foal jptttt WAYN KSU UU7: WEDNESDAY, APRIL in, 18(17. Puiimc Silk. Mr. Thomas Hill wishes us to nuke known the fuel that ha will soil at his resiilenco on Thursday, ) I tlx Inst., Horses Cows, Shoop, and Funning utensils, die., &o Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a.m. 2 w. Ti Bradcn & Co.'s Is tlio placo to get Wooden waro of all kinds. Q. W. ROBERT'S & CO. DRUG STORE. IS TUB l'LAOB TO 111 V OltiS, PAI.VI PAINTS. DYK BTI'FFS. i'atknt mkmcine8, pkiiki'sikkiks, toii.kt hoai's, mm'siiks op-alt. kinds, camion oil laml's, . TUUS8KS, HlliH l.liKR BRACES, NOTIONS, c, Ao.. Willi h Iihth Inn iKinitlit flir null, ncl will Ik V SOLD AT MICKS TO SUIT TUB TIMKS. Nuisanck. The wngotis elnndwf in the street fronting tho Court House. The pole of one extends over an im portant crossing making It extremely dangerous for po.lestrians after night. They blockado tho street s are not or namental and should be removed. T. Bradcn & Co.'s Is tlio piece to get your Iron, Steel and Nails Uasb Bam.. The Beason for tins sport is opening and old and new club are organizing in the surrounding count ies. Is tho "Daily" defunct! Go to Bradon's Drug Storo if you want any kind of patent medicines. The Wind. For tho last few days has been playing queer pranks It raises t'le dust, the deuce and tho ladies skirts. T, Bradcn & Co. keeps Saddlery Hardware, I?Tfi, tins your paper! you are not of it. The thing yon can do is to ascertain immediately. Da D W Biuikn la now agent for Greene county for nil of Jay no's patent medicines. Bii.rX-We nend out bills this week to Bomo of our delinquents, and earnestly request that our friends will settle now. Fou Drugs and Medicines, strictly pure and reliable, go to Dr. Dradcu's Drugstore. .. m --' RitroNu a QuKsnos. A well-known citizen o' this place has deliberately as serttM that "Billy NubbV mother told him that she hoard "Billy NnbhV wife say that "Ben B k's" wife remarked while sitting in lliu"ol.l arm chair," that 'Kitty Clyde" had been informed by tho "dark girl dressed ir. blue' that there was no doubt that "Clementine Green" intimated that "Teddy I lagan's" wife thought thai' Gentle Aunie"liad received positive information "down at tho old plantation'- that tho "school mavm" told the 'girl with tho waterfall" that her, sister with tho '-jocky hat and feather" declared to the world tint it was gen erally conceded that "Tun FitinpganV wife had said in plain terms to "Bryan O Lynn" that die had heard "Widow Machree'' allege while "coming through th rye." that "Kate Kearney" had at firmed io "llory O'More," who struck "Billy F.ittorsoti," that it was well known in tho neighborhood that "Fairy Bu'.lo'1 had caught "Nettio Moore" in saying, that it was a matter of faet and of great Diiblio interest, that the widow of "John Anderson mv Jo" had declared that it was the un anlmous opinion ot the"lai li ed man" and his wife, "Mrs Johnson," that any ono who did not get their Crack ers, Sugar, Ten. Unite?, Huts, dainties, Brooms, Toilet, Soaps. & , at Kine hart's Grocery, opposite the public quaro did'nt know what was good for them that's all. A largo stock of Toilet Snaps and Perfumery, tlio very best, at Bradon's Drug Stor3. Tub Lorain (Ohio) donnty Ntws says that ".ho young ladies of this placo walk on their tip-toes, and can't help it, ns the waterfalls on the top of their heads draw up their back hair so tightly that they can't put their heels down squarely with out great pain.' Ditto Waynesburg to some extent. Tudk. The First found Halsted's Boot & Shoo Store in Sayer's corner immediately East of tho Court Housd, where ho will "fight it out on tho cash ' line if it takes nil summer !" He tan udo it too," because he has been rein forced by a thousand or more pairs of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, etc, of all kinds and calibres from the small arms (or feet,) of the infant ry to tho ant crushers" of the 10-inch 200-pouiider. Go and see if you don't believe it I "Alex,'1 Bond, tbo gentlemanly and accommodating salesman, is never weary iu attending to customers. ltiiTimN of this Mautins. The mart Ins have again returned to take up their abode with us during tho approach 'ing warm Beason, aud they can be seen daily nlqug tho stroots busily engaged fjxng up tho littlo houses proparod by the moro thoughtful of our citizens tor (heir accomodation, preparatory to bring' jug forth their broods ot young. These . birds annually arrived here on or about tho 2Gth of March, but this year they wore a woek later in their migration, paused., doubtless, by the lojcut severe pe)l of woather. 'llio return ot . tho martin is always looked upon as a sure herald of approaching tine weather, and webolievu it generally noius goou. we pre pleased to see them oneo more among us, and hope that tho boys will " not molest or Injure them In any way They are inseotivercus and ure ot grent benefit to tho farmer and gardener, do trqyinji immense numbers of worms, grubs, pater pillars, tfco , during tho sea son they remained in this 'latitude. The law imposes a fine ot $" for shooting this and other species ot insectivorous birds. Tiiiiitymiqut years ago an Indian woman rode on horseback from Los Angelos to Santa Barbara, using a piece ot grape vine as a switch. Un reaching her destination she stuck her switch into the ground. It took root, and sixty barrels of wine were made last season from its fruit Et. An old tree stands in our borough known as "Adams' Willow." Years ago when our now thrivinp and outer prizing village could boast of but halt dozen houses, Hodkiit Adams, a pion oor citizen, rodo from tho town ot Washington, 22 miles distant, using a willow branch as a riding whip. He etuck the whip in the ground, it lived, and some time previous to tho writci's reoolleotion arrived at maturity. It is more than 14 feet round the trunk and lofty in proportion. The planter with, stood the blast of years bolter than the tree, the latter first exhibiting signs ot decay. He lived to see Us branches lopped off one by ono by the scathing winds, and his descendants cut down by the seytho of death. Two years since he passed from earth, and the old tree, with but three branches remaining, it rapidly crumbling to nothingness, lie died at the ago ot !), tho tree must be, near 75 years old. Waynehiuikj ani tub Knurr! Head tho article contributed, headed "Baptist College." There is life in it and cogent reasoning. Hear and takolmtd! Bap. tists strike while tho iion is hot, lest this opportunity for good to your county and town passes from your grasp ! The institution is an established fact, its lo. cation here, we dare say, can bo no. quired. Why not! It nny have the better right let them' speak. Onward! is tho word, let It bo passed down the line I Hid i it. Severe laws are in lorce in tho cities against tho practice ot corner loafing. Our exchanges frequently no lice tho arrest lino and "imprisonment of persons guilty of this impropriety. Our town, happily is not seriously afflicted by them albeit we have a full share. Asotiihu Scni'iiHK Common things, moh as the belting of the earth with electricity i tho stretching of railways oyer tho mountains of the Pacific slope-, a little muss m Kuropo refilling in the death of a few hundred thousand men ; a Paris Universal KxpoMlion ; excite but little wonder now-a-d ivs, but when we heard that Piiof. Walt. Suorr had "been and done gone" into the grocery business we were well satisfied that that Grocery would bo conducted on mathematical principles. W6 can't say that Professor looks better behind the counter linn he does at tho blackboard yet he graces his new role by urbanity ot manner and old-fashiouod good hu mor. The linn will be known as that ot W G. Scott, & Co It is a good placo io buy Groceries. Give him a call, at Inghratn's old stand. FwsuKLr. & Mani.y's Barber Shop is now iu the basement of the Hamilton House They have thiugs fixed in good style and will accommodate their old patrons and as many now ones as aro desirous of a good shave, hair.cut, sham poon or bath. Tub Contrast. There is a marked difference in the community since tlio reduction ot license for Helling intoxica ting beverages. A balmy, moral shade is cast by the giant tree ot justice. Few staggering men on our sidewalks i few fights; less carousing ; a great stride for the better. Back Aoain In noticing business removals last week wo neglected to state that Hickey had returned to his old stand.No. 5, Campbell's How. "Char lie'' has used every endeavor lo furnish tho publio with a neat and comfortable apartment for barbering, in fitting up this timo, and we assure all that his is tho place to go it you wish anything done tonsorial in an expeditious and satisfactory manner. Wm. A. Poiitei:. Is in Boston & Now York iu order to secure a new supply of the Early Goodrich & Horn son Potatoes, alflo'tho Maupay Superior and Keys Prolifio Tomato, Greene county will yet redeem herself. This is an nee of improvement. Plant crood ' onnil in lln iMrvlif limn VA11 un nil liaua n plentiful harvest. DitATit Waiiiiant. The Pittsburg Qazette says that on the 4th inst Gov Geary issued a warrant for tho execution of Hobort Fogler, on tho 15th of May, in tho jail yard ot Washington county. The condemned, it will bo romomberod, was convicted a short time since ot the murder of Hobort Dinsmoro, on the 4th ofDeoember, 180(5. Ciioi.kka. The droad ot this scourge is agun compelling our oities to prepare for its coming. Health laws are being enacted and means taken to purge them of all uncleanlmoss. We have no thought that it will reach this corner of oreation, but lest it should, hadn't our "city fathers" better clean upt You would be the first ones altackcd and would ba suro to dio in twonty-four hours. Small-Pox Tho Heaver Local to bo conHiiod. in Allegheny county jail speak of two or three oases of the de until the jail or thu former county is re lent being in their towrf, pairsd. Workiiigmeii's Convention 1 We have been handed the following for publication. Believing the object to be good and that it may be the source ot great benefit to our peoplo we give it place in our columns with good will and hearty endorsement: We the nndemigned, believing that the interests of the laboring class of tho county deniaud an organization espec. ially calculated for their protection against the wiles ot political demagogues, do hereby call upon tho farmers and mechanics of tho county to meet in mass convention in Waj nesburg, on TUESDAY, APRIL 23rd, inst, to adopt such measures as shall bo necessary fur the accomplishment of that object. George Stoops, Joseph A. Phillips, Isaac Pettit, Sol. B. Wiso, Isaac Mitchell, Harvey Day, Jesse Day, Henry 1. Uncophcr, Wm. Cotterol, Win. Beriy hill, Israel Conklin, John Bradford, Sam. Brndon, John MuNay, James Patterson, Wm. Huffman, Hugh Carroll, Henry 11 Sargent, V, L. Lewis, Henry MuGlumphy, Israel llutan, David Scott, Sam'l. McNay, and others. 'Tub Caiivhi) Hock,' The Washing ton Jxep'rtcr tells ns that in F.iyeUe county, on tho top of the high river hill opposite MiJsboro, that a large rock, perhaps threo font thick and fifteen in diameter, on which are carved the ot many kinds of wild animals, such as foxes, ifca. There are also two large ones ana iwo small one i no j foot prints are as accurato and legible as a person could inako by standing in stiff, clay. Tho rock he on the top ot tho ground, and is the only one there. It is known throughout that section as 'The Carved Hock ' Who can give a reason able surmise ot how the rock was placed there and who carved it ? Ditowxiu). Tlio Pittsburg Gi:ette of the 4lh inst says: Stephen Spiocr, a colored in in, employed as a deck hand on the steamer Franklin, was drowned iu the Monongahela river on Tuesday evening, by tailing off the guards ot tho boat as sho was passing Gray's Landing Every etlort was made by the ollicers of the boat tj rescue him, but he sank before assistance o.mld reach him. The body has not been recovered. Look to youu Cui.mskys. Families who moved this spring should examine well the chimneys of their now places of residence, and see that no old rags or papers aro permitted to hiive a place therein. Wo have known ot instances where, on moving day, chimneys or flues were mado tin receptacles for quantities of rubbish. It is of the utmost impor tance that no combustible material be al lowed to remain where it may be the means ot setting buildings on tiro. Namb Chanjkij. The Reporter ot Washington Co. states that tho name of the Hillsborough post office has been changed by the Department., aud will henceforth be known as 'Seenery Hill . The similarity between 'Hillsborough' and 'Millsborough' being such that mat ter addressed to ono oflico was frequent ly sent to the other it has been deemed advisable to make (ho change above mentioned in order to avoid suoh mis takes in the future. Fast Tiuk. The Monongahela 7? publican says : During the high water tho steamer Elector came up over the three dams, and after receiving her load at our wharf bout steamed to Pittsburgh in an hour and titty-two minutes, lhe Elector is the only boat that ever passed over the three dams up aud down, and her lime on this trip is the quickest since navigation was established. On Thursday niht on the up-trip, the Bennett threw out the challenge tor a race to :ionongaheia city, ana intima tions were afloat that she had returned from lock No. 2 for that purpose. Capt. Phillips pioposed to carry tho horns, and so he accepted the friendly invita tion and both boats cast offal tho same moment. The Bennett is a now boat on the Old Lino, a inagnilicont steam r, well ollicered and appointed ; she is a four boiler boat, 20 inch cv'lndoi'. The Elector is tho best boat o.i tlio New Line, and claims to be the fastest on tho river. She is commanded by our fellow towns man, Capt. Hobert Phillips, and is uiao ned by a first rate crew i the is a three boiler boat, with an 18 inch cylinder. During this trip the Elector made seven landings, while it is claimed the Bennett made but tour, and yet the former was in port and tied up at her wharf boat before the Bennett whistled. Be this as it may, the New Line boat claims a its n. may, me new iinia uuai i i.uuia n clean beat," with more freight and more landings. Whether or no this is a (air test trial, wo are not prepared to ssy, but so tar, Phillips claims the horns, and prop Dsns tp carry ihem. , Hhmoval ok Lksoi Lenox, Wssliington county murderer was re moved lo Pittsburg, one day last week, Inconsistent. Tho Newcastle 0 :!! and Devocra shouU for the "lied. While and Aluc" over the news from Connecticut. Isu't it t mistake of a shade didn't you mean Jleilf MARRIED RUSH WELLS On lbs 9th of March, by G. W. Bell, Esq., Mr. Wcstley Hush and Aliaa Susan A. Wells, all of Wayto township. LEMMONS HUFFMAN On the flrd of Fehruary, by Geo. W, Hull. Esq , Mr. Levi H. Lennnnns, of Wayne township, and Miss Julia A. llulliiiun, of Jackson tp, MoCLELLAND BUCKINGHAM On iho 2(Hh of March, by tho same, Mr. Levi Sic Clellundiiud Miss Louisa Buckingham, both ef Wayne ip. CLAYTON CRAYNE-On tho 21st ult., by T. W. Taylor, Esq., Sir. Abijah Clayton and Mias Elizabeth Ciuyno, all or Washington tp., Greene county. NEW YORK SIONEY MARKET. April 0 Gold closed at 134. Waynesburg Market, COlllttCTKU WKK1CLY 1IY J. OUtllUR. nutter, fresh roll ? to .10 Cnllen ncr lb itOtO 3: Corn per bushel Corn meal per bushel Country Soup per lt Candles, mould per lb Candles, dipped " ".. Cheeso per 11) Dried Peaches per lb !5 70 OS 2.". 211 Kges ptr dozen Flour per bhl Flax seed per bushel Feathers per lb Lard per lb H. W. Flour per lb......... Molasses Outs per bushel Rye per bushel..... Timothy seed per bushel. Rice per lb Sugar, crusliod per II) Sugar, rctlned " " Sugar, New Orleans, 6 His P. R. Sugar, 8 lbs Svrup. per gallon Salt, No. 1 per bid Soft Soup per gallon t; 1(1 2 0(1 U." Ill !!!"!""!! 73 to i n 3,-,t0 I 00 "''ll'f. In" 3 -"' . 1 Tar per gallon 1 (l Tea per lb 2 00 Turoentiuc per gallon 1 .10 Tallow per lb lii Wheat per bushel 2 SO White Lead per keg 4 to A ()(' White Lime per bushel 1 Ail Woi 1 common to tine tOa.'O Potatoes per bushel..... 125 to 1 fiO j 1U.1I1', I'W UM.-l.l o l'lTTSBLKG UKNKKU MAKKKT- Satuiihay, Apiil 0, I8l!7. During tlio past week there has been enn- slitcmlili' imnrnvement iii tlio ucncnil markets. bllt m pi.ia,3 wu lmve 110 parlj(;uilir t-huno lo note. In vnost articles of merchindiso there appears a downward tendency, but in Flour there is an anticipation ot a still lurtiier ad vance; although reports from the West speak of iho pitospects of the Winter wheat now growing, being unusually good. We quote the Pittsburgh market as follows, which are the wholesale prices GRAIN Wheat at $3 00i (Join at ri'To Rye at Sfcl 4(wl 45 lluckwheat Outs r(i. FLOUR-Sprim; Wheat at Sl3,C0aia.7 Wtpiw " ut a$l",ri() Rvc at $7 r.dr.jH. IIAY-Baled nt -'2,ii0 V ton. Loose at 2G.()OG:io ho KOaS-Palcs at Cf'-e. CHEESE Western Reserve at ICJ Hamburg at M'n New York Goshen at '-' IJUTTER-Prinie Roll t 887cll APPLKS Per barrel at M.OOQO.on POTATOES Per btislid nt 00c MAPLE JIOLASSES-Per gal. $1 75 CHICAGO SIARKET. Ciiicaoo, April 0, 18fi7. Fi.oiir Firm and steady. Wiikat Oi icned stromr. with an advance of lie, but subsequuNtly declined to lie, closing qtotat; sales at no wr jmo. i. uenvereo; $2 4(1112 44 for No. 2, closing with sellers of No. 2 at $2 41. Outs Activo and 1 Jn2c higher, at $l 02 al 04 foi No. 1. clos'uii steady at 1 011.1. Oats Iu good demand and lal jc higher, closing at i3Ja54 Jc for winter receipts of No 2. Rye iiudc hicher. at 1 44al 4(1 for No 4tal 4il to No. 2, closing strong at tho outside. Moderately active; sales of No. 2 in storo ul 1 (3a 1 1. WmsKY-Qiiiet ut 24c for bonded. Provisions The market continues quiet, with no decided change lo nuti -c In values. Mess pork sold at Hf"23 HO; with buyers at $22 0(1. Hulk meals quiet; siimuuers iu tic; Cumberland nt'Jlcl ioso. Lard dull nt l!)c, Hons Dull and li.'uiSOc lower, at $U 7ua C 40 for good to choice. TJ. S. STOCK SIARKET. Satuiiday Evening, April 0, 1807, Tho quotations of tho New York Stock Ex change to-day nro without any iinportuu eimiigc? : U. S. Honda, 1881 10! U. S. Bond, a 20's. 1802 loo U. 8. Bonds. 5.20's. 18G'. 108 U S. Bom's, fnew issuo) fi 20 s, 18GT....10 17. S. Honda. 7-!l(l'8 M05 SPECIAL NOTICE3, JXEW PKUFIME FOtt THE IUMDKEKCUIEF. Phalon'a Photon's FbBlon' Phnlon'l Phalon' "Night Blooming Crrem." "Mlllil Illoomlng Ccrcui. !Vi(jlil lllooiulug C'crcun." "Night Uloonilng Ccrcn. "Nluht lllooiulug Ccreui." dlill from tho rr. and iMwutllul Uowr lru.u wlilou 11 taken Hi uunie. Muiiuhicturrd only by PIIALOtV Sc SOW, Kfi York. BF.WAM3 OP COUNTKnKElTS. ASK FOU I'HALON'S-TAKB NO OTHER. yJ2.V ;u.-lyeow. Wonderful bat True. MADAME REMINGTON, tho world-ro nowned Astrollgist and Somnambulistic Clair vnyant, while lu a clalrv.-.yant stato, dullno atca tho very features of the person you are to marry, an lby tlio aid of an tnstrumnit of Intense nowrr. known as tho Psychomotrope, . .... ... guarantoos to produce a period an d llle-1 ko I" f mm mtt? 0t wlfu "V ntmllcant. with date of marrlago, occupation, leading trulls of charictor, &c. This is no Imposition, as testimonials wlthounuinbcr can assert. By stating placo of birth, nge, I disposition, color of eyes and hair, and cn the closing Hl'ty cents, and stamped envelope ad dressed to'f, you will receive uie pic ture by return mall, together with donlrcd in formation. tarAddrcss In confident, ftt.nAMs Qnn Tituus HmiiNOtoit, P. O.Uox 207 West Troy N. T. fcbll'IT-lt. Know Thy Destiny. - Madams E. P. Tiiokstox, tho great Eiigll. h stroloulst, Clairvovuntiind Psyclioir.etrielan, who has ustontslicd tho sclcnllllo claims of tho Old World, has located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such onderful powers of second sight, as to cn- hblo her to Impart knowlcdjjo of the ureat est Importance to tho slng!o or nmrrleu of either sex. While In ft stato of trance, slio liniates Hie very features of tho person you aro to marry, and by tho aid of an Instrument of Intense power, known as the Psychoino. one, eu irantces to produce a lile-liko pic ture of tho futuro husband or wife of the ap plicant, together with date of marrlago, po sltlou in life, leading traits of character. &c. This is no humbtiu', as thousAnds of testimoni als can assert. She will send when dosirod a certitled certificate, or written gltarantoe, that the picture is what It purports to bo. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating place ot With, ago, disposition tmd complex- Ion, and enclosing fllty cents and stamped en velono addressed to vouself, you will receive tlio picture and desired Information by return all. All communications sacredly conn nlial. Address in confidence, Mada mk K. F. Tiiounton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. febl.1 'C7-ly fPIIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCF. Ill- AN INVALID. PuMlshcdfor'hehenelit nndiis a CAUTION TO YOUNU MEN ami others, who sutler from Nervous Utfliihtv, Premature I lecay ol Miinhood, &c, supplyinu; at lliesanio tune Tun Mkass ot' Suli'-Cimiu. By one who him cured himself iifb-r undernoiiiir consideralile unekery. By enclosing a postpaid addresfled nvelooo, sln'ixle cooies, free of charge, may bo had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq., May28 '1)0. -ly Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. Free lo Everybody. A Laruo ll iw. Circular, irivinir Information 'of tho greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It tenches linw tlio homely nviy b:cnmo beautiful, the despised respected, and tlio for- inken loved. No vom c lady or uent'amnn should fall to send their ad lress and receive a copy post- uid, bv return mail. Adiiress P. O. Drawer, 2t. feb20,'f.7-fini Troy, N. Y. S-jy A Yoi:so Lady returning to her country home, alter a sojourn ot a few months n the cily, was hardly recognized by her friends. In placo of a coarse, ru?t!0, flushed face, sho had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon Inquiry as to the canso of so gre.d a chamre, he plainly tol ' them that sho U9ed the CI 11- C..SSIAN BALM, and considered it an in- k-alual)le acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Ountleman can improve . , ' , 1 1 f 11 their personal appearance an hundred ioM. It is simple in lis commnation, ns a autre ner self is simple, yet unsutpiisaed in Its etlleucy in drawing Impurities Irani, also heiihng, cleansing and beautifying the skin and com plexion. By Its direct aclion on tlio cuticle It draws from it all Its impurities, kindly lienling tho same, and leaving tlio surface as Nature Intended it should be, clear, soil, smooth and beatitilul. Price $1. sent by Mail or hxpress, on receipt of an order, by W. h. CLARK. B CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Favette St.. Syracuse, Is. . The only American' Agents for tho sale of Hie snme. PREPARED OIL Of PALM AND MACE, FOli rilliSlvUVINO, ltr.8TOIllNll, AND IIKADTI . I'VIXO T1IU IIAIIt. And is tho most d. lightl'uV and wonderful ar llclo tho world ever produced. Ladies will tlud It not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirable articlo for the Toillet, ns it is highly perfumed with a rich and dulicato per fume, independent of tlio fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. Tlic Marvel of Peril. A new and bjautlt'ul perttiniu, which in delicacy of si-ent, and the tenacity with which it clings to tlio handkerchief and person, is unequalled. 1 lie abovo articles tor slo ny all tirugcisis and Perfumers, nt $ per bottle each. Sent by express to nny address bv proprietors. T. W. WRIUIir Ss CO , 100 Liberty St., New ork Oct. 2, 18C(!. ly. CONSUMPTION CURABLE BY DR. SCHENCK'S MEDICINES. TO CUBE CONSUMPTION, the intent mint be prcpirod io that Iho Iudbi will heal. To accompllih tlili, t'io llvor md itotnach miut Ant 1m elceiuod and inipjiollle created Ibmood wholoaomo lood, whlclu by lliow mcdlolnoi will be dlFealed proiicrl)', end good licaHby blood innloi thui liulldlnK up the eonatltutlon. BCUKNCIC'S MANHRAKK DLLS clonic-tlicitomoctiot nil blllmw or imicom occiinm lstlonai in J, by ualin tlio Sua Woud Tonic In con nection, llio oppct 'to li iTfttontd. SUIIKNCK'B PULMONIC SYBI'P ll nutrlcloiu ' ai well tm modlclnal, and, by iwlnu the threo rcraodtoa, all Itnpurllloi are uxpollod Irom the ivtlcni, and Hood, wliolmomo blood nnulo, wh'.ch will ropol all dlicaiw. II pittlonM will take tliow inrdlclnooocord InH to diroctloi., Coimiinptlon vory lrottiontly In III lut itat!0 yleldi readily to Ihulr action. Toko Uie pllli lrouiontly, to e:aAti the llverand Rtomaoh. It doci not lollow that bucaiuo tho bowuli are not live they are not ro iulrcd, lor loinoltmcj In diarr hea thny are necoMary, Tho itomach ma-l bo kept boalthy, and an appotlto ercatod to allow tho Pul monle Syrup to act on the roiplralory orpim properly and allay any Irritation. Thon all that ll re iiilrod to por:orin a pormanont euro It, lo prereiit taking cold. Exorclio about tho roomi ai much an poulble, eat all the rlcheit food lat meal, nunc, and, In fact, anythlug Uie appotllo cravoi ; but bo particular and naitlcate well, 2nd w. ea. mo. 1 yr. A COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT ItKQCtltMR IMMKIIIATK ATTENTION, AND SHOULD lilt CIIKCItliO. Ir Ai.t.nwuoTO coNTis'rn, iiiihta'I'ionoi'tiihi.iimis. a I'kii. MANK.NT TIIIIOAT IHSKASE, Oil CO.NbUMI'I'ION is oi ri;N tub liesri.T. 11 It O W- IV 8. BBON.CHI Alt TROCHES 1UVIKO A llIlir.CTlSri.L'KNCIlTOTIIUl'.tnrS, OIVB IMMKIHATH HHI.IIT. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump ttvo and Throat, Diseases. Troches are us:d with always good success. SINGERS and PUBLIO SPEAKER will find Troi-hei useful In clearing tlio voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving llio throat after an unusivil exertion o! tho vocal organs Tlio Tforlien aro recom mended aud prescribed by Physician ana havo had testimonials from eminent mon throughout tho country, Bulng an iihvnni of true merit, and having rotW their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them In new localities In various parts of tho wor'.d and tho Trocht nro universally pronounced bettor tliau other articlo?, OiitAis only ' BiioWN'sHiinNciiiAi. Tannins," and do not talto any of the Woi'IIiUm Jmitmiom, Unit may he olfored. Bold kvvrtwhkks. Kovl-ti. ; NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. OPPOSITION LINE TO CALIFORNIA. VIA MUKAUIM, KVEKY TWE.NTV IHVS, WlTll T-lSSKNOIillS, FlIKIOIlT, A.M)U. S. MaH.8, On tho following Jirstc!aH3 Steamships : On Atlantic Omul I Conneeftj on Pud fin Ofctn ANTIAOO tH CIUIA, AMISIIICA, BAN VUANCISCO, M0SK8 TAYI.OIt ! MCAIIAUCA, M.tlllASllV, DOKATO, MKVADA. ! PASSAGE AND FREIGHT AT REDUC ED RATES. SAILING DAYS FROM NEW YORK. March auili...l8fi7. I May UUhandilOth, 1807. April 20th... " I June 20th " And every twenty days thereafter, leaving 011 the Saturday previous when a regular Suiline; Day comes on suiuiay. 1'or tunnel' luluinia Hon apply to the NORTH AMERICAN STEAMSHIP CO. Wm. II. Wkiiu, I'rcn't. I D, N. Cahiiixotos, r4 Exclmngo Place, Aft.. 177 West St., N. Y. I cor. Warren, N. Y. 3: 20-31110. TUT. GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.--Therefore the nervous and debilitated should immediately use Hclmbold's Extract ISticlm. 8:i:ieow-ly spriTb-tjTb! 1867. M'Elroy, Dickson 4 Co, No . W o ocl street, PITTSBURGH, WILIMi MY GSOOS. Have tlieir stojk open for tho trade. GOOD"GOODS! . AT REASONA15LB PRICES. S. 11 M'ELItoY. JAMES DICKSON". 3il3-.ini ' JOHN T. MIAXE. Olt! she was heaullfiil and fair W itli starry evi-s and radiaiit hnir, Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained tlio very heart and mind. CRISPEH COMA. For Curling the Hair of Either !?ex into Wavy and Cilossy Ringlets or lleayy Massive Curies. By uslni' lids article I.udi s and Oi ntleiiicu can heaiilily theniHilves a thousand fol 1, It u.e on y arueie in 1110 w straight hiiir. and at the i)(.lintiiil, glossy appear is thu only article iu the world that will curl wiuie time give it, a tnce. The Crisper uoma not only curls thu hair, lint invigorates, bcaulillcs and cleanses it ; is highly mid de lightfully perfumed, and is tho most complete article oflho kind uverolferedlo the American public. Tlio Crisper Coma will be sent to any uddr ss, sealed und piistptutl lor $1, Address nil orders to W. CLARK & CO.. Chemists No. 3 West Puvcttc St., Syracuse, N. V. Iebi:t,'(i7-ly WALL P a'FeITs! EOlt SPHINQ SALES OP 1807. Wk aro now prepared to olTer to our custo mers, and the Tiutlc all extensive co'lection of PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, KIIIU llOAItO MINTS, liTC, ETC. Embracing nil qualities of goods, known to thu Trade fur Parlors, Dining Rooms, Hulls, Chambers, Churches; Assembly Rooms, &c. ALSO, TBlNSrARENT fill CLOTH MD PAPER WtoDJV FDMS. At the Lowest Market price, n.t .No. 107 Market St., near Fifth. JOS, R. HCGIIESJ ii URO. niO Oms. MONEY FREE AS WATER. . 10,00(1 ACTIVE LOCAL mid Traveling Agents, Male or Female, ofitH ages, are wanted to solicit trade in every city, town, village, humid, workshop and factory, throughout 'the entire world, for tlio most saleable novelties ever known. Still rcr rcnt PROFIT and ready side wherever of- ! fered ! I Smart men aud women can make , from to !."() per day, and no risk of lo s ! I A small capital required of from $20 to ijiioo I the more money invested tho greater the i piiolit. No money required in advance wc lirst send the articles and receive pny after wards! If you actually wish to nmke money rapidly and easily, write lor full particulars and nd.ltiss MILNOR it CO.. (IVtn Purls,) feblJ-lv Sit) Hroudwny, New York CUv. 1 Toil SON RETENTION on INCONTIN ence of Urine, ini'mion, inllunnnulion, or ulceration of the bladder, or kidneys, di-eases , of the prostrate 'glands, Mono in lhe bladder, I calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, und all , disenses of Iho bladder, kidneys and dropsical ' swellings, Usn IIni.unoi.u'3 Fi.cii) ExntACT llccuu. !):i;leow-ly TTENTION ! SOLDIERS ! Disbanded Soldiers entitled to additional bounty under tho recent Act of Congress should bo careful whom they employ to col lect their dues, ll Is not every unprincipled "sharper" who. hangs out his shingle that Is a Ikcmcil claim wjcnl. I am thus by law, and will at tend to all soldiers' claims for hack cay, iu;n sions and adiutionai. imtiNTiK. Having the correct blanks on hand to make such applica tion, llioro Is no cause for return of papers oneo seiir, or deliiy hi making lliein out. Re ceipts given for nil discharges placed In my p Bsesslon; : Apply at once two more months will be too late. U. P. PLENNIICEN, P. O. Ilox 108, Office First Nut. Hunk. Juu:i0,'(i7 Wiiynesbiirg, Pn. Conveyancing done on reasonable terms Ilelmbofd's Fluid Extract Ts ft certain cnrn for discuses of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, OUAVEL, DROPSY, . OUOANIO WEAKNESS, FE MALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DE BILITY, and all discuses ol the UKIKA1U UKU.1AS, whether existing in MALE Oil FEMALE, fiom whatever cause originating und no mat- now lon'u standino. Diseases of these organs require tho use of a '"ll'lio'trcatment Is submitted to, Consnnip i,, nrinuiitiliv niav ensuo. Our Flush and Blood are supported from thoso sources, mid tho HEALTH AND I1APPIEESS, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt uso of a ro' table reined v. llELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, Eslahlislied upwards of m y,'':!'11 B!) t Broadway, New' Vol k, and lot boiitU lotu Ulrcct, Plilladelphla, Pa. I:!8onw-ly N E W PII()T0(RAP1I; -IN'- " WAYNESRUUO, I'ENN'A. . AflLirA.. Wallace lias titled up n new and splendid Photograph Oallery in the thud story ot ALLISON'S 1JU1LDIXO, Where ho is prepared to execute ' rnoTOGiariis, AMIillOTYPES, M ALEIANOT Yl'ES, CAUTES DE VISITS And ail other kinds and sizes of pictures, hi a style equal to the best artists. Especial atten tion will be given to copying pictures and en lardim them. All implications will bo oromnl- ly attended to. Their rooms ure commodious ilnd attractive, and cveiy deslrablu accoinmo- liitiim will Ins rem.creit to cieitoiners lliis Is lecidedly l!ie best opportunity to secure aecu- rale hki'iiesyi s ever ollercd to tlio people ot Creene County. Call any lime it suits you. l'ii tines taken nityiiu.10 in mo any, ami m an kinds ot wcalhcr. Nov. l.", ItlliS. If. "PROfO UALS. PE.1NSYLVAKIA AGRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP 35. 3.133! - riMIE Board of Commissioners now ofTcr for 1. suit) ri'.Mljimii acres of Agricultural College L'liid Scrip, being the balance of tlio Scrip granted to thu Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia for the endowment of Agricultural Col leges in IIi'h Slute. Proposals liir ilia purchase ol this Lnnd Scrip, addressed to "The Hoard of Commis sion ri of Agivulttiml Land Sciip," will be rcceiwd ut tlie Sui-veyor Oenernl's ollleu at HaiTihliurg, iinlil ll' o'clock, M., on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 18G7. This laud may bo located in any Statu or Territory, by the holders ot the scrip, upon any of lhe mi ippropritiled lands (except min eral luiuls) of Hie Hulled Stales, which may be subject to salent private entry. Kaeh piece of scrip represents a (piaitcr section of one hundred and siMty acres, Is issued in blank, und will be trutistcrable, without endorsement or forma! assignment. The blank need not he tilled iiuliillin scrip is presented for loca tion und entry, thcpurly holding it can till the blank and enter tho land in Ids own nnine, lild i must, lie made ns per acre, and no bills will be received for less than one iniurlcr 8"ctioti. The Scrip will be Issued Immediately on tho payment of tho money to the Surveyor tlen- eral. ln all bills lor a less quantity man 10,(10(1 acres, one-third of the purchase money must be paid wi.ldii ten days, and tho remain ing two-thirds within thirty days niter nolitl cntion of the acceptance ot thu bid or bids by the Hoard o; Commissioners. JACOUM. CAMPBELL. Purveyor Gon'l. For I he Hoard of Commissioners. II.v!iiiism:i:c, Feb, '.'7, ISli7.-ls u ,t t : lit, uu n i itjuLU . k i'0 a WORK.i3! . UTOI lllllit STILL conliiuto lo carry on tlio Marble u d Hlone cutting business at their long cstub IWied stand hii'meiliately Kust of tho Public t-'tMure, Main Si reel, WuyncHhurg. This cstablisliment has been in constant operation since I811!l, and tho long experience aid energy of the proprietors, linked with the otercise of sound judgment and good tustc, litvo won for tliem a wide spread aiid enviable reputation. An extensive stock of tlio various varieties of the best marble kept constantly on limul . . Special at'enMon paid to polishing, picssing, curving nt ; engraving. All ordev mil filled. December 23. 18(12. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND , W. J Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX IililiirTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) 33L I 3Ffi. T - The Wondevfnl Flesitiility and great com fort and pleasure lo any lady wearing the Du plcx Kill; lie .Skirl wilt be cxpeiieuced partic ularly in till crowded assemblies, operas, car riages, rnilroud curs, church i ews, urm chairs, for prohicindn and house dress, ns tho skirt can he folded when in use to occupy u small place nscusilv und conveniently nan Silk or MiuJin Dress, an iuvulu.dilo quality in crino line, not found in any Single Spiing Skirt. A lady hiving enjoyed the pleasure.- com fort and grout convenience of wearingllie Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirl for n single duv, will never afterward willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses und Younn Ladies lliev are superior to all others. Tliev will not bend or break like the single; spring, but wl'l prcservo their perfect and graceful sliupo win n three or four ordinaiy skirts will have been thrown aside as useless, Tho hoops arc covered with double and twist ed thn ad, iitulthu bottom rods nro not only doilblu springs, but twice (or double) covered: preventing Ihem from wearing out when drug iring down stoops, rtnlr, &e. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all Indies und is universal!) recommended bv the Fashion Mugarfn s us tlio standard skiit of the fashionable world. To enjoy lhe billowing incstlinn'iio advan tages in'Crhioline, vlz.i superior (plulitv, per fect iniinulaclure, stylish shapo and llnisli, llexlbllliv, durability, comfort and econmnv, eii(pire 'for J. W. BUADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Doublo Spring Skirt, and be suro you get tlio aenuine tirlicle, CAUTION. To guard ngntnst Imi'osttlon bo ptirtlculur to NOTICE thut skirts olfcred ns "DUPLEX" have the red Ink stamp, viz : "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon Iho waist bund none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through tlio centre, thus reveal Imr thu two for double) springs braided to gether therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to bo found In any other Skirt, For sale In all stires where first class skirts are sold throughout tlio United States and elsewhere. Manulucturi ii ny mo isoip wwncrsot tuo Patent. WEST BRADLEY & CAItY. 1)7 Chambers & 71) & fl Heado fcsts , N. Y. febtl'67-lhn WOtLOO. . ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to tlio Rui'Ciu.icAN Oitick, cither for' Job Work or Subscription during the six months the paper was conducted by Mr, Watkins, will pay the accounts to Mr. .Ins. E. Buyers, who Is authorized to receipt for tho same Eutlv attention to litis mutter will save cost. ' MESSRS BID DUO & CLARK. "It '