The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, April 17, 1867, Image 2

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    I-'. )..JJ.1 1 1 B-
greg.ato.iiro hardy worth tho paper they
are wriltoti upon. Many strangers ftp
ply to him for aid. A visitor from Now
llaiupiihire once asked lor a few dollars
to pay liis parage home; ti'llinit som
plausible story about being disappoined
in money, nnd promising 10 rcturu the
mount by tho tirst mail. Ho 8tatud that
he had formerly been a mere-hunt, pur
chasing goods in New York, but has
men mot with a inisfortuiio.
'Hero,' replied Greeley, opening hi
pocket-bock, 'hero is tho money. But
of course I shall never seo it again. If
you have acquaintance) here, nnd were
in the habit of paying your debts, yon
would apply to them and uot to me, a
total strangor. I am qipto willing to
give you tho money, but I don't want
you to think mo a tool.'
For the hist U o years, Greeley's in
come lias reached nearly $10,00l)niinu
lly, a largo portion of it from his his
tory, Samuel Sinclair, for many vers pub
lisher and financial manager of the !fW
lune, is now ore of iin heaviest stock
hohlers.owiiing more than twenty slnres.
lie is nn able, irni 'la'itral !e, hard-working
busine man. t-Jonrgo liiplov, S.
T Clark, lln; commercial edit v:. John
Un-sel Y'unt;. Dayard Taylor, Albert
II I.'... I. 1.,.,. Th, .. 'i",1i m,.
Johnsod. Thomas N llookm-. and S .toi.
liobinson, aro among the other block
hosiers. The Tribune's dailj 1ms been behind
the Ileru'd's in circulation; but wilhi.i
the last few months has gained rapidly
decreasing the difference more than ouu
halt, Tho daily edition now ranges
from forty to lilly thousand, Tli i s i-
wcekly is about thiry-lm usand. Tiki
weekly is its strung point circulating
more than any newspaper in ihe world
It seldom fulls below ono hundred thou
sand; and diiiin'' the Freemont and
Lincoln campaign it went up to a quar i
ter Ot a million. It averages ulmui tell- ;
fold tho circulation of tho Weekly Jlcr
Few real'ze liow potent kiicIi a jour
nal is iu creating and shaping public
opinion. Of uny prominent a'liclc,
which runs through nil tho editions nt
tho Tribune, about a quarter of a million
of copies aro printed. Cnunling tour
leaders to oaoh paner, this brings it di
rectly before a million people. It tho
article bo noticeable, it is probably
eu vy,Ses ... uiu nm.miii o near- i
-.1 I ..t . . .1...
ty us many uupi essoins more. An au
dience of two milliots seal lored from
Bangor to tho Gulf ot California, There
is nothing like it in the win hi.
The Tribine Almanac circulates about
100,000 anuualiy.
The association owns tho lot and bud
ding It occupies on the comer ot Naj.
sau and prime streels. In bHH it vill
erect a new idifiee, doubtless endeavor,
ing to surpiss all other newspaper ollices
iu the country.
Tlm monthly statement of tho pubbc
debt has been mado public. During the
past month there has been a decrease ot
812(3,800 on the six per cent, bonds of
1807 and 1SG8, and an increase ot 200
on tho six per cunts of 1881. Five
twenty bonds have been issued to the
amount ot $.11,723.00, milking a total
increase in gold debt i f !$'! I, ."2D, 100.
and augmenting tho annual coin interest
charge' !, 071, Ml. Ot the debt bear
iug cunency iuleret. there has been a
not decrease of i"2.7-IS,Wi); ot tie
three year com i oumN, i?2.2fj(,200 have
been ledeciuecl, while tho seven-thirty
notes havo been decreased S.j, I07.!ltil).
The matured debt, not preienicl for
payment, has been reduced Sl.Tol.iMi),.
75. The volume of lo;l tender notes
has be; n diminish d ii-S ) 8.1107; uffrae,
lional currency there has been cancelled
297.225.20, nnd the amount . f g..,l
certificate:) Inn been decided o.7N.'.
580. The net deereise in the total debt
is 2G 873.915,01. The coin balaiiee in
the treasury has ben dernuised nj)l,320,
551.90, and I ho ciirrencv has been less
ened $18,223.542,75.! Phili l'r st.
Finn at Wii.KwtiMtiin. On tho 9th
inst. a tire broke out iu Wilkesbarre and
all of tho business part flhu town is
destroyed, over liliy buildings in all
The loss will reach two hundred thou
sand dollars, up n which there is only a
light insurance Many families arc turn
ed out of their homos by the lite, and
neaily all ot the stores aro destroyed
There will bo mii'ih sutlcring in conse
queiico Tho origin of the tiro is not
known, but it is believed to have been
Started by an incendiary.
Who would not i:k 1Ji:ai:i ti-i:i. All
may possess a clear, unblemished sk-n,
of alabaster whiteness, by tho use of
Chastellat's White Liquid Enamel. It
is tho most perfect article iu use, lor re.
moving all impurities ot tho skin, mid
unliko all other cosmetics, contain
nothing that will injure tho cuticle, be
ing vegetable, it is poifectly harmless,
l'or sale, holesalo and uctail by Her
gor bhutts & Co.. U.e.n.Ms, 1 roy, N.
column iu this paper.
Tint attontion of our readers is called
to tho Advertisements in another column
'of MeRsrs. llorgor, Sliulls & Co., Chem
ists, Troy, N.Y. They aro manntaotur.
era ot, and agents for, some ot tho most
valuable Toilet preparations in uso l!y
'.heir uso all may possess a dear, smooth
skin, or a healthy and luxuriant growth
of hair upon the head or face. Those
of our readers having uro for nnything
of the kind, would do well to patronize
Thk bill consolidating tho cities of
Vittsbnrg and Allegheny and tho adja
cent boroughs into on city, under the
namo of Pittsburg, lias become a law,
with a provision submitting it to tho
people of tho threo districts included
within Iho now limits- such only as
ahull accept tho provisions to bo lucluded
io the consolidated oily.
Tho Southern ox-rebels will have
thoir j'ikos, or at least will talk about
jokes. Ono of tho most recent is tho
proposition to elect a negro Governor ot
Tennoase. The trouble is that no do
cent nigro will consent to run on n
Demojratiu ticket, nnd if lie did no do
cent ntgro would voto tor him.
Slu lUjniblian.
I, E, SAY E RS r nTTubUsiier
WliON'KSD.VY. APRIL 17, 1807.
OK blUSlitll'TIUN.
Two dollars a Tear, payable Invariably In
advance. Ouu dollar for six mouths, payable,
Invariably in advance.
Auvkbtismikxts Inserted at $1 50 pcrsqtiaro
for three insertions, and fiOcts. a square for each
additional iusertiim; (ten Hues or less counted
a square. )
Local advertising nnd Sruci.iL Notices, in
cents per line lor one insertion, witn
rA liberal deduction to yearly artver -
Advertisements not marked with the inem-
ber of insertions desired, charged lor until
ordered out.
Tho Pittsburgh J.'Ujialch asserts that
tho ."oiithern papers aro not near so ju
bilant overllio late election in Connecti
cut as aro their Northern sj mputhiz 'is ;
in fact tho more sensiblo of the humor
see no comfort in it whatever Ono of
. I I 1 . ,1 , (, If
I " 1,1 Liiarioiiesviui', v ir
giii'ta, takes an exceedingly sensible view
ot the whole question, ftul warns its
readers not to bo deluded by the silly
boasting of tho Northern Democrats
about ilia political tide turning in their
favor. It cites the lito municipal elec
tion in Cincinnati! where the l!cubH
cans made a giiu ot twelve hundred over
the last contest in that city, as a fair
oll'set to tho Detnooiaiio triumph in
Connecticut Tho Ckronkl':, published
also in Chailottesvillo, Virginia, regards
I,., ..Wiion in nii.'stimi a wnn ot nn
i o
consequence, and predicts that it will
only arouse tlio Republicans to more
vigorous exertions in future contests.
So strong, it says, is the hatred to tho
Democratic pal ly among tho Northern
people that it can not, under any c'u-
eimmaiices anaiii permanent power,
not even with a united South to aid
them. But, aceordiiiL to tho authority
t0 ,,,,.1, ,v(, !l;lvu ,i, 1 tlle South has
but htile faith in tho sincerity ot the
professions, ot their foi mcr Northorn nl.
lies li, says :
Wo thank thu Nortliern Democracy
lor a certain measure f syiupaihy ; but
our experience in lili) has taught us that
self-inieiest is Ihe great spiii got" human
action The Nonhei n Democracy' have
tle fur it in peace ; none in war. They
talk about tli; Constitution, and the
violation ot t lie Constitution, and usur
pation, ami lyuinny, and consolidation;
but they never light, except against the
Constitution and lor oonsolidadon.
They set us up to receive tho whole furv
of the storm ; tiiey have, alter repealing
tho .Missouri Compromise and sustaining
tho administration of Mr. Uuehaiian,
brought as to universal negro sufltago
We think that the experience of the
pajl ten years is not altogether lost up.
on Southern politicians. Tho icpeal d
the Missouri Compromise and tho ef
forts to t ueo flavery into Kansas were
originated by Northern Presidential as
piran'ti, They were brought forward to
seciuo Southern support ; they were
tho cause of our late troubles, which.
instead id" being bciicuYial to tho South,
k sill ed in forcing upon that auction
whatitmos- thoroughly detests negro
6 .UVagi'. The South, in view of the in
cah'iilible mischief entailed upon its
people, because ot ils old connection
Willi the Northern Democracy, seems
anxious to avoid any future ulliuuco with
that paity. The Virginia paper which
wo havo quoted, warns i,s readers to
beware ot this, admonishing iheni that,
any connection with it will servo to unite
the great Northern lfepnblican parly
inoiu thoroughly, and cause the Radi
cal trumpets to sound idiesh for "a new
crusade against the Southern people "
This, it predict, will bo lli.j result if the
Northern Democracy niako too much
m ise over their temporary triumph
even in u single Norihurn Slate. In
tact the election iu Connecticut was not
won by a genuine Democratic ticket.
Mr. Itnglish, (he successful candidate
for Governor, sustained tli war through,
out ; while in Congress ho voted for the
abolition ot slavery in tho district of
Columbia, ami fully endorsed Mr. Lin
coin's policy id emancipation. Had the
Connecticut Democrats nominated a
t,muuuio who had sustained their,
in opposition to the inen.-ures we luivu
mentioned, they would have been beaten
by the usual majority.
Governor Oi r, ot South Carolina, in a
speech delivered a few days since before
the Board ot Trade of Charleston, said
ho had entertained, for iiiiiuy years, tho
hope of seeing tho Demoeratio parly
reinstated in power, 'but,' said hu, tlie
dream lias passed.' And ho added that
ho had aooouuU to settle with tho De
mocratic parly beforo ho could consent
to(nfuTiato with it. His statement of
unsettled accounts was as follows t
Many of you well remember that whim
thu war liist comuiuiioud, great hopes
and expectations we to hold out bv our
lricnds iu thu North and West, that
tl cir would bo no war, and that if it
commenced it would be, in the North
lino, and not iu the South You know,
sir, (turning to. Con. Siokela. that faith
was pledged, nnd I will now state that it
that iiiilh had been pronorlv carried out.
tliore is no probability that any State
but souiu uutomm would lmvo seceded
from the ledorsl Uuijn,
'Another count which I li ve to bring
against the Democratic party, is that
when the Philadelphia Convention met,
it adopted a platform broad enough to
embrace every conservative man North
and South; yet no sootier had it adjourn
ed than an attempt was made to givo it
a Democratic character, and make it ap
pear that every man who attended that
convention was an accession to the
Demociatio party.
'Again during tho pendancy of the
Constitutional Amendment, every North
ern newspaper, and almost every Demo
crat in the country, urped upon tho
South to reject its provisions- It was
ejected. A tew weeks only clnped,and
yet wo find that on the passago of this
. Sherman bill, our Democratic friends,
I acting in o'lUijunction with old Thnd
Sl weriJ lnHl.llIla,lllal in inoorpor.
i . , . ...
I ntl,,8 on ,u lnosl odious tea-
tines, it went back on I ho Semite, was
finally adopted; and every one of tho
Democratic newspapers all over the
North, so far as I am intorined, have
come out and urged the Southern peo
ple Id accept thu bill I say to you,
then fore, thai in my judgment it is time
torus to seek new lricnds an 1 a new
alliance '
The Legi-laturo adjourned on Thurs
day ot la-t n eek, the usual ceremonies,
present ations, etc., having been gone
through with. They have done much,
might have dono im-ro We confess no
special good feeling toward this body
lor its dereliction in several important
duties tho -railroad oucstion for ono.
We hope that u radu al change may be
wrought before long in the govei nment
of our commonwealth whereby the direct
wishes ot ils people may be observod.
Through tho contemptible meanrpsa
id Peter Urowii, tho Register and He
corder of the County, our subscribers
have been deprived tho right rf knowing
what Administration and Guardian ac
counts were f'cr settlement at different
teims of our court. Wo are at a loss to
know tor what reason the Notieei were
published in the Cumlmrtaml Pre&'yteri
an, a religious journal, printed here, hut.
not having one-half tho circulation of
the l!niTrii.iuAN in tho county. Certain.
ly not for thu
iicoommodation ot the
public, nor for toe promotion of church
iniCi'eat. Tho PrcJ', his own
church paper, ivas slopped by him be.
cause it was aa "Abohtion sheet, and
duihlf.l in yw.V'ci " Yet he continues to
support a Jin per, a so-called religious
jornal, style I The Banna of J'oiec,
published in Nashville, Tonn., and in
dulging in the siiie kind of polices and
about as much as tho Kiclmiond Ex unin.
er, It is an instance without precedent
whero a County t flieinl would deprive
those of opposite political faith, ol the
little uso his services are to them, and
for which they pay an equal share.
Our patrons, we aro pleased to sav,
have homo the imposition without mur
muring, and if it was the design to drive
any from us tn the support i h pup, r
which published the Notices, we are not
aware ol ils success in a sint'lo instance,
liuough lo know, however, that tho
Legislature disproves the wilful mis
construction ot ils acts, A recent
Act, No. "207, Senate File, passed both
Houses and rinds us follows :
To tho act of the fifteenth of March
Anno Domini ono thousand eight hun
dred and thirty.two entitled 'An Act
relating to registers' courts.'
Si-oriON I. Be it eniielcl ly the Senate
ami Ihufe of L'eprwiitaticcs of the Com
minwealthof Penntoiium in General
Air-em1'!!) met and it Uherelyenaekd by
the antimritij of the s tine. That it is the
true intent and meaning of the thirtieth
section of tho acted iho lit'eenth of
March Anno Domini one thousand e'lLthl
hundred and ihuty-iwo untitled 'An
Act relating to registers and regi-ters'
com is' that the publication ol notice
there required to bo mado by registers
ot the accounts settlo I beforo them and
for conlirmatjon at tho next term of the
orphans' courts of tho several counties of
this Commonwealth bo made in secular
newspnpeis and not in those of a reli
gious or denominational ch iracler Pro
vi'lf.4 1 That thete uro secular newspapers
published iu such counties
Tliis, we presume, will bo all that is
necessary to right tho matter.
Tun Vittfliunjh tlwttit advocates tho nomi
nation or General (). 0 Howard for the IVes
Idenev and Hon. Behliyler Colfax lor thu Vice
Presidency, by the Itudioid p'irly, ia tlie com
ing campaign. Tho (Instil hardly ev r "gets
on the fence, " and is never far wrong la Us
Tho continental domain occupied by
Uiisfdan America U about, three hundred
and cighty-nino thousand square miles.
Tho islands may increase the domain to
tour hundred and fifty thousand. The
United Stales aro to pay ton millions
two liuiulrod thousand dollars in imld.
ot tho Treasury at Washington, within
tun months idler tlio exohiingu ot ratifi
cations, winch are to bo vxchangi-d nt
Washington beforo tho 30th of Juno, or
tho treaty tails. A full text ot Ihe Rus
sian ttoaly contains thu mere details ot
tho cession and tho provisions that, tho
inhabitants may, if thoy chooso, return
and resiimo ullegianoo to llus-m within
throe years, or niay remain and receive
tho ml vantages nnd immunities of United
Status citizens nnd bo protected in thu
tree enjnyinont ol liberty, property and
A froedmon In Pulaski county, Ga..
otupioys nn tormor master si overseer,
Aluokd Foul Pi.av. We have al
ready nutued tbe drowning t)f Stepllon
Sp'iLer, deck-h nd on tho tho Mouonga
lulu river packet 'Franklin.' It was at
first reported that he fell overboard and
was drowned, but a finthor statement
has been made to tho effect that an ofll
cer of the boat, found tho deceased asleep
in his bunk when ho thought ho should
have beeu at work, and attackod him
with a club, beating him so severely thht
he jumped overboard to avoid the inflic
tion, and was drowned before he could
bo rescued. It is stated that Joseph
Je-flries theoflieer referred to has been
arrested and taken to Unioniown Fay
ette, Co which county has jurisdiction,
there to be tried lor the alleged homicide.
At Gov. Geary's reception, in his
residence in Ilarrisdurg lately, no wines
or liquors were solved. Gen. Geary's
strict temperance is proverbial and ex
emplary. In (lie most trying campaigns
ot tho war he was one of the few com
manders whoitcvor tasted liquor. It is,
therefore, easy tor him to make temper
ance the rule ot the Governor's mansion
at llarrisbuig.
Tins Atlanta (Oa.) Intel igenccr says that
wilhin a niotitli five good and honest citizens
of that place have been assaulted, rohbml, and
three of" them killed, In open daylight, l'or tho
sake of only a few dollars.
Duo attHitiuu given ti all whu comumuictito lor this '
I'ulimm. I
l ur tint lt'itillioui.
No. 5.
8i. Tlte Uepuhlkanp irti) in tht only adoocitc
of Ihe. rylita of woman.
I do not claim that it fully endorses femaln
suffrage. It is not yet up to tli it point. But
this I do claim: It is Ihe nuly party in which
women i- id owed any prMlego, and in which
tho expands and shows hor powers of mind.
It is strange that th -ro has never appeared
from tho ranks of Democracy a lecturer like
Anna Dickinson, iwiiter dko Frances Gage,
a seulptiess like lllss Jlosiner, or an angel of
mercy like Clara 3 ti ton. Ail iho celebrated
women of our day aro strong! radical. Why
is this? .It must lie that in Copperhcrtdisin
there is something repmrnimt to Ihe finer fill
ings ol women; suno thing from which her
1 pure nature shiintsus if for fear of corruption.
... no iiSL'a. um muiu an mi- greai moral ques
tions of the times, women has ever been on
the bide of Kiuii r. Shu was "last at Hid cross
and llrstat thu grave ;" ev. r I'uvoraMo to lib
erty, ever opposed to oppression and immor
ality. And if eve; she is permit ted to use the
powers God has given her, and to take her
place whers lio pmperly belongs, it will lie
by the aid ol tlio 1'epuhllcim party. And I
am glad to think tint lime is fiat approaching.
ilf.'i. Il is tliCjiurtij win.
The strongest putty is not nlmnjs tlio right
party. Bui it would seem that a parly which
for seven years lias held unlimited sway in this
free, enlightened country, must be sound And
then, what ii hungry set of fellows Iho Cops,
must be. How cat tle;y havo endured the
fainitii! of'olllce. Truly, lasting is asoro dial.
Their souls rejoiced wheu Andy commenced
to givo them tho pist ollices. But then tlio
i.. i I, .,
wicked Senate refund to confirm them, and
luck again they wejt to tbe region of empU
nesa. And there know about as niiicli hope
of their regaining piwer, as thero is of Max
iniilliau becoming kby of Mexico. Kast, West
and North arc raOieil to tlie core. And ever
in the South, wherebefore ouly tho rope Was
used for abolitioiiUs. signs of progress aro
seen. Union papeii arc being started in those
strongholds of Dunocracy and secession that
will iu ten years wu k a complete changu in
tho public sentiment Never beforo havo wo I
had such vneoumguhent to go on.
Willi this article, conclude my reasons for
being a Republican If they aro sulllcicnt,
then I am right in ny coun-o. If they are
not, I would liko toico stronger reasons pre
sented for ho 113 a Copperhead. If any oro
can show mo that I mi wrong, I will at once
acknowledge it, audgo with tho other party.
Iho rittsburg lisputch relates some
ot tho facts couieriiing the horrible
murder of tho old nan David Spt oiill, at
his rusideiiuu m Washington" county,
ubout fourteen idles from that cily,
and is still frusli in tho minds of o r
readers. It will b remembered that on
tho night of the 15th ot March last.thrco
men visited the lntiso whero resided
Mr. Sproull and li il aged sister. They
demanded money, and outfit old man
remarking that lio,lwould know them
again," two of tlein rushed at him.
, i ... . . .
ono witn a kiiiiu ma me otiicr witii a
pair ot tongs When iound Mr.
.Sproull's skull wis simishid, and in
i peuing us fi oin a dirk knilo from near
Ilia ear to the tittiu. Tho old lady
was taken up slain and tied to a bed
post, after which tie villians ransai'ked
tho house for momy, but got for their
horrible deed but tie paltry sum of one
hundred and sixtedi dollars.
Following so chsely upon the other
horror the Dinsnoro murder in the
same oouniy,' it I'lturally created great
exciiemont. I'eope who lived in out
ot tlio way plaon let entirely unsafe and
a wide spread feeliig of uneasiness took
possession of all. reward was oU'erod
wo believe, by tin- rulai ions of (he de
ceased, nt one thomuiiil dollars t'oreup-
liiiooi tne iiiuiiierirs, unlet late it. had
become settled in lie minds of thu pub
lic that the villians tuuld not bo appre
hended. 1
This, howevor, wi are hid to hope, is
not the case, but tin re is every proba
bility that at 1 ast die or more ot tl use
engaged in tho ueliious work, will yet
meet ilicir just pinishuuuit for that
uwtul crime EvetBincu the perpetra
tion of tho inurde', Alderman Si ruin
ot this . city, and Ids poliuo ollicers,
Hague, Wilinot ami llrown, Irivo been
working up iho co, and it is to bo
hoped that it lias rogreged so far as
to lie ultimately suukiBsfitl. A visit wus
mado to thu suenobf tho murder, and
every thing that rfmld bo found out
about tho oppuaraiso ot the men, their
doings, movements
Ao., were diligent'
ly hunted up. A full investigation of
tho circumstances of the visit of tho two
men a week before, representing them
selves as cattle dealers i their movements
before and after the murder, wus also
carefully inquired into. These searches
aud inquiries added lo the known move
ments ot certain well known characters,
conviuocd the officers ot justioD that
somo of the 'Trotessionala" of tho city
had a hand in the utl'air. Everything
being arranged a deseout was made on
that well known resort, tho "Irwin
IIouso," where it was expected to cap
turo sevoral who at least had some
knowledge of tlio transaction. It result
ed in tho arrest of but ono of tha men
looked for, John Bird, and tho officers
were much chagrined nt learning that
another, and it is supposed, a principal
ono, had left thero but a short tmio pre.
vious. During yesterday atWnoon
another arrest was mado on Filth street,
tho prisoner being one Thomas Whit
taker Both men aro now in jail await
ing further developments, and the olli
cers are iu hot pursuit ot two others
who aro known to be in or about town.
On Monday night while Bird was oc
cupying a cell in the lock up Squire
Strain held a conversation with him,
during which tho prisoner showed signs
ot considerable alarm, and finally ao
knowledged that hu knew something of
Iho affair,, but positively denved anv
participation iu the crime. He says
the whole thing was planiiu I in jail; that
among the prisoners there, at ilm time
ho and certain others were there, was a
man (known) win knew Sproull and the
vicinity where he resided, and . In. said
that a good thing could be imidu there.
After the release ot the panics from jail,
Bird says, ilm final arrangements were
made at the Irwin House, m,d from here
the party Hin ted ft e acute the plan, liiid
says he did not go with them, but if h s
statements turn out. true, having knowl,
edg.i of the intended deed, lie is cer
tainly nn accessory bef.'e ih" fact. At'
Icr thy coiuinis-ioii of 'he deed the vil-
liiinu L-i.,.t i I. . ..: .:! ..It
........ i.i i,t,T iiirii, in ,-iy lllllll Willi-
n a tew days, and one of thorn m still
away, but Ins whereabouts is known
V , ., . ., ... ,
"emu niioiiueii mat uie ollicers Hero
traced the two men who visited Sproull's
the week before the murder; that they
have boon traced back to tho cily, and
that tlio descriptions of two of the par
ties engaged iu it are the namo us the
two 'catile dealers."
John liird, the tirst one arreated, is a
well known Pittsburgh thief, who is a
graduate ot the I'cniU ntiary. Tho otli
ur, Thomas Wliiiiako'-, ia 11 well known
character and despoiato man. Diiriiii;
i the war hu was a noted and suocessfu
bounty jumper, and it is said was at one
lime sentenced lo bo shot. Wo expect
turthor developments daily.
iho sloty ot the lox that, having lost
his own tail iu a trap, cvdoavoro.l lo
persuade all the other foxes of his b.rost
to deciudalixj themselves in order to
take away 1 10 shame of his mutilation
... j 1 , . "1Ul"'11' '"
is reproduced, in substance, by a portion
ot the hopelessly di-franehised rebels in
the Southern Slates They try lo induce
use puoplo to decline voting under tbe
re loiiatruclion law. This would e.vactlv
cover their own disgrace, as it would
make iheir iinavoidablo po-ition appear
voluntary, 111 d so, respectable as the
fashionable oxw.lleadnvj Dmpntch.
A Tiioi'iii cY Fui.i'ii.i.nn. We mado
mention, some time ago, otiiu interview
had ul Washington, before tho resigna
tion of Jeff. Davis from the Senate,3 be
tween that gentleman and Senator Cam
eron, 111 which the latter gentleman pro
phesied, in case of war, that he would
raise corn iu the streets of Charleston,
and that Cameron did actually plant
ei rn in tho streets ii: Charleston' Tho
Ilanisbiiig Telegraph says: Vu havo
in this oliioe an ear of corn raised from
General Cameron's planting in the siree-ts
of Charleston.
A Hotistan (Texas) paper says that
Jeff Davis '111 Monroe's walls patiently
and sublimely presents a pictnio for his
countrymen lo follow The waves ot
tho Chesapeake disturb his slumbers
walls, with their ceaseless sentinels, en
close him, yet, great in submission as
heroic in aclion. tho immortal Davis
kisses his chains in iho power of his faith.'
stock of
Clothing, Triimnlngs. Notions, &c:, in the
New Store Hoom in Mr Oeoigo K. Minors
building, nearly opposite tho Farmers' &
Drovers' National Hank,
The slock Is all now and fresh, purchased
since tlie late decline in p ices, lor cash, which
enables mo to sell much lower than Ihose
who have old slocks bought, at high prices.
I would he highly ginlilled to have all my
old liiuuls, customers and the public generally
to cull and see me nt my new store. I will
euileavor tit make It pay ull those who favor
mu wilb a call, as I am determined to se.l at
Biieh prices ns will givoenlire salisl'aclioii.
Wl'n not f. rgi t. the place, in tho New
Rlore Kooni, In Mr. Ouotge E. Minor's buil
ding, nearly opposite this Farmers' & Drover..'
JNallonal liniili.
3Px xyi.Giys otloe.
Is dlsolvud by mutuol consent, the Com
mission business will still bo carried on at tho
old stand, Iu good order, and on tlm most
rciisonablo terms, hi Iho namo and stylo of
U HUGHES & CO., (senior partner). They
Hatter themselves, by having tho Huuso and
tho bust location hi the place for that busi
ness, that thny will ltuciuvii a liberal share of
the public patronage.
They will 11U0 keepa good supply of GRO
CEIUlCS on hand lo accomodate all who
may favor them with a call.
I 4; 10-tf Itlco's Landing, Pa.
L. A T E S T !
Watnksiitho, April 14, 18(17.
Tho "People's Grocery" removed to West
end of Rradt n's" building, formerly occupied
by Wyly & Itucliauan's law olliee. A new
stock just on, with tho following greatly
It educed Prices !
Tea, Good quality, per lb f,'l 00
Sugar, (whitu) '-A" brand, per lb.,
Nimir, brown, best nrticlo per lb
Golden Syrup, best, per gal
Canned Fruits, peaches, Ac, 2 lb. cans
Hominy, eroiiud, per (ft
Driod Fruit, cherries, currents, tfcc.,&c.,
per lb
Soda Ash, "
Concentrated Lye, per la
Star Candles, per lb
Coffee, best Kin, a lbs
Hagur, pulvarized, per lb
Ilice, best article, per lb
Horgliuin Molnssrs, good, per gal
Potatoes, liuekeyo, per bush
Bilking Soda per tb
Corn Starch, per lb
While Mme, per lb
Sal Soda "
Carbon Oil per gal ".',''",
Suuir, per lb ".,
l uo
s till
1 10
Oranpes. Lemons, Flno Candles, Tobacco,
( ?ars, Fancy Soaps, Nuts, Toys, Notions,
Madder.jLogwood. An., for coloring- Lumps
Lanterns, Scrub Brushes, Whitewash Brushes,
Nilety Fiiho, Musket P )wdiT, Hill.) Powder,
Lend, Shot and dips, Mackerel Fish, Ac, Ac,
heeling s-itisflud that we can pleass a'l In
price and quality, we solicit n share of the
public patronage. Thompson & Ualtzsu.
Juno 'J.lnl, isiiil, ua IiiIIuwh ; 1
T.)iin..mnt ofTuj l.vl,.,l !,, i,lr, f Scllool ,.
rreiorsul Uicliliill luwiuliip, 1801.
fly amount Ailunu, a rwrnlt,
lly iimnnnt pulil Mini r.un. i.rut
Hy "ii" t il'l I). KI'Iit.ii rwriilt,
llv HiiMMint l il. II. Mt.rrU. ri-rriilt,
Hyummint i'li:irlra Khiiii,.,-, n rwrult
lly mil.. iint .B,. Kl.liT.n r.nTiilt '
fjsn no
sis no
2.'.o on
sn in
a ii o
ills no
y.'.o do
'.'.'. ' no
a iT n
7 Ul)
l.'i oo
m io
40 1
101 III)
2 HO
4:1 no
11 00
,M ""Ilium I'lhl II. .11 WIV, i fcHTIlit
Xt rmu
I !v"""i"t"niti'ritmi.i ii.,nmi,t ,,,,'1,1
t I'.v "lint I'.il.l lur hdhlhiir
"y mnoum .. a..- ir nvniiiin
ly an, J, , uiuu ir retrultlui,
lly iiiii.iiini r iixoiii.mtli,u,
Hy aiu.iiinl ril'ciuiuiiiM'iiin,
lly lUuiUUlt ill CMls is. H.llulHlull,
Hy .01.. urn p i, s. w. Vuuait.1. lur m.rvk-m
lly amiimii imlil Ur. U. W. Uray
Amount In TmiiHiry, ",M1 jj
' .', tho niiilrrsiKiiml AuiIIIdm, et-rtin- tint jIiom ia
11 'ionvtl stiili.uu.nt, an iiu'liliil on uvr lunik
TIIOS II lll'KllI.V.
A. .1 (I0OIIWIN.
Time ii
;" Ureene county, the uiKlcrsl'Mied Ado In
"su itors 111 tlie esiale of T.'lOS ALLFHEH
, "'ill oiler for sale, 011 the premises, nt
j ..'.r,'L'l- J.,l'',c,., c0,"i,y- 0,1
I ,8'taA1' '"A - IS7,
! !u . ,i;1"i;k. the two-thirds of tlie fol-
, B 1 ,r " VIZ: (",,! ,r:ict
; land eoiilaiiimjj about sx or seven acres on
I which are erected one Urgu two story '
' ()llu moderate sized two story frame dwellinir.
; "iu -nouse. one saw mill iraine, good
permanent foundation, uiel w, roofed, with
a nod ohiinnjy stack. The siw mill is Lir m
am new, and wcP caleulaliid lor both 8a"w
and I'laniii .Mill. There will also bu offer
ed one Engine and Itoiler.
Tlio above mentioned property will be of.
ered in lots or as a a hole, 11s in .y seem best
lor the estate, on day of sale. It U situate on
Iho Monnngah"h river, ubout twelve miles
above Brownsville. Persons wishing good
town property or a good location for a Saw
Jlillor I 'liming Mill, or both, would do well to
call and examine, wo think they will pto
liouiiee tins one among the best frames on tho
TEItMS: One-half on confirmation of
sale, one-half in three months thereafter, Willi
interest from conllrmalion. when Deed wid be
nado. I. N. OAKY.
Tho remaining one -third inteiest in tlio
sam 0 property will be offered by tho under
signed owner, on the same day, nnd at the
Sllll, I'hice. JOHN MOOHE.
AiTonlinx in an Art nr Anionlilv (muni April 1S6S,
makiiiK il olilimitury mi tho Aiiilitun of tliu illffrmit
TiinlilH uftliiii Oiiiuiuniiwoallh lupulillnh n dint onuoit
"fill" II it.v Tux Ifllicl ami I'nlli'ianil. Wo tin, uiulpr-
siKiml Anilllcumir Ji iriTsoirruwolili,iuil)nilt tlio follow.
Jaiiiiw Kelly. In iHTninit with Ji.ft"ir.
Mini TonuHhip, hy ll.iunty Uupllcute 1IR.
No. 1, InkooiI t'lOiruary Islil, $a,448 74
Crcilit lo casli jmlil L'onnoittuo or
onliT 77
Lol umm-y, till ami few Tor culU'Ction Sail 1)7
,, , W.I IS 74 341S 74
TuntmKitlly, In aciionot with .ti-ffiT-
Tuwiilil), Dr., Iiv lliiuul' I)uill-
catu No. 2, iHsitt-il Si'iitiuuimr ism ( 071 jo
Or. In null iialil no illi r unli-r 4 0r0 00
I-'i iH'y. Mil and f-i-H fur colkotlon
atullvfiuidi.'il iiiiiiu'y 075 61
$."1,0: j 01 f 1.(17 1 10
Ii.lUri dl
rtnlnnra In ,Tm Kcllv'n liamls
ilaiiii'H Ki llv In in-,., unit with .ti'ftVl
tiiwnnlilp. Dr. hy llimtitv D1111II-
ralu Nn. a Ihmii'iI h'liliniur.r. lHl'i(ri.
Cr.turiiiili i:ttil iMiiiinlHi'i. ur onlrr 6,174 la
l.ust NliHli-y, hilHiinil tea luroillri'tlon 7411 Ol
1,(116 HI)
$0,137 00
0;UO 77
8,iri7 HO
O.IL'O 77
lliilunii't in tlu'limiitrt of Jumna Kolljr,
I'ull.'i-I. r 310 8J
.luliiniiii Wj-i'uir In arcuiint wltli .lir-
I i-ini T.., Dr. Iiv lluiintv l)uilli'alo
Nu. 4, liniii.ilOi liilii.. lMiil, 2,0:17 CO
Cr. turimli 1111I1I tlm KaririurH A Dro-
vi'i-rt' Nul. ul' Wiiyii.'iiliurrf, - MO 00
Cr. tiH'imh pulil iniliirni.rii'olittil rmtn 01
Diiliilcutu Nu. a wiw UnM unilcra npurlnl Aut of Anf"'m
lily. Niuulii'i'iiriiii-ii (.iillnli'il, 7-J, at fcWO 00 enrh. Tlio
limit "I" tin' ll'iiiiily I.OWH ul' Ilia SliitH wuitlil ciwt f'Jl,.
Ouo 00; thi'tii'ta out until-ilill'i'ri'iit UiiilluntiH will lio
I'liimt Hlxtni'ii iIiiiiihiiihI I'uur liunilrt'il mill nlimly-ilKliI
iliilliiranil Hlxty.twu runlM.
W'i-ri'rlll'y tlio aliovu tuliocuri'i'nt an ht arconiitu iiri).
A. I). HI'SII,
WM. 1'. SCOTT,
IllMw ' AmlUom.
im. to cwait iiKomvui) kkom coi.i.kctous
.tniii'tli Sinhli. C'.lliTtnr fur 11"' yarC'Cl
Iwinr 'I'Iiiiiiiiin, OiilliHilor tnr llti' yar lsilfi
IhiiIIi Tiiiiii'r. ('ulltiiHur I'urtliy yiar 18U0
'I'll I'llHll IVum Clllll uf lIutlllM
To Cusli ruci'lvcU ou aubdcrlptloa
S n.ffiis Aft
o.siu aa
7.1:1,5 m
7,-.'ill 00
1.070 00
8S.410 70
i.xm on
2.0ift 01
3. Rt.Y
Uj CiiIi patil In F. 1). N. nank
do tlo 1I0
1I0 paiil In Flint National Dank
1I0 tin Pirni'ir' A Ilrovr-iK' Nat, Ilftnk
Pulil to,T T. Ilouk tor rocrolta auil cxpuiiBui
lly onlrrit riHliaoowl,
lly ainuiint paid on linmln
lly uiiionnt paid Tor Htainnn
3,0:1a tft
s;t4 on
3.1'IU 4ft
6,f.N0 80
0.076 48
1 Ml
W;:k 47
141 31
By itorcnntiige
sas.uu 78
llnlnnco In Trcnuuror'i linnili 14 VI
Aninnnt nr Ununty Tax levied fur tha
yar 1HH4 $fl,J7 62
Kxiint'i'iitluiifi, lftl (a
Aiirt.oltax luTlod fortlit yonr 180ft, 7.SS7 M
Kxunoriilliitiii, ltil 00
Ain't. nriax IktIoiI for tlmyoar 1800, 1,(170 81
Sxunuratlon, 9273 OS
Wn tha ondorMjiiod Auditon do entity thn Iioy Ii
oorraauilatwl, JOHN SIMoNTON,
by ileimbold's Extract liucliu.
are n'gidtiud by Ileimbold's Extract Bucliu
i phaii i Court Haiti.
BY virliio of an order of tlio Orphan's
Court ot Orceno County Pn., the under
simied Kxeeutors of Jumes Dubuiy. luto of
Morris Tp Urceuo County, Pa. will expose
to sale ou 1
on tho premises situated In M.Irrls To. Oroone
Comity, Pa., tlie iblhnviin? tract of land, vis
Hlty acres, more or less, situated In tho
1 ownshlp aforesaid, adjoining lunds of James
1 onner, Abel Cary, John Hoss and others, all
ot which Is cleared, on which Is ercctod ft
hewed ing lionso and other out buildings, ap
ple and peach orchard, Ac.
Tkbms ok Sai.k: One half of Iho purchase
money nt tho confirmation of the Hals, the
residue in nno year thereafter with Interest
from the ihito ol the confirmation nfSHle.
, F.xeciitor8of James Duhery, Dec'J.
HF.LMil()Ll)S KXTUACf "bL'CIIU anrf
Imi'kovku Hosk Wahii cures secret and deli
cate disorders hi ail their stages, ot littlo ex
penso, littlo or no change iu diet, no Inconvo
nlcnco and no exposure It Is pleasant In
tiiBto and odor, inmiediaio in Its action, and
I'reo irom all injurious properties. 8; t!)oow-ly
Just deceived
Olothino: Store
The above goods liavo lust been purchased In"
rluladclpliitt, and will bo sold at very low
prices. Call and compara our prices uefora
May Hi, Iy.-cli.lan30,'07.
Micrid' H fin I c.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas,
issued out of the Court of Common Ple-us
of Greene county, and to me directed, thero
will be oxposed to public sale at tho Court
House, In Wimu'shiirir, on
at 2 o'clock, p. in., the followlug properly,
viz ;
All the rijjlit, title, Interest nnd claim of de
lend 'lit 01. m and to a certain tract of land
situate in Washington Tp.,Greeno county, Pa.,
containing two hundred acres, mote or less,
about ono hundred and flfly acres clcauvd,
and has en ctcd iheroon ono hewed loir liouso,
lo(r siable and oilier .ut buildhi'.'s ; iidlo'nlnit
IiukIs 01 Ui.bert.fileCormif, John jilcNay,
George Wlseciirver, John Taylor and others,
'here is an apple, peach and cherry orchard
on tlie 1 remises
Taken in execution ns tlio property of
Thomas JlcNui liu ut tlie suit of George Wise-,
At tho samo time aud place nil tho right,
title, interest and claim of defendant, ol. In,
and to a certain lot of ground situate In Dun
kard township. Greene county Pa., containing
twenty-four acrcB, more or less, ull of which
are cleared, nnd has erected thereon one
fiii'iic dwelling house and kitchen, and otuor
nut bul dings, adjoining lunds of Abraham,
Sterling uiHlotliers, boimded ou tho East by
the Monongnhclu rlycr and North by Dunkurd.
Taken In execution ns the property of
Pittsburgh and Now York Oil Company at the
suit of the Administrators of It. W. Davis,
deceased HEATH JOHNS, Bh'ff.
4; I U-ts
I tin Ureal Diurttia,
nn.snoLB'1 co.ior.smAiio ixtxact Aumniu
Ii thi Urtat Blood I'urifier, r
Both are prepared according to rules ot '
Pharmacy and Chemistry, ths most
tcMvt tbst enn b msds. tow-y