I. ....1 (Is liT 'P. WAYNESUUHU "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23. isoi. Kkvivai.s. Several meetings are do ing much gord throughout this county. Coach. Conal. Jnrmn ami Wliltn Vn-nluli nil I of the bust quality, for sale at O. AY. Roberts & Co. '3 Drug Store. Fivk Sundays. Tin year theie are five Sundays in March, September and Detamber, Physicians' Prescriptions carefully filled at Odunbaugh's Drug Storo. - . Foil Sai.k A vnluablo farm on Whitely Creek tionr Greensboro. See "Ne'v 'Advertisements 1" T - I Pliysielans' Prescriptions carefully filled at V. V. Huberts Co. 's Drug Store. Doing. Oilier towns in the Stall We organic ng building societies. Vi ehould like to have the buildings with 'out the societies. Those who nrc iifllictcd with Scrofula will do well to call at Odcubnugh's Drugstore. Wisim wo to attempt a description of the many and vailous kinds of "vehicles on run ners" that we see daily, a signal failure would be the result. The fever for the ''curl ' ous" Is evidently uppermost. Invention Is put to its test to produce something novel iu the 'way of ' lumpers." -o- Oils of all kinds and of the best quality tor sale atG. V- Koberts & Co 's Drug Store. , Isoi.atud Tho heavy fall of snow lias soirewh.it debarred travel. The drifts in many plates nro reported 20 feet in depth. Mails havo been inter rupted and business stagnated on ac count thereof. How long is it to be before wintei's storms cannot cut us ofl ' from ihe outer world t Cough Syrup of all kiuds at OJcnbaugh's Drug Store. -- - A Gift Entkiii'iiisb is under way iu Fayotto county for procuring funds requisite for tho erection of a monument to her fallen soldiers. 15,000 tickets will ho sold at $1.00 each. There is a spirit, of grateful remc'mbermice and patriotism underlying this movement which we should like to seo emulated by tho citizens ofGreeiio. Paints of all kinds, Dry and In Oil, for sale at G. V. Huberts & Co. 'a Drug Storo. Stout-oiks. Look Olt! By an Act of tho legislature, passed April 11th, 18GG. it is iiiihIu a penal oll'ence, pnnr li able by line nud iinprisonment, to shoot -or otherwise kill rubits, pheasants, wood cocks or partridges, between tho first of January and ihe middle of October. Will it bo enforced ? Ai.r.lhe populnr IWent Medicines for sale at G. V. Roberts & Co.'s Drug Store. Uivhk News Tho ice moved out of tho Monongehela last week, from some distance above '-The Landing," caused by a rise of some six feet. No great ' l.iaa U'aa Hnuttiliif.fi Ttirt linnta nl. Pittsburgh put out but had to return to their moorings, tho ice running en dangering their safety. It is reported nl present, as closed again. If you want Carbon Oil that will not ex plode go to G. W. Roberts & Co.'s. Bv way of diversification wo havo a Tuuaway in the street now and then A sleigh is a capital thing to run with and it don't bike long for a horse to rid himself of encumbrances in the way of harness, etc, especially when they ' strike n corner in turning. No injuries .have resulted, I A. and P. Tki.kciiaimi Company. Tho Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Company of tho United States lias, we ' notice, declared a dividend nt tho rate of . . ..... 10 per cent, ljiull tbo HtJuk of the Mo-- nongahela Division ot its line. This lino is being built and operated iu divis ions, by which tho turnings of such sections as are completed, are divided -among tho stocklr. biers whoso money havo been expended in Ihe cons: ruotiou, and so fust as each additional section is completed, its stock is added to that entitled to receive dividends. Tho At. lautio Division, reaching to the seaboard, has been lately finished and put in ope ration. Tho next dividend will be con sequently upon a 1 tho stock rcprcsun ting tho monoy used in tho coustruction of both tho Monoiigahelu and the At lantic Divisions. ' Tho next section, iwhioh is now under construction, is the division from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, and It comes into tho dividend drawing lino eo soon as completed. )y this proccss, the money ot slockliclJers is inada to draw dividends w ill the least .possible delay, without having to wail Until tho completion of tho whole itretch of line. It it proper to euy that the (present dividend is tho sixth consecutive one upon the Monongnholu Division.- Wo loam that tho business of tho com pany over lis newly opened section from (Pittsburgh to Hoston, via Mullimoro, Philadelphia and New Yoik, including Ilarrisburg and . other Intermediate town, Is quite as Bulisfactory as that of tbo Monong. Valley Division Com. Tim friends of Tetnpornnce held another animated meeting last Sabbath evening In the 0. P. Church. There sr-cnii to he n determi nation to abate the nils of liquor In our town. Iteaonstrancoi will be miulo against the grant ing of licenses ut tho March term of court, I Foil thorough instruction by FrofuS' sioiml Teachers go to the State Norinul School at Ediuboro, Erio oounty, Pu. A term at a good school is of more vul ue than a year as usually spent. 2w3t. Tariff on W001. A cnntr of horse thieves oro op'oiating in Washington county, Pa. They palm themselves ofl as wool buyers, and hav-) succeeded ndi mirably in lulling the wool over the eyes of tho unsuspecting farmers. Coitku Found. Copper oro has been found on tho CoiiticquenuesKing creek, in Wayne township, Lawrence county. Specimens, equalling tho purest of the Lnko Superior oro, havo been exhibited, but tho discoverer declines to point out the exact locality ot (he concealed treas ures. The purest Medical Liquors of all kinds are kept at Oil cnbiiugli's Drug Store. Fo'nuv's "WKhKi.Y Piikss." This truly enterprising and inlluential news paper enters upon the new year with fresh inducements tor publij patronage. It is a model in eyery department, for tho politician, the titeratuer, ' tho farmer, the In usewifo, it is equally well suited. Seo prospectus. Shoulder Biaccs of nil hinds atG. Huberts & t'o.'s Drug Storo. W. IlAiiri'.it's Pnii.roA'rioNs. Tho pros pectus wo publish elsew hero for these worlds renowned publications will bo judged by tho intelligent reader as not exonerating their merits. Far ahead of any thing of tho 'kiwi in this country they grow iu excellence and notoriety. Subscribe, preserve an bind them, they will be interesting relics for pos terity. Celebrated French Army Lotion for sale at Q. Y. Roberts & C'o.'s Drug Store- TiiKitE is much virtue in your If. If a man would do this or that or the other, why thou and so on ad infinitum Tho last If we have seen going tho round, is this: "There me twenty millions of people iu the North. If each one ot these would disiroy a five cvn; noto daily, it would amount to a million dol lar in a d.iy toward tho removal of tho national debt. II th:s were done every day for a year, it would diminish the debt by three hundred and sixty. five millions of dollars yearly, which is more than the whole internal revenuo produ ces. We know a man who thinks it is his duty O burn a fivo cent bill every day on this account. It is less than tho tax on a glass ot whisky." Now, It there I' ad been no debt. It there had been no debt there would have been 110 stamps. If there h d been 110 stumps this idiotic proposition never would havo been made. Iu short, if tho moon were made of green cheese it would bo good to oat, you know ! Exc'mgn. MARRIED. Duo. 2!), ISliO, At tno reside nco of tho bride's father by tho Hev. W. Wal lace, Mr Josi'.i'ii (3. Mourns and Miss Jknnik E. 13aii.iv, allot' Greene County, All. DIED. Of Typhoid Fever, on the 20lh inst,, in Pittsburg, Uknuy H. Kknt, formerly of this place, afed about 18 years. The deceased was hut recently an em. ployee iu this oflico, of good habits and promising worth, It will bo remember ed that Geo. W. Kkst, killed by a fall from a scaffold on tho 12th of Nov. last, was a member of the samo family. Wo sympathize with tho relatives in their bereavement- NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. Jan. 22. Gold closed atl3l!j. Waynesburgf Market, coiiiii:cti;u wkkki.y ux J. oumi;n. Ruttcr, fresh roll pur r ; Corn per bushel is to no :i;tto 115 ii 70 08 Corn meal per bushel Country Sonn north Candles, mould per lb... Candles, dipped " ".. , Choose per II) , Dried Peaches per lb..., Egus pir dozen Flour per bht Vnx seed per bushel.. Feathers per lb 20 an 2.1 211 00 .714 .. '3' as ru Lard per lb H. W. Flour per lb Molasses Oats per bushel ....... i i 7to I f'U ... amoii Rye per bushel Timothy seed per bushel 1100 Rico per lb Sugar, crushed per II) 1 no ma 2" Nui;ar. refined " " l Sugar, New Orleans, 0 lbs 1 00 1 . H. Sugar, 8 lbs 1 0(1 Syrup, purgation t 1 00 Salt, No. 1 per bhl 4 00 Soli Soap per gallon Tnr per gallo 1 no Tea per II in 2 40 Turpcntluo per gallon 2 on Tallow per lb ir Wheat per bushel 3 Till White Load per keg '. 4 to 00 Wblto Llmo perbusiiel 1 no Wo. I common to flnu 40ar,() Potatoes per bushe' 1 25 to 1 on Turnips, per bush 45 rillSIIUIIO GKNKItU MARKET SATimuAr, January It), lH07. Tho operations In produce during tho psst week were remarkably light, being restricted almost wholly to supplying tho tho wants of consumers, and as a mutter of course, round lot operations havo been of raro occurrence. GRAIN WI cat at ijci o(,t Corn at osro I've at $1 2;f4l 25 lltickwhcat dull. Outs nil. FLOUll-Hprlng Wheat at (1 2, no. Winter " at tfiii.nn Ryu at : if 8 00. HAY Baled nt if?0,oo v ton, Lonsu ut 'J0.()U(it'2J no. ICGaS-Siilos at 82n. CHEESE Western Unnerve at 10. Hamburg at 1(I7. 1 New York Goshen at 20 IIUTTER-I'ilma Roll At an(,,i2. AI'PLES.-Per barrel at 3.;iO(j$l.(W, SPECIAL NOTICES, PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS. PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, jporrum ory, TOILUT AKTICLES AND I ASCV SOAl'S. A LA150E STOCK ON HANDA NEW SUPPLY EVEUY WEEK I WILL Si'Iilj EII AI FOB OA. $13 AT mm nit imi OUR GOODS HAVE BEEN BOUGHT lor cash, selected with care, and will be warranted as represented, and sold at tho very lowest cash prices ! ATX THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES SOLD. AND MOST OF THEM AT OLD PKIUES. Pure Ifiiquors. WINES, BRANDIES GIN, ALCOHOL. TUKPENTINE. VAKNISIIES, &c, ALL AT SHORT PROFITS. ' Call and see our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for the very extensivo putroniigo already bestowed, wo hope to merit a continuance of 'thu same TUST received a new lot of choice perfumo fumery, highly scented soups, cosmetics, &:, Including many nkw autioi.ks very cheap, cull ami seo them at BRADEN'S DRUG STORK! A LARGE stock of Patent Medicines just V received. Call and bee our S TOCK and PRICES. A COUGH, A COLD, OR A SORE THROAT Hi QOIItliS IMMKIM ATH ATTKSTIOS, and hhoci.i) iii: chuck!:!). Ik Ai.i.owkd to continck, Illliri'ATIO.NOKTUK I.IINOS. A I'Wt MAN ISN'T Tlllto.vr OISKASK. OH C'ONSL.MI'TION is orri:sTun hksllt. IS R O X 'IS BEON HIAL TROCHES IIAVI.MO A UIIIKCT ISI'I.UF.SCB TO Till; 1A1ITS, C.IVK IMMKIIIATH nKI.IUP. For Broncbilis, Aslhmii, Catarrh, Consnmp llvo and Throat Diseases. Troches are used with always good success. SINGER3 and PUBLIC SPEAKER will find Trot-hen useful in' clearing tho '( Ice when taken before Sinking or Speaking, und relieving 1I10 throat after an unusual exertion ot (ho vocal organs Tho Trorlua are recom 2 . . mended and prescribed bv Physicians:, and havo bad testimonials from 'eminent men throughout the country, Being nn ulwoin of truo merit, and having promt their eflleacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new localities in various parts ol Ihe wor'.d and the Trorhcs are universally pronounced better than other article'. OiiTAiNonly ' UitowN'sibtnxriiiAi.Tiinciii-s," Rlld do not tulle any ol'the Worthies liuitni'mns, that may be otlVrod. Sold Evmivwiiiiiin. Nov-'l-O'mo. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, roll rutsKHvisu, hcstowno, and ukacti- FVINO Till! HAIR. And is Ilio most delightful! and wonderful ar ticlo the world ever produced. Ladies will find It not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirable article for tho Toillet, as it Is highly perfumed with a rich and dellcnto per fume, Independent of tho fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Mace. The SSarvcE.of Peru. A new and beautiful perfume, which in delicacy of scent, and the tenacity with which It clings to tho handkerchief and person, is unequalled. The nbovo ai tides for silo by all druggists and Perfumers, nt $1 per bottle each. ' Sent by express to.nny address bv proprietors. ' T. W. WRIGHT & CO., 100 Liberty St., New York. Oct. 21, lf'Ci!. ly. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. Ttiiuo mo comiwioJ of vnn... mm. ! tho pmn to ro!x the ccrcilo,i of Hie liver u VOMVUr and ciroolimlly as hiuo pill op morcurr, aim wiiliout iroluciii, m- 01' thoo dinaureeiiblo or , daiifcrem dfoH which oaoa tollow Uiu uu ol Uio Inner. In a'l WHoui illHorJew IJinso Pllli may bo uncd wllh oonil.loneo. ai iho;- promole iho dlncliarco ol' vlllaud h:io, and rciiiiivo ihoi oMructlouo from Ilia llvor land biliary dun,, nich aro tho cauw ol hilioiu iairoMlonn In sciioiul. BlUlr.NCli'jt IIANDKAKB PILLS onro Sick ,IIrani;!io,ainIlld;iiordcruoiiho Liver, lndlcalod b 'iiilluw Kltin, comod lonnio, ooillvouon, dratralnon, and a Kunonl UnKas ol wearluom and lawilmlo, Ij jn liiii that thollvM la Iu alorpld or obstructed con.ltlo.i, l:i uliort, thou l'aij mv bo uod with advan t:o In ail ruui wlii-u a partalivo or altcruiho Inwllslno i rciulrod. I Towo aiik (or "Dr, Schonok's Mandrake l'llla," tiiI oboiiro Uiit iho tno llkoiu.-toi ol Iho Doctor an. on (ho liovernii.vii, ataini-ouo whoit In tho lait II no ot Coiuaii.pliou, and tho olhorln hln praout I1.-.CII1, Bud by all Prnttiilato and dca'cm. Prlca 99 oo.ibi Turbo. I'rlno.nul Ollloo, No. U North StU BtroaU l'h:la.l..:p!ila, Pa. Hot ora. Wholwa'o A-ontn nomaii nornos A Co., 1 Parle Koiv. Now Yorkt S. B. Iloiico, lm Ilottl. Burn B' llalll'iiorti, Md. t John 1). Park, N. K. cor. at' Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Olilot Wa'kor t Taylor, UU and ISO Walinah Avonuo, Chicago, 111. i Collins Urol hers, southwest ooruo o: fcccoud cad Vluo Sts., HI. Louis, Mo. t-lUi t5ihw.oa,mo.lyr. rniifi co.NifKssioNs and experience X Ol' AN 1SVAI.IU. Published forlhn benndt. unit na n P ATTTTnv TO YOUNU MEN and others, who suffer Irom Nervous Debllllv, Premature Decay ol Manhood. &C. aunnlvlnir nt. dm aimin tlnw. liiKMHANsofSMMf-Uuin.. Hy one who lias cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery, liv encliisint! a nnxtiiiild n,lilieai.il envelope, single enples, free of chargo, may bo had of the author. NATHANIUr. MAYFAIR, Esq , Maygi) '(Kl.-ly HronUlyn.KlngsCo., N. Y. SLATER ODENRAUQH, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LI odors and every ihlmr nortahilii'r in n tout class Drug Store. Prescriptions carefully com pounded.' "Crubjh's Old Htuud," Wuynes urlt) i JUoy ao, 'Otf..ly. PARTITION NOTICE. IN TlIK ORPHANS' COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREENE, No. 17, Dccen bt-r ,Simm, 180C IN the matter of tho partition of tho Real Entail) of Isaac lilackletluu. deceased i To the children of Thomas Ulacklcdao. Into of Van liuren County, Iowa ; John lSlackledgo of Stark county, Ohio j Sar d: Anu Wallace, of the Statu nl' Illinois Hannah Henderson, of Illinois ; Margaret Vale, whoso interest Is purchased ly Sllers lilneklcdne ; Hiram UlucKletlf,'e, ol I'ciawnre county, Ulilo; William lilackledgo, of the Statu of Indiana Levi Hlackletlce, of Carrol county, Ohio ; Daughters of Win. lilackledgo, dee'd., of Car roll county. Ohio names not known j Joseph linker, husband of Martha Haker, dio'd. mid eltllilren whoso Interest is purchased by Levi 11 nek edve ! Mary llicltarilson, whose Inter et is owned bv Sllers lliackledi'e : James Hlncklediiu, whoso interest is owned by Levi ... .... . ,. !..... f..-.. Utll!. ...... 1..... ..! DI.'tCKieue , iteirs ui iiiuijr i unions, nun ut llucks county, I'a., deceased j to wit : John Williams, who died m Rucks county, l'a. lenvini; children whoso names and residences aro unknown j heirs ol mos. minimis, duc'il. who died In Rucks county, I'a,, leaving Issue whose uaiues ntul residences aro unknown; heirs of William Williams, who died in Rucks county, 1'u , leaving Is-uc whoso names und residence are unknown ; Jeremia'.i Williams, who resides in Jay county, Indiana; Maix'arel, who Intermarried with Abel Lester . & .... ,.. I, f ........ n uu rciKiey in iiiuiuuu ; nens ot ui.aoetu Jlurson. dee'd., viz : (Ihe children and heirs of Thomas liurson, dee'd.,) Richard lturson, residence Henry county, Iowa j Titos, liurson, Oreene county. I'a.: Samuel liurson, who re alties in Henry roomy, lowas ji.inna, in termarried wilh Iluirh Swim, Henry county, Iowa i Eli.i' cth and Sarah Ann, residing in llcnrvcountv. lowas Mary intermarried with llowen llealim Hill, residence in Illinois : tho children of James liurson, dee'd., whose in terest is now In Sd- is Bluekled.'e : Sarah who intermarried with Johnson, of Ohio, whose interest is deeded to Slieis lllackledge; Levi liurson, wl-o (lied in Greene county, I'a , lenvini! issue, Ivlward unison ana i)lary Ann, intermarried with li.inj. Hartley, residing in Oreene county, I'a. und Scniu, intermarried with Tloidili'iis Horn, and resuliuc in the State of Indiana ; Joseph liurson of Jefferson rotiulv, Ohio, now detid. lenvini; issuo a daughter Eli.ai'eth, inlermarried with one Shelby, who resides hi Jellci son county, Ohio; Isaac liurson, ot urecno county, ra., Aiira. ham Burson Tesidimr in Oreene county, ra, Margaret liurson, whose residence wiisfJuern sey county, Ohio now dead leavinir issue whose names and residence are unknown: Elizabeth, who Intermarried with Frederick Wise, Wash, county, Pa.; Thus. Hlackledge who resided in Carroll countv, Ohio, and died leaving Issue Nancy, who intermarried wilh Robert J tcksnn, ot Ohio; Thorn is, who ro sides iu Iowa; Elizabeth, intermarried with Robert Hannnilton, of Stark count', Ohio now dead ieavinij issue, their names and residences unknown ; Maltha Rlacklcdtje w hose Interest is deeded to Levi Rlnekleduo; Joseph R'ucklediic, who resides in Coshtiek- ton county, Oh'o; Levi liluckledo of Illinois, who iheil leavinjr children .lesno lllaek ledge and Sar.ih intermarried with Nathaniel Harris, whose interest is purchased by Levi lilackledge ; children and rciiresenttitives of Martha White, tlec'd., viz: children of Jesse White, dee'd., Mnrtrarct, Isaac, Alfred, Eliza beth, James, Jasmi, and Susan, whose inter est is dialled to Sticis lil icklcdgc; James VV lute, Isaac White, William anil Margaret, wlto lutermirrieil Willi B.ivid uouclier, imi whose interest is now deeded toStieis lllaek letlge, take notio that an inqtiust will be held upon (lie premises, I ilollto real estate ol said LSAAO HLACKLEDHK, dee'd., situate in Seirerson to.viiihip. adjoining lands of Thus. aliarimeck, lion, l ltoiu is r. rollocK, Ueorge nod John Rex and others, on TUESDAY, nth day o March next, nt 10 o'clock, a. in., of said day, for tho purpose of making partitioti oi stir I estate among tin; liens and leal rep reseutaltves, It tho sums can lie done Willi out prejudieu to or spoiling the whole, other wise t . value and appraise lliu Sumo, accord ing to luw, at which time anil place you are requested to attend if you see proper. HEATH JOHNS, SiinitiiT's Oi'i'icn, Waynes-1 Sh'ff. burg, I'a., Jan. H, '07 id. I riY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas, Li issueu out oi me unurt m tiommnn rimis tifGieenu county, and to mo directed, there will bo exposed to public sale at Iho Couit House m wayncsourjji, on SATUKDAY, 10TU DAY OF FEB HUAKY NEXT, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following property viz: All tlte right, title, Interest and claim r.t We- fendeiit of, in and to a certain Tract of Lauil situate in Cumberland Township, Greene county, I'a., containing about FOUTY.FIVii ACItliS, moro or less, about fifteen neres cleared, nd- Joining lauds of Jcpiha Mttehner, Henry Niurpncelf, I'.lias A. I'lcnniken, nnd James Flenniken, bounded on the East by the Mononsrahcla river. Taken in execution ns the property of 'Tho I'lcimiKi u oil ami Coal Company' ut llio suit ofi-nasA. Flcuniken. Janl6-ts HEATH JOIIN3, Sh'fi. T2ftBtl3O0!l . 13tw Lost, How filexiored. ,lVW.l)". CLI.VHUWiai.'s OiMOUtATliO on the ruiEeal rars (without medicine) of Hpor lnutorrhovi, or seiuiniil Wenlcuess.' Involun- tarp Seminal Losses, Impot ncy, Mental an l i nysicai iiieaimcitv, Impediments taniarriai:o. &e : also, Consumption. Euileosv and Fits induced by self-Indulgence or sexual extrava gance. K5UPricc, in a sealed envelope, o:dy 0 els. Tho celebrated author, in litis admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse- ipic iilx's ot neii- inuso may no radically cuieti wiiiiouiinetlangerousust'Ot Internal nicdicmn, or the application of the knife pointing out n mode of cure at once simple, certain and effec tual, by means ol which every sullerer, no matter what his condition maybe, may euro himself cheaply, priva'clv. and radically. WCThis Essay should bo In tho hands of every youth und every man iu tho land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, m.tt i.uii, on receipt ot tlx cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CHAd J. C. KUNE &CO 127 Bowery, New York, Post Ollleo No. 4."8(!. mar'Jlt'iiii-ly 37" O ITS. 3.133! ANK OF THE I) E.ST FARMS IN GREENE J Couitly, Pa., containing 2f-t. ACRES, well watered ami limbered, situated on Dlin- kard creek, near Mount Morris, and known as tho property of the. "Donley Farm Oil Company." Could bo divided advantageous ly Inlo .'I or moro tracts. Proposals will bo received for purehusing nil or any portion of this farm, addressed to EDWIN 11. WENTZ, Morgaotown, V. Va. deci'(J-4t Fee ifr.'i.do Assignee's JVolicc. rniiE UNDERSIGNED ASSIGNEE OF L iMoitoAX IIki.i, of Rieiihill township, here by gives notice to all persons Interested that tho 8TOHI5 BOOKS nnd Notes will bo left with Mr. William McClelland, at tho old stand, for settlement ami collection, until tho 1st of March next, and If not promptly settled they will bo Collected by duo process of law at once, . i no creditors ot said assignant will also tuko notico that their claims must bo pro- senteu ai once, as l am determinod to closo up the business Immediately JanD,'(i7.ttl jf. F. TEMPLE. DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. rnUE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between the undeivitinuil has been this day (J.uiimry lid, 1807,) dissolved by iiiutu it coiMunt. Thoso kuowlng them sulvus Indehtuil to Bald firm nro earnestly re quested to inaku prompt settlement,. , JUUaUES & LUCAS. J!ml0-3t DRY GOODS REDUCES FIICIS! AT IHJOR'S OLD SMB. 11 THE GOODS ALL FRESH, 1I1K STYLES, LATEST AND BEST! Tin:- .Fabrics, as Represented, AM) TIII5 ASSORTMENT KEPT COMPLETE. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED 13 DETERMINED 1 to sell, and thu iikady cash will secure the very best of bargains. Call and examine bis stock L. K. EVANS. thell-llm Wuynesburg, Pa. Something New IX WAYSESDURG, PEX.YA. T HO S. BRADEN (At tho room formerly occupied by Andrew v uson, or., uexi uoor lo linuleu's Urug Storo. ; Respectfully Informs tho good people of Grceno county, tn.it no Uas opened a HARDWARE STORE, And invites a call from ids friends and tbo public mmerally. KU utoro is tilled with everything In his linn needed by the Fanner ami ALeciiunio. uemg a practical tanner, lie knows exactly tho wauls of his farmer friends. Among his variety of goods will be found Iron, Nails ofall kinds. Planes of all varieties, Au gers, linici'9, to!. l'ltitle toothed, cross cut and mill saws, hand saws und t:,oU of all des criptions. AGIUCULTUItAL I.UPLEM ENTS Mowing Machines, Ctittitv' Hoxcs. Corn Slicl- lers, Plows, Cullivators. tjltovuls. Forks, and everything iu his line. SADDLERY HARDWARE, A general assortment of saddlery hardware, to which he invites tho attention of purchasers. WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS, Tubs, Buckets, Butter Uiwls and all kinds of Kitchen Wooden Fixins. Willow Baskets: lirooiiH. Brushes. Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buirzv whins. Shot Guns, Buys Wagons and si ds All persons desirous ot ouiehnsimr anv of tho above articles and many others hot men-' loned : will consult their interest by CALLING SOON. He will tnko pleasure !n sliowimr bis stock at nil times. So give him u call when vou come to town. Remember tho olaeo. oooo- sito the First National Bank. (lecl'.'tf TIIOS. BRADEN. 1794. t'liar tured, 1791. INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH A filERICA! rhiSiuItlpJiia. 'Oldest Insiirancs Company 111 Anurica. CASH CAPITAL AND Sl'lll'I.L'S, OVKft $I,7S1',090. SEYINTi' ONE YEARS Succesaful Busi- liesa I xp 'iience, with a reputation tor IN- TKGITTV and IIONORAI1LH DEALING UNSl Ri'ASSED by any slnmlt.: institution LO.-SKS PAID since organization, $17, r.oo (no.no i IJBERXL RATES for nil the safer classes of properly, Insurance ot DWELLINGS and CONTKMTS. n anec alltv. BKICK or S l tJJNK IMVrjLLliNUo insured PERPETUALLY, If desired, on terms of tbo greatest economy and satety to the insured It is WISDOM and ECONOMY to tnsfw in tho best Coninanii s. and there is NONE HE I THU than the old INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. DIRECTORS': Arthur G. Collin 9. Monls Wain, Samuel W. Jones, John Mason, Geo. L. Harrison, Francis B. Cope, John A liiuwn, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, . Edwurd H. Trotter, Mellaril I). Wi oil. Edward S. Clark' Win. Cumminiis, Wllliani Welsh, William II. Bowen, T. Cluirltjii Henry, James N. Dickson ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. 'CiiAitt.KB Plait, Secretary. a. ill. 3iV I'.IO, jan'J,'C7 tf Agent lor Greene County , ft her HP ft.Ic. 1)Y virtue ofn writ of Veiidillonl Exponas 1 1 issued out ot the(.;oiirt ot 1,'otnmoii I'lens of Greene county, and to mo directed, there will be exposed lo puulto side on (he premises In Cumberland townshl, on SAlUHDAi, 2d day of March next, at IU o'clock, a. m., the followiniroronerto. viz i All the rlirht, title. Interest nnd claim of defendant, of. In and to a ooitain truct of land situate In CunUieiiiinil lownsnip, wreeno ui., Pa., ndlolnbiir lands of Morgan Young, Win. Sharpneck, Peter Hewlt, Rico farm and others, nentaliilnir one hundred nnd three acres more or leas.. about ninety acres cleared, and has erected theroon a iramo anu stiono nousa, two tenant booses. Iromo bam ami stauo, ail no- pie orchard on tho premises. Taken III execution lis uiu prupuriy oi ueo. W. Kelley at tho suit ot Alvin. Cloud, Hiram ('loud and Eleanor Duvaii tor uso ot said Eleanor Duvall, sjylf the rtiobny Is not paid down nn d.iy of sale tho ShmilVis directed lo sell the prop orty. HEATH JOHNS, - i.m.l(l,'l)7.-ts Hheriir. "aIdministratoh's notice. T F.TTHKS OF ADMINISTRATION on the Jj estate of JASPER BANK, late of Morris township, Uroeiio county, dee'd., havinjt beou erautuu to 1 10 Uliuersigiieii, nonce is iieruuy i givuutoall persoiis ludublud to sal I eiitato 10 IliaiiU lllllllUdllllu ihjui.-iii. 1.11.. ni.'au ui.T' log claims to picHcntlhem Imiueillnlely, prop. perly uuilieuilcated for set'.lement. 1 - GEO. LIQHTNER, of Monls township AduiluUlrat jr. ' jan9,'0fl-0vif PLAIN, HON EST FARMER AND CAY Mi MIS D! "Little Greene," DON'T BE HUMUUiED! YOUR DON'T BUY CLOTHING, Of ono horse pedlars who carry nothing but a class of GOODS you could not givo away in uiu euy, itiiti who tiro a set ot snotitiy men : who ileal hi nothing hut shoddy clothing ; who don't pay one cent to support the irovern- ment or lighten your taxes ; who stay till night at your house und In tho morning pay iho bill with a pair of suspenders or a pair of gloves that cost not less than the magnillcent sum of L'5 cents! If you make 10 ctnls oil' cf them your neighbor is robbed of 10.01) to make it up. But buy your clothing of , K CLARK & SON Who will deal honestly and fairly with you mill give you VALUE RECEIVED . for every dollar you limy spend. Wo want you to come and see us mid wo will show you goods that the best dressed men that walk BROADWAY! would not be ashamed of. Wo are just opin ing a new stock o" WINTER CLOTHING Doth Mens' nnd Boys', which for price nnd quality wo challenge competition. Wo will sell you Overcoats Irom ?l to f 10.00 less than any establishment iu Pittsburgh, and Suits from i; to $15.(H less, Wo havo a largo stock of all Ihe newest nnd best style In tho market, among which iu the Driver Hat, tho Planters' Hat, theliistori, tho Croquet, the Bismtirk and others. A full lino of Gents' furnishing goods equal to any city furnishing storo. Drawers and Undershii Is, Wool and white shirts, Sus penders, Gloves, Wool and Cotton Socks, and nndoz. ties of a.l shades and colors, plain nnd fancy, some styles you cannot llud in uny store this side of New York City. Tli iiikiug you for your past liberal patron age, wo nskyouto biing your friends and neighbois iu and wo u ill prove all we say. Two doors West ot the Adams House and nearly opposite Campbell's corner, Main Street. May Hi, ly. Pc..Mlr;uaia Clail CSoaii. WIMTER TiMCj TABLE. UIOIIT TRAINS (DAII.V) TO ANO 1'IIOM PHIUDIil.. 1'UIA AM) I'lTTSIIUIlllll. ANIITlluTltAlNS DAILY TO AND FHOM KKIH, (SUN.. DAYS EXCKI'TLDJ ofi avix AKrr.n . MONDAY, NOV. 1!), ISfift TUR Pits-i'iiitcrTi'itiiw c.l' lliiil'i'iiiirtylvjinlii It iilroul Cum iiiii,v will ili'imrt Irniii HiU'i'IhIiiii'k, und iinlvo ut I'lillii.U I. iiliiii una 1'ittHtjiiruli nn ('"ll.iwi : EASTWARD, Pliiluiti'liililii Kxprcss I'niv.u lliii'i'jsliuri; dnllv (''Yi'ritt .W..ii.ly) nt 2.40 a, m, mill iiri'lm lit Wrtl t'lilliuli hili'ii ul 7.UII A. St. .... Fust I. hie Iran's HuiTMinra itilly (wnpt MiimlnyN) nt (l.'il) A. nr., nml arrive m Wust l'liiliuliililila ut l.ao v. m. Hi-ii iltliints nt lliirrinhiirif. Kil l'iwt l.lnii (:.i.-it tnim Kile onvt's nt It'irrlnliitra ilnlly (i.xrciit .l.niilii.vi), iiml cimuuiila Willi Fast l.lllu Icnv in lliirrlHliiii-i; ut (l.-ll A. M. . , '. Dully Kxpri Ii.iivi. lln'ri'-Mn'imiliiily (i.xn.it Siiii Iuvh) nt 1.10 (. m., niifl iirrlrcsiit Wi'nt rliiluili..ilil,t ut iM v'u Diiini'r tit lliirilnlutr. CIlK'lliliuttl Knim-.'-hs li'iivm fliirrlilillrn ilnllvutS.IO ?. ., uii'l nrrlvi'S ut West I'lilhuVljiliiuut 12.10 a.m. Siiii. Pit ut lltirriiliiii-f. Il:in-lnliiirit Ari'iiinoidill.iu li:ivis Hurrlrtluiri; ilnlly (ix ci.pt Siiiuh.vj)it 4.11) p. m., ami urnvin ut W.,.t I'ls", li..l... plilii ut U.IO r. M, This truln Ins no comiucli.m tvum llio Wnt. l.iiiic.'ustur train, via Cnliiiiilil.i, lenrm lliirrlslmrff ilnlly (Sniuluj i.xccili.ilj At 7.00 a. ji., una iiiilvisut l'liilmli.. I'lilu ut I2.au i'. m. . DIIIVI'Vlllll ArilllllinillUlnS. V'luVt.JllV. IliIVM Ilnrrlnl. ilnlly ("Xri'lit Suiiiluyn) ut II, III) A. M., iili.l iutWi s nt lain cuati rut U.1U A. l., mini 'titr with l.iiueii.iti'i' Train out. WESTWARD. .. Erin Mull wt. rnr Krii., Inivpa 11 ui l-t.iirt; il.illy (ex. ci'pt Siituln.vliit 2.0.'i l. M iiml urrlvi'sul Uiii-ut ".;iii p. it, Kiln Fust Mini wiwt, liir Kill. Iiuvm IIiiitIIiiii'i( dully (fxni.pt Sitll'ln vxlut 1.10 p. In., urrl vli.f; ul Mil,. niil.:Vriu. in llultliiinrii Mxpi-fsH li'iivc Uuri'lsbiir iluf ly.foxci-pt Sim! lIll.VNl lit y.U'l II. 111., IIITIVCS lit It riuilll. i.lllj .1, Hi., tlilit'S lin-aiilaHl. uii'l iirrivi-H ul CilNliitnth ut I.III) n. in, I'liiliulrllihl.i Kxpri'iis Ii-iivi Iliirrihlini' ilniiv nt .".lnu. m.. nrilv..it ut Altnonii ul S.'.'d a. nx., lakps l'r,.akliist nml urrivi's at I'ltlHlnirt.'liut 1.4(1 p. in. F.wl Hue (I'livi-s llari-Muu-t il ill.v (i-rn-pl Sinul.iv) nt " P- ins ni'in' nt All.n.iiu nt K.r.il i. m.,tnki.s suppur uii'l un lvi'H ul rittslrtii.-i:h nt 2u. ui. Mull Train Iwiviih ti.srriMl.iiru ilully (i'Xi'i'it Kiniilays) at 1.16 p. Nl.; iirrlvm ut All i ut 7.2.1 p. m, l.ill. s slipper, nml arrlvi'Hiit Citlslnn-j;!) til. l.:ill u, m. Hiul!i-.iiit Train West (In wliii-h a lint rl.iss pawu'iiin'r iiur U iittni'lii-il tnr lii.ii:,'iitini.iitlin iiI'Iin-iiI ii-iivl-Ii Ifuvt'M llarril.iiri(ilully(iixr.'pt Mmnluy) nt 7 a. in., nrrirm at Alt.iuna 2.40 p. in , tuki's ilinuur und urrives ut l'iltsl.iiriili ut ln.li.1 p. in. . Dillcnflii. Acii'iiniiHi'liitliin, wost, ltii -ois LanriistfT dnllv (except Hilil'luys) ut II 00 p in., Ivuvini .Viiiint Joy at a.ii'u i. in., and art Ives ut II .rrlimincil J..'l p, in. SAStUKLA. III.ACIC ' Sup't. MMillc Di. 1'i nn'ii. 11. It, ilera i ... A.D.UlNlSTlt.vroR'SNOTJX'E. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of John Bm.i., l.ttu of Morgan township, Ureuue Co., dee'd., bavins been grunted to Iho uiidursigned by the Register of Greene Co., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estuto nro requested to nay thu same, and those having claiiiii itg dust Haul Estate, nro requested to present them duly uulhciiti enicd for settlement. Haiuii Bu.r., Jam i;s l!i;i.t Dee. 4, 18C(!.-fil. Atbn'rs. HUAElSll.liV M MAIsBi. THE undersigned Kiiiinllun of Marv F. Nicliohiin, will sell, In UrceuslMro, on TUESDAY, MNUAItV 29, 1807. nt 1 o'clock, p. in., thu liouso uifd parcel of grouno now oecuplud by Slary Nunl; hounded liy lotol tirvino on the JNortu, lltunllton on tho hast, Morris on the South nnd street on the Wcsti being part of 'ots nuinburod 13 nnd 18. In plan ot said town. There Is n neat frnmo dwelling bouse, also. n fine assortment of frul snnthu premises. TERMS t !()( nt sales, tho unlancu of ono third at continuation, onu-thlrd in ono year. and remaining thin hi nro years with Inter est on both payments fioiii ooiillrm illon. Possession to no given oiv thu 1st, ot April next. ' iv r. uku na, Jml,'G7-ts Ciuardlan. Ui.iMululioii oi' rarfiicrMlui). THE partnership heivtoforu existing bu- tweinJ. M., lloll'iiian ami 0. V. Ho.iertii, tindel' llio stylo of Hoi'km.vm & Roiiuiits is una uny (..imi. -uu min,; iii.wnveii uy uiu withdrawal of J. M. llnllinau fro.it siild Hi 111. The hilsluess will bo settled l)V G, W. Robeits. who alone i ,itlthorl.ed to collect all del its and pity till Indebtedness of said linn. Tim b in will hureuflur bo known 11 that of 0, " W. ROBERTS A Co. J. M. HOFFMAN, ..jimtf,'U7-t 0, W. ROBEltrs. NEW EXCITEMENT THE PROPOSED IMPEACIIMEST -OF- H.EINBHART! FOR SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES! ' HAVINO JUST RETURNED FROMT1IE city, Iu) has opened the largest New "'Grocery In town. He Acs' res to Inform 'the citizens of Wa.ynesMirg nnd vicinity of Hie cure bo have taken In srlecling stock, having on hand a irond stintilv of CONFECTIONS. TOBACCO. CI- GARS, TAR. also. PROVISI ONS, 1JACON, DRIED HliEF POTATOES FISH, DRIED REACHES, X'0 , ttc , &Q. Call and seo him as ,ho has been getting a WSW SOPPM You will find htm accomodating, and can sell lower than any one in tho place. Bo sure to go to the riht place, hi LEDWITK'S OLD BUILDING. ! opposite tho Court House, and formerly oc cupied by tho t'ost Ullicc. up!t),'lili.-lf. VATENTEuMAY LMiTH, I8UB. TliU in nn article for washing without ruli blujf, except in very dirty places, which villi r.'iuiro a very s'iii;ht rub, anil unlike oilier preparations offered lor n like purpose, Vfi.i. not hot Tim I'l.oTiins, but will lenvo them wiiiTiui than ordinary methods, without tho usual wear nud tear. It removes urease spnls as if by mnglc. nnd softens tho dirt by snaliiui:, so that rinsing will In ordinary cases entirely remove it. This powder Is prepai'ed In accordanco wilh chemical science, and lloon a process peculiar to Itselt, which is seemed hy Letters Patent. It has been in uso for more than a year, nnd lias proved itsc'f a universal favorite wherever it has been used. Anion,!' tho fidvnntiiges claimed are tho tollowinjr, vi. t It saves nil Hie expense cf soap usually arcd on cotton nnd linen goods. It saves most of thu labor Of rubbing, and wear und tear. Also, for oleniime;. windows It is unsurpassed. With one quarter 'thu lime nnd labor usually required it imparts a beautiful clos.i and lustre much superior to any oilier ino.lo. No water required except to moisten the powder. Directions wilh each package. And can bo readily appreciated by a Antfu trial. 1 he cost of washing for a family of llvo or six persons will not exceed tiiiiuk cusrs. The iiiiinuliietiirersof this powder are iiivaro that many useless compounds havu been in troduced to the public which have rolled tho cloth, or lulled iu removing the dirt, hut know ing the intrinsic excellence of this article, they confidently proclaim it us behiR mUptoit to meet n demand which has long existed, and which bus heretofore remained misapplied, JlASi;!'AOTi:i!i:ii Iir HOWE & STEVENS, SOB Broadway B' slon. ALSO, MACFACTIMllUtS Ol' I'A Ml I. VJIVK COI.OltS. For sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. Oai7'(Jt tlin MRS. E S. SAYISUS & 1I03KINSON Have Just arrived from Ni.w Y' mc Willi a lartje ussort.nenl of foreiu and domestic s which ihey propose t:) sellitt thu lowest CASH PRICES 1 hucIi as Dress Goods, Dress Trimming, Dress lluttons, (lay's Patent Mull's, Ladies's Shawls, Furs, Boots nnJ Shoes, Hats and Caps ; nb,o, u grejit variety of nice urticlus, nt very low prices, for Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear Wares tifnll kinds, and ft completo , varie ty of the best OROCEIHIOS. All of which they proposo to sell at tin) very lowest ftgdres, depeiiiling on tint quality and cheap ness of their goods to gain them custom. . 0 vo tin-in a call before purchi'slng elso where, nnd they will orovu tu it the nbovo is correct. Room hi Suyers' corno", eakt of tbo Court House, Wayneshuru liOVM lili it :mow is tms time i A. J. SOWERS Has Just returned Irom tho East wilh a largo stock of which ho will seli cheap for cash. Come nnd seo : Over Coats Irom to rJIJH DrcHS Coats from i?IO oo to tin 00 liu's. " " a 00 to 25 0(1 Rest all wool suits from S no to i) 00 Bsit Union Hulls to '-' 00 UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, II ATS AND ('Art, NECKTIES; HiOVE3, FINIS SHIRTS And i genend assortment for Men nnd Boys . , wear. Oh I do not forget that tho chill winds of Winter Aro nluicing nnd cold to thn body exposed ; Il'your garments are torn nnd let in thu weather, Como quickly to Sowmts' mil get yourself clothed. ..Room hi Allison's building, Waynosbnrij, Pa. luvUi'iliI.-ilm. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Will attend tu all claims for back pay, boun ty and nenslonsof sohliersiind their reiireseiitit- tlves The Pensliilis ol'the following class nro increased irom to ij'l.j nud ij-'."i per month, nud w iIohs lol' children Under sixteen yuars i'J per month each, vi. : 1st. Those who havo lost thu sight of both eyes, tho use of both hands, or otherwise total ly disabled and Incapacitated Irom pei lbrinlug nianual labor. !!d' All widows having children tinder teen veins ofiigo ro entitled to 1?'.' pur montll nddllloiial for u ich child. ild. (luiuilliiiis representing tho minor rhil ilrm of soldiers lira untitled lollic s.uiiolncio isJ as if thu mothu wasllvlng. nug.l.'ou-if