CL.- 1 5. Li WAYNES UUUO: ' WEDNESDAY, MAUCn 20, J8G7. Q. Where Ib tho cheapest place to buy drugs? A. AtO, W. HobertSiS; Co. '8 Drug Store. s Bishop Kciifoot, ot the Protestant Episco pal Cliureh, will hold service la tlio Court House In Wuynesburg, ou, Tbaraduy evening, March 28th, nt 7 o'clock. 0. W. Huberts & Co. 's Is the place to get Pure No. 1 Carbon Oil will not explode. i ' A In the Stove line, wo have soon none that compared with the 'llosedale." It burns botli wml and coal and with a great saving of fuel ; it is light, durable and an ornament in any home. Win. II. Hulphunstine has them for sale go buy one. - - Brashes ! Brushes 1 Any kind of a brush can be had at O. V. Honoris & Co. 'a. Correspond! nt II. F." Productions re jected as not suitable It would bo more lit ingfor you to coxtrlhu'e to tho religious press. ... ATTr.sius Coimit. Notwithstanding the heavy condition of tho roads, on streets are made lively by citizens of tho county In at tendance at court. Wo hope those who owe lis will not bo so forgetful ns to leave wit! out waking a call. Wo should liko to make tha acquaintance of such. Eveu If you can't leavo us tho "greenbacks" come and assure us cf your good will. -O i Head! Pkah! All persons knowing lhon solves indebted to N. CLAKK & SON cither by Note or Book account are requested to call and pay tho same, by tha 15lh day of April, or wo will bo compelled to collect by law, without respect to p.'rson . If you want a pood pair ol P boulder Braces go to G. W. Roberts & C'o.'h Drug Store. A Word ok Anvicit. VI:ilo tho weather is cool, have tho foul accumu lations of the winter removed from your premises, or from gutters and alloys contiguous. The pulilio interest demands this, ami wo intend stirring tliuso nbo minatioii!) until they beuomo so offensive as to ni'iko their removal necessary to peace as well as health, A splendid assortment of Pa'nt Brushes, at Q. W. Huberts & Co.'s. Tim WiiHvr.--Tho wheat is said to present a very healthy and flourishing appearance, and tho farmer as a general thing, lire jubilant now over tho file prospects of a g od crop. Tho wheat has taken such a firm hold under the protection of the snow, that no fears are entertained from 'Much freezes,' 'rust,' or 'weevil.' This will certainly he gra tifying to every family, and if the crop should turn out well, wo may look for a great reduction in the price of Hour. A splendid assortment of Fancy articles such as Snaps, Climbs, Pomade mid Pcrfua'.cry at G. V. Huberts it Co.'b Drug Storo Tun IsTWiNAi. T!;xrn Asinssoii? are now engaged in tho assessment of in come taxes in accordauue with the ;ate law of Congress. The timo tor assess mentis changed from May to March, ' nail the uniform rato of live per cent, is fixed on all incomus, with one thousand dollars exempt, as required. Tiiey are to go at once to work. All kinds, of Paints, dry and In oil, cim be had at Q, W. Koborts & Co.'s Drug Store Tim Conti'.st. Hi! annual contest between tho l'hilom.itliean and Union Literary Societies, ot Wuynesburg Col lege, came ofF on Wednesday evoning last. Any one acquainted with entertain, monts ot like kind that have been, know the interest manifested on such occa sions. Tho spacious Chapel Hall was crowded to excess by an appreciative and highly respectable audience. Good order piwniled, wlh the exceptions thaf. cannot be avoided in Urge- assem blies. Tho following was tho programme lor the cvetiiw; : Select Oration Patriotism Mas W. Artell, (P) Wayucsburg, Pa Select Oration Invasion of Mexico J. Burns Peed, (U) Utirnsvillo, Pa. Essay Light T. U. Johns, (U) Ruff's Creek, Pa. '((Lights and Shadows J. T. Wells, (P) Brownsville, Pa. Original Oration The Reign of Si. lonce Jao. Uloiy, (U) Zollaisville, Pa. Original Oration Where are we Drifting tT. M. Carroll, (V) Simp son's, Pa. Discussion Proposition Tho Protes tant Churches of the United States could accomplish more good if united in ono organization, than tlioy can accomplish a their present dividod condition. AmtiM Jas. N. Miller, (P) Wnynes burg, Pa, Duny "Campbell Jobes, (U) Clays ville, Po. Thnjudgos, Mr. Jno. C. Flonnikon, Mr. Geo. L. Wylyand Mr. Jos. Ritch io, after tho performances woro conclud ed, retired and with Bhort deliberation returned tho following Decision of Honors, All parties ncquittod themselves well. The productions possessed much of literary cxoellonuo, and wore rendered i'n style highly complimentary to the authors. Tho Waynosbtirg Comet JJand dis. coursed its best strains during the even ing, conclusively demonstrating that we have among us the material whereof good musio is produced. A vkkv (loon Kkahos. Among the many reasons why our county rosidents should take tho homo paper there are few better than tho one illustrated in the folio I ig i Week before last tho Tariff Hill pend ing in Congress absorbed tho wholu at' tention of the people. Friday's mail re ported the bill defeated. We had no mail on Saturday and awaited anxious ly the coming of Monday evening's mail. It came and confirmed the defeat of the bill, but added that important amendments one increasing the duties on Wools and Woolens had passed both Houses anil been laid bi foro the Pics't dent We immediately condensed, inserted and sent the news throughout the coun ty by Wednesday's mails. The Mess in jcr.throujjh haste orneglect, reported the bill defeated but did. not add that the amendment passed A well-known wool buyer, and, by tho way, a sub- Hii ibor of the Mcmcnger, under tho im pression that the bill was killed, set out for the vicinity of lllacksvillo to buy at i educed prices tho wool which the firmer of that section were holding in anticipation of a risf. When he at templed to drive his bargains he laid the two papers before tho holders and told them lo believe which they cboosed. They believed the Ui:iti:uoan and there by saved theinselve a sacrifice ot many dollars. In li s oh'ii words, "The darn ed thing beat me twenty. lour hours and knocked it all into a cocked hat !'' Yet some men refuse to take a reliable county paper, when tho small pittance of two dollar often saves round hundreds. It is not necessary that a man should conform his opinions to tho tone of the paper lo reads, but it is economy that men should read live newspapers ha they of whatever creed or doctrine, Ail. kinds ot 11 dr dressings very cheap at Hraden's Drug Store. Tub Emma Wii.i..m:i Socikty The literary eiitertuitui'.eiit of this Society was held on Tuesday evening ot last week. Tho young ladies participant, in tho exercises acquitted themselves in commendatory stylo. Tho performan ces in a literary point of view, .and tho manner of delivery were generally good. We have but ono criticism, or rather suggestion, to mako, and ono in which, wo believe, too thirds of all who attend such places will concur. It is, that se lect dialog ies,t hoy might bo called pan tomimes, should bo laid aside. They may havo their merits, we won't gain say that, but wouldn't tableau bo the better diversification 1 More than sixty dollars were realized for the bum-lit of the Society to bu used in relitting their hall a handsome trib ute to the generosity of our citizens. A large stock of Fancy Soaps, Po mades. Toilet Articles, &o., at liraduu's Drug Store. "Tun tfsovr! Tub Snow! Tub Beau -rriv i. Snow !'' Somebody sings, but we "can't see the beautiful,'' not this time of year. Liko a child ' sick on bon bons, "sugar has lost its taste ' Es pecially when propelled by a March hurricane, does it loso all its poetry. 'Ignorance is bliss'' it is said, but who can havo the hardihood to assert that it is bliss to plant tho toot on a white o v ering and have dirty mud and water shoot with a "quash'' into his eyes! Shine sun ! Melt enow ! Let us have mud I genuine, yollow, Pennsylvania mud 1 Foil Patent Medicines of any kind go to Braden's Drug Store, the "cheapest and bobt ' CiiAiu.ns Sri'.WAiiT, son of Hon. Andrew Stewart, bf Fayette county, and whilom paymaster in tho United Slates, Navy, has been appointed U. S. Consul at Copenhagen. Ik you want a lino cigar or Wash ington toby go lo Braden's DrugStoie. w - C- Timh isMonhy. Baity having removed his Jewelry Establishment Ij tho frame building directly opposite tho court house, will keep constantly on band a full assortment of such goods us tiro usually kei.t In a first class Jew elry Storo, such as Watches, Clocks both weight and spring .Finger Rings, Hreast- Pins, E.vr ltinjjs In sets or seimrate Sleevc Buttons, Watch Chains, Thimbles, Plated Ware, Spectacles, Masonic and O.ld Fellow's Breast-pins. In short, any and everything you may want hi our line, which vi:l be sold at little lower than you can uuy them In any of tho Cities. Rkpauiino Of nil kinds of watcho9 and clocks dono In the best manner and warranted. Cash paid for old Qold and Silver. 8avu Yoi;b On.. An exchange has tho fol lowing, It is no harm to try It : "Put tho wick Into the lamp, and fill Hie latter about hairfull with coarse salt, and then put In about I inch of oil, and It will be found that a great saving will .he the result. The salt wastes grudimlly away during tho burning, and must, tlioro foro, bo renewed from tlmo to time. Tho light Is purer and more brilliant than without the salt., and the wick requires no snuffing. GotoG. W. Roberts & Co.'s. Drug Storo and get a bottle of Hall's Hair Rcnower. In Eaiinhst. Subscription Books have been opened by the Slack wator Commissioners ot Monongalia Co., W, Va. for tho construction ot lock No. 7 on thu Monongahnla, The Post is san guine ot success and says. "Our isola- Ited condition during the winter and even now, brought about by tbe lnrri- b!e state of our public! roads, has induc ed those who never thought of this sub ject before, to think seriously of it now. The commissioners expect to meet with many obstacles and many discourage ments, and to hear many croakers in terposing the "its' and "ands" but their fiat has gono forth i the work must be done," Where there is a will there is a way, Ero long Morganlown, through tho en terprise ot her citizens, will be tho busy mart and terminus of river navigation. She wi'l advance with rapid stride in wealth and growth, whilst Waynosbtirg sits sublimely on her soven hills (minus five) and waits for the spirit to trouble tho waters. Wo do not envy Moigin town but we do deplore tne contrast. Mid! Mcdiy!! Mi.duku ! ! 1 Munm- kst!!!! Mud in the streets; mud on the crossings ; mud on tho door-step j mud in the kitchen j mud on the parlor corj et ; mud on gc.ds boots : mud on gents pnnts ; mud on ladies shoos i iin.d on ladies i-tonkiiigs j (beg paidon j didn't see it ; but know it is if you have walk ed two square-) j mud on our right , mud on our lelt i mud before us ; mud 'be hind us i we deprecate mud j wo think of mud , we talk of mud ; wo write nbont mud ; n. 'tiling but mud ; it is an age ot mud ; some men are mud ; the road supervisors must bo mud ; they should be chucked in the mud ; the boys ought, to pelt them with mud. ' Sir Llx!" What tho d euce is the good of painted posts on the street corners without lamps on them? Oris it the object 'to wait until the iiiooik light summer evenings for a saving of oil? Oh! iho inscrutable wisdom of our ''town dads !'' Ai'-nu. 1st. Tho lirst d ly ot April, with its usual bustle and fussing in fast approaching the day when confiu sion reigns supreme tho day generally deprecated by "movers." Several fam ilies in Waynesburg have already "changed their base," and many others aie pioparingto "tollow suit." Boats have bee" running to Morgan town during the recent high water. The tight of them gives its people thu slack water fever. Lock No. 7 will bo a sure cure. To bu Dm.oiiKi). Tho "local" ot the Newcastle O i-W'tf ait I J)imm:rat nx'di tates suicide see "Notes and Notices" in its last two or three issues. NEW YOKE MONEY MARKET. March til. Cold closed utility Waynesburg Marke, eoitm:cvi:D wi;i:ki.y nr j. uciui:n. Butler, fresh roll Cullee per Hi , Corn per bushel Corn' meal per bushel Country Soap per It Candles, mould per Hi Candles, dipped " " Cheese per Ib Dried Peaches per Hi Eggs pir dozen Flour per bbl Flax seed per bushel Feathers per lb bard per lb It. W. Flour per lb Molasses Oats per bushel ltye per bushel Timothy seed per bushel Rico per lb Sugar, crushed per II) Sugar, relined " " Sugar, New Orleans, (i lbs I'.'R. Sugar, lbs Svrup. per gallon Salt, No. 1 per bbl V to 30 au to :w c.i Sott hoap per gallon Tar per gallon l oo l ea per Hi 2 no Turpentine per gallon 2 0(1 Tallow per lb 1" Wheat per bushel 2 Till While Lead per keg 4 to 5 ()( While Lime jierbusnel 1 fill Wo. 1 common to lino 40a"iO Potatoes per bushel 123 lo 1 (ill Turnips, per bush 4." CIUCA0.O MARKET. CiticAuo, M irch Hi, ISO". Ft.otnt Choice brands of Spiing Extra Flour inactive llrmly hald at :) !)iiMl l no tor Spring extra, and 10 2."mU 73 for' white winter extra. Whbat Firm, closing quiet at $3 03(2 08 for No. small sales of "No. I at 2 tisau 00. Cons Without change, und close linn at 8GaH7 jc per hush for No. 1 . Oats Dull and closed quiet at 43c for winter, and for fresh receipts of No. 2. I'novisioxs 'j he fnvurablu tenor o'' Jiuw York advices strengthened Iho market for mess pork, und prices advanced 73c to $1 on V bbl ; seles at from 22 23a22 3D for extra; primo pork is also higher ; sales lino bids at $18 00. Bulk meats quiet ; sales of short rib middles nt l(i,(o loose, and Cun lieilan I mid dles ut '.Ut! loose. Beef hams firm at $10 00 V bhl. Laid active and An higher ; Miles 1,030 tierces and 400 bbs prima steam render ed at I2iul2je. Duksskii lions Unsullied, but for fancy lots l he pride is considerably higher j sales of rougn iroin ijts jii to if'.i oo. Livb I Ions Active under a brisk shipping demand at an advance of $0 U0a7 40. NEW YORK DRY UOOD.j MARKET. Maiicii Hi, 1S(;7. Int'iecolton goods market trade h fuhly active and pri. es steady for nil standard brands. Heavy sheeting aro selling at 2 ui2l i ctsjor bast makes 20a2uie for seconds, and IH.UiUc tor common irrados D vard coods. Heavy Shillings steady at I7c. for such as Atlantic nrnig aijc j uwigiit A command l'.ljc j Fremont Iti.Jc New York Mills bleached 40c ; Willlamsvlllo illlc ; Masiuiville 2ile; HIP 23o : Chiton C C 0 2lic: Rl-Bank 13iec Waltinara 42 inch 22c : do (i-4 :!!( On 8-4 43c do 10-4 115c j Anioskeg A licks 8!)c; do U 2lci York UO-lnch and Femberton A A 3l!c; 'Ihorndyko 22n; Whitlenion stripes li B20ci Amoskcig 28n2!lc; York 27.1c; Otis Denims A XAU'-'Je; do B IVllCj do 0 0 23rj' Farmers' Union casshners lOcj Bigelow's body Brussells curpcts $2 lio. o . .. BALTIMORE MARKET. March III Cotl'ee S.dcs 4,301) bags Rio on private terms. Flour pulet but firm nt tho late rdvanco of fliic on Spring wheat grades. Wheat active j Maryland HO; Pennsylva nia Rod 2 "8. Oats nominal at i;.'laiirc. Clover seed In good demand ; old 8 M ;. new if!) 23. l'rovlslons higher; mess pork $22 72a2;l; hulk shoulders llall jo ; sides I In ML Whlslov nominal at atiatllc In bond. Sugar, quiet but steady ut lOjatOjc fir good prime stock scarce. S2 20 1 00 l no l on 4 on s.. ." rmmm!ffmmmf riTTsniua gkxkkui market. Saturday, March 10, I8H7. Tho bn'hicis of tho week exceeded that of tha previous mo to a very large amount. There has been conddorablo of an advance In Flour, and the stocks In storo are firmly held at tho advunco figures, and still higher prices aro expected by dealers. Wheat is scarco snd very firm at quotations. There Is rather an active demand 'or Bacon and Lard, and higher figures are anticipated. Choice Roll Butter is scarce and is demanded. Whisky is very quiet. In other articles iho'o Is no material change, or anythins spocial worthy of extended remarks. We quote as follows, which aro the whole sale prices ; CHAIN Wheat at Corn at Rye ut Buckwheat Oats FLOUR Spring Wheat at, Winter " ut.. Ryo at HAY-Bided at $2 8."k.3 11(1 778 . $:i,2:i,3:i73. M. $12,50. if I 'l, (II) 72:Vr7"0. $23, 01) V ton. Loose nt $2a.()U(:ia no. EGOS-Fsles at 21220. CREESE Western Reserve nt KiJ. Hamburg at New York Ooshenat 20 BUTTi:R Primo Roll nt 23(iI28c Al't'LKS 1'er uariel at 3. 7r(f l.uO. OTinuMfiti ifriirfi yiir-i- .-- -i-n CARRIED. SliOUOlI (JII)LUY On the ilth hist., by J. T. Smith, Esq., (I. W. liluiugli and Miis Jane Uidliy, all ol'tlreenu coiiiily, l'a. McCLELLAND-LOUDON-On Sunday, loth hist., tiv tliu Rov. Wm Wall ice,' Mr. C. H. McClelland and Miss M iry Loudoa, both of this place. DSED. EVANS Very suddenly, en Friday morn ing tho 13th insl., of apoplexy, Mrs. Rachel Elans, wifo of Lewis Euis,dco'd., in tho Bllrd year of her age. Thu subject of this mournful notice was, at her death, ono of the oldest citi zens of Greene County. She was among the pioneer seniors, und with the aid of Iter very retentive memory could relate most vividly many interesting incidents in lie early history ot Western Pennsyl vania She was a woman of more than ordinary intelligence, was noted for great decision of character, was strictly a christian woman, having been a faith ful member ot tho Baptist Church more lhati halt her life. Since the deaih of her lamented husband, the burthen of her diMi'e seemed to bo to din and bo with Christ. She had an abiding taith in the precious promises of the Utble with which she was well acquainted, and could always readily give a reason tor the hope ho entertained. And now that she has departed this life there are none left that knew her well who can say nughlelsj i han lhat she lias tiiught the good light and liuishcd her o mi i e so n to receive the welcome plaudit on the great day ot accounts, "well done good and fiuhtiil servant !" Shu was vigorous in mind and body up to the hour of her death Shu died at her daughter, Mrs. Jauo Myers' resi dence, at tiarrard's Fort and was buried on Saturday, the 16th 'mat., in the (.Jar raid's Fort graveyard, by a largo con course ot sorrowing friends. I., SPECIAL NOTICES A COUGH, A" COLD, Oct A SORE THROAT Rl .it'USKS IMMKIllATIS ATTKSTION, AMI SUUI.'I.II 111) CIII.CKI.II. 1 1' Ai.l.nwKn to cos ris'iT.. lliniTlTIONOKTIIK I.CXOS. I'Kll MAXKXI' TIIKOAT IIISKASH Oil . CO.SiiUMl'TlO.S 18 Ol'TliNTUK UKSUI.T. BROWIV'8 BSONICHIAL TROCHES llAVlXU A BIKKCT IXFI.UUXCK TO TUB l'AUTS, tllVK I.MMU1IIATU EB1.IKF. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Cons limp tlvo and lliroat diseases, iioeue,s are used with always good success. SIN Q EES and PUBLIC SPEAKES will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when taken before Sinning or Speaking, and relieving iho throat after an unusual exertion ol tho vocal organs Tho 3'rato arc recom mended and nrescri'.ied bv Physician!, and have had testimonials from eminent men throuirhout the countrv. Being tin ulwom of true merit, and having pmxil their clllcacy by a lest of tunny years, eacli year (lads them in new localities in variuus parts ol the wor.d and tho Trot-lm are universally pronounced better than other articles. OiiTAixonly ' 15nowVsBitoxeiiiAt.Titnciir.9," and do not lake imv ol the U'orArem IiihImum, that may bo otlered. tioi.n kvlkiwiiiosb. Nov2l-mo. iXEW ri-uriME rou the iiasdkekchiei. I'hnlan'n ".'Vig!;l Stloomin Crronii., I'lialon'a "Ma'il ItlnomiiiK ('rrt'iii." I'linlou'a "ni(;lil liicoiuiuu Vtvcut." 1'bnlou'i ri'lht BiloauiiMif Cetrun." rhiiloa'a "Kialil lillooiuhig C'i'rcu." A mint cxqnlilto, cMU'iito, mul I'rnRrnni IVrfumo, illmi It-il rniiii tlio nuo uua btuuiilul Uuwur Irom which it takuii Ita nmiitt. llnuuructuri'il only by IMIAI.OX & Pfew York. BRWAllB QV COUSTEltrniTS. ASIC FOIt I'HALOS'S-TAKB NO OTUKU. j2.1,' Id.-lycow. Wonderful but True. MADAME REMINGTON, tho world-re nowned Astroliglst and Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while In a clairvoyant stale, dehne ales the very features of tho person you are to marry, iindhy thti aid of an Instrument of intense power, known as tho Psyehomotrope, guarantees to produce a perlect and life-like lecture of the futura husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of character, &c. This is no Imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hnlr, and en closing lll'ty cents, and stamped cnvelopo ad dressed to'f, you will receive tho pic turo by return mail, together with desired m ' formation. cyAddress In confldenoe, Mapamk Qwr Tiiunii Reulnuton, P. 0. Box 207, iV est Troy IX. Y. feblJ'tiMy B'rcc lo Everybody. A Large U pp. Circular, jiving Information ! of tho greatest importance lo the young of Loth 8 'ICS. It teaches how the homely may becomn beautiful, the despised respected, and tho for- j sukun loved. I No young lady or Bcnt!ttmnn should fall to send their address, and receive a copy post paid, by return inuil. Address P. O. Drawor, 21, foh20, '07-0111 Troy, N. Y. Know Thy Destiny. Madams E. V. Tiiounton, the irreat Enall h Astrologist, Clairvoyant and l'syehou. etrieian, who lias astonished thu scientific classes of thu Old World, has located herself ut Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, ns to en able her to Impart kuowlcdgu of thu great est Importance to tho single or inarrleil of either sex. While in a statu of trance, die deliniates tho very features of tho person you are to marry, and by the aid of ut) instrument of inteuso lower, known as tho Psyehomo trope, guarantees to pro duce a life-like pie lure of tho future husband or wife cf tho up pllciint, together with date of marriage," po silion iu life, leading trails of character, &c. fids Is no humbug, us thousAinls of testimoni als can assert. S'.io will send when desired a certified certificate, or written cuaranlee. licit Iho picture is what It purports to bo. 1!) enclosing a small lock of hair, und staling place ol hit Hi, age, disposition uml complex ion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped en velope addressed to youself, you will recelyo tho picture and desired Information by return mai'. All communications sacredly conll denlial. Address in confidence, Madams E. F. Tuonxrox, P. 0. Box 2:', Hudson. N. Y. fcbl.1'07-ly tiif A Yoi Nii Lady returning to her country home, alter a sojouin ol a few months in the city, was hnrdlv recognized by her friends. la place of a coarse, ructic, flushed face, flic had a soft ruby complexion of almost mnrblo smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Cpnu inquiry as to tho cause of . so a change, she plainly tol l them that sho used Iho CIR CASSIAN BALM, und considered It mi iu- valuiiblo acquisition lo any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Oenlleman can improve their personal appi aranco an hundred foi l. It is simple in lis combination, ns Nature her self is simple, yet unsurpassed in its cflle.icy in drawing Impurities from, n'.so; healing, cleansing and beautifying tho skin and com plexion. By Its direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all its Impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should bo, clear, 'suit, smooth and beautiful. 1'iico $1, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order, hy V. L. CLARIC & CO., Chemists, iVi. li West Fayette St.. Syracuse, N. Y. The only Ameiicaa' Agents for 'the sale of I he same, l'RKP.'.RED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, roil euKSKitvisu, klbtoiiiso, axu okaiiti l'VISO tub ii.mii. And is Iho most delightful' and wonderful ar ticle tho world ever produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify tho Hnlr, but also iv desirable article for tho Toillct, nsltls highly perfumed with a rich and dulioato per fume, m.lepend'jiit o! the fia.T.uit odor of tho Oils of Palm and Mace. The TI.u'vcI of Ptxii. A new and beautiful pertume, w!d. h in delicacy of s-eut, and the tenacity with which it chugs to tho handkerchief and person, is unequalled. The above articles for slo by all druggists and Perfumers, at ijl per bottle each. Sent by express to any address bv proprietors. J . W. WKKill I iV CO.. UK) Liberty St., New York; Oct. 21, W.H. ly. DP.. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. ffV y.wat nu'il'rlnficiiro'! Dr. J. H. Bouknok, tin) Proprtc! or, ot i'uiiiioiiftry L'(mriin;iv!on, u-lion it hal a-iMinird ii? ni.ipi lormUtftlrip n pict, nml when pwl ricV'i !iiiicnr.:il to lie hicital: c, U-t x; Hiclnif p.-o-uoaiitO'l ca-o inrurnli'o ulion ho commootvi t!i. ao o' tti cjiipiu l.itt p-nvcrrttl nuo Jr. IV h-Ai'At va ri'.''i-f 1 in a vt nlir.ri .ili ie, ami no r.' o' tin' d Vi'.iHO li v Lw;i nvinTiuioi, !or ftll ll'i' r i!; o:ut n i.rltlr rlljwu-cJ, imd h'n pi'wcut r-' hi it .ii-ir' t'.if.'i two Doind. ? iiro In r 't.-ti' -T ', ho I; ik (iuvotoj li'a ailcntlon Ca :a. :.'. lo :iiO tM-0 ol Cjlf iiMpi toil and Uio (ii'U-.'ii u',-.? u-ii-.ll cotui) i.Mj w)ih It, ftiiJ .-ta'.i' cll't'fcl hij Mi'id'i'It.c- litv.'o lico.i vm' M" oi-.i; h kI '.va!.' u-jjil-jiMi', Pr, tieiiurs n:.': i'iv t .: ; vicl I iwi-ia! uf Uiolarcor eUU'i :': I::.-, ft li h i !:i a coin'iuri-c oi' uatlotilM, n .1 t ;e Ira!, i:-: ., U,.n to ico pwr coiiftu!iip;ivci lii-etL In iiiul out yi t'utir turriaw:, and la a !:. :,i.niilt- l.n'iJir, rriiu-t por-onn. Da, c-'-:. Ni-;;j lvj.vionh: bVitn, bi:awkki ir.-tJ, '."i MAXPlUKi: IMLI.S aro jcan-aily ft i iv..,'i;i;: Connait plloit. Tull tKn.'C- v :'. m.jn.t.' ' iv!i, i th-il a i.' one miii tnlit) ihom v. iUv.j: icciMi Dr. Ij.j.n.iii, hut un It U con-.-(? o it ' .: I.; i! i j o ; 1m,i, III) kIvm riilvliio Iroe, I jl r:n t M v:.i.:i; :Kiiii rlt!ih R iilromotcr li n I"'- !d .tii'.i li..a.'t, I' c ..v o m :'vi, ii ii ' i p,;,r!ir.j'.n'f, Hi:;: tin two ;.'.!;:..? a a. ti e iJuc.or otn vU mi liitho !atBto.8 :i Vj.' :,!i..;vt ), ft.ij ilu) ottio-; l,o irnv lti, lu I- " w:t li-T. lit li'j on i!i(3 (ios'oi'umniH Btaitip. y.jiit j.- u.i Pii-.:,'lr'B a-id iJisaltw, IVicd $1,M lo 6v tlio hull' iIjku.i. LPtlcra ;or i'.Ii'j cH-aM a!v, a-rbi" illrcdivl to Pr. Bdimick't 1' ";( : 0 .!.!', 1 N.irsli St., I'll !a-!c;plila, Pa. (in; oimI Wio C::alo A.',0!itf( Doinal Haniofl it Co., N. V.. B. 13. Ilruo, Piv'tlniore, Mil, .fotm D. i-li K'iiniftli, ptro; Wulkcr Vi Tuylor, Chicago, l.i.i t-'ohlu- llr j ai. Loula, Mo,"d iv. oa. tno.l n. rpiIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPEDIENCE X OC AM INV.VI.IP. Published forlhe benelll mid as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN nml others, who Buffer irom nervous ueiuiilv, I'retnatme Decay ol Manhood. &c. sliunlvliiir nt the same limn Tun AIkans ok SuLt'-Citnn. I!y ono who has cured hunselt niter unilerrjoini? considerable quackery, lly encliislng a postpaid ntldressed envelope, single copies, free of charge, may uu iiiui in uie iiiiiuor, NATHANIEL MAYFAIH, Esq., ' v23lv ii. KinjrsjC o. . N. Y. ielmTioliv.s EX'rVtAc riruciiUKta health and vigor to Iho frame- and bloom to ti e pallid check. Debility is accompanied by many iilnrniing symptoms, and If no treatment is submitted to, consumption, insanity or epi leptic Ills ensue. tislHuow-ly APPLICANTS FOU TAVEllN LICENSE FOU MAHOH TEltM. 18(17. Glliiiiin llliiknian, Newtown, Greene Co. Pa. Urns. Hradley, Wiiynnshiinr. do do Siim'l Jewell, Gray's old stand do do C. A. Gnriird, Toylortown. c'o do J. W. Harn. Greensboro, 1 do do Strosnlder & Turner, Adams' House, do 1). A. Worley, Worley Hoiiso. Wnyuesburn, Susannah Pettil, Hainllton House, do Marnary llryiin. Jacksonvilln. fleo Moniuer, Vanatta's Old Htiunl. Ho.iryJ. Jeunlngs. Cnrmlclinl l!orouli. . .1. Uumsarner, Jcll'erson, Pa, Ouoruo Nuztim, iiuvt Frooport, Pa. ,Tt:sso Mitchell, Jackson township, Pa. David H.- Jones, Greenslioro, Pa. lliratn (,'uil, Ciirnilehntils l)oronli, S. li, llayiird, Hlees'Landlnn, Pa. J. F, TEMPLE, foblS-te Violhoiiutary. CJrisper Coma, Oh! she was beautiful and fair With starry c ves and radiant hair. Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Luchaincd tho very heart und mind, CHI3PER COMA. For Curllnir Iho Hair or Either Hex Into Wavy and Glossy Klncdcts or Heavy Massive Curies. By uslmr this article Latin s and Oenlleinen can beautify themselves n thousand fold, Jl Is tho only article In tho world that will curl straight hair, and at tho sanio tlmo o;h'o it u lieauliful, plossy appearance. Tho Crisper Coma not only curls the hair, but invigorates, beaul llli s and cleanses it; is highly and de lightfully perfumed, and Is tho most complete article ofllio kind over ottered to I ho American public. Tho Crisper Coma will be. sent to uny addr. ss, scaled and postpaid for ijl, Address nil orders to VV. L. CLAHK & CO., Chemists No. it West Favctto St., Syracuse, N. Y. Iebi:l,'7-ly LIST OF CAUSES FOR THIAL AT MA ilCII TEH.M, I8U7. ' I'insr wkkk. Lhich vs Buvey, No. 10(1, Junu Term, lP.'ii. lllon for use vs Neafs Executors, No. l!0.-i, Jl arch Term, Irt.V,), Harvey vs Uell, No, 210. March Term, 18.-,!). ( :raddl( k vs Owen it Dunn, No. 04, Decem ber Term, INiH. Month II vs ( leavenger, No. 101), Peptember Term, lect. Moss' Administrators vs IIuss, No. 101, June Term, 18ti."i. Olasseyvs Kruiiklin township, No. 10, Sept. Term, lS(l.ri. lliignins for use vs flritliam, No. 81, Peptera- I'l-rTerm, isir. Stockthdo vs Hess & Stevenson, L'Ofi, June Term, lHiiil. Hughes vs lloss Jt Stevenson, No. L'07, June Term, liSiiO.- siccosn wkkk 1st mvihion. Coo vs Lin d ley's, No 17, June Term. !srr. Shouh vs Kinney's heirs, No. 137, Juno Term, 1.S.17. Aiiamsvs Oonlon, No. Hi), Juno Term, 1HH1. Henderson vs lCudm, No. Uu, Juno Tin in, '01. Morris vs Lucas, No. 71, June Term,; . Shelby vs Dunham, No. Hi', rieptenber Term, ll'UL'. Sliarpneck vs. Curl, No. lot, March Teim, ISIm. Lemley vs Gapen. No. 124, June Term, isn.l. Campbell vs Wiiliams, No, Hi, September Term, 18(!."i. 2SI DIVISION-. ' South vs Lone No. (12, December Term. Hickman vs Hickman & Wiley, No. U, March Term, lMiiii. Gordon vs Shrlver, No. 1 10, March Term, 'I'.ll. Iliii-'svs Stcpueus, No. Irtl, .March Term. 'till. lJ'.'iillry vs Cloud's, No. 18;!, March Term, ISI.'i. Foster's Administrators vs Anderson, No, !.", June Term, 18ili! Lynch et id vs. Dimkard township, No. U2,'l, Juno Term, IHllii. Hook vs Odcnbiutgli, No. 211, Juno Term, I silt;. Williams vs McCoy & Co., No. 10(5, Septem ber Term, 18(ii;. McKlroy, Dickson & Co. vs Hums' Adminis trators, No. 1(57. Doooinhei' Term. IHHil. . J. F. TEMPLE, l'loth'y; Jeb27 tc. dual pub! ''tiled, a new edition nf Vflm. Ct i.viMiwm.i.'s Ci:.i;uim'iii Essay on tlio ,n(iVivi iwi-(wilhoiil medicine) of Sper-. matorilio-.i, or seminal Weakness, tnvolun tarp Seminal Losses, Impot ncy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to niarriane, ir:e ; also, Consumption, Eiiilepsy and Fits induced by self Indulgence or sexual extrava gance. r9.Piii!i'. lu a sealed envelope, oely ft ets. Tho celebrated author, in lliis admirable essay clearly tletnonslrates from n thirty yours' successful practice, that thu iiltinuhtij conse iiuences of sell'-ibuso may lie radically cured withontthe dangerous use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife poinlinoul a mode of euro iitonco simple, certain iindeli'ec lilal, by means of which every siill'crer, no matter what his condition maybe, may euro himself cheaply, ptiva'ely, anil rat'licully. r.TThis Esay should be in the hands of i every youth nod every man in iho land. hent, until r seal, ill a jilain envelope, to any address, im.ii inut, on receipt of tix cents, or two postage stamps. Address Iho publishers, CHAM J. C, KT.TNK &CO l2711owery, New York, Post Olllce No. 45SU. niai2l:'l5ii-ly IIELMnoT.D'3 FLUID EXTKACT I5U CHU is plcaMit hi taste and odor, free from I ii ii injurious propei ues, nun uumomnio m us .action. :i:l:ltrv-lv In the Common J'leas of (Ircemi county : IN the matter of iho account of John lingo. Est) , lrntce of Mary Heaton, ldow of Abljah lleaton, iked. Notice is hereby ejvon that tho account of said trustee has been tiled in iho cilice of Iho ' l'lotbonotiiry, und will be presented to the i Court ou tho '.'8th day uf March next, fur nl ' lowuncn. J, F. TEMPLE, l'bil)-t. Prothonolary. PROPOSALS PENNSYLVANIA AGRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP riMIE Hoard of'-ionfrs now offer for I. H-ile i20,oon ncres of Agiieulturnl College Land Scrip, beln tho liiiinnco of the Sciii granted lo tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia for the endowment of Agiiclillurid Col leges in lliis State. Proposals for Iho purchase ol this Lund Scrip, addressed lo "The Board of Commis sion 19 of Agricultural Lund Sciin," will be received at tho Surveyor General's olllco id Ilarrisburg, until 12 o'clock, M., ou WEDNESDAY, AI'HIL 10, 18G7. This land niny bo located hi any Statu or Territory, by tho holders ol the scrip, upon any ol iiieunapproiinaieii lauds (except min eral mints.) oi too union, wntcii may bo subject to sale nt private entry. Each piece of scrip represents a quarter pocllon ol one hundred and sixty acres, Is Issued lu blank, and will bo triinslorable, without endorsement or forma! assignment. Tho blank need not bo tilled until the snip la presented for li ra lion and entry, wl en the party holding; It can fill thu blank and enter the hind hi his own name, lllds must, bo made as per ncrj. and no bids will bo received for lens limn one quarter section, Tho Soilp will bo Issued hnnn dlalely on the payment of the money to Iho Surveyor Gen eral. On all bids for n less quantity than 40,11110 acres, ono-lhlrd of tho purchase moony must be paid wl.hln ten days, und tho remain ing two-thirds within thlily days alter nntill calloii nftho acceptance ol tho bid or bids by tho Board o? Commissioners. JACOUM. CAMPHELL, Surveyor Oeli'l. For tho Don rd of Commissioners. w Haiiiiisiicko, Feb, 27, 18H7.-IS Nolioel NOTICE Is hereby given lo the DELIN QUENT TAX COLLE0TO1W ol'Greorn rottnty, that if their nrrounts nro not squared up at or before March Cotnt, suit wl I ho brought without respect to persons, f.b I U -is TUOH. LUIS, Treumuvr, THE NATIONAL ttHOlCE Family Flour at mmket rates at 1NGUUAMS. POTATOES tho best the lnnket slTonl". n 1NGHIIA.MS. ERAFamllyG,i;Gn!i0 A FINE Quality of Salt, bv tho barrell or il less, at INGUKAMS. AVaynciliurg. March (5 tt TU1 IONS, of both sexes uso Holiubokl s Lx tt act llucliu. It will give brisk und energetic feelings, and enable you to Bleep well. ;5:i;tcow-ly ATTENTION I SOLDIEHS ! Disbanded Soldiers cntitlwd to additional imnntv under tho recent Act of Congress should he careful whom they employ to col lect their dues. Il is not every . un-irKjapieii 'sharper" who hangs out his shingle that is it luvnsed claim a'jcitt. I am thus iiuthmized by law, ana win at tend to nil soldiers' claims for back tay, h-.k- u,..v nml llil.lTlcViAL 1I0UNT1ES. IlllVillg tllS eortect blanks on hand lo make such applica tion, there Is no cause for rcluru oi papers oneo sent, or delay In making them out. Ite ceipls given for alt discharges placed In my p ssesstou. Applv at once two more months will be too llta. " 13. F. FLENN'HvEN, P. 0. Box 108." J Otllco First Nat. Uank. jaii:;o,'li7 ' Waynesburg, Pa. Con veyancing done on reastniajdojertiij. HiIwn'lKSENTION oh 1NCONTIN enco of Urine, hii'ution, lullainintilion, or ulcerution of tbe bladder, or kidneys, diseases of the prostrate glands, stone in iho bladder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposits, and all discuses of the bladder, kidneys and dropsical swellings, Usn lliu.Mnoi.ti's Fixn ExniAcr Ikcnu. IhUlcow-ly sherTffs sale.; l)V vhtuoofa will of Venditioni Exponas, J) lulled out of tho Court of . Common Pleas ol Greeno county, ami to mo directed, llicrowill bo exposed to puhiic sale nt tlio Cotnt House in Wuynesburg on '1 ucudtiy Uili, day of March next at 1 o'clock, v. m., Iho fol low big property, Vwi All tho right, title, Interest mid claun or Dett. of, In and to n certain Tract ol hind sit ualedin Franklin Town.klp Greeno Co., Pa. adjoining lands of Daniel Tlirockinbito,, Amos Clevcnger.Davld Scott, Jesiollill mh(j 0 t containing ono hundred and eighty-flvo aeriS more or loss, ono lunulred and thirty acres ol' which nro cleared, and has eredeil thereon one friinio I'welllng bousn and kitchen, f umu barn, log stable tenant house and otheriovit buildlncs two apple orchards mid other 'mil trees on Iho premises. Taken In excciiiltm ns Iho properly of Da vid A Worley As ThnmiuMllll al tho suit ot Furmers & Drovcis Hank of Wnynerhnrir. HEATH JOHNi. Sheriff. fi.b. 20, 'C7.-ls. MONEY Fit EE AS WATEIt.-r1 lO.ono ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Male or Female, ofall ages, are wanted to solicit trade Inevoiy city, (own, village, hamlet, workshop and factory, throughout tho entire world, for thu most , saleable novelties ever known. 500 Per cent PKOF1T and ready sale wherever of ferial I 1 Smart men and women run miiko from W to 00 ier day, and no ilsk of lops! . A small capital requited of from $20 lo $l(ltl ' tho more money Invented tho greater thu ': pootlt. No money required In advance wu . Ilrst send tho iirilcles und receive liny utter- wards I If you uctiially wish to make money rapidly nml easily, write lor full particulars mid uildrefs MILNOH As CO . (From Purls,), fell I II-1 y 811) llrtiadwiiy. New York Cliy, , siTATKIt obKNliAUXiTl'T""' DEALElt IN 'DUUCIS, MEDICINES, I-"-(inors and evt ry thintf portiilnlnij to ft tiit-t' clnrs Drug Hlore. Presurlpllons carefully coil " ,,,wl,.,l 'Cll.l .1,'. (11,1 MllHll " Wl.VHB, J em irg, 1 1, .uuy u, .'