VOL. X WAYNESBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY,- NOVEMBER 28'; I860. I NO. 26. YKVKKI i)iiisUAY0!lXIJ((i7 Ot'riOIt IS ' WILSON'S IIUII.DINO, 1MIX STltViMT. -. -. TKKMij of siiustnipnojj. : Two dollars a year,' payable ''invariably In advance. ,, Ono dollar for six months, payable,, iuvariafcly In advance. ' TERMS OF ADVERTISING. - V AnvKnTiSKMi'.KTa inserted at $ I fiOpersquaru forthreo insertions, andOOcts, asipiare tor each additional insertion; (ten lines or less counted a square.) . '' . v;:. '. i, Local advertising and Scecjal Notiobs, 10 cents per lino for osuinsertioii, with - 83-A. liberal , deduction mnd,o to yoarly ad vertisers. -..-,' . ' . Advertisements pot marked with tlio ri"m ber of insertions desired, charged fut until ordered out. - ? . - ftyOliituiiry notices and tributes of respect inserted as advertisements. ' They must be paid for In ad vance. FIRST NfflOML I1HR; 'Wnyadoto irra. D. Bosun, Pres't. J. C. Fi.ennikbn, Cashier. DISCOUNT DAY TUESDAYS. ; W. E. OA PEN, , ATTOIINEY AT LAW, w a ynesbU rgra. erOi'MCE InN, Clarlt'3 building, : foblyuiitf . . ' . , i , i " " B A U'COSMBLL. ' . ",; ' .-ft: J. ' J. IKUfFXAH. M'CONNELL & HUFFMAN . Attorneys ami Counsellors at j,aw WtiynasiW?, Penti'n, ,r. , ,,, OrOrnoi: in the " Wright House, " Eut doore. CoUcvtoai, &c, will receive prompt attention. "" -' - - - t Wapii'iliur.' Auinst 20, 1802. tC -j ATTaUMKV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW . rd.u30- lu La-lvritti's Butljmg, . opposite the Court IIhubo, Wayaesburg, ra. .. '". '.; KwvU-iaw-iv. .-. .' " "'. ;'-. NEALERIN Books, Stationery, Wall Paper. Window . Paper, &o. Sunday School Books ol all kinds constantly on baud, Way nesbjrg, Pa., opposite Post Office. . May 1), 'UO.-'.y 6V . ' El . EI 2J t F M "A W , . .- . .. ' '.' . .' MKJICiIAXT TAILOR, , BOO 1H lir.ACHI.KV'8 UUILWNU, WAVKESIlUItO. WORK lnndo to order, in 'finest and best stylo, -Culling and Fitting done prompt ly, and according to lutcst losliion plates, block oir'mml and for sale. til vy S. tf "VVxra.. 2311 ey. WATCHES AND JlfiWKLUY. " M VIH eTKK-l-Ii. OIM'OSITE ' WBKHIT HOUSE. K" ICJiPS ON HANDS ' ALWAYS" A choice 'iiud select nssortmoni of watches and juwolry. '" 'Repairing done at tho lowest rates. D',y . ; ;- i?'. L. IAYIOB." v,-.. D. BAAS. TAYLOR & HAAS." ' 1 " , JevytilU'rs, Ko. 8, l'riibi!ll'a Row. . ,,. VVaylicsburg, Pa. ' ITaving recently received an bxtensivo stock tmbraiiing .watches, rings, eye glasses,.' OIjOO BL fl '; .- - &e. They aro prepared to sell at low rates for cash. "".' ' ' " Repalrbig done at short notice, and in good style. 1 - Oct ij) am HAMILTON HOUSE, D. G. SPEIlRY.'PnorniEToiij ' . WAYNESBURG, - GREENE CO., I P A. THE subscriber rcspccifully announces to tho public that he has taken 'charge of the Hamilton House, which ho Is determined to conduct ns a hist class hotel. Long experi ence In holel-lcocping hag qualifli d him for tiin business, and ho feels' perfectly confident that 'ho can satisfactorily entertain all who' may lavorhim with a cull. The nous ) is " lnrgo and well-furnished'. It has ur dorgoue a ' thorough ronovutlon and been refitted in such Btylo us renders It quite pleasnntr The rooms have, been ro-napered and newly pninted j the table is ttbimdautly supplied with the best edl bio the country uftords, and pains are taken . to render guests comfortable.' Rates lis low . s those qf other hotels., " D. 0. Si'i:nr.Y, ' .7 LIVER YABLTB''.', here Is connected with tho Hamilton House Liv -ry Stable, with good horses., carriages nn.l ImirL'le lor the aceotodiit iou of tho nub ile. -Homes boiled, and well attended to, at .-' modaratomtes V. S- onunr m bos. tiu a, ''.o-'-ry' pbo.p. LU'-s-'Li'ir e: ' HTEAMKH UHLIsl1" v T(UN,"R. 11. Aun vM, (Jommimdor, ' Capt', , R. 1 11 . anu nlnttr. InAVM Jrceiwboro, ' f.'f Pittsburgh ovory,,Mondny,v 'i Wutiwd,iv And Friday, at a a. ju.L JL,eave Piltaliu-LA Tor Greensboro cvory, Tuesday, yhursihiy 3atiirdaK;.;My,,;yiJ0.-i.: 'fiTEAER "ELECTOR," Rohttnt Pint. 'tVMy.Commaniler i R. G;' TAri.on, Ulerl? leWes Gi'Mnsboro for PltUburgn every tucs- tMvh h "'.eTf f H0D5ay' JV a . twn..l Am Unlilprlnv . invrN filing Havana ... r ult: ra d&t medicine, xt- . , -tors and flvi-ytv... --n- 'inlflfitoa Urst ?of i " niully com-' J . . .-il -' ! X UV HO. tm.- I V ) .jr.:;:Er.' h a In looks auVHtaUpn" -r "ifV ': '";' - ':'-3S'vri:-;-V;.;;''.' TUB C'OSQUERKD IIUSTEIt i '' ,Tiio 6U I)uis i)emocrai, him the following parody on tho '.'Conqnerecl Bunhor.'; Thu hit is very fnir t .. , , " - , - " . , , ; Coop that Rooster, for he's' weary I s : ''And his head Is drooping dreary I y ': , Coop him, hlda him, it is best) ' y For there's not a chick to fear him, ' , And there's not a hun to cheor h'un,' , And tlieni Is no'cgK laid near hlui ': Soortiod by those who did- revere Jiiui : , Hide him coop him let hjin rest. ' ' Take that Rooster off, bo's tattered, ; ';, ; . "' All hia leathers widoly ccattorcd, ' , : And his bill Is broken, battered, r ' .': ' By tho strong blows of tho foei ; .- Oh I 't is bard for us' to hido him, ; ' We who long so fondly eyod lihu llard to stand forlorn beside him, . 1 Now that ho no inoro eau crow I ' -.Coop that Roostsr, for he's gasping, . . And his toes each other clasping, Quiver with the fearful rasping " T Ho rocoivod on Tuesday Inst ! ;. ' For tholieijrtsthat did adoro him, ,-'.,, And the hands that upward bora him, i And the feet that ran before him, . j ' Jolii the ranks of tlio3o that tore him ' Those that cut tho Rooster's comb I . Coop that Roastor coop him sadly, ' ' , .' Onco ten thousand backed 1dm gladly, ' And tun ihous iud wildly, mailly, " . . Swnro ho should forever crow I ' ' , f worp that hostile sfmr slinuKl never ; Ills triumphant wlndpipa sever, , An tint ho should "light forever ! J ' But ho now is lying lpw J lr Oh ! his comb is cut and blood -'- And his legs are.hnilsod, and iniiiMy,w. 1 fcWbttia ttnMcl''u.nl K1A...1 14 rn.lilv f And hjs gills are darkly blue.; 1 , :. Emp'y mHw and Bursted guusord, ., ' Tail-and wings completely si'issr.red, Fellud at ono descislvo bSz.ird Routed skinned from A to Izzurd O, poor cock-n-doortlo-dool '' ' " '" " Frm tho Ti lciiii Blmto, 3Xrgjs"to5r:-.v ilr. XasJ;y Brcimis it Drfami, Johnson . OoKVKri:ir M HoAns, PoKVKii:ir M HoAns, ") fiii Stnit nv Kci.ltu ky,) v October 24, 181IQ.J fwich is in the : Dreams U only voiiu!!safoi4o persons uy a imaginative and sperilooal nachcr, uv whom I am which. Tlierc. ain't ufy thing gross or sensual nbout mo that I know uv. Tron, I cat pork, but that i to flet the (ffex uv wliinkey,- wich, ef twasii't counteracted, wo'ild make nic ei'iirely Joo etlieriiil for tliis grovelin world. I eat' pork to restrain my exu- eretit imaginashun aud endbio mo to couio flown to tlio dry detail uv oflisliil- life o ft ma tor the proper iliscliargo uv my '-clooties rz a Pohtmagter. Wilis ,fcy lifts rno abuv the posishun pork brings me back agin. Its fat and greasy like tho pay and perquisites uv ihe Post master it comes from tho most nastyi senseless and unclean uv unimala, like ourcommitihuns in short, I recommend nil uv Julinton's Postmasters to cat pork its their natural diet. ' ' L -st nito I ; partook uv a pound or so too much, and ns a oonsckeuoe, didn't sleep well. While I wusr eatin, -moist nin my lips with Looisville couBolntion, thd while.! wuz a inusin onto Seward's question whether tliey wood lieV John -son President or King, Gui while inusin I till inS'tho arms uv Morfirs. My mind bust looso from tho body aud sored. Ez I sunk to clumber the narrow room with U to'wonVt my orfis nnd dromitory, wi dened and enlargsd, tho humble chairs become Riiddctitly upliolstoted in gorgus stylo, the taller dip liecomo multiplied into thousands of glitterin ohaudileers tho portrates Uv IliB.IlichnobS the Pres ident, And tho oilier Demoornts on tho wn,ll beoame alivo. I comprehended the situation to wunst,.- Anatoo Jonneon had tout "the Gorjnn knot with some bodyV sword, and lied,, carried out b.is policy, to its hsfural conoloosion. . He was roigbnin under llio title of Androo the l'.and I wuz(in my dioein(bt cdarsfi,) . . i i : i:. "liu .. 4 '--.-;' in ins ..Kiiigiy un.4'.'w .'i.i; i ;;i "It wuz, melhawt,' ft ' repcuf hun tnte liis High Mightiness' wz a siitnj 6nt,o,a elevated Ihrone covered with. red Velvet and stubbed with diamonds, and pearls, and onyxH and oilier procions stones -onto; bi had wuz crown. Rnttlie wtz- enveloped intb n robe of black velvet.his hose and (he.balanoo uv his face jjloarnin out jiko a flash nv iiienin from sthun dor, cloud, "??Lyin prorat t the foot uv tne inrone aom. w ouib uv iooi stbol, wi?i pharlegumner; wupst 3cn- st'or, ; wlch wwf typicle uv1 th corpplete triurnh we bod won'over ouj enemies, while C' 1 other tue "il ofSoss aboutsth ; ESter-iwi'i'ni'V-" J o, hd opp. -3d '''tf.rrf - t dom. ; 'Jheyuwuz clothed in a approprit costoiitn, knee breeches and sich, and presented a pekulerly imposin . appear aiioo, '-'.-' ' ": ' '. '" ' '; " Carriages containing tho nobility bo gan to "arrivd, aild ez they entered, tho Grand -High Lord Chambeilin uv tho Palis, the Alarkis ion Randall announc ed cm. 'Dook do Davis was ejsckelat id, and Jefferson' entered -Earl Von Tooms,' 'Sir Joseph K. JohnsoiiV'Mnrk is do Bourogard,' 'Count'do Pollard,' aud so forth. '. "' ' '' ' Noticin that the titles I bed huerd wnz- mostly locked to outhtrn men, I ackod OiQdyWelles, who wuz stundiu by, why it wuz thus, and ho sod that Norlheners wuzn't recly fit for it. We wuz, ho sod, ' a low, grovelin race, and ooodent adapt ourselves to the habits uV nobility. 1 Tho South wuz shivolrua and uood do it. Thoy wuz given to tourna ments and sicb they bed got accustom ed to otrcus ''clothes and cood wear a sword witlfout its gcltiu awkwardly- be tween their legs. Northern men, !ch ez were faithful, wnz allowed ioba?k in tlio Binilcs uv l uyylty, but it wuz in sieli poeishuns ez sooted their capacity. , He lor instance, fhed charge of the royal poultry yard, a posishun wieh bo blccv ed hu filled to f,he entire satisfaction nv his beloved and royal mastorV 'Ho bed now four hens a Bcttin, cadi on four eggs, and ho boped iu tho course uv 'two years cf there wuz no adversa cireuin staHCos, to hcv fresh esss for tho loyal table. It wuz a posishun nv great re spojwibilily and oua wleb webbed npou him. Reward wuz privy counselor, Doo litllo wuz atewnrd uv the household and TJiurlow Weed wnz Keeper uv. the King's revcuuo, and wuz u doin very well indeed. ' s By this time Ihd company ansenibleil, Ilis Iligliness wuz iu a merry mood and unbenditl hissclf.v There wuz a knot uv tho nobility gathered in a cornar, and alter a earnest interview uv a niiunit, Count yon Coan advanced to tho foot uv tho thror.o, and on lentlid knee de manded n boon. What, myfaitliful servitor, dost thou moat doBiro J' sed'His Highness. We would, Your M:ijfy y, buy tho prisoners uv state brot into tke prtiseuco that wo niay make merry ever, 'em,' ( It sbel be did,' sed His Maji -sty,- and forthwith Baron von Steodman, whohod command uv the King's Household Biidy Guard, was sent after them.' They wuz a nuziblo lookin set. Forney and Wun dull Phillips wuz chained togotlicr.Frod. Dounlass and Anna Dickenson,': Dick Yates, and , Gov. Morton, Ben: Butler and Carl 'Shurz, Kelley and Covodo, whils Chaso was tied to Horia Greeley, onto whose back wuz a placard inscribed 'The last uv tbu Tribunes,' at wich Uay. mond who -lef. the ltadikels and declar ed for tho Kmpii'fl at precisely the right time, and wuz now editor uv the Court Journal, luffed ininiodurity'v ' Souiq one ezclaimed 'bring in Thad. Stevens,' at wich His Majesty turned pale and' his knees smoto together 'dou't 1 dou't!' sez he, 'bo's strength enqngh lett td wg hia tongue ! Keep him away'l .Keep him away J', and ho showed ez mheb fear ez men do in dclcriuiu Ireiucns when tbey .mi dnnlroa " 'Jl ''' ''' ' : Llelhnwt, I made inquiries and found that tbitigs wuz wbrkiri satisfactory. Gen. Grant wuz in exile, and Gwti.Sher idan had been decapitalid for refoosiib to acwicss in tho new .arrangement. ', Tlip country bad been divided. into dookkoms and urliloms, and sicli, ,oyer wioh'jllie nobility rooted with undispooted authar ity. ..Tho principle meu uvtho North had been capehered and subdoccd,' and. wuz tillin menial posiHliung in the jiula- oes o.f tlio nobility. ' No. Lord,, or' Puke.j or' Earl considered hisst'-lf well lei ved Unless .ho i.bcd half a .'cloz)'n' Noi'thoi u Co'rigrcasmen in his house, i while the higher grade uv nobility iwriz,'n'ti(Vnt,eiit with anything lc8 than Giivners. Tlio indebtedness, uv tli. Soiitli tc'tf) ly.ot'ih had been fldjustid.' A decreo- lied bjn ishood to thu ttlect that Northern mer chants who") ihcod jircss . clitiin.ugin ,a Southerner, shood bo beheaded and bis goods f)6)fisopittdl.,, Tliequestlorl' pfla verv hed bin sottled forever, for tha Diiu okrutio ijoo,' tiy jjji'o olaa to rpoUhd one class to serve, wue fully 'establisked,?! There was J)bw , three classes societr, ..." - "'-'t ii;.'. ' .L..' .'?i:,i-ji '' ni the hereditary nobility, the untitled ofH flfijls aua ;,th, podjile 'thd laUe'tlack; nil white, Wua alb seri'r: and it;.aUadh tore lui policy ot.uiOtKovei'nniept) belno1 il' ,.ih,Vtlvy lorfi-people VVV-a4;'-'a-:'--I;.':'' irSWV desuiii to make it ;osy for 'cm givo 'cm one-sixth tiv tho pi'odiu uv tho soil, ro s'ervin .tho balance for the State. ' My di'cciu didn't I'.ontinjoo long enuft' fur mo to ascertain whether 1 wuz a no blenun or uot, but I am uv tho opinion that I wuz, for Jorvant lmudid mo a pin to rtu;k in (lneriifButler to make him roar for ainoozeinent of tho company, addressed uiu as 'Your Grace,' from wich I inferred that I was one of tho Lords apiritooal, ' Unfortunately r.t this pint I awoke, and a sad nwakcuiii it wuz. Tlio goijuj balls had vanishcd.tlie chandileors lied vanished, tho robes of state, and jewels, and sieh, wuz gone and I wuz in my oflia, not 'Yoor Grace,' bat uieioly a Postmazter in a Kentucky village. .Well, that is snmtliin. What bettur is a uoUcinau? lie dou't woik, iHsither dol He drinks ivine,it is t.roo, but I have wat suits mo belter, whiskey fresh from the still. Yet my dreem may bo realized, and et it is, I will endoavoor to fill tho posishun with credit. " Who knows t Pi'.Tiioi.F.ui V. Nahdv, P. M.. ." , (wicli is Postmastrr.) ' BTAM IDUTIES, Tho Comiuissioiicr of Inturunl Weve nue has jirst issued a pamphlet contain ing 1 Hchudulu ot stamp duties which took liVi'ct on August l, 8G0, and also laws and ri''u!auoiis conceniiiiir tho P'lieliase.and nso of inter nal rtvoiiiiu stamps, . , . , ,-r In all cases whai o an adhesive is used for denoting tlio stamp duty upon uii in etruiiiuni, tlio person using or afiixing the same, must wrilo or imprint there upon in ink the initials uf his name, nnd tho date on whiuh the same is attached oi'iiied.- When hV'.inj'S are printed on chocks, t , so that in filling up the iu atiuinent -.the t'auu (ifllio sluiup is, am must iieeossarily'.bo, written .'ii!ross, no other caucellatiou will bo required. All cancellation nnibt be distinct and legible, and txcopt iu the caso ot pro prietary stamps from . privuto dies, io inethod of caut'ellalion 'which . differs tram that' above described willtbo recog nized as legal and sufficient. ' A penalty ot titty dollars is imposed upon every person who makcs.or issues,'' or who causes to bu uiado, -isiulieij. oil ISSlleOj.HOy ?.i(iev ui uuj r.iuu wi uuhClip- , 1 , . " uon whatever, or who accept, negoti ate, or pays, or mines; to bo accepted, negotiated, or paid, any Li.l ot exchange, draft, or order, or promissory note, lor the. pnymei.t of money, ; wiihout , tho some being duly stamped, or having thereon an adhesive stamp denoting the tax chargeable thereon, cancelled in the manner required by law,.-with intent to evade tho proviBious-ol tlio revenua act. A ponalty ot two hundred dollars w imposed upou every person who pays, negotiate, or offers in 'payment, or re ceives or takes 111 payment, any bill of exchange or order for the payment of any nii'm of money, drawn or purporting to bo drawn . 111 a , foreign country, but payable in tho United Slates, until the proper stamp has been affixed thereto. ' A penalty of $j0 is imposed upon cvory person who fraudulently makes use of AP adhesive stamp to denote the duty requited by the revenue net, with out cil'ecluajly, canceling and oblitera ting tlio same in tlio manner required by law.' ;- .""'' !;. ' '' It it not lawful to reoord any instru ment, or paper; required by , law to bo stamped, or any copy thereof, unless a stamp or stamps ft 'the proper amount have bscn aflixid and cancelled in the manner required by law.and snub instru ment or copy and the record thcrcot aro utterly null iiiul '-votd, and cannot bo used or 'admitted ''as - evuleneo in any court until luo dcfeot has been cured as provided in section 158. . .., .,.,',, : A SENSATION STORY. .. i',!.,,-.-'--: ..j, -I . ...I-: . ,, tlY A VltOlSTAItlAS.' lie had done tlio ded 1 But little did he" guess that the oyo of an l.ntoUigont potato' In, the tioxt Hold 'was upon hun Tho potato ' poured tho '' dreadful ''story into tho car of eor.n,'' which lot out tlio secret m Its (s)talk, rind though l am bound to add that tho oom was cut alter thus betraying confidence,' the story 'got wind, and tho cucumber was in a mosi distressed IraiWof 'iuiiid in'oonsequeiHio The .diilpritwiis 'bvurtakbti by justiuo aiid several oa'rleUritniidrs and taker! botoro n'jiifj'a'ce 'UW pb, 'Thii''c'iW1i voiftigatbdHo tho" Vory foots,, aiid tho potato, was;' of co'urab, p'rlncipaj1 i'liness V", ;iv vi ' -'r ,(' e. 1 1,!.''". lor Iho proscoiition. , . , ' ' ' . Would'bt know,. 0 r6ador the w'fbtch ed' tnaii's giiilt r ' Ho shed the bjood -ot 1, tunijpi liul fex'peoting thiit . it ; would evarluru.np in uvidenco against him He was xiotad. of oouraei ihe, mode ot execution, decapitation; 'in fcrdcr to saver the corrpM krr, .tZt.YvV' yrherfe ta a calm for tb6se.whd.,jWep';; ''A fost f'of Copiiorr Jdh mtooi found,' c tiThoy aoftlynulil and aweelly sleep,, ui ' ."foiled by Salt Hivor'rnpfliflg eQund.'' ''.''v'V':V''. S" - .".V. rf..: --K t-.i" ..?.;'; ..A 'v'?':'.;!'.,;..v 'vVri.V. - T1IU CONSTITUTIONAL ;AJIEN1MENT " IN ALABAMA, , ' Tho lluntsvillo (Ala ) -AHm'att has been publishing, lor Uiu last tew weeks, a series j of aitielos , contributed by a .1 ,1.1.... I.. .. , J . - uuiiemuii ot iiiav oiaie in- lavor ot the lending Constitutional amendment f ho articlos appear in tho shape of let- tors addressed to tho Alabama Legislu turo.' and aro ullracling uo Bimill share of attention. From ono rclnliug to the lliiid section of tho niiieudiueut, we quote tho following: History will declare that a milder and more fielding cup of uieidcuted cie- nients was : never presented to the lips ol a rebellious community as a corruu-ti.-o tor the body politic. It strikes at tho root of the disease, and eradicates tholirimo cnuso ot the moibid action. ueoouruizni!' the toriuer political leaders ot llio seceded Slates as the instigators of the great national calamity ,it disquali fies - them from again holding those positions of trust which .wore the lover ol their pol t eal power.;, it holds them rcsponsiblo. lor, .that wily, diplomacy winch, under seemingly palnolio mo tives, disintegrated the great Democra tic parly, for the purpose of securing the election of the Chiuogo nominee- as the inauguration of the Recession program me, it brands mem with turn criminal ligation . ot the duties . ot statesmen, which' dismissed with a studied contemnt tho hope So dearly cheiishod by South ern patriots ot adjusting the questions ot the day, through tho instrumentality of a National Convention. It commemorates by a coiititutibnal punishment that wild nnd wicked ambi tion, which held ad nothincdhe splendid prestiL'o which our country held among the iialioii.H ot the earth, as well as its security to. liberty and .property, its uni, voi'sal iirosuemy, its npeninfr mte'Ii gance, itd purity, of morals and religion, and its wonderful development! It esti mates at its proper worth that empiri cism which desolated tho South, bank ruptod families who were surrounded by cverylfiiiig'viUut wealth ' could bestow, closed up our schools and churches for years, killed so many hundreds 6: thous uiids ot her sons by the Bword, consign ed so many ot her fallrcrs nnd mothers to a more bitter death., by ', grief, broke the hearts of her wives and Bisters with sorrow, demoralizing tho whole commu nity, and, debauched ,tho patriotism ot tho whole South;'..-.' And it holds the so. cession leaders especially responsible for lite two Inst dreadful years of that war ol rebellion, when- not a hopo of success ag'atust tho Government was honestly eutj.taiiod by any man in his proper senses; apd, during which nothing was fimtihUi but'a postponement' of that day of reckoning :uhicb had such terrors for thum. That destructive 'rotrogade'irotn Vieksburg; that funeral march from Chattanooga to Marietta, every step of which planted a hundred graves.-' that 'fti nival ot suicide which Uood rioted in from Pulaski to Nashville; that flood ot "ore which Lee .'poured out trom the Wilderness to his surrender; all so wan ton, nnd so unavailing to a cnuso thai was lost ut Donaldson, at bhiloh, and at Vieksburg: these ara' among tho wit nesses tlmt testify that the, country ran lose . ni'lhiug by a disqualification for office of liien who advised and defended tho grandest and most ' useless slaughter that the world over witnessed.' ' ' 1 ; THE, CIHCA-GO TUNNEL WORK-MEN j ; !( SCARED." ..'' "-. A Chicaeo letter says, that as the excava tion of tho groatTuunol under (he lake at Chi cago draws to a conclusion, the apprehensions of accident are groat . among , the' workmen employed, owing to tlio ground In which tho work Is now progressing havbig lost the uni form consistency it has heretofore had.-,Tlie lcltcr says concerning thO.nppearanco at, the ,!faco" of tho tunnel which It is,, expected will bo completed' hi ten days that "every now and then gas jets bin in tho faces of tho worktacn, blow out' their lights, etc., and small 'pockets" of sand are opened, . wblckl brings (0 tho minds ol tho minors tho thought that perhaps there are larger ones, sufllcloutly largo io admit tho waters upon thorn. As may 1 bo imagined, the thoughts of tho merfare not of the ploa3mtdst kind, and it does riot tako much to sutrtlo theni and produce a paulc.1 On Saturday morning of last week about two O'clock, after a stroke, of the pick, a blast from the towels of tho earth extinguished tin lights, a mass of earth fell from abova, and tho witter ruihou In to a" '.considerable slroarn.. and the ry was raised by the'mcn tlmt the root of tho tunnel had failed ti. 'Araco' Whs riiade In tho (lark fur the ' shaft; which bohig reached, a frantic shout for those stationed above to 'rise tip' )vas glvcb ant) yory shortly tho men wcro lifted 'to. tho surfuco.'' The tcnlflcil miners then proceeded to thd house of tlio; chief c'n ginoor, and informed him that tlio tutmol was destroyed.'.- Ho proceeded at oncp to make an rnlnrnit(irr. which revealed the fact that a smallnuuntity of Water and a muss pr-enrthj had fallen from a 'pocket' and that was fdli The men again proceeded ,to worn, aiior,iww hiurs'luterrupuoo.."' ,1 1, '.,. ,, , . , :, ! WIis'j -' hik' ManT A ' crusty fold hanhoYnr. 'not havinii tho' fear of the fair Bex Word ' bW ' eVc's," pWpotratea this awtul .rjarairrauhi (;; ':',?'iv-'-; . .Tho nlumn and diftv oxorescencos nbw worn On the: back of ninny female. 'hoadB.'.'lbbking ." much ' like i lltsbaped '. ' t ,...:. Vnri hfinntfAn' vrn. aud cost, net ana mi(uuuu niinmiij eaohl' All thi ladies' furblsbirig'rtores HON. J II. REAGAN ON NEGRO 8UF- . .' fkauE-.; :'-'..,(; ... It was recently annoucei that Hon. J. H, Koagan, ot Texas, late Postmais terGonoral of tho Confederate J-states, hud written in favor of negro Biillriigo. Wo Iiud the document in the Palestine (Texas) Ad vooato, of tho-24th occupy ing over seven column- ot that paper. It is addressed to Governor Throckmor ton. , After considering at length the Radical clause for negro enfranchise ment, he says : ' . ; Now it beoom.09 us to oo- ider wheth er we cannot satisfy ma demand, and at the same time avoid ibe loss of our own rights and the dangers of universal tuf trage.. I think this may be'done by conjerring the elective franchise on those of them who are j 0 iseeted of sufficient inielligenoe to exercise it and by rnak-, ing tho test whiuh shall secure this.stan dard of intelligence apply to such of the white race as should hereafter bu admit ted to its exercise. For' a limitation which would only affect the negroes, and nllow whites ota less degree of of intel ligence, according to tho standard ndop ted, to vote, would do no good towards securing tho the great ends we desire to attain. -1 huvo uot doubted, since soon after our overthrow, that wo had soonor or later to decide between negro suffrage iu this qualified form and universal ne gro suffrage. Vnd I now tell you that those who oppose negro suffrage, in this qualified form, elect, liy this acVtoforoo universal negro mffrago 011 the country i and ought to bo, and will bo, held re ponsiblo by our people for it when it comes, and they ought no longer to be allowed to shield themselves under pre tondo.1 ignorance from the consequence of such crimnal demngoguory And,: if this plan,' or some equivalent one, - be not adopted by our Legislatui'u, the day is not far distant when the pooplo of this State will hold then, responsible for hav ing refused to 6ee and comprehend these facts, and thereby forcing on this State the disfranchisement of tho' whiles, as well as universal suffrage, j .'.' ; BUGGKSTIONS TO FARMERS. " , Paint all to'ols exposed to the weather, and if jvith a light oolored . paint, they will heat, warp and crack least in the 811 11. ' '"" r- 1 '' ..-' i- , -. J ; , Diptho tips of nails in grease, and they will easily drivo into any hard wood where1 otherwiiie they would double and '.break.' " "' - nil '. -,- . Dip ' well-seasoned shingles in lime, wash and dry thern beforo laying, hiid they will last much longer, aud not be come covered with moss. ,r ... " Always keep a supply ot copper wire n hand, 'of different sizes,1 for repairing tools it is greatly'' superior to either twino or iron wire. . ' ' !; V Plant a supply , of osisr willows ot cvory farm.1'- A rod square will furnish as many bands'for binding corn-stalks, straw, etc.', as an aero of rye straw. ' ' : In laying out garden friiita and vogc tables, plseo everything in drills or rows, bo that they may bo cultivated by a hofjc, and thus save theoxpense of hand labor.' ' '":'";i " ".,"'" ; Always set a pest f nco over a ditch or near good drainago, and tho potts always remainins dry, will last many years longer than those standing in wet subsoil., ,j .-.''.' ,'',(- ".' ,,' "i'. ! Always tio a halter 'by making first a single loop and then thrusting the end of tho halter through "this loop. This is quickly untied and will nevor come unit' ed of itself.' V, ' .,,' ! . Iu marking on wooden labels or mark ing sticks with a common pencil,, it the wood is first wet the - mark will last two years; if writtcrp on'' dry,' one or two rams will wash it all away. ' v ,Oil paint applied to houses and barns, out-buildings and, fence's Wllljastj much longer and harden ' belter if put on as late as the middle of autumn instead of during the litat ot summer. In plowing or teaming on the road in hot weather, alw ays rest" horses on an eminence) where they tuny . receive the ddol breez, and whore ouo Miiuvfe' will '.'..,,-', i ... - bo worth two in a valley. In sovbwing nuts into any part of ma chinerv in cold .wealher. bo eaiefnl hot to heat them first with the hand, or they will confraotafter being soreaed on Vpo tiglit,f and baootno " iimhoyibjoaiftr wards.. ('',.. . .", '.'':.-,.,. '' ( -.-' 1 vv ' When bbafd lendeil'. become old ond the boards begin tfl i come off.nail u'p'iight facing stripe .upon., them-" giunrt, eacli. post, and the-', boards will' be held to their; place, and ihi fehco -will last 'lev' bralf years 1pPr'1"; V;' v '- 'i Ueipove 1 Vvqrjf. atone; 'front tfi'd high ' wayi .i 'A single protection ttiqh mht have ben removed in one minute, hr.1 battered and damaged a 'thousand wag- on,;,, at a lamagq ecuar'to a ,hvnd4sd iMMMm- r,..t-i.v Mm-'.W :;r .:;''"'vl'-''- - :.-;;v ;.:Mi', - - - V - f-::yr In Belting out young orahards, alwaya register the Varieties , immediately 10 . '.' book where they may bo referred to In a ' tow years when, tho troea , comraonoo . : bearing and alter tho labels ara lost and tho names forgotten, i.-J ,f ;,t ; (, - In hitchirg a horse to a common rail or worm teueo,- always select the iuside , corner, which will bo piore tenure by Us ) bracing position, and the halter will not , become entangled among rails, as when . hitched to an insido corner. Jlural 4- fairs. i . - ' , . . . L2 T , . . , Tkuhiui.b Diskask A benevolgnt gentleman, tiding through a retired val ley among the Greon Mountains, ap proachod a house, in the front -door of which stood a baby, which was shielded from the dangers ot foroign travel py a board placed across the bottom of tho door-way, but whioh.on the other hand, , was exposod to danger at- home, as the gentleman thought,' by reason of a huge IfwOiinch mortising chisel, which tho infant brandished about its molasses daubed faco in a frightful manner. The philanthropist alighted and, taking tho child's fist in ono band and tho sharp utensil in the other, explored the house until hu found tho maternal ancestor. 'Madam,' said he1 'I thought it my duty to stop and tell you that your little ohild had got the chisel.' 'Oh, sir,' said ahe, 1 'I am over so much obliged to you. I . knew something was the . matter with the child and didn't know what it was. They've got it awful down to Benulng- ton ' ' ''.'" v; ' "" ' 'l A,,Gi.oojiy II0NKVM00N. Dr. La Force, of Agoney, married a Miss Dud ley, last Thursday, and tho happy cou . pie started on their bridal tour. ; Tbey arrived at Burlington and look dinnor at the hotel. The fair bride never look ed bo lovuly, and the heart of, tho has- band was joyful. Whilo thev were seat- ed nt tho table; the face of tho bride aud -deuly n'Jerent a change, tho cheeks ' ' grew pallid and the oyes started wildly around. The Doctor immediately notio- . ed the horrib'e transfarmatiou, and caught her in his arms. But affection was powerless to rescue. The poor man -Boon discovered that ho was holding in liis embraco a maniao .wife. 'Without a premonitory symptom she bad thus suddenly become insane. , .: Tho Dootor returned to Agonoy the next day, boar ing with him tho wreck ef his own beau- tiful ; young , wifo, Oltwnway , (Iowa) Mercury., It., f , -,.;'-. . , ,v " TuKtiK is a prospect ot serious con- tlict between the joarneymon printers of Chicago and the proprietors ef the vari ous newspaper offices. Thd fypograhi- ! cal Union aro about to demand a further advance id the rates of composition, 'and ' have also1 passed a resolution to make nirio hours a day's work. On Saturday twenty-eight proprietors, including all, of the daily. papers except one, signed ' written agreemeut to refuse both .do mands.'"'- '''' '"':' . . .. . a !; .-,.; ; ' l Whilo traveling with a friend between 1 P nhd S , we passed a negleoted and ' dilapidated house that in its better days vJ had been used as an inn, ' Its crumbled 4 appearancO altraoted our attention, antf' particularly an old sign upon which all ,. that could be now . read was 'X Ale.' 'Do y6ii know what beoame' of the pro prietor "of that innl'rsaid my friend.-p'." 'INO, 1 answereu innooeiHiy. m ' , Ale d) too'rnueV aiu he, 'aud kicked " t ..T.: a.; ...1 M 1 iiia 1 1 llie UilCKCi. ,. " " '. ' .: ''" , s , t-An Austrian chemist, M., Loinelbrook, " -.; has discovofod a way of cnolosicg eleo tricitv in small ulasa oapsules, which will . ' exploae nnaer lire mijjumoi euuwik. ,, capsule is enclosed in a stool cone, w,., jhat if shot from a rifle it'will enter tho ' , sufficient to kill a , man., : Experiments" have .been niaae. on pxcq, nuu nyrses j with perfect Buccess', these 8nHn"al-hyM4--v Will" Ivru Duuurout luvqn nunii"!! iw ing fallen down aa if struck with lightn A ing."',. .1-4 fir isi'S V , m' ' .!.!, 'W. : " 1 1 On tlio night ot. the New York oleo- . tion gflveral Southern men whet bad bceu , suflot'ed to ' retain their uiembcrhip at" the Manhattan Club Could not contain, . themsQlyec.; j ( Jn the election of, ,tr. ; Hoffman they' saw for '. themsi lvca new ' hope and new cnergy, and began to x-1 ' ult at llie triumph over tho Umou men. A gontlemnn present rebukvd tbom, ass suting them thaNmch talk came with an , ill gracers4hat. they or but traitora whom oiily cleioeiioy raved from death.'' They held their peace under the rebuke. A few hours more mvrt onott-rh to ho that rebellion had exulted too toon, ' v ,W u vtt was beefsteak the' htulieat t wheu' Ihe 09 w jumped oyer tbd moon, , 1 ?.' ' v, , J, ;;':1 - - 1 .V;; '";...,),,'' :-:) .;',': ' f " - .V.. ;,-'V, ' ;!' --.. -.. . 't ;':,V .'',. '.' . ;." .-'-V .. . i