WAYN ES U U KG: - WEDNE3DAY,"mAY 18. IBflT. Du. I) W. liiuliBN will iieiiCH-nrilv -ta absent from fiohie for a short liin. Upon his return the prautioeot uie.li pino will at once be resumed, Pming his absence the Drug Store will be open as uhusI ; Drugs, Mediuiues, . fco.. t very low prices. Pleasant (t) To be crowded off the "sidewalks by ladies, (so culled.) three or four abreast. We suggest the middle of the street tor those who innrcli In tiles of four. 1 A pure article of Linseed Oil nhd White Lead on handsale. W. itoburtsife Co.'s. . .Nothing Lim It The Spring arrival of New Goods tor the merchants ot our town is unparralloleil in the history ot merchandizing. Tho s'ouk jmi received by the firm of Mrs E S. Savers, A Upskirson caps the' climax. We have nothing to compare it to, riviilling as it floes the contents of a first class metro- polltan basaar. They hive everything from the smallest articlo'of Trimming to rich and stable Dress Good. Persons buying Dry Goods should make a note oflhis In Allison's budding room for-1 t).M,.c,urlu Phimvhv Ei.kuti v For ! Tlnckeiay. It abounds in stiongconi merly ocou.iod by Hedge & Son. j tho curiosity of our .friends we present'"10" sense, felicitous descriptions ot Faint Brashes Whitewash Brashes ind all the following names annonnoed as can- ! lru scenery, intense love of rural kinds of Brushes at.U W Roberta & ty.'a didates f r the respective ofllces at the I'te. and a simple homeline.-s as fi esh and Don't Block Up run Sidkwm ks. It is against the law, besides being very annoying to the la lies -. who-e d'vs-e re being oonsiamly torn bv p e i of projecting iron hoo.is or nails Va u. blo diesses are often spoiled by the carelessness of storekeepers, in aln wi"g the boxes to clog up the sidewalk Be ides it damage their business in a m n r All kinds of pnint. dry and In oil, at Q W. j Roberts & Co.'s Drug Store. Baptist Com.kob The Committes of the Monongahela and Ten Mde As ociatons of the Regular Uaplit Chnr ches, will meet at Brownsville (Fayette Co,) on Fiiioat the Tih day ot June next, for the purposes ot locsting the contemplated Collego. All the members of the Commutes their alternates are requested to attend. A. A- Poiimam. Chairman. Ad the pnpuhr Patent Medicines sold by G. W. Roberts & Co. I you want a ehoice Hani, Shoulder, Side, Shad, Herring, Mackerel. Flour, Potatoes. Tobacco, Cigara, Notions or Dry Goods go to V.t. A. Poktku's Tht isthep'ae they all can be obtained. G C. A S The Animal meeting of the Greene County Agricultural Society will beheld at the M. E. Church in C.r '"miohaels, Pa Sateiday May 27th I8'7, at 2, o'olook P. M to elect omVers for tho ensuing year. . A large turnout is de sirable as business of importance to the Society may be transacted. II. II. Cube, Pres. ' J. P. Mitchknkr, Sec. 2w. A splendid assortment of PertVnnorv and Toilet Soaps for sale at Q. W. Roberts & Co.'s. Wm. A. Portkh. has a fine lot of To matos Plants and Sweet Potatos Sprouts ready tor transplanting let him have your orders. He can ship to any point by mail. Tun Show. The idea of journalizing without occasionally stretching truth to its utmost tension is incompatible. But when we are prevailed on to U II a ten dollar lie tor five, and after finding it out, who can blame ua for taking part ot it back. Greene County is now. on cir cuses and she's Democratic, too. all it neeus is the pasti iiig of the glaring posters in Waynesburg to send the news at little less than telegraphic speed throughout the county. It wants no trumpeting to herald it lo the fanlie-t ihamlet a splendid theme for moraliz ing. Here, then, on Saturday last as congregated, though th complaining eason is far advanced and but little un proved, a great many farmers, inechao. Ics, labours, ' wmien. JiiMiei, for what r-,ta see "Dsn" lice 1 To spend & long.tod tiresome d y. to be J s . d txy.fhe crowd, tube reliend.it 'loir aruiugs. So it was. The mepi sii.Ut ."razor powder'' beguil'd til" omwd on he street, hurdy-gurdys jingled rowdies jeeled and quarrelled, the show 'lie gteat (?) feature amused, that is a part. .On tbe who e. it is conceded a great Jiuiiibug. and if "Dan " Kieudou'i wa it to lose his lepntHiion he bad be ter leave the establish in nt lly tar tho happier is the man win) stayed nt home and jturned the mellow soil or buried the goldeu grain; . . - - . Hostctter's Btnmach Bitters at G. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Store. Old Acquaintaucks. Tho Laz"ar ros. have opened a wholesale Grocery and Commission house in Haiti. nore, and it waa only last week thai we had the pleasure ot shaking hands with William L , the junior member of the firm, who H among us for a short ttmo, soliciting trade. It is unnecessary for ua to add that a more reliable and better qualified Arm can not be found in the cities Orders from this section will receive par ttoular attention. Bee card in another column. The ; American Sweet scented Glycerine leap at G. W. Roberts AO.'s Drug .Store. S nil so in EuiNKax In most the of gardens in and around Wayneabunr. the earth has been turned up and plant ed, and vegetation is coming; forward rapidly. In son e dasos tr-o lettuce, on. ions arid rhiib.-ub plants are ready for table use. We notion that the g irdens are now in excellent order, and the pro timon of choice tl iwers are in full bloom. breathing n doliijlitful fragrance for the oeni'ui oi pacing pro'Ueimuerg. me shrubbery in tasteful yards and gardens tempt pedestrians to linger and admire the flowers. Tho glorious monthly roses are opening. and nodding a re ponao to the f zi nt a Inrrution which inettts them and rcj rices in the eet thus giv en by thetpieen of bower that summer in nppro.ieniiig with all its wealth and beauty, and all the bounties of nature which it bung' in its train. Iew em pi yi.itfitts have so refining a tendenc y as th it ot cultivating plant and flowers, whose gentle llntnldirgx, have u tenilen oy to lead the sensitive mind into com munion with the great Author of all. Wk Auk Ui.aii to Skk. Tint exten sive hoops and long milling dresses Inve been, lo a certain extent, superse del by the short dress and moderate ;izt'1 vv l'''k H'ere can be ' ''tl'"S "' heauiiful than the present i ,;,'" tl,r dresses.: . Nothing neater. coining fledii n Miv j.,ti inst. Assemble Johii IMiulan. E-.n. Shentf Ju nes p Cosray. ot Marion ip ; 11 nr 1 iI(mis, ot Wayne tp.; J '' ph Tijlio, i Maiion tp. ; Win. CleaV" ge'. d Monoiinahota tp. 'I'na i -tv A. Wailaee.ot Marion t p. ; A. J Sniv' r, of Kraiikliu tp., Thoinas G ind win. id Franklin tp ; Abner M Uai ey, of Whit, ly tp . Thus. A lamson, of Centre tp.; J iima Meeks, of Jackson tp. I Cnmtn'esioner J. J Hupp, ofSpring lull tp.i Joseph Kinsley, of Wayne tp Samuel C. Orr. t Morgan tp. Auditor A. G Cross, of Marion tp. Poor Hoa-e Dncntor Henry Morns, ot Whittlv tn i Jno Loar. of Franklin So it will be seen that not a few htm L'er tor the tat thiio'S ot rdfine. Theia O -- rs ' w rul .ra,n.U fnr nr ll. .l, ' positiona. It makes hut a small differ- once ns to choice. All are clipped from the same piece, regular starera," ami- - war, anti-Cong-ess, nnti peace, anti everything tha has progresdon in it Lswson Cannon, ot li co's Lan ling of fers hiutHelt as the Farmer and Mechan ics candidate for Assembly, promising $800 of his salary for Educational and i charitable purposes in the tounty Ie, however, is not treated with common reap.ct. his name not even being placed in the list of csndidates Wiitkingmcn may look at it as they please, but it seems to us that Deinoci auv is not sen ouslv concerned for ilieir welfare. Hon est Weinourjtg. tell us, what do you llunlc ot tins treatment! Fouiitii ok July! The Brownsville Clipp-r says s The Returned Soldiers of Brownsville. Bridgeport, West Browns ville, and the surrounding oountry, with out regard to pontics, nave resoive i on a military celebration, on the approach ing Fiiii'th of July, on which occasion they purpose to iive some specimens o Battle Manoevers, as skirmishing with the enemy, battle evolutions, cliai'iics etc, It ts proposed, it the weather will permit, t. have the celebration in sime pleasant grove near town, adjacent to a suitable open space t r drill, the whole to be under the command ot some com petent IbVer who bus smelt powder i and that the soldiers mid fjijzens ne address ed by some distinguished speaker from abroad. The different Townships of Fayette. Washington and Greene Counties, are itque-ted to co .pa ate, when the time (times. Meantime, it may ni t be tmpr.ipcr to suggest lo the soldiers, llie propriety ot each luiiit'n g up an I pie paring hiinse.f with a Gum tor the occa siou, Tlllt MONONO IIKt.A Vai.i.ky Uailuoau The Piti-burgli Gazette ibroiucles' a meeting ot the corporators of the Moin. ongahohi Va'ley Utilioad at the Monon. galiela Il"iise on the Ulh inst. It was decidc-l lo accept the charier granted at' tu )hm hc-ioii of O'u Legislati re, and loiipc'i bi.oks tor Niihscnpiion to the cai itiil siock ot the. company, at the M uotiiulicln 1 1 ui -e in PittHbu' gh. on Tliui'-dxy. the Oh day ol June, (o con tinue open tor th'ct' days. It whs ie solted I bold a u'enenil nice ingoflhe corpora ors ioiiI all pel si n- inleiested in the t ime' rm lion ot a llail o i.l nlong the Monoi t'aU'la liver, ai Iiizibelh, on Thorsd ij . tlie HO h day ot May, at ore I ck. i .ii. it. is iiupoiiant thut all the towns hIoiijj i be liver should be well supi i se I to ooie at mo t only about represented at llie mceiltiu a Elnsiiielh .. f'h'lh of llie irr-mii I ; allowing as A a Uailmad aluii 'bit viilU-y it n,M a afe esiiinitto. fl.e hundred tbousund M noiiiab. la, pas-mmbr. iifib the heart M,,W'P' north two millions ot dollars, of the bituminous eoal it'jjioiix, will be f destroyed yearly by I hut invaluable pet, immense advantage, it is proper that "K- some aolioii o our vitiz n In aid o this I ., . .. , , . , valuable iinprovement should be mam-' . Kx-;yr M uroe baa had another tested, and thattbe county be pmperly '""B interview with the President, to rHw4ii'Uttliindtiiiita be iheld at ,,ke 'mmi wilh, h,,n np'n New Or Elizibolh. . ' lean nutters, and especially Oa..eiul ,. I Sherida.i, who Mr. Monroe think ought To-dat Fojjler lha Washington Co. be Hiiin-iiarily removed fr what he murderer will be humr at Was ington, ? nrp'in ' There is an exoee n mi . i . i i,. , ., . dingly bitter st ile ot feeling against Pa. Wh.taker and Bird, tbe two men ilt,tJHt si,,,,. 8(I,J mm, ,, ,,rl arrested for the murder of Mr Sproul, telegraphio eorresj deuce lias been some tew weeks dnue, have been idetiti indulged in Qeneial ."herldan is sus 8d by tin sister of the victim as parti l,,i,i,jd .'iieral Oraut. . . . pant in the oriniB They are In the 8f70Q persons ware disfranohised by W, ashipjton jail awaiting trial. the lleoonstruotiou aut( in Georgia. On. nkws i The Slock holders ot the Centre 0.1 Co are roqueskd to meet at Itogersvillo, on Saturday the 18th day of May, la07, at 2 o'clock P. M. A full tttfiid.nee is desired, as business of im portance is to be laid before the Com pany. Uy nn'.er, J. B. Johnson Pres, S. TuimcKsioitTON Smo, D. T. Ui.um. Tress. 2t. Tim highest price will be paid for 100 bushels f Co in delivered in Waynes-, burg, by YVro A. Porter. Tiiosk ot our readers who need any thing in i he way of Cosmetics r Toilet Articles, would do well to patronize the .. ' , firm of Bkiiokii, biiurn & Co.. Troy, N. Y. Thoyare the only Agents in America tor many ot the most valuable French aud English Toilet Articles and Preparations that are used by the beau ties ot the Old World, to beautify and make attractive their person. Seo their advertisement in another column. Beechkr's Stohv The New York Ledger, of May 18th, contains the open ing installment cf Henry Ward lteech- or's Novo), entiiled 'Norwood; orVil lng Life in New England." Some of his admirers claim that it will i"k with the best creations of Da-kens, Hugo or al!(1 e igliiful as a breezy May morning i l'ie lieiksh.re hills. How to Buy Goi.k To find how much y u -hould pay tor any given amount of g .Id. you should multiply the currency val;e tit nne dollar of it by the whole amount ot cold. Thus, when one d .liar in gold is worth 31 34 in cor- reucy $.!' in gold would bo worth twenty-live time- 51.31. which i $33 5 J. Ii of course makes no diff 'renue in the result whether you nuili'ply gl.SJ by or 21"by $I 3(. When you want lo liml how mii.-.h gol I you i light to gel tor a certain ttnioiinl in green backs, you divide ili. luier by Hot price of ono d-dlar in gold. It you autre ''"'"'bur these rules, nor the p.ii.ciples o i wmo'i lli.iv ar.j t tiimlud. vou aiould cut this out and paste it up where you ; can retur to it in timo of neeJ. . ,. . WOUHl Wear Hair Or cwU whe"' h' an mlU " 0 10 D"IUr he ,:Hn Prooure an 8l'ticle llll,t mme liur hair to u"1'1 wavy ringlels, or j heavy, massive curls T It does not injure the hair, but on the contrary, renders it Soft, ulossy and heiiltlitul It is equally eitinacioiis in cmling the hair ot llie oppi siio sex .Messrs. Uerg.'r. slitilts & Co ,Cliemists of Tioy, N Y" , are ugmus for the same See their Ctrd in another column. Tkstii Thousand ok Nkii Nkvins Chtiice for Dii!)le.l S iklcrs The tenth th usand of Mr Morgan's book. 'Ned Nevins, the Newsboy ; or. Street Life ii. Bosion,' is already issued, ami orders have been given for the Htieenth thou sand. They are printed and sold at the rate ot over a thousand a week Kan I & Avery, Primers, No. 3 Cornhill, will attest tho fact. Tv. o of their power presses are kept continually at work on the book. Agent are reaping a har vest by it, rea iziug 100 per cunt, profit. Dudley S. Jones, ot Ellsworth, Maine, writes that of the first lot he sold a copy nt almost every house, and expects to sell 201) in the town. W. II Bennett, of Fall River, Mass., sold 120 copies in that town, and expects to sell 500 in the uuuiiiy. ui-aoieu soioiers, iinu oiners. find it ihu best book published for can vassing. Even children have been known io clear $' a day. Canvassers are multiplying daily ; at the present rato of increaso, demands for tho book will aeon reach 2000 a woek. Agonts wi-hing to secure good territory, should apply at once to Rev. Henry Morgan, 9 Groton street; Boston, Mass. Tiik Pitts. Comnurciil 8 iys, in regard to politics in the iSouili.il may be mid iliat no feature is more coiispicuoii than the hohtiliiy inamfeNted b) old Dcin crats to renewing their connection witb the patty, as it is orjfiiized in the Noitb. b I tbe SkVMOU' s, the Piki.cks, the Touokvs. t e Buchanans and the Blacks there are no worde but otdiN-tiiir-t and cnnlempt. Uov. J( nu, of S.iuth Carolina, cave expics-imi to the prcvailinir Keiiliment 'f the Soutl . when he irnve notice latelv that he was tor ti eating the Nottheru Democrats as tilHf triends, and utterly unworthy to be trustee To this there uppeaiH to be a pretty general amen on the part ot the Ueiuocia'.iu press ol the south Duos ark a Cosn.r Lt xuiiY 1 The last Agnuiiliiiral l eport contains llie re turns . f i hi number ot sheep killed by '.b'gi in die year IHiii), ma le by t lie cor. respondents of the stirisiical division of the Bu.e.iu I'he aiiio.iuts fo t up one buinli' d and iluriy tlunisaml to.ir linn dred slid twentyscvi-n. troni rvports Lamps, Lanterns an t Chlniinys ot every description at 0. W. Roberts & Co.'s. Dip well seasoned shingles in lime, wash and dry Ihern before laying, and they will last muih longer, and not be come covered with tnos. DIED. JOHNSON Of pneumonia. January 'lUh, inliT, ntnur residence, in Jackson tp., Greene county, Pa., Mrs. Sarah Johnson, aged 73 yeara, 9 months and 7 days. ' The subject of the above notice waa a kind-heirled lady, esteemed by all who knew her. Mie wasa memberof rhnruh ' ovur thirty year,, and was an exemplary obrictiiin wno uiHile herself useful in her ,,eigl,boi hood and amo.,g her large cir. I de i f acquaintances. She will long be remembered iiy those who were the re cipienta ot her charity. " A Fi.iknd. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. April 13 Gold closed at 1 8..J. Waynesburg Market, COWIKCTKO WfcUKLY DT J. OUU1K8. Butter, fresh roll ?0 to 2ft Cotfco per lb 4 no to 8 Corn per bushel 6ft Corn meal per liushel 70 Country Soap per lb 08 Candles, mould per lb , 2S Caudles, dipped " " 20 Cheese per lb ; 25 Pried Peaches per Hi 2ft Krits pi r dosen !ft Blour per btl. 00 Flax seed per bushel 2 " Feathers per lit 01 L'.ud per lb lo It. W. Fl.w per lb Molasses 7ft to I Ao Oats per hu.-hel 3ftto' I Rvo per husltcl Timothy seed per bushel.. Rice per lb Sugar, crushed per lb Sunar. rcllned " " Sugar, New Orleans, tl lbs P. R. Sugar, H lbs Svrup, per gallon Salt, No. I per bid Soil Soup per gallon Tar per gallon . ..-'7ft to 8 2 1 no I no I no 4 no 2ft I on Ten per lb 2 (io I urpentine per gallon 1 fto Tnllow per lb IS Wheat per bushel 2 fto While Lead perkej? 4 to ft 00 W bite Lnno per busliel I CO Potatoes per bushel I'Jft to 1 SO Turnips, per bush 4ft o PITTSBURG GRNKIUI, MAKKRT. Saturday, Ma II, I8IS7 Flour Is still In small receipt and Adivn in demand at an advance over the quotations given one week in"), and still higher p Ices uru anticipated Then pots of the growing crops combine good, and tluro is evurv pros pect for it more than average yield. In hiss lb in j. mouth the wheat harvest will benin in the Southern States, and before Hie first of July wheut will be cut io many sections i f n. ......... I Li.r... UO.I. . 1... ...Mlliiijr in bllU " vol. if IvIJ HID ITAUI-JLCiu U hresdstuffs, prices Hre generally tending downward. We quoto tho Pittsburgh market as follows, which tiro the wholesale prices i GRAIN Wheat at 6j)$3 00 Corn at.. i $1 loinl 12 Rvo at .- liuckwlieat $3,2r!17.. Oats till FLOUR Spring Wheat at $IS,0nalftr0 Winter " at a$l6,n0 Rye nt $! "iOlO.()'o tlAX lialuu nt V'.'U.OO V ton Loose tit'. $2.".0Oi'l,7,iiii EGGS Sales nt 15(3 lCc. CHEESE Western Reserve at Hamburg nt New York Goshen at BUTTER Pi ime Roll at VPPLKS-Per barrel at potatoes Per bbi at 16. 17I8. 2022 222Sc. 5.0Ug.8 (10 3 60 CHICAGO MARKET. Ciiicaoo, May 11, 18G7. Floor Firm n nd unchanged. Wiikat Inactive ; No. 1 nominal at $2 85 a2 0 1 No. 2 closed ut $2 70. Corn Unsettled j it opened nt $1 03 for No. 1, receded to $1, and closed dull ut $1 0.1$. Oats -Unsettled i sales of No. 2 at G8Jc, closing dull at liOJc. Rtk Firm and higher, closing at $1 6Ca I fi7 for No. 1 in store. Pkovisioks Dull aud nothing doing. Buiip Cattlk Firm and steady at $S "Oa 8 25 for common to good grades. 06 8ft for fair to good. tioos luoueraieiy active aud llrm at $8 80 SuiiKi' Dull at 7a7 SO. U. S. STOCK MARKET. Batcroay Evkmno. May 11,1807. Tho quotations of tho New York Stock Ex change to-day nro ar follows: U. 8. Bonds, Cs 1881 Mill U 8. Bond, 5 20's. I8G2 108 U 8. Uouds. 5 ids, 80t lOol U. 8 Honda, 5.20's, 18(15 lot; U. 8. B'nds, (new issue) 5-20s, 1805 lt)7 10 408 9!il l'cceuioer in vimpeunus 1 Itii August 7-nOa 1 c, Jmiu 7 litis , 05 July 7-;l3 105 NEW YORK DRY OOOJ)8 MARKET. Msy II The market lias been quite active for cotton goods, pweciully for jaints and brown sl eeting", AVbich nro lower. We quote Atlantic A uir leached BlieetingB, 180 idol! 18c ; Pncilic extra 18c, and 11 18c. All other brown shei tinirsof the best miikcs .hare in tho dcirei-ion, but other styles ol coltons show no lurther decline. Woolens are quite lan guid and depressed. SPECIAL NOTICES A COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT Rl QUIRKS IHMKniATM ATTKNTION, AND SHOULD BK ClIKCKfcD. If Ar.i.owKn to contisck' tnniT.TtONOPTIIKLUNil8. A PRIt. MANGNT TllltOAT DISBASK OR CUNSU.MCnoN IS OFTKNTUK RESULT. II R O IV W ' S BBONCHIAL TROCHES ItAVISO A IIIRKCT INn.CKNCS TO TUB PARTS, QIVK IMMKIllATB RI'.LIKF. Fir Bronchitis, Ahma, Catarrh, Cons limp tlve and Thnia Diseases. Tioclies ere ' used witb always good success. SIN3ER3 and PUBLIC SPEAKER will find Troche useful in clearing tire voice when takun before Siuirlnj or Speaking, and relieving )hu throat alter an unusud exertion ot the vocal organs . The Troche are recom mended aa I presoribod by Piiysiuiam, and .. have bad testimonials from eminent mon : throughout the country. Being an aiwoni of t.nlrt niiiHL anil liuvln.f mmW thMlpiilnnuitf hv . test of many years, each year fln.ls them in n"W localities in various pans oi ine wor.u and the Troche are uuiversally pronounced better than other article'. Oiitain only ' Brown'j Bronchial Thochks," and do not take ny of the WtrMe Imtniimt, that may be offered. Sold vbtwhi, Novm-lrao, Know Thy Destiny ( Madams E. P. Tomato, tbi great Engll-h AitrologUt, Clairvoyant and Psychoiretrlclan, who 1ms astnnlshed tho sclentiflo clauses of the Old World, has located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to on ablo bcr to Impart kaowlcdgo of the great- est Importance to the sing e or married of either sex. While in a state or trance, she dellnlatcsthoveryteatureiof tho person you are to marry, and by tho aid of aa Instrument of Intense power, known as tho Psychomo trope, guarantees to produce a Ulc-liko pic ture of tho future husband or wife of tho ap plicant, t 'getker with date of marriage, po sition In life, leading traits of character, &c. This is no humbuir,as thousands of testimoni als can assert. She will send when desired a ..... iiit. ..i ...... in. ...it t.. ' that the picture Is what It purports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place ot till til, age, disposition nd complex Ion, and enclosing Ally cents and stamped en veloi e addressed to youself, you will receive the picture and desired Information by return ruaP. All communications sacredly confi dential. Address in confidence, Mada ur K F. Thornton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. febI3 'C7-ly tttf A Young Lady returning to her country home, after a sojourn ot a few months In the city, waa hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, ruptic, flushed face, she had a soft rubv complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instoad of twentv three she really appeared but tlghtccn. Upon Inquiry as to tho ciuao of so groat a chanire, she plainly tnl 1 thcra that she used the CIR CASSIAN BALM, and considered It an in valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By Its use any Lady or Gentleman can Improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. i It is simple In Its combination, as Nature her eon Is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing itud beautifying the skin and com plexion. By its direct action on the cuticle it draws from It all lis Impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving tho surface as N ituro intended it should be, clear, suit, smooth and beautilul. Price i$i, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order. v W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. T. The only American Agents for the sale of tbe same. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, FOIt PKIiSKRVlNO, BKSTORINO, AND BKADTI- rriNo tub hair. Anil is tho most delightful and wonderful ar ticle the world ever produced. Ladles will And it not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirablo article for the Tolllet, as it Is 1il.rl.lv nf.r.,mnt ur!0. a vlr.1, nn.l .t..li..l nnn the Oils of Palm and Mace. The Marvel of Peru. A new and beautiful portume, which In delicacy of s?ent, and tho tenacity with which It clings to the handkerchief and person, is unequalled. Tho above articles for sile bv all druggists and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address bv proprietors. t. w. witiomr &CO, ion Liberty 8t., New York Oct. 24. 180(1. ly. Wonderful bat True. MADAME REMLNGTON, tho world-renowned Astrollglst and Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while iu a clairvoyant state, deline ates the very features of the person you are to marry, andby fia aid of an instrument of Intense power, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produco a perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of char icter, &a. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and en closing nity cents, snu stamped cnvelone ad dressed to you. self, you will receive the pic ture ny return man, togetner with desired in formation. (-Address in confidence, Mapamb Qkb TBiiiiB RtMixoioN, P. O.Box267 West Troy N. Y. feblS'i7-ly. o Free to Everybody. A Large B pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes It tenchps how the bomoly may become beautiful, the despised respected, and the for saken loved. No you g lady or Bcntlaman should fall to send their address, and recelvo a copy post paid, by return mail Address P. O. Drawer, 21, feb20,'C7-Gm Troy, N. Y. DR. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. Tli'ei-Tcai nti'il.cinerurel Dr. J. H. Sonssa.T, the Proprietor, ol l'ulmowi- dnirtnr.p'ion.wlio i It Mi ammtnl :ti mom inrmidnVe n-p-ct. miS wlici TO-ily death rtp?-ir.ii t.) bi iti7M&l) e. iriip'i"lo'.tUrfp"o nouiuoil le cao ncitr.th o wlioti be ejiinnoncoS tin- ui) ol (Inn .Inip.o but piwerliil roiiieJv. III! lita"'.i li as re-'loroi n reri- ihort lime and no return ol tho dm4 ha. been approheudeii, tor aU ilia i. inp oiiu iiu oklr dieappearoil, and hli prownl t'e' lit more lhaa tno hundred pound. - rl - li e locovcry, ho biu deroled hli attention riMu'vol' lo Iho euro ot Coninmptlon and Uio 1.Mam nh'oh ro nniallr coinp:lcaedtvlih II, and ar r;ra- oToo od br his medlcinoa have been err u . 0 -iF. a. id n-nl- wondor.ui. Or. Snimitoc - o.nal vbIU toaevoratof tholari oroltlot "-tv: , - h?rr bo lia'a 'an-o coneourro ol patlenta, o:: I Ir.C ft'?o shhiff to ee poor coniumpt TM tl:n- Ii9"0-u lo :iiel out ol Uior carrla'.'Ois and la a :;..i?i;h- I'oVihr, pohujii poonn. On. n L.I10NU) SYBl'P, BBAWRBD l'OMo. mid 1AN"KAKIS PILLS are eerallr a. v,i.irrit ui ti.iriuii Con.nnip;ion. Pull dlroe I'o. .- m-- M'.pau na-iti. ho that an.- one can take them r i!.. i . ww).; Or. Bxotio.'i, but when It It oou :."Tji i licit io eu h.ra. HofftTei advloo tree, ' .i i !.vi-..t huxa-i:.uoi Ion with hJRReitplroinaMr it; in ihm dol:arj. t1 ew olvarvft, trnitj purohaslnv, that the two o eric o. the Doeior one whon In the hutitan lj mi ..p .o.i, and tho oilier aa ha noir It, la .. - toi It a .h are on Ibe Government ttainp. H i h.- a i llru v.'iiii aid Oea en. Prloa 41.80 ..:i!o. or 41". 'tO the half dozen. Letter lor it , h u d aln a i bo dirceted lo Dr. Schenetca A pt 0 loo. l i North nth St., Fa aie'phia, Pa. o o. a Wluefale Aientat 'Oe'ua. Baruea atCo , i. 8. 8. Ha i.e, BaiUmore, Md, i John D. ' . . 0 nu.uua.., Oil. oi Wa ktrJsTa.lor, Ch'eago, , OouliU It-t. 81. Loua, Mo.t.td w.ea.iuo.1 tt. rpiIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE X or AN INVALID. Published forha benefit and as a CAUTION TO VOONU MEN and others, who suffer rroin Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ot Manhood. &c, supplying at the same time Tan Mkans or Sblf Coh. By one who has curea mmsim ancr nnaergotng consiueranie g-gy- JtTSiS i i ... NATHANIEL MATFATR Wo . May28 '66.-ly Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. BUILDERS TAKE NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received up to tbe 20th nt Jusa, for tbe re-bulldlng of the Catholic Church at Waynesburg The design of the building can be seen at Thomas BradltT's. td Moffat's Life Pint A5D PIKE3IX BITTERS. . . The Most Successful Hodlclnoi In the World. . Established la 1835 by one of our Most Eminent Physicians, ud n01T BSC throughout North And South America, TTlth more pleasing results than any Other Medicine In nuna ftf dlsonsod lAvor. TttnnA as fitln InAtai tn rn-l Bilious Complaints, Eheumatism and Ferer and Ague. Thousands of certificates are In our . possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect Cures effected by these invaluable Medicines. f "SWaM the System and pnt w" auucuuus ui iao DOUJ In a healthy condition. Sold by all DrugfUtt, WUt S) Hovlui, TKftU Man, SuMttMn te Sr. Jab ICofet tad Sr. IT. ft m7 SPRING AliRiVAL OF m' DRY GOOm AT SUB Hide! AT "IJiOR'S OLD MM." THE GOODS ALL FRSSII, tub STYL33S; LATEST AND BE3T I TIIK Fabrics, as Represented, ANT) TIIK sanura the very best of bargains. Cill and et amine bis stock T, K KVANA 4;--Sm Wameaiiiirif. Pa. CONVERSION OF73-WS. TM -n..l .. tn ..... I ..! l . . ii'ij ... iiiiiiiiTiiMis iniiiiiiirs in return ut the manner of converting the Amsust 7 8-iOs into the new 20 Gold Coupon Hondwo make inn Miiowing statement lor the Ivnt tlt of the Uolileis oi 7 3 109, who may not be lafornird t I no uovernmcnt computes the interest on both bonds in currency from (he date of tho maturing of the last coupon, allowing seven and three tent'is on tho 7 31'ig, and charging six per cent on the fi-20g For pxamnle i vnu send to Washington $11100 7 8-10 Bond which reaches there on May 1st $i,nnO ' 74 days Interest, (From Feb, I5lli; 14 no S-20H. $l,0(hi 1 1!) days latere-1, (From Jan. 1st.) 19 SO (Thin is counted ut Uii.' days per unniun.) I. ill!) .Mi Allowed for 7 8-1 Us 1,014 80 You pay Government 7il It will be seen hv this that the Oold Interact Is given as currency, which is ol itself a profit louiopairy converting llie 7 ll-iosot nearly KioiiT dollars per $1,000. aside from the fact that at the present rate of Gold, say 40, the 4-20s pay over 8 per cent, per annum. At present wo are converting tho 7 3-1 Op on much better terms than the Government aa tho present buying aud sailing rates enables ns to allow the holder ot the 7 3-IOs a bettor figure than has yet been offered by any one , as a commission, Parlies exchanging through us. in addition ' to getting much better terms than they can 1 from the Government, will havo their B-2ns delivered to them immediately, thus Bavlug delay We also reuister any bonds sent lo us without charge. On all Bonds sent us by Ex- press, we pay charg?s both ways and remit promptly as directed. Jas T UhadviS Co., Dealers in Government Securities, Corner Fifth and Wood Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa fi;l-9t. LADIES AMD GENTLEMEN, FELLOW CITIZENS ! MR PRESIDENT, i ilYDTli Ml. WfE have Just received a splendid stock ol SPRING 'and". SUMMR CLOTHING! ADAPTED TO MEN AND BOYS WEAK i ALSO, A FULL LINE Oh GcLts' FuiLlsLing Goods. Which we will tell at the lowest rates. Cut andex mine our stock Pil es are down an I if we can't sell amau the clothlug be wiuUh KOBODTia W At NbSBUBO CAlf. A.J SOWERS. Room In AH son's Building, Waynesburg, 1Y ffl-8ui. MAHBI.E WORKS. SDUME1RSGILL&BR0.. (Jewells old stantk, upper end of town ) THE puhlle are rospeetfully informed ths' Summersuill 4 Bro. h ive lust received ii large stock of sli kinds of MARBLE WORK! Such as Grave Stones, Monuments, Mnnili Work &c. . We are Dreoared to furnish won at reasonable. 4ermB ron hoit notlrer1 Calr snu examine our stock, styles, uuJprl es tn ion pursuiuiBy isewnen. SI-h 8 PR I LATEST M BEST! N; CLARK & SON ' , , ' . . . W . us v Just received a new stoclt from the Bast andiuvite tlieir .old friends and custtmers to """" ROOM TWO D03FIS WEST OF. HIE ADAMS HOUSE. May to, ly.-eh.un;J0,'o7. fct x.-t mont. SIM'IN STK'WNIOER '"HEASUKER OF 1JOUMTY FUND OF WAYNE TP., GitEE.NE COUNTY, PA. DR. Cssh rei;ivMl from S. Shriver, collector tor 'Hi 9MI0 Uy o ash paid to F. A D. CR N. Bank $2,450 oO Slater Shrlver Collector aud Treasurer of uouniv nunus irtne year isua. cash paid HratNat. lank, 2,no9 so Ify Ordt rs redeemed 670 eft By subsciiptlon paid 8,60.1 ii By expenses paid 282 go Amount ot Bounty Tai levied for 1864 8,074 08 Exonerations, $268 84 Ain't of tax levied for the year 1805 8,604 fl - i $0,781 91 Exonerations, S49 95 Percentage 1.1ft 71 Bal'cetn Treasurer's hands, $348 40 We, the undersigned Auditors, do herebf certify that the above is correct as stated. rl. J. m tKLI, ' EAGON GOODKN, U A. SPHAGO, .. &;l-8w Auditors. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOS, OFFICE In Jewell's" building, West end of Main strrat, Waynesburg, i.l.-kf P LA STIC SLATE ROOFING AND OTHER I'UKPOSES. a Roofing Material It stands unrlvallod1. mastic it adapts itaulf to every shape and -lopo. Non-o mbustinlo, Impervious, non ipauslve, and undccaylng, TtOST DOES -NOT CRACK NOR lIEAf" DWSOLVEIT. The only roofing material ever discovered that' v ill r list the action of the elements as long s the structure it protects Being sijscepti tie of little; If tnv wear from exposure, nd lerfectly FiRE PROOF. It is unequalled as i c-. ng for Manufaeturbig and Farm Build nun,' fences,, bridges, botton-s of Vesseli, aults, Ac. He ere noes given In any part of the county, r specimens shown to visitors. ' Apply by Iter, or In person to t. L. .IOMKA RaimsrsTiLLie, Wash; Co Pa, 8. II. DOAK, R h. JONES, Licensees of Wash, and Greene oounties. L W. JomksI Agent. 4,24-tf Waynesrmro,' Pa. i.KBBftIR lOVNTT. huts Okpuss' Cob at, Dito. Tsml 1160. No. IT. . N ths matter of the ParilUon of the Rest I E-tate of Isaac Blackledge, doe'd. And now to wit i March 18, 1 167, on mo don the Court grant a rule on ths heirs and 'egul represent atlves. of said deeeas d. to be iml appear at tbe next Term ot Court and 'hooso or reluse tbe pre alios at the valuation., r show cause by the same shall not he sold.' By the Court, J. F TEMPLE, Clerk. -.11 , . 1 . i ' . a Mi , . I m . i no po'soua inwmiau win laHvniiiics oiiue hoverulo of Court, and stttnd,rr thsy set proper. ilka ni juuisu; Biiwiri. iS ': t-v ';,' -??-J