" WAYNES BUUG: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2. 1867. Challenge Yeast Diwder, best In use, for ale tO. W. Hubert & Co.'s Drug Store. Go to Evans' for the la tost fashions. Th at i'ATKNT .' The right of this coun tj, tor McCutoheou's ptUeut churn lias been sold by F. B. Johnston fc Co., to Morris, Ullora & Co , under which title they will do business hereafter. Window Ulass and Putly for salo at G. W. Roberts Co. 's Drug Store. Just in tihk. Tho first Spring styles brought to the market at Evans' Store. Uktuhnkd. Among the late arrivals from the Eat wo announce that of L k, Evans. The gentleman has certain ly donuiiimselt great credit in the sek-C" tion of Inn slock.- He assures us that we can 'go our lnrth' on it, and taking hira at his word we recommend him ior low prices and good bargains to all who want in his line. See advertise ment elsewhere. ."- ; French Army Lotion, bod Ltnlnwnt In uso, for sale at G. W. Kob irts& Co.'s Drug Store. Tui most complete assortment of ladies DressG iods over brought to Wityniisburg ut Evans' Store Miuor's Old Stand. DusKitvED. The many friends if B. F. Campbell, Jr., will be pleased to learn that ho has scoured the iippointineut of General Inspector of Distilleries in this district. Especially it there are many greenbacks to handle, do we consratu lato him. His right U based on throe years arduous duty in tho ranks of the Union army and we can think tf in- but. ter. ' . - - Brushes of all kinds for salo at G. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Storo. Tub "what la it." We warrant Evass to have it! Town ani CousriiY. Will be rejoic ed to learn tnat Win. Y. Webb, Jr. has resumed his old avocation of Saddle and Harness mker. An adept in his bust tiess, he bids fair to monopolize that de partment ot mechanics in our midst. Everybody gets Webb to do their work. Head his card in another column. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded' at G. "W. Huberts & Co.'s Drug Store. IIamiickoii Quills at Evans' Storo. Mhtakk Wo slated last week in connection with the suicido of Martin O.iqe, that he had also killed his wito. We aro Impny to contiadict this state ment. Hu did strike her two blows with an axe but at present writing she is rap idly recovering, although ut first her life wm despaired of. The cause assigned for the deed is family dissension. He was a man of irregular habits and cyni cal disposition. Coach, Copal, Jpan and White Damar Varnish or sde at G. W. Roberts & Co.'s "Atiiino of beauty is a joy forever" Ev ans keeps Buck for sale. Buii.iikrs Take Notich. Sealed proposals will bo received up to the 20th of May, for the re-building of the Catholic Church at Wayncsburg. The design of tho building can be seen at Thomas Bradley's. 4t For Patent Medicines of any kind go to G. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Store. Trimmings and Ribbons Evans has them. Grkensiuiio. J. P. T Communica tion received. We ihunk it charity to the man not to publish. Ho has to some extent the sympathy ot the public but nono doubt his guilt. It would bo best to lot it dio out Fob Pure White Lead and Flaxseed Oil go toG. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Storo. Maqkificbnt. The display of flue and fan cy goods at Evans' store. Sbvkub IIukt On last Saturday, Mr. Wm. Parkinson ot our borough, whilst walking on the porch of Mr.' Win. Hog ei's' house was precipitated to the ground, some fourteen feet, by tho giving way of the rail, lloth wrists were broken by the concussion a;,d suvoral slight cita tions sustained on the head. Dr. Ross righted the broken limbs and the gentle men is now doing well. Ladiks Hats for the season at Evans' Store. Oi'bnkd Our. The storo formerly owned by A. WiNon, Jr., bus been pur chased by Shirk & Sutton. A new stock just opem.d consists ot tho finest lot of Dry Goods yet forwarded from the East. It will cortaiuly repay any ono to make thoin a visit. Jtuw Style Hoop Skirts -chop, at Evans.' Ravagb iir'Dr-os. Mr. A. A, Pur man lout more than ono hundred fine eheep, killed and wounded by dogs laBt week. . Other farmers in the vicinity of town haye experienced heavy losses Sheep are wotih more than dogs aed we advise tanners to kill tho dogs whenever they find them prowling around loose. i . Evan's keeps the best and cheapest Shoes nd Gaiters. Cloths, Cassl mores and cotton cloths at re duced prices, at Evaws.' Go to Evans' examine and price his goods and save regrets. Evahs has t'ae cheapest and best stock of. jfrlnU. Si'unginq III common wilti a large portion of the inerumtlle class, we find ourselves the unwilling victims ot this pernicious evil, to an extent rather be yond the limit of charitable enduranoe, In view ot tho command, 'render unto every man his due.' While we are will ing and always strive to maintain our share ot the essential oivilitios pertaining to a social equilibrium, we yet tail to percatve the justiuo of requiring at our hands a voluntary or gratuitous publi cation of the limited or individual inter ests so frequently oftered with tho plea of 's Methiiig. to fill vp.' As yet we havo never been able to present this argument in a convincing light to the butcher und baker, iii'd hence its want ot fitness in the present application The public may deem us their servant when in fact we are their guardian in nil things most conducive to general welfare, not tho least of which is their social and financial prosperity. If associations consider it duo to de ceased members to pass resolutions tes tifying to their virtues and condoling with their relatives, lliey have the prive lege of writing as iniinv as they wioh and it literary, school and other societies cannot exist without gratuitous printing they must be too nhghtly prist' d to promise lasting lieiiefi1. to uny. We are nut of ili-wci wl.o consider ourselves under mure extended obliga tions to our constituents than do our city coteiiiporariu who from this source de rive compensation, mid hence, wo trust, this gentle ml monition w;ll be sullicient warning in fu'ttre to all those who may seek to advance their individual or pe cuniary interests through the medium of the press. Tim prettiest Delancs arc at Evans.' PoT.VTOlisI POTATOKS! If J'OU WSllt gOOd early potatoes go to'. I. A. Riuchart's. Pkkfcjikry, u large assortment just receiv ed ut Bradeu's Drug Storo. A New Hoop. Artificial as well as natural things aro assuming new dress and shape with the return of the Spring months. The econo.nical property hold er embraces the present for painting, re rooting, and re-fitting dilapidated and decaying buildings. Substantial roofs, above everything else, aro demanded for the preservation of any structure. Pino, tin and slato rools perform their part while tliev last, but tho best holds out but a few years. The point is, now that you need a roof, get one that will last as long as the structure il covers. With this in view you will inevitably accept u"'I't 1 the Plastic Slate Itaof. See another col- I unin. Hair Drcsshifis and Hair Dye, a new stock just on. Tin-; place to get anything you want, on reasonable terms Evans' Store. DiiiKii Apples and Peaches at II. A. Rino hart's. A MN careful and economical in do mestic affairs always has a contented and well regulated family. Dissension at homo is unknown to those who purchase their Groceries and Provision: of W. Scott & Co, They deal so fair and reas onable that they pleaso all alike. A new lot of flue cigars just ou, Washing ton tobies always on hand at Braden's Drug Store. Tobacco, Tobacco, II. A. Rinehart has a superior article of all kinds. Just purchased in Philadelphia Evans' splendid stock of Dry Goods and Notions. A Diffekknt Usk. The room in tho basement of the Hamilton House for merly used as a liar, is now occupied by II. Boler and M. ltinehart for tho pur pose ot Shoe-making and Cobbling. Those who want a good umlerslwuling or need their soles renewed should give them a call, Flavoring Extracts very fine, try them, at Bradeu's Drugstore. A frksii supply of Tea, Coffee and Sugar, at II. A. Riuchart's. Bri-siiks of ull kinds, at II. A Riuchart's Rah. Hou to Waynkhiiduo! Dkpot at S. Odknbai;gii's Dm;o Stoiib He has the largest and finest selection of Drugs and Medicines ever introduced into this market, cheaper tlum any where this side of the Monong diela He has the largest, and the fine t stock ot while lead, paints, dry and 111 oil, oils, dye stuff nt all kin Is Together with a l irge.supei 'p r and varied stock ot Groceries, we know to be the HncNt in market. Call and examine for yourselves. RooK-Kw l'IN AND PkNUANsiIU'. Mr. G G .Miller, a gradnatii of Bryant and Straton's Commercial College, and an experienced teacher, will give a full course of instruction in Book-Keeping and Penmanship 50 lessons begin ning on Monday evening, the 29th inst., in tho Union School House. Terms reasonable C dl at ihe Uo' k Storo for specimens ot Penmanship, terms, &o. Tint unusual activity in business cir cles of late is, p rhaps, owing to the increase i f IlaNted's stock of Boots ami Slves The ladies are in ecstasies over the new suinmor styles and the gentle men with one accord go there to buy their Hue Boots and Shoes Only think, heavy boots h sells st $2,75 a pair t j What is tub MattxuT Wheu it takes a letter fifteen days1 to get to Pittsburgh! when mail matter is detained from five to ten days coining from tho lower points on the Monongahelai when it is almost an impossibility to communicate by post with Western Virginia! We ask what is the matter? Not bad roads for they are comparatively good nt pres. ent. Whiit then? Wo can think of nothing else unless it is the carelessness i' . m .! .1 . i.i i ! . .1 ,1.,. ' "'J n - 'slap. dash principle, the peoplo 8 prop- erty is handled too carelessly by their servants. BAiMisr Cou.ECJK.-Tho t.iemii of the proposed College will meet at tho Court house on Tluusday evouing.May 2nd, to discuss the propriety id locating this valu able institution in Wayncsburg. A. A. Purmiin Esri, will bo present to give all necessary information in refc-rot.ee to .i i. n ii,.uQ me uutv uiu-m.-. viiu-i.-", . Anotiikii Haid Do tho inhabitants . . , .. . of our town oxpeot another raid, tliat ; they continub to throw up entrench- j J t. ,. . , , ,.,,! ment ei dirt and ashes! Or, 8 , town council anticipate a sudden 'ske- ,,,,,, , . . ,. , , (laddie,' that they keep wagons standing in the street ready to move at a 'ino incut's warning '!' "-- - I Mis-ino Aii autograph album be- longing to the subscriber, for .(, re.um 'if which I would be much obliged. j i u I J. A. OAYKlts. Also The second volume ot 'Let- ...... t , i , , ii lull. nimni vw jii,.inin .it iiiiu. bv Mrs. Sedgwick. The book may l,e , .... . ' left at this ofhee. . rn Z 7T, . A Titi-'AT, Litkiiaiiy. We are request- cd to announce that' a Lecture will bo , ,. . , , ., ,, T . delivered to the rhilomatliean Literary Society, in the Chapel Hall of Waynes ncsburg College, on Tuesday evening, . Junu lth pioxbyItt v. Ai.i x. I'i.akk, ot Pittsburgh. Subjoct 'A Man, or a! Monkey ' The more mention of this fact, we ... , , presume, will be all that is neoessary to ciowd the Hall on that occasion. . Tow f 'oi ncii Notick -Tho members of 1ov.s CoiNtn. JNoTicu.-llie muuntrs 0 the Town Council wid meet at the Burgess' Olllce. on Thursday morning, nt !) o'clock, 11. m. All persons having business in any way connected with tho Borough, aro respectfully requested to appear and make It known. By order of the Council. D R. T. IIUSS, Burgess. J. Jackson Pcuman, Sec. Pro., Tern. Co.miso Hack Wo noto tho arrival of Mudcnts who will be in attendance at , , , College the coming summer. Among 11,.... u f-,m,lir n,l onoa n , r . . c, , numuer 01 siranire incus, ouuom opeu- ed on Tuesday last with very promising indications. - Tun Tkn Thousand Doi.i.aiis stolen from the Adams Express Company's Messenger, on the cU.amboat Ellinha HenntU,. between PittKburg and Greens boro, on the night of the 5th of April; has been recovered through the Detec tive Agency of Allan Pinkerton, of Chi. C(1S' The gmlty parties will be speedi ly brought to justice. Messrs. Clark Is Co . Chemists, Syra cuse, N Y., would call attention to their advertisements in another column, headed 'Ueparator Capilli,' 'Cnsper Balm.' Those, undoubtedly, are the most perfect and efficacious articles of tho kind ever offered the Amorican Pub lic. To unbelievers, we would say,-'try them and be convinced.' Goon Hkaihno, We have received Gody for May and pronounce it fascina ting as ever. The ladies will bo delight ed with the new and beautiful fashions for Spring. Its reading is varied and interesting. See the Advertisement ot Madam E F. Thornton, the great Astrologist, C'nirvoyaot and Psychometriciau, County Itkms. The spring session ot Greeno Aoadcui), Cariniohaels, com menced 011 the Sth inst, oud will eon tiiitie ten weeks. There will bo a fine brick church pal up by the Cuinl ei land I'rt sljytf rian this summer, similar to the one built last year at Greenfield The same builders erect bolh. Operations at the 'gold shaft' have been siispeti led. It is rumored that there has In on fraud and Unit the ('fib ers of the 'Amber Gold Mining Company' hnvo made a h- udsoine fort one se.linu shares mid do ton care to te-l it even 11 it nays well.' There will bo 1 hive or tour well- sunk on Dtiiikard, this year, with a view to testing ihe quartz, &o Some capitalists propose to sink a well loth) feel deep in the county A barn was burned in the vicinity of Carmiclmels last week. Valhy Spirit. Fi'anki.in and Jackson, the Man of Thought and tho Man ot Action, with Portraits Mark Lemon, cf Loudon Pinch Portraits ot Nineteen Kings and Queens of Sweden A Cherokee Le gend; ThoOiigin of the Human Pace. Tight Lacing, illustrated Muscular Power National Salutions Shopping, by Mrs. Wyllys Total Depravity nt In hints Pope's Essay on Man in May number Phrenological Journal. 0 uts, or $2 a year Address. S. 11. Wells, Editor, 3'J Broadway, N, T. Amkiiioan flags were displayed at half mast 1 ti Sunday and Monday, in respect to the memory of tho martyred Lincoln. The Uilv inst whs the second anniver sary ot tho pcupotration of that 'crime without a namo iNTKittsTiNO. Ueaditi's Monthly for May is at hand with a surfeit of good reading. This periodical ranks among the first of American Monthlies. Head one copy and you will want another. MARRIED. CIIl'IK'll-WHlTB-On April Uth. by .Tunics Call, Esq., Mr. J. M Church, to Miss Elizabeth Wldt'i, allot Centre 'rp. died".""'" Ulircuii-Oii Wediies iay, tlm ! instant, ut bis residence near Uarmich.'Ms, Mr. Abrud Greirg, an old and esteemed cillzon, MITCIIENEIt-On Tuesdaf, tlm 2d inst.' near Carmiclmels. Lydis, duugbter of War ' Mitchener aged 22years. NEW YOHIC MONEY-MARKET. April 23 Gold closed ut IMJ. Waynesburg Market, collllliCTKO Vt CLKI.Y Y J. OUIIIKK. , fresh roll w i. ' I1:."," ; to 30 to 3.1 iiuin jier ousiici j Com meal per bushel Country Snap per th ;.- 70 OH mimics, niouiil per m '.'. Curnllfs, ilippisl " ' 2u Cheese per 'lb r, Dried Peaches per lb Kirns pir dozen ir, Flour per bhl in no 1' lux seed per bushel 2 on i.,.lti,(.,s ,,,.r p., c.-, l.'ird per in Ii I B. W. Flour per lb i I Molasses 7,-, i(, fm Oats per blticl 3"it(i 40 Rve per bushel no Jfcg pr!.!:".':"!!:!!;::::::::.;f f '. "jai Sugar, crushed per Ih ' Smrur. rellned " " m Sugar, New Orleans, (i lbs 1 m ' H, Sugar, h His i on Svrup, per gallon 1 01) Nlll, rso. 1 per M1 's"l'' Si P' r g dlon Tar per gallon Tea per ll. Turpentine per gallon 'pnmv ,.,. p,7 J beat ier huslicl White fiiaid per keg white Lime per bustiel 4 no 2-1 t no 2 III) I oil I'") 2 fill 4 to " ()( 1 no 25 to I fill 45 Potatoes per bushel Turnips, per bush I'lTTSbTKG CENKR.IL MARKET. Satuhdat, April 20, 18(17 There is not much chanire In the tone nl tlm pl markets to-day mid at the close, with 'cw cMrepuons, uio prices 01 leading articles remain nearly the same as at the cl"so of last ! There has been a fair business done in i most branches of trade. The flour market is "ll s" ,"ucl' excited, but continues active mid T)(.ro Um iltIu wheilt olrul.uJ thilt quotations are merely nominal. j u VV)le u,0 Piitslrgi, market 11a follows, which are the wholesale nrlces ! GRAIN Vheat at ,.. 2 8(i5i2 no ... Ifl Oiler. I 0.1 fid ... $3,2"i(alJ7."i. .!jil4,00at4 ;o. alo.no 2t,0() V ton. $27.l)(l("i.2'.).(ll). Coin at., Rye at Buckwheat , Oats FLOUR Spring Wheat nt.. Whiter " at.... Rve at HAY Baled at... ionise ut EGGS Sales at 17l8c. 18. 22 28oi30c. lJ4.l)0((S.'i.l)0. 25il8 SO l 75 , CUKESIi Western Reserve at Hnnilmrg ut jew 1 ork Unshcn at upfs -Pcrtimd' sfc" f P( )T ATOMS Per bhl lit.'.'.'"' MAPLE MOLASSEfJ-Pcr gal. CHICAGO MARKET. Chicago, April 20, 18i!7. Fi.oi:r Dull and uchauued. Whkat (Jnlot and unscllled ; sides of No. 1 at $2 7i. and No. 2. ",4iin2,4S, closing nominal nt 2,4.'la2, It for No. 2. Corn Firm; salcsuti&l t)4al ODJ for No 1, and IMiili-icforNo. 2, closing linnat! ul 11 j f. r No. I. 1 Oath Neglected and nominally unchalnged sales niei ; r at il'ij loiic for No. 2. Rvk I i,2c higher, at ijsl 4!)al CO for No. B.uii.ky Moderately active; sales of No. 2 in storo it I 10 WuiBKY-Quiet at 2lc for bonded. Provisions Tho market continues quiet, with no decided r h'inge. to not! e In values. Mess pork nominal nt $22 75. Dry suited shoulders 7jc. Lard I2.JiiI2Jc for prime steam. Hogs Dull nt at $ii I2iu0 85 for common to best grades. TJ. S. STOCK MARKET. Saturday Evumno, April 20, 18G7. Tho quotations of ihu Now York Stock Ex ehango to-day mo as follows: U. S. Bonds, Gs 1881 10'ii U. S. Bond, ii 2()'s, 182 unit U. S. Bonds, fi-20's, isii,-, kik IT. S. Bonds, (new issue) r-20s, ISUii lorl U S. Bon 's, 7 ItO's, 2d and !ld series 10.14 SPECIAL NOTICES DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. Ttiejo PU11 ire compamior nrloiu rooH, hYln llio pon-fr to ralu the Kcretlom of Uu Unr u promptly and effectually u blue pill or mercury, nil without proilucluj enrol thoae dlaegreeible of dauiri-roui effeou which oltca lollow the uio ol the hit lor. Iu all bllioui dliorden three I'lIU maybe und with eonfldonce. u they promolo the dlHliarse el Tltlatod bile, and romovo thorn olutructloni from Ihe Urer and biliary ducts, whlob aro the cauie of bllioui alTccttom In lencrul. SUHKNCK'S MANOBAKB PILLS cure Rick Headache, and all ditordori ol the Llror, Indicated by allow ekln, ooated tonne, eoeUvencM, drowiluera, and a general lading ot woarlnoM and laaaltude, hon-lun tUt ths llvor U lu a torpid or olietructed oond tloti, In hort, Uisne Pillj may be uwd with advan tage In alt canon when a purgative or alterative tnodloluo it l-O'iuirod, roao atk tor -'Dr. Sohonck'e Mandrake Pllla," and ohacrro that the two llkoneMca ot the Doctor axe ou Iho iiororun.oui ilamp one when In the lait Havo ol Coujumpilou, and the other In hli nrownt health. . Sold by all DnrcgtiU and dealen. Price IS oenle per box. I'rinc pal OOlce, No, 1(1 North fib BtreeL Philadelphia, l'a, Uenerai Wholenale Agontai Demai Damei t Co., M Park How. Now Yorki 6. 8. llauco, 108 Haiti, mora St., UalUmore, Md. 1 John I). Park, N. B. cor. el Founh and Walnut St., Clnoinnall, Oliloi Wa'ker A Ta-lor, 134 and 1B6 Wabajh ATenue, Cililcauo, III. 1 Colllni Brothen, toathweat cornel d eoioud cud Vino Sli SI. Lonla, Ho. tthJthw.ea.mo.lyr. iEW railJlE FOU TUU UAADKKUCUHr, Phalen'a "Night Bloomlns Crrene." I'holon'e "Nlghl Itloomlag Ceraua. Pkalan'a "Night Illooiulng t'crena." Pfanloa'a ".Hlghl liloomlng Cerme." Phaloa'a "Mght niaonalDg Cera. A ment nqiiUllc drllcale, and Pregrnnl Perftime, dlitlled from the rare aud beautiful flower fruiu wuloli It take Ita name. Uauufacturrd only by ' 1, . PIIALOK V HOKT, New Xotk, ". BRWARB OP COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S-lfAU KO OTHER. Jy2S,'B(l-lTeow -Know Thv Destinv ":Z"J ""J Madams E. F. Tiiorkiok, the ftrest EiiSll di Astrologist, CUIryovantttiid Psychoucctricliln, who haa astonlahod the sclcntlflo cla'ses of the Old World,' has located herself at Hudson, N Y. Mildamo Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, us to on iihle her to Impart knowledge of the jrreat est Importance to the siiiij e or murrlou of either sex While hi a state of trance, shu di linhiti'8 the very leaturvs of llio person you are to marry, and hy the aid of an Instrument of intense power, known as Ihu Psychomo- trope, gu irantces to produce ft HiediUo )dc- iiiiu ui inu iiuiin: imsoaiui of wnu 01 lliu ap plicant, t guther with date of marriage, po sillou hi life, loading truil.jof charaoter, &c. This isuo liuiuiiiiir, as thousands oftestimonl uls can assert. She will send when desired n c-'Nilli-d eenillialo. or written guarantee, that Ihu picture is what It purpoits to ho. Ily enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place ot hhth, age, disposition tind complex Ion, and enclosing Ul'ty cents and stamped en vclopo addressed to y ousel f, vou will rccfdy. the picture and desired information hy ri'tnn ni!ii'. All coiutini'iicntions s u re My eourl dciillal. Adi'ios In eonndene, . Maiuml I P. Tiioitsros, P. O. Box 2.:). Hudson, N. V. fchl.'l 'ti7-ly milH CONFESSIONS ANMEXPEKIENfl 1 or as iiv.ii.in. PuMMii'd for 1 ho h.;ncllt and as a CAUTION TO YOUN'l MEN and others, who suffii Irom Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ot Manhood. &('., supplying at the Biimo time Tun Mbass or Si-.i.k Cciik. By one who lias cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid iithlressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may be hud of tin author. NATIIAMEf, At A YF AIR, Eo JlnySi) 'ilil.-iy Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. Kir A YotiNoLvDv rviuiuing to lior country home, ul'ter 11 sojourn ot a few months In the city, was hardly recognized hy her fi lends. In p'aee of a coarse, rtiptic. Hushed face, she hud asof' ruby complexion of almost m.irble smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appealed but eighteen. Upon Inquiry as to the cuisj of so gre.it a cliaujo, she plainly tol 1 them that she used the CIR CASSIAN BALM, end Considered It an in valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By Its use any Lady or Gentleman can Improve their personal appearance an hundred fold, It is simple iu Its combination, ns Nature her- sell is simple, yet unsurpassed in its fluency In drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying tho skiutind com plexion. By its direct notion ou the cuticle it draws from il all Its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear, sott, smooth and beautiful. Price l, sent hy Mail or Express, on receipt of an order, hy W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. .1 West P:.vnl),. Ri R,,.m,o,. V V .. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, TOR I'KKSKRVINO, RKSI'OltlSO, AND DKADTI I'VINO T1IK HAIR. And is Ihe most delightful and wonderful ar- liclo the world ever produced. Ladies will find it not only certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify tho Hair, but also a deslrahlo article for the Toillet, as it is highly perfumed with a rich and delicate per fume, independent of the franrant odor of the Oils of Palm uud Mace. The Marvel of Peru. A new and beautiful rertmiie. which in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which it clings to the handkerchief and person, is unequalled, flic above articles for s de hv all druL-msts and Perfumers, ut ifl per bottle each. ' Sent hy express to tiny address by proprietors. T. vy. vviiiuur &vu, 100 Liberty St.. New York Oct. 24, 18CU. ly. Wonderful but True MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrollgist nnd Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while in a clairvoyant state, deline ates tho very features of the person you aro to marry, andby the aid of an instrument of intense power, known a, tho Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a pertect and life-like picture of tho future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of chartcter, &c. This is no Imposition, as testimonials w ithout number can assert. By staling placo of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and en closing fl.ty cents, and stamped envelope ad- arcBseu loyou.sou, you will receive Hie pic- luro by return mail, together with desired in formation. WAddrcss In confidence, Madamii Gkr tiildb Rumington, P. O.Box2i!7 West Troy N. Y. feblS 'U7-ly. o S'rce to Everybody. A Large pp. Circular, giving information of tho greatest importance to the young of both eexes It tenches how tho homely mty l)3conie beautiful, the despised respected, and tho for saken loved. No young lady or gcnt'ainnn should fail to send their ad tress, and receive a copy post paid, bv roturn mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21, fcb20,'C7-Cra Troy, N. Y. A COUGH, A COLD, OS A SORE THItOAT Rl-QUinH8 IHMKD1ATH ATTKNTION '. AND 8I1QCLD BK CUKC1CU1). If Al.T.OWKn TO CONTlNt'K. IRRITATION OK TIIK LI'N'IK. A I'Klt- .UA..X THROAT IIISEASU, Oil CONSUMl'TIOM IS OFTEN TUB ItltSULT, BROWN'S BRO N'C II I A L TROCHES HAVING A DIRKCT INFLULNCU TO TUU l'ARTS, 01VB 1MMUDIATK IllXIKK. F ir Br mchlt's, A ihma.Citttrrli, Ci ns unip live und '1 hro.i DUessot Tioclu s are used with al-vnys gool success. SINQ3I13 and SPEAKER will find Trnchei use ''d In clo ning tlm . v Ice when taken before Sinking or Speaking, and relieving iho throat after an unusual exertion ol the vocal organs Tho ZVocie nro recom- moudod and proscribed by Puyaiolum, and have had testliuoulals faun cmhu nt men throughout the country, Belngiinulwo.it of truo merit, nnd ha vlng proved their cfBcacy by a test of mauy yours, each year finds them in now localities lu various parts of thewor.d and the Trochtt nro universally pronouueed better than other article?. OiirAiNonlv Brown's BnnNoiiiALTROcniis." and do not take any of the Worthiest Imitations, that may l offered. Sold vrwits;"' ertSl-m. , NJnrH American steamship cO OPPOSITION LINE TO CaLIFuSNIh. yn jjit'AUAIil'4, HVKUV TU K.M'V lVf.. NV ,T1 paum,,,,, Fhkiuht, and U. 3. 1au.. Oil tlw following Jirsllm Kt!iimhif- . On Atltintfc Or'nn Comiffl'i ou Piinfit: Orni AMI.IIK.'A. mosk8 tayi.wi si:iii.a-ki, . SUVA da SANTl.tOI) UK CI Ilk, SAN l-'RAN'CIHCO, MCAHAOI'A, HOKATO, PASSAGE AND FUnOH! AT EFDUC- D RAT:; , SATL1NQ DAYS FROM SEW YORK. Atari h aoih... I8i!7. I M iy tnth aud;iuih, fm;; .',,,t, ov"(, ' Juno 2lilh " ry twenty days tlieieat'ler. leavlncr 01 the Siiturduy previous when a regular SailliiL' way comes on suiKiay. t or lurtncr inlonnii li'ii'i apply to ihe JNOIil'lt A.MlSlllCAN STEMSMIP CO. Wm. H. Whiiii, IWt. l Exchange l'lacc, N Y :i:2ii :imi). D, N. (lAiiinturoN. A:ri.. 177 West St.. cor. Warren, N. Y. TIIEOLOIiY ov m.n PiSIU ,v.f: riieri'l'. re 111 rvoiis and dehilii-O' d s'i"Cl mmediatelv ue tlehuK .ii"s Kytr-ici Buchii :i: Uloo , -I y S P II I S Ii T R J 0 K ! IOG7. M'Elroy, Dickson i Co, Xfi? ood eStacoot, PITTSBURGH, mm hy mn. Have their stock oneii for lliu trade. GOOD GOODS! AT REASONABLE PiilPES. S. II M EI.IiOY JAMES DICKSON. 3;l3-:Sm JOIINJ'IIANE FOR NON RETENTION 011 INCONTIN- i'llfi' I if IMiifi it'i-itiitiiiti inll .mm . 1 If ti-i nf ulceration of the bladder, or UI Inoys. diseases of the prostrate ulamk stut-i in the bladder. calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and nil diseases of tho bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings, Usk Ilm.Mitoi.o's Fluid Extract Euciiu. :i:i:ieow-ly TTENTION! SOLWH.H '' ' D",,M,y Ul" 'r 1 "' ' Art o Con,n, ; shciihl ho cnr. fM1 vir- itliey employ to col- I me. At :s ',"t . vrv unpruicipiea l( phitrper" who hangs cm Ids shingle that Is n licensed vlaim nytnt. I am thus authorized hv law and will at tend to nil soldiers' claims for back i-ay, tkn sioss nnd additional uountiks. Having the correct blanks on hand to make such applica tion, thcro Is no cause for return cf papers once sent, or delay in making tlu'in out. Re ceipts gi en for all discharges placed In my p ssession Apply at once two more months will bo too F. FLENNIKEN, P','.,.!?Jn8' Office First Nat. Bank "-Conveyancing done on rcasom-l le terms Ilelmbold's T'lnid Extiact D3XTC--3EIU Is certain cure for discuses of tho BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, lilliil'Sl, ORGANIC WEAKNESS I'M'. MALE COMPLAINT GENERAL DE- B1LITY, j "id oil diseases of the laiJAiu ukuaa, whether cxisiiiiir in MALE OR FEMALE fiom whatever cause oii-.dnating und no mat ter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the uso of a diuretic. If uo treatment is submitted to, Consump tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported rom these sources, nnd , ANDIl APPIFES- ftnd , J'l JJ "upon 'prompt use of a re' lablo reined v. HEI.MHOl.D'S EXTRACT RUCIUT. Established upwards of IH years, prepared by II. T. ilELMBOLD. fiflt Broadway, New York, and 104 Bom Ii I ntli Street, Philadelphia, Pa. S:13eow-ly IDlll'ISTRlTORS' SILK! T)Y AN ORDER OF TUB COURT OF ,- ! JJ Greeno county, the undersigned Admin istrators ot tho estate of THOS ALLFREK, dee'd., will oiler for sale, on tho premises, ut Bice's Landing, Greene county. Pa., on TUESDAY, MAY M. 1807, at 10 o'clock, a. m.. the two-thirds of the fol lowing described property, viz s Ono tract of land containing aiiout six or seven acres, on which are erected one largo two story Fit AM E DWELLING HOUSE I One moderate sized two story frame dwelling, ono ware house, ono saw mill frani, good permanent foundation, and well roofed, with a good chiinntiy stack. The saw mill is I irjo and new, mid well calculated for both Saw and Planing Mill. There will also bo offer ed ono Engine and Boiler. Tho above mentioned property will be of fered in lots or ns a a hole, as m .y seem best for the estate, on day of sale. It is situate on the Monongiili'd t river, ub.mt twi Ivo miles above Brownsville. Persons wishing good town property or a good locution for a Saw Mill or Planing Mill, or both, would do well to call and examine, wo think thev will inn nounco this ono among the best frames ou tho river. TERMS j One-half on ciiiflrnintlon or sale, one-half in three mouths thereafter, with interest from conUi'iualion, when Deed wld he inado. I. N. CARY. ' LOUISA ALLFREE, Adinlulstralors Tho remaining ouo-lhird inteiest in the ami nronertv will be offered bv tho under signed owner, ou tho same day, and nt the sumo plnce. JOHN. 3100RE. ;in is . A3 THE FIRM Otf HUGHES & LUCAS is dlsolvud by mutunl consent, the Com missi u business will s'lll be narrled on at Hi" old at md, hi good order, and ou tho most reasonable terms, in tho unnia nnd stylo of L. HUGHES & CO., (senior partner). Thev Hatter themselves, by bavinir the House and the best location in tho olace for that busi ness, that they will uuckivk a liberal shure of tho put) lo panontige Thev will also keeoa irood eunnlv nf CTtCt ; 1 1UES ou band to nccomod tie all who aiiiv lavor them with a call. L. HUGHES & CO. 4; 10-tC . Rice's Landing, Pa, SLATElt ODENUAUGII, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINitS, Li enors and every thing pertaining to a Hist Class urug oioro. . i-resenptions careluily com pounded" ,'fUNlgb't Old Btnd,"' Waynei avnes May 0, 'M..iy. . .J. ."'H'.. J...,.'! lillUfli IIKI.M ISOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU gives i nlih n mi vigor to ih" I'm mo and blnum to lis alii I check. Debility it accompanied by uany ol.rnung symptom, anil It no ti raiment - winniinoil to, (Miiismnpiloii, insanity orepi-m- i'n-"i" M: l;li!w-ty C L I M AXTC lTmA X I ! Pago's Climax Salve, a Familj llesslng for 25 cents. It heals without a scar. No family should be without it. ' Wo warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of tho Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &c, it makes a perfect cure. It has been used over fifteen years, without one failure. It lias no parallel having per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. It Is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment. Bold by DruRnlate arerywhm. Whlta Howlaa4 Proprlotorl, 131 Libartj Btieat, New York. Something New IX n'AYXESBL'RV, PI-XV A. THOS. BRADEN f At tho mom formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door'to Brudcn's Drug Slore.J Respectfully in forms tho pond people of Green county, Una hu bus opined a HARDWARE STORE, And invites a rail from his friends mid the imltlii! u'liemlly. HU ctiirn is tilled with everylliiitr in Ids line needed by tins Fanner mid N'eeliMiiie Being 11 practical furmer, lie knows exactly Hie wants of lii-t fanner friends. Aniot.g Ids variety nf goods will lie found Iron, .Nails i kinds. Danes of nil varieties, Au ucrs. llnci'S. &e . Tntllo toothed, cross cut mid mill saws, liimd sawsaud tools of all des criptions. A'JPvK'ULTU HAL IMPLEMENTS Mow Ins Machines. Cuttinar Boxes. Corn Shel lurs. flows, Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and everything in his line. SADDLKHY IIAUDWAUE, A general aisrulment nf saddlery hardware, tu which he invites the intention of purchasers. WOODEN" ' V ARK OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Hotter Bowls and ull kinds of Kitchen Wooden Fixiu.i. Wjiiu'v R-tskcis; Hronms, Brushes, Cosl Buckets. Bmsi Iv-llles, Buggy whips, Shot Gnus, Bjs Wagons and si ds All persons desirous of putchasing anyl of tlm ubove articles and many othttrs pot men ioned j will consult their interest by CALLING SOON. Ho will take pleasure in showing his stock at nil times. So irlve him a call when you conn: to town. Hetnemher the pluco, oppo site th" First National Hank. ' deel'.'tf THOS. BR ADEN. T.iKT.no more unpleasant mid uniiscful rem edies for unpleasant u"d dnnirntmis diseases. Use llehnlio d's Extract Bucliu and improved Hose wash 8:l3eow-ly. STATEMENT Arcmnit of .liMfph MKcrrfh;in( Tivftauror of Ilounty T(i ut' lln-hliill town-hip, tirui'iu county, fu.,0 ftuUltal Ji.no 'lni, ISM, im IuIIuwh : DIt. To amount of Tax IpvIpu hy Bonnl of School Vi reetoror Hicbhllt tuwmklji, 10. 2,581 M CIl Ily Hniotint pittil Ailfinm, a recruit, Ily amount p;iiil lliiiiilnrnon, it rocrult, Ily iiinuiiiit p.iiri I). Kl.l.-r.a rt-criilt, Ily amount mid R. MurrU, u riMTillt. Ilyiininunl pul'l CliurliiM Fumivr, a ri'umlt, ItyHtuniiiu piti.l Josh. KMur. a rmTiilt, Ily itnuiunt pitiit II. Muoru, a rucrult, Ily iimouiil i':ill Ott, ii recruit, Ityunmiiht pui'l K. I.eontii-il, n rr-ornlt, Ily ttmutintot' I nti-n-nt iiml Dlsi-ount puld, Ily HiiKiiiiit pitid tiir prliiiitiK I'ills Ily Hineunt puM A. Run-. ir rm-rnltln, Ily nimtiint pulil .1. W. Witltutl fur recruiting, Ily iiniiinnt ul' i'X"ii"nitloii!, Ily itnioiint orcunuiiiiiaiuii, Ily amuiiiit ul'ci-trt iu H. II. Itotutun, Ily ritniiiint pttM S W. Vuniittit. for Ktirvlcca Ily ainutint puiil lit. 1). W. Oray ti'30 00 21S 00 2i0 00 241 00 UhO 00 !I IS 00 !t:0 00 261 00 SKIT M VI 40 7 00 43 00 so no 4 61 104 90 3 43 00 6 00 3,;ei sr u Amuitntln TrcttBiiry, Wo, tin' tinilm-fiKiii'iI Aii'lltnr. ccrttfd tlmt thsaboTt la a correct Rtatutnunt, o oudilcil onuvrbook. THOS 11 liL'HHIN. A. J OOOIIWIN, U.U.CIIAMUCKS, l17St AuJItCM. KNFEhBLED AND DELICATE CONSTI TUTIONS, of both sexes use He nibold's Ex tinct liuchu It will give brisk and euergetio feelings, and enable you to shop well; 3:llleow-ly Thero comolh ulad livings ot joy to all, To young and to old. to great and .to small ; Tho beauty which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all, and all may bo fair. BV Tllli USK OF CIIASTELLAR'S . waaiTi: i ioi id Ell 11 EL, Forlmiiriivingand Beautifying the Complex ion Tho most v dual ile and perfect preparation, in use. tor giving tho skin it beautiful pearl like lint, that is only found in youth. It quick y removes Tun. Freckles, Pimples, Blotchi-s. Moth Patches. St lownnss. Enpt lous, nnd nil imimi'ties of tho skin, kindly healing the samo leaving tlie skin white and clear as alabaster, its iu can not be detect ed by the closest scrutiny, ami being a vege table preparation is perfectly lurmless. It is tho only article of tin-kind used by the French, nnd Is considered Uy the Pailsi.in ns indispen sable to a perfect toilet. Upwa-ds' f 30,000 bottles wero sold during the past year, s sullicient irua'iinteo of its elllcacy. Frlco on ly 75 cents. Sent, by wall, post-paid, on re ccipt of an order, by BERG EH, SH.UTTS& Co., Chomlsts. m River St., Troy U, Y. fob20'C7-ly. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU CIIL is ploasut in timto and odor, free from nil Injurious properties, and linmedlato In Hs ""ion. . 8il3e"w-ly .. ACUUK FOR HLUKDING AND WEAK NESS Ob? THE LUNUS. The unyleld lug LUNU t YRUP, is a sure oure for breed ing und weakness of the lungs, toreooss of the bron Ht, pulii In the breast, &e. This Syrup is a late discovery, h-is b -cn thoiouithlv tested and has never been known to fail Ih a single cuso. It la for sale wholesale nnd retule at Odgnuauuii's Drug Storo Crolgh'o old stand, nnd will bo distributor throughimt tlie country at country stores. Merchants will do well to keep It oa uanc? Bend your orders. Also. The Cough Extormlnntor, which will euro hard cough, uorsonom, bronchitis, croup, Anothor Syrup, expressly forllooplngCouaK wl'lch Uun able thing la this coutauioui ih.l case, i All the abovn articles are for sale at Eastorn 1 Meet, at ODENBAUGfl'8 Drug 8to