foal WAYNE3BUKG: Wednesday, January so, 1807. - To Odr Readkbs. Again we petition you to tti lis by contributing to the columns of your paper anything that will bo of locul or general Interest During tlicso long Winter lights, when you have drawn your easy chair before the cheerful flro, write us your thoughts on the political questions ot tho day, your experience or suggestions in farming, any In cidents or accidents that may havo happened In your neighborhood recently. Give us the material and wo will try to build a suitable fabric. Puro White Lead and Flaxseed Oil for sale at 0. V. Huberts & GVs Drug Storo. Anonymous coiiiinuiibatioiis, we must fcay again, will be thrown among the Nvasto paper. Several have been Unit tfisposod of of late. Our iiitnds wil also bear in mind that reports ot marri ages aud death must bo accompanied by the name ot tlio perion sending tlem. Lamps and Lamp Chimneys for sale at Q. W, Roberts & Co'b Drug Storo. m O m Br some- "unseen power" a steam engine, or part of one at least, has found lis way to our town common, and it is rumored that a planing mill, door and sash manufactory Is to go up next Summer.somowhore in these parts. We shall hall with gladness any improvement, but wo should much rather see tlio building and hear the rumbling of machinery than to bear it on (lit. Oils of all kinds for salo at O. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Storo. - Every parent having a child to edn cato should send for a circular of tho State Normal School. ItS a iVailtPgea , are said to bo unsurpassed. For circu lars address the Principle, J. A. Cooper, Edinboro, Erie county, Physicians Prescriptions carefully com pounded ut O. W. Huberts & Co.'s Drug Store. - Tim closo winter wo aro having augurs bountiful harvests. Fanners speak eheeiily of future prospects. Tho industry of this class, tavorud by the ' powers that be, will give a quietus to hard times. A large and well selected stock of Pel Turnery for sale at O. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug f tore. s Osk week ago we were "snow hound" this week wo aro "icu bound." One inflexible band of ico girds all 'nature and as yet tlio gonial, solar rays liavo ivltised to release her from tho ..11 1 - rn t! j .. n. ui'Hl uiiiui x ww riiii'vi v km viiiuv- ; ing and loo dangerous fir riding veri- Z ok, Mis MAii'oiic Sku.kks, uf (Jroene ly, ihoso aro "troublous '.imos." Mow ' county. nnJ Mr, John Josiss, of Wash to raise tlio wind, we don't know. To it' county Pa. say that our piaint, oi l burg was null i - - -- would inadequately express tho j thought. IVesMalls below the super-i On Thursday last., in this place, of latively superlative sameness that reigns i Typhoid Pneumonia Mns. Fuanois IJ mi , . , : wile ot tho Hon. Jessie Lazkaii, aged supreme. Iho sports or winter aro 5!) yClrH ' crowinij old, and liko a well worn coat, ! n-i. i i b , , 'i Iho burial ceremonies woro pcrform- we aro wil ing to Iiij them aside, liusiness j , , . ... , , , , , , i , ; ed on Sunday last. An instructive aud nas reauiioit uiai. siaim point wnence there seems to bo no retrograde nor progressive movement. The loungers aud loafers are visibly on tho increase, as a lew moments in the village tavern i or groceries will demon-tr.dH. They gather there to recount "the, dangers j they havo passed,'" or ibegtiilu tho fleeting hours" with pipo and j ko Sewing circles aud parlor festivities are not patronized to that extent which in door conliuoiiioiil would suggest. Even the "boys," driven to desperation by the i i ..u : .: : . . , , ., 1 to slide in the streets, l ave thrown aside , their sleds in disgust and nnniso them. eelvos by tying tin cans to tlio tails ot any of tho unfortiinato caniuo species, that fall into their ruthless clutches. Oh I tho degeneracy of thoo days ! Varnish of all kinds, nnd of tho very best quality, for salo at G. V. Roberts & Co.'s. i ,- i . I I t -w OUH BOOK TABLE. Lady's Hook. Tho Feburary issue of this excellent periodical is nn our desk It if a number of more than usual attract ion i tho illustrations aro of tho very highest order of tho art, and tlio literary tunllor cannot bo excelled. Tho "LoH Motley" is a steel engraving containing thirteen figures, and is very expressive. The fashion plate is tho forth eoininjj lashious for .next month, in beautiful stylo. It contains tnor.i engravings, useful and ornamental, than any pro. L ' ous number. Qoduy has none to excel! liin, so the last issue excels its predeces sors. Terms $3. Address L. A. Godey, riiiladelphia. Atlantic Montui.t. Tho February issue of this mor-lhly is before us, Its table of contents if rich. The Guardian Angel story of Now Kngland life; JIalia a poem by Alioo Caryi Charao teristics of tho Elizabethan Literature George Budillion's Knight, Comic Jour nalism, bono whoso experience pecu liarly flu lilm to' writo on this subject; Elisabeth's Chamber; Kath.irine Morne; a Driffiwood If'irei. Apothcr Out-Door Paperi Haul Estate, a. poem, by J, T 'tovvbrldgoi How Mr. Frye' would have prpaelind iti Ulscial Phenomena in Maino, tho first of a series of popular Aciontitto. pnpersi Foini Mngginro, n chapter ot Italian .,expeuuncui h'eeolee tiohVol' John VanJorlyn, the Ariisti Tbq Republican Allianooiiho Standpoint of tho Board ing-I louse. Address Tick nor & Fields, Boston, Mass. IIuaw.k's Monthly.- This favorite and popular periodical for next month, is before ua with all its attractions. It is rich with the bent ot reading from the pons of popular authors. Now is the time to subscribe. Address Beadle's Monthly. 118 William St. N. Y. Faints of all kinds, dry and in oil, for salo atO. W. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Store. Somk of our patrons complain ot tho irregularity ot the mails, with what jus tico we are unablo to say. Tlio paper is mailed promptly each weok iu time for tho out going mails. Cureless post masters, storms and impassable roads are circumstances over which wo havo no control. Wo trust the cause of dis appointment will bo attributed to its just source. Trusses and Abdominal Supporters for sale at U. W. Roberts tfc Co.'s Drug Storo Oisnament tub I'aw.ok Suspend an acorn by a cotton thread so as nearly to touch tho wator in a glass vessel (a hya cinth glass is perhaps the best); set upon the window or mantel, and let it remain tin ro lor eight or ten weeks, moro or less, without being interfered with, ex eept to supply tlio evaporation of tho water, and the acorn will burst, and as it throws a root down into tho water, n sprout or stem will bo sent upward, throwing out beaulitul leaves, thus giv ing you an oak tice, in full life and health, within your parlor. So says an exchange, it may bo woi'ili an experiment. TTENTION ! SOLDIERS ! Disbanded Soldiers entitled to additional ttmitilv it, uli.p tlm runout A ..I ,F fimrctts cl,..nlil I... r.,, v.-li,M lln... r.mnl.v t, f'lll- led their dues. It Is not every unprincipled "sharper" who hangs out his shingle that Is a licensed chi.n wient. I am thus authorized by law, and will at tend to all snUlicU' claims for hack i-av, i-bn- BIONS aild ADDITIONAL JlorJSTIliS, Having the correct bhnks on hand to make such applica tion, there is no cause for return of papers onco sent, or delay In making thorn out. Ro- ceipts given for all discharges placed lu my P ssession. Apply at onco two moro months will be too latJ. 11. I' FLEXNIKKN, P. O. Box 103, Odlco First Nat. Rank. jan:lt),'l7 Waynesburg, Pa. Conveyancing done on reasonable terms. FORBEAR. Forbear, wrath only kindles-wrath, An 1 stirs up passions' lire ; While mmwVy xo'ii, mildly teiuU To cheek the liiltrivst ire. T, .,.,, 1 V.w l... M very impressive sermon was preached by Dr. A. 15. Miller, at the C P. Church, ufler which, although tho day was one of unusual inu'etnency, a larae and sorrowing cortego followed the remains to the cemetery on tho hill. The deceased was an old resident of our town and has ever been honored for her moral worth, christian principles and urbane disposition. Society has lost an ornament, Christianity a friend, and the community a member that cannot bo rc- n)M ' On Tuesday. Jantnry 22d, 1807, at lh(j gt Cy Pittllbliri?hi jKSSIK A. S. Hawkins. wif of Charles II. Hawkins formerly of this plaeo. 0n Monday last, at her residence in Morris tp, this county. Mi.s. Sahaii, wife of Gho. Lkhitnuu. Tlio deceased died very suddenly, scarce a half hour between seerniiifr health and death. It is presumed from apoplexy. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. Jan. 20. Gold closed atl.1t. Waynesburg Market, . collltnCTKI) WEEKLY UY J. UUIIICIt. nulter, fresh roll ?fi to 30 Collno per It '. 33 to . Corn per bushel Corn meal per bushel Country Soap per tti Candles, mould per II Caudles, dipped " '..... Cheese per lb Dried Peaches per lb ICir us pr dozen Flour per bbl ,., Flax seed per bushel..., Fuathers per b Lnt'd per lb; II. W. Flour per lb Molasses Oats per bushel live per bushel ., Timothy seed pop bushel no 70 r8 25 L'5 L'l) I f 00 2 25 no 10 75 to I f0 yoto3r 1 (10 ..3U0 to a 3 15 , 22 Ml i. 1 00 Ulee pur li) Sugar, crushed per 11) ti Sagar. rellneil " " Sugar, New Orleans, G lbs . r. H, sugar, s nn Svrup. per gallon Salt, No. 1 per bbl Soft Snap per gallon Tar per gallou Tea pur U) , Turpentine per gallon... Tallow per lb Wheat per bushel White lioad per keg White Lime pcrbusiiel. Wo' 1 coininon to tine... Potatoes per bushel Turnips, per bush o 1 uo I 1)0 4 (10 25 1 00 2a 2 40 2 00 15 3 50 4 to 5 00 i no i 40U50 125 to 1 (id 45 BALTIMORE MARKET. Dai.timohh, January !iG.-Cofleeiuiet: ' i stocks light and hold litnily. Flour nom- hilly unchnnjjeil. Wheat i'-i 15 for , Southern rod. Corn stoady at 02 a (J70 . . lor . mixed, . 1'rovisious nnuhuniiud..i Wlneky nominal. riTTSUl'KU (jF.NLIUL 3MKKKT Satuhdat, January 2(1, 1 80? During the week there lias been but little stir lu our markets. In nearly all brum lies of trade, business lias been almost at a stand still, and at tho close, this evening, thcro was every prospect of remaining so. Tlio snov storms and blockades have Interfered with the receipts nnd shipments of goods not only on the railroads, but ulso on the country wag on roads. Our rivers are frozen over as solid ly ps they havo been at anyjiiuofor many years. URAIN-Whcat nt 3 OOiijS 00 Corn at 70f7fl Rye nt fit 2mI 25 ifuckwhent dull. Oats ro. FLOUR-Sprlng Wheat ut I2,-(). Winter " at i5,ro Rye at H 00. HAY-Riilc'd at $21,00 V ton. Loose at f lio.utit.i'.'a.uo, EGGS Sales at SWisSSc. CHEESE Western Rescrvo at I . Hamburg nt 1Cm17. New York Ui when a'. 20 MJTTKU-l'rime Roll nt 2S(a:iii. APPLES. Per barrel ut 2.UOoia.7.". CHICAGO MARKET. CmcAno, January '.'il, isti7. Pi.oun Dull and noiu iual at ijiouio no for spring extras. Wheat Opened n shade firmer and closed quiet at 2 HIJa2 20 for No. I; .l 87u2 20 for No. 2. Cons Dull and unchanged j light sales at 78fa7HJcfor No, 1. Oats Dull j small sales at tOjc for No. 2. in storo Piovisions Oncnd dull but closed firm nn l , moro active ; mess pork 33aiUc better; ut ; f 18 2,rml 75. Mv:t lloos Stcadynt (J.i 7.iafl (10 lor com mon light: $8 15a0 40 for good to smooth heavy. Diikssko Tims lOaL'c higher; sales range from ijiii 7.a7 7!i, closing at $7 il" for lots dividing on 200. Receipts I. not) dressed hogs, Shipments 1.MI0 dressed hogs. NEW YORK DRY CiOOl) MARKET. New Yoiik, January 20 Tho dry gootla market is flat, prices aro sustained except for Atlantic A. heavy brown sheitiiigs, which aro reduced to 22a, same lis other varieties. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Piiii.ADui.i'iiiA, J.inuary 2:!, '07. .T..H ,l .1.. t t.... c.Qn Ss --. ,. w, ,, ,. mil. Oats 7a.iSc. Clover seed AS S.luB ii 0. i W.iskey nominal SPECIAL NOTICES A COUGH, A COLD, Oil A S0.aE TKKCAT Rl QIMIIKS IMMKMATl! AT'f KNTION, am in; cui:ci(i:u. Tk Al.I.OWKD TO COSTINI.'K, lIir.lTATIOXOV'TIIK 1,1'NOS, A I'lIR. MANUNT TIHIOAT DISKASB, OB CONSL'MI'TIO.V IS OlTIiNTIIU HF.SUI.T. II R O V W ' S B HO N II I A L TROCnES UAVI) A MltlXT ISrl.UKNCK TOTIin I'AIITS, CIVR lJIMUDIATK IIKI.IKF. For Broncldtl.4. Astlnin, Catarrh, Consump live tt itel Throat, Discuses, Tioches are used Uli always yond success. SINGERS and PUBLIC EPEAKEI? wil! find Troriat useful in clearing tho voice whentahen belb.o Shining or f?pe!;ii. and reliuvhif? ihn Ihroal nn unusual exertion ol Iho voeul organs Tho VWWk.i are recom niended and prescribed by Physician!, and have ' had testimonials from eminent men throughout tho country. Ileitis an ulwoiu of true merit, and htivin;; promt their efllcucy by a test of many years, each year Umls them in new localities In various parts ol the wor'.d nnd tho Tmrhe.K nro universally pronounced better limn other article?. Out us only ' jitows'sBiinvciii w, Thophks," and dn not tuUe any of the Wm-thknn fmitntloiis, that may lie olfered. Bold KvtBvwnnuu. Nov2l-(iino. PREPARED OIL OFPAIjM AND MACE, FOlt l'UKSI.IIVINU, KICSTOIIISO, AMU IlKAUTI FYINO T1IK IIAIK. And is the most delightful; and'.wouderful ar tielo tho world ever produced. Ladles will find it not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken nnd Reautit'y the Hair, but also a desirable article for tho Toillet, as it is highly perfumed with a rich and delicate per funic, independent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. The JJarvcS of Peru. A new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy olVont, and the tenacity with which it chugs to the handkerchief and .person, is unequalled. The abovo articles for sde by all dnr&;ists and Perfumers, at $1 per bottle each. Sent by express to any address bv proprietors. T. W. WUIG1IT &CO., 100 Liberty St., New York. Oct. 24, iPOrt. ly. .- SB. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE FILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. TIiojo Pill ire compoioj of nrloui roott, hanng tho power to roliw tlio eccrctlom of the liver u promptly and nircotnally aa Wuo pill or mnreury, and without produolim any of thow dlBialilo or danncroui effects winch olton follow tho me of tho latter. In all blllou dliorden thcao Pllli may bo uwd with oonlliloiieo, an tboy iiromoto tho dlrchargo of vitiated Wo, and rrniovo luoso obrtructlons from llio llvor and lillliu'y ducts, whlclt aro tho coum ofhllloua alfcctlnnn In ponorat. BCIIKNCK'B MANDRAKK PILLS euro Sick Headache, audall dilordcnoltllo Liver, Indlcatod by allow klii, ooalod toiiRuo, cosllvonta, drowaluoa, and a Boneral li clln:i ot wcwlnmi and lanltudo, Uowlnn lhat tho liver la lu a torpid or obrtructed oondttlou. In Bliort, thou Pllla may bo uaod Willi advan lapo In all cuca when a purgallvo or mltoratlva modluluo U ro iulrod. Plono ask lor "Dr. Bchonok' Mandrake Pllla," and obiervo that tlio two Ukonesus of tho Doctor aro on tho Uovoruuieui itanip ouo when In tho last itago of Coniunipllou, aud tho otbor In hla proaonl health. Bold by all l)mglit and dmtcn. Price St cenla per box. Prlno.pal Oftlco, No. It North Otb Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Oenoral Wlioleeale Anontit Dcmu Damoi ft Co., 11 Park Kow. New Yorki B, 8. Uauce, 1M Baltl more Sl Datllmorn, Md. l John 1). Park, N. K. Pourlh and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohioi ' Watkor A Taylor, 134 and 1M Wabaih Avenue, Cblcapo, III. i Colllm Brothon, aouthwoit corner ei Second and Vine flu., St. Loula, Mo. lh b eth w. oo. mo. 1 jr. rnitE CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE X " " OV AN INVAUI). Publlhnd for iho benellt andas a CAUTION TO YOUNU MEN nnd others, who sull'er from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ot mUnnA,- etc., supplying at lliesame time Tim iIi.anb nir lHi.'.r.v- litiin. llv imri w in liuu cured himself utter undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a poipaid addressed cnvelopd, slnt;lU copies, free of charge, may In, linii itf tin, iintlimv be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIIl, Esq.,- Mny23 'Ctl.-ly ilrooklyn, Kings Co., N. V. ! IIP PU21E DIM, MEDICINES, OILS PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, UPorrum ory. T01LC.T AIITICLES A!IU FAKCI SOAl'S. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND A NEW SUPPLY EVERY WEEK I WILL SELL CI9KAP Full ASM AT OUR GOODS HAVE BEEN 110UQ IT tor cash, selected with care, and will be warranted us represented, and sold ut tho very lowest cash prices I ALL THE 1'OrULAll PATENT MEDICINES SOLD, AND MOST OF T11KM AT OLD I'HICES. Pure liquors. "WHisls-iesj. WINES, BRANDIE3 ALCOHOL, TUUPENTINB. VAHNLS1IES, &o., ALL AT SHORT PROFHS. Call and see our stock before purchasing clscwhero. Thankful for tho very extensive patronage already bestowed, wo hope to merit a continuance of tho sumo TUST received anew lot of choice perfumo funicry, highly scented soaps, cosmetics, &,., including many ni:w aiithu.ks very cheap, call and see them at BltADEN'S DilUO STORE! LAROE stock of Patent Medicines just received. Call and bee our STOCK and PRICES. AXF.7T rEuriMi: rou the u.iM)Ki:urun:r. Pbnlau'e IVis'il ISlooiiiins 'rrcu." l'halou Nielli Ellaoiilinri C'crcua." riinlon' ' NIsht Klaomill Coii'iu." Phnlau'it "M;ilit tllo.miiii tcrcu." llialon'i 'Ni:'ut iJlaatuius Ciriun." A mnrt pxijnl-lto. dvllcati-, nnil KrnRrnnt Vrrfmno, (Hull led from tho rare uml Ueuutllul lluwer Hum which It taken In mime. Uiuiufacluri d only by I'HAI.OX Si HOX, New York. BE W All 13 OP t'OUSTKUKKITS. ASK FOU PHALON'ii TAKE NO OTIlElt. jy'.Ti,' Wi.-lyeow. FOR SALE! 3wr . 1' .lAMl 1NOR1CENE COUNTY, PA., CON- tiumn? tittout 12S j&. e3, looi.led on VliIt.cly Oreelr, two miles from (Jrcensbiiro. Soil rich and under cultivation. Improvements 1"H hoie, o' chard &e. Good Oil territory. This pioperty liclonns to the Whitely Oil Company and will be sold clr up lo pay the Indelit'.'dues of said Company. Parlies desirous of investing will address THOMAS STEEL, No. CO Smithlield Street, Pittsburgh. jan2:i,'(i7 '.'w 'Ur.NQtlKSTlON'ABI.T TUB UK8T SCSTAISKD WOKU OF TUB KIND IN T1IK WOULD." . 1 It P E li' S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Critiial JVofiVaf of the Pros, It is tho for"most Magiwliio of tho day, Tho fireside never had a more delleht ul couipan ion, nor the million a moro enterprising friend than Harper's Magazine Methodist J'rotcs .r(, (Unlliuioro.) Tho most popular Monthly In tie world. N. V. Olmerm: We must refer In terms of eulogy to tho hitfh tone and vailed excellences of Harper's Magazine a journal with a monthly circula tion of about 170,000 copies in whoso pages are to bo found somo of ilia chioccst light and general rending of the day. We speak of this v.ork ns an evidence of tlio culture of llic American People; and the popularity it has acquired Is merited. Each number contains fully 144 pases of rending mutter, appropri ately illustrated with goou wood-culBj nd It combines in itself the racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of tho daily'joui'nu1. It has i;ro t power iu tlio dissemination of a loyo of pure literature. Tiiuhsku'b OuiJe lo Amerinii Literature., London. The volumes bound constitute oftheniselves a library of miscellaneous reading such as can not bo tound In tho sumo compass in any other publication that has come under our notice. Jloston Courier. &UBSCKIPTIONS : 1 8 6 7- Tlio Publishers have perfected a system of mfiilin.r liv wlitrh lhv run sttnrlv lint Maga zine and Weekly promptly to those who pre- ier.i" reeeivo mcir peitouieais uiiuuujr nuiu tho olllco of publication. The postage on Harper's M u?azlno Is 21 cents a year, which miibt bo paid at tho sub scriber's prst-olliee. TERMS : Harper's Magazine, one year $ 1 00 An extra copy of either Iho Magazlno or Weekly will be supplied gratis for every Club of live subscribers at ijl 00 each, hi ouo re iiiitlimco j or six copies for flUO oo. Rack numbers can be supplied nt any time. A Complete Set, now comprising Tl'iily threo Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will lie sent by express, freljlit nt expense of pur chaser, for $2 an per vol. Single volumes, by main, postpaid, $U 00. Cloth cases, for biud ng. fis cents, by mail, postpaid. --Subscriptions sent from British North American Provinces must bu nccompanled with 24 cents additional, to prepay United States poBtaeo Address, itARPER & BROTHERS, Jan23,'07. Franklin St., New York. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. T flW ATlMIN!T.lTUATmW nn tlio Li estate of J.VSl'ER HANK, late of Morris township, Greene county, dee'd., having been granted to tho undersigned, notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted to said cstato to make immediate payment and Ihoso hav ing claims to present them Immediately, prop perly authenticated lor settlement. OEO. LIUHTNER, of Morris township Ad nlnl.-tr.itor. ,)iinl),'0il-w SLATER ODENHaITGII, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Li quors and every thing pertaining to a first class Drug Storo. Preacriptlons oarulully com pounded. "Crclgh'e Old Htand," Waynes burg, Pa, May UO, 'Ofl.-ly. MIDI'S iss mil DRY GOODS AT AT "JIIM'S OLD ST1SD." TUB GOODS ALL FRESH, inn .'33? "ST" Xj 3j3 JSJ , LATiEST AND BEST! ttii: Fabrics, as Represented, and this ASSORTMENT KEPT "COMPLETE. milE UNDERSIGNED 13 DETERMINED X to sell, aud the bkauv cash will secure tho very best of bargains. Call ami examine his stock L. K. EVANS, dec! l-i!m Waynesburg, Pa. Something New IN WAYNESBURG, WNX'A. THOS. BRADEN f At tho room formerly occupied by Andrew Wilson, S. ., next door to Rraden's DnigfsloreJ Respectfully Informs the good pcopl" of Orcein) couuty, that he has opened a HA3ttBWAH3a STOIIS. And invites n call from his fiictnU and Iho public generally. His storo is lilled with evervlhiig In his linn needed by tho Earne r nnd ''. Mechanic. Uelng a pruetleal fanner, he knows exactly the wauls of hw fanner frii'iuls. Amoi.g U variety of goods will be found Iron, "nils of all kinds. Planes of all varieties, Au gers, Unices. &e. Tultlo toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand sa'vsimd tools of all des criptions. AG 1 UCUL.TU UAL I M I'LE MENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes. Corn Shel ters, Plows, Cultivators, Shovels, Forks, and everything in his line. SADDLEUY HARDWARE, A general nsortment of saddlery hardware, to which he invites the attention of purchasers. WOODEN" WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Duckets, Cutter Howls and all kinds of Kilchen Wooden Pixins. Willow Rackets; llrooms, lirushcs, Cioid liiickclfl, i'l'ioH Kelilcs, ihiggy whips, Shot Gun:', Hoys Wagons and si (U All persons dc-riroti of piuehasing any (f the above articles and many others not men 'ioned i will consult their interest by CALLING SOON. I no will talto pleasure In showing his stock , at nil times. So givo him a call when you ennio to town. Uumcmber tlio place, oppo- j site the Eirst National Rank. dec I '-'If TIIO.S. BRA DEN., ' "A COMPLETE PICTORIAL HISTORY OP THE TIMES." "The best, cheapest, und most successful Family Paper in the Union." II A 11 T K It ' S W E E K L Y, SIM.IiMlini.Y 11.LUSTIIATK1). Critical XutieeH of the. Vc.i. "Tho best family paper published in the Uulted States." Sew l.omlun Ailcertistr, "The Model Newspaper of our country complete in ul1 the departments of nn Ameri can Family Paper Harper's Weekly lins earn d for itself a right toils title 'a Journal ol'civi Izatiou." " .V. 1". KctnUitj I'ost. "This paper furnUlies the best illustrations. Our future historians will enrich themselves out of Harper's Weekly long alter writers, and painters, mid puhlihcis live turned to dust." .V. 1'. Eeantjdist. "A necessity In every household." lloston Truimrriit. "It is at one a leading political nnd histori cal annalist of tho nation "I'umdejihiii I'res. "The best ofils class m America. " Huston Traveller. SUBSCRIPTIONS ; 1 8 6 7. Tho Publishers have perfected a sysiem of mailing by which they can supply the Mnga ziu'i and Weekly promptly to those who pre fer to receive their periodicals directly from the olllco of publication. Postmasters nnd others desirous of gutting up Clubs will be supplied with aShow-ijill on application. The postage on Harper's Weekly is 'JO cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber's posV olllco. TERMS : Harper's Week.y, one year f l Of) An extra copy of either Ihn Weekly or Mtt gnzino will be supplied gratis for every club ct Five Subscribers at ijt W eac'', in one re niillatiee s or Six Copies for if'-'O ill). Rack numbers can be supplied at any lime. The Annual Volumes oi Harper's Weekly, In nea' cloth binding, will be sent by express, free ol'expens.i, li r7eaclt. A complete sol, comprising Nine volumes, sent on receipt ot cash tit the rate ol ijj5 20 per vol,, freight at expense of purchaser. Volume X. ready January I, IMii7. Subscriptions sent from British North Atnerlcin Provinces must bo accompanied with 20 cents additional, to prepay United Slates postage. Address, IIARl'ER&mtOTIlERS, jan2:l, '07. Franklin Bipiaro, Now York, DiNNolutioii ol I'arliit'i'yliip. THE partnership heretofore uxlsling be tween J. M. Ilotfiuiin ami U. Roller's, under till) stylo of HoitMan & RomaiTS Is this day (Jan- 2nd IH7,) dissolved by liie withdrawal ol'J. M. Holliuan from said firm. Tlio business will lie settled by 0. W. Roberts, who alone Is autliorlzud to collect nil debts and pay all Indebtedness of said llrm. The firm will hereafter bo known as that of 0. W. ROBERTS &Co. J. M. HOFFMAN JatiVtlMt . U. WJWHERTS "DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. milE CO PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE X existing hntwoon tho undersigned lias been this day (January .'Id, imi7,) dissolved by mutual consent. Those knowing thoin R'Wcs imlcbli.'d to said llrm nro earnestly ro uuested to mako prompt seitlement. HCUHEi & LUCAS, jtniio-at'' rc..iiylvaiii:t U:ii Etoad. VVIWTER TIJV3E ITABLE. EKIIIT TKATNS (HAILY) TO ANO FltOM l'llll, VDKI,. I'lll.l AM) I'llTSIICIllill, ANDTWOTIHI.NS OAII.V 10 AMI KIIOM IHtlU, (tfL'X UAVS KXl'KI'TUD.) nM AMI APTCtt MONDAY, NOV. I!), IRfl TIIR Piwnoii.t 'f ruliin uf tin I'miiHylviinla itallrnn1 Com imiiy will ilrKirt from llariUlmrK, utlJ urilvu ut I'hiliiilcl iillluuml I'iunburgli hi I'iiIImwh: EASTWARD, riillNili-lphltt K.xirfM Ifiivi.rt llurrl.lnirtf ilallv ("wppl .V.nnlnv) nt iM A. H., uml uri'lvca ut W. al I'lillaili'liilnu ul 7.IHI u. Kiint I.Iik. 1'iiVM llurrlaliiit'i; 'tally 'xccit M iint ivH) at (1.311 A. , mill Wuat l'liiluil..Jila ul I '.li p. M. llri.akril'.U ut llari'lnlairif. I'lrl taut I. Imi llaht Iruiii Krln ni'i'lv.-H ut lltirrlslmri; ilally (i'X-i.,t .Wniiiluys), ana miuim'tit Willi V.wt l.iiin li-uv. Inv lltiiTMmr: at U.'JU a. m. Pally I'hliri'W lcav,. I I n rlnl.ui'i; .I,l I v fi.x,.,.,t Ninulari) nt 1. 10 l'. m , uml iirrlvimut Wi't l'lill.uh.lj.lil.i ,,t (,,411 1.; m lliiiii.T ut IIiii-i'IhIiiiik. I'liii'iiinatti xt"',,,! 1c:ivim llarrMairn ilallv nt S.-lrt p. M., uli'l urrlv.'i ut ifflt l'liiluili..liiaia 13.4U A. si. Silli liiT at llaiTblnu'K, llan lau : Ai iitnilatl'm lcavi-a lliirrblmrc ilnttv frx- n.'ia Sini'la.VH) at 1.4H v, H., nml iutIvuh al ',,'.n I'lilla-li'l. III I ill al LI.4U V. M. '1'llln train luli no L'ullhi'i-tl.iu ll'iilu llm W.-t. I. :iiic:ihIit trnin. via (V.lnmMa, t.-nvi- Unri-lsl.nri- .Itillv tSiiuilii.Vii I'viviit,..!) at 7.H0 a. m., una tuilvi-H i jilil.i at l'.'.::u i. h. lilll.'i villi' Ai'i'umiiilatlnn. vlaMc.loy, I-iivi-f Ilari lnlmrn ilaily (I'Xrrpt Siimla.vr.) al 11.110 a. II., ihinl urrbrrtat i'anti.fuKl.10 A. M., I'i'Olii'riliiw with l.aiua.Ui'r Tialu fant. WESTWARD. Uric Mall wi't, for Kiii', l-nv. llnnWuirR ilally (,..x n il Siiii.luy) at '.'.Oo P. M., nnl ari ivci at Kilo at 7.:!li p. M. Ki'if Kal I. ill.' wi'-l, lor lil'll' IrllV'.-n lliin-ialilirii ilaily (i'Xi'.'I'I Sanlay.s)nl 1.10 p. in.. aiTii iuit at Krio al ll.o.'i u. ni. II. iltillltiro Kxiri's icavi'H llan hl.tir;; ilally (i xfrjit Sonj ilayH) at '.t.ll'i u. In., iijtIviih at Alloona, 7. '10 n. ID., taki ii bivalil'.iMt, nii'l nrrivi-rt at 1'illntoirli at 1 ..'10 li. in. l'lillmlilj,hta lltiiroa-iliTui'ii; ililly at lUOtt. in.. iinlvi'H at A UooMa nt H.'Jft it. in,, talioi broukliiHt uiil lirrlvi'4 at 1'llli.liiilv'ti at l.-IO li. in. Kant liin li-uvi llarrj-lu- ilaily (fxci'it Sun.liy) ul 4.0ji. in; nrrivos nt AII.miihi ul N.oft p. in., takin nuppi'i uml nrrivauut I'lllnlniri;!! ut 'la. in. Stall Tlliln Ipuvi'h ll.iri'Itilairg ilally (wopl SlllnlityH nt 1. p. in.; urrlvi'H at Altooniint 7.'J5 p. in., takia Mippcr, nml urrivt'i, nt I'iIIhImiiuIi utl.aOn, lit. KiniKrniit Tmln AVi.1 (tn lilrli n Hint plans pirrnin'r ' cur In attui.i..l l'ir llioflcianiioilatlon ol l.K'ul travol) li-uvon lliirrlsluir); ilally (pxi-i'pt Monilnyl ut 7 n. in., aniv-H nt Alloona 3.10 p. in , tilki'n ilinni'r lllul itrrivi-a ut lil tHl.iirU lit lo.ll,, i. lit. I llillrrvilli. AiToiiiiuo.lation, wi-at, lonvna l.ancantor ilallv ' fpxi-i'pt Snnilnyn) utaolip, in., loavoi, ,1oiint .loy ut a.f.o : ii.iii.,an.lairivi'iiit Uarrlslur,'fiil .'..;io p. in. i r SAMI ia.A III.ACK, fup't. MiJ.llf li'. I'liin'a. I!. I!, jW I ' "MicriflT'H val. j "I )Y virtue of a writ of Vemliiinni Exponas, J) bsued out of the Court uf Common I' ol'Oreeni! couiilv, and lo me directed. Micro will be exposed In public talent the C'ouit House in Waynosbiir"', on SATURDAY. lil'i'lM) Y OF FEIi liUAliY Xl!'.X.T, at I o'clock, P. M.. the l' ilio'.viie; proj All tlx- l ioht, tide, liiteiv.t, uml tlai; ert y u?, v. I'l'De fendeiitof, in and lo a certain Tract of Land situate iu Cumberland Township, (.la-eiie county, Pa., eontidnln!! about FOUTY-MV A(Mi."S, more or less, about llHecn acres cleared, i'd Joinino; lands of Jeplha Mitehner, Henry liiirpneck, Ellas A. PlenniUeu, mid .lames FleniiiUen, bounded on the East by tlio Monongahela river. Taken iu execution ns tho property of 'The Flenniken Oil and Coal Company' at the suit of Ellas A. Plenuiken. tanlO-ts HEATH JOHNS, Sh'll. who iff' S4;if. BV virtuo of a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Oi'cene county, and to mu directed, there will lie exposed to puol'ie salo on the premises in Cumberland townshi, on SATURDAY, '-'d day of March next, at ft) o'clock, a. in., tho following propurto, viz : All (lie rylit, title, Interest nnd claim of defendent, of. in and to a oertain tract of land situate iu Cumberland township, (Ireeno Co , Ph., adjolni'm lands of Morgan Voiuifr, Win. Sharpneek, Peter llewit. Rice farm nnd other?, ccntoininn one hundred and three ne'ren more or less, aiiout ninety nercs cleared, and lias erected thereon a frame and Stone house, two tenant houses, t'rome barn and slabe, an ap ple orchard on the premises. Taken in execution ih Iho propoitv of Geo. W. Keliey til tlio suit of Alvin Cloud, llii.nn Cioii l and Eleanor Duvull lor use ol said Eleanor Duvall, CiTlf the money is not paid down on day of sale the Slieriil'is direrled lo kjII Ihe prop erly. HEATIIJOHNci,;.'!)7.-t3 riheriff. BY virtuo of a writ of Fl. Fa., issue l nut of the Court of Common Pleas of Oreene county, and to me directed, there will bo ex posed to public sale at CurmicliicUIjorougli In Cumberland township, on SATURDAY, 23d DAY OV FEIillU AIIY NEXT, at. ;o o'clock, A. M., the following properly, Viz. : All tho right, title, interest and claim of De fendent of, in, and to a certain lot of niound In tho borough of Carmlelnels, No. 7'.', iu plan of said boroiigb.uiljoinine; lots of Hiram Curl on Iho Soulh-Kti't, bounded by an idlvou the North-West, fronting on Main street fifty feet, running on 'k one lumdred and fifty feet lo im alley, mid litis elected thereon the frame of u slalce, Taken In execution ns the properly of James Mordoek at the suit, of Julm V. Ilath awitv. HEATH JOHNS, jaiil6-ts Sheriff. 1T94. K, 1794. INSURANCE 0 0 ,11 P A If Y NORTH AMERICA! raiik:tiMgifii:i. Oltht lnsurmtcc lonipnny.. tn : Amsrica. CASIt C.MMT.U, AND SIIIII'M'S. OVKU $3,7l,0. SEVENTY ONE YEARS Suecessful P.nsi ness Exporienco, with it reputation for IX TEORITV and HONORAIll-U DEAMNO UNSLRl'ASSKDby any s'unal.: institution. EOS.SES I'AII) since orgiiui.alion, I7,--,0) ooo.oo ! MBER t. RATES Tor till tlio safer classes of property, liiMiiiinco of llWEEMNUS aud CONTENTS, a speciality. I'.lilt'K or STONE DWELLINGS insured PERPETUALLY, if desired, on terms of Iho greatest economy and safely to the insured. Ills WISDOM ami ECONOMY to In.ire in the best Companli s. nnd there Is NON iKV TER than the old INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. DIRECTORS : Arthur O. Collin ; 8. Mortis Wain, Samuel W. Jones, John A lil'own, Charles Taylor, Ambroso Vhiln, Richard D. W. od, William Welsh. John Mason, Goo. I Harrison, . Francis I), Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, Win. Cuinmines, William II. Rowcn, 1 Charlton Henry, James N. Dickson. ARTHUR li COFFIN, President. Cii.tiif.ks Puatt, Secictiirv. 13. M. SA.TF.R9, Jan!i,'l!7 tf Agent ior Orciio Coiinly. ANMiuue' Police. riVIE UNDE1WOMCD ASSIGNEE OF 1 MottoAN Hull, 0f Rle.ihill township, here by gives notice 0 n persons Interested that the STORE 'JDOKS and Notes will bo left With Mr, William MeClellnnd, nt tho old stand., ior settlement nml collection, until tlio 1st of March next, and if not promptly settled Vliey will bo collected by due process of law ut onco. Tho creditors of said nwlgnant will ulso take notice lhat tliclr claims murt be pre sented nt onco; its I am determined to . close dp tho business Immediately. ''"" Jnul),'07-tf. . J. F, TEMPLE. f 111? MUX r rn a THE rilOPOSEl) IMPEACH M EST OF H.RINEHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP 0R0CERI13! HAVING JUST RETURNED FROMTI1E city, ho Ims.opcued Iho largest New .'Grocery in town. Ho ties' res to Inform tlio citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity of the cure ho have taken in selecting stock, having on hand a uond supply of CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO, CI OA US, TAU. also. I'KOVISI ONS, HACON, DI'.lKl) HKlSi?' rOTATOES FISH, DlilEU rEACIUiS, tte , ito , &.a. Call and see him as ho has been getting n m SDPPEiY You will find him accomodating, and cau sell lower limn any ouo in tho place, lio sure to go to tho right place, iu . LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite the Court House, nnd formerly oc cupied by tho Post Olllco. np:s,'i;u.-tf. .Tlnnhood . How Lost, How JTCesitorcd. ji Junt niM'nicd, a new edit inn of Jj'Dii. Ci'f.vniYi'Ki.i.'s Ci.i.KDUATi'.n Essay on Hie radical ciirr(wlthout medicine) of Spci matorrhoM, or seminal Weakness, Involun tarp Seminal Lotnes, linpot ncy, Mental an 1 Physical Incapacity, Impediments to marriaire, Sic i alr.o, C'liiHtmu lion, Enilepsy and Fits induced hy sulf-Indulgeuccor sexual extrava gance. r-9,Pviep, In a sealed cuvelopo, only 0 cts. The celeliraled author, in this fidmimblo ('say clearly demonslrates from a thirty years' suci cssi'ul practice, that the alarming eonne (ii"iiecs of seif-ibnsH may be radically cured wiUionl the dangerous use of internal medicine, or Ihe Application of the knife pointing out n mode of euro atonco simple, certain and cffec- Iual, by menus of which every sufferer, no mailer what Ids condition maybe, may euro himself' cheaply, piiva'cly, and radically. e-3This E-say should bo In tho hands of every youth and every man in tho land. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any addiesx, inf i'iiV, on roceipt of tix cents, or two postage stamps. Address tho publishers, C'HAS J. U KLINE &CO I27Rowery, Now York, Post Olllco No. 1.18(1. niaiL'li'ilii-ly UM't n I NO H li W! MU3. 15. S. SAYERS & IIOSKINSON IInvo )ust arrived from Nkw York with a largo assortment of foreign and domestic Hi r.f -W- which they propose to Bidlut the lowest CASH PRICES 1 such as Dress Goods, Diess Trimming, Dress I!u'-t.ons, Gay's Patent Mull's, Ladles's Shawls, Fins, Roots anil Shoes, Hats and Caps : also, a great variety of nlcu articles, at very low prices, for Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear Wares of all kinds, and a complete varie ty of tho best GROCERIES. All of which they propose to sidl at tho very lowttt hg.ircs, depending on tho quality and cheap ness of their goods to gain them custom. G vo them a cull before purchasing else where, and they will prove tnat tho above is correct. Room In Mayers' corner, eiivt of tho Court House, Wayuesburg. novS'lill tf :PiOW IS THE TIME.! A. J. SOWERS lias just returned from tho East with a largo stock of '1 which ho will sell cheap foreash. Coine and see : Over Coats from 5 to sj.".s Dress Coats from ijjilO Do to 80 CO Hit's. . " " fi 00 to L'." oo Rest nil wool suits from 20 00 to .10 00 Rest Union Suits n oo to 20 en UNDER SHIRTS, DnAWEHS, HATS AND CAPS, NECKTIKS, GLOVES, ! FINE SHIRTS And ft general ussoumeut for Men and B:ys wear. Oh I do not forget that tho chill winds of Winter Aro piercing and cold to tho body exposed : lfyourgi'.i iminfc. Rre torn and let in thu weather. Come quickly to Sowmts' und get yoinrelt clothed. Itooinin Allison's building, Wavnestmr;, Pa. novltoc.-oi) TEL 3VE. BTv37--rs-, - ATl'ORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT L A W ' ill M end to all claims for back pay, h uii-1 t valid pensions of soldiers and their reprcseir.a-. fives. The Pensions of the following chib- am 'increased irom ijka to and $2." per unml'ii, and w.dows tor children uuder sixteen yean ijS per monih cacli, viz : lt. Those who have lost the sight of lioo'i' eye, tho use of both hands, or otherwise total . ly disabled and incapacitated from performing' manual labor. 2d- All widoWs having children under tix-' teen years of age nro entitled to,$2 perm onth ' additional for each child. Od. Guardians- representing tho minor . .iV- .iVcw of soldiers tiro entitled to tho same inci ease ns if the motlar was living. nngl,'iiii-ft'. Ul'AIlflHlIVM MALE. . THE undersigned guardian of Mary l Nieliolsou, will sell, iu Greensboro, on TUESDAY. JANUARY 2!). isnr at 1 nVlnflr U tn tlin Imiiun .....1 t.b . .. .., 4- , ...v w 4lll lllCCt 1)1 irfiimil'i timv till Alurv I. I . cl of h"'" " t- ....,, ,i, iiuiuii.c.l by lot ol hrvmo on tlm North, Iliuuilton on tho East, Morris on the South nnd Btrect ou tho Went; being part of'ols numbered 13 ami hi, In plan ot said town. , There Is a neat frame dwelling house, aLti, a Una assortment iff Iruits on tlio prciniss. TER.M3 . .jdiio at sale, the balance of ouo , third at con flrmal ion, one-tldrd hi one 'yen' and remaining thin1 in two years with 1U-,' ; est on both navmetits l'mni r ,i, il,... .. 1 1.... ' 'I I' 11 ; PoB 'tsaioii to be given on the 1st of Aiull next. WM. P. GRIFFIN", jan,J,'07-ts ( Guardian. '