The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, January 16, 1867, Image 2

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    J, E. SAVSRir""
'It cannot bo disguisoJ. that the notion,
or rather iuaclion, of Congress provokes
the righteous condemnation of many of
tho'tr unpportors. Tho wheels of pro
gress await impotna in relation to the
pe'aco ot tho oounlry, homo manufacture
demands protection, capitalists want a
Beciiro financial policy and in fact, tho
clog of legislation seriously retards
national progression in every shape.
The people ownit with longing a settled
condition of our perturbed politics. In
dications speak plainly enough that this
is no time for tho impoauhmcnt of Presi
dent Jobnsou. Fopular will is against
it tor tho reason that so much elso of
importance proscnts itself for tho con
Bideration of our representatives. Time
squandered in fixing and repelling any
charges that may bo brought against
him is timo ill-spent at this cri is. Bet
ter let tho low years of publio career
before him add to bis degenoraoy aud
infamy, then tho pcoplo will consign
him to tho oblivion which awaits him.
Congress must pot yield to tho prcssuro
of conservatism. Wo advocate radical
ism at tho saino timo dispatch m tho
settlement of theso groat questons.
Murmuring is distasteful to all, but tho
work must on I
-By rtferenco to our news oolumus it
will bo soon that Gen. Simon Cameron
is tho nominee for State Senato, for six
years from tho 4 th of March next, if
eluded. The Republican caucus has
aolod in direct opposition to tho will of
a mijority of the Republicans through
out the Stale. If its notion is sustained
it must be produotivo of disastrous con
sequences . to our party organization.
Thaddous Stevens got less votes than
was anticipated. Wo may yet hope for
a reversed decision of tho caucus. Sev
eral voting for Cameron have offered
othor nominations. There is no telling
the extent of tin's defection. It may bo
complhnonts to personal favorites or
it might lead to a consolidated vole
for Stevens. Edgar Cowan is tho
nominoo of tho Democratic cauous
for Senator. It isn't likely ho will bo
elected .
I Tho Springfield, Massachusetts, Re
publican remarks that, 'ignorant white
men, however well intontioned, are vory
liable to bocomo tho dupes of doningo
guos, and while instinot is probably just
as safo a guido as black instinct. Tho
Galvostoh Bulletin, ono of tho truest and
most intelligent Union papers of tho
South, insists that tho negroes will in
variably voto with the employers that
treat theni woll and says that Jeff. Davis's
old slaves all love him for his kindness,
and would voto for him for President to
day if they had a chauco, Tho truth is
there can bo no sure relianco on the
Totes of blacks, any more than of whites,
who cannot road thoir ballots and the
argument for the Massachusetts dootrino
of intelligent. Buffrago holds good against
all the ingenious sophisms brought to
test upon it. If we fail to make it na
tional at this grand opportunity we raako
a mistako not easily corrected and the
consequencos of which aro not doubtful.'
' This is a sensible view of the quostion
and ' reflects our sentiments exactly.
Tlu experiment of universal suffrage in
tho Fedoral District and tontorios, wo
havo no hesitation in saying, will bo
produotivo of good results, inasmuch as
it will test tho theory. Intelligent or
qualified suffrage will supplant universal
suttrago wherever established, for the
vory" roasons statod by the Bulletin,
Whence the soonor tho thing is exploded
tho better. If, when tho lino is drawn,
tho negroes ohooso to ballot with tbo
Dumouratio party, as they recently did
in "Massachsotts, we have no right to
oomplain. 1'bey wero extremely suc
cessful in procuring thorn for substitutes
during tho days of the draft and thoy will
provo equal to the emorgoncy when it
comes to the polls.
An old well sunk in Uuiontown, by
.II. R. Boeson 3s Co , in a vain search
ior oil, 'took a spoil last week, and
'throw up water and stones to tho won
dcrful height of moro than ono hundred
,feet. The freak lasted for an hour, end
created much wondor and surprise in
- ".the obmmunhy.' ' i
,t . , .
,ii .The statetnont of the public debt ior
-tliorrrouth of Docombor, I860) shows
' the iota! debt to be $2,675,062,5C&, md
Jhe amount in the Treasury $131,737;.
832,' This, shows a deorease ; jo debt
iln'os Deoombor oil nearly $10,000,000.
Tub 'Cora" would fain cut an im
promptu "pigoou'e w ing," they ieol ao
good over tho passago of the Suffrage
Bill in tho District ot Columbia. Thoir
voiceg fairly gtirglo with jny when they
tell you they 'predicted that Congress
w ouldu'Ci nogM-aiiffrago on tho poo
plo.'' TJicy overlook tho tuot that moro
than 30,000 freemen residing J there
demand tho nelit of manhood. Moro
than this, tho District w subject to the
legislation of Congress, by virtu.i of
tho . Constitution. It is a calamity,
truly, that its constituents are in the
minority thoro, but it is nor.o tho less
imporativo that thoir wishes should
bo hooded. Though there bo but one
loyal man in tho District, we had
rather Congress would cater to his tasto
than pander to tho caprices of 100,000
ex-rebels and conspirators.
Outside tho District wo have always
maintained that Congress would not,
nor oould not, interfere with tho ques
tion of suffrage beyond the
requirements ot tho Constitutional
Amendment. Further than this wo
havo no catiso to believe tlipy will go.
Tint Phhsidknt's Position Dici-inko
About u hundred persons sat down at
tho National Hole!, Washington, on
Tuesday night, to celebrato tho nntnvcr
sary of the battle of Now Orleans Tho
Ulairs, the Attorney Genoral, and van
ous members of Congress wero present.
President Johnson made no speech, but
gave tho following as a sentiment i
No Stato ot its own will lias a right
under the Constitution to renounce its
pleco in or to withdraw from tho Unbn,
nor has the Congress of tho United
States the Constitutional power to de
grade tho people ot any Slato by redu
cing them to a condition of mere territo
rial depondenoy upon a Federal head )
ono is disruption and dissolution of tho
government ; tho other is consolidation
and exercise of despotic power. Tho
advocates of tho former and tho latter
aro aliko enemies of the Union and our
constitutional form of government.
Why didn't ho say "nor have tho
peoplo of any Stato tho constitutional
power to degrade themselves to a mere
territorial dependence upon a Federal
head -, one is disruption aud dissolution
of tho government ; tho other folly in
the extreme"
IlAismsnuito, January 10, 1807.
Tho Sonatonal caucus organized at
eight o'clock, in tho hall of tbo House.
Senator Bigham movod to adjourn
tho nomination to Monday evening.
Lost by a voto of fifty-four t3 twenty
A ballot was then takon on tho nomi
nation of Senator, when Cameron ro
ooived forty-six votoss Curtin, twenty
threo; Stovens, seven; Grow, fivo;nbsent,
from Lancaster, 2 total, 83. Tbo fol
lowing is tho voto:
Fon Cahbhon Brown, (Mercer.
Hoffman, Moohling, Coleman, Hum
phreytMoily. Connoll,. Kennedy, Seilor,
Cowlos, Kerns, Sharploss, Graham. I
Kimmoll, Shuman, Ilainus, Kinney,
Stumbaugh, Lindon.McCamont, Rubors,
Barton, McKeo, Waddell, Brown,(Juni
ata,) Lowry, Wellor, Camoron, Mo
Oonaughy.Whann, Chadwiok.Ridgway,
Woodward, Do Haven.Stutzman, Wor
roll, Donohough, Worthington, Wright,
Freeborn, IIal!,(Speakor.)Glas9,(Spoaker)
Ghegan, Mann, Harbison, Marks.
Fori Cuktin Adair, Ewing, White,
Allon, Gallagher, Pennypaokorj Chaso,
Gordon, Potcrs, Colvillo: Loo, Pillow,
Davis, MoCreary, Quav, Day, Royer
Wallaoo, Espoy,Taylor,Watt, Wharton,
Fon Stevens Bigham, Richards,
Staoey, Armstrong, Roath, Stehraan,
Fou Guow Browne, of Lawronco,
Shoemaker, Webb, Leech, MPherrin.
On tho announcement of the abovo
vote, Caraorou's nomination was mado
unanimous on motion of M. S. Quay, of
. Cameuon's friends had a committee ap
pointed by tho Legislature oatonsibly to
inquire into tho ohargos of corruption so
widoly oiroulated concerning his nomi
nation. Thoy failed to produeo evidonco
corroborating tho charges. Oreen is a
salutory protection for the eyos in somo
casos it might dim the porocptivo facul
ties. Tho Hon. Roscok Coniu.ino of Utica
was nominated, on tho 10th inst. nttor a
spirited contost, by tho Republican cau
cus for U. S, Sonator iron. Now York
for nx years from tho 4th of March
next. Tho opposing candidates were
tho Hon Ira Harris, the inoumbent.aud
Judgo Noah Davis ot Albion, Orleans
IIouso and Sonato mot in Convention,
to oount tho votes on Governor. Tho
returns wero read by ooantios, and cer-
tifioato signed that Geary recoived 807,
274, and Clymor 290,000 votos.
. m ,m, m
Tho bill abolishing all laws which
deny the elootive franohiso on acoount of
color, in the Torritorios, wai passed on
the 10th inst., by the Senato, and, being;
ooncurrod in by the House, goes to the
President foe bis signature. . .
Iu the House ot Kepresontalivos at
Ilnrriaburg, on the 8th inst., the follow
log resolution, offered by Mr. Mann, was
adoptod every Democrat voting in the
negative :
'That it Is tho impcrn:ivo duly of
congress to enact such laws and provide
such governments in tho rebel Slates as
will secure each loyal person therein full
and complete protection to life, liberty,
property and enjoyment of equal politi
cal rights, to ibo end that the founda
tions of such governments may bo fixed
on principles of eternal justice which
will endure through nil future timo, and
that tho Clerk forward a copy ot this
resolution to Congress.'
Hero, says tho Pitts. CommerciM, wo
find tho party which boasts tho namo of
'tho Jeflersonian Democracy' voting
solid against a resolution which no more
nor lo-s than affirms, and almost in its
own language, tbo principles of tho De
claration of Indepondenco. Stick a pin
there 1
NoTiiiNd now stands in tho way of a
complete restoration ot tho peace, bar
mony mid prosperity of tho country but
the radical faction m Congress. Mes
You menu if you had iho "Union as
it was," tho Democracy in power, and
'traitors' on tho Northern end of the
line" in irons, that "the war" would as
suredly have boon ''a failure.'' "Jess
Thamossago of Governor Swann, ot
Maryland, opposes tho ratification of tho
constitutional amendment, and recom
mends tho assembling of a convention of
the peoplo to roviso tbo present consti
tution ot tho State.
Want him. Tho "leading journals"
aro somewhat exorcised concerning the
whereabouts of Head-Centre Stephens.
Wouldn't it bo a blessing if they
couldn't find him!
Ohio is tho sixth state to adopt tho
Constitutional Amendment. Other loy
al states will soon follow in rapid succes
sion, now that their legislatures havo
The Cretan insurrectionists, or Chris
tian patriots havo engaged much atten.
tion in tho old and now world sinco tho
terrible tradegy at Arkadi. Somo ideas
may be gleaned of tho nature of tbo con
test and tbo firm purpose of the island
ers from tho following graphic descrip
tion of tho tight, by tho p n of a
Tribune correspondent, dated Canea,
Deo. 3rd, 18GG. It is suggestive of a
modern Thormopy'io i
"News of iho tragody of Arkadi will
havo long ero this reaches you, startled
tho world into rt collections of Missolon
ghi and 1830, and may perhaps have
worked something like conviction in the
minds of European statesmen that the
Cretans aro in terriblo earnest, but to us,
almost within sound of the explosion
which consummated the affair, and
conscious ot the barbarities and despair
which give such awful significance to tho
Cretan cry of Liborty or Death, it has
como w,ln a Bl,0lik llko a eaithquako
For a week after tho fight we beard
confused and contradictory rumors of
it, of mines and desperate fighting, wo
saw tho ateamer'eomo bringing to tho
Canea hospitals the wounded who no
longer found placo et Hetimo, but wo
could get no reliable news ns to the na
ture and result of tho conflict. Finally
we cot sufficient details to know in iu
full moaning, if not its full amount of :
woe, tho saddest, most piteous episode i
of this struggle.
Arkadi is a monastery which datos its
foundation 800 years ago, the present
building having been built by tho Vene
tians nearly threo eenturies .-ince, and
so strong that it was impregnable dur
ing tho previous wars of Venetian and
Turk, and Turk aud Christian, even
through tho Greek war of independence.
It is situated in tho midst of a beautiful
plain, at tho toot of tho slopes of Mt.
Ida, to tho village's in which, eomo half
dozen in number, it furnished protec
tion in danger and assistance in want.
It was distinguished among Cretan mon
asteries for the extent of its charac'ors
and boncficencr.
It was at times tho headquarters of
tho Cretan Committee, and ot tho vol
untoors under Coroneos, and in accord,
anco with tho policy of the day its des
truction was determined on, aud that ot
Coroneos aud his little army, it was
hoped, at the ssmo timo. Mustapha
Pasha sot out from Retimo, only a tew
hours march from Arkadi, the 18th of
November, und arriving at night enter.
tho monastery r unporceivod. There
wero in it only tho priests and tho lami.
lies of tho villages in number 510 souls,
of whom 313 wore wonion and children.
Somo attempted to escape, but finding
retreat cut off, returned to tho convent,
prefonng to share tho result of iho fight
to being taken prisoners. Tho forces
of the Pasha were about 12,000 men, to
tncot whoso attacks tho Christians had
loss than 200, prieats aud fathers of the
families mostly. Thoy declined to' sur.
render, and finding" that any attempt at
oacalado or surpriie was useless, the
Pasha Bont to Retimo for artillery, which
was sent him, tho next day, ho sent for
reinforcements and more guns,, so that
at the last ho had 20 guns and two mor.
tars, minus thrcoTguus burst, and 10
000 men.
Tho convent having boon out off from
communication with the mountains, no
news oould bo sent to Coroneos, who
was absent on an expedition, and there
was no hopo of relief from such over
whelming numbers if ho had. corno.
Throe days tho 200 heroes fought tho
baltlo ot despair, firing from window
nud loop-hole ao energetically and ob
stinately that tho Turks apeak of it as
like an European battle, the liko of
which never was seen in Croto. Tho
third day a broach was effected at tho
groat portal and an assault made, the
Arinaouts and Cretan Mussulmans iu
advance. Tho gate opens with a largo
oourt, around which aro arranged tho
cells and rooms of tho uionastio estab
lishment, and to those tho Christians
withdrew when tho troops had effected
an entrance, and kept up tho fire from
tho doors and windows on tho enemy,
who was pushed in in increasing maasos
At this timo, some participants say that I uuu t0 maugurate. iho convention
a small mine or magazine exploded, ! Ci,'!ud' ca"1li?t'n elect provisional
. ... . , . . , ', State olhoors, and form a State Consult!-
killing about loOot the troops, who region iiTcvocablu whhout the consent ot
ooilcd and left the placo in a panic, but . Congress. Universal BiilVnige, prohi
wero ordered in again, and tho fight in , bition of distinction on account of race
tho oourt was kept up six hours, they ; or uo,or '" WJ repudiation cf the
. ,.., ,., .. ,,,.. . - rebel debt, and disfranchisement of all
say from tho time the breach was enter i . ;i , , ,, . ,
. , who aided the rebellion, are to bo pro-
od. Iho ground of tho court was cov- viao-l for in the Slate Constitution. II
ered with tho Turkish dead and woul d the Stato shall at any future timo at
ed, but the Chintiaiis.too.wa; ted away, I tempt to dissolve iu relations with the
and finally seemir nil to bo lost, and loi.- I Government, its representation
ger resistance impossible, some of tho
combatants embraced in farewell, and
slabbed each other j tho Ileguminos,
Gabriel, fighting to tl.o last moment,
blew out his own brains when ho found
that the Turks wero about to tako him.
The rest retreating to the great town of
tho Ileguminos, where wero most of tho
women and children, and under which
was tho powder magaztno, determined
to perish together rather than Btibinit to
the brutalities and outrages of the Tin lea,
mid fired iho mac-mun. all lu'in" tins..
troyed, with all tho troops in tho vicini-
' r i- . . on i ,
ty. In room were 39 sick and
wounded men and 01 women and child,
rcn who escaped the explosion. Ono
priest of a neighboring convent, who
had surrendered to tho Pasha and re
ceived protection from him, was mur
dered by tho Egyptians, incarnate fiends,
who spare nothing that is Christian.
Iho survivors! except six who wero
shot down in oold blood because they
had European costumes on, were, by a
mercy without parallel iu tho whole war,
made prisoners, and led, with insults and
abuse, to Rot imo, whore many of them
arrived half dead, tho stronger carrying
the children, of whom many wero in
fants, left orphans by tho disaster.- some
only three or four mouths old.
Olior the fighting was all over, the
Cretan Mussulmans with lighted tapers
went among tho dead to see it any
Christum still breatliud, arid all who
showed any signs of life were dispatch
ed without mercy,
A tow Greeks held the Btono mill of
tho Monastery with aueh obstinacy that
the Turks were obliged to batter a down
on them, destroying cvoryt! ing in it. ""'
The losses of tho troops aro enormous,
tho city ot Relimo is tilled w ith tho
wounded, and the hospitals havo rccciv
ed over 400, of whom most will die, the
surgeons say, " having been injured by
the explosion, Not less than 3,000 and
somo say 4,000 of tho Mussulmans have
been killed or badly wounded in the nf-
,:l'"'' nm a" "llwo"tctl S1(,oin w on the
laUt;8 ot. a11 t,, uoml'''triot8 hero-no
oxnltation of victory can bo seen, and
they say that Mustapha PaBha raged
liko a wounded lion when tho battle was
over no ono dared approach him. Ills
brother-in-law Suleymnn, his favorite,
was mortally wounded and many offoers
killed or wounded. Thirty-six hours
the army was, engaged in bringing in
tho ivounded, and it is said that tho
ground around tha Convent is strewn
with tl'.o Turkish dead
Iho Cretans tako a grim satisfaction
in the result. The garrison of Ark 'di
only suffered what moat of them aro
willing to suffer when it comes to tho
worst. Tho religious hostility is such
that any other solution than this bocomcs
improbable, and tho Christianity of
Europe is so liko its Mohammedanism
that there seems litllo chance cf their
fulling out ovor a few miserablo Cretans
who oould not bide tha timo of England
and Franoo to havo their thrco-contury
wrongs righted.
A terrible fire broke out iu Vieksburg.
Mississippi, on tho night of Deo. 23d.
A number of lives wore lost, and about
one hundred families mado houseless
and homeless, Ldss, ovor $2,000,000.
Tho origin of tho firo was the result of a
drunken row in Meyor's bar-room.
Three men wore playing cards, in
New.Ulm, Minn., on Christinas day.
They got into a drunkon quarrel, which
reaultod in one named Spinner being
stabbod causing iramodiato death. The
other two were arrested and handcuffed,
while on their way to jail they wero takon
from the sheriff by a drunkon mob and
hangodi whilo hanging their bodies wore
mangled and out with knives.'
Richmond, Va., January 10. The
Virginia Legislature rejected tho Con
stitutional Amdndmont to-day by a largo
Washington, January 12, 1807.
It has bi;on determined to take up tke
reconstruction qi cation in tho House
next week, and disposo of it. Thud.
Stevens returned to-day, and will urge
early action upon it.
Tho Houso Committco on Territories
to-day agreed to report a bill for new.
governments for tho States of Alabama,
Guorcia, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana.
North and South Carolina, and Texas,
It first declares void ell laws made by
the Governments in force in those
States, and then proposes that all mule
persons abovo tho ago of twenty-ono
who can take the o tlh of loyalty shall
be allowed to vote for delegates to the
Convention. When tho Convention
moels, if it decides to accept tho terms
proposed by Congress, it is authorized
to select what is called a Provisional
Committco ot live citizens, distinguished
tor their loyalty to tho Union. This
committee is to act ns one Ot publio safe
ty until a I onslitulional Statu Convon
ttou is formed, which they aro author-
in Congress is to cease, mid lliu latter is
to do anything not inconsistent with tho
rules of civilized warfare to protect the
loyal people. If Congress nco pts tho
now Constitution, tho State is to be en
titled to representation.
A Now York letter of the 1 4th inst.,
says: The diy g ods market exhibited
: considerable buoyaii'jy to-day, though
prices allow no material variation. J tio
little panic in money docs not seem,to
havo any visiblo effjet worsted goods
show a slight improvctnent.wliile brown
sheetings and shirtings nro scarce for
j m 7 lmn- A steady
business is doing in prints. Iu regard
to Sorogn g00lU it bo saia0l!ml
i the eonieniDiated modifications in the
tariff have the effect to stiffen tho prices
of some fabrics and to unsettle, those cf
others but, on the whole, there i-t for
tho moment very liulo doing, and the
predominant feeling is that ot uncer
tainty. Tho aililieial slringencj in tho
money market, noticed yesterday, as tho
result of a wc'I-knoivn 'Bear' combina
tion, was kept up until about two o'clock
this afternoon, wh -n it beg in to bo ap
parent that tho movement had 'fallen
O.icof thu Pittsburgh bkattng-park
proprietors got up as an attraction a
skating omtost, for a pair of skates, be
tween two amateur laly skaters, Miss
R. Ramsey ami Miss Kate R. For
Bytho. Ramsey got the skates.
Reubon Dart, of Lehigh county, gets
$3,207,83 damages from tho East Penn
sylvania Railroad Umipany, booauso a
spaikfi'om a loomolivo set fire to his
barn in 18G3.
On account of tho high prico asko.l
for an eligible silo in Lebanon, Pa., ior
the contemplated rolling-mill, it won't
be built there, but at lluminolslown,
Mrs. Kahili, of Pittsburgh, thought
Mr. Kahili was paying loo uiuoli atten
tion to Miss 1'ux, next door, had a row
with Miss Fox, got arrested and paid
Coroner Hummel, of Ilarrisburir.
suys that never, since he entered upon
mo iiiscnaaga ol lus Unties, lias liu been
called upon to hold an luquest in the
month ot December.
Mr. J. Philip Groff ono of a party
that left Lebanon, Pa., a few weeks
ago, for Denver City, died ot heart di
sease on tho loth tilt., at that city.
Tho Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph
Company has its lines iu operation be
Ueon Il urisburg aud Gettysburg.
They have wheeling matches iif
Berks county. A fellow is blindfolded,
and has to wheel a barrow a certain dis
tance. 'Pittsburgh has had so many fires of
la'e that a reward for the apprehension
of tho incendiaries is offered by the
On Monday a United States District
Court was opened in Erie. It is the
first ever hell thcu.'
Eight panthers wero killed iu Centre
county last week.
- .
Washington, January 10, 18U7.-rIn
the Senato to day tho bill to fix the time
for the regular meeting of Congress was
taken up and passed. It fixes thu timo
for tho meeting of tho Fortieth nnd all
succeeding Congresses, at 12 o'clock on
tho fourth of March, and provides that
members who wero in tho previous
Congress shall receive no additional
mileage for tho extra sessions. It goes
back to the IIouso for concurrence in
in somo verbal amendmet'U.
gMlliwiww-., ,, urn wmiiHMiBM
On tho morning of 1st Monday of Jan., 1607.
Notes nnd Bills discounted ifini.RRrt 70
Furniture and Fixtures n.t 01)
Current Expenses 77 (lil
Cash items ft78 5!)
Duo from National Bunks 7,!;a SO
U.S. Bonds on hand Sfi.liO 00
Lawful money 28,871 8.1
$U71,401 U3
Cnpltal Stock $100,000 00
Deposits for Incroaso 41, OH!) On
Surolus Fund n,!i7 oa
Circulation outstantllng 71,1115 00
Individual deposits M,UHl (II
Protllt und loss 484 10
Unclaimed dlvldouds UU4 88
0274.401 OR
I do solemnly swear Hint tho above In truo
to tho best of my kiiowlcdgo and belief.
. JanlB,'07, . Csshler.
Shvriir's Kale.
BY vlrtuo of a writ of Venditioni E.tponn's,
Issued out of the Court of Common Pious
oi'Uruono county, und to mo directed, thoro
will be exposed to public buIo ut the Court
IIouso In Wuyni'sburK, on
at I o'clock, 1'. 51., the following property viz:
All tho right, title, InturiwUml claim f Du
foiulcnt of, in mill to a certain Tract uf Lund
situate In Cumberland Township, Grucno
county, Pit,, containing about
forty-fivl: acres,
mom or less, about flt'tuun acres cleared, od
joluluj; Iitmls of Jeplhn Mitchuor, Henry
MmrpnccK, aulas A. J'loniiikcn, and James
I'lonulkcu, bounded on tho Kast by tho
Mononirnliula river.
luKon in execution ns tno property ot The
iMenniKcn Uil mm Lout Company at tho suit
of JOIius A. l'loiiniknn.
Jiintii-ts 11K.VTII JOHNS, Sh'fl.
fShti ill's Sale.
"II Y virtue of a writ of Fl. Pa., Issued out of
.13 Hie Court or Common rlens ot urucno
county, mid to mo directed, llu-ro will bo ex
posed to public sale atCiU'iiiieluL'lsllorougli in
i iinuiiTiunii township, on
at 10 o'clock, A. SI., tho following properly,
All tbo right, tillo, Interest and claim of Dn
fcmlont ol, in, and to u certain lot of ground
in tho borough ol'Ciirmieliiuls, No. 72, in plan
ol said horouith.iiiljoining lots of Hiram Curl
on thu Soitth-Eu.t, hounded by mi ally on tho
North-West, fronting en Slain street lifty feet,
running un it ono hundred mid lit'ty feet to im
alley, und has elected tlieroou the l'rmno of a
Tukun In execution ns tho property of
James ilordock at thu suit of John W. Halh
awav. HKYTIl JOIIN8,
j ml (its Sheriir.
&3icii2PN Sale.
BY virtue ufu writ of Venditioni Expnnns
issued out of the Court of Common I 'leas
of Greene county, mid to mo directed, tliero
will be exposed to puiilio sale on Mm premises
in Cumberland townslii, on 8ATUKDAY, ad
day of Jliireh next, ivl 10 o'clock, a.m., tho
following properlo, viz :
All tbo right, title, Interest mid claim of
defundent, of. in and to a oertnin tract of land
situate In Cumberland township, (Iroeno Co.,
I'., adjoining lands of Jlorgun Young, Win.
Sliarpneek, lVler Hewit, Kleo farm and others,
containing one hundred and threo acres more
or less, almut ninety acres cleared, and has
erected thereon a I'ramo mid Stono houso, two
tenant houses, t'romo barn mid stabo, mi tip
ple orchard on the premises.
Taken in execution as the property of Geo.
W. ICeliey at tho suit of Alviu Cloud, Hiram
Cloud nnd Kleanor Duvall lor uso of said
Kleanor Duvall,
fry If the money is not paid down on dsy
ofsalc the Shciill'ia directed to sell tho prop
erly. . HEATH JOHNS,
Jmi.l(i,'D7.-ts Sheriff.
iVu. lDcccrkr Set-sUn, 18CG.
IN the mutter of tho partition of the lieal
Kstiito of Isaac lilacklcdgo, deceased t
To tbo children of Tiioiuas Jilaeklediro.
lato of Van Huron County, Iowa j John
Jilaekl edge of Stark county, Ohio; Sural: Ann
Wallace, of tho Slato of Illinois ; Hannah
Henderson, of Illinois! Slunjarel Vale, whoso
interest is purchased by Sliers liluck'edgc ;
Hiram lilaekledge, ol'I)elawaro county, Ohio;
William HlacUledge, of the Stato of Iiuliuna ;
Levi lllatklcdge, of Carrol county. Ohio ;
Dauglilersof Win. I'laehledgo, tlec'd., of Car
roll eounly, Ohio names not known j Joseph
linker, husband of Slurlha Ituker, di e'd. und
children whoso iulerest is purehuB.jd by Iiuvi
Itlaekletlgu : Mary Hiclmrdson, whose inter
ot Is owned by fillers ItlaekletlL'o : James
macKieuge, whoso mlerestls owned by Levi
llluekledge ; heirs ot .Mary Williams, Into ot
Bucks eotmlv. 1'a ili.f.i.umul t.i uil . I,, I,,, '
Williams, wlio died m Bueks county, Pa,, j
leaving clultireu whose names nnd residences
are unknown i helrS of Thos. Williams, tlec'd. ;
who died in Bucks ctinty, l'n., leaving Issue
whose names nnd resiliences nru unknown;
heirs of William Williams, who died
in Bucks county, Pa, leaving Is no whoso
names and resilience are unknown ; Joremiu'j
Williams, who resides In Jay county, Indiana;
Slnrgaret, who intermarried wilh Abel Lester
and resides in Indiana i lit Irs of Eliz ilieih
Burson, dic'd., viz : (tho children nnd heirs
of Thomas liurson, dee'd.,) ltiol.aid Burson,
resilience iieury eounly, Iowa; Thus, lilirson,
Creene eounly. l'a.; Samuel Bmson, who re
sides iu Hi ury county, lown ; Slarlha, in
terniariied with Hugh hwun, Henry enmity,
Iowa ; Eliza' cth and Surah Ann, residing i,i
lioury county, jinva; .navy mtcriniirriotl witli
lioweii Healoii HiW. residence In Illinois : thu
children of James Burson.- dee'il.. whoso In-I
terost is now hi till ra Bliukleilge ; Snruh,
,i-lw. Int. ... .....I,. .1 ..4.1. T..t tl.t'
wlio inttrinarried with Johnson, of Oldo.
wliose interest is deeded to Siiers lilaekledge;
Levi Burson, wh) died In Greene county, l'a,
leaving issue, Edward Unison and Mary Ann,
intermarried with Bon). Hartley, residing In
Grecno county, Pa, und Sen in, Intermarried
with Thaddeus Horn, nnd residing in tho
Stale of Indiana ; Joseph Burson of Jelferson
county, Ohio, now deiitl, lenvhnr issue a
daughter Kll.uheth, Intermarried with taio
Shelby, who resides in Jelferson county, Ohio;
Isaac Burson, of Ureenu county, Pn., -Abraham
Burson residing in Greene county, Pa.,
Slargaret Burson, whoso residence was'Uuern
sey county, Ohio now dead leaving isstio
whoso names and 1'CHliloncu aro unknown;
Elizabeth, who Intermarried wilh Frederick
Wise, Wash, county, Pa.; Thus. Blackledgjo
Who resided in Carroll county, Ohio, nud died
leaving i.isiiu Nancy, who Intermarried with
Robert J ickson, ol Ohio; Thomas, wlio re
sides in Iowa ; Elizabeth, Intermarried wilh
Robert ilumnillton, of Stark county, Ohio
now dead leaving Issue, their names nud
residences unknown ; Slurlha Bluckluilge,
wliose Interest is deeded to Levi Blacklcilire!
Joseph B'acUledgo, who resides iu Coshock-
ton eounly, Uli'u; Levi lilacklcdgo of Illinois,
who died leaving children Jesse Black
leilgu nnd Sar.ih Intermarried with Nathaniel
1 larrls. whose interest is mirchusoil hv Levi
BlaeUledgo ; children and representatives of
Slarlha White, tloc'tl., viz, i children of Jcsso
Wldlc, tlec'd., Slargaret, Isaac, Alfred, Eliza
beth, James, Jns in, and Susan, whoso Inter
est is deeded to Siiers Hlacklcdgn; James
While, Isatio Whlto, William and Margaret
who intermarried with David Gouclior, nnil
whose interest Is now deeded loSlleis Black
loilgc, tako nolle thai-an intmstwill bo held
upon tho premises, i itotho real ostuto of said
1SAAO BLACKLEDHK, doe'd., sltuato in
Scllorson to .vinhlii, mljohilng lands of Thos.
jliiirpneck. lion. I'lioni is P. Pollock, Oeorgo
and John Rex mid others, on TUESDAY, uth
day of March next, nt 10 o'clock, a. in., of
said day, for tho purpose of making partition
of said est'ito among tho holrs nnd legal rep.
rcseutatlves, If tho sumo can ho done with
out prejudice to or spoiling tho whole, other
wise t vuhio and appraise tho sumo, naonrd
luir to law, at which timo and plucu you nro
requested to attend if you sea proper,
SuniitrK's Oci'ion, Waynes-) Bh'ff.
burg, Pa., Jan. 14, '07-ttl. f '
X existing between tho undersigned hug
been this day (Jaunary lid, 1H07,) dissolved
by mutual consent, Theso knowing them
selves Indebted to said llrm nro onrnestly re
quested to make prompt settlement.
quors and every thing pertaining to a first
class urugoiore. rroscrinl oni caro u v com.
urg, Pa,
"Crclgh'g Old SUnd," Wnyiici
May ao, 'G0.-ly.
Have hist arrived from New Yibk Willi a
lurfo assortment of forelgu mid domcstlo
"'VmI'tLST l)rPOS0 10 W'Uat tho lowest CASH
,!?, , ! 8,.lcl1 1,9 Ureas Goods, Dress "
1 r miming, Dross Huttons, Gay's Putent
Muffs .Ladies' Shawls, Furs, Boots
mid Shoes, Hals snd Coys s also,
a groat variety of nleo Rrticles,
at very low prices, for
Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear
Wares orull kinds, and a complete J vnrln "
tyof Iho best GHOCEU1E3. ill of,
which they propose to sell nt tho vory lowerf
figures, depending on tho quality aud chean-
ness ot their goods to gain them custom
O yo them a cnll .before purchasing elso-f
whero, nnd they will provo tnat tho s'joto a
corruet. Itoom In Snyers' cornor, enst of tho1
Court House, Waynesburg. riov8'fl(J-tf
city, lie has opened Iho largest
New Grocery
In town. Ho des'res to Inform tho citizens
of Waynesburg nnd vicinity of tho caro ho
havo taken in selecting stock, having on hand
n good supply of
Call and sco him ns ;ho has been getting a
You will And him accomodating, and cam
sell lower than uny ono in tho placo. Be
euro to go to tho right place, In
oppn.1 ito tho Court IIouso, and formerly oc
cupied by tho Post Olllcc.
This is nn article for washing without rub
bing, except in very dirty nlaees. which w ill
require a very slight rub, and unliko other
oreimrutiotui offered Jor a like nurooim. will
not hot tub clothus; but will lliavo thera
whitish than ortlmiiry methods, without tha
usual wear mid tear.
It removes grease snts as if by magic, ndl
softens the dirt by soakina, so that rinsing wllll
In ordinary cases entirely remove it.
This powder Is prepnied In accordance wltlv
chemical science, nnd upon a process peculiar
to ltsell, which is secured by Letters I'uteut.
It been in uso for more than n year, and
has proved itsoU' a universal favorite wherever"
il '"is been used. Among tho udvuntngeg
claimed uro the following, via:
It saves uil thu expense of soap-usually usedl
on cotton und linen goals. , .,"
It saves moat of the labor of rubbing, andl
wear und tear.
Also, for cleanimr windows it Is unsurpiiwwil.
With ono quarter tho timo nnd labor usually
required it imparts a beautiful gloss nnd lustra
much superior to uny othor mode. No water
required except to moisten the powder.
Directions with each pacKage.
And can bo readily appreciated by a fingla
trial. Iho cost of washing for a family oftiyoi
or six persons will not exceed tiiiikh ckntr.
The manufacturers ol this powtlor uro nwaro
that many usclcs? compounds have been In
troduced to tho public which havo rotted the
cloth, or lulled in removing tho dirt, but know
ing the intrinsic excellence of this article, they
confidently proclaim it as being adapted to
meet a demand which has long existed, nnd
which has heretofore remained unsuppllcd,
20(1 Broadway B Bton.
For sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere.
Oct 17 'GU Uuy
Wl'l attend to all claims for back pay, boon
ty i.nd pensions of soldiers and their representa
tives. Tho Pensions of tho following class are
Increased Irom SVS to fin and i2.r por month,
nntl w dows tor children under sixteen years.
$2 per month each, viz :
1st. Those who havo Inst the sight of both.
eyes, tho uso of both hands, or otherwise total
ly disabled und Incapacitated from performing;
manual labor.
2d- All widows having children under six
teen years of age nro entitled to $2 per month
additional for each child.
ad. Guardians representing tho minor M
ilrrn of soldiers uro untitled to tho surao increase,
as If thu mother was living. aug.l,'-tf
:now 18" THB fiBfiTT
lias Just returned irom tho East with large
stock of '
' . ii.-.
which ho will soli choap for cash. vi-'
Como and see t Over Coats (ram fn to fflSi
Drtins ConU from $10 oo to ao 00
Bu's. " " ' ft 00 to 28 00'
Bust nil wool sulti from 80 00 to no 00
Bs t Union Suits 9 00 to 20: 0
FINE SHIRTS , . . , . ..
And a genoral assortment for Men and Boyi
.. wonr. . ; . . . ,
Oh I do not forgot that tbo chill winds of,
Aro piercing nnd cold to the body exposed
If your gurmenU an torn and lot In the woathe
Coma quickly to 8ow"H' ,nd getjyoursotf
. clothed.
" Rooinlu Alllsoa'S tiulldlng,'1 Wayiwabarg,
l'a, , BotWeo.-fc.