1704. (Inir. lered, 17W. I N 8 U R A N C K COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA! riiii.-MlcIplua. Oldest Iasiiriiiico touipmiy In America. CASH CAl'ITAL AM) PIHPIXS. 0VF.ll $1,7:11,000. BEVFNTV ONE YEARS Successful BiihI ncs l'xp'iienco, with n reputation for IX TE'HUTY tmil HONORABLE DEALING UNSURPASSED by nny Miuuh.: Institution. LOSS US PAID since" organization, 17, COO.Oi O.'IO ! t(JlEl L RATES for nil the safer classes o'prrpertv. Insuinnce of D WELLINGS anil CONTENTS, a cperiullty. BIUCKor BTONH DWELLINGS Insured PERPETUALLY, if desired, on terms of the greatest economy uml safety to tliu Insured. It In WISDOM nnd ECONOMY to insnrc i hi tlio best Companies, nnd there Ib NONE lil'l -TEH than the old INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. DIRECTORS : Arthur 0. Collin S. Mori is Wain, Samuel W. Jones. .Tolin Mason, John A. ill-own, Charles Ty!oi Ambrose Yhite, Richard D. W'-od, AVllliiim Welsh. Oi'O. L. ll:iin3on, Francis H. Cope, Edward II. Trotter, Edward 8. Clark", Win. Ciimiiiiiitr-. William II. Rnwon, T. Charlton Henry, .T.ni'i' Dickson. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. Ciia Lies Pi.att, Secretary. E. M. SAYERS, Jnn9,'C7 tf Aent lor Greene County. J. SUCKLING & CO 'S CBBl'f SALE OP WATCHES, On the popular one pike plan, giving every patron a handsome and reliable watch for the low price ofTen Dnllar.t ! Without regard to value, nnd not to lie paid for unices perfect! satisfactory! 600 ftillililuM Htititinir Viitcli. a S-'sn I" $" fiUll.MinicC.r r.l :..l,l Wuli lrH - tu iMM MH) I,h.1Ic-Wai.-li. a, Kiuiiiii-IImI 1Mu :m 1,0IHI (lolil llMlllhlKCIll Ii l- Wali-lii"" Si-." In 1,000 flulil lllllilhai Knulii-h l.i-vi-1-n WW In Mil 0,1)110 (Mil lluilliimilia-li-x Wnt.li.iH Kid hi -."U (i.OUO llnlil lliiniitii.' Anii i Inill Wuttlius I'M tu S.ill S,0(iu Silver Hunting-Lw-m ''"I" !,lKK) Silver Hunting llunli-sos 75 tu li-'.O J.'i.OW Uolil Lailiin' Wati-lu Ml tu To.lKK) (lolil lluntin.r 1.1'plni-s Wlti) "5 10,0(1.) JlinC-1-llu a SHvit Wntcliol fill tu Hm 2f,C,0ll IliiiilliiK Silvi-r W.it. liiH Siitu f'l 110,000 Arartwl Wutrlli. nil kili.li 10 In VS Evel-VMti-nn iflitahw u Watch l.y IlilHiimingi'iiii-nt. fi.t lux but f 10, vihilu it way bo worth fVi.0. No imrtlulity lliuwn. MiMtrn J. Ilh-lillnc A Co.'n gr.-iit Ani"rlnin Wiitrli Cn., Now York City, n-li.li to Ir liali-ly ilimi' i.f thi n'-'ivo BlilKlllllci-ntBliirk. Certllli'iiteii llaniiliiinl li' I'". hit pine- cil lu sealed i-nvi liipon. Ilnlili-mii- tltl.-tl to tlir-ni ti.-I.-H luimi'il on tln-ir riTlilii-r.ti-K, ujiini pitynii-iit nf Ti-h DnllaiH, whi-llK'rit lin a Watrh wi.i-lli :7'i(i n- em- win-lii tre. Tin Tliorclnniiif our i-irllllniU i tililliH .mu In llu. arlii-li-nnim-il th(.ri-iiM,ii, iiii.niiiniint, ir,'.-sii-i-tivi' ul li ivm-th, unit us no urtii-le vuluril lens lliaif J loin naiui-il mi any i-'-r-tilkilto, it will at iilii-i. Iii-h'iii that till" l. im lull' i-.v, Imt B Hlliilulit-fnl-wanl Irjiitlniittti ll-iiiMiirll"li, ninth may bo liarllcii.ali'il im-vi-n l.y llu- iiiiml nisliilleun I A HinglaCei-llllrati' will In- Hi-nt l.y nail, l st- ini.l, lll'iin receipt ul' lift rnitH,-tivp'.'rl,i'li-vt'ti iHi-.lliii-l.v-liii'i-ii.inil elffrallt lirrliliulll iir ?.'i,fixly iix ami llli.r.' viiltlal.li' iri'Mli iliu fur f 10, one liiuiilri'il ami innrtt tsiipi-rli Walrii tin-jilii. To Ap-nlH or t llciM,- winhin ciMil,.ylin-lit thin U a rtiri' ui IMirliiuily. It U n li'ilimalrly i-umliii'ti il Ini-iins, ilnly aiilh'iricil l.y tin. lluvt'niiiii-iit.iiml .iii.-ii to thu ukimI care ful scrutiny, Ti.v tiil A.l.ii-iHH, .1. IIICKMNO CO., ll'J Ih-cailway Nun- P. 0. jnn3n,'87-,1inoi City of Ni-vr York. ASTHOLOGY. Til!: WORLD ASTOl'ISiiliD AT Til 15 WOXDKItl'Uf. 1II.V;I,ATI0.SH MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST. MADAME H, A. P E R R I G 0 . Bho reveals secrels no mortal ever knew. Bho restores to hnppiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends., loss of money, &e., have become despondent, tfho blinds together those long scperalcd, yives In oriuii tion concerning absent friends or lovers, re stores lost or stolen property, tells you the businessyou are best qualified to pursue nnd in what yon will bo most successful, cause speedy marriages nnd tells you the very day you will marrv, dvesyou thonaine. HUenets and characteristics of the parson. Sho rends your vciy thoughts, nnd by her almost super natural powers unveils Hie dark nnd hidden mysteries of the future. From tho stars wo see iu tho flrmnnicnt tho niulillc stars that Overcome or predominate in tho configuration from the aspects and positions of the plan ets and the lixed ttnrs iu the heavens nt (lie time of birth, sho deduces Ilia future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest, As trologint on earth. It costs you hut a trifle, and you may never again have so fa vow Wo on opportunity, Consultation fee, with likeness ana all desired information,!. Parties liv ing tt ft distance emi consult tho Madame by mail with equal safety nnd satisfaction to themselves, as if iu person. A full and ex plicit cnart, written out, with all Inquiries answered and likenesses enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of prlco above mentioned. The strictest sercsy will be maintained, nnd nil correspondence relumed or destroyed. References of tho highest rrdcr furnished thoso desiring them. VV'rito plainly tho day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, Mauamu II. A. PERRIOO, P. O, Drawer 2'.)a, Buffalo, N. Y. fcbl3,'C7-ly . iPiffl CIPII. " Throw away your false fiizzes, your switches, your wig Destructive ofc omlort, and not worth a (ii Come aged, ccme youthful, come ugly nnd fair And rejoice in your own luxuriant liuir. REPAR.VTOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out) nnd forcing a grothol hair upon the face, it has no equal. It .v ill force iho beard to grow upon the smoothest fact In from live to eight wcel.s. orliair upon bnkl bonds in from two to threo mouths. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is notlrng tiiat will foreo or hasten the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions are false, s thousands of liv ing witnesses (from their own experience) can bear witness. But mnnv will say, l ow are wo to distinguish the genuine from tho spurious V It certainly Is oillcult, as nine-teutlis ol tlui , different Preparations advertised for the hair i and beard ure entirely worthless; and yoi may havo already thrown n way largo amounts in their purahaso. To such wo would say, try tho Rcparator Capllli, it will cost you noth ing unless It fully comes up to our represen tations. If your druggist docs not keep it, Bond us one dollar ami wo will forward It, postpaid, together with a receipt for tho mo noy, which will bo - w turned you on appllca tlou, providing entire satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO,, Chemists, No 8 WcBt Eayotto St., Syracuse, N. Y. fcbl3,'C7-ly WHISK3EBS AND ' M U ST ACHES! TIORCED to grow upon the smoothest faco V in from three to rlvo weeks hy using Dr. BEVIGNE'S RESTAURATEUR CAPIL LAIRE, tho most wonderful discovery In modem science, nctlnir urton tho Beard nnd Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It has tnen used bv the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering success. NnmcB of all purchases will be registered, nnd if cntlro satisfaction Is not given in everv Instance, tho money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mall, sealed and "postpaid, ji I. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Ad dress HERO EH, SIIUTTS& CO., Chemists, No. 585 Rlvor Street, Troy, N. Y. Sole agents for the United States. feb3Q,,67ly SOMtiTilhU NEW! UliS. K. S. SAYKRS & IIOSKINSON Ilivvoiuat arrived from Nkw Ymik with ft large nssort.neni 01 loreign nuu uran which thev prop iso to sell at tho lowest CASH rlllCESI Biich ns Drcus Goods. Dicss 4'rlmniiir,', Dress Buttons, Gay's Patent Mull's, Ladies's Shawls, Furs, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps ; also, n great variety of nicn articles, ut very low prices, for Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear Wares of all kinds, and n completo . vrtrlo ly or llie " nest UKUUli.ilil'.3. ah i i..l,t,,1. 4lt.it, iivnnnan t, cii.tl ,it lit,, vnrv l.tivr. of figiires, depending on the quality and cheap ness of their goods to gain them custom. G.ve them a call before pim-lmslng else u'lnii tinil I In v uill nrol'o IiimL I til nltOYO li correct, ltoom In Silvers' corner, cast of tho ...... ... . ,. ... v.ouix iiouse, ti aj iie.Miur.;. uovn uu-u When by tho two of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can bo cured permanently, und at a trilling cost Tho n.-.tonisliing success which has attended this invaluable medicino for I'Msind and Nervous ',ealiiiesfl, General Debility nnd Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy. 1m Hili'iii'V. or anv oftbe consequences of ynnlli- fid indisei-elloii, rendcis it the must valuable p:epai-.-ilion ever discovered. It will remove nil nervous ulTictions, dc iiresi.lon. excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, in iifu.-lon, thoughts nl' self-destruction, fears of iii'.iiiitv, iVc. It will restore the ani'clite, renew the health of those wlio have destroyed it by sensual ex cess or evil practices. Young men, be humbuged no more by 'Diiack' Doctors" and Ignorant practitioners. but send without delay lor the Elixir, and bo at once restored to health and happiness. A perfect euro is guaranteed in every instance. Price iSI or four bottles to one i ddress, One bottle is suillcicnt to cllect u cure in ul! ordinarv cases- ' ALSO. DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure o' Gonorrhea. Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Grav el, Slrictiiru and all affections of the Kidneys and Hindilcr- Cures effected in from one to live days. 1 hey are prepared trout vegeta ble extracts that lire harmelcss on the system, and never nauseate, the stomach or impreg nate the breath. No change of diet is nee. s- sary while using litem, nor docs their action in any maiinei nuei ieie vwin uiiMin.-sspir.sii.ia Price I ncr box. Either of the nbo'-o mentioned articles will be sent to tiny ad'liCfS.closoly sealed, nnd post paid, by mail or express, on receipt 01 pneo, Address all or.'ersto BE RUE It, SIIUTTS & CO., Chemists, No. :!M River Street, Troy, N. Y. leb20,'U7 ly BEAUTY ! ATJBUBN, GOLDSN, i'LAXL'N AND SILKEN CURLS, IIRODVCED liv the ihd of Trof. PE 1IREUX FUiSEKLEClIEVEUX. One application warranted to curl tho most straight and stubborn- hair ol cither sex in'o wavy ringlets, or heavy inai-tivo euirj, lias been used hy the lasluonaiilciiol J. tins ami Jjoikioii, with the most nn-.tifvmi; results D ies no in jury to the hair. 1'iico by mail, scaled and postpaid. tj?l. Descriptive circulars mailed tree. Address lililiiil'.ll, Ml I 1 1 .? iV (.!., Chembts, No. '.'M.- River St., Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents futh(j United States. fcl)'-o,'(l7-ly NEW EXMIEJIEKT THE PROPOSED DIPEACHMKNI -OF- H.RINISHABTi FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES 1 TTAVIXG .1UST RETURNED FRO.M THE J.J. city, lie has opened llie largest Hew Grocery In town. He des'res to Inform tho citizens of Witynesburg and vicinity of tlio caro Iio have taken in selecting stock, having on hand n uood supply of CONFKU'rlONS, T01JACCO. CI UAliS, TAU, also, rUOVISI ONS, r.ACON, DKIED HliEF l'OTATOli-i, KIS1I, DRIED PEACHES, &o , ifco , &0. Call and see him as lie "has been getting a You will find him accomodating, nnd can sell lower than any one iu tlio place. Jlu sure to go to the rilit place, in LEDWITO'S OLD BUILDING. opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc cupied by tho Post Olllcu. npis,'i;ii.-tf- "nx.'lSJi.. sayors, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR ATLAW Will attend to nil claims for back pay, boun ty and pensions of soldiers and their representa tives. The Pensions of tho following class are Increased Irom H to IB and -' per month, and w uows lor children under sixteen years $2 per monlli cacli, viz : 1st. Those who havo lost tho sight of both eyes, tho use of both hands, or otherwise total ly disabled and incapacitated Irom performing manual labor. 2d- All widows having children under six teen years of age are entitled to $2 per month additional for each child. 8d. Guardians representing tho iW chil dren of Boldlers are entitled to the sumo Increase as If thn mother was living. augl ,'(l(l-tf, EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR! CIIASTELLAH'S HAIR EXTERMINATOR ! ron itiisioviNO Burntn.uotis hair. To tho ladies especially, thlB Invaluable do Dilatory recommends itself as being an almost hidlspcnsililo article to female beauty, Is easi ly applied, does not bum or Injure tlio skin, but nets directly on iho roots It is warranted to remove superfluous hair fruin low foreheads or from anv part ot tho body, completely, totally nnd radically exterpnting the Biimo, leaving tho skin sofi, smooth and natural. This is tlio only nrtirlo used by the French, and Is tho only real effectual depilatory lu ex istence. Prlco 75 cents per package, sent postpaid, to any auuress, on receipt oi an order, ny BERUER, B1IUTTS & CO., Chemists, cb'JO.'OMy 285 River St,, Troy, N. Y. Something New IN WAYNEBURO, PEW A. THOS, BRADEN (At the room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, Sr., next door to Brndeu's Drug Store.) Respectfully Informs tho good people of Greene county, tint ho has opened a HAftBWARE STGHE. And Invites a call from his friends and the public generally. His store is II lied with everything in his lino needed liy tho Farmer and Mechanic. Being a practical firmer, he knows exactly the wauls of his farmer Iriends. Amoi;g his variety of goods will be found Iron, Nails ofall kinds. Planes of all varieties, Au gers, Braces. Ac. Tultlo toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand saws und t.-oU of till des criptions. AGRICULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting Roxcs. Corn Shel ters, Plows, Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and everything In his lino. SADDLEHY IIAIIDWAUE, A general assortment of saddlery hardware,, to which lie invites llie attention of purchasers. WOODEN WAKE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Butter B twls and nil kinds of Kitchen Wooden Fixius. Willow Baskets: Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns, Boys Wagons and si Ih All persons desirom of piuohasing any of llu; above article!) and many others, not incn 'ioned j will consult their interest by CALLING SOON. Ho will tako pleasure In showing 'his stock at all times. So give him a call when you coino to town. -member the place, oppo site the First National Bank. dec I '-'If THOS. BRADEN. DRY GOODS -AT inn nicBj AT "JHWS OLD STUB." TUB GOODS ALL FKESII, litis 3' 3? "S" Xs US JE3 , LATEST AND BS3T! Tin; .Fabrics, as Represented, AND THE ASSORTMENT KEPT COMPLETE, MIRE UNDERSIGNED IS DETERMINED L to sell, und tho hkauy cash,-will secure Iho very best of bargains. Call and examine his stock L. Iv. EVANS, decll-.'lm Wnynesbtii'g. Pa. 3P E3 A C 13 HAVING BEEN .MAD!;. 'A E OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS ONE GF THE LARG EST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS!! L EAT 1 1 El l, HOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps ! HUM, IVAlLMand SALT, And a great variety of BONNETS and II ATS for the ladies, nt the lowest prices that Goods have been sold for sincu tho commencement of tho War. PRINTS From 12 1-2 to r.cts.poryd, MUSLINS,... " 12 1-2 to 40 " " FISH At Pittsburgh prices. IRON & Nulls" '' Card Prices. SATI " $:! per barrel. COTTON YARN, at reduced rates. We have the goods in stoic, and, all we ask (if our friends is to call and sec for themselves for wo are. satisfied that an examination ot our stock and low prices will repay them for their trouble. To our friends at n distance, we ex tend a cordial Invitation to call and see their old friends who aie always glad to see them, for we can assure litem that it will repay them lor tho trouble. V. II. M COY & CO. Tlio old stand of W. II. M'COY, Grconsbo ro. Greene County. Vcnn'u. IMiiy'Ki.'iiri-ti Thero comet li glad tidings ot joy to nil,' To young anil to old, to great and to small j Tho beauty which onco was so precious and rare, Is free for all, nnd all may bo fair. Bv inn USH oi' CIIASTELLAH'S WHITE LKtlllD ENAMEL, For Improving and Beautifying the Complex ion, Tlio most valuablo and porfect preparation In ubc. for giving tho skin a beautiful pearl lllto tint, that Is only found in youth. It quickly removes Tun, Freckles, PlmplcB, Blotches, Moth Patches, Ballowuess. Erupt ions, and nil Impurities of tho skin, kindly healing tho same leaving tho Bkln wiiito and clear as alabaster. Its uso can not bo detect ed hy tho closest scrutiny, nnd being a vege table preparation Is perfectly harmless. It ll tlio only article of tho kind used by tho French, nnd Is considered by tho Parisian as Indispen sable to a perfect toilet. Upwa-ds of 30,000 bottles were Bold during tlio past your, a BUllleleut guamnteo of Its efllcacy, Prlco on ly 75 cents. Sent by mall, post-paid, on re ceipt of an order, bv BERGER, SHUTTS & Co,, Chemists. 2b5 River St., Troy N. Y, feb20 '07-17. (fanners' Column. From the N. Y. Observer. NOTES FOR MARCH. 'Spring Is coining I Spring is coming I Birds are chirping; Insects humming ; Flowers are peeping from their sleeping ; Streams escaped from winter's keeping: Shout wo, thou, with Nature's voico, Welcome, Spriug ! Rejoice, ri j. 'Ice ! " Clin of domestic animals is a topic tliat is always timely. Tlio nppetito oi Loci cattle and multon nliccp that are designed for slaughter a few mouths hence, will nppoar to lie sharper this month than it was at ni y tune ilunnjr, tho winter. Uonscq.iently, their daily allowance of meal idiould be increased. Seo that ewe that uill drop early lambs aro not allowed to tall away in llosh, beforo grass is suflicieiitly largo tor grazing. K tbey aro thin in llesli, lei Biiuh bo led ono pint of oats or oat meal . d uly, witli soin j roots, and a bountiful mipply of hay. Milch cows that will coino in nliorlly require much wire, lost they lose flesh Let it bu borno in mind that every pound of fit, or fle.-h, that a milch cow loses in tho spring of tho year will cost hor owner tuoro than the prico of a pound of choice butter to replace. Lot calves bo fed a pint of out meal each, daily. Out meal is excellent for all kinds of stock, as it contains a largu per cenlao of nourishment. Culve that are dropped this mouth, whether they lire to bu raised or slaughtered, need a oonifortablo btull, well littered with straw. It is a allocking way to tie a calf to tho fence, or in somo cold and wet corner, whero it must endiiro the cold, and he in its own fllth. In order to rear a choice cow, or au ex tra bullock, it is essential to commence when the young aui;nal lirst begins to Dining the month ol March there is ncod of exercising especial care of brood mares that are expected to rear'oolts tho coming season. Ono of the worst things f jr a inuio with foal is to bu re quired to stand tied, from d.iy to day, in the stable. Such animals should have the advantage of a largo yard for several hours daily, or bo driven gently several miles regularly. Thero la no danger at nil that light work and mod erate, driving will injure mares with foal; lut harsh nsagi, drawing heavy lo-ul, and worrying by rotiidi drivers, will often prove to be their ruin. Sou that slieep, which aio not abund antly supplied with roots, hive access to evergreen biwmhes of pino or hem lock trees. When li-.-y cm be allowed to go to the forest to browse, nothing is better for their health, D.icks, in soma instances, will begin to lay during the latter part of the month of March. Let il,e'ti be kept from (lie pond ot water until the latter part of the day, or until they have luyed, as they aro so exceedingly ton, I of tho water thi y will not suck i nest, but will drop' their eggs iu the water, where they will lie lost, A ducks lay large eggs, j they require an abutid nice of rich feed, j in order to produce an egg daily. ; There is nothing better to make ducks lay than feed inn lu of'cq i il pan i f In dian corn nua! and unboiled win-at! flour, scalded, and made into inu-li, and miuglcd with milk, and fed warm. liens may bo set during the latter part of the mouth. Seu that such hens have a comfortable placo, where cold winds will not. chill them or their eggs, when they leave the nest in quest ot food. Hrood sows should bo separated from the herd at least four weeks previous to tho time of ye.iuing, and have the advantago of a comfortable and dry sty, well littered with a few bushels of cut straw. Such animals should always havo access to a yard, whero they can como to the clean ground. Avoid feeding such animals too highly with ooncciurated food. A few apples ir boiled potatoes will often prevent a morbid appetite for flesh, which induces some bows to devour their own pigs. There is no danger that a sow will havo such an unnatural taste for flesh as to induce her to ot some of her own pigs, if sho has been properly ted and cared for iu every rospeot. Whole grain, ot any kind, is decidedly object ionable tor a brood bow, as euoh iced often superinduces fever. rainting agricultural implements can bo attended to during Iho warm day of March. Sky blue is ono ot the cheapest, most beautiful and durable colors for painting tho wcod-woik oi all kind ot farm implements. But little skill is re. quired to prepare such paint. Procure boiled linseed oil and a can of white load. Purcliaso also about one-fourth as much liquid drier as oil. Then min gle three pnrls of boiled oil with one part ot drier, and stir in powdered blue paint into tlio while paint until tho de sired shade is obtained. About two parts of white lead and one oi blue paint will make a beautiful blue color. Onedolhu's worth ofsuah paint Will add many dollars to the voluo of a tow im plements If the oil and drier nre ot a fair quality, suoh paint will become hard in a lew days. During tho mouth ot March the out. side ot building may bo painted, as paint applied in cool weather is Jar ii oro durable thau it would bo were tho same paiut laid on iu hot weather. When the surface is so dry that much of tho oil is absorbed from tho paint, let the pores of tlw wood bo filled with water. Then, as soon as the suifieo will hold the paint, let the brush play lively Uy wetting the dry wood tho oil will ho kept on where it is the surface, whero it is required to protect tho wood from the influcneo of tlio weather. fl IE CO PPEIB IEAlTFA'ti I liit" AN DSON. A iio.iii:sric OHi.ouct;, Filllier. "Come hither, little Jefferson, And sit upon my knee; And cu'lyour brother, Johnny Booth, And little Robliy Lee ; I'll tell ti story dark and sad About a Statesman stern : 'Twill make your little eyes to weep, Your Hitlu heait to burn. "Tho prtiiot Jeff, whse nam you bear, Seized by n cruel foe, Long months and years Is languishing Immured in Fort Monroe ; No voice is raised to cheer him now, (Save one. und that soon hushed ) While 'neath the Yankee' iron heel The noble South is cruxhed." Li Uc Jefferson. "But Is be not a traitor, pa, Like Roman Cataline ? And Arnold in my history ? And iu u book of mine, I read how C.in his brother killed, And had to run away , I'm sure 1 think the stVesman stcru Is quite as bad as they 1" . Father. "This conies of reading YunUeo books ! This comes of Yankee schools, Where little good and inhehief much Are taught by Yankee rules ! Here Jell'ei son, bo off to bed, Y'ou little saucy brat ; Why, next you'll call mu Copperhead 1 Take that, and that, and that !" (Exit Young Jeff,, howling). PHILOSOPHY OF SHAKING HANDS.. An Exchange says: Thero is a phi losophy in haiul-hhakiog Jt is an in dication of character, It give expres sion to tho degiees in which you are ap preciated or esteemed by another. There are a variety of method of slinking hands, according to temperament dis position or occasion. S.uiifc seize your hand with a fervent grasp one foot extended and holding your eye with their own. Such is the sa'titation of a jolly tar, ready to sh.it e Iho "last shot in the locker,' w ith tlio nil-anger of tl e hour. Oilier, ngain.scize your hand witli as much frenzy, and may mean as well toward you; but they do not look directly lowaid you, but pass your check, with eyes stead ly set hs it looking for some undefined ghost lines bcyo.i'l and seeming to convei'::e with the same. Others give too great a show of tor vency to the salutation, causing your linger totiu'glo with pain, you involuii- j tarily glance at the injured hand, ex. peeling it to have been compressed into one horrid, bruised, extended index fin ger Others, again, adil to this exhibi tion of iiinscclar power, by wringing your band up and down a sort ol inliina- j tiou that they are about to 'pump yon ! A le v conic so close to you that you enn feci then bre.ilh upon your cheek, other seem to be experimenting on llie gi"uli'sl di-l.tiice at which ihc salutation am b.i ex-hanged. Some daintily offer yon tl e tips ot their lingers it means either tbatlhev consider tlieinselvcs y. ur superior, or lli.U liiey arc not disposed t-i be e-peci tiiy giaumi. Others, again, take your whole hand, even endangering the immaculate whiteness of your wrist, bands. The most agreeable shako ot the hand i that meaning, welcome gru-o, warm but not painful in pressure, which stand guarantee to tho synipalhetio look and kisidly spoken word. The most abom inable band shaking is lazy, listless of fering, giving no prossuro and averse to receiving any. Wo have shaken hand with such person, and the memory ot it has annoyed us for ever afterward. It was liko touching a wet dishcloth, or a e ld. quivering trog. An embarassing shake of tho hand is, when tho party greets you hastily, yet silently, a if ho felt guilty of boldness, or was not quite sure that ho had not been misled by a resemblance. It is a awkward as a pause in conversation. Perhaps, to young lover, the qutct h lit unintentional contact of hands is most pleasant that soft, lingering rest lessness.tliat delicious rema ning at loves' dictation, that faint attempt at with drawal, at propriety's suggestion, that electrical thrill ot uontact which fire the veins, modulate tho voices, colors tho cheeks, add a brightness to tho eyo, and a tromulousness to the lip. How many men, profound in philoso phy, brilliant in scholarship, high iu position, sal for hour in still moonlight, holding iu their hand the soft white bandot woman t thuir thoughts wildly borno oft' by a fitting leaf or the thrill of a bob.o'-link 1 Who can say that they wcro not all the bettor for it; con not tho lion bo in love ? To Youno Mkn. Dout rely upon your friends. Don't rely upon the good narao ot your ouceators. Thousand have spent tho prune of life in vain hopes ot those whom they call friend and thousands havo starved because, they have rich fathers Rely only upon tho good uaino which is rnado by your own exertions, any know that the best fiiend you con have is an uneouqnorablo de termination, united with decision ot character. Tub five bodies found in barrels at the Grand Trunk Depot, appear to bo those of paupers recently deceased ond to have been stolen for some medical college. N W PHOTOGRAPH Gr J. JLm JLm US TFL "ST . . -IN- - . WAYNESBUKG, TENN'A jSSLJT.Jh. WaUooo Has fitted up a new and splendid Photograph Gallery In tlio third story of ALLISON'S BUILDING, Where he Is prepared to execute 1'llOTOGUAl'IIS, AMIJUOTYPES, ?J A LE I AN OT Y PES, CAUTES DE VISITE, And nil other kinds and sizes of pictures, In a style equal to the best artists. Especial atten tion will be given to copying pictures and en larging them. All applications will bo prompt ly attended to. Their rooms nre commodious liml attractive, nnd every desirable accommo dation will he rendered to customers This is decidedly the best opportunity Insecure accu rate likenesses ever oll'ercd to the people ol Greene Oounty, Call any time It suits you, Pictures taken any time iu I lie day, nnd in all kinds of weather. Nov, 15, 18115. if. DR. W. 11. TOMOR HAS been in successful practice for ft num ber of years, with the experience of the dilleri-nt hospitals in Europe, also a member of tho Analytical Medical Institute of New York, continues to attend to nil professional cases at 1 is ollico , No. '.I2t Filbert Street, Philn. No patent Medicines aro used or recom mended : the remedies administered nre those which will not brake down the constitution, but renovate the system from all injuries il has sustained from mineral medicines, mid leave thosystcn ilia healthy and perfectly cured condilion. DYSPEPSIV, that distressing dlseaso nnd Hi! destroyer of health and happiness, under mining tlio constitution and yearly enrryiug thousands to untimely graves, can most cm pliaticlly be cured. Melancholy, Abberratlon, that state of Alio natbn and wuikncssof mind which renders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasbres or perlorming llie dulies of life. RHEUMATISM, in any form or condition, chronic or ncctlte, warranted curable. Epi lepsy, or falling sickness, all chronic or stub born cases of F KM X L E D I SEA SES radically removed ; Salt Rheum and every description of ulcerations ; Piles nnd scroful ous diseases which havo bullied all previous mcuicai sivill, can no cured ny my lrealinc.nl; nnd I do say aHiliseaes, (yes Cunmumtiuii) can ho cured by wearing my Medical Jaeet, which is a proleciion to tho lungs against all changes ot weather lu all climates having investigated for years the cause and character of inlerniit tents (fever and ague) in nil parts of the United Stales will cure permanently nil chronic or acute cases ol Ague and nervous discuses in il lew days. CANCEU'CURED W1THOUTT1IE KNIFE OR DRAWING OF BLOOD. Tape Worm, that dread to tlio Human Family for years, can be removed with two or three doses of my newly discovered remedy, warranted in all cases. Ciihsulta ion in the English and Ocniuin Languages free of charge. Will make visils any distance, if desired. May be addressed by letter (coullden. tally,) nnd Medicine sent with proper directions to any part of the country, OFFICE No. 028 Filbert Street, Pliila. liur-Mi'iiU-Iy '.VAYXPSUi itU .tl.tU&,U 4 STOXi- STILL continue to carry on tho Marble and Stone cutting business at their long estali li'ihed stand immediately East of the Public s iitare, Main Street, Waynesboro This establishment has been in constant O'leration since Ih;!!I, and the long experience ami cnci" V of the proprietors, linked with tlio ot'ercise of sound judgment and good taste, lnvc won lor them a wide spread and enviable reputation. An extensive stock ol tho vanotn vi'victicsoftlie hcstmarble kept constantly on lii'iid. Special iit'co'ion paid to polishing, plessim;, cavvlic; nl cnmnviu;. All oi-de' mi I filled. December 211, 1MI2. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND W. J Bradley's Celebrated Patent duplex' "il IiIptic (OR DOUBLE SPRING) Tho Wonderful Flexibility nnd great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Dtl plex Elliptic Skirt wilt be experienced partic ularly in all crowditd assemblies, operas, car riages, railroad cars, church i ews, armchairs, for promenade and Iiouse -dress, as tho skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently ns a Silk or Muslin Dress, nn invnhublo quality m crino line, not found in tiny Single Spring Skirt. A lady h iving enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing tho Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day, will never nfterwitrds willingly dispense with their uso. For Children, Misses and Y'oung Ladies they are superior to nil others. They wilj not bend or break liko tho singlo spring, hut wi I preserve their perfect and graceful shape win n three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside its useless, Tho hoops are covered with double and twist ed thn ad, and Jlio bottom rods aro not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered: nruvcnliii!! them from wearing out when drag ging down stoops, stair, ifc'c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favoiito with nil ladies and is universally recommended by tho Fiisliiou Maga.in s ns tho standard skirt of tlio fashionablu world. To enjoy the following inestlmnVio advan tages la Crinoline, viz-: superior quality, per fect manufacture, stylish shapo and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort nnd economy, enquire for J. W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you got the itenuino nrticlo. CAUTION. To guard ngninst imposition bo particular to NOTICE that skirts ottered ns "DUPLEX" havo the red ink stamp, viz.: "J. W, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Stool Springs," upon tlio waistband none others are genuine Also Notlco that every Hoop will ndniit a pin being passed through tho centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided to gether therein, which is tho secret of their flexibility mid strcugtli, and a combination not to he found In any other Skirt. For sale In nil stores whore first class skirts nro sold throughout tho Uulted States itud elsewhere Manufactured by the Sole Owners of tho Patent, W ESTS, BRADLEY & CA BY, 1)7 Chambers & 79 & 81 Reude Sis , N. Y. febti'l.7-am IM OtlOO. ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to the Ui-.i'Uiii.ic,n Orricn, either for Job Work or Subscription during the six months tlio paper was conducted by Mr Wat kms, will pay tho accounts to Mr. Jus. E Sayers, who Is authorized tn receipt for the same Early attention to this matter will gave cost. MESSRS BIDDLE & CLARK . aug8 UM & Mill!, FOUTZ'S CILIMUTID Hois9 ii Gal Powders. Tlili prtrantlon, long Ritil fiivuriilily known, will thor oughly rMiivlgoruta brokuD-down and -low-iiilrlu-d hort, by itrtnithi-nlnn and eleumliiK tlio tomuh Mid lutw Unei. II U a lura )ira Yentivo of all dli rant1! inclili-iit in tnii animnl, men ai LU.iu rtyta, u LAM) tits, YKLLOW WA- !yv TEH. II RAT KB, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, KK VKKS, FOUNDER l.OHS OP Al'l'E TITK AND VITAL ENEHUV,o. lu uh lmiirnvt'i Ilia wind, Inorensea the aiictltO"givci a moo tn and glossy iklu and transforms t li e nlssralilt ikdutoo Into Hue-looking and splriled To kwpen ot Cows this preparation li Inraluabta. It Increase! tlia quantity aud imiirores tha analtty oi me mine, it nn been proven by ac tual experiment to lnureasa the quan tity of milk and oream twenty per ceut. and make the butter firm and tweet. In fattening oattlo, It gives them an appetite, loosens tneir hide, ami makes them thrive much tutor. In all disease! of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers Id the Lungs, Liver, 4o., thia article acts as a speciflo, liy nuttlnx from ( one-half a paper ' to a paper in a barrel of swill tha above dlsensea will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If gtren In time, a certain preventive and euro ror tue nog unoiera. Frioo 25 Cents per Paper, or 8 Paper! for $1. FBEPAHED ST S. A. FOTJT Sc. IlI?.O.t AT THEIR 'rVne-LF.SUE PlU G AM) MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sulo by Uruggista and Storekeeper! through out the United SUtei. Roberts & Co., ngents, Waynesburg, Piu . novt'ii ,-ly. GROCERIE S! Let All Persons COME TO WAYNESCUR-G 370 O-ot CHEAP GROCERS OF EG COTTEREJL & TAYLOR. ProprietorBof tlio splendid Grocery Store, foi inerly owned by Joseph Venter. 'Mr. Taylor keeps on hand it good supply of tho very best SUGAR, COFFEE. TEAS, RICE. MOLAS SES, SPICES, CAIiliON OIL, LAMPS, LAMP C111MN1ES. SIIOK FINDINGS, Ac. fcc, and, in fact, EVERY THING usually kepi in n lir.sl das Grocery Store. Two doors East of Wilsons New Building Oct II, 'il.-.-tf RECONSTRUCTION NOT OF THE UNION JUT OF Isaac Hooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY I M R. HOOPER would still have his riendg and patrons bear n mind, thai ho con tinues iu the Grocery and Conl'eclii nery trado at his usual place ot doing business, and Unit he has lust received A. Fresh. Supply of the best quality of all tu tides In his lino. TOYS NOTIONS nnd a great variety of useful articles always on hand. REFRESHMENTS, Tn connection with the above, Mr. IToopcr keeps a Restaurant, where ICE CREAM, ber ries and all the luxuries of tho season can bo obtained. . The most attractive and most popular resort in town. June I t, '(ll-ly U ll E K IV 13 O u fj ft , Jefferson, Crccno County, Pcnn'n. MllS. X. J. BUMGARXICR, Proprietress. , n AVISO RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS ivntl known ('Stuhlialimmir Ar ii - ; w.., ...ID. ItU U- . OAitsK.it Is prepared to liirnhh the but, to tho travelling puonc. ino lAuiiti always sup plied wilh tlio choicest delicacies, tha BAH with tho tlnest Wines and Liquors, good slcop Itni nniii-tments. nnd au iihiindnnnA P a,ni.i.. o "i " . - uu"."i pu.ifiu iiuml nttiielioo to ilia ltreinla,.u T..l.i!A . patronage solicited May 2;), 'fin -ly. Robert 'oiigiicrfy. Carriage S Manufacturer Waynksiiuiio, Pa., J RESPECTFULLY gives notlco that ho has i located in Wnyncshorg, Pa., whero he in- tends to manufacture CARRIAGES Of every description. From his experience in tho business, he feels conlldont that his work, ' la style, finish nnd durability, will give entire BiiUsfnctlon. It is bis determination to purchase die best material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. IsrAll now work warrentcd for ono year. Wiivneslmrir, Feb. 21. lBliO 1 1 ' Assignee's Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED ASSIGNEE 01 ' Mokoax Bki.l, of Rlchhlll township, bore- , by gives notlco to nil persons Interested that the STORE BOOKS and Notes will ho left ' witli Mr. William McClelland, at tha old : stand, for settlement nnd collection, until tho 1st of March next, and If not promptly settled they will be collected by duo process of law utonco. Tho creditors of said nsslgmint will also take notlco that their claims must ho pro-, sented at once, ns I nm determined to close , up the business Immediately jtuiU,'G7-tf. J.F. TEMPLE. ' tv wTross, PIIYSICIAN AND BURGEON, . OFFICE In Jewell's building, West end of Mala street, WaYuesuuigt 0.1,-tf . .