as0oi ptumcts. W A Y N Iis iTu UgT WEDN Ean.VY. FKllUUAHYgry I87. Nor to bi tioi.u. Tlio property ol MeNiiiIin ami Iluflmnn Rilvorlised by tho SjieriiF last week, and piililislicil by oversight in this issue, will not bo sold Foul;, Cattle PDWilur liy thn gross, f dezon Or paper, at G. W. Huberts & Co. 8. Incoiu'ohatku. Tlio OJJ Fellows Association of Wav nciburg has been incorporated by the Legislature It in proposed, wo believe, to mako it a lhuk of Deposit and Excliaugo. 'Three banks ought to bo enough to accomnio date Wayncsburg and vicinity. Coacoa Cream and Hair Gloss can bo tad at U. W. lloberla & Oo.'s Druj Store. Up,-Tlia lamp-posts. Wo beg leavo to call tho attention of those con cemod to the hot, that the public would bo coivvenicucod by having a lamp at cither the centra of tho court-house piveinent or its ca t end, also, ono on Washington St. near the steam mill. Cash pul njr KIj .IS by W.n . A. Porter. The Slate Normal School at E'lin boro, Erie county, I 'a., is the place for young men and women to attend school. Tho State assists thoso intending to become teachers. 1 w, 3t. A sp'ctidil assortment of Iimp and Lamp chimneys at G W. Rihorts & Oo.'s. A Waiiniso. The Dachrssde Per signy, one ol the leaders or" the fashion m .Paris, h:is -ot into a lawsuit with her milliner, whose bills she refuses to pay, on the ground that the charges are excessive. Such troubles can, always ba avoided by trading with Guiiikk Trusses: Trim's! Tarr-st stock of Truss es lu town, at U. W. Itiherls & Co.'s. OiwFixi.ows' TiusicsciviN' Dav. TlioOJ.l Fellows of tho United Slates havo set apart tho 20'.h day of April, 1807, ns a day of thanksgiving and prayer for the wonderful preservation o tho Order during tho civil war which so sadly devastated tho land and divided tho people. Goto 0. vV". lUiTtSifc Go's. Drri.l Store and gefa bottle of Llnds-'y'a HI o 1 Searcher. Dad Roum. The frost out of the ground loaves our roads in wretched condition The only remedy would aeo n to ha in a cii ing-s ut ilie system of working and keeping in repair. The Legislature is now in session mid it -would bo udvisablo fur our people to petition fur Homo mioli I iw as regulars road building in Washington County. liy all means let some memues bo tak en the coming summer 10 improve mo common rials.- Wo pointed out six months ago the inciiivenieaou that would bs oooasion-d by not w jrkiug the n and now wo have it n tha d ileulioii of our mails, a high per cent, ou lreighl and worst of all the absolute impossibility ol traveling with comfort. A flu ii'sorltivmt of Perfu n-ry, Svip and Pomade at G. V. R l)erts & Cj.'s Dru Storo Tua 2-'ni of Fi:ui!U.itY. Al hong' this was tho Anniversary ol the birdi of Washington, nothing occurred dii ring tho day calculated to awaken those saerod memories that encircle his name Yot tho good that men do livo after thorn tmd as saiid after sand drops through tho glass of years, tho 22nd of February will bo cherished by patriotic hoarts lor its hallowed associations Wasiiinoton was a "statesman, yet friend to truth! of soul sincere in action faithful, and in honor clear 1 Vho broko uo promise, served no private end" and as such his memory will ever bu revered by his countrymen. Li the evening, however, Mr. Thos Bradley entertained a company of his friends, at tho "Sherman House.' A Bumptious repast was served to tho guestSjOno which in every way did cedit to tho host. Allot' which tho sound of . violin and guitar gave tho signal ct 'hands neross and down tho middle." Tho company dispersed at an early hour well pleased inwardly and outwardly, Tim following is a curious scntenco, something after tho stylo of an anagram. By a simple transposition of letters it meant Dry Goods of course, it don't .epell it: Kmnuo, Ilivitiuo, Icmiuit, Guiurcit. Musio ! Our local baud favored tho town on ono or two evenings with 'melting airs of martial, brisk and grave." As amateur performers they doservo nil praise for rapid ndvanoo moot, and although they may not ploaso tho dainty ears of some wu lovo to hear tthem discourse thoso sweet strains that 'mako tigers tame, nnd huge leviathans forsake unsounded deeps to danno on . panels.-', perhaps, true "that as the wind is pitched tho car is pleasod," jheneo none but inveterato grumblers .will object. The Band makes our town appear lively nnd we hope to hear them ., day on tho square well, ns olten ns they liko. - TmnD.Fogler, of Washington Co!; ' as boen tried for tho murder of Uobl. Plnsmoro, and found guilty. Mont gornery's trial ii ' progressing. ' Thure are many strango surmiius as to iho ro 10lt. '' !'- i'iMSU-i I I'kok Uaiito, the English magician performed a series of eveuing lai-t week, in tho Court Houso, to "crowd, ed houses." The ll-of. eomo amvng us without ostentation, advertises what lie will do au l dm it much to the aston. ishmont and wonder of those who witness his performances. Puints of nil kinds, drv and In oil, at G. W. Itolicrts & Co.'s Drug Storo. Tntt Puimauv Elections. As the time approaches tho interest heightens considerably among the ruling majority.. The work of canvassing nlready enga ges tho aspiring candidates. The pes tiferous system of button-holing is practiced as of yore and it is difficult to tell who will prove tho shrewdest Anti-clique proposes tho irrepressible Silveus for Sheriff. Dut, bands off! This is something we don't oare to peer into. Brushes t nil kinds at Q. W. Co. 's Drug Store. Huberts ls Otu Dkai. The exhuming corps' lias ro Intcrrcd many of tho Federal dead at Antl-et-im andthu surrounding battleflcl Is. Head boards or iron or stone wil'i suitable inscrip tions will be placed at an early day on each grave. Two thousand bodies yet remain to be exhumed. Among tlio names of Pennsyl vania's sons buried there we And that of Z. Jkwbia, Co.. '-CI," Irfth Pi. Cuv., ono of Greene county's honored dead. 'A KKouiru worth ono thousand dol lars.' So says tho Ohio Cultivator ; Take one pound of sal soda and a half pound of unslaeke l limo, put them in a gallon of water and boil twenty minutes; lot it stand till cool, then draw off anil put in a stone jug or jar. Soak your clothes over night, or until they are wet through, then wring them out and rub on plenty of soap, and to ono .boiler of clothes, well covered over with water, id 1 one toaspoouful of tho fluid. Boil halt an hour hi i-k!y, then wash well through one suds, and rinso through wafer; and your clothes ivi.l look better than the old way of washing twice before boiling. Tiiis is an invaluable recipe. and I do want every poor tired woman to try it. I think with a patent wash tub to do the little rubbing, tho washer womai. might take tho old Bible and compose herself on the lounge and let the washir.!; do itself Si'i'i'our Yoim Support homo institutions, is a goo.l motto in nny community. It applies as well to mer chants aj it does to local newspapers.: Tlio merchant and tho iri'echania who can depend on Hie custom of his county, town and neighborhood, is encouraged, ami can afford to keep a better stock than those dealers who go from home to g t their money. The 'advertising col uiuiiH of the local papers generally show who are the most liberal and enterpri sing dealers, and as a tnattor of course, where ti.o best bargain are likely to bo had Honrs Lvov's Hook. Among the different works of Art and Literature) received at this o!li;e, Gody ranks among the best. The Jlaroh number is a beautiful specimen, containing its usual quantity of choice reading matter, dia grams, tashion plates and Btoel engrav ings. Price of subscription $300. Ad drss L. A. Gody, Philadelphia. Biiotjcmr John Lonnos who is charged with t!.e killing ol Robert L. Morrow in Uetouor, 1834, ami whose case was transferred to Heaver county by an Act ol tho Legislature, was brought over and lodged in our own jail last week, the Aut changing tho venue having been repealed. lieporler. . m o i ' Tho daily pay of Prussian infantry soldiers has been raised to seven cents a day. Wonder what our boys in blue would havo said to fighting lor two dollars and ten cents a month. Cheap food for powder at that rate. MARRIED. On the 10th, iust., at tho rcBidcnco oi the brides fiithor, Thomas Adainson, E-q,bytlm Uev. A. J. Collins, Mr. Uns.rMiN T Unix, and Miss Mint L Aimson, all of Greene County, Pa. 'PISD." On Sunday, February 21th, 1SU7, of Biiinal afl'ecllon, Tuouts Uaxiuhii. sou of Mary Ann Louden and L. W Oaniher, do !'!., nged " years, of Fruuklin township, Orucno County, Pa. iiai iiiiiaMiiiwiiaaaBnaBMaaMa NiiW YOUK MONEY MAUKET. Fob. ail. Uold closed at I as CHICAGO MAUKET. Ciiioaoo, February 1!3, 18fi7. Floi-ii Steady but quiet no cliango In prices. WiiKAT-r-FIr, clnnlni!qulot at l RllJt 87 for No. it; small sales of No. 1 at $i 'iwi !25. i Cons Kairly acllvu, closing linn, Oats Firm at an mlvance sales at 4:Ue for No. I, and taH.'Jcfor No. 'J. Puovimoss Market steady hut quiet Mess I'ork Is quoted ut fit) no, but very Utile changed hands. Swcrt I'ieltled Hams mode rately active at llal'-'Ji!, picked. Hulk Meat steady, with sales or Khouldejs at 7iu, and hams lO.Je, loose, Lard linn at 12al2;!oaiid of No. I at llall. DitKHsnn I loos Unsnttled, hut for fancy lots the pride Is considerably higher sales of rough from $ti 40 to s 40. Lira lions Arllveundnr ahrlslt shipping demand at an advance of .'til He. : NEW YOUK DUY UOOLW MAUKET. Nisw Yokk, February 2:), Dry Qonds cloo quiet, prices ruling Jvery low tor all kinds of Imortcd f tlnlcs and do- i.i.tulln wi.iilnnu (itn In n 1 1 I r , ,il vnraiinuf at suaidy rates, as lollnws t Atlaailu A sheet ings, Tin Indhui Head, V2c t'acJflJ A and II lilAci Augusta, 'Mnm Lawrence II. Hoi Am oskoag A ticks, 400j. I'embertim AA, IIHci Lanoastor gloghaiDS, 23B28JO) White flock paper cambric; 180 Olaied cambrics, l!Jo. Waynesburg Harke', COHRCCTKU WKUKLf D i. OU1IIKB.J Butter, fresh roll '.............I........M to 80 CiilUo per lb....i iHO to H3 Corn per bushel. o Corn meal per liusliel Country Soap Perth Candles, mould per lb -.. Caudles, dipped ' ".. Cheese per lb Dried Peaches per lb -... 70 OH 25 20 23 21i hints pir dozen Flour jkt bbl Pln.t seed per bushel Feathers pur lb Iju'iI per Hi H. W. Flour per lb....i JlolaRses , Outs per bushel live per bushel Timothy seed per bushel Hico per lb Sugar, Crushed per lb , Sugar, rellned " " 20 14 oo 2 i- no in J ,...75 to 1 50 30to!!: I 00 .aoo to 3 25 15 K 0 00 00 Sugar, New Orleans, C lbs 1 P. H, Sugar, 8 lbs 1 Svrup, pur gallon I o Salt, No. I per bbl 4 00 Soft Soap piT gallon 25 Tar per gallon , 1 00 Tea per lit 2a 2 SO Turpentine per gallon 2 00 Tallow per lb 15 Wheat per bushel 2 50 White Lend per keg 4 to 5 00 White Limo per bushel 1 50 Wo. I common to line 40u50 Potatoes per bushel 1 25 to 1 (0 Turnips, per bush 45 0 PITTSBURG GKYKUUj MARKET. m Satukdat, February 23, &Cj! GRAIN Wheat at $2 83(42 no Corn at G7 Hyo at $0 OOtfjl 20 Duckwheat !3,2.375. Oats 50. FLOUR Sprlnjj Wheat at $ll.5.u Winter " at I4,0 Hyo at St750.rf800. HAY Baled ut $J5,00 V ton. Loose ut $28.00$;I2 00. EGGS Sales at 27isj28o. CHEESE Western Reserve at ' Iti. Hamburg at 1&3I7. New York Goshuu at 20 BUTTER Prime Roll at 23flS2c APPLES. Per banil at 4.001.25. BALTIMORE MARKET. Caltimokh, Feb. 2;1, 1807. Flour firm. Wheat steady, Maryland red $:t nna.l 20; Pennsylvania ."a2 no. Com iidvanced 2a.l(t; prime lry white sold at H5a l)7c; yellow !."al7e, O.its steady at nna."i7. Susjar stook light; hotpers llrm and advanc ed ; quoted at lo tloje forrellning. SPECIALKOTICES S''rce to Bivt'i'jlbody. A Large l! pp. Circular, giving information of tho greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It tcaehrs bow the homely may b;como beautiful, the despised respected, and tho for saken loved. Noyoui jj lady or acnt'aman should fail to send tneir HiMress, and receive a copy post paid, by return mail. Address . P. O. Drawer, 21, reb'J i,'G7 (lm Troy, N. Y. milB CONFliSSIONS AND EXPERIENCE J. OK AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a CAUTION TO Yoi'Nii MKN and otlnis, who KUtlVr from Nervous Di-hjiiiv, Premature Decay ut Manhood, oce., supplying at llic samo time Tins Mkans op Ski.k CuiMi. By one who has cured h'unsi ll' afti'r uiidei'tfoinj! considcrahk' ipiai Uei'v By enclosing a postpaid addressed eiivelop,', sinuli-copies, free of charge, may oo uua oi i no iinni'ir. NAT1LN1EL MAYPAIR. Esq.. jMay'J3 'iiG.-iy " Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. JNETV PE51TME FOR THE IIADIiKUt2jiF.r. l'balou'a "Niylit Hlooniiuu Cercua." Fliulun' "Niijlil Illoouiina Cfrfui." I'hnlon'a "Niulil illooiuluj C'rrma." Phnlou'a "Kiulit UloouiBji Ccta. Vhalon'a 'Niyhl HloomiuK Ccrcna." A mnl eiqnMle. ili-llnita, nnil PriiRraiit IVrftimc, dlatl li'd from lUg raro unl beautiful dower from which It Ukua lt uuiue. Uauufucturrd only by . 1I1A.I!0.V & 80H, Nvr York. nKWATlH OF COUNTERKKITS. ASK FOll PIIALON'S-TAKE KO OTHER, jyii,' i(i.-lycow. Wondciful but True. MADAME HEMIiNOTON, tho world-re nowned Astrollglstand Somnambulistic Clair' Voyant, while in a clairvoyant state, duline ates the very features of tho person you are to marry, and by tlio aid of ah iustruiu'mt of intense power, known as tho Psychomotrope, gnarautees to produce a perlcct and llfo-liko picture of tho future husband or wife of tho applicant, with dato of marriage, occupation, leading trails of character, &c. This is no imposition, as testimonials w Ithout number can assert. Ily stating place of birth, age disposition, color of eyes and hair, and eiv closing lll'ly cents, nnd stamped envelope ad dressed to'f, you will receive the pic turo by return mail, together with desired In formation. (JTAddrcss in confidence, AIadamu Qi:n riiiiDK Humisuton, P. 0. Vox 201, West Troy, N. Y. fcblS'UMy A COUGH, A COLD, OR A BORE THROAT HmU'IUKS IMMiailATH attkntiox, AS1 8UOLI.I) IIU CIIKCIIKI), v Au.nwun to continit., llIUriM'I'lKN OF Till'. I.tlNIIH, A I'Ktt JIANUNT TIIIIOAT IIIS1SASIS, OH UO.NSUMI'TION IS OI'TliNTlin llDSL'l.T. BROWN'S BBON'OHIAL TROCHES HAVISO A DIllKCT INI'I.UHSfiK TO Till! l'AIITS, oivs immuiiiath iii:i.ii;f. For nronchllls, Asthma, Catarrh, Constunp tlvo and Throat Diseases, Tioclies nro used with ulways good success. SINGER.3 and PUBLIC 8PEAKER will find 7Vi7m useful In clearing tho voice when takon before Binutng or Speaking, and relieving ihe throat niter an unusu'd exertion ot the vocal organs Tho Troahct nro reconv mended and prescribed by l'hyslcknn, and havo had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country, Being im alwom of true merit, nnd having proved their clllcacy by A u-st ol'many yours, each year finds them in new localities lu various parts ol the wor'.i - ftn1 T'",J":' nro universally pronounced . better than other article, - OiitaisoiiIv' UitowN'slJiinm!iiiAt.TiinciiKa. ftnd do not take anv of the Wtrthlui Imitmiom, (mt may tio offered. Bold bvkrvwiimu,. I Norll-flmt. ' Know Thy Destiny. Mapauk E. F. Tiiobstos, the (treat Englldi Astrologist, Clairvoyant ami Psychoiretrician, l who hits astonWied the scicnllllc cla'scs of tho Old World, has located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to en able her to impart knowledge of Ihe great est Importance to tho sing'e or married of either sex. While In a state or trai she di liillutcs tho very (futures or tho person you aro to marry, and by the aid nf an Instrument of Intense power, known as tho rsychomo trope, guarantees' to produce a Hie-like pic ture of tho future husband or wifii of (be ap plicant, f gelher with date of marriage, po sition iu life, leading tmits of character. &c. This Is no humbug, as thousands or testimoni als can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture Is what It purpoils to bo. By enclosing a small lock of hair, uml statilig place ot biith, age, disposition tmd complex ion, and enclosing titty cents and stamped en veloi o addressed to ynuself, you will receiver the picture and desired Information by return' mail. All communications sacredly confi dential. Address In confidence, MadajibK. F. Tiiounton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, K Y. febl 11 W-ly c. Siif A Yoi:no Lady returning to ber country homo, after a sojourn ol a few months In the city, was hardly recognized by her friends. In placo of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, sho had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness; and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon Inquiry as to tho cause of so great a change, sho plainly told them that she used tho CIR CASSIAN BALM, and considered it nn in valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal upptaranco an hundred fold. It is simple in lis combination, as Nature her sclf Is simple, yet unsurpassed in Its clllcacy in drawing Impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and com plexion. By its direct action on the cuticle it draws from it all itsimpnrltlcs, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear, sott, smooth and bcautilul. Price ijl, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order, liy V. L. CLAHK & CO., Chemists, No. II West Payette St., Syracuse, N. Y. The' only AmeiicauAgeuts for the sale of the same. PREPAltED OILOVPAI.M AND MACE, ion riiKsuiivixu, iti.sromso, asi iikacti 1'YINO 1 1 1 1: 1 1 A i it. And Is the most delightful and wonderful ar ticle the world cvcr produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to Heslore, Darken and B.'autify the Hair, but also a desirable article for the Toillct, as it is highly perfumed with a rich and dolicato per funic, independent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm nnd Mace. The Marvel ofi" i'ti'ii. A new and beautiful pirtmuu, w'uleh hi delicacy of sent, nnd the tenacity with which it chugs to tho handkerchief and person, is unequalled. The above aitielt'S for s lie by all druggists and Perfumers, at 1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address hv proprietors. T. W. WlilOHT &CO. ino I.ii'e rty St., New Yo.k. Oct. 21. 1W1. 1y. BR. BCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. Tho Pills are compotes of various roola, hiring tlio power lo ro'nx tho acrotlona of tlio liver aa proi'ip'Iy and effectually ai hluo pill or mnrciiry, and without producing nny ol' thoao dlMtgi'ecablo or dnnrxroui cflccls which oltca tolloiv the uio ol tho lotlor. In all bilious dtsordora tliroo Pills may bo need with ronfldonca. as thoy promote th6 dlncharRO of vltlatod bllo, and roinovo tlioro obstructions from Uio liver and biliary ducts, which an lbs cause of billons alfectlons In general. BOHKNCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS euro Sick Boauach,andalld!sordorsotUio Llvor, Indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costlvonces, drowsiness, and general fueling ot weariness and laisltnde, allowing that tho Uvot la In a torpid or obstructed condition. In abort, Uiew Pills may be mod wltb advan tage In alt canes wbon a pargatlve or alterative moilisine Is ra(ulroil.t Please ask tor "Hr. Schonclt's Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two likoncssos or tho Doctor aro on tho Government slaiupono when In thu last staito of Consumption, aud Uio other In his present health. Bold by all Drapgtsts and dealers. Price 25 cents per box. Principal Office, No. 13 North Sth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Meneral Wholesalo Agontsi Dcmas Harnos s Co., SI Park Kow. New York; S. 8. llsnce, IDS Balti more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John U. Park, N. K. cor. al Fonrlh and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohloi Walker b Taylor, 1.14 and 1SS Walwsli Avenue, Chicago, III. i Collins Drolhers, southwest cornoi 01 Second and Vino Sis., St. Louis, Ho. lib. ti 6th w. ca. mo. 1 rr. PURE DRUGS, USES, OILS. PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, IP or r um o t 3", TOILKT AllTiCI.US AND FANCY SOAl'S. A LAUfiE STOCK ON HAND A NEW SUPPLY EVKUY WEEK 1 WIMi SUffsli CKKAV FOR axan at IllI'S Mil STORE. AUB GOODS HAVE BEEN 110UGHT tor cash, selected with care, and will be warranted as represent -d, and sold at the very lowest cash prices I ALL THE POrUL.Yll PATENT MEDICINES SOLD, AND MOST OF THEM AT OLD PRICES. 'PureUquors. VINES, BRANDIES GIN, ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, VARNISHES, fco., ALL AT SHORT PROFIT ' Call and seo our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for tho very extensive patronage already bestowed, we hope to merit a continuance or the same TU9T received a now lotofcholco nerfumo- t J fuinery, hluhly scouted soaps, cosmetics, &o,, Including many kkw autici.kk very cheap, call and seo thorn at BllADEN'S DKUO BTOHH! , ALAUGE stock or Patent Medicines Just received. Call and e our STOCK and ruiowi .... .. , w fcAY CLOTHING AT K. CLAH1C Jfc SW.N'S. GOOD CLOTHING AT N. CLARK & SON'S. Go Iro N. CLARK & SONS. ROOM. TWO DOORS WEST OF THE ADAMS HOUSE, ilay 1, ly.-ch.lan:lO,'G7. tTKNTION ! S0L)il3I?S 1 nisbanded Soldiers entitled -to additional bounty under tho recent Act of Congress should bo careful whom they employ to col- lect their dues. It is not every unprincipled "sharper" who hangs out his shingle that Is a licensed claim attut. I am thus authorized by law, and will at tend to nil soldiers' claims for hack pay, fun sionb and additional nousTins. Having the correct blauksonhandto make such applica tion, there is no cause for return of papers onco sent, or delay iu making them out. Re ceipts given for all discharges placed in my p ssession. Apply at once two more mouths will he too late. B. F. FLENNIKEN, P. 0. Box 108, Ollloe First Nat. Bank. jan30,7 Wiiyneslmrg, Pa. Conveyancing done on reasonable terms. LATEST FASHION DE M AN 03 W I Tii.oIlnir'e. I n loUv.if n,l l . O UiUKliJ o viiv.uiaut.u Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oil DOUBLE SPUING) 3 23L X 3FL "3? . The Wonderful Flexibility and groat com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Du plex Ellirlie Skirt wilt bo experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car riages, railroad cars, church tews, armchairs, for promenade ami house dress, as the skirt can be folded when In use to occupy a small place aseasilv and conveniently as u Silk or Muslin Dress, nn invahublo quality m crino line, not found in nny Single Spring Skirt. A lady lnving enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing tho Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a singlo dav, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their uso. For Children, Misses and Younu Ladies they are superior to ail others. They will not beud or break llko the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shnpo win n three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. Tlio hoops are covered with double and twist ed thrcatl, and the bottom rods aro not only doublu springs, but twice (or double) covered; preventing them from wearing out wlieu drag ging down stoops, stidr, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladles and Is universal!) recommended by tlio Fashion Magazlu s us the standard skirt ofllie fashionable world. To enjoy the lollowlng Inestimable advan tages In Crinoline, vlz.t superior qualltv, per fect manufacture, stylish shape aud finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. YV. BRADLEY'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the acmtlno article. CAUTION. To guard against Imposition be particular to NOTICE that skirts olfercd as "DUPLEX" havo the red ink stamp, vlz.t "J. VV. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband none others aro genuine. Also Notlco that every Hoop will admit a p!n being passed through the centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided to gether therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength, and a combination not to bo found In any other Skirt. For sale In all sto'es where first class skirts aro sold throughout thu United State and elsewhere. Munul' by the Sole Owners nf the Patent, VV EST8, BllADLEY A OAKY, 1)7 Chambers & 79& 81 Kendo 8ti , N. Y. ' :; fcb6'(iT-8m i 'i. ; . : .'. i .; i ; . J Crisper Coma, Oh I shu wa tienutifiil and fair Willi starry eyes and radium linir, Wboso culling tendrils soft, entwined, luchalned Ihe very heart and mind. CRISPEB COMA. For Curling the Hair of Either t?ex Into- Wavy and Ulossy Kinglets or Heavy Massive Curies. nvnstniv thlitiiiiiclii LadlfB anil Oenilemen miti lif.niitilV tlii'iuai lves a tliniiMtid fold. It la t!in milv nrtiidj ill till world that Will CUI'l strnlglit hair, and at tho same tlmu give it a beautiful, tlossy aiipcarance. Tho Cnsper Coma notoniy curls tho hair, but invigorates, liiviiilillfR nnd idi-aiiSL'S it: is Ili'lllV Slid do- lli;htfiilly perfumed, and Is tho most complete article ofllie kind ever offered to tlio American public. The Crispcr Coma will be sent to any addr ss, scaled and postpaid lor $i, Address all orders to W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists No. 3 West Favvlle St., Syracuse, N. Y. lebl3,'CT-ly Sale ot Real Estate! 1 . undee voluntary assignment fovtlm liene tlt of creditors, 1 will expose to public s::lu in front of tho Court house, tn tho lit rough if Wayncsburg, on the ItiTII DAY Ol-' MARCH. 18(17, ill the rii'ht aud title of the said Porter, of, in md '.o the following; real estate, lo wit : All Urn. large and valuable ItltlClv HOUSE md lot in the borough of Waynesbui g, known as the ' GREENHOUSE! litis property consists of a lot or ground fronting on Main Hireet fix'iy feel, running bade one hundred and eighty leet to nn alley, nd has erected thereon a lar-'O two story brick house: this house is well llulslieil with cellars under the wliolu liottse, ono nul of the koine in linished for a fitorif Horn, with oiuuiei; nheleimi, frc, also, wireliotise and ftunii: smoke and wash houso and other out hull dings on the lot. Them aro a variety of truit trees, grape vines &o., in a good state of cul tivulion. This property is ioculed iu the bu siness part of the borough. ALSO, At the same limo and place, a square of lets fronting on Franklin Street on the north one hundred and eighty feet to an alley, all under good tenee and in a good slate of cultivation. Tbo whole of tho above named prop' rty is very valuable to any pcrs"n desiring t csi sti lish business in this'tluiving borough and they would tlowell to purrhas". Terms Cash. VY.U. T. K.WEH11, feblii-ts Assignee. MONEY Fit EE AS WATEIt. 10,000 ACTIVE LOCAL aud Traveling Agents, Male or Female, of all ages, aro wanted to solicit trado inevoiy city, town, village, liam'et, workshop ami factory, throughout the entire world, for the most saleiilue novelties ever rknown ,ri)l) per cent PHOF1T and ready salo wherever of lured ! ! Smart men and women can makn from i" to iji.'iDper day, and no risk of lo?s ! A small capital required of from iJ-'O u $iI00 tho more money invested thu greater tho poolit. No money required in advance we llrst send tho articles and receive pay after wards ! If you actually wish to make money rapidly and cnsilv, write for full particulars and address M1LNOK & CO.. (From P.uisJ febi;t-lv -'10 Broadway, New York City. DRY GOODS AT- -AT- mm old st.Ii,'-' rn ri -n p V) O A T T V I) I I 1 ULi JVUU J-Al-,J11i nils LATEST AND BEST! Till! Fabrics, as Represented; AND THE AS30RTMIOT KEPI COMPLETE. miTK TTNOER? ISIGNEl) IS DETERMINED I t, s7-ll. and the iikm-t ash; will secure tho very best of bargains. Call and examine Lis stock L.- Ii. EVANS, decll-ilm Wayncsburg, Pa. Something "Hew IX WAYXESBUliG, PEXN'A. THOS. B R A D E N f At, the room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, S., next door lo Bradea's Drug Store.) Respectfully Informs tho good people of Greene county, that ho has opened a HAHDWABE STOftE. And Invites a call from his friends and tho public generally. His storo Is tided with everything in his Hue needed by tho Farmer and Mechanic. Being a practical Tanner, ho knows exactly the wants of Ills farmer trlends. Amoug his variety of goods will be found Iron, Nails of all kinds. Planes of till varieties, Au gers, Braces, Tultlo toot lied, cross cut and mill saws, hand saws aud tools of all des criptions. AGIHCULTC R AL IMI'LEM ENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting BoxesCorn Sliel lers, Plows, Cultivators, Sliovels, Forks, uud everything In his line. SADDLERY HARDWARE, A gnnoral assortment of saddlery hardware, to which ho Invites tho attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OK ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Butter Bowls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Fixlns. Willow Baskets! Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets. Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns, Boys Wagons nt.d sl, ds. All persons desirous ot put chasing nny or tho above articles and many others uot inun iouod will coubuU their luturest by CALLING SOON. -' - . Howllltako ploasuro in showing "his stock at i II times. So glvo him a call wlieu you come to town, lte.neml.or the place, oppo- alto Uio First National Bank. decr4tf,, .THOi. BRADEN. THE GITIIEIILXG Ifttib. A. HEDGE & SON., i Have just received a New block ' ol BOOTS AND SHOES, .'..' HATS AND CAPS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, OLOYES, HOSI EUY, TIUMMINQ3 OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS. We have lust received a large assortment of the latest kind of ready madu BOOTS AMD SH02S whieh wo can warrant to wear, anil do good service. Also a fi-w Low Priced Boots nnd Shoes which we will not bought expressly to compete with our neighbors. Don't fail to rail If you want to see good articles in our line of trade. It will cost noth hiL'to look at them. Iteniember the place, "Allisons Buildlnp, opposite the Ccurl H ainO." " . SViiynesburg, May Ii, tf. P 2iS il C E3 HAVING BEEN MADE, WE OFFEIt OUR CUSTOM EUS ONE OF THE LARG EST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS!! ! Vi'J mm. LEATlIIiR, HOOTS & SHOES, Hats & Caps ! I ft 1)3, mAlIiS SALT, And a gre it variety of BONNETS and HATS for the ladies, at the lowci-t prices that Goods have been sold for since the commencement of the War. PRINTS From 12 1-2 to 2:. els. poryd, MUSLINS,... " 12 1-2 to 40 FISH At Pittsburgh prices. IICON&Nails" '' Card Prices. SAL'I " per barrel. OUT l'ON YARN, at reduced ratos. , We have the eoods in store, and all we ask of onv friends is to call and see for themselves for we aro satislled that an examination of our stock and low prices will repay them for their trouble. To our friends at a distance, we ex- . tend a cordial invitation to can ami see ineir old friends who ai o always giau 10 sec iiiem, for we can assure them tiiat it will repay tiieui for the trouble. W. H. M COY & CO. Tin old stand of V. H. M COY, Groensbo ro. Greene County, IVnu'a. MaylU.'iiri-tt Hshoosl. How ffsosl, Bltiw ttcslorcal. jPffjTjftm.Jtislpabl'ihed, a new edition of fcSffwDn. C!'s Cklkdratko on tho rjtliml cure, (without medicine) of Sper malorrho;a, or seiuinal Veakncss, Involnn tarp Seminal Losses, liupot ticy, Montal anl Physical Incapacity. Impediments to marriage, &c ; also, Consumption, Ewlepsy and Fits induced by self-Indulgence or sexual eXtrava ganre. liee, in a seaieti envelope, omy cts. The rclchruted itiithor, in this admimblo essay clearly (leniouslrates froinii thirty years' suci'e,anfc,l praclice, that the alarming conso ipwiicfs of sell-.ibusu may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine, or the application of the knife pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, cei lain and efleo I mil, by means of which every sutl'crcr, no matter what Ids condition maybe, may euro hiiuseli' cheaply, piivacly, and radically. tiT'Thls E'say should be in tlio hands of every youth and every man in the land. Scni, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, unt-jmiil, on receipt of tlx cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CHAS J. C. KLINE &CO 127 Bowery, New York, Post Ollleo No. 4SR0. iiinr2t: 'lid-ly EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR! C'HAS TELLAK'S I1AIK i-.XTKRMl.VlTOR ! run im-.moviso sceiaii-i.t-oiis iiaii:. To the ladies especially, this invaluable de pilatory recommends ltsi 11' as being nn idinost inilispensilile ai'iii le to li-nude beauly, is easi ly applied, docs not burn or Injure the skin, but nets directly on Ihe roots It is warranted to remove supci'lltmua hair from low foreheads or from any part of tho body, completely, totally and radically exlerpating tlio sniiie, leaving the skill sofi. smooth and natural. This is tho onlynitielo used by tho French, and is thu only real cllVctual depilatory in ex istence. Price 7.1 cents per package, sent postpaid, lo any addicts, on receipt of tin order, by UE1UJER, S11UTTS & CO., Chemists, cb'.!0.'U7 lv '-'.-'.'1 Uiver St., Troy, H. Y. There cometh glad tidings ol joy to nil, To voung and to old, to great and to pnmll ; The" boatily which once was so precious and rare, Is free for all, nnd till may he fair. By tiih usn ok CIIASTELLAR'S VV El 0 T 13 BsIQlID R Nil ill EL, For Improving and Beautifying tho Complex Ion , ' ' Tho most v tillable and perfect preparation In use, lor giving the skin a bcautilul pearl like lint, that is only found In youth. It rii!ck!y removes Tali, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches. Moth Patches, Sallowness. Erupt ions, ami all Impurities of tho skin, kindly healing tho same leaving tho skin whllo and clear ns alabaster. Its vso rim not bo detect ed by tho closest scrutiny, nnd btlnR a vege table preparation Is perfectly harmless; It la the only article of tho kind used by tho French, and Is eonsldori-d by tho Parisian us Indlspcn snliloto a perfect toilet. Upwa-tls i f '111,000 bottles wero sold tinting the pnst veiir, a sttllielent guarantee nf lis cflleary. Price on ly 75 cents. Sent by mall, post-paid, on re. ceipt of nn order, by BEUGE11, SlIUTTS&Co,, Chemists. BS5 Hlvor St., Troy N. Y, feb20'l!7IV. "- ' JSTotloe. 1 ' ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted, to the Ht:i'itiii,uAM OrriOK, cither' for Joli Work or Subscription timing the six tnoiitliH the paper was conducted ny nir Watkms, will pay the accounts to Mr. Jan. R Biycrs, who Is mil hoilzod 1 to receipt for the same. Early ftWc'Vsnn,117r;V17l" MESSRS B1DDLL & CLAHIC. ' aua9 ' ' - ' i