hVs'bitij'-.PrBfpnit'imis carefuTy cntti- " I'KOrHAOTHI) MkKTINOS MM Iruidg held in the M. R Church, ot this jlaoe. , 'k". Varnishes and Brushes ol nil kinds for sale at 0. W. Huberts & CVs Drug Store. V",yo'u:will4vaiii)o your own iiiteresl i. roiiriiii'r our Advertiaemcn:s inis ..1 tin Nn i fiiirlion Oil. warranted not to nexplbdo, forwiluat G W. Ro'fta &Cos. .': WdNTKR is broken, the snow is mcl ling, the birds (a few) are Pinging, the .Yv& are blue, the sun is' wnrm.- , Will t all last!, .Echo answers "Maybe, land mnybo not.'! - . f. OiWoTall kinds for sale at 0. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Store. ' " . , '.VAUtsriNR-d Day as our young rend ers nro doubtless nware.is not far distant, and thoHO who may desire to avail them 'selves ot Uh time-honored piivelcges fur 'the avowal and renewal of ntt'eolionato remembrance, had butler ba on the uleit in time to secure the choicest mementoes fcur market ail'ords. In this respect our worthy Postmaster perhaps will bo able to lend them the requisite assistance. Paints of all kinds, dry and in oilfor salo at O. W. Kulmr ts & Coa Drug atoru. 'Snow-Dai-uno. Tins favorite pas tiro'o Villi our juvenile population has free!) Indulged in unrcstiainedly during the past week . Where auuiUenU and hard licks are taken in good" part, we .confess to no sin ill partiality for such amusement. The opportunity so rarely presents itself that wo tad to wonder at its indulgence beyond the apparent limit, "of1 conventional rules. 'Flaxseed Oil, wiu-rnnied pure, fur sale at G.' W. Roberts & Co. 's Drug Slore ..i --a. Tho State Normal School at Edin boro, li'rio county, i n., is llie place for young men and women tn attend school.' The Statu nsisls llto.-e intending to become teachers. 1 w, 3t. Tohaco, Scuff mid Cigars of the best quality for salu at G. W. It ilicris & Co.'s. .. Ahssou i.i -Urn I isnnt;i I. l. Ruple li is biM'N app .into I by the 1 dnt Asswsor in tln T.v nty l'' Pt'iiiiy!v.'inii lisiiii't 1 . ur'h : j ClmH'nj5i Yeast Powder, best In ie, stWestG. W. KolieitH & 1.'b Dok 'Store for PotMTKit Ai'i'oiM'iui. -W Smiili tins cueeiyeil the p linatei-li'p at kins' Mill, vice M. D.iy rc-i-jucd. " ,T '1 '''111,-vj . . . lll'NMNU.: TilO bouts nil lilt; Million. g.iliula 1110 m.ikiujf rcgiilar tl.iily trips to Lock No. 4. where pist'iigi'is anil irei;lii are exuli:iHj;tj.l,re:iehi!i"; tJrowns. ville and (jt-neva in "mil time. Mcntai. lMi'itovi..MUMr .Mental im provement is a tl't'iiiu t at oiilil to in terest every adult member oi soeieiy ns well ns scores jet in their teen's How tlie majority of them pass their time these lou winter evenings, wo are un prepared to sayi but occasionally we feel disposed io? "murmur that k), Utile interest '13 token in mid ho little disposi-tiou,niiuifo.-'ted;tor' tho prtyelcges of a lecturo " when thV 'pleasure nnd. profit thereof might be so easily secured. We by no ni'jans oudorse n promiscuous pr i tronago th this respect, for it is n lahien tablo truth that soarco a fourth of tho speakers known to f uno as suuh, art deserving tho applause or entitled to the mbiiey they seek. But there aro those whose qualifier lions are eq'ial lo the task and who might enlertaiu and instruct an audiouco with far less exhaustive, wearing exertion than ii entailed by their usual avooa tions. We are aware of tho limited nnd precarious inducements hitherto present ed that in fact it has been called a dead beat, a waste ot time yet wo claim n ordinary Bhare oi inlellioenoo lor our Ecctiou und believe if the same was ap pealed to and agreeably instructed it would yield a substantial tribute of up preu'ntion. '.''.'. A right good lecture on some branch of art, sciuiict, or history if ollei ed here, j . wfl. believe, ' would be the nigtinl for a general out-pouring oi the people. Waynesburff Marke', . COHRKCTKO WUKIU.Y 1IT J. OUIIIIin. . Butter, fresh roll to 80 CoDcoperlt).'. :IU to Corn, per bushel i.... (in Corn meal per bushel .' 70 Country tJonp per in R ' Candles, mould per lt -'") ' Candles, dipped " " 20 ' Chct'si) prr lb Pnod PeacheR per lii W Eitits pi r dozen un i' lour per uoi .i4 u . I1 inn Bt-uil iur uimuiii... a Penllierg per lb...-, no Xnrdpcrlh U R W. Flour por lb !i 'Molasfics 75 to I no Outs por mhl. unto :!" 'Kvo per bushel. I () ' Timothy sod per bushel. flue loll !i5 Riee per lb 11 .Bnaar. oruaheil tier lb..... - 23 .'Bitxnr. rellniHli'.'.' i " ..aV.V.i. Vii ... ...... :tsiit ir,"New Orleans, (1 lira P. R, Siiinir, M.lh., ;... ;- , n ....i 'Bvrup, periralloii I (HI (III Halt, No. t per Mil. .,, 4 I'll , no 1 (loan ner 1 on ,,'.'5 TaFVicr ttallon.....,'.;....,....,....M,,,.,,,.. . 1 (.0 T..A L. It. I'-n 7i r iiiiitMiiiuMi,..ii utiiiirtti-'t 0 . 1 uriM'niiiui jut unu,,,,,i i Wlilti'lii'ii-I .pwk.'i(.,.,.... 1 t . S M' Whllit Lhue pAbbsnel 1 t.t), Wo loommoii to lino., uwv l"?'i0- rotatoeiwr bushel , 1 13 tb 1 00 Ttunlrn, per bush 1..... 45 'Ci.oHri cr Tkkji. Tim present tern til AVn nibbing College will eloso will) tlie annual enutcst between the lilornry no eictieH, March 13lli, IK07, DIED. Uu Monday lat, in Una plnee, ol' gen eral debility. Anuickw YViusok,. Sr. nged 77 years. (SPECIAL NOTICES Know Thy Destiny M.uiauk E. P. Tiiounton, the Brent Enjll-li Astrolojdst, Clairvoyant and Portion etrici.m, who 1ms astonished the scientific clni-scs of the Old World, has located herself at Hudson, N. Y. .Madame Thorutou possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to cn uble her to Impart knowledge of the great est importance to tho sing'e or married of eillier sex. While in a state of trance, she deliulali's the very lenturcs of tlie person you are to marry, and by tho aid of on Instrument of intense power, known as the Psychomo trope, guarantees to produce a life-hko pic ture of the future husband or wife of tho ap plicant, t gcther with date of marriage, po sition in life, leading traits of character, &o. This uno hiimhuir, as thousands of testimoni als can asseit. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or written guarauteo, that the picture is what it purpoits to bo. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and staling place ol bit th, age, disposition nnd complex ion, uml enclosing fifty cents and stamped cu-1 vclot e addressed to youself, you will receive the pictiiro and desired Information by return mui1. All communications sacredly confi dential. Address in confidence, Madame E. F. Tiiounton, P. O. Box 233, Iludsqn, Jf. Y. febll) '07-ly Wonderful but True. . 3IADAMB RKML'GTON, tho world-re. nowncd Astroligistand Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while in a clairvoyant stato, dclino ates tho very features of tho person you uro to marry, and by tno aid of an instruiu'int of Inlenso power, known as the Psycliomotropc,. guarantees to produce a perlcct and lifu-liko picture of the future husband or wife of tho applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits of char .cter, &c. This is no impositlnn, ns testimonials u iiliout number can ''assert. By stating place of birth, nge, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and en closing ll:ly cents, and stamped envelope ad dresBul lo you.sc'f, you will receive the pic lure by return mail, together with I'esdred in formation. KipAddivps in confidence, Madamb Gi.it rurnn Rkminoton, P. O. J!'i'.'il7, We -i Troy, ! N. Y. febl.t 'H7-ly. . W A Yoi m: Luiy returning to her! cnmilry home, a'ter n S'Jouin ol a few mouths hi the thy, was luirdlv reenpnized by her flieuil.'. ill p'aeti of a coarse, rtit'ic, Unshed fai-e. kIii- had a tuft ruliv coinpitxion of almost niHilile s no 'linn ss, and instead of Iweiilv llin e flic vi ally appealed but i ightecn. Upon Inquiry as lo the ciihi! of so irre.it a cliaime, .-he plainly tol-1 them th.it she used the CI It O.'.i-SIAN HALM, nnd comidered it an in v.duai'lu iicqui.-ilion lo any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal npptnranco nn hundred fold. It is siinpl ' In lis combination, as Nature her tell is simple, yet unsurpassed hi its tfllcioy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleaiulnij and heitutilylng the skin nnd com plexion. By lis direct action on the cuticle it draws liein it. all l's impurities, liimlly lieulipg the same, and leaving the surface as Nature Intended it should be, clear, suit, smooth nnd beainlHil, Price $1, senl by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order, -by V. L. CLARK & CO.; Chemists, No. a West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. T. Tho only American Agents far tho salo of the same. rpiIE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE J. ' OK AN 1NVAI.II. Published forMie benefit and as CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ol Manhood. &c, supplying nt. Iho samo lime Tun Mhans op Sni.i'-Ciiun. By ono who bus cured hhnsidf after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, sinple copies, free of charge, may bo had of the author. NATHANIEL M.VYFAIR, Ea., May2o '(Iti.-iy UrooUlyn, Kings Co., N. Y. JSEW PEUFIME FOR THE HANDUEUCHSlcr. I'bnlon'a "Mshl Itiooiuiuu Crreiw." Phalan' "Kii:n llloonilns Ccrcnif." riinlou' "MkI'I ISlooiuinu Ccrcuu." IMinlon'i "il)lit ICIooiuinj C'frcun." I'balon'a "Mtflit lilooniiiijf C'orca. A ainit cxqilWIf. iMInitc, nnd VriiRrniit IVrfumi-, dlil Inl from tlm rmo uud licuutlful Uower liom n-liloh It tuku It nmno. Maunlucliiri d only by lIIAI.OX & HOU, New York. BR WAR 13 01' ClASTKltraTS. ASK FOll IMIALON'S-TAKB NO OTHER. Jy2.'i,' Ml.-lyeow. m A COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT Rl QCIIIF.S IMMKDIATK ATTIiNTION, AM) SHOULD UK CllliCKIil). If Ai.i.nwKO to contincr, lllttlT ITION OK TH K l.l'NUH. A I'Hrt. MANUM T1III0AT IIIHltASK, OK . , CONSVMI'IION IS OrTI'.NTIIH IIKSULT. it 11 O XV W ' S ' BBOIT II I A L TR00nB3 IIAV1H0 A DIltCCT IXFI.UKXOF. TO THIS FAIITH, ' tllVB IMMKDIATK ltlil.IUF. For BronchiiU, Asihma, Catarrh, Cimsump tlvo and Throat Diseases. Ttoclies ore used with always good success. BIN3EI13 and PUBLIO SPEAKEK will Uml Teorlin useful 111 clearing tho vnlco when taken before Sinning or Speaking, nd relieving )ho throat after nn unusit d exertion ... u.e ,.... .rgn... - , iniMiiiKii ill ' i pp s. in .un oy i iijniiiiiii, Mini. i .. , .i i ii . ... e. i ....... have had teHthnniilals from eminent inen 1 . ii . .... Ilclni; an itlwoiu of 1 " - .. ......... ..,..H .......... ... tm,) merit, and having Ihelr emcicy by ft tent ofjimny years, i-itch ywir fltitln them In ... I..,. ..nil., I., tr.tl.iiiti ii.nld t lift ifftrM i.it!ei:th,motti,rarilclo.. : . - :-.. . .' Oat.il only HiioWm'sIWiwiiui.Tho.iiik," , nrtddonottaUnan.i'orthe Worthlt ImWuioni, that may ha offored. Boip lynarwuRBn. jjorilUnio. " I PREPARED OILOFPAUl AND MACE, FOH 1'lll.SI.KVINO, lil.8roUI.N0, AND UCAUTI- fvinu Tin; iiaiii. And is t lie most delightful and wonderful ar llcle I ho woild ever produced, Ladles will find It not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Hcainiry the Ilulr, hut also a desirable nrticlo fur the Tolllct, as It Is highly pertumed with a rich and delicate per fiimo, independent of tho fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. The iUarvcl of Veru. A new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy or scent, and the tenacity with which It dpigs to tho handkerchief and person, is unequalled. i ne udovo articles Tor s do by all druggists and Perfumers, at $ per bottle each. Bent by express to any address hv proprietors. T. W. WRIGIU'&CO. 100 Liberty St., Nuw York. Oct. 24. lPCIi.-ly, DR. SCHEIICS'S PULMONIC SYItUP. Tlit nnul mi'ii;clno currd Dr. J. II. Bjinto.:, Ilm Pivprio'or. ol I'alinoimr,' Coivnmii'.lcn, n'.lioa It hail vu!ui:d ;t if.- lomililah'o 119 mid wlmu ipai-dy i.'lill r.pplir'A tl Ul hiPT'lr.lj n. 11:14 ;.!, .k:u':hm pro rcii.xo I hit ra n IiicuimIjIo ii'Iio:i III) oonnmjucoil t'.y lU" o! t'i'fl Rhrj,'.) tut p.m'ir.ii! fnitil. Hit Il'Hi iw ruiorjj In s vit rnort iino, aid 00 r ura ol tlie diuvvo lift' rVou c.iro'.ii'iu'oi, lor ell llu B.-ina'chu ju e!tly ilissjij...rc J, m. b' iiiuwal v i'i. iit-u nioi'.t liir.-i two lian.ii'ca p.,aau'. B r.':o lits riuuviTv, ho iovul!:l Iri allcat'on C"iui-.;vuly to l!io euro ol Cn-iumiiitlon and Uio iV n rt'S i !i'ch nro u-u:-.!y mnp ',o od n Uh It, and t!i ? :ym c fj'j i;J hy h't inedlrljiot liavo Won tot mm-.eiM.-i ami trlr wo.ii'.or.'ui, ir, Utimranx I'. ;.- ,'M'onul .--jJl., to Jfr, .-.vl o( lliolni-for c'tlin v.-(..:.:i-, v.lu-ivho l:op "ur;:o cotioanrjti ol' pi: ienli, r. l! t!.(lru.;.' ml"-.i.,.!i:.i2 to .rn nwrnn,umMii i'a:lii-,io out oi thoir cr.rrh -o', aiid la r Ki'fit I'oi'Hii-, p.h-,.t ir'omi. r, HW.H.:::,j iVJ.M'INH) BVltl l-, HKAWGRD a:-l '.V..i'KAK!'. l'll.I.Snru (cji.rnlly i'" w.uirci In mriiiK CoiihuhiiiiIoh. Full direc t!.'. j3Rvwr.ip.il t..i, nttmrif ouo lavi l!a) thorn ivtli .-.:' le.'iw 11-. 3 uti;-.o :, hut wlio 1 It It con v.im.1 el -:io oolnm. lies rIvoi advloo I'rop, li'. ,r .1 .!i j a ;, -i-n-ibi:!'.;,.!! wltli Uij tta pU-owcter li'.: '. u Lli;'. i J jl :u.j. I'ov) ol'U.ve, '.v!u 1 ptns'iulnlhat tho two llie !. 0 Cvu IVjsi ir j:.o iviua lutUo laitsta.'O 1, '.M ::riv.p I.) 1, lud 11,1 f.lior ai ho now lg, la l. :-.: 'l.u.'iaro 0:1 tho Ooinivimcat otmnp. H i'. !. it: I I'ra-.-.Va n id )ua', l'r'.et j)t.!B p r i..-,i:;o, o.- t;.:. .0 ihu lulf - il.i-o.i. Lollen for r. '''-.! .i;i.-:i :i niv. ft -a Ik d r.-o'o.l 10 Pr. Schcnclc'4 I'.-i.n- M' O '.iiii. V. Nji!i at!i S- l'h. iio ph'a, Pa. il'- o:-i. W.uo vlo A.OMts: Po na Uirnui tit Co., N. V. f. S. tin no. li-iiilnuiro. M l. j John D, i'i (I .-.m jiu- , Oil 01 Vn !; Ji Ti.lor, Chicmio, -l i.l to. i.H Ilia.. 131. (iOaUoiCsd ir.oo, mo. 1 it. PDEE DRUGS; llt'DlGIMS, Gl .b. PAIMTS AND DYE-STL'FFS, I o ir fu ixl ory, IOH.HT AIITICI.I-8 AS1 FASCV SOAPS. A LAUCK STOCK ().! MAN'I) A NEW SUITLY EVKUV WKI5IC AT mm 11 si Al'Il GOODS IIAVK BEEN BOUG T lor cash, selected with care, nn 1 will be Warriinti d as ri'pri'seiil.'d and sold at the veiy lowest cash prices ! ALL TDK I'OPITLAIi 1 ATI! NT .MKDK.UNliSSor.l), AND MOST OK TllK.MATOLD ruICES. W.fJES, OA!D.ES GUI, ALCOHOL. TU11PENTINE. VAKNISIIES, &o. ALL AT SII03T PilOFITS- Call nnd see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for the very extensive patronage n'reivly bestowed, wo hope to merit a couiuiuanco oi me same JUST received n new lot of choice perfume fumery, highly scented soaps, cosmetics, ifc.'., including many kkw Mi riei.rR very cheap, call and see them tit BRADEN'S DRUG 8T0KK! .4 LARGE stock of Patent Medlclnpg lust t. received. Call and sou our STOCK und 1'UIUK.S. LATEST FASHION 1)UM N.)3 Y. J Bradley's Celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPRING) 3 XSL 1 1EL "27 . Tho Wonderful Flexibility nn-1 great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Du plex Iilllrtio Skirt wilt bo experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, car riages, railroad cars, church ews, arm chairs, for promenade and lniise dress, its tho skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small p'neo ns cusilv and conveniently as a Silk or Mutliii Dress, an Invnhwblo quality in crino line, not found in any Singlu Spring Skirt. A liuly h ivlng enjoyed the pleasure, com fort and great convenience of wearing tho Du plex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for n single dav, will never iiflerwards willingly dispimti with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like tho flnglo spring, but wl I preserve their perfect and uraceful shape h n three or four ordinary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The hoops are covered with double and twist, ed tlm nd, nnd the bottom puis a re not only double springs, hut twice (or double) ooveredi preventing iliem from wearing ouu when drag ging down vinous, Ktnir, in: The Duplex i.iii Hie is a great litvorltu Willi ail Indies mid is uiiivnrs.illj recomniendcd be I he Fashion M iga.in s as tho standard skirt of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following Incsllmabio advan tages In Ciinolluo, viz. t superior qimlllv, ht- leci nianuiaciiirc, siyusn suapo and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort nnd cconrmv. enqiipv for .1. W. BRADLEY'S Duplex Klllp. tie. or Donblu Spring Skirt, and he suro you get llli'iienitliionrlicle. cauiio.m. lo iruarii nuninst Impositlim be p irllciilur to NOTICE Hint s!lrrs offered as "iin'j'.." nave meri'diiiK hiainn, vlz.t -J W, ,rai,.., )nplx jfl,,,,,,,, HH,, s,,,.,,,,.,, ,H1, ,,, was Hani nont.nl ii.iurinri.iiiii,, .Also Notice llmtevi-r) Hoop will (liiiit it , In 1 1.. m. .ii.... ii... ......... it i.i . i . . .' passed invoiiirn -no nentrt', mint reveal .i,,,,,,!,.-, ,..i ,.: ....... ; :. ,.,. lhufy ..(.V ' V.J , ihixtlilllty nmt sr.viih an t n ciimitltuitlou not In hit f tllltil In Hill' itt)i..t JMi lV,.,.,h, Vl'. . . 1 "" Ma-iul'..cliii'nl Wlhft Sole Owners fit U10 Pati nt, VVKSl'S, llltl)l,UY & CAUY, ' 7 Chambors to ,70fc St ituade Sis . N. Y. ,f,b'(T-8m ' STATE, COUNTY AND MILITIA TAX FOll 18(15. ASD 1'HEVIOUS YEA15S, SHOWING , THE AMOUNT ' COLLECTED AND TUE AMOUNT OUTSTANDiiJO. ' ' ' , C-NrtT inr.r.M. J.'Arlfiln A. CniiMton, Kll l'llllllM, .1. Il lll.'ll ity. 0. Uiliwvll, 3. F.C.wgl-ny, Chriitluu' Vouni;, Chrlntinti Voiiu', Jba Innn, Itnil ll.lwliu, Wllliuui ClnHTcngor, Tliuuut Ko4, B. Sniin.lvrf, J. Tiirnur, J. ItltHU, W. OlHuvflngw, Hiu Uowllu, John lllulr, J. Kclluy, TllomiiM ltnu. T. M. f'ulvril, ' J. W.lliinia, lull- WiHiuuli. M Ki-ut H. ShriviT, I J. Ilupp, W. llOKWIirtll, N. L U.iruet, M- V. lli'tinuD, Frnl. Wlmi, 8. II. Iliirmitt, Jomph Taylor, T. ..iv.ii,.s ; i' .mi Oihil'ilo, l ., itdrrniiMi, CuriiiichmU Dorotib, MilllAlllpUlolA, Marlon, MorKnn H'li'tfuti, Wu.liluntou, ( illllliM'liUld, MouOIHiKliflft. - WMhlugtou, ' Morrli, Franklin, ' ' ' OruHue, MououKahola, ' ' CuuilHirlooil, l'rrry, , Jiffnon, WmhiiiKton, Wlail,.,, Hrau, l)nnr J, (!i'i)tr, Wuyim, Kiiiiiihill, . dL'kllll, Ciiruiirlmli Doroufli, Olhiiuri,, Ah-ppo, Hitliliill, -MatIou, Total tor IS'iS and prorloai jrsn, STATE, COUNTY AND MILITIA TAX LEVIED FOIi TUB YEAR ISM. SHOWING THE AMOUNT COLLECT,. ED BY THOMAS IAMS, AND THE AMOUNT OUTSTANDING. i ."fi'i: I -"' PJ. I ta I tltu t.iX Sill.-,, p.l. V, 1 lllli, Mlllli.l 1,1 ,Sni,-., p.l. fV" Ollmnfe otiit ai 4:i3 o: i:m a ' a !)." mud iTD.i ;ia a u .m .m t'ltrnilcliiBls Borough 318 D.t UH 63 , 111!) 43 27 li!) M 74 10 9". I'll 00 0 ft) 17 00 Greene -. l:f.'7 r.'J ' BiPJ 08 7ii." fi:t fj!) '.!t l" U 4t It) l 00 10 W) 17 .r,i Dlinkai'd 173 14 ' 102S 91 "" CU!) 13 ill) 13 B(i Ct B3 57 28 fit) I M 27 nn Morgan inill VI 10HII 13 7li7 71 99 17 f.7 St 41 Jili I'll fiO 2 OU t'4 So Cumberland 2!)S2 ' IIIDS 35 KI8t 00 102 9J 3.1 2:5 (17 (iU 74 00 11 BO l!2 r,n Perry ' 9IB 83 l!40 51 275 32 25 88 ' 13 9s 11 H8 Bll 00 1(1 50 39 511 Franklin 2UI7 !H 1.199 B!) 1018 82 98 115- (ill 40 33 25 42 00 1 1 ,V 3D 511 Wayne 1184 24 B3I) 78 B53 48 49 ID . 18 80 ill I 80 Bll 00 13(11) 43 IK) Whitley 1847 70 1153 18 494 B8 84 B4 ' 23 29 11 S3 47 00 10 51) !!(! 50 Jefferson 2108 37 1184 11 922 2G 179 5" 130 81 47 21 BO 50 5 50 45 00 Marion 1048 18 484 3(1 5(13 80 .B3 81 18 Oil 85 84 B7 00 B 50 ft I 50 Mononuahcln 1 1835 74 B23 99 '711 7. '" Bl 8(1 18 33 35 48 (1(1 50 10 BD Bll (HI Washington 15511 81 1253 13 277 (!!) 44 85 ,, 8193 12 92 41 00 11(1) 33 CO Spriughill 472 70 115 84 828 88 29 20 0 48 22 74 43 BO (i BD ' 42 00 Morris 1 478 30 ' 925 97 B50 33 B5 72 : 29 23 28 44 47 BO 1150 38 1)1) Aleppo 474 81 183 (17 811 97 - 32 45 . 8 03 21 40 53 00 9(11) -It (HI Centre 133101 798 9!) 552 02 .40 12. fa 31 24 81 43 50 14 5(1 31 IK) J.ieltsnn 777 fi!) BOO (it ' 287 03 24 47 10 81 14 10 19 50 7 50 12 00 Iiichhill .'. 2223 03 ..) 1505 81 C58 73 . ! 185 84 03 33 . 78 51 80 50 3100 4!) 50 Total $27057 25 15938 00 11719 10 1281 20 " 052 93 031 23 933 50 211 00 724 50 STA'IE, COUNTY AND MILITIA TAX .. . ED 11I..j.L.j 1 ."!7Xlil mi r.i .. . ..7. . ...... C'lrmichtulaUorou! .Oreenc ', Dun!- ard MiriMii Cumberland Ferry Fr.m kii l Wavne Whitley .Tofiiira.iii , Marlon M nionahelit iVaslitnirtoa fpriiigliill M',r is Al-pp (,'l-UII'C .Ticks, in Hichhill .'. ,lin.:i- Taylor X. L. Iltraet John Uiisu , W. 1'. Davis A flarria Ilea D.iwliu llii'-i! Howard...., I. Tn mr S. S'liiver f'lioinas .Monro.... Jones IC'.vIv I. Ttvlor W. t.'h'aven.'i- .1 Oliver Nelson Virgin loHI'pIl (al eo'trn Muvuy M. Kent riiomaa lloulies.. John Aliums Total $11'. THOMAS IAMS, TUEASUREIl, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF To amount of fix outstaiullng for 1805 nnd previous years. lo amount ol lax .tsscsautt lor l0 I'o amount on Huckster License for '0(1 fo aimmnt ol'mthtlitax for 'Oi and previous To amount of Judgment' To amount rue. Wed I'r nn Jus. S. Jennings, lato re amount ol militia tax lor isuo DIUE0TOUS OF THE HOUSE OF EMPLOYMENT AND SUPPORT OF THE COUNT! To amount of orders drnvn To ninoiint from ontmdo Bonrces. . . . . To amount dun on Mo.MiU'm's aalery... o nin.iiiiit dun present btewiinl. . . . , l'uy ot Daniel Fuller " Arthur Uiuehart " Morgan Hell " W. l Siott ., Win. Davis for IHO j Amount in directum' hands HEATH JOHNS SHERIFF, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY OF To amount of orders drawn To uiHouiit oi jury fees To balance due F.. TEMPLE, PROTIIONOTARY, IN To amount of orders drawn. COMMISSIONERS OF GREENE COUNTY IN ACCOUNT WITH THE -1.1 JOHN' PRIOR. To amount of orders drawn (or 1803 .... ' ' JOHN G. DIN3MORE To ninoiint ot orders 'drawn . . T'i amount yet duo......... , , TJIOS. SCOTT, , , , b amount oi orders diawn 0 uinuuut yet duo '. . . ELI AS SCOTT. To amount ot onlurs drawn... To inn, mui j et dun. . . ... ...... ... M. MOIMMS. I Ti nmoiiiil. dtie. ., ' 'Wlt;:lV,6 u;n,;i'iiiri!':d A'jditori ol fnid tliriui' ;'h' nbofe 'sliilud " ' ''' ol Qrceiio uoiiti .I III ! I hMt lux I Snlrii ix zT S'JS 8.1 1 M .' M W SI 41 31i M ' m 31 243 A3 W Qi m it 770 8D tfll tlQ s;o m u.; 09 4M 0.1 4S7 117 OM n t.'il S5 614 41 ni m liii 01 417 11 1 11 M na in ltll 20 ' lioi) H Bill III 30(1 73 "j Slili-u . .1. V... I:i D7 . . ; ,223 Ea 100 31 '100 24 1 Sll at 00 , 1 -" 31 4 -: (N.4 . 4(1 ' 5-0 b5 lk tO 16 688 S3 ' 71 at , m 1803. .' '3:: v JSj ik ' v : t IT 17 1S3 47 t-23 47 503 U . ai'J m 4.13 n '; 7711 tu 4.'SJ t il 470 81 10 rj V) . 113 m . 451 m- ; JS7 117 C6 ns 1 f..,l hi 311 41 (118 4(1 , liivj 113 ! 2JI Oj m :a 113 31 lot 110 ., D-Jl (il ' ' 8ju n too 01 . 100 01 Sll w 41 ST l3 71 I1U43 ii VM 13 1U7S u llbO LEVIED FOII THE YE AU IMfi, SHOWING TIIE AMOUNT COLLECT. AND TIIE AMOUNT OUTSTANDING. Co, 'I'm. Si il- ii i. I , n .,,, ..J. Vol tin.. Milliln tux iiiiTjfr i-fTY-' -1' ' I3()l!8 73 o.i ii.i j i , o o. ' 8 95 iSfBiT TTTT 189 45 78 45 93 00 HI 9,-, 10 95 17 0.1 17 Co 785 53 2ttfil B2DH:) 4 HO 4110 17 50 17 Be , , C99 13 148 41 552 70 53 57 43 B7 27 00 '.'71111 '07 79 SOU CS 28114 413(5 41 80 44 40 ll Ii. 1884 00 1084 00 07 fi!) 07 09 82 50 (.; f. 275 32 275 32 1 1 88 1 1 88 89 5.1 2 80 88 70 1018 32 181 52 833 81) 83 23 83 21 30 50 :n (I ..... 553 411 131 05. 42181 80 80 80 80 43 00 .:,u .491 38 891 70 102 88 11 25 11 23 88 50 8() ,MI .... 922 28 922 28 47 21 47 21 133 98 135 W ..... 588 80 ' 583 80 ' 85 84 35 8t Bl 50 51 50 7H 75 71175 '85 43 . 33 48 58 00 .1,", on ... 297 89 107 13 190 58 12 92 , 12 92 7133 71 35 IV'8 88 18 Bl 31)3 3.-, 22 74 22 74 42 00 43 1)1) ..... 550 33 75 10 475 17 28 44 28 44 38 00 38 0(1 81197 252 AO . 59 37 21 10 21 40 44(10 44(11) 553 02 552 02 8-1 81'"" 24 81 84 00 n no 207 95 113 10. 154 8.1. 14 It) 11 10 12 00 13 00 ..... li0 73' 058 73 73 51 , 73 51 49 50 49 50 ,$ll',719 19 2595 91 1)121 28 - 023 30 ;. 837 70 2S4 54 873 78 "2T0 87o"m 71 9 19 . riiEVIOUS YEAIIS. 1M'. .5.11013 88 . 27057 25 .. 833 83 ,. 57!) 30 1032 38 918 23 935 50 $43599 85 ... yetira Dv amount of Mililin Jiy amount of ordors redeemed Ily amount of outstanding tax for 1800 By amount ofoulstaiulmi' mill la tax for '80 Iiy Coiiiini.-nion on $29,1 75 29 til 5 per cent., By amount Deposited iu Bank Treasurer By batahco yot dus OF UKEUaE 'OU THE YlSAIt 1SGG. DR. .S.VKiO "JO 2!) 14 ....' 51 0!) -11 MOD C3 00 ...... ..... 43 00 -1 50 10 30 Hy vouchers admitted Iy oinoiiut of Steward's salery. By services rendered 15) services reiide'e l Iiy vcrviucs rendered Uy soi vices rendered 13y services rendered . . . . . 15 "a $0237 80 DR. $ 71!) 15 08 00 31 00 S821 15 ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY DR. .8 220 23 By services rundorcd YEAR 1802. ., . DR. ' CR. By amount duo otl.ist pcttleniout 42 08 " . CR. By amount of services rendered S414 no By amount duo at lust setilumuut... 33 00 $ 449 00 ' ' , CR. By amount ofnorvioes rendered $ 450 50 By amount duo at last settlement. 80 (10 L $ . 42 08 ' DR. 8 385 OO . , . . 64 00 $ 440- 00 ' - ' 1)11 ' 8 605 00 . 43 00 .518 00 , " DR. ; - 400 00 ' an oo 513 50 CR. By amount of seryioos rendered. Kjt 418 0) Uy amouiit duo nt last settlement. . . . . .'. 51 00 v 1 i'. 1 ,.,,1,1 . $4lll) 00 in' DR. 43 00 ty lervtcei rciuloicd louiiiy. do hereby certify ,'ilmt wVlirive. nndiiod the lorcgninc accounts and '' '.- a .1 Martin, . i " V't. Ym Uno l'.i Oi) r no 07 to " 8 Oil is M - :t. mi to' W 1.1 J'l 10 HO ; 1 0.1 . 87 90 ..' V 1 1,0 f: w63r '. -' " 21 00 ; vs i) U I.U 67 60 97 t 81 0 31 CO 1 1 48 I 49 t 09 61 OJ . 61 St 81 31 : 3J 00 33 2i 14 03 14 00 S3 111 U 01) ti 00 8 M 2 60 (9 (0 33 93 i:, 6 119 6 . 41 97 158 71 S3 12 37 150 I D 67J 30 319 10 231 II GIIEENE FOR THE YEAU 1SG3 AND Ity nm't. of outstanding tax for ISO." and previous yea-s...? ry 72 tax for '05 and nrevioi s vcars.. 233 11 29175 29 9123 23 873 73 1173 "ii 579 50 $43437 39 183 48 $13309 85 POOR IN ACCOUNT WITH TIIE CR. .$59-14 44 . 100 (JO 44 00 bit 00 48 on 4 50 10 50 $0237 80 GREENE, FOR THE YEAR 18G6. CR. By services rendered S 252 0'' By boarding prisoners 305 7;, By balance due at last settlement 203 40 821 13 CP GREENE FOR THE YEAR 18C6 CR. 220 2,! COUNTY OF GREENE FOR THE 499 00 CR. 43 UO ...' $ TUOS. LAIDLET, i-AcDrroRS. J. ALLUMS. j l''01l THE YEAll 1808. P11l1inr11111l.T11r1.nl ' S 7C2 SI r.mmcn Tnqiioul 1 , T 7 Pui'l I'-, 111 Jurun ' a.lr.J b.M'utl for l .il - lit ml l-l.ln'ilim k-. mk) ustftoM Aml'ni. rbi-t : 16 oo I A..iiii' ltv (,.! iv lii,l. AlCvii. I'mn. '2b 00 A..1-1. A,'K,irV r,-c 7 .') Auii'A. 'I.i i.i ' yfi 00 I.01.1 num-y i.ttrj 77 Ainllri.t' do 1117 60 Ciiiiatiitloiitiiriii l o 114 Aiiiln' tlork'i du ('i.iniii...,u'i.uUli tusl mo u l.,r u.i.i ui -MM llwi l vii-iva , uu ml Piulhi potu-v Inn 541 CO r! !;,V imilillmr ll.UHl 27 I'nlus'. ilorilK do fliO 00 Ilriilviiri'iiilr, CCi 40 I'rinlliu Vl l 00 U4 00 U5 IKl 41 63 ' 12 ii I'lvii.iitauiil CommU . tjl.ll Cnllll IhiiKlT p.ilU Ji.ik rrinilm Oiuin'tli Ji.it i- ioii.,.,i:tr.iu,' rr Julai I'liiii' Ji hn (i. I'lu.niora " 'l'ipAt;o . O.i 07 C11111I Cilr 7!l 71 SiimlrU ' ' ' lllsl P7 Vox ncnlp . , . 111 imi inking i-iira or Cuui't llouno . 78 78 4? n ltoii.o or Ili fiiRO ' 168 37 :iso 00 Whii in trout or 606 ll HIi.Till linllM ' (8 CO 'iiii.iu... .sji.it ' lili.lfl.'H'l.lt ') O'l Ruilinif urouuu wl) 60 11,11m Fluiviiw prlwmi'r 400 tr Coiimylni! Oi-iinil 10 60 Juibi-s M P. II., ii (0 llwliiriiuit m-rlp f 0 00 Tp. lino vl-w 1711 t'3 Hlnrlll " fi-m 313 10 IIIbIiU for Co., 7 lHH'iU ill onto of 0 1.0 Wright vi flri-on iN.inity -02 3il Hiiiiiii'iIiV lom J'ulo'lili nialitU 17 70 fcluvti pipii fur ceiirt Mom 8 CS Tutill 11111't ol'or. ll-pUiir. Sh'ir'n h,nio JJ.mr.tiT, rr'ia'.-rt uml Juilnr i l'oc4 Ilrnlfcu liuwd Men hutiiliso fuUll.n' hfiunty I'I K. )l..okn A atjitio'y Itoml ll.iiiuigrs M-TCMiitll,! Aiprniflor II' liul C'oluuli,Hloil.:r Iiitirct 011 soRliom' Lii'iiuly Coat iiu-neo of Orion Co. v. Jin, l'.iil,. r Rciiinvii'K 'o.il ut.lu-1 from J.iil ClotbliiK fvrprUouon PystifO Total 160 01 a 40 00 i 00 so U Sill 411 il 19 8 ri lu 00 2 ut 11 V2 70 1.7 i.orii lirinvii by 1 00 P. U.WrcvtoM 0,15 1 fo We, tho niKliM'sijino 1, .Coniinisitionera of Oreeno county, do liorely ccrlify tho above Matcmcnl to ha correct ns to ninoiint (f orders issued lu the year 186(1, as appears on llie books at t-aid Coin-, inissioners' oilii'o. THOMAS SCOTT, ' ELIA8 SCOTT, j. r.i tiouiiis, Jicssr. Hut, Cviiiiul&sicuera, Ccrlr, ' ..'..'. J.inuiiiy liilli, loGi. DIRECTOHS OF THE HOUSE OF EMPI.OY.M KNT OK THE TOOK IN ACCOUNT WITH THE CO., OK (illEENE I'OH THE YEAU 18GC. . Dlt. The directors are chargeahlu as follows: Whi'ln ninoiint of orders drawn... 6,007 '80 Out tide soiucis ', ... ;. 22 Bi) 80 (Mil) 60 err Tho Directors aro entitled to money (xpciHicii, as toiiows : .. .. Aoi't. of expenditures . front ! Jan. 1st, to April 1st lHdti, according to receipts and 1 hills ...'.... 2,515 98 SI3 yi of ilio above amount, . 1 aceonlino; f) receipts nnd bills, remain in tlm bauds. ';"'''. of John McM.llun, lato".. , stnvnrd. ' .1 From Apr'l' 1st, 183(5, to'.'; f January 1st, 1837, accoN ., '' dtur to reueipts and bills 3, Sol 82 $131 of 1I10 nlinvo is for buiK ding barn and material. 0.33 for out-door paupers. . ', of i'Auri:u9. ' Wliolo number oi inmates received .'. . . ITS Present nil oher 00 G. client number the current . you' 71 Number of males 20 Niniibor of females 37 Ins me . . ' 5 Out Paupers relieved : 3 Number cf whites 64. Nuniber of blacks..,.,... "2 Deaths 8 STOCK ON HANDS. 2 lmrsea. 1 yoke oxen, 5 cows, 1 beif er, 30 hogs nnd 22 sheep. . '" iMtODUCK Of KAttM.... '. 7 Wheat C3 bush., Oats 278 bindi.," Buek wheat 11 bush., Corn 500 bush,, Potatoes 50 bush., Cabbage 800 heads, Onions 8 bush., Tomatoes 50 bush , beets 15 hut.li.. Parsnips 8 bush., cucuni. bo's 0 bbl., Molasses 157 tral., Pork 4500 lbs. . , . -. - AUT1CI.F.3 MAKl'FACTCHD IS TI1U IIOL'R Stocking Yarn 131 cuts, Linsey yds,, large pants 40 pi'., sir.alj pants pr , 'nrgo coats y, nmi'.!l coats 3, shirts '82;, small shuts 27, larce tlressetj 59, smalL dress-.'s 5H, largo chemises 28, small chemises 23, vests C, quilted skirts 10, ' flannel skirts 7, comforts 20, largo boiw nets !), small bonnets 11, women's caps , 8, small bibs 10, drawers 0 pr., handker chief's 0, suspenders 18 pr , largo aprons 19, sheets 21, pillow-cnsea 15 pr., bola, . ters 12. shrouds 8, bedticks.8. 'pillow ' slips 7, bolster ticks 4)8tock'ings knit apd footed 100 iir. ARTHUR RINEHART. : I MOROAIM HELL, " ' i ' WILLIAM P. SCOTT. ".TliN lON I SOLDIERS 1 Disbanded Soldiers c ri'l l to ndn'onal bounty under tho recent Act of Congress should bo careful whom they employ to col lect their dues. It 13 not every unprincipled "sharper" who hangs out his slilnglo that Is a licensed chlm agent, - '. I am thus authorized by law, and will at-, tend to till soldiers' claims for back i-ay, i'kn- SION'9 ftlld ADDITIONAL BOONTIKR. Having the correct blinks on hand to make such applica tion, there Is no c mso for return of pnpors onco sent, or delay In making thoui out. Ho coljtts kIvcii for all discharges placed lu ui p ssossion. . . ' ,' ' Apply at once two more months will bo too , lato. ' B. P. KLESNIKEHL. V. O. Box 108, Oaioo First Nut. Bunk. Jau30,'07 ' ; ' Wnynesburfj, Pa. ' Conveyancing done on reasonable terms. '' , (Sthcriir'8 sale..:,..1,. ,'..''! BY virtue ofo writ of Venditioni-Kxponai,,' . Issued out of tho Court of Common I'loan -, of Qroeno county, and to mu directed, thero . .;, will ho exposed to public salo at tlu Court Homo In Wayncsburg, on . . SATURDAY, Otii DAY OF MARCH, " , ... next, ... .. ;. 1 . at I o'clock, P. M. , tho following property vizi Ml tno rigiu, line, intereKund claim 01 Do- fundentof, iu and to a certain Tract of Land ' situate in Cuntborluiul Township, . Qrceno . ... couiuy, i'a., coniiuiiiug ouout , FORTY-FIVE ACRKS, ' 7 more or loss, about fifteen acres cleared, ad-."." Joining lands of Joptlm 1 Mltchnor, Henry J -;' harpneck, Kilns A, Flonnlken, nnd .lames Flomilltcn, bounded on the Kast by tho ' 4 Monongahola rivor. 1 '' ' Taken In execution ns tho property of ''Tha t Flnnnlktn Oil and Coal Company' at tho suit . ofEllmA. Fleuulken. .'' janie-ta HEATH JOHNS, Sh'fl. " febOUir ! 1