very low prices, for i Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear j W'arqs of all kinds, Mind n romplete i vario iy f . Iicrt . OUCCERIEA 1 All of ' wl lrh fher tii'"iw to sell at Hie very lowest ' ' ..n .l.'i,eiidinir on the n''lty ll,"I cheap- i ii' SH ul'tlieil'uoods ton'iln then) cnstoin ' G yh lliein a cull In liro pur. h bin else where, and they will prove tn ij llio a'jovn Is correct, llonu'i in Allison's buililine;, nearly opposite llio Court House, Wayuesburg. MlVh'lHi-tf JJPJPJL CTESiCM MO It 13! When by the use of DR JOINVILLE'S ELIXIU you can be cured permanently, and al a tiitlinu cost Tim astonishing success which has attended this invaluable inediilno for I'h's'ual and Nervous V akness, General Debility and 'rost ration, Lofs ( f Muscular Energy. Im poteiii y. or nnv ol'iheconsiqtienccsol'ymitli ful indiscretion, renders il the most valuable p epurilion ever discovered It will remove i ll nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self destruction, feat a of insanity, &c. It will rcstor" the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual ex cess oi evil practices. Younir men, be humbiu?ed no more by in.,.w.tr n.-,ninra" mill tunnt'iiiit nrnc.titionfirs. Wiir.t.n in iu ...... . ,. , but send without delay lor the Elixir, nnd be at once restored to health and happiness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every instance, nice 11 or four hotllus to lie i ddrcss, frit, iine bottlels sulllcient toellect a euro iu all ordinary cases A LSI ). Dlt. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC 1'ILI.S, lor llio speedy and permanent cure ot iionorrnea, uieei, uieini wiL:nnr(;fs. trav el, Stricture and all affections of the Kidneys nnd Ijindder. Cures effected in from ono to five days. They nre prepared from vegeta ble extracts tint are hanncless on tho system, and never nauseate the btoinach or impreg nate the breath. No change of diet is nec. s snry while using them, nor does their action in any mnnnei interfere with business pursuits l'lioe'ltl per box. Either ol the nbo-e mentioned articles will be sen' to nny address, closely sealed, and post paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price. Address all op'erslo BEItGEU, SIIUTTS & CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. . ieuzu, iii ly BEAUTY ! AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN AND SILKEN CURLS. PRODUCED bv tho use of Trof. DE BREUX FRISERLECIIEVEUX. One flpplicatinii warranted to curl tho most straight nnd stubborn hair ot cither sex iiro wavy ringlets, or heavy massive rurls. Has been used by the lashlonablesof Parisnnd London, with the most ei'Ltifytng results Docb no in jury to the hair. Prico by mail, sealed and postpaid. 40. Descriptive circulars mnlled free. Address BEHGKH, SIIUTTS & CO , Chemists. No. 285 HiverSt.. Troy, N. Y., NEW HCITEMBtIT! THE PROPOSED IMPEACIU1EXT -OF H.RINEHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES! HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM. THE city, he has opened the largest New Grocery in town. He des'res to Inform the citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity of tno euro ho -f 5,K !!,'. !,'Ma TOUArJCO ,p A i? i uAWo, lAlt, also, t luv five tjaivim Itunm lllfll have taken In selecting stock, having on hand CI- 'Rovrsi. ONS, HACON, DKIED BEEF 1 0 PA TOES F 18 II, DUIED PEACHES, &o , &a , &o. Call and seo him as ho has been getting a NSW SUPPLY You will find Mm accomodating,. and enn sell lower than any one in tho place. Bo euro to go to the right place, iu LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. , opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc cupied by the Post Office BpiH,'(i'l.-tf US- JSL. sayors, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Will attend to all claims for back pay, bouii I v ami pensions of soldiers and their reiireseiitiv lives The Pensions of the following class are iucrouscd Irom f8 to $in and tf2ii per month, nnd w doWB fnr children under sixteen years 5(2 per montu each, viz t - - 1st. Those who have lost the sight of both eyes, tho use of both hands, or otherwise total ly disabled and incapacitated from performing manual lauor. 2d- All widows having children under six teen years of age are entitled lo $2 per mouth additional for each child. . . ' ' 3d. Guardians representing the mtnot chil dren of soldiers are ontlt led to the sumo iucreaso as if the mother was living. , augl,'illl-tf. EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIORI CIIASTELLAR'S " IIAIJl I, XTE slM I IV TO II I ton itKMoviNo sePKnyLvoys haik. ,. To the ladtua especially, this Invaluable de pilatory rccoimuonds iiielf as being an almost indlspcnuible article to female beauty, is easi ly applied, does not burn or injure the skin, hut acts directly nn the roots ' It Is warranted to removo superfluous halrfrom low foreheads or from anv part of the body, completely, totally and radically rxterpetlug the same, leaving the skin son. smooth and natural. This Is the only artlolo used by the French, nnd is the only real effectual depilatory In ex istence., .Price 7S ceuU par puukaga, tout postpaid,.1 to any ' address, on receipt of an order; y i n i i BEROER SBUTra ifc CO. Chemists, V. til 111. Shirk & Sutton, (Successors to A. Wilson, Jr., Waynesburg, Penu'a ) We imvo removed to Waynesbiirg, and io spectfuHy inform our friends and Hie public, that we a; enow receiving a beautiful ussmt mcutof CHEAP DRV GOODS, For t'jo Spring Trade, to which wo Invito Ihu attention of our old customers and all oth ers t'i an examination of our Block, which em braces the LATEST SPRING STYLES. Of DRESS GOODS of nil descriptions, very pretty and at astonishingly Low Prices ! And arc determined no one shall sell better goods at less prices than we do. We call at tention lo our stock of Millinery Trimmings, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves and Ribbons, CALICO AND MUSLINS, A,um,I.,infrirtc.ii win.!1"9 Wly ith ' sword and wades; tvttm .iv rfwa t'lTOMfQiii-vn nnnna nfoii kinds, Men & Boys HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & 4 iOCI3RIF4 i rir I i ..f , T, , i ,, , . i and Qiieenswaro. II would bo useless to un- dei lake to enumerate nil our gooils. We will endeavor to make it to your interest to deal witli us. liberal sharo of patronage. Drop in at all events. DON'T FOIIGET THE PLACE At A. Wilson's Store room in Wilson's New Building. Waynesburg, Va. I April lii-tt. o n n i in fi mn I n n SPUING T R J D E 1887. M'Elroy, Dickson k Co., wood SJtiroot PITTSBURGH, WI0UBU1 MY GJJflQS. Have their slock open for tho trade. GOOD GOODS! AT REASONABLE PRICES. S. B M'KLHOY JAMES DICKSON. 3il3-3m JOHN T. SHANE. FELLOWS' , . W fl H W T 9 1 r1 F li P I A RE. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. THE V most exlraordinnrv jMeiiicino of tho nee. Comprising, us they do. Remarkable Power in expelling worms, wun pieasani insio nnii perfect safety. Tl ey contain no Mercury, no .Mineral, no Turpentine, no Oil ol Worinseed, no Poison, nothing injurious, They are en tirely Vegetable. Symptoms of Wonfis : Itching of tho noso, feverlshncps, twitching or shirting suddenly during sleep, pain in the stomach, loss of llesh, paleness with hectic appetite sometimes vora cious, at others feohht. u dullness of the eyes, drowsiness, iv swelled upper lip, tongue white, ly furred and studded with rod spolts, fetid or garlic breath, grinding of teeth during sloep, a sensation of lodgment in the throat, an un natural craving lor diet, chalk or clay, fret fulness mid irritability of temper, chollo fits and palsy. Intestinal Worms nre among the first to undermine the constitution iu tho list of diseases. They often occasion severe dis ease, ending sometimes fatally, particularly whon they ascend to tho stomach. Their presence in their most ordinary situation is attended with unfavorable effectsupon the gen eral healih. Eminent men assert that ftliaro more or less troubled with worms, and that many die annually from this cause, who, by the timely administration of a proper remedy would ho saved. As FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES may bo taken without any un pleasant results, and as mr st children are fond of them, their use is recommended to those apparently healthy, and thus dispel tho cutiso oi what would produce sollcring. Bo careful what you use. Various- reme dies have from tlmo to time, boon recommend ed, such as Calomel, Oil of W ormwood, Tur pentine, &c., bo that dangerous and even fatal consequences aro produced. The necessity of a safe and Biiro remedy lias caused much research end study by tho proprietors of FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES. They are positively safe, pleasant and effectual. They do not kill worms, but net by making their dwelling place dlsng'ccnhlo to them. In order, however, to guard consumers against deception by a bnse compound, the analysis of Dr. A. A. HAYES, State Assnyer, proving the above statement. Is iinnexerl. "I have analyzed the WORM LOZENGER3 prepare'' by Messrs. Fullows & Co., nnd find '. that they nre free from Mercury and other ' metnlie or mineral matter. These Lozenges are sUllflilly compounded, pleasant to tasto, i sale, yet suro nnueiieciuainiinoiractinu. i R spectfully, A. A. Havks, M. D. vssayer of tho State of Mass. Please remember dial Fellows' Worm Loz enges are prepared with groat care from the concentrated extraots of two plants. They do not act ns a purgative or emetic, will not dchllita'e the patient, are so simple nn Infant may devour a wholo box without harm, aud will at the same expel tho worms lu an extra ordinary manner. sKtFoIIowb' Worm Lozougers Is the only Worm Remedy in existence combining liurtn less qnalldes with delicious taste aud aimiz ug power. Price Twenty-live cetits per Box, Fivo boxes for a dollar. The signature of I'ellows i Co. is ail lie lieu to eacn genuine nox. Sold by Medicine deal rs generally. Prepar ed at tho New England H"tnlo Depot, for tho Proprietor, J. 0. FRENt II. Dkhas Bahnus it Co., Geu'l Agents, N, Y. . 4;2t-um. - (J 11 E li U IIOUS I .. .. I.'- ' , ' ' Jeffcrion, Crccno Cotinfy, rptin'n, URS. li. ; J".' liUAfGAjlNEli, rroprietru,. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. Bum ARNKKUprepaindtofuml.h tht lui, to the travelling1 public: '-The TABLE always sup piled villi the cltnlcOsliMlcicleS. th.i IJVll "itU the finest Vines and Liquors, goodsleoii n; npurtments. nnd an abundance of stable room ntlftaliml to ihu promises, Puhllo trooage solielted .... May 88,'66.-ly. Wh h.oe hlC'l 1 1 1 11 1 1 III I '.! 1 H 1 1 - I'l misery many, that would 'move tin li iidest heart to l ily but nothing can bu more touohiiitf to an observei',noiliiiit! better defines misery, than a : limn in a baitier dliop, will) a dozen 01 no ahead ol liiin, waiting to bu shaved. It is impossible for any one who has never experienced It; to know how miieli nerve ri quired to pass successfully through this onleal. Different natures, of course, experience different decrees of misery as they wait. 'The poor bub virtuous young man, Btruggling with a mustache.' (the fading hue ot which has brought him again to the ton so rial artist,) having on engagement with Susan' who has told him 'anything but a feller as isn't on time' can pro bnhly be put down as a subject of the most abject wretchedness ami despair, as he enters and looks around upon 'let vi'serablci who are ahc-nl of him, ti n last of whom iuiiles with his misery a grim satisfaction that some oue comes after liiin, The man would rather die at once than be subjected to the suspense he must endure. Talk of ambition i ot fame, as she beckons from at'ir to the midnight porer over volumes tilled with learning nd wisdom, or to the warrior as he .u his way with his sword and wades through seas of blood to her shilling 1 iron T TLu BMlw.lor'fl omhWinn tSwK.a in j msignince.iee.-at.d the soldier's dream of y sm'"v'1 1,(Jt"ro lne y'riiin ol the n).u M l,,,UR.r Kuup, AUHiiiu iot his turn. No yoal but the cushioned , , , fc , . . ona,r "UM lie see ' UUM """1 y"t SO tar off' There is musio to him in the barber's tWBen ' his ambition s goal nnd i when it finally appeals to him, he expe- irieroesajoy that the honied words of flattery li.il to bring to him who has i found fame. Enforce the Maine law, prohibit tilting hoops, make dry streot t 'crossings, ifco , &a., and we will submit, ; ts ,Dr' olan,t'8 'fsaU' ltf!. - fiiZ mTh the lust man in t.hn linrhor hon ' a. v.. ali.ai.f, i,sd., MANCiitSTMl, Ji. u. r. A woman says what sho pleases with out being knocked down for it, Sho can take a snooze after dinner, while h l'" husband goes to work. She can !o into i... I.L....L... . i. i .: ... , line Biicci wiiuuia oeing hskco to staiul 'treat' at evory saloon. She can slay at home in time of war, and get ' m irned a m if tier husband gets killed. Klie cm wear corsets if too ihick, id other c . .... lt. , hX'ngsittoo thin. She can get divorced fro n Inr husband whenever she sees ono I . ... , , she likes better She can get her 1iiim bind in- debt all over, until he w irns the . puiiiic not to trust hor on his account. But nil these advantages are balanced by . , the greai fuut thul she cannot sing bass, go sparking, or climb a tree 'with uny degree of jnopriety Tun Ilopkiiisvillu. Kentucky. iCansh- '"" follovt tug: 'On respeclabl j authority wo State that a ladv fnnhlltio .,1 IT..;..,.;..,.. il,la a uuy. iiijiaitig at Dau-yww, iu this county, gave birth, some six weeks ago, 10 3 0,,i" .t w. nost 8i,,oular com - poun i ot man ana rept ile The lotvur portions of the ol i il 1 aro natural in their formation aud partake of the oharautur- iatioaorihdoenusAomo, but the body and ' ' " J ' u the head are siinil ir to the body and ihe head of the rattlesnake. The mother, " every time she is compelled to give nourishment to the child, is thrown into convulsions Goorg' rga Franoin Train says our modern .. ,. . . marriage ge service snouin ue reau thus : Cleigyman -Will you take this Urown stone, this carriage and span, these dia. monds, for thy wedded 'husband f Yes. Will you take this unpaid milliner's billi this high waterfall of foreign hair ; these affectation accotuiilinhinents, and feeble constitution tor thy weddod wife ? Yes, Then, what man has joined togethor let tho next best man run away with, so that the first divorce court may tear them asunder.' Tub following is an oxtraet from a oolored man's sneeoh at Jacksonville, Fla ; 'be de man nobah pooh, if him hab no coat, uo hat. no shoes, no bread, he must not soli his vote not for five dollah, nor fifty tousand If he do, wo will spurn him from us foreber and for ebor, for wid a great price obtained we dis freedom.' A r.0Na time ago, a little boy twelve years old, on his way to Vermont, stop, ped nt a oountry tavern, aud paid for bis 1: .i u,. !,.,. , , ;""t- y buw.iiS woou 'nstead of asking it ns a gift. Fifty ,, , , ., T tho sam boy paod the same 1,1118 ln "8 Ueorge i'enbudy, the bank' er. As Good as Whkat. Babies resem ble wheat in many respects Firstly- neither aro good for much until they ar rive at maturity. Secondly both are bred in the house, and also the flower of the family. Thirdly both are lo bo cradled. , Fourthly both are generally well thrashed before they are done with, Is it possible, Miss, that yoii don't know the names ot some of your beat friends!' inquired a gentleman of a lady. 'Certainly, she replied, 'I don't even know what' my own may be a year hence.' ; Af FouiHi ol July . oi'lebiiiti"n in Marion county. MinoU. a joU'mj Ivly of fered th'' following tin' ; 'Tim young men of Ainorieii their a' ins nur suj) pori i our in ni'-. their laward.',' , Ftfll in, , men fall iu I i , c, c, ' i ,i CM t i ' .,' , i A oimti.kman of Pittsburg has paper ed his I'liiiiil Willi oe i'l ;(i. mi e of ol' 'l iok riiu novel pHiring uont origiuuilv over uftythreo thousand dollars, AN INVALUABLE MEUH-'INli.FOR, JHE PL'HIFYING OF THE I1LOOI), X. DR.- J. W. P 0 LA N D'S HUMOR DOCTOR, A I'oslUve Remedy for all kind of ilu V tuors. pii'lcularly Ei.yslM:lus, ,Ni Ulu K I'll. Sab lihcuui. Scrofula, Carbunuli'S. Bolls and Piles. It is very gratifying to say ofilils, or of nnv other medicine, "It is tliu very best remedy known." It is not always so easy to prove it. It Is. however, exceed ingly gratitying to llio proprietor of this medi cine, that, wliile he declares to the public that this is a most wtmdcrful and offeotivo specilic (or Humors, us slated above, he has abundant proof tit hand to sustain his statement. For sixteen years the Humor Doctor has been mauufaeturcd and sold, and every year has increased tho value of Its reputation, and the amount of its sales. In JNcw Hampshire, where it originated, no remedy tor humors is so highly prized.. An eminent phvsiciau (now sn army surgeon) whon practicing hi New Hampshire, purchased between lliiy or sixly gnlonsof it, during some seven or eight years, and used it in ids practice. He lias since then ordoiedit for the hospital where he was stationed. Other physicirns have purchased it, and have used it hi pnictjco with great success. When the proprietflr lived la New Hampshire, at GottHown Center, fortlic space of thirty or forty miles around, and iu Man chester particularly, tho Humor Doctor was well known and highly valued for the nume rous and wonderful cures, which it eftected. Though manufactured in largo quantities the supply was frequently exhausted, and pur chasers had to wait for more to be made. In : g were j cured I Erysipelas sores, or carbuncles, those ugly, painful ulcers, were entirely removed cured I ! wherever tliis medicine was thltlitullv iwed. iSim w Dci ad thlm m' For the sake of showing what is thought of h, a icw lesuiuoiuais are ncre mserleu: Milton Gau:, Esq , Boston. ... ... . I hereby ceruly that I was sorely afflicted with Boils for two years, developing tlieni- f'T1-8 "P"" my. i" l'8 "'Vl ',,U,,er ,",l,8 ','f n,y I liiillilully tried seyeral ot the most popular humor reuwdies. but without rcniDviug tho llcn;i a; lengtn, i.ytne earnest request D'rttj. ZmZ illZXTtni 2 very happy to attest lhat all mv Bolls were removed, and my health was restored by us- Dr. J. W. Poland Dear Sir : I very cheer fully give my testimony in favor ol your Hu mor jjoctoi as nn excellent rtuueily lor humors, numerous acquaintances in Manchester IrilrtlV liiittf dfiVifiilv I umd tttfliiilml mitt. Tlr.!1.. ..w.. m,ii.(i.ij una HKIII.IUU HUH JJINIJ1 mill tliiiV know how nerfW-llv tmnri mu lumlilt isftt present Your Humor Doctor cm od me. . , ; j n j Pluaser i refer to me for particulars in inv enso. June II, IS.-iO. A. C. WALLACE. MltS. POHTEK, DOVKII, N. II. July 22, 1SS5. Da, Poland : I received your letter in- Vh'jS 1,9 l" the eli'ects ol your medicine on ri:il-au.iiii x il 1 1 1 ILiI'liJ is Bill mill 1 nulla it is "Ihe medicine" for thai dreadm! sick- nuss- tried various prescriptions, hut found none that settled Ihe stomach ami cleared Ihe head like tho Humor Doct ir. I felt as tlmu"h 1 c01,la, lllir,',ly w'.lit l" Set ashore, to entreat you to inlrodnce it into shio chandlery stoics, that it may find its way to' those who suin.r "I""1 .Oe mighty deep fmm sea sickness. If captains who hike their families with thera, , or carry passengels, should try it lor onco, 1 they would never be willins to voyngo with- IIUI IL. 1 have used It for my family since its intro duction In tho public for bilious habits, head ache and humors about my chi'dren, uud have ""ayu Sy name appearin i'ublic. and would not consent to it on any ' ol',CI' account but to relieve the. sullerirg : but i :,-.,. (..r..,,,!., i, ,,r HHrv ?, or ihu public, you can make use of it. 1 mor0 TmMlFSii to this medicine, as contained in testimonials, hut it is needless. Ask Manchester (Insists about It, especially E. W. Blake, at Btrr's. Inquire ol Mr. Henry Pluiuer. of Ikillbril ; :'h,os0, WM cu'ud- S,llt H,;Tn- Ask almost any person in Gotlstown, nnd they : will doclaro i's valuo as a remedy, as usediu 1 1 m?i cttS0SOJby ,hclr "lends. 1ho Humor Doctor was toriuerly sold at ! fifty cents per bottle ; but llio cost of every ingredient composing it wis gone up so enor mously, that the price, has been raised to seventy Jim cent on, and that by compulsion. The J minor Doctor is prepared nt tlicNew England Bot'i J. C. French mic Depot, tor the Proprietor, , 6ol(1 nv Meuno Dealers evervwhero ' DEM A3 BARNES & CO., General Agents, 1 Ncw Yosli' 4;'U-0m. I f-f "nr OUlJtlU WIIUH O W IN WAYNESBURG, PENN'A. THOS. BR ADEN (At tho room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to Braden's Drug Store.) Respectfully Informs the good peoplo of Greens county, that be has opened a HARDWARE STORE. And invites a call from his friends nnd the public generally. His store is tilled with everything in luslhio needed by tho Fanner nnd Mechanic. Being a practical farmer, lie knows exactly tho wants of his farmer friends. Among his variety of goods will he found Iron, Nails of all kinds, Planes of all varieties, Au gers, Braces, &e. Tullle toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand sivwsaud tiols of all des criptions. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes. Corn Shol lors, Plows, Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and everything in his Jino. SADDLERY HARDWARE, . A general assortment of saddlery hardware, to which he invites the nltentlon of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Ruckets, Butler Bowls and nil ktnds of Kitchen Wooden Fixins. Wlllo'V Baskets: Brooms, Brushes, Coai Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buggy wlilpiJJHhot Guns, Boys Wagons and sh ds All porsoiiB desirous of purchasing any of the above articles nnd m inv others not nien 'loneil will cunsult their Interest by CALLING SOON. no will take pleasure in showing his stock at all times. So glvo lilm a cull when you come to town. Ri niein'ior -the piano, oppo site Hi" First National Bunk deel'Jtf THOS. BRADBN, IPvi tlio TST otio t, "4 Tim firm oi' nuaiiEi a litas is illsolyed.by tnntnil eoiiHiint ibciVm mlssl in business vlll s'tll be carlo I nn at Ihi old stiml. in iriod order, and on the most rcaonable lei'ins, h "he name and stvln of L HUG 1 1 US A CO., (senior partner). ' They flaller themselves, by having the House and the best location In tho place for that husl ness, that they will nucaivn a liberal sharo of the public patronage They will also keeps good simply of GRO CERIE4 on han-' to aoconodate nil who uny favor them with a cull. L. HUG11ES A CO. llO-tf Rloe's Undiaj, Ps. ,&TyAWICUNa,PEMANI) J. W Bradley's - Club rated Patent ' . DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oil DOUBLE SPRING) . . 3 IS. I 3Ft T . The Wonderful Flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Du plex Elliptic Skirt wilt bo experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car riages, railroad cms, church lews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, its tho skirt can bo folded when In use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, nn Invaluable quality in crino line, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure com fort and great convenience of wearing the Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a sinele day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladles they are superior lo all others. - They will not bund or break like the slnglo spring, but wid preserve their perfect and graceful shape wlu n three or four ordinary skirts win nave neen thrown aside ns useless, The hoops are covered with double and twist. cd thread, and llio bottom rods aro not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing them from wearing out when drag ging nown stoops, Bin tr, etc. The Duplex Elliptic Is a great favorite with nil holies and Is universal! recommended by the Fashion Magazin s as tho standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following luestlma'ile advan tages in Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, per fect manufacture, stylish shape nnd finish, flexibility, durability, comfort nnd economy, enquire for J. W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Doublo Spring Skirt, and bo suro you get the aenuine article. CAUTION. To guard against Imposition be particular to NOTICE that skirts otl'erud as "DUPLEX" have llio red ink stamp, viz.: -J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon tho waistband none others are genuine. Also Notice Unit every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through tho centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided to gether therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, ond a combination not to ho found in nny other Skirt. For sale in all stoics where first class skirts are sold throughout tho United States ond elsewhere. Manufi.cturi.il by tho Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 1)7 Chambers & 71) & 81 Reade Sis , N. Y. feb0'(i7-;)m A TTENTION I SOLDIERS 1 Disbanded Soldk-rs entitled to additional bounty uuder tho recent Act of Congress should bo careful whom they employ to col lect their dues. It is not every unprincipled "sharper" w ho hangs out his shingle that is a liv.emd citum atjent. 1 am thus nuthoiUcd bv law and will at tend to all soldiers' claims for hack pay; I'un sio.ss nnd additional uountiics. Having the con eel blinks on hand to make such applica tion, there is no cause for return of papers onco sent, or delay in making them out. Uo ccipis gl en for all discharges placed in my p ssesslon, Apply at onco two more months will be too lute. , B. F. FLENNIKEN, P. O. Box I(i8, Olllce First Nat. Bunk. jan3(),'(l7 Waynesburg. Pa. -Couveyancingdoiieon ronsoiiuhle terms NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHi'CO. OPPOSITION LINK TO CALIFORNIA. VIA SlUIUUl't, EVERY TWENTl' BUS, W il li pAtSSKNU lilts, FllKIllHT, AMIiU. S. Mails. On, lit? following Jintcktas Stettmshijit : On Atlantic Qccnn Connect' tj on icijic Oictin santiaoo du CII1IA, amckica, BAN I'll.lN'CISCO, MOHU8 TAYl.OK KlCAKAOIJA, NKIIIUSICA, UOKATO, NIvVADA. PASSAGE AKD F&FIGHT AT REDUC ED RATES. SAILING DAYS FROM NEW YORK. March ,10h,..18fi7. I May 1st and 20lh, 1807. April SMith... " j June loth and 311th " And overy twenty days thereafter, leaving on the Saturday previous when a regular Sailing imy comes on runway, l' oriurilier informa tion imply to the NORTH AMERICAN STEUISHIP CO. Wm. 11 Wumi, 1'ren't. I ), N. Caiuungto, nt r.xcnango mice, Ayt-. 177 West til, N Y . cor. Warren, N. Y. 3:20 3mo. FRANK. M'GURCAN TTAS JUST OPENED A FIRST CLASS XX stock of IDjFLTST goods, Clothing, Trimmings, Notions, &o., In the New Store Room in Mr. George E, Minor's building, nearly opposite the Farmers' & Drovers' Nalioual Bank, WAYitJESBlTKG, FEN.VA. Tho stock Is nil now and fresh, purchnsod since the late decline in prices, for cash, which enables mn to sell much lower than those who novo old slocks bought ot high prices. I would bo highly gratified to imvo all my old frlnnds,cu8lomcrs and tho public genorally to call and see me at my new store. I will endeavor to make It pay all those who favor mo with a call, ns I nin determined to sell at such prices ns will give entire satisfaction, ft3-Do not fi.rgct the place, In the New Store Room, In Mr. George E. Minor's buil ding, nearly opposite the Farmers' & Drovers' National Bank. i; iT-lf FRANK. M'GURGAN. MONEY FREE AS WATER. ' 10,0011 ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Aircnls, Malo or Female, of all ages, aro wanted to solicit trado In every city, town, village, linm'ot, workshop ond factory, throughout the entire world, for tho most saleable novelties ever known. 500 Per cent PROFIT mid ready sale wherever of fered ! I Smart men uud women can make from 4.1 to ifno per rtnv. and no risk of loss ! A small cipllnl requited ot from (fO o fno) the more money Invested the groitcr Hie poollt. No money required In advance we Hist send the nr fclcsanil receive pay ai'ler wards! If you actually wish i ,w, n.,.y rapidly and ensilv. write for fuM p rlleulnrs and address MiLNOR A CO (From Paris.) I'elilil-ly jjll) Urondway. Now Y"rk Cliy. Adnilnhtrator'M 'ol ce, , TETTERS of adini'ilsiritl n having bn-ii J gllliiteil III" lin Icslijne 1 ll;'i'll til" ' Into of .tames N-nl. I:il-. I''.'unii."r!.-,ii.l inn-n- ship, Go-cne c iiii'ty, I'a , t! i,sel. iv tic" is hereby iilvon t i nil pei-MUs ,it, )cit. ,1 t , mi estate to make Imiiiu ll it payinmit, nnd Ihose' having claims to present them properly.au tlientlciitod for suttleinunt. 1 ... .10 IN GWYNN,- . I 4;-0w of Cuiiiberland lp., Aiim'r. , - SLATER O.nUNHAlTGfl, . I DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINifiS, LI qithrs nnd every thing pcrtnlulnir to a nut class Drug store. Proscriptions caretuily com poupded. "CrelKh'i Old Stand," Waynes urg, Pa, May SO, '6.-ly. f SILIStATIS Horsa aafl Gattla Pdwflers. TbU pmvantloa, Iobs aud favorably known, will thor oughly nlnvlorw broken-down ana low-iplrlted harm, by itrtngUitnlng and clundni tlx tonuok aosl lntft Un. , it It s tar pr. vonUn of all ill. ciul lncldint i this animal, such u LONG FEVUi, 8LANIIKRS. YKLLOW WA- TICK, HEAVES, 0OU0HS, Dm' TEMPER, k'K- vkus, rotJNnKit LOSS or APPH TITE AND VITAL SNKUUY.ao. Its dm improves thn wmo, monaaes tin appetite-gives a moo in auu; lloiiv tkia anil ! tranaforma t h a- nluratlt Ikulcton Into a ana-looklni and inlrliad ban , , To Iter nns of Cnwi thli nrennratlon li InvalnaM. It locreaMi tho quaallly and Improvea the quality oi uia nui. it li na bwn proven by ac tual exiierlment to lncreaao the quan tity of milk anil . cream twenty iter cent, and make the butter firm and iweet. In fattening oattle.lt (iTeathcm. an appetite, looaena r uieir nisi, aim aaiakei them thrlv In all diauaei of Sln, such aa Coughs, Ulotrs la the Lunul, Llrer, o., this article acta aa a apeciflo. By putting from n one-fialf a paper " to a paper in a barrel of awlll Ihe above dlaeaaes will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Fries 2S Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for II. sheparid bt S. A. TOUT Sc BI?.O.t AT THBIB ffnOlRRslI DRl SNU MKDinNI! DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. For Sale by DruKgistf end Storokeeperi througbj at the United tUalci. Roberts Pa. & Co., agents. Waynesburg, novai'd .-ly. RECONSTRUCTION NOT OP THE UNION (UT OP Isaac Hooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY I TlfR. HOOPER would still have his riends 111 nnd patrons bear n mind, that he con tinues in the Grocery nnd Confectionery trade at his usual place ot doing business, and that be has lust received .1 ' :IJ !'; A. Fresh. Supply of the best quality of all ait'cles iu his line. TOYS NOTIONS' and a great variety of useful articles always on hand. x. 3CFRESIIMENTS, In connection with the above, Mr. Ilonper keeps a Ri'staurimt, where ICE CREAM, ber ries and all the luxuries of the season eon be obtained. The nine, attractive nnd most popular resort lntown. June 14. 'ri5-ly Crisp bp Coma! Oh! shu was beautiful and fair Willi starry cvrs am! radiant hnlr, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind, CRISPER COMA. For Culling the Hair of Either Sex Into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curies. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold, It is tho only artidu in the world that will curl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. Tho Crisper Coma not only curls tho hair, but invigorates, beaut Hies aud cleanses it ; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, ami is the most complete articlo of the kind ever offered to the Amorican public. The Crisper Coma will bo sent to any addn us, sealed and postpaid for $1, Address nil orders to W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists No. 8 Wust Favetto St., Syracuse, N, Y. Iebl3.'(i7-ly I AU PAP3GHS FOR SPRING SALES OF 1807. " Wh aro now prepared to offer to our custo mers, and the. Tiade genera. ly. an extensive co'.Iection oi PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, FIHH 1I0AIIU PAINTS, KTO., ETC. Embracing nil qualities of goods, known to tho Trade- for Parlors, Dining Rooms, Halls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &o. ALSO, TRANSPARENT OIL CLOTH AND TAPER WINDOW MIAULS. . At the Lowest Market price, at No. 107 Market St., near Tilth JOS, R. HUGHES & BRO. m0-8ms. VAYNU$l!Unu1nAt(ULE& STONE "WORK.S ! CJTILL continuo to carry on the Marble and j mono cutting uusmossat tneir mngestao Ushed stand immediately East of the Publio soimre, Main Street, Waynesburg. This establishment litis been in constant operation since I83!, and tho long experience and energy of the proprietors, linked with the orcrciso of sound judgment and good taste, hvo won for them a widespread and enviable reputation.' An extensive stock, of the various miotics of the. I s iiiiarblii kept constantly on Imnd. Special nl'eiition paid to liolvshlfltj, picsnlp., cii-vlngni engraving, All orilo1 nil I filled. December 88, ' " '" a CURK, KVMi HLKKDINO AND WEAK- NKSSOPTHKLUNU' Tho unyield ing LUNG ' YRUP. Is a sure cure for bleed ing and weakness ornithines, aorcness of the ,bnwt. P'ln lu the breast. &c. .' r.,.; Tnls yrup Is , a Into dlsc'iyqrv has boen, llei'i U'JdvteS'ed in I'h'is heviir been known to i-.ll i i ii lit' li rnaii, i It Is for rrnlo wkolesale 'm! at i.'i'i..'!i?n'')U'8 . Drug Store,' i'i"i,;b's ..). valid.' ai:T v.'il bo dlstribulori lhi'i'U ;li 'Ui tho 0 iiinii'v lit ieountry stores, Merch'iiiis will lo .well to keep It ou hand. Send your oi (lei's. ' ' i, Also. '1'lie Cough Exlarmliiatnr, which will" cure hard cough, Irorsetiess, brouchltls, croup,, ifco,' ; Another Syrup, expressly mrllonplngOough, wl ich Is an able thing in this contagious ills vase. All the above articles nre for sale at Eastern Prices, at ODENBAUGH'S Drug Btore,. Wyaosburg, P. , , , l;s tf.r Buob faiter I ti , ' "' '"" .