ill SI'S. f 1 WAYNES UUIUJ: -WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5i, I8flrt. Go to Huffman & Under!' Drug store lor anything in .tho drug lino. For .Hnlc. Tim'lliii(? IIoiipo hml Stoi-Hi)om in Oreonslmrn, occu pied ty Mi'. IKrbor, lociitcd on Ceniity. Street in tlio mo-t business pnrt of the town, Will he mild at private ale and possession' jfivim on tlio 1st of April '67. tW terms npjdy. Jo Mr, Huber, Greens limo. 1'a., or II Silverman, 157 Senond Street.' Pii'l'srmrgh.'i - '''.'' fa (io to IlofT rutin A Roberts' Drug store, for n il wid.'i mid white lime. .; ! '.......' '. , I ' L'w:;it. 't;v. V. II. Wiilkim. of I'litMmrg; IV,' who it ma h'iiliaul repu- j tat ion as a lecturer will deliver a lecture ! Tnosd iy v'iii nuf, November 27th, 18(1(1, at tin Colli'ne Chapel in this place His filjit will tin .TIih Uo. AVtnso nnd I Beauf-iea ot 'Englii.Ii words." We liavo tliu assurance that Mr.., Walking' lecttito l Ijo'Ii instructing aud amusing. Iiu hay. lug niailH language a lite s'udy, and has it nt portoU eoniniiin.l, both in ir..iuiiig' ml manner Tliu Wheeling Intelli'jen 'T, p!akiii of ibo lecture lie delivered there, snys i ' j, Many part were truly eloquent. whilu outer parts urongiit down the house wilh ' roars ot laughter ) especially did the ref ertnee to our flag stir, by ln truth and beauiy a. rong emotions ...every heart. Afier having bmrne l much ot our own , langung,., and l.iiighing enough to drive the blues iwuy for a month, tho audience unanimously voted fr a repetition cf nui ieciur at me earliest convenience, ot rtl ll... . " . . . . .i i. i ...... . ... . . " . ' ' ' , "" J;'7 an. mu mini ui i ni u iiieiaty exce once j combined with an invaluable amount of instruction, by all means, attend this en tortaininent, His the only opportuhity you m iy Irivo of ever hoarieg this in- tnitivo dissertation, nnd by doing so y will derivo muoh personal benefit ami' iiid the itaiiso of chrisliaiiiiy. The lee ture is for tho benefit of tho M.K.C'ht.rch. A ltnissiou 5')ota hsI,. Ticket, for sale at Day's book store, Go to Iloll'innn & Hoherta' Drugstore for soda ash and white l.une. T11 s we.ulier h.i been clear. and de lighlful during the week, but the air is fast changing to tho cold lemperaluro rendering warm lires very csyeiitial to oomtort We cnniiot say wo much regret it We have had out fu'l share of ivartn weather (luring the Summer and Kill, and we long for frosts and c. I winds, yellu.v leaves and hazy skies. trees shorn of their f.ilurc and mead ows seer ami brown This nuy kochi a KiinngH wish, and eerlapdy it .has very litiht pl.o'.ry in it, but it is nevertheless We grow as weary of the loi.g I hvs rii.d swelteri' g heal of summer ax we do., in oiir turn, ot the sh.ut days and intense cold of inter.. sites here tis changeable as the moon, 11I1J luve k gitt at t.iiauy Inoie phases.! in Dt.v Gouds ' Ho! E01; H.o..;i;s it .Ho-ki-mon ! ISrowu Muslins. 10 u iU: . ' jlleiched AI-iOi.h. 18 to 4't el.i. : Del tines best, '.') li'28 cts ; Prints, 1 1 to I'll cu! Points ami Shoes at very ' I.?w piiei'S.and all other (4. aids in pi o- 'poriiun.. Coirie'oie and all mid see if, they don't sell at the above prices. Tin: Lady's Imui nd The December number f this bmtulitul Magaziuo re minds us by its beautiful display of at tractions thai tho Holidays are approach ing. The engravings are of the finest character and have direct reference, to the happy and festive Christinas soiuon. See the Prospeotus tor 18b" under the Lend of New Advertisement. , Go to Hoffman it Itoberts'l'rug storo lor jiaints, dry and in ml. . m 9 9 . PiiooiiKssiNo. The Temperance re form movement In' our place is fist 'as suming powerful propnrdon and d finito action. ! The following is the list of offi cers 'of the Society! Hev., S. Sloan, Pies, t Ke, A. B. Miller, V. Pres. i Jis Guiher.Sea 1 O Vauclevo, Treaa L. K Evans, (4. J. Johns, Jno. Ken dall, Key. Wallace,! M. Hunnel. Exeon. live Coimnittee. " 230 persons, have at tached their names to tho constitution, among whom are many of our most wor thy citizens and not a f w of tho intelli1 gout young ladies and gentlemen of our town Appearances indicate n rapid aud thorough prosecution of tho work, Appropriations have, been made for cir. imlaiing tracts and liiimurous other mens. iiros adopted in advancement ot their irnjeet. Last Sunday evening, L'ev S. Kendall delivered lo a crowded house, n lain s'.aloment of the fauts in tlio caso, which if not oonvinoing, were nt least startling enough tooauso serious thought on the suhjeat. The nexl meeting; will be .held in the M 1,' Church, tho first Sabbath eve in December. It, should not feqnire the eloquence of a Goitgh to rouso our dormant morality, go hear the local ministers and every inebriate , Mitt staggers on our sido walks will bo come a silent lecturer. Go to Huffman A Hoberts' lor patent Uisdiuinesofsll klndsi. C" ' 20 YkaRS Exi'KrtK,NCK.-rTh0 folio ing le'ter from Prof KohliockVtlio bunt muHio lem hor of Pittsburg and Prefoss-j- or in trie female College, is ot value t all perming contemplating purchasing phno. Read it: v -ks ' Mu,'' . . Dear Sir : It in a pleamre to me to Mate to you the great satisfaction I have hlwuys luul ii using the iJhii leering Pniins. An experience of over Iwemy years with theni. hnglv en mo antplo opportunity to Jutljje'Tif then- qualities, ami I freely sny that I have nlwnys lound them to he the bst Pianos hoth tor insti umciiliil peif'orm. ance and for aeitouipiuiyinn the voices Tho pianos matin now iy Chickcring A Sons I consider to he infinitely an potior to any ot'tlieir folium- iiviniifieiine, and are of' such perfect construcii'in in every part '.one, touch and wntkmfitiship . that nothing more csn bo ilcireil. (Signed) ! II Houini'K, Prof of Musical Pitts. l'Ym.Col. , Sju advertisement in iindthcr column Go to II.,(Tman A itubt'i tB Piug stoic fir toilet ' rips' ' " ; TitlBUTB' OF; wSpt!CTC At a lviII meeting of tho Phillalethean Literary Society , of Ui-eeno Academy, forthe purpose ot paying a tribute of i' ', ' ' H: , . respect to the memory o their .leceised member and friend. Miss M. J. Uwyxm, who lied November II,, 1800. The undersigned were ' appointed as n oo.nn.iUe to draft resolutions expressive , ., . ,. :. , . . . ! ,. of the feeling ot -he Society under, tint "'"-', i, icpori as iohows 1 I . Wiihueas,' It litis pleased tbb Ail Wise Huler of tho univeiao to remove by doalh from ourmidnt, our esteemed and . . , . , . . . . n'ut:1' ''vd eompanto.i in the. pursiul ot Iili-'iatute, Miss M J. Gw vnn, therefore, I Jlesolcctl, , That in her our society has tost one ot its bii"ht at "V orniimeiits, its I lueihbera a beloved friend,' and 0UI , Bclmol a most failliful pupil. p ,. n, . i t i Kpfin, tietl. I ll it vi lli n vvn our great loss we bow in meek submis sion lo the inundates of Him who doeth nil tliiugs well. licnh'cd, Tint we, ns a society, deep, sympatlitzo with paruiiU .and friends the dooeased ., Ilnitnlm;!. a rnuv ri 'llman i-iurt . !,ulnim , r,.(i(!11(i, ,0 lh(l fmmU d,m9B?1 ; a,SOi lImt - hc htM J to the three county papers for publica tion, .; . Jk-nmh It .Wiley, V ' Lviha CnoAsKAi.n, L Cum. Doha K Ji.nni fis, j io lo Hoffman A Hi.berts' Drug Store for Hair Dyes, , . Wiikuh to htteinl School. The Sl.lte Normal School at Edinboro in ,n place where sound, practical liisltuclioii U gtyen by professional teacln-rs Go to Ili'fl'initn & Unber's Drug store for pure while lead. : I). cl:i:i. W i nolo the following do. e.isio'is of 1 an's from this enuntr, tried the pre-i'i't Koveinber Term 'in the Su. Wtne '"'', Wwtwtt Di-tri-t II irtley's et al aimeol. Afiiuied ' Kib.di' vs Miller. Atl'rined.. ,lohiist .iiTs appeal. Alti' in- d.' . Meek et. al. vs. H.iyard. Affirnied.' . County Tiiu'situiks Houunv On ihe the ni-jlit ot the 10th inst , the office ot A :',V.' Pollock, Eq., Treasurer of Wnsliin:;tini Coiuily, wss entered I y liurgbu's the sate blow u open, and .J lO'l in paper money werestolen. Some val uable papers and tjoyenimet t securities, beloti;iiiir to outside parlies, were oven looked. ' Again, on' Wednesday night, the 1 (!h inst., Homo thieves entered the County Treasuier's office a' Heaver, blow open the safe with powdi r, ' shatieving the window glass to ato ns. They abstract od iroui 8U ")()() to ijlKOO. $1800 of which belonged to the Trhasurerjs clerk. No clue has been obtained of tho thieves. Doubtless this last operation, was the work ot the same rascals who operated 011 the Washington- Go. Treasury- It would be well for our keeper ol'tlie pub lic fund to keep an eye , on, bis "sugar," it" he has any, lest 'these expert "cracksmen" bursts his ''crib" Z:L I obituary; 'Kiu.mi On tho I2t ft lost., by falling from a scaffold. 4KonoKKKvr,of Waynes burg, Pa., aged 2') years. .' Deal! It is thus we are born, rise from boyhood and aro stricken down when lile seems dearest and when the fondest hopes aro thoso which look to approaching manhood. Il must be hai d thus to diel Yet, as in this ease, 'tis pleasing to know we may "leave foot prints on tho minds of'tiine." Always a genial companion, of strict integritt and .manly bearing, the subject of our sketch, thus fir, had led a life of nseful rei. Attached during II19 war to Co A, 18th Pa Cav., he is tho last of three eomrndes well, known and beloved by the members of that orguiizaltoti and llioir friends Bt home. Cook, Wti son and Kknt. are names assouialod wHi personal deeds of daring. Unsouiii popularity Iind given them a proud dis tiuction in their regiment. Tlietonm r and latter received deserved promotion, but the other, loo soon, became the vic tim of war. Wilson fell early In '01; by tho cowardly bullet ot a guerrilla whilst picketing on- Rappahannock's banks 1 Cook died a glorious death In tbe headlong assault that rotrnved tho i , . disiGer"f WiiifcheVtdn'tI'iiit,:IiW'd I through 41)e Woody scene that followed, returned home to enjoy tho blessiflg oi vioiniy for a nhort time, and now, til's a Hoi.miut's Git.wK. - 'A widowed mother, loving brothers nnd ilur mourn hia untimely death a nation lows one ot her noblest defenders I . "How sleep tlio I) rave wlnuliil; to toM, 15y nil their cuuntry'B wlshus blest I" How it V.. The death of Seims't. ,'iKO. Kknt, of w hich wo spoke lat week happttied in thfi--filhnvhig numner,. re. luted by the Pittsburg Di.y.ttc't ' "Five men, in tho employ ot Corhett A Smith, curpenter., vveiv engaged in re ui'.dinga pon'ioii ,it Iutu tfc Co' ieIikh wciks. the work heiiiL' sunetinten - (ti'tt i y aii m iv.'hii, aii'iittei't. .Mis.ih. ('(rliett A -VintVi -on fiirnixhiirg the h tnils, i nti of ivhiiin .acted in the oapi tiity ot fnremnn ' About the time stMed two rather heavy t'ieies fit timb rto ... t t.r I soi v as a glr ir bail beei'i Itoisied by menus t a Uerriek to n Kcnlt'ihl, at il us I lit" were jilaelug the .limbers in a proper position splicing them to I getlter, one of the cross piece of ilia ' "ullolil gave. way. and three ot the w,rk,',,, lMa M-fllmiipho, (iIip toro- ,""n)H",.r ,? K were prictpnatwl to the gi'.ouiid. Kent, tit ' ,he time, was setd of one of the ; liniboM, t the end for n licing, arid -is the other end. went down with the givin i'" t lhe oro ,'u'0 lle l'll lt,'d. ! e-in In-id.r. caugl.t, hold of the guy rope of the derrick, but the op. . n(mi,e (;mi of ,, Umber atrkiair the 1 ground, no was inrcit'i upwards sums i ""f ol' 'fiht feet, and of course his lu.1.1 1 "'I'1' was hrolen. He tell head WeuvoHt . distanc. of eigl,.w or twenty hvt, sinking upon the edge of a barrel. His toreheul was crushed in nnd his h'liins seatteretl about, death ensuing in . very few minutes.. Th" other two ; e staminig on ine senuoiit I v. ' ! ... . 1 111 me juuru wneio u j;iio way, were j also precipitated to the ground amott!; .1 i 1.. - 1 1 ...... ..' ine l ining ttimoer, out inritiunieiy escap ed without serious injury Two oilier hands asi(ii.! in llie wmk, did not hap pen to be upon the HenlV'ld . M filiiui pliey had a rib broken and was milch brt ised ub mt tlio body, Kvsns suffer ed a rather Khvero injury to onu d his legs, but wss ulilo to go uboul shortly lifter thfl aeeideiit., Mr, McGliiniphv 1 a former resident of this', County.' 'rTha Coroner's jury afier siilHeient testitnnny found "that the deceased came to his death by '.ho fall of the scaffold at . King A Co.'s glass works, and were of the opinion that it was insecure, but m-tu th i rep uisibility fortius the jury were 111 doubt." riTTSlU'KU OKVKK tl, il IKK KT l'nrsiiuiioii, Nov. 20, isnii. CHAIN W em at Sj (H (, (jr. l'oii at I,(i."i(,( "t.i'8. Kyb'ht $1 I5(i, 1 is liutkwheat dull. Dais o,.13 FLOUH Spihi! Wheat tt 7.V W'nier ' " tit if.1 1,(0 live at..: s: :'."i. HAYEu!od at &,-,(( V ton. ' Loose nt it-'l.uiiftj :(! 0.1. KGG.-5 Sales at., 3 le. UU'liSE Western Ite.scave at " 17. . ll.oiilmrg nt...: '... I .. New Yoili Oiisheti a; U.l hcti'ku I'ltim- it. di .a s.sciia. AlTLKi-.S -I'er luriel nt 2..K3.. NUW YOltIC MoNhY MAltKET. Nnv '.'.. U.ild el noil ill I HJ. New Yoiii; Pkod. ck Mvuki-.t. Ni;w Youk, .Nov. 71 Cotton lo bi tter mid more ae ivu. chming at lilc. Flour dull, heavy nnd 23albhs . lower Wheat very du'l and .'iaoo lower. Co n irreg.ilai, llns.'lt I'd aiei ls2e liiwi'i'; sales i.f 3H. OUO bu-li Mine.l We-lern at d.8.l.2J in store (d.)-llig al ill 1 inside price, and gl.. Il) nfer Wh'sky tpiiel slid ed. Po k oncned it. eidedly lower, lull, e.hi-ed ni ii'i' li iiliv; sales of ti' li U) lib s a !?2 1 ntl.i1 for New .Vfess. closing at :' tor' K 'H,el"qiiiet; s des 1 t Jo!) bb s at previous prices Lard lowers sail sot 1 ,-lt.rO bbls at. Klnlf! Petriileuni ipnet ai iil cents tor Cruc ide, ! and ah cenis for Kehned in lloiid. I he I tii'iicery m irket i- cpiiet. MARRIED. On Tuesday, Nov. Gth, by the Hev W A. Davidson, D D, Mu. Amos, i'iioi.s, of Claysville, to' Miss Mo... in ! E. Enlovv, of Eist 'Kin ley, both of' Washington County Penna I On Sunday October 21st by Wm. ! Wiley E q,Mu liiijvMisi:L Ckait, and : .Miss M vimiiir A IUvi iukt, all of Jef ferson Township, Greene County Pa. yOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR BOOTS AND SIIOI-S ; "' A'r : '( . HALSTEU'S!! WAYNE8BUUO SHOE 8TOUK, , NEXT FAKMEUS' AND DROVERS' . NATIONAL BANK. aug,-tf J3PE0IAL NOTICES PUEPAtEDljiLljFi . FOll I'llliSKIlVINO, UKrrolltNO, AND lll'.Al'Tt FV1NQ TIIU II AIR. And 1b Hid hiost ilillj;iitful nnd wonderful ar llele the wotliUver produced. t,, Laiiles wilt (hid it not only a certain remedy lo Ilestore, D.iiken and Ueuutlfy tlio llulr, but also a tlustriihlu nrtlclu for the Toillet, ns it Is highly perfumed with it rich and ilullciite per fume, ludcpvndunt nt' tho fragrant odor of the Oils of Palm nnd Muco. The ITIarvel of Peru. A. niivv and bountiful . purfuiitn, which In delicacy of B'cnt, and the tenacity with which It clpigs to thd handkerchief unci person, Is unequalled. ' The ahovo " nrtlelei for i do bv nil druggists nnd Perfumerg. at $1 per bottle each. Hunt hy express to nny address bv proprietors, T. W. WUIGIir ifc CO., ' 100 Liberty 8t New York. Oetv tf'UM. 1, - ' wi.i.1 v.... A COUOF, A COID. OR A BOHB THROAT ! Rl(!L'IRV:81MMKWMH'.'rTH!tT,rt)S, AMI SI10UI.1) in; CIIIX'KI'.I). ' If Ai.iowi:i to covrixi.ti, tnitlTM'lONOK'I'IIHI.I'XOH. K I'MIt MA.NJ!NT THROAT IHKKAHK, Oil uj.fiujiriiu.i IS OlTf.N TIIH II iksVl LT. EB O K cni A!' 'T EOOnEB n.ivHo .v iinnxr i.srr.i;i:son to inn e.wirs, mvK. inmi'ihatk in r. For RronVMil.(As!liinft, ('ntartlt, Conauirip- I ' live mitt llnoiit 1 asm sis. lioenesttre ,1S1'11 Wl1" '""'"J'" K"( u m Cl s ; SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS ! ,vil1 fiDa '''"' UHeful- In eV'iuinp Hie vr.h'e when taken tiei'iiru Siatilng or SpenUlnir, and relieving the throat sifter an umssud exertion ol tlio vocal or,'ini Tliu T. urhvn nri; ree.un meaded an.l presrliied by Pliyslciami nnd havu had testi;noiiia!3 from eminyut men llirnujhout tbu country, 1! ing nn nrlielo of true merit, nnd having inmit their eftU y by s test of many years, each year them in new localities In various p uts ol tho wnr'd, amiiue a rovi.e are universally pioiiounetcl oeiter 1111:1 oinir aruoiu OtiTAisonly ' RitowN's RuovcniAi. Thociiks,'' ami do not take any ol'tlie Wwihb .nii'iiimm, that may he olTtrvd. Solii fcvi.iivwiii.jn;. Novil-Uino.' PURS DHSGSDIDINES, OILS- 'PAINTS AMD DYE:ST'JFF5, POT f 13. 333. O T j TO!l.l:r AIITICLM AND J'AXCY SOAl'S. A LAKtiH STOCK O. HAND A NEW SUPPLY EVKIJY AVEElv 1 IV I L 1 K K I-L C EI V. I Fo K .lEa AT Our GCKins have nki:N nouo t! tor. cash, seleet-'d wilh care, mi l will ho wairanti d as represented, and sold uf tho 1 vet y lowest cash prices ! . ALL THE POPULAll PATENT MEDICINES SOLI). AND MOST OETlIEMATOLDPUICEa.' Pure Liquors. WIN EG, BRAfJDJES, GSPJ j ALCOHOL. TUKPEN'TINE. VAliNI.SIIES, A,:, ; ALL AT SHOST PiiOFirS Call and sen our stools before pnreh:i1n; else where. ThanUful .forthc very extens'vo patnmage alien. Iy h.s'owed, wo hopu 10 merit u Miii,i.iuaiH.u m iuj suinu - 1 UST ive. i ved a ne w lot of choice p.-rfume- I turnery, ln.jiiiy weuted slips, cwm.!tic3, inchkliiiiJ many nkw Mntei.i s very Vlieap, ''j call anil see them at BRADEN'S J)KUG KTORHI A LA11GK stuck of Patent M. iiieines Ju t ; ru'clved. Call and beu.our STOCK iind I'HICLa. " flUIK CONFSSIOXrf AMI) EXl'ERIEJJCK J OK AN IVV.IIIIL ' Published forMiebenellimidas il CAUTION TO YOL'NG MKN mid otliets. who sulK r quackery By eiiclusitij; a po-lpii envelope, sincle copies, free of charge,, may be hail of the miller. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esrj., May:!;i liU.-ly KrooklVn. Khcs Co , N. Y. DIt. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. Tlili frrwrt mritlelne cured Dr. J. H. Soiimok, tho' Proprietor, oll'almoiiar Cotwimip ion, when it had. ftMumed It mrmt lormldnU'o & p ot. mirl wlio'i pody death fcppcweil to be lii.ovitab o. Hie ph. bIo'eiur pro nounced h' cxn Incurable vrliou he commenfio4 Ihe uso of thin nimplo but piworiul remedy. IIli licftli ti wm restored In ft wr short timo, ami no return ot the diten-e luw bcon opiirolicndoil, lor all tho Bvnip'omn iiuicklj diaftppsarol, andhls preaonl la inoro thaa two hundred pounds, H'mco liig recovery, ho has devoted h'a attention . exclusively to the euro ot C'onsinnp'.loa'aud tha dlacuci which are usually comp lca edwlth It, and . tho euro oTectcd by hla uied.'cliiei bao boon or uunie:oui aud truly wondor u'. Or. Bouknoc niFikwprofcaajoudlvlsitji toaorcraloi tliolavper oltlct : weekly, where ho hai a HwU concouro of patients, and it la truly aioukulnp to tco pior convumptivos thathnvoto .o Ih'cl out el thejrcarrlaej, aud la a 1t- month t bo.'th7, ,iror)ut porconB. Da," BtlHKNOK'U PrLHONlO.-feYiU'P, BE A WEED T0.NIO. audMANDUAKK P1LL3 aro (ronerallr nli roiuirel iu caring Co;iaum?:ion. Full dlrcc tiooi ra 'li, so that nu.' one can tako thow wilhou! foeTi Dr. Sjiis.hck, hut whoa U it eoa it Ii best lo r-04 lilin. llo r voj advice iroe, but ibr a ih iroa-h cxa uiuaiia with UIh Rplromotor h' ;oj Is thrn-j dol.en. ..... Pco olorve( Htioa pjic!iailuiihit tho two IlkoucfBci o the Itoctorjno whea itulto laitstito of Cm:nntioii, tho ollior ai l.e oow Is, in imrleet h ?oth ire ou lha Rovernmont stamp. 8-)!d by all l)ru"l:s and Doi'or, Pr ca 4rt.W nor boltlc, or the half doan. Letter .or odvlco shou'rt alvo. s l d reeiod to Dr. Bchouck's Pr!uc:pi! 0:lbo, i: Njrih nth S!w Th alo ph a. Pa. Uoiieal Win o-ale Aio-its: i?ouai Uaruoi Si Co., K. Y.. B. B. Hn.ito, Bi'.iiuiore, MJ. t John IX Park, Clnclunau, Ohiot Worker & Talor, Chlcaao, ill. Conlus Bros., BU Lou.s, Mo. 8d w. oa mo. 1 vr. ' -. J.VEW PKBIIMC FUU TillK U.i.mlXUUi.l'. I'hnlon's IMmlou'a Phnlon. Phnlon'. Phnlon'. 'NiKtit IJlooinliiB t'l rcn..." "3ilglil niooi:ilii tUireni." Xighl LilooiulMX t'crcun." "Mshl Wlomiuinx Cccnii." .Mghl Klaomluit !rrrn. A mint nnuMtr, dcllciito, nml Frmrnnt I'crfiimi', dlmllril frnin tl.u raw ml lirmitirul tlunor u wliioli It tftkua In nnine. . , - . Mmiu fuel nri-il only by . t - 1 PIIAI.O.'V & KOTI, New York. , "DKWA11E OP COUNThltrUlT-t. .' ASK rOR l'HALON'S-TAKH NO OTllEK J'M,! U.i-lyeow. ' '-. : . ii 11 12 U ft 13 o 1 a ti Jefferson, Oroone County, I'enn'u. '. MRS. II. J. BUMGARSER, rnhtumi. HAVING rilJCEXTI.Y FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. Hum oaiinwi Is prepared to furnUh Mo Aunt, to the travelling public. vTlm TABLE always sup plied with tile choicest d -lioiolcs. th.i lUK Willi tho finest Wines nnd Liqu irs, good sleep. Ing nparlments, nnd an abundance of stuble loom attached to tho premises. Public pMronnge solicited ' ' May 23,'9 -ly. from Nervous Deliilitv. Premature Dcrav ot 1 V. 'Jr. ".""" iroml supniy 01 tlio verv Miiiihood. siiuulvlnir nt tl.e san.n 'tin,.. . ('Ol'M-.K 1 LAS. RICK, MOT, AS- ! T.ik Mnvas or Hia.'iCnol l!y oni; who has "ft. tJ,,"'!0 OIT LAMI : cured himself al'nr uiidorsoin,! eoiisiderahle LAM1 (, '".IMMKa, ,H R TNDINUa e.. !'.'; T'TfT PATT A. J.'S'OWEKS H;w Just returned Irom tlio E-iat with a largo 1 which ho ivlll sbU'clirhp' fi-rtfiisn." ' ' . C'oiiie ami set) i-i-Vycr Coals from $5 to fjins Dress Coats front ' ' $10 (HI to UO 00 iiu's. " " r on to an no Het nil wool suits from . V tio'to "H no Ha d Union Suits llul to :!U UO .- U.MDEH SHIRT?. l)lU.WKRft HA'l'A AND C.l';t, KKCICTIIW. (U.OVKM, I'lMismtm Ami general assortment for Men ami linys wear. Oil ! do not forget thai tlio chill winds of i inicr Ari' piuieltii and cold to the body exposed j Il'yoiir g 11 nti r.t. are torn and let in the. weailier,'. Come iitiel;ly to Sowwis' and get yourself ltiinVia allsnn,S 'I'llUdlhg, NViiVneimtrg, Pa. n .vH.'iiti. Bin. eiotnuu.", , . -. - ' v'f, HXfl'I'ii.llHT! I .THE MOPOSWi IMPEAW1MEXT H. EIUEH ART ! ' FOlt SELLING CHEAP ohoCEHIES ! HAVING .1U3T RKTb'RN'F.D FROM TII1C city, hu has opened the largest New Grocery dn town. Ho dcs' Infnrin the' cliims of Wavnesl'iirir and v'u Inltv of tun cure he haw taken in selecting stuck, having on hand 11 iood stipiily of CONFECTIONS, .TO1ACCO., CI C AUS. TAU, uKo, - PUOVISI UN'S, KACON. D1IIED ItKEE ' - POI A'IOE . E I S II, , " " ' 111! I El) PliAClliW, ifc ', ttit , Jen Call and see hint us he bus Jjcen getting a You will find hiiii aceninodallng, and can 1 scl' lower In 111 any one yi tliu place, lie sure to go to the right pi ice," hi LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. opposite the Court IIouso, and formerlv oc- 1 copied by the Post Oillco. , ,.1 IspiS.'Uli.-ll GROCERIES! T.q4"'- A 11 ' 13 -V CN r JLJ0 U ' A A. 11 JTuJI &UJLI0 .. .. , . n,i,iij.n.. il' iviMWillllin : " - ' i ; u V ' 'CHEAP Cr:dCERi&' -OF '' 'OTTKRlfi & 'TAYLOR, i ' ' Proprietors ol Ihe splendid Grocery Store, fm '"'"'''y owneil Ky Josiepli io-tor.. Mr, Taylor nest kept In n first class Uroeery Storo. Two iloors K:ist of WilsoiiH New IiUililiiii: Oct II, '(ir.-lf R liCON ST J I U CT1 0 N , ........ . KOT Oli' , . ' IiUT 0V Isaac Hoopcrfs Gl.'OCEUY & CON KEU'l'ioN EU Y 1 Mll. nooi'ER would still havohls rlenils ' anil 'pillions hear n mind, that ho on- i I AIL "HO IMtlt.lIin llllll II IIIIIMI. I I 111 I 111! 'trade nt his iwtrn; pluro ol (luing luwlnuss, uiul.thut i.'. mi f iii niv; uiwi.fiy null VII IITlll.II fV If A Fresh Supply of the best (iualily of nil nn'cles in his line. Tins-NOTIONS nml n threat variety of iiseitu in ueies always on linnil. : i . "SFHESHMEfJTS, ... In eoimcctiim with tho nhnve, Mr. Hooper keeps a Ilcntanriint. where IOK CUEAJI, ber ries ami all the luxuries of the sensou can bo olit'iiiicd . .Tin- niov' tillruellvc nnd most popular resort In town. ' , ; Juno U. '(ij-l? i . AiiMIXISTllATOaS NOTlCli T.etlcrsof Administration upon the Estate of.HMN.IAMlM GlllvX.llltS, UtH of Coiiiri tp., Greene Co., dee'd., h.ivlnjj h.'en gr.inted to the unilorsigtii),! by tw Itcgister of Qreenu (;o., all persons kn ovlug themselves luilebteil to siiil Esiiitc are icipieated to nay Ihe saine, and lliiwe haing claims, ngdnst 8;ild Esliite, am requested to present them duly uiitlientt eaied for settlement.. , , . . Jamks Cam., Ceniro ti!, Adiu'r. Oct. 9,, ihiio. t. Miei-iir !ale, BY VIRTUE OF AwniT OF VENDITI ioni Uxconas, Issued out the Court ofCom moil Pleas of Groinio County, and to ine di rected, tnero will ho exposed to public sale ut ill ' Court IIouso,, In Wayuesbuig, ou S-ihirihi, th-) I5ri : iliii of Decanter -next, at I o'clock, P. M.i ilio followiiig pro perlV. m-' ... .;: .'.:... All tho right, title, Interest and cliiini ot do fendant. of, In nnd to a eerpiln lot of- Rmum ill Rices1 Landing-, llilj ilulug lots of John iluihus, Thomas Huijhes, pumpkin run nno tlio Monongiiliolu river, coiituhiing ono-fourl.e if an sere, more or loss. " . . ; Taken In vxee-itlnn ns tlio property of Isnnf levvlt, J, & a .SedgwlcU, If; C. Cloud, ot. nl lolng business. and site of Pennsylvania Oh Jonipany, ut the uit of llonrv OdanWt ' HEATH JOUHH, l5UciIflJ BOT, 14, ,C8 iU -. . i I iklmldiessed vl " ' 111 ''vl''n usually STOP !" LOOK" AT iVTiHS !I tiOBSESTEAUNdilS" OUT I' M1E CHEAT 'RABTI'.IIN DETECriVR , . - . L, Horse jmd li.vq Jtoek liisuinm;e(iiii)ttiiy. ...Sioo.ooa. Uiiiw b. JluIoK umVCiattliiiiiriiiiisi. losses i:o-.ulii iayil'Oiit.TUijI't and Dentil.' by the, accident 01; , natural ,causai , rrlniiipivl .oiUoo, lU3,8uutii nil ,tsiuet,,-l,lilliiiieiUii.i. . . ... . I'tesldeut, Col. CUAlfidSA F.U A LJSV. ,.,; ., ., ... . , .1 ,.. Pottsyilif, I'liun'n. VIcB-Prisedt nt, D. T Eftjiiiti.'it, da,. ;. do .i.'SuO'y.Pa. D. li.eii, riiil'iin;;., .' General Aacnl, P. Ilallitr ' t do, 1 " Itrlll-reiicc ly r. '' To lliVn'HlnionCainerUn, Harrlslmrg i6:iii'a: .n,Bvrt Pattdn. l'H; Poiisvillo, I'a. ' ' "Gen. Jos. Stlteliter. Hard wani Merchant.' Roii'dlhir,' I'll. llenjanitn riay'w'f.od, Esq., Kolilng Mills, l)r, .Toi.u Glonlnger," Presldtnt Lehauon Bank, Pii. ' 1 ' ' . ;'- ' ' L. ' VVhitnev Tlahek ' IVtlsville.'' pj.y h,,d Miu.ra. s,.i.,.t,.,.v. ti.i.M.. '.,.i, .. .!.,. Ji... 1.1 Insure In this Comhiuiv : Our riitea'are' lower in propi. t(oii Irt nny otle'r rel'wiile Imurancc-' utinpimy. Willie lliey Only tnsunt against J''iro we i"siiro rtjruliii-'t' nil rls!;s, '.'Theiu and Dei lb by lire, accident or' Pur lnr- tlu r fiil'oi'miitinii wo refer you to out ' local ngcnt. fj. II. MiCLr.LLAm W'avmsliurg. K l'llt. (lit llfmttx.x Aiilinlir ' nii)l1 it4 rotBTJlAO'IEW! Have Just arrived 'from Ni:w Y nit with a ( large ossort.iient of, foreign and domestic' which they propose to sell at tho lowest CASH ' PKICljS I ' until ns Dress Goods. Diess Tiiiomimr, 'Dress llilltons Giiy's Patent MnlTs, Ltulles's Sliawls, Kiiib, llools 101 1 Shoes, II its and Cups ; also, . u great variety, of nice articles, . , at Very low prlees, f or ' ' ' Go'iitli'iiieii ' & Ladies'' Wbar- I .. 111 ... .mi ittimn, iiii'i 11 i irmii,:tu varUJ I ... ..I .1 .. 1 , i'l 1 tr,.ilT,.T.j ... . v., ,.r,.it m...i ...1 ., ....o..... 1 .. y tn uiu nesi , unwi l,iuiv:i. . All ol which they propnso to sell at tho verv hu'.ires, dependlnat-nn tho ipujlity and' cheap-'j ness m mcir genua, mgum tuem cusiom , "GRIMES A 10.. "LATEST. ARRIVAL;! FALL AND,.. WINTER' STOCK! BOUGHT KKOlW Til HI ADVANCE I? t PHICEH, TO-BLTT KVTiUYiWDY. " t W m i 33 T ST- - O O"! ! rpiIEabovc Arm, iociiled .iit' .SVhlto'Cnltago, I Ui. eiie'c untv. .Pa , fake pleasure in an- nounehm to thcirfiieiul- ami the nuhlie that they huve iiml are reeeivinj' from the eastern cities a l ujje , stock fsta$ mid fancy, for- elmi tm,l .Tonieslic DllY - GUODH AND ND Tl.m This stock consists of Cilices. D - .L liiiues, CusMuiercs. TiveeiU; Hamlkercluefk Juices, 11 op Skii-ts., Tickings, Linens; B ench - e l and Drmvn Muslins. Ol.ives ai.l IIomciv. Gents' Cniviits nml 'l ies, Coll.irs, Jaeonella Hoots, Shois, Giocciies. Iliirilvvare,- Quvus vvure, Dye Htulls, iS;e.r&iy- - :: A I. .... !..!. .1. ... ... iV, 5 .1 :. l hie to cash buyers or for c-.mutry uioiluci;, at ' iviMi, wiih ii nicy win sen ny i iw ns poii-;. such rates as v ill jjunl.l.; Ilieiu w uial. ku.a llv-i imr ..'. , ' i.:- : . I'lea'o rn i-ent'ier this ls:tho olil-fliin of V, SI. GlilMl'H They have t;ot a new himsj, new Ih m. tuul the hest.of all si;w uuous.i Sept. I!). tHUii.-tf. :,.,' . '. ; ; j J H E ' G R E A T;p AU S H H U Rfl A il EVS 1 S E R Y ! Junt ubliahej, in a Hi ilr, JCucehtt. Price tlx A I.KCTIlllt! O.N THH NlTCItl!, TllH.VT M KNT AM) lUilleiil t'liro of .SmiiIiciI wcntuiess or Soer- iiinti.rihm ,, inilneed hy .self-Aluise. Iiivnlim-1 tarv ICnilssI ns, ncv, Nervous Dehlliiv 1 u vo mem a can iielore pun 11 'slnir else- , -. ov, uiu iiwiitut, where, -ftud tlieyv lirirovrl.-1t!r"'e the ahovu is ' V,'"'"?, w vM 'l' '' ,),lIvo!" "'.' Hie Planters' wimjft't. ltooai in Buyiutf 'cbrupr, enit of tho 1 1 I ' ' V Vji"'"1'1' 'ho BUiuark and vv.-n,..!,,,,.,,. ' u.,w. ... , tniicrs. A lull lino nt Gi'iits' tiiriikh inn anndu ymii ....ikh, 11 iMiiv-ouiiiij, itfJHt H ... .Muiiilliiipeiliincnlslomirtii-'ei'cneriillvit'oii: 8,1111 "'in, lOuil.psy ami Kits-A tan 1 I'hvs- I'-'11 Ineniinelty. vVc . l!y HUHKHT J. ( Vlr i , . ,. ! ' '' U" All"'C ' "OW IJimk," itu mo vvoriu-rennwneii auiiior. in litis nonil-1 mule Lecture,' clearly proves from his own experience rilul the nvvl ill consequences ol self ibuse may be ellVcltliilly "reiiMved without medicine, nnd without diiii!fnriius surgical opo rniiiiiis, liiiughs, lilsliuineiiis, ilngs. or cr ilinls. poiiilliigoiit a mode of euro itmico cer tain and i (feel u d, by which every sullorer. no neuter vvlint his condition tuny he, may cure hiinwil:' cheaply, pilvii ely, nnd raulcnlly. This lecture will piovo a boou to tin)U3;inds and thousaniU S ut iindi r seal, to any address in a plain scaled envelope, on I ho receipt of tlx O'-nts, or two .postugo stiimps, by addressing tliu pub hsticrs. .. . Also, Dr. CULVEUWELL'3 ."JlaniAse Guide," price 2."i cer.ts. , ! r ,, Address tho publishers, CIIA9 J. C. KLISe A CO., 1271hnvery, New York, Post Odleu 2fo Wa )..liltiai;'tlii..y ... ,. .....,,,. ' i31,5fOO Pd ;Y tAlt I W e n.ui. I..S.-..IS mciy VVIICW lo S" II . It I- IM...Vl:ll Jc'tv bcvviitg Maenmes. ; Tlnve. new klmis. tinier und upper' feud.. Wm rained, five Voars. .ibiive salary or ' largo ooiinnlsslons paid.,, The imlv inaclnues sold lu ilm' United plates for less than lo, which urp mlly.licens. ed by Howe, Wheeler Si Wilson.. Urover & Uiilcer. Singer & Co., nnd Jliiclieldeiv Alh oihor cheap niiiehlnus lire hilVliigenieiits nnd the teller or user, niv liable to arrost, fine snd imprls.ionmont.' "Ciiettliii's frmi. Address oi call upon Shaw & Clark,- UUidefoiil, Mnius or Chicago, III. . Jan. !7t1 r .' . v j - I ;i f rivottooTfT- IS HEREBY. QI-VBS THAI'. APPL1CA I tim will be imide at tlm nxt Hcsslon .' tho Pennsylvanlii lcjilslnluru, by the lull e"e lows Assoulailo at Wiiyneslinri!. Greem nit v. Pa., to elunnu tlie nailiii of ihe lame 'n the Exi'iiANim , ll.i' k or AVavmuuiui Also, to nuMioiixc. said hunk to Ismic Mi'Clt iii Oiarcsof tiny dolhuaoiiclu the whole nut It .xceed ouehuudred (leins'ind do'lurs i ' ' ' ! J08. Ki IIANDOI.PII, -' ' ulvl.'(m.-(lim r .- -)-. - . .fPnuldcnt : $9o A MONTH ! .v;i .led tor six I'lilbclv new. linleles, Ins, nut ;ddre.a(). T. G A RE Y, City nuildl.g, We. f.d,Mine. ' Isuir.'SifiT. vrLAlN, B09EST - FAEKIE "1. 1: ! 0 r ,i,5 ., -hif. ,, ; ' ' , "((p. t:;-ivt'ii. , ,!.,-. 1 , !" I'V "' d.,t ;'iNP ;j . , 1 t OF . Vi si-.O. ''IattleGreeuBr' I .'i-iio ' ! '.! ., ,. . .. ;. , f)0T"BE; 'nti'MBtjOEbV-Wt IlCY 'J'1' ' ' ' 1 "- vnf-r ''. " ' YOt'U 0 ..! i 1 0f, ,,m l1?'1 "llH ,?'rry n,nthl"g blrt n class ol GOOD.H you could noi give away In ! ,h. e",v ' ?' WK" ." 14 Bl'1 !)f alMHldy men I who uifiu in nollilni: lint slimlilv elotlilmri wl" Iy 'a;eeni to simport-tlm govern- incut or lighten yi,r.rla.i:S( w ho stay all night at yoiii li'.i;-n ,u. in tlie morning pay tho till with 11 paii'of sitspemiers or a pair of gloves that cost not l. tsthiin the. magnificent sum of a.') cents! If.yiiu nmke 10 eintBiilV of them your neighbor is rohliu.l of Jilo.OO to make it up. But buy your clotUug-of . . v N. CL A RK & SON Who will deal honestly iind (blrlywith'you and give you ,, , VALUE "IIECEIVED i for every dollar you may spend.- Wa want you to come and see us and wo will show you goous inui 1110 nest uressea men Atmt walic beoadway; would not bo aslinmod of. Wo aro Just open ing a new bloek o? ... : W INTE It UIOT IIIN'Q V !'.! .', 1- . i '.".' r ' . Both .Mens' and Boys', which for prlcb aud quality wo challenge competition, We will fell you Overcoats trom tjl to $10.00 less than any istalillslmient in l'ittsliuruh, aud Suits Ihmi $5 to $15.00 less. Wu'jiave a largo ' slock of aacatS'dJCiiips oipial lo any city furnishing store.' Drawers nun iHiiieisin is, n 001 ami iviuio aiiirts, sus penders. Gloves, Wool and Cotton Socles, anil I r.odoz. ties of a I shades aud colors, plain and unify, somo si vies you cnniiot una in any store this side of New York Citv. .. ... Th inking you for your past liberal pat'rou- Shbo,stfi: SSft Two doors West ot tho Adams linn, nml nearly ' opp..sho' ' Campbell's rnrner, Main Slreet.. ., ; , . 1,. . ; ,; May 10, Jy. hsumah: house." ", , JL'ST Ol'KNElVHY IjOSlTlVKl.y the nioM bomplcto Hotel In our t.vvn. Everjttlihia ooiulnncil to fur- ' . . ..' ,:V,T. vumuauwi cver.yol.onerua ! Li,,,,,', !,, , , , , ,A ,,, ,, ., f 1 "sU l " hou l u l"vld. eA " ",L l'ls ,!;' " st,u;i0"' .. A 80: . ,l!'' ' '.e c.' """ ""J""." 1UtMl "J' i1'" .t'ttehed lo tho . "V , , V, A" 'u, WHety. '! . , ' "' . -nee nie. uuu (b, u1 ll"-' whiskey, al... . line cigars, &&, ' ', '''w 'I"1,""" .llr0lllillt!Ilt "ems. Travellers and lie mi. (lesirons nl' rnlYniiliiiiimt will do well to call, "Tom" still retains his old reputation-of an necoiniuoihiling Rentlonma, nnd hospitahle landlord. House, the one for merly occupied bv the ."Messenaer" Olllce. AlnyD.'lid. ly. . ;- LEGAL NOTICE. , 'ttcls,,r''' A.diiiliiistriilion upon tho .Estate " ""v "l:aui!oi.ieiieiflon township, wrecno Y" i jiecu, uiiving neen granted the un ilersiuned by tho Register of suld county, oil pel-wins knowing themselves Indebted to said i.stuiu lire requeste I to pay th0 same, and those having claims against said Estate are requested to present them only nutheuticuted ' i seltlem it. Ei.iz v Wfavkb, "' ' '' ' GtoauK YVkavmi, 1 v : ., 1 Ot ,' ' Adinr's. Hamilton house. I) (I. Sf 1UIY, Pnoi-niETon, WAYKtSBURO. Q&ZkNE CO., PA. I uf'J ""'nher respecimily imnounces to ,f "., ul!" ,n t,lltul1 cll,ll'K1' 1110 "'inultiin ilouse, which he is determined to u,,1,u'l,!''st class hotel. Long exporl- , .', , 7lm& , l,.wl,ll '" tor ,.u. 1 ""'. '.u '''. I,l!1'lc'l!ly. collflllent, " " ""nZZ l f"11?. may tivorhiiu. with a cull. Tho house is : .! u.iwrrHiu n inrgo im i wi u, iiirnlsli (I. U ius undergone a style ns renders' it quite pleasant;. The rooms ..........f,., .,.,. ...., ,, ii-line. I in BUCU iimvo neen re-papered ami newlv painted t tho table is abundantly supplied vvltlilhe beste'dl bles the country allnrils, nml pains nro taken to render guests comfortable Hates n low ns those of other hotels. D. G. Sckhhv,' - I,n'EJlTrs"TAlU.I3, I ere is connected with the Hamilton Hons a Liv ry Stable, with good homes, enrriagos nnd leimdi'S for tlio nccomodutldn of tho nnlw He Hordes boarded, nutl wullaifondeil to, at nioiii uo rates . au.4 5, 'U.-ly D. Q. SriMUv & Son. N E W 1 Gr'jb: Xj U 33' ift y ' WAYNESBUUQ,' l'ENN'A. SSsJLTn JSi yv;l aoe Has fitted up a new nnd splendid PlioWranh Gnllery lu the third story ot - ' : ei'.' :; .: i. e . s !. (,- '--i ALLISON'S . BUILDINO,--. - MALEIANOTYl'ES. , T . OAUTKS PK VISITK lnd MI other kinds and sixes of pictures, In a vie euuia to llMdiest artists. . Esmiclal nltim. nr ng t .bin Allnpplh'.utlo'li.wm be prwn ly . tlodrte; to. nTJielrroo n. UreoinnK CL'wfin'0' ftn1nyl -l-hle areommo! iu. 1 1 ii"1, :"rt"'" to e istomeit - Thli la ded.le.lly ti best opportunity toteeure nite llkenessji ever t.ncre.1 toho ZipteTt Greene County. ' fall any lime It suite you 1 luw hofttnytlme In tlio day, an i ta Ml ki,d. ui wealth .,. No u V ' ll.l 11 IIIMF...I n.,',1 l.,.ul ?l.!t.. I..' ,'lli