The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, November 14, 1866, Image 2

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    j.'t. simns, eoinuii!fiiir.
"vkpEVl)AY. NOVEMBER 14, IKGli.
"'The' writing on Tin-: wall.
Tho Worbl hns'n lung article- on elcox
lions headed "What of the' FiUuro of
which tho subjoined is the gist j Tbefe
tintoTtunnta elections' deprivo President .
Johnson M wmu . cmgni to nine ueen . w 11 Ani6ndmellt mn uU(.ny al
tho 'chief glory of his. sdinipistrntion : bia.k upoh whut lt dci.mtf itl, gglllv
the pacilication of tho country alter il.o ! 0luro re ,ncl, iu Congress who will be
lata bloody contest. It is idle to ask . B,imuaU,d t0 cll!U.t 8CVtrer condition...
whether, by greater promptitude j" allj g0 re,0pen the closing wounds made
breaking with tho ltndicalH, he might hy ie tt-r, ' '..'"",, ,.
not have averted this mortification.- T)(J f )(J Pos( pl,g ,t . ,,,' htj
Ho must now tako the situation as he : T)(j RB,wbllt.nn m, by theso eioc
finds it, and make the best of it. l'ow tfAaim mwm Qf tWQ mn
erWss during the res.due of hi term, on ; Mf j.,,. 8ai( WJ t.u,y
all contend questions of don.est.o.poli- j , it m rt.lllin " power
lies,' his only chance of acquiring prest- ft lQ Uw m
ige,M.uco....vrlinii with our UmVi rr k u dun ' )ll(J ,icxt two
r . . r 1. . J I . I 1
control ef Congress. The Btrps he is
understood to bo, taking to resusuitnto
and maitUuin the Monroe doctrine, will
bo warmly u))provod by tlio country
It would be futile for him to contend
longer with the radical in respect lo the
Sooth, and. ho vif bct consult tho dig
nity of his ollije by . lotting his action
cease with his responsibility. Against
Congress there was no appeal but to the
people; and the passions of the war 'ilst i with, tho exception of the XXVil,
have not yet' suflieienily subsided to per. j District, here J. hn J. Wicks was elect
mil them to judge with candor.. The l'd to A" 1',e vacancy eansed bytho res
ratificaliun of tho amendment is not a ignation of Canal Commissioner Hoyt,
quastiou for him but for the Stales. Ho tliu !"enatoi8 hold over.. Tho Ser.ato,
may hereafter stand aloof from that sub ! therefore, stands 26 Republicans to 0
ject without a.)y loss of dignity or o"t , lmocrnt9. ' The Members of the As.
consistency. Against the uncoiiHiitu- spmbly elected wertf 84 Hepublicans and
lioual exclusion of Southern States lrom ! l Demoorats ; tlius giving the IJepub.
Congieiisit was his duiylo remoiistrale,
but having appealed to tho people ii.
vain, why should he sharpen aerimony
by further opposition ? Thu eleclions,
by virtually depriving him ot lvs veto.
have rehuvodhhu tron all responsibility
for tho action of .Congress. While,
theretoro, he holds fist to Ins of t .repeat
ed views, he will servo no good purpose
by an animated and aggivesivo preset)
tatioii of them. A candid eo.oper.lion
nun congress, on ucuirai quesiions,
nnd a dinillod abstinence from pushing
a controycry in which he is powerles,
is the course which 'resident Johnson
will doubtless think il wise to adopt.
The Times reasons in this wise : From
the verdict of Tuesday thero is no ap
peal. Tlio judgment rendered by four
States a month ago was held up as ono
Rkelyto bo reversed. Tho argument
has been heard, and nino States have
disposed of tho points in issue finally,
aud with no chanco of rever til. There
is no further mom for doubt or eqnivo-
cation: tho country indorses tlm notion
of Cohgrossi upholds the Constitutional
Amoiidinunt as tho basis of onniiiro'iniKn
and. explicitly declares the Democratic
party unworthy of ks confidence.
Upon lhe result tho Tribune s.iys :
Here, then, is ttie reply of the l-iynl nnd
still advancing North to the ch dlcngo of
the Prasideut ii syllables as pluin as lhe
hand-wriiing on the wall j that ono hun
dred and twenty-six rfldicnl Congress'
men are elected out ot a, w hole reprc
senUtion of one hundred and six'y two.
We recapi'.uloto ns follows, show ing o
fatal policy is weighed in the balance nnd
found wanting. Mr, Johnson commit
ted his political toes to ruin i the North
responds with radical majorities in nine
teen States Not on inch of ground has
beon yielded by the loyiil vote, and in
yiew of whatever good wo'ik may re.
main to bo done, the North is resolved
to maintain its standing army of loyal
majorities. '
Tho New YorV Ilrnll romnrks. The
general resuljs of tho laid elections, from
Massachusetts ' to Missouri, aro over
wlielmiiNigly in favor of tho Constitu
tiopal Amendment a tho ultimatum ot
the victorious North to the Southern
glutei rescued from tho rebellion. This
great issue of tho conditions essential to
tbo restoration of said States is now
fixed to the end of President Johnson's
term in tlio twVlhirds Kepublionn veto
aecursd in both Houses of Congress as
they no sr stand till tlio 4ih of March,
18G7. This is tho grand, all important
lesson of. these November elections a
lesson which tho administration cnntiot
safely disregard, even 11 so Inclined, and
whlob the States unreeoinlised by . Con.
gresswill do well to accept as lliolr only
alteronllve. . The extreme radicals, in
' the;pext place, have boon ompliBticnlly-
aamouishedjn all these nntumniil tleo
tlons, from tho Ailunlio to lbs Pacific
ocean, that their revlutionary schemes ol-
reconstruction are utterly repugnant lo
the people ol tho North, and therefore
uttajly impracticable. We an satisfied
with all these nmulisi and espceiully sat.
Isfied at to tut wisdom of the eotirie
opted by ihis Journal lrom tho signitl
i( eidiet of the ' September
cm ..Veidiet b"the' MslrJe' bclrt
election; ou tfic gri'ai Ismw which Ih to
mill k tl o. new dispensation o Wis ho
public httfie'ltilfiliincnt cl its manhVst
desirny. "' '
; The Coimerdil asserts i Tho question
:ut issuo wit tint policy of reconstruction.
and the decision is'ugniiist tlio policy ol
the President r ml in favor of thai of
Congress. The people . have virtually
rati tied tho Amendment, ami Ihcy havu
virtually said to the South; "Accept
llu'so tetitis mul come back to Ihu Union
with loyal Representatives in Congress."
Congress, by admitting tho Tennessee
members, have khown a willingness to
ullirin ilio method c.t reconstruction,
and contract with tho people will
strengthen them in their conclusion. It
has also shown them that thero is a feel
ing ih Caver ut slixng guarantees ; and
f ie g,nllh fcImll 10W . it1 bK.k
years, it needs, to act prudently, to put
its a blot statesmen forward, to thow
that it possesses modcr&ticn as well ns
vigor, and that it knows of ether inter,
ests in the country besides tlwt one to
which all discussion has fixed it hither
The New-York State Senate, remains
! unchanged by the elections of Tuesday
licansa majority of (iO on joint ballot.
This insiiri'8 tho election of i lladicul
United States Senator t tuccccd Sena
tor Harris.
In New Jersey", tho State Senate eon.
tains 13 Republicans nnd 8 Democrat's;
the Assembly I! 3 licpublicans and 27
Democrats, giving, on joint ballot, the
decided Republican nlnjntity of 11,
which guarantees the election ot a lie
pnblicau United States Senator to till
the vacancy caused by the death of Sen
utor Wright, .
The Massachusetts Sennio- is unani
mously R; dical ; the Jlouso stands 22
Radicals to 9 Democrats. .
The Maryland Legkdaturo will bn
Democratic. The-Senato will nontain
8 Republicans nnd 1G Democrats i and
the Assembly, 21 I!c ublicniis nnd 59
Democrats, giving the Democrats a ma.
jority ot 40 on joint ballot. This will
give the Slat u Democrat for United
States Senator to sucuced Senator Cress
Difiiiito returns from tho Western
Su,r'' ,,aV(; 1 J'et rCBU,M!d E,,c,,h
noetr, is Know u
to determine the
political, complexion of nil tho Legisla
tures 1n nil the States. They nre uni
formly Republican. In Illinois Mr.
Ti'tie-ibull will undoubtedly bo relumed
to the United Slates Semite. Wiscon
sin will elect Senator Howe, or will send
a K idicnl to succeed him i Kansas will
do hkewi-'e in I bo ease of SenaUir Pom
eroy, und will elect a Hadical to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of Sena
tor Liuio. Missouri will elect a Repub
lican to succeed ftio Hon. B. .Uriitz
llrowiii who declines a re election. Thus
the giin in Now Jersey will bnlanco the
loss in Maryland, and leave lhe gain of
four Senators in the September and Oc
tober elections' unreduced Tribun't. '
Tho parole granted Jeff.. Davis some
months tigo, giviutr him the privilege ol
the ground of tho Fortress during- the
day has been extended, through Jixeeu
tive clemeney, in removing all surveil.
lance on linn, and tho guards from his
rooms on Carroll ball at night. Instruc
tions to this iflict have t een sent from
Washington to General Burtoir, com
mandant of tho Fort, thus relieving Ms
iinprHonmui t vi anything like severity,
and paving the way, as it is generally
presumed, for final pnrolu and release.
All tho guards over him, both during
thodsyand night, b.-lug removed, hu
now enjoys evei y pnssiblo menus ot nom
tort ond pleasure, while held a prisoner
In the l'ort. Itlissid that 'ho has ex
prts.mJ gieat gratilieation at the unci ion
ot lhe Uovernmoiit, and already content
plates the vauaihg ofCurroll InJl. and
Inking up his residence with Mrs Davis,
in the appartments assigned her, shortly
ofier her arrival bore. '
A PotTicAL 'Cuss.' A pout hns
urdertsken to Immortahzo .a rooent flat
boat calamity on Oil Creek. Tho fol
lowing melaucholy stanza tells the whole
story i: .. ' . ' ' :.
Bh heated and lot, and sot and hosTod;
I Aud high her rudder tllmm " ,
' And every time she heaved and sot
!', A woner leal she sprung, 1'
yKQMRDSTON. . fl t
'Mr. Chnrlu k Mitchell, theWlorcd
circn nOininaU'd by thu licpublinins ot
the Sixth Wardojof Boston, hat leu
elceled to the next Tj' gislaturo of
saehuset:s Mmy peisons willbe ready
to li'ild np'thelr hands i) amazL'tneut at
this re-ull, but we should remiid such
that this is i 'progiessivo' hge. . We
have not seen it stated that Mr. Mitchell
was either a prize fiitiier, a gambler or a
bin -glurl and tho ckel'ioii. of John Mor
rinse) lo Congress tdu uld ftriko most
persons with much greater surprise than
,the election of Mr. Mitchell to the Massa-
chusetts,ture, : It fn-.y be, in the
eyes of some people, a greater objection
to have a black Man than a black iccord;
but where inU'l'ig( nco rules instead of,
prejudice, the bla'ik man will nlways get
a chance. The llos'.on Journal, in ul!u
ding to.Mit bell s nomination says. Il
is one ol tho practical results ot the pol
lii'iu creed . which Massachusetts iias
been loreiuosl in advocating, and though
it may sumo some wnii surprise, tit
ceiUinly ercdiable lo tliB district which
madelhu noiii'ua'.tou. Ward Six is the
wealthiest ward in the State) it embraces
within its limits - uioto literary culture
and more libeially .educated men thau
any other Rcprescuta.ivo District that
we know ot, and il is, with pcHnipsihc
exception ol a . ward in . New . 'Bedford,
thu only ward in this Stale which has a
liigu number of colored voters. The
ward is the home of'John A. Andrew,
and there Seem, lo he a peculiar pro
priety thai the first colored man elected
as a Representative, as ho undoubtedly
will be, should come from a waid which
possesses such maiked characteristics.'
I'ask IUwi.. The J..hnso:iUvs 'Bawl
tng' for Bread and Butler.' , ,,
Swisni.niis. Tlie ' Ilanisburg JWo
yrjph says: ; We learn that well dress
ed, smooth-tongued scamps ars traveling
over the country, having with them a
model hay and manure loader, with
which they are gulling farmers' most
oturngeouly. Their mode ot operations
is to visit the p'ioeipal lanncis, exhibit
thcii' mode"!, sell aright to. tio itatni
give nn order on a manufacturing estab
lisiiinent. where they pretend to have ft
contract fir the manufacture of the
implement, receiving in exchange the
farmer's note, which they immediately
convert into money, nt (Miscount, aud
clear out It is ' prol nble that some of
ii ..1..1. 1 ...lli i.
11 ii- iimeiii,-1 lym, nuiei hoi v imi 1 ins
. . .1
county, nnd burners shoulu exeicisc due
d;giliince lo detect tbeni .
For sctnio time pAst there has been
much talk concemirg the n..tiui nte.I
metorio display, announced to ti.ko place
on the 1 3 ill or Nth instant II is claim-j
ed that it will bo a repetition- of -what
occurred on the morning of tbo 13:h of
November, thirty. three years, ago, al
though ni that liyu the occurrence was
generally regarded, ns a pherfomeii Mi
wilho.iit a parallel in history. Persons
i f middle age, who witnessed it, state
tin. t. the whole atmosphere .was filled
wiin a snewer oi inuso meteors con
monly si en in nuii.m.i evenings, so thick
ns to look like snowt ill or llaming il.kes.
The theoiy wns advanced soon alter -
wards lii.-it this display was periodical
nnu lis return subject t caieiilnlioii
to lime and neriods fixed I'm the re.-.n-,'
ftneeotmctorio showers, and as these
periods terminated in November, lhe
season of .eteers;a considerable disl
n .iv m filwi.ivi-il I, mi nni niii. t,. ,.,.,
noining to cum-
a. Tlio theory
'newspapers ' nil
....,..: ' i
pare with thai of 18D:J
I. . . I 1 i
ima urea ruvivcu, ami r.ewHnjjnor
over tliu i
- j ... s ,. h,u
exhibition of atniospherio lire-works on
the nights of the 13th and lllh'of this
.mouth.. Wo notice one writer,- howev-.
cr, who puts no tnith in. the prediction.
He s::ys i It any of our renders should
s'u up and take cold, and see no in etc.
ors, wo taku this occasion to tell them
that they cannot blame us for it i for no
do not believe there is any moans of
making any cileulalioii of ihu kind. The
nliiitispheio may bo subjected to some
very general periodic divisions, but thero
is certainly not known to science any
rule for calculating siuih a metorio nhe.
nomoiion, any more thnn detimiiininir
tU J.. r. . - - .
... ..ui.. ivmiH ui ii nun siorm or tor-1
undo It is sarpiihinir that any men of
of scienco fhotild attempt lo tlx such
periods! but there nio so few that would
risk their reputation by predicting a
met-jiio shower, that there is no oecn.
slou fjr nny one to bo misled by predic
tions of the, kind. For oiir own. part,
wo do not believe tliero will be anything
very remarkablo to bo seen oir tho lyth
nnd 14th of November, even approach
ing a return ol meteors of 18J3, A.
we cannot sy thure will not be rain or
snow on those nights, so we cannot sny
mere will not be meteors. Jjnt wo have
no Ueliui in the prediuiion buuamu it is
not sustained by sob nee.
. ! , "-" L '- ' '
, K "Vt- V(m Thkm -Countorreit
greenbacks of Ihu di'nominntion ot two
Uollaia nio , in eirouUtion. .Thev
poorly executed, nnd experienced yc
can easily aqtocitlioin; f (l, '
Whitteinore's cure t..r ih.v loot rot. in
hep, sold at Iloffmsu & Roberts' Drug
Store. . "
M . The popular vote. r-X
?.i'lioWi-ii JohiiFon . si rieahd lrom
Congress 'to llipi 1frt,M The suppor-t
abide by ta result. -' Tlio October cfco Vl
lions resulted in nvurwlu-lhiinir Kcniil).
. . . i " . .
hcan nu'joritirsin Ye Slates that voted
then. .Ot tlie.;twelvu that, voted, on.
Tuesday last, ten wenl the sumo wy,to
wit; V
Massachusetts , .1 ...70.000
New York 13,000
New Jersey , t ,',V. ,!. . .:.,'.. .3,000
Illinois,, . -13,000
Michigan 3'J,0()0
Wisconsin 18,0ti0
Missoui i . '. j ...... ''. .. ..2(1,000
Kansas...' 10,00b
Minnesota 6.0(1!
On the other gi-!e stand rebel-conquered
Maryland with some fl.OOD mninni;
composed entirely of returned rebel
and always rebel Delaware, wit;
about 1,000. .
The verdict is as emphatic as any tin-,
was ever given by the American peoph
JV hat suys Mr. Johnson
Nun. Charles L, ' Mitchell, the color'
ed man who was on Tuesdayielected ii
the Massachusetts Legislature, will hav
the honor ot representing in that bodv
the wealthiest district in the State. Ii
is the homo of ex-CJovcrnor Andrew and
several other distinguished gentlemen
Mr. Mitchell is a printer, and served in
tlio army, losing a leg in one of tho bat
ties before ltiehmond. There will be
two colored men in the Massachusetts
1 egislature.
Wk di i.i. Piiiu.ii's. This gentleman
spoke in Boston . Tuesday evening, and
made another severe attack upon Con
gress, General (runt, &a He considers
Congress a swindling concern, because
il undertook, in its last long snssiou, to
find a neutral spot thai was neither up
lo the - level of popular idea, nor low
enough to come under Executive patro
nage. The Ilnrrisburg correspondent ot tho I
Chninbersbuig Repository, after carefully
inquirirg into tho expression and nfli
uities of the next Legislature, has pre
pined a table givn'g the first choice of
most ot the members for United States
Senator placing the c'ght members from
Allegheny county doubtful, 'lhe table
fiiots up as follows. Curtin, 31); Cain,
eroe, 1 1 ; Stevens, 7i Grow, "i doubtful,
ID. The Union liepublienn enuciis will
..i' : ..i .1 o . .
i-ousisi 01 eiKiny uiict' oeuaiors uini
A jiibilaiit Kepubliimn in a private
note to tho editor of the Fillshiirirli
'-i''?: ia L' ,-ra' "l'olt ovtr ,lie -''--itia.
Hear him
'Tho Lord has spoken . tin ough His
people. His voice has been heard from.
Maine to - Minnesota. Was not the
thunder of Massachusetts terrible to
evil-doers 1 1 think it must have caused
lhe dry bones in tlio White House lo
shako. If tho good God does not see
til to take me to llenw-n when I die, I
trust ho will send me to Massachusetts.
If Andrew Johnson should now see tit
w mmm' 1 m,oulu B" 1 " namo
iiS llko ll,u V-'
, , , ( . . T , ... I I .
; Tun liaml of no i xpeit printer travels j
nlllu llUles i setting up 25,(100 letters
I"or aie.-ino ung t louse
n'"1 in Greensboro, oecu-
... mi . t.
h'd by Mr. Uuber. located on County
Sln'Ql m tbe "U1 paitot'lho
; town, will be sold at private sale and
possession l'ih-ii un iiiu im iu nn ui.
I---t, - -
For lerins apply to Mr. IJarber, Greens- "
u0,' I'"-'' or s'lv-'"na"i 13' Second !
St reel. Pittsburgh. 3w
Street. Pittsburgh
A 'J S O W V, Tt S
iias just relumed, lrom the Eist with a largo
-'i. st-ck of
' ' which ho will sell cheap for cash.
Come and seo : Ovor Coats from tn
Dress Coats from I0 ou to so 00
n on to 25 on
20 ui) to o on
U U0 to 20 Ot.
' 'lest nil wool suits from
8,B:t Union Suits
And a general assortment for Men and Buys
. wonr.
OU! do not forget that the chill winds of
. Winter
Aro plarcing and old to tho body exposed ;
lfyourgainiente are torn nnd lei tn the weal her.
Come iiiickly to Bowsns' and get yourself
clothed. ...
Rioiniu Allison's building, Wnrnosburg,
Pa, nuvl4,'u.-8m.
ohcrifl' Nale.
III VHll'Uu "e a n iu i or c.iliii-.
l)io( Kxi'osas, issueil out tlio Court ol Com
mon Pleas ol Ureono County, and to me di
rected, tjiero will lie exposud to public sale at
tic Court House, la Wayncsbutg, on
, Saturday, iht Mlh day of December
next, at I o'clock, P. M., Uio followiug pro
port v, vni
All tho right, title, interest and claim ol de
fendant of, In and to a certain lot of ground
Ifl Rices' Landing, AdJ.milng lots of John
II uu lies, Thomas llughcs, pumpkin run ami
the Mnnongnhula liver, containing oue-fburtb
of nn acre, uinro or loss. ....
' Tnkcn' In exen-tlon ns tho property of Isant
Ilewii, J. & 8. Sedgwick, II. C. CI- ud, et. ul
doing business, and site of Pennsylvania Oil
umipnny, si u:e suit oi iionry lA-isny.
UEAT11 JOUKS, BUsrlff.
DOT. 14, '0-k
is yens estiil'lifheil In N. Y. City."
"0iy in''nl!llilc remedies kuowu."
"Free from I'oisnns "
'Nut ilinirccmis lo tho ITiinwn Piniily."
, : "ltiits ciniQ sutulllicu; iioies in cuu."
"Costa u'", Rat . Roaci-i &r ' Ex ri-itM'a
Is a puste usi'il for Hats. Mice, Roaches,
lihu-k nml Red Ants. Sc., &o.
Is s liqulit "f wish nsPil tu duslrny,
iiitl also is a preventative lor Dcd-Hugs,
Ac. '
"Costa, " Ki.f.cthio Powokii For Inskcts
Is for Mollis, M'lSfiuilocs, Flcns, IVh-,
llugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, "
&c. . - ' '.'" 'i ;i -.ii
t j" ! ! ! lh:VAiuj ! ! ! of all woVtldcss lull
iilimiH. , . ; .' . ' i
ttJ-Si e ilml "Costaii'm" name Is on each
'ox. Pottle nml Flask, Pefore yon Imy-
U-Adilress, HKMtV lt. C08TAK.
m Bmudwny, N. Y."
tJ-Soldln Wnynesbuijr. Pa..
(WBi- ' llotl'miin & Roberts.
And idl Piuj,'(;Its and Retailers evcrywhen
For Cuts, Bums. Bruises, Wonnila, Boils,
Cancels. Brnkuii Breasts, t?oie Nipples. Uleed
ine, Blind and Painful Piles j Scrofulous,
Putrid nnd lll eonr ilioned Hores ;' Ulcers,
Fbinduhir Pwellinjis, liruplions Cutaneous
Affections, liingwinin, I di, Corns. Bunions,
Cliilbiiiins, Ac ; Chapped Hands, hips, Ac.j
Bites of Spiders, Insects, Animals, Ac , Ac.
ea-Boxcs, .'") cts., ,10 cts., and ifl siz;s.
dor Sold bv nllDrufrgistseveiywIieru.
fcyAnd by Hmniiv ' It. Costa u' Depot iH
Itiiiadwiiy, N. Y. . .
ftyAnd by llollaiau A Roberts, Wnynesburg,
l'enn'u- ' ...
" C 0 STAR
!H SSCiVGnt,
i.r ; . t '
For Coins, Bunions. Wmls, Ac.
t-B'ixo. S"i cts . ilu els..jinil l slzus. 1 1 11 ti 1......
i-iuij'!" uvKiynm-iu.
I AW l nr l, II..'..... it M....... tOI
CiT.mi (y iu.--;iv U. Lostah, Depot 48
erAnd'hy Hulfamn A Roberts, Wnynesburir,''
Penn'ii. ,f-i -
For Beautifying tlio Complexion. '
Used to Sofli n and beautify the Skin, ro-
1 l.-1'....M..a Ul.....!. 1.- t..nn r...
( ; ut iu , 'to all
, others.
bv all DpimIhI. '
wAnd by Uinuy" R. Costal, Depot 4M
1I(inm;n & Klll)erl8 Wllvncilbuni
. reuiia,
. '"UOSTAR.'!)",
Cough Eemedy,
For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. Boro Throat,
('roun. Wliuoplng Cough, Iiillneiiza Asthmn,
ponsnipplion, Proncliial Afteetlons, and nil
dlsensos of tlio Throat and Lungs.
WitoUlcB. els., nil cts nnd $1 sizes.
car-Solil hy all Druggists eveiywhero.
eyAnd by Ukniiv R. Costak, Depot 481
Uroiidwny, N- V.
sax. And'by lloirmiiu A Roberts, Wnynesburg,
"COS T.A K ' S "
Bishop Pills,
For Nervous nnd Slek Headache, Gosllveness,
Indigestion, Dyspepsia Biliousness, Consump
tion Diarrhea, Colics, Chills, Fevers and
general doisngemcnt of the Digestive Organs,
Boxes, itA ott., SO cts,, ft uses.
Sold by all uruggiBisevorjwiieru.
nd liy Hknsv il. Costas, Depot, 484
UrosdwikV. N. Y.
. " 11..-.. A Hn uS I W.aniii.
burg, Ps. I
noT.14,'8(l.-8ro.'. .
Oyer 2OQ00liatlos Mado !
24Q0 Bold it (hftrittJl-urg gency !
..... ' .'T ' '- ' "' "
' ... (it'.SIl-S , f . ,
Tli iKinarkahlo (Junius ! tho Into Jors-
Chlykoi in;;, jkiitl tliu same nlillily oouiln.-'td in
tils sous.
The eon.liiiiallon of thu best outside talent
wltli their own genius
willcwliicli to obtain tlm hcirt--work men; to
keep on hand stocks of the. b'bt uiutuiial lo
be seasoned for years, '"''.
,; vAcvonr.: ,
Thu I nvest In tho W4irld. opcurj ini? tU'ii
.acres of ground nnd Its united lluois, u'i Ivct
wide, and 11 vo miles In length.
The rtintit complete nnd expensive of any
piiinn I'aclorv in tin-country, uniny paiti wiih-
v Z "ii sW by
ii&i"'; txi"us'V y
in:t a iliiiillcate.
thu elder .Mr. t'liiekeiin
Willi these advantages, after thoJahor of a
half century, dining which time l Imy hnvu
niiimifiiclured thirty tle.usand pianos, tlicy
nuwolfer the puMic anentho new scale piano,
tlio most perfect ever made.
Jl'-ssrs. Clilckering A Sons nro how mak
ing more pianos tliau any firm in tliu United
Slates, and
i:xcobtto Kiinori:
yearly, n larpu ncinber of instrumen's which
mo used by Ilio lending artists' of tho day,
Their reputation has become Would wiuk.
"I consider Chiekciinq-.A Sons' rianosj LEGAL P"OTICE'J '
beyond conijmrison the best I have (jver seen . U lu of Admii.i-tralion upon tho Estnto
in Amciicn. ... lol lsiac Wuavcr, of JclVcrBon township, Greene
' I consider Clilekeilng A Sons' Pianos
superior to any in tlio world " ...
. Whlll.l,
"I believe that In every particular your'
Pianos ai-! snperl r to any I liavo ever seen
iu this cuuntry or liuropo."
"For volume and lino (piallty of tonn. wi'h
nicely i f aitieulalion, ihu Chickering Pianos
uro unetp'ialed.
"I always use and always reecoiumc-nd your
Pianos to my pupils and fiieuds,"
''I consider your Pianos tho lines! I have,
ever played upon."
iiieniiTANT to I'L'neuASKns.
Thu Subserlhers are the exclusive wholes .lo
I Agen's for thu Chiclcei nig Piai'iis,- for Wes-
tm'i Peniis.vlv.n;
Virginia, hpeei.
u J-ialiiiii Uliio and West
!i I ,1 i-i 1 1 1 ipi-i ,1 1 ii Iu tmiilili, llw ,i,
: i, ?.u i. ,.v.i.iiv th iuIiiq ui
tlm li'.elrii.v In It wirm. lima a'lvlmr fi-ol rlir
.nsur.inco anil rlsK ot iransiiortaii'in to pur
.... .... '
clink-is retiiliiiK ill or West ol'this ( itv.
Tl"i Sl'llc''II-'l;a S1"'8 lnrticiil,ir nttenliim to
tli-jsolecllon o iiheir stock, visiiiiik ilio Inn-
, iu:.v neany eyuiy uioiiui ior uus pin pose: men-
experience In I iu business. uum:ca skib.
am practical know e,U of thy niaimiaciuru
ol Pianos enable tl.ein to select tho very best
Instruments that Jk-ssis C-liickuiini? produce.
Every Instiuin-mt warranti d for " yenrs. by
tliu manufacturer and tliu subscribers. V
sous at n distance desirhu! fiulher iiiform ilion
should address tlfti' subscribers who will 1-u
happy to s-nd Ciem poi.t paid drawings of the
vorious styles of Pianos, price., Ac.
Old Pianos taken iu cx'-han'.'i!.
81 Wood Street,
Between lli Street A 1)1 immid Alley,
Ilnvojust arrived from Xkw Y hk with 'a
largo ossort.nent of foreign nnd domestic
which llinv propose to sell at Ihu lowest CASH
PHICKS! biicIi i'S Dress Goods. Dress
Trimming, Dress Rultons. (lay's Putcnt
Jlulfs, Ladies's Slniwls, Purs, Hoots
nnd Sliocs, Hats nnd Caps t also,
a great variety of nlco articles,
.at very low prices, f ot
Geiitlcmen & Ladies' Wear,
Wares of all kinds, nnd n eiunpleta vnrio
ty of tho best. . OROCER1ES. All of
wlilcli they propose to sell at tho vci-y lowest
figures, dcpe'idhig ou tho-quiility and- cheap
ness of their goods to gain them custom.
O vo th'eui n call before purelinslng else
where, nnd Ih-y will prove tn it tho a'mvu is
correct. Room in Buyers' corner, enit of tho
Court Ilguse, Wnynusburrf. i.ov8'(i(l tf
NOT OL' ' .
Isaac Hooper's
f R. IIOOPKR would still have his rlmds
if L and patrons bear n inlnd, that ho con
tinues In tho Grocery aund Confuctlnnery trade
at his usual placo ol doing business, ' and that
ho bus lust received . ' ,
A. Fresli Supply
' -.! - I
of the best quality ol all.nii'clcs Iu his lino.
. '. , . '
TOYS NOTIONS nnd a great vurlety'.of
usclul articles always on timid.
; jrefhesHiIIENTS,
In connection with tho sbnve; Mr. Hooper
keeps a Restaurant, where 1CK CREAM, ber
rlcs and all the luxuries of the season eau bo
ries ami
.- ... t. , I
The meet tUractlye and most popular rosort
la town. - ., ...juue is, ue-iy (
' l . ..1119
letters of AiLi'iltiUiniiiiiii,
t A t. Jleiiss( late olfHkliliilflp., Ureeno
.v.., hk,; it, iihwii ueoii gouuuu o HIV
undeistitnvilUy thu Reg'iter of Greene Co.,
nU nWins,tiovlns Jlieuisely'e ludebtW to
said J-.stuie,vs reiuested u pny the none,
and thoso having -chums ngnlnst sa'd Ksttts
nre rcuct.l lo preseiit them duly muhenll
cated lor sitiluiw-iit.
mi litiRAiiun Beiist, Adm txt-
' OH. '.'4, IfCC-lit.
C COINIY A ft " "
In the Oriilmns' Co-rt of add County, No.
- 'J"i, I.Ve. Ttrin isuri.. -
In the mnltcr of thu nermint of J. n. Mn.
iilUrii mid A. Hcnniken, Admliilstrut rsof
hn . l'ltiiiiiikeii-, di-c'd. And now lowlt t
.luiio I A. ISiiil.- The Court nppoirtiil W. E."
Gnni n, Jii., niiilitnr to examine suL I nccouni
uud JepoiLi u (.xceplioiis llhil.
i!y ihu Cotirl.
J. l' Tl MI'LK,
Clerk, V
i'llee is hereby eivcn to tho parties Inter,
ested, that I will a'tofid to th-.t dulles of the
above npi oluiinent nt my otlli-e in VVnynvi.
Inuij, on iMoBtlHy l!i day ot November
next., - - ' 1 ii s v ?
Oct. 1!), I8t50.-3t. WKjaAi-KH
gTATK XOlIMiL mioofj, A
i.niMioi.o, i.iul; co., ca.
fids Sclnio' iilTiMS excellent facilities fornh.
I :'"'"fIV".u3l.. mactical Knglish Educs.
i,im. 'n,e Sllltu. n,sistH ,.,(IM ,meml ,
, ii .iv;iiu,n, iv eL-uiiieiiiu mi ii uus in
slitmini Issoml for life In nil parts'ol' Penn
sy.vaid.i, nml exem.iis thu holder lrom exiun
lii'iiion iy School olllcers Tlio Winter Term '
will open, December "Ih
For Cl-rular or CiUiiIokuo, address
oef 17. 'i;(!-.-(it ,), A. Coockii.
Xoi- a DARK BAY .AfARF,. dx years old
I witifimuk or a fidu smldlu on tlw left 1
shoulder ol rather llsht indhl nnd steon rumn.
I 8!ie was sroi.i:s on stiiavi n fnini llwi iviatnri. '
tield of tho undersigned, in Morgan township,
Grecnu ei.tmtv, P.i , (In Thursdiy ninht, Oct.
a.-.ih. . If ili liVi rcd,.or any inlbrniation ulvea
ii'.iiiiii!; io uie rec ivcry ot ihu nmre, tlienlinvo
reward wi I be p iid. ' ADAM II. ROSE.
Oat. Ht.'Cii. ' ' ' 4t
roiintv, ilue'il, laving heer. ernnted the nn-
: dcrsigncd by llu licijisler ol said countv, ulU ,
persons kiiowin-: themselves indebted tosalil
listato aro I'cqucslul to ny the siinie, anil
thoso having clabus agaiii-t S lid Estato nroi
reipieslod to present them ibily nutlienticatcu!
tor settlein .lit. Eu.v Whavkh, . .
' v ' UwiliUl: WfAVKR,
eel !!1 lit Admr'B.
.Letters of Administration upon tho Estnto.
of B.-.N,miiN ' OaixKAui:, of Centra tp.f
Oieene Co., d o' I., h iving been granted to
thu undersigned by tlu Register of Greeno
Co., all pers ns knowing llieinsidves indeliteil
to said lisinti- re.-.ieslud to imy the same,
mid thosu kaviog claiuis ng dnst s:iid Estute,
uro requested to prej. nt them duly anthentl.
ea'.ed for sclilelnent. '
,luii;s Cam., Celiac tlV, Adin'r.
Oct. I Mill. (it.
This l nn urilelo lor washing without rati
biiU', cxce;it iu very dirty pace's, which milll
........ u 1 rl.l .I...I ....111... ...I.....
,,:,,!,, ,B.,.eu lor u like purpose, wn.ii
,l,' ,.l)T eLor.iKs, but will leave ! them
.,,,, mhu.ay IMlim wlllltmt ,hu
I U!1lli all( VM-. ,
It removes gieaso spots as if by magic, and '
I solk-ns Hie ilul by soaUin-:, so that ruining will
in orilhi.ti v casus entirely reinove ll. powder Is pr.cpaied In nccordnnco with
cheiiiic il sr ieii- c, iiud UDon a process p- wilinr
to lim it, vr'.iich is -si!cu(ed by letters Patent.
It lias been in usu for mine limn a year, nnd
lias proved itse't'a universal favorite wherever
il lias hi cu used. Among tho advantages
claimed uro the lollowlng, viz. :
Il saves all thu expense of soap usually u.-ed
on cotton nud Ihii-u ?,o ds.
it S..V... moil of Uie labor of rubbing, and
wear.iiud tear.
Also, for cleaning windows lt Is unsurpsssod.
" it li one qiiurler thu liuio and labor usmilly
requited it imparls a beautiful gloss and lustre
much superior to tiny ntlior moile. Mo water
rui uirud except to moisten Ilio pmyder,
Directions Willi each package.
And can be readily uppreci itcd by a flnglo
ti l d. 1 ho cost of washing for a family oftlve.
or six persons will not exceed tiiiikk ckntr.
Thu niuuul'iictiircrs ol this powdot- nro uware
tint many uselesp compounds have been in
Ir idueed to I lie public which have rotted the
cl all, or lailud in roinovbig tliu dirt but know
ing tlio intrinsic excellence ol'lhis Vllclc, they
coidhlunt y proclaim it lis being adapted to
meet a demand which 1ms long existed, nnd
which has heretofore ivmaluud misapplied,
ji.ixcrAOTL-iuni nt
. 'Joii Uroiidwny B ston.
For sale by Grocers and Dusters everywhere,
Oct 17 '(ill-am
Jewellers, .No. 8,t nmnbell's Row. .
Wnynesburg, Pa.
Having recently received an extensive stock
unbracing watches, rings, eye glasses, Ac.,
Thev lire orennrml to sell at low rules for cash. '
Repali uig done ut short uelice, and la good
style. Octl03ui
A G E N T S ' V A N T E D f'& R
Anecdotes, and -Iucident
rniiorn Is ' a certain portion of tho war that'-
X w ill never ao into tho regular histories.-
nor bo embodied In romance or poetry, which'
Is n very real part of It, nud will, if preserved,
convoy to succeeding generations a Utter'
l.lcaol'tho spirit of tho con Hie t than many dry
reports or careful narratives of' events, and--this
part mny ho called the g ssip, the tun,'
the pntluis df tho war. This Illustrates the'
diameter of tho lenders, the humor of the sol
diers. Ilio devotion of women, tho bravory ot
men, tliu pluck of our heroes, tho romance'' .
und hnrdshlps of the service.
'lilio vi hinio Is proluscly Illustrated with'
over DUO cngrnvlugs by tho llrst artists, which,
arc really beautiful ; worthy of examination
ns specimens ol tho art. Many of thorn are'
, get Into the body of Ihu text, after tho popular-,
stylo ofLosslng's Pictorial Fluid Book of the ,
Ruvoluilon. Tho book's contents include re.
I niliilscoucosofcamp, plcliet, spy, scout, bi
vouac, slego and battlo tlold adventures
I thrilling foals of bravery, wit, drollery, eoml-
cal and ludicrous sd ventures, etc., oto,
anuisi iiionl ns well us InstrucHiin mr to
found luevu'y ngo, ns grnphio detail, liiillW t
ant wit, and authentic History, ana ikUtulh f
interwoven in mis worn oi uicrary bil ,
This work sells Itself. Tliu people sro tlreoY
of dry (letnlls nnd partisan works, and wsntl
fomulliliig humorous, romantic and startling,,
Our iigeius sro making from $100 to Ic'oo Der
month, cloar of all expenses. Bond for clrcn-i
litru irivinir tun ivli-ui-ii lira nml ajiri mip lanmi
ami prool olthe nhnv6 assertion Address. ( t
' fiU7 Minor St., I'UUadelphU, Ft. ,."
waiui .