f J E W PHOTOGRAPH &t'J&.'3Lm 21, 33 3FI WAYSESnUIMS, i'ENX'A. Walaoo Has fitted up a how nn.l splen.ll.t Photograph Gallery iu iliu third story ot ' ALLISONS DL'ILDINO, Where he. Is prepared to oxrctila rilOTOGKAl'IIS, AMIUfOTATES, MALEIANOTYTES. CARTES IJE VISIT15, And Hll other kinds mid sizes of pictures, in a stylo einml to the beat artists. Especial alton Hon will lie glveu to copying pictures and en larging them. All applications will be prompt ly alteudcd to, Their rooms are commodious rind attractive, and every desirable accommo dation will lie rendered to customers This U decidedly the heat opportunity to secure accu rate likeui sscs ever nll'ercd to the people ot Greeno County. Call nny thno it suits you. Pictures taken nny timo iu the dny, nnd In nil kinds ol weather. Kov, 1". lKil"". tf. DR. Vf. 11. wmioit HAS boon In successful practice for a num ber of years, with the experience of tlio ilillcivnt hospital In Europe, also a member of the Analytical .Medical Insiituto of Now York, continues lo attend to all pi'olcs.-ionsil cases at 1 is ollico , No. U-S Gilbert Street, Phil i. ' ; No patent Medicines nrc tijed or recom nuiuded ; the roimdies administered are those which will not brake down the constitution, but renovate the system from all injuries it has unstained from mineral medicines, nod leave the syste.n in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. DYSPEPSP, that didtrcsilnir disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, under ininlutr the constitution and yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, cau most em pliaticlly he cured. Melancholy, Abi'orrntlnn, that state of Alio -liati .n and weakness of mind which renders pcrsns'iucarmhlc.nf enjoying the pleasures or perlorminir llie duties of life. P.IUX'MATISM, iu nny form or condition, chron'u it r.ecu'e, unrriintcd curable. Kpi lopsv, or falling sickness, all chronic or stub born rases of F E M .1 L E 1) I S E A S S radically removed ; S.dt I'.heum nnd every lliseiiptt m of ulecr.iii.ms ; Piles and scrolul ous ilbea"S wid' li have balnVil all previous medical skill, can bo cured by my treatineul; and 1 dos.iy aUtlUiV s. (y? (Wmytio) can be cured by we.iiiaj my .M. -died Jacet, which is a protection tin; lunjr.s ag.-.lat all elun.'cs of weather in all climates' hming investigated for yi-nia th cuts- and chaiacter ofinleriv.it lentsffcvr and auj) in all parts or the I'nitcd Suites .will care permanently all chronic or iicutii cases ot Ague and nervous discusc3 la a tew d.ivs. cancer cured witiioutthr knife OK DRAWING OF Ill.OOl). Tape Worm, that dread to Iliu Human Family for years, can be removed with two or three 'doses of inv newly iliscovcred remedy, warranted in ail cases. Coiisullii'Inn hi (lie English and German Lanjinaqn"1 free ofdmi'tce. Will make visits any distance, if desired. Hay be addressed by letter (eontiilen.ially,) nnd Meillc'me sent with proper dhectious to any part of the comitrv, OFFICF-No. ' U28 Filbert Street, rhila. marL'l:'(;(My 2P 313 J2u O IE5 HAYING BEEN -MADE, WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS ONE OF THE LAKQ- ' EST 5TOCIC3 OF DEY GOODS!! Kill, FlJill. LEATIIEIl, BOOTS & SHOES, 'Hats & Caps ! . IBOIV, and SALT, And a great variety of JJONNETS and HATS for tlio ladies, at the lowest prices that Goods Lavo been sold for siuco tlio commencement of the War. PRINTS, From. 12 1-2 to 2,'icts.peryd, MUSLINS,... " 12 1-2 to 40 " ' FISH At inttsburgh prices. IKON&Nails" " Card Trices. SALT .. " $3 per barrel. COTTON YARN, at reduced rates. Wo have, the goods In store, nnd all wo ask of our friends Is to call and see for themselves for we arc satisfied that an examination of our stock and low prices will repay them for their trouble. To our friends at n distance, we ex tend a cordial Invitation to cnll nnd seo their old friends who tuu always glad to seo them, for we can assuro them that It will repay them for tko trouble V. H. M'COY & CO. The old stand of W. H. M'COY, Grocnsho to, Oroeno County, Pean'n. MaylO.'CB-li Carriage 2L. Manufacturer WAYNESIlfRO, P.V., " r)ESPECTFULTA'(?ives notice that ha has i located in Waynesboro, Pa., where he In tends to manufacture CARRIAGES Of every description. From his experience in the business, lie feels continent unit ins wont, in style, finish and durability, will k'ivu cntiro satisfaction. It is his determination to purchase Vhu best material In market, and employ none but competent workmen. - 3rAU new work yr nrrentod for one year. , Wavnosbura. Fob. 81. I HHP tt "NKW FIRM! selves lotfethcr iu the name and stylo of ilUGHES AND LUCAS, t the "old stand of IluuiiiiS, Bayaw& Co.. In Rices Landing, Pa., for the purpose orcarrylng on tho Grocery, Forwarding and Commission business in all its various branches, They hope, by tlio long experience of ono ot tho Partners, nnd strict attention to Imslucss, to rccelvo a liberal share of tho public patronage in their line of business. TUeywill KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND , A-'pood' mrpply' of Groceries, sacliss Suglr, Coffee, Hiee, Molasses, Nails nnd Iron, Oils and Paints, nnd nil articles usually kept In Grocery Store, all of which they will soil at a erv small advance over cost snd cnrrlage, 'J...,uu MNDSEY HUGHES,. :i ' THOMAS LUCAS. I Mays, W-f J Founded in 1840 AS I) IMOr.rJRATLD DY IRCISHTIVG rillRTCR. THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF TIIK KIND in tho Union ciaulueU'd by a Practical bu siness man. Our highest Commercial Author ities, east and, west, proliouncii his systems of Rook-keeping' unediialed comprehending ev.-ry depaiiinetit ul1 husiness, and yet so vklltully condensed that the attentive studetit nmsleis tlie whole in six 4)feh:ht weekn. It consists of I STOCK DOOMS, coscil o )c with' n loss and twice with n gain H-exliibiling hy tlirce different methods the transfer of old to new hooks. l'AKTNKKSIlll' HOOKS, conducted by three different methods, ex hlhiiing the traust'er of the old lo new books, with the Introduction of a new partner j also practically illustrating thu 1'KIVATU LEDGER, by means of which the results of the business lire kept out of thu general hooks, for the uso ot tin1 partners only. LKCTLHS ON 'BUSINESS SU1UECTS. How every oua.may get rich. , How to get rich by tiadiug. The cause ol Commercial failu'es. On speculations. Tho moral Inllu snee of integrity in youth, etc. Alsu lectures UP"n COMMERCIAL LAW, on Partnerships, Coniracts, Insurance, Com mon Carriers, the Statute of Iimitations, etc. Practical in t'Uetlonsiu DETECTING COUNTERFEIT RANK NOTES, by a full set of genuine vignettes and coun ter" and a largo collection of counterfeit nates OUK KAlliOAliHOOM-KHlil'lNO. (in manuscript,) exhibits the construction and equipment, me rpuratim; receipts and expen ditures i the hoods closed and n divldcml ru crTdcd. These books arc advertised by others but not taught elsewhere in tho city, Our new svfti-m of 'l'lUVATE l'ANK HOOKS, (in manuscript,) (mlirtutcs all tho best forms in use liming private hunkers. Our new en larged edili.m of Dnif's Ste.unlioat llook-kecp-iir" Our full n.urseof business praclle in cludes ahom Fil-'U' HUS1NES3 ROOKS, ruled to iilioiit thirtv diifcreu' forms, viz: 1 1 ledgers. 7 Dav Rook?, 5 Journals, (i Rill 5 aihs, 4 Cash Rooks, t Sines Rooks, 2 Invoice Rooks, I Discount R.'ok, 1 ;hccl; Reirister, I Deposit Register, 2 Collection . Registers, I Tiekier, 1 Hands' Register, 1 Freight Rook, 2 Passage Rooks, 1 Fuel Rook, Those Rooks practically record jibout six hundred business ir nsaetiiiii". coniTu'chondlmr Dulf's original pbn of business education, introduced twenty-live years into. How far others have suc ceeded iu imitating hhn will bu best seen by eomoMiinLr the business papers and books ol other pupils Willi those ol, .the graduates of this institution. Haiper's Enlarged Edition lUl'TS. BOOK-KEW m. Vrire 82. l'oxtnr. 20 cents. yOLD Dr DOOM SELLERS GEN ERALLY. AWARDED FOUR SILVER MEDALS. Which, with tho billowing testimonials, indi cate the character of thu work : 'No oilier work upon Rookkcoplng explains tho snbicct with so much cleai iii'ss and bIih plicity. F. W. EDMONDS, - Cashier Mechanics' Rank, Wall street, N. Y., 'As an extensive ship owner, American and European merchant, bank director, etc,, ho has borno the reputation of the highest ordo ot business talents.' JNO. W RL'RNIIAM Mcifhunt, No. H South street, N. Y. "I graduated in Duff's college in lmlf the timd I expected. His admirable system in cludes nothing superlhious, nor leaves out anything essential. J. R. COMPTON, Cashier Niagara Rank, Lockport, N. Y. "The most complete work of the kind I havo ever seen." ' ' .T. R. HURRY, President Exchange Rank, Pittsburgh. The most clear and comprehensive that I havo met with. - JOHN SNYDER, Cashier Bank of Pittsburgh. Your committee unanimously concur in tho opinion oltho utility of tho improved method of Mr. Dull'." GURDON J. LEEDS, Recording Sec. ol tho Amer. Insti , N. Y. Ou. II. Duffs Tcnmanship For tho best business and Ornamental Pen manship, awarded our present Penman, by tho . United States faro at Cincinnati!, la 18(!o Pennsylvania State lair at Wyoming IHlio Western Pennsylvania fair at Pittsburg IMii) Western Virginia fair at Wheeling Kiiin Ohio State fair at Cleveland 1SU2 All of which are exhibited nt our ofllco. OUR TERMS. Have never bf en advanced, while others nro charging 4.r0 tuition fee, or $10 nnd SUfi ex tra for penmanship, mid $12 to $20 for text books and blanks. For our graduating course. Including busi ness penmanship, time unlimited, aro 111. The enlaigo''- edition ol Hull's Rookdvcep Ing, with ))hmks and stationery at booksellers' prices, $5. ' ' . ' Our blanks are miido up of flno extra: sized paper ruled complete, wi h lull sets of auxil iaries. ' Wc tin rcforo present the business student with the following " ' IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES: ' 1 AVo have tho beat Penman In tho west. 3 Hull's System of Book keeping, (sanc tioned by tho Mew York Chamber of Com merce,) taught by tho author. 8 The daity lectures of uu experienced mer chant. 4 A saving of seven or tight weeks iu timo of study. 8 A saving of the same number of weeks board. , . 0 A saving of $U or ' $7 in books and sta tionery. , ., ' 7 A diploma signed by, ono so long and' so favorably kuo iii as a preceptor, usaurecoulit ant, and as a merchant, . ' For full particulars, send for circular, 76 pages, with samples of our penman's Ruslnoss and Ornamental writing, iucloslng twonty (lvo owls for postage, to ., . , F. buFP-.A' SOIy,.7.'' , , PRINCIPALS' 1 febl7'0n-ly ' , , PITTSBURGn, Ta. .' v. otioe. in tUa liuiMfiii iniH f)virinu. I'ltlmt fni .TnK Work or Subscription during tho six months tho paper was conducted by Mr. Wntking, will nntt llm nnnnittita tn MV ' Jna. If. HntrnM mil J'1 wvy" "" wiv,i,di u.l la niithnriynil in rtntl. fur tlin yum it Eatly-ttHentioa to this ni fitter will savo onst, ; BBS I31DDLE & CLAHK. " F O UTZ'S ctiuutn TbU pMtrtton, long tuU fiivuirtbly known, will Uiur ukMj rfinvigonit brukcnHluwn and low fpiritt-d horwi, bjr itrrigthcniug nnd clctntlng Ui atomach and lo( line. It U a lun pr Woullva nf 1l .Mm. Inoirli-nt to Hits inimKl, mch u IV SO FEVtlt, GLIMJimd, V K li l-U W W A- TKR. H KAVK 8, COIMMIA, 1)13 TEWPBR. KB VKHrt, roUNOKR LOSS OK AI'I'K TUB A ND VITAI EN'KH(lY,&c. IU Uie improvei tho w 1 0 d , lnoroaiei a i moot n and i glossy ik In nnd 1 tronfnrmi the'1 niserablt ikelton Into a flne-Iookiog and ipiritod hortu. To kefpera of Cowt tlifi preparation ( inrilualilt. It iucreuta the quantity aud UnpmvM tho quality oi uu- mtiK. it not bevn proven by ac tual eiperimtnt to increaao the quan tlty of milk ond ort'um twfiity jwr cunt, and make tho buttor Arm and weet. In fiittcnlng cuttle, It gives thrm an HpiR'tite, loosens int'ir niue, aim makes tlitim thrivo much fuster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers la the Lungs, Liver. 4o., this article atH as a sjn'cino. 11 V inittinu from r one-half a imper 10 a pnper in a barrel of swill the above disf uses will Iw eradicated or entirely prevented. If flren In time, a certain preventive and euro for tho Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or fi Papers for $1. PREFAB ED BY S. A.. FOUTZ Sz no., AT THEIR flHOI,ESLE DltKJ AM) MEDICINE DEPOT, No, 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sulo by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United SUtcs Hol er s" & Co., Pi. iigoutH, AVitynchburtf, nov-'t'G .-ly. GEOOERIBS! Lafc All Persons ' (JOME TO WAYNESUUlia To CVOt ; CHEAP GROCER1SS OF COTTER 3: 1. & T A 1' I.OR. Pninr'u:tors(il" tlic Kplviicli'l Grocery Store, fin murly owncil liy Joseph Yeiter. "Jlr. Tiivlnr keeps on lmncl trooil ttnpplv of the Verv liesl StTGAK. COFFKi:, TKAS," KU'R JIOIjAH PES. SPICES. CAlillON OIU TjA.MI'B. LAMP ClUMNIlia SHOTS FINDINGS, Ac, &c, nuil, In luct, ISVKHY THING usually kept lu a first class Grouery Store. Two doors K mt of Wilsons New Building Oct II, 'O.-.-tf llECMMrOWON ; NOT OF THE TJNION !UT OF Isaac Hooker's GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY! MR IIOOPEK would still hnvchis riencls nud patrons henr n ndnil, thut he con timicB in thu Uioci'iy nnd ('ir.il'eetii hcry trade at his usual place ot doing lms'incss, and that he bus lust received A. Fresh Supply of tho best quality of nil nit'clcs in his line. TOYS NOTIONS nnd n crcnt variety oi useful articles always on hand. PEFHESHMENTS, In connccllon with tho nhovc, 'Mr. Hooper keeps a Hostnurntit, where K.'JS CItKAM, ber ries imil nil the luxuries of the seuson can bo obtained. The moet attractive and most popular resort In town. Junel-t. 'tm-!v "SHERMAN" HOUSE," JUST OPENED 5Y 3713. OO. J3l?&.l.Gy POSITIVELY thu most completo Hotel In L our town, Evcrytlilnii combined to fur nish tho best accommodation ever yet oll'ered to the public, . Meals furnished at nil hours, table provid ed with tho best of tho seuson. Also, a flue fee rrmm mhon titled up nnd at' ached to thu house, nnd a iiaii unrivalled for llm variety nnd quality of its contents. Choice wines and branilieH, j; ood whiskey, nle, lino cigars, &c., form a few ainonn thu prominent items. Tnivelleis and those desirous of refreshment will do well to call, "Tom" ulllt retains his old reputation of nu accoimuiidatiu Kcntleman, nml hospitable landlord, House, the ono for merly occupied bv tho "Jlesscugcr" Olllce. Alnyit),'(i(l.-ly. - - . AD.UIN ISTll AT0H3' NJTIOE. Letters nf Admiiilstrallon upon tho Eslnto of Tni'S. Ai.Fiu.it, hitu of Jelfeison lp , Greene Co., Pa,, .deo'd, huviii(i been uranted to tho underslniiuil by tint Itegister of Greeno Co., all persons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estate, a'a re(Uested to., pay tho sumo, nnd thoso having claims against said Estate aro reouoste.l to present thuni duly ntuheutl cated lor settlemeut. , Louisa Ai.fiikh, I. N. C'AiiKr, Dec, 8, 18(lfl.ot. Admr's. ' di it 12 u X v. ii o ii s i; , Jefferson, Greene County," Fouii'ii. MRS. R, J. lWMCIARNER, rrnprictrui. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. Bum OARNi'.u Is prepared to furiil.li lmbrt to tho tfavellltiff public Tlio TAHLK always sup pllod wild tho choicest deliaacies. tho BAU with the finest Wines and Liquors, good sleep, lug npurtnieiits, and an abundauce of stable room sttuohnd to tlio premises, v Public patronngo solicited May 28, '00. -1 y, 1 FINANCIAL. A man without money Is liko '.ho t'llliwim Uihij-s, aceordliiic to our exeilo.ice ud ohser- valiuu ; Like body without a soul, I Like a wagon with, nit a polo, Liko a thres'.iur without a Hall, like a ship without a sail, like a lever without n prop, Liko a drunkard without a d-op, , Liko a church without a preacher, Liko a schoool without a toucher, Like a hunter without a i jii, Ll! s day without a sun, Like a mill without a wheel, Liko auegio without a heel, Like n poet without a sonnet, Liko a woman without a bonnet, Ll'.ce a made bereft of her tongues tip, AVho cannot join In tho gossip, A pair of spurs without tho rowels, An alphabet without tho vowels, . In the matter as far as his feelings go, He feels liko a girl without a beau. II. If a man fails to haro money tho following things generally occur : . . Tho men all doubt hhn, Tho women all rout hhn. The children nil scout hhn, The men call lilra green, Tho women call him mean, The children c ill him lean, A m ral to bo drawn fro.n our o'j3crva tions : Tho root of all evil is love for tho pelf. But want o It, li lends. is the devil himself V VHNISIl FOR SHOES. Tt:a-i..,i .!.. .an n, ,,n..ni. lowlier of shoos for tlio purposo of keep ing them soft: it rota tho leather and admits dampness more readily. It is better to mako a varnish thus: Put half a pound cf gum ehellao, broken up in small pieces., in a quart linttln nr iit nnvpr if uotb nlenhnl. nnik " ' it tight and put it on n shelf in a warm place; shake it well several tunes a day, then add a pieoo ot gum camphor as largo as a hen's egg; shake it well, and in a fotv hours shako it again and add mi.nminn 1.1 li m n ll net . i f iliu nlonliol is trood, it will bo dissolved in three days; then shako nnd ne. If it gets J too thick, add nUiohol pour out two or three teasnoontiil.s in asaucer, and apply 1 ... it with a paint brush. If the materials aro all good, it will dry in about fivo minutes, and ivill bo romovod only by wearing it off, giving it a tine gloss almost equal to patent leathur. Tim advantage of this preparation above others, is that it does not Ptrike into tho leather and mako it h ird. but remains on the suvlaon nnd yet excludes the water almost perfectly. Tho s line Iireparation is ndinirablo for hnrnea'.nnd does not noil when black mitxuros do. touched as lamp During tho visit of Congressmen to New Orleans throo men soti?htan intro duction to 15en. Wade, nnd stated to him that they wcro rebels, had bnnn from tho first, nnd intended to remain do. Senator WaJo reply: 'Well, gentle men, I atn happy to mnet you, 11s you nro tho first rebels I have seen since tho war closed, tho bal incn of tho Southern prop'o claiming to bo Union men. Now tell mo, if you pleaso, how did you three nu n nianige to carry through such a dreadful war ngiinst the government, nnd keep it, np for fmr long years by yourselves V The rebuke was silently received by tho rebels and the crowd. A Satiskactoiiy Exim.ana riox. A tangible reason why tho stars didn't shoot last month a advertised. The awkward mistake s explained as follows: When tho mologietio tomperatnro ot tho horizon is such na coloricise tho im pcricnt indentation of tho hemisphere analogy, tho cohesion of tho borax cur hiatus became surcharged with in6ni tpsimals, wh'ch are thereby virtually de prived of thu'i' flssural disquisitions. This effected, nnd a rapid change is produced in tho thoramnber of tho gym pastictisttis palerinm. which can es a oonvactihir in tho hexagonnl antipnthes of tho torrostrium aqua versnla Clouds then beonmo a mass of deod itoniized speenho of ceremooular light, which can only bo accn when it is visiblo Tub Qukstioh Sgtn.ed Tho Sn picmo Court of tho Unitod Slates has formally rendered its opinion that Con gress has no power to authorise tho tri al of a citizen not in tho military or na val sorvioo by a military court where and whilo tho ordinary courts of law aro open and in operation. Puna.' observe.! a vmm ..robin oi tender yars to his fond parent, 'docs , tho Lord know everything ; 'Yes, my son,' replied the hopeful ; 'but why do you ask that question 1' 'Reeanso onr prenehor, when ho prays, is ro loner telling the Lord everything, I thought he wasn't postod.' Tho parent reflected. Advi'ie is like snow, tho softer it falls the longer it dwells upon, nnd the deep er it sinks into thu mind. Why is the IturtinucAN like a tooth brush! Because everybody should have one ot his own, and not borrow his neighbor's. DiNoliitiou or I'artucrnlicp. rpUR partnership horotoforc existing between i uko. k. juinou ann u k.. kvans, umier Ihe stvlo nt UUO. li. MINOR & CO.. Is this day illssolvod by tlio withdrawal of Geo. 15. Minor from said Arm. Tho business of anld firm will bo settled by L. K Kvaus, who alone Is authorized to collect nil dubts and pay all' ludobtodness of said firm. GEO, R MINOR, '., ' , ' I K. EVANS. tcc. 4, 1800. ' I rconmmond my former partner L. K. Evans to tho formor customers of tho Into dim for contlntiauco of their patronage docll GEO. E. MINOR iuiufW' (Column. in i,. ii ' .' "- i.i 11 ! . i From tho N. Y. Obiurver. SUGGESTIONS FOU JANUARY. 0 Jiumary I Itulcr n. tho ycarl I'liy Boaticred hair, with sleet like ashes filled, Thy breath uououlvd upou thy lips, thy cheeks Filugcd with u beard madii white w ith other suows Thin those of age, thy forehead wrapped In clouds. 1 love ihee, all unlovely as thou semi'st. L'OWI'UR. As stunmcr i the timo to labor in tho fieKl anil cotisii!iini:ite improvement, so w'utcr is n proper cricil for farmers anil gardi!i.crs to tliiuk ami plan for fu ture operations. In many localities, cold weather nud deep suow prevent do ing miytliing of much account oat of door, while In Oilier places, something may bo done ru tlio farm, or in the garden, quite as . well as at any oiler season ot'lhe year. Tito chief business on firms is to tako care of domestic animals. When a farmer has stored a huudred dollars' worth of hny tor his stock, ono import ant item of his husiiuss will be to con. 'vert that hay into n ore than one hund' red dollar' worth of meat, milk, or wool. If a hundred dollars' worth of) hny be fed out, and the uuiinals th.it consumo it are worth no more that. they were when the fooMeiiii'' season '"""'nt'iicoJ, tlw system of manngeraei.t , " dc-feotive and non-paying fonuin- j ' 1,18 coarsy " a'"1 ull,cr T0 i I of t,lu l'ri". cooiifinically and with a: ' rutercuce lo tntme profU, wil!xr-or.stitute , e important item ol labor tyr tl.e pres- : Cllt niOtltll. Milch cows should be well taken care of, or they cannot bo expected to give 1 a bountiful supply ot milk. Soon alter a oow bus finished eating, she wants to j drink. II alio yields a large quantity of ! Ill) k. lin ri'flllllH morn WJlwl- lll'lll a , dry ccw, or tin ox. For want of a ' necessary supply cf .. wa'ef, in win'er, cows frequently be - j come 'nearly dry, Iu order to maintain I .... .... ..i ! a t nil How ot milk, cows should be well watered at least three times Junrg tho twenty -four 1101113. Horses that are not worked, or exer- !'f';vonuui; t.iem iioni we.innsou:wIu'udrag . , . , , , . ; glna down slcnp.-!. sh.ir. Ac. wsedin some way, every day, should) 'the Dupl-x Ellipilc is a great favorite wiih havo Ihe benefit of a yard, where they ! "l''l';",''i''and .Is unlvorsall) recommemled bv , , . .. : 1 Hie l'.islnon Jlaun'ii h as the standard skht can travel itrmind tor several hours each , tt hc fnshionable world. day. Ii is exeeedinnlv iniurious lo any , . . , . , ,, , . horse to ue tied 111 Ihe sti.ll, day tiller day, without any exercise. And it I jurcs a young horse far more than an o!d one, as loi g standing slilleus the Hll I , abs ot a young 1111111ml and cause them to swell, do that ho will nfier a few years, movo like an old slasr. When a llOI'e'O is used Cllly OllOU or twice ill tho dt 1 1 111 . 1 awcek.be should be turned loo.e not tied by tho head in a largo box stall, so that he can move around. LL'tli.r take down the partition between two ir now .'tails, so thai a horso may have ample space for turning around, tha.i to keep him tied, day a'ler day, in a narrow st i I. Iu many instances sheep rccd to bo scjiaiatcd i:it 1 .'iiiall flocks. Sotiu times ttf.w yearlings, lambs mid old sheep may be placed in 0110 yard, wh'U'o they can be fed a small quantity of grain, or roots, daily. In soma flocks there may bo half a score of poor ewes, which aro pushed around by tho stronger sheep and deprived of their allowance of i'ed. Unless they receive proper enro and feed, their lambs wi.l bo small and weak, their fleeces thin and light, and, iu ma ny instances, they become so poor, bo fore spring, that when oneo down, they can never rise again. There is uo profit iu keeping sheep j.oor, nor in try ing lo winter poor sheep. Swino rcquiro a warm place to sleep 111, and plenty to eat. Theso two items embrace about all that needs to bo said with reference to them, after a good breed has been secured. It is always poor policy to feed store hogs, or fat tening swiuo, wholo grain. Domostio fowls ot ull kinds require attention during cold weather. They often suffer exceedingly lor want ot wa ter, and of gravel of suitable si.o for macerating their food. It is always boiler, and far more economical, to 1 11 1 1 1 ... .. . 1. . : i. J b" 1,1,1 u" ,n,,H 01 uworo " luu t0 tow's 1 "" '' cpouially so iu thoso localities where there is 110 small sharp grnyel to which birds can have ae. cess. Now is tho time to select plans for erecting buildings next season. It now buildings tiro to be erected, study tho plans and procure tho lumber, that it may bo thoroughly seasoned beforo it is used . Seed grain may bo exchanged, or pnourod from distant pai ls of tho eouti-l try. It now implements nro to bo pur chased, it is bolter lo procure thoin two mouths before they aro to bo used, than to bo obliged to wait tor them after tho lime has airlvod when thoy aro to bo used. As tho now year commences, let a new and improved system of farm man agement be iunuguruled, both iu tho baiu and in the Held. TODAY, Away, and tako thy rusting plow I Upturn tho fcrtllo.llelds of clay! Thoro li no llaio for toll but now . .' ,THo promise leant bcyoud to-da r I . THE piU STORM HAS i33TJ3C1E3T?1 A. HEDGE & iSON Havo Just j received a New block lit JJOOTS'AND SHOES, IIAT3 AND CAVS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, GLOVES, HOSI ERY, TRIMMINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. We hsv just received a large assortment of the latest kind of ready made BOOTS AND SHOES which we can warrant to wear, and do good service. j AUo a few Low Priced rooM and Shoes , which wc will not warrant bought expressly to ' compete with onr nfishlmrs. I Ji'ia't tail U)cu if you wsnt to tee cool arti.'dcs In cur line of trade. It will cost nutU ini to look at tb'-m. Remember the place. "Allison's Building, oppj-itc the Court II ,u-o." Wayntsliurj, Shy 2, tf. LATE5TFASUI(JNs1jemTs7ij ' J BlWlJeV'S Celebrated Patciit DEPLEX ELLIPTIC (OH IxjVULi: sPP.LVG, I in. T . ' 1 III: t r Tin; V ,!,, ; fort '-.r..; '.-. i.'.i ;i u'.a.'iy in .i.i Thy:. u'i.T ' fir j.roi.v-r.-'.r cm Lu !! It ii. '... . - u ui"; i oxs, j i muJ. ' '-' t. r'ic '.r Jt':e a -:t-i!v i.'.'i r.v : .MUSilll D'irV f.a liV.;.1,v. I m.l fi.nr. 1 i-t ' ' . j A lady h w. er.i y . l i.. . ! In tfrt.-. (iinvrli'.';0''''t -arir j pli-x Elliptic Sleel S;.ritj Siin ' Ur. will never nferw-.r-N wi.: 1'" r. --l1'"- -v' , J.uuies Inev are u;Ti'.r lo a.i a ' They will r.ot bin 1 i.r break i:Se Fi,ri!1:-'- l:U,1 wl preserve th.-ir r. tiwelul siciiis h n time r f-ur ; fklrts will have been thrown aide as iiKi;. " . T I '',l'""i;s are covered with double anil t L:-; I ed Iiii'i ad, and the bottom rods -ire n..l o-'.r I doutile sprltus, but twie (or donbU covered- i ' !'"'"-v. ""' '"Howinsr inestimablo mTvan- ii'.nes in I iiiioliiic j Ted inaiiufaeiiire v:..: superior nualitv, lior filylirth shapo and tlnisli, llexiliilliy, (hiiiibllitv.'coiut'ort nnd econnmv, I'll, it 1 ii'i 1 I, ii T r lil III l.'V'C 11.. I.MI1.. tie, or Double Spring Skirt and be sure "you get the ncniiinc article. f'AITloV' 'I'.. .........1 1..... I !!.... I -.,. .w.i. iw miiiin ii;;miiim lllilMI.-ll lull . . particular to :nmci, thai skirteoffiwl as I'l. l'LKX"h:ive the red ink Mmno. viz -J W, Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistbnnd--none others iireirciuilnn. Als" Notice llmteviry Hoop will ndn.it n pin '"-wi 11 roiiLo ine cenire. 1 111s reveal- j U.e two (or double) snrbms hniided to. trethcr therein, which is the secret of their licxiiiimy nnd strength, and a combination not to Im found in any other Skirt. For sale in all hto-cs where first class skirts nre sold thioiighout the United States nnd elsewhere. Jlaaul'..etiui d bv the Sole Owners of tho Patent, Wr.STS.'liUAnr,ICYifc(!AI5Y, !)" Chambers & 7!) & f I Reade Sts , N. Y. Oct. 10 'lili-am P. M. (ilUMEjS & CO,, LATEST ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER STOCK! O'JOIIT HI2FOH1? TITIO "ADVANCE IN PIUUES, TO SUIT EVEKY110DY. (m It RAT BiUlUAiKS L x r y .ICSr o o 3.f3! TIIEabovoflnn, located at White Cottage, Greeno county, Pa., tako pleasure In nn nounciii( to their friends and the public that tin y have nnd aro receiving from the eastern cities a largo stock of staph) and limey, for eign and domestic DltY GOODS ANI") NO TIONS. This stock consist s of Calicoes, Do lalnes, Cassiinercs, Tweeds, Handkerchiefs, Luces, II op Skirts, Tickings, Linens, Bleach ed nnd Drown Muslins, Gloves and Hosiery, Gents' Cravats and Tics, Collars, Jaconclts and Can brics, Ladies Drees Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Pools Soes, OrOccrics.j Hardware, Qnccns ware, Dyo Stalls, &c., ifcc. Also, which they will sell ns low ns possi ble to cash buyers or for country produce, nt such rates ns will enable them to mako a living- Pleao remember this Is the old firm of P. M. Gltl.YIES. They have got a new bouse, new linn, and the lust of all new coons. Sept. IKfiii.-tf. Exchange Ho'tel Greo r sl30 r o, J. W II I?N, Proprietor. TN INVITING THE PUDLICto his pnlrnn- 1 age, the undersigned feels confident, that j hy Ids long experience, ho will bo enabled to render satistactlon lo nil. lie guarantees the best acconuiiodalious both to imui nnd beast. May Io.'tiS-Iy J. W. UAUN. u,iv.i;sih;iuj .makrle & s ro.E WORK.SI STILL conlinue to cany on tho Marblo nnd Htouo cutting business at their long estab lished stand iiniuediately East of the Public Mnarc, Main Street, Way nesburg. This establishment has been hi constant oncratlon slnro I8ll!l, and the long experience aiil energy of tho proprietors, linked with tho orerciso of sound judgment and good I auto, hvo won for tliem a wide spread and envlahlo reputation. ' An extensive stock of the varloua vprietles of tho best marblo kept constantly on hand. Special nt'eflon paid to polishing, ptesslng, ourving nt' engraving. All ordo' ut I tilled. . Desembcr 23, 18(13. T.W.ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, f FFICK In Jewell's bulldlna-. 1 . West end of U Mata street, Wayncsburg pa eU,-tf. ( mm i inmiT. "ISyoarsestnlillshcd In N. Y. i City," "Only lii'alUble remedies known." Tree twin Poisons." ' ,j ' Not damierous to the Human Family." "Rats como out of Ihelr holes to die' , . "Costah's" Rat. Roach, Ac,, ExTmu'a" Is a paste used for Rats. Mice, Roaches, , , u ltlack and Rod Ants, Ac, &c. .' "C'OST.IK'S" lino lll'O F.XTKRHIXAToii '-"' Is a liquid r Wash used tri lUstroy, i: , snd uUo us a preventative for Bed-Bugs, , &c. "t "Ci8Tab'" Elkctric Powd: For Insects Is for Sloths, Slosriuitors, Fleas, Bob. i Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, ,, , Jcc. i ' 5T ! .' 1 Bkwakk ! I ! of all worthless Iml-. ,. taiions. j-Si e that ,,Costa,s" name Is on each Box. Bottle and Flask, before you buy. . , , trAddrcis, IIESRT R. UISTAR. . " ' '. 44 Broadway, N. Y erld la Waynesburg, Pa., . ,i rlly Roberts A Co: ,' ' And M DrujcUa aud Retailers everywhere "COST L E 8 CILLH-IIED BHKTHORS S1LVB,- For Cutf. B-rr.i Brnlt. WomiJs. Bids. ' Cancr. Br ?a Be:.s. Sore yipf'ka. B!i- ir.;. B,:r.J i 1 Piinfal K-n : Scrofulous, P::ri) zzi U c z'iCmt'l S.wu: tTcers. FiclAr Sw'Ij:?. Kpl5?c Ctruaeoa A.f'j c, lCnr-"fT3. 1 h. C'r. Bcnioat, .'...'..'. ..i.".. Ac : On; ptJ Iti3U. Lip. &.; 'i'Cr-i fA s; Mrt. lz.if.-j. Atisjus. Ac , Ac IT?: t. i Vi .. Ukl 1 isxsi. ti-.i i r.r ill Dnr.'U -Tj-wbtf-tj-Xzd br Huii" 15. Coi-i- Dtpea tH Biwii t. X. Y. tr.l.t.1 J:t Sxierj t Ox, WsTiwiori, t'.n. i COSTA R ' L'IVEItSAL ovn Solvent, For Corns, Puniohs, Warts, &c L ' '' ffylloxes, 85 cts., fill cts., and 91 siror.. ,;,, tirSold by all Dru rglsls everywhero. fryAnd by Hkmbi' H. Costar, DejX)t 484 Broadway, N. Y.. . , . jAnd by Hobor'.s & Cj., Waynesburg,J Punn'i.. ' ' ' i.J ) "COST AH'S" u I'llia-AUATlON or 1 ' ; Bitter-Sweet AND 0RArGe BLOSSOMS ( F01 Beautifying the Complexion. 1 Used to Soften nnd beautify the Skin, : re move Freckles. Pimples, Eruptions, &c. . ' Ladies arc now using it in preference to all others. . (jTllotth'S; ft. (KTEold bv all Druggists ovcrywhoro.- '" tJ-And by Hi.niiy It. CosTAn, Depot 484 lhoadway, N. Y. . . tirAnil by Huberts & Co., Wayncsburg, Penn'n. " COSTAR' S"'! . l'KCTORAI. Cough Remedy, For Couirhs. Colds. Hoarseness. Bora Throat. Croup. Vvhooplng Cough, Influenza- Asthma, Consumption, Kronchiul Alleotlons, . and all diseases of the Throat and Luligs. (vT'llottles, LTi cts., no cts., and 1 slzos, ' ' CjrSnld by nil Druggists everywhere. e-jrAnd by IIhshv It. Cos r Ait, Depot 484 Broadway, N- "V. ' K3uAud' by ltoberts & Co., Waynoiburp, Pcnn'a. i.i.'f: "COSTAR '. S . , CELK1IUATKR , I . .(( Bishop Pills, A UNIVEnSAL DINNER PILL," ! Eor Nervous and Sick Headache, Costlvcness; idlgestlon. Dyspepsia, Dlliousness, Consump tlon Diarrhea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general dernngomcnt of the Digestive Organs, Ho.xcs, 25 cts., 00 cts,, $1 sizes; . Sold by all Druggists every whore. ' 1 And by Malta It, Costau, Depot' 484 Broadway, N. Y. j . And by Boborti & Co., WayftciDarg, Pa.. . mi. i . . ; a .'t m. ... .OT.14,fM.-8mi li ;i1 !ltlll I 0 jd