rs e w rnoTOfjRAPii C3- JL. JL- 13 3EL -IX- i iii-w a:i ! aplendi.i riintusmpli third Blmy ul i'l U. AI.LIo(XS I!L'!I.D!Xa, Wlinrn li" Is w pared t' execute niOTOGllA.I'IIS, AMnKO'nTES, MALEIANOTVriW. CAKTIvS 1)12 ISITL, An.l nil other kind and skies of pictures In n style coital to the best urllsU ''.special atten tion will In- rivvn to copying pictures uml en Uviti" litem. A'.! npplioaliiJiiH will I"' pmmpt lv attended to. Thiirroon!ar('i:oinnioihu; liml attractive, and eveiy desirable accommo dation will he rem'.ered l customer lhis 1" decidedly (lie best opporl unity to secure accu rate likflU'SKi'rt evi l' oll'crcd to the people (it (ipviic County, (.'iill liny tinio it suits you. Pictures taken anytime in the day, and in all kinds ol wuitlier. Nov, t.". IKiM. If. Dit. w. 11. tomoii HAS been in successful practice for ft imiu ber of years, will) the experience of the diilet'eiil hospitals In Kuroe, also a member of tlie Analytical Medical Institute of New York, cadio'ites to allenil to nil professional caws at 1 is olllee , iU. 1128 filbert Street, l'liih. Ko intent Medicines are iucd or recom mended ! the remedies administered are those which will not brake down the constitution, but renovate Hie system from all injuries it lias fiiistulncl from mineral medicines, and leave the systesi ia a healthy ami perfectly cured condition. DYSPEPSIA, thiit distressing disease una fell destroyer of health and hu;ipiii"ss, iindcr niiui'ri the eor.siit'iit'ni and yearly carrying llum.iifl-' to untimely graves, can most cm pliatilv he cured. M'.l.'.-.clu'ly, AbVerraliim, that state of Alie inlhn and wuikno'sof mind which renders persons incpalile nf orjiiyiiy the plcusbreaor iiortnnniirr tlie duties ol'lil'e. RHEUMATISM, In any Ibr.n nr condition, (lirohie. r in cute, warranted curable. Epi lepsv, or tilling dcUnc3?, nil clironlo or stub born ra-cs of I' KM ILL DISEASES lalie.dly r.-muveJ ; S.ilt Riic-uni ami every dcsciip'inu of ulcerations ; Piles and serolul . uus i1Imv.i s wiaeh have balllad nil previous medical skid, can tie cured Ly my treatment; j and I Cm My al!disea"s, (yc CuMnmillou) can . lie (aired by wear'un; my Medical Juivt, which : is n protection to the lings air-iinsl all changes of weather i i all c'.iiuat: s having investigated f ., ,.n.ih. 1 1 w. iiv.' nt'd iA iiiu'lcr of intenidt- ' ...c, ,,! in i.ll iviiUol'tiH' I'aitcd 1 Stales will cure, permanently an cnruaie or; acute eases ol A.ue and nervous unL'i'.si's in n caxci:k cvrtsn'-vviTnorr TtiK ksifb Oil DK.VW'tXd OK ni.oon. Tape Worm, that drea 1 to tlm Human Family for years, can be removed with two or ' three 'drea s'of my newly discovered remedy, warranted in all csif. t'onsulta'ion in the Kndis'.i andticrmun l.aniiuaires free ofejiaruu Will muUvl.ils anv distance, if desired. May bi! addressed bv letter (conliden. tally.) nnd Jle.lieinc sent with proper diicctions to iiuy part of tin; country. OFFICP. No.' O'JS ri'.bert ?lrect, Fhiln. livuli'iiC-ly XIS Jts. D 353 1IAV1:,T, FiV.iUT 5IADI3, WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS ONE OF THE LARG EST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS!! m mum. LliATIlEri, D00T3 i SHOES, Hats & Caps ! iZXX, ?SAaLS asid SALT, And a ereut variety of BONNETS nnd HATS for the Indies, at the lowe.-t irices that Goods l,ave neen som lor sinco we coninienceiueui PRINTS From 12 1-2 to 2.'! cts. per yd, MUSLINS,... " 12 1-2 lo tt FISH At Pittsburgh prices. IKON & Nails" " Card Prices. SALT " $3 per barrel. COTTON YARN, ut reduced rates. Wo baye the goods In store, nnd all we nsk cf our friendsi is to cull and see for themselves for we arc satisfied that an examination of our stock and low prices will repay litem for their trouble. To our friends at a distance, we ex tend a cordial invitation to call nnd seo their old friends who me always plad to see them, for we can assure them that it will repay them for the trouble. W. 11. M COY & CO. Tho oil Bbiwl of W. II. M'COY, Greensho ro, Oreene County, Vtua'u. MaylO,'(i.-,-tt Carriage Mannfacliircr Waynksm:ko, Pa., r) E3FECTFUT,LY gives notice that ho Iim V located in Wuyneaborg, Pa., where he in tend!, to manufacture C A U It I A O E S Of every description. From his experience in the business, be Inula conlldent that his work, In Rtvlo, finish nnd durability, will t?ive entire sa'.isi'aelion. It 1- his determination to purchase the best inatcrWl in market, and employ nono but competent workmen. T All new work warrented for one year. Wavnesburi:, Feb. 21.1 80t) 1 1 MOST DISABLE THE COUNTY. aUB UNDKKSIQNED VIU. OFFKR AT , public outcry, on tho premises at Itiee's Laiiillim, Urceuo county, Tliursdny, Jamiary 21, 187, the largo, well arranged unduew Brick Tuvcru Bland, known na tho "II 0 H 0 NG AH ELA HOU315 ." Besides the noculiar advantnncs derived from tlie situ ol thu buildiuii. the nrooeriv Itself, Is tho best in that section of the countrv. Its basement cittern ample room for a STOKE IIOUBii, there Is convenient and spacious ntiibllng, a iilcd well of water nnJ other out buildings. Tins is n Bpicnum npporiunujr lor nv one contemplating the hotel business. HUGHES ACOi Founded in 1840 AND ISMIBATi'l) CV LECISHTIVB ClUaTliR, milEONIA INSTITUTION' OFTIIK KIND 1 in the Union conducted liy a I'ractieal hu ninessiniin. Our liigheitUomim'rciul Author ities, (!iist and west, pronounca his systems .of llouk-kecpiiw unedualed coniprehendlnt! ev.-rv depaitmiitit .of business, and yet so nkillullv condensed that the attentive student imuicis tin; wht.'lc, in bix of ciahl wuekft. It CC'tlflstS ol ' STOCK I500aS, closed o.iee with n loss mid twice with u g liu --cNliiliitinir by tlnve. dillcreut lntlhotls die transi'er of old to new books. 1AKT.KUSIIU' ROOKS, conducted ly three, dill'eicnl met'nods, ox hili'uiiifr the transfer of Hie hl new linolm, with Hie Introduction of u new partner j also practically illunr.itim: the VJMVATE I.12I)0K!i, bv means of v.hich the resullsof the business ure keiitout of the K'-'ueral limika, for the use ol the partner? only. ........... , How every one. may get rich. How to pet rich hy Hading. Tlie cause ol. Commercial failures. On speculations. The moral inllu ntice of integrity in youtl), etc. Also leelures "P"" COMMKHCIAL LAW, nn Piirl.ner ihips, ConlivcK Insurance, Cotu mnn Cirriers.'llin SbitiU'i of r.iniii'itions, etc. lT-n ti-il In-1-uction;-, in Di'lTlX' 1'INU coi-NTKiti'iiiT bank xon::i, by a full set of rcr.utoe viirneltes nnd coun i..,, ftndii liirirei'ollectionof counterfeit notes. oilUliAlLKOADISOOICKIiliriKG, (in nnmwcnpt,) exhibits Hie construellon nnd equipment, tne cperatini.' rei'eipts and expen ditures ; t lie boons clo..ed and a dividend re corded. These books are advertised by others but noi tamdit elsewhere ia the ci'y. Our new svstem of - lUtlVATElUNK HOOKS, (in manuscript,) embraces nil the best forms in use nmcn private bankers. Our new en larged edition of DnlVs Steamboat Hook keep in'? Our full course of business praelie In cludes about FIFTY IJUSINXSS HOOKS, ruled ioabonl thirty dUVcren' forms, viz: II'-ers, 7 I ; i y Hooks, 5 Journals, (J Bill l mks, C 'ash Uooks, 4 rwies isooks. invoice ! Uooks, 1 Disiamnt Hook. 1 UieeK iwpsier, i Deposit Ke'i-.tev, 2 I'oheclicn uegisiers, i Tickier, 1 llaiuls' H.-gister, 1 Freight Hook, 2 I' Rooks, 1 Find Hook. Thesa Hooks practically record idiout six hundred business tr nsu lion", comprebendin.n DulV's original pi inol'bu-iness cducalUm, introduced twenty-live years niro. How far others leivo sue , l,.,i In imitatin!' Idin will be best seen by conipaiunr the nusmess papos a:m im i M I"!!"': w," UlC jituiuaiva ui this institution. Harper's Enlarged Edition OK rilJTS BOOK-KEI'j LNG. Price ?2. Pottiv. 20 renin. SOLD BV HOOK SELL1215S GEN- EUALLY. AWARDED FOUIt SILVER MEDALS. Which, with the lollowiiijr testimniiials. ituli cale the characler of the work : 'No other work upon Bookkeeping explains (he subject with so much clearness and sim plicity. F. W. EDMONDS, t'a.diier Mechanics' Bank, Wall slreel, N. Y. 'As mi extensive ship owner, Aniericnn ami Eui' pean merchant, bank director, elc.. he lies borne the reputation of the hi.uliest ordn of business talents. JNO. W BUlt.NllAM Me.chant, No. H South ttrcet, N. Y. "I irruduat'.'d in Duff's collejio in half the time I expected. His admirable system in cludes not him; superfluous, nor leaves out iiiiytliinir ess utiul. .!. H. COMPTON, Cashier Niagara Bank, Lockport, N. Y. "Tne inobt complete work of the kind I have ever we:.." J. E MUUUY, President Exchange Rank, Filtsburirh. The most clear and comprehensive that I have met with. JOHN SNYDER, Cashier Hack nf Pittsburgh. V...... n....,i;ilfi, titKinimiiuilv crineiir in (tin ii ,,i,- tiiitv nl'tlm hnnroved method i 0. jIr ,)lin. GUKDON J. LEEDS, Tecol.dintt gee. ot the Amer. lnsti , K. Y. OuW. II. Duffs Fenmansbip For the best'bus'iness nnd Ornaniental Pen manship, awarded our present Penman, by the i United States faro at Cincinnati I. in 18fio Peniipvlvania Stale fair nt Wyoming lHlio M'..t..,- Pi.nnai'llMlllil filll ILt. Pi 1 1 ilt IliriT ISltll U'estein V iiriuin fair at Wheclinc ltiiin Ohio State fair nt Cleveland 1H2 All of which lire exhibited at our olllee. OUU TERMS. Have never been advanced, while others nre chiiririiijr $")0 tuition fee, or $10 nnd IB-extra for penmanship, and $12 to $20 for text books and blanks. For our jrrmluutlng course, Including busi ness penmanship, time unlimited, tiro &!. The enlarged edition ol Duff's Hook-keeping, with blanks and stationery at booksellers' prices, , , Our blanks are mado up of fino extra sized paper ruled complete, wi li lull sets of auxil iaries. We therefore present the business student with the following IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES: 1 We have tho best Pentium In tho west. 2 Dull 's System of Dunk-keeping, (sanc tioned by the New York Chamber of Com merce,) taught by the author. 3 The dally lectures of uu experienced mer chant. 4 A saving of scvea or eight wccUs In lime of study. 5 A saying of the same number of weeks board. m U A saving of $0 or $7 hi Hooks and sta tionery. 7 A diploma signed by ono so long and so favorably Uuo,n as a preceptor, as ua recouni ant, nnd as a merchant. Vm full nartlculars. send for circular, 75 pages, with samples of our penman's Husinoss nu ornamental writing, nicuwuig vwuuiy five eeuts forposttigo, to i dcff & soar, PRINCIPALS, febl7'(l(l-ly PITTSBURGH, Pa. ll otioo. , AT.T. norsons knowlmr themse ves Indebted to tlie Rhvuiii.ican OkViok, either for Job Work or Subscription during the six months the paper was conducted oy mr. waiiiins, will pay tho accounts to Mr. Jus. E. Haycrs, who is authorized to receipt for tho same. Eailv attention to this matter will inva cost. ' MESSRS B1DDLE & CLARK. tugS FOUTZ'O CCLF.BRATrD Thl pri'tiai'atlnn, long ami favorably knuwn, will lliur ouKhly rt-luvigontta l)i'iki-nli)wn imJ own)iitiltd lionten, by Hlri'iigtlienliitf aud cleannliiK thu itomaub auU tutuM tlnci, It li a lure pre vt'iilivu of till Ui riiNt'M Iticltl'tit to tl.U animal, inch u Lt'N'O FEVLli, GLA.NDhiHrf, TI.MJ IIL'l VL'a MJ li coiro us. dib! fii TKMPKK. FR VKIW, roUNOKR IMA i)V AI'FK TITK AND VITA ti i:NKH(lY,&o. Hi use improves the wind, IncrvAsca tho npiiutlUj-ffivos a a in o o t n and glossy BkiuuiiU i transforms the1 niiHoruhIa akcluton Into a flne looklnv and spirited To kwiiera of Cowi thin nrpiiirntlon in Invnliinlild It iucrcuHut the quuutity aud lmprovcR tho qimllty oi ui( num. it una bwn iroven by ac tual experiment to inureuM) tho qunn tlty of milk and crt'iim twenty ptr cent, and muke the butter 11 1 in nud Bwcct, In fattening cuttle, it lvt!t thi m an iintite, luoscnn t.VVltir. ' ' li I u c i nun makes them thrlyo much fuster. In all dlai'R'ca ot Swing, melt Coindia, Vlcora In tlio lainus, I.tver, tliis ai'ttrlu ootd as a iiL-cillo. By nultiiiit from t if one-liair a paper ' to a putK-r In a barrel of swill the boerailkated or entirfly prrventwl. If Rtven in tlmo, a ccrtata pruvcntlvo and euro for tliu Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 6 Papers for 61. lUlEPAEED BY s. a. iroiJXK sc. nuo AT THEIR ffnniESJlE DltlO AM) SIEDICIXE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Huln by IiniiridsU and Storekeeper! tlirouth out tho United States. ltoberU & Co., at'ents, Wnyncs'inm, ra. novi't'ii -IV- GS00EE1ES! Let Ail Persons COME TO WAYXLSLlUna R:ro O-et CHEAP GROCERY 0 OF Proi.rletoraof the upleiidid Grocery Ptore, foi nterlv owned by .loset.h Ye-'ter. Mr. Taylor keeps on hand a '.nod supply of the very bi'st Sl'dAii. rol'V KK. TKAS. iiice, Morvs SF.S. Sl'K'F.S. C.VUliON (UT,. LAMPS, LAMP (UIIMMIKS. SlIOHFINIHNtirf, itc, and, in fact, RVHHY 'nilXa usually kept in a fust class tiroeery Store. Two doors East of Wilson? New Jing Oct II, '(la-tf UECOFSTIIOMON NOT OF ITS HUT OF GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY 1 MR. IIOOPKR would still have hia rii nils and patrons bear n mind, that ho con tinues In the Grocery and Cnnl'ectiouery trade nt bis usual place ot doing busiiKB, and that ho bus iusl received h. Fresh. Supply of tlio best quality of all articles in his lino. TOYS NOTIONS and a great variety oi useful articles always on hand. r-EFaSSHKTEHTS, In connection with the above, Mr. Hooper keeps a Itcstaurant, where K.'E CREAiM, her- nes and all the luxuries o the season can bo obtained. The most attractive and most popular resort lutown. Juno I t, 'll.'.-I v ''SHS3RMAH" HOUSE," JUST OPENED BY Tlioa Bradley 1 POSITIVELY Iho mot complete) Hotel in . our town. Everything combined to fur- nisli tlie best accommodation ever yet otTjred in tne pmuic, moiub lurnisneu ai nu nours, uiuio proviu- el with the best of the season. Also, a line ice eiviim saloon tilted up and nt'acliod to the house, and a hah unrivalled for the variety ' .... .... . J. act duality ot us contents. Clioleo wines atul brandies, good whiskey, alo, lino cigars, &o., forma few among tho prominent items. Travellers and those desirous of refreshment will do well to call, "Tom" still retains his old I,:HUHlIMI i'l mi UV U.'llllllll.Mll 11, KIJUUUIIIHII, am! hospitable landlord. House, the oik, for nierly occupieil bv the "Messenger" Olllee, Mayfl.'iiik-ly. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration upon tlio F.stato nf Tiios. Ai.imikk, late of Jeil'crsnu tp .Oreoiio Co., Pa., dee'd, having been granted to tho undersigned by tlio Hegtster of Urccno Co., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said KHtale, ire requested to pity the same, and those having claims against said Estate aro requested to present tlieui duly authenti cated lor settlement. I.ntnsA Ai.rnmt, 1. N. Caukv, Dec. B, 18r,. -Ct. Admr's. ii II U ti X K II O II 8 Bi i JiUuraon, Greene County, ro:iu'a. WiS. fi, .. liUMUARXEll, Projiriartu. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. Bum OAiisun Is prepared to furnh Ik, to tho travelling public. The TAULK always sup plied Tvltli the choicest delicacies, thn H.H wltli the Hnest Wines and Liquors, good sleep ing apartments, nnd an abundanco of stable loom attached to tho premises, Publlo patronage solicited May 23,'66 -ly. mmf Column. l'liLDLNO STOCK A CoitiiuM'onnsT 8:iys, with regitnl to feoiliitK stock in winter i With good cireaml nttention, clock coming into winter quarter in fair condition mtiy bo brought through the winter on tlia conr so - and less vuUiadjlo portions o! fuddor, au 1 (lonio out tliiiviiiy tit spring. Oan- cr illy there in ft largo growth ot corn fod 1 tr, nnd if tins 1ms been saved pro- pj ly, it wi'l furnish u large amount of V i'ttulilo foul. Cut fine an I mixed with tho different qualities of meadow hay, 1 Blraw of tho different varieties ol grain, 1 a'l cut., moistened, nnd a littlo salt ad. ded and allowed to be. in bulk a few j hours or days, not'ording n the. weather J may bo, to soften before feeding, it will bo eaten neatly or quite clean, and do In much good us thu better quality of hay tod whole. lSq.oeiully it a small ein itikliii'' of meal or any kind of grain, or a few pulped roots tiro added, we have a Co "d which stock will thrive upon in a remarkable degree. If the firmer has both hay and grain, it is bolter to feed a portion of the grain in this way, ground into meal, than to sell it wiling a portion of his hay in stead, if eithor .nust bo disposed of. The more oonoenlrated tho food tho more fattening material is furnished, and the richer and better tlio manure. Com fodder, coarse hay atul straw cut and mixed as abovo, with a littlo meal to give a flavor to the talo and smell, will b'3 culcn olean, with tlio exception, per haps, of a fe w piecci of tho liard butts mid joinU Fed three times a day regu larly, with what thoy will eat eWn, Btockof all kinds will thrivo as well as thoutzh tod on an canal amount of English hay, uncut, and thu same quan tity ot gram. A ton of sweet corn fjd dcT prepared in above, and fed, is worth nearly as much as a ton of hay. Form and Firesilo. 1I0V TO MAKE iiOTII 1SXI1H MEET Mr. Joliimon says that lie lias noticed that those fanners who huvo the most dilii'julty to make both ends meet, al way pl nv tho most and keep tho most stock. Now tlieso men take the true plan to keep themselves always poor, and bring in link'.. It is good profit to raiso lilies hundred bushels of win'tit fiMiu tan acrc-ii but when it takes thirty nures to raise that amount, it is riised at a los. So it is with caltlo and sheep. Yo.i will seo the thinking farmer m skill'' fonr -veai's old steers worth from o.)i) to 3S0 caoli, and his neighbor's ,,t tho stum ng), not worth over $2 1 to $10. If his land is exhausted, and a great many farms are then he should plough no more than ho could thor oughly m mure. Seed with clover and grass, and let it rest n r even iwo years, and that field will net only pay well fur j potion thn will render sickness tolera tillago, but will furnish mannresfif lightly ble, solitude pleasant, ago venerable, life managed) to make ' another field of tho ' more dignified nnd useful, and death same richness, also, It is bad policy ess terrible. when a field is once highly manured, to Wispcm kjii t:iic Ni:w. Yeau. Keep keep cropping with grain until it is used ' out ot debt. Pay as you go. Buy up Tlio luttcr end of the land will bo worse than tho first. lint 1 t tho laud lay in tho clover, even one year; but two aro bettor after it is manured, theu it will stand, porhaps. nix good crops before it requires manuring; if clay sub soil, it certainly will. Country Ge-it!o man, THE "FARM AND FIRESIDE." We have reoeived the first number ot a Pennsylvania Agricultural journal having tho abovo titlo. Tlie editors, evidently acquainted with tho work they have undertaken, after presonting their onterprtso to tho public and invi- tinr imi ml f.-innds to aid tllQtri.SDV! ,.w , , oar8clve3 tO mako a jour " u yn" J nal worthy of tho ereat aorricultural community a valuable compendium of : mother. As ho reached tho door of hie rural intelligonco, a pleasant companion mother's residence her corpso was be to the farmer, gardener or stock-raiser; ing carried out for burial. nniustructor of their families and ade fondor of their manifold interests." There is something neat aud novel in tl)(j mako-up of this journal and speak . . ....... i.:..,.u .i.i r ing typographically it would please the most oritical. Tho only Agricultural , ,. , , c. ,, , .i,i,i paper published in tho trt.ito, it snoulU I ij0 patronized as a homo institution. ! . 1 ... o t. i r 1 i i 1AT ,( t nt. 11 ia nnhtidhnrl v ti uuiuiuoim .,.. vveekly, in quarto form, beautifully iU , ' , I, 4l) q Ins', rated, lerms 5,UU porye.u. n. ; g FoiS Publisher, Pllila., P 0. Box. 893 LuiKii.M.iTt m Fahmino. In this art, and almost in this art alone, 'it is the liberal hand which maketh rich.' Li'iornlity in providing utonsils is tho saving both of funa and labor- Tho moro perfect his instruments, tho moro profitablo aro they. So almost ia it with bis working cattle and stock. The most perfect iu their kinds aro over the most profitablo. Liberality in good bams and warm shelter is tho sourco of health, strength, and comfort to animals, causes them to thrivo on less food, und secures from damage nil sorts ct crops. Liberality' also in tho' provision ot food for domostio animals is the source ot flesh, intisolu and manure. liberality to tho seed,ouHiirc, and compost, isthe source of its profit. Jonah Quincy. A Si.tmi r Mimici'. A con pin were married by inictake in Detroit the other evening. The groomsman and brides maid got into wrong position, so that tlie groomsman was next thu bi'tdo, nnd thu groom besides Ihu brides maid. I bo clergyman suppo.-ing that two couple wore to bo made one, asked tho gentle men to join hands with their respective ladies, which was done, nnd in a few minutes all tour were married. Whin the situation was fully comprehended, tho parlies concluded to accept it nod make the best of it. Tiikhu are no peopl : in Ihe world with whom eloquence is so universal as with the IiiHh. When Leigh Ritchie was tiavcling in Ireland, he passed s man who was a painful spectacle of pail or, squalor, and raggedness. His heart smote him, and he turned back. If you arc in want, said Ritchie 'why don't yon beg?' 'Surely, its beggiu' I am, yer honor. 'You didn't say a word.' 'Av oocrso not, yer honor, but see how the nkiu is spakin' through tho trowsersl and tho bones ctyiu' out through me skin.! Look at mo sunken cheeks, an' ti e famine that's starin' in mo eyes I Man alive, isn't it beggiu I am wid a thousand tongues?' Costi'i.niKNT to Dhmocuats. Among tho left-banded compliments paid the Democratic party by tho Southern press, wo have seen nono quite equal to tho following tribute, offered by the Richmond DiuU:h. Its truthfulness is historical : 'Will they light? Not they. They humbugged the South be fo:o the late war with tho idea that they were as staunch men us Yancey ; but when the war tocsin sounded they got them, inlo eaves and holes, with tho wolves and bats. A plagua on such friends, we say.' A story is told of a soldier w" ' about one hundred aud fitly years ago, was frozen in Siberia. The last ex pression bo made was 'It is ex .' He then froze as stiff as marble. In th" summer of IS 00 some French physd ci ns found him, after having laid fro zen for ono hundred nnd lifiy years. They gradually fl awed him, and upon animation being restored, ho concluded his sentence with 'eeedingly cold,' Ri MKMntii' That scrimping the feed (if'.tatteiiing hogs is a waste of grain. That over-fed fowls won't lay eggs. That educating oh Idren is money lent a liurdred per cent. That one evening spent at homo in study is more profitable than ten in i lounging about couutiy taverns. That viows should always bo milked regularly and clean Tun real design of education is, to give children re.iotirees that will endure a long as !i(o endures s habda that time win oui ueieriomie nm unuuj , w...- nothing except tho money is m your pocket. Have no ncoount current at the grocer's or butcher's. Go without new clothes till you can pay for them. Give your noto of hand to nobody. Eschew credit. Deal for cash only. At a recent railroad dinner, in com pliment to the fraternity, tho toast was given : "An honest lawyer, tho noblest, work of God." But an old farmer in tho back part of the house rather spoiled tho effect by adding, in a loud voice, 'and about tho scarcest.' A Sad Rltuus. A former resident of Allegheny city, Mr. Gcorgo Varty, returned home, after an absenco ol six teen years, coming homo for the pur- ' pose of spending two holidays with hh At a Christmas festival of tho Moth' dist Episcopal Church in Titholo, Pa liev. 1). S. Steadman received a pursi containing fivo hundred dollars from or omanizaliou calling themselves the "For ty Thieves." The Swordsman's Clul also presented him with one hundi'co and twonty-five dollars. A Cokst'.bmc in Kentucky, in pub lishing some personal property for sale put up a notice, with the following clause i 'I wyll xspooso fr sail tho Cda 18CG uv Jan won lytic rono hors, or w much thereof as ma bo nessary to latlisli gugircrjt.' Education is a companion which no misfortune can depress, no crime can des troy, no oiioajy can alienate or enslave At home a friend abroad nu introduo lion in solitudo a solace and in socie ty an ornament An Indianian says that hanging seed corn in n smoke house, nnd leaving it thoro, while tho meat is being smoked, will keep moles and field mice from eat ing it after it is planted. Making Uoads. Drain them. There cannot be a good road where water stands by the side ot or on it. Keep out stones of every sisso, and have tho top of tho road evenly and slightly round ed. The man who takes nri pains to mako or save manure, will not find farming a very profitable businoss. THE eiTHERlSO ST01U1 HAS $rV I A. HEDGE "& SOxN llavo Just received a New Stock ol ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, COIXAR3, NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSI ERY, TRIMMINGS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS. Wo huvo just received a large assortment of thu latest kind of ready made BOOTS AND SHOES which wo can warrant to wear, and do good service. Also a few Low Priced Hoots and Shoes which we will not war runt bought expressly to compete with our neighbors. Don't fail to call It you want to sen good articles In our line of trade, it will cost noth ing to look at them. Kemonihcr the place, "Allison's Building, opposite the Court If .use." Wuyneshurg, May 2, tf. L AT EST K AS 1 1 ION 3 DEMAND W. J Bradley's Celebrated Patent DDPli EX ELLIPTIC (OU DOUBLK Sl'IUNOI) Tim Wonderful Flexibility and great com fort and pleasure to any lady wearing the Du plex KUiptie, Skirt wilt he experienced partic ularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, enr riai'es. railroad cars, church I cws, armchairs, for promenade and liousi dress, us the skirt car. be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily mid conveniently as a Nm or Muslin Dress, an invahuble quality in crino line, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady hiving cnioved the pleasure, com I 11)1 1 unit fri i-.i i v., u y rim n. iiLni.tii uiv ldcx lOliliilie SI eel i.kirt lor a single day, will never afterwards willing!,' dispense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they nre superior to all others. They will not bend or break like Ihe single spring, but wi 1 preserve their perfect and irraceliu suape wli n ttiree or lour nr unary skirts will have been thrown aside as useless, The hoops are covered with double and twist ed thn ad, and the bottom rods urn not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered! preventing tlu.-in liom wearing ouiwlien drag idnir down stoops,, &c. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favoritnwith nil ladies and is universally, recommended bv the Fashion Magaziu s as the standard fckiit of the fashionable world. To enjoy the following Inestimable advan tages in Crinoline, viz.; superior quahtv, per fect inaiiufacture, stylish shape and finish, llexihiliiy, durability. comfort, nnd cconeniv, enquire for J. W. liRADLIAT'S Duplex Ellip tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get tile aennine article. CAUTION. To guard against Imposition be particular to NOT1CI0 that skirts oll'ered ns "iH.i'J.LA" have tlie red ink stamp, vi..: . W. liradlev's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs, upon the waistband nono others are gcmitno. Also Notice that every Hoop will ndndt. a pin lining passed through 'lie centre, tlius reveat Inir the Iwo for double) snrlugs braided to gcther therein, which is the secret of their flexibility and strength and a combination not to be found in any other Skirt. For sale in all s'to'es where first class skirts are sold throughout tlie United States unci elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTS. BRADLEY & CAUY, U7 Chambers & 7!) & l Reado Sts , N. Y. Oct. lo.'iiu-yin P. IB. GRIMKS kU, LATEST ARRIVAL! F.ALL AND WINTER STOCK OUOHT BEFORE THE 1ADVANCE IN PRICES, TO SUH EVEBY1JODV. 33 k sr ZGr o oas! CUE above firm, located at White Cottage, Orceae county, Pa., take'pleasure In nn nouncing to their friends mid the public that they have and aro receiving from the eastern cities a largo stock of staple nnd fancy, for eign and domestic DUY GOODS AND NO TIONS. This stock consists of Calicoes, De laines, Casshneres, Tweeds, Handkerchiefs, I'iiices, II op Skirts, Tickings, Linens, Bleach ed and Brown Muslins, Gloves and Hosiery, Gents' Cravats nnd Ties, Collars, Jaeouetts and Cair brics, Ladies Dress Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Boo s ocs, Groceries, Hardware, Queens wiro. Dye Stnll's, &e., &c. " yr'iiolithcy will sell as low as possi ble to CAi i buyers or for country produce, at en i.ues us will enable them to make a liv ing Please re nembertlus Is tho old firm of P. M. aUIMES. They have got a new Iioubo, lew tlrm, and tho best of all new goods. Sept. in. lSliii.-tf. ' Exchange Hotel . .--. G-reO 1 1 S1DO r O, J. V. II UN, Prmprictop TN INVITING THE PUBLIC to his patron- L age, the undersigned teels conlldent, that . ,.,v., - . .,.. , iy lus long experience, nu win uu ender satialactton to an. no gimrnmeen mu .est accommodations botli to man nnd beast. Mayl0,'t!5 ly J. W. UARN. l A f X K S BU'U M I RL E & 8 T 0 E WORISLS! mm iliiEi!. STILL continue to enny on tho Marble and Stone cutting business at their long estab il'ihed stand Immediately East of thu Public Miinro, Main Street, Wayuesbui'K. This establishment has been In constant operation since IHlllt, and the long experience add energy of tho proprietors, linked with the orereiso of sound judgment -and good taste, Iwo won for them a wide spread and enviable reputation.- Anextensivo stock of the varloua verlcticB of the best marble kept constantly on hiind. Special atteoMon' paid to polishing, pleasing, curving an engraving, Allordov mil - filled. December 23, 18(12. T . W.ROSS. PIIVSTOTAN AND BUHUEON. AfFICJS In Jewell's building, West end of J Masi street, waynosouif pa , .i,-u. v. ; 1..'. If. "18 years established In N. V. City," "Only In' tillible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." 'Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Huts coiiie out of their holes to die." "Costar's" Rat. Roach, -&c Extkrh'i Is a paste used for Hats, Mico, Roaches, . Rlack and Red Ants, ic,, &a. . M "Costau's" Hi:i) Deo Kxtkhmi nator Is a liquid r wash used to destroy, and tdto is a preventative lor Red-liugs, &c. "CosTAn's" F.i.ECTiuo Fowinn Fob Insects Is for Mollis, Mosquitoes, Fleas, lieb- Kul'S, In-sects on Plants, Fowls, Anlmuls, &c7 3" ! ! 1 IkwAim ! I I of all worthless ImU tat ions, KTSeo that ."OoBTAn's" name Is on each Box, Bottle and Flnsk, before you buy. t-Aililre-s, II K. Ml I K, UINTAH, 4S4 Broadway, M. V. feS-Sold In Wuynesburg, Pa., ftjj' Iiy Roberts & Co, And all Druggists and Retailers everywhure. "COST A RB" CKI.iaillATUD II U I 1J For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils. Cancers, Itruken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Weed- - lug, llhiul anil i iiinlul riles ; acromions. Putrid and Ill-con' Hloneu Sores ; Ulcers, Flandular Swellings, Eruptions Cutaneous Atlecttnns, liliigworm, l en, corns, liunlons, Chilblains, &a ; Chapped Hands, Lips, &c.j llites ot Spiders, Insects, Annuals, CSC, fix. (ffl-Boxcs, 2S eta., 50 cts., and $1 si.os, CSrSold bv all Druggists everywhere. it;And by tinsiiv it uostab' uepot 484 Broadway. N. V. KvrAnd .by Roberts t & Co., Waynesburgi-. lVnn a- COST A It ' UNIVERSAL S CSt WUA V IUUIM For Corns, Bunions, Waits, fire fyTjoxcs, 2.1 els., 50 cts., and $1 sizes. tSjrSoM by all Druggists every where. r",5"And liy IIiiMiir R. Cosr.ui, Depot 484 Mroadway, N. Y. e-3T.nd by Roberts & Co., Wayncsburg, Peiin'"- "COS T A R ' ritnPAUATioN or S" Bitter-Sweet AND ' ORAXGe BLOSSOMS For Beautifying tlio Complexion. Used to Soften and beautify tlio Skin, re move Freckles. Pimples, Eruptions, &c. Ladies are now using it in preference to all others. ' -l tOPllottljSi $1. gjrold bv all Druggists everywhere. S-a-And by K. CosiAn, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. (K-Aiid by Roberts & Co., Wayncsburg, Penu'a. C O S T A It ' 8 " PECTOn.VL Cough Eemedy, For Coughs, 0 .Ids, Hoarseness, Snro Throaty g 'roup. Whooping Uougll, iniiuoiif.a Asiiiinii, insumptlon, uronemai Atreciions, uou uu .....rr, -...1 r inscases oi inu i iiroai, mm uiiiiua. tt-a-lloltles. Ii5 cts., 50 cts., anufl sizes. 83-Snld by all Druggists ovorywliere, S-if-And by HisNiir K Costaii, Depot 484 ()UllwnyJN. . And by Kobe: erts & Co., Wayncsburg, IM.IU l'eiin a. " CO ST A R CBI.UHI.ATKn Bishop Pills J AUNlVKlUAb UliXiNlUl 1'll.U, ; Pof N(!rV0UI( nnd Sick Hendaclio, Costlvcncw, , Tl1(ii,TCHtlon. Dvsnnnsla. Dlllmnness. CoBlumD- .1.... IU,..,..,.... l',,U.,d ('1,111a Voinn n,l bltfll i'llllllll.U, V"i,vs w n, u,,,.n. uu, general derangement nf tho Digestive Organs. tltWfin OK nla . SO ntd ill alwua. Sold by nil Druggists every wboro. And bv Hkjikt 11. Costab, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. ' -And by Roberts A Co., Warnciburg, Pa.- 1 ' -v BOT.U,'06.-Sm. .;i1i ,-.' ... j i, .1, , ;. ; j .': V l ci..,j'i ' hi Mr' ',. l-.,-,iii.. ij. , j. i- 1" i i'-i -..'I J r.mVi.:. .