The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, February 20, 1867, Image 2

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    j, e, sayersTki
Not Nationnl,.State, or County bonls,
but bonds of your own good faith in the
IturuniiCAN. Wo appeal directly to
lhoso who havo never settled with the
paper since it passod from L K Evans'
thands. Wo must havo somo assurance
te'bre tho first of April next that such
accounts will bo adjusted. JVj bills,
unless In a few particular instances, will
be sent to delinquent?. Let all who jiis
pect they owo us anything either for
subscription or .advertising, como
ipromptly and pay up. Remember what
70 6ai l last wcef., none but Ih'ise who
.pay will roeciva tho paper. We havo
to meet our obligations and shall uso
every honest moans to obtain that which
cis rightfu ly due us.
Come and pay, Ull ui ynu can't pay,
or take the amtqHf.nrs !
Tho bill referred to failed in the S 'lis
nto on tho lbth inst, by four votes.
Whether or not wo consider this ns
showing tho probable f ito of a g nural
railroad law, wo must adaut in this case
that the monopoly proved strongest.
Tho prospects are not good for its pas
BJg). Wo havo noted with interest
that meeting! were held iu adj lining
counties, and that a il-.'torintnntioii was
expressed to resent tho injary at tho
polls, regardless ot party sentiment
in case their representatives disobeyed
tho wishes of their constituents.
The matter of a General Ktilroad Bill
is yet before tho Lgnlalnro. It there
is any one part of our C jminonwealth
that it will alT.'Ct more than another il is
Greene County. Its de'eat prostrates
all hope? of future a Ivancement. Our
hidden wealth. which his so Ion;; awaited
tho call of enterprise to comi 1 n th' will
bo remanded. 1) lom-d for years past
to the withering and crushing ell jets ol
monopolies, who never knew, nor ever
will, when their sell'nh appetites nre
satiated i no dir ct ou'-lct for our pro.
duets; no means of itijress; no comfort
able, in fact, n ithiag.that can be called
a thoroughfare, the want of which we
hive so grievously fe't all this and more
wo tvill be compelled lo bear for timo to
oomo. Iu its success wo predict a rem
cdy. Oar present representatives of this
section, we are pleased to know, favor
.the movement, but could not the people
of our county asscniblo in convention
and send up a voice of warning to tho
capital, that would ir.fluonco some who
in the future expect emolument t
their bands? It is ouri'.utylo cast iu
our mite. Lot somo of our solid, bitsi.
ness men move in the matter nt once
Appoint a day when the men ot nil par
ties may assemble at a states' place, and
show tl e world at largo that we are not
imbeciles, that we would escape the
thralldom tho ignorance of somo years
jinoe f ubjeoted us to.
Wo trust that tho defeat of the Con
tiellsvillo bill will hasten action.
Tho IIouso passed a bill to equalize
bounties of soldiors nnd sailor. It is
a substitute for th'j law of last session,
and gives each soldier who has sorved
any timo eight and one-third dollars per
month, wth a deduction of all Federal
State and local bounties which ho may
havo rooetved. AH of tho Eastern men
voted against tho bill on tho ground
that soldiors from their States would re
ceive nothing, as thoy had boon paid aN
ready buoU larga bounties by those
States. The Western man voted for
the bill for the contrary reason. It
passod by 91 to C2.
This bill, if not curtailed m its for
Tuition by certain conditions and pro.
visions, wo consider as near tho equaliz ing
of bounties as Congress will ever
get. Let the S.-nato pass it ns abovo,
giving to all honorably discharged Sol -Jiors,
without restriction, the pro ra'a
for timo sorved, and it will rendur uni
versal satisfaction lo tho men who, above
all othors, should bo satisfied.
Mr. Searight, tho sagacious and
patriotio (?) Senator from Fnyefio Co,
'has introduced a bill in tho Legislature
to inflict tho death penalty on negroes
for 'committing outrages on white
women. Tho editor of the Crawford
Republican reoommends that ho add a
clause to hang white man for similiar on black women, and thus
require oopporheads to bo equally
virtuous as tho Wicks, ui.d at the same
time prevent tho mtuyling of copper so
freely witli t bony,
A pamraph is Koing the round of the
iXonocralio papers, which they repro
lent to bo an extract from u speech of
Daniel Webster, delivered "inoro than
hirty years ago," They havo been
dialleuged timo and rnd again by the
lladteal press to Hulitanii tu Iho usscr
ion by prudiicii.;.; the speech of Uto groat
Uatosnian from which they mako this
ixtraet It is needless to say tlmy have
tailed. Any one acquainted with his
writings 'unow it to bo an untruth.
So, loo, "Brick" Pomeroy's libel casn
with Geii'l. Duller. Tho shameless
originator had it well bols'.ercd with
falsehoods, and it was widely circulated
Koai-liiutr tho General's ear In comes
out in a card in thu N. V. Tribn e over
Ins own signature, slumping it a forgery,
As nil ndvertisin card it did "Uriel;"
good servio?. His character, liu had
none to sacrifice,
II seems ihey adopt Shcnd ill's idea
not '1'hil' Sheridan, ho never lies
that a lie is never well told unless it ex
ceeds all others.
This intilliblo document, which wo
present our readers t idiy, c.vvn"nls
itself to the good ssnse of all who nro
not alUieted with ni'.oinnvitiiu on poli
ties Wo might in military parlance
style it "shirt, sharp, nnd djjisive."
Contrasted with the sop'-.nnrij cH'iiiou
of Joo L Di.vsin, recently circulated
in our is the niastci peiee beside
tho productioi of the novicj It is a
lucil expose of tho tenets preahed and
adhered to by sham Djinecracy. Sjtting
forth iu bold unmistakoablo language
the folly and liu danger of their mentis
sistent dogmas an I sophistry.
Wo would bespeak a careful reading
D ..Mnocniny with the ingratitude that
charae!eriz"S the party, already attacks
tho lVesi djit, fir the g'owing nilimai'y
between him and Congress, whereit? he
yields the ground so stubbornly held
I during tho last campaign. The N. Y.
iVo!il with a frankness hitherto nnas
! snmed admits the truth of tho f-llow
ing facts, and at the same luno "gets
one in bsautiful" on tho President's
'It the President h eapibl i of yield
ing, it would have ben better to save
Iho country from this long turmoil by
yielding long ago. By his vigorous
opposition to Congress he has exasper
ated the radicals, and edaea'ed Hie
S ii l Ii into stii'.ihoiiiness At an earlier
stage, the South would have submitted
moro easily, i n, I Congress liuve liei n
exulting. The Presi lent cannot justi
fy himself eithe1' morally or logically in
kreping everything at log.'iheads for
so long n period, it' the quarrel is 'o bo
settled at lust by Congress having its
own way. I To should either not yi 'Id
at all, or have yielded sooner and saved
all this gratuitous mitchief."
How many of Iho U'orUs' readers in
these parts see it in the same light?
Tiiomvs Ji.-.KiTiiso'x tho author of tho
Declaration of Independence, and to
whom 1) nnocrats love to appeal as tho
f .muder ot their party, says in his letter
lo Judge Hoan, Sept, Cth, 1810: 'In.
dependence can bo trusted no where but
with ths people in mass; they are inh
rontly independent ot ail but moral law.'
And this ho said when speaking of the
Supremo Court as tho last resort. Ho
also said: 'Oar Judges are as honest as
other men nnd not more ho.' And again,
'As or tho safety of society, we commit
honest maniacs to lludlam, so, Judges
from tho bench, when their orrouioiis
biases nre leading us to ili.-solulion It
may indeed injure them in favor or for
luiio, but it saves the liepublio, which is
tho Supremo law.' Notwithstanding
these sentiments of Jefferson, tho Con
servatives (alias Domocrats) throw up
their caps for him and shout aloud over
the late decisions of the Supreme Court,
deciding that Congress cannot pass any
law requiring qualifications of practicing
attorneys in the Courts. Though the
Courts nro created under tho Constitu.
tion by Congress, nnd Congress may
require certain qualiliculioiis for Judges,
but as soon as the Court is created il ba
coms n master of the creator, nnd denies
tho creator any power to require qualifi
cations of attorneys. Tim Court holds
that it has the power to require a good,
fair character, and of course it the Court
thought treason a blur upon an attorney
it could exoiudo. - So theOourt holds, or
rather it is the feeling of the Court, that
Itehellion against tho Government is u
trilling matter, not comparable' to petty
misdemeanors or even immoralities,
Tho people never accepted the Drod
Scolt decision sustaining Slavery, much
h ss will they accept those sustaining the
Sknsidlk. Horace Greeley, in a leo
lure recently dehverod on "Advertising,"
said i "Somo men who know enough
to advertiso nro yet so narrow minded
as to conline their advertisements to
journals of their own creed and party.
It they do not ehooso to trade with uny
but men ot liko faith, this is wises but il
they desiro tho wholo publio for cus
tomers, it is otherwise,"
Oun Vamshtwh, A carlcntiiro resembling
Punch's tnts of tlio "venerable journalist''
dedicated In the following lines:
With scissors and pasta,
You adapt to your taste
Each article; and you now head It, or
Give It a twtst.
Its force to assist
For you aro a country editor!
"Comment Is unnecessary."
A Mwiuiiit of the In liana Legislature I
bulonging lo thu Copperhead persuasion,
cannot read or write. Kve'utntje
Democracy grows honest, John
M jnissey and thu above are instances
of whore they send representative moil.
Thk bill to make League Inland u situ
lor a new N ivy -Yard, especially for
iron. dads, was pised by tho S 'tiuto,
by a vota of 21 to 17, unit now only
needs tho signature of tho President,
Tan IIuNinnrrv Sunk Into signiH-.
eiSfno all former feats of sailing vessel.
(ji.'iiikk's fliimciise St.ock of Dry Goods
casts everything hereabouts in the shade.
A late arrival, call and s-e.
Tin" Elvnn t all wlu i-iiiiiiiiim1imIii for ihU
C'i'Miiin, t
Fur tu; Ki;i'iaii.ii.'.i.
Ye heavy e',011 hi Hi i cloak llislty
Awake your thunders from on lilj's.
Disclmrgo your ilrenclila ; sheds nf rain,
O'er summit's crest, o'er jjroyii iiu 1 i! tin j
An 1 let tliv torrents, dunning wrath,
As if on purpas isi my p itli
- I'll spoj I aw ly, through m'nt no I spray.
I Ye chill D icmilpr win 1 Hi it ht.vj
, Call iiji your wliltenin ;. b;in IVig snows,
And IIU tha frosty ev mine's uir,
Till scarce I sub the Hi"k .irlng t;! are,
: That's thrown from out the eo'.t.igo il tor,
: Wliern Imailily dwell tho honest poor,
, Wlios'i voltes g .y heguile my way.
Your pawsrls vain, the drifting blast
Shall ever blow unheeded i e-t,
Nor rain nor torunls shall Impede,
Nor cold nor ilirknixs slull I lined,
, l''or what isllooil or Winter's storm,
I!' wailing hearts are Intaliag warm ?
j And (can it he!) one heat t for me,
Wliilo miny fir the "yello.v shine,"
I Will hravjtiia d'tep or work the niinoj
' I for friendship I'.'fwat, trua,
' Wotill piy ili.j purchasj frjoly too;
; 'tis not wtviPli cm nuke in blest,
For h'tiv in iu's purest J y mid best,
( Isfdtlil'nl love ; who cm ilisprov.j ?
. . . . .
For Hie 15':iMn;i.i.MS.
j Tim war c'oud of rebellion pissed
, over and the bright sunshine of peace
smiled upon us. Trie industrial inter
ests of the country had to some extent
become paral;7.;d. "Tito plow stood
still in the li tld of promise," and eve
ry thing b"gau to sliovv lint war wis
wasting mil country. H it, when peaie
came whit a minvmiiry change. A
wholesoma reiction e.iliveued and ins
vigor.ited every h most man's heart,
and every thing bi I fair that an nbuu 1
aut proipurity w ml 1 f illo.v in the foot
steps of p.j km. I iio v ask tin hmest
man, aro we realizing or enjiung
pea .o and proiperily ? . Wlrm the brave
and honored Soldier was welcomed to
his home, his heart was light, buoyant
and resolute. II) grasped the plo-v bj
the handles, but ere he tiirnol many
furrows ho was comptilled to observe
tho situation. Another war is threat
ening. If ho sows I o has no assurance
that, lief ire reaping time ho will not be
called forth to conquer another band of
traitors. I lo sees Herculean ( flirts
being made by grot and influential
(but not good) men to firco triitors, ot
tha deepest dn, into the councils of tho
nation s and t hreats made by no less a
porsonago than President Johnson I hat
tho militiry arm shall he usa I in their
Now this state ot alTiirs conM have
benn obviated, had President Johnson
(afor llooth made him President) Said
as an old fanner would say t his sons.
"Coma biysl here's work for you. You
know how its done, but I will nlvise
you. Here are thirteen States that
havo suspended their relationship to
this government by acts of hostility nnd
rebo'lion, thoy are now submissive and
penitent and dmiro being restored to
their full relationship with the governs
mont politically, socially, &o. .This wu
will do, but before doing so wo want
somo guarantee that will forever set
aside the possibility of another rebellion
originating iu tho samo quarter. Wo
on, make -your test oaths, nnd enforce
them, throw up such protco'ioiia around
Congress that none but good true, and
loyal moil can enter.''
It Andrew Johnson had said a tew
words liko tho forgoing to Congress, nt
the proper timo, what a diliaivnt stata
of nfl'iirs there would be now. The
loyal element iu iho South would have
gained tho ascendancy. Loyal men
would have been sent to nsk admission
to tho councils of tho nation, the machi
nery ot government would have moved
off in him working order, and wo would
bo enjoying Iho benefits resulting thero
from, lint instead of that wo havo a
man disgracing thu Presidential chair
brought to that position by tho hand of
an assassin and trim to tho tratorous
and malignant spirit ot his constituent
Booth. Booth and Johnson eo work
ers in an iniquitous plan to annihilate
the namo and form of Abraham Lincoln,
Tho former destroyed his lite tho latter
is trying to destroy his principles. In
stead of using tho advantages of his
position to promote the Interest and
welfare otnr country ho is doing nil
in his power to disgraco ns. Our in
duslrial Interests ' are sulTering almost
as though hostile armies wore yot in
thu Held. Let him go on, if there is no
remedy, nnt heap insult upon injury,
disgrace upon disgrace. Ins lite will be
but it blot upon the pages of American
history. The poor, old, npostato, ho
forsook the principles that elevu'ed him
to an honorable position, and precipita
ted himself into a gulf of infamy, dissi
pal ion and ilcgred.-ition, for tho sake of
a visionary notoriety that his weak and
tuiilo mind conceived in the empty shell
of "My l'oi.u v" k.
The Cjmufrcial of Monday last says
the proceedings in Congress nnd tho
news from Washington iu general,
touching the question of reconstruction,
are ot tho highest importance. A com
plete reconciliation of Congress and tho
President is on the point ot consilium i
tion. The President gracefully, and
with apparent sincerity, yields every I
thing. Oar special dispatches sot forth I
the tonus i f reconciliation and give a I
history of the preliminary steps with in-1
teresting particularity,
The plan to be adopted provides for I
dividing the rebel States into military J
districts, which, until civil governments
lire restored, will be govern 'd by mill-1
tary cjinuiau luis d .(signaled ' by iho
Presidjial. The Consiitiiti onal Anion. 1
incut is to bo the basis tor restoring civil '
governments; nil male persons of proper i
age, without regard lo race or color, ;
uru to be voters Irom tho Mart, an. I ,
whenever a State shall thus reorganize
nnd elo 't representatives liiey are to be i
admitted to seats in Congress
The text, ol 'th .. iil-iii will be found in
our dispatches. It. goes to the bottom
of an I comprehends the entire business
It embraces every essential idea fir
which Congress has contended, and in
some respects gees even furl her than a
majority ut, one timo would have insist
ed on going In brief, it inflicts a
penalty for treason, seiures equal suf
fago, disfranchises lea ling rebels, r
palliates llie rebel, and makes sacred the
f.-deral debt Audio all t Ins. il. is almost
ab-olutely cclain, the Presid-'iil gives
Ins asscin; to insure restonifon on a plan
giving efl'.'cl to these great ideas and
precious principles, he will cordially co
0A-i aU' with Congress. If it. i-hall be
carried through if which there uo.v
seems to bo every probability then
indeed, as in form "i- periods in our recent
history, when times were di'kest will
the n itioti 'out of this ne'.ile, d inger,
pl.lek this flower safety. '
Sinei) the above was wn't en we have
received l ews of the adoption, at six
o'oloek and ihiily minules Sunday morn
ing. of Senalor Siiki.m vn'.s substitute, by
a vole of ihii-ly-nine to ten.
That, the House ot li"pre;eii(ative will
concur in the aetiou nf t'ne Sjiiale. their
can scate. I v be am d ml'.
Tii".TM.i.i-;-r si ...u:ii-:-i of ih.i Unite 1
Stal' s S 'ii ito. is itli'- Cowttii the shor
test. .Mr Divis; while tinteen ot the
forty-nine ate over six leet iu hcightdho
h-aviest, .Mr V m Wfi'il.j; the lightest,
Mr U'd lie; while twelve wei.'li two
hundred poutidi or more. The Senator
With tho hrg'st idlest, Mr Pomerny;
the s:n lil 'sl, 1 iid iie: while nineteen
have chests neas ning i.i ctrcu'iilerenee
forty inoh.i i or in or, j with the largest
In -ids, Mhs'-s. ("iiii.'M, N .smith, Poine
nyanda id Via Winkle: the smallest,
Mr. Lane, ol' Indiana; while thirty have
heads ineasiring in circti nl'eieiiee twenty-three
inches or more; the oldest, Mr
Wrtght; th.i youog 'st, Mr. Spfngiia;
while lliirly-inio havo lived lor iiioto
than half a centtii v.
Tho C-'ii.tni! (1 :,9."i'i publishes a let
ter tromllirioj (;ee!oy, in which he
offers to (i jorgi ins the billowing good
advice: "In my j itginenl your peopio
begin at the wrong cud. Vou borrow
; neediess trouble cooci." nit'.g your rehi
tious with tlie I' ideral (j-'ive: nmetit
Your first and great concern is peace
an 1 good will among your own people.
Make the great mass of Georgian,
whether loyal or once rebel, white or
black, consented, harmonious and kind,
ly towaid each ether, and you need not
much earn what is done or left undone
at Washing! in. H.mic", g to work,
every man, woman and child of you,
and grow at least twice tho cotton and
corn, and put up twice the meat, you
did last, year, and let Congress do its
worst acts, wait and taki its own time
tor it. I speak from the depth of a
hearty good will. Pray try to on able
lo write mo soon that almost every one
in Georgia is hard at wotk, determined
10 live and let live, an I conceding to
every ouo elsa a perfect equality of
Wiiimih Aim Tnnv Capiain John
11 Stewart, the Pennsylvania State Mil
itary Agent nt Washington, desire s in
I'm million .of John O Toole anil John
Jameson. Iu Captain Stewart's ullieo
at Washington is a cet tilicato of back
pay aiif liming lo (MO'2,30, in favor of
John O'Toole, whose son ot the same
name was a private iu Company G
Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, On
May 0th, I8li(i, it was mailed to John
O'Toole, Pittsburgh, and was returned
through the dead It Iter i tlicc.
On June lNlh, I SOU, a cheek for
!?(lf 00, and iho discharge of John
lamesmi, ' ot Company M. First Regi
ment Pennsylvania Cavalry, was mailed
to John Jameson, Jleriiotisville, Alio,
ghepy county, Pa., and also returned
through the dead letter olllco.
To Soi.iiii'.us. By the provisions ot
tho bounty net of July 'JSlh, 1H sol
diers who had lost their ' discharges
uotild i.ul collect thu 11)0 bounty. To
remedy this a bill was introduced in the
IIouso of Ueptosentatives last neck,
providing that in such cin-es on uppltca
tion lo the Second Auditor's ISiirouu thu
bounty she dd bo paid, I his will no
doubt become a law before iho end of
the to'sion.
. - -
Nkw Covntkhfkit. A now counter
feit ot the twenty-live cent notes has
been Issued which is very diflieult of
detection The scroll work around the
figures "23," on the upper left hand cor
ner, touches the Hue hues around the
edgo ot tho note which forms the bor
dering, while on the genuine no part
ot the scroll work touches tho lino, i
Kl'.llONSTM'CriNO i'Olt EllillNITY.
"Mack," the Washington correspondent
of tho Cincinnati C mmercitil gets oft' tho
following ; Mr. Moorhead, of Pittsburg,
closed un eulogy on his Into colleague,
Phillip Johnson, with the following very
touching piece of rhetoric t ''How im
portant that we, while using our best
energies to reconstruct the Government
for time, should not tail to use proper
exertions for reconstruction peisounlly
tor eternity.'" I nm atraid if Congress
men don't maku better progress will)
eternal than they havo with temporal re
construction, they will all go to the dcyil
by default.
A :ash of souniKits JusTicK. Loi:rs
vii.i.k, 1'Yb. 7 Belle II' over, a 'likely'
colored girl, was poisoned this morning
by a while man who had been keeping
her for a mistress. The man was ninetc
ted, and gave his reisjn thai he whs
afraid tho girl would tell his wife that
she was with child by him He was
tried this evening belore Squire Kens
nedy, and on nnikiog the above expla
nation, was released. Truly, the negro
has no rights that white men ate bound
to iispcot.
Tiik L.vitst Srvi.n op BosNt-'.r. As
exi'hango says that the stylo of bonnet
which has just made its appearance iu
called Iho 'lievenue Cutter," nnd con
sists of a two cent Internal lievenue
snimp, worn on the top of the head, and
tied under each ear with a shoe siring.
It, piesenls n very pretty appearance at. :i
,u?w' "V.1".1 1,0 vry u0lut ,rM"
at this season of the year.
Tub London Paiwk is very anxious
always to record in an appropriate man.
ner changes of fashion. The latest
a diieveilient is a picture representing a
fashionable and nllectionale couple, the
husband s are.' ing vigorously in his
waistcoat-pockets. The young wife in
quires, "I f ive you lost ycur watch,
love?" an I ho coolies, "No, darling
't'.vas a nu.v bonnet I Inl f .r you some
where.'' Washington Coi:stv t'o'nr The
Criminal C nut ot Weslungton county,
Pi, comiueticed on .Momliy List -it,
Washingioii. Ilisprnbiblelhal 11 obt
F-'gler and William M intgomery, tbe
panics chureed with llie murder (f
Kohert Dinsiiiore. a f tw months since,
will be placed on trial
A Lvwiiiwuii (Virginia) paper, speak,
ing ot General Sheridan' transit throu'gh
the town, savs: 'He uas received whh
j ist us much reJpect, as ln is eiltitled to
everywhere in tbe S nith which is none
at all.
An ' tv 'i, iir! s.ays, the man who im
agined hioiself w'se because ,e d teeled
some typographical orroioj in a newsjia
I er has g me east ward to get a perpen
dicular view ot the rainbow.
Iht.TiMimi: Feb. 1(1. lito eofi'en firm
al i;Ua i:!:o fir prime in bond. Sugar
lirm at 1 0 1 1 0 L; . s for fair lo good lor re
lined. Flour dull. Wheat PonnIv:i
nia red 81 7a"2 !M) : prime Matv
l:md$1 10a3 lo. Corn Sin, ply good',
inark.-t lower; white O'laPMe:' yellow
OtaOoi': mixed Western, ODe, Oats .lOa
oHc. IlieL 23i 1 ,1t). Whiskey iinc
In t.'t-t Cummon I'h'iii of llic-ue. v nmly : mutter of the account of John liege,
J l-.s., trustee ol Maiy Ileaton, idow of
Aliipih lleaten, ili u'd.
Notice is hen by s:;ven that llie account of
s:n;l trustee bus been b'ed in ihe. ollien of Iho
riuliiniiolury, mid will be presenled to tho
umri. on tlie .din ilay ot .March next, lor al
lowance. J. I' TH.Ml'LU,
t'ebJO-to. Tiothoiiotary.
I)Y vhtmfofa writ of
enililioni ftxpnrais,
issued out of tho Court of Common
Pleas ol Greene county, and to mo direited,
there will liu exposed to pnb'.ic f.alo nt the
I'ouit House in Wayiiesliiii on Tuc-day IHth,
day of March next at 1 o'clock, e. .n., the I'd.
lowing properly, viz;.
All the righl, title,, interest mid claim of
Pelt, ol, iu ami to a cei 'ivn Tract of land sit
uated in Franklin Townskip (ireenc Co., Pa.
a.ljnining Ian nl'Duniel Tliroekmoilon Anms
Cleveiiger, David Sc. ti, Jes o Hill an, etliers
containing oun hundred mid eighty live uen s
more or less, omi hundred and ttiirty acres ot
which arc eh-arnt, and has creileil thereon
line frame ''welling bonsn nnd kitchen, frame
barn, lug stable tenant hnu.-c and other nut.
lmildlii:s two apple orchards aminf er fitiit
trees on the premises.
Taken ill i xectiiien ns the property of Pa
vel A oriey iV I horn ts I Mil at Ihnsuit of
farmers .v uiovers Jtank of Y avncsiliuv.'.
fell. 20, '(',7 -ts.
1)Y vhttte ota writ of Pi.
Fa. istuo 1 out of
I) th
thu Court of Common Pleas ot Oreeno
county, and lo me directed, there will Uc ex
posed to public sa'o at Ihe Court House, in
Wavnesbiirg, on KVTL'KDAY, Kith day of
March next, at I o'clock, p. in., the fellowlng
prnpeity, viz :
All theii'iht, tlllo. Interest nnil ehdniofdo-
I fendiiiit of. in nnd lo il certaiii Iract nf land
siliialein Washington township, Urcetie coun
ty, I'a., c.inlaining two hundred uen s, lunrii
nr less, about one hundred and sixty acres
cleared, mid has erected thereon one hewed
loir house, hewed lie' stable and olhc: out
buildings ; ' adjoining lauds ot .Mm Taylor.
Hubert jMet ornilek, John McNny. licnrgo
Wivecarver and others, un whlc'i there Is an
apple, cherry and peach urchin il.
Taken in exeelilinn as llie properly of Thos.
McNuiHn and (Icorge Ilnlhnan at Ibe suil of
0. W. (J. Waddell. 1IKAT1I JOHNS,
' luh'.'O, (17-ts tm'lT
"nROniTCED by tho use of Prof. D15
application warranted to curl llie must straight
and sliilitiori) hair ot either s.x lu'o wavy
ilnglels, or heavy ninfsivo curls. Has been
used by the tashi.iaables of Paris and fj iinlou,
with the nio-t iiratifying results Does no In
jury to the hair, Price by mall po'iloil and
postpaid, $1. Descrlptivb circulars mailed
free. Address UIOUGISR, HIHTTT.' & CO.,
Cliemlsts, No. t'S". I liver St., Troy, .N. Y.,
Sole Agents for tho United Stales.
NOTICE Is hereby given to iho DELIN
QUENT TAX OobbEirrOIW of Greer o
county, that if their accounts nre not squared
up at or before March (.'omt, stilt wil ho
brought without respect to persons,
fob 1 3-to TII09. IAM3, Trotisurcr,
Tolhu Indies especially, this Invaluable do-
pilatory recommends Usi It lis being tin uhiiost
iialipi'iihilile ma tele to fcniulu bciiuty, Is easi
ly Hiplied, does mil burn nr Injure llio skin,
bill nets directly on ;hu roots It Is warranted
lo remove supetlhioits hair from low t'orcbeadB
nr frora imv part (if llio body, completely,
totally anil radically evterpiiling Hie same,
leaving the" thin snfi. smooth unci natural
This is tho only nitielo used by llio French,
unit Is the only real I'tleclitul depilatory In ex
istence, l'lien 7.1 cents per package, sent
postpaid, tunny address, on receipt of un
order, by
Itl-.IiOKR, BllUTTS & CO., Chemists,
fb'0,'ii7-ly H,-, Itiver St., Troy, N. Y.
M U S T A C II K S !
HOWEP to grow upon the smoollipst faco
. in Irom three to live weeks by using Dr.
I.MllK. tin) most woiidcrlul discov. rv in
nimhaii science, acting upon the Heard ntul
llair in tin uhunst miraculous inaiiuer. It bus
tit-en used by llie elitn of 1'iiris and Lrndoti
with the iiu st llaMtalng success. Niiiues of
nil imrelia:'!! s will tie registered, and if entire
satisl'.ielion Is not given in everv Inst nice, the
nnaiey will be cheerfully refunded. Price by
mail, sealed and postpaid, .;i I. Descriptive
circulars nod teitimouia's mulled free. Ad
dress liKKUKU, SIlinTS&t'O., (Vemha.s,
No. fiS.-, Itiver Ktreet, Troy, N. Y. Bole
ii"cnls for Ihe Uniled Slates. I'eb'jn.'iiTl y .
Sl'l'TSiu KO
When by the use of Dll JOINViLLK'9
Kl.lXlIt you can ho cured prinanuiilly, and
nt n trilling cost
The astonishing success which has nllcnded
this iiiv.iluablo nieiheiiie for I'm slcal and
Nervous '.eal;ni'S,s, (iein.a-al Debility and
Prostration, Loss nf Mitsnilar Knergy, Iai
poleiiey. or imv tiftheconsispieiicesol'yottlh
fitl indiscretion, renders il the most valuable
preparation ever discovered.
It wi I remove an nervous inn cnons, ne
presKiou, I'Xiatenieni, llleapacin
to study or
business, loss ol memory, ( illusion, thoughts
ol sell'-destnii'lion, I' ai's of insanity. iVc. It
will tistore the api'itile. renew Ibe healtil ol
those who have desiniyed it by sensual ex
cess ot evil practices.
Vianiu' men, lie immnuuca no more ny
'Quack Doctors" and i.nioraiu I'taetiiioni-rs,
but Bind whltou! delay lor llie Elixir, and be
at once restored l" licaiin ai.ii napianess. a
perfect cure is guaranteed in every iu.-.Imiicc.
Price .! or lour bottb.-s to ne i-ddreHS. ifta,
Onu'boltleis sutihaeut loetleet n Hire iu all
ordin irv cases
P1I.I.S, tor the speedy and pernaneiit euro o
(imc'ir'aca, (Heel. Lrelltral inscuarges. Urav
el, Stricluri! and all alleclioiis of the Kidneys
and I'.itu'.der. Cures ejected hi font one to
five days. Ihey are prepircd Irom vegeta
bleexuactslh it are hainieless on the system,
ami never nauseam the stomach nr impH'g
li.ite the br. ath. No change of di"t is nece
s,.ry while using liiem, nor dues thilr iieljon
in any nianuci 'mtei'feie with hiisinesspursuits
l'liee.'.-iil per box.
Kitherol tho a'm e nvuit'oned articles will
be sent to any nd.lrcss closely seali-d, and post
paid, by mail" or express., on receipt of iriri.
Ad Iress all on'ers lo
llERtlER, SlirTTS & CO., Chemlits,
Jh). River Street, Troy, N. Y.
There conn-lb glad tidings of joy load,
To young and lo eld, to great and to small ;
The" beauty which onco was ao precious and
Is free for all, nnd ill! may he fair.
By tub i:sk or
For Improving and beautifying Ihe Complex
ion The most v duablc mid perfect preparation
hiiise. for rising the skin a beautilul pearl
like lint, that is only found ill youth, it
illicitly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples,
lilolcli-s. Moth Patches. S nl I'.vness. Enpt
ions, mid all impurities of the skin, kindly
healing tbe same leaving the skin white and
clear as alabaster. Its rse can not la detect
ed by tho closest scrutiny, and being a vege
table preparation is perfectly lurink-ss It U
the only articin nf tbe kind used by the French,
and is considered bv the Parhiiu as iinlispen
sablr. to n peilVct "toilet. Upwirdsi fao.ouo
buttles were sold during Ihe past- c..r, u
silflieienl gua-aiitco of ils ellleacy. Price on
ly ;." cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on re
ceipt of an order, by
BERUER, Sl'lUTTSit Co., Chemists.
ass River Hi., Troy M. Y.
fcb20 '(17-1 V.
and Traveling Airrnts, Male or Female, of all
ages, are wanted to solicit trade incvety city,
town, village, ham'it, workshop aim factory,
throughout the entire woild, for thu most
saleable novelties ever . known 5:)f) for
real PROFI T and ready sale wherever of
l'ercd I I ISiniirt men mi l women can make
from y to y.'.O per dav, and no risk of o.-s :
A small cipital leipiiu-d of IVom 'jil 'n foul
the more, money inve-ted the greater lite
peolit. Xo money" reipiired in advance we
lit hi send the articles and receive pay uflrr
wards! If you actually wish to make money
rapidly and" easily, write lor full p'llieulars
mid address AHI.N'OR & CO . (From Paris,)
I'eliMI-ly '-'10 Broadway, New York Chy.
SOME Tilla'd HEW!
Have just nnived from Kr.w Y' nit villi a
large iissorUicut of foreign and domestic
ii Ht in Vil Vic 'iai'tf
whicli Ihey propose to sell at the lmtest CASH
I nll'l-.s. ! sucli as Dress (ioods. )ess
Triinming, Dress lln'.tons. (Jay's P,il"iit
JluU's, Ladles's Shawls. Furs, Hoots
mi l Shoes, Hats and Caps ; also,
a great, variety of n'ce articles,
at very low prices, lot
Gcutlomcn & Ladies' Wear
Wares nfall kinds, nnd a enmplelo varie
ty of tlm best GHOCERll'A All nf
which they propose lo sell at Ibe very lowest
figures, de'pe'idliig on the ipiallly ami cheap
ness of their goods lit gain them custom
G.vo tin in n call before pur.h"slng else
where, and they will prove tnattlio above is
correct. Room In Snyers1 corner, cnyt nf tho
Court House, Wayiiesburg, iiiivs'till tf
I. Tho Dwelling IIouso and
Store Room, noettpyod by II. Silverman Si
Co.. in Orccn-boro. will he sold at public sale
on MONDAY, the LT.tU Inst., at '2 o'clock, to
llio highest bidder.
Conditions i $ down anil tho other half to
suit the purchaser.
quors and every thlngnertalniii.toa rust
class Drug Htoro. Proscriptions carefully com
pounded. "Creigh's Old HUnd," Waynes
uru, P. May 80, '(iO-ly.
at Tins wiixiiKiinu. niivi.i.vriiix
' . t
She reveals secrets no mortal ever know.
She restores to liappliieiis thnsu who, from
doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in lnvo,
loss of relations ami I'riemlH, loss nf money,
&e havo beconiu despnnili'iit. tiho brings
together those long seperated, gives In oriiia
tion concerning absent frleii Is or lovers, re
stores lost i r stolen property, tells yon tha
businessyou nro best iU.ilille'il to pursue and
in wlmt you will bu must nucei-usfm, ctiuso
speedy marriages nnd tells yon thu very dnf
you will ntarrv, elves you the namo. UUvnesn
mid characteristics nf llie puison. She rends
your veiy thoughts, mid by her almost supers
natural powers unveils the dark and hidden
mysteries of the future. From the stars w.
see in Iho llrnianient tho uuditlc stars tlm
overcome or predominate in thu configuration
from tho aspects nnd poMtlons of tha plan
ets and tbe llxed ettirsln the heavens at the
lime uf birth, hIiu dediKCB fie future destiny
nfnian. Fail nut to consult llio greatest As-.
Iioloni-t un earlh. Il costs you htll a .trifle, i
and you may never acain havesofaviir'dileiitt.
oportunily. Consullatioii feu, v ith like'
anil all desired iiiloruiiilion, )f I . Parties i;V
ing at n distance can consult the Madame by
mail Willi iipnil salely and Fiitisl'aclion to
tlicnisclVKi, us if in person. A full and ex
I lieii chail, iviillcn nut, with nil Impiiriea
iinswered and likenesses encloseil, sent by
mail on receipt of price nhnve inenlloned
The strictest S1 cresy will bo maintained, ami
all correspondence returned or destroyed.
References of the highest Tiler iiiruislioil
those he' tlicin. Write plainly the davot
the ill' nth and year In which you were horn,
enclosing a small lock nf hair.
Address, J,i.Ui,'. 11. A. PR Ull 100,
P. O, Drawer L'll.'l, Buffalo, N. Y.
fehi:t,';7 ly
Throw away ynur false fii.zes, your switches,
your wig
De.-tiaietive of c aulort, and not worth a fl t
' Coine ai;ed, come yonilil'iil, come ugly and fair
And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair.
R K P A I x A To 1 1 C A I T LLI.
For restoring hair upon, bald heads (from
whatevi r I'luie it may have fallen out) nnd'
forcing a groth ol bair upon the face, il lias no
e pi.d. Jl ijl force the beard to grow upon
tlie smoothest face in from live to eight weeks.
orhair upon bal l heads in fioni two to three'
months A few Limraut p'aelitiiaicrs havo
asserted Hint llure is nolh ng that will force
or hasten the growt h of the hair or beard.
Their assertions are talse, us thousands of liv
ing witnesses (Irom their own cxpciieiice) can
bear witness, lint many will sav, I owaro wo
It,, disliniiii-h Ihe genuine Irom iho spurious?
It certainly is ihlicnlt, ns nmclenlbs of thn
dilh rent Preparations advertised for tho hair
and beard are entirely wort bliss; and you
may have already tlirow'u way large amounts
in their ptii jliasv'. To such we would say, try
the Keparator Capilli, it will cost you "noth
ing liulesi it fully eoines up to our ropresin
tations, If your drugaist does not. keep it,
send us onu d 'liar and we will forward It,
postpaid, tin'clhcr with a receipt lor llio mo
ney, w hich will be, returned you on nppllea .
ti' n. providing entir.' s itlsfieiion is nfl given.
Address, V. I,. CLARIC& CO., Cbeinists,
No West Eayclte t't.,Syriu use, M, Y
fell I. ",,'e7-1 y
criTiirr.",' spring wheat.
rriI')SK wid.b g to purchase SEED WHEAT
1. can addres-i l In. luiilersb'iieil at Waynes
burg. TIicw ui at will be delivered al Way
iiesburg irteiim Mill in sacks, with bill of enst
ami I went live els. per. bushel pr lit. No
money will be rupihed until the wheat is de
livered i I ill to in-ure the wheal to come, tlia
money must be il.-posi cd In either of the banks
soon, suit can lie drawn upon delivery.
Failliirs i-liouid club together and oilier, to
pave trouble and expeiis
Spring Win at does well bv sowing in fresh
land. Einfiirc of Andrew lluglcs. nf Wash
ington to., Johu Jenkins ami L. Minor, of
Centre. HEATON.
Ial-o have Osage Orange Plants for sale.
The Hedge, will grow tome lie a 'ence hi
four yeats. nnd is acknowledged tube thn
best and cheapest fence ill thu world. It will
piotcrt yniir sheep and horses from dogs nnd
Ihievis. Wind will not blow it d awn, water
will not wash It away nr lire hum it up. Fur
further mf.ri.'aiion call on J. C. Flenniken,
J ,s. E. Saver or the undersigned, Assis
tance v. snt'.d to uln clubs lor Ilia purchase
( plants W.M. II EATON.
ft;b:s-2w. ;
Ma of Ileal Kstata!
iindec viihmtaiy assign uient forlho bene
fit of creditors, I will expose to public sulo
in IV' ait of the Court house, In the Bi rough
of Waynesliu'g. un the
lbTH DAY OK MAltCII, 18(17,
all tlm right and title of the said Porter, of, in
and to tbe following real estate, to wit;
All tha. large and vain idle BRICK HOUSE
and ml in Iho Borough nf Wayiiesburg, kuowu
as the
This properly consists cf a lot of ground
fronting on M iln Street sixly feel, running
luck one hundred and eighty leet to an alley,
and has erected thereon a large two story
bi-ek h . use; this house is well linislied with
cellars under thn whole house, one end of' llie is tiitislieil ! n Store Htrmi, with :onntirt
'iv'h7, (Sr, alsti, warehouse and stable,
smoke, and wnsli bouse ami other out buil
dings on thu lot. Thcni are a variety of fruit
trees, grape vines &s., In a good state of ctll
tivc.lion This property lsocated lu the bu
siness part of the borough."
At the same time nnd place, a square of lots
fronting on Franklin Street on Ibe north ono
hundred and eighty feet to nil alley, all under
good Icnceand hi a good State of cultivation.
Ti e whole of llio above named property Is.
very valuable to any pel n desiring to estab
lish business in this thriving borough and Ihey
wi uld ilowell to pun-has '.
Terai C esh. W.ll. T. E. rEBB;
fell I.'! Is Assignee.
aTp0cts1Tm tavkrn license,
for march term. ihii7.
Glhuan Hickman. Newtown, Ureene Co. Pa,
Thos. Ilradl y, Wayiiesburg, do do
Siiin'l ,lc well. Gray's old sliiuil do ilo
C, A. Garard, Taylorlowii. ('o do
,1. W. I lai n. Greensboro,
Strosnldcr & Turner, A lams House, do
I). A. Worley, Worley House, Wayneshurg,
Susannah Pel tit, Hamilton House, do
Mnrgaiy Hryan. Jacksonville.
Geo Moiilger, Vaiiatta's Old Htand.
Henry. I. 'leimhigs. Carmlchiels Borough,
It. J. Bunigiuncr, Jefferson, Pa.
fuhl3-tc Prothiinotiiry.
g"n. HOLLAND '
3E3cvrorort db Oo
Impnrteis an Johhers of Staple and Fancy
Dry Goods. Cl"ths. Casslmers, Blankets,
Linens, White Goods, &c,, itc,
Nos, 4n.- & 107 Maiikkt Btkiskt,
A iocs fourth, North Side,
tsrMr. Holland taken occasion to advlso tho
retail nierchnntsol G'ccno, Wnshlngion nntl
adjoining cimlles Unit ho will call upon them
anil solicit their custom for the above niiinoil
houso. TIioro wishing to address lihn can do
so at Beullsvlllo, Pa. febia 7-lt.