The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, February 27, 1867, Image 1

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    f f- vft" -:rt' vr
Jt ; . . . . . , ' ' ;
jmxb gapct-Dtnrtril to pitta, ptcratint, omp, omc ami jjfoeclhitMiiui pit, Sit,
fwo dollars a year, payable Invariably in
advaneo. One dollar I'm' six months, payable,
Invariably in advance. .
Advkiitibumknts inserted at $1 :.) per acpiaro
for three insertions, mid .1(1 ots. n 8iUure lor each
additional luaurlion; (ten lines or less counted
Local0 advertising and Siwiai. Noticks, 10
cents per lino f r on is-'i l ion, with
C3TA liberal deduction made to yearly ad-
Advertisements not .narked wilt, the num
ber of Insertions desired, charged lor until
0rly(),"tu.ry notions and tributes of respect
Inserted as advertisements. They must
bo paid for in ad vunee.
liFIVflOSlli Bffi,
D. Bowm, Pres'U J- C. Vim Cashier.
w7iT."'(iAr ex.
e-3-Oi-i-ici; In N. Clark's binUVuig,
Attorneys and Contisellors at Law
tyoyiiesliunr, I'mna.
tsrOmm n tho " Wright House," Eart
doorc.-Collocl'oris, &c, will receive prompt
attention. .,
Wayneaburg Anpist -Gu
DEALER IN Hooks, Blatlonery, Wail Paper,
Window Paper, Ax. Sunday School
Books of all kinds constantly on baud, Way
ncRburc I'n., opposite I'ost Olllce.
May . '(i(i.-ly t
IV , m T II V F F M A ' ,
wcTicu.ixr ta n.on,
WORK made to order, In finest and best
stvlo, Cutting and Filling i'"0 prnmpt
v. and' according to latest lashinn plates.
Stock on hand and for side. Miyaj
and select assortment of watches and
Jowelry. Repairing dono at tho lowest rales.
ftp', 'y
TliOQ. 33:ro.3.3.0"Sr
IIOSITIVKLY the most complete Hotel in
our town, Everything combined to lur
ni'sh tho best accommodation ever yet otlered
to tho public, . .
Meals furnished at all hours, table- provid
ed with the best of tho season. Also a lino
im cream whan tilted up and at'iiohcd to tho
house, and u "au unrivalled for Ihe vuncly
and quality of its contents Choice wines and
brandies, pood whiskey, ido. fmo cigars, &e.,
forma few among tho prominent Items.
Travellers and llmso desirous of refreshment
Will do well to call, "Tom" slill retains Ids old
reputation of an accommodating uonllenian,
and hospitable landlord. House, tlte one lor
nicrly occupied bv tho "Messenger" Olllce.
HTRAMKU "('1111:1''
TMN," It H. Aiiiiams,
Commander, Capt U.
0. Mason, Clerk; leaves
Brownsvllln daily at 7 a. m., for PltLsbuivli,
and leavo that ciWal 5 v. daily,
STEAMER "ELECTOR, " Roiihiit I'nit,
mps, Commander It. ). Tavi.oh, Clcrit i
leaves Orecnsboro, for Pittsburgh Mondays,
Wednesday and Friday, nnd return on Tues
day, Thursday and Bulurdny, leaving I'ltls
burgh at a v. m. M.iy tuyuii.-dm.
ii in
oalor In Books and Stationery, Mugn.lncs,
J Dully l'apcrs Fancy Articles, &e., Way
csbur3, Ta. apl,'ii(i-ly
horclBConnocled with tho Hamilton Ilouso
a Livery Htablo, with good horses, carriages
and buggies for tliti accomodation of tint pub
lic Horses boarded, and well attended to, at
moderate rates, D. 0. Bi'tmiv.
aug 5, 'HO.-ly
i:xccutor'N IVoiirc
LETTETS Tostainontatiry having beer)
grunted to the undersigned iition tho es
tntooflt W. Itoblnson, late of (:iarksvllle,
Oroeno county, l'a deceased, notice Is here
by given to ail persons having clnlms against
said estato to present them properly authenti
cated for settlement, nnd those knowing thorn
fclvos Indebted to said estate will please, u.ako
paymonv promptly.
Janao, '07-Ow Executors.
jfoj: Snio.
A numlwrof cliolco IX)TS, In a dolrnblo
A situation, In tho borough of Carmlclioils,
will bo sold cheap, Also, an Iron Flro Proof
flulb, or good capacity. All will be sold on
the Exocntor of Wm. Crawford, doe'd.
Forlurthpr particulars call upon, or ad
dress JAMES RE A, Cormlcbaols, Ureene Cov
reoaiu i ftbl3-U.
- ir 11 ir 1 fl
ciiy, hu has opened the largest
New Grocery
In town. Ho dcs! res to inform the citizens
of WayneslMirg and vicinity of the care ho
have taken in selecting stock, haviug on baud
a tiood supplv of
GAliS, TAIL also. l'KOVISI
ONS, 15ACOM, DlilED llliEE
tfce , itu , &c.
Call nnd soo him as he has been gelling a
You will find him accomodating, and can
sell lower thin niiy,ono in the place, Jle
sure to go to the right, in
opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc
cupied hvthe Post Olllce
Will attend to all claims fur buck pay, boun
ty and pen.slonsof soldiersand their representa
tives. The Pensions of Ihe tullowir.g class are
lucretised trom in l" and .?-'." per month,
anil w liows tor children under sixteen years
iy2 per month each, viz .
1st. T'lio'o who have lost llio sight of bulb
eyes, the use of both hands, or otherwise total
ly disabled and incapacitated Irom performing
manual labor. -
Sil- All widows having children under six
teen years of ago nro entitled to per month
additional for each child.
lid. Guardians representing tho imW Ml
diva of soldiers are entitled to the same incieasc
as if the motlicr w:sliing. uugl,'i;iMf.
1)Y vlrtuo of a writ of Vcuditfoni Exponas
) Issued out of the Court of Conimou I'leas
of Greene county, and to mo direeteil, there
will bo exposed to punlic sale on tin- premises
in Cumberland townshi, on SATURDAY, L'd
day of March next, at IU o'clock, a. in., the
tbllowmgpropurto, vi. :
All the right, title, Interest and claim of
del'endent, of. in and to a oert lin tract of land
situate in Cumberland township, Greene Co ,
Pa., ndjolui'ig lands of Morgm Young, Win.
Sharpneck, Peter llewil, Rice farm and others,
containing one hundred nndlliree acres more
or less, about ninety acres chared, and has
erected thereon a frame ami Stone house, two
tenant lnnises, I'romc barn nnd sialic, au ap
ple orchard on the premises.
Taken in execution as the property of Goo.
W. Kollcy at tho suit of Alvin Cloud, Hiram
Cloud and Eleanor Duvatt lor uso ot said
Eleanor Duvall,
Sii'U' the money is not paid down on day
of sale the Sliuriir ia directed to sell the prop
jan.loV07.-tg Bheriir.
85criJi'i!t M:ilc
BY vlrtuo of a writ of Venditioni Exponas,
Issued out of tho Court of Common Plu,.s
of Giveue county, ami to mo directed, there
will bo exposed to public sale, at the Court
House, In Wavnesburg. on SATURDAY, luth
DAY OK MAhCH next, at I o'clock, p. m.,
tho following property, vl. :
Ml the the riirht. tiile, interest and claim of
Di'fenilent. of in anil to a certain tract of land
sllualu In Hlcltliill lownliip, Greene cunty,
Pa., m i ) "ii ill i lands of tltrrism Jolmson,
John JCillun, Harnett's heirs, John I.nueh
rldgii an I others, containing EIGHTY-TWO
AC;I!!M more or less, on which is erected one
hewed log bouse. loirRiru andolhir out
bull I lug:1, and iibout. tll'iy acics of which Is
cleared, and on which there is agood apple
Taken In execution ns tho properly of John
lams at tho suit of Thomas lams for uso of
Marv Ann Wilson. HEATH JOHNS,
Jan:vi,'u7. Sli'lf.
SlicrUr wale.
BY vlrtuo of a writ of Vindi. Ex. Issued out
of the Court of Common Please of (Irocno
county, and tome directed, Iboro will bo ex
posed to public sale In I runt of tho Court
Ilouso m Wnyuesburg, mi
next, lit 1 o'clock, p. ill., tho following prop
oily, vl,i
A'l the right, title, Interest nnd claim of de
fendant, of, In and to a tract of land situate In
Jackson township, adjoining lands of John
Morris, Samuel 1'. Bayard, "John Rose and
others, containing 113 acres more or less, about
AO of which mo cleared und has erected there
on a hewed log house, log bam, 'og stable,
&c, und has thereon an apple orchard
Taken In execution as the property of Jesso
Cliudlsterattbe suit of Atkinson Cliodister.
fclieinfs 'Sale.
BY vliluo ol a writ of Fl. Fa. Istuod out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Grnoue
county, and to mo directed, theru wdll lie ex
posed to Public sale at tho Court House. In
Wavnosburg, on bATURDAY, tilth day of
niarcn next, ai i o ciock, p. in., uie iciiowmg
property, vl. i
All the right, title, Interest nnd claim of de
fendant of. in and to a certain tract of land
situate In Washington township, Gieenocoim
ty, Pa,, canlaliilng two hundred acres, more
or loss, about one hundred and sixty acres
cleared, and hns erected tberoon one hownd
log bouse, hewed log stable nnd olhoi out
buildings i adjoining lands of John Taylor,
Robert McCnrmlck, John McNny, George
Wlsecarviir and othurs, on which tlicru Is an
apple, cherry and poach orchard.
Tnkon in execution ns the properly of Thos.
McNurlln nnd George Huffman at the suit of
0. W. O. WaddolL HEATH JOHNS,
tob2V07-U BU'ff.
Duo nltntl'ai given to nil who coliuuuulnita fur Ihil
For the Rkpuiii.icak.
Will you excuse,
Tho erring views.
Of ono who can't dissemble ?
Who gets tho blues,
At trilling news,
And oft' doth fear nnd tremble.
Well I know it,
I am no poet 1
But Just a rhyming writer ;
To thos" who "show It,"
Your praise bestow it;
Their hearts and heads are brighter.
'Us very hard,
To be nbnrd,
And always live In keeping;
To ne'er discard,
Our friend's regard,
And keep our wit from sleeping.
Onto I know her,
Still I woo her,
The fair and witching muse;
But you have heard,
That this shy bird,
Grants us short interviews.
By n fountain,
O'er tho mountain;
At least so runs the story
Upon nthrono
Of light, alone,
She dwells in all her glory.
A vouth, one time,
Tried hut (1 to climb
The mountain that doth environ;
But on thisslilM
Of , ho died
Tho too ambitious Byron.
And from his fate,
All who'd bo great,
May learn a useful lesson ;
Tho more wo soar,
Tho more and more,
Tlie joys of earth will lessen-
The pur est prize.
Is in the skies,
But at the pearly portal,
Bending lowly,
Wo enter tho immortal.
Cahmiciiahis, Pa.
Tiik first nrlio'o of Ilarpm' Month'y
for February, "Wild Hill," is onu of tho
most ink-rusting sketches of n peculiar
type of tliq western border men that wo
have ever road. It describes some- of
tho marvellous adventures of a real
character named "Wild Hill," whoso ed
ucation as a fi-onlicriiiiin and a moun
taineer admirably qualified him to net, as
ho did through tho war, as a scout. Thu
evontlul career of this remarkable- man
both before and diiriiiT thu war, is a l
tniltlbly sketched in this article by Col
onel NiJioIs, wlbi bcuumi personally
acquainted witli him in .Missouri, and
f;ot the Htoi-y from his own lips. Thu
article is profusely illustrated.
Wo iivu imn of tho most remarkable
of "Wild Uilla" adventures, pi-uuiisine;
tremendous physical strength, which
had been developed and trained by his
mode of life, and that ho was an unor-.
ringshot. The substantial facts of the
affair we ro told tho writer by an officer
of the regular army, who, an hour after
it occurred, saw Hill and his ton dead
opponents. Tlio Btory is told by Hill
himself is us lollows:
WILD ll'.l.l.'s ST0IIY.
'It was in '01, when I guided a do.
tachmi'iit of cavalry who were uoiniii in
from Camp Floyd. Wo had nearly
reached tho Kansas lino, and were in
South Nebraska, when one afternoon I
went out of camp to go to tho cabin of
an old friend of mine, a Mrs. Wultmtin
I took only one of my revolvers with
mo, tr although tlio war hud broke out
I didn't think it necessary to carry both
my pistols.and in all or'nary Hcnnimngea,
one is butter than a dozen, ef you tdtoot
straight. I saiv Homo wild turkeys on
tho road as I was gom down, and pop.
ped ono of 'em over, thinking he'd bo
just the thing for supper.'
'Well, I rode up to Mrs. Wnltman's
Jumped off my horse, and went, into tho
cabin, which is like most ot the cabins
on tho pararer, with only ono room, and
that had tvi doors, ono opening in
front and t'other on n yard, lik, '
Mow nre you, Mrs, Wallmniif I
said, feeling as jolly ns you please.
'Tlio ininutu she saw mo she turned
as white as n sheet and sorenmed : 'Is
that you, Hill!' Oh, my Ood I they
will kill you I Hun 1 run Thoy will
kill you 1'
'Who' n.goin to kill met' said I.
There's two that can piny that game.'
It's M'Kandlas and lin gang, There's
ten of them, and you'vo no chance.
They've joi gone down the road to the
corn-ruck. They camii up hero only
live minutes t ago. M'Kandlas was
dragging poor Parson Shi ply on the
ground with a land round his neck.
Tlio preacher was most dead with clioki
ing and tho horses slam ing on hun.
McKandlus knows yer bringfn in that
party ot Yankee cavalry, and lie swears
he'll cut yer heart out. Hun, Hill, tun !
Hut it's too late i tlie're coinin up the
'Whilo sho was a talkm I remember
ed I had but one revolver, mid a load
gone out of (hat. On tliu tablo there
was a horn of powder and some little
bars ot lead. I poured Homo powder
into my empty chamber and rammed
tho lead after it by hammering tho bar
rel on the tablo, and had just capped
tho pistol when I heard MeKandlas
shout :
There's that d-d Yank Wild Hill's
horse; l.e's hero ; and we'll skin It tin
'it i liinl thought ot runnin before it
war too late now, and tlio house was
my best holt a wort ot fortress, hko I
never thought I should leavo that room
The Kcnut stopped in his storj, rose
irom his sent, strode back and for
ward in a ttato of great exci'cmeiit.
'I tell you what it is, Kernel,' ho re
sumed, after a while, 'I don't mind a
soi iinin.ige with these fellers round here.
Shoot one or two of them and thu rest
run away. Hut nil of MeKandlas's gang
were reckless, blond-thirsty devil-, who
would light as long as they had strength
to pull a trigger. I have been in tight
places, but that's one ot the few times I
said my prayers '
'Surround the house and give him t o
quarter!' yelled MeKandlas.. When I
Ileal d I fell as (jnu t and cool as if I
was a-goiu' to church, I looked round
the room nnd saw a Hawkins title,
hangin' over Ihe bed.
'is that loaded V said I to Mrs. Walt
man. 'Yes.' the por i- tiling whispered Sho
was si) frightened she couldn't speak out
'Are yon sure V said I, ns I jumped
to tho be d and caught it from its hooks.
Although my eye did not leave the door,
yet I could see sho nodded 'Yes' again.
I put the revolver on the bed, and just
then MeKandlas poked his noso inside
the doorway, but jumped back when ho
saw inn with tlio rifle in my hand.
'Como in hero, you cowardly dg!'
I shouted. 'Come in heie and fight
me 1'
'MeKandlas was no coward, if ho was
a bully. Ho j n m pod inside the room
with his gun levelled to shoot ; but he
was not qui, k enough. My rifle. ball
went tliiougli Ids heart. Ho fell back
outside the house, where he was found
afterward holding tight to his rifle,
which had fallen over his lieid.
'His disappearance was followed by a
yell from his gang, and then there was
a dead silence. I put down tho rifle
and tho revolver.and I said to myself:
Only six shots and nine men to kill
Save your powder, Hill, for the death
hug's n cumin !' 'I don't know why it
was, Kernel.' continued Bill, looking at
mo inquiringly, 'but nl that moment
thinos seemed clear and sharp. I could
t' ink stroi g.'
-There wa- a few seconds of that nw
fnliifss, and then the rullians came rush
ing in at 'oolh doors. How wild Ihoy
looked with their red, drunken faces mid
inflamed eyes, sliouticg and cussing!
Hut 1 never aimed more deliberately in
my life.
'On" two tin cc four; and four
men fell dead
'That didn't stop tho rest. Two of
them lired their bird-guns at mo And
then I felt a sting run all over mo. The
room was full of smoke, Two got in
close to me, their eyes glaring out of the
clouds One I knocked down with my
fist, 'You aro out of tho way for awhile,'
I thought. The second I shot dead.
The other three clutched me and crowd
ed mo onto the bed I fought hard. I
broke with my hand ono man's arm He
had his lingers round my throat, lie fore
I could gel to my feel I was hi ruck
across tho breast with tho stock ot a
rille, and I felt the blood rushing out ot
my nose and in uih Then I got ugly,
and I remember that I got hold ot a
kmfo and then it was all cloudy like,
and I was wild, and I struck savage
blows, following the devils up from one
side to the oilier of the room and into
thu corners, striking and slashing until I
knew that every one was dead.
All of a sudden it, seemed as if my
heart was on tiro. I was bleeding every
where. I rushed out to tho well and
drunk from the bucket, and them tum
bled down in a faint.'
Hreathless with tho intense interost
with which I had followed this strange
story, all tlio more ' thrilling and weird
tvheii its hero, seeming to live over
again the bloody events of that day,
gave way to its terrible spirit with wild
savage gent tiros, I saw then what my
Hcriiliny ot thu morning had failed to
discover tho tiger which lay concealed
benialli tho gentle exterior,
Yon must have been hurt almost to
death,' I said. , .
Ttiero were eleven buckshot in mo,
I oarry some of them now. I was out
In thirteen placed, All of them bad
emwgh to have let out the life of a man,
But that blosiod old Dr, Milli pulled
mo safe through it, after a bod siege of
many a long wo-.-k.'
'That prayer of yours, Bill, may have
been more potent for your Biitety than
you think You should thank God lor
your deliverance.'
'To tell you tho truth, Kernel,1 res
ponded tho somit witli a certain solem
nity in his grave face, 'I don't talk
about sicli things for tho people round
here, but fillers feel sort of thankful
when 1 get out of a bad scrape.'
The Senate finally adopted John Sher
man's substitute tor Mr. Stevens' Mili
tary Organization bill as it came from
tho House. The Slier fan substitute
was carried by tlio strong vote ot 29
Yues to 10 Nays, and is as follows :
HViiTi'iu, No legal Slate governments
or adequate protection for lite or prop
erty now exists in the rebel States of
Virginia, North Carolina, Si nth Caro
lina. Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana, Florida, Texas ard Arkansas:
anil i7i' rati it is necessary that peace
and good order shall be enloiced in sa il
States until loyal and republican State
governments can bo legally established;
Ik it cna--lrd, fy, That e-iid rebel
States shall be divided into military dis
tiietsand in-'.de subject to tho military
authority ot iliu Uui'cd Slates, as lure
iiiMt'ler mentii'iied ; and lor thai pur
pose Virginia shall constitute tho First
District, North Carolinia and South
Carolina tho second District, (!e -i-gni,
Alabama and Florida the Third District,
Mississippi a ml Arkansas the Fourth
District, and Louisiana and Texas, tho
Kill li Di.-uiet.
Si'.c. . That it shall bo the duty of
tho Pre-ideiit id assign to die command
of each of said DUti ids an oilie r id the
army not helm I he rank of Hrigadier
(jciicral, and to detail a sullieieiit mili
tary force to eua' losuih ollicer to pur
form his duties and enforce his authority
within the district to which hois assign
ed. Sue. 3. That it shall bo tho duty of
each (dlicer assigned as aforesaid to
protect all persons in their rights ot
person and properly, to suppress insur
rection, disorder and violence, and to
punish or eauso to bo punished all dis.
turbors of the public poaco and crimi
nals ; an I to this end hu may allow
l ical ivil tribunals to take jurisdiction
of and try offenders, or, when in his
judgment it may be neocsary for the
trial of offenders, he shall have poei- In
organize military committees o'r tribunals
for that pu. pog.i ; and all interference
under color of Slato authority with the
exercise of military authority under this
act shall be null and void.
Si:o I. That all purs uis put under
military arrest by virtue ot this act
shall bo tried without unnecessary delay,
and no cruel or unusual piiuishuient shall
be inflicted, nnd no sentence of any
military commissi, in or tribunal hereby
authorized affecting the lite or liberty ot
any person shall be executed until it la
approved by the otlioer in command of
the district ; and the laws and regula
tions tor tho government ot the army
shall not bo ulfcctui! by this nut, except
in so tar as they may conflict with its
Sue. 5. That no senlcnoo of death
under this not shall be carried into exe
cution without the approval of the
Siio. (I. When the people of any ono
of said Hubel Stales shall have formed a
constitution and government in confor
mity with llio Constitution of the United
Suites in all respects, trained by a coin
volition of dellegates eleuted by tho male
citizens of said State 21 years old and
upward, of whatever race, color or pre
vious condition, who have been resident
in said Statu for one year previous to ti e
day of such election, except such us may
be (listranchisud for participation in the
Rebellion or for felony lit common law,
ami when such constitution shall pro
vide that the elective franchise shall be
enjoyed by "all such persons as have the
qualifications lieiein staled tor electors
of delegates, and when such constitution
shall be ralilied by a majority of the
persons voting on the question of ratill
cation mIio are qualified us electors for
delegates, nod when suuh eo-istituiion
shall hnvn been submitted to Congress
for examination and approval, nnd Con
gress shall have approved tho same, and
when s id State by a vole of its Legic
latino elected nml'-r said constitution
shall havu adopted the amendment to
tho Conslitiiti in of the Uii'tud Stales
proposed by the XXXIX h Congress,
ami known as article I I, und when said
article shall hive becomo part ot the
Constitution of llio United States, said
Stale shall be declared entitled to repre
sentation in Congress, and Senators and
HupiusoutiHivos shall be ail untied there
from on their taking tho oath prescribed
by law, and then and tboroatter tho pro
ceeding sections ot this net shall be in
operative in said State.
Honsor (down tinon little Sttinnerv.
who's a great boaster about his 'swell'
acquaintance, nnd his extensive 'travel,'
nnd this year especially, in Palestine)!
'Did j on see the Dardanelles Y Stunner)-!
'Kht The ohl Oh, 'yo yesl
Jolly foliar as over I mot! Dined with
'em ut Viennah!' Little S,ka left the
olub. 'Punch. ,, v ! i. , , !
AxBWEits to CouiiBSi'ONUKNTs Stu
dent After a careful examination of
Gibbon and many other authors, we
have arrived at the conclusion that Home
was built during the night, booauso we
find it written, and havo often beard it
said, 'Home wa9 not built in a day.'
Charley Thoro is no harm in a glass
of good wlnskoy, if you allow it to re
main in the glass.
Eliza You aro wrong to think your
question a poser. Tho chief end of man
is tho biggest end. With some it is the
head; with others, tha feet
Frank Tho ooincidonco is remark
able. You say tho young lady is hand
some and so aro you; both belong to the
Methodist church, both fond ofmau
caroni, and both have had tho measles.
We advise you both to get vaccinated,
and marry as soon as it. takes.
Sarah Jane Hutlons wore first used
about the time of the Norman conquest,
when ladies' dresses were made loose
and flowing, and were fastened by one
button at th.i back of the neck. Ever
since that time tho rage for them has
increased, and they havo gradually bo
coma larger, until, fit this epoch ol the
nineteenth century, as many as a thou
sand as largo a blacking-box top aro
worn on ono dress. They are consider
ed extremely useful in making yard
dogs watchful, for when la. lies aro re
turning from llio theatre at night, tlio
biftonson their skirts cause a great
noise by rattling against tho paiiings.
Arthur Earthquakes are diurnal, in
fernal, nocturnal und internal, and occur
when the central axis of tho earth be.
comes refrigerated around the cellular
tissue of tho sun by tho bjnar caustic
spasmodic action of tho moon, and,
acting in eonjiiothm, gastronomiorlly
caused tho rarilied vicis-itudes ot the
aiitedjluviar. atin.nplieio t) oieillato
r-pidly agaiust tho outer crust of the
N. B A very good earthquake, on
a small sealo, can bo obtained at little
expenso, by spilling turkey gravy oil a
lady's dress, at a party.
I.Mi'KoyiN-( Siikki'. In looking for
ward, tlio brooder of all kinds ot sheep
should carefully stud the present char
actor of their llouks note their defi
ciencies and aim to rectify Ihoso while
thoy continue to strengthen their good
points There can be im more absurd
mistake for any mm to make than to
fancy ho has scaled the last and loftiest
peak tint ho has reached perfection.
Wo do not prop. )so here to point out
in detail the points or qualities in which
our best sheep aro susceptible ot iin
provumont. This will be our business
for the year to oomp, ns it has been
through years past, The best flocks
exhibit groater or lesser positive defects.
Nay, this is true ot almost, it 'not quite,
every individual sheep. We never, tor
example, ynt saw a Merino ram which,
judged ev.;n by tho present standard of
excellence, was not bolow tho highest
mark in some ono or more particulars,
And oven excellence is but fcuomp ira
tivo term signifying the best which is
attainable. The longest wool may bo
bred on longer. The thickest may bn
bred on thicker. In a word, overy
quality sought for may be improved,
and, as we havo already said, is now
being annually improved. Nor should
this circumstance chill or discourage tho
emulation of tho breeder. On the con
trary, the breeder who brings intolloctj
and high motives to his task, should
rejoice that lliero is no limit to progress
in his art Runt Nriv Yorker
The Massachusetts Plowman well says
that a traveler over a country road would
Instinctively huvo his yo caught and his
thoughts somewhat tangled up by a line
vine growing vigorously near the door
ot a homo. It iMies not matter how
small or humble that homo may lie,
it is raised in the esteem of any observ
ing passer-by, holding up the sugtrcs
live sheltor of a vino. It oxprossos love
in llio house, thonghtiuliioss for what is
at on co graceful nnd appropriate, pure
and heullhy domestic sontiinont; and a
spirit ot oon touted happiness which many
a one goes the world over to find, and
looks for in vain. Suuh a simple homo
ornamented as this is a token for all
men to seo, that the dwellers bonculh
the root it adds oxprossion to, are per
sons ot feeling tor what Is true and
lovely, for imllvo rcflnomotit and quiet I
happiness. I hero should uot bu a farm
house in the land without a vine some
whero oontlguoua. '
An instance op i-eiwkveuanch. One
11101-11111;; during the late war an officer.
riding through the woods of North Ala
bama, was attracted by a tall, lank conn
try man, who seemed to ba using his
bost endeavors to reach the top, of a
large hickory tree, Soareely had ho
gained tho summit, whon, rapidly do.
sceuding, ho started up another one a
tew yards off, This strange proceeding
was continued at least a dozon times,
the countryman climbing and descending
one tree alter another for nearly a quarter
of a mill. The officer at length, over
taking him, inquired the cause of his
eccentric gyrations. -I was lym' asleep
under yon hickory, when a darned
squirrel dropped a shell bark'into my
eye; I'm goin' lo worry him; I'm goiu
to worry him till ho loaves the settle
ment, if I die in the attempt.'
To tacillitate tho conversion ot Seven.
Thirty Honds due in August, 1867, the
Secretary ot the Treasury has decided to
pay express charges until March 31, on
Seven Thirty . Bonds transmitted to
Washington for conversion, and also the
express charges on bonds sont in return,
Holders ot Seven Th'nty Bonds tailing
duo in August, forwar ling the same be
fore March 81, can feel certain of get
ting a prompt return ot tho bonds,
while, if conversion is delayed until
nearer August, the pressure for conver
sion will bo so great ns to prevent a
prompt return ot the bonds.
-O. m .-
A Tiiounnr Woiitiiv of Considbha
nos. Many a marriage begins like tha
rosy mora, and cuds liko the snow
wreath. And why, it may bo asked is
this ? Because the married pair neglect
to bo as ploasing after marriage as be
fore. Thoy forgot that marriage has
its to-morrow as well as its to-day.
Tho storm is often preceded by a liltlo
cloud. Wedded unhappinoss begins in ,
tnlles ; and tho lite of the bitterest sor.
row too often lias its origin in some
thoughtless work or insignificant ex
pression which none ever thought uossi-
blo of causing dissatisfaction or unhapn
Imimktant Bountv. Decision. Tho
Secretary of War has decided that 'every
bounty claimant shall bo regarded as
having served to tho end of the war
who unlisted for threo years and wag
mustered out with his organization, bo
causo the services of tho latter were no
longer acquired, nnd is therefore enti
tled to tho additional bounty under the
act of July 28, 1S0C. This is really a
very important decision, as it admits
tho claims of a largo class of soldiers
for tho additional bounty who would
oiherwiso be debarred from the privil
eges of that act. ' '
Melt one ouuco ot isinglass in two
wineglassful ot spirits of wine over a
niodcrato tiro, taking care that the spirits
of wiue shall not boil over., When
thoroughly melted it will form a color
less and transparent glue which will
reunite broken glass or china so firmly
that the lracturo will be soareely per
ceptablo. 11
A man ndvertisod lately to forward,
on receipt of postage stamps, 'sound
practical advico, that -would be appli
cable at any timo and to nil porsons and
conditions of life.' On receipt ot tho
stamps he sont his victim tho following;
Never givo a boy a penny to watoh your
shadow while you climb a tree to look
into tho middle of next week.'
Nkw Thick in Lhuokrdkmain. A
new trick in sleight of hand has just
been discovered. It is - sure to produce
a wonderful effect, nnd scarcely over
fails whon neatly dono:
'Take a sheet of note paper.fold if, care
fully, and enclose a bank noto Rullioiontly
largo to pay arrearages. Keep your
eyes on tho printer, nnd if you can de
tect a smile tho trick is a success.', '
Calumny. The best way to'defeat
calumny is, in tho first place, to depiso
it, secondly, to live an exemplary life,
and, lastly, to spenk favorably ot every
one you know. Giving a return stab
does not prove your innocence. ,
Tiiar oi? Sinokiiitv. An Exulmnge
statos that a nephew ot Stonewall jack
son is in Conueotiout to raiso nJonoy
lor elucalioual purposes in the South.
He aays that in tho Northern States the
Radical Republicans have enninVmtu,i
generally, while tho Democrats, "whom
1.. ...1..J . U:.. i j'
nu iujj;!iiueu us inn iqjuuiai irieous, nave
done almost nothing. ' ' i I
i .. I. -.. , i , ,. t
ruiNKAS T. Baiinum was nominated
for Kopresuiitatlvo in CoitgroR from the
lVth (Western) Di triot ot Connecticut,
after a spirilo 1 oontest. Tho district l
clone i but he isn't apt to be defeated.