it lit t Xi eil-IVB Willi i...6-.,', iny Hit: piiceof provisiot s, and so forth, Jf. SAYEdS, I'JUor and .'llliUlier. T wmIi yhat they were in lHifO. a certain J umiiiIh habitually .da. llie war is nni wholly lespomtihle for the present higli H .V VM Ii Wi;DSTDAY MVV 1.1, l(i7. prices. In mi tni no It is, however, It TKKlh UK MUSI lill'riO.V. ' '' becomes h Democratic paper to speak Two dollars h year, payable Invariably in ot il. It ih too much like a counterfeiter &v 1S;!ncHf',r 8U m,ml"S ,Sy'l"l0, 1 " la ' th- currency. Last year', TERMS OP ADVERTISING. Anvtm.snihMs iusciti d itt fl M pcrsquaro forthrcelns.trtlong, and 50 eta. a square lor each additional Insertion! (tun lints or leBs counted a square. ) Locul advertising and Special Noticus, 10 cents per Hn for one insertion, with ti"A liberal deduction to yearly adver Users. Advertisements not marked with the n"in ber of insertions desired, charged for until ordered out. Moau than one thnusind people raid the Rkpurucan t'ViTy week, Hint cannot he reach ed directly through any ivlii-r medium REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. In pursuance of a Cull fioui the Slate Central Committee, the citizens of the several townships will proceed to elect delegates to attend a Ciinity Convention at Wayncbnrg on the 1177 DA Y OF JUNE, ,j n;xt, for tlui purpose ot ii'xnin.iiin del egate to attend n State Convention to assemble al Williamsport on tho 20(11 oi June next, ami for other purpose.- It is known perhaps to all ih it a cnmli. date fur Jtidj of the Sip'emo Court is to be nominated, ami also, oher milters of importance to ho 1 no. E M SAVERS, Chairman f tho tVnt.ty. Commiitco Six HuMntKD Itw'i The Philadelphia res Hiit'tft'stH to the Southern Conservative press the propria ety of heading their calls for mass meet ings, irrespective of c lor, wi'h two or three of tho old traditional i-uis of tho lunaway negro, with stick and bundle, which used to figure so prominently and elegantly in their papers. Such a classic, Hustraiion would i ndoubtodly arrest the African eye, tickle the African imagi. nation, and convict the sceptical colored man of tho perfect identity of interest which has nlwaye existed between the races of the Smith imps iu the South generally, and in the N orb west e-pecall) , were cut short by drouth and font. Wheat was a very general failure. There wa" scarcely more than halt a crop throughout the country, Henoe flour and meat are exceptionably dearer by twentj-Bve to fifty per cent , than it last years orops had been good We hope tho "looaj" and Democracy generally will recovor, we have no tears foi the "unbloaclied American." Tub sold ers will he' glad, to learn, says a coteinporury, that the settlement of their uddi'ional bounties is being pushed tor-vard wiih all the'peed the 'Govern nient can command, hut from the very nut ii re ot the ea.-e they nuist wait a long tune yet before they will all get paid. The Paymaster General is settling about ten rlniui-a month, bin it must Im 'emeuibeied thai the. re are many tens of thousands oi soldiers who are eiHhl- ' ed t the bounty, nlo there are many iIioiimuiiJ uf 'fraudulent clni us enlt red by dishonest men ami iiiiscrupu indirect in proportion io ihe iJiiiiiiiirheO number ot those pi lineal units. What remains is to determine which of l lie two should wield the political power rep sed in the uuiiy, since they have Inn one, common interest, the voice of one is the voice of both; but one is ac tive and the other passive. Thin is in obedience to Divine law. Nature has determined by the physical Constitution of the man that he should be the protect tor and maintainor of both. That heshould ti'l the fields and fight the wars, She make tho bread and bind his scars. It is useless to coutinue. Nature and reason and experience all point to the man as morally bound to provide for the wants ot thoee whom he has taken to his protection i as the person responsible tor tho abuse of political power, and, therefore, the person who should lnwe the excl ice i i jht to wield it O I'liiDin.K Styx. For the Republican. ANTI-PROGRESSION. Are we alive I or do we simply re pre sent life without an v of its livino iinn icinlet Are e progressive f or have "'e 'eoo: tti .n;n wo lon'..liu.1 tha o,.r, I I ClHI -!' V 1 1 1 ' ui.iivd iff iris to reslore peace ami liar- inony to our whole country. Thes ef loitsot ) ours to foster eninitv. cieate disorder, and lea l to violence, can no linger be tolerated I. i hoped this warning will he sufficient.' Vry respect fully, your obedient servant, y. T. 0', Assistant Adjutant Geueral. ANOTHER CONVERT The leading Deinncruiio paper of tho country, the World, as cur readerg know, is iu favor of negro suffrage, and is anxious that its party may succeed in securing it. The Chicago Times, nine mouths ago, came out in favor of it ; and now says the Pittsburg Dtipatch, the St. Louis Republican follows in the same strain That paper was, up until tl e overthrow ot the Whig party, an a'.le organ ot that organization, in 1856 it supported IJuciunan for the t'residenoy, and was, until the tall of the rebellion, intensely pro-shivery Itseotemporary the i emocral, is now very naturally amazed In find it publishing extracts from other Siutheru papers, eoun-eling organ izdio't ni l rouiit 'i'i io'i u i ler :i-t, an I miriog te 11 to eoill'ti1 ji THE INDIAN WAR. The Tribune asrtn that ihe Kiowas havebiokeu their treaties with Uenenil tlancouk, ami deolaired war to the knife. Tj Ihe Indian war no end is now prob able but that which comes alter the utter defeat of the Sioux, the Cheyennes. and the Kiowas. For this we sre sorry : the blood that is to be sht-d iu this in gljrious struggle of the United States with a tew barbario tribes m'mht have been saved by .a little good sense at Washington i but as usual, suipidi'y and swindling have their results in war. Negotiations now seotu usete s, and as a fight is inevitable, we hope Gen. Han cock wnl make short work of it. It is not our soldiers but our civil officers who are disgraced by this unnecessary war The story of the Fort Buford massacre is, we see, ofli'Mnlly denied by General Sherman, Col. Rankin and garrison are alive at Fort liutord, having been slaughtered only at Chicago. Hiots in Richmond for the last few days have been the excitement The whites and negroes are at loggerheads. The oiigiti was the knocking down ot a negro by a Delaware fiit ri nn Ti e po. jlij. jul. mayors, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. InuMltkui to olhtr birtntw will attanil lo all euw In Uaukmplry that rnujr be anlruitnl to 111 euro. 0111m. opslu UrutSloraof 0. W. auli.rU Co. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Cleb rated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPUING) The Wonderful Flexibility add great com fort and pleasure to any lady weariiij? tho Du plcx Ellii'tlc 8kirt wilt ho experienced partic ularly in all crowded asaemblies. operas, car rhigis, railroad cars, church i ews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can bo folded when in use to occupy a umall n'uco ns easily and conveniently asu Bilk or Muellu Dress, au iuvithublo (iility in crino line, not found in any (Single Spring Skirt. A lady luvinjr enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and grunt convenience of wearing the Du plex Elliptic Sleel Sprlnir Skirt lor a single d.iv, will never afterwards willingly' dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Mines iney are superior to all others. 'IM II, . l. . . . ... li.... im.. ,(.., 1 y... ) ..... i i i ti i ' oi-.v yviu not iienn ornreas ime ttie 8 ng n lire inleileied Jwd were nimbly handled ,.,,,, ,ut wi proilorVB lhl!lr ,m(, on M'veinl oerasioiis. q icllttd ihe ilwtui'lmnre ni'roes the Military f oee (en. Situ. field thai, he will id lit ........ i i . t . . . . . - . . . in n u oie i i a u it- w i in air i. i ut Sresm. n, and now nil leisnivly l,y n, ".,,,.,... ... WM a ..,., M ,I1Iimm d sweep the streets wilh crane . . . . . " . ik . I. ! . T . . . . 1 . see. the moving win hi annum ... raip, .,n, devilish, -ind ntlerl, unuonslitutional iugafier phiiiitnins, groping in chatiiia iu-uordnia: to the tiemhlinin. that it dwikness for light, for iruih, fir wealth, i W!W I ban folly to suppose that any to. honors, ami raise no warning, voice . r1V,illi"11 ""'lel' U Ul,l'!' b ny , , ,, ..... .. , .. servicti. lint very recently the samo ..bout all ami. tolly. Ho 1 yo. s.ivans of , p(M,p WM Hmi.jn!, nl ,miJei,, u()nV(M). the woild, come into our portion ot the ! tious, Hint 'bl ack and tan' spcoehes and Ions claim ageii'.s. which will verv ma. B8' 'Ii,ml 1 H'"' s W' P-. and ! resolul.niiH. ami apparently regarded it they peroiht in disturbing the (piiet ot llio cliy. NEW ADVEHTISEMENTS. teri.llv .mi.L.,le ih,. i,-..n0,,t ,u . hire learn the tolly of your wild schemes w'111 ",n,,lt0 disgust aim contempt the : ? I e 1,11 "J 'Huient ot the I . ' . .iiffoiu of Southern Coiiseivaiives to b ii'.ii, s due i bom fide claimant Communicated. KACH THINKS roil IIIMSKI.P, Duo altvntlon glvm to nil who con.munlmto for tliia culiiniii. For tiie ItKi'mu.icAN. THE QUESTION OF SUFFRAGE. Mu. Editoii! Permit mo through your columns to say a word regarding siiffragn. It is a video given in a con troverted point. Wo have before us and stupendous enterprises, your si lipid canals, sluggUh slack waters, and dan- gorona railroads your erratic limiting ot (.upplyincr all the world wilh your productions, of Nature or art, mineral or mechanical. Come, ami see us! Wi, wli . live a ditl our forefathers, witho t changing tt eir thoughts, S'yle ot living. or mode ot travel. True, we have bad ceiitrol the neiro vote. THE JEFF. D.VVIS SENSATION. ffen. Burton till take dim to Richmond Urdur o lUy. President. Foktiikss Momiok, May 10 The writ ot h ilnm cor)U iu the caseot Jeff Davis was served this moiniiiL' on General linrton by Marshal Uildetw od and LAZEAR BROTHERS, WHOLK3ALK OROCKR ANO COM.MI3 8ION MERCHANTS. 84 Sc 0 oulh Eutaw street, CORNER OF CAMDEN, Opposite n dtlmore and Ohio lMlrnad Depot, Baltimore. Jas. 1). Lazkar, Wm. L. Lazkab. B:"t It Uercnntile Asesnirnt LUI of Greene County, Pa., lbr the year 1807. gi ii t-iul shape wli n three or four ordinary skirts will h ive been. thrown aside as usclesa Tin) hoops are covered with doublo and twist cd llir. ad, and the hnttom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) envered: preventing them from wearing omwhuu drag ging down stoops,, tfce. The Duplex Elliptic is a grent favorito with all Imlies and is universal!) recommended bv the Fiiflhlou M igazbi s as the standard skirt oftbe fashionable w.irld. To enjoy Hie following inestimaV.o advan- i'lS'S,itCkk tnces in Criimllne. viz : suneiior ounlit .-.' f."t ' n8.?l1,wlck feet miiiiuliiclure. stylisli shape unj finish, fl xihility, diirabilitv c .inf irt and ecom mv, en.pir for J W. liRADLEVS Duplex Ellip tic or Double Spring Skirt, and ho suro you get the aenuino article. CAUVIUN. To guard against Imiiosition be p irticuhtr to NOTICE that skirts offered as "DUPLEX" have then dink htaui ), viz.: "J W, Uradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband none otbeisare genuine. Also Notice that even Hoon will admit u . In being passed through 'he centre, thus reveal- monohoaiula TOWKsnir. airiyiroy, iiirsiou ouui i A V BoiiKlinnr 14 l Cuufftieuutir k Son 14 U lluu 14 Win Uuughnpr 14 0 A Miitruutt 14 Wm Uray k Son m JU4H1 Urojr (dlitllUrv) 1'XKHV TOWNSHIP. J M llrown 14 A S Murrli 14 W 0 Hurrll u 3 V Uunley k Co i D South iSro 11 X V Morrte DU.NKABD TOWNSHIP. A P Slswtrl 14 J K Taylor j U 0 l.i inl. T 14 D II I'.iul 14 W T WillionM 14 A Mitpla 14 JuiihnA Wnoliy((1ltiltBry) ft N Clmveugor (dlallllr) ) 4 UHKX.NI TOWNSHIP. Ilnlltiy kCn U SUtnli.y k Sl. kln.mlll u Unli k Lnlnli. 14 1 Biialou Co 14 CUHUXRLANDTOWNSniP. T L Cummoiit 14 CARMICHABIB BOIIOL'UII. J L MiuilKnr Win U.irtmitn'j k Mi.chnrr lliirniT k CmiiUlo J l llmliuwit llrnry JIuiIhou A 1 Uuruull MORGAN TOWNSHIP. A J Buraon Aniu WMltun I'lctclutr Alliiiia Mllltir Iain Stout frlor Uriiili l.lipcuoott (illttUlwy) 0 II HoiliH'k(illtlllnry) JKf'f'KUSON TOWNSHIP, llfwlt llrothora Clou.l k lira J A l.ln ln-.y Smllli A Hlnck A J .Mnrlln Bullt y A riennlkea 11 P 'I' H I I1 tt l '"8 ll'e two (or double) springs braided to- u v 111 u 1 11 1 11 u II U II , gi Tulnr.,li f.,.u.l ........ . I) piny Marshal Duncan. Seneral Hur- , 0 ., . , " ion at Hist di oided to tleliver Air. Davis ,.e.u.s u,Ce.-,f,.,ei., ...ecouniy ; mw U) lh(. ul,Ml,M,v , t)M MiiriinaU t0. morrow, hut utierwaid deteruiitied on obeying llie writ literally, requini.g him to produce Davis before the Kichiunnd Court. Mr Davis and f ami! v, Ueneral liurton and the Marshals will take the steamer lo -morrow for liichmoiid. Gen be snaied' without distinolinll of color, with all its m tie citizens twenty one yi'.ns olti or m.ire a matter which is likel j to become n political issue. Fe, 11 ale siilli'iige, or "The Shadow of the This Pittsburg C'i. lemai ks that the Albany ivw-his not only tho organ of the New York Democracy but every where a reeogmsed exponent of ihe doctrines of the .parly. When it U known, therefore, that it is for negro uffrae, some peop:e 1 ay be disponed to open their eyes. At present in New T01 k a property qualification in atiaeli d to negro voting, and this is one of 'he questions which will come under review in the Cuiistitiilioiial Coiivent:on about to asHi-nil'le in that Si ne. In vie of this, the Aryu has put f nth , niif. sio setting forth 'ttlmi 'h,. T) .,..,.,,.,..1,.v ui! deinaiiif fit tn 1 he coiivi io',,,.! ' , Irage it snys : 5, Thai nil iuht: il iidn u Im haw u tided ill the Sluliv nf er lln v 'oe 21 yea s t f6. for ihree years in the county t ne year. hiiiI six iiioinh in the voting di-. trrct next pieeeding the lime of , ftVung their voles, and who have not been con victed of any crime or offense against the laws, shall be entitled to vote foi n l effioert without rugaid to other qunhfi each individual a distinct and eo.mdi vauons. while a few feet ot w ire ns a branch line, is ventured as tar west as the county seat;. But then, as I heaid an old citizen re mark not verv loner since "What mm, I Universal M ndmod Suffrage and what does it do ! The poles jist stand thore, nay . e ca.iuu ui ersa. aunrage again, j um I .lor.'t see as it does a bit ofgord." , cal Jiurt-n, 0.1 Monday, will personally - once in a great while there in a noise of the former contend that it is not only lleftr, tIl0 dominant party here in just but absolutely p-liticthat tha rever, the Legislature, i. e. when w get a rep. sionaiy power 01 me should ,.,,..., u.i l, lhllf , ,;, , urge a Dill is beore the vote is token In one ot these lucid, or I should s.ty crazy intervals ot progression, we second a charter for a stone r nd one mile east and w est ot ihe count v seat, at MRS E S SAYEUS & IIOSKINSON Have Just arrived from the East with a largo assortment of foreign and domestic I of .ep e e .tative ,,iwer T or. who are the tjoPg , and aow a... 1 li.u.ils the power of the Govern- I it i-wir iitii iimy .11 n... liner, IIIIO i. ,.p ... This is nrgro suffrage, ptiro and r.mple, and it shows a remarkable ad tancement on the part of the Democracy, for it was but a very short time since . that equal suffrage war one i the hi r rort ot the leaders ; now it is one of tho poind thry demand to have inserted i.i the now constitution of New Yotk This, in a mill form, may be regarded as going to show that :he world still moves I u.... :.. ..1., .. 1 1. .. - -1-. 1 ,,yW, c ..... ,gW , wno nave tnolheP ,;,,, a ,, m ,or , never learned to distinguish between an tio f)f fish in Home ctcek. with a tew a qiii-i.ton to politicul and nn exceptions such as those mentioned, we ampusitton to pol.tical strife. Politically r,n,lil( slau only ,.,,,,,,,,,,. ihe.ty.stbe right we enjoy f naying ig i,,lern.p,ed by some stupid imbecile how ni.,1 by whom our Government tnr ir,lflwt All(1 Wi Mr shall he ad.nm.s'ere.l. The queslioiM I E ,ilor tk.e ,ml BOm(J ()f ; propose to con iler are what ia, .nlllnPtllnluSM! , ,,. us to persue the ovpii tenor ot our wav. ummo ested. 11 power ot the Govern. ...,:., .,. mnv . . m,i .,,,,,1.1 iev. r.f to whom ahould il cl,ncu ot Keuiling their spare funds to aua.o be .li tiibnled as occasion, the ,Le twsf to build up that g. eat country, deaihot .dlicers. etc. ttcniandsf It is WB impoverishing our own? This needles in say that the iinmudia.e inter, thought is worth more than a mere read, terenee ot eve.y individual in the Gov. jg. For many an honest good meat.. c ,n ' u mess 01 ingimin has coined his muscle, bone order, unity or subordination; but had and brain into inon y and then allowed it to be squandered by the thou-and in nate interest in lands or whatever claim the west. Thus men who, here, would the protection offered by the Govern. I pinch a cent until the eagle squalls, have mom. and were each p..she'sed of suffi. I helped to inakn the west a fast" place cieut judgment to elect lli.i security tin. 1 When it this same money had been der which tie could trust his iirtere-ts, it expended in improving our own count . . " - j r product) the prisoner in Court. event ot Davio being released by Judge Undent ood under the writ, he will bo iinniedi itelv re-arrested and placed on under an iiidirtiiicnt tor treason. Robert Ould and numerous other visi. tors reached here this mon.iiig, bearing boquets and other presents to .Mr. Davis and family. The utiuo-t interest and anxiety is SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES, Trimming, Dress liuttons. Ladies's Shawls, Boots and Mines, Hats and Caps ; also, a great variety of nice articles, at very low prices, for Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear Wares of all kinds, and a complete varie ty of the best GROCERIES. All of 0 I. Ui nojr K iimiiK M A Jounloa W II Murtln Dltiniift ThuuiAl MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Smith A HoiklDi Jiuxili Swurt J A II iVull W Hon k Co WIUTELY TOWNSHIP. O 0 Ltmlcy lolni Wiyltvr UuUouu WAYNE TOWNSHIP. Reumn CaWnrt Ul-ittiluuA Struitililrr U1LM0RK TOWNSHIP. P McCollough k Co Ul'lUNQIIILL TOWNSHIP. IlSWhlto John ILirtior II S A'lilto (tt tho mill) AU.l'l'O TOWNSHIP. WotxIrulT k Djr MaauKxturtd bytho Sole Owners of the Alt l. "- JilineiiUiloKlx D W Ury Jiiinpii llnyn DMtJ W WhIIos HiikIhv A Klnciiitl M'llltiniliy A l,wll 0Nr.i) UiKu-lt (ilirttlllry) W'etiileii llryun iliMtilliTy) Jubn li'iiiolati (illiitllkry) il.VlllUN TOWNSHIP. P.'ter Brown N Clnrk A Son gUber therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. For sale In all sto-cs where first class skirts are sold throughout the Uuitcd States and cisewnere ! Patent, WESTS, MRADbEY & CA IIY. Ji 1. naniiiers a vj cb e 1 lieaue ots , a. x 6;l5-3m Register's Notice. 13 U 11 It 11 It 14 1 14 14 14 14 IS u IS IS. Ill 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 1J IS u 14 14 14 14 14 14 NOTICE Is hereby give to nil creditors, legatees, wards and other pers ,ns inter ested, fiat the undersiirncd Executors. Ad- 1.. .1... which ihevnroniisnlo sella! lliBloweal HASH ni'tni-trators and Guardians have filed their i.kkthiu V j I PRICES I such as Dress Goods, Dress accounts In the Register's OlHce. ond that tho ""'i'V'!',Tun.on .itinu yyin iiu picsuuien to Ilia l puill.S' UOUIT A J Sowiiri to ho held within and for the county of JhiihiUuiIiit Greene, on WEDNESDAY. Juoo 12, 18G7, a A 11 KC.imi.Mi for couth-million and allowance. 1 ?h'r!t i """" PETER liRO WN, Reg & Rec. ' KJ A Bltn Account of John Anld, acting Executor of S'"'.""" the last Will and Testament of Peter ban iimiwr Muckle, dee'd. 11 a itiminirt Account ol A. M. Ritchie, administrator upon gcu','t"i"Co' tho estate of Wm. Anderson, dee'd. o w itoiwtiA Co Account i.f Win. Duval! administrator of M ""' James Ilixenbaiieli. decM. giair.o.itiuiugii manifesie l al Norfolk rehpecting the which they propose to sell at the very lowest proliai Davis proimiiimics of llie trial and release ot ngures aepenuing on mo quaiuy ami cneap- j Account ot Abiaham Staggers and James biTc. Stewart adiniuittrators of James ness of their goods to gain them custom. nn.. i-ii : !. - .1 n i . utve i.iein uuii otiore utrt ii'isuiK eiso- R,rra rlooVl ton's o dLr , B 17 - "uri where anil Ith-y will provo tn j the above is Account of Thomas Adamson. administrator optiositn the Court House, Wavnesburg. il,'67tf ' . Monday's papers bring us the intelli gence that Jeff. Davis is in liichmoiid. not stopping at Libhy but at the Spotis. wood, the first hotel in the city. The tight of the military does not him, bning on parole, A suite of par. lorsare athw servi-to i he j ikes, receives old friends and has the best the city af. fords. Ho was attained for trial on Monday, Judge Underwood presiding Reports are so contradictory that nothing definite is known. Imagine the South victorious nnd Abraham Lincoln after two years of lux ur in csstle walls, released on parole, enjoying Williar.ibs hospitality at Wnh. lugion, visited by tritndt. lionized and toted. Can you tee it t 'XOYAL." To teo alabo'er pay $17 fr a barrel of four which formerly cost but 8.5 t hit hildren ruggeti or n.iked tor want ot clothing which this extra 12 would buy bctoro he was made equal to tho '-un. blcuahed American ;" and then to see this same laborer g to ihe polls and vote for a "litilo more of tho same sort' To sue a laborer go to grocery and pay IT cents for a pmfrd of sugar which formerly cost hut 6 cents; the II cents blng a willing bonus paid for the luxury of being inndo equal to nn 'tin. bleached American." Tho local" of tin Newcn-tlo Gazett n'DtW)Cr,c got off the above last week iSi'ino tion s nee we intimated from the tone ot hit Noies ami Noti ces" that he was about to oon.tnlt sin. Cide. ' Sinne that he has Improved, drop ped the Villi revoir," talked sensible. Wu that ihey are and must ever remain a fear, however, tbot this last U relapta. unit The power of any Oowrumont is is reasonable to suppose that each would he entitled to the exercise of the same political p( w r Hut from ihe very eonstriiu ion f Hung. ihe world consists if Jin le st.finl cotnpiioiH whoso interests it would have been pu.wng it large per cent, on money invested, beside inoteas. ini many told, the value of tree-holds already possessed. A nd as i here is some talk of a lliiiroad up iht Monongihela me so oitiiiaeti ami interwoven that to river, which w. I aff id a . hance f. r siiel, coiiMtler tliein separate won d be until, an inveMir.e.,1, would it not be well 1,il'"ii"n- j tor the UepubliiHiii party totivorthal We are, therefore, t bliged by the entm prise, ami thus securo its defeat in mmdeipal law. by ihe 'aw ..f Nain-e i.ntl G.eeni) county tor. ,f cour-e. the P. (J the law ot G ..I. to cond. r man ai.3 U. 11. will , ist the oppo.iiion and thus wife an t im ii issue, in most cases, umil ,' make it a sme thing.) To that end whv lueuiyMiiie years o' ngi a miity, in sepatable a. iigl.t and- heal. It then, in the very abstract. m and woman is hitt man inseparable ah form and m itter, he who woul l contend tkat it would be un acquisition to poliii al liberty, orpo. lilioal extend tho eleiitive frun. cliise to the woman would present tint monstrous absurdity of ignoring the liws ot Nature and economy bf ptuting I wo heads on one pair of shoulders or of a stolid king h lding a sceptre in each hand. But it is said there are a great many single women t some who w.n't winy i some who desiro a matrimonial union but are unsuccessful in securing husbands; and widows a majority 0f them paying taxes. Shall those bo de prived ot political liberiy on tho rash presumption that mankinl would pass 'rei through the world in pair. J This is a (t0 view loo contracted to lw tertouly pd- mined. Nature would stand aghast at beholding n fragment of oreailon alone, disconsolate ino unplnte within itself without the power ot pro-creation and tilled " ithllm seeds of dissolution. These are n I even exceptions to the immutable principle that men and wo. man are correlative, that the foundation stone of evory Government that over existed or will exist, it the presumption not m ike a cill t r a railroad convention at some onl-oftie.way. place Waynes burg Ciitmichacls, or Jacktuwn, any place will do, ami send a d.dega:e. (one woulti be as much as wu could stand.) to the proposed rui.rnad c iiv.rtiou at Pittsburgh, And by i his mea ts save our Seo Ton ot the country trout all this outside noise and improvement liullabo. loo Give ns the "Union a. it was " o w u. Wah Dkpahtmfnt, 1 VsiitsoT!N. May 8, G7 ) T Brev B ig. Ge.ii. Bit'tan, Commmd' tug Officer nt I'Xrtre - Sinnrut : The President ot the United Slates directs you to surrender Jeffor-oii Davis, now held in confinement under luilnnry authority at For.resa Monroe, to the United States Marshal, or Deputies, upon any process which may issue from the federal Couit ot tho gtate ot Virgi nia. You will report the action taken by you in this order aud forward a copy of the process served upon you to this office. Jiy order of the President. Signed, E. D, Adj. 'leiieiul. of Lcroy Gui.ear, dee'd. Account of Jesse Uussey. Jr., Executor of Jesse Uussey. dee'd. Account of James Call and Andrew Wilson, Executors of Wm. Wilson. de! Win lliiilev 1 1 ami ATuylor llOlHlUtll P M Orlmoi JACKSON TOWNSHIP, OKNTRE TOWNSHIP. 14 14 14 13 14 14 14 T T T 13 II 19 13 13 13 II 13 II 14 14 II 14 14 II 14 M 14 14 14 13 14 14 II 14 Ilounfy ax $t.-it-meiit Account of the School Directors of Morgan Account of John Haver, Guirdli.n ol tho minor But, it a TIHl TOO loo T 00 too 10 00 Mm TOO TOO . low MM 12 M 11H TOO 13 60 TOO TOO TOO TOO 36 00 36 00 1000 l'l 60 TOO T 08 TC loot T IK 10 00 10 00 10 00 TOO' TOO . TOO TOO Too TOO TOO 36 00 36 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 lit oq 10 00 loo Too TOO TOO TOO TOO TOo TOO 13 60 10 00 TOO TOO TOO T 00 TOO TOO TOO io oo TOO TOO 10 00 TOO TOO TOO TOo 10 00 TOO Too T oo 30 09 30 00 30 00 10 00 10 Oo 1000 10 00 10 oo 1000 10 00 10 00 10 00 TOO Too TOO 10 00 Too TOO 10 OO TOO 10 00 TOO TOO TOO 10 00 TOO TOO 10 00 TOO 10 00 lo oo lorn TIIE WARNING TO THE RICHMOND TIMES. The following 18 llie 'warning' given The liwhinond Times by Gen Sehofield : II ka Dij' its Fhist Dis'r Stvth ok Va , ) Hiciim .mi. V , Apnl 27. 18(i7. J Mr Ciiaiiim ill Wynnk. Proprietor of the h'iclimoud Times, Kicfoiwiid, V oik t Hie (Joiiiiiiniidiiiir General di rect me to c ill your K'.teniioti to nn edi. nil allien in The Richmond Timet vt this moriii' if, headed. A JJIaek Alan's Party in Virginia.' and to lay that while ho desires not .only i o permit, but to encourage ilie utmost tiefdom of dis cussion ot political questions, the char acter ol the article lei'ei red to nails tor severe censure, especially ihe following wordti 'It its proposition which Im plies that they are ready o grasp the bh od stained hands of ihb antliois of our ruin are an intolerable insult to all soldiers of the United States uriny, and no less so to all true soldiers ot tho late Confederate arm, as thay have long since extended in etch other the cordial band of friendship, sad pledged tbeir U. S. DISTRICT COURT AT RICHMOND. The United Stnta Dist.ict Court, Judge Underwood presiding commenc ed its session in Utt'luiuuid on the 6th Among the members ot the Grand Jury were John M Bona Joseph Segur, Lewis Mt'Keusie. and fiv colored men The Judge, in hi charge, congratulated tue jury that, though it h nl been threat,. en tl wit Ii iiii'.iniiiii by assassimuion, vet thanks to C uig.vs i met now in security This promised bo'ter things f r Kii'hmoi.d, a city where tho press linl remmed Hie lowon depths ot pro rlig uty. the pulpit had been pro-tttuted by ininisteiiiig gay Loih.rios, ami licun tijiusness hud un il hall tho children were I'leuitiniate. The Jury would have a g od deal of work much of which was ureal t'd. by the dc.nons'raiion of the peop'e nnd by the disloyal niess which had ei comaged penury aud o Miut.erfei. ting t iilieat the Government. lie call ed attention to the f-ioi that negroes were lint allowed the Ire dure ot street cars. The Hvmiviier lui inf irinntion that the session of ihe Con. t will he prolong -d tit. til the adjournment of the Suptene Court, when-Chut Just lee Cln so will dune and prehideat the tiial of D. vis S. II. Chandler, ''roseciiling Attor ney. is now in New Yolk consulting Mr. Everts, Davis' counsel, about the trial. Air. Davis will probably be brought hero Saturday, ami then In Id by the (tiyil authorities till trial. Chief Justice Chase is expected next week, township, in relation to houuty tuxes levied and collected iu I8lt : Dr. April 1st, 18G, levied $1,247 37 Cr. By exonerations $ 4!) 34 By collector's commission. 3" no By cash paid Parkinson.... 30(1 00 By cash paid JPGIuniphy. 300 00 By tlo. Gass and Bucking ham f.00 no By interest on orders S 00 By cash paid school fund i0 00 1,240 34 Balance uncollected 7 03 B.mnty tax levied and collected in 18-5 : Dr. Toam't. of bounty tax levied $5,819 83 Cr. By exonerations $ 38(1 09 By collector's per ceutugu 174 69 By cash paid lor 19 vol- euteers ,SS9 15 $5,819 83 Wo, tho undersigned Auditing, tlo hereby certify, the foregoing statement is correct, ac coiding to ihe accounts l.tid betir us for set tlement, to the best of our knowledge. J. C. POU,OCK, MILLER I MS, JOilJS BELL, Auditors. children of Archibald Kerr, dee'd. Account of William Gwynn, euardlan of John T Rinchart, minor child of Ellenor Riueliart, due'd, BjRto WALLAUE & J',YlM, ZOonlori i ' JiuiiMCall h Co it , Ciill.KobtirUtkCo 13 j t'KANKUN TOWNSHIP. JcMe Hook 14 K A limn 14 11 L HulTmRn 13 A J l-lppi'iicott 14 Honk A Wiiufdlilillrr A TlmCuiirtof Appeal wilt tit hold At th ffrftiurt)r,it I Oflito lu Wuj DfsburK, on Thurntlny nd jVrtilny. May 30 ! ftiifl 1, 1607. A. HOWARD, Merc.ntll. Appriiitr. I 6;84t To Too lo 00 Too 36 00 DKALBItS IX GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, O.vb door West or Petku Biiowm's Stork. Wo have ust received n well seloctcd stock 01 CUOMEK.VMILY GROCERIES. which wo purchased for CASH and aru confident that we can supply our customers and all who may favor us with a call, as cheap it not cheaper The account of T. P, Pollock. D P. Bell. Jacob Rush, anil Henry Bell, Commissi than any other lioso la the County. ol Morgan township to levy imtl collect a tax COFFEE!., to pay volunteers, by an Act of Assembly, ap. pruvetl the 24tli uuy oi August, IHUl. Dr. Amount of tax levied $'5,8 1 3 2 Cr. By exonerations $"70 00 By interest and disc't paid Bmk "2(10 By ain't paid collectors... tan m;i By " notyutcollecttd... 55 00 By attorney's ices 10 00 By transpt'n and exit, of volunteers 128 85-$1,17(1 08 Dr. $,HU 1)1 To subscription money $2,718 00 Ur By amount paid 1 7 volun tecrs., Dr. $8,353 7t)-$8,3n5 94 il 24 Balance to collect $55 00 Cr. Balance duo Col. Harris.... 59 0l)-$ 67 24 Balance duo Commissioners I 70 We. tho undersiirned, tin certify that the foregoing statement is correct, nccoitling to l.oct'Viu.E, May 8 A special to the the papers and aller . lions laldiieforo us, t. ......... i I......' ii..!.... ir.. i'.Ji.V. M'VViV vvitrit'V imiiii i nit?, uv,, puyn i lion. Kiislm lliiis just elected to Cote gret from the Thud District by an ni most untinimoiis voto over his Ua lical opi.onents, committed suicide ibis after noon, by blowing out his brains with a pistol lie left a note saying in the pre-ent onndilion of the country his advanced age precluded his doing his country any good, an t he tought relief in dentil. . Tiik Michigan Kouiihn Official re. turns from th lute elect ion in Michigan shjjw a net Uuion uinjority ot 21,0111, Instead of 1 5,001) as at roughly cs. llmated. N ir is this all. Eglit conn, ties are yet to bo heard from, which will increase iho majority about 1 ,800. This is twenty timet the Couneuliout majori ty. MILLER lAMSt JOHN BELL, Auditors, 5l5-3t EXECUTOR'S N vTICE. IK li 1C H -i testamentary nn the estate ol J A'ford Gregg of Cumberland town ship, Greene county, Pa., dee'd , bavin boon granted to the undersigned, notice Is lioroby givon to all persons indebted to said est. do to iimke tmineill ito payment, and Ihoso having claims against the lumo tn present them Im atetlialuly, propoi ly authenticated for settle mont. AARON GREGG, 5 15-dw. Cumbe land tp., Ex. cutor. Adiiiiniatrator'n IVolice. LETTERS of administration having been grautud to the uudursioned upin the estate of M.ugeret Kvenei, of Dunkaid Ip., Greene couuty, P., dee'd f notice Is hero ty given to all poisons indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated loi leUieiwmt. . JNO. 8. KEENER, l ia w Dunkard tp., Admlniitrttor. bUOARS. MOLASSES, 8YRUP8, TEAS. RICE, 801) . TOBACCOS, CIGARS. SNUFFS. CANDLES,- SOAPS, KXTRACT COFFFE 8Tlt V iVUERUIES, JELL'ES Ml,, &C. Don't fiil to call and examine our stock nnd see for yourselves, for wo are determined to sell us cheap as the cheapest. d; tl. VALUAULK I'liOl'Eii'lT FOU WITH OR18T MILL, SAW MILL, COAL BVMCS, fcU. 'piIE Undersigned offers atpiivate sale that L valu.iblu properly, situsto on the .Morion arahela Rlvor, at the Mouth of Muddy Creek, Greene county. Pa , containing about forty five (45) acres of rich bntt an lan.l Tbere'L on the . remiss a valuable STEAM ENGINE! which will be Ircludod In the t do. The Co ,1 Bank is open and shows an inexhaustable sup ply. No 'i.ore desirable location lor a Distil lerv can he found in the fitulc. For lurlher particulars apply to E. A. Flen niken. Davidsou's Fe ry, Greene couuly, Pa., or by letter to the undersigned, JOHNM DARRAII, S;8-m. Ylattsville, Bucks Co,, Pa. U. S. INTERNAL REVENU E lOIt 1S07 VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL 11 ttersous Interenttid that tho annual lists of a'seismouts for Interna! Revenue Taxes lor t ie year 1 807. have boon returned to mo by tho several Assistant Assessors of the 24th Collodion District of Pa., and that they will U8 open lor inspection hi me ASfrESSSOIt'S OFFICE, in tho Borough of Washington, from the 2nd to the 1 5th day of May next, durlug which lime persons aiigneveti may make appeals from what they consider erroneous assess ments Appoals must he In writing, sped y lug particularly tint matter ol complaint, ro 4pucllng which a decision Is requested. JAS. ii. RUPLE, Assossoraith Diet. IW SHI-ltll 1 SALK. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issui d out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene county, and to me directed, there will bo exposed to public sale at the Court House, in Waj ncshurg, on Saturday, Itt day of Juno next, at one o'clock, p. m., the fol lowing pronely, vl& i All the rif.'ht, title. Interest and claim or de fendant ot; iu and to a certain Tract of Land situate in Wayne township, Greene county, Pa., containing four hundred and fllty acres, more or less : about three hundred acrea cleared, and has erected thereon two hewed log dwelling houses, two log itahlfs, one log barn and other nut buildings. Thore are two apple orchards and other improvements on tho premises. Adjoining lands of Otha Spragg, David Spragg, William Spragg, John Spragg and others. Taken iu execution as tho property of Den nis Moljrhea and Samuel W. Felton at the suit of Thomas H. Motion for U90 of Admin istrators of John Luce, dee'd. Hkath Joints, fi.-H-4t . Hheriir, Tho Wonder 'of the Age J TIME, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED I THE IATESI AND BEST CHURRl ONE OF THE L ATEST PATENTS, ISSU ed on the 1 1 111 day of September, 1806, to Win. R. McCutc'ioon, of Washington, Iowa, will be on exhibition in a fowdays at JOHN MUNPELL'S, n Wanvesburg, Pa. This CHURN must supersede any thing nf tlio kind liereto'ore produced. Tho simplenea of its construct, ion, and lis two-fold or reversed motion, that butter from three to six miuutct must Indue tho community to examine Itt qualities It saves time It saves work and produces as much butter as any churn In ex istence Mr Mun jell lias full power to sell dghis for Ptwsvlvanla or New York Stato as. well as to furnish Churns to citizens ofthis. .tmnty. MORRIS, ULLOM&CO. Agtutt. a;27-tf. sale op to lornr 'PIIEHE WILL BE OFFERED ATPUBLIO L Bale at Waynesburg, Greene co., Pa., on ' Monday, May 27, 3867, Town Intt In the prnposod row addition to. tho Town of Waynesburg. These LOTS aro . drlluhifnlly situated South of the Court House, and afford flue building sites. The plan of ' the audition to the town, showing the Loll. U,.....i All..... I. H. .1.. ..n m tt, w' ' kii.ww, nuriB ut'ui S (.IB V1I1UO III JJi. Jll, Sayursand w. E Gapen, Esqs., in Waynes burg, who will answer all Inquiries In relation to the property, and toll to persons who wish, to buy at PRIVATE 8 A tE . Thoje who doslre to make a choice selection would perhapt do well to ck immedlatoly aud obtain It at private sale. I One-third of Die purchase money In hand' and the balance latno equal annual ptymentt' li I tfWWt ' KjL SAYfiRB.