The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, March 06, 1867, Image 3

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A splendid assortment of Lamps and Lamp
chiniuoys at G W, Ro orts t Co.'s.
Suoah Makinii. Soino days ol tlio
past week were exoellont for Sugar mak
ing ooM nights with frost, arid warm,
gonial sunshine. I'a nppeni anoo in our
market promises that our farmer, some
of them at least, aro improving their
A splendid stock of Dru.s just on mid
will bo sold cheaper than ever nt Dr.
. Ihaduu's Drug Store. .
, , A Dhaktii. Ojji, for something Irom
which we oould ' manufacture li-looal
itotns. Local items ore ns scarce as
good roads in Greene County. An
unusual event, of any character what
soever, would bo acceptable, if nothing
more than the arrival ot a ten penny
snake show in town. Wo did think ot
commenting on the proceeding ot the
State Legislature but we can't (Id that,
because they ain't doing much else but
playing chess with the Central Kailrutul
Company at which, the Legislature, it
it don't watch, will get boat thu worst
kind. It wo talk about our subscribers,
we oan't say aiuuh, because a great
many have not paid up yet. Having
ransacked the town and found items as
scarce as hen teeth, we turned to our
exchanges to find relief, but could Bud
mighty fjw that would interest our
readers and but few that would interest
their own. So we threw down our pen
and took a big drink of water. Times
aro dull, uodorg tights no nuthiu'. '
Brushes of all kinds at U. XV. Unbel ts
Co.'s Drug Store.
A Soujin Waunino. The Duchess do Per
Blgny, 0110 ot tho lenders of tho fashion m
Paris, has got into a lawsuit with her milliner,
whose bills she refuses to pay, on tho ground
that the charges are excessive. Such troubles
can always ha avoided by trading with
Foutz Cattle Powder by tho gross, dozen
orpapcr, at CI. V. Roberts & Co. s.
Coveuinq Coai. Finns. Tho Morgan
Ilerald says that many persons throw
fresh coal on, und ashes on top of that.
Firemen and others reverse this pro
cess, covering tho hot coals first with
ashes, thus preventing tho burning ot
the lire through the night. A little at
tention to this matter would probably
save in the course of the jear enough
to pay the subsoiiplkju tor a good pa
per tho Kki'I'di.ican, for instance.
- -4w
Six Papers of Foutz Cattle Powder (or
one Dollar nt Dr Brailen's Drug Store.
Uninjuiied. The recent and sudden
changes of weather have caused some
apprehensions concerning the fruit. As
yet, we have not heard of its beir.g in.
jured in this locality ; everything prom
ises a plentiful supply.
A flno a sortment of Perfumery, S up and
Pomade at G. W. Hoherls & Co.'s DrUij Store
Tooijj and Ihpi.kmksts. For ppring
work should be looked after und got
ready, Now is the time to attend to
this work. See that they are all in good
repair, oil those requiring it, rnwid any
that aro broken, see that the nuts are all
on, sharpen up the old hoes und scythes,
and purchase any thut will bo wauled.
Get tho best, and take caro ot them,
and you will be amply repaid for the lit
tle extra expense. Tnos. Dkaih'.n
keeps all kinds of farming implements
beside a large assortment ot other Hard,
ware, Woodeuwaro, eto , just the place
ito buy your new tools.
All the Patent Medicines of the day
are sold -at Bradou's Drugstore very
Cash paid for EGGS by Wm. A.
Farmers, wo are sparing no pains to
iurnish you with the best Fruit and
Seeds of all kinds, such as the Buckeye,
Garrison's Extra Early, Goodrich, Sam,
M"Quayo, of Greene county ( Garden
Seeds of every kind, from tho well known
farms of Knox, ot Pittsburgh, Laudreth,
of Philadelphia and J. 13. Wilson, of
Washington. Grape Vinos, Poach and
Apple trees, Clover and Grass Seed,
and Rhubarb Plants. In tact any and
every thing that a man or woman may
need Hoes, Hakes and Spades.
The war is over, tho sun of peace
again shine!" upon us, let us go to work,
thousands of aores ot land in our oouuty
are doing ub no gool which might be
nobly ornamented with the Grapo,
Peach and Shrubbery. You can oultivate
a Grape Vino as cheap as what you can
a hill of corn. Any article not on hand
will be ordered.
We have Caoon, Fish, Groceries of
tho best qnality and Dry Goods, cheap
er than the ohoapest. Wo don't sell all
the goods that aro sold in Waynosburg,
neither can we boast that the world has
been upset, all the rost ot mankind
thrown off and wo lett behind.'
, ' ' - Wm. A. Poutick
WATNitsuuito, March, 2, 18G7.
. Physioinns and others in .want of
Medicines will do well to see pur stock
And prices, at Braden's.
Bkadi.e'h Monthi.t. Is r pleto with
anecdote and entertainment for the pres
ent month, Hislori, ltomance, letters
on nil topics ot intercut till its pages.
AJdroBS lieadlo &Uo. 118 William St.
N. Y.
Tru-SL's! Truss si L irgost stock of Truss
ci In town, atO.'W. Roberts Co.'s.
Anotueu MutriNu.-To show that there is no
wanlmr of Interest In tho temperance move
ment, wo aro pleased to ehronie'o a well at
tended nieelinir of Its friends, and no dotlbl
Its foes, at the Hip! 1st Church on Sunday
evening last. Dr. A. B. Miller delivered the
discourse of the evening, the puiigunt truth
and philosophical reasoning of which, could
hut Impress the correctness of the speaker's
convletious upon the good sense of his hear
ers. Tho Society continues to augment in
Foil thorough instruction by l'rofes
sioual Teachers go to the State Normal
School at Ediuhoro, Erie county, l'u.
A term at u good school is of more val
ue than a year us usually spout. 2w3l.
Go to G. W. Huberts & Co.'s. Drug Store
und get a bottle of I.indscy's Blund Searcher.
No Mail. This exclamation is be.
coming too frequent ot late und as there
is a difficulty in determining which is the
most to blame tho postal authorities or
the road supervisors wo will impute it
to neither. Tlio missing of our daily
mail from Pittsburgh deranges our local
machinery more, perhaps, than any
other mirth::) that could befall us. Our
merchants and mechanics disliko to re
sume their avocations until they have
ionised tho morning Comnurehd , Dii
pa' eh or Gazette, politicians wear a sar
ly air because they h?.ve no nows from
the Capital and ttie twenty-four hours
wo have to wait until another mail is
due, seems like an ago. When it dooj
come what a rush 1 This derangement
is to be deprecated the more tor tho
yi. in n A n tKrif (l.n lrwtnl mirmi'fl n m nnill mtl 1-
ed to accept much that otherwise would
not find a place in their columns and
must delay publication until the last
moment in order that their readers may
have the latest intelligence VVhon this
occurs on Saturday, at it did last woek,
and we have to wait until Monday, it is
doubly provoking indeed it is a sub -ject
of surprise to ourselves, that we can
speak ot it in suoh moderate tones. If
an occasional mail must bo delayed wo
insist that it skill not be Saurdays.
Pninls of nil kinds, dry and ia od, at 0, W.
Roberts & Co.'s Drugstore.
Hon. J. Piiw.AN of the Houso read in
dace, last week, a bill relative to Haw
kers and Pedlars in Greene county. As
to its purport we arc not informed.
Closing Exkisoises.--TIio present term
ot Waynosburg College will close ou
Wednesday, March 13, 18u7.
The Examination of Classes will oc
cupy the usual number ot days closing
with a public examination of select
classes from the Female Department on
On Tuesday evening, (12th) tho pupils
ot the Female Department will give a
Musical and Literary Entertainment.
Q'lestion tor discussion : Females should
enjoy tho right ot sulFmgo.
The Annual Contest between the
Union and Philomalhean Literary Soei
eties will close the exercises, on
Wednesday evening
Proposition (or Discussion : Tho Pro
tcstant Denominations ot tho United
States would accomplish more good it
united in one organization, than they do
in their present condition.
Coneoa Cream and Hair Gloss can he had
at U. V. Honoris & Co.'b Drug Store
Notis. That matter to ho published
should be mailed on the Saturday pre
vious publication day from all parts of
tho County. We have had to delay
articles frequently for the reason that
they come too late.
Tisue. Wo hjivo heard of a heavenly
smile, nngul expression of countenance,
and bcnovolonco pictured in the face,
but we have never seen any thing yet
that surpasses tho radiant loveliness of
n friend's physiqe . when ho steps into
tho sanctum nnd says, "I should like to
settle my hill, What is it t"
Atlantic Montiii.v. This journal
has altainod a popularity second to none
among Amorioan literary mon lilies,
The number for March furnishes a rare
intellectual treat. Weil written papers
on poliiics, travel, homo progress, inci
dents, story, cto., adorn its page. Tick
nor ifc Fields, Pubs. Boston Mass.
Rioii Fiinmiir. Tho Express, last
Saturday, took from this place 05 pounds
of silver, It was tho property of an old
gentleman of our County who died
recently, and was found soereted in two
coon-skins. His fiiends wisely deter,
mined to secure the premium. What
a resurrection ot musty coin there would
bo if Congress should adopt Horace
Greeloy's Kiuanco Bill I
Will bb Soiu. A tlrst'class two
horse wagon, substantial in every res
pect, and just suited for farming purpo
ses or draught, For information apply
to N. II. McClellund.
Posthonkd -The drawing of tho Fay.
ette County Soldier's Monumental Gift
concert has been postponed until tho
16th of April.
"Fen Placinos." The revolving sea
sons bring each their series of Amuse
ments for "Young America." As long
as we have mul wo presume there will
be marbles and so long there will be
boys to shoot them. Dirt begrimod,
bruised knuckles and a pocket full ot
"commas" nro tho prerequisites of tho
ycung adept. Tlio game is so much
abused wo think it nhould be prohibited
by the borough authorities. It is the
precursor of loose morals, prodiio'.ive of
profanity and too frequently results in
qnarrell and bad feeling among play
mutes. Boys quit ono or the other.
Mr. Euirou: Many of tho friends of
Wuynesbnrg met at tho M. E. Parson,
age on tho evening of tho '23rd inst., and
replenished the pantry, wardrobo and
larder, then handed us somo nice
"Green Backs," tho whole amounting
to fifty-four or five dollars, for which
we uro truly grateful to tho donors,
praying God's blessing upon them.
J. McIntiuh,
M J. McIntihis,
Tub Lady's Fmksi. For March
contains its complement of rich and in
structive matter. Beautiful Engraving?,
elegant steel fashion plates, early spring
style's ifco., ito. Send for it Deacon &
Peterson, 319 Wa'nut St., 1 hila.
Cosi'iiiMKD.-'-Wo learn that A. Hob
crtaon Esq., ot Beaver county, has been
confirmed by the Senate, ns Collector of
Internal Kcvenuo, for this, the 21th
liicirr Aiii:ad. It gives us pleasure
to nolo tlio ouergy nnd enterprise of
our merchants or mechanics f.t all times.
They are tho life ot our village, tho
n. aster-wheels of local activity and go-ahead-atiyennss.
The case in point is
that of W. II. IIkmmiknstisu. Ho korps
all kind of Tin and Copper waro,
Stoves, n now pattern, Hollow Waro
tfco., &o. Repairing, Tin Roofing and
Jobbing of nil descriptions dono at tho
lowest posible ratej. Articles warrant
ed and universal satisfaction given to
all. At the old stand Washington St.,
South of Main.
Kr tlio IlEl'UULICAX,
Fiiom Jui'KEiisos Wo are still here
and expect to stay so long as tho mud
remains in a solublo stato. A short
picco of pike has been opened below
town on account of the bad condition ot
tho old road on tho farther side of
Rex's .hill. There is no agitation ot
tho Temperance question but one thing
I can say for the citizens of Jefferson,
they don't all drink. Our schools aro
in a nourishing condition, and though
with Waynosburg and Cannichaols wo
lannot boast a Collego or an Academy,
yet if all things work right wo aro to
have a Normal School soon. Improve
ment is at a stand still and was it uot
for "Tim's" daily hack wo "should for
get that wo livo in a busy, teeming
One man tn town has twanty four cah
Last summer ho had thirtiLven but
some wanton juveniles shot them
There is said to huvo been a groat cat
cviOtiiliiij on account thereof.
-Feb'y. 20th 1807, Win.
Tun Dinrmorb IIojiicidk. On Tuesday of
last week, Houert Fogler was arraigned lu
tho Court of Oyer und Terminer for Wash
ington county, beforo Judge Acucsou, for
tho murder of Hobert V. Dinsinnre, of that
county, cn tho 11th of December last. Short
ly alter Ids arrest, Fogler acknowledged his
guilt, and confessed thut the deed had l eea
committed by himself, and n young sou of
llou. William Montgomery. Tlio prisoner
was defended by Messrs. James It. Hnth, J.
Y. Hamilton and Woods Little, while the
Commonwealth was represented by Di.stilet
Attorney Cruinrine, assisted by Itirvoy J.
Vankira, Ksq., of Washington, and G. A.
Fetlcrni'in. Esq., of Pittsburgh. Thu trial
occupied Hve days, thu Ju Igo" charging the
jury on Saturday afternoon about five o'clock.
Alter remaining in their room about three
quarters of nil hour, the Jury returned a ver
dict of gnl'ty of murder in tlio first degree.
Sentence id death has since been passed upon
Fogler. Wo understand through private
8oiii'ccs that Montgomery's ease has bceu dis
posed of and that he was cleared, Fogler re
fusing to testify ami the otl'er evidence being
iiuulllcieutto convict.
R.t!I'ication. Ollleiul notice of the
ratilicalion of tho Constitutional Amend
incut has been received by Congress
from the Legislatures ot Wisconsin und
Rho'.'o Ielaml.
Wayne3burg Market,
coltltlXTUO WLUKLY 11V J. OUlllUn.
nutter, Tiesh roll !fl to 80
Collee per lb 110 to lia
Corn per bushel (i)
Corn meal per bushel 7u
Country Soap per lb
Candles, mould per II -"
Candles, dipped " ".. M
Cheese per Hi '-''
Dried Peaches per lb "r
Fggs pi r dozen
Flour per bbl H "
Flax seed per bushel 2 -'-
Feathers per II) fn
Lard per Hi 1,1
IJ. W. Flour per lb i
Molasses 75 to I fj"
Oats per bushel :ioio;,"
live per bushel I 00
Timothy seed per bushel 800 to 0
Ulee per )! '
Sugar, crushed per lb -2
Sugar, reilned " "
Sugar, New Orleans, 0 lbs 1 00
P. It. Btigur, H lbs I 00
tSvrup. per gallon I Ot)
Halt, No. 1 per bbl 4 ou
Holt 8onp per gallon !tf
Tar per gallon I no
Tea per lb 2 00
Turpentine per gallon 2 00
Tallow per 11) 15
W heat lier bushel 2 AO
White Lead per keg 4 to A )(
While Lime perbusiiel I AO
Wo. 1 common to fine 40aA(
Potatoes per btishoL 120 to I 00
Turnips, per bush tilt i mil i ttit limit 4S
March 8. Gold clomd at UI8J.
Pim.ADiai'iUA,, March 2. Business
v.ry dull. Flour quiet; Stute $1300
Prime wheat scarce, red Stato $3 00a
3 03; California 83 23. Kye declining
t $1 30. Cum active; sales 7,000 bush
yellow at $1 OOafloat. Contraband
whibky $1 o0.
Nkw Yuan, March 2. In cotton Roods
there was a pond liufiness doing. Printed
Chlieos were particularly in active request
prices steady at 2 lo for Merritnac W; lite for
Coclieeo; I He for Hprngue's fancies; I7ie for
American and Richmond; I tic for Gloucester;
lUc for Amoskeng; Hjc for Jewell; 1 lie for
Waniflultii and lie for- Homo and llovey's
prints. Unbleached muslin in steady request
at full prices for nil standard tnukesnsfollown:
Atlantic A ami Indian Head, 22c; Pacific AK
21 c; Lawrence C, 21c; Dnight A, 2(k;
Koxbury A. 20c; Atlantic V and Indian
Head, ilO inch, I7e. Munched muslins of
best makes are in good request nnd linn nt
87.Jnto 40c fir New York mills: 32ic fer
Wamsiitln; 2",e for Lonsdale; 2'Jtc for Jame's
Star Mills: Waltlmm Xnru I c lower, and sell
at 171c. C'ottomiiles dull nnd heavy nt fine
for Farmers nnd Meelmnns', i2c for Far
mers TJnion A; 27Jn lor York and Everett.
Woolens, both forebrn nnd domestic, contin
ue languid and depressed, except ladles sack
bi'js, which are iu steady request at $1 87 to
Sg C5.
1H(!7, by Rev. I). G. Zook, Mr. Thorn is C.
Wallace and Miss Mary Allutns, all of Greoao
county, Pa.
by Rev. A. W. White. Haiuuel A. Carter nad
Julia Parkinson, both ot Greene county, Pa.
a'rtc to JUvci'jboily.
A Large II pi. Circular, giving information
of tlio greatest importance to the young of both
It teaches how tho homely may bscomo
beautiful, the despised respected, and tho for
saken loved.
No young lady or scnt!aman should fail to
send their address, und receive a copy post
paid, bv return mail, Address
P.kO. Drawer, 21,
fcb20,'G7-0m Troy, N. Y.
Published forthebeiiellt ami as a CAUTION
TO YOUNG MKN nnd others, who suffer
from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay 'ot
Manhood, fcc., supplying nt the satno time
Tub Mkans of Hhi.k Cciik. Iiy one who has
cured himself after undergoing considerable
quackery. By enclosing a'postpaid addressed
envelope, single copies, free of chargo, may
be had of tlio author.
May23 'Gli.-ly iSrooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y.
Wonderful but True.
MADAME REMINGTON, tho world-renowned
Aatroligist and Somnambulistic Clair
voyant, while in a clairvoyant stato, deline
ates the very features of the person you are
to marry, and by tlio aid of an lustrum-nit of
intenso power, known as tho Psychoinotrope,
gnarimtees to produco a perfect nnd Ufo-liko
picture of tlio future husband or wife of tlio
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation,
leading traits of ehar.ctcr, &c. This is no
imposition, as testimonials w ithout number
can nsscrt. . By Btatlng place of birth, age,
disposition, color of eyes und hair, and en
closing fifty cents, uud stamped envelope ad
dressed to'f, you will receive the ple
turo b y return mall, together with Ocslred In
formation. C3Addross In confidence, M.vnAMU Gku
tiiudb RujiiNuTos, P. O. Bos 207, Wc-aTroy,
N. Y feblS'i;7-ly.
Iii:Qi:im:s immkwatk attkntiox,
Ik Ar,inwi:i) to continiib,
18 (H'TliN THIS niiflUl.T.
For Bron:!iitis. As thnu. Catarrh, Cons ump
live and Throat Diseases, Tiocbes uro
used with always good success.
will find r.Wa' useful iu clearing the voice
when taken before Sinning or Speaking, and
relieving he throat after an unusual exertion
ol the vocal organs Tho Troches nro recom
mended nnd proscribed by Physician!!, and
have had testimonials from eminent men
throughout tho country. Being an abvorn of
true merit, und having promt their efficacy by
a test of many years, each year finds them In
new localities hi various parts ol tho world
and, tho TrarU nro universally pronounced
better than oilier article?.
OiiT.viNonly ' niiows'sBiioNcnrAi.TiiocnuB,"
ami do not lake any of tho WorlUem ImittuioM,
that may bo offered. Hoi.u livtavwiiHUB.
Know Thy Destiny.
Mauamk E. .F. TuoitNTox, the great English
Astrologlst, Clairvoyant aud Psychometrlclan,
who has astonished tho sclantlflc classes of
the Old World, has located herself at Hudson,
N. Y. Madamo Thornton possesses such
wonderful powers of second sight, ns to en
ublo her to Impart knowledgo of tho ffreat
ost lmportiineo to tho single or inarrleu of
cither sex. While In a stato of trance, sho
dcllnlatcs the very leatures of tlio person you
arc to marry, and by the aid of an Instrument
of Intense power, known as the Psychomo
trope, guarantees to produco a llf'o-hko pic
ture of tho futuro husband or wife of the ap
plicant, t' gether with date of marriage, po
sition lu life, leading trails of character, &o.
This Is no humbug, ns thousands of teslluionl
uls can assert. 8ho wtll send when desired a
crtMed certificate, or written guarantee,
that Hie picture Is what It purports to bo. By
enclosing a small lock of hair, und stating
place ot bhlli, age, disposition und complex
ion, und enclosing fllty cents aud Btnmped on
vclopo addressed to yeuself, you will receive
tlio picture and desired Information by return
m al'. All communications sacredly confi
dential. Address in conlldence, Madams E,
F, TiioasToN, P. O. Box m, Hudson, N. Y.
feblO '07-ly
iajr A Yol'nu Ladt returning to bor
country homo, after a sojourn ol a few moutln
in tho city, was hnrdly rtcognbsod by her
fiiends. In place of a coarse, ruftlc, flushed
face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost
marble smoothness, and instead of twenty-
three sho really appeared but eighteen. Upon
Inquiry as to tho cause of so great a change,
tho plainly told them that sho used the CIR
CASSIAN BALM, and considered it an in
valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By
its use any Lady or Gun tleman can improvo
their personal apprnranco nn hundred fold.
It Is simple in Its combination, as Naturo her
self is simple, yet unsurpassed ia its efficacy
In drawing impurities from, also- healing,
cleansing and beautifying tlio skin and com
plexion. By Its direct action on tho cuticle it
draws from It all its impurities, kindly henling
the saino, nnd leaving tho surface as Nature
Intended it should bo, clear, sott, smooth nnd
heaulitul. Price $1, sent by Mail or Express,
on receipt of an order, by W. L. CLARK &
CO., Chemists,
No. 8 West Favetto St., Svrncuso, N. Y.
The only American Agents for'tho sale of the
Foil 1'iiBsiaiviNo, iti.sroaiNo, and ukauti-
And Is tho most delightful nnd wonderful ar
tlclo the world ever produced.
Lnilles will Ond it not only a certain remedy
to Restore, Darken and Beautify tho Hair, but
aUo a desirable article for the Tolllct, ns It is
highly perfumed with a rich and delicato ner
fume, independent of tho friujraut odor of
tlio Oils or Pulm nnd Maeo.
The ITIarvcl or Peru.
A new nnd hcautlnil nertunm. hl.-1i In
delicacy of scent, and tlio tenacity willi which
ucimgsio tlio liandkerchlef and person, is
The above articles for silo by all druggists
and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent
by express to any address by proprietors.
loo Elbe rty St., New York.
Oct. 2f, lftGC ly.
Thin modlulno, invo.itcl iy yPl ,j. ut gimK!IOK
ol l'lii:aik'!ilru, la intoiulU to illuolra llio food uj
lmikultlnloHiymo, the llivt priirow of illumMon. 11
c'caiuIot tlio Htciii.vli wait Brlii-wVii Muitlrnka
Tills, tlio Tou'c noon rcKlom ilia aitietito, and lood
tliat cjiilii u ,t bo tu:o:i bc.oro ujlna a mill 1 easily
OmisiiT'ipHon onnnnt 1 ctiro.l by Bnhick't Pul
iiionlc s. rui uiiiivd llio aioinai li ond liver la mado
huallli)-and Out ;ijii-t..o mi.'nrtd, hoiico llio Tonlo
ami l',i: trs iv liv.i i nnv). 0,Trmw 0, euu.
HaniU'loii, A li. li iloain Imttlojol llio SKAWKKI)
. To.Vii wl 11.1 v or icir hojoi on ha .MANlUtAKB
I'il.l.s wiMcuiv miv oi liimi';' n,u of d p,'ii.ia.
IT. S':;k..i.'i; uiukx r msionsj rbita In Kr
York. IIo-ioii, and si 1,1, ,.,,,t.:,ai O:!loo lu J'lillndd.
phio over.- wwk. Sen .!iU.v i,iiors ol etch 9ta, or
lo'ia'iiili.eioiiu):uuiiipuoii At Ilia da. a fur vinlt.
r,in-o ol.n-c, whmi purclivins, llil tluitwoliko.
tio:"ao! tho Hocisr, ouo ivlion lu tlm la it amso ol
lloti.'.inip 'oii. mn tho other ov lif now la, lu puiicot
lltl-.ltn, Hl'C'Oll llio tiuv.iriilr.tiit MUliip.
8 ild In- oi; nruititlaiaiuid U'aiera, price por
lioltlo, or 7..Vl tliu Imii-ilozcii. All li'ltcra lor advice
aliu.iid Ik) alluied to Dr. Siiiibnok'h Prlnclfal
Otllw, No. If Mji'Ii dili siieol, l'iillnil,.!,l,
UouiTal Wlio.nalo Auula l IMiuw llanion ft Co.,
N. Y.t S. B. liauco, lialtimoio, Md.t John D.
I'arka, Uiuclunall, Olilos Walliur is Talor, UUl
coijo, III. tloiliua Uros., Si Louis, Mo.
1st w. ci, mo. lyr.
TEKM. 1807.
Much vs Bus? ey, No. 10fi, Juno Term, 18!ifl.
Hixou lor use vs Neaps Kxecutors, No. 20.1,
Marcli Term, 1 H.'.O.
Harvey vs Bell, No. 210. March Term, 18.1!).
Craddiek vs Owen & Dunn, No. 61, Decem
ber Term, 1 still.
Mimdcllvs Cleavcnger, No. 109, September
Term, lt(U.
Ilnss' Administrators vs IIuss, No. 101, Juno
Term, imi,i.
Olussey vs Franklin township, No. 10, Sept.
Term, IHliS.
lltigginsfor use vs Graham, No. 81, Septem
ber Term, 1SU.1.
Stockdalo vs Uoss & Stevenson, 200, Juno
Term, 1 still.
Hughes vs Uoss & Stevenson, No. 207, June
Term, 18UU.
Coo vs I.lndlcy's, No 17, JnnoTerm. 1S,,7.
Shough vs Kinney's heirs, No. 27, JuiieTerin,
Adams vs Gordon, No. 8!1, June Term, 18C1.
Henderson ys Kughii, No.'JO, June Term, '01.
Morris vs I,ticas, No 71, Juno Term, lH(i2.
Shelby vs Dunham, No. 02, September Term,
Sliarpncck vs. Curl, No. 101, March Terai,
I .-.
Lemlcy vs Qapcn. No. 121, Juno Te m, 1865
Campbell vs Williams, No. Ill,
Term, lsti.i.
2nd division,
South vs Long, No. 02, December Terra, '05.
Hickman vs Hickman & Wiley, No. !), Marcli
Term, IHiiO.
Gordon vs Shrlver, No. 140, March Term, '60.
Hussvs Stepneus, No. 181, Marcli Term, 'Oil.
lleniley vs Cloud's, No. liiil, Marcli Term,
Foster's Administrators vs Anderson, No, 15,
Juno Term, 1800
Lynch ci al vs. Dunkard township, No. 128,
Juno Term, 1800.
Hook vs Odeubaugh, No, 211, Juno Term,
Williams vs McCoy & Co., No. 100, Septem
ber Term, 1800.
MclOlroy, Dickson & Co. vs Bums' Adminis
trators, No. 107. December Term, 18(10.
J. F. TEMPLE. Proth'y.
FOH MAKCH TElt.M, 1807.
Oilman Hiekiniin, Newtown, Greene Co. Pa.
Thos. Bradley, Waynesburg, do do
Sam'l Jewell, Gray's old stand do do
C. A. Gnrard, Taylortown. r3o do
J. W. Ham. Greensboro, do do
Strosuldcr A Turner, Adams House, do
1). A. Worley, Worley House, Waynoshurtr,,
Sit.-annah Peitit, Hamilton Houso, do
Mammy Bryan, Jaeksouvllle.
Geo. Monlgor, Vanatta's Old Stand.
Hoary J. Jennings. Carmicliicls Borough.
H. J. Biungarner, Jetlerson, Pa,
George Nu,tim, New Freoport, Pa,
Jesse -Mitchell, Jackson township, Pa.
David It. Jones, Greensboro, Pa.
Hiram Curl, Cnrmlchnels Borough,
S. li. Bayard, ltlees' Landing. Pa
febl8-to Prothonotary.
estate of A. WILSON, Sr. late of Marion
township, Greene county, deo'd., hnvinji been
granted to tlio undersigned, notico Is hereby
given to all persous Indebted to said estate
to make immediate payment ami those hav
ing elulins to prosont them Immediately, prop
porly authenticated for settlement.
W. T. E. WEBB,
of Marion township Ad Jilulstrators.
onel's and every thine pertaining to a tirst
class Drug Storo. Proscriptions carefully com
pounded. "Crehjh's Old Stand," Waynes-
. d. r.. an 1 1, a
urg, ran amy u.-jr.
Crisps com
Oh! she w benutlrirt
Vt ith starry eyes and rain' t
Whoso curling tendrils soil, cniwBll
Eiichalnetl the very heart and mine., '
For Curling the Hair of Either Pox Into Wavy
and Glossy Kinglets or Heavy
Massive Curies.
Bv uslnir this article Ladles and Gentlemen
can beautify themselves a thousand fold. It
is tlio only article in tlio world inai win cun
straight hair, und at tlio aamo time, give it a
beautiful, glossy appearance Tho Crisper
Coma not only curls tho hair, but invigorates,
beaut illcs and cleanses It ; is highly and de
lightfully pcrftimnd, and Is tho most complete
article of llio kind over offered to tho American
public. The Crisper Coma will bo sent to
any address, scaled and postpaid for $1,
Address all orders to
W. L. CLARK & CO., ChoinWs
No. 8 West Favetto St., Syracuse, N. Y.
,19..'nc.uvtt'ip-C 'fl jCimx
asnoii sisvav anx do xshav
suooa oAi 'woou
s.kos v mvio 'N
iSale of Real Estate!
undeq voluutary assignment for tlio bene
fit of creditors, I will cxposo to public sale
In front of the Court houso, hi the Borough
of Waynosburg, on the
; 16TH DAY OF MARCH, 18G7,
' all the right and title of the said Porter, of, In
null iu imu luiiuwiuu tvui uaiuvu, to wn :
All ihtu largo and valuable BRICK HOUSE
and lot In the Borough of Waynesburg, known
as the
Tills property consists of a lot of ground
fronting on Main Street sixty feet, running
back one hundred and eighty loot to an alley,
and has erected theroon a large two story
briek houso; this houso is well finished with
cellars under the wholo houso, ono end of the
hoiuu in liitisheU ir a More town, with counter,
shdnivj, (y., alto, warehouse and stable,
smoke and wath house and other out bull
dings on the lot. There are a variety of fruit
irees, grapo vines &o., in a good stato of cul
tlvctlou This property is located lu tho bu
siness part of the borough.
At tlio same timo and place, a squaro of lots
I'rontlmr on FranUln Street ou tho nortii ono
hundred and eighty foot to an alloy, all under
good teuco and hi a good stato of cultivation,
Tlio whole of tho above named properly is
yery valuablo to any person desiring to estab
lish business in this thriving borough aud they
wouiu uowoii 10 purcuase.
Terms Cash. WM. T. E. WEBB,
fehliJ-ts Assignee.
aud Traveling Agents, Malo or Female, of all
iges, aro wautedto solicit trade In every city,
town, village, hamlet, workshop ana factory,
ibreughout the entire world,. Ibr tlio most
saleable novelties ever known. 500 Per
cent PROFIT and ready salo wherever of
fered 1 1 Smart mon and women can make
from 5 to $!0 per day, and no risk of loss I
A small capital requlrod of from kJ20 to $100
the uioro money Invested the greater the
pooflt. No money required In adv.inco we
first send the articles and receive pay after
wards 1 If you actually wish to make money
rapidly aud easily, wrlto for full particulars
and address M1LNOH & CO., (From Paris,)
foulil-iy 'Q uroimwuy, now iorauiiy
ln thu fnmmnn Pleas of rnuntu
IN the matter of tho account of John lloge,
Estp, trustee of Mary Ueaton, widow of
Abllali lleaton, dee'd.
Notice is hereby given that the account of
said trusteo has boon filed In the ofttco of tits
Prothouotary, aud will be prosonied to tho
Court ou tho 28th day of March next, for al
lowance. ' . J. F. TEMPLE, I
foblO-te. Prothonotary. I
AY. J BradJoy's Celebrated
v .
Tho Wondorful FlcxUiility o'
foj-t and pleasure to any lady weflnR lhe
plex Ellintin Skirt wilt bo excrlenoeil puc-"
ularly la all crowded assemblies, operas, kt.
riiigcs, ears, church i ews, arm chairs,
for promenade nnd houso dress, as the skirt
can be folded when lu use to occupy a small
place as easily and e aivenlently as a Silk or
Muslin Dress, an Invaluable quality in crino
line, not found In uny Single Spring Skirt,
a i...., i. i,,t.,i,l tin, tib.iiRiiro. com
fort ami great convenitmcool wearing the Du
plex Elliptic nteel spring niuriior a wi8iouii
will never afterwards willingly dispense, with
their use. For Children, Misses and loUm?
Ladles they are superior to all others.
They will not bend or break like the singlo
I.,,, i,f,.u,.ru tlii lr Dei'I'ect and
graeim'il shape win n three or four ordinary
skirts win linvo ix'cn iiirown uhiuu u uimciw
ir,... I. .. v.. ..,.,1 vtlh rlnillilil mill IwlsU
l IIU ,,,,,, J, O 1.1 W V ", V. . .. .......""-
ed thread, and the bottom rods aro not only
(10111)10 springs, lllll IWICC tor ihhiuiu; rareu-ui
preventing them from weariug out when drag
ging down stoops, utiiir, Ac.
'I he Duplex Elliptic is a great favorlto with
all ladles and is universallj recommended by
the Fashion Mnnazln s ns the standard skirt
of the fashinnitble world.
To enjoy the billowing lncstlmnVio advan
tage's in Crinoline, viz.: superior quality, per
fect mimul'acttire, stylish bhapo nnd finish,
Uexib'tliiv, durability, comfort and economy,
cuipip e for J. W. PiHADLBY'S Duplex Ellip
tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and bo suro you
get the neuttino itrticie.
CAUTION. To ginird against imposition
be particular to NOTICE thii't skirts ottered as
"DUPLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz.: "J.
W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,"
upon the waistband none others are genuine.
Also Notice Unit every Hoop will admit a phi
being passed through tlio centre, thus reveal
ing the two (or double) springs braided to
gether therein, which is the secret of their
flexibility and strength, nnd a combination not
to be found hi uny other Skirt.
For sale in all sto'cs where first class skirts
are sold throughout the United States aud
Manufucturnl by tlio Sole Owners of tho
Pt,,l IVIi'STM llHAm.KY. f!AUY.
1)7 Chambers & 71) & tfl Hcade Sts , N. Y.
lent) lu-etn
ftSaaihootl . Slow Lost, How
Htxx.hstpublishrd.d new edition of
Da. L'Ll.VKltWKI.I.'S Cl'.l.l.llRAfl.U
oa the ratiVu cure (wltlumt medicine) ofSper
niatorrhua, or seminal Weakness, Involtm
tarp Seminal Losses, Impot ncy, Mental and
Physical Iucapncity, Impediments to marriage,
&c ; also, . Consumption, Euilcpsy and Fits
induced by self-Indulgence or sexual extrava
Bgul'vlcc, in a scaled envelope, only 0 cts.
The celebrated author, in' this admlrablo
essny clearly demonstrates from a thirty years'
successful practice, that the alarming conse
quences of sclf-abuso may bo radically cured
wiuiouiiuc dangerous useoi interim! medicine,
or tho application of thu knife pointing out a
mode of cure atonco simple, certain nnd effec
tual, by means of which every sutl'erer, no
matter what his condition mav iie. may euro
himself cheaply, piivaoly, and 'radically.
(jrt his K-suy should lie in the hands or
every youth audevery man in thu land.
Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, toany
address, Mutjiaiil, ou receipt of, tlx cents,
or two postage stamps.
Address tlio puiiliKliers,
CllAS. J. C. KLINE & CO,, '
127 Bowery, New York, PostOllice No. 4588.
To the ladles especially, this Invaluahltt do-
nllatory reeonimcnds itself as being an almost
indispensiblo article to female, beauty, Is easi
ly applied, does uot burn or inline tho skin.
but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted
to remove superfluous hnir from low foreheads
or from nuy part of tho body, completely,
totally and radically extorpating tlio same,
leaving the skin soft, smooth ami natural.
This is the only ui tide used by the French,
and is tho only real effectual depilatory lu ex
istence. Price 75 cents per package, sett
postpaid, to tftiy address, on receipt of an
order, by
BEHUER, S1IUTTS & CO,, Chemists,
eh2(). '07-ly 28.1 River St,, Troy, N. Y.
Disbanded Soldiers cult to additional
bounty under llio recent Act of Congress
should bo careful whom they employ to col
lect their dues. It Is not eve ry unprincipled
"sharper" who hangs out his shingle Unit Is a claim aijcnt.
I am thus authorized by law, and will at
tend to all soldiers' claims for hack pay, ten
sions and additional uousTiKS. Having the
correct blanks on haud to make such applica
tion, thoro is no causo for return of papers
onco sent, or delny lu making them out. Re
ceipts given for all discharges placed lu my
p ssession.
Apply at once two inoro mouths will bo too
late. B. F. FLENNIKEN,
P. O. Box 108. . OlUce First Nat, Bank.
JanM,'U7 Waynesburg, Pa.
Conveyancing done on reasonable terms.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, .
issued out of thu Comt of Coinmou
Pleas ol Groeno county, and to mo directed,
there will be exposed to public sale at tho
Court House In Wnyiioshurgon Tuesday I lit It,
day of March next at 1 o'clock, i'. si., tho fol
lowing property, viz i
All tlio right, title, Interest and claim o
Deft, of, in aud to a certain Tract of land bI
uated in Franklin Townsklp Greene Co., Pa.
adjoining binds of Daniel Throckmorton Amos
Clevenjfer, David Scott, Jes e Hill nndotheig
containing one hundred and clgbtv-llyo acres
more or less, cue hundred and thirty acres of
which are cleared, ami has crmicd thereon
one frame welling house and kitchen, frame
barn, log stable tenant house and other out
buildings two apple orchards and of er fiuit
trees ou the premises.
Taken iu execution as the property of Da
vid A Worley & Tho.ivis Hill at tho suit of
Farmers it Drovers Bank of Wayueeburg.
feh. 20, 'G7.-ts. b
rsrotioo i
NOTICE is hereby given to tho DELIN
county, that if their accounts aro not snuarea
up at or before Maich Court, suit wl'l be
brought without respect to persons.
leuli)-io Tiiuo., ireasuror.
ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted
tn thu Kki-uiiliuan Genes, either for Job
Work or Subscription during the six months
the paper was conducted by Mr. Walkins,
will pay the accounts to Mr. Jas. E. Bayors,
who is authorized to receipt for the stunt
Early attention tot Ids matter will save cost. '