The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, November 28, 1866, Image 2

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    She pqiuhlicmi
mmsiMP0 era
-w " 17 -i-N-
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Thero is occasionally sudJeu leiips ta
ken in the onward jjgging of humanity
that more forcibly impresses us with iho
.conviction that, tho J,worl J. moves !'-
audi, tor instanco as thu recent stand
made by the Democracy (so t-a'led) in
favor of the Constitutional Amendment
and impartial suffrage. It is a nasty
dose, but will prove nn eflleient purgative
at soon qs it is effectually down. Some
of their -shining lights and most influen
tial novyspspevs prescribo it as the all.
healing panacea for (ho 'national disord
er. What they shall adopt as party
creed after the darkey has been d'sposed
of, remains to be developed. No more
"nigger," no more Democracy, in The
common acceptation of that term. This
practical acknowledgement cf the law
'equal justice to all men" embraces the
ground work of republicanism. Upon
what other platform then is the Deinsc
racy to be reconstructed t If it is not
that of Siato Mights and secession it must
bo that of republicanism. Stranger things
have happened, ami wo may jet hear
Buchanan or Purman address their tel.
low-citizens tf Greene as advocates ot
negro suffrage 1 Who knows ?
Tur. Constitutional AmcYitTmen'13. wo hope,
will yet rive that party (Radical) to its center,
ns "the scalding winds liavo rived tlio knotty
oaks.'1 Tim ht them look to their firesule.s fir
ulinict lotmm 'J'urtarvs, and learn a lesson from
tieiite'o tlie ijuillotin isls.'SeliinlAla. Times.
Wb do not pi t tend to say but that
some journalists of the Sou h ore clear
sighted and sensible enough to seo the
"course of empire,"and perceiving, treat
the engrossing topics in such reasonable
language a their situation and surround
ings may dictate but certainly theie is
no cause for such otitcroppings of vin
rtielivc ) and pelnler.eo as is display,
cd in the abTlvo paragraph. It is an ill.
..: .! 1 .1... .... .
t ui;m;ci vision mat portrays SUCH & III
t tttro for the n-roiit nnrtu'...l. li.,o U..W,
f-) - - f 1 ' J " 1 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 II .3 UtMIV
its hopes of a secure and purely demo
emtio government upon the firm basit of
tho Constitutional Amendments. The
question of the leniency, the, justice, the
iiccessiiy of these guaranties lias timeand
again been presented to the people, not
lo their detriment as the popular vofce
lias declared. And, let it bo remember,
cd, that the same hands which now ten.
der this most reasonable plan of recon
struction to tho revolted states, struck
hard blows during tho last six years in
defence of their principles. The South
ern. press should not dUudo their read
ers in the belief that there is no power
beyond the declaration by ballot. The
l.'nnn ufla ivtinn ftfiM.! tl,.. Un..l.n....
n .u , mil w.vj uilU iUU UUUIIICIII
heart" -and with what effect! Let the
.. devastated state ot their country, the
little mounds that dot their vales and
( hills, answer. The nu n whom they now
deem their friend are not more numer
ous than when they cried "Peace 1"
then that cry was hailed with eager wel
) uorae it was the siren which lured them
to destruction. The voices of seeming
sympathy heard from the North, if lis.
v tnnoil to. will finr:iiii nrnvn n rnnnt':inn nf
their folly.' The North ill control the
South fir some time to como and the
iiooncr they adopt the Constitutions
fAraoudtiicuU tho sooner will this sur
oillanco be removed.
.fr-M. , .
The Erie Diapntch says that the choice
of the members tor United Slates Sena.
'tor will undoubtedly be as follows:
Chrtlu 40 i Cameron 12 i Forney 19
Stevens 7 Grow 7. The Union Kepub.
liuau caucus will consist of S3 members,
whiJi by the above vote will leave 7
unaccounted for. ' Placo them as you
will if will not nffoot the election of Cur
tin. .. .. i '
' This qucstio.f seems to be the alt-ab-
.WlUlilg lUfJlU lfIIJUII- UIU "llMfOniuimiB lib
i . ..... ..i ..
firosent. Oovoinor Cdrtin, no doubt,
will bo elected. He is ablv Qualified to
reproient the interests of our Stato and
- ' ' f A
tlioso ot our country, and has a strong
I'.old upon tho affections of the people
but there is another, who, from patri
arohial devotidn, firmness and boldness
in the cause of human liberty, we think
equally deserving ot tho high honors of
the position, and fit eaocossor to the mis
ernbitf dupe that now fills it. Tiiadokus
Stkvkns the great American Comnionor,
the founder of our free suhool system,
the "sU'rn-slatesman" of the' North, is
tub mas t And Greene Count, hod she
voloo, wculd say so, . ;,,
Gun. Giiant will be chosen President
Jn 1808.' To preclude tlio possibility of
his assassination we would suggest that
Qkn. D. F, BiJTMtn be placed on the
ticket as Vice President. .
Westfiold, Hamilton county, Indians,
; givo 785 Republican votes to none tor,
the Democracy.
Gilmoretowubhip, of this county, was
equally divided in tho last election, giv
ing sixty three votes for eauh candidate,
from Governor down to county auditor.
Quite ' political novelty. .
Hoiiaok Gmkklkv is.t-poken of for U.
S. Senator from New York, and i sup
ported by tho Time. He u undoubted
ly one of the ablest politicians and states
men that S'ate affords, and tho position
"is one which could be gracefully confer
ed upon him by its Legislature.
The Washington Republica ot Nov.
15th, the family organ of the President,
contains a very angry attick upon tho
Chicago 77wtes anI the Democrat gen
orally, from which we take the extract
printed below. The course ot tho lie
publican, like that ot tho New York
Times, ihe Pittsburg R public, and the
other 'Hrcad-and-BuUor" 0'gans, clear,
ly indicates that the President is resolv.
ed to put the knife to tho so-called Cop.
pcrheads. Should this policy be colore
ed with any degree of consistency, tho
rule of tho Dumocratio leaders hero and
elsewhere is over. Fven the Hon. Mr,
Iiindall, of tho First district, will have
to choose bctweou Johnson and the
Deinocraiiu party. The extract from
the Republican, carefully read, will
prove tho truth of all our prophcoio that
the Democrats havo only supported
Johnson tor plunder, while Johnson was
foolish enough to believe they meant
principle. If wo dared to believe that
Johnson would be logical in anything
honest, wo might anticipate something
liko submission to the decree ot the hal
lot-box. and the conditions of Congress
to tho Southern Slates But let us wait
events, meanwhile tendering our fervent
sympathy to the Democrats, who are
alrea ly beginning to foul that in assis
ting Andrew Johnson to make war upon
his own friends, they simply aided a bad
man to bring them to disgrace and ruin
After printing the article from the
Chicago Tim'is the Republican says i
' From this" article we learn, in sub
stance, that the Copperhead, or Demo-.
cralio party, after violating all their
pledges mado at the Philadelphia Na
tional Union Convention to abandon
their parly organization and joiu a pure
ly conservative National Uuon party,
and in consequence of such violation
having been repudiated in every State
ot tho Union holding elections since,
exceiit two. have determined unnii two 1
things, namely; to deolarc
. . . . I
First. Tha. their defeat was "attnbu
table more largely" to tho Adminisiru
lion ot President Johnson than to "all
other causes combined." and, therefore,
thnt they repudiate nud denounce it.
Second. That negro sull'i aoe is inovi-
table, und mu,-t be met ns a lite saving
measure to the Democratic party, then,
tore, the Democracy ot the Northwest
are in favor of qualified suffrage to the
negro, und will recommend it to the
Southern Mluti.u an n tif'n.uni'iiirv inn'iianrn
for them. ,
We aro glad tho Times' editor has
sltown his hand and has turned lo abas- ,
i, 1 1,.. pruyi.i.,( ....A (....,.....
He has removed the mask which he and
his friends put on at I hiladelphia and ',
,i-r., wh.oi ii..,u Mmi l,..r. in ... ,n ,.o.i.
vsw nnvii niv ! vuiuv hum v V""' Mm-- . .4. .... " 1 tit a" lrt
late f.e President and ask for offices.- ; ? ,W,;y: ""V0"; tt
Tho President, wouldn't reoomiizo tho cd throughout tho South, at.d every man
j ne 1 lesiuxni wouicii i ri cognize ine fa m,rfrm ,., x.e labor
same countenances now Ihey uve.w"ona n pan .o pi noun 1.1 1. 1. .auo.
chan""d There is a singlenvm of pur ' ot 1,10 ',lUil i:nJe l',vicc man
pose now in their programme. Hereto ,
tore they were oiie-faced. ' We have '
but a word to say to such creatures as '
arc represented by the Timet : i
Fird. We have the consciousness of
knowing that they cover stung us, be
cause we always dr. aded reptiles and
never took I tem lo onr liosOm Whtor
they made their slimy appearance at
Philadelphia we struck at iliem and
drove Ihetn cut of the convention, ns
St Patrick drove snakes out of Ireland,
Second. We know ihey were d'shon
est towards the President when they put
Clymcr up in Pennsylvania and Hoffman
in New York, striking Dix down in the
latter Slate They deserved what they
got in both States defeat.
Third' They acknowledge now, whot
wo always contended they desired,
namely, the success ot the old Demooru
tic parly, rugnrdless of principles, policy.
or men.
Fourth. Wo ore sntishYd now, as vve
.. . ' l"
always nave oeen, mat -the Democratic
par'y went to Philadelphia for no othtr
purpose than to obtain place and power,
and not on account of any love they
bore lo Preuidcm Johnson or' the policy
ot the Administration.
Fifth. That the Times' proposition
about qualified suffrage is dishonest,
else it would have adopted that princi
ple when President Johnson urged it
upon Congress in April and July last.
Sixlfr That if the Copcrheiids of tho
Chicago Time stripe had ' not thtust
themselves upon tho Philadelphia Con
vention and intruded themselves into
every town, city, county, district and
State convention afterwards, to poison
the politics of each Slate against tho Ad
ministration and in favor . ot extreme
radicalism, the,, restoration policy of
Andrew Johnson would ere this havo
been vindicated , and recognized at the
polls by the honest American people.
The misrepresentations ot such infamous
ioumals has retarded restoration and
produced the present misunderstanding
bet eon the President and congress.
The Chicago Tims and its politioal
associates will oo'nfer a gieat favor upon
tho President and his real friends it they
will form a society of their own and no
longor impose thoniselves npon a party
where they are not wsntod,
' Oid operations on Dunkard are gener
ally suspended. Many are awaiting the
developments to ba made by tha 'shaft. '
Valley Spirit.
"Business Pliosi'Kcrs. The New York
Tribune of the 17th Inst, saysi The
iky grows so squ illy that business U
mreatcned with stagnation. Manufac
turers are stopping their works bocause
they eau uo longer place their goodsi
merchants are selling little in ln pres.
... i . . 1.
eiit. unii tvisli thny una Boia i "
Thu South ins been irlutteU with
.uitlv fibrics which' sho does not need
nud cannot pay fori and protests on
mercantile papers aro unoomlyrtahly
plentiful. The eight Wall street firms
which regulate the pioo4jf gold,' making
it cheap when they havo ' it to lend and
dear when they choose to call i.4n, are
at their wits and to keep op the premi
urn, and would be utterly swumpud it
Secretary MiCwlh'dt wottldonly buy up
and extinguish some kind of Public Deli'
with his surplus gild. Tho 0rn crop
being large, thu West is full of ling
and the great operators who milling'1 tin
Pork tnaiket daio'not buy and puck t
tho prices ot last yeai, and are compell
cd to let thu matkel settle, to their owi
heavy loss Nobody wants to hold Hut
ter and Cheese at current ratesi Heel
and Mutton, though Mill high, are (al
ling, for Poultry is so ohuap Mid ab'itt
dant that thu poor can't nffot'd to en
Beef. Our market is glutted with pro.
iliieo and tahrii's; and all know that
unless there shall be a fresh debum-h nt
Paper Monty, prices ot everything must
bo lower.
TION. At a meeting in nid of tho Pennsylva
nia Branch ot the Freedmau's Union
Commission held in Philadelphia, Nov.
22nd, Cliief.Justiee Chase presided,
During his opening speuvh to tho largo
and select audience, he said :
It has always seemed lo mo the part
ot true statesmanship to connect, tiras
practicable, the. work of the government,
with (he voluntary action of the people,
and one of thu most interesting features
ot this work is the f.icl is realized in it.
The people throughout the country act
voluntarily in their associations. You
have come here to night as men and wo.
mo;: inspired in a great public wjik.and
you act in co.operaii n w th iiie govern
nc:.t in ac'iiig in its sphere with energy,
omVicnc) , and I trn?l with the best re
sults. There is then, a higli "propn. ty,
as it seems to me, ihut thoso ot us who
have taken part in this great work in thu
bcgiMiiug, should continue to lake part
in it, ni'd I see nothing inconsistent in
my reluiiou which any 'rson can hold
to tho government with taking' nil uc-
live part in this work, und I wish to say
. 1 . I ll .L .
nerc, aim now, once aim tor an, tnai
those who wish to comment nud censure
may comment and censure, that when 1
find myself in any position iiiunnipnlihlo
w ith labor for the poor, the needy and
the oppressed, thai position shall noi
hold me. Cheers What are we doing!
We are endeavoring to carry forward a
work begun by the government, and
which is not mainly under the ehargenf
the government V hut arc wo doing I
We arc endeavoring to carry the bless'
. V t I. .1. '
i rigs ot educa'ion to every person oi iw
South who desires to obtain ihem.; Our
uf ar pai t cnlariy ttireo ed to tlio
eaucnuon oi out cum..., .
men thev who ncea u ine most. v tint
will be the result it this wo-k goes on
llltlJ b' tIllJ stfo:ig arm and cheered
bv thuwarin asnii'ulious of a generous
He was bit .re, uineie nuj inrm
thal 1 U 1,1,1 ,,u! btbor. r, thj
ill.vl tv n-e. thri.-e, and even
ten times, ns vnlttable to the community
" uneducated nnd unskilled? It e iit-
c'l,io,) 0,1,1 ,IU "liTtitt:l throughout th. so
"'"""i "' wlll education yo tho purer
ini mnier namn m iuiiij.v",
lain that peace ami prosperity, with nil
ineir messing w in como upun mm iuhui
Then lei us go on with this work. Let
us hail everything which aids and en-
courages a settlement ot the difficulties ur 0 )Q fln in.,og,ng Rj,
whioh now perplex the country, lhe." , , .
President ot the United States has offer , committees hive nil been
ed to the South his terms of re-organka-lion
nnd readmission to pninioipniion in
the political power of the country. The
Congress ot the United States has offer',
ed its terms, aiid I will take the liberty
here to say that I think a more gener
ou an, mor magnanimous proposition
. was nover submitted to a people thai
l,au, bt'en 111 fbelHon limn the Amoi d
' .. i.: .... i i 1 i... o ...
ineut vt hich has been proposed by Con
gress C .eers.l Now, it those commu
uilies which hnvo been in rebellion
against I'be governnitut have anything
better to' propose, it they think there is
a better mode, a more generous mcde, a
mode better calculated lo eecuro the
peace, harmony and prosperity of thir
great laud, let them come forward and
propose it, and the people will listen and
Judge, tor in this country, thank God, il
is the people who listen and judge of ev
ery proposition which is submitted. I
hope tor the best I know what the na
'tare ot passion and prejudice is. They
are violent for a season, but they are
transient and pass speedily awaj. Alter
a little while they cease to infiuenct
men s minds. I trust that the passion
and piejupices of this hour adverse ti
freedom, adverse to jmiioe, advere to
human progness, will also pass away,
and that everything connected with tin
trreat Question ot restoration will In
calmly considered, but I trust, too, tha
the people will never consent to any ar
arrangement which does not insure th
permanent peace, tranquility, union an
prosperity of this land. Cheers,
Tiiani seems to be a lottlcd purpos
on the part of the administration to ge
this country embroiled with both Frann
and England, and for tha express pir
poss of giving the lata rebels a cliaite
in make their own terms of reponstru.
tlon, or to renew tbs struggle with f''el
hopes. , -
The Washington It publican one ol
President Johnson's organs in its issue
of Nov. 20tli devotes nn aniole to the
'Suffrage' question, in which it make
soinu admission as to tho views ot Prcni.
lit it ftliitmtst uilit..1i u.lll ul...iL I ftii urn.
wu" "" """"" i""
.lessen inotuis oi ilia rrcmiltril. mo says i 'Siiffrngu should be
conferred by the Slates, ihm right lining
guaranteed to each Slatu by the Con
stitution. Andrew Johumiii is in favor
ot tiiahlieu suffrage lii.Tvuntsiti M AS s
iliseii d that State, I lu auiliorr.ntl us,
In behall ol thu Chlel ICnonitlve of I lie
nation, to uigtt qualified nullrsgn for
tin etit'!ns ot eoloiii.l mini t,'ihls Di
I net, in April last, mid m hi iiiggitntinii
we renewed iho pinpnnliloii ssln in
Inly, niily ith.iut one week liclorii ('on
ress adjourned, Wp tok npnulal pnln
in notify seveial ILnllml Hi'imiois sad
lieiireseutnllvt'S wIiomium iiimlruis In.
pitreis on tint suhji'i't llntl l'l'
lent was III I'svnr id' lhn.iiu prup'iti'i
in ti.o Ifrpuhlu'tin Tint ICfi1)inl4 wri
alVald to touch the qiiioillnn, and wnt
homo to their ceveiiil Nliilts nl tihi'k.
guarded tho I'lesldellt, and ilei:lriJ that
hit wss opposed In enttMiiliiji lh rl('hl
ol siillVauu to Iho hlick limn ' Andrnw
Johnson Is in lavoi' ft moiu ir blark
man in Tciincsm e, as t il ! "f lbt
State i lie suggested In UnV, Nlinikey,
of Missi-sippl, moiol'oi' lint colored men
of that Slate, and n quoted nml auilio
rizod us to in go tipnii Cnii,'ri'"s, at ihi)
last session , more for ihn ridored men
of this. District than Chailoi Sumner or
Henry Wilson, or any ether Congress
nriu of Massachusetts ever urg'd for the
colored mew of their Slain No colored
man who fought in thu Union army, or
who owns property, no matter how
much, can vote in Massachusetts unless
he can read and write. President John
sou goes beyond that. lie Is in favor
of granting suffrage to all colored men
wherever the constitution gives hi") tho
power to do it who can r"iid and write,
or who served honorably in the Union
army, or who owns property to the ex.
tout of two hundred and fifty dollars and
upward. The only differeueo between
the President and Congress it, thai tho
former believes that, under the Consti
tution, each State has the right to settle
the question of suffi age itself. Congress
assumes iho light to impose upon the
Stales, Constitution or t o Constitution.
AVasiiinotos. November 21.
Tho course ot liiu Secretary of the
Treasury in offering to receive Iroin the
banks compound interest, no'es ill par
and iiitciost, in payment, of their ohliga.
lior.s to the Treasury, has restored confi
denuo ar.d stayed the panic.
The Attorney General hid an inter
view with the President today, on the
question of pardoning Major (Seneral
atuart, ol the reiiei army, lie was
. 1 .1. If .! .
ancrwarus pariioneu, me application nn-
, indorsed bv General Grant and othe
A Southern editor, who had an inter.''
view with Jeff. Davis on yesterday,
represents him ns in improved health,
,,,i ,!,,,,. ii,.,,, m ,, o,,,,,,,i,,
nil's hum v wuniniuiia " v "j'v' "J
release from prison. He spoke appro.
, i ' n
vinglv o President Johnson's course to.
war tin-' South, and believed Hint he
, Would remain Arm in bis present posi
' fio.torg fl(1,i , Tn,
j " "ma I o ght senators ami nine Uep.
resentatives have arrived to remain for
tlle session,
i Additional instructions trnro sent by
special messenger to New Yoikou fri
day, to General Dix, to go out in tho
steamer in which he sailed.
The mass welcome to Congress bids
ithering. The
at work, and
report excellent progress. 1 he prcct ss
ion will be large, while it is believed
llint the banquet will be A brilliant nffa'r.
Cono'ii'si will assemble on the third of
December. A cordial reception will bo
given the loyal body by the citizens of
Washington. The President is busy
preparing bis message, winch promises
to be an important document. It has
received, that is so much as is completed,
the approval of thu Cabinet Ho will
endorse a plan submitted liy (he Secre
tary of tho Treasury tor a return to spo.
tin payments. It is said that ho is in
favor of universal suffrage but is oppos
ed to any National legislation upon tho
Ot tho Senate a President pro tern will
be chosen.- As that officer becomes tl e
toting Vice President ol (he United
States, considerable Importance is at
tached to the forthcoming election. It
is not improbable that the choice will tall
pon Hen. Wado, of Ohio, but lie is bit
'erly opposed by Mr. Chase, since the
dd feud between thoso two gentlemen
km not died out with timo.
It is said that a bill has lccn prepared
o introduce the first week nt Dm Minn.
epealing theactof July 18112, which, if
ssseo, win prevent ilia I'reildent from
ardoning rtbels till after Ibey hava
leen tried and oonvioted
Tint buoyancy of the Nov Vorlj mar
tot, whioh hsi been maintained tor lev
ral days, broke down on Saturday, and
' i prehensions of a decline 4n price to
tverflgurt, than they have yet gone,
wr entertained. Gold left off tl88J.
Gov. Swsnn Sustainkii On tho ISlh I
inst.J Judo lluitol, ot Jlaltimoro, ren
dered his decision in the habeas corpus
case. ' He sustains tho power of the
Governor to remote tho Police Comiuis
sioners. and declares that the aotiou of
Judge Bond, of the Criminal Court, in
holding the uew Commissioners to bud,
and committing tlicju in def mil, to keep
tho peace against the old Co omission-
em, and not to seek to exercise any of
the functions of Police Commissioners
until their e'auns should bo decided by
the courts, was wholly unwarranted,
and that t' e Ju Igu of the Criminal
Court had no S'lthorily to issue Such an
order. That the power of (huGovcnor
lo remove was perfect,, his aitlon final.
sod from It there could be no appeal
Thu nest Coinmnsioners will at once
lintel up on the duties of their office,
PmcM Mcsr Ontv. Down Ilecvis,
V the l!olii TfiKrlbr of the iiOlh,
lint sold rtrS'lilv (or ?l-'f).i head loo
weeks sgo would not bring fjlOO lo day
Hhecp Hint went readily al an average
ill t'i a picco then, would be sold at 51
now; and hogs that cost '.h; a pounl in
('h'lcng.' were sold in N'ew Ymk l.'ot
week at 7 J". I 'oik declined 2J50 a
bum I la it week, and tho decline this
! iii'mi'i l,-i iiiifoiiuic.l to lite extraordi
nary total of ill "Ti. Fr.ur extensive
pork dealers at New Yoik liive been
Cniiclli;d ti) sii'pciid, and it is feared
(hat others will bo forced into the same
position The immediate cause of this
collapse in prices is an ovei loaded uiarke',
but there is likely to be no reaction, ro
tar as pork is concerned. J
Was'iisotox, Nov. 20. The United
St iles Treasury to-day held 91,500,000
of gold j of which 70.QOO,(!0() belong lo
the Government and the balui cc is lu Id
on L'old certific.itcs.
t Hhoth'ys Office, )
Wayncshurg, Nov. 20, Ir'liti. f
iHiiti, cotmnencing on the iird Monilnv.
bhongh vs Kinney's heii'9, No. !", be)ttinbcr
Term, 1857.
Shelliy vs Dunham, No. 02, Sept. Term, 18(52.
Stephens vs Carrcll. No. 102, Slareh Turin. '113
Crailick vs Duuu & Owens, No. f4, December
Term I8IKI.
Iiiliriim vs Hook, No. 128, Juno Tertn, 18IU.
Jlilkr vs Miller, No. tin, Jlareh Teim. IK(!.-..
Shiirpneek vsCurl, No. 104, Jlareh Trim, 'tio '
W i'son vs Olivet! No. III., Juno T. imii
Auhl vs Aul.l, No. 14, Sept. T. I8r
Camphell va Williams No. Ill, Sept. T. ISfil.
iMaple vs l'rl..r, et ill.. No. 7, Dec. T, 1 K" 0. '
Ueuuett vs Bcolf, No. fll, Dec. Term, IH(!.-.
Messenger vs Richhill lp., No. Ill, Dec. T.,
Ilicknmn vs Hickman, No. tl, March T. ISHfi.
Nichols vs Aihii'rs Nichols, No. III1,. March !
Term, 1 Still.
Spotv vs Ruliler OU Companv, No. 131, .
March Term. IHiiti.
ShriviirvsShilver, No 140. March I8U. I
Mi.lUn vs auyers, No. 184, March T , MOO.
Hiiienart vs Viuidrutr. No. 'j, June T , ISliR.
SprinjjhillcTp., vs. Leuuiioiis, No. 1 ".", June ,
Term, I soil. j
Richcy vs Stewart, et. til., No. I(!. Juno
Term, I fill!. J. i TE.MI'LE,
nov 2d tc. rroltionotary
Iii the Orphans'' com t or said county,
rVnteillher Kl.ilSI'.n. Mm nnenimt nt Rillil.
Dmko. Adm'r of Levi liurson. d e'd., bein '
pMscntetl showing it balance In his hands Jof
t:!5.7i wa refined to I A. Knox as au
Auditor to distribute, An,
To all ncrsons Interusloil. Likn lidtlcn : that
inpursuanco of said authority I will meet
persons who desire lo be tlio oillco
of E. M. Buyers. Esq., In WsynesburB. on
Wednefdiiv the I .MU ol Dec. next, lo distribute)
tho fund. 1 A. KNOX,
nov.28-8t Auditor.
iTEOGiupiiy..niTnoir a tkaciIkh.
prove of vast Inipoilanco to persons
wishing to tako notes, transfer sermons or
speeches nun manuscript, it may ha Ac
quired in a short timo. Price, ' postpaid, AO
cents. .Address . A. R. WOOD,
Box 101, Wayuesbtirg, Ps,
novSS 2mo.
A SE V QSI AC! 1 1 N E
Wilcox & Ollihs' celebrated nnlsless Sew
ing Machines olferetl ns premiums for subscri
1807. The Homo Magii.ine Is now so well
known to tho rending public, tint wo need
scare ly repeat what lias so often been said,
Hint. Its editors regard litctaturn ns something
higher tlinn it simple art, 1 hat its rrowning
excellence Ihey consider Its power for good.
And so thny will ever seek lo make thu Homo
Magazino tho minister of all things pure and
noble i Iho toucher, whether by story, poem
or essay, that only as men live by tlio "Uolden
Rale" can they be wise r happy.
In order Hint our lady renders thrnughonl the
country may have true styles of dress, we
have placod our FAS U ION Department lu
the hands of
M'mo Demorcst, of New York.
Tills lady has become tho arbiter of fashion
In the United States, ond It Is gratifying to
know that her taste Is pui'o and womanly.
copy SVJ.oOj 3 copies for tjHa .1 cnplns, nnd one
extra to getter up of club I0 I) copies, and
one extra, $IA 14 copies, and one extra, $21.
Siunplo Mob. 20 cents.
sMrFor premiums we lmyo selected s pair
of charming pictures ''Tim Deimrture of th'
Swallows," nnd "Th Iirturn qftlit Swnllowi,"
Oni of theso picture will he sunt to each per
son from whom wo receive, a club of subscri
bers as above. One will nlso'bnsont in each
Ingle subscriber who studs us f'i.BO fir the
Home Mngngln.
For l wo Kind tho '-IToino Magsailno" and
tho "Children's Hour," Mr, Arthur's now ma
gazine for tho 'Little Ones." For we
send Homo Mngaiilno and "Lady's Book."
For ajrt.50 we send Die threo ningaadnis Just
named, .
The maclilno'we offer (Wilcox & Globs') Is
the No. 2, s described In tho manufacturers'
list, cash price (), furnished with hpnimor.
feller and braider. This machine has become
household lavorlto on sooount of Its wise,
loss, rapidity snd ensy mnnngomont. A child
can work It. , , .
For AO luhiorther tho Ilnme Magazino snd
$ 100 ws send nno of those machines. But In
order to enable Ihoss who csnnot procure so anhsnrllinra to set machine. WS hsVS
so srrsnged the offor that, by ths "dilltlon of
ssiimat'ovewbstmay bs mcurud for sub
sorlpilnns, of irrm R to fun. sooordlnB to
ilsf nfllsi, sny one may ohtalaa machine.
Send mi osiils for specimen number of Homo
Msgnslne snd gpl mil psriioiists,
Public Sale I
I Siiuriiv ir.Ui of DECEMBER next. 18(10.
tnv residence on which I now rcbltlo. at the
HiuctloD of Ih" turnpike lcaillnir from Wnvnes-
tuirif to Cameron, mm iroin v nvnegonm to
Mlddlehourn. West Va , one ond llifriu-l'ourlli
miles West of Wsyncsburg. Coutuinlng
103 jOIFIIUS !
or llicreabouts. nno hundred and twenty five
acres ol' which a o cleared unit under a Inuh
state of cultivation, with a (,'ond Cranio house,
tenant lmusu and a larce new tramo liuuK
burn. A laree qiiautil y of select fruit.
The farm is one of the most desirable for
farniinii or grazing in the comity, It may ho
divided in two parcels to suit pirch isers, di
viding by the Ktuto mad. or if not sold sooner
the whole will he sold on that day.
Bale to comni'in '0 st 111 o'clock. Terms
made known on day of sale.
N'ov.!il-u THOMAS HILL.
HorsB ant Cattle Powders.
Thli prfparatlon,
Iodk and fuvuritbly
knuwn, will tlior
oilKhly ninvlgornta
bniki-n-down anil
low-ftlrltst horwi,
by itrenstlifnltiK
and eleanxinR tl.a
itoroacb and lutea
title. It If a lure pre-Ti-ntlva
of all dla
rawa Incident ta
I'll, animnl,
(JO I'll IIS, HIS.
KNF.IOi, lu
aw Improve! the
w I a 1 ,
Old appetite- Rives
a sinoMtli and . jy .Wl,
i-M.y .Kln-and &-u5
tran.romi. t li a "-.i-?
mivralile ikcletoa Into a flne-loolcing and spiriUxl
To keeper of Coin Oils preparation Is InvalnaM.
It iDcreues Uk laantity and Improves tlia i)UHlity
oi me muir. 11 nns
been proven hy ac
tual experiment lo
Increase tlio quan
tity uf milk and
cream twenty per
ot-nt, and make Uio
butter flirr, and
aa'eet. in nittenlns
cattle, it Kivei thein
an u)etlte. Iiwsens
tnetr n t u e , hike
makes tlicra lUiLvc
r r.
mach faster.
In ay, dtisascs of Eivluc, such as Couglis, Vlccrl Dk
the Lung, I.lvcr,
ha., this article
acts ns a specific.
Hy imttliiir from r
onc-tiutf a p:ipLr 1
10 a iMimr in a
barrel of hwIII the
above diseases
Will be eradicated p-,
or entirely prevented. If Riven In time, a certain-
pruventivo.nnd euro for the Hog Cholera.
Fries 25 Cent per Pape, or 6 Papers for II..
) 'pbepared sr
o noiEsttE Dm ii and JinninxB Dnw.
No. 116 Franklin .St.. Baltimore, Md;
For Sole hy llnianl.U aiid BtorekeenarsMbnuaJ.e
out the United States.
eJIolTiiian & Roberts agents, 'Wayncshurg
Ta. novtr.'ti .'-Ivv.
in uin
i ISeatiUrul Prciiiittor Eiu
Reduced Prices to Ctiib
! THE Lady's Friend announce ft 18,7.?
thn C.llowiiig novelets : A New Slurs;, by
' Mil llei rv Wood, author of "East; r'niV.' '
i The Channings." i&c; "How it Woman Inul I
! her Wi.y," by hlizalietlt I'rcscoit,
' Told hy the iSun "No Longer Ymtm,'." -Isyv
Amiiiulu M. Doiiirlas, nullior Ol "II 'I rtiskf"
and "Dora Uastel," I y Frank Leu Kiiia-4
, ,
1 It vvlU Rlvc a splendid double !(!' naely
i ci.lorud Fiislij'in l'late engraved on Su ijr- lu
every number.
! ltwi11 gv ft beautifully cxcctiteit fiuicy.
, w1'1 engraving in every nuniDcr.
! , 11 1 lvu )MS': assort nient of Weed,
vuts, luustraiiiig tii.i lasuions, e alley vvoriCf
&e. , in every number.
It will ttive n copy of the beautiful Premium
Stkki. Engraving "One of Life's Happy
Hours" '.'ii inches Ir-ng by So Inches wide to
every si igle($. AO) subscriber, and to every
person scmllni; on a Cluli.
Il oilers as premiums,. Wheeler & Wilson's.
Si.wimr Machines, Silver 1' atcd Tea Sets-
Spoons, Pitchers, Oold nml Silver Watches.
uuns, Hiuua. aiei pueons, Hollies'. Wringers,,
Applclon's ('fclopedi..s, &c.
1 copy (nnd tho large Premium
Engraving) ; $2 no
4 copies 0 mi
A (and one yratit) 8 011
8 " (nml one mli) 12 DO
. 211 " (nnd one y;'s) 28 oil
One copy cacli ot Lady's Friend nnd J'ost,
Tho goiter tip of n club wlU nlvvays receive
a copy of the Premium Engr i viug. Members
of a Club wishing the Premium Engruvhig
must, remit Oho Dollar extra.
B&.TIinsc desirous ol getting up Clubs or
Premium Lists, shoJ lencloso it'i cents for
sample, Mugiiziiio, Coutn'mhie tlie particulars.
Address DEACON &. PETE (SON,
810 Walnut Street. Phllitdelphin.
BK2 pages, double co'umn, boaulll'iilly Illus
trated with 1 1 elegant Cabinet Steel En
gravings. OPINIONS oTrilE WORK.
IortACis Giiuui.hy hi thu Tribune of Juno Sth,
says i "It Is nn exceedingly rich book, con
taining mora mutter of Inteicst than all tlie
novels Hint have boon Issued fur thu last six
years, or that will be, lor tho next six It
ulvestho bust tlilnis said, done, or willten by
Rel'ols, as well as Unionists, most Judiciously
selected, compactly nut together, and liaiul
somcly printed. Ills sold by subscription i
but those who have a chancy tosubeeribu ami
dou't, will make a blunder."
The Now York Evening Post says t "Tho
tho book Is full ol fun and pathos, wit and
humor, patriotic sentlmeut,, and strange ad
ventures It (Ills up Iho outlines of format
histories of tho war, and gives a better nnd
mora vivid picture of the limes wo hnvo Just
passed than any of thorn, It is Just the book
Tlio Now York Commercial says I "Mr.
Moore ha given us a book which surpasses
In Interest anything of the kind which bns ap
onrcd or Is likely to appear hi tho thousand
and ono war histories which arc published ui
announced." 1
gjjjj fwnucunipte Ujsiory of tho Re-
Wo wsst agents In parts ot every
S -iSL. TlT"?1 llu,l lox-
Address, Jamks Pohtkus, Uen, Agon,
,i.r.- t. ...... V. .. """I'i'i u"i,
inch u
f r""L - ii.
Over 29000 Tiaiios Made I
&40O Sold at the PitUburg gency !
Tlio n niHikitlilo genius of the late Jonss
Cluckerinj;, und the sutnc ability contlnved In
his sons.
The cnir.liiuatton of tha best outside Ulent.
Willi their own genius
with which lo obtain the best workmen; to
keep on hand slocks of thu best material to
bo seasoned for years.
The largest In tho world, occupyhiR five
acres of ground and its united doors, 112 feet
wide, and live miles In length.
The most cnnmlcto and cxncnslvn nfanv
piano I'aciiirv in lhe country, nutny pints wlili
nut a dniilicate. heing invented expressly by
the elder Mr. C'hickciinu.
With these ailvantages, nfler tlio labor of itc
halt' century, tluilng which time llicyhuvo
manufaclurt'd thirty tltntisand pianos, they
now oner the public an entire uew jcuibpiunfi,
tho most perfect ever made.
Messrs. (flickering & Fens arc 'now malf:
lug moru planus thun any til'tu In tile Cnileitt
States, and
yearly, a large nr.mber of Instrumen's which
aro used by lhe leading srtfsts of the day. '
Their rcpuMiiun 1ms become Woiati-wmu.
"I consider ChicUerlng & 3Bns' ' FiSnos.
beyond comparison the heat I have ever seen,
lu AiWeticft."
'B consider Cliiekering & 8ons' Tlanos.
stigKOr to any fit tho world."
"I believe Unit In every particular yotvr
Fhinos nrt su;ieri r to any I huve ever setn
ta th'tstonutry orEurnio."
'Tor vfihitne niid ffn'e onumv of tono.'wFi
i r.icely nfnillculalion, Iho CUickettatJ'iunoa
I urc uuecpisleil.
'I always B9eamlar'a.vreceooiinx;n(r youi
rtuuoa in liiy pupi mid iucuiU"
v 'tfennslrfcr your. Pit'uosi tlia. Steavi hlvtnni
ever played upon."
ll!rfmT.trnWK). rciu:b.
i ne niiiwrifiL-rtwmj riis exclusive wnoH'MO"
Agents for ho Cliiekiutiig Pianos, fbrWes--t.tin
lVkuisylvauia Eistern Oliio awl' Wegi r.
Mrglniiu Sjs:eWI nrmngotnenrs enable Ihtni.
W SHll'hKi'XHCtly IIki 8nme (rieea charged nt
llie'l'T.ctwv Ht IVisvri, thus saving freight,1.
'.UHiii'iincctimrrisk of trnnaponjiiion to pur
chsssisrtcsiiling in or West of ilifa city.
Tlte SuliarHbsrs eivrsiiarticulnr nltentlon t.s
musulecllon o iheir stocK. vtstiilrg fho Fnc -
lory nenr.y every month lor this purpose; their.
exr-mrii'Di'0 in the business, musicet skill,.
nn practical kii nvleile of life juuiii&cturo
f)l ITmios ennbje them In select the very best :,
iuiitruilients that Mcssis Cliickttiiicj produce.
Ewry Instrument warranti d for A years, by -the
inaittifaitiirerund Iho sttbscribers. Per
sons' nr a d'ntance (lesii-Tiig foitbor informatiotv .
should address lhe subscribers who will. Iiu,
lmppy to 8rnuTt,iempnst'Hik1 drnwiagoof Dmj
wrions stylus of Pianos, prices. Ate
Old Pianos taken in exchange.
l ITood Street,-.
BctwccnJtU Street & Diamond Alloy;
i PATENTED MAY 21ITU, 1 8fdS-..
This Is an article for washing- without rub
'ding; t'xeept in very dirty paces, which willt
tj quiro a very Blight rub, and unlike other
preparations offered ler a liko purpose, wilu
Nor hot tub clotuhs, but will lenvo thenv
wui-Kii. than orilinitry nietltoda, witUout tho
usual wear and tear-
It removes grease spots, as .if by mnglc, nnd
sollens the tint oy soaitmi:, so tluilruismgwlu.
in ordinary cases entirely remove it.
This powder is prcpnied in accordance, witlti
chemlcai science, and upon a process peculiar
to ilsclt, which Is Beamed by Letters Patent.
It li'is liceu in use for more than a year, and
hns proved Itself a universal favorite, wherover
it has, hF.en used. Among tho advantugesi
clnimctf aro tho lollowini:. viz :
It saves all the expense r.f soup usually used;
on cotton uud linen go' ds.
It saves most of Iho lubor of rubbing, and
wear nml tear.
Also, for cleaning windows it Is unsurpassed.
it ti ono milliter thu timo nud labor ucuully
required it imxirts a beautiful gloss and lustre
much superior to nny other mode No water
rerptired exeept to moisten the powder.
Directions witli each package.
And cnu tie readily appreciated by a flnglo
trial. Iho cost of washing for a family of ftvei
or six persons will not exceed to a Kit cunts.
Thu manufacturers ot this powder aro aware,
that many useless compounds havo been in
Induccd to tho public which have rotted that
cl it'i, or hilled in removing tho dirt, but know
ing thu Intrinsic excellence of tins article, they
contldunt'y proclaim It ns being adapted to
meet a demand which hns long; existed, and
... , ...... 1
WHICH n:is nurcioioru reiuuiuuu uunippiauv,
2UU Broadway B ston.
For sale by Grocers and Dealers everywhere,
Oct 17'UO am
Miisnono, Bi'Vsce,,,
Tills 9ehnol nflUs. wscellcnt, fitrlIiJM for ohy
Inlnlng t Iho.otvilK practical- Ifnlluit Educo-..
Jlor., TliQ Slstu i)jst4 tans who intend U
lieeomo tebti, A'cerlllkuto from this in-,
stltuHetv Is, good for tiro In all psrts of Penn-.
sylvioiin, ni)l oxumpvs tho holder Imm exam-,
tUHtlon by St:Uisil olllcers Tho Whiter Term,
wUI oiioa, Dueemborntb.
For ClTtilsr or Cataloguo, nudrrti't
oct 17, 'nil Ut
J, A. CoflraY
Letters of Administration ut-on.tlie Estate,
of Burns, lute of KlchhlH tp,, Qreone
Co,, Pit., duoM, having boon grani'ed to tho
undersigned by tho RegHdoc of Grcone Co.s
savlEsHtte, ae reqmod vlW1 the same?
are seottesK'a iu present iuoux ouiy anlhontl-.
ciitHia tor sctiiuuiuus.
... ... .Tk