The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, December 12, 1866, Image 2

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    imlhiiiilios to promoto the piosrenty ol
thi national motri oli will rc-oiivu ll
etUoiciit ami generous 10 operation vt
Aciiacti-ruiiAi. oi'Kiiatioss.
Tim rruort of llie Commissioner ol
Agriculture review iho operation ot'liis
Department during the past year, ami
lliu aUl of Congress in it efforts to fin
courago Uiobo States, which, scourpoiTUv
war, nio now earnestly ena;iioil in the
reorganization of domestio industry.
It is a subject of congratulation that
no foreign combination against, out'
domestic peacj and safety, or our lemti-
unto influence, ainomr the nations, have
been formed or atteinnted. Wliilo ecnli'
inoiits of reconciliation, loyalty, ami
nati iotUin have increased nt home, a
morn inst rons'nloralion of national
character and rights has been manifest
' e1 by f jreigu nations.
Tho entire success of the ;lI:ltl,j
'JVc 'vauli botweon tho const of Ireland
mid tho Province of Newfoundland is an
achievement which lias been justly cele
brated in both hemispheres as die open
ing of an era in tho progress ol cvil
ia7iion. There is reason to expect that
. canal success will attend, aud even gie.i
ur results follow, the enterprise lor
connecting tho two Continents through
, he Pacific (Jconn by ine prniojiuu ...
,.r telegraph between Kamchatka and
IHO KUSSIBII Jiunsvnmu'io " ....
KMIOUArlON OF I'OllF.lON criminals
-p n . rois.nfr !
."e Tr H rnmenU
of persons convicted ot infamous often-
"infamous often-
..J nnnd.tion of emigration to our ;
ces, on oonainon i ;
States with
r urse, and the practice,
an insl V I 10
r . TW .uu . J"-" h-,,mt
f,lll)OCl 01 oompiauiv on i -
iai.iv""""' l'--
. J"
been ronowea.
j 111 IIIU 'l i
congratulations' to F.MPEiioii of Russia. t.ajly ,.,! ,e restored between the
Tho congratulations of Congress to respective nations,
the Emperor ot Russia upon hisescipej tiih fkmaS CasaDUn invasion.
lrom attempted assassination, have been I On Hie Uth of June last, in violation
presentodto that humane and enlighten- ()f ou. n 4.u t ,hl i ty laws, a military expu
drnlcr, and received by him with ex- ,ltin ,! oi.tuipnsu against tho IJritisl.
prosaions of grtteful appreciation. j N().ln Atnuricu Colonics was projected
iiMiORATtos of FRRF.DMKK to a FOKKioN ' and attempted to bo carried on wi'
COUNTitY. I the territory and jurisdiction ot the Uui-
' ' ted States. In obedience to the obliira-
The Executive, warned of an attempt tl()) iml0St.(l 1)011 lilU Executive by tho
by Spanish-American adventurers to c!l)Il!4t,tlIli0II, to ho thai tho laws are
induce the emigration of trecdmcn ot hlMMy c3e0tt.,if 11 citizens wero
(he United States to a foreign country, vtwwA by proclamation, against taking
protested against the project as one t jn orMlwj, 8U(.h uiawful prjeeed
which, if consummated, would reduce j,,,, ntvj t10 ,,,.,,,,. civil, miliiary. and
.hem to a bondage even inore oppressive ..tlicers wero directed to take all
than that trom which they lyive just been W(S measures for the ei.f.rcemcnt
relieved. Assurance has been received ()f (() y Thu t. ;Ji!1,n UM lml
t.ora the Government o the State in ms n()t wil!l t ,,, um
vhich the plan was matured, tint the 8 ,m.u9 Sml(J (ff r t.iliit,s wh it
lirooeoding will moot neither its eneunr. j , Wfjn it, tu.
cement ..or approval. It is a question . captured, and have been
.niliiyuj yum mi ' ' !
I'.ir laws upon this subject are adequate
. lL , . . I ... . .
i o tho prevention or punishment ot the
.i,;.nio"lliu3 mediated.
Iu the month of April last, us Con
cress is awaro, a friendly arrange iiont
was made between tho Emperor rf '
i ranoa and tho President ot the United
Slates for the withdrawal from Mexico
ot tho French expeditionary tuiliiar)
forces. This withdrawal was to be ef
fected iu three detachments, the first of
which, it was understood, svould leave
Mexico in Novenibor, now past, the
second in March next, nr.d the third and
l ist in November. 1807. Immediately
"..on tho completion ot Iho evacuation,
the French Government was to assume
the same attitude of nou intervention, in
regard to Mexico, as is held by the Gov
eminent of the United States. Repeal -id
assurances bavo been given by the
Emperor, since that agreomont, that he
would complete the promised evacuation
jvithiu tho period mentioned, or sooner.
It was reasonably expected that the
proceedings ihns contemplated would
produce a crisis ot great political inter
est in the Republic ot Mexico. Tho
newly appointed Ministnr of tho United
Htatjs, Mr, Campbell, was therefore sent
forward, on tho 9th day ot November
last, to nsnuino his proper funcions as
Minister Plenipotentiary of the United
States to that Republic. It was also
thought expedient that ho should be
attended in the vicinity ot Mexico bv the
Lieutenant Gonoral of the army of the
United States, with the view of obtain.
i:ig such information as mightbo impor
t int to determine the course to be pnrsu
ad by the United States in re-establish'
ing and maintaining i.ecessary and pro-
nor intercourse with the Kemihhanf
.Mexico. Deeply interested in the cause
of liberty and humanity, it seemed an
obvious duly on our part to exercise
whatever inflonce we possessed tor the
restoration nnd permanent establishment
m that oountry ol a domestio and repub
iican torin,
Such was (he condition of nflat'H in
regard to Mexico, when, on the 22d id'
November last, ofllcial information was
received trom Paris that the Emperor ot
Franoe had some time before decided
not to withdraw a detachment of his
loroes in tho month of November past,
Booordintr to eutr;igement, but that this
decision was made with the purpose of
withdrawing tho whole ot those toreos
in tho otisumg prinff. Of this deter
ruination, however, the Unitod . States
had not received any notice orintima
tlom and, bo eoon as tho information was
roooived by the Goverumcut, care was
tnkon to mako known i'B dissent to the
Emrjoror ot Fratiao.
I onnnot forego tho liopo that Franco
will reconsider the subject, and adopt
some resolution in regard to the evscini
tion of Mexico which will conform as
noarly as practicable with the existing
nga.lemont, and thus meet the just
-lr .lnttniia nt lliu ITi.lla.l Mini....
.i.ww.m wa M vims,, uillLCi A HQ
-4 relating to the subject will bu
tofora you It is bvlieved llial,
t:M die evacuation ot Mexieo by the
pudi lonary forcos, no subject turner
loui, ditforeuues between Franco aud the
TTn.led Stales would rotnain. The ex
,H"asions of the Emperor and the people
t'PVauoe warrant hops that the trudi
urt'iiry trlefhihlp latweuii , the two
munintf mipht lg that case be
nA sail rwftrmanuiUl v rantnrnA
r-. , f
CLAIM FOI1 Pltr.XCU1 sroil.ATlOSB,
A claim ut a citizen ot tho Unitod
States for indemnity for t-poliaiions eotu
milled on llui Ing'i seas by lliu Krtiu-h
authorities, in tlio exeaiso of a belliger
ent power ngain'sl Atcxi. o. has been met
by Ihe Uovernuieiit Jjot ,,! nt
proposition to ikler settlement mm.
timtual convention lor the adjustment of
all claims ot citizens and subjects ct
both countries, arising out i Iho rectnt
wars on this Continent shall bo og eed
upon by the two countries.
gUtion is not deemed unreasonable,
it belongs to Cnyreia . to direct iho
muirW, which claims i-.r in. em... y
by foiigneros i
as wen us uj
iirit-ing out of the h'to
United , , ,
civil war, sliall ou ii.i.uiiu..v ......
mine I have no doubt Hint Ihe subject
ofoli such claims will engage your at
tcntion ut a convenient and proper time
It is a matter of regret that no con
siderable advance has been rumlo towards
hii adjustment of 'lie ilili'eronce between
the United States and Great -Liritain,
arising out Iho i!ceilatius upon our
iiMionul eotnnierco mil other trespasses
committed during our civil war by IJrit
ih subjects, in vio..iion of nttei national
law and treaty obligaliuns. Tlio delay,
however, n ay b believed to have refill
to I in no small degren from the domes
tic situation ot (iri at liiitain. An ou-
tiro ,,,. of ministry nec
t,oultl.y ,,,.,,. ,1L. ,,st m
cnrreil in Hint
sest-iin of I.'arliii"
mont The atlennoii hi me now iinum
tiy was called to the subject at an early
d .y. and thern is some reason to expect
thatit will not bu consideu;
d in a be-
coming and friend v spirit. 1 he impur
lanco ... .... .
. ,xlUr-erat. d. Whatever
llienis, 11 1.1 iu;umi"i
ifmi,hWw between the Uo countries
. .. , i.i.i...,i ;in ;,.-,.;i..
C I Ol Oe V UllMiniii uv.ij ,
r ., , ,
tfiul t:iith nnd non-
i, ki i I, J o t . 1,1 1, (r..,.n
.FIl'MiTII. V.. V. ..... .... w,.t. - ... ..'V,
in the Province o( Canada. Judgment
and scute ee of death hayo been pro
nouneod agiiiitit soine.wdiilo others havo
been acquitted Fully believing in tho
maxim ot government, thai, aevi-rity of
civil punis inenl for ipi-guidcd persons
who have en,M'ed iu revolntiniiai v at-
tempts which have disistro islv failed, is universally comic : ned for As , The Ways and M.taiis Co.- tnittee were
unsound and utuvi-e. such tepie-eiila. said, rather than that for what is said, i iuslrueied to inquire and report whether
funis nave been u-ade lo'. tlio liritish' The very iinnoitanl nuestion ot sulfn-'o VXw ''''T'1 "f. "l" U, ol! ",,Uo"
Uover.l.nent. in behalf oftlie co -victed , ' ' ' " "t l' ,uM to I be murests of Un
persons, s. hei,,. suslaioed hvaneu- -nl tho Constitutional Am. ndnent are ! cnlllll.y Tllu resolution olfered on
li.'lilened an-i hi.mine iudL-mcnt. nill. it pwud w itlicut a word, but it is lull ot Monday with regard to at Un ... Mexicn
is hoped, induce in their cases an exer-
else o. clemency, ami a juilieioiH am
nesty to alj who wero engaged in the
movement. Counsel has been employ
ed bv the Ooveinnietit'to defend citi.
zens of the United Stales on trial for
capital olTeuces in Canada ; and a dis
continuance ol the prosecutions which
were instituted it) the courts ot the Unll-
cil biutcH against thuso who took part in
lliu vxpeJitioii, hua bcun dirt-ttoJ. i
tiik FHNi.w Titounucs is tnuusD. ;
1 have regirdetl tho expedition as
not only political in its nature, but as
also m a great me sure toreign from Iho
United Stales in its catis.s, character
and objects, Tho attempt was unilorsiood '
to bo made in sympathy with an iitstif-I
gent party in Irelai-d, and, by striking
aln Uri'ish Province on ibis Contineiit,
HuiieHigiiuu lo aid Hi ol.tai.iing redress
t'ttl firiiu.,iliii..a n.l, ...ti .t A..
sutied, the people oil, el;,...l had
cJ at the hands of the llritish Goveriw
mcnl durii g a period of several centur.
it-s. Jbe engaged in it worn
chiefly natives ot that country, some of
"""in ii wiinu iiiuer niiu I'ot,, ticeome
iiitiisci.l of iho United St iles under our !
gimerallawa 9t naluraliuition, Com.1
plaints of -misgoverntnent in Ireland'
continually ongiign tho utienlion of tho
Uriiish nation, and so gi eat ilo ngitation
IlI tmtif rvl'ii'n lli.iia i T....1.... 1 .1... .1
Britisli V r, C ,,T
necessary to snspend tho writ of 7m l m
corpus iu that country. These circn.n.
stances must. .in-feanl ,modify the
i,iniu'ii men wi! un;iri. i.inui it tti nave
entertained in ictra.d lo an cxpedi ion
expressly by our trality
l.8. S i iongns those laws rem-1 , upon
our siamto-inoKs, ttit-y should ,U tanh,
fully executed, mul if they operate harsh,
ly, unjustly, or oppressively. Congress
alone can apply tho remedy, by tlieir
modification or repeal.
Political and co niercnil interests ot j
tho ITnited Slates aro not tinlik Itlv tri lit. !
iiffeatfld In some degree by events which
aro transpiring In iho eastern regions oi
Europe, and (he time seems to have
cotno when our Government ought lo
have a proper diplomatic representation
in Greene.
This Government has claimed for all
persona not oonvicled. or accused, 'or
siisiecteil of ciiino. an absolute p iliiinal
right ot si'lf'-expiitiinlinii, and a choice of
new rational hI egiancc Most of the
En tipeiiu States have dissented from
this principle, ami have claimed a right
to hold siii-li of their subiects as have
Immiurated lo and beiin naturalized in
(he Uniied S'atos, ned uttvrwards return
ed on transient visits lo their native
com trie, to tlio performance ot mili
tary service In' like manner ns resilient
siibji'ets- Complaints nridng trom ti e
claim In this respect made by foreign
IStatvi hay huretof ira been tnatlera oi
Controversy t etwao.:. tlio Umt.d States
mid some of tho European Powers, and
the irtiintiou upon the fail.
Z Ihe "wil? Wrff, Shitty
. .,.,. n.Pilv eiiirmed. Wh-lo
tunii ivt w -w ----- - ...
Ji eat Ri itain has never acknowledged
Iho light ot expatriation, she has not
mao'ieally niMsicu upon . iu r..... ,
has been equally forbearing! and 1 rnssm j
has proposed n comproiniso, which, al
though evincing increased liberality, has
not been accepted by the United States
Peace is now prevailing everywhere,..!
Europe, and (be present teems to be a
tavorablo time tor un assertion by Con
grcss of the principle, so long maintain
ed by tho Executive Department, that
naturalization by one State tnliy exempts
the native born subject ol Any' olhei
State trom the pcr'nMiimiite of mililmy
service under any foreign Government,
so long as l.o dues not voluntarily re
nounce its rights and benefits.
Ill the performance of a duly impose,
upon .no by the Constitution, I
Mitts submitted to tho Representative -of
the States and otlhu People Kttel
information of our domestic nnd toreig.
affair as the public interests seem I.
require. Our Government is now undo
going its most trying ordeal, and in;
earnest prayer is, thai lliu ptrilmay V
successfully and finally passed, witliou
impidiing its original strength nnd sjm
mctry The interests ot the nation an
best to be promoted by tho revival i t
fraternal relations, the complete oblitera
tion of our past differences, and there
iinitigii'iitii,!! of all tip' pursuits of peace
Diri'Ciing our ifforts to the early accom
plishittent ot these great ends, let li
en. leaver to preserve harmony between
the cr-oidin le Departments t,f the Gov
eminent, that each in its proper sphere
may cordially co-operate with the other
iu securing tho maintenance ot the Con
slittttion, tho preservation of the Union,
and th'J perpetuity ot our tico institu
tions. Andiikw Johnson.
Washington, December 3, 1806.
She lUpnbliciut
J, E. S A Y E FiS, lid iTo p'i ii if Pti lil i shirT
Til l message which we place before
our leaders in tuts issue, seems to bo
eiiaraoienzcil by all Hint, is laxo. It is
dry statistics and old thoughts. It may
he construed as conciliatory, w hen wc
remember that it is addressed to that
body which ho described as "hanging
on-the verge of tho g ivernment, "there
by acknowledging it us a legal and pow-
ei fill branch of the Government.
tun ut. f ii .k ft.iiwi'i' i n f 1 .in ti-n fin m off Im
. . , , , , , 1f
HlU nyiliimi bolh Pnrllw- Ilu
mucn in inesnmo position as'iie man
wh0 mjl1c. ,,l(t of lwo , irm.nt0.
, , , . "., ,
'"' ;' 'K "'
he shoveil out, the logs parte I and he
sunl: bu' ween them.
i in; i'epoi n oi tne OMneiary oi ms
rreasury, the Army, the iNavy, wit 11 all
t)K,ir subordinate matter, show a du-
. ... ,,,,,. , , lllf(,.hU , ,1... .
tlon- 11,0 "'euitural and nnueial
growth is unexcelled in previous h's-
lory, nnd all now required is tlio re es-
lablish.nent of our country on n linn
iWlj f
r'nvnntNamM at uinm t,vr
Wasiiinoton, Deo. .'5.
Sknatb. The Sei.aio was caled to
older by 'President Foster. Alter the
f JU, Mess,, AJ
tll0"'V Nc'3luill Wl,,'e appointed the
eoiiimitteo on the part of tho Senate to
wait upon the President. Mr. Stiinnei
moved to call up ibu Senate bill No 1,
an act lo regulate the ..leclve franchise
in the District of Columbia. Tlio mo
tion was put and lost. The rule rclat ng
lo bills of a previous session waa lead,
and it was decided thnt no bill of the
kind could come up till after tho sixrti
day of thpKO'sion. Mr Chandler mtro
d'icod a isolation calling upon tho Pies
idi'iit for information concerning AJosU
i 01111 "ir'"'M '',0 'Solution wunt.Qvcr
j 'Mp- oneiman presented a bill to prevent
the illoual appointment of officers of she
United Slates. Mr. Williams introdnc
ed n bill to regulate the of ofllce.
IIousk. On calling the r.dl,14G mem.
berg answered to their iiameB. . A com
inltte was appointed lo wait on ihe Pnes.
idem. Mr, Jilliot asked leave to Intro
duce n bill to repeal the 13th section of
tho net of July 17lh,lHU2.vvliich section
autlioiizts the President to gi ant pardon
an I innnesly to persons who took part
in tho rebellion. Mr. Pluck objected,
aud the ruVwere suspended. The bill
was then pas-ed by a vote of 1 1 1 to ail,
A bill was itiuoduced and letened di the SeuiuUry of ihe Trinsiiry to
sell to millions id gold every Monday
hIho a bill for ihe mooting of Co. grew
ou Uiu UU of March. Mr, Suveus iu-
w .
iroduced a bill to regnliita rcmoTula from
office. It, was laid over. On motion ol
Mr.'L-iwroneo,' of Ohio, the Judiciary
- ll-lr-
the expediency ot providing a mode o'
pro'icduro in cases of impeachment. The
President's message was then received
Mr. Steves moved to postpone tho read
ing until to-day, but the motion was
Tim sday, Dl'c -t.
Sunatb. ?dr. Sumner gave notice
that lie would the next day introduce a i
lesulution deelaiing ihe t,B ptinuiples
cl recoustriietiou, utid the jurisdiction ot
CoilUI'eUS Oil. the whtdu mil,!, ,'! nnd thu !
i ... ', ., '
exclusion ol ill g 1 otate'i'ovoi'n.nt.its
I,-,,,,, :.. ....,
... - j.. iBvwvMuwii in v'iigi von nmi
romvoling on thucouHikmiuiml ameinN The bill iCDeah.iir the niuuestv
a ,
jlauso failed to bruui'ht im I
IloL'SK A l lllo was jilontod fur tt
' 1
uind ng committee of nine on trecdmcn
flans. A resolution was adopted re-,
..ti-lllir til., 11. till, l l.:ll 1 .. t... I....,
J I - -
ession to the
nd favoring the repeal t,f it o law in
uiising the jiay ct iiu-inbtis. A leso
iiiion was iniiiHliieed calling upon the
.' for int H-matiiiii as to how near
he veigo of the government the tut so"!
i. '.ingress was, and if it was not nearer
Hie cntru than ho suppi cd. IJejected
A resolution was adopted declaring as
,iii. u.iiit.i , if lb.. II : . ' .i...
..... . ..,.., mi -insnei iu uiu
I'icsiileiits message, ilmt it li ids in lite
disloyal altitude ot the South, and the
idsiiltu , ,.f il,.. ...l, :.. .i... v ...i i.
" uimiiuns 111 II1U llUllll,
additional reasons for the adaption ot
lllO C. nslitllt iillllll :miiM,, I,,,,, nt lii.tnri, it
Will Consider the DronriotV Ot livilll
' I" . o o
them Congressional representation. A
motion to Iw it on the table as lost -
yeas 02 nays 119. A bill to equalize
Dotllllies was reterreO. A lull was llltro.
duced providing for a navy yard at'
. . ', r . , ,, J, , ,
leveia.i... v. n oni in repeal I nc clause
oi uiu civil appropriation mil increasing
ino pay oi memoes, was-rcicrrca, wiin
an ameniluienl, directit g those who had
received tho excess to refund the amount.
A resolution was adopted yeas 107,
nays 2S instructing the Committee on
Territories to inquire intc tho expedien
cy of reporting a bill providing territor
ial governments for the late insnrgo t
Stales, and to giv-H all adult male inhab
itants therein, and not participants in
thu rebellion, tlio right of sufFuigo. A
resolution calling on the Postmaster
General for information with regard to
removals of postmasters, oud another
asking tor ii.foiniauon ot the President
with regard to icmovul of officers con
firmed by the Senate, were laid over
until t -day. A resolution was adopt
ed to appoi- t a O'linmittei) to inve.-tig ito
alleged frauds on thu revenue A bill
w as introduced and referred providing
for the election ot a delegate to Con
,rl.oss ,,., DiMi i.-t of Columbia
The hill provides for impartial sulfiMgii.
was adopted. Adjourned
"December 3rd lSCoT'lJy Itev D G
Zonk. Mu Jo8i-.rn Manny nnd
Maktiia AitJtsriiO o all of Greene Co
Deo 4th by Rev. II K. Craig, at
the house id" the bride's father. Mu C o.
N Dojnr and Mi s Mki.isu.v Aui.d both
of Greoi o Co.
" Al Curmiebu.-ls. Prt . D--e. IMtli. lid,
llev. II. G. AsiiKiisos. ot the C. P.
Church, used Dbout 30 jears.
Waynes'jurg Marka ,
. rooiiiirxnii) whi:ki.y iir .1. umiiKit.
Httlter, I'resb roll
Colli-c per lb
Corn per busliel
Corn nnul per Imsliol
Country Soup l"'.'
Candles, moubl per 'h
Cuildles, tlippetl " " ;
(;lteese per lb
Dried Peaches per lb
ICsiss pir dozen
Flour per bbl
V ttx Seed per bnslui
Feathers per lb
bitrd per lb
n V. Flour per lb
(lids per bushel
live per bushel ""
Timothy seed per bushel
Hiec per lb
ngar. crusln-d per lb
sii'.'ur. relinetl " " y
Sugar, New Orleans, B lbs ...i..;.,.
I'. H., K lbs
Svriip, per gallon
Aill, No. I per bl-l
Soft Soup per gallon
Tar per (jullnn
Tea per lb
Turpentine per gallon
Tallow per lb '
Wheat tier bushel
While Lend per keg
White Lime per bustle!
Wo 1 coinnum to Hue
Potatoes per luishol
Turnips, per bush
....Hit to
S3 !
.11 00
i mi
. r.o
,.7rlo I fit)
31-10 IW
I (in
llllil 10 I) S'i
, s:i
1 00
I no
I tm
4 ou
1 on
811 9 o
s 0"
2 (it)
... 4 to n oi-
1 no
;.73 to I UU
A smiths' bellows, an anvil and Iron "cis
tern pump Taey aro (food as new and
will bo gold lower than cost to any one wish
lug to purchase. V Q B.',
Wayncsburg, Pa.
f ,1- -
l7isilutjon of rnrtucmli l.
pilKpiiilncrshlplieri-tol'ore existing butween
I Gko. K Mimih and I' K. Kvans, lint er
the style of OISCK B. WINIJR & CO.. U tills
-lay (llssolvcl by the withdrawal ol (h;o. L.
Minor Torn said Arm. The Ina-lness ol said
Him will ho settled by L K Kyans, wlmalo (J
Is am hot lml to collect all duliUanU pay ah
Lit. liVAJS
Dec. 4, 18(18,
I rocnmmenil my former partner L K.
Evrtns to the former ctistoiueii ol lliu Into
fltm for a coutlnuauce of their piil roiitwo.
dec 11 UEO.K MINOR.
Ltsl of rrrmlitms Awarded r the Rlcb
hill Asrtcaliural Korletr, af thrlr first
fair hi Id at Jirkfuniille, tireene Co,,
ra., Oct , 3rd andtth. Vim.
UmI lalll, in 4 jri-nn uliil iiiwuril, (I W WUaou Wuhlni;
inel"iiCu '.i Sluuo
I'd ilo J K l. l,lhrl,k,', Hklihlll .vn,lilJ 6 IMI
liuMt bi-ttinl Mi ni willi liil, I itt ft liiiir yu:ir olil anil up.
wiin. A J Oniy .tli-litiill tuwunliii ttoi)
Oentg-l'liiiK lhri-tiyi,unuiiiliiiwaril Smith flreon, rrituk
tin luwii4lii 6Uu
2,1 ilo C'liarlt-M Curr, Wunlitni(tiin County .1 u,i
Hi'tt mure two yttuii mul iiitv,iril U .1 Lluly Wuh Co 3 Ol)
2,1 do lIuorKu lli'iiilli.y, Wu.viir tuwnhli 1 fin
Htt ttullloii onu yctir lid iiiwar, Fn-d n,in. W Vik a 00
Itift nvira aii,.y..urunil iipwir-IC IttiUu.MurrL tp 2 00
2d do l.i-nry ..iiliturr, M.irrl 1,iwihIiI)i 2o)
a!'i'd,"J!iij',h Aurimiviii'Il, i"wu4mp"
ltt t iprluK li'1!'"' ''"I' M hi l on rtwri Kltt, Ukhlilll tp
'id lit t-.ilj tli AtluiiH, Oitiru t iwiislilji
IIi'Nf liiiviutf ni.irv cult, 7i (I While. Vt t Virtrtniii
tlilu Aaiutt t'uiiiiniiid, Ulcliliil' tuwiitilii(i
liivlstow so. 3 hiiatv huacciit.
nt a -Mtn I v,,i iin.l unwuril ll Cutilcv.Rlcli in till
2,1 do V MiMluwui, Al,li. ny cily 2 w
ii-i j mm nu.i u,w.n I u iviiKiniun.Kiiii tp 400
2d do John l.,iit,AII,i,p,.ti,wn.W SoO
Dot rtt,illi,iii four yeM and upwiti-tl 0 W WUrioul',Vniliiiitf.
!..,.. !".';r""iv .
u on u i ij in ;uri, in, -n un lomeuip o uu ,
" '' 1,1 r" '""r .v'',iri -i m-.irii u i,iut,i,W:uIi co 4 no '
2,1 do Aliimr Ji,..iH. J 'l-lni.n t,,nii,h-p 2 00
K;-". Kl.iiiliir y,-:n .i... ni.w-tr.l 1-1 Kent, Hi..!, tp 4 0.)
LMiulm-4 NoM", Wii-li ,-,,utily 20i)
'!'"! !" :,r" ,,!"'"" v"',',r" ','!"' " ,-' ; i...Lrkvm tu mo
11,-at i,r.,o.,, will, ilia-j or Niuri' cullii.l K ljiu;.l,ri,lmi
Uiriiiitinvwiiip iuoj!
I lIVIUOS Nil. -I II LI'.MI II. UMI lin MAItlll. !
Mu.: ii mum s nsn mauis.
ll'.t inie-h It ,r,i'i, S mii-d M,-i'i-.K-k,'ii. W.wh uo 00 '
2,ldjilW H illuii, .1.1, kH.iniillii ban
ll.-i, di iii!ii-i..N,.l,ilui Ui ,r. Friiitillu Ip 8 no
2n, Id,,, I,iiiiw,lti. Witrtliihu'hin comity 4 0)
lti',t'-li lii,i-4"ii tor rtroi H-I...J W.,lt,-!i..l.i li.iimvl'l-. f. .00
IK-MI litn-uit, liii'iu ii.h, .1 ilin U -witt, Ail 'jipo toA'n-ild,! .'tiiO j
iiivtsioN no. fi Titorrtxii, pai iso and wai k-
i.'.o uoiisi:s AM) MAPI s. i
ll..t lrn!tini;li-,-.,., l'li.ul,.s I'i.rr. Wh,.n W Va
2d do W It l.'or:i. eiiuiity
11,-st pi -ioi; li,,iSf(.l,,iii.i,;hi,Hun. W;inliin,.t(.nco
i'ildo.10 lll.,n,y, t,liiiii;t,,ii cMinly Hi'i.-ntiil pri'iniitin. toll W llliini'.v. Wusli c.
Ou wulking til', rolnniiiu.u diil not i'i',.irt.
Div. No. ii Tiiiiitoi'oii-iini;!!.
V- no
jl no
10 0 J
Jll IK) 1
Bt-nt HtiiUion, four .vi'iu-a nnd npwiud,J Itnrloy Wli
, Wratcrn ViivInU
tit uo
' '"v'S'oo. I suour iiokn on himuiam plkk
I in.ooniiii.
Ri'Ht hull lhr yiinrn nnd uiw:iriU, Thos Hook, FriinlOin
'""""'"i' ,,,,, ,,
f M 00
lli-ntl-.,w thr.o yuiirn und iinw.trdi. J K Lamchrldire. ltloh
4 110
, hill touimhip ' 4 OS
' Bint Lull tutu yi-nr ami upwnnl. It Julinan, Ilk-h tp 400
2d ilo Anion CiiMiiuin, Itli-tililll liiwimliiii 2 00
, ik-tbuii cnii, i:iioi,iik-. hicIiIiiii township soo
1 ,,lv- so- " oun-
No Stock.
mv. no. 3-nativkor ouadb.
itmtCPW thrco y,w and upward, J K UuiihrWai
., ",'"'"'!;",' . , , ,,,uiIfiill,AHi'im,Hnlililllti'lililp
J)W N() 4lV()li,u..OOXKNASO ,,,,,, catplb.
,,8, y()k;, rns,.,8;- u;im.y, Ci-ntru towmhip fiooo
m-uii uiiiiiuu
L'l.ASb mu :i ; iiitat.
mv no, 1 Spanish ntxtis and ulvk i-amiis.
11,-bt liiirk . II A l'""t,-, Vi-rinnnt 1 io oo
ai .l willkiai shriviT. w.wWi,t.ic.wniy 6"')
urtcjMA . wiiot
UiAM JNU. 1-1 UUii.
Bt, 2 ncccwi SpunwrVrmi, s H,.rv,y, Centra tp Is W
Hint l,ii:ir,.l It iMiiirliriilito, Tli-hliill towiwhlp
'31, In l'l,ili,, llr, liliiil t,,n.hii
Ili-tit Iji-ihhI now mul iiH, I'liillti Miii-.-Ii, Hlt-hhlll t.
'J,i,'i Siilnu,. .Inlii-H, llirlihill tiiwiiMliip
ll,.t t,lv. It ItrMiir. Ill, 1,1, ill tnwn.liii,
l!mt tut I11111, l'hilli Mumli, Itlrliliill lowilr.ilj
CLASS NO. U. POULTBY. None entered.
Ili-ftt tl.uiiu-l, 10 ytn-ilH, S.iliui,,! Jullt'H, Itl.-liliill tp
Jil ilu A ll,niit. Hii lililll tn
11,-Ht n;tf-ol'lll,lllki-tK. .I.llll.-il Ilru'Mnrk, Itli'lllltll tl
U.-..tCiitiii'tt. timrviinls Mr I'liilip M1n.l1, Kii-h ip 4 nil
J,l ilu Mra ,liun,'n l'iii,i,-r, 111, -.hill town-lip 1 110
ll,-Kt i:tir wirr.ei. Hiiekfl. Mrs .1.1, II.-. Ai-lili')' lilrhlllll tp 1 (10
J, il.i Mrii 11 1; ill ! '.nun. 1 itiuin-rmnii i,iiiiu, ii
itwt p,nr -.,,-ii li-in'. ir Win iirinnis, Climb ip 1 ,oo
jil ilu Mr v, itii hiiiii tiiwiuiuii f,o
llc-t i-in iii t. in .Viinln, .li.u Ciirti r, M irrlstowtMlilp 2 00
;iniiiilt,-i, ilt,l lint ri-pnrt oil riiK i-;ii-u!t ni,5 Iuio Cii,lii, W.uihliifatim ciiiiity
1 OD,
Div. so. S--L.NI-.N.
y:ir.ita.-Iioy.1r.i,MriH.r.-jri.iiitniir, vrrU
Ilct lilll'll
f , nn
I!,.t,', S im". IIiMti.iii, All,-p(.'i town-lilii
U,-Bt tin 'ii tlivi-ii'l, Mi-a T l.ux.-nr, KU-lililll i.iwiimIiIp
l-, t i-nvi rlit. Mm 1- DuvMi,, Itirliliill t iwnnlilp
Iti-i.tCuuiiti-ri'iu.., Mi' Wtu (.lruo:iii, CuniU'rhiiultp
mv. so. t i.ti.u'intt. I
ll,-st imlrnraiiu liot,,H.rilm,oii, llo.-klcU W Va f.1 00 '
l'-et p ;lr .,i.irii liuoia, r' M,-N,--. WiihIi nil)' 1 "0
lli-l nul.- Ii,iiiii-w, ,1 K l.,llH io, Itlcliliill tp & no
Cent U-ill it.iy..-ii eull' Hkllm, .) ACntii, W.K.Iiiii'jt'ilit-o It oil
U,'..t Iwu I,I,M 111,,, 1 l,.illi,!i , W llr, 1111, Kkhliill tp it 00
:',! .In. I Al'iiin, Within ttnii ri.unty I 00
lliMt ni'li-Hiiililli-,,! K l.i,ui;liri,l(,, llli'llliill Ip !')
11.1 ilo Nattiiiu Utl;lliM, M iiyil, nl.nrK tl Oo
Ili'St wliltp qnilt, tf M (Iriiiiiii". Cumliorliiliil tp t'J Oa
11,-Ht liiiu-v quill, Mm .1 Lumir, llii lilitli tuwimkip i 00
il ilu l',-i,li,i liny, Miirri lnu-iisiiip 1 00
2,1 Kemp iiullt, Mm Mllriniii,Ciiiiii,. rl,iii,l towimlilp 1 00
ll.-rtt i-riK-li-t iv.irk, ('yiilliiu num., iiu-mini lowiiNiup . uj
It,--, r ttilv. Mi-h lr u i'ilr.iv..lii,,lH,,iivlll,i
l uo
1 00
1 00
1 HO
S 1-0
1 00
1 no
1 00
J,l ilu Mr., Willi. 1111 lii-tioiitri. 'iimlierljiiiil tnwiixlilp
11,-Ht lump mat. ,l:iin'iil.'uriel', llllililll IuwihIiIii
licit pniile-l li,iiiilk,'n'h!,'i..lihn M-ulit. Alliiiu tp
Itl'rtt pin Cll'lli' 11, il t'n.itcK, lli.'lllllll lllWInil
M ilu .Mm W illl.iinil diiiiii, riiuili,rluii,l titwii.hlp
Hint mill riirrhllil, M'-m W i' I .tn llnionM, I'litnii tp
Ili'Ht i-I..iim.i ImiuI, .M.l W Walton, Jm-knulivlllo
licit 1-.I...MII.-I nk-L-VeH, " " ' '
lU-tt nrawvw, " " " "
mv. no. (! 5iiji;!Xt..Ni:ofJ.
n,-t lmltiT i-li'ilii, .1 S lliiiarl. .Ii-T.wn tl Ol)
llHt l,utt..i-. Mr liri'il,, :h. Iti. li1!!!! ti,ttn-hlp 2 00
'J 1 ili Ms Il W Wullun. I'.ii lililll t;vii.iip 1 00
llvl I111I1 ilnznii Iu hi". Mr- I M,uli, Itlrli Ip i oa
ill il.i .li:i-. llariilrnr. Itli-ltlilil tnwii-lilp 1 Oo
IIi.Kt W.IJ7111. ltlii-rt M'-K,.iili 1, Iti. illiill t-iwimlilp Ii 00
Jit'im l.,itl;rli:ill-W i-t -rn Viriviiiiil 3 00
II. -tit i-prlm: w:,:i.,u. J ) Wtitt'Ui. .li,i'liiuvUlu ' fi 0.)
Ili-sl lull ili 11 I1.1W liJ.'.i, Til ,iii i I'ljiM, t'llliinrull 'J "0
ll,-t inttnrli - ";'
,.t t,.l...-:i'l, TIiiiii,ih ICi-hlllliX'-P. .Iil,'lmilvllj a 00
lt.vl HIMIIt III H'lli'l ,.li.lin I' .ll. C UIO',1 tnM-.hIl -I (HI
ll.Bl hli,l liinii'.-, Wllli.iui ll!..ili'-k. Klcliliilllp 1! 0')
It,...! ,11, , in.' 111 ,,1, lii". l-lillli.M.,rli. IC Iiliill tp f, 01)
11... luiii,,-rail . .1 K 1.1111.11 1 If . Itirliliill tn i 0.1
Iti'Ht r-innliu mill, .'uiu 11 'lrV", All.',ii,t ImviiHlilp
ilent fruit ilry llnus,', Uriah 11,1-1 0, lltr, ttiwiinlhp
j 00
a o'j
i(i-iionrrci;r;ruitAL, i.ur;fiK-
H-iit ilni-n liilliipplm, MiitllilJiMllil.-li.M.iirli tp
II 01
1 till
k n.-fi -- uiiii, 1-
ll,'l v.uli ty liill uppli'S, I'hillp M ,rh. Itlolilllll Ip 1 Ml
UitHii.rllil''li'at iWiiUKr!i"H. INillip M ,i-hii, 111,'ti tp 1 UO
II, -.11 hihvIiiii Ii lll,i'llKI'.ll"i'"ill K.,, llli'li IP 1 0"
It.-t till HMI'rl pltUlii,iN,l'liriiitii,l,'lt'iiX, Mi'lllKlllVillU 1 00
11,'iit ,1,1 lii',iiii,i t llrMnr. llU lililil liiwiKliip 1 no
II, '.1 il,ipiliiiilillu. Ml-n I'hll .M.iikIi. Itli lililll ip
llHt ,1" h.(iia..iii, Mr. ,1 l.ii.'ur, Kk'IiIiIIi tuwimlilp
II. .Ml ,lllU'll..ll..l li l,lUl.rlll'i'IUr,. Itli lililll toWIMlllll
1 ou
rl ,1,1 lilll'liwlluill, Itulil'l'l IlllM,,!', Itl, lllll II tn'U:ilil 1 in)
ll.-Mlllllllll-11'.V, " ' 1 II"
li.,li!iiiut, " . " " " 1 o'
Ik-I ilo cutii asn, fi iiiit-Iii earner, Bprlnglililll tp do
lli'HtprMorvi.diniin.-i)i, mu ipnrtMr.l W Wiiltoti, .luck-
niivlllo , 1 o
a,liliiMr.Miii'liiii Hull. Hii lililll tmvniililp do
Kent iliiplllinii Mm J W Wiiltim, Jiuiknnlivilln 1 00
lli-Ht ilu lilui'lllii rrv, 1,iiii T"im il'ili-n. Illi-liliill tp 1 "0
II...I iliii'ltriin, Mr U W Wiiltun, Itirliliill toulwlilp I on
lli-ul du tniii'it"' , " ' " I '",
liil ilu du Mr William Orooint, Ciiiiiliurlanil towimlilp oo
Ili.nt current 111 v, nnu iitmrt, .tuiiu'n Curtnr, Itlcli tp o
M ilu Iwuin 'IVnu'iirili'li. 111,1, 1, III t,iA tiililp 'i
ItuHt ilo iolni'i, Mm .1 W W iiltnii,.lui'kiiivlllo 'ii
-J,l iTiiiln..ulii'--iCiil'biii. Itli-lililll tnwiiHlilp -il
ll,',l ilu lllui-hlinrry, l,l.l T.-iiitn nle.i, Itli lililll I p Ho
U,',tt,aiiauil,ult,'i-,J,uiH'" l)i',i,,nrk llkliliill tp 00
Il,.t win Unlit lii'i-ml. Mrs n W Wall, in Itl'-lililll tp
U,iliiMrn,luiui'-i(',iiiti'. .(1,'liiilll Imvn-ilnp
lli-Ht ,'llv,'k, Mr, .1 W Walln..lai'k,iiivlllo
,l.l.l,.'l...l W U-lli,i,..t,.,.l,.,,i,i'lll.i
II no
limit riti'iini.wr iili kli. Mm A'llllum OninriK. Cuinl" tp Jo
Ilent iiHHiu-tiKl ilo l,iu,'T,'HK'ir,l,'ii. Itirliliill tinvimlilp J"
Hunt tiimntii i-uliiip. ..ImiliiTaiiuiirili'li I l-1 ti 1 1 1 tp. J'l
llent uriiiiinvlnii, I pint Mm .'lilllp Marnti. Itirliliill Ip. f"
lli.t i-iirrnnt ilu, Mm .1 l-ir, Itli-lililll trnvii-lilp
Ilent Klili-rlii-iryiln, Mr. I'hll Mai'.li llli'llliill hiwimhll.
Haul viwt MrWilllp nruiiiiin, rnmlii'i'lniiil luwnslilp
Du for pniil. , aliii t, iIi-im nml nlouU "
(:LAS i.i-FliOit viiDnr'T.
noil ilnlillii, Mrs J W Wiiltntl..liiiili'iiivHli'
llnat rullilil lliil,,i,,,'t,l 'IVux ipli'll, llli'llliill tl
fi 0(1
1 uu
n,-itiiiiil,rotviii.liiiiril.'ii, A Willlin-ii, Wii.vnwliiirit 1 no
Do pIlotliKtuplia, IlillI'lliiMll'l lii-(,l'nlliualoll nf .mill 0 DO
CLAR3 1 7 .1 vrKS AND MULE9,
llt limit. A (1 .Tiinilm. I'rillllillll tnw.ii.lilp
ill Un A lliipHllll! Illi-llien i-iwii-iiii
lli-.t iiiiiloTTinmiiiil'iirl. WiwIiliiKlmi poiinty
Uu " ' " "
Do.t htniilo ,,ii,.trl,in, UV rr. aw fi oa
in ilia nipii .trim
o.M. walto.1, iwi,
A. Ai ftovr, gwt'jr,
0 I? "ST Ii 313 3 ,
Fabrics, as luip relented,
AM) Til!-:
1 to Sell, HIIll 111: itl IY CASH will suelll'll
the very best uf bur!F;ttu. C ill inul i xiiniinu
bis stoek
dee 11-3IU
Waynesbure, l'n.
Something New
CAt tlio room formerly necupioil by Andrew
Wilson, S,'., next door to Braileu's Drug Store.) !
Itespcctfully Informs tho jjootl people of Orecno
county, mut Uu has opened a
I And Invites a call from his - friends and tho
1 public gennialiy. His store is lilled with
cveiythi i in his line needed Iiy tho Fanner
, , s i" !,u
knows exactly the. wants ot his burner In-tiils.
I A11101.K ltis variety of goods will be found Iron,
, aW nfall kinds, Planes of all varieties, A11-
I irers. Braces. & :. Ttiltlu toothed, cro.n cut
tr' 0 und milt saws, hand saws ami t jols of all tles
600 criptioiis.
3 00 I
Mowing Mai-bines, Cutthi!; Boxes Corn Sliel-
l,,,.a 1i,,-u t i.illl., l....j d.i,,v..ld li-iiil:a nml
everything in his line.
. , . . . ,, . i.,.i..,.M
A g-nertd assortment of saddlery hardware,
to which lie Invites tho attention of purchasers.
iVimtlVV i.vil-iii nv ITT KIMllS
W UU DJ!,2N 'YAK lii VP ALL IvliNIJa,
1 rnhs. Buckets. Butter B iwls and ull knuis of
Kitchen WooiU-n Kixiits.
WillnMT HiiHicutm linimni, Ilnisliofl, Cord
Buckets. Brass Kettles, Biijrgy whirs, Shot
Utiiis, Buys Wagons ai.d si di
All pcis-ms desirous of purchasing any of
tlic aliove articles and in.tnv otlters not men-
ioncd i will consult tlnif interest by
Hit will take pleasure in showing 'his stock
at nil times. So give him a call when you
coinu to town. Itemt'inber the place, oppo
site the Kirst Niitionul Bunk.
tlecj SIB; TB 03. ' HRADKN.
0ft. M
I'll I. V AXU I'lTTSaCltll.l. ANlri'lVUTIlAI.NS
BAVa KXCHl'TllI).) ,
nv anii iiTr.a
SIDNDA Y". NOV. hi, I Ran.
TITI-t Pi8rnir..i'Tr,liiH nf tli- .Vintivli mla It illr I Cum.
pmi.v )vitl .l"iv,'t finiii Il'irrliluu-, .iiiil iirilvo ut .iliiluiti'l
plilu iiinl I'lttstuirlt im 11, II-, .v., :
tilill,i,ti'tplil.i llxpn-HH lav,.. irirrl-liil"1.' ,l iPv .'n,-it
.V,i'i,,iy) ut J l', A.M., Illrl.irnV". ut W,"ll -I,,:,!., al
7 00 . M.
i'u.t l.iuii 1,'iivin IIuri'i-li-H'iilt!lv(ii,ivi,t Xt ,1, 1 1 e- at
!l :'0 . , iiikI nrrlvi-H ut Wimt I'llil.ul.'li.lili ,11 1 'J'l I'. M.
B-l- K.h. I.lim H ut O'u'll Krl" i.rrlv.n nt ll,irrl..iir;i;
ilaliy ii xi't'l't ." lay), turl i',inu,-i.-t Willi Cit I in,, l,.,tr
lli'l II ti-rUlitirir at H.JO . M
llallv I'lvpi,., It'Ui'.'ii II irrl.i'ninf Iu Iv i-.i - it Sun 1 ,v -ii
ut 1. 10 !. . uu I ,ii.-:v,,u.n IVu't I'uii r! Ip'ii t at .'..JO r. ;i.
ui'iiiit al ll irrMi'iirir.
flnitl Ill Un'i'v-ii li.'iv,,, tl.irrl luiii; ll.lilV ut p.
M. iiirt arrlvaut V"l iill,i'I,,i,i,ial 1'J.IO a. m mii-
p.'rnt llirrl.t.iint.
tiliii nt 0. 10 i". Hi. Tliia tralii liaa iiii laiiui .rll.iii liiaii thi.
"'i'''' . . , , , "
Lillli-u-itiT trulll, via 0,iluml,l:i. Imvm ILil-i-liluirt it illy
(Siiiuliivs i'Ki:i'it,l) ut 7.00 a. N., ini.l iirrlviMiit PlilluiM-
iiiiiu ut lino v. m.
iiiii.irviiiii Ai'i-iiuiii,liiilnii,TiiiMt jii.v, l,'iiv,.iinrliiiiiii-ir
I It'Jl;.
Krln M. ll wait, rur ..ilu, Iihivik II ,rrllirir iliilly (in
r,'i,l Sunila.vl ut J.,i) p, ti nml ai-i'lm. al Ki ln nt 7JIII e. it.
Krln Kml Mini wi-Ht, fur Krlu li-itvcn .InrrNlnirtr iluily
(r-xi'i'lit S In.VHlat 1.10 p. m.. urrlvliiji nt Krli. iitlLUA n. in
llultlni'iri. 1'I.xpri.Nn luavi'f llurrlM-uir't itallv (i-xiaipt Sun.
ilaym ut tt h. hi., nrt-lv.-n nt Alimuiii. 7 :ui it. in,, tnkoa
lil-i-ukri-.. nii-l nrrlvai nt 1'lttitiitr.ili nt 1.1111)1, in.
iill-i,li'li)ll i Kxiin-m li'iivi',, II irrlaliui-K il illy nt 3.10 n.
m.. iii-rlvi'i ut Ali'Kinn ut s.'i,) n. in., tutu driinkrut ami
uirlvcMitl I'itinlmruhiit I.IOn. in.
tVnnt linn li'rtVfH IIiirH-lnirn dully (wept Smuliiv) nt
J .().'. p. int nrrlvm nt AHihiiiii ut H.M p. in., titki-n Mijipir
mi'l nrrivi'Hitt IMtlfthiii'uti nt Uu. in,
M ill Tritlu li'uvon ll'irrt-tlitii'tf 'lillv (oxmpt 8ihhIii,vh) nt
i.i'i. iii.i nrnvcN iu Aiioiitm tn p, m,, tuki-it mipiiar,
iiiiti iirnviwMii i hihmhi'hh iiiiixiii. in.
Kmlnriiitt Ten I ti WVhI (to uhli-li .i flv-t cIiihi piwHTinor
nir I n-MiU'lieil fur tlioiirniiiinilatioii oflirrnl (hi vol) h'nvrii
II'irrliliU"K ilnllyi'XiM'pt Mninliiv) nt 7 11. in,, niTlven nt
AMiinmi 'J.JO p. in , dike ti Inner and arrive nt hllitlmrlt
at lo M i. in.
IHIli'i'vllli Ai'i'omimMlittldn, M'put, Iphvpii LunrniliT dnlly
(cvi HtiiidiiVH) iit-'imin in., li'iivi ,1imnt Jny ut a.DO
jj. in. ii int arnvut nt lari'iriiiiirtf'ii -hi p, in.
Snp't. MI lllt Div. INnm'u. H. It,
utr tj i; vi.ii vii i) !
ALAIiOKll pp, (latttloeiin. tunehlnir how
tori-inovoTan, Freckles, I'lmples, Blotch-t-s.
Moth 1'iitchcs. rlallowticss, Kruptlnns and
all Impurities of the skin, How tn force
Whiskers, restore, curl and beautify tho hair)
renew tho ai?u, euro Drunken ncss, Nervous
Debility, and 'oilier useful and vahiahlo Inlor
inij'.lon. Kvct'vlindy send for II. Address
B'Kita'KR 8iu:Trs &CO.,
Chemists, 285 Hlvor Bt., Troy, N. Y.
Pt tl. Iliiiilcim Id mirnmtliinllv Innnleil tn llui
4 no 'I,"V1' muned plactt nnd would resneclfnl
4 ly invite lliu intention of Ilia public to his wlII
9 uo in runnei! kkvi.ioiit oai.i.kiit.
l'l;iit"Hriiplm nf every vnrlnly, m aim
style, ami a line assortment or Alliums,
rr;' . : .
, Carfl. & i y Imudifur solo.
I I5j)..llf,.u
Over 29U00 Pianos Made.
2400 Sold at the Pittsburg t gency t
C8MSSI1G PlliS !
The remarkable genius of the Into Joaas
( liu kt rintf, ana tlio same ability cuutlnueiMn
Ills (OU8.
Tlio con.blimtlon of tho Uesl outside talent
with tlieir own genius
wltliwliieh to obtnin the best wnrltmiri! In
keep on Inoul slocks of tbu k-Bt inateriai to
be neiisoiH' J for years,
The firijeRt In thu world, nccunvltitr five
I ttercs ol jirmnul-iind lis milted Doors, Oi leet
I wide, and live miles in letiulb.
The niost cnn-pltto mul expnnslvo of nny
piiniii fiii totv in lite country, iiuiny pints with,
oiitailnplieiite. beliijr li-viitud ' expressly by
the elder .Mr. Cliickerintr. ,
I KXei.Hlli.VCH.
I .
! With Sin-in nilvnntuces, after the labor of n
! bull' eentiiry. iliiiinjr wlileli lime lltey Imve
liHitniMet,ir,.,t thirty th'iisiind plimnfl, tlicy ,
nou'iiuer tin- puilie mi eatiti! new scale piiiao,
j tlio mo.t perleet ever mailu.
j ' itftxtri.T.
.iii f-rs. t Iiiekerinj! Hons tire nou' nmit
i"C inure iiIiiiiiih tlion ntie firm In Hi I'r.ttiM.
Stales, and . ...
I yearly, a lnrue nt iiilier of liitntinens which '
tire usi'd iiy the lemlinjj itrilnls ol'tlie ilny.
Tlieir reputiition lias beconio Wom.u wiuk.
''I cnnMtler Cbickerlnu ft' Sons' Pianos
beyond comparison tho best I havo ever seen
in America."
'I consider CliickoilnR Sons'
superior to any in tlio world."
1 nejtevo mat in every particular your
Pliiima itD superi r to any I have ever seen
ia this country or .Europe."
''For volume and flno quality of tone, wi'h
rdcely nf articulation, the Cliukerlng Piauos
arc uiiequalcd.
'I always use anil always rcccommt-nd your
Tamos to iny ptiriils and friends,"
''I consider your Pianos tho finest I hare
ever played upon.'" ......
The Suhscrlhers aro the exclusive wholes ilo
Agents lor till) Chiekeiing Pinnos, for Wes--
leni rcnnsyivanin ttsiern imto anil West
Virginia. Special arrangements, cnabluthrm
to sell at exactly the same price us charged at
the F..ctnry in Bns)iin, thus saving freight,
Insurance ami risk of transportation to pur
chasers residing in or West of this city.
. 1". :"1"s-"l":'a BIY """""".riiueniionw
the selection o their stock, visitiug tho Fac-
Tlio Subscribers gives particular attention to
lory nearly every innuth for tltis purpose! tltuir
experience In the business, musical skill.
am' practical knowledge ot the manufacture
of I'ianos. enabbt them lo select (lie very best
instruments that Jlcss.s Chiekeiing produce.
Kvt.,.v iDstrUniimt warrantt il for 5 years, by
the manufacturer and the subscribers. Pcr-
wms t a dlstnaco desiring further informstlnn
should address the Bulisuribers who will be'
j happy to Bend I'teni post puld drawings of the.
voiIdiis styles of I'ianos, prices, &c.
uiu riauos tiiKeiiln exchange.
81 Wood Street,
Between 3lU Street & Dlamontl Alley,
This is tin article for washing without n''
bins, except in very dirty places, which will '
r iuh'u a very s.'uht tuS), and unliko other
prepai'iilions oll'eredlora like purpose, will
Nor hot run i.'i.orin:s. but will leiu'o them
wuirua Ih 111 onliiiitry methods, without tho
urn d wear and tear.
It removes I'l'tistt spn's as if by niugic, and
sol'lens the dii'L ly soitUiag, mi that rinsing will
in ordinary (vises entirely teinove it.
Till, powder is prcpati'd in nccordunco willi
clien.l"il s l -tt. e. ami 1111011 a process p,
to Itsell. which is seemed by julters I'ntcnt,
It Ims liceii In use for more th in a year, unj
, , , ., ... . , ... i, ,,.1,,,,.,,.,-
I'"- I'lini.M i.e i .nun, ,-i-i,ii e.v mu ., ."'v.
il hni! h( I'll used. Alllotl j; lib) inlVdlitiige..
; cluiiiiinl are the lollo-.vli'if, vi. :
j n an .!..- i.x,n,-.i.1Hi uwiiy u-cd
n Colloiitlllil lllli.ll ".0 lis.
Il naves molt of iho luiior of rubliltii, and
, .,.,,, , i ,
I " '"V 1 1 . . , ,,
Als i. lor cliMiiiiii: windows It Is unsiirnassi'il.
Jth onu iiunrter lliu luiii! and labor nsuuHy
j required It imparls a beautiful ami lustm ,
iniicn sup rtor m any oilier inn 10. no water
reiptlred except to uinUtcn the powder, '
. Directiniis will) each paekairn.
And can he ruadily apprccittcd by a sincle
trial. Ilia cost of washing for a family ol ttyo
or six persons will not exceed tiiuisk cunts.
Thu iniiniil'actiirersiif tills powder are awaro '
tb'tt many usclcir compoumls havu been ili-
tr iiUiccd to tint public which havu rotted tho
cl all, or hilled In rtmiovliif tint dirt, hut know
ing thu Intrinsic excellence of tins article, they
coiiflilvnl y proclaim It as bcWip; ailaptud to
meet a demand which has long- existed, and
which has horetoforu remained uiiBiipplicd,
L'uil Hroadwiiy U Btnii.
For Bala by Urocurs and Dealers everywhore.
Oct 1 7 '(ID thu
Public Sale I
I iS'iiriWny liithuf DUClOMIlEUncxL, I8fl,
mv resldcnco on which I now reside, at tho
Junction of 111" hirnplko letullnii from Waynes',
liiltir to Cameron, and from Waynenlnu-ii to
All itiieoniirii. west va , one ana iiiroo-iourttt,
mllus West of Waynoshurg. Containing
or IhoroalmiiU. ono huntlrod and twenty-flva
acres of which a e cleared anil under a blub,
statu of cultivation, with a good frame house,
tenant Iioiihu and a larfto new friinio bank
barn. A lariro quantity ol select irult.
Tlio farm is onu f tho most Onslrablo for
fiit-mlnn- or unizlna In tho county, It may he
illvldud In two mticcls to suit niirchascrs. dl-
ltling by tho Hinlu road, or If not sold sooner
Ull' WIIOIU will uu soul mi viim uny.
Bnlu to coinimm o nj in o'clock. Torma
made kuowu on day of sain.