in 1791. INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH MERICA! rilik.K' M Ilia., , - t 1 -mitti : Insnrnnec i nmpiny in Amrrira. tCAsa'iT'.t. n.i stnr-r.cs., 61,731.000. OVSIl X BPVFMTV.ilVR VI.' V liS fiiiVKMAd Biwl , tn" Rf nc", 'villi reputation fir IN- TEGRITY and HONORAHLE DEALING ,'.liNSt,Uf ASr.Oliy nuy ilmuk: Institution. , , LOSSES PAID since organ! itlou, $17,- 800,000.001 , 1 LIBKIi VL RATES for nil th safer classes , ' ofpronertv Insurance of DWELLINGS and CONTENTS. A speciality. r OTIC K or STONE DWELLINGS Insured PERPETUALLY, If desired, on terms of the j; greatest economy and safety to the Insured. It Is WISDOM andECONOMY to Insure In tuo best C.mpan i s. rihI there Is NONE 111-. I r, TEH Ulan the old INSURANCE COMPANY J , OF NORTH AMERICA. DIRECTORS: ; AthurO. Cofllu S. Morris Wnln, . Itnniuel W. Jones, ' John A rirown, ; Charles Tay -or. Ambrose White, , Richard D. W od, William Welsh, William II. Rownn. John Mason. Geo. I- Harrison, Francis H. Cope. Edward II. Fruiter, Edward S Clarke, Wm. Cummlncs. T Charlton Henry, James n Dickson ATt'l'h L it U. Ctd'HN, President. Jr.n9,'f.7 tt Aent or Greene County. J.- M'CKU N Gti6,8 CHEAT SHE flF WITHIES. Os thepoprlnr one price plan, rUing cvirv patron a hiirrWicc ami "'liable walch tor tt1' low price of Tm Dollars ! W lihont regard . . value an'' not touo paid lor unless perfectly tutislsclorv ! IWfl HiiOi'MIliintlnrWntclici (100 Made Cawl Onl.l Watch"! 600 liiillf ' Wiiti-hee, Klialiioltoil 1 OOO Hold llllliti'ig Clnoii.ini. li.r Watclwl l'lKV) llol'l Hunting Knirli'li T 3 000 Gold lliiiiiliio;liiiil'- Wiitrb'. S 0110 Oold Innllra AnnTlnill Watvuol VooO Mltor Hunting Lcvera S.nfi0 Bilv.T lluutlnu ImplcXM 5. ftoft fi.ilil l.iiilii V W Ht'-li'-. lo.OOO Oold llnnttntr Lepinitii Jo iiuO MIi-llnn'USIIH'r Wati'hol ;so to ST.'.n 200 to fJHI 100 to .'!"0 a-''0 to 3im 200 to t'ffl I'll In 200 100 to S.'-n HI to I'D T.i to u Ho to ISO lo foto ton JVlflO llnn'lns sav.r "lit' "''- S,iKl!l Am..rtirtW:,nlu. nil '"' U..ri,lr,.n..l.i.liiHii ,l, h v'.l- -M.r..' 1n!.l."t JI0. w!:ttn It liii.y'." worth shown. , . i, . rs.7 fillet tl".i - A K.wY rl i fy ' '" '-' VHH'W .'1c. '" t :!: ' 1 i it - " Nn p illt Illy Vl t ll "A ,!!... ! rlH vli. th r't i.en W-.t-l- -rh - li r .. p. .v. r'h I'tu Tin. v.ui 'i. Ill" lirllr'H- Tlir. riaie-i' of '"l1 '"' .'!"" " L .1... ;...........( . t!v..n-. its worlll. i-IMitl'l Tinnti'ii inr iii ii. ' i aril nati.i ' rti.'li' vi.i'U'il lit;.rn "'l I on."! nil any M- tine if. it w.h t .. r. i - tii.'t ii't-i" 0" I'.'t'iv. inn ;Miklit.r'.r'i.M.l loi-i: linn- truisi' ti' ii. uliiili tuny ! pul'ti.lwl''il !liiv..iil.yll.i.'.t I.-'II'Mmi. ! A .ini'li'dTtlllnit.. " II1 1. i-'nl l.v timlt. o .it .iil'l. iMm r"' l:l.t of '.!.' f.'nt'.tiv" nra1. i-t-v. r f r till r' -: lir.-c unit trnnt iiriinihiiiinrS.'. hti ..l.x oiul ti..i -.-..ill i' l" iipthI hiulorlta, mi" l ml H"l nli'r'' M '"r To AitoiiH nr tin liioi!' ini lo: I'" in I" "H " 'T li.irnii'ty. It In - I'.iiitlMnl'.t.v pnii.lucteil l.iihi'... (Inly l.y On' 0..v..riiiiicnt.iiti. oiwii lo tlm most curt ful wrutiiiy. Tuivs! .l-li ' .1. IlK'Kt lMl CO, 110" iiy .x'-nr I' O. JanW (i7-:mf. 1 !' "'' N''v; Vwrlc. ASTEOLOaY. THE WBLM5T0SIS0FB AT Tub vi)Ni)i:itFi:t. in-vi i.ATtovs MADK liY THE OliEAT ASTR LOOTST. M A D'A M E H. A, P E ! ft I G 0 . She rcvsals seere's no movt'il ever knew. Bite restores to 1'npi'iness those who. from dolel'il events, catastrophes, en sses in love, loss of relations and tin nils loss of money, &C.. have become tlcso. nilent. Bin; firings together tin ise long st penited, gives In onn i- " Hon cpncerninir nlisent fih n is orloveis, re Btort'3 lost rr bt"len pn petty, tells yi u the business you nr.' lu st qualitied to pursue and in what you will be most niecessltu. cause tpeedy nmrriii'Tcs and ti Us yon the very day you w ill uiarrv, eivcayi u the name, lileness , and chin tcterlstics of thi; peismi. She remls your veiy Ihouglits. and lv her a'ntost super nntural pi wers unvi lis the daik and hidden mysteries of the fiitui e. Fivm the stars we see in the fn nwnient Ihe nialific Mars that overcome or predominate in Ihe conflnmaiinii from '.ho aspects nnd positions of the plan ets and the U.v d stars in the lioavns at the time t f birth, she. deiluirs the future d' slmy of man. Fail not to nonsuit the, greatest As trologist nn earth. It costs you hut a trille, and you may never again have so favor b'e an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, $1. I'mtlig liv ing: at a distance can consult the Madame by mull with equal salety nnd satisfaction to themselves, as if In person A full anil ex plicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered and likenesses cnclofijd. sent by mall on receipt of price abovo mentioned The strictest s eresy will ho maintained, and nil correspondence or uestrnyetl. References of the highest Tiler iimished 1 those desiring them. Writo plainly the day ol them' nlli and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of huir. Address, Madamk H. A. PRRHIGO, V. O, Draw cr 293, BuflUlo, N Y. fobloV07-ly Throw away your false frizzes, jour switches, your w ig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and tair And rejoice. In your own luxuriant hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI. For restorlnii hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen nut) and fnrelne a aroth ot h.dr upon the face, it has no equal. It 111 force the heard to grow in on the smoothest fact In from live loebht weeks, orhair upon lial.t bea in in f unit wo to three months A few imiorai t pnitiitloncra l ave asserted that there Is nullum that will force or hasten the growth of tho hair or heard Their assertions are lalse, us thousands of liv ing witnesses (I'r. mi their o-vn expeii"nce) can hear witness. Rut manv will say ow are wo to disilnuuish lb" genuine Ip'iii the spurious f It certainly is illfiVult, as iiine ti nibs of tlie different Prepar ulons advertlseil for the h"lr and beard are entirely worlbliss; and yu may have already thrown "wnyliron amounts in their pur.ihase. To such e would s iv, iry the Hoparator Capilll. It will cost you iiotn ing unlesn It fully comes to our ropres-n-tatlons. If your drugnlst does not keep It, send u one dollar and wo will forwnrd ll, postpaid, toeother with a n'celpt for the mo nov, which will be r turned you on appllca tloii, nrovirilng entire, satisfaction Is not given Address, W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No 8 West Eayutto Bt.,Byracuse, N. Y feblSOMy ; WHISKEBS ANII ,M U STAC HE S! I7IORCED to grow upon tho smoothest face In tiom three to five weeks hy using Dr. PEVIGNE'3 RESTAURATEUR CAPIL LAIRE, tlie most wondorlul discovery In ., j...,, ji...iu'n ncllnir ii nnn the 11. .aril nnd ltnlr in an almost miraculous manner It has i.,. muni liv tlm elito of Paris amlL'ndo" 1791. with tlm mi st tlii'leilng success, Names of all puichaso S will he registered, and If entire satisfaction Is not given in everv lint nice, the money will be cheei fully refunded. Price by mail, sealed nnd postpaid, 41. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Ad dross BEHGEK. BIICTTS& CO., C' einMs, Mo. 681 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Bote tor fee fell Ststs. . bbStY7ay ''t ' ' " ' ' St))ll!TlllXB NEW! MU9 12. S SAYER9 & IIOSKINSON Have tst arrived from Nkw Y"kk with a larfo assort Jicnt of forelau und duuiestic 1HY GOOBS wh'cli thov propose to sella! the lowest CASH 1'HICES ! such as Dress Goods. Diess Triinmlnir, Press Buttons Ony's Patent BliifTs. Ladh'S's Shawls. Furs, Hoots an I Shoes, Hals and Caps ; also, a great variety of nice articles, at very low prices, fot Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear Wares of all kinds, nnd a complete j varie ty of the best GliOCKKIKS. All of which they proposo to sell at tbo very lowest figures, depending on the quality and cheap ness of their goods to gain them custom. G ve them a call before purchasing else where, and they will provo tnat tho above is correct. Ilooin in Allison's building, nearly opposite the Court House, Waynesburg. I.OV.H'IWi tf si 1 1 1;,4 Mi jioitE ! When by the ubu of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can bo cured permanently, and at a trilling cost The astonishing success which has attended this invaluable medicine for Plnslcal and Nervous '.cakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Knergy. Iin- polcncv. or imv ofthe consequences of youth- I'ul indiscretion, renders it tho must valuable p epiiration ever discovered, ll will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, cm fusion, thoughts ol' self destruction, fears of Insanity, &c. It will rest on the appetite, renew tho health of those who have destroyed it by sensual ex cess ot evil practices. Young men, be humbuged no more by 'Quack Doctors" nnd iunoranl practitioners, but send wi'hout delay lor the Elixir, and be at once restored t health and hapi'iness. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every Instance, t'riee $i or four hottlus to me sddress. f. 'iiie.l oiiicis -ulllci'iJt toelleet ft euro in all ordli.'irv cases M.SO DM. J'HNVII.LE'3 SPECIFIC PII.I.s. 'or tl'i- speed v and pernanenl cure o' '5 ii"irV'a, Gleet. Urethral I)icharg"S. Ornv . I, Ppietiit" ai'il all i.fTectiims of the Kidneys ami 1 tuliler. Cures effected In f'Oin ore lo five days Thev are prepared from vegeln hle extracts th it aru harnieli ss on the system, and ni'ver naustat" the stomach or impreg nate ll' breath. Noclmugeof diet is ncivs si;ry wliile rising them, nor docs thdr action In any manner interfere with busincssuirsuits Price '$1 per box. Kithercl tilt! atiT'O mnnt'onnd articles will lie seiv to any address closely sealed, and post paid, by mail" or express, on receipt of price. Address nd orders to HKHGKR, S11UTTS & CO., Chemists, No. 'JM" River Street, Troy, N. Y, lcli2iVi:7 ly BEAUTY ! AUBURN, G0IDEN. FLAXEN AND SILKFN CURLS, l")R(niTED bv the use of Prof. DE 1 HHKUX FHISERLKCIIEVEUX. One np)i1icatain warranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair ot either sex urn wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. Has been I used by Ihe lashloaables of Paris and London, with tlie inott grutifvmg results Does no in jury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed aud I postpaid. $1. Descriptive circulars mailed 1 free. Address DEHGKH, SlIUTTS & CO., , Chemists. No. L'H" liver St., Troy, N. Y., ; Sole Agents for the Uuited States. I'eb'.'o.'dT-ly KW IHlll'I'inilHl'P T it U II li A V I 1 U 111 - III THE PU0POSED IMPEACIDIEXT -OF- H.RINEHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES! HAVING .1UST RETURNED FROM THE city, ho has opened the lurgest New Grocery lu town. He des'res to Inform the citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity of tho caro ho have taken in selecting stock, having on baud a good supply of CONFKCTlONS, TOBACCO, CI UAliS, TAR, also. PHOVISI ONS, HAUON, DRIED BEE J I'OTATOE-i, FISH, DKIED PEACHES, &o , &o , eta. Call and see liim as ho has been getting a You will find him accomodating, and can sell lower th in any one In the piace, Be sure to go to tho right place, In LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opporitotho Court House, and formerly oc cupied bvtho Post Otllco. npHViHi-tf JH. V. mayors, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Will attend to all claims for hack pay, boun ty and pensions of soldiers and their representa tives The PeiisloiiB of ihe following classare Increased .ruin fttt to &I5 and Jil'.'i pel month, and w .lows tnr children uuder sixteen years $'J per mouth each, viz :' 1st. Tin o who have Inst tho sight of both eyes, ihe use of both hands, or otherwise total ly disabled and Incapacitated Irom performing manual moor. 2d- All widows having children under six teen vears of age tro entitled to $2 per month additional for each child. Mil. Guardians representing tho minor chil dm tif soldiers aro entitled to the same Incicase nsif the niotlur was living. nugl.'ilti tf. EXCELSIOR! EXCELSI0R1 CIIASTELLAK'S IIAUt I XTEIMIINaTOR J fob hkmoviko sui'KnrLuous hair. To the ladles especially, this Invaluable de itlatorv recommends Ust If us being an almost Imllnpensihlu nriielu to fonialo beauty, is easi ly applied, does not burn or Itduro the skin, but acts directly ou :ho roots It is warranted to remove suiei'Huous hair from low foreheads or Irom anv part or tlie uikIv, compleiely, totally and radically exterpsting the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This Is the only ai tide UBed by the Frenoh. anil is the only real effectual depilatory In ex istence. Price 73 cents per packago, scut postpaid, to uny auureis, on receipt or an outer, ny BEUGER, BUUTT3 A CO., Chemlsta, Tf IS PRINTING! the REPUBLICAN Waynesburg, GUEENE COUXTY, PES 2? A. Is prepared to do all of printing, such us POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, SALE BILLS, HORSE BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, BILL HEADS, TICKETS, SONGS, &C. In a workman lilto manner, at short notice aud on reasonable terms. OUR FACILITIES FOR PRINTING BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS are equal to those of any other establishment lu the county. PARTIES WISHING ANY KIND OF JOB r It I IY T I IV i! done should give ui a call. We are ready at all times to do anything la the printing lluu. OPPIOH3 In SayenV Building, Immediately East of the uoiui auiewx aimers' Column. HORTICULTURAL HINTS. Cultivate acquaintances, if not, out them Never sow the seed of di. (tension. Weed your Library. Invest in Stocks. Oct as much Heart's- ease as you can FernGrowers, don't be too fiwroe in you rivalry! remember the Wats ot the Frond e. Attend to Wallflowers, and trim Cox combs. Emulato the Cucumber be cool. Don't Peach. Avoid Flowers of Speech. Pot a lot of inoucy on racecourses. 'Bedding out' is goo.l for Plants, but not for Friends. Take the advice of tho Sajjo, or you may Hue the oonst quonces. Ladies 1 success to tho great Roso show on your ehoeksi and may always bo Eyebright. (N. B,Never pay your bets in Fox-gloves ) Punch's Almanac IIou8kiiou IIi.stj. Wood ashes and common suit wet with water will stop the cracks ot a etovo, and prevent tho einoke from escaping. Stir Poland tt rch with a common candle, and it will not stiuk lo the iron, ami it will be much nicer. Alum and vinegar in good to set col ors ot red.jjreen or yellow. Sal soda will bleach very whites one spoonful is enough (or a kettle of clothes). Save your mi t for garden plants, or for girdeii ynnlti, a lien sinnly. Wash your tea trays with cold suds, polish with. ; littlo Hour and rub with a dry cloth. Frozen potatoes mnko morn starch than fresh outs; thuy also make nice cukes, A hot shovel held over varnished furniture will take out. the white spots. A bit of glue dissolved in skim milk and water will ro-tore old cra:.e. K'bboim.ot any kind should be wash- ed in cold soap suds and not rime.l. It your fl it, irons mo r"Ugh rub them with fine salt, and it will make them smooth. straw is the best for fillitur bedsj it should he changed once a year. If you are buying a carpel tor dur ibil ity. choose small figures A bit of soap rubbed on the hinges ot flilot'S will llinii" ! ilfini. I Suntoli s'niff put iii holes where crick ets come out will de.troy them. A gallon ot strong lye put in a barrel ot hard water will make it soft a,i ruin water, Half a cranberry on a corn will soon kill it. Alwsys mend clothing betoro wash ing. What a Goon NRwei'Ar-Mt May Do Show ns an intelligent taim y of boys ... . ' " ) and girls, and wo wi show you a fami- . , ' , ly where newspapers ami penod.cals are plentiful. Nobody who has bea i with out these silent privato tutors can know their educating power for good or evil. nave you ever thought ofthe innumer. Buss, to kiss again ; ph.ribus, to kiss aplc topics of discussion which they stig j with out regard lo sex i silibus, to kiss gest at tho breakfast tables the impor- j the hand instead ot the lips ; blunder tant public measures with which, thus buss, to kiss the wrong person ; omni early, our children becomo familiarly ac J buss, to kiss all the persons in tho room; quainted; groat philanthropic; questions ertbus, to kiss in the dark. Evidently, of tho day, which unconsciously their at- tho country-girl who went down to the teution is awakenod, and the general city recently, had these definitions in spirit of intelligence which U evoked by j hor mind. A young gentleman was to these quiet visitors! Any thing thut ; escort her some distunco through tho makes home pleasant, cheerful and chat ty, thins tho haunts ot vice, and the thou, sand and one avenues of temptation, should certainly bo regarded, when we consider its influence on tho minds of the young, as a great moral aud social light. Emerson. Out-Door Whitbwasii, Tho follow ing is well recommended ; Two quarts skimmed milk; 2 07A fresh slaked limoj 5 lbs. whiting; put tho liinuinlo a stone-. waro vessel, pour upon it a siifli-ietit oiiaotitv of milk 'o make a mixture re. ! sembling cream, ami then add ttie - ! .... ,, ii, unou ot the nn k. Ci'.uul) h the w ntiiif , , , 1 ' nnd aproad K on the surt.ioe ot the tl iid am or grinu as you woam lead paint., and apply ns yon do other p iints It, dries quick, and a second or thud e ml can be added if desired. It is uiodo- i rous, does not rub off. This quantity will oover 57 square )an',swif hone ooat. It may be colored, if desired, by adding ooloring matter. Ouoiuuu. Look well to peach trees, shorten in and see that the pouch worm is not at work, i'-uir boiling water on tho lower part nftliu trunk no ir the ground and if a Hiilllcimit quantity be tisod, it will o ok the worm without in jury to Iho trees; we are well convinced that even three gallons of bulling water to each tree, ina hoso used without in jury. Manure Irec. ami remember that they require cultivation. Alien I to pre paratlon of o ous o nly, and g'uttsiiuli lies as requite it Those who have chickens should give them a little fresh meat occasionally .iiml fresh ground tosurutcli overand a little j iluie and eaud to piulc luio. Little chicks should be kept in a couitortably I warm place ot nights, and hliouU have old bread soaked itl water for their prill oi al food during the day. Keep tbein where they vim always liuvu access to Wilier in sh tlluiv vessels, and keep them out of Ihe rain. A Turni SniANuxu than l'VonoN. An Indianapolis letter writer says : While pasting through the Union Depot a tew days ago I was accosted by a one-armed man in tailed army blue His apparent familiarity surprised meat first, but I soon recognized him as an old acquaintance. This is not the place tor a biography, but the history of this man is sufiiu enlly exceptional und in. terrcsling to deservo at least a pai,mng notice. Fourteen years ago I first saw him working at a windlass in tho gold digg ings of Australia. lie and his three partners hoisted by that windlass, from a singlo 'shaft,' more than eight hundred thousand dollars A few months later I bade him good-bye, ns he sailed from Melbourne for New York, with two hundred thousand in bills of exchange in bis pocket. I next saw him a wound ed rebel soldiers, lying on tho bnttlo field of Ant'otam. A little moro than a year later, I saw him as a Union soldier, lying in a hospital in Tennessee. To. day ho is a helpless wanderer, d"pen dent on charity tor a dinner. Cl)ll'l,lMVTAI!V The liielllllOIIll, Virginia, Exiimiiirrja opening its ccs to the virtues of the negro ehaiaotcr. A rio.'iit. load ng article begins hs fallows : There mi si be Houielliing radie.tlly wrong in ilie head or heart of any in in who fc'iul'l view, without much itJiniia lion, tliu general demeanor of iho color, i-d people of this eoni'iioinvca'.th during ami since ihe war. We merely cxpi ess the feeling of every fair minded man, when we pay a willing tribut.i lo the fidelity, honesty und dilligeiiee with which they discharged their duties as slavea, while ma-ters were absent in the field, and to the extreme moderaa ! turn with which, when let alone, they j c .ndiieted themselves, in the change from their servilo condition to their j present state of freedom, j 'When we remember these facts, we ! gather confidence that, in the discharge ofthe n.nv duiio, thrust upon them by th.- Lite action of C mgress they will j d.sapp .iiil Hi . hope ot Uiumi who aie now desirous to see thai ooiifliot ot races b gun which the wir fiilud to excite. In the t a enlicli yi sir ot Queen EiV- beth's reig-i. ,a bhsckemitli i.t L Ion, named Jlai k Se.nliot, made a lock of iron, steel iiiid bracs. ot eleven pieces, and n pipe key, all of which only weighed one grain Sualiot also marlo a chain of gold, of forty-three links, which he fastened to the lock and key, and put it around the neck of a flea, whicli drew tllf ubnbi with imi'tiinl uoun rpi.n ..1...S. , t , ,i, f ,. , key, lock and flea, altogether, weighed i . , , ,f but one grain and a half, w nrHSlim s,.n, , ,, . , .. - - 'vv-rwi, iijin bun some world after completing the above mentioned ai tides. town, and not wishing to walk, remark ed i 'Hold on, Mary, let's take n 'bus ;' but Mary, blushing to the eyebrows, drew back, and with wounded modesty replied : 'OGeorgo, not right here in the street I Tiik Charlottsville (Vs.) Chronicle takes a sensible view ofthe ConneUicut election in an article, of which the fol. lowing is a sample : 'What we would say, therefne, is this - Let not the Sonih as usual flv off ' tbo helve about the Connecticut elec ' H " "l I,ul 1,,,ul ''ope "i 1 1 v ii'iiri-i iini o ii iv yt. navo . ,... i ,i i , . . B'lLvrcd Miifip-ieiilly by delusions of tins sort in the past two vows.' A lady who was married on Friday, whc.i a ked why she consummated such imnorta.ii net on Hindi an ,iu i responded that she had been married on Lvuiy other diy in ihe week, mid had always made smh a poor fist of il, that B10 concluded to test hnngtnaii's day, hopeing the halter wouldn't slip this j ' i ..... j A youno lady in the New 0 leans j Mu-t-um, who gi es into the Inm's den, put too much pomatum on her hair The unctuous odor t xei'ed the lion's ap petite, and when she stooped to let him jump over her according to iho pro. gi'iiiiiuie, the sagacious beast hit off her wali-tt.ill. Tiik Cioi'innatlans had a rare feist ol diliiied h ky last week. Over one llious n, bui''i Is of ilie'hevcr.iue escaped at the biirnhig of a distillery, into Deer, deck, ami the lluid was pumped up to th liasiit which supplies the city with water. Temperance folks were thus compelled - to indulge lu mixed driuks tor oiiue in their liven. The' Wonder of the Aire H TIME, MONEY AND LAB3R SAViD ! THE LATEST AND BIST CHUflN! ONE OF THE LATEST PATENTS, ISSU ed uu the 1 1 III day (if September, I HMO, to Win. R. Mcl'iilc'ieon, of Washington, Iowa, will bo on cxhluilion In a few day.i at JOHN MUr.r.'ELLS, In Waynesburg, Pa. This CHURN must suH-retide uny thing of tho kind hereto'i re iirmuieeii. i uu smiiaeness oi us eonslruct iiii. iiiid lis two-fold or reversed niiilliin. ilmi prudiiies butter from three to six minutes niiisi lnuuco inu coinnuiiiuy io exaiume us qualities. It saves tune ii saves work and produces ns nun-It butter as iuiv churn In ex istence. Mr. jMuiiiiell has fuli power to sell lights for Petirsvlvanla or New York Statu as well as to furnish Churns to cUiz.'iih ot this county. F. .B Johnston AOo. Agents. 3:'.'7-tf. LATEST FASHION 8 DEMAND W. J Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OH DOUlJLIi SPRING) 3 33. 1 3?L T" . Tho Wonderful Flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the l)u plex Elliptic Skirt wilt bu experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemhlies. operas, car riages, railroad cars, church ews, arm chairs, for promenade and house dress, as the skirt can hu lolded w hen In use to occupy a small p'are aseasilv and c aivcninutlv as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invahuhlo quality in crino line, nut found in any Singlo Spring Skirt. A lady hiving enjoyed lln pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing the. Du plex Elliptic Si eel Sjiiini? Sklrlfur a single d iv, will neve1' afleiwarils willingl. dispense Willi llieir iisi,'. I'll? ('nil In-n, Mi.wi-a and Young Ladies they are su;ieri'ir to all nlheis. They will not bend orlnvak ti the bingle spring, but wi I preserve Hi dr perfect and gracelid shapit h n three or four ordinniy skirls will have been Ihiown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twist ed tin-i ad, and the holloiu rods ai-a not tr.tlv double springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing them from wearing ou. when drag ging down stoops, stirir, &.. 'I lie Duplex i;!liiiie is a great favorite with all ladies mid is uiiivarsall) recommended bv the Fashion Magazin s us the Hlandaid skit t of tho fashionublu world. To enjoy the billowing inestimable, advan tages hi Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, per fect manufacture, stylish shape and finish, Uexihiliiv, (iurahllily. comfort and ecom iiH-, enquire for . I. W. llRADMCY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Double Spring Sk'ut, and be sure you gi t the aennino urlicle. CAUTION. 'fo guard against Imposition be pnlienhT In NOTICE thai ssirlsolfi-red as "DUPLEX" have Ihe n il ink slam . viz.: --.i W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Sled S;.iings,:' upon Ihu waistliand none olhe'sare genuine. Also Notice that, even llnnp will admit a , in being passed through 'he centre, thus reveal ing the two (nr (limbic) springs braided to gi l her therein, which is ihe secret of theii Uexibility and sli'eiith and a couibiii.ition not lo In- I'auid in an other Skill For sale in all slo-es win n- first, class skirls are S 'ld thioiighout the United Stab s ami elsewhere. Ma uil',.ctip d bv the Sole Owners i f tho Pat. lit, WESTS. ;RDI,EY it CAI.Y. !7 Ch nnliers & 7! iii f I Rendu. Sis , N. Y.'ii7-:im Vrispsv Cloma, Oh! she was beautiful and fair W ilh starry oyrs and radiant hair, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very heart and miiid, CEISPEH COMA. For Curling tho Hair of Kit her Sex Into Wuvy and Glossy Ringlets or Heavy . Massive Curies. By using this article Laiti. s and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It is tlie only ariiclo in Ilia w U'l l tint, will cuil straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma initially curls the hair, but invigorates, heaut ides and cleanses it j is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and i must complete article ofthe kind evernlfuiudtothe American public. 'Ihe Crisper Coma will be sent to any addr ss. sealed and postpaid for tjl. Address all orders lo W. L. CLARK & CO.. Chemists No. 3 West Favette St., Syracuse, N. Y. leb I H. '117-1 y WALL PAPERS! FOR SPRING SALES OF 1SG7. Wn aro now prepared to offer to our custo mers, and tht Tnide genera ly, nn extensive co'lection of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, rilll! 1IOA1ID MINTS, KTC, HTC Embracing nil qualities of goods, known to the Trade for Parlors, Dining Rooms, Halls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &c. ALSO, TRANSPARENT OIL CLIITil lD P1PRR WINDOW S1I1IIKS. At the Lowest Market price, nt No. 107 Market Si., near Fifth. JOS. R. lll'GllliScv BRO. mO -Sins. MONEY FREE AS WATER. 1(1,000 ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade Incvrey city, town, village, ham' ft, workshop ami factory, throughout the entire world, for tho most saleable novelties ever known. 500 lT ft'lit PROFIT and rendy s-de wherever of fered I 1 Smart men an t women can make from ftV.-i lo f-.V'i per dav. mid nn link oflo-a '. A small c.ital rtquiii-d ot ;' ..'U o i(a) tint more money invcted lh'! gtoler the piioiit. No Hioney reii'iired la advance wo Iii st send tho ar iclesand receive pay after wards! If you actually wish to make nioe.ev rapidly and ciMlv. write (or full particulars and address jMILNOR & CO . (From Paris,) fchl;t-iy 210 Broadway, New York Cli. t 4t t;tU'ilU ( iKBLR& rOK WORKS! STILL continue to carry on the Marble nd Stone culling business at their long estali llalied stand linniediately East of tho Public oiiare, Main Struct, Wayneshurj;, ' This establishment has been' In constant o 'titration since IHilii, and the long experience a nl energy ofthe proprietors, linked with the e 'crcise of Bound Judgment and good taste, h ve won for them a wi ie spread and enviable n Hllatlon, Ancxteusivc slock ofthe v.-iriou-i verieilcsofthe best marble kept constantly on hi ml. Special ul'cn'ion paid to polishing, pi casing, c.i"vingiii eagiMvhij,. All ordo1 mi I fl led. Deci mlier 'iX I wig .tl uti.ictraitt-!- i.l;et'. . LI.'ITL.iS oi ndoi'iilsti-jilliiii having lieiu giiieted to tho mi lul'signed tljioti Ihe s tate of Janu s Neal. lal.J of Cumberland loivn shlp, Greene county, I'a , deceased, n (Ice is hereby given to all persons indeiif.d 1 1 said estate to make Immuill ite payment, nnd those having claims to present llieui properly au thenticated fur settlement. JOINGWYNN. 4;8-flw ' of Cumberland tp,, Adm'r. FOUTZ'3 cunuriD TLta nmiirfttton. lotiK and mvombl known. Kill thur. ouflily relnviforat broken down and low.ipirltcd hone., by itrennthMitiif ftnd clduuilif Ui tomacli .nil Intel iinci. H hi t inn pn T.ntlve of all dti caiiei Inclilunt 10 Oil. animal, inch aa LUKO FETKn, JI.AnBli, JTJ5.1, ;V,vv.r a''v . 1 nit, n.At r, B, ' co mi iis, pig; TEMP KB, FK. VEItS, FOUNDKB LOSS OF Al'l'K TITE AND VITAL E.VEHOY.ko. Ita u.o improve! tha wind, Inareaif Uio appetite-give! m o o t n anil i gloi.jr .kin nnd 1 tran.formi th.4 miaerabla (keletoo Into a fine-looking and spirited. To Iccepetl of Cowl till, nmnnrfttlnn I. It lnoreaaei Uia quanUty and improve, the quality oi me mtiK. it naa been proven by ac tual ezperlment to) Inoreaae tha quan tity of milk and oreau twenty per cent, and make the butter Arm and aweet. In fattenlne cattle, It gi vol them an apiietlte, loo.etia . their hide, and makei Uiem Uirlve muen miter. In all dlscaiei of Swine, inch aa Coughs, Cleeri ll the Lunga, Liver, bo., this article aots a a ipeciflo, Dy putting from e one-half a paper" to a paper In a barrel of .will the above diaeaiee will bo eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 23 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers far CI. PREPARED BY S. A.. FOUT & RKO., AT THBIR nnniKsiiR unt o and medicine DEroT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale hv Drnggliu and Storekecptri Utrough ut tha United Stake. ll. ngiaits, Wuytieshiirg, nov2 TO .-ly. UECOiNISTIlUOTION NOT OF THE UNION liTJT OF EsaacHooper's GIIOCEItY & CONI'KCTlONEIiYl MR. HOOPER would still have his riends and palions bear n mind, t lint he ron I'linies in the (i oecry aiuUl'onfectii nery trado at his usuai place ol doing business, and that lie lias lust received A.' Fresh. Supply of Ihe best quality of all alt'clos In his line. TOYS- NOTIONS nnd a great variety of useful articles always on hand. PEFRESHMENTS, In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper keeps :t Restaurant, where ICE CREAM, ber ries and all the luxuries of the season ean bo obtained. The moot attractive and most popular resort in town. . June 14. 'Ilo-lr U II Ii G IV E3 E3 II S Ii , Jefferson, Crecno Ccunty, renn'a. MRS. U. J. VUMG.XnSKR, Proprielron. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP TOI3 well known establishment, Mrs. Bum is prepared to furnbh Ihe lent, to the travelling public The TAliLE always sup plied willi the choicest delicacies, tlm DAK with the finest Wines and Liquors, good sleep ing apartments, and nn abundance of stahlo loom attached to tho premises. Public patronage solicited May 23, 'CO -ly, mTTuojJs -AT AT mm old THE GOODS ALL FRESH, run 3 ? -rT X 13 3 , LATEST AND BEST! -run Fabrics, is Represented, AND THE ASSORTMENT KEPT COMPiETE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS DETERMINED to sell, and Ihu kkauy cash will secure the very best of bargains. Call and examine his stock L. K. ICVANK dec 1 1 -am Way ncsbura, Pa. - tuoixiiee'rs fVolicc. milG UNDER IGNKD ASSIGNEE OF I MoiiiiAS IIki.i.. of Rieahlll lownship, here by gives in ilicn to all persons interested that the STORE llnOK-tand Notes will he left with Mr. William McClelland, nt the old stun I. f r S ttlcmcnt unl collecllon, until tho 1st of M u ch next, and if not promptly settled i they will be collected by due process of law. . at once. The crudliors of sdd asslgnnnt will; also take notice that their claims must he pre sented nt. once, as I mil tleleruiliiud to oloaa up Hi" business Immediately jiu'Vili lf. J. F. TEMPLE. t . W. R088, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; OFf lU- in Jeweu s nuiiuing, west cnu oi Main stri, Waynesburg, . . a.l,-f vx m v