J I WAYNKSUUltO: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, I8(!. 1W Sale. The Doling. House miH Store-Kobm In Groensboro. occu pied by Mr. B uber, locntcd on County Street in the most business pait of the town, be sold at private dale mid poMi'SHiojijjiyen on the 1st of April '07. For term apply to Ir. Harber, Greens boro, Pa., or II. Silverman, 157 Second Street, Pittsburgh. 3W Go to Hoffman & Roberts' Drug btoro for put Flaxseed Oil. Dkci.ink in Diiy Goons! Ho! Fon SaybiibA IIoskinson I Brown Muslim, 15 to 2oota , nieiiohuil Muslin, 18 to -lo tst. t Dclnines.best, 25uSftels; l'rints, 1 4 to 20 etsl Boots and Shoes nt very low prices and hII other Good in pro. por'ion Come one and all and see if they don't sell at the above price. ' Thursday, the 20ili inst.,..is Tlmnks ' giving A general observance is re quested by the Ptesi lent of the United States and the Governor of our Com. monwealtlj Divink service will be held in the M. E Chnreh, on Thursday next, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. Hev. Mclnlire will de liver the discourse. Members of all Je- notuinations am requested to attend, m Prescriptions carefully compounded ut Hot! man & Roberts' Drug Store. Cn nub of Timk. The "People's Line" of steamers plying between Pitts burgh and Gen'cya, have made a change in their time of running in ordyr to meet the necessities ot the shippers and trav elers. Until further notice the "Chief tain" Captain Abrntns -till leavo Brownsville duilv at 7 a. m., for Pitts burgh, and leave that city nt 5 r. m , daily, Tho "Elector" Captain Phillips trill l3id Q m. 'vi fir Pittsburgh, on Monday, Wednesdsy, and Friday, ami return on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, leaving I'iltsburg'i at 2 t i J!y this arrangement there will he a dayliglit boat. Persons desiring a pleasant trip, good usage, and plenty to eat, can do no better than huddle llicinsolvca under tiio wing of Captain Abr.uns j wc know Cant. Ph. Hips, ami c.n speak" the same for him Imi'oktvxtto Wool. (Jiiowkih W. F. Greer, Secretary of tin) National Wool Growers' Association, issues a circular r questing- tho officers of all Stale and county Wool drover's Aso ciations of the United States, to forward to him nt Painesville, 0 , their posit fllee address with the ntitnbor of men enroll ed its men. burs. The importance of tho measures, he says, now in progress.- in which all Wool Growers have so deep an interest, m ikes it very desirab e that all Associations respond promptly to this request. Sut'l'Bit and Fkstivai. The Union and Philean Societies, ot Wayncsburg College will give an Oyster Sapper and Festival, in the College oluipcl on Thurs day evening, Nov. 2!)th, inst. The ac commodations will be ample and ihn guests will be supplied frith tho best the town and country atf rds, Atter the supper the spacious halls of the Socie ties' will be opened for promenade and amusement. Proceeds to bo used for the benefit' ('I tlio Societies Admission 50 cants. Tickets nt Day's Bjok Store. WIndqw Glass pnd Putty sold at Hoffman A Roberta' Drug Store. CONTENTION OF SUPERINTENDENTS. A tall has been issued for n conven tion of the Superintendents of the Com. mon Schools of the State of Pennsylva nia, to meet in Hiirrlsbnrg on the 4 th ot JX'ccmber, Important changes in the school law will be proposed tor the con. sidotation ot die convention, providing (for an increase of the minimum length fit the annual school terra i the establish, tinent of uniformity of text Ijook in each county i tho support of 'county institu. rtos' by public appropriations) the nbol , jshment ot 'provisional certificates i' the ioreaiian of district siiperinlendoucics i ithe increane of 'district institutes,' and tthejsulitrgejiient of the m inber ct the branches tiftdy required by-law. . - flNTxnSSTiNuLvrrriJt i'kom iCttv. Jibhpii 8. Thavkmi. Skwiuklky, Pa My JMar Friend : Permit me at this lime to uive you my opinion of the Mason & Ilamliu Cabinet Organ, procured early ire trou last buiimi" Never bus : ny iiwlr.unii.1 mirolmsod by mo seemed to pay better- T ord my funily it hni been a constant tfluruo ot unalloyed ptansiiru The ewcfilntiss, purity and power ot US tones, ur an lustrtimuit in Us sire, baa been a subject of fveqiicnt remarU among ourselves una n leiinn For sanred inmiii, and especially for use at family worship, t aeenia most happily adapted. I regard tin- intro duction of inch instruments into famii. lies ot tht ooinmimity as a publio-benelit refining, purllyn nnd devoting the taste, ami wy blessing. VVero I the oastor Df a uonirenatlon, I should dteiu it a duty at Well at a privilege one certain to result in flood lo use my ntmost exe' lions to Introduce ono In very fsrotly In the neighborhood where there are young people. By its awe It Is more tuitablo for, a family room, and therefore 4 always on baud to iuterett B) hldti every one, If) every one ot the-ie instruments that you sell gives so much satisfaction and picas, are in the families where they go as this one of ours, then indeed may I congra. lulate yon, as one of my old pupils, on the business which you have chosen, and from my heart wish you every possible success. Sincerely, j ours, Jos. S, TiiAvn.it. To Mr. 0 C. Mellor, agent tor the Cabinet Organs 81 Wood street, Pittsburgh.' Everybody should seud to Mr. Mello.r anil get n copy of tho Cabinet Organ Paper, which contains it ere at deal ot valual lo lufonnatioii Mailed free to any address. 1 Kicad what J. II. l'eagan, late Post master General, 0 S A., says concern ing. ncgi'o suffrage, on our first page. It should put to shamo the "nigger". shriekers of tho Norfh who were too cow ardly to fight for the 'institution.' His is a dispassionate view from an embar rassing stand point yet he comprehends all ,ith woudeif'd clearness. Payson's Indelible Ink, best In use,' for stlu at IlnlT.nan & Roberta' Drujj Store. Hhahi.k's Dkomiiku Monthly. Ainong the various monthly periodicals wo are. receiving from different cities, we rank ns ono of tho most sprightU, entertaining and instructive, that of Handle & Co., 118 William Street, New York. Our, renders are referred to the publishers for a ljst of premiums, and which they will liad to be one of unnsu 1.1 liberality.. Turpentine and Turpuntino Varnishes for sale nt IIolT.nan & It iburts' Drug Store. CoiiitiiSfoNuiiNt "1." of the ViUley "Sprit says, The gold Shaft on Dutikard is making good progress, and every, thing looks like its being a success. It is nearly one him Ired and fifty feel deep, and is five by nine feel In diameter. Tho nssaycr of (ho Mint nt Philadelphia, and other prominent business men, arc slock holders in the Company. Its success would Iwork wonders' in 'Little Greene ' Tho sinking is being d.iue in u work manlike manner by Capt. Charles E Seiilcl, a gentleman of saientilij and practical abilities, and who has f r twen. ty years been sinking shafts in the rango of the Allegheiues. Success to the en terprise. PcrfumeiieHofitll kinds to ho found ia iilnin iliineo at IIiirinan & Huberts' Ding Store. GiirxiYHoie U...ckmii!'.ii. (Jody's Lilly's Bonk, is ically improving as it mlvniices in years. The December number has never been excelled by any of its co'etn poraries, tor genual interest a i l excel- lencc. Go to Ilnfm.nn & Roberts' Ding Store for Pure Carbon Oil, AiiTiitMi's IIom: Maiiazisk, tor Do. ccmber is a very splendid nu iibyr in all respects, and j'ist such a peri idical as parents can, with entire conli lence in tho purity ot its sayings and sentiments, allow their children to read, without fiisl perusing it themselves, to see it it en tains any tiling of a demoralising ten dency. Paints and Oils of all kinds will be found In large quantities at Hoffman & Roberts' Drug Storu. Tun Djinocra. say they want a flag with thirty six stars on it. Where could they have found il it the eleven i Slates th it were dropping out had not beon pinned to their places by Union bayonets? And yet the Demoora s objected to the inninr process. - Hev. James Presily, D. D., pastor of tho United Pic.ihyteriau church of Alio lheiiy city, was suspended last week by tho Presbytery, because convicted of ruel lroal.ne.it and iudeeo.it 1 nugmgii lo n.s wito nnu luiini icy witn other wot men not consistent with fidelity to his wife He was not charged with adultery, Mrs. Prestly has applied to the court for a divorce Dr. Prestly is one of tlia ablest divines in his church, and has n number of adherents who believe him guiltless. He addressed bis people on lust Sunday, ami appmled to them not to Oct hastily or passionately on the question ot his dismissal, Tiik Atlantic Montiii.t Tho De cember number of this popuhu' magazine comes to us from the publishers wilh the following attractive table of contents: John 1'ierpoiit; My uaiden; liornco 4tiu liajah Brooks, Passage from Hawthorn's i! .i-u. rr.,ii, irr.,. ti.u Ssvord ot IJolivari Through Broadwnyi My lleatlire at Iloinei A Friend; Tho Singing Suhool Uoinaiin..'i Autumn Song; The Full of Austria; Reconstruc tion, Reviews anl Liiiriry Noliie i "Grilllih Gaunt" comas in for an intelli gent and rather severe criticism. Terms $1 per annum. Two copies $7 Five" uopiotflO. Tun 30, each additional copy S3. Addrosi Tieknor & Fields, Boston, Mass, Thnd Stevens was lately presented wilh a hnnJsonto umbrella, which was shortly afterward - borrowed without leave Tim gicat Commoner was soon caught in ii shower, unci, meeiuip a friend with an uiu irella. nskd thu pri vilege of shnriiiK part ot it on the way home. Thu request was cheerfully Kraut e l, but tlio two had mil proceeded tar whtu Mr Stovons cast hi eve upward ti.d saw Ids name in lull ''Vhy. bless n (,' said he, 1 Relieve I a ru In my own haust, 'flhcr nil.' TLo nndfll waa ruttyi ted. Mass Wei com k to Congkkss. The proposed mass welcome to Congress, under the auspices, ot the Soldiers' and Sailor's Leagues ot Washington, will doubtless be an imposing affair. There will be a procession in the morning, and a mass meeting at noon, at which the we'eome oration will be delivered and tho response of Congress bo made, to be followed by a brief address from in vited speakei'3. " In the evening at eight 6 clock, there will bo a banquet. Gen. J 'hn A. Logan has been invited to do- liver the welcome address. Tho "Hoys in Blue'' i f Peniwylvania and Maryland are invited to participaio in the welcome. Moiiiiissky ani urn Sistkh. The re port that a sister ot the amiable JjIui Momssey, recently elected to Congress from New York eity, was living in a state of g'eat destitution ut Chicago, turned out to bp true. On hearing the scandalous story, he remembered he Had a sister he had not seen for seventeen years. He telegraphed a Chicago firm Hale, Ayers & Co that if they we e satisfied the woman, claiming to he his sister, was siicb in fact, to advance, her $25'), and draw on him. A draft was made accordingly. No reader of a paper is fully posted in regard to tho news ot the day until In has read tho advertisements. The idea that tho advertising columns of n paper are devoid of interest to nil save buyers and sillers is a grossly mistaken 'notion, it is history, and ns such intcrcs'.s every ono. Augusta, Ga , Nov., 22 George Meyey, Assistant United States Inter nal Kevenuc Assessor, was shot and killed at Blackvillu, South Carolina, ly two men mimed Saunders, who surren dered themselves to the Sheriff' Tiiiiuk-im.y cnsuMMii'M Why i the human heart like a whale f Because Gr t, it is a son creeter (seoretnr) of great size (sighs)! because secondly, when it is caught, it is likely to ho tried, and thir dly, lastly, and to conclude, because it is what the blubber comes from. Nov -Uli. 18'i(, nt the house of Uev. Geo. S. Adams, in Nineveh, nnd by tho same, Mjt. N.'K. Liriitxkk and Miss Litcisnv Baiikkii, nil of ihi' county. Waynoshurg Marke , COllllKOTHIl AKKltl.Y Hf .1. OCllinil. Butter, fresh roll Colleo per lb Corn per laisliel Corn mnal per limhel Country Soap per lb. Candles, mould per lb Candles, dipped " " ' ('heesn per il) Dried Peaches per lb Eg;s pir dozen Flour per bbl Flax 8. e l per bushel Feathers per lb .. Lard per lb II. .V. Flour per lb Molasses Oats per bushel live ner bushel $ ..;t.l to . no 80 08 25 '.'0 25 o2 2a 14 on 2 25 I r.0 ! 15 i 04 1 75 to 1 50 !t()tol!5 I (10 ..325 lo 3 75 ! , 15 ! 22 ; as ; ., 1 (iO I 00 l on Timothy need per bushel Jtiee per U Sugar, crushed per lb Sagar. rclined ' " Sugar, New Orleans, (i His ... l 11. Sugar, H lbs nvrup, per gallon, Salt, No. Tperbhl 4 Otj Holt snap per gallon. .... Tar per gallou Tea per lb Turpentine per gallon Tallow per lb Wheat per bushel White Lead per ken .... 1 oo .'il2 SO ... 2 00 IS 1 2 50 4 to r. ()( i i no .... noao T. to I 00 45 White, Lime per bushel Wo 1 common to line.. Potatoes per bushel Turnips, per bush T NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. Nov. S?.-0old closed at 140. PITTSOUUfl flKXKRlli MAKXKT Pittsiiuiiuu, Nov. an, itnifl. GRAIN W1 cat at $2 GO 'l I". Corn nt ' fiBei-tin. Ryo at $t 15(ijl 18 Iluck wheat dull. FLouR-Springwi'ai:::::: Oals 0,51 $12.2.1. Winter at $13,50 Rye at 7 -'5. HAY Baled at f25,00 V ton. Loosoat $24.0020UO. EGG-Sales nt 88e. CUEESK Western Reserve at - 10. ' Hamburg nt 1U&20. New York Goshcu at 20 RUT'l'ER-Priino Roll at MetM. APPLEES.-Perbariel at 2.f.()t:i.00. ST. LOUIS MARKET. St. Loins, November 3 1 Flour nominally unchanged, with a small, business. Wheat lower. Hogs $5 SoQli 25. BALTIMORE MARKET. Bai.timoiik, November24 Flour dull j liw armies very heavy Wheat very dull ; Red $2 !." 03, V,OIH UUU. IT li sncjr unit.. . yOU CAN SAVE MONEY 1 BY BUYING YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES AT HALSTED'Sl! WAYNESBURG SHOE STORE, - . NEXT FARMERS' AND DROVERS' NATIONAL BANK. BU'jR,-tf ,r' '' ' ' '' SPECIAL NOTICES, PREPARED OIL OF PALM AND MACE, roa i'UK8i:nviNO, bkstorino, and dkauti rnso tub iiaib. And Is tho most delightful and wondorful ar ticle the world ever produced; . ' 1 Lsdlcs will flud it not only cortaln remedy to Restore, Darken and Beautify the Hair, but also a deslrablo article for tho Toillet, as It is highly perfumed with a rich and dollcato per fume, Independent of the fragrant odor of the Oils of Pulm and Mace. The Marvel of Peru. A new and teaatlrul porfume, which In delicacy of scont, and thotenncfty whli wfiloh it'clngs tu the lmud kerchief and person, Is uneiiiiulled. Tho abovo aiticles for stla by all druggists and Perfumers, at l per botlle each. Sent by express to any addrtss liv proprietors. T. W. WKIUH r & CO , ' ' too Liberty St., New Yorkf Oct. 24, lscn.-ly. , A COUGH, A C01D, OH A 0aE THROAT s Ri qiMRKS IMMKDIATK ATTKNTIOM, AND SHOULD UK CIlKCKI'.l). If Ai.i. i-i to roNTiKCK. lniMTATIO.VOl'TIIR I.UNCIS. A I'lltt MANKNT 'lllliOAT IMSBASK, Oil I'DNSi'Ml'l'ION , 19 OI'TKS TIIK lirSULT. R R O W N ' S B B O H C II I A L TROCHES IIAVIMO A DlltKCT INFMIRSCK Til TIIK TAIITS, OIVK 1MMKI1IATK nui.ll'.P. For Bromdiills. Aslbiiw, Catarrh, Consn nip tlvo and Thrnnt Piwnses. .Tmches are used wilh id wnys good 6urctss, SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find TroKle useful in clearing tho vnieo when taken liefore Sindag or Speaking, nd reliisving iliu tliroat lifter an unusu d exertion ot tho vocal organs Tlio Teodiet are recom mended and prescribed by Physician and liavo liad testimonials from eminent man throughout the country. Being mi urticle of true merit, and having mrci their cfllcacy liy a test of mauy years, eaeli year finds them in 0'?w localities in various parts of the world and tlio Trm-licn are universally pronounced better than otlltr articla--. 4 OiiTAisnnly ' Ihtows'sHaoNciiiAT, Tnocims," and do not take any of the Worthless fuiUatinn, lb it any ho offered. Sold kvhiywiiluu. Nov'JI-Omo. PURR DHIJ8S, MEDICINES, OIIV PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, For fum g ic y TOII.KT AllTlCLICS AND FAXCV SOAl'S. A LAItGE STOCK ON HAND A NEW SUITLY EVEUY WEEK I WlBiL MF.Mi 11 J, At FOR CJA.SI1 AT mm sue storb. OUR GOODS HAVE BKEN POUO IT tor cash, selected with care, mid will bo warranted as represent jd,. and sold ut the veiy lowest casli prices ! ALL THE POPULAR PATENT .MliDlClNKS SOLI). AND MOST OF THEM AT OLD PI I ICES. Pure Liquors. WlUsHiea WINES, BRANDIES, GIN ALCOHOL, ' ; TURPENTINE. VAKNIS11ES, &c, ALL AT SHOST PROFirS Call and see nur stock before purchasing elsewhere. Thankful for the very extensive patronnne already bestowed, wo hope to merit u continuance of Ilia same JUST received a now lot of choico perfuinc funn iy, highly scented soaps, cosmetics, &.., including many kkw autici.i h very cheap, call and see them at BKADEN'S DRUG STORE ! A LARGE stock of Patent Medicines Jut received. Call and see our STOCK and PRICKS. milE CONFSSION3 AND EXPERIENCE J OF AN INVALID. Published forthe benctit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNG MEN and .others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ol Manhood, &c, supplying at ihesame time Tiie'Mkass op Sni.:CuiiK. 1 one who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a postpaid addressed envelope, single copies," free of charge, may be had or the author. NATHANIEL, MAYFAIR, Esq.. May23 'CO.-ly Jirimklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. Then Pllla ira compwjd of nrloiu rwU, baring tho pjircr lo rolu Ihi iccrotlons of tht Urer u promptly nd circclmlly u bluo pill or mercury, and wlihout producing iny of thoso dlinsrooablo or dnngcrom effect which olton lolloir the nie ol tho taller. In oil bilious dlaordcnlhGW Fill, may ho tued with oonlidonco. as thoy promote the dlsohargo of vitiated bllo, aud remove thote ooatructlona from tho Uvor and biliary dncta, irhldi are tho canH ot btllooa afTootlons In general. BCIIKNCK'S MANBBAfcB FILLS eore Blck Headache, and all disorder, ol the Liver, Indicated by aallovr akin, coated tongue, eootlvencia, drowalnen, and a general feeling ot wearincm aud lassitude, ahowlng that tha liver k In a torpid or obstructed condition. ' In abort, those Pills may be tued with advan tage In alt cases when a purgative or alterative modlolne la rotialrod. ' P ease ask lor "Ur. Schonok's Mandrake Pllla," and observe that tho two Ukeneasoi ot the Doctor , aro on tho Govornuica. stamp one when In tho last stage of Coniuutpllou, md the other In hla prosonk boalth. Bold by aU Druggists and dealers. Price 35 centa . por box. frlnc pal OlDoo, No. 19 North Oth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ' (ienera Wholesale Afcntsi Demaa llarnes b Go 91 Park Row. Now York; B. 8. Heuce, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md. t ' John 1). firit, N. K. cor. of Fourth and Walnut SI., Cincinnati, Ohio! Walker ft Taylor, 131 and HIS Wabash Avenne. VhlcaiR), 111. I Collins Brothers, aonthwest cornel oi Becoud and Vine Sis, St. Louis, Ho. 4th to eth w. ea. mo. 1 yr. IK IS 13 HI E II O U S Ii . Jefferson, Greene County, Ponn'o. MRS. R. J. BUMGARHER, rrojimtres: H AVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THI3 wull known sitabllsliinont, Mis. Bum oakner is prepared to fumUh tht bent, to the travclllna; pjahllc. Tiio TABLE always sup plied Willi the choicest delicacies, tli,i BAR with tlio finest Wines and Liquors, Rood sleep ing apartments, and an abundance of stable looni attached to the premises. Public patronage solicited r May 211, 'C6 -ly. rl otloe. ALL persons knowing themselves Indebted to the HKroiiLiCAS Okmcr, cither for -Job Work or Subscription during the bIx months tho paper was conducted by Mr Watkins, will pay the accounts to Mr. Jus. E Bayers, who Is authorized to receipt for tho same. Early attention to this matter will save cost. v ME8SH3 B1DDLE ft CLARK. ' - , -,- . ; HORSESTEALING IS "PLAYED OUT! 'piIE -GREAT 'EASTERN DETECTIVE 1 llorsu aud live Block liisurnnceCpnipauy. t'h utered by the State of Pennsylvania, CAPITAL . . .. . $100,000, nsrsTJZFiiii' Ilorsi s. Mules anil Caltln nir.ilnst I hi!? from Theft aud Death, by lire, accident or "iiiurai cause frinrlpnl ollleo, 108 Bouth 4lh Street, Philadelphia. President, Col. CHAIILES FRALEY. PottNvllie, i'unn'a. Ico-Presedent, D. L Estkiii.v, do do Sce'y. Ph. II. Hkckkii, riiil'a. Oenernl Auent, P. Halfn, do flli'UVrcnce by rcrmisia,i. To lion Simon Cameron, Ilarrishurg Punn'a. llyrd I'atton. Esq., Pottsvlllo, Pa. Oen. ,los. Stitchtcr, Hardware Jlerchant, Rt:adinit, Pa. Ilenjiiniin Haywood, Esq.. Hulling Mills, Poltsville. Pa. . Dr. Jolin Gloningcr,' President Lebanon RanU, l'a. L. Whitney Bakor. Pcitsvllln, Pa., nnd others See circular. Reasons why you should insure iu this Company t Our rates sre lower in proportion to any oilier relinlile Insurance Company. While they only insure against Fire we insure iiiriiinst all rishs, ThelU nnd Dei.th by Are, accident or illsoase. For fur ther information wu refer you to our local flgent, N. 11. McCLELLAND, Wuyneaburg. Anent lorOreeno county nugiii) tf. S 0 31 E THING JEW! MRS. E S SAYEMS & IIOSKINSON, IlnVo just arrived from Nkw Y' iik with a large assort.nent (it lorelgn and, domestic which Ihcv propose to sell at the lowest CASH PRICES 1 such as Dress 'Goods. Dicss Trinimina, Dress Buttons, Gay's Patent Mulls, Ladles's 'Shawls, Furs, Roots ami Shoes, Hals and Caps ; also, n great variety of nice arllcles, at very low prices, for Gentlemen & Ladies' Wear Wares of all kinds, nnd a completo varie ty of tho best GROCERIES. All of winch they propose to sell nt tlio very lowest figures, depending on tlio quality and cheap ness of their goods to gain them custom. Cl vn tlw.m n rvill lu.liin I1IH'( -llitcinrr r.lun. vliere, anil tlmy will prove tint the above is correct, uoom m payers' cornor, east ot mo Court House, Wayncsburg. i.ov8'C0-tf P.M. OILHBSL-HO., LATEST ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER STOCK! BOUGHT BEFtTHE TIIK ADVANCE IN l'KICES, TO SUIT EVEKYBOUY. Dry Goods! mm above firm, located nt White Cottage, ! Urr.enu county, I'a , tako pleasure in an nouncing to their friend and tlio public that icy uavu aim are rcceiviu iimii iiiu uaaiuru cities a largo stock of staplo and fancy, Ibr eian and domestic DRY GOODS AND NO TI1NS. This stock consists of Calicoes. Do laincs, Casiiinrres. Tweeds. Handkerchiefs. Iices, II op Skirt's, Tickings, Linens, Illeach- o i ana iirown niuslins, Uloves and Hosiery, Genla' Cravats nnd Ties, Collars, Jacouetts uiul Can brics, Ladies Dress Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Queens- ware, Dye stulls, iSccJcc. Also, which they will sell as low as possi ble to casli buyers or for country produce, at such rates as will enable tlieni to make a iiv- II1L'. -Pliwo rmiemhcr lliis 'ls tho old firm of P. M. GUIMES. They have got a new house, new firm, nnd tlio best of all sew goo us. Sept. I!. ISliii.-tf. ma THE GREAT CAUSE HUIV.A.N MISERY! Jual Published, in a Seated Euvefoie. Prieg lix cents. . A Lkcturu on tiik Natubk, Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal weakuess or Sper matorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involun tary Emissions, Impot ncy, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to marriage Kcnerally ; Coii suniptlon, Eiiilepsyaud Fits; Mental and Phys ical incapacity. xc isy UU11KUI d. I UI. VERWELIj, M. D., Author of tlio "Green Book," &c. The world-renowned nutlior, in tills admi rable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that thu awful consequences of self abuse may i be effectually removed without medicine, nnd without dangerous surgical ope rations, bougies, Instruments, rings, or car dials, pointing out a mode of cure utoueo ccr .tainaiul effectual, by which every sutferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, piiva'tly, and radically. This lecture will piove a boon to thousands and thousands Sent under seal, to any address, In a plain scaled envelope, on tho receipt of tlx cents, or two postago stamps, by addressing tlio pub lishers. Also, Dr. CULVERVVBLL'8 "Marriage Guide," pi ico 2i cetts. Address the publishers, CIIAS J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post OIHco No. 4G8G. - mar2t:'iili-ly $1,500 PER YEAR I We want agents every where to sell our ihcrovkd fe.'o Sewing Machines. Three now .kinds. Under nud upper feed. Warranted five years, Abovo salary or largo commissions paid. Tho only machines sold In I he United States for less than $40, which aro fully licens ed by Howe, Wheeler A Wilson, Grover A Raker, Singer & Co., and Bach elder. All other cheap machines, aro Infringements and the seller or user arc liable to arrest, fine and linprissonment. Circulars freo. Address or call upon Shuw & Clark, Bkldeford, Mains or Chicago, 111. '-' Jan. 1 7-1 y. lVotloe - TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA I tl'in will bo made at tho next Session ol the Pennsylvania. Legislature,' by the Odd Fe lows Association, nt Wayncsburg, Greene county, Pa., to ehango the name of the same to the Exchasoh Bask of vyatnksmiho. Also, to authorize said bank to Issue stock in shares of tity dollars each, the whole not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars. J03. F. RANDOLPH, Julyll,'6(!.-(Jni. President 00O A MONTH !-AfcNTs wanted for six entirely new articles, Just out. sddres sO. T. GARSY, City Building, Bldds feed, Mint. JM17,'5.-1T. AND BAY TBIK HI OF . "Little Greene," DIJN'T r.E IIUMBUaiOD! DON'T BUY YOUR CLOTHING, Of one horse pedlars who-" carry nothing but a class of GOODS yon could not give away in tlio cit',.nnd who tiro a set of shoddy men ! who deal in nothing but shoddy clothing ; who don't pay one cent to support the govern ment pr lighten your taxes ; who stay all night at your linuso and In tho morning pny tho bll with a pair of suspenders or a pair of gloves that cost not less than the magnificent sum of 2'i cents ! If you make It) ct nts off r.f thtm your neighbor is robbed of ifio.uo to make It up. But buy your clothing of N. CLA11K &S0N Who will deal honestly nnd fairly with you and give you VALUE RECEIVED for every dollar vnu mav anend.''v We want you to come and seo us and wo will show you goods that tho best dressed men that walk BEOADWAY! would not bo ashamed of. Wo aro Just opt n- . uig a new sioctc o . WINTER CLOTHING Both Mens' nnd Boys', which for in Ico and' quality wo challenge competition. Wo will soil you Overcoats troin l to $in.ou less than any cstntmshment in Pittshurgli, and Suits from $" to $15.00 less. Wo have a largo . . slock of all tho newest nnd best style In tlio market, among waicn in tno urivor Hut, tlio l'lanters' Hat, Iheiilstorl, the Croquet, the Bismurk and- othcrs. A full line of GenU" furnishing goods equal to any city furnishing store. Drawers and Underbills, Wool and white shirts, Sus penders. Uloves, Wool mid Ootton Socks, nnd 50 doz. ties of a I shades nnd colors, plain and fancy, somo stvles ym cannot find in any store this side of New York City. Thanking you for your past liberal patron age, wo nsk you to biing your friends and nctahbois in and wo v, ill prove nil we say. iwo oonrs west ot tiio Adams House anil nearly opposite .Campbell's cornciv Main Street. May Id, ly. TlRFFxTiTTMENT! THE PROPOSED IMPEACHMENT -OF- H.EINEHABT! FOR. SELLING CHEAP GROCERIES! TTAVING .1UST RETURNED FROM THE Jt l city, ho hus opened tno largest New Grocery in town. Ho des'res to Inform the citizens of Wayncsburg nnd vicinity of the care ho have taken in selecting stock, having on hand avood supply of CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO. CI GAUS, TAU. nlso. PROVISI ONS, BACON, DRIED REE?' l'OTATOE S FISH, DHIED PEACHES, Call and seo lf.m as ho has been gelling a MEW SUPPLY You will And hlm accomodating, and can sell lower than any ono in tho place, lie suru to go to tlio right place, In LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. oppoMtotho Court House, and formerly oc cupied by the Post OIUcc. ap!8,'li(i.-tf LNOW IS THE TIME ! A. J. SOWERS Has just returned Irom the East with a largo BU CK Ul CLOTHING which ho will sell cheap for cash. Come and see Over Coats from $5 to $38 Dress Coats from $10 01) to 80 00 Bu's. " " no to no oo RiMt nil wool units from 20 00 to 0 00 Boit Union Stilts 0 00 to 20 00 UNDER SHIRT. PKAWJSKSJ, HATS AND CAPS, NECKTIES, GLOVES, FINE SHIRTS And a general assortment for Hon and Roys wctir. . Oh 1 do not forget that the cblll winds of Are plorclng and cold to tho body exposed ; It your gai menu are lorn ana ienu ",luri Come quickly to Sowuits' and get yoursoir Rooniin Allison's building, aynesburg, ptti . BoT,'6e.m. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. nfitt ...... j .11 latmafnrhfln1rrifiv. honn- V HI IllMJIIU Vl - -1 . -- ty and pensions of soldiers and their representa tives. 11)0 JrOnniUua i" tiiu iiiiiwvtiiid viwMnig i .mm SiH in A1A and SUA ner month. and w dows tor children uuder sixteen years .. .M. .1. wl sjli per muiiui ' t 1st. i nose wnii iibvd iiwiuia Bigut ui Dour eyes, the use of both hands, or otherwise total ly disahled and lncspacituted from performing manual labor. 2d- AU widows having children under six teen years of age sre entitled to 2 per month additional for eaoh child. ' 8d. Guardians representing the minor eW Jrmt of soldiers are entitled to the same increase at if th Bother wu living. aug.l,'-tf "IB yoars estubllHhod In N. Y. City ""j Binino remeuics Known." rn:e iroin 1'oinons." 'Not dangerous to the TTnmm F'mi'y . "Rate eorue out of their holes to die. M "Costa rs" Rat. Roach, Ac;, Extirh'D Is a iwste used for Rats, Mice, Roaches. ' Black and Red Ants. &c,, Ac. "C'ostaii's" Heii'-Biio Exikmmiiiator1 Is a liquid r wnsii used to destror, nnd vlto i.s s preventative lor Bed-Bug's, "(War " Ei.KCTnio Powukb For Ixskcti Js lor .Mollis, Mosquitoes; Fleas, Bub Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Aiimwli, ifcc. . . Will Biiwabb ! 1 I of all worthless Init. tiilions. fySee that "Costar's" nnmn fa nn asich Box. Dot lie and Flask, before you buy. U-Auiire-s, IIKjIKY R. UINTAH, 481 Broadway, N. Y. ' CsTSvId In Waynesbiug. Pa., WB.P Hotl'inan & Robert. And all Druggists and Retailers. eiery where. "COST A RS" CKLKIIBATKD SALVE, I' or Cuts, Bums. Bruises. Woiinda. Rilta. Cancers, Broken Breasts, 8oro Nipples. Bleed ing, Blind and Painful Plies ; Scrofulous, Putrid and 111 conditioned Bores'i Ulcera. Flandular Swellings, Eruptions Cutaneous Affections, Ringworm, I ch, Corus. 'Bunions, -Chilhinins, Ac ; Chapped Hand', lips, Ac.i Bites Ofbplders, Insects, AnUnals. Ac , Ac. C3-Boxes, 25 cts., SO cts., and $1 slzs. tarooia uv nn Druggists everywhere. sa-Anu ny uksbt U. tJoiTAB' Uepol 484 Broadway, N. Y. S-And by Hoffman & Roberts, Wsyiwsburg:, Penn'a- c o s r a it UNIVERSAL S" Corn Solvent, for thorns, Bunions, warla, Ac. e-yBoxes. 2.rcls,fi0 cts., and $1 sizes. CirSoM ly all Druggists everywhere. CaTAnd by Hkskt It Costar, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. ' ea-And bj Hoffman & Roberts, Wayncsburg, . UI1U II i "COSTAR'S" ' PREPARATION of Bitter-Sweet AND ORAiYGE BLOSSOMS For Benutifylng the Complexion. Used to Soften and beautify the Skin, re move Freckles. Pimples, Eruptions, Ac. Ladles arc now using it in preference to all others C7-Bottl-s; $1. CJ-ohl bv all Drllirirlnta avsmlnn. i CrAnd by IU.nut R. Costar, Depot 484 Broadway, N. Y. fcj-And by Hoffman Roberts, Wayncsburg. Penu'a. . "COSTAR'S" . , PKCTORAL .; Cough Remedy, Fur Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup. Whooping Cough, Influenza Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affecdons, and all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. ea-Bnltlcs. 2B cts., BO cts., andfl sires. eySold by ail Druggists everywhere. fej-And by Hkhrt R. Costar, Depot 484 Broad wa v, N- ' ' itfu And'by Hoffman A Roberts, Waynesburg, Penn's. ' " C O 8 T A U 1 S " ' CELKBRATKH Bishop Pills, A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, ' For Nervous nnd Sick Headache, Costivenest, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Consump tion Diarrhea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and senernl deinngement of the DlireHtlvo Orsans. Boxes, 2ft cts., SO cts,, (I sizes. oola ny en Druggists everywhere. na ny mknry ii uostar. jjeiot 484 Broadway, N. Y. And by Hoffman St Robert, Waynes burg, Pa. ' i bot. 14, tt.-tm. 't f ' .' .