The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, April 03, 1867, Image 1

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I iflpct-gctetl fa politico, mtnim, tfomin, gaiuc and pdliw few, U, -fa.
NO. 43.
Willi: ;!ipifipi.:;-
i r. a c i n 1 iu f 1 11 m 11 11 - rm . r 1 r-w am j. s 1 1 a a m . l. a m. c-v kv .... 1
jit lUjJitlrlitan.
: , 1 ' JAS. E. SAYERS.
p "Two dqllura ft J(-ar, payable Invariably in
' advance. "One dollar fiir six months, payable,
invmhthlv iir advance.
AifviiiiTisr.MUNTs inserted at $1 W) per square
for three insertions, and .Wets, a square tor each
additional Insertion; (ten lines or less counted
a si mire. )
Local lvcrlisiiig nml Si-kcut, Noticks, in
cents per linn tor osuinsertion, with
... irA liberal deduction mudo to yearly nil
. Ailvnrtlapim.nta not. mni'lrnrl ivltli tlm ninn
. bi r of insertions desired, charged lor until
ordered ran.
fryObitinry notices and tributes of respect
inserted as advertisements, lliey must
be paid for in advance.
it). Ooxkii, Pres't. .1. C. Fi.knniken, Cashier.
. . May 10, '(ili.-ly.
CyOiTicK In N. Claik's building,
Attorneys and Counsellors at l.iitv
tytiyiwshitri, Peun'a.
t-J-Omc. ,u the " Wright House," East
doore. Colleia'or.'i, &c, will receive prompt
Wayneshurg Au ust 2(1. 18(12. If.
DEALER IN Books Stationery, Wall Paper,
Window Paper, &c. Sunday School
Books of all kinds constantly on hand, Way
neshurg, Ph., opposite PostOIUce.
May '.), '(i(l.-ly
4V"7li lllij-fi"rM"A
MicncitAXT TArr.oit,
nooM in's miii.nisn, wAvxusmmo.
WORK made to order, in finest nnd best
style, Cutting and Fitting done prompt
ly, and according to latest lasliion plates.
Hlock on huml and for sale. May - tf
Wm. ZOciiloy,
nnd select assortment of watches nnd
Jewelry. Repairing dono at the lowest rates.
pi. iy
THos. Bradley
T)OSITlVELY tho most compli'te Hotel in
our town. Everything combined to fur
nish the best accommodation ever yet ottered
to the public,
Meals furnished nt nil hours, table provid
ed with the best of the season.
Truvellcrs nnd those desirous of refreshment
will do well to call, "Tom" still retains his old
reputation of an accommodating gentleman,
nnd hospitable landlord. House, the one for
merly occupied bv the "Messenger" Olllce.
May !l,'(l(i.-ly.
poFle'-s lijT
TAIN," H. It. Animis,
(.'onimander, (.'apt It.
i C. Mason, Clerk; leaves
Brownsville didlv at 7 a. m., for Pittsburgh,
and leuvo that citvat 6 r. m., daily,
STEAMElt "ELECTOR," Roiihiit Pmr.
i.irs, Commander ; H. (, Tayi.oii, ClerK ;
leaves Urccuaboro, for Pittsiiurgh Mondays,
Wednesday nnd Friday, and return on Tues
day, Tlmrsdiiy nnd Saturday, leaving Pitts
burgh at 2 i M, M iy 10, '(Hi. -Cm.
Baroroft cfc Oo.
Iraportci'8 au Jobborsof Staplo nnd Fancy
Pry Goods. Clotlis. Casslmera, Hlankets,
. Linens, White Goods, &c, &c,
Nos, 405 & 407 Maiikkt Siiiket,
Above l'onrth, North Stilt,
(Mr. Holland taken occasion to udviso the
retail merchants ot Greene, Washington nnd
adjoining counties that lie will call upon them
and solicit their custom for the above named
house. Those wishing to address him can do
so at Benllsvillo, Pa. feblil 'itf-lf.
cstntfl of A.- WILSON, Sr. Into of Marlon
township, Greeno county, dee'd., having hcen
granted to tho undersigned, notice is hereby
given to nil persons Indebted to said ostuto
to make Immediate payment nnd those hav
ing claims to present them Immediately, prop
perly authenticated for set'leuieut.
i , W. T. E. WEP.n,
of Marlon township Ad Jilnbtr.ilors.
fell. 10, 07 w
Dealer In Book nnd Stationery, M igazlncs,
Dally I'npurs Fancy Articles, &?.., Way
ncshurg, Pa, . ftp I , 'GO-1 y
Wk present our readers this week wit) Tub
Ravkn. written by Edgar Allen Poo, That
strange character, in strange moods, has left
us strange lines, nnd has journeyod away
from tho world. Whether these lines may
convey any moral or meaning, it. matters but
little, but one thing Is certain, the theme is
wild and ghostly, and from tho effect it has
upon the reader, who can Judge of tho feel
ings of him who wrote thorn ? What a depth
ol weird fancy, nearly superhuman, must
have been Irs 1
Once upon a midnight dreary,
While I pondered, weak unit wearv,
Over many a quaint and curious volumo
of forgotten lore ;
While I no tded, nearly napping,
Suddenly theic came u tnpjihig,
As of some one gently rapping.
Rapping nl my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered,
'Tapping at my clumber door"
Only this and nothing more.
Ah, distinctly I remember,
It was In tho bleak December,
And each separato living ember wrought
Its ghost upon the'floor,
Eairerlv t viuhid (ho mnrrnw .
V:tinly I liatl sought to borrow
1? ..... 1,..1
. in, itninn 9111 cuuni; Ui HOJIUW "
Sorrow tor (he Insl. r.inftri
For the rare and radiant maiden
Whom the angels namo Lenore
Nnmeless here forevenuore.
And U10 silken and uncertain
Rustling of each purplo curtain,
inriueu me n:eii mo with lantnstic ter
rors never felt beloro
80 that now, t i still the heating
Of my heart, I stood repealing
km aooio visuor enirearmg
Entrance at inv Hmtnlwr ilnir
Some late visitor entreating
J'.utrance at my chamber door j
This it is and nothing more.
Presently my soul grew stronger j
Hesitating then no longer,
oir, said 1 "or nudum, truly your for-eivenc.-M
I imnlorn
But the fact is, 1 was napping.
And so gently you came rapping,
.Aim no lainiiy you came tapping,
Tannim? al mv cliamlur ilonr
That I seaieo was sure I hoard you"
iierci opened wide tlie door ;
Darkness there and nothing more.
Deep into that darkness peering.
Long I stood there wonderimr. I'earine.
IXitibiiug, dreaming dreams no mortals
evi'l' t'liri'd ti i itt'iMim Iw.iVu.. .
But the silence was unlirokeli, '
And the tiilllni'ttH truvit ni t..lin
And the only word there spoken.
W:iR I till ivllluniirnil r lt,i,-ir tti
This I " liispered, and an eelio
Murmured back the word, "Lenore !"
Merely this uud nothing more.
Back into tho chamber turning,
All uiy soul within me burning.
Soon again I heard a tapping, something
louder than before,
"Surely" said I, "surely that is
Something at my wiudiJw lattice ;
Let me see, then what thereat is,
And this mystery explore
Let my heai be still a moment,
And this mystery exp'ore
'Tis the wind und nothing more."
Open hero I flung the shutter,
When with many a llirt and flutter,
In there stepped a stalely It iven of the
saintly days of yore.
Not the least obeisaneo inm!n tin
Nut a minute stopped or stayed he ;
uui nun uiein 01 lord or lady,
Perched above my clumber door
Perched upon a bust of Pallas
Just above my clumber door
Perched, and sat, and nothing n.ore.
Then this ebony bird beguiling
My sad lanoy into smiling,
By the grave nnd stern decorum of the
countennnce it wore,
"Though thy crest be shorn and shaven,
Thou," I said, "art sure no craven,
Ghastly grim and ancient Raven
Wandering from the nightly shore
Tell mo what thy lordly namo is
On the night's Plutonian shore "
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermoro."
Much I mnrvellcd this ungninly
Fowl to hear discourse so p'ninly,
Though its answer little meaning little
relevancy bore ;
For we cannot heln nirrcclna
That no living human being
e.v.-i yui was oiesnuu wuu seeing
Bird above his chainoer door
Bird or beast upon th sculptured
Bust above Iih clumber door,
M 1th such name us ''Nevermore,"
Bnt thB Itnvcn. sitting lonely
On that plncld bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul In that one
word bo did outpour,
Nothing further then he uttered,
Not a leather then lie lluttcied
'Till I scarcely more than muttered,
"Other friends havo tlown beforo
On tho morrow will leave me.
As my hopes havo flown beforo."
Thcu the bird said, "Nevermoro."
Startled at the stillness broken,
By reply so aptly spoken,
"Doubtless." said I, "what It utters is Its
only stock uud store,
Caught from some unhappy mnster -Whom
unmerciful disaster
Followed fast nnd followed faster,
'Till his songs ouo burden bore
'Till the dirges of his hope that
Melancholy burJen bore '
Of "never nevermoro."
But tho Raven still beguiling
All mv snd soul Into smiling,
Straight I wheeled a cushctned seat in
front of bird nud bust and dooi ;
Then upon tho velvet sinking
1 betook myself to linking
Fancy unto funcy, thinking
What this ominous bird ofyoro
Whnt this gl im, ungainly, glinstly,
Gaunt nnd ominous bird ot yoro
Meant lu croaking "Nevermore." ' .
Thus I sat engaged Id guessing,
But no syllable expressing,
So the fowl whose llery oyoi now burned
. Into my bosom's core
This nnd more I sat divining,
With my head at case reclining
Oii the cushion's velvet lining
That the lamp-light gloated o'er,
But whose velvet, violet lining,
With the lamp light gloating o'or,
She shall pre-s, nil, nevermoro 1
Then methougbt the air grew denser,
Pr turned from an unseen censer,
Swum: by Seraphim, whose footfalls link
led on the tut ted floor.
"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee,
By these angels ho h itli sent theo
Respite respite nnd nepenthe,
From thy memories of Lenore I
Quail, oh quatl'this kind nepenthe,
And forget this lost Leuore !"
Quoth the Haven, "Nevermore."
"Prophet I" said I, "tiling of ovil !
Prophet still, if bird or de Ml !
Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest
losseu inee uere asnore,
Desolate, yet all undaunted,
On this dcseit land enchained
On this homo by horror haunted
Tell m truly I implore
Is them is there balm in Gilead ?
Tell me toll me I implore!"
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
"Prophet! "said I, "thing of evil
Prophet still, if bird or devil !
By that Heaven that bends nbovo us by
that God we both adorn
Tell this soul with sorrow laden,
It; within the distant Aidum,
It shall clasp a sainted maiden
Whom the angels namo Lenore
Clasp a rare and radiant maiden
Whom the angels u imu Lenoro."
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
Be that w rd onraurn nf tvirllW
Bird or tiend," I shrieked, upstarting
uec inee imci into the tempest nml tho
nh'ltt'tt Pllltnniiiii ulinrn I
Leave no black plume as a token
ii ui'ii ue my soul H it ii spoken !
Leave my loneliness unbroken !
Quit the bust above my door !
Take thy beak from out my heart, nnd
inKeiuy lorm Horn olt my Uoor!
Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."
And the Raven, never flittim?.
Still is sitting, still is sitting
On tho pallid bust of Pallas just abovo my
chamber door ;
And his eyes have all tho seeming
0'' a demon's that is dreaming.
And lb- lamp-light o'er him (streaming
Throws his shadow on tho floor.
And my soul from out that shadow
That lies floating on the floor,
Shall be lifted nevermore 1 '
The following bill, regulating the
grant'iig ot liconses, has passed both
houses linally, ttnj will become tho law
on which future lioonses will have lo bo
granted. It is important that all npplu
cation for liuenso al tho April session
shall at onoo comply with the law :
A fchtiikk suiHM.KMi'.N'r to an not further
to regulate tho granting of licenses to
hotels and eating houses, approved
Maroli tliiry-fi rst, one thuusau 1 eight
hundred and fitty-six
Suction 1. Beit eii'iclml b) the Senate
and flo'ise of Kdf.rmntatives of the. Cum-
monwealth of rnnsyluaah in General
Assembly met, and it it hereby enac'e l by
the authority of the stm:;, That when an
application is made to any court ot qii'ir.
ter sessions ot this Commonwealth, for
license to sell iutoxioaling drinks, it
shall bd lawtul tor said court to hear pe-
tition.s, in addition to that of the appli
cant, in favor of, and remonstrances
against the application for such license,
and in all cases to refuse the same when
ever, in tho opinion of said court, hav
ing due rogard to tho number and char
aoter of the" petitioners tor an j against
such application, such lio 'tiso is not ne
cessary tor tho accommodation ot tho
public and entet'taiiimtint ot strangers
and travelers, and upon suflLiieut cause
being shown, the said courts shall have
power to revoko any license granted by
them, nnd all laws inconsistent, with this
section are hereby repealed : Provided,
That tho Bua'tips in tho bond, required
of the applicant for license, shall be
signed to his petition.
Sue 2. That applications for license
to keop an eating house, beer house or
restaurant, authorizing tho sale ot do
mestic wines, malt nnd brewed liquors,
shall hereafter be made in tbesamo man
ner and lo the same authority as appli
cation for license to keep a hotel Pro
viilcd, That tho regulation in reh'.lion to
bed rooms and beds tdiall not apply to.
applicants tor an eating. house, beer
house and restaurant license, and tho
tenth section ot tho not of twentieth
April, one thousand eight hundred and
fifty-eight, authorizing county treasur
ers to grant an otuing-houso or retail
brewery license, is hereby repealed.
Sko. 0. No license to keep an oatingi
house, bear house or restaurant,' under
the provisions ot the socond section ol
this aot, shall be grnntod in any inoor
poratad city for a loss sum than fifty
dollars, nor elsewhere for n less sum
than twtnty dollars.
Sue. 4, It any person, alter tho pas
sago of this act, shall sell spirituous and
vinous liquors, domostio wines, malt or
brewed liquors, without having obtain
ed a license authorizing htm so to do,
scull persons shall, on conviction m the
court of quarter Hossioi.s, bo Quod, for
the first olTonso, in any sum not less than
fifty nor more than two hundred dollars;
and for tho second or any subsequent
ottensesucb person shall bo fined not
less thin one hundred dollars, and, in
the discretion ot the Baid court, bo im
prisoned in tho oouoty jail not less than
thirty days, nor more than ninety days i
Provided, I hat nothing in this aot shall
be construed to repeal the'provisions of
the act ot Assembly passed March thirty,
first, one thousand eight hundred and
fifly.six, relating to sales by druggists
and apothecaries.
Sec 5. That the ' provisions of the
first section ot this aot shall not apply to
the city of Philadelphia, or to the county
of Allegheny : Provided, That nothing
in this act shall authorize the granting
ot licenses to hotel and inu keepers, to
vend vinous, spirituous and mall liquors
and to license beer houses, eating hous
es and restaurants in any locality where
licensing of hotels, inns, beer houses,
eating houses or restaurants is now pro
hibited by law
The Sormoii bulow went tho rounds of
the papers in 1 J55. We think it will
be worth republishing i
'I may say to you, my breathring,
that I am not a edieated man. an i am
not one ot them as buliove that edeca
tion is necessary fur a Gospel Minister
fur I behove the L"rd educates his
preachers jess es ho wants them to bo
edecated, an although I say it that ought
not to say it, in tho State of Indianny,
whnr I live no man as gits a bigger con
gregation an what I gits.
Thar may bo some here to-day as
don't know what porsuasion I im uv.
Well, I may say to you, my breaihren,
that I am a Hard Shell Uiptist. Thar's
some folks as don't liko the Hard Shell
Baptist, bul I rather bave a hard shell
as no shell, You see me hero to-day,
my breathring, dressed up in tine
olothus; you mustn't think I was proud;
but I was proud; but I am not proud my
breathring, and although I've been
preacher of the Gospel for twenty yo rs
an although I'm Capting of the Hat boat
that lies at your lauding, I'm not proud
my breathring.
I'm not a guino to toil edeactly whar
my text may be found: suffice to say, it's
iu the led ot the Bible, und you'll find
it soinoivhar between the first chapter of
the book ot Generations, and the last
chapter ot the Book of . Revolutions, an
ef you'll go nu J search the Scriptures,
you'll not only find my text thar, but a
great many other texes as will do you
good to read, and my text when you
shall find it, shall read thus i
'And ho played on the harp uv a thou
sand strings spirits ot i just men made
peifeck i
My tex, brethring, leads me to speak
of spirits. Now thar's a great many
kind of spot-its in the world in tho fust
placo thar's tho sponts as Hum folks call
ghots, and then thars the sperits uv
turpentine, and then thar's tho spent
as sum folks call liquor, an I've got as
good an artikleof that kind ot spnrits on
my flat boat as ever wis fotch down the
Mississippi river; but thar's a great
many olhor kinds of sperits, for the lex
sayss 'He played on the harp of a thou
sand strings sponts of just men made
?ut I'll tell you the kind uv spnrits as
is rnont in the text, its fire. That's the
kind cf sperits as is ment in tho text my
brethring. Now, there's a great many
kinds of fire; in the fust placo thar's the
common sort of fire you light your segar
or pipe with, an then thar's fox tire, and
camp-fire, and fire before you're ready,
and tiro and fall back, and many other
kinds of fire for tho text says, 'Ho play
ed on a harp of a thousand Btrings
sperits of just men made perfeck.'
But I'll tell you the kind offiions
ment in the tex. my brolbring it's hell
fire! au' that's the kind of fire as a great
many uv you'll come to, ef yon don't do
better nor what you have been doin
'For he played on the barp uv a thou
sand strings sperits of just mod made
Nov the diterent sorts at flro in the
world may be likened unto the different
persuasions of Christians lu the world.
In -the fust place wo ' have tho Piscapa
lions, they're a high-salln and a high-
faultin sot, and they may be likonod
unto a turkey buzaard, that flies up
the air. and ho goes up, mid up, til
looks no bigger than your fin
and the fust thing you
down and is a lilliu
of a dead boss by the side of the road,
and 'lie played on tho harp uv a thou
sand strings sporits uv just mon made
perfeck.' .
And then thar's tho Muthodist, and
ihey may bo likened nnto a squirrel
ruunin up into a tree, for the Methodist
believe in gwino on from one dogree to
another, and finally on to porteotion.and
tho squirrel giva up, and up: be jumps
lrom limb, and branch to branch; and
the fust thing you know he falls, and
down he comes kerflummux, aud that's
like the Methodis tr they is oilers fallen
from grace ah J and 'Ho played on a
harp uv a thousand strings spirits of
justmen made perfeck.'
Aud then my brethren thasthe Bap
tist ah 1 and they have been likened unto
a possum on a simmon tree, and thun
ders may roll and the earth may quake
but that possum clings their still
ah ! and you may shake all ieet loose,
and he laps his tail around tho limb, and
he clings forever, for 'He played on i
harp uv a thousand strings sperits of
just men made perteck.i
For kissing a pretty girl, one dollar.
For kissing a very homely one, two
dollars tho extra amount being added
probably for the man's folly.
For ladies kissing one anothor, two
dollars. The tax is placed at this rate
in order to break up tho custom nlto.
gother, it being regarded by our Mr.
C.'s as a piece ot inexcusable absurdity.
For every flirtation, tf n conts
For every young man who has more
than one girl is taxed five dollars.
For courting in tho kitohen, twenty
five cents.
Courting in the parlor, one dollar.
Courting in a roniantio place, five
dollars, and fifty cents for each offense
Seeing a lady home from church,
twenty cents.
Seeing a lady homo from the Dime
Society, fivo cents; the proceeds lo be
devoted to disabled army chaplains.
For ladies who paint, fifty cents
For woaring a low-necked dress, one
For each curl on a lady's head,above
ten, five cents.
For any unfiir devico for entrapping
young men into matrimony, five dol
lars. For wearing hoops larger than eight
feet in diameter, eight cents for each
For wearing false calves, two dol
lars. Old bachelors over thirty are taxed
ton dollars and seutuueed lo banishment
to Utah.
Each pretty lady to bo taxed from
tweuty-fivo cents to Uenty-five dol
lavs,' sho to fix tho estimate of her
own beauty. It is thought a very largo
amount w'll be realized from this pro
vision. A young lady that wears short drcs
ses, one dollar.
Each boy baby, fifty cents.
Each girl buby, ten cents.
Families having more than eight ba
bies aro not to bo taxed, nnd for twins a
premium of forty dollars will bo paid
out ot the funds accruing from the lax
on old bachelors.
For sleeping in church, ten dollars.
For suoaring loud enough to wnko
tho rest of the, sleepers, thirteen dol
lars. Each Sunday loafer on the street con
nors, or about ohuroh doors, to bo tax
ed his valuo, which is about two cents.
A Siiuuti'if's E.NDOiisu.MicNr. The fol
lowing endorsement ou a shorilTs sum
mons is old, but it is so many years
siuoe we have soon it In print it may
Old Ante Bellum told Merum Sal dat
Arte ' Lucem would be hum on Mundi,
and would bring Sal Alticum olong, also
the Sempers, Mdelis and Felix Uno
Felix has a falsi (made of glass); last
autem ho drove a pair of mules tandem,
Oh ! mulier hie His mules were fraot
tious he couldu't quietum, annis
'dutch getting up," he went to damnum,
which did oo good, but made a ridicu
lus vita of it.
Old jlnte Bellum had boon visiting the
sie sie Volo and sic Jubeo, who had a
great many measles, and, although con
valescing, they had a woj "of the same
sort left.' She took adhuck (a canvass
back) tuitm, and some scelcra, they idem
with delight and et tun with cumtnt jam
Laxet et ingent, but Vol and Jube, not
being cannibals, preferred adhuck with
sceleri and cumtnt jam.
Thus Aierum Sal I've been to a
parti, ante, so has my brother dirtit, and
uda died with laughter to see the water-
iills the gals woro on their necs. Thev
sel nomen could detect the real from the
:tlse; but I can telum nitor mornine so
can dktn. Ho's a trump for Sartum;
facli dono a smarter boy; mori see of
boys, mon think so. He owned money;
ho orfit anl ho paid it. When the
meadows were green ho modum; when
the boys were fighting he was to parlum;
when the mumps were 'round hecatt'em;
he raises much palatoes and he's diynum
cos he's solem tor a dum good price
Ohe's opto uiuf una! and further sed not
Merum Sal.
Pknna. U. li. Don, Jack Wo have
noticed for somo time past a large black
Newfoundland dog, riding on the pas
senger trains ot tin Pennsylvania rail
road. Feeling some interest in such a
noblo looking object of the canine spec
it's, we inquired to whom ho belonged,
and were informed by Mr. Emery Ste
venson that he did not belong to any
one individually, but was called the
Penn. railroad dog. He has a very
neat collar on his neck, with the initials,
'P. H. H. Dog, Jack,' engraved on it,
which we understand, was purchased by
Mr. AlontiO Cassell, baggage master on
tho hanoaster train, me dog came
from South Carolina with a soldier, and
was brought by some of the railroad
honds from near Waynesburg, Penn
About three weeks ago he jumped off
tho baggage car of the Lancaster train
East, at White Hall, and before he
could get on again it started. He fol
lowed the train to Rosemont, where be
got aboard of the rear oar, just as it wns
starting. lie took quite a trip, some
two weeks since, from Harrisburg to
Bultimoro via P. W. and B. H. Ii., nnd
aftor sojourning a few days in Balti
more, returned ngain to Columbia. He
invariably rides in tho baggage cars, and
may bo seen almost every evening on
the 8: 10 train Columbia Spy.
- -.. ,
Mixino Bauiks. An Alliance cor
respondent of the Canton (O ) Ilepotitory
relates the following : Somo days ago
there was a dancing party given for tho
benefit of the Fenians, on the out-skirts
of town, aud several of the ladies pres
ent bad littlo babies, whose noisy per
versity required too much attention to
allow their ma's to enjoy the hop.' A
number ot gallant young men volun
teered to guard tho infantry while tho
ladies engaged in the 'break down.' No
sooner had the mothers left their cher
ubs in tho hands of tno mischievous
wretches, than Ihey stripped the dar
lings, changed their clothes, giying tho
apparel ot one to anothor. The dance
over, the inothors each took, as she
thought, l er own baby, and hurriedly
left, the scono of gaieties and staited to
their homes several miles apart, being
far on the way before tho 'peep-o'-dny.'
On the following day thoro was a tre
mendous row in the settlement. Moth
ers discovered that a single night had
changed the sex ot their babies, and
thou commenced some of tho tallest fe
mala pedestrisnism. Living miles
apart, . it required two days to unmix
the little cherubs, and will require as
many weeks to restore tho mothers to
their natural sweet dispositions, i
Tho Mississippi Legislature has ap-
pnatea zu,uuu tor tuo uetenco of
Davis. Exchange -
Ui that If the Mississippi
io bus surplus iunds at Us dis.
imiq bo more creditable) to
inq reliet ot the thou.
i told; are starving
Our readers wore undoubtedly per
plexed by the announcement In ' our
Legislative report of yosterday that Mr.
Atwater ot this city had introduced a
bill -looking to the better preservation
of lifo aud death' although upou a Sec
ond glance they must have cten that
the word 'death,' had been substituted
for 'health.' This absurd statement is
the result of oue of those typographical
errors lrom which no daily paper can
boast exeiuptiou, caused by the care
lessness of compositors and the necessa
ry hurry in proof-reading consequent
upon the issue ot an nfternoou journal
As nnnoying as these mistakes are, they
soinotiinos become, from the very tact
ot their absolute absurdity,, extremely
amusing Nothing ago Horace Grte
ley wrote an editorial for tho Tribune
entitled 'Willinn II Soward V Im gino
his rago when it oame to him in proof
headed 'Richard the Third.' , Yet any
body familiar with his chirography, if
his inkish jerks can bo so designated,
will readily see, not only how snch a
mistake could be mado, but how ' it
urobuhlv would he. A mi in Im n.m(
i j rj -"i ' . luto
aoout 'threo men in buckram,' and the
prosato typo-setter got it 'thieo men
in a back-room.' Anil this notu-iil,.
standing tho fact that two compositors
ot sagacity ana experience are hired at
an extra salary, because they can read
his copy. But George Ripley has been
the victim of tho grossest outrages in
this line. In one ot his book notices
he took tllQ litlOltV to mints imm
-J "".U l.UUI
Shakespeare "Tis true, 'tis pity, and
pity 'lis, 'tis true.' And the wretohed
bungler got it "Pis two.'tis fifty.tis fifty
tis littv-lwo!' That is snmn u nrcn than
James F. Baboock's martyrdom, when
he wroto in the Mew Haven Palladium
'Is thoro no balm in Gileadf anrl
read next morning to his constern
ation, 'Is there no barn in Guilford T
A writer in the Trenton State Gairette,
last Summer, in discanting upon the
eiiiht-hour question, sijoko ot 'ihn len
gth of a day's toil,'and was put in a frame
vi iiiiuu uoiier imagined man described,
so find it in print, 'the length ot a dog's
ta 1. Ncr was this more provoking than
an error ot the . same nature which a
number of years ago appeared in the
Boston Advertiser, lion. Alexander II.
Everett, a brother ot the greut E Jward.
had sent a long letter upon international
affairs to that journal, which oloscd with
these works: 'I have throwu together
these inety remarks,' oto. Contom
plate the astonishment of the readers of
that venerable old daily v,hen they saw,
the next morning, over tho respeotablo
signature of Mr. Everett 'I have thrown
together these few nasty remarks,' eto.
We might mention hundreds of cases
equally as ludicrous, but these are suffi
cient to illustrate tho sorrows of the
sanctum. They are remorseless thorns
which cluster around the fairest editorial
roses, nnd conceal themselves from the
hurried proof readers eye, only to stand
forth in all their glaring hideousness
when the entire edition has been print
ed. Newark Courier. .. ! '
,. m , t , ; ,1
Forsomo years past Sohuylkill coun
ty has not been governed by Pennsylvai
nia, bul by tho "Minor's Union. " : ExC
ception should bo mado of a few months(
when tho United States interposed, and
sent General Sigel there with a regi
nifint or (wo of troops. The strong
hand ot military discipline reduced the
members of the 'Union' lo some sort of
outward respect for the rights of their
tellow citizens. Coal having receded
very greatly in price, tho 'Union' moti
are on a strike. So far, well. Mon who
havo lnbor to. sell, and do not boo fit to
part with it on the terms offered, have
have an undoubted right to keep it, so
long as thoy pay their wiy, and do not
get on to tho pauper lists, j But this, is
not the point at which they stopped.'" A
noto was posted through tho oounly',' in
these words c ' - . ""'
March 1, 1807.
"Take notice from this time, it you
want to liyo, for I think your time Will
be very short, so you must look out for
all you get, and any man on the colliery
until the 20 ftnts is put on." '
Diagram of a colli n and pistol, '.
Higher wages, or death to tho omi
ployers who refuee 1 Four Simorintan.
deuts of mines havo been personally
warned to leave undor poi.altv of dunth
tor non-complianco, Seyerul murderers
havo been committed, and a number ot
houses rubbed. Theso same miscreant
have committed a hundred nlurders In
that same cuinly, during tho lust few
years, lor which uono ot thorn have!
been brought to punishment.' Govhr...
nor Goury ha now been arpeulod to foi"
aiu, aim the suggosfioh has been mado'
that thi gonial' gWerninont bo soliqitod',
ltll 1liJL.tlJ 'V .. . '
vvjuijuu. a uiiryriuif, h : roguisr military
post.. As" the paso giauda the 'Union')
has complete 'jurisdiction.' r It is hitrh
- ia
time the, penitentiary and the galldwa'
coelfed their duos. Pitts. (o.v'.' " "J