Jjit'1 llliioitt mm ti Is II ill " t ttX icrK &4.rT$ mm Wi 1 FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS GOD GIVES U3 TO SEE. THE rMUT.-Lincoln. I lamiltt gapcHOfwrtd to loliticu, ptrature, gomp, omc anil gpaHraeMUi Urns, k to. VOL. X WAYNESBUKG. PA., WEDNESDAY, JAN UAH Y 23, 1867. NO. 33. j - ;:'! im . -i - til - ra n m . n mwiHMMMiiiimiii iiiiuiiiiaum can. KVKUY WEUMJSDAY JIOKMMi, nv JAS. K. SAYEES. Ol'FlCIt IS .BAYERS' IHMUHNU, EAST OK TI1K COt'KT llorsli. TEH MS OF Sl'iiSCKtlTIO.V. Two dollars a rear, payahlo invariahly In advance Ono dollar for six months, payable, iuVAiiublv In advance. TERMS OF ADVEETISIKG. AiivuuTisKMKSTB inserted at $1 fiO per square forthrco Insertions, mid "lcts. asmitirc for euch additional insertion; (ten lines or less counted a square.) , ,,. Local advertising nud Sprciai. Tsoticks, 10 cents per line for osuinsertion, with (STA liberal deduction niiule to yearly ad vertisers. . , Advertisements not marked with the nm ber of insertions desired, charged for until ordered out, . CyObltuary notices and tributes or respect luserted ns advertisements. They must be paid for in advance. Of D. Bohhr, 1'res't. J. C. Flkssikwc, Cashier. DISCOUNT DAY-TUESDAYS. May Hi, im.-ly. W. E. GAP EN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V A YMESBUSIG, PA. (RrOn'icK In N. Clark's Imildhi!, foblO'liiitf B A. M'OOSNIil.t.. J. J. IIITUIMAH. M'CQNNELL & HOFFMAN Attorneys and lomiscllors at Law H'nym'jimiv, Vim'fl. esrOKrn. ,u the " Wriu'lit House," East doore. Colleu". s, &c, will receive prompt attention, ' Wayncslmrg Aii nst 2(5. lfWJ. II. NEA Ll'Ti IN Hooks Stationery, Wail Paper. Window Paper, ivc. Sunday School BooltB of all kinds consiantly on hand, Way lieshurff, Pa., opposite Post Olllce. May u, 'ilil.-iy V . 11 . U C ' F a A ri , MERCliAST TATI.On, BOOM IS UI.ACIII.HV'S 11LII.MNO, WAVNFSIHTRO, WORK nnidc to order, in finest ami best style, Cul tins and FiUhijr done prompt ly, and' nccordini! to luteal inshiim plates. Stock on hand and for sale. May 2, tl wm. :oc-i2e3, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. MAIN BTliKKT, Ol'I'OStrU WliKillT IIOfSH. KEEPS ON HANDS ALWAYS A choice and select assortment of watches and Jewelry. Kcpalrinj; done at the lowest rates, npl, ly L. TAVI.OR. I). HAAS. TAYLOB & HAAS. Jewellers, No. 3, inmnlicll's Uow- Wayneslmrg, Pa Having recently received an extensive slock embracing watches, rings, oyo glasses, O Lj O O 3ESL f3 , &c. They are prepared to sell at low rates for Kenalrlna done at short notice, and In (rood ntyle. Oct 10 3m HAMILTON HOUSE, D. O. 8PERRY, Puoi-misToB, . WAYNESBURG, GHEENE CO., PA. THE subscriber respectfully announces to the public that ho has taken charge of the Hamilton House, which ho is determined to conduct as a first class hotel. Long experi ence in hotel-keeping has qualified him for the business, and ho feels perfectly confident that ho can satisfactorily entertain all who may tavor him with a cull. The house is large and well-furnished. It has undergone a thorough renovation and been refitted in such stylo ns renders It quite pleasant. The rooms lmvo been re-papered and newly painted ; tho tablo is abundantly supplied with tho best edi bles tho country a'llbrds, and pains aro taken to render guests comfortable. Kates as low as thoso of other hotels. D. G. Si-kkkv, LIVE 36 iTsT ABLE. here Is connected with the Hamilton Ilnuso a Livery Stable, with good horses, carriages and buggies for the accomodation of tho pub lic, Horses boarded, and well attended to, at moderate rates. D. Q. Sfmihy. aug 5, 'ii0.-ly PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMER "CHIEF" . TAIN," R. R. AiiitAMs, Commander, Capt K. arlyptytos&i mason, uiensj leaves Brownsville dully at 7 a. m., for Pittsbuivh, and leave that citwat fi p. m daily. STEAMER "ELECTOR," Ronnnr Phil lips, Commander 11. Q. Tayi.ok, OlorK ; leaves Greensboro, fur Pittsburgh Mondays, Wednesday and Friday, and return on Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 'leaving Pitts burgh ataM. May hi,'tm.-flm. STENOfiKAPHY-VTITIlOUT A TKACHKK. A8Y8TEM OF WRITING WHICH VVILL prove . of vast Importance to persons wishing to tako notes, transfer sermons or speeches Into manuscript. It may he ac quired in a abort time. Price, postpaid, 60 cents. Address A. It. WOOD. . Box 101, Waynesburg, Pa, nov28-2mo. Dealer In Bonks and Stationery, Magazines, Dally Papers Fancy Articles, &c, Way esburg, Pa. , api,'6-ly DEBT. I sat In my room on a midnight dreary, Counting the rain on tho roof; Hearing the roll of tho wheels aweary, And the clunk ol'the horse's hoof, Hearing tho lull of tho distant feet That echoed along on the sleeping street, Ami the hollow sound of a roystering rhyme Striking in witli tho clang of tho midnight chime. I sat in my room while tho gas burned low On the dead white chamber wall, While pale and haggard and full of woe, And strangely lank and tall, A stony figure in silence stands Watching t'iu movc9 of my trotnb. Ing lundsj Watching the drop of my weary eye, With a dim, grim smile at my every sigh. I gazed at his figure in solemn awe This spectre so gant and gay, Who came not bo the bolted door, With his ghostly, shadowy way. I saw tint the rags of his shrunken form Were dripping with wet from the midnight storm; I saw him shiver with pain and cold, And his face looked prematurely old. With a shiver ' f dread in every vein, I spoke to this man of stone, And every word lie spoke again Were Hie echoes of my own s 'What dost thou hear in tho midnight deep, When the world is lapped in its sweetest Bleep !" 'What dost time, hear ?'' he s:iid again, "When the pillow claims thy wearied brain?" "What art thou, thing of bloodless life, Wlrisa presence is death anil shame ; W hose every word is the slab of a knife, What is thy dreaded name ?" For a mon cut tlar-hed his eyes in light, When darkened again as in tho endless night; 'Whoever shall know, shall never forget The time when ho wjro the chains of Debt." "Whoever riiall once, in a thoughtless way, Wrur those golden chains for mc, Shall labor and toil for many a day Before his limbs are lire. At first my chains are hiinii.-hing gold, And worn in a rich anil gorgeor.s fold Hut the grow in weight, an 1 th"y grow In f-ize, With every speedy hour that fifes. "Hut I, with a magic; all my own, Can change thesis chains of gi.il I can change them to iron, and eif the hone, And gnaw the flesh till tho heait grows old ; Till the clothes shall hang in a filthy fhred ; Till the eyes ahull look like the eyes ot tho dead ; Till the arm shall dio in its palsied pa'n, And the blood run cold in each icy vein. "Who wenrctk my chains shall know ro hope, Shall cravo no length of life ; Shall dio by drug, by knile and r;io, Or live hi blood and stri'ii." With his golden chain tho Shape be drew nigh; I sprang to my feet with n sluuV.h i'w cv Tl.eru's nothing to hear hut the swell c! scream And nothing to see but the nvst. of a dream, A STEAMBOAT STORY. A funny scene transpired on board tli o steamer St. James, on her trip down. The St. James, bo it known, is a iavo rite boat with wedding parlies, on ac count of her Httperior accommodations and the elegance which distinguishes her. At Aberdeen, a young man, dressed in his Sunday's best, and show ing in nil his movements that this was the happiest day of his life, came aboard, leading by the hand a timid young wo man who had sworn that day to love, honor, cte., the young man aforesaid. They were on a wedding tour to Cin cinnati to see the Big Bridge the Nich olson pavement, and other objects ot interest Approaohing Clerk liognier, the young man steeped in bliss, paid : 'Look a' hero, Mr. Clerk, I and Ma nor have just doubled teams for life. (Manor blushes some more and tries to draw away, but the tothor half clings to hor). We'vo determined to take a day to ourselves and go to Cinoinnnti. Now we want a (hesitating) a room well, a room (with desperate energy) both together. , IVido (reproachfully) 'Josier 1' Bridegroom (stoutly) 'Tlint's whnt I say, and we want tho beat room you've got on tho boat.' The clerk disposed of them satisfacto rily, and 'Manor,' blushing raoro than ever, retired to their statu. room, it be ing late in the night, while hor 'Josior,' lighting a cigar, paced the forward cabin with tho importance which every young man feels when ho first assumes the re sponsibility of paying a young woman's board as a consideration for her uhang. ing her nnmo. Josier at length concluded to seek his 'Marier.' Accordingly he directed his footsteps towards his stato-room. Softly ho tapped at the door, but no response from within fell upon his listening car. Then ho gave a louder rap, and apply ing his lips to tho key-hole whispered shrilly, 'Marier, open the door to your Josier, Still no nnswer, lie turned the handle, and the door being unlock ed, it opened readily, lie advanced ono step inside,Jgavo a look of bewilder ment, and then rushed back into tho cabin in a slate ot frenzy and screamed, 'Stop tho boat 1 she's gone 1 overboard, may bo 1 Captain ! Oh, Mr. Clerk whore's my Marier T Has sho drowned herself'? Why didn't I get two rooms t Oh dear, tell tho pilot to Htop her ! Give in'.1 back my Marier !' Jiy this time Captain Oakes, backed by tho clerks, Kegnier and Ross, and reinforced by tho passengers generally, was on the spot. 'WTat the duueo ib the matter V nsked the Captain. 'Oh, Captain !' said tho distracted bridegroom, tearing up rnd down the cabin ; 'she always was a timid gal afraid of gettin' married gone crazy : nd jumped overboard. Why didn't I got two rooms. Oh, dear ' llo then pointed to the stale-room in which he had oxpeeted to find his 'Marier. 'Why, L's empty, said tho Captain. 'Yes,' said tho hoosier, tearing his hair, 'ami don't you see tho or.tdoor's open 1 Sho went crazy, I tell ye, an'! jumped overboard.' Then falling upon the Captain's neck, ho screeched, 'Oh, givo mo back my Marier !' At this moment a slate-room door adjoining opened, and t'.jurj was a giimpsu of a snowy nightcap, while a low sweet voice said : 'Josier you're a fool ; what yon toar- in' 'round at that rate fov ? II:vo you been drinkin ?' Josier gave a yell of astonishment ' and delight, and put l.iiiificU' inside (if that state-room door in a twinkling He had made a mistake of the number of his htate-rotmi, that's all. Marier hadn't gone crazy, and she hacin't jur.ip ecl overboard. HAMLET AS A YANKEE. 11V THK 'FAT CON iillliUTOIt.' Ghost I am thy lather's i-pirit. Halet Yeou don't say so ! Old man, give iw your flipper. How do do 1 Hain't seen yo in a dog's age. When'd ye come down ? G Doomed for a certain term to walk tho night II Why on nirth don't you take n boss car and ride f or do they quit too airly for you t I gay ; where do yeou hang eout daytimes I G And for tho dy confined to fast, fires. 1.1 About heow fast aro ye on a dirt road T Tew forty ! G Till the foul crimes done in the days of nature are burnt and purged away. II Are you purging bad 1 Try a lit tle of this cholera mcdicino. Knock it higher'n Gilderoy. G But that I am forbid to tell the secrets of my prison home I could a tale unfold. ' II Dont unfold it here, old man don't. G Whoso slightest word would har. row up thy soul. II Fetch on your harrow. G Freeze tho young blood. II Git eout, you turnel old refiigern. tor. G Make thy two eyes like stars start from their spheres. II Dow telll You oouldn't tell abeout what timo they started. G Thy knotted end combined locks to part II I've parted with abeout all of them locks now, 'speoially on the top of my head. G And each particular hair. II I ain't particular to a hair. To stand on end like quills upon tho fretful porcupine. H Neow look a here old poppy, don't fret your darned old porcupine over me. G But this eternal blazon must not be to ears of flesh and blood. List, list, oh, listl II (Gottinpr nngry)-Yecu begol darn ed i Didn't I Mist in Sol Peabody's Hum Guards when yeou fled into Canada, takin' your draft with yet Aud whero yeou was killed by the Finnegaus and it served you right, Better go and 'list yourself, yeou tarnel olo critter, 'stead ot prowliu' round nights distu'bin' your blood relations. Git eout, Exit Hamlet In a rage "KISS MY WIPE OR FIGHT ME!" Tlieio aro few married men who aro not averse to seeing thou- wives kissed, but nil exchange relates the particulars of a easo in which a newly married Ben edict felt himself insulted because his wile was n't kissed. The bridegroom in que-tion was a stalwart young rusiio.who was known as a formidable operator in a 'tree tight ' His bride was a beautiful and blooming young country girl, only sixteen years of age, and the twain wore at a party, where a number of young folks voro enjoying thennelves in the good old fashioped pawnplaying stylo. Every girl iti the room was called out and kissed except 13. , the beautiful young bnthnloresnid.nnl although there was not a youngster present who was not dying to taste her lips, they were re strained by the presence of hor herculean lui'diatid, who ftood regarding the paity with a sullen look of dissatisfaction. They mistook tho cause, however, for suddenly ho expressed himself. Helling up his fdccves'ho .stepped into the middle ot tho room, and in a tone of voice that secured attention said : 'Gentlemen, I have been noticing how linii!;s have been working here for some tune, and I ain't half satisfied. I don't want to raise a fuc-i, but.- -' 'What's t:!o matter, John V incy.Ki'ed half a (!o?eti voices. 'What do you n:ean ! Havel dano ati)thing to hurt your feelings !" "Yes, you have; i'.W of you havu hint tny ieu'iug, mil I've jinit ci t tills to say about it. Here's every ru i in the roytu has bsen kissed near a i!o;;eii times apiece, and there s my wife, who I consider as likely as any of thc:n, has not had a single one to-night: and I just tell you now il aha docs not get ns many Muses tlrj balance of tho flight a any gal in the room, the man that slights her has got me to light that's nil. Mow go ahead with your plays 1' If Mi1. B was slight ed during i,!ie balauco of the evening wu did not know it. As tor ourself, we know that John had no fault to find with ns individually, for any neglect on our part. RICHMOND GOSSIP. A lady correspondent ot the New Yolk Citizt'l writes n g' .ssiping, li.tere.i ting letter to that paper lrooi liichinoni!, Virginia in which riSoonslrucled city sho spent her ( hiistt.uis hum which wo make a eoi'.Su of cwaeU. hue says amoiv,' otlier tilings: A Viiguiii.n wlio d"3 notu ie tobac co is an nnomaly, and h iviciimon '.ite who id not o.Tiipletely saturated, bodily and spiritually, with it, Is equally ono. I oneo had doubt; r.s to l.ftrmoay of tol ao co rvith the soul: b-:t,'; after spending three months in thi-j beautiful but rebel lions city, I doubt no longer. A stroll on Broad street on Christmas Day was enough to Ktupciy the strongest minded, woman who glories in being a 'Yankee.' Mi.;ed odors of tobacco and bad whisky camo from lino looking men's mouths, like brefzes from somo; internal region, while tho brick sidewalks were smeared and bespattered with toliaeoo until they were as filthy and obnoxious as a utable iiooi'. ; There is just about tjs much genuine loyalty and lovo for the : dear "Old Flag' among these Southerners ati there is love in a l'addy'a heailt tor n corn Held negro, Confederate soldiers havo less of bitterness than any other class. They meel Yankees with real graeiousness, aud put aside old aiiimeuilics and have a good tiniJ. But tho women 1 tho ange. lie. deleoiablo creature ! in crinoline ! HIow tho sweotness is soured and grace turned to contempt They turn up their noses and giggle out oil the streets, like qnestio' able characters, at the sight of a 'Yankee.' -Ono morning an old woman was riding along in a . one mulu'koart,' with tho lines in her bund and her teet hanging down over the front board. This specimen of ahivalry was disgusted beyond expression at the sight ot some well-dressed ladies on the sidewalk whom sho recognized as 'Yanks.' WONDERS. . Whon a young m?.u is a clerk in a store and dresses liko ja prinoe, smokes 'foine cigars, drinks 'uoico brandy,' nt tends theaters, dances and the hko, we wonder if he does all upon the avails of of bis clerkship! When n young lady sits in the parlor during tho day, with hor lilly-whito fingers covered with rings, and her hair done up in 'rats' or curled in paper, wo wonder if hor mother don't wash the dishes and do the work in the kilo' on ? When a young innn coos threo times a day to get a dram, we wondor if, by-and-by, ho won't go four times t When a young lady laces Her waist a third less than nnturo 'made it, we wou dcr if her pretty figure will not shorten life somo dozen years or more, besides making hor miserable while sho docs livet t When a young man is dependent upon his daily toil tor his income, and marries a lady who does not know how to make a loaf ot bread or mend a gar ment, wo wonder if he ib not lacking somewhere, say toward tho top for in stance t " Plenty of deer in the upper counties of Pennsylvania, ; , LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINaS.-INAU' (JURATION OF UOV. GEARY. llAi:iiisni;i, January lo, 1807. Sunatu. ilio special order on the constitutional amendments was resumed Mr. Bighain having tho floor, who con sumed the time of the Senate until twelve o'clock the time appointed when the Governor would bo inaugurat ed. Tho speakers of both Houses and tho members met and proceeded to tho front of the capilol, whero t In y certified to tho e!oi lion of John VV. ueary as Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, lor the enfiiiig three years, the onth ot oflice being adini' istcred by tho Speaker of tho Senate, Louis W. Hall. Tho Gov ernor then delivered his inaugural ad dress The Senate met at threo o'ch ek when they proceeded to tho election of a United S ates Senator Simon Cameron receive 1 nineteen (111) votes, and Edgar Cowan eleven (1 1.) Senator Fisher, ot Lancaster, before voting read a letter from Thuddous Stevens telling 1 im to use- his own discretion in reference to his vote. He then voted for Simon Cameron. Housic. The House met at the usual hour, niter the reading ot the journal, tho House took a recess until twelve o'clock, when they met. with tho Senate to inaugurate the Governor iiFcct. They re as?einh!cd at threo o'clock to electa United Slates Senator to repre sent thu mate of l'ennsylnania for the ensuing six years: Simon Cameron ro eeived sixiy-two voles, mid Edgar Cowan thirty-seven. Simon Cameron having received a majority was declared the choicer! tho House. Adjourned. . m Eniovn AiiMiNii A foreign loiter s;;yu ! In tha matter of expunso you r.iay well imagine that tho recent war haa entailed an immense outlay on the part of all Emopean nations. I know ot not a single one thet is not driving ita works l the utmost to supply com pletely new (irearm , on the breeoh loading principles, to all its soldiers, and at a great cost. American inventions nru being largely adopted, I am gratified lo say, and their value will aid not a little in deciding tho coming contest. Speculation on events so f.ir ahead seems 6i!iio?t useless; but 1 B'.ibnut tho above as tiiose which the Husiiians are inclined to indulge in. I do not believe that wo ahail escape a war on tho continent dur ing the next three years, ihoiaus Exposition will ensure quiet, so flir us if raneo ia concerned, lor tho next year, if, indeed, tho want of brcceliloatling arms did not prevent that empire from entering into a contest if tho Emperor deaired. And tho same weakness pre vents any European nation from ventur ing into a wiir, it wo except Prussia, and she cannot yet undertake n tight alono. But this ono obstacle will bo removed by the upringof 1808, whon the oreech loader or repeating rifle will be in the hands of every available soldier from the Pyrenees lo tho Arolio circle, and meanwhile diplomatists are busy in ar ranging the men and sides on tho great chess board preparatory to tho opening o.1' a game, when thrones and crowns are lo bo loat to the vanquished and empire becomes the victor's prize, Hence it is natural, in view of the coins' sal contest which every ono feels must surely come sooner or later, that specu lation is rite as to what sido will range the giant combatants. Niiono Tkstimony is South Cakoi.ina. Judge Bryan, in his chargo to the Grand Jury of Charleston, a few days ago, said s 'From tho character of ono of tho witnesses to be brought beforo you, you will realize tho great change in our laws. Tho black man is now a competent witness, both by the laws of thu United States aud Iho legislation of our own Stato, You will accept his tes timony and giyo that credit to it to which the intelligence and character tf tho party enlitlo it. As far as oolor is concerned, there is no diminution as to the competency of testimony,' 1 ji iq, m Pirrsnuiioii contains ffvo hundred large manufacturing establishments. It has fifty glass factories and sixteen pot topes, forty-six iron founduries, thirty ono rolling mills, ihirty-threo machine' ry establishments, and fifty-eight oil re fineries i besides miscellaneous works of almost overy variety j tho wholo turn ing out an annual produot worth 100, OOO.OCO. It is very often the case that a beau, liful woman is by her beauty alone made the ugliest of her species boea so the charms wliiuh should voo tho angels, modesty and good huinor.somotimcs bo come the boon of coquetry, affection and folly. An editor down east has Insulted the whole female sex. He fays that the ladies wenr corsets from a fooling of instinct having a natural lovo for being squeezed. To drain lands drink whisky, and spend all your time at tho village tav ern. This will draiu you of all your lands in a short timo. CAMERONHE MAKES A SPEECH. Haukisuukii, January 15, 1807. This afternoon a public gathering wns held at one of the hotels of this city, at which speeches woro made by Attor ney General Brewster, Senators Lowry and Land 3ii, and Genoral Cameron, In the course of his remarks, Mr, Cameron said: I thank God that in sp'tof' the slanders my enemies havo heaped on mo for twenty years, my fellow citizens who have seen my life from day to day have always stood by my Bide and help ed mo to repel them. This struggle ol my political life has ended in victory, I desired this ns an answer to vindicato my honesty to my children and friends. I now proposo to put these slanders be. hind mo and forget alike tho har who concocted them and tho fact that good men in somo cases, by repetition ot iheni, were induced to believe and repeat them. Mr Cameron continued : Six years ago I thought slavery was tho strength of tho rebellion, and ought lo be des troyed without delay. I wished also to arm tho black mon who would volun teer. Ofcourso I thought clothing a black man in tho American uniform clothed him with tho rights of an Amo rican citizen, and I am sad to seo a black soldier, and reflect that even Tenn. sylvauia deuioa him tho ballot, tho only weapon whereby ho can protcot himself. I hope to live to seo the word 'whito' stricken from our own constitution, and tho spirit of casto upon color utterly destroyed. The South, however, is more controll ed by social influence than by political principles. If you aro wiao and firm, you may possibly educate tho rising gens eration into loyality , but thoro is no method of statesmanship which will make this generation of the South loyal to tho Union and flag. Tho poison of thirty years cannot be eradicated by tiie subserviency ot a President or by the statutes of Congress. Let us look the truth in the face. The Southern terri tory is disloyal. Tho loyal men of to day must guard their children against another treasonable rebolhon. The Constitutional Amendment, impartial suffrage, will help to do this ; but am nesty will help to undo it. Of Andrew Johnson, I said long ago ho was a traitor to his party, and an enemy to his country and a bad man. He has done many bad things, but noth ing worse than offering the offices of tho country to thoso few unprincipled mon who agreed to desert and betray tho great Hepublican organization for his patronage. Ho joined tho Demo cratic party long ago. Ho has a right to give them ollices, hut ho has no right to dispose of them at auofion to weak kneed Republicans. The pauper labor of Europe is again competing with our labor, and our man ufactures languish 'for want of protec tion against it. Pennsylvania neods no assurance of my devotion to her inter ests in this regard, which are the inter ests of the whole country. I will coin tinue to labor, in season or out of season, to protect our manufactures from ruin and their workmen from being thrown out of employment, or their wagos re duced to the starvation point, for I hold that the rue welfare of any nation de pends on the welfare ot ita laboring class. JOSH BILLISQS' PROVERBS. There Bcoais to be four styles of minds : 1st' Them who know it is so! 2d Them who know 't iu't sol 3d. Them who split the difference rfnd guess at it 1 4th Thorn who dou't earo a darn which way it is I Necessity begot invention, invention begot convenience, convenience begot pleasure, pleasure begot luxury, luxury begot riot and disease i i H and disease between them begot povity, and povity begot necessity again and this is the re volution of man, and is about all he can brag on. It is dreadful easy to repent of other folks' b'uis but not very profitable. There is but few men who hev char acter enough to lead a life of idleness. True love is spelt just tho same in Chootaw as it is in English, Those who retire from the world on account of its sins and peskiness, nuiBt reinerabor that they havo got to keep company with a person who wants just as much watching as anybody else. A puppy plays with every pup he meets, but old dogs have but few asso chites. It costi a good deal to bo wise, but it don't cost anything to bo happj. Most peoplu decline to learn only by their own experience. And I guess thny aro more than right, for I do not sposo a man can get a perfect idee oil molasses candy by luttiu another lellow taste it for him. Suceess in life is very npt to male us lorgit the tune when wo wasn't much It is just so with a frog on a jump, h0 can't remember when ho was a tadpole but other folks can. An individual to bo a fire gentleman hai either to bo born so, or brought up so from 'infanoyj ho can't lam it sudden any more than ho can lai n to talk Injun correctly by practicing on tho toma hawk. I wonder if there ever was an old maid who ever heard on i match that sho thought was suitable. It a man wants to get at his actual dimensions let him visit n Precepts are like like cold buckwheat slapjacks nobody teels liko being sassy to them, and nobody wants to adopt them. ICE BOAT?. We find in the New York Tribune an interesting account of tho ice boats on tho Hudson River. Tho season for their use is just begiuing. Tho finest ice boats in the world are nt present owm cd by tho Poughkeepsio loo Boat Asso ciation, whose fleet now numbers ten of these vessels. Tho quickest time on record in the world was made last win ter by ono of Iheso boats tho Snow Flake and was nine miles in eight minutes, the wind boing on tho bo3iu? Ico beats, which havu only become common within a few years, cost from 15, to S500. The most expeusivo are are of course elaborately litled up, 'The hull of an iceboat is triangular in shape, tho dock being only tour or five inches from tho surface ot the ice -Under the forward part arc two station ary runners, the wider part of the trian gle being the bow. Under tho sforn is a movable runner called tho rnd.h.r I The balance ot the veiol is rigged ex- I .!.. . ,.i . .i . uuuy lino u Biuup, eACtpi milt WHO rig ging is brought info requisition All well regulated iceboats havo two sets of runners one for smooth and the other for rough ice. Tho ttanding rigging of the Suow Flake is made ot charcoal wire. The shoes on the runners aver age three feet in length, with 12 or 13 inches bearing, Into this gets the adventurous vov ager, clothed as for a journey in the Arctic regions : "You will find his f. ct encased in heavy boots and the boots encased in fur-lined moccasins. Ho will have on heavy woollen underclothing, heavy pan taloons and vest, the latter covered with a heavy woollen knit shirt. Then conies his short pilot cloth coat, and over nil tho ii evitablo long overcoat. His ears will be covered with the patent mnfllers, and on his head will rest a close-rigged skull cap, with just enough front-piece to call it such. Add to the nbovo cams forts two huge buffalo robes, one to lie down, and the other to cover himself up with, nud the sailing master of tho ico boat is ready for a fifty-mile' scud to the windward," A sudden flaw of wind sends theso swift winged craft scudding along on one runner, and for the timo tho helms man's rudder is of oouiso useless, but if properly ballasted no noeident happens. It the iee is smooth an overturn results in sending tho passengers shooting out forty or tiliy feet over the ice. aud heavi ly clad as they are no great harm is done. Au accident of this kind where the ice was rough or jagged would bo more serious. An account in a Euro pean paper,of ice boats on tho Danube, .. . ..i. . ,. remniKs, nowever, mat in consequence of the multitudinous perils, tho crews ot somo boats forbid tho presence of niar ried men, either as passengers or able bodio I navigators, A race for a service of silvor is short ly to take placo at Poughkeepsio. m i CD- m k 1 Piiorosiii) Division op Tkxas. Rep rcsentative Bundy has introduced a bill, which was referred to tho Committee on Territories, to divide the State of Texas into four Territorial Governments to be called, respectively, Brazomu, Bravo, Sabino and Lincoln, and to be admitted into the Union when they have sufficient population lor representation in Con gress, and when they have ratified the Constitutional Amendment. Tho pre amble to the bili recites that the so call ed State of Texas, having waged war against the Government, has forfeited all its privileges and rights, and forfeit ed them by reason of overt sots. The very name, it says, by which that oouin try is rcooguized and known through, out all lands, is suggestivo of the penal colony ot the world its name and his tory indicating little elso than bloodshed, ingratitude, violenoe and wrong. A Schibbler says li'o is too short to drink poor whiskey or to moko lovo to ugly women. . , ,