WAYNES UUKG: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1(1. I RfiTi JPohji H. 1jiiki.an, Esq , has our thanks forYaIaabltvpnblio documents. Fancy 8oaps and Portumory In gro:it v.trlo ty Q. W. ltoborts & Co'fl. Drug Store. ' Wku.to Do. The Gazette aud Benin, trqt ot NWoastlo, Lawrcnoo Co. onters upon the now yoar onlargod, and other wise improved, ' It is an enorgut'to and entorpriiiing journal, but vvd can't go Its politics. Puovokinu. Our oountry frionds persist in mistaking the foreman for tle ''boss of tho maohlnu" because ho has a great pair of whiskers. We have tried to overcome our boyUh looks and pro pensities and y.it they tell us wo "look loo young to bo the editor!'' Fatisnco I preach it to tho winds! If yoti want a Lamp Chimney for 8 cents go lo U. VV. Huberts & Co's. Druir Store. Imimiovkd. We failed to notice last Week the enlarged and improved ap pearand 6t our neighbor, the Cumbtr land Presbyterian, under the efficient management of Messrs. Miller & Day, this journal aspires to a brilliant field of usefulness. We cordially recommend it to all as a first class religious paper, true to the interest of Christianity and the welfare ot our nation. A large and well selects! stock of Drugs at O. W. Roberts CVs. Drug Store. Tub Tmuunis Almanac for 18C7 will be ready on tho 15 th January. It will contain full election returns from all tho States, beside a vast amount of other Political and Statistical matter. Orders will be filled in the order of their recep tion. Prico, 20 eta per copy or seven lor $1.00 Address, with cash unclosed, The Tribune New York. Points of all kin Is dry and in oil for sale at G. V. ltoborts & Go's Drug Stoic. Tub Normal This most valuable eduoational inasrazine.ptibrshed by J" A Cooper, at Edinboro, Erie county, is before us. The yormxl U not only an ably-conducted magazine, and tilled with matter ot general interest, but is also a cyulqpoQilia for U'C searcher after knowledge, taking up, as it does, knotty points in educational matters, which are Jearoelly dUc;nsed and elucidited. The Normal is published three times a ;year, and is furnished at tho low rate of 73 cents per annum. Address J. A Doopor. Edinboio, Erie county, Pu Physician's Ptesc: lotions carefully com pounded at (J. W. Roberts & Co's. DASiiunous Tho Utter recklessness with which "the boys" go dashing down the hill at tho east end of town, suggests the propriety of "coasting" within 'bounds. Sliding is ft no sport, exhilara ting and all that, but very expensivo if it costs broken limbs or life. Go to G. V. Roberts & Co's. Drug Storo lor pure Flaxseed Oil. "Tail Timus." A thaw, a slight lull oof rain, a froezo and a nice fall ot snow imakes"eveiything altogether lovely"aud 'bangs "the anserine bird in a conspN cious position," Sleighing parties dash in upon us.trotn adjacent villages, cheer by their piesence and are gone. The "oldest inhabitant" rays it is a regular old-farfHoued winter, having had noth lik' it "Binee tho army lay at Valley Forge!" All the popular Patent Medicines for sale atU. Y. Roberts & Co's. Drug Store, Rivkr Irwis. Four b rso teams, with loaded wagons, cross on the ico at Greensboro ice about 8 inches in thick ness. The Union Line of Steamers have purchased a calliope for their now boat tho "Ehsha Bennett." She will bo .ready for the spring trado. Tho People's Line have been inoorpr rated by the Slate Legislature If you want Lamp Oil that will not oxplodo i to G. W. Roberts & Uo's.'Drug Store. A Paper fok Evuiiy Family. And mean not only every family, but sin-, gle people as well, when we commend .to all, the Americam Agriculturist the most valuable and tho cheapest journal "in the world. We have received tho -first number of the new Voluino, which begins the seoond Quarter Century, and find it of unexampled excellence and ibeauty, while the publishers aunounco till greator things to como. Mr. Clift, one of the most popular aui piactloal writers of tho oouutry, is to join tho al ready largo and strong editorial force of the Agriculturist, and regular oontribu lions axe promised from tho well known Tiraotliy Bunker, Esq tho "Down JEast Farmer." Tho Agricultural is a marvel df valno and cheapness. Eaoh number lias 88 to 40 large double octave pagos, containing 25 .to 33 or more cost By, beautiful and instructive Engraviugs ;;nd Is packed full of usotul, reliable in. . tornuUoi, Ike publishers promiso to expend th present year at least $10, t 000 m engravings alow, nnd M,000 in ', P.W,in8 nd preparing- sterling, road. ' ing mattor, adapted to tho work of the Farm, tho Garden, and tho Household, including an entertaining und instructive department for Children and Youth. Nothing loss than tho circulation of over 130,000, which reduces tho expenses to a small sum each, could onablo the pub lisncrs to furnish such a journal, tor only 11.60 a year, We again advise every person to subsoribo for the Agriculturist, It is adapted to City. Villago and Coun try. Orangojudd A Co., PuHishcrs, 41 Park'ltow, N. Y. City. Tho Stflto, Normal School at Edin boro, Erio bounty, J'fl., is tho place for young men and women to attend school. Tho Statu assists those intending to bncomo teachers. 1 w, 3t. EXTENSION OF TUB MONONQAHELA SLACK WATER NAVIGATION. . At present there are six, dams on the Monongahcla river, making It naviga ble to Gonuva, a town about ninety five miles from tho city, and four from the Virginia lino, A seventh dam in the vicinity of Geneva would nlly steamers to reach Morgantown, West Virginia, about fourteen miles further np, and thus divert the trade of a largo and pro ductive section of country down the river to this city. Tho Slackwater Navigation Company offurs to build this seventh dam provided tho town of Mor gantown subscribes SJO.OOO to tho capi tal stock of tho company In accor dance with the appointment of the borough council, the senso of the free holders ot the town were to liavebeen tak en by ballot-, and as the citizens aro great ly iu favor of tho proposod improvement, the decision was doubtless in favor of the subscription. Tho twenty-seventh annual meeting ot tho stockholders of the Mutiongahela liiver Navigation Company was hold Jan. 10th, at tho oflioo of tho Company, No, 7o Graat street. Tho report of the Treasurer, William IJakewell, Esq., shows the receipts of tho company ''tir ing the past year woro 8213,790 33, and tho disbursements 191,817 22, making tho profits $21 ,081 13. Pitts. Gazette. Lamhstaulk Simplicity. A man named Lewis Baker, of Greenfield, on tho Monongahcla, ono day last week, shoveled his pocket book containing $200 in money, notes.itc, into tho stovo. Said monojyfcc, wasn't fire-proof. "Nabob" is No JIouh 1 Her.ry TTall a colored individual ot our town, widely known as ''Nabob" and "Zip," Bhullled off this mortal coil one day of last week. Henry was in tho army tr some two years, and, very unexpectedly to his numerous acquaintance, acquitted him self with credit. As ho was tho occa sion ot tho wasting of a vast quantity of flour during his lifetime, administered bv tho juvenile population of our town, it is confidently anticipated that there will be a material decline iu tho "stuff ot life," now that "He 1ms gone to the land where all good nig gers go." IKosA. Kmc 0. PENNSYLVANIA NEWS, Tho Oil City Jletjtster says: Tho busi ness of tho oil region is now being con ducted moro legittnately than ever be tore. Further care and patience on tho part ot those engaged in tho business will tend to greater improvement and a more perfect systematizing of it, and tho day is perhaps not far distant when it will be as regular and steadily Iterative as any other pursuit. Many of the. pro perties are being condemned for sale. and aro, doubtless, subject to but trilling encumbrance, and it is the duty of those ' representing oil companies to see that tho interests of tho stockholders aro not allowed to bo wholly sacrificed, I Somo timo ago, Dr. John Lowmnn.of I this placo slightly wounded himself in performing a surgical operation. IIo soon discovered that tho apparently i trivial incident was to be attended by serious ooiistq nonces. The doctor had ' received into his system, from his pat- tient.a dangerous poison, well known to the profession. Ho has, inconsequence, been a partial invalid ever since, and during tho past two weeks has been entirely confined to his homo nnd office. Wo aro glad to say that he is now con valescent, and will bo about again In a day or two. Johnstown Tribune. Miss Matcella Simmons, ot Hawloy, Wayno county, has been missing tor about ten days past. She started iu tho evening to go homo from a millinery es tablishment at which sho hud been cm ployed, but has not been seen sinco. Sho had a bridge to cvm on tho way,and it was at first supposed that she had been drowned. Tho stream was thoroughly ragged tor miles below, and no body found. Her frien Is now fear that she has fallen a victim to tho wiles ofsoino artful seducer. On January 5th a son of John Uido, Into of Lackawannock township, Mcrcor county, started out to look after his rab bit traps, and not returning for a con siderable timo, his mother beeauio alarm ed oud proceeded to look for him. The barking of his dog directed hor steps, and bIio soon found him lying dead on his faoo at the foot ot a tree with a rab bit in his arms. LudwigMinskor, oged sovonty years, and long a rosi lont ot Dauphin county, was found frozen to death rocontly In n fluid. Ho bad undertaken to walk homo alone tho previous evening from a neighbor's house, and getting into a snow drift, fell and perished. Pittsburg Dispatch, James Henderson, of Manchester, Pa., went to tho houso of refugo tor incorrigibility, eight months ago, Jeemos escaped in a few days, but was reoapturcd, and Is now again in his old quarters. Tho litllu boy, is only twenty years of ago, and but six feet high. ': "' ,' . .i . GENERAL GRANT. It turns nut, that General Grant did no such thing as give his approval to tho veto of tho suffrage bill. Gen. Grant was present when the message was read in Cabinet, but not being call' cd on to express his views in reference to it, of course ho said nothing about it. If the President had asked for his views he would have given them without ro Borvo. When the Arkansas delegation called upon him, he told tlicm to go homo nnd adopt the Constitutional Ainoiidin nt immediately, and alter they had douo that to pass a bill giying sut- tiago to nil persons without regard to color. Ho has used similar language lo others from tho rebel States within the last six weeks. Wash, letter. Tho Round Table makes this good point : "The rebels, just when their cause was caving in, proposed to arm the negroes i tho Democrats, now that they are iu tho vory death struggle proposo to jrive tho negro tho ballot: Tho negro did not save the rebels, ami he will not savo tho Democratic pai ty." Pork nino cents a pound in Lycora ing county. MARRIED. At the residence of tho bride's broth or, in Warren Co. Iowa, Deo, 20 lHGfi, by Rev. J. Ilostwood Mr. Jso. VV. Doyles and Martha J. Kent formerly of Greene Co. i'a. aaaiai mmunm '.lawnii HlfcM ll HHWHwum Waynesburg Marke COItllliCTKD WEEKLY 11Y J. OUIMI'.R. nutter, fresh roll ?ii to .10 Cotlco per It 33 to 85 Corn per bushel fit) Corn meal per bushel 70 Country Hoap per tb 08 Candles, mould per lb 2.", Candles, dipped " ' 20 Cheese per lb in Dried Peaches per lb 25 Kgits per dozen 20 Flour per bbl 00 Flax seed per bushel 2 25 Feathers per lb fid Lard per lb 10 B. W. Flour per lb 31 Molasses 75 to 1 fin Oats per- bushel yoto 35 Rye per bushel 1 00 Timothy seed per bushel 800 to 3 25 Rice per lb 15 Sugar, crushed per lb 22 Sugar, refined " " 20 Sugar, New Orleans, 0 lbs 1 00 P. R. Sugar, H lbs 1 00 Syrup, per gallon 1 00 Salt, No. 1 per bbl 4 00 Soft Soap per gallon 25 Tar per gallon 1 00 Tea per lit oft2 40 Tiirpeiilino per gallon 2 00 Tallow per lb is Wheat per bushel 2 fiO. Whito Lead per keg 4 to 5 00 White Lime per bushel 1 BO We I common to tine 40a0 Potatoes per buslie' 125 to 1 00 Turnips, per bush 45 riTTSUUltti GKNKUAIi MAltKKT TI10 CW.'rtcraW of the 12th says; The week closes without any change noticcablo in tho condition of our markets, from wha, It was a week ago. Jhe only demand appears to be for Hour and groceries to supply immediate wants. Flour is pretty actlvo, but it is of a local diameter, and without any attempt to speculate. ' Holders aro Indifferent about selllns except at full prices, for tho reason that tho slocks on baud aro light and they an ticipate higher prices. Thoro Is very llttlo doing in v lie ill. UltAIN-Wi eat at $2 COff Corn at 70(i!78 .. $1 22al 25 Rye nt Hack wheat Oats FLOUR-Sprinst Wheat at Winter " at Rvo at IIAY-Balc'd at Loose at EGOS-Sidcs at CHEESE Western Reserve at Hamburg at New York Ooslien m BUTTER-1 'rime Roll ut Al'1'LEa.-Per barrel at dull. 54. $11,25 $1.1,75 87 2. $20,00 V ton. $l'u.oo;ii 00. . 28c, 10. 1 CO 1 7. 20 28(,j31 3.50((ji3!3.75, CHICAGO MARKET. CniCAao, January 12, 1807. Fi.oun Qulot ; spring wheat $10 87al2. Wheat 2 or 2c lower; No, 1 $2 15a2 25: No. 2, $1 U3al 04. C011N Unchanged and firm; receipts, 88, 000 bush.; sales of No 1. at 7!Jo. Oats Nominal j No. 1, 44Jac, and No. 2 ai yrtc. Rye Quiet ; No. 1 closed firm at 8O0. Bahi.kv Noirlected : No. 2. 7 In. MussPouic Firm with a fiood demand nt I? 18 DO. Lakh llinllSc. Diius.sci) lloua Flinier, closing at $(1 C.'a NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. Jan. 15. Oold closed at!34;J. SPECIAL NOTICES DR. ECHENCITS PULMONIC SYRUP. TMi uri'iit liu'itloliieouroit l)f,,r. H, Smi-OK, tUo Proprlolor, 01 mimouarr C!oiiHimijiliin,wli(iii It bail iwumoil IK iiiobI loniililiili'i! mporl, and irliou rmty dcalli wpoi-(mI to be Incvllab Ilia phyilolaiin pro. nouiicel bi two Inriirablo nlieii ho oommoncol IIik DM ol Uila nlmp'o but piworftil reined)-. Ill IiliHIi iv&i roatoiml In a yetf ilmrt llmo, tod no ruuini 01 itio il ca. o ho boon npnrolioiiiloii, for oil On , inp'omi iu'o'ly dlin'twirej, aud hit praont wL'lit U innru llian two hundred poundn, H uro li t rccuvory, ho liai ctovoloj hit attention MoiiniToly lo Iho ouro ot (loniiuinptton and tho di!. nli'ch are u-ually oomp Icatod Willi It, and tlni euro, o:roc:cd by hli medicluo, liitvo boon ret uuii'ormu and truly nondoi'.nt. Dr. Boinmoit Mink p.'o o mlonal vlalu to lovcral of tho larcor oltloo tr.'ikli', whiin-ho lia'a larto oouoounitol'pulonti, rnd it U trulv iwionlrhlnii to mo pr connntnpliroa tti'ithavotu ho Hio-l out of tholr carrlnTOi, aud In a ler miuMii licvthi', roliimt (tonoin, Da. simnNCKM i'i;lmoniu svkup, skawkku TONIU, aid MANORAKIC ril.LS am ponerally all ncinlred In ourlnii Uonnnmpllon. Full dlree lloui KciMinpnii carh, no that any ono can lako tliont w'lh jul ucoutu Dr, B itlilMOi but wlion It li oon ro'i o it It li bent lo ,o i him, IIo ;ro, adrlca trot, lint or a iliorou -li oxi:iiinailon with hia Umplrotnout he :b Uilirjj dollari. I'cw ob-orvs, ivhon piim'miliiu, that tho lira llko icci oi llio Djotor ono wliw In Oil lastitano ol t'Oiiauinpilon, and tho olhor at ho now la, In imriuet h a.lh-aro on Iho Qovomtuont itamp, S lid by a:l Uriiimlutt and Diulon, Prloo $I.W p.ir bottle, or a)7,M tho half donon. Lotion for o lvlcn rliouM i.'0.-lw dln'olod to Dr, Sehonek't Piiiidlrt. 0 '.Ico, lr. North nth Si., l'hlladoiphla, Pa. din, oral Whoiejolo Ai'Oiilii Deniaa UarnotkOo N. Y., U.S. Ilanca, naltlmoro, Md. i John D. Park, Olnolnnatl, Ohio i Walkor It Taylor, CUIcajo, 1:1.1 Uolilni UroaBt. Ioul,Mo.:idw. oa.luo.lrT. T HE CONF83IONS AND EXPERIENCE or AN INVALID. Publlslioil for tho benefit andas a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and others, who sutler IVom Nervous Uebllltv, Premature Dooay ol Manunad, &o., supplying at tho same timo Tint Means ok 8hi.k-Cdhh. Oy ono who has cured himself al'tor itudernolng cousldcrablo (piacliery. lly enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, sltiglo copies, froo of charge, may he had of llm author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Ej May23'C0.-ly llrooklyn, Kings Cp. N. Yi ' PURE DRUGS. UDIC OILS. PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, Porfumory, TOII.KT ARTICLES AMD FANCY SO.M'S. A LAKOE STOCK ON IIAND'-A NEW SU1TLY EVEUY WEEK I CASH AT SOU'S ffi& STOHE. 0' UR GOODS RAVE RF.KN ROUOIIT lor ouhIi, suleeieit with care, nnd will lm warranted as repreHcntcd, and sold at tho very lowest cash prices ! ATX THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES SOLD'. AND MOST Oh- THEM AT OLD TRICES. Pure Ziiquors. "WTa.isls.loi3. WINES, BRANDIES GIN, ALCOHOL, TURPENTINE, VAUNISIIES, &o ALL AT SHORT PHOFirS. Call and sno our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thanklil for tho very extensive patronage already bestowed, wo hope to merit a continuance of the same TUST received a new lot of choico perfumo fiunery, highly scented soaps, cosmetics, &e., including many new ahtiui.ks very ehciip, cull and sco them at IiRADEN'S DRUG STORE! ALARQB stock of Patent Medicines just received. Call and see our STOCK and PRICES. A COUGH, A COLD, OR A 80RE THROAT Requires immediate attestios, and should iib checked. Ik Allowed to contincb, inillTATIONOVTIIK IXNOS, I'Fn MANKNT TIIIIOAT DISBASB Oil COSSL'MIHON 18 01TENT1IK Itl'.SCI.T. u it o w m ' s BBONCHIAL TROCHES 1IAVIKO A DIRECT INFLUENCE TOT1IK PA1IT8, OIVK IMMHIlIATIi RELIEF. For Rronchltls, Astlima.'Catarrli, Consu rap live and Tliroat Diseases, Troches aro used with always good success. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKER will find Troche URcfttl In' clearing the voice when taken before Sinning or Spouklng, ?ml relieving iho throat after an unusual exertion ot tho yocal organs Tho Troche aro recom mended and prescribed by Physician! and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout tho country, Being an id worn of truo merit, and having proved their efllcacy by a test of many years, cacli yoar finds them iu now localities in various parts of tho wor'.d nnd the Troche aro universally pronounced better than other articlo'. . Obtain only ' Uitow.t'sUaoKcuiAL Tiiociiks," and do not tuke any of tho Worthies Imitations, that may buffered. Sold EvtitvwiiKitH. Nnv2l-GnJ. PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, FOtl t'KKSKItVINO, ItK8T0HIN0, AND IIEACTI KY1N0 THE IIAIll. And is tho most deliglitfulLancVwondcrful ar ticle tho world.cver produced. Ladies will find it not only a certain remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a desirable articlo for tho Toillet, as It is highly perfumed with a rich and delicato per fume, independent of tho fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm and Maw. I:c ITIarviJ of Peru. A new and boantin.il perfume, which in delicacy of scent, and tho tenacity with which it chugs to tho handkerchief and person, is unequalled. The above articles for slo by all druggists and Perfumers. St $1 per bottle each. ' Sent by express to.any address bv proprietors. T. W. WRIGHT & CO., 100 Liberty St., New York. Oct. 24, 180(i. 1y. JXETF TUUFl'ME FOU THK ILWDKEBUIUT. Phalon'a Phnlon'a Phnlon'a Phnlon'a Phnlon'a "Night niooming Cfrem. "Nighl IlloouilnB Ccrvua. " Night Ulooming Crrcna." ".Mailt Uloouiluj t'crcna." "IVIglil UIooiiiIds Crifua." A moHt azquMtQ, ilullcnte, nnil Fminnt IVrftimc, dldtlilpil from the rare aud beautiful llowar frum Wblcli It lukui Its niinia, Uauafuctured only by PIIAI.OK Ac SON, Now York. EE WARE OP COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PnALON'S TAKE NO OTHER. jy25,"ifi.-lycow. otel for Sale! MOST DESIRABLE IN THE COUNTY, THE UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFER AT Dublin ntltf'l'V. nn llm nmmlana ut IMph'a Landing, Grecno countv. Tluirstlay, January SI. 1807, the largo, well arranged and now Brick Tavern Stand, known as the . MONONG AHfeL A HOUSE." Resides the peculiar advantages derived from tliosltooftho building, the property itself, is the best In that section of tho oountry. Its bnsomont offers amplo room for a STORE HOUSE, thoro is convenient and spacious stabling, a nice well of water and other oqt buildings. This Is a snlomlid opportunity for any ond contemplating the hotel business. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on tho cstato of JASPER BANE, lute of Morris township, Grecno countv. uWd.. havlnir been grauted to the undersigned, notice Is hereby given to an persons luueuteti to sum estate to make immediate piiymcnl and those hav ing claims to preseht them immediately, prnp perly authenticated for settlement. . . UEU. UUIlTNEll, of Morris township Adaiiiiistrutor. ' JnnO,'OQ Gw ,j FA11M MirMLE milE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR L sale tho Farm on which he now lives, situated llireo miles Went of Waynesburg, adji'iiilng lauds1 of David White, Joshua Thomas,' John Ducuunun and others, con tabling , X-7S d JR. 33 S , one hundred and thirty acres of which aro cleared, and on which is erected one excellent FRAME HOUSE, ouelog house, an oxcellent inline stume, sneep Dam ana other oui uuii dings. Theroaro also two apple orchards and other fruit trees ou tho farm. The farm is very desirable one for either tlirniing or graz ing purposes, and will bo sold on reasouablo terms, at public or private sale, on tho 12TU DAY OK JANUARY, 1807, on tho premises, If not sold boforo. Persons wishing to look at tho land nan do so by ap plying to the undersigned, living on tho premises,) WM SCOTT, Jit. . dec','U ts , JJ"0 3FL SrALE! ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN GREENE County, Pa., containing 28.1 ACRES, well watered and timbered, Bltuatcd on Duu kard creek, near Mount Morris, and known as tho property of the "Donley Farm Oil Company," Could be divided advantagoous lv into a or more tracts. iPronosuls will bo received for purchasing all or any portion of mis iiirm, aiuireascd to jujw UN li. WKINTZ, Morgantown, W. Ya. dcc'-'G-Jt Fee $3.00 .Ylaiihood . How Lost, How llcNtorcd. rjffmJuslpublished, a newtdition of ulvkiiwklls celeduatkd Essay on the tvulieul cure (without medicine) ofSpcr matorrlKoa, or Bcminal Weakness, Involun tarp Seminal Losses, Impot ncy, 3Iental an-1 Pliysical Incapacity. Impediments to marriage, &c j also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits induced by self-Indulgence or sexual extrava gance. , . . 9f?iPrico, Iu a sealed cnvelopo, only C cts. The cclebratedi author, in tills admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse mny be radically cured withonttlie dangerous use of Internal medicine, or the application of the knife pointing out a modeot euro at once simple, cortainarid effec tual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. (irThls Essay should bo in tiie hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, lost-itruit, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the publishers, CIIAS J. C. KLINE & CO., 1 27 Bowery, New York, PostOlllco No. 4586. nWJViiU-ly Something New IN WAYNESBURG, PENiTA. THOS. DRADEN (At tho room formerly occupied by Androw Wilson, Sr., next door to Rradcn's Drug Store.) Respectfully informs tho good people of Grceno county, that ho has opened a HAHBWAHE STORE. And invites a call from his friends and the public generally. His storo is filled with everything In bis lino needed by tho Farmer and Mechanic. Reing a practical furmer, he knows oxnetly the wauts of his farmer friends. Amoug bis variety of goods will lie found Iron, Nails of all kinds, Planes of all varieties, Au gers, Braces, &c. Tuttlo toothed, cross cut ami nun saws, nana saws ana tiola ot all ues crlptlous. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Mowing Machines, Cutting Boxes. Corn Sliel lei's, lJlowa, Cultivators. Shovels, Forks, and everything In his lino. SADDLERY HARDWARE, A general assortment of saddlery hardware, 10 wiucn nc invites tiie attention ot purchasers WOODEN WARE OF ALL KINDS Tubs, Buckets, Butter Bowls and all kinds of Kitehen Wooden Fixins. Willow Baskets; Brooms, Brushes, Coal Buckets, Brass Kettles, Buggy whips, Shot Guns, Boys Wagons and sli ds. All persons desirous of nurcliasinir anv of inoBoovu articles anil many others not men- 'loncil j will consult their interest by CALLING SOON. IIo will tako pleasure iu showing 'his stock at all times. So give him a call when you mum uj imvn. numemocr tuo place, oppo site iuu first national uanic. declitf T1IOS. BRADEN. 1794. tlniN tercd, 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA! riiiiadelphia. tlldcsl Insurance Company in America. CASH CAPITAL AND BUIIPLI'S, OVKIl $1,731,000. SEVENTY ONE YEARS Successful Busi- neas Experience, with a '"reputation for IN TEGRITY and HONORABLE DEALING UNSURPASSED by any Simula: Institution. LOSSES PAID since organization, $17, 500 ono.00 1 LIBER L RATES tot all the safer classes of property, Insurance of DWELLINGS and COiN TKN la, a speciality. BRICK or STONE DWELLINGS insured PERPETUALLY, If desired, on terms of the greatest economy and safety to the insured, It is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insure In tho best Companies, and there is NONE BET TER than tlte old INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. DIRECTORS i Arthur O. Coffin Samuel W. Jones, 8. Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Harrison, Francis B. Cope, Edward II. Trotter, Edward 8. Clarke, Wm. Cummlngs, T. Chariton Henry, John A. rirown, Charles Taylor, Ambroso Will to, Richard D. Wrod, William Welsh, William II. Bowen, James. N. uicKsrm ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President Chaiilks Platt, Becretary. . E. M. SAYERS, Jan9,'(i7 tt Agent lot Grecno County. Assignee's Notice. TRE UNDERSIGNED ASSIGNEE OF ' MoitaAx Bki.l, of Ricahlll township, horo bv gives notice to all persons Interested that the oTOHE BOOKS and Notes will bo left witli Mr. William McClelland, at the old Btitlul. for 1011101110111 and collection, until tho 1st of March next, and If not promptly settled they tolll b collected by due process of law nt once. Tho creditors of suid asslgnant will also take notice that their Claims must be pre sented nt once, as 1 am determined to closo up the business Immediately . JanlV07-t ; J. F. TEMPLE. , TIIE NATIONAL OUR TOWN TO BECOME A COM MERCIAL METROPOLIS I TIIE tindersiirncd announces to tho rmhlio the purchase, refilling and restocking of the csiuunsniucui lormcriy Known as mo FARMERS' -GROCERY," IN WAYNESBURG, PENN'A. The most prominent featur is his largo and excellent assortment or TEAS! He has a largo and now stock of Groceries, embracing Confectionery, Provision, &c, &c. PRESENTS FOR TELE HOLIJDAYS! Of every description, from a penny trumpet for tuo cuua to tne most acceptable tor Lady or Gentleman. SELL HE MUST! All and evof vthlns at the lowest cash orieea. You won't do yoursolvcs Justice unless you CALL AND SEE HIM! Jkssb IsonnAJL Stand formerly known as Farmers Grocery, mum ouuui, nyiic'Buuru, i-a. doc ID 'Gli-tf. DRY GOODS AT- AT Wm OLD ST.11." THE GOODS ALL FRESH, -the r LATEST AND GiEST ! this Fbrics, as Represented, AND THE ASSORTMENT ' KtPT COMPLETE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS DETERMINED to sell, and the hbady cash will see.uro tho very best of bargains. Call and examine bis stock L. K. EVANS. deel l-8m Waynesburg, Pa. AVAR I A IV S SALE. TIIE undersigned Kuardian of Marv F. Nicholson, will sell, in Greensboro, on TUESDAY, JANUARY" to, 18(57, at I o'clock, p. m., the house and parcel of grouna now occu)ioa uy mury wcarj oounded uy lot oi n,rvme on tne iNortn, Hamilton ou the East, Morris on tho South and street on the West; being part of 'ots numbered Is and 10. in plan of said town. There Is a neat framo dwelling house, also, a fine assortment of fruits on the promises. TERMS : $100 at sale, the balance ot one third at confirmation, ono-tliird iu one year, and remaining thin In two years with inter est on both payments from confirmation. Possession to be given on the 1st of April next. . WM. P. GRIFFIN, JanO,'C7-ta Guardian. Dissolution or Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing be tween J. M. Hotfinan nnd G. W, Roberts, undor tho stylo of IIokymaic & Roukbts Is this day (Jan. 2nd 1W17.) dissolved by the withdrawal Of J. M. Hotfinan from said firm. Tho business will be settled by G. VV. Roberts, who alone Is authorized to collect 411 debts and pay all Indebtedness of said firm. Tho firm will hereafter be known as that of G. W. ROBERTS & Co. J.M.HOFFMAN, Jan,'07-4t G. W. ROBERTS. H0O A MONTH I-AoKNTi. wanted Ibr six entirely new articles, Jusv out. I aaorei au. i. uaiuiI, wty uuiiuuifr, made, ford, Mine. ,, kial7.'l(i.-lT - riiCE PLAIN, HOS'EST FABHiili' AND CAY Y "Little Greene," DON'T BE IIUMBUOEDI VOUR DON'T BUY CLGTHIHG, Of ono horso pedlars who carry nothing but a class of GOODS you could not give away in the city, and who aro a set of shoddy men i who deal In nothing but shoddy clothing) who don't pay one cent to support the govern ment or lighten your taxes ; who stay all night nt your house and in tho moraine nav the bill with a pair of suspenders or a pair of gloves that cost not less than tho magnificent sum of SS cents ! If you mako 10 cents off of them your neighbor Is rohlicd of $10.00 to make it up. But buy your clothing of N. CLARK & SON Who will deal honestly and fairly with you nuu give you VALUE RECEIVED for every dollar you may spend. We want you to como ond sco us and we wilj Bhow you goods that the best dreBscd men that walk BEOADWAY! would not be ashamod of. We are lust open ing a new stock of WINTER CLOTHING Both Mens' and Roys', which for price and quality wu challongo competition. Wo will sell you Overcoats trom tl to $ 10.00 less than any establishment in Pittsburgh, and Suits I rom $.i to $l..oo less. Wo have a largo slock ot all the newest and best style in the markot, among which In the Driver Hat, the Planters' Hat, the Rlstori, the Croquet, the Blsmark and others. A full line of Gents' furnishing goods equal to any city furnishing store. Drawers and Underfill! ts, Wool and whito shirts, Sus penders, Gloves, Wool and Cotton Socks, and 50 dost, ties of ail shades and colors, pluln and fancy, some styles you cannot find in any store this side of Now York City. Thinking you for your past liberal patron age, wo ask you to bring your friends and ncighbois in and wo will prove all we say. Two doors West ot the Adams House and nearly opposite' Campbell's corner, Main Street. May 10, ly. iciinylvaniai ktailROad. WINTER TIME TABLE. EIOIIT TRAINS (DAILY) TO ANO FROM PniLADXIr 1MIIA AND PITTSIIUKUII, ANO TWO TIIAINS DAILY TO AMI fllllM Kit III, (SUN DAYS UXCMTED.) o asd irtm MONDAY, NOV. 1!), 1868. TUB IWukw Triiliw of the Pvnimylviinln Rnllmiul Com pany will ilc'imrt frum IIiirrlHliiiri;, mid ai rlvu ut 1'lillivk'l lililn uuil ruuturRti m Minn ; EASTWARD, Phllmli llitilit Expri'M Imvn llarrhhnrit itnllr (except T0o"'"5ii 'iM ' urrlV(" ' Wu" i'ljiluililllila t FiiAt Mno leaven IlnrrlKtmrir ilnltv famm, u,,.l-. 0.20 a. M, ami arrival at Wont l'liilailulilliln ut . m. Drankranu nt IlurrUhurir. Krlfl Vlltlt l.illO Kiirit IViilil Rein r,lva n, 1Tn-.Ui.uu (liUly (exccit AYon.ln.vs), ami connect. Willi at Lluo loav Iiir lliirrUlmrK nt U.JO a. h. Unlly Ksirem lenvi IlurrlHlMirpcilally (except Sunday.) t 1.40 p. m., awl nrrlviu at Wct PlilludolpbU at 6.40 p. ' Dinner at llurriHliurir. . t'liiclnnntll Kxir lenvea llnrrlilmrir itallyatl.40 ?. H., anil nrriv nt Wut lIiiliult lilitu at 12.40 A. X. Bun per at llnrrUburg. r Iliiri Miiirn Acciiiiimlntlon leave. lrnrrWmrg tlnlly (ox. eept giimlay.) at 4.4U p. m., and nrilv at Vet I'hll.rtel. . nnlniaU.IUp.M. Till, tmlii hiu uu cunnucllon from th. we.t. Ijincantor train, via Cnlmnliln, lenve. Iliiril.liuru dully (sniiiUya i'xcuiteil) at 7.00 a. h., nnd nnlve. at Phlladul liliin nt 1 -J.'U p. M. DlllervlllB Aiicomniuitlnn, via JIt.,Ioy, leave. Ilarrlalninr ilnlly (except 8illl,lyn) atO.IIOA. M-, mill arrive, at Lalf. caaterat U.10 A. v., ciinmi'lhiK wllli Uncuater Tr.lo unit. HiarwAitu. Ella Mill went, fur Krle. Imvil llnrrllmr il.ll. .. cent Huiiilay) at 2.(16 P. M ami arrive, nt Krle at T.lld p it Krle. fiwt l.lnii went, llir Brie leave. Ilnrrl.oiirit dallv t, ,.i ... ,.. .,,,, u, nn, a,uto a. In. arrlv at flttaliiu-uli at 1.40 n. m. Kt lino leaviw IlniTlalilllg ilnlly (except Slllnlnv) at 4.06ii. in: nrriveunt aii,wi,i n a Sa , ,' ael arrlviw nt Pitt mli at 2 a. in. 1P Mull Train lenve. llnrrialnirK ilnlly (except Similar.) at 1.16 p. m.i arrive, at Alt.wnnut 7.24 p. in., lake .minor. nnilnrrlvMiit l'Htlinrnh nt 1.110 a. m. ""I'P Kliliirnint Train Wo (In tthleli Br.t !.. ... . car I. attuehil for llm nremniKlntlou of Incal travel) leave llarrlBlmmil.illy (except Momlay) at 7 a. m., arrive at Altimna 2.40 p. m., take, dinner aud arrive at Piltabarah at 10.JI5 p. in. B " Dlllervllto Arcommoilntlon,woat,Ioare Unraatord.Hr (except Hillliluya) ata oOp. m., leavwl AfciuntJiw at 1 6a p.ni.iandarrivo at Harrlaburitnt 6.:inp. m. DA.1IUKIJ A. 1II.ACK, Blip t. Middle Div. Pouu'a. It. B. uoefl Fit HE T'i EVERYBODY ! ALAROEO pp Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan. Freckles. Pimiiloa. Rlntoh. cs. Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions and all Impurities of tho Bkin, How to Ibrco Whiskei's, rostoro, Curl and beautify the bain renew the ago, cure Drunkenness, Nervous Debility, and other useftil and valuable Infor mation. Everybody send for It. Addross UlSllUISH, SHUTTS&CO.. " Chemists, S8S Kivor St, Troy, N. Y. doc5-lm $l,SOO PER YEAR I We want aironts every whero to sell our iMnnnv.n $20 Sowing Machines. Thrco Hew kinds Uiuicr auu upper tcou. Warrantod Ave years, Abovo Binary or tamo commiaoinn. paid. Tito only machines sold In tho United States I'or less than t(), which are lully licom od by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Grover & Uaker, Slngor & Co., and Hacholder. All other cheap machine are IntVlngcmenta tod tho Bcller or user are liable to arrest, flue and ImDi'lssonment. Circular frnn. A,i-. call upon Shaw & Clark, Ulddeford, Mains ot ChlcBgo, III. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Ailmlnlulrnlt, of Joua Ban, late . of Morgan tnwnai.ln Oroeno Co., dee'd., havln? been granted to Uio underslijnod hy tho UeKlstcr if Orceno Co., a Inorsons knowing themselves Indebted to said Estato are requested to pay the name, and those having claims against said Estate aro rcnuostod to present them duly authontt. cated for settlomeut. . . Sarah Dkli, , Dec. 4, 18G6.-M. AdnVrt. ...uiiMi. r.jpnw, leave. iiiii rHinirn ilnlly (except Sun- -itay)nt 2.06 a, ni,, arrive at Altooua, 7,il"ja, m taku lireiikfii.t, nml arrive, at I'ltlnliuruli nt 1.1UI p. m. Pliilwlelpliia Kxpre, lenve. IliirrUlitirit uiiily nt 310 m arrive, nt Allunllil nt 8!6 n. in., li.t.u, l,r..,,i,i:... .i -, . .ui.n.ua HUH