h .- r- .v. i tf 1794. Uwr. ler-cd, ' 1)91. Xll.rl K8UKAK0K 0 0 M P A N V or ' ,;? NORTH AMERICA! Viiikiiil. Iin. r'.f. Oldfit ' laiuranc oinp tn Amrrica. t i ' CASi CAI"'MI. v RnHPLD8, OVER r l , (, Sl.731.000. ' SEVENTY OME YEARS Sucrees'iil Bul . , , nis Exnei ium . with ii ron"' 'ti'in for IN- TEG BIT Y and HONORABLE HEALING UiS3i:UPASUIby any siinaU: institution. ' LOSSES PAID since orgnulzaiion, 17, 100,000.00 1 , . LIBER L RATES for all the safer classes of nroncriv TiU"rn t DWELLINGS and CONTENTS, a sporlnHtv. , BRK'K or STONE DWELLINGS Insured , .' PERPETUALLY If desired, on terms of the greatest economy nnu ninety in mu . it I, WISDOM N0-VI,V'J,nr?J?ln the bi st C.anputii' s. "il't there isNOM'. IJM ; TEtt titan the cH 1SSUUAKCIS COMPANY cr south America. DIRECTORS t Arthur G. Collin S. Mortis Wain, Samuel Joi.es, John Mas'n Joint A itiown, Geo. L Harrison, Charles Tav'or, Francis H. rope. Amt'mw Whit, Kdwiiril II. rmtler, Hteimrd U W- rd, Edward S. Cl-uke, William Welsh. W "Miti.lot- William II Unwell. T Charlton Henry, Jnros5f. Dickson ARTHUR 0. COFFIN. Pn'sliient. C,u us lYAtr.S,ur.t.M JanVt'7 tt Agcnl or Greene County. ASTEOLQQV. HE M Till 0 ISTfiMSIilD AT TUB WOKIltllFri. HKVU-VNONg MADE BY THE GREAT ASTR LOG1ST. MADAME H. A. PERRIGO. She reveals secre's no mortal ever knew. Bhe restores to happiness tlmso who, from dnlefu' events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends lot's ol money. &c have become desn. m'ent. She brings together those long sepersted, gives In oruni tlon concerning absent Men Is or lovers, re stores lost r r stolen property, tells you the buslnessyou are heBt qutilitlcd to pursue anil in what you will bo most Miecesatm, cause speedy marriages and tells yon tho very day you will marrv, uivesyou the name, likeness and char identities of the purson. She rends your veiy thoughts, nnd by her almost super natural pi weis unvi its the dm k and bidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in tho firmament tbe nmliflc t tors that overcome or predominate in the configuration from the aspect? and positions of the plan ets and the fix' d aura ia the lieavms nt the llmo of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult tho greatest As trnloglst on e nth. Il costs you hut a trillc, nil yu may never again havesofnvorhlc an opportunity. Consultation fc. vrh likeness and all desired iniorim'tion. 1. V.nths liv ing at a oistame can consult the bidiime bv mail with t ChI btitely mul snlistUi ti'.n tn thciiHelve-., as if hi po'son A full iintex f licit chvrt, wnlli out. wit), till iniU;ri'S answered and likcnrrsca enelo.eil. sent by mail on rec.ipi in pi.ee nonvv nieoii'Mii'ii i The strictest S' cr ny will lie inaiiitiiilied. and ; all correspondence retuincd or destroyed. References of the highest criler urnlshed Ihoso desirinstheui. Write ohdnly the dnyot them' nth and year in which you werti born, nclosini; a small lock of hair. ; Address, ' JIadamk II. A. PERRIGO, 1 P. 0, Drawer S!3. BuflUlo, N Y. I febllt,'671y I mmm imm. Hirow away your false frizzes, j our switch s, your wig Destiuctive ol e 'liilort. and not worth a 11.' i Come ai;ed, come youthful, come ugly and inir And rejoice In your own luxuriant liuir. REPARATOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from Whatever cause it may have fallen out) and. tbrelng a groth ot li.dr upon the face, It bus no , aual. It ill force tbe beard to crow upon i the smoothest fac.f In from five to eight weeks. 1 rhair upon bald heails in from two to three : months A few ipnorant practitioners have asserted that there is notb ne that will force or haston the growth or tho hair ni heard Thoir assertions are lalso, as thous mils of liv ing witnesses (from their own experience) can . ' bear witness. But many will say, ow are wo i lo dislinauish the genuine from Hie spurious ? It, certainly is dilkult, ns uine-tenllis of tho ; diflcrent Preparations advertised Tortlie liair ud lieard are entirely worthless; and you BiftV liavo already thrown away large- iimnunta In their pnr.dmsH. To such we would say, try Hie Heparator Capilll. it will cost you uotli ln unless It fully comes ui to our ropresn latlons. If your druirnist does not keep it, send us one dollar and we will lonviml il, postpaid, together with a receipt for the mo . . ...i.:,.i. n,ui im i. luropd von nn aonlira Jon, providitiR entire salisf ictton is not given Address. W. L. CL AUK & CO. , Chemists, No 8 West Euystto St.. Syracuse, N. Y fehl3,'P7-ly WHISKEPS AND M' US T ACHES! ITtORf'ED to grow upon the smoothest face In from three to five weeks by using Dr. ISEVIGNE'S RESTAURATEUR CAPIL LAlRE, tbe most wondcrlul discovery In modem science, acting upon tho Board and Hair in nn almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and Lcndon with the most flattering Buccess. Names of all purchase s will be registered, and If entire satisfaction is not given in cvorv Instance, the money will bo cheerfully refunded. Prlco by mail, sealed nnd pout paid. il. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed Iree. Ad dress BERGER, S11CTTS&CO., Clicmlsti, Mo. f.H5 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Soli, agents for tan Bulled States. feh20,'671y It 13 13 N II O U S K. Jcffmon, Greene County, renn'u. )tRS. R. J- UUyf GARNER, Proprietrcts. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. Bum ARNtn is prepared to furnU.li the beat, to the travelling public. The TABLE always siip- Clled Willi the choicest delicacies, the BAR '1th the finest Wines and Liquors, good sleep. sig apartments, and an abundance of stable loom attached to tre premises. Public tttronagd solicited May 23, '68 -ly. AMlfftnee'ts Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED ASSIGNEE OF Moroax Bull, of BJcuhlll township, here r gives notice to all persons Interested that tlse STORE BOOKS and Notes will bo left with Mr. William McClelland, at tbe old Stand, for settlement and collection, until tho 1st of March next, and if not promptly settled thoy will be collected by due process of law at once. The creditors of said asslgnnnt will also take notice that their claims must be pre sented at once, as I am determined to close, p the business Immediately JwlV67-tt J. P. TEMPLE. T. W . ROSS, FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0 FFICEln Jewell's hulldlng, West end of Jfl swstk wtbms m mi ii i; in i , t; NEW! M ICS SAYHIW& IIOSKINSON j..vi.)usl arrived frnniNiw Y K with a I n:.e. ua-ui'l i ent of foreign and domestlo BUY OOBS which thev propose to scdl at the lowest CASH PRICES ! such as Dress Goods. Diees Tilnuiiing, lres8lluttous. Guy's Patent Mulft, fjadles's Shawls, Fnra, Boots an Shoes, Hats and Caps t nlso, a great vnrietv of nice articles, . at very low prices, fot Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear, Wunxi ofull liln.la and a coninlete . varlo- tv of the best GROCERIES. All of which they propose to sell at the very lowest figures, depending on the quality and cheap ness of their gondii to gain them custopi vu il,..,,, m fn li.-li.ri. our, hnsinff elsQ- . I,,...,, t'i. v uill nrnvi. tn 1 tint a'inve is erred. I'oon'i in A lUon'it building, nearly opposite the Court Rouse, Wiiynesbuig. i.ovH Iiil tf APFLICTBDI Ml FI K 4 IVO MOKE ! When by the use ol DR . JOINV'LLE'S ELIXIR V"U '!,n be cured permanently, aud atatilllingcost The at'niishlnst success which has attended tt'is Invahmlilii meiliehie for PhBieal and Nervous Veakncss, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Eneigy. Im pot. i.cv oranv ol'lhn consequences of youth ful indiscretion, renders it the most valuable p ((pari'tion ever discovered ' It will remove. "H netvoiis iiiTcctions. do nrcfslon, cxeitement, Incapacitv to study or l.ushiess. 1. 'Si of memory, ci nfusion, thrughtB r,l s. If destruction, f'-ars of Insanilv. Ac It will restore the appetite, renew the licit In or those who have destroyed it by sensual ex cess oi evil practices. Younir men, be humbuged no more by 'Quack Doctors" and Ignorant practitioners, but send without delay lor the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and happiness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every instance. Price ft or four bottlus to one nddrcss, 9' One bottle is sufficient tocllcct a euro in all ordinary cases Af.80, DR. J(HWVllil'a oi-r.v..iriu PILLS, ior the speedy and permanent cure ot i r!i TTroilirnl Dlscharfres. Grav- el. Stricture and nil affections of the Kidneys anil lirtiililer- turcs enueiuu to mu o v" 'Tt,,,,, art nritvtreil from Teireta- II. v vuijn. . i.r i-- i- r hie extracts that are harmeless on the system, ami never nauseaie mo ninmuii m ni'.c6 nute the breath. No change of diet is nece.s- i.o.. ...,;., ),nm nnr dnns their action Billy HlllIU l.nii.f, ... in any manner interfere Willi busincsspursuits Price $1 per box. . Either ol the aho"o mentioned articles will be sent to nnv address. closely sealed, and post paid, by mail" or express, on receipt of prico. Adilrcfs all on'ersto BERGER, S1ILTTS A CO., Chemists, No. 2S5 River 8troet, Troy, N. Y. feh'.'(i,'ii7 ly BEAUTY ! AUBUEN. GOLDEN, FLAXEN AND SILKEN CURLS, TlROnrCEP bv the use of Prof. DE I liHKUX FRISERLECIIEVEUX. Ono application warranted to curl the most straight nnd stubborn hair ot either sex in'o wavy ringlets, or heavy ivsivo curls. Has been used by Hie fashionable of Paris and London, with flic most griitifving results Docs no in jury to the hair. Prico by mail, sealed and post paid, $!. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER. SHVTTS & CO., ('lio-iiWs No. River St., Troy, N. Y., So'... Aaenls f r the United Stntes. NliTw mfi&l'.ITKMIfiHT ! THE PROPOSED IMPEACHMENT OF H.RINEHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES! HAVING .lUSTRE TURNED FROM THE city, hu has opened tho largest New Grocery In town, Ho des'res to Inform tho citizens of Wayiics'wg and vicinity of the care ho have taken In selecting stock, having on baud a good supply of CONFKU'noNS, TOBACCO. CI UAU3. TAli, nlso, PROVISI ONS. BACON, DKIEDBEEl? POTATOES F ISM, DRIED PEACHES, &o , &c, &0 Call and see him as ho has been getting a You will find him accomodating, and can sell lower than any one In tho placo, Bo sure to go to tho right place, In LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite the Court House, and formerly oc cupied by tho Post Oltlco. . aplK.'iiii.-tf ; E3. 3VC. sayera, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Will attend to all claims for buck pay, boun ty and pensions of soldiersand their representa tives The Pensions of the following class aro Increased irom to fin and $25 per month, and w dnws tor children under sixteen years $2 per month each, viz 1 1st. Those who have lost the sight of both eves, the use of both hands, or otherwise total ly disabled and incapacitated from performing manual tauor. 2d- All widows having children under six teen years of ago are entitled to $3 por month additional for each child. 8d. Guardians representing the minor chil dren of soldiers are entitled to the same increase as if the mother was living. augl.'OO-tf. EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIORI CHASTELLAR'S iiAia f XTEimiNAToit j YOB KKMOV1VO 8UPEBFLC0US HAIR. To the ladies escclally, tills invaluable de pilatory recommends Itself as being an almost Indlspenslhle article to female beauty, is easi ly applied, docs not burn or injure the skin but acts directly on the roots It Is warranted to remove superfluous hair from low foreheads or from any part of tbe body, completely, totally and radically exterpstlng the same, leaving tbe skin soft, smooth and natural. This Is the only article used by the French, and Is the only roal effectual depilatory In ex istence. Price 73 cents por package, sent postpaid, to any address, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS A CO., Chemists. UKYW-ljr m Wttr Wt T 1 N. T LtiurrniH" culm RY AN ORDER OF THE COURT OF Oreenfl eotintv. till) undersluiU'il Ado in- istrutors of the estate of TIlOS A LLFREE, dec'tl., will otter ror sale, on the premises, at Kice' Landing, Greene county, Pa., on 11IX2A, HAY II. IS 07, in n'i.liv.1r n, llm turn.llilrrtH nflliA fill. lowing described property, vlr. i One tract of lanil convauung aooui six or seven nerea, uu which are erected one largo two story Fit A ME DWELLING HOlLSE! One moderate si.ed two story frame dwelling, nnn wur l.i.nsn one saw mill frame, ifxnl lermaneni fou.'K ntion, and w il roofed, with a gooil clHiiin.-y -i:.CK. 1 ne saw nun ia large and new. and well calculated for both Saw and Planing Mill. There will also bo offer ed ono Engine and Boiler. Tim ulinvi, nipiittnn.'H nrnncrtv will tin of fered in loti or 9 a ihnle. as in iV seem liest fi.r thneaMle. on ilnv of sale, ills situate on river, the ilom.nguh"! about twilvu miles reaoove urownBviiie.rsons wismng goou a mm tiiwii .-rniHti u nr locHlltin for a Saw Mill or Planing Mill, or both, would do well to call and examine, we think they will pio nounce this one- among the best frames on the rlrnr TERM1: One-half on cmflrmntlnn of sale, on. -hull in three months thereafter, with Interest from confirmation, when Deed will be made. I. IN. t:iiY. LOUISA A LLFREE, Administrators The remaining one third inleiest in the same property will be offered by the under signed owner, on the same lav, and at tho same place. JOHN MOORE 4; 10 ta SPUING TRADE! 1867. M'Elroy, Dickson k Co., No S wood Street PITTSBURGH, M E000S. Havo their stock open for tho trade. GOOD"GOODS! AT REASONABLE PRICES. 8. B. M'ELROY. JAMES DLCKSON. 3;l3-3m JOHN T. bllANlS. FELLOW 8' wqbm mmn ARE, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE most extraordinary Medicine oftlio age. Comprising, us they do. Remarkable Power in expelling worms, with pleasant tasto and Serfect safety. They coutaiu no Mercury, no lineral, no Turpentine, no Oil ol Wormaeed, no Poison, nothing Injurious, They are en tirely Vegetable. Symptoms op Wohms 1 Itching of tho nose, fevcrishnefs, twitching or starting suddenly during sleep, pain in tho stomach, loss of llesh, paleness with hectic appetite sometimes vora cious, at olhurs feeble, a dullness of the eyes, drowsiness, a swelled upper Hp, tongue white ly furred and tluddod with red spotts, fetid or garlic breath, grinding of teeth during sleep, a sensation of lodgment In the throat, an un natural craving tor diet, chalk or clay, lret fuhiess and irritaVility of temper, cholic fits and palsy. JutesliniU Worms are among tho .first to undermine the constitution in the list of diseases. They often occasion severe dis ease, ending sometimes fatally, particularly , when they ascend to the stomach. Their I presence 'in their most ordinary situation is ' attended with unfavorable effects upon the gen eral hcuhh. Eminent men assert that all aro i more or less troubled with worms, and that many die annually from this cause, who, bv the tmiolyadxirHtr .ti.iii m a proper remedy would ho saved. I As FALLOWS' WORM LOZENGES may betaken without any un pleasant results, nml as m 8'. children are for.dof them, tliiir u 0 is reromni"itdcd to tlifise apparently health), 'and thus dispel. thu cause ol what would produce suHeiing. Bo careful what you use. Various reme dies have from time to time, been recommend ed, such as Calomel, Oil of Wormwood, Tur pentine, Ac, so that dangerous and even fatal consequences aro produced. The necessity of a sale and sure remedy has caused much research nnd study by tho proprietors of FELLOWS' WORM LOZENGES. They aro positively safe, pleasant and effectual. They do not kill worms, but act by making their dwelling place diaag'eeahle to them. In order, however, to guard consumers against deception by a huso compound, tho analysis of Dr. A.1 A. HAYES. State Assayer, proving tho above statement, is annexed. "I have analyzed the WORM LOZENGERS prepare'' by Messrs. Fellows & Co., and find that they are free from Mercury and other mcttlic or mineral matter. ' These Lozengos aro skilfully compounded, pleasant to fasto, safo, yet sure and effectual in their action. It spcctfully, A. A. Hatks, M. D. Assayer of the Stato of Mass. Please remember that Fellows' Worm Loz enges aro prepared with groat care from the concentrated extracts of two plants. They do not act as a purgative or emetic, will not debilitate tho patient, aro so simple an infant may devour a whole box without harm, and will at tho samo expel the worms in an extra ordinary maimer. ETFellows' Worm Lozongcrs is the only Worm Remedy in existence combining harm less qnallies with delicious taste and amaz.ng power. Price Twcnty-flvo cents por Box. Five boxes for a dollar. The signature of Fellows & Co . Is attached to each genuino box. Sold by Medicine dealers generally. Prepar ed at the New England Botanic Depot, for the Proprlotor, J.C.FRENCH. Dkmas Baknis & Co., Gcn'l Agents, N, Y. 4:2l-tim. Tliere cometh glad tidings ot joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small t Tho beauty which once was so precious and raro, Is free for all, and all may bo fair. By Titii usa or CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LiaiVID EM II EL. For Improving and Beautifying the Complex Ion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in uso, for giving the skin a beautiful pcurl like lint, that is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tan, Frecklos, Pimples, Blotches. Moth Patches, Ballowness. Erupt ions, and all impurities of tho skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Its uso can not bo detect ed by tho closest scrutiny, and being a vege table preparation Is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of tho kind used by the French, and Is considered by tho Parisian as indispen sable to a perfoct toilet. Upwa-ds cf 80,000 bottles were sold during the past vear, a sufficient guarantee of Its cfllracy. Price on ly 7ft cents. Sent by mall, post-paid, on re ceipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS A Co, , Chemist. SU River St., TroyN. T, mm Im the Aiiibiiuan department of tit Paris Exposition; is sn army rulio, with the following inscripiion t 'Tins wagon was built by 11. Simona, ot Philadelphia, at a cost of $150 Uep iiis (Brake), $7, is Hitil wss used in the army of the Potomac until 1803, when it was sent to Niwhville, TsuiiUHsee, fro'ii then, to Cliattanoot-a, Atlanta, Mille lijevillo, .l lli n, Saviii niili, C'olniitl'ia. Ulicmw Golilhbunr, f:!eig'i,;Ui'villH', Hurck ville. Itieliiil.ifid 4 -V i-hington Oit v htvinjr gone a ilistunee of t iii'l uiilra j thi'oii)h ul tho on n ii.!'i u I n iri t fieneral Slieivii in's a.'iiv, having been ! in S'Tvioo (' .r tea '4 ami nio" ui "i'ii Ur.w. w.-iirM I 8Vi N. 20! It Corp ' 1 I 1 I) V. A tiesh reeo'lt'oii ui ul t. v U. V Brown, (Artemus Wio l ) 1 os i; to t e Eastern papers .j..iiriio)ltig I'a.n-. Iimlarmat Wiitrfir I u 1 .1 'lau I, in Maine. nlotiL' with bis f iend ".teli. ll. ..... m ,f ... 1 : .1 ..1,. oonieauiii. ,ur. aro e . .L-.t. sion Ot tho liiont piHellcul Kinu. inis ......,,, .... ( ,, ,., I,, I.iii.l wh to Blop at a near t.n .11 house, bin t ll.e comedian's anna behind him. and, ,.,,,. , ,i, j,,,,. 1,i...l ,, arriving at the door, call.d upon the firmei's people for vinegar ami wa'er 'tor a or,zv,a he was taking to at. Insane asylum.' H . tclioll. who had a rumarkable power of facia expression, made such tearful grimaces that a slran. , . , , ,. , ger woulil surely believe ho was 10a- niao, while Artemna Ward explainod tho ,. , , .. ... causes of his malady to tho rustics with such jawbreaking words as were never , r. . , , found in a modern dictionary. m 1 m A cattledoaler up at Toledo, last 1 week sold a beef to a butoher, and, roll ing the greenbacks into a small bunch, put them into his tobacco box. Shortly after lie extracted, as he thought, a por tion of the tobaeso, but with all bis ms tioation oou'd extract none of tho savory juices, and finally took his quid out of bis mouth to look at it, when he fouDd he had been chewing his roll ot green backi. He stood alnst for a moment, and thou burst out 1 'Cuss the luck a whole ateer at om chew !' M,.n n.B,. Tut Ic", ,i 'Ph.. I 'hnrla.. ton JA'ivun; savs that' O011 Sickles ' "-a-Blckni'Ss I am happy to sav that I think ton Mercury says that ou. o mits Ki3..tll0 nu.,ii(.iqe" for that dreadful sick haltod the parade ot the Charleston ncgs, I tried various prescriptions, hut found ttruiDen, Saturday, nu l requirred lliutu 1 none Hint settled tho stomach and cleared the to obtam an American flag and carry it , ncau iko iuo nuuior uuci ir. 1 ion as tnougn at tho head ot their column before con- 1 could "mril y wait to get ashore to entreat , . , , ,. . I you to Introduce it into shio chandlery stores, tinuinn their demonslraiiou. Ho also , that It mv And its wnv to" thus,, wi,.. atr,.r lequired a guard of honor to bu dolucLv ed from among tho tiietnon to carry it, and that it bo placed oppouitu the re viewing personages, and bu respectfully Biiluted by every fireman raising his cap us be pasted. The fiieraui acqu'sisued I cheuriully, walled tor thu flag and atli r - . . .1 .1 procuring oue proceeded with tho pun rade. ... A 'IYxas papor fulls of a young coup'e . i.t 11. f 1 who eloped uu iiorscbank, accompanied by a clergyman who was to mairy tlieiu. ihe. lad) 'a father gave cli.iso, and wa overtaking the party when lle m,.idii called ouo her c.erioa. t, , : 'Osr'i you marry us as we run! ihe Idea took, ami ho commenced 'lie ritual, un.l j .at as the bride's father clnlcll.d Hie Ueron, tho cle.g.ai, p,a,o,,.;cvd the lovers mail ami .tile, lite I.tuei was g . piea'eu Willi uie unfiling aciiou tua', a. th.' amy goei, Ins Ities log. I111 g:nollieiti 0 i Tn Akt ok VVaikims - In men, not till g unit UOilipensale iu. a :oit id dee, maiily giaue ot iiiotiuo in n king aud to secure tins thivt n i u must ue koptiumiiidl The pose ol the head, I sa. ,,T;areottl,i!:' Z:: SIS I should be treely and natur. ly carried i : and an easy aud elasiio mu-uului' ad'ip- tation ot th.! whole tiod. to ihu pin pi hea ot walking If tho head be eaay, erect, bold aud grauutul, it is almost miposDiblo not to walk well. A stoical Scotchman was addressed by bis sick wifo: 'Oh 1 John, I shan't leave this bod alivo.' 'Please thyself, Butty.acd tbe'll please me,' replied John, with great eqtiaui raity. 'I havo boen a good wife to you, John,' persisted the dying woman, 'Mtddlin,' Betty, middlin,' responded the matter of fact husband. A Question for Young Mkn. Ilovr, after the duties ot the day are over, do you employ your evenings T It you have no regular employment, no fixed pursuits to engross your attention and operute as a stimulus to the mind when unemployed, you must, of necessity ,have many leisure hourswhen time will hang heavily on your hands. Beware, above all things, of idleness. BnicK PoMicnor, a tomahawk journal ist, is supposed to be as mad as he is bad. lie is reported to swear that Norlhorn Democrats will fight in lets than two years, but advises tho South to let them tight it out. Tho comment of the Mobile Timet is oomtuendably cool i We'll follow that advioe at the risk of our hvei.' A young lady of Urbana, Illinois, who was rooontly caught smoking a olgar by tho 'looal' ot tho Gazette of that plaoe, gave as ber reason lor the not, 'That it made it smell as though tboro was a man around,' A cynical journalist says the reason such number ot marriages ooour im mediately alter great war, is, that bachelors become so accustomed to itrite that they learn to like It. We sue,1 aaid Swift, in one of his most saroastio moods, 'what Uod thinks of riches by the people whom ha gives them to.' AN INVALUABLE MEDICINE FOR THE PURIFYING OF THE BLOOD, ' DR. J W . POLAND'S HUMOR DOCTOR, Pn.Wve Remedy for all kinds of Hu V uiois, par icularly EryniiK-'las, Nettle U.wli. Sal Rheiiut. Scrofula, Curhuuclis, hoils i.ud Piles. It is very gratifying to say or Oils or 01 any o.ner uieuieinu. -11 is vuu very la.t remedy known." It la not always so easy I i prove li. It la. however, exceed ingly griti'ying to Hie proprietor of this inedl ci.se. tin1, wlitle he ileciarns to the public thai this U a most on.li;i I'ul ami elfucilvu spucilic tor Untie rs, a, .tated nbovt, he lias abundant 1 in 'I .11 h ,:i ' 10 sustain his stateinenl. F' -r sii".;u y ars the lliimor Doctor has been in .i.uiiu tuivii and sold, and every your wheie it originated, no remedy t r liuiiiorK is so l,:g!ny p iz--ct. An eminent piusieun (n w i.n it; lut" surgeon) ii lieu pru'ticiug 111 ,V il iiiip-niie. nun luiHe.l hctAUin fl IV or six'V iCnliMis , .r' i rlurill : 8011.C V-li "reigli1 y.-.T-, mul us il it in tits practice, lie has sine:' then onl ;,; I i ;'.r the hiilsl v. n ne tv.m Ninth 'U if. OtU r pliv .tiliM have i ll It isc I il, 1111., Imve uvi it -ii pMi'V'- willt great sitecess" ft i. n !! or .5 ml-t liv -it in New lian.s! Ire. ,r : 'V 1,. v ' ":.t r. for lite apace o tiiiny ..' i' ri ih - 0 11 1 1. an I in M.01 chestet'pi-lieiiroiv, t i.: !ti.ii,w Doctor w.iS wuti known :n.i i.i-l'iv vaiii"d fa the nuino- r ins and wonilerlnl cur. ores which It e(T..oled. ,,.,,,, , ,,U),(. Illlllli,,(,8 the supply was livipieullv i xhausteil, anil pur- ch isels had to wall for morn to be mmlo. In , vury yw tHSl.8 ,. ,,ry. aiiailas were trentml with and they were cured I EryslpeliusiiKS, or carbuncles, those & mivm.A wherever this medicine was faithfully used. ...Hhft-dMHh. For tho sake of showing what is thought of it, a low testimonials are Here inserted: ; Milton Galk, Eg , Bostom. 'I hereby cenlly that I was sorely afflicted witu m for lwo yoars d,.Volop'ing them- solves upon my limbs and other parts of my body Tho sufferings which 1 endured from them indescribable. Sulllce it to sty that I faithfully tried several of tho most popular humor remedies, but without removing tho atHiction At length, by the earnest request 1 of an intimate triend. 1 was induced to trv Dr. J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor, and am . .. . , . . . 1 . . .. 1 1 I , H . . very liappy to attest that all inv Bolls wero removed, and my health was restored by us ing Dr. Poland's aforesaid medicine. Boston. Jan, It, 1851. MILTON GALE. A. C. Wallacf, Esq., Manciibstku, N. II. Dr. J. W. Poland Dear Sir : I very cheer fully give my testimony in favor ol your Hu mor Doctoi us an excellent remedy for humors. My numerous acquaintances in Manchester know how severely I was alllicted with Boils and they know how perfectly good my health isat present Your Humor Doctorcurcd mo. Please refer to mo for particulars in my case. Juno II, 18fili. A. 0. WALLACE. Mus. PoBTim, Dover, N. 11. July 22, 18.r)5. Da. Poland : I received your letter ln- nulling as to the cllects ot your medicine on upon the mighty deep from sea sickness. If captains who take their families with them, or carry pasuengels, should fry it for ouco, they would never bo willing to voyago with out, it. I have used it for my family sinco its Intro duction to thu public for bilious habits, head ache and humors ubout my chi'dren, aud havo . .1.TIIV9 IUUII1I lb It BltlU V.II1C. j j I1((t loud , ,mvlng my mmo apmjlu.tn pulilic. and would not consent to it on any I other account but to relieve the sutferh'g ; but ! "' ,!l.e l'''K;.'h'i will be of any survino to you ' or flic public, you can make uso of it. Yours, HARRIET M. PORTER Much moro might ho stated 1c relation to . tliisniediiiiu;, i,scoiitaineil in testimonials, but ! i' lrt needles. Ask Maiiches'.or drmrgists IZi ttVlS. : whosu wiu was curn.1 by it of Salt Rheum, Ask almost u,y poison in G .tl'st.iwn, and tin y wil! declare i's valuo us a remedy, as used ii. JrSaHr M t flny ,., pi-r hottte ; hut the cost of every iiil'ic lem eomposing 11 uas guuo upsoenor ni'i.isl. that the price lias been raised to wa n' a Jim cmts out, and that by compulsion. The ' litui ir Doctor Is prepared at toe New I.u If. if it'H.iittc! Uip.it, tor llio Proprictoi, J. ( . r ieii.i' ..I.I ov .li'iiteini Pealeia cvetv where DEM tS U-VUNEb A CO., Gvueral Agents. NeH Yor!. 4;24 Om. "" -wt'T . Something New , nniM' "ortnn nr-v . II .I a- Kb BURG, PESS'A. THOS. BRADEN ("At the room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Si'., ucxldoorito Bradeu's Drugstore.) Respectfully informs the good people of Grccue county, that he lias opened a HARDWARE STORE. And iuvltcs a call from his friends and tho public generally. His store is tillod with everything In his lino needed by the Farmer and Mechanic. Being a practical farmer, ho knows exactly the wants of his farmer friends.' Among his variety of goods will he found Iron, Nails of all kinds, Planes of all varieties, Au gers, Braces, &c. Tuttle toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand saws and tiols of all des criptions. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes. Cora Shel ters, Plows, Cultivators, Shovels, Forks, and everything In his line. SADDLERY HARDWARE, A general assortment of saddlery hardware, to which ho Invites thu attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Butter Bowls and nil kinds of Kitchen Wooden Fixlns. Willow Baskets! Brooms, Brushes, Coai Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns, Boys Wagons and sh lis. All pursuits desirous of purchasing any of tho above articles and many others not mou- 'toned will ecu suit their lnterost by CALLING SOON. ITo will take pleasure In showing his stock at all times. So give him a call whon you corao to town. Remember the placo, oppo site the First National Bank. dcolStf THOS, B1UDEN. OPVlTDllOTMOtlOO AS TRE FIRM OF HUGHES & LUCAS Is dlsolved by mutual consent, tlio Com mission ImsinoBS will still bo carried on at tho old stand, In good order, and on the most reasonable terms, lu the namu and stylo of L. HUGHES & CO., (senior partner). They flatter themselves, by having tho Uouso and the best location In tho place for that bust ness, that they will rsohivs a llborul share of the puhllo patronage Tlier will also keopa good supply of GRO CERIES on hand to accomodate all who may favor them with a call, L HUGHES A CO. 1 ;10-tf . Ktoe'i Landlnc, Pa. T ITNT WAUITTlWU IHMlVn ' J. W. Bradley's GJebrated ' Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OH DOUBLE SPUING) SKIRT. The Wonderful Flexibility an ' great com ;.irt and pleasure to auy lady wearing the Du plx Kill tic Skirt will b expei leiicud p irtio- j ularly m nil crowded ussemlilies. operas, car riages railroad cars, church ; uws, armchairs, tor promenade and house dress, as thu skirl can be folded when In use to occupy a small p ace as easily and 0 mvenlenllv as a Silk or M.illii Dress, an Inv ilu ..hie quality in crino line, n a found lu any Sin,;le Spring Skirt A l:it v h tvltur enl.ived the pleasurf. roin- f..rl nnd grc t couv nieiii. of weaim ihe Du plex Elliptic St. el Spring Skin, for a single dav, will never nfiei wiuds wlllingl illspensu witu l iieirnse. K.ir Children, Misses aud Young Liidi. s thev are superior to all others. 'I'li-y will not hen I or break like Ihe single spring! out vi I preserve their perfect and graceful shape wh n three or four ordinaiy skirts will h ive necn thrown asi'in as ns s. Tne hoops are cuvoied with double and twist ed tlir ad. and the hottoiu rods ru not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing them from wearing ou. when drug ging down stoops, stiiir, ifcc. 'I he Duplex Elliptic Is a great favorite with all Indies and Is universal!) recommended bv thu Fashion Magazln s ns the stauditrd skill of the fashionahli) w.irld. To enjoy Ihe following inestimable advan tages lu Crinoline, viz.: superior qualitv, per fect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, Uexibiliiv, riiirahllilv. comfort and economv, enquire "for J. W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic or Double Spring Skirt, and he sure you get the aenuino article. CAUl'ION. To guard against Imposition bo particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as "DUPLEX" have the red ink stump, viz.: -J W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through tho centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided to gether therein, which Is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to bo found in any other Skirt. For sale in alt Bto-es where first class skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, W EBTS, BRADLEY & CARY, 1)7 Chambers & 7u & 8 1 Reudo Sis , N. Y. fobli'(i7-Um TTENTION I SOLDIERS I Disbanded Soldiers entitled to additional bounty under the receut Act of Congress should bo careful whom they employ to col lect their dues. It Is not eve rv unprincipled "sharper" who bungs out his sliiuglu that is a licensed chum uimt. I am thus authorized by law, and will at tend to all soldiers' claims for hack fat, pen sions anil AimmoNAL uoctinr.s. Having the correct blanks on hand to make such applica tion, lliero is no cause for return of papers oncu sent, or delay iu making them out. tie ceipts given fur all discharges placed in my p ssession. Apply at once two more months will be too late. B. F. FLENNIKEN, P. O. Box 108, OUlce First Nat. Bank. j:iu:io,'07 Wayncsburg. Pa. Conveyancing done on reasonable lerms NORTH A M ERI C A NSTE A MSH I PC0 . OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA. VIA N'll'AKAhl't, KVfiKY TWENTY DAYb, 1TII PaSSKNOLUS, FlIEIOIIT, AND U. S. M l 11.9. O i the following fir,ftf.c!(txi Steiuns'iipi : On Athntte Ocein Connect'; on J'aeilic Orean santiago uk ci 11 1, ameii1ca. sas fiianc1sco, moses tayi.ou Mcakaiica, m:iu:aKv, dokato, nkvaiia. PASSAGE AND FR FIGHT AT RtDUC ID RATKK SAILl NG DAYS FROM NEW YORK. March a()th...lKU7. I May tsl an.lliOlh, 1SII7 April :ioth... " June lidh and iltuli And eery twenty diys the eafler, leaving on the Saturi'lu. pievious wle n a regular -tailing Day comes on Sunday For further informa tion npnlv to the NORTl'l AMERICAN STESMSMIP CO. Wm. II Weiih. I're't. I D. N. Cakiii uton, fit Exchange Place, Ag't.. 177 West St.. N Y cor. Warren, N Y 8: ail Smo. i.-JB Vi FRANK. M'CURCAN TTAS JUST OPENED A FIRST CLASS 11 stock of 33XL' GOODS, Clothing, Trimmings, Notions, &c, In the New Storo Room in Mr. Oeoige 10. Minors building, nearly opposlto tho Farmers' & Drovers' Nutioual Bauk, WAYALsm i, PEN.VA. The stock Is all now and fresh, purchased sinco the lato decline lu prices, for cash, which enables mn to sell much lower than those who have old stocks bought, at high prices. I would lie highly gratified io have ull my old friends, customers and tho public generally to call and see mo at my new store. I will endeavor to make It pay all those who favor mo with a call, as I am determined to soil at such prices as will give entire satisfaction. r7D not f .rget tho place, In the New Store Room, In Mr. George E. Minor's buil ding, nearly opposite the Farmers' Jt Drovers' National Bank. 4;l7-tf FRANK. M'GURG AN. MONEY FREE AS WATER. lO.Oilil ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Malo or Female, ofall ages, aro wanted to solicit trado In every city, town, vlllago. hamlet, workshop nnn factory, throughout tho entire world, for tho most suleablo novelties ever known. 500 Per cent PROFIT nud ready sido wherever of fered I I Smart men and women can make from ffi to $30 per day, and no risk of loss I A small capital required of from '20 to $100 tho moro money invested the greater the poiitlt. No money required lu advance wo lit at send the articles and recelvo pay after wards I If you actually wish to make money rapidly and ensily, write for full particulars and address MILNOH & CO., (From Paris,) fcblif-ly 210 Broadway, New York City. Administrator's Notice. I LITERS of administration having boen J granted to tho undersigned upon tho es tate of James Neat, lato of Cumberland town ship, Greono county, Pa., deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons iudehtud to said estate to mako Immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly au thenticated for sottisment. J03N GWYNN. 48-6w of Cumberland tp., Adm'r. SLATER ODKNHAUGH, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Li quors and every thing pertaining to a first class Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully com pounded. "Crelgh's Old Stand," Waynes urg.Pa. May 10, 'ie.-ly. FOUTZ'8 , i ssiissAm Bra ail Call Powders. Thlt praputkttaL long utd nvgrmbl known, will thor. auihljr rtlnvlforal broken-down nns lowtplrltea kwM, bjr itrenitthenlnf and oltnnaln Uin Stomach an Into. Mat,. It la aura wa TenUra of all dla- Ihli tnlmtl, tuch I Y RLLOW WA IBR. HEAVES, 00U0HS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUKDKB LOSS Or APPE TITE AKO VITAL ENERGY, 0. It MM ImproTM Ui wtaS, InoruMf tht appttlu-girM a laootb ana f lur kln ud Iran. tnrmt , h m LCNO rEV, GUKDUS, vlMrabU ikeletoa ban. into a fun-looking and iplrlle To keoDtn of Cowi ttila nmnflMiltAi. la I - I .. .wi ll lacraues lu quauUtj and Improve Uia quallc oi in miiK. it naa been proren by ao lual axpertmeoi t Increase tha quan tity of milk ana cream twenty per cent, and muk the butter nvm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It gives then an appetite, loosens ineir ii taa, ana make them Uulv Bush falter. Ia all dlieaiea of 8wlns, such a Coughs, Uloan la th Lungs, Llrer, io., Uils article aots as a sneciao. By putting from i one-half a paper ' to a paper In a barrel of swill tha abore disease will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a oertata preventive and our for the Hog Cholera. Fries 89 Casts per Paper, or 6 Pajeri for IL PREPARED !T S. A.. FOUT At IJI?.0., AT THIIIt tTHOLESUR Dltl O AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Ud. For 8ale by DruKglsU and Storekeeper! UurougU. ut Uto Dolled Sum, llubeiia c Co., agents, Waynesburj, Pa. nov'Jt'tf ,-ly. RECOiNSTRUCTION NOT OF THE UNION JJUT OF Isaac Hooper's QUOCEUY & CONFECTIONERY! MR. HOOPER would still havo his rlcnds and patrons bear, n mind, that ho con tinues in tho Grocery and Coul'ectionery trade at his usual place ot doing business, and that he has lust received A Fresh Supply of the best quality ofall ai tides Iu his line. TOYS-NOTIONS and a great varioty ot useful articles always on baud. REFRESHMENTS, In connection wilh the nlmve, Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where ICE CREAM, ber ries and nil the luxuries of the season can be obtained. Tin mop? attractive nnd most popular resort In town June IL 'G5-lv 0 ,w-a r is a. un: s'.ic was beautiful mul bur with sun ryi'irs and radi'iit hair, Whose cm ting tendrils soft, entwined, Lucliaiiu-d the very heart and mind, CRISPER COMA. For Curling the Hair of Either Sox Into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curies. By using this article Lull s and Gentlemen can beautify tin-ins. Ives a thousand fold. It is tiiu only nriicl i ia tii . w iii 1 that will curl straight hair ami nt the same timo give it a beautiful, glossy iippciir .nce. The 'Crlspcr Coma not only cuilsllic hair, I ut invigorates, heiintilies and cli iiiisis it; is highly nnd do lightiully perfumed, air' is the most complete article ol'lhe kindevcrotTeredtotho American public. The Crlspcr Coma w 111 be sent to any addr sa aculi d an ! postpaid for $1, Address all orders to W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists No. !! West Favette St.. Suncusc, N. Y. HUM '117-ly WALL PAPERS! FOR SPRING SALES OF I8C7. We aro now prepared to offer to our custo meis, uud the Tuide genera ly. an extensive co'lectmn of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, FlUK IIOAIII) l'IIIN'18, liTC, KTC. Embracing all qunlities of goods, known to the Trade, for Parlors, Dining Rooms, Halls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &c. ALSO, TRANSPARENT OIL ULIIT1IAND PAPER WiNDOW S1I,UI!S. At tho Lowest Market price, at ' No. 107 Market St., near Firth. JOS. R. 1ILUUE3& BRO. mfi 8ms. WORKS ! SH k BIIBMIt STILL continue to carry on the Marble md Stono cutting business at their long estab lished stand immediately East of the Public souiire, Alain Street, Wayncsburg.. This establishment has been lu constant operation since I8;!i, and tho long experience and energy of tlio proprietors, linked with the eirercise of Bound judgment and good taste, havo won for thorn u wtdo spread and enviable reputation. Anqxtensivo stock of tho various varieties of the best marblo kupt constantly on baud. Special atteu'lon paid to pollslilng, pressing, cd vvlug aii engnivlug. Ail oranv -mil nueu. December 23. 18C2. A CURE FOR BLEEDING AND WEAK NESS OF THE LUNGS. Tho unvleld.' ing LUNG tfYRUP, is a sura cure for bleed ing and wcuancss oi uuiiungs, soreness oi the breast, pain lu the breast, Ac. This Syrup is a lato discovery, has been thoi oughly tested and has nevor been known to rail in a single case, it is tor sale wholesale and rotulo ut OuiiMUAuuu's Drug Store, Crelgh's old stand, nud will bo distributed throughout tho country at country stores, Merchants will do wul to keep it ou hand. Send your orders. Also, Tho Cough Exterminator, which will cure liurd cough, uorscuoss, bronchitis, croup, ' c. Anntiicr Syrup.expreusly forHooplngCoiiili, which Is an able thing In this oonuigluus die- ' case. All tho above articles nro for sale at Eastern Prlcos. at ODENBAUUH'iJ Drug Store,'' Wsynesburg, Ps. 4-,3 tf. t