I M.jjli-.J WAYNKSBURG: WEDNESDAY, MAT 1, 1867. ' ' All the Patent Medicines of the day sold at ,, gradvniDiug Btoro, , .lift"' t: - , , Wis have issued bills to moat of our 4oll tKjueritd an J havo waited what we think i a reasonable length of time for a response.' To those who have ot ro pliod by serding money or their promise, e would impart the information, that the piper they have been reoeivin;; will be atoppod with this issue and the ar 4-ruarrtge aued'tor os eoon as practicable. - Those Who receive no paper uext, week ' may consider it a summon. Cloths, CoMimercs aiid cotton cloths at ro- Saw Gummkb. T. Braden & Co. have at their tine Hardware Store, in this ; place, otio of Diaion'i celebrated Saw Gummers. ' They aro prepared to gum " all kind of saws, circular, mill nnJ cross- ctit', in good style, on short notice. t Call and see it, and give it a trial. This is the time for preparing corn Since the late arrival nt J. Gmiibp.'s. Ail the popular Patent Medicines sold by G. W. Roberts & Co. ' ' Looif to.Youu Ihtkkksts. Suvt Tuni .M'STonnj.'' ' ' If yon have anything to sell, T If you have lost anything, ' If you have found anything, It you have a house to rent, It you want to rent a house, 'If you want boarding, If you want anything, Toll Ono Thousand People at once, by advertising in the Rhi-uiiucan. ' Foutz's IIors. and Ciittlo Pow tiers, six for ono dollur, nt Bradeu's Drug Storo. Ghkat discovery. Every one inter ested. The way to make and save mon . oy is to buy your Dry Goods of J. Gui- II KB. Swtious Iilnkss Ha been induced, and even fital sickf eu cau-ed, by a change of clothing at this so won. Injury never pomes by putting On more oi warmer clothing, but by diminishing tho a noun'. The first great rule, and tho a.fe-t, is to make the change when you dross in the morning. Goto Evans' ex.miiue and pi Ice his gouds and save regrets. Chalfant'8 Cocoa Cream U all the rago, For sale at Briulen's Drug Store. Ikb Q,i the 21'. inst , the building in Morris owned by J M. Brown . , , ... , , . I room, with . its omtonts, was entirely eoiMuinedby lire. Nothing worth men tioning was saved from the fl lines. Mr. Brown was luckily insured to the amount ot 8l3;)(i. his loss is estimated at $3)00 u'iovo this Mr. J. M. Schroyer and I)r, il.'rdio, also living in the house, lost lurniturc and effects to the amount of i 43Jd each. N ) knowledge is given of its origin. Whou discovered the interi or of the store room was a mass of fit e, and on opening tho door the fiamos burst out with such tury as to render all attempts to subdue them fruitless. Wilt ir Was. O.i Fridiy last, as the shades of evening were slowly creeping over the hills, and sharp outlines were fast mingling in one common tenebrious mm, a horseman, wayworn, his steed flecked with foam, dashed up our street and pulling rem in trout ot a hotel, threw ims'ilf from the horse and rushed fran tically into J. Ginuicit's Store. Uuinnit had j'ist bought Ten Thousand Dollars woith of Dry Goods and the man want ad the first bargain. Just arrived, a new and splendid stock of Lrtigi at Braden's Drug Store. Tine most complete assortment of ladies Dress Goods ever brought to Wuynasburg at Evans' Storo Miuor's Old Stand. Look. 'Well,' slid a carpenter, 'of all tho nurd f avAi aiw giv ' T-fn nrAfia. bly is a cousin to the man who knows his nose, He knows bis noso, I know he knows his nose, he said he know his noso ; and if he said I knew he know his nose, of eourse he knows I knows ho knows enough to go to W. Soon & Cos to buy his Grooories. Remember at Inghram's former stand. Etaks has tho cheapest aud best stock of prints. : Wholesomb Advice . Somebody ' gives the following bit of advice on the subject ot cleaning up at this season of tho year : All kinds of filth should be rotnovod, and all the out-bmldings and teuoes whitewashed. Having ga.hor od the rubbish in a pile, take it up and deposit it in the street this being a very easy way ot getting rid ot it , It there are any old feather or straw bads to be emptied, take them into the street by-street is preferable and pour the contents out the feathers will look so pretty as they are whirled hither aud thither by tuo wind, and it will be such a source of amusement watching pass ers by picking them from their clothes Be careful, however, to always deposit I... ...l.l.i .l. r z ii ' . vim i uuuiou in iront oi someooay else s premises. This is an excellent way to get the good opinion of your neighbors, aud to avoid bad feelings and bickerings Fammrus look well to your fruit trees ud also to your greenbaoks, Spend them where you oan get tho oheapest and best goods tor tho money, and that Is indoabtedly at J. Ucime'i. Thutu. ' We give place this week to an iruportnut article from Cur oontribu tor 'J.' We hopo our rei lor will po ruse it onrofully. Tho ravi who wants to be of service to his party and render practical aid in sucu'ring' tho triumph oi his principles, can best succeed by sub scribing tor a local Republican newspa per. There never was a time more rieoossary than now to sooure a larger circulation tor Republican newspapers. The people want the truth, ami the only source from which to derive it in its fairest and most sublime shape, is in the columns of manfu ly conducted Kepubli oan newspapers. VVeti net, for these reas ons, that our Republican triends will subscribe for their tocnl organ. Just in timb. Tho tlrst S;ring styles drought to the market at Evans' Store. St.noaiid WV.ioiit. We published some time since a list wh'ch was incor rect in some particulars. The Legisla turo recently fixed the following figures as tho standard weight in this Slate tor the following articles named. Our rea ders should preserve the same for tuture reference. Wheat, CO pounds j rye, 56 ; shelled corn, 50 ; cob corn, 70 ; corn meal, 40 ; coarse salt, 70 , ground salt; 62 , fino salt, 47 1 barley, 47 i oats, 32 ; buckwheat, 50 i elover seed, 54 ; timothy seed, 45 ; turnips, 55 i onions, 4G ; peas, 56 j malt, 33 i utishickod lime, 80 ; anthracite coal, 80 ; bituminous coal, 70 i coke, 40 ; potatoes, 50 ; sweet potatoes, 54 : flax seed, 50 j bran, 20 ; beans, 50 i dried apples, 24 ; peaches, 38. Tiik Pittsburgh Ojzelln advocates the nomination of O O Howard as the next Republican candidate for President, and Sohuylor Uoltax for Vice President, and J. GuuiKit for selling the Cheapest Dry Good-, Notions andGrocoiies in Waytios burg. Hulks von Siioitino. The following may be of service to some of our lady readers : Go shopping only when you are necessitated so to do ! Dress up propi iately for the oo.'.-a ion. Treat oc ks like ladies and gmtleinmi. until they give you sufficient reason to oon-ider then otherwise Bay only what you iieod for 1 present ma. Avoid es ablisliineiits that dont advertise, they o '( so 1 good wares at roasonahle rates, On tlm cotitraiy patronizf those who aic so c uniiliinent-i ary as to iuvile you in, though the medi um of the press. . "Atiiino of beauty is a joy forever" Ev ans keeps suet lor sale' A Tuhat, Lithiiaiiy. We aro lerjuost ed to announce that a Lecture will be delivered to the l'liilomaihean Literary 000 ' ,e aii oi vvayi.es- nesburg Collego, on luesday evening, June 4th piox.; by Rkv. Ai.r.x. I'i.auk, ot Pittsburgh. Subject -A Man, or a Monkey.' The mere mention of this fact, we y resume, will be all that is necessary to crowd the Hall on that occasion. Don't forgot to call and sec tho splendid lot j oi rami urusnes ut u V llouerts Uo. s Aivir:iirniNcj is a commodity. It has its grades like sugars, or texture as woven fabrics. That advertisement which attracts tho attention of the grea -tor numbor of probable buyers is the cheapest, ut a fair price cheaper than another might be at one-ha;f or oue fourth tho rate. Tho.b of our readers who lack a growth of hair upon the face, or those whose hair is falling out, or have become bald, would do well to try 'Dr. Sevigue's Restaurateur Capillaire.' This prepara tion has boon used by thousands in this country and Europe, with the most grat ifying results Testimonials ot the most flittering oharaotor havo been received from the m :st wealthy and influential citizens of the couutry, and will be sent free to any ono, on application, by Messrs. Berger, Sbutts & Co.; Chemists, ot Troy, N. T., the only agents in Amer ica for the sale of tho samo. Hi;ad their advertisement in this paper. Maryland snow white lime and brushes for sale atQ. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Storo. Of tub many Cosmetics and Toilet Articles now advertisod, but few prove to be what they aro represented. Messrs. Berger, Sbutts Jc Co., Chemists, of Troy, N. Y are advertising extensively sever al articles that have proved themselves just as represented, for which they are noting as agents, vve believe them to bo perioaily trustworthy, and that pnrties usiug their proportions will find them fully up to tho recommends given, See their advertisement iu another column ot this paper. PulnU! Go to Q. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Storo to buy auy kind ofpalut, dry aud In oil. Nor Exactly. I have turned many a woman's head, boasted a young noble man of Franco. 'Yes' replied Talley rand, 'away from you.' It might have boon so in that case but it is not so with Fkank M'GtmoAN. Aside from Fuank's habitual politeness and well known af ability he has a store room 'chuck full' of null aud splendid merchandise which once you clap your eyes ' on you turn them away reluctantly. It is no untruth when we say that scores are oaptivatod by his low prices and tine goods. Sea tor yourself, in Minor's Building. Don't Fail to read the Notioe ot the Assessor of Internal Revenue for this District. It is important. ,',------ Frsnch Army Lotion, best Liniment In use, for sale at O, W. Roberts Co.'s Drug Store. , Uki.kubation Exuuhsion. The Odd bellows, of our rosident Lodges, accom paroled by the National Jrjrasa' JBand, at tended the celebration of Thanksgiving Day (the 20th inst.) at Brownsville, Fay ette County. Asteaimrwas chartered tor the occasion and with lair weather and good spirits, (no double entendre) ev erything passed of! happily. Our towns man, J. A. J. Buchanan was tho orator ot the day. An entire new Btoakof fanco soaps just re ceived at (J. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Storo. IIkko It. Somebody has made the reimrlk that if in tho immaterial as in the mat -rial world, nothing is lost, what an immense amount of good advice is stored away somewhere Now, we have a little to give but we don't want it added to this retuao heap. It is this i If you wai.t anything in ti e Clothing line go to Sowkiis.' Me has just returned from the East. See advertisement. Ud am '8 Freckle, Tan and Piinnlo Banish- cr ut O. W. Huberts & Co.'s Drug Store. TiiANKsuiviNc Day at Jacktown j We hear that thero was quito an inter esting service held at that place on Fri day last, by tho Odd Fellows of that vi cinity .Dr. JWnes.lheLcoturcr and great American traveler, preached a sermon to them after which an address was de livered by Jacob Blister, Esq., now the State Treasurer of West Virginia, on the subject of intemperance. An oi.o author quaintly remarks i 'In spinning yarns among silks and satins, a man is sure to be worsted and twisted; he may consider himself wound up ' Not so in case you trade at Evans'. Every lady that makes a purchase of him is so well pleased that ou couldn't prevail on her to engage in controversy. Mark your spring clothing 'it!i Paysnn's in delible Ink which can be had at ttoberlSi& Co.'s Backwauu The season is unusually backward here. Cold weather retards the growth of ptisturaie. The days are cloudy and chill am tho nights cool and frosty As yet tho fruit prospect is fluttering The wheat n l being far enough advanced to,, be injured, gives promise ot an abundant yield. If Pro vidence spares,! he hearts of our fanners u ill inudu "lad when harvest comes. Danohiious A commendable spirit ot rivalry is exhibited by our merchants in the way of fine wares and excellent asortmi'iits but they shouldn't let their eii'husiaHiii run away with their better judgment. Boxes placed midway in tho i-tivet, covered with red and colored fabrics are dangerous to (he traveling public. A fi'a'jtious horse might bring about tearful results from sunli a course Don't wait for the experiment, there will be no pallia! ion for the oiitinoe. Wo are pleased to see that our dis creet Mayor has tuken it in hand and hail them removed. William A. Poierwt, has just relumed from the Eastern Cities where he found old. kind hearted friends who have fur nished him with a fine stock ot the best iromls now in th s market. And he now takes pleasure in offering them to his good triends ut h"ino. A lady says the first time she was kissed she felt like a tub ot roses swim ming in honey, cologne, nutmegs, and cranberries. She felt also as "if some thing was running through her nerves on teet ot diamonds, escorted by several little cupids in chariots drawn bv angels, shaded by honeysuckles and the whole spread with inched rainbows The same sensation is experienced by all w ho step into Evans' Storo. The array of costly fabrics sold at such uncommon low rates is what produces the effect. Puopanb Swkauimgi. It U stated that the Common Council of Buffalo havo passed an ordinauce which fixes a pen ally of $50 tor swearing in the street, with imprisonment in default ot pay ment. It such a law were enforced in this towu the fine would soon liquidate the Borough debt. Tho practice has becomo fearfully common i and who will not say that it is alike shocking to morality and common decency. Tub Atlantic Monthly, for May, is one of the most readable and interesting numbers that has yet reached us. The contents are calculated to expand and enlighten the minds of its readers and not meroly to entertain for the moment. Published by Tickuor and Fields, Bos tou, Mass, SiiVKN-TuutTitts. We direct attcn- lion to the now advertisement of Jas. T. Brady & Co., Buukers, Pittsburgh, who are still converting Seven-Thirties on Government terms into 5-20 bonds. Nuhsino colds, cleaning yards, plant ing early peas, dress-making, house cleaning and keeping one's temper, are the principal domestic duties of the sea sou. - i In Bloom. We notice that the poach and cherry trees are out in bloom, and if blosoma are any indioaiion, promise a good yield of fruit. The average majority for the KepuK lican ticket In Chioago.was 8851,that of Mayor being 8933.' Tho Counoil stands 24 Republicans and 8 Democrats. Tho total vote was less thau 20.000, 1 MARRIED. ROSE OH L F A NT Oa. ih loin of March, I HC7, by J li Tviranl, Knq , at the ivs. dunce of the brl los motlva1. In Nowinvn, Groene ftounty, ilrr VVm. Roan, and Mis'i Mar gie Chdl'ant. MURPirY-imiVEK- -On the itiihof Anrll 1867, bybyj R Tyxard, fijq , ut tho resi dence ol the brides lather, in Wsyne town- lUiipjUieeiietJuuty, Mir? David A." Mur phy, ot Fayette county, aud Miss Kllzabetu Driver. IXNQSTRBTIIKlNG-On tho evening of the latUot JTuhruary, by P. Morris, Ksq., Mr. VVm. Lon?stretli, of Wayne township, to Miss Elizabeth King, ot Glhuoro township, Greene county, Pa, MoCLELLAND BUCKINGHAM -On the raornhnx ot the 28th of March, by U. VY. Hell, Esq., Mr. L. H. McUeiland. to Miss Maria L. Buckingham, both of Wayne township, Greene county, Pa. TIIOMAS-ROBERTa-On the 10th of March, by Win P. Hoskinson, Esq., Mr. George Thomas to Miss Mlllo Roberts, ullof Siriiixhi;i township, NUZUM-HURDINE On Tet-sday. the 9th hist . by Win. P. Hoskinsoa, Evw Lhid sey G. Niuum to Miss Eliza Burdiue, all of ypriughill township. COLLINS BlRSII On tho 2nd of March. 1807. by Win. Wiley, Esq , Mr Geo. Collins to Miss Maria Blrsh, all of Cumberland town ship, Greene couniy, Pa. McCORMlCK-MoCLURE-On the IKIh inst., by Rev. Eaton, Mr MuCormick and Miss M. McCluro, both of Dunkard tp. this couuly. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET, April 30 Gold closed at 1 U6. Waynesburg Market, CORRKCTKU WEKKLV BY J. OCIIIKll. Butter, fresh roll ?5 to 30 C'ollee per lb no to 3:1 Corn per bushel C Corn meal per bushel 70 Country Soap per lh. 08 Candles, mould per lb 2J5 Candles, (lipped " ".. 20 Cheese per lb iii Dried Peaches per lb 25 Egi:s ptr dozen , IB Flour per bbl in 00 Flax seed per bushel 2 Feathers per lb " Lard per lb 10 B. W. Flour per lb J Molasses 75 to I r0 Outs per bushel S.lto - live per bushel l CO Timothy seed per bushel ..275 to it -' Rice per lb , . i2 Sugar, crushed per lb i'2 Sumir. refined " ' liu Kinrnr, New Orleans, C lbs I (it) P. R. Sugar, 8 lbs 1 on Svrup, per gallon l on Salt, No. I per Wil 4 no Soft Soap per gallon 25 Tur per gallon I no l ea per 11 2 OU I urpenlino per gallon i l so Tallow per lb ir, Y limit, per bushel 2 50 While Lead per keg 4 to n ()( Whilo Lime per busiiel 1 50 Potatoes pur bushel 125 to 1 M) Turnips, per bush 45 o riTTSIil'KQ GKNbltAli MAIiKKT. Satuhiuy, April 27. 1807 Trade, during the week, excepting , Hour, groceries, mid provisions, has been rather in aciive. Flour continui s excited, and selling on" rapidly ut the advance m, led iu our last report We quote the Pittsburgh market as Billows, winch aro tho wholesale prices : GRAIN Wheat nt 2 8.rH(:l Oil Com at ijl n.".(il in Rye nt ."). Buckwheat j:).2."t:i7.i. Oats ' i.2 FLOUR Spring Wheat nt ijsU.UOaU.fin. Winter " ut Uijlo.ui) Rve at lyS ;1i(, IIAY Baleil nt $24,ii(i v ton. Loose at.. $28.0((i$:il (in. EGGS Sales at 15(16ti. Hi. CHEESE Western Reserve at Hamburg at New York Goshen at BUTTER Pi hue Roll nt APPLES. -Per Wrttl at potatoes Per bbi at MAPLE MOLASSES Per gal. 17?18. 2 Oil'.' 2 25(,.28c $:i.75(i4.50. $2 75ult n() $ I 75 o CHICAGO MARKET. Ciiicaoo, April 27, 1807. Flour Dull and uclmnged. WuiiAT Quiet nnd unseliled j Biles of No. 1 utiji 75, and No. 2. $.(i4n2,G5, closing nominal ut $2,43a2,4t for No. 2. Cons Firm; sales iitfl U5al 05 for No. Oats Neglected and nominally uncluiinged Bales meager ut fiuJaiiOc for No. 2. Rvk lc lower, at $1 48ul 4!) 1'or No. 1. No. 2 $1 44al 4(i. Baulky Moderately active; sales of No. 2 iu store at 1 10 WiusKv-Quiet at 24c for hooded. Provisions Tho market continues quiet, with uo decided change to noti 'c In values. Mess pork nominal ut $22 50. Dry suited shoulders "Jc. Lard I2jnl3c for prime steam. Hons Active at $7 U0a7 25 for common to best grades. TJ- S. STOCKMARKET. Satuiiday Evksino, April 27, 1867. The quotations of tho Now York Stock Ex change to-day nro as follows! 17. 8. Bonds, Us 1881 10!ij U. B. Bond, 0 20's. 18U2 lioi U. 8. Bonds, 5-208, 184 108i U. S. Bonds, 0-20's, 1805 10!J IT. S. Bonds, (new Issue) 5-20s, 180S 107j 10 40s 08J December 'Oo Compounds 1 1 0 August 7-!10s Juno 7-UOs 05jj July 7-30s i05i PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Tiiiladkli'iiia, April 27. Flour quiet ; sales 2,000 bbls northwestern extra at $14 25. Wheat quiet j sales 1,800 bush. Pennsylvania red at 93 35. Ryo s'.oady at $1 70. Coru in good demand ; sales 7,000 bush. nt$l UO. Oats active and higher, sales 10,030 bush. Pennsylvania and Delaware at 78c. Coll'ee dull. Bugar Havana lojc. W'hUkd contrabanded $1 70. Nicw York, April 27. Dry goods market quiet and prices unchang ed. A bettor trade is expected next week, under the decliuo in gold. The market for Southern goods is slow. Tho demand Irom New Orleans and other cities has fallen off. SPECIAL NOTICES, BUILDER! TAKE NOTICE. Scaled proposals will be received up to the 20th ol Junr, for the re-bullding of tho Catholic Church at Wuynosburg. The design of tho building can be seen at Thomas Bradley's, td SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. TliU tnodlolne, lurentoil by Or. J. II. Soiknuc of Philadelphia, It Inletidod to dluolro the lood and nuke II Into ehrme, the Brat proemi or deration. 11 eluuiilni Uie itotuich with Srtionrk'i Mandrake Flllt, tho Tonic una reitonw I ho oppcllus ond lood tint could not bo emeu boiere iuln it will be cully dlgcMed, OoufuinpHon eounot bo ourod by Bohcnek'i Pal , nionlc 8rup union Ibe itomech ond liver ll mtdo healthy and tho appislle rnlorod, henco the Toulo and I'UU aro ro.urod In nearly erery caw ol oou uuiptlon. A hair dosou boUlea ol tho 8HAWKICI) TONIC and throe or lour bourn ol' the MANWlAliB PII.LS 'UI euro any ordinary com ol'd.i'rpiiula. Dr. Siiiiiinok niaket prclcnalotial Tioltn In Notr ' York, lloilou, and al hla principal ODlco In I'hlladul phla every wtiok. See daily panon ol each piaoo, or lilapamphlelouoo.iaumptlou lor hli dV lor vlaltav lloo. JPicasj olKorra, whou piireliulus, that Ot two like iiomoi oi the Doctor, one when Iu Ihe liut tut.io ot Ooiuutiip ion, and the other u he now U, In period b'Wth, ar on Ihe Oovoruiurat ptamp. ' ' S id ly nil Mrulatu and Duamra, price tflJUl per i lmitle. lit a)!. W ilia bti.-down. All lulton for advlco . aliui iil Ih i t.'.ta'Cd Ut l)r, flmaiio'a Principal : u.li (.. .4 1.1 Nu.-tU 'I'.li Slroot, Phlladulplua, Pa. tl. ni:viil Win I. :i 0 A.40UU I' Dntiia) Uarnot k tio il. Y.i iV S. Unnco llaltlmore, M'l.i John D, I vBii, tliri'iiuuatl, OIiioi Walkor 4 Talor, UbU . i utaC lil, buiilua Urol., St Louil, Mo. lUw, oa.ua, tfr. ; Know Thy Destiny, Madam E. F. Tiiohkton, tho great KnglWi Astrologlst, Clairvoyant sud Psychnn-.etriclsn, who has astonished tho scientific classes of tho Old World, bus located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to en able ber to Impart knowledgo of tho great est importance to tho tlug'e or marrieu of cither sex. White In a BUte of trance, she deliniutes tho very features of the person you are to marry, and by tho aid of an instrument oflutouso power, known as tho . Psychomo. trope, guarantees to produce a life-like pic ture of the tutuA husband or wife of tho ap plicant, together with date of marrlngo, po sition in life, leading trails of ehnracter, &c. This is no humbug, us thousands of testimoni als can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate.' or written guarantee, that tho picture Is what It purports to bo. By enclosing a small lock of huir, and stating place ol biilh, agcdisposition mid complex Ion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped en voloro addressed to youself, you will receive tho picture aud desired-hil'orination by return mai'. All communications sacredly conti dentlal. Address in confidence. Mad mk ! F. Tuoiwros, P. 0. Box 22, Hudson, N. Y fcbltt 'U7-ly rPIIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE J. KY AN INVAI.in. Published for 'he benefit nud as a CAUTIO' TO YOUNG MEN nnd others, who suflVi from Nervous Debility, Premntiiro Decay ol Manhood, &c, supplying nt the srtmo time Tub Mkans of Sklv-Oimik. By oio who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may bo had of the sulhor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Muy23 'GO.-ly Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. SZif A Youno Lady returning to lier country homo, after a sojourn ot a few months In the city, was hardly recognized by her friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed luce, slio hud a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty three sho really appeared but eighteen. Upon Inquiry as to tho causa of so gre.it a chance, she plainly tol ' them that sho used the CIR CASSIAN BALM, and con.-idered it an inT valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gmitlo man can improve their personal appearance an huivlred fold. It is simple iu its combination, us Nature her- sell Is simple, yet unsurpassed In its efficacy in drawing lmpur; : s from, also healing, cleansing mid beaiHif, ing tho skin nnd com pl' xioii. By its direct action on the cuticle it di "i a . lYoin it all Imiinpurities, klmllv heallim the -'.uie, and leaving the surface as Nature imci'iicd it should be. clear, solt. smooth aud beaiiulnl Piieo $l, scnl by Mail or Express! on icciipt of un older by W. L. CLARK Ji CO., ('hemisls, No. a West Fayette St , Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, Foil 1'ltLSI.ItVIXO, ltl.slultlNU, AND illi.U'TI-, FYISO TIIK HAIll. And is Ihe most d lig'.iti'ul and wonderful ar ticle tho woild i ver produced. Ladles will dud It not only a certain remedy to Restore, D.ukeu and Beuuiil'y the Hair, but also a desirablu article for tho Toillet, as it is highly perfumed with a rich and delicate per fume, independent of tho fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm nud Maco. The Marvel or Pcrir. A new and beautiful periuiuc, which In delicacy of scent, nnd tho tenacity with which It chugs to the handkerchief and person, is unequalled. The nbovo articles for stle by all druggists and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Bent by express to nny address hv proprietors. T. V. W RIGHT &CO., lot) Liberty St., New York Oct. 24. 180(1. ly. Wonderful but True. MADAME REMINGTON, tho world-renowned Astrollglst and Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while iu a cluirvoyuul state, dcliuo otes tho very fuutures of tho person you aro to marry, andby tho aid of an Instrument of Intense power, known as tho Psychomotrope, gnarautecs to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or Wife of tho applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lending traits of char ictor, &o. This is no Imposition, us testimonials w ithout number can assert. By stating placo of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, aud en closing fifty conts, nnd stumped envelope ad dressed to you.self, you will receive the pic ture by return mall, togcthor with desired In formation. 2"Addrcss In confidence, InTuumk Gi;it- TiteoK RmiiNUToN, P. O.Box 207 Wost Troy N. Y. I'ebl3'07-ly. o Free to Everybody. A Largo G pp. Circular, giving information of tho greatest importance to tho young of both sexes. i It teaches how the homely may bscomo beautiful, the despised respected, and tho for saken loved. No youi.g lady or ontlaman should fall to send their address, and receive a copy post paid, by return maiU Address T. O. Drawer, 21, fob20.'G7-6ra Troy, N. Y. A COUGH, A COLD, OK A SOBS THROAT RliQUIIti:S WMKDIATK ATTKNTIOS, AND 81IOVI.U SB CIIKCKKD. If Al.t.OWKIl TO COSTINHK, IltniTATHlNOKTIIK I.I'NIIS, A l'Kll MA.NKNT TII1I0AT IIISKASE, OU CONSUSU'I'ION IS OFIEXT1IB IlKBULT. II R O V 1 ' S BROW.CIIIAL TROCHES IIAVISO A DIIIECT WLOKSCtt TO THIS TARTS, OIVE lMMKDIAri'. RKLIKV. For Bronchitis, A Ihma, Catarrh, Consump live and Tliroa Diseases, Troches are used with always good success. ' SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKER will flud Trochen useful In clearing the voice when taken bofore"Slnglng or Speaking, aud relieving ihe throat after an unusual exertion ol the vocal organs The Trorha aro recom mended aud prescribed by Physlciuutv and havo had testimonials from eminent mou throughout tho country, Being nu alwom of true niorlt, and having proved tholr efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them lu now localities lu various parts of tho world and tho Trm-hci nro universally pronounced bottor than' other article?. . . OsTAUionly ' BROwN'sBnnNniiAt, Troches," and do not take any of the Worthlm Imitauom, that may be offered. Bold EvsarwuERn, N0T3l-(mo. NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP. CO, OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA. VII NICAIUOU, KVKItY TWKXTl' DATS, W ith Passknuciu, Fiiuioiit, and U. 8. Mails. On th fotluwiitij first nckua Steamship.: ( On Atlantic Ocean I Camuct'y en lidfic Ormn 8A3TIAOO IIE CUIIA, A.MKHII A, BAH FHAKOHCO, MOSKS TATMlt ', MCARAOliA, hkBIIAK, UOKaI'O, NEVADA, PASSAGE AND FREIGHT AT REDUC ED RATESi SAILING DAYS FROM NEW YORK. . March 30th,..18ii7. I May 1st awl 20th, 1807. April '.'(ith... " June 10th and HOth And every twenty days thiircafter, leaving on tlie Saturday previous whm a regular Sailing Day coineson Sunday, l-'or further informa tion apply to the NOR I'll AMERICA 8TEMSllIP CO. . Wa. 11. lYEUU, rt-M'l. II. IN. t AHIIINflTOV ."t Exehungu Place, N. Y Ay't.. 177 West St.. cor. Warren, N. Y. 3:0-8mo. STATEMENT Ariimilt of .l(Hih M'KrrrlliAn, 'rrftiror of BiiiinU I'uxol It to li 1 1 1 1 1 towiuhlp. Illai'Ub comity, Cuiu HUihli.j lune iJr.l, IbOU, iu fulluwa : I'limm.iiiil nfTnj lnr l,jr ll.wril of Sfliuol D. rtorauf llMihUltuuualili, lbUL CIl. , "y nmntint puid Ailnma, n rwrtilt, ly uiiiuinit pulil HiiiiilMTMon, h rtorult, amuiiut pujil 1). KUIt.r.u n-rruit, ly amuunl pui.l It. Morria, n rwrult, lyuimmnl pnlil Clmi l.w Koimur. a wrult, ly iitMoiiMt ) ild Jmli, Klilor, it r.'crult, 'ly atiumnl imI.I ii. M.mri, rwrult, 'ly nmniiBt iiilil Ott, n ri'cruit, i'y iiuiMiint pnM K. Lnituiril, a mirull, ll.r amount nf lntcrtvt nwi DlHroiiilt piilJ, lly omuuiil pnlil for printing 1,111a, By anioiiut imiil A. Kni lor rMrnlllne, lly amount gmiil J..W. Wuliou for rutrultlnj, lly ntnounl of (.xoncratlona, lly mnoiiiit of cuiiitiilaslon, lly iiiuuiiiit ofooia to 8. n. Iloualon. Ity .tiiioiiut ialil H. w. Vimntt. for aorrlceo Hy aiuount puld Dr. I). W. Oray 2,RHt 4. flM (W jik mi s.m en UIH (HI S.MI III) an no S.MI on sti.i no 217 211 K in 7 on 45 o4 A) m 49 01 104 IKI 1 Ml 4.1 00 S 00 2,ssi :t7 Amount In Trramry, ll Wi, tlin imiiIi.vIi;iiM Aililllora. rrrllfa Unit (ho abort la nuTni'iHMU'lnuul, wouJIINl on nvr liiuik. TUOS II III IIIIIN. A. J OOOIlWIN, C.O.I'llAMIIKIt 4:17-SI Aililllora. Moffat's Life Pills AND PHOENIX BITTERS. Tho Most Successful Medicines in the World. Established in 1835 ly one oi our Most Eminent Physicians, and now used throughout North and I South America, frith more pleasing 'results than any other Medicine in cases of diseased Liver Blood or Skin, Indigestion, Costivoness, Billons Complaints, Rheumatism and Fever and Ague. Thousands of certificates are in our possession, giving detailed accounts of perfect Cures effected by theso invaluable Medicines. They regulate the System and put all the functions of tho body in a healthy condition. Sold by all Druggist. White & Howlud, rroptt. tori, Succouora to Dr. Joha Moflkt wit Br. W. B. Ugffi.t, Haw York. Just Received FKESII FROM PHILADELPHIA AT TIIK Clothing Store OF N. CLARK & SON A LOT OF FINE DRESS COATS. A IARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUSINESS SACK COATS. A LOT OF FARMERS' CFlEAl SACK COATS, A LOT OF BLUE BLOUSES, The shove goods havo just been pui-hascd iu Philadelphia, and will bo sold at verr low prices, Call and co.npuro our prices beforo purchasing. ROOM. TWO 003RS ... WEST OF THE ADAMS HOUSE May 10, Iy.-i;li.lati30y67. SPECIAt-To'THE PEOPIB! - Wathkhuiiio, April 14, 1807. Tho "Peoplo's Ormtery" rsiwored to Wsil end of Urndt n a building, fmnierly occupied by Wyly & lliicliniviii i w otllce. A now Stock just on, with. tho following greatly Reriitct'd, Prjccul Tea, Good quality, por lh....,;...,,,,,ij uo sugnr, (wiiiiuj ,"A ' rranu, psriu Siiuiir, brown, best article per lb Golden Svrup, best, per gal Canned Fruits, peaches, die, lb. can Ilouiiny, Krouiid, per iL...j Dried Fruit, cherries, curreuls, &e.,Ao., per lb i 18 40 00 IV u IS so Si 1 09 So 13 DO t UU IS It 111 (10 1 4(1 Soda Ash, " Concentrated Lye, perl) Star Candles, peril) Coffee, best Rio, 3 hs Pugur, pulvnrisi'd, peril) ; Kice, best urtiide, per lb , Sorghum Molasses, good, per gal roi.itoeh. DiicKeye, por hush Hakini! Hod.i per lb Corn Starch, per lb., White Mine, per lb Sul rjoda " I Curb' hi Oil por gal , a.., .it iu jmiu, jjul in.,,,, ,, ........,., Oranges, Lemons, Pino Candies, Tobacco, Cigars. Paucy Soaps, Nuts, Toys, Notions, Matklnr.iLogwood, &c., for coloring- Lamps Lanterns, Scrub Brushes, Whitewash rtrushes, Safety Fuse, Musket Piwder, Riflu Powder, Ltad, fihot and CapB, Mackerel Fish, &c, Ac Peeling satisfied tliat we can please all lu price and quality, we solicit a share or lh public patronage. - Trfoilrsmr A Ualtzsli.. 4; 17-tr Shirk & Sutton, (Successors to A. Wilson, Jr., Waynouburg, Peim'a ) We havo removed to Waynesbnrg, and ie spe.itt'ully inform our friends and thn public, that we aio now receiving beautiful assort incut Of HEA? DRV jOOBS, For Wo Spring Trade, to which wa Invite llionttiMition of our old customers and all oth ers t, h'i I'xmilinnliou of our stock, which uiu braccs tho LA:T SPRING STYLES, Of DRESS GOODS of nil descriptions, very pretty and at iijtonishlugly LoW Prices! And arc determined no one shall sell better goods at less prices than we do. We cull at tention to our stock of Millinery Trimmings, llnlmoriil and Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Qlovcs auJIiibbuus; CALICO" AND MUSLINS, And every variety of Goods iisu.iflv kept In a first cliu9 StorO. MEN & HOTS ratNISillNQ GOODS of aU kinds Men & Boys HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & shoes. KOCi:iui:s, iotio.s mil Oj'ocnswaro. It would ho useless to un lertaki) to enumerate all our goods. We will endeavor to make it to your interest to deal with us. (irWe hope by giving strict attention to luisincss and honorable dealing, to merit a liberal abate of patronage; Drop in at all evenis. DON'T FORGET TIIK PLACE. At A. Wilson's Btoro rooin (ii WuNon's New Uuilding, Wayncsburrf. Pa. April 24-lf. - NEW STORES! FRANK. M'CURCAN II AS JUST OPENED A FIKST CLASS stock of IDIVSr Gir003Dfi, Clothing, Trimmings, Notions, tc'.; In th New Store Hoom in Mr. Georgo H. Minor's building, nearly opposite tho Fardiers' ta Drovers' National Dank,- The stock Is all new and fresh, purShfcsed since the lato decline lu prices, for cash, which enables me to sell much lower than Uiom who have old stocks bought, at high prices. I would be highly gratified to hare all my old friends, customers and the public generally to call and see me at my new store. I will endoiiTor to make ft pay all those who favor me with a call, as I am determined to sell at such prices as Will give entire satisfaction. tJ-Dn not forget tho place, In the New Store Hotmi, fn Mr. George E. Minor's buil ding, nearly opposite the farmers' & Drovers' National Bank. 4;l7-lf FRANK. M'GURG AN. LASTIC SLATE von . . ROOPINO .AND OTHER l'URPOSES. As a Roofing Material It . stands nnrivalled A mastic it adapts itself to every shape and slope. Non-ci mbusiililo, impervious, non otpunslve, and undecaying. , FROST DOES NOT CRACK N011 HEAT DISSOLVE IT. Tho only roofing material ever1 discovered that will r.sist the action of the elements aslonir hs the structure It protects Being suscepti ble of little, If any wear from exposure, and uerfectlv Fl UK. PROIW T I. ,.'.. '.1'? I w aaj ao UIIVUajmiBjaj M a coating for Manufacturing and Farm Build- iiio, Kuuca, uuuS;a, uohohis or Vessols. Vaults, &o. . J Kefurencus lrlvnn In nu n.rt n d... or specimens shown to' visitors. Apply by It, L, JONES, UliNTtltYSVILt, WASII. Co. P. S. H.DOAK, - R L. JONES, Llcensoos of Wash, and Greenecountlo. L W. Jonas, Agent, i5-t' Waynesbuig, Pa. ENFEKRf.KIi ANn nwr.rr'ATt" rntuv. TCTION8, of both sexes use Holinbold's Ex- u uutim. u win (jive ortsK and energetic feeling. and enable you to sloop well. I ELMBOU)'S EXTRACT BUCUUhIt., pallid check. Debility Is acoomp&nWbr uiany a Hriulug symptoms, aud If no treatment li submitted to, consumption, Insanity ottml. lclc fits emu. .3uty if vm -m