COUNTY OK UllEENJsV JVo. n,Dcccber Smddd. 3N tlio matter of tlio partition uftlio Real Eslnto ol' Ia:inc liluckli'il"y ilcce'iaed i To tlio children irJ,,'ylacklodK, late Of. Vno ttmvnf Xwii i John Hlacklcdgeol'Sliirk cV V"i Barah Ann Walliico, of tlio Statu TrTTliiioia ! Wannali Henderson, of Illinois i 3Iar;;ivicl Vale, whose ' Interest Is piuelmsed ly Bilcis Illiir.Ulciljic ; 1 Ilium UlauUU'tK'o, oil Via ware county, Ohio; Willlum llinrklodjjo, of the Statu of Indiana j Luvl UlucUcdgi', of Carrol county, Ohio; Uaugtilersof win. UkichU'dsc, clcc'd., of Car roll county, Ohio names imt known Joseph Baker, husband of Martha linker, the'd. unci children whoso lutcieat Is purchased by Luvl Ulncklcdgo s Mary lllelmnlbim, wlioso Intur et Is owned by tillers IJIaekledge ; James lllacklcdfjo, whoso tnlmc;it is owned by Levi Clackledi;u i heirs oI'Mary William. Into of Ducks county, l'n., deceased i to wit : John Williams, w ho died m Hacks county, Pu.. Jcavina clilldrcn whom mimes "lid rcsidencci ore unknown I heirs ofi'hos. Williams, dee'd. who died in Micks county, l'n., leaving issue whoso names and residences are .unknown; uo'rs of William Williams, who died In Ducks county, l'n , leaving Is-uo whose names and residence are unknown ; Jeivmia'.i Williams, who rofUlesln Jay county, Indiana; Margaret, who Intermarried with Abel Lcstei mid resides in Indiana ; hi'lr of Elizabeth Mirson, dee'd., viz : Mlm clu'.'.ien and hi ii oi'Thomas Ilurson, dee'd.,) l'.iel.aul Unison, residence lleniv coiinlv, Iowa ; Thes. llms --n. Oreeiiocniinly.'Pn.; Samuel Iturson. whe re sides in Henry county, Iowa; Martha, In termarried with UiHi Swim, Henry county, Iowa ; Elizal elli nnd Sarah Ann, residicg in Henry county, Iowa; Mary Intermarried with llowen Heaton Hill, residence in Illinois ; tlm children of James Uni son, decM., whose in terest Is now in fill' rs lllrtcklcilgc ; Sarah who intermarried, with Johnson, of Ohio, whose Interest U deeded to SlUirs lilacltledgci Levi Ilurson, wl o died in Utcenc county, l'n , leivvlngtaue, Edward Unison and Mary Ann iinlennuiTied with Henj. Hartley, residing In Greene county, 1'iv. and taenia, Intermarried Willi Thaddeus Horn, nnd residing in the iSlalo of Indiana ; Joseph Ilurson ol' Jeltersor countj', Ohio, now (lend, leaving bsuo a daughter Kli.aleth, intenuaniid with on. Shelby, who residep in Jell'eison county, Ohio; Jsaac Ilurson, of (Irccnu county, Pa., Abra ham Ilurson residing In Grceno county. Pa.. Margaret Mirson, whoso iwideiico was Guern sey county, Ohio now dead leaving is-au -whoso names nnd resideneo an; unknowni .Elizabeth, who Intermarried villi Frederick Wiso, Wash, county. Pa.; Tims. P.lackledge who resided in Carroll county, Ohio, and died leaving Issue- Nancy, who intermarried with Hobcit Jackson, of Ohio; Thomas, who re "sides In Iowa ; Elizabeth, Intermarried with Robert Ilanimlllon, of Binrk county, Ohio now dead leaving issue, their nanu s and residences unknown ; Martha Ulackledgo, whose interest is deeded to Levi lllacklcdgc; Joseph linckledgo, who resides in Coshock loncouuty, Oh'o; Levi Ulacklcdgn of Illinois, who died leaving children Jeano Ulack ledgo nnd Bank Intermarried with Nathaniel 'Hauls, whose ililorcst is purchased by Levi Ulnckledge ; children nnd representi tivi s o! Mailha White, dee'd., viz: children of Jesse White, dee'd., Margaret, Isaac, Alfred, Eliza loth, James, Jnson, and Susan, whoso inter est is deeded to Ktiers lilackledge; James Whito, Isaac White, William nnd Margaret, who intermarried with David (lonelier, nnd whoso Interest is now deeded toStleis lilaek ledgo, tnlio notice thai an iiiritu!-t will be held upon tho picmises, mt-o tlio real estate of said ISAAC ULAC'KLEDUR, dee'd., situato in SelTerson township, adjoining lands of Thos. dharpneck. Hon. P. 'Pollock, George and John Hex and others, on TUESDAY, r.tli day oi'M.ucli next, at K) o'clock, a. m., of said day, for tho purpose, of making partition of said eslato among tlio heirs nnd legal rep rcseulatives, it tlio same can be done with out prcjudicn to or spoiling tho whole, otlier wibe to valuo ond nppraiso tho s iiv.e, accord ing to law, at whiHi timu und place you lire fcmioslcd to attend if you sec proper. HEATH JOHNS, Biiemff's Office, Waynes-) Sh'fi'. burg, Pa., Jan. 14, 'U7 td. J PHOTOGRAPH Gc J2L X- X 33 ITS. "ST -IN- WAYNESBURG, PENN'A. Mr.A. Wallaoo Has fitted up ft new nnd splendid Thotograph Gallery in tho third story of ALLISON'S BUILDING, Whcro ho Is prepared to cxecuto PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, MALEIANOTYTKS, CARTES DF VISITE And all other kinds nnd sizes of pictures, in a stylo equal to tho best artists. Especial atten tion will bo given to copying pictures una en- lofirlnrr tl.fim All ,nl!i -n t intm wtll lm nrmntl- ly attended to. Tlieir rooms aro commodious ond attrnetivo, and every desirable nccommo datlon will bo rendered to customers This Is decidedly tlio best opportunity to sec ure accu rate likenesses ever ollered to the people ol Greene County. Call any thno it suits you. Pictures taken any time in tlio dny, and in all kinds ol weather. Nov, 1". 18(18. tf. DR. W. II. WITMOR HAS been In successful pnictico for a num ber of years, with the experience of the different hospitals in Europe, also a member of the Analytical Medical Instltuto of New York, continues to attend to nil professional cases at 1 is olllco , No. U28 Filbert Street, riiila. No pntent Medicines nro med or recom mended ; the remedies administered are those which will not bra ku down tlio constitution, but renovate the system from nil injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave tho system In a healthy and perfectly cured condition. DYSPEPSIA, that distressing discaso and fell destroyer of health nnd happiness, under mining tho constitution nnd yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, can most ein pliatlclly 1)0 cured. MelunCliolv. Abbcrrallon, that state of Alie nation nnd weakness of mind which renders persons Incnpnblo of enjoying tho plensbresor penormmg mo amies oi mo. RHEUMATISM, In any form or condition, chronic or accuto, w nrrantcd curable. Epi lepsy, or falling sickness, all chronic or stub born cases of FEMA.LE DISEASES radically removed ; Salt Hheum and every description of ulcerations ; Piles and scroful ous diseases winch Jiavo imiuuti an previous medical skill, can bo cured by my treatment; and I do say alldlseaes, (yes Conmiilion) can bo cured by wearing my Medical Jacet, whicli is a protection to the lungs against all changes of wcathor In oil climates having investigated for years tho cause and diameter of Intermlt tenU (fever and ague) in all parts of the United States will euro permanently all chronic or acuto cases ot Aguo and nervous dlscasos In a CANcfli CUI1ED WITHOUT THE KNIFE Oil DHAWINO OF BLOOD. Tape Worm, that dread to tho Ilumnn Family for years, can ba removed with two or tbree doses of my nowly discovered remedy, warranted In all cases. Consultation In tlio Enrlisb nnd Gorman Lauguages froo of charge. Will mako visits any distance, If doslrod. May be addressed by lettor (confldon.ially,) and Medlclno sont with proper directions to any part of thoconntry, OFFICE-No. 028 Filbert Street, Phlla. mar24:'C8-ly rouTZ's 01LU1ATID Horse m Cattle This prennrotlnn, long Aial mvurubly known, wilt thor. ouRhly rclnvlKOiut brokm-il'jwn miU lor i,lrltcl hor.ti, by utrtnitlhenliiK Aitil oliianfllng tli tomach aud InUi tines. It li a lure pro. vcntlvo of all dlj . JiJfei 1 1 MHci IncldPnt to Ihl. nlmnl, luch M LCNO PEVliK, OLAUUEB8, YKLI.UW WA THIt, it RAVES, COUOHH, PIS TEMP KH, KK VKKS, FOUNDKR LOSS CIK API'B TITKAVD VITAL KNKIIO It! uho ImproTtii tho w 1 n a , Inorcnics tlio npputite-.Rlvefi ft imooth and gloMy Bkia and tranxforms tho mliorable ikclclon Into a Bno-looklng and iplrlti-d ooriB, . To ltwpen of Cowi thl preparation li Invaluable. It lDCrcau tko quuntlty and Improve! the quality oi mo mm. li nay bom proven by ac tual experiment to r.&'.-'fi.-lit'.i-v '"' V :i?t Increnso tho quiin-iS-,A';v.,M,J tit of milk and creum twenty n;r cent, and nuiko the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it KlveH them an appetite, loosens . tlieir n l no, ond mukes them tUrivo much faster. In all disease! of Swlno, such as CourIis, Ulcers In tho Lunjrfl, Mver, &o., this article acts as a specific, lly puttinK from one-half a pnper to a paper in a barrol of swill tho 1 til will bo eradicated -r"&Sr- or entirely prevented. If fflven In time, a ccrtarn preventivo and euro for the Hog Cholera. Prioe 23 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for $1, PREPARED BY 8. A.. FOUTZ Jto TIRO., AT THEin nnniESAiE nmn jm .medihne BEroT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sulo by KniRt'ists and Storekeepers through out tho United Sulci. Huberts & Co., ngentM, Waj neslmrii; nov'Jl'ii ,-Iy. GROCERIES! Let All Persons COME TO WAYNESnURG Z"0 CSrOt CHEAP GFiOCERS -OF i'OTTBRKL & TAYLOR. Proprietor? of the BplcinlM Grocery Storoy foi merly owned liy .Joseph Venter. 'Mr. Taylor Uecps on hand il irooil supply of tho vorv ieat SUUAH. COFFKK. TEAS, HICK, MOLAS SES, SPICKS, CAUHON OIL. LAMPS, LAMPCIIIMXILS. SllOICFIXni.NGS, &c, &c, and, in fact, EVK11Y T1IINU usually kept in a first clus3 Grocery Store. Two ilonrs Eupt of Wilsons Kcw HulUring (let II, ';.-)-tl' RECONSTRUCTION NOT OF THE I'.UT OF Esaac Hooper's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY! MU. ITOOrai would still hnvehm riends and pntmns hear n mind, that ho con tinues in the Grocery and Confectionery trade at his usual place ot doing business, and that lie lins niht received A. Fresh. Supply of the best quality of all at tides In his lino. ' TOYS-NOTIONS and a preat variety ol uselul articles always on hand. E3GFBE5HIIIEHTS, In connection w ith tlio nliove, Mr. Hooper lteops a Kcstuurant, where ICJO C'HEAM, ber ries and all the luxuries of the season can he obtained. The most attractive and mo?,t popular resort in town. June Ij.Jiiii-l v . 6BEENE H O ITs'lr Jfffoi'son, Cro en County, Pcnn'a, MRS. II. J. nVMGARXEIl, Proprietress. HAYING HECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. 11i;m (i a iin is prepared to I'urnMi,a tlic travellinjt public. The TADLK always sup pliud wilh the choicest delicacies, tha I5AH with the finest Wines and Liquors, good sleep ing aparlnicnts, nnd an abundance of stablo loom attached to tho premises. Public patronage solicited May 2:1, 'fiO -ly. It obcrt Eiousiierty, " Carriage Manufacturer WAYNicsiit'ito, Pa., n ESPF.CTFULLY gives notice that lie has li located in Wayncsboig, l'a., whero he in tends to mnnufaclure CARRIAGES Of every description. From his experience in tlio business, ho feels confident that his work, in stylo, finish and durability, will givo entire satisfaction. It is his determination to purchase Jio best material In market, and employ nono but competent workmen. tfyAll new work wnrrentod for one year. Wavnnsbnrg, Full. 21. IBtiO ti Assignee's Not ice. milE UNDEKSIGNED ASSIGNEE OF J. Moiioak Unix, ot Kichhlll township, here by elves notice to nil persons interested that tho STOHE HOOKS and Notes will bo left with Mr. William McClelland, at tho old stand, for settlement nnd 'collection, until tlio 1 Bt of March next, and if not promptly settled thoy will bo collected by duo process of law at on co, The creditors of said assignant will also take notice that their claims must be pre sented at onco, as I am determined to close up tho business immediately. jan!),'(i7-tf. J. F. TEMPLE. T . 17 . ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , f OFFICE In Jewoll's building, Wostend o Main streot, Waynesburg, pa 8.1,-tf. "MAKE FAU.U LU K ATTUACTIVH. 1. lcBS hard work. Itiincia of" ten undorliiko mora llrm tlicy can tin well, mid consequently woik too early and too mm. 2. liy moro system. Tlio Inrtncr should liavu a timu to bi';iii an. I stop labor. Tlicy kIioiiIi! tlit'onzy nn well as jiniotit'C, iiml let both po toelliO", Fariiui'tr in lualtlily, moral nnd res. pectnlilei niu) in tlio hiti run may bu iiijilo prolitaMo T o tanner dliould Ict'i'p jjooil nit 'i;k nod out of tlclit Tlio firm is I ho lest place to begin and end life, nnd Itcnon hi nnnv in tho cities Hod pidlu-sioiKil 1 if o turret a rural homo. 3. ly Inkiiifj ca-o ff lic'i'tli. Far incrs havo lieiillliy varu-'y id rxi'rric, Imt, too otloti oilei-t clcaiilincHH. omit liathti'j.;, cnt irregularly find liur. rii'dly, pUc) in ill venlilated npart miMits, and expose tlicnist Ivih to colds Nino tenths of I ho liumaii ilneao, . nivo I'om colli or inti iiii'craiio.'. Fn' qiiciit haihii i is prolitnlilc, ko is In t-h liclilicialiini at, tlio dinner Ulile, and nl or a inciil lly adnriiii'g tho honip. N"ll,iop; ii lo.-t ly n ploart.inl lioiiic. Rooks, pa pers, pictures, tmisiu nml reading, sliouhl all be brought to bear upon the in doot family I'liloi'iiiiiuiicnts; nml neaU ness and comloit, order, i-lu'iilibory, ll iwcis nii'l fruits thiiiild lianiioii'zo nil wi;h'iit. Iloim kIioiiIiI Lo a Kiinc.ttia ry, so happy nml holy that children will lovu it, women delight in it, man. h mil crave if, nnd ol, ago enjoy it. There Would bu loss ilcsecraUon of old lionii'stoa;!.", if pains worn taken to malic thorn ngiccablu Ease, order, health and bounty arc compatible, with f rm lit'.), and wore oi'JuineJ to go with it Evmtv bin and granary should have a scale, or upright row of figured mark ed inside, showing accurately tho mini bur of bushels to fill it to each figure. This will enable tho farmer to know at a glance liov much grain ho has rai-ed, or has on hand. Paint, to last long, should bo put on early in winter or spring, hen it is cold and no dust Hying. Paint put on in cold weather, forms a body or coat upon tlio sin face of the wood that bo ootiies hard and resists weather or an edge tool, even, like slate. Oid Funchs When fences become old, and the boards begin-to come off, nail upnght lacing strips upon them against each post, and the boards will bu held to their place, nml the feneo will la-it several years longer. Kev. James Freeman Claike, iii a recont lecture;, 8 id ho wondered why young ladies indulged in Italian screams nnd German moans under tho pretence of singing, and why thoy did not sing soiiio of tho beautiful English melodies which abound in our language ; n sen timent which met with the hearty as ceut of tho audience. . People often eay they do not bo lievo tho newspapers, yet nearly all they talk about, and tho most that they know about aiiytliiii!.', they learn from the nowspnpers. fMSSSWSSMJTMgiSllMWlS.IUIJJHB.I.Ll IfSSKMW I ShcriH'M "Sale. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued out of tho Court of Common Pious of Greene county, and to mo directed, tllcro will bo exposed to public sain, at tho Court House, in Wiiyncsbui's, on SATL'HDAY, Kith DA Y OF MAliClI next, at 1 o'clock, p, in., tho following properly, vizi Ail the tho right, title, interest and claim of Pefeiident, of, in and to a certain tract of land situato in Richhill township, Greene county, Pa., ndjoiniuir lands of lUrri3tn Johnson, John Killcn, Harnett's heirs, John Lhul-Ii-rldiro and others, containing EIGHTY-TWO ACllICS more or less, on which is erected ono hewed log houso, log 11am and other out buildings, and about fifty acres of which is cleared, nnd on which there is a good apple orchard, &c. Taken in execution as the property of John Tunis nt the suit of Thomas lams for uso of Marv Ann Wilson. HEATH JOIliNS, jan:t0,'li7. Sh'lT. lyY virtue of a writ of Fl. Fa., issuod out of iJ the Court ot (Joninion 1'lcas ot ureeno county, nnd to me directed, there will bo ex posed to public sale at Carinicluels Borough In I'uinDerlaiHl township, on SATURDAY, 23d DAY OF FEBltU AUY NEXT, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following property, VIZ ! All the ri"ht, titlo, interest and claim of Do fendent of, in, and to a certain lot of ground in the borough of Carmichicls, No. 72, in plan of said borough.ndioiiung lots of Iliram Curl nn thu South-East, bounded by an ally on tho joiiu-west, tronting on Alain street Mlv tcet. running uar:k one hundred and fifty feet to an alley, and has erected thereon the framo of a stab'o, Tu ken In execution as tho property of dames iHoruocKut tlio suit ot .lolm w. llaln away. HEATH JOHNS, JanlO-ts Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. T Y virtuo of a writ of Vindi. Ex. Issued out U oi the Uourt ol Common Plenso of Grceno county, nnd to mo directed, there will bo ex posed to public sale in lrout of tho Court nouse in w ayncstnirg, on SATURDAY, 2ND DAY OF MARCH next, nt I o'clock, p. m., the following prop crty.viz: A'l tha riirht. tit.ln. Intoron onil r,lnlm nf .lo. fendnnt of, in and to a tract of land situate In Jackson township, adjoining lands of John Morris. Bumncl P. Ttvnr,l T,,i,r, lna .i - F -.j...... will. l.UUU 1,11,1 nrtiprn rnnttilnlntr rtfl nr.wia uu ui which are cicareu ana lias orectou thoro on a hewed log houso, log barn, log stablo, &0... and hnathprnnn nn ai.nln n.nlm..l , ...... . . . . , , 1 Taken .in execution as tlio property of Jesse uiiuuiovui ai iuu sun iii AiKinson unotiistcr. HEATH JOHNS, Bh'fT, febl3-U Executor's Ioiicc LETTET3 TestamcntaBiy having been granted to tho undersigned upon tho es tate of R. W. Robinson, lato of Clarksvillc, Greene county, Pa deceased, notice Is here by given to all persons having clulins nguinst said ostato to present them properly authenti cated for settlement, and those knowing thom pcIvob Indebted to said estate will please rcako payment promptly. BETH RCBLNSON, DAVID ARNOLD, Jn., Jn30,'67-w Kxecutori. EEEIPTS km EXPENDITURES OF C5m.HJ33IJ3I3 COUNTY, FOR 1060. STATE, COUNTY AND MILITIA TAX FOIl 1805, AND PREVIOUS YEARS, SHOWING TIlEi AMOUNT COLLECTED AND TI1E AMOUNT OUTSTANDING. CuMTl,I.IH. A. Cuillwton, Kll l'l,lllii, .1. Ilinili,.. ty, O. IIiii-wkII, .1. 1'. CcwHNiy, ChilflOiili Yiiillin, riirintlnii Young, John lulus, ll,.ii Ihiwlln, Wllliitm CluttTcngur, Tlioiiius Uiim, Tiiwniiiips : Knuiklm ,, Ji-irt-niim, ('nriiilrhinls Rorough, MotiiiiiKiihulft, M'irii'n, IHnrKiin Morjlitn, WaaliltiKton, Cuinlrluiiil, MoiionnKhi'l, Wiuhlngton, Mnrrls, friiuklln, llrwlH', MnlioiipiiholSj, CuiiilH-rlnna, -IVrry, Ji'lT -rsin, VsKhlnglon, Wlillhiji, MnrK'l'l, Dunkara, C-ntrfl, Wiivmi', S,riiiKlilll, Jiii-I;hiii, Ciiniili'liiuls lloruiigli, (III v, Al(.iin, llli'lil'lli, Murioii, j 8. SriuniU'rt, J. Tiirnur, .1. Ku,, W. I'li-iivtrngfr, ltiu llmvllii, John Hlillr, ,1. Kiilley, ThnlllilH Itoss, T. M. Cnlvfrt, J. W. Iluri 1h. .Inlr Wililiimn, ,M Kiut H. ShriviT, I ,1. Ilii,i, W. Ilimworlh, N. I lliininl, ,M. V.' Hi' mull, Kr,-.l. S. II. Iliiriii'tl, Jtisr,h 'I'liylor, Totul fur 19G3 atnl jiruvluus yours, STATE, COUNTY AND MILITIA TAX LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 180(1, SHOWING THE AMOUNT COLLECT ED UY THOMAS IAMS, AND THE AMOUNT OUTSTANDING. TlWSHtllFft, Oilmiirii t'ariuichals Uoroii";li. Greene Duukai'J Morgan Cumberland Perry Franklin Wayne Whitley JeH'eisoli Miirion , MimoiiKulieht Wasliiniftoii Spiinhill , Munis Aleppo Centre J.iiksiiii Richhill Total., STATE, COUNTY AND MILITIA TAX EU Com.taiii,i;s : TowM.uiii-g: jCfitmora..! Aimer Tavliir N. L. 15arnet.... Carmichicls Uorou John Huso....- Grcono W. P. David Duukiird J. A. Harris Morgan. HcaDowlin Cumberland...,, Hrico Howard.... I. Turner S. Shriver Thomas Monro..., James Kelly .1. Tavlor W. Oleaveiigcr,... J. J. Oliver , Nelson Virgin Joseph Hush. tiooi'KO MeVay...., M. Kent Thomas Hughes.. John Alluius Perry Friiiikilj Wavne Whitley Ii.'tl'crs.m Marion, WashiiiKtou... Hpiiughill Mori is Aleppo Centre Jacksmi Hichhlll Total., THOMAS IAMS, TREASURER, IN To amount of tax outstanding for 1805 and To amount of tax ussesnuil for '00 To amount on Iluekstur Ucensu for 'Oil To amount of iiulilia tax for '05 and previous To amount of jml;;nii!iit To amount roodvml from Jus. S. Jennings, To amount of inililh tax for 1800 DIRECTORS OF THE HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN ACCOUNT WITH TIIF COUNTY OF GREENE FOR THE YEAR 180G. To amount of orders dr ivyn To amount from outside sources. . To amount duo on MoMillin's salury To am aunt due present Steward.., Pay ot Daniel Fuller " Arthur Rinehart , Morgan I Sell " W. P. Ssott " Wm. Davis for 1803 A.pount in directors' Lauds. HEATH JOHNS SHERIFF, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF To amount of orders drawn To amount ot jury fees To balauco due J. F. TEMPLE, PROTIIONOTARY, IN To amount of orders drawn 8 COMMISSIONERS OF GREENE COUNTY IN JOHN PRIOR. To amount of orders dawn for 18G5 iJ JOHN G. DINSMORE. To amount oi orders drawn To amount yot due TIIOS. SCOTT. To amount ot orders drawn To amount yet due ELIAS SCOTT. To amount of ordors drawn.... To amount yet due J M. MORRIS. To amount duo Wi. tho undersisned Auditors of find them as aboyo statod feb6-4ir t'o. 'I'M. I Slum i,l. j Vet .In... j Slain tin f Bliun 22S S3 I 80 20 00 24 48 2S0 Ko 88 31 100 as l so 20 w 24 48 m ,1 m A3 m us vn fs 7:0 s 4.MI ur) NTtl !M llllitl lr) llf, uu iu ml 4H7 97 ir,n m (1M Hi 6U 44 VH M i:ri 0.1 417 H.1 iri M 11:1 :n nn '2ii i, 10 74 201 III 3IHI 7H 4 ti tO 86 2U A3 m us (M IS i7"ll so 4.10 on S70 9S InirJ iri 149 00 417 110 417 87 Sf.8 08 tut m SI4 41 BIN 40 tf.VJ 113 8-.' I '.".I .'I3 113 34 mi at 2IHI 74 'II III aim 73 Tl 11 Tl II 18G5. M7 t7 S IT SOU 36 37W IT VV 36 120 4T 120 47 209 01 100 04 llf ffi 41 67 128 71 IIS lit 41 7 128 71 ftll'43 us vm 10 1078 7J 1180 Co. Ttu HIii.ii I'll. I Yut dun. "WTi 4:k or. l;to an HIS (11 H8 Brt Kill 45 1.127 fit) 2 t)li 7li5 fill I7'.'rt 14 10-'8 Ut (i'Jl) 1.1 , ma ni hwii is 7117 7!) , 2UH2 a." 1U!H 2" 14 00 , 015 811 fill) 5t 275 2 . 2I7 !U 15'JD !) 1018 112 . 1181 2 1 fi:i0 78 55,1 4 1(!17 7 1153 1-8 AIM 2 mil 7 llft'Ml 02220 1048 IS 484 :t MVS 81) , 13115 74 523 !)!) 711 75 . 1550 81 1253 12 277 !) , 472 70 145 84 82(1 8(1 14711 31) 025 07 550 33 474 (it KI2 117 311 !7 1851 01 708 11!) 552 (12 777 50 500 lit 2ti7 05 2222 03 15U5 31 (i5tj 72 Stutu lux 22 05 27 !) 50 24 00 18 00 17 102 02 25 88 0G G5 40 10 84 54 170 55 53 84 51 80' 44 85 20 21) 55 72 32 45 40 12 24 47 lti5 81 '23 15038 00 11719 19 1284 20 052 LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 18Gfi, SHOWING THE AMOUNT COLLECT. AN1J T11BJ AMUUfl l' UU TSTAJNUliNU. Co, Tnit 'I ginro'rT.I. VYi't 'I" I S'"t" I Slmi) 130 2(i 100 45 705 53 72 05 70 45 214 01 140 43 500 G5 275 32 181 52 131 05 891 70 58 21 03 1 520 80 552 70 201 11 1084 00 833 80 421 81 102 88 022 20 503 80 711 75 100 511 808 85 475 17 50 37 552 02 154 83 050 72 8 05 10 05 44 II) 53 57 41 30 07 00 11 83 83 25 80 80 1 1 25 47 21 85 84 85 4 8 12 02 22 74 20 44 24 40 24 81 14 10 73 51 009 13 '117 7!) 1081 00 275 33 1018 82 553 40 401 53 022 20 5(i3 80 711 75 207 00 8" 80 55(1 33 81 1 07 552 02 207 HS (!50 72 107 13 18 51 75 1(1 252 00 U3 10 .$11,710 10 2505 01 0124 23 022 30 837 ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF PREVIOUS YEARS. DR. previous years. ..$1 1013 88 27057 25 , 833 33 579 30 1G32 30 018 L'3 035 50 years lato Treasurer ti.. ..e i ijj- uiuwiiiii, ii uiiiuin iciiuuilioil , a lly Amount of outstauilinK tax for 1800 liy amount of outstanding militia tax for '00 lly Commission on $!'.), 4 75 20 at 5 per cout.. liy amount Deposited la Bank $148500 85 By balanco yet due DR. ,.$59G0 20 . 29 11 . 34, 69 41 ,. '14 00 . 63 00 . 48 00 4 AO . 10 50 ,. 15 75 8C237 80 By eorvioes rendered. . By services rendered . . By services rendered . , liy sorvioes rendered . , By sorvioes rendered. DR. 8 719 15 08 00 34 00 Tt , uy uamucu uue at $821 15 ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY DR. 220 25 By services rendered ACCOUNT WITH THE DR. 42 08 DR. Tt.. 1 J - L uy amount uue at . $ 38.1 00 64 00 $ 449 00 DR. $ 505 00 43 00 548 00 DR. . 4G0 00 . 89 00 $499 00 DR. .$ 45 00 By servioes rendorod Greene county, do hereby certify that we pil. lis tu j "Bines fj, I Yut due "IB 00' 10 00 It Oil 6 Oil 37 60 87 611 8 00 8 Oil IS 08 18 03 21 00 21 00 28 OS 28 00 10 20 10 20 66 60 . 66 60 67 60 (7 60 81 6 31 (0 1 4 1 4a 81 00 61 09 100 26 4 M 60 it 81 31 30 00 14 00 23 12 80 00 81 81 38 23 14 00 10 00 a oo 20 60 13 13 9 'au to 60 37 100 01 670 30 233 11 Hlm-nji.l. V,,7"ilnu I MOiTlii tux Hinon pil. Vt llllA 14 (10 8 05 83 UO 0 50 !3 50 10 74 15 14 .10 01 57 81 35 23 13 08 3 40 18 80 28 20 130 84 18 00 10 88 81 03 0 40 20 28 8 (15 15 31 10 31 02 33 10 05 44 10 58 57 41 30 07 69 11 88 83 25 80 80 11 91, 47 21 35 84 35 48 12 02 22 74 20 44 24 40 24 81 14 10 73 51 23 00 81 00 28 50 20 50 74 00 CO 00 42 00 50 00 47 Oft CO 50 57 00 06 50 44 00 48 50 47 50 53 00 48 50 10 50 80 50 G 00 10 50 1 50 2 00 11 50 10 50 1 1 50 13 00 10 50 5 50 5 50 10 50 11 00 6 50 11 50 0 00 14 50 7 60 81 00 17 00 17 50 27-00 24 50 02 50 30 50 80 50 43 (10 36 50 45 00 51 50 50 00 83 00 42 00 80 00 44 00 34 00 12 00 4'J 50 05 C3I 23 035 60 ail 00 724 50 ii,T"T Yi! ilim Mllllla tnx SlnciTjiT" Tot .lnc 8 05 23 60 17 00 17 50 27 00 44 40 02 50 89 50 80 60 43 00 8(1 50 135 08 61 50 6(1 00 71 35 42 00 .18 00 44 00 84 00 12 00 49 60 873 73 23 50 10 05 41 10 43 57 41 80 11 88 83 25 80 80 11 25 17 00 17 51 27 00 44 40 07 09 (!2 2 80 80 07 80 50 43 00 30 50 135 08 51 60 '60 00 71 85 42 (II) 80 00 4 1 (10 ii OO 12 00 40 50 47 21 85 84 35 48 12 02 22 74 20 44 24 40 14 10 21 81 73 5 1 284 64 70 280 870 08 GliE'iNE FOR THE YEAR 1860 AND CP By om't. of outstanding tax for 18(15 and previous years...! f,78 r IlV amount ot Militia tax for '05 anil nrnvinna vnnra o 7 i i ' i ' . 20475 20 . 9123 28 873 73 1473 -70 679 60 $43(37 30 102 40 $13599 85 By vouchers ndmittoil IflM-iYl Hy amount of Steward's salery 100 00 44 00 63 00 48 00 4 50 10 50 $0237 80 GREENE, FOR THE YEAR 1806. , CR. iy norvices renaoreu j 252 00 y Doaramg prisoners gr,5 last BCiueiuem 203 40 821 15 CF GREENE FOR THE YEAR 18GG. CR. 220 25 COUNTY" OF GREENE FOR THE 1 - - 1- 111. last pcuiomeni $ 42 ng . . . CR. iy amount 01 services rendered 5414 qO By amount dua at last settlement 85 00 $ 449 00 , , , ' CR. By amount of servioes rendered $ 459 59 By amount due at last settlement 89 00 518 50 CR. By amount of services rendered. $ 448 00 By amount due at last settlement 5100 $499 00 CR. , , , , $ 45 00 have audited the foreeoinir accounts and A. J. MARTIN. ) THOS. LAIDLEY, IAdditors. J.ALLUMS. j- STATEMENT OF THE EXPENDI TURES OF GREENE COUNTY, FOR TIIEYEAU 18G0. : . Pahl (Irnnil Jnmrs f 702 31 Coroiwrs InnUMt I T 71 I'ulil IMlt Jurors 2,1117 116 Ciml for Jnll MM KIikMIuii IW Slid )W stnte AiHl'rs. (!, It 00 Aui'sxinr ikiv 0S4 on Hint. All'ys. ( 26 00 AsiiUt. Awh'wmiih' fsus 7 60 Anil's, flu Hn 26 00 1hi iiiini. y 1,202 77 Amllluis' 4t 217 60 CuiiHtkljli, ri'lnrns 110 112 Ami's' rlsrk's fcj 'uniumiiwenltb ots 100 U lur '0.1 huh uo 80 OA HikhI vIlws 1X1 IKI Protlu notary ft 241 00 llrlilitv hull, ling 0,1118 27 C '. clorks du 3UO 00 llrliltf rt'lHilrs , uun 41. t'rlutltig 422 00 Vrt'lKlit auU Cumnils- TIimIuvmi ' 2t8 00 Sloll na 07 Court Orlw 166 00 7U1 74Suudrlis 4168 033 U7 Km scsll . .4146 Court House raisin inn n-piurs (Junrillnic JhII in uu i.iKinu; rara of roMMISMIUNSRJ' FAT Court llouni I 78 John I'rlor 42 08 II.himo or Hifuire 106 37 886 IKI Wnll hi front of ' M iki BhcrlO 's liouae 86 08 4iU no RuilliiK sruuud 30 60 ssniu 180 01 Slmvins; prisoners 8 40 4181 76 t'oiivi,)hiKllriih,l 90 til) to K 11., OS 24 60 R.-.ln nif.l si-rlp 1 00 60 00 l'n. Una vlnws 80 28 172 ll2ShorllT's fw, 853 40 .112 60 HlKhts for Co., 26 76 00 Costs in ro of 0 U) W rUl.t vs. . Orepue i-ount 8 88 02 60 rli'i onlm' fi.i 10 00 Knro'llin mulltls 3 04 V 70 ttuvo pip for court room H 6) 8 28ToUil nm't nf or. 70 H bers.lrnwn Uy 2 1X1 V. ll.MrralorsMnl P0- John O. Dlnsniora ThuniiiN Bt-utt Kilns Heott H-i'itiir. Sh'tT's house II.Hir.lins: prlaoiiflr hihI liiilor s Mrhliro views slrrrhandlse 8oMli-rs' bounty III K. Hooks a stntlo'j Hotul lhinultrrs Miircnntih, Aiairslsiir Ilcllnl' CummlM.l!utr lntiwHt ou Boltliurs' bounty C.wt In rnso of On'ono Co. vk.Ihh. I'nrk.-r RcinoviiiK ( uul salut rrom lull ClothiiiK furprh:ouvrt roitiuKu Totsl Wo, tlio undorsignod CoinnnsHioncrj of Grceno county, do hereby cortity Ilia above statement to bo correct lis to amount of orders issued in the year 1 8G6, as appears on tho books at said Com missioners otnee. THOMAS SCOTT, ELIAS SCOTT, J. M. MOllHIS, Jessr Him., Commissioners. Clerk, January lGth, 1807. DIRECTORS OF THE HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT OF THE UOOH IN ACCOUNT WITH THE CO., OF GIIEENK FOll THE YEAH 18G0. DU. Tlio directors are chargeable as folloi Wholo amount of orders drawn $ G,0G7 80 Out eide houiccs 22 80 $0 090 CPv. CO Tho Directors are entitled to expended, as follows : money Ain't, of expenditures from Jan. 1st, to April IstlSGO, according to receipts and bills $ 2,515 98 815 SI oi tho above amount, according to receipts and , bills, remain in the hands of John AIcMillen, Into sto'vard. From April 1st, 18GG, to January 1st, 18G7, bccom ding to receipts and bills 3,551 82 S 151 of the above is for buil ding barn nnd material. $6.80 for out-doer paupers. OK IU.TIitiS. Whole number ot inmates - rcc.'ived . , . 173 Present number GO Greatest number iho current year 71 Number of males - 29 Number of females 37 Insane 5 Out Paupers relieved 3 Number cf whites, 64 Number of blacks 2 Deaths.,,,..... 8 . STOCK OS IIAMJS. :;. , . : ';;,, '.. 2 horses. 1 yoke oxen, 5 cows, 1 Leif. er, 30 hogs and 22 blieep. rttODCCH OF FARM. Wheat 35 bush., Oats 278 bush., Buckwheat 11 bush., Corn 500 bush,, Potatoes 50 bush., Cabbage 800 heads, Onions 8 bush.. Tomatoes 50 bush., beets 15 bush., Parsnips 8 bush,, cuoura bes 0 bbl., Molasses 157 gal., Pork 4300 lbs. AHT1CMS8 JIANITACTUKD IN THE IIOCSE. Stocking Yarn 134 cuts, Linsey 27 yds., large pants 40 pr., snail pants 11 pr , largo coats 9, Bmall coats 8. ehirts 32. small shirts 27, larpre dresses 59, small dressos 50, largo chomiacs 28. small chemises 23, vests G, quilted Bkirls 10, flannel skirts 7, comforts 20, large bon nets 9, small bonnets 11, women's caps 8, small bibs 10, drawors G pr., haudker chiefs 0, suspenders 18 pr , largo aprons 19, sheets 21, pillow-cases 15 pr., bols tors 12, shrouds 8, bedticks 8, pillow slips 7, bolster ticks, 4, stockings knit and footed 100 pr. ARTHUR RINEHART. MORGAN BELL, WILLIAM P. SCOTT. Sheriff's sale. BY virtuo of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Greeuo county, and to mo directed, tliera will bo exposed to public sale at tlio Court House In Waynesburg, on SATURDAY, 9th DAY OF MARCH. -NEXT, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following pronortv vIk All the rhrlit, title. Intercut and claim of Dn- fendent of, in and to a certain Tract of Land situate in Cumberland Township, Greeno county, Pu., containing about FORTY-FIVE ACRKS. more or less, about fifteen acres clearod. ad joining Innds of Jcpthn Mltclincr, Honry MiarpnccK, imius A. llonmken, and James Flennlkcn, bounded on tlio East bv tha Mmiongnlicla river. Taken in'cxecution as tho property of 'Tho Flennlkcn Oil and Coal Company' at the suit of Ellas A. Flcnnlkon. janl6-ts lIEA.Tn JOHNS, Sh'ff. WAYS ESMIlttt MAKDLE & 9 TONE WORKS! STILL continue to carry on the Marble and Stone cutting business at their long estab-' . lliliod stand immediately East of the Public; square, Main Street, Wuyneauurg. This establishment has boon in constant operation since 1830, and the long experience mil encrirv of tlio nronriotors. linked with tha exorcise of sound judgment and good taste, have won for thorn a wulo spread und enviable SHIM reputation. An extensive stock of the various vwrlotlos of the best murblo kont constantly on hand. Special attention paid to pollsJung,, pressing, carving aii , engraving. All ordeTf.' "ni t ' filled. December 23, 1802.