a J. E, SAYERS, Editor and Publisher. WAYNK2SUUU(.': WEDSK'IDAY. APRtLMO, 1867. TKttMS Olf SIUSCKU'TION. Two dollars a year, payable Invariably in advauce. Ono dollar for six months, payable, Invariably in advance. TERM3 OF ADVERTISING. Aivk8tiskmbnts inserted nt $1 BO per square for three insertions, and AO cts. a square for each additional insertion; (ten lines or less counted a square.) Local advertising nnd Special Notices, in cents per line for oMr-insertion, with SrA liberal deduction to yearly adver tisers. Advertisements not marked with the num ber of insertions desired, charged fur until ordered out. Til E DEMOCRATIC VICTORY(f ) Democracy is on stilts. They ovolute and whirligig, but not with that ease and graco that they might did they come down from thoir perch and Ack nowledge the littleness of their success. Once in thirteen years Connecticut is to bo governed by Domoorats and at What a price T Read the article from the N. Y. Tri'mne on cur outside. See the sacrifice of honor and means resorted to by Democratic) candidates, men selected with an aggregate wealth of $2,500,000 to buy up the floating vote. The little harm that will result, out side the State, will he at the South. It will, in some measure, retard the growth of healthy political sentiment, and tho progress ot reconstruction under the existing law. Tho boast that it is but tho beginning of political revolution North, is an idle one. Rhode Inland is a complete Republican sweep with large gains. Ohio and Michi gan tho same. The friends ot Freedom in Connectict by relaxation of duty fail ed to held the supremacy. However small the consequence let it prove a warning. 'YOU ARE HEREBY REMOVED!" Such is tho brief, curt, and imperious language of Gen. Sheridan in removing tho Mayor ot Now Orloans, and Attor ney General of Louisiana officials cling cn by tho people ot that region. Tliis is tho first lesson in military despotism, and it is but proper that it should be given by the same man wiio laid waste with lire and torch tho valley ot the Shenandoah, The samo military officer that burned houses over the heads of holpless women and starving children. The same leader who made b nifn eeot barns, in a country where thousands were starving, and ruthlessly drove from ono of the fairest spots on earth, swarms ol "subjugated" women, "con quered" children and "subdued'' old men, to tho mountains to fteeze and perish, rootless nnd homeless. It is fit that the first lessou in military despot ism should be given by this man, "You aro hereby removed !" sounds like the death knell ot republicanism, and it could not emennte from a fitter source than Gen, Sheridan. Still tho people - sleep; no person is assassinated ; no re bellion is proclaimed ; not even indignant public asumblies indicate that the people have still enowjh of the blood of '76 to re -sist I The llevkw & Examiner of last week, thus relieves itself of an unusual burden of hate because, forsooth, he to whom the liberties and lives of the people ot Louisiana are committed, by swift and righteous exercise of authority swept from power tho men upon whose souls is the blighting stain of tho murders of July 1860, in New Orleans. No re marks of ours are needed to point out in all its hideous deformity tho under current of despair, and falsity, and re vetigo, aye and cowardice! which the language above betrays, Despair for tho loss cf their cause; falsity in the blasphemous libeling ot ono ottho North's '' best and bravest defenders ; revenge in the desire that another uprising should . lay waste the laud with fire and sword; . cowardice in that they counsol the assas .' Vinalion of our leaders. How long will it be cro such attempt to cloak their sayings by drawing about thorn tho mantle ot falsehood ! THE STATE LOAN. Tho Philadelphia Press remarks truly that it is gratifying to note the alacrity and unanimity with which our capitalists have responded to the appeal of tho State of Pennsylvania for means to fund her past due indebtedness, and thus, by letting herself financially right, bo en abled to discharge tho claims cf her creditors. By an nut passed at the present session ot the Legislature the Governor was empowered to advertise for proposals for a loan of twenty-three million dollars, at par, for tho funding of the past duo bonds of tho Common wealth. On Monday the bids woro opened, when it was found that more had been offered than was required. Thirty-ono million dollars wcro profier. ed, at six per cent, interest, ranging from par to one-halt per cent, premium. Ono million dollars was bid for at par, tor live per cent, interest. Messrs. DitKXF.r. & Co., E. W. Cr.ABKK & Co., and Jay Cookk & Co., well-known banking firms ot this city, have obtain, ed a majority of tho bids, all at a pro mium, and tho remainder, about seven millions, has been taken in other parts ot tho State. This exhibit shows that our State has regained all her financial reputation, nnd that she is now stronger than ever, under tho able administra tion of Governor GuAny and the labors ot Treasuror Kiuiblk and Auditor Gen eral Hartiianft. New Count Aiy net ot tho West ' Virginia Legislature, a new county (Linooln) has been formed from parts ot Cabell, Kanawha, Putnam, and Boone. Hamlin is the county at. THE CONNECTICUT ELECTION IIaiitfoiiu, April 6. -The return are nearly all in, and the result will be as tollows; The Demooralio-State ticket is elected by 800 majority The net Democratic majority on the Congressional vote is J ,800, and the average Democratic on the whole ticket 1,200. Ilotchkiss (Dem ) is elected to Con. gress, in the SeconJ district, by 2,500 majority. Hubbard (Dem.) is eleotcd in the First district, by 500 majority. Win. TI.;Raroum (Dem.) is elected in the Fourth district, by 500 minority. The Republican elected Starkweath er, in tho Third district, by 1,700 ma jority. The Legislature will bo Republican in the Senate by 1, in tho Homo by 17 majority. "MORE CORRUPTION. Tho Copperheads of Washington Co , it seems, are ' indignant at the passage inroumt liio State henate. of the bill ex tending the franchises and power of the I'ennsyivaina Kail road over tho Gover nor's veto, and tho Eecicw, their organ, launches a terrilia philippio against those who voted for it. It says, Ho realize tho exteut ot tho corrupt disregard of the public intorest that prevails at Harris biirg,the render should read Gov. Geary's veto message. That a bill so monstrous in its provisions should not only pass, but receive a two-ihird vote in the Senate after tho Governor's expose ot its iniqui tous features, should alarm tho people, if there remains sufficient political virtue in the masses to protest against tho bold betrayal by their representatives.' It adds 'that tho bill gave tho railroad company power to override all other in terests and set at defiance tho State itself i and if thii climax of corrupt leg islation is permitted to pass, it will ap pear the people areas corrupt as their representatives. The repetition of these alarming acts ot legislation, thus fur only familiarizes the people to these hideous deeds without arousirg them. The representatives and Press, that servo tliis huge monopoly are piid and fatteiu ed in t lie service, and the trick is yearly repeated, and the road buys a dictator ship. Jn every county are to bo found the nmoo:h, cautious, and cunning poli ticians, who induce the people to over look their real interests and vote for their betrayers, and so the people throw o2 the chuiiisof party tyranny. That the burden of those outrages will some day gall the people into resistance, is certain All this is well said, and indicates a healthy state of feeling in Washington. Hut will it produce ci lninensurato action? Will the Democracy of Fayette respond! Aro they so firmly chained to party, that they will tamely cower under the power of the monopoly T We think they will. They have eleot etl a Seiiator,whosetantecedei)ts bad long since taught them to put no trust in bnu. They have made it their party interest to justify their own acts, and thus sus tain the party. We add the vote in the Senate, on the passage of the bill over the Governor's veto s On the quest 'on shall tho bill pass, notwithstanding the objections of the Governor thereto, the yeas and nays being called, were as follows s Yeas Burnett, Connell, Donovan, Fisher, Glatz, Haines, Jackson, James, Landon, iM'Catidless, M'Conanghy, Ran dall, llidgeway, Roger, Schall, SKA RIGHT, Stulzman. Taylor, Walls, and Air...t- ... w oi iningion w. Navs. Bigham, Billinsfelt, Browne, (.if Lawrence,) Brown, (of Mercer.) Duvis.Graham, Lowry, White, IIall-r-9. The above from the Uniontowu S$tn dard applios directly to tho Democracy ot "Little Greene," can they answer the questions pnposed ? Or will they still listen to, and support, demagogues who desiro their suffrage merely to betray their interests ! MONONGAIIELA VALLEY RAILROAD. This bill incorporates the Mononga hela Valley Railroad Company, and names as Commissioners to open books and take stock. Messrs. Jesse Leazer, J. C. Flenniken, P. L. Kramer, G. II. Bowman. Samuel Vanhort, W. Ii. Fra zier, jr., Robert G. Mullen, II S. Van Voorhies, and others. The capital stock is not to exceed $20,000 per mile of road, divided into shares ot fifty dollars each, but tho company may borrow money, issue bonds, etc.. to an amount not exceeding the amount of capital actually paid in. , The company is au thorized to build and equip a single or double track railroad, from a point at or near the eity ot Pittsburg, along the Monougaliehi river.to a point at or noar Rice's Landing, in Greene countyi thence to VVayncsbnrg in said county, "with tho right to construct any branch or lateral railroad not exoeeding ten miles in length, in the coal fields of Al legheny, Washington, Westmoreland, Fayelto and Greene counties. Such is the synopsis of the bill given by the Pittsburg Dispatch, as it passed the Legislature. It is well enough to keep tho thing nlivo and make beliovo do something, but, gentlemen, it you really desiro us to have a railroad give us the Freo Bilpure, unadulterated. We look upon this revival as iu no way oalcula tod to improve our prospects, merely a "pineher," to bo filed or bought off. "Whoneyer you hear a radical spout ing about loyaltv, you must not think ho moans loyalty to tho government ot the United States. ''Cop. But, observes the Slielbyville Tetin , Ili'pubUoan, whenevor you hear oTjoq servative (Domocrat) cursing j-adioals, you must not understand him as mean ing rebels who involved the country in civil war and tilled the land with widows and orphans No, he moans those who (topped thtir career. J ... . . 1. I.,-. '....".J. ." 11 .. ' ! J. E. Hayes, editor of the Savannah Rtpublican, it still kept in prison in Su. vaunah, Ga., tor a so called libel, in de dance of sense and justice, Ex. The North Caso about whioli the Copperhead journals are so loudmouth ed was a clear caso of plotting treason against the Government. Tho above is one of a fearless journalist that dared to uphold the Union of tho States among traitors, a victim cf Andrew Johnson's policy.- Are the Democrats or their Press exercised for his welfare T An atrocious attempt at wholesale murder was made on Sunday last by placing obstructions on the Fenn. Cen tral R. R. near Turtle Creek Allegheny Co. The Cincinnati! Express was thrown from tho track, and irtost com pletely domolishud. Although filled with passengers, but four persons, and they employoes, wore injured, one fu tally, t-'uspeoted parties have been ar rested. RiSTom. Tho Italian tradegionne performed two nights in Pittsburgh, this week. The peanut merchants of the city woio employed by the report ers ot the press to act as interpreters. Monday's papors report a formidable riot in Luzerne county, Pa. Civil au thority was resisted and the military brought in requisition. It is stated that the rioters are strikers. Uton a holel sign, in Richmond, the following words appear in painted, sol emn earnest: PiirsiDRNT's Policy, Whisky, Porter, Ale and Cigars. A Toast Andrew Johnson First in War, last in Peace and least in the hearts of his oountrymen. KACH THINKS FOB IIIMSKI.F. Due utti'titiun glvuu tu nil who comwuuinite for tliia ruliuiiti. For the Rki-culicin, BAPTIST COLLEGE. Tho Monongahola Baptist Association at its annual meeting in September last, appointed a commitleo of ten persons with liio Rev. I. M. 1'iirington as chair man, to enquire into the educational iu toinst of tho churches iu Western Penn sylvania, and to confer with a similar committee from the Ten Mile Associa tion. And tho Ten Mile Association at its meeting iu September last, appointed a oommiltco ot ten persons A. A. Punuan Esq , chairman, to confer with commit tee of the Monongahel.i Association on tho educational interest of the church es and the erection of a College within the bounds ot ono or the other of tho Associations. At the call of tho chairman of the committee a meeting was held at Smith. held I' ayette County Pa. on the 7th of Feb. last, and after a full interchange of opinions, it was resolved to erect a col. lego within the bounds of the associa tions, and elected A. A. Purman Esq. , Rev. I. M. Purington and Prof. C. A. Gilbert to select a site and prepare a plan of endowment nnd report to the meeting of the joint committees to meet nt Brownsville Pa. in June next. The plausibility ot this enterprise is apparent when we refer to the fact, that these associations embraco in their com munion more than eight thousand per. sous in the counties of Greene, Wash ington, Fayette aud parts of Westmore land and Alleghony, and including Monongalia, Marion, Tyler, Marshall, Ohio and Drook counties, of Western Virginia, tho number would exceed tin thousand. And to these may bo added more than five thousand Disciples with in tho boundaries, who may bo consider ed as earnestly tho friends of tho Collego as the Baptists themselves. The Coltcye can and will be built I For the want of proper facilities for tho edu cation of tho youth of Baptist parents, other orgauizitions are over-roaching your numbers. Yet your Church was tho first Protestant in the valley of the Monongahela. It was tho Rev. John Corbly who first proclaimed tho gospel of our divine Master to the few pioneers who sought homes in this then desert wild. Baptists in South Western Penn. sylvia waken up to your interests I Build the Collego on an eligible si to. We would suggest the capital ot Greene County as the proper pluoo. 1st. Because Waynesburg is near tho confer ot the Baptist organizations ot South Western Pennsylvania and North West Virginia. 2u I. Bee iu,o it is one of tho most heukhly locations in the land, and of easy access by its turnpike to the river its connection with Cameron on tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad nnd with Washington Pa. by line of coaches. 8rd. Bunauso of tho moral tone of its inhabitants out of a population of seven hundred adults, about four hundred profess to bo lollowors ot our divine Mastor. 4th Beoause Messrs. E. M. Saycrs & Wm. K. Gapen Eqrs., will give one thousand dollars worth of land well lo eated, on the southern tide of town, on which to erect the College odilicc. While the citizens of Waynosbarg propose to give several thousand dollars and the Baptists ot Greene County proverbial for their charity would freely give to adorn their county scat with this valun ble institution, A FRIEND TO TliJ OOLLEOf, For th Hupubllcan. WHY I AM A REPUBLICAN. , No. 4. Cth. The Republican pang advocates tin princip 'es of morality and religion. It has done so from tho beginning. It was orgauized under John Quincy Ad ams to exterminate Slavery it is now fighting against intemperance, polygamy, Sabbath-desecration aud every species ot vico and immorality, the rolics of tho by-gone rule of Democracy. Facts prove that, notwithstanding tho war, we have mado greater progress in put ting down these crying sins within tho last six years, than in any soore of years before. Never have we mado such rapid strides towards the roign ot pence foretold by prophecy, as since tho old giant emissary ot corruption and sin wag destroyed in Oct., 1860. I do not claim that the party has been the sole power in this great work, but I do as sert that it has worked in harmor.y with tho reformers, and that its princi ples accord with the principles of the Reformation. Again, the religious papors of the North aro almost a unit iu favor of tho party. And they aro oven more radical than tho seuuiar press. I think it sate to say that four fifths ot the ministry are Republicans, and four filths ot tho church members. Some seats are com. posed wholly of persons who vote tho Uuion ticket. During tha war, Presby teries, Synods, Assemblies, Conferences and other bodies raised their voices to sustain tho government and denounce treason. And it was nothing but the Republican party that gave to our armies the Sanitary Commission, that noble so cicty that ever shone forth with its deeds of mercy and lovo amid the wild, fierce, wreck of battle. And now, moral ity nnd religion, everything true, beau tiful and good, cry out to bless this great party of reform. 7ih. It is the friend of science and progress. No bolter illustration ot this can be found than at homo. Look at the old togyism of our County, witli its fifteen hundred copperhead majority, and then look at the Western States, radical tu the core' How tar are they ahead (f us! About seventy years. What a wretched condition the people cf the South are in, whuie Democracy so long revelled in triumph. Contrast Massa. ohnsets and Georgia. The one a live, working, moral Suite ; the oilier a dead, worthless community of criminals. What are the men of science and learn ing in our country 1 Republicans. Where do we find our celebrated col leges, universities, und better than nil, our common schools T Iu the abolition states, Thirteen democratic slates with out a free school 1 What a commentary. The patron of lgcorauce and the friend ot crime 1 Who that lives for the ben efit ot his raco, could belong to such an organization as the copperhead party. J. Porui.Au liunoiis. That editors keep public reading rooms. That they have plenty of timo to talk with every body who wishes to spend au hour in discus sion on such particular questions as the state of the weather, the immorality of tho times, tho condition of tho country, public men and their deeds, eto , ad in finitum That they are delighted to get anything to fill up tho paper with. In short, that they aie not human beings and should be visited with all the ills that brutes aro heir to. T ii b RucoNSTiiucnoN Act . The movement to test the constitutionality vi tug ibi-uuui.i.1 uuuuii ucl, tsnya a vasil- ington dispatch of the 5th, was catriod out with exactness ot detail in the Su premo Court to-dny. Tho eae will como up for full argument on Friday noxt, nnd will last for several days. From tho Tribune wo learn that tho Ohio Legislature, which not long ago refused manhood suffrage, has reversed that action, and both branches have Das- sod a bill establishing it in tho Stuto. Tho House amended tho bill to disfran chise Rebels and deserters, and has sect it to tuo ftenato Ttor action. Tine Virginia Legislature has passed a law prohibiting the selling or giving away oi liquor at any locality near a place where polls aro held, and its pro visions are very stringent. lix. And very sensible. Senator Lowry, ot Erie. has been can- oil by John Burns, the "hero of Gettys burg " Tho cane bears tho following in-onptinm "Tho root of this stick wus baptized by tho blood of Gou. Rey nolds, cut by the hands of John Burns, who presented it to Senator Lowry." Tiik lUi'onr Of Soyretury McCul. lough for the year ending April 7 1 807, shows tho reduction ot the public debt to be $209,000,000. This is cheering, NEW YORK DRY GOODS MARKET. N. Y. April 0. The dry goods trade is generally rather quiet, though n fair business is doing in uhw and novel de signs in chaste and desirable colorings at steady rales, but other descriptions hung lire, and prices are low and weak, under the doolino in cotton and gold. In prices ot dry goods thuru is no essential change uxoept iu Moi'iimno D brand prints, which are down to IGo. Oriental prints aro selling nt 15Jo under tho'name ot Glasgow ticket. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tffiWrlfoiiS' silk i BY AN ORDER OF THE COURT OP Greene county, tho undersigned Admin istrators ot'the estate of THOS ALLFREE, dee'd., will oiler Tor sul, on the premises, ut luce's l,amling, ureentt county, l'a., on au:sivv, ii vv n, is7, at 10 o'clock, a. in., tho two-thlrdB of the fol lowing described property, viz s Ono tract of land containing uuout six or seven acres, on w hich are erected ono lurgo two story FHAME DWELLING HOUSE I Ono moderate sized two story frame dwellinc uuu nfiio iiuuwj nun nun nun iiimiv, gwuvi permanent foundation, and well roofed, with ......... i..,. nnn .. ...in r- a goou ciumner stacu. 'i lie saw mm is large ami new, anil well calculated tor uotu naw aud Planiiij; Mill. There will also be offer ed one Kngino and lioiler. ino auovo mentionod nroportv will bo ot- fcred in lots or as a whole, as nuy seem best for the estuto, on day of sale. It 1b situate on the AIonoDgahila river, about twelve miles aunve lirownsville. Persons wishing good town property or a eood location for a Saw Ulill or Planing Mill, or both, would do well to cull and examine, wo think they will pro nounco this oao among tho best frames on tho river. TERMS : Ono-lmlf on confirmation of salo, one-half In three months thereafter, with Interest from conlrruiation, when Deed wM be mauo. l. h. UA.KY. LOUISA ALLFREE, Administrators. The romainlng ono-third inteiest in tho sam o nrunerty will bo offered by the under sinned owner, oil the same day, and nt tho samo place. JUUjN j)iuuui!i 4jl0-ts IPtjl1311o Notice A 8 THE FIRM Oif I1UGIIE3 & LUCAS XL is disolvcd by mutual consent, tho Com mission business will still bo carried on at tho old stand, in irood order, and on the most rcasonahlo terms, hi tho namo and stylo of L. Hi:OLlE3 & CO., (senior parlnar). They Hatter themselves, by having tho llouso and the best location In tho nlucu for that busi ness, Hint they will hkckivb a liberal share of tun public patronage Tliev will also keen a mod minnfo of QRO CERliCS ou hand to accomodate all who may favor them with a cull. L. HUGHES & CO. 4;10-tf Rice's Landing, Pn. Statomont s Accnriliiiff In n Act of AhhciiiMv niuwoil Anril 'ISM. mukini; It ohligiitory nil tho Auilltum of t)in nlftVruDt TnwnKhipii of tltU Cuiiiimitiwimlth to publish a Htfitoment of th Bounty Tux Uvl'-il niul cullirtil. We th undur nlgml Auilittii'i uf JulTwraou Tuwnnhiii, lubiuit tlie follow. iiik -. JaiiiDH KMly, (n Account Willi Ji'nVr ion Tnwnxliin. !v lloiintv DunHcute DR. No. 1, iiwlli'il Vl.ruaiy ISUt, 1,US 71 Crctljt to cash imiil committee or onler 1.1,111 77 Lout money, bill nml feca fur collodion &')u 97 $3,118 74 13US 71 Jam Kelly, in nccount with .leffi-r- cin Tiwnxlilp, lr bv lloiintv Pupil- cut" No. i, Inuli'il NcpU'inhor 101 (,071 40 Cr. to cnli p.if-1 coiniiiltluc or onliT 4,050 TO Lost mnni-y. I ill mi il f.Tii for coltia-tlon ami rcfunriVu money 075 M tifltb 51 Iff. B71 40 0,11.16 61 llnlnno In Jim Rully'li linn! 1,016 M J.uiiim Kt-ll.v in ncfldunt with .Teflcr- miii towiiHltip. Dr. hv lloiintv Oupli rutu No. .'t. Is.iikiI K..l.ru.ir. 1W6. 16,137 00 Cr.tociKh p il l comniltt.'r it order S.OT4 1.1 l.ont moii'-y, billtiinu luiw lurculluctioii 710 01 6U0 77 6.i:n oo 6,1 'JO 77 ni1innin tliu Immlit of Jumnn Kelly, coll ector S10 83 JnliiiNi.il WyroO'ln nrcount Willi Jcf- tiTHOii Tp., lr, liv lloiintv Uiipliciita No. 4, k.uolO.-tobur I Wit, i,0!7 60 Cr. tociisii puiil tlio K:inin'' A Dro- vcm' Nut. II ink of Wiiyni'fiburK, 660 00 . Cr. to c.-ioli paid it'ulorn.'iK otobl uotu 2u4 P2 Oilplicnto No. '2 wiu Umli'il iui'Iith apui'l il Act of As"Mn- My. Number of n inilixtiil, 72, nt :uh 00 citch. The limit of tin' Homily Ijuwn of tlm Htuto woulil coat 1'Jl, 000 00: tho net iimouutur tlm ilillcrcnt lluplicnti will lie about nixtceii thootmn'l four liuuilrml uml ninety-eight (lolbirunil Kixty-lwo centri. WiTiTtify the ubove to becorrect tw per nccount pro aeuU'tt. JOHN S.IUYAlll), A. I). itl.SII, WM. V. SOOTT. 4:10-3- Auditor!. MicrilTn Male. BY vlrtuo ofa writ of Venditioui Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greene county, and to mo directed, Micro will bo oxposod to public sale at the Court House, in Waynesburir, on SATURDAY, 4TH DAY OF MAY NEXT, at 2 o'clock, p. in., the followiug property, viz; All the right, title, Interest and claim of de fend mt ol, in and to ascertain tract of land situatein Washington Tp., Greeno county, Pa., containing two hundred acres, moro or less, about one hundred nnd fifty acres cleared, aud has erected thereon r,no hewed log house, log stable and other out buildings ; adjoining lauds ol Robert McCorniic, John MeNay, Georgo Wisecarvcr, John Taylor and others, there is an apple, peach and cherry orchard on the premises. Taken in execution as tho property of Thomas McNurliu nt tho suit of Georgo Wise carver. ALSO, . At tho samo timo nnd place all tho right, title, interest anil claim of defendant, ol', in and to a certaiu lot of ground situate in Dun Itard township, Greeno county Pa., containing twenty-four acres, more or less, all of which aro cleared, and lias eroded thereon ono fraaio dwelling house and kitchen, nnd other out buildings, adjoining lands of Abraham, Sterling and others, bounded on the Hast by the Monongahela river aud N. rth by Dunkard creek. Taken In execution as the property of Pitlulmrirli nml Nnur Viuk (ill P,a., ... H, suit of tho Administrators of R, W. Dav's, deceased HEATH JOHNS, Sh'ff. 4; lots A CURE FOR BLEEDING AND WEAK NESS OF THE LUNGS. Tho unyield ing LUNG r YRUP, is a sure euro for bleed ing and weakness of tho lungs, soreness of tho breast, pulti in the breast, &o. This Syrup is nlato discovery, lias been tboiomihly tested and has never been known to full in a single caso. It is for salo wholesale and relalo nt Oih-nimuoii's Drug Store, Crulgh's old stand, and will be distributed throughout tho country at country stores, Merchants will do well to keep it on hand. Send your orders. Also, The Cough Extormlnator, which will cure hard coujjli, horsenoss, bronchitis, croup, iScc. Another Syrup. expressly forllooplngCough, which lsau able tiling in this contagious tlls caso. All the above articles are for sale at Eastern Prices, nt ODENBAL'GH'S Drug Storo, Waynesburg, Pa. , 4;n tf. JONAS KLY, TKKASUU1CK OF BOUNTY FUND OK FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. GUEKNE CO., PA tt. TO CASH IlKOKIVEI) TROM COLLECTORS. .Inplietli Smith, Collector for tho yonrlROI f j.nns 65 ikiuiu i milium, i.oHciuur lor inn your mil!) Iiinlh Tuiiier, Colhi'tor forthe yiur 1800 To CiihIi from Mile of Bond To Ciuli received ou nubncrlpUott e.siit 7.11 Oi 7,201 00 1,070.00 f2H,410 70 .7.KF.V Br CikIi piilil In F. h D. N. nnnk do do do do pittil In Vint Nntloiml Hank ' do do Hurmiirir A Drove if' Nnt. llnnk lil to J T. Hook for rocruiu mid xpoum Ity orili'rn ri'ilopnuid, n.v mnonnt mld on Unndi By amount puiil for tuinpl Djf percentage tS.401 78 rtulnnce la Treuurcr't hitmli it w Amount of Dountjr Tax lovlud for the ymrlW 10,37 J 03 RxoniTiitlone, ' 2M (1 Ain't, ol tm k'Tlod for the year 1805, 7,M7 68 Kxonorntloiia, 1217 CO Ain't, of tin lovlodfbr theyoar 1800, 1,073 39 Knuni'Nitloiiii, (272 38 Wo the tindrnlined Auditor! do enrtlfy tho atwre la eorrooteaeutinl, JOHN SIMONTON, 4-ew iioa tviuguARVJU. . on. . S,M) 0.1 2.0J3 Al ll.O.'IJ AH Mi 00 3.100 4A hMb SO 0,576 4 t 60 128,'M 47 141 31 SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS .-jsioied by HolinbolU't Extract lluchu. Ujiaeow-iy MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are regained by Uelmbold's Extract Duchu. ;iocow-iy. Orphan' Court Sale BY vlrtuo of an order of the Orphan's Court of Grecno County Pa., the under- signed Executors of James Dubeiy, lute of Atoms l p,. Urecne County, l'a. will expose to saic on SATURDAY TOE 27tU DAY OF APRIL '07. on the premises situated in Morris To. Groene County, Pa., the following tract ofland, viz. Fifty acres, more or less, situated In tho Township aforesaid, adjoining lands of James Conner, Abel (Jury, John Kotts ana others, all of which Is cleared, on which is erected a hewed 'og house and other out buildings, ap plo and peach orchard, &a. Tkrms or Salk: One half of the purchase money at tho confirmation of the Sale, the residue in one year thereafter with Interest from the date ut the confirmation of Sale. WILLIAM DURERY, SARAH DUUERY, Executors of James Pubcry, Dnc'd. UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU nnd Improved Rosh Wash cures secret aud deli cate disorders in ail their stives, at little ex pense, littlo or no change hi diet, no incouve uienco nnd no exposure. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immcdiato in its anion, and free trom all injurious properties. 8; l3eow-lv Just Received FRESH FROM PHILADELPHIA, AT Til U Clothing Store OF N. CLARK & SON A LOT OF FINE DRESS COATS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BUSINESS SACK COATS. A LOT OF FARMERS' CHEAP SACK COATS, A LOT OF BLUE BLOUSES, The above goods liavo just been purchaser! In Philadelphia, nnd will bo sold ut Terr low prices. Call and compare our prices before purcuasing. ROOM. J TWO DOORS WEST OF THE ADAMS HOUSE May lfi, ly.-ch.lunlO.'OT, SLATER ODENRAUGH, TEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINrJS, U quors and every thing pertaining to a tlrst class Drug Bloro. rroscnpuims curciuny com pounded. "Crelgh's Old Stand," Waynes urg, Pa, , May EO, 'C6.-Iy. Administrator's Notice. IKTTEUS of administration having becn J granted to tho undersigned upon the es tate of James Neal, lata of Cumberland town ship. Greeno county, Pa., deceased, notice is hereby given to an persons inueiueti to saiu estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly au thenticated lor seuieuieiH. JOIN GWYNN. 4jS-0w of Cuuibcrlaud tp., Adm'r. The Wonder of the Age TIM?, MONEY AND LABOR SAVED 1 THE LATEST AND BEST CHUM! ONE OP TIIE LATEST PATENTS, ISSU ed on tho I Kit day of September, I8iiti, to Wm. K. McUutcUcon. of Washington. Iowa, will bo on exhioltlou lu a few days at JOHN MUNIV ELL'S, In Wavneshurir. P.i. This CIITJUN must supercede any tlilnu; of the kind hereto'nre produced. Tho slmplenrss of Its construct ion, and Its two-fold or reversed motion, that produces butter from threo to six minutes must Intluoo tho community to examine Its qiiinmi.-B saves itme-H saves, work anu produces ns much butter as any churn In cx Istcnco. Mr. Mun.iell has full nower to sell lights for Pennsylvania or New York State as well as to turnlsh rjhurns to citizens of this county. ' p. ,B Johuston &Co. Agents. Bi27-tf. ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTI TUTIONS, of both sexes use Heimbold's Ex tract lluchu. It will give brisk and energetic feelings, and enable you to sloop well. , 8tl3eow-tj 1 REAL ESTATE IT'OK SAL 33 THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER AT public sale on the prcmlsts, en Tlmisday.April 25tli, 1867, tho following described farm, late the proper ty of Isaac Weaver, dce'd., known faslhs William Davis farm, situated in Jeflcrron township, Greeno county, Pa,, containing ma ACRES; adjoining lands of William Gwynn, Alphias Di'Uncy, Alexander Duvis and others, "of which there are about one hundred and fifty acres cleared, on which aro erected a two stoiy BRICK HOUSE, Frame Barn, 8lblo, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed, Milk House, Smoke House and Tenniu Ilmire; wilh t ixo orchards of different kinds of fruit; This farm is situated In a good neighborhood, convenient to Mills and Churches. There is a School Hoiipo on one corner of the farm ; is well watered and well set with CLOVE11 AND TIMOTHY! The farm is ono of liio most desirable for larmlrt" or grazing in tno county, l i-.K.na i One-third of tho purchase money to bo paid at confirmation of sale and tho remainder In two equal annual payment", with Interest from continuation. ELIZA WEAVER, GEO. WEAVER. IjMt Administrators. HELM HOLD'S EXTRACT 1H CIIU gives health and vigor to the frunie and bloom lo ti e pallUi cheek. Debility Is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and il' no treatment is sulmiitled to, consumption, insanity or epi leptic fits ensue. :UJow-ly Something New 7.V WAYNESBURG, PEXVA. THOS. BRADEN ( At the room formerly occupied by Andrew wuson, or., next uoorto uraticn surugsioro.; Respectfully Informs tho good people of Greene county, Una lie bus opened a HARBWAHE STORE. And Inviles a rail from his friends and tho. ntiliHi. irnwirnlttr Mia uturn la llllp.-l witlli cvervthi ig in his line needed by Iho Parmer i....i n. .: .. . .1....1 r....H,..H i. mill :iu:i:ii!iliiu. iikrui 11 iui:iliui imiiiiui, 11a knows exactly the wauls of his fanner friends. A imii. j; his variety of goodswill he found Iron, Mails of.tll kinds, Planes of all varieties, Au pers, Hroci'B. &c. 'futile toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand b;iws and tools of all des criptions. AO IUCULTU UAL IMPLEM ENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes. Corn Shcl lers. Plows, Cultivators, Shovels, Forks, and everything iu his line. SADDLEUY IIAKDWAI1E, , A gonernl assortment of saddlery hardware, to which ho inviles the attention (If purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Butter Buwls and nil kinds of Kitchen Wooden Pixins, Willow Baskets; Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns, Boys Wagons aiid sh tls. All persons desirous of purchasing any of the uhove articles and many others not men tioned ; will consult their i uteres! by CALLING SOON. IIo will take pleasure in showing his stock, nt all times. So give him a call when you come to town. Remember the place, oppo site the First National Bank. decmf THOS. BRADEN. Takr no more unpleasant and unusefnl rem edies for nnpleosiHU a"d dangerous disenses. Use Ilclmhoid's Extract Buchu and improved Rose wash. 3:13cow-ly. CLIMAX! CLIMAX!! Pago's Climax Salve, a Family blessing for 25 cents. . It heals without a scar. ' No family should be without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptions of the Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Braises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &c, it makes a perfect cure. It has been used over fifteen years, without ono failure. It has no parallel having per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment. Sold bjr Druggists ererywheie. White St Howltnl, rroprletora, 131 Liberty Street, New York. UELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BTJ CIIU is pleasut iu tnsto nnd odor, free from all injurious properties, and immcdiato In its actiou. Sililcw-ly Thero cometh glad tidings Tt joy to all, To young and to old, to great nnd to small j The bounty which once was so precious and r'i Is free fur all, and all may bo fulr. BV TUB USK OF CIJASTELLAR'S WHITE MO'l ID For Improving and Beautifying the Comply x Ion The most valuable and perfect preparation. in use, lor divine; tno skin a ncauiiiui peari-. 1:1. .1.... r. ....1.. 1 1 i. T. imu uui., tiiui. la niiiy lounu 111 ycuin. ai nuickly removes Tun. Freckles, Pimnlcs, Blotches. Moth Patches. Sallowness. Erupt ions, and all impurities of tho skin, kindly healing the same leaving the skin while and clear us alabaster. Its vso can not bo detect ed by tho closest scrutiny, and being a vege table preparation is perfectly harmless. It il the only article of the kind used by the French, nnd is considered by tho Parisian ss indispen sable to a perfect toilet. Upwn-ds' f 30,00ft bottles were sold during the past yeni, ty sufllclcnt guarantee of lis cfllcacy. Prico on ly 75 cents. Sent by mall! post paid., on re ceipt of an order, by BERGER, S1IUTTS& Co,, Chemists. 283 Rlvor SU, Troy N. Y. feb20 'CT-ly. . UELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT Dl'CUO.. It At Grtat lHurKic. ' ntLBoio's coscrjiTiuir.n ixtract lAnsiPAinin I tht Great Blood rwtfitr. ',' Both are nrnnnrprl nrrnnltnir tn ml.. n Pharmscy and Chemistry; and are the most cnv mat can do maue,. ;i8ecrw-ly