The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, October 24, 1866, Image 2

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She McpMitaiL
WfclVS.KrJUY, OCTOBElt 24, istiii.
T. '.' .. Wll II Ml I
SlMCO tile ilTeVOCuhln fli.i-isim, !.
)ioo,lci by tlic ballot tluTe is a vast a-
n.Ount of talking dniio ,y t1(t (Iffoatorl
L j Prt, illHs'lrntivo ot theold pluaso "the
VU "'Jff'pion strong in death Wo
,n.J'"!0'V)1'Jt!'lion t0 tlieii) lellinir them.
ol( ,,' ,;lonRt ft" Ignominious over
. throw why not ncknou'b.ilufi- !i unA cl.
mil r0 tho ."course of events V Not (,
events J'! Not so
A of old. they sfti evorv.
w'fV''"5'','.rVM8h. Wgiiifying glass and
,v" (dying upon jiuir prophctio., vision peer
.,, """.y .,IU ,n"nr,iy,-,d)ictitig ; naught
, 'but calamity and evil to the iiiiliou It
.,. H l.0ren?o stioli bubbling and Vet
'.; VfS"('? !.lko "K'"- . Frequently tho
. ,, , . um V "? country lias been proifounc
''lhe H1,,u lips yet it lives! And
Mb i1 r!"!-11 ',!vTl0 .?,,jy 1,10 nt . enviable
.'position', among , tho powers of earih,
ttiytpite the encroachments ot treason and
", gasconaiW cf liaUors. WPiSiVCfl'NOTHE PESIDKSTi
a,, Washington lutter Mr. Forney
i vfyv T"''-' short diiyaBgo 10 ntiompt
ed to feel the popular pulse in regard to
f. ''''8 '''vorile revolutionary programme.
!...Tho j instant and tumble repudiation,
I )Vqn, of tho tjnt ofihat outingo,' ex.'
..-.'Ivdilnwtii him ait equally instant do.
I -W.'J I'Ohati ho has an long been plot
'!, 'Ae.oiily .ay tor him to avoid
y , im,achiiieiit is to ivmovd the cause fr
impeachment. It is, I repeat, the most
J , ,uhild(.sh4,.dly to suppose that the ! great
ri,.Au(eri'k-ati people fear' to' exercise their
rights under the 'Constitution, against a
faii,he,j .irsime or tyrannical Executive!
and ho will rculisw ibis'fant sooner limn
jk, any-other iflie altomp-s to 'defy or take
L!t-wift:Wi thiMti.. : h remains wiih'An-,
drew Jidinsou, between now and ' the
c ;hiMt ssioii. of.tliu Thirty -nint h' Jt 11
gtess, to decide whether nr not the 11 p.
vesen'.ntivus of'lho American pcojdo shall
arraign him for inipenchmeni nec.or !jiig
to .tli forms -of' the'Nauonar CoVstitu
r- tioilli'.l ' i . ; '
ii' On 'this siilij :ct the Cleveland Lf.niler,
::,Qiiet(jt he -.nHi!-t radical jnunials in the
';couplry, takes' issue with Gen, Under
on the qitOKtion of impanelling lite I'res
r.idont. nil lays down the following prop.
.i ositioim; and argues in then' favor : 1 It
i!js ku'ltf fh.lay down' tlio tuie thai impenc!.:
T.i inent should 'never be a parly "measure,
but.iilu ays a rational ' one. When it is
r.) attempted: by a ..politieal partv, and for
'1prty jturpoMesj It must ot 'necessi'.y bo
jjtinfiir; lai tifan and co'r'rnpt' . Saeh 'iin
.itkipoaehnuMit could of course be 8uccei
&i lul only when the Jiarty 'pro'sccutiiig it
had overwhelming inajmitiea j'tn' both
iultthiwhes of 'CVltgi'ess; ' In' fu'eh a! ease.
l iud whero, tho' judges 'weror, influenced
?,-j)artisim motivej.; all 'uhances of jus
!i,tiebxnd.:flurnes8 vanishes.'' Oiily' ivlum
ii;the question iiKb'abovo parly coiifider
alions and becomes a rationul necessity,
.r,CM !iipvaehment.''bo .prpaeeutet .with
j -tafVl'tf : .Jft-j y v 5f;tfl8 nays the vor.
diet .pronounced by , the - people lot' four
..btak'a. wo merely 'Mhd'fulllllli'nont ot an
"t-xptctatioif 'c'ntertiiiud by "overy man
"SvlioSiftV' wuichcif ' l)'oi:e(iily the temper
,," .JMjrffoa ot tiio,, (iquntry,.! and' the
saiie jouriiahdpi.e4. not . hesilato 'to gay
..thaUha If mber clcalions ill -'result
in tho reaffirmation of ;tho verdict. Tho
''rWrthon: ndnMnister.; tho following
'n'ditud 'advice' t Sir.1 Johnson i
' ) ' . Th.; ...:.'.!. 1.: t... .
-nu n ivnni;i(i (lius ou , COMCIH TO
seo. ougro8s.!ili t forward Its new
tniiihod ot sctllonientj iduHpito protesta--twns
ttDdvclbos, or must frankly 'accept
tlio Vofdiut '' pl'orfouiioed ' 'by" 'the people
" loii-: J i. -y ".v.M"-r.'-""."i'j"
,' "TO''mnjtcfljrciirnjion-i on: tho only
" ITa'sis that is prautwablo. : Ho has stated
:: ; bis own oaso, am) the pooplo bnvo rel'ns-
' 1 In UMMH.t .U l.l 'I'll.. - i'.i 111.1.
;. alMH 'to bVdri 'graelously mid"
". M..l,n..iilUnL-.ii1,:iM'l.L.ii.Vii.n-.i:..:' ' ''is-
. i' m' v l,,D i''iuiiir requirement,
and to exei t the ln(l(()nou,o( the Jxeou
tWtj'iH'iuppnrt'''df the cotnproniiBo notv
teuderpj. ,'tbo.Soii thorn 'Sfates. ', ' ,
wis - -Oyi-KJAL. ,,,, ',-,..
i'u oumiai iciuriis irom nu.tnncmiu
' ' aiv Wr "r'VII Jl uinjMniy in 1 t,lin.
. .- T II 11. .mi . .. I lv r. J . ( r!
flhuB ..I.t.i.. l..n.i..'d ..... . .Hi I . . 1
, VhwwUtMJ sun prosunie to.'auut Ills"
v .election I' ., ' . '.- "!,i:v'.;'':":1'."'
rliitt (imdia.rretufils fj)in all but three
' eniiuoH'R mr vmto nro rt'oeived. , jnicing
,iiy"rt- i.i ii-iinii ' my I II f 'ff
' connlii'S, the Unl.-n iii;ij,ji i'ty in lhu Siuto
I. A'l BITI'T. . - r.. r l-., , !
U....U I.,.., tjLem lo hri ..- 'i,' " '.' '
hhVQ Uiil' m'tiir H'c'tstcr
OU'Meif xUi'M. m&fT&4ti'ym
Tim tollowing decisions have been
;ven by the Commissioner of Iuternal
Uevenue at Washington
1. Farmers will not be required to
make return ot produce consumed iu
their own immediate families,
2 The farmers' pioliis from sate ot
live etock avu lo be found by deducting
from the gross receipts for animals sold,
the purchase money paid for the same
It animals have been lol Annus the
year by death or robbery, the purchase
money paid for such M.inials may be
deducted from the groe . incomo of tho
farm. . v
3 No deduction can be made by the
farmer tor tlio value ot services rendered
his minor ehildien, whether he actually
iiiivM ii.r Hiu-li services or not It his
adult chikhen work tor him and receive
comp'-nsHiion for tho labor, they are to
bo regarded us other hired luoorermu
dcterminim? his income.
4 Money laid for labor, except siuh
as is used or employed in domestic
service.' or in the production of articles
consumed in tho family of the'p'odikor,
may bo deducted. ' ' . .
4a.- No deduction can bp- allowed in
aiiy case lor tho cost of unproductive
labor. If house servants ice employed
a portion of tlio lime in productive la
bor. such as the making of butler and
cheese for sale, a pioportioi ato amounl
ot tho wages paid them ,may be deduct
ed. ....
C, Expenses for ditching new land
are plainly expenses fir p-jrinaiiout im
provement, and not deducted. '
7. The whole amount expended for
fertilizers applied during (he year to the
farmer's land may be deducted, but no
I'niliurtinn is allowed for fertilizers nro-
duced on tho hum. The cost of seed weref at sea, without water or provisions,
purchased tor sowing and planting may j for four days. The boat capped several
bodeducteJ, i times, and a number ot its unfortunate
8. If a person sells timber standing, ! occupants, on each occasion, thereby
'tho profits are to be ascertained by esi.i- lost their lives, among whom was Cup
mating the value ot tho land after tho tain Knapp 'Aft r sulmiing agonies nt
removal of the .limber, pud from the sum wh'o'i h in nd shtiihleis.the third mate,
thus obtained "deducting the estimated three sailors, and Mr, Frank Garrard,
v due ot the land on the first day of 'f Brooklyn. N. Y., a cabin passenger,
January, 18(i , or on the day of purchaa j were providentially enabled ou Sunday
ed since that dlite. j morning last t') reach the bmch near
!). Vhere no repairs havo been nude Fort Clinch, Fernaudina, Flu, In an
i, tl. inrimefr iman ni.v l.nililinff oh ii-: exhausted conddion, with tho dead
ed by him during the preceding fivn
years, notliinar can be deducted for re
pairs made during the year for which
liis income is estimated . .
. . "RETTER GO!" ' -
A few days previous to the election
we heard a Clyhier man enquire the
1 . v...i. u i',.
nearest rot 'olo Canada faying, it (jeti.
, , , ',. J
Geary was elected ho Wanted to sell out ,
and migrate. It' he is Mill of the same j
mind we would bo pleaded to learn it, !
and would suggest that, to be sure of I lie
direct 'road, he would enquire of some
of his triends who have traveled it.
Tiik People uf Pennsylvania g-ither us
the ft aits of their great victory oil the
9th, irst
A , IJejiublic.111 Governor for two
Eighteen Wi'imbl'icm Congressmen
'1 gained.
A Wopublicaii U S Senator in place
1 f Ci 1 wan.
A liopublican Senate 21 to 12.
A Uepubiican House (i.) to :io.
The adoption of the Constitutional
Tlio restoration ot the rebellious
States. ... ,.
Enduring Peace.
Unstained Freedom.
Universal . ustice- ' :
Such is the lesson to North, to South,
to all! ' ' " ' ' .
IIon-.G. V. Lawrence h is been re-elected
to Congress trom the. Twcnty.fourtU District,
by tho following vote
'885 ;
1 ITU .
: 3,185 ,
Lawroncu's niaj. l-,Blit.
'lho Unionlovyii Standard cflast week
says : ( " We learn, just as wo' go to pi ess,
that' Captain James ' Cope',' .' son of exi
Shot- IF Eli Coiio. rf lhu ldaco. was run
over by the care at Oitum wa, Iowa, yes
terday, rind ' instantly killed.' Partic
ulars next! wcek;'r",
. - . .1
A dispatch from Indianapolis, Ind.i
sta'esthnta lorrillo storm passed over
Franklin, Johnson, County, which de
molished sixteon houses, almost destroy
ed the railroad depot, and killed ono
ho v. 7
' Tub Governors election takes place in
W astern Virginia next Thursday.' ' Our
fVictids in that Stato claim 10,000 against
'My l olicv.' " ' ' ' ' ':
... . . .-I;'.. ..,...'....-'
Sisuioi's Finn at Wasiiisijtos, Pa
About eleven o'clock on., Friday night
saya the'. Pittsburg ; CimmcrckU , of the
22 J (nst-V; fire was disooycred .issuing
from 1I1 roof ofii two story fYumo house
on Main strop, in the borough ot.Yyim
ingtoii'i .directly . oposito ,.tho Mansion
ILiiisu, occupied by ., Davis Bros., as a
bakery and opnfectionoiy, , and before
the clttjiui)s could be thoroughly prousiui,
10 fin lies had comuiunioaied,to,' two
aiijiiinjiig buildings. ,.,Tho. small though
stiorgetio, li re department of tho .borough,
ruudui'ed valu iblu serviue, and by the
mo-itoxtrnonlinary exertions, ooiiBiied,
the, fir.t to tlu,,row iji; which it prigi.iaf
ed. notwithstanding the fact. that it was ,
hply supurnK'd front other buildings by a
brick wall and ,t fourteen feet alley . The j
house destroyed) were,.thq! pioporly ''of ,
Hum J Ww.,.AIfMt'y'-- ,,,r 1,8
colilto.meV, uoynsuied.;.
by Messrs. Davis Bros., who were in
mired to the amount of $!00 in the
Cumberland Valley Company.' Mr. Geo.
Davi lo&t all his olotbiiiff, $-'00 in
money, and a valuable gold watch. A
silves watch was stolen front him while
the tire wa-i racing The next house
was used by Messrs. Montgomery it
Gibson as a law olllce. Ttie firm suc
ceeded in saving their papers and fur
ni'.uie. Mr. John Steep oocupied the
third house tw a restaurant and residence,
lie succeeded in savn g a poiliou of his
fiiruiture, but his loss will be heavy, as
his stock was not insured. It is gener
ally bjlieved that tho fire was the woik
of an incendiary, ' whose object was
plunder. - '
We continue lo receive sad accounts
ot tho effects of the lalo storms, especi
ally along the Southern uoa-t. In re
gard to tho Evening Star, the lossot
which with nearly all on board Ihe Sa
vannah of the Olh iust. has
the following account i
Sho left New York on Monday, Ooto.
ber 1, at 10 o'clock A. M., with a' valu
able cargo, and upwards of i500 souls on
hoard, including the crew. On the
morning of the 2d iust. 'sho encounter
ed severe weather A ' tremendous
northeast gale taking the sh.p.she labor-
ed heavily and her tire were exliiiguish-
ed. At 0 'o'clock, when about. ISO
miles off Tybeo Light, she suddenly
went down. Eighteen persons succeed
ed in milking tlieir escape by taking lo
one 01 iter small ooais, in . which iney
bodies of two of their companions who
had died from want and exposure.
Three.othcr' boats, filled with pits sen
gers how tinny il was impossible lo
learn left the ill-fated steamship at tho
same time, ono of which, containing the
purser and engineer, was in oompanj
w'Rji one which reached Fernandina
until Friday, when it was lost siydit of.
., . . .... , -. . .
Captain Knapp, who left the ship in
lhl. ,,al vvjl, lhu ,hirtl ,.t.( w,im, W(W
'(jap-i:?ed four time-, met his death by a
piece of drill wood, which, sinking hi.m
in inn ioreneail, KillO'l I'lin. J here is
hot tlio slightest chanoe of the escape of
any of the women and children.
. GltKAT Fl.OOl) AND LoSS OI-' Ll VK8 A
dispatch from Baltimore, Thursday. Got,
11, says. The rain Iris continiiod to
day without, intermission. Heavy
Hoods on all tho streams have caused
considerable' damage aiid loss of life. A
nun. ber of milldams and bridges have
been carried away. Tho bridges on. the
Franklin and Frederick tump ko are
gone. Several houses have been swept
away. A family of six persons and
another ot three wet o dimmed. Seeches
tor b"i;lge, 0:1 the Biltimore an 1 Ohio
Ifuilroad, was des'royed A number of
dams and biidg.s 011 llr.t Patapsco were
destroyed. The extensive dam at Elsy
villo was swept off. and coming ag iinst
tho tuluipiko bridge nt Ellicotl's Mills
that was destroyed. The wrecks finally
accumulated at the heavy stouo bridge
at Illchester, 011 the Baltimore ami Ohio
road, thiitcon miles ' fioin , Halt nnore,
which gave ' w ay to the tremendous
ptessuro. This bridge was con idered
'tho strongest on the', road and had t-tood'
out njainsl all former 11 oils. 1
The largo dam of tho Union Manu
facturing Compupy on the Upper Patap.
so with a part of its null race, stabling
aiid horses, together with tho bridge
connecting the works with the Baltimore
and OI116 Wailrya l, we're all . swept off.
The daiii of the (Iranite Factory at El
licott's and inueli other property nt that
point, in addition' to. that'buforo mention
ed, has been destroyed. Many houses
and inueli other property in the Patapsco
Valley 111 Variously "dumiiged. There
are reports of 'several lives being lost.
Two persons are believed to havo been
drowned at Ellicott's Mills.
A despatch from Washington, Oct.13
says; ihe Potomac has 'been' lisiiis
rapidly all day. Tho canal has over
flowed, and many of the houses ulontr
the northern banks are submerged, The
inmates ot some of the branches iu tho
. ., .t '... -- . .; .-
nuiiiiiDnrno id ero ouiiL'ed to eavo n. r
t,ie,,,J,,t,on raaa. :The W InTL.TX"., STI. ,
canal attmued its grehtoslt height at
about half-past one o'clock this after
noon, ' when' it ; reached within a few
inches oftho top ot I lie' fenco at the
southeast) corner 'of . the VVhito House
lot, south of tho President's. Knst of
this lot for' soino distance the water was
full of men' and women wading for terra
firma, waist deep, bringing olffurmturu
and clothing. ',' - ' '
l-i.. ' 1 1 - ;
r. VV lio'i 'a, J.'Jiu' I r f Tho son of one
of our conservtitivo frjends in this county
uaviug lately took n laiicy to . auh'
ler of one of our colored citizens, took
occasion on n certain night of lust week
to slope 'With her.;. They were bursiied
(wo understand) by their parents, as far
as the Pnnimylvania Hue, when all traces
oftho fliug couple wore loBtv.Vois.
vdte National.'. . '': l ' ' '
I !TI,i i a Poversod 'pliturb' pfthe Wnr
of rnees'i -heard .so"iiiitOh ubbut'prvious
A plank haxjiut been brought to New
York from California,, which is believed
to be the largest ever seen in the United
Slates. It measures twelve leet long,
it . r : 1. ..'I.. 1 .
eiifiii ieei lour inuiies wuio, nnu is tnreu I
fuel thick This nl ink was cut from a
. ,i
tree known'as tho redwood tree, an in-1
habitant ot the Sierra Nevada iiiuim-
. I
tains. These are probably the largest :
treus in the world, many of ihom reach
ing the enormous height of three hnn
' t 1
dred tee t. aud raniring in circnruluieneo
' . '
from Unity to ninety feet. !
" 1 1
BtiTiMoRK City greets the loyal ppo-
tile of tho North and sends the tiding
- ,
Of Victorv tO SWell the ehorilS Ot p:ilU
J . .. ...
otic triuiniih. M iyor Chapman was re
. ' . , . 1 .
elected by nearly 3,001) majority and 11
, 1, 1,1 ...
doiiucil that 4s unanimously Kepuiuman
' v ....
, . , , ,. ., 1 ,
in both branches. On tlio ntn 01 ro-
, . 1 . -m I...1 ...111
voinber tho nooide of Maryiaiui win, ,11-
, . ,. , ,. l .,,
elect (ill tho ivvpubliuail loilgre'smail
, , .. , , ii ,.,',(., 1 1,,,
and a .legislatuio that will lain) uu -,
'..' .. . 1 .. ' ..,! .... ,
UOIlSlllUllonal HllleiUlineilin unu ii.'"i
Mr. Cr. swi 11 to tho Senate.
-Tr. m - '
The New Y.ork Tribune compares
' , , , ., 1
Cicnernl Uix to Lord Nelson s sailor, who
.' ' ., ,
once rowed Ladv Hamilton .ashore, mm
,',," , 1 1 ! 1 ,1 .
on beintr aked by ber ladyship wneinei
,, , , .
ho would have a cr'ass ot nun. a mug or
t)e(!r or a , llin,lw of pn,ieh j0r his trou-
! , , . . , - , b()w , .j, yoM ,,1UIU!,,
ma'ain.'I will tako tho rum now, nii.t,
1 iv 1 1 . 4 i iftiilu vnwv It 1
UU lilt' INU " J w "V
enip is mixing the punch for mo.'
Terrible and dcst'ruu ive liros oceured
in Oltaway and Qiiehco, Canada, on
Sunday and Sunday night respectively
In Ottawa many 'tenement houses were
burned, and a largo number of -famili-s
rendered homeless nnd destitute. In
Qiiebeo two thousand houses wero des
troyed, four men killed and a number
wounded. A public meeting hni been
called for the relict of the unfortunate.
Every parent who has a son or a
daughter to send to school, diould .write
for a circular ofthcState' Normal S:hoo!,
at Edmboro, ,
, Piiotkctini the toosot children's shoes
from wear by Metal 'liis, has proved u
moBt impoilant and ust till invention
Uut until lately a great mistake in apply
ing iheinchk-fly to the coarser grades
of shoes. For the higher the cost ot the
shoe the more there is-eaved by protect
ing the toe from wear,' which can only
be done by a Metal Tip. Genteel Met'
at I'ippcd. shoes are now being made
and are woru by tho beat families in ihe
city. Manufacturers could not have con
fei r.d a greater pul liu favor ihaii by
supplv irg this great want li jxIoh Jour
Donation. On last Monday evening
our generous citiiS'-'tis conlnbutcil 10 the
Tolict of I'ev. M.l' Siillwell, who is very
low i health. coutincd by that slow woik
er t-f death consumption. Wo arc not
aware ot what amount in cash and ihe
necessities ot lite, but prcMime, enough
to gladden the hearts ot hiin.-e!f and
S.M) Ai.T.WUNT. Mis, Hurley, wife of
Senator Jhirley, while on a visit to souir
of her friends near C imeron, a few da
sinco wa-t thrown Irom her carriage, and
probably fatally injured, nor shoulder
bono, ono arm and leg arc broken, be
sides she is otherwise severely bruised,
The particulars of tho accident us we
learned from a gentleman who was there
shortly nfor it ocourcd.who says s Mrs.
lhu ley, in company with several frii-uds
started for Cameron, in a . two horse
cairiage, and in . going down quite a
steep hill, the bolt w hich tasioiies one
side of t.he' tonguo to the axle dropped
out, and the carriage rim over tho, bank,
throwing the. whole company out, the
other parties were but slightly injured,
We cli i ihe above trom the Mounds -
1 - ,
ville Ntttio-al, prusumni!;. as the parties
1 ' '
are known in this vicinity, it wornd be
of interest to some of our. readers.
Oct 1 1th, tit the houu ot Mr. James
i Carrol, ot Greene county,, Fu., by Ifev
K ral?' J''
t t it in
a , it. .r.M ami mis .
both of tii'eetio CO.,
?, """ i
i " ' ' ' ' - , .
t.. !.. .Hton'Anu Uv : ! aitiito.-nli Ids.
jiMlH.ll M. . f..i, - - -. ; (
-, On 12th 4 Sept ,1806. by. . I lev, -J- C
Mumver Mf n M. ,,W. .W.o.ei), to Miss
Nancy Hiwuu, all of Greene oo., Pa.
Oct.! 9ih. 1 BOn.' by" j,lvy. .0,. ' W, Me
Wberteft' lJr. Phasic U. Swan, nnd
Miss-Loii' 'Waj.tos, at Hie home of th6
bridd's tathor, lirClai'lcsVille, (Jroono co.',
Pa. ?!.; 't : . ." -K'l ,'' ' ' I'!!-'
On the 20th ot Sept , 18fid, - by Uov.
P. Ax'tdl. Mr Wm. U.' Mii.i.umn to S. M'. ,Nioiioi,8, both ot Hihlnlli
Tp., Oreeuo co j Pa. .,i ,,, . :,
. oil Tuosilav evenina, th? Iflth Inst,,, '
i 7i i' v .,.,h hVlhi. ltev A It,
inthoC P, Chureli, Uy lliu Itev rt, li,
Miller, Mr S.,-,8 Baa, . nnd. M'Mj
"Jknnik" Wiam, all ot this place. '.
' , V. .. .': ., .. i .i... t
Thanks for tlio ttice cmik firm the
above parties
On tho 27th of Sept , by thbsamu talnliig a thorough, praetleal Engllsl; Kduca
,' i .r i v Ji, 1IV I,, M'ns A li Miuai'i Unii. Tliu Statu assluls taoso who Intend It
', J;,.-S , ii ' s ' :-l ' n ?!i becnino teachers. A ecrllllcato IVunl tills In
th tit liichlull 1 p-,, Greene Co., 1 a. 1 ,tluti u ,, for life hi all parts of 1',-niv
both (if Iliclihill
On the 2d 'iiist'., b)!
the same. Mr
.;rii,-. ,si ai.w.!.J .- ,...'
niki SmvI.i'.i V, tti;-' Mufs' KbiCtiitiTHj
1U,' both 6f 'ttichliiU l?p Oreeuo UO.W
6T11 I SOU. ' ,
RmI DrallKllt' Btiilllun. Tlua ' V uv. .!..., "-.I ......
Juliii lliNtou. U,nl Urania Aimiiniil. Khl. Cwiinlwll.
" ' u'w Aimiimii. isiiu cwnni
I miu Mi piimuiti ji nor. u,i 3 vi.urcW Hiiilllnn, Uiiml
fi',i-i. vmi ii-t. J-i n ciu.-r. Km y.-uriiiiK iiur
III; -liiinl Iaiiw, ami bral. I. T ni,l,ll... Hi .t Sin-lnn lmro
fii.iii'iir imr,u.-k, 2ui bm, j),ii uu.wm.ui .ir. u.t
timiry n rim...u. i.t y. nr i,i it.-uun, j,u n,.u
iml lnt. fclliui Bl.iiiii. u..t im ,wlt , ,,.,. Uiut.y
AmwiroiiK, Jmi i,ii, j k. iiu-n.-y. ii,t n mliru
roll, J""" llalljr. II. -t Sprlim mill-.- A.lmry Sti nlil...
2ml Hint, X, II. Allilri'W. Ilrnl Ji Um ..y Itulini-la
J.llli.,.li)lllU..l. liillllK,,.'ll.I I...,.I1iii(!.,I ,UH.
.... ..... ,,, utu,,,., .-,,, i;ilt
iimwy iiiiwi. limi sih-iuk muiu it, .vn ir.-w um.,
IUiIiiik "li t Dilvliu St.illl.ili,
f'1'1"'111'"-;, i11 '";" iuri., .. i.
KiiIiiIiviii Wnlti-in, 2i,il h.-l, J. C. N.-ul. ;l v.-ul-ni l
-- f Mnu.i-. -jii.t u-.i run-i. coiiiit. u :i .j-.w ..1.1
it. 1. "i 1 iinri.iii iiiini .1111111. u miiuiii. u..
' .mil. -nil IH'1.1 illlllli-l, rHII.111. Hi-St ll'l'
r uhiMmii hhumuIi, iimu u, -j, w-,,, .imu,., ii.
lli't illlvliiK iiiilmiil, .1. II. lira, Jnil 1., I', i-i v hi-
! I . tli nl pair ur ililvlut; nml.-a. I,. A. 1' 'JiiU In t.
Minor Uiin. Hint rl'lliiK ntilimil, ir J. II. I,il.llv,'.'n.l
int, Jimu niurhsiiirr. iut wuiuinn miim 1, ii,.,n-uu
. Hint iruiiiim iinhiiiil, Tiiiw.i-mi.jiiii iii.,t, likii-
nnung. n.-t im.-hii niuinui, rim... cm 1,211,1 i,.t, a
lMI"ikii.' Hi-it Hull, Curlili-y Oiir.u-il, -Jinl lii., ,1. K.
hhi-iiiv. iii.t iiuii iin.i..r -j v.-nr oi l. iiu ji Kiimiiiu. jmi
liml.Uwiruc Kmuik. llwt Hull h.iU iiii,..i-II uiiiiiIIh ulil,
iviiuamwu un, -m iiuii ciii iinitur n nuiuiiis nw w s.
Ili'nt jri'Lo Oxi'ii, Julm l.iiii. -Ju.l li,.I.S. I'. Mlinir,
n,., u,i,,. a vianniii, .iiiniiihinsi. Muni, Jmt iu...i.
IIiiiiiIh Dtiliuiy. Hut imw IIiikIi Kn.-iiimn. u'inl Um,
m,u Kw.allMU it -ki ll.-H.-t-:..iwvi-1i ttv.uinil iliroymra
iiIiI,.Iu!iim IMI, '.'nil ln-i-t, llniry Slri!-iin.i-k. II lil i r
Ulllir-Ulll, y,,iri,i, ,i iiiii, unii i,i, i.m. Mini
lli-Ht li'irl'iuitiiial. linli Kivniin. -ii'l ln'Mt, I'.-ai-H'in Miimr.
lli S,iiiili llm-k, .Imiy UivdU ml Im.l Anliniy
Mrutilii. H''nt ytMi lliu i tuii-li '-iirk. Awii-.try Sti-ulil", 2nil
lii-Kt. S, II. Swim. II, ,t i lllUll lulrli liilnli, .1 I I V- l)-ii.
mm. 11m I ln'.t, Mill. Iliiniiwiiv. Ili'wl Sa.xuliv Hnek, Ah'iii
rv Slnililii, vin.l'11'i'l-inill Will-m. - lli.KtS.;lli.ili llili-U,
a-iumj- sti-ui.iu. iiit Siuni-u i:m 11 in lennii, r, s u.
Swim, 2mlli'.-Ht, J.,11. Il.a. lli-Ht Hp ml -h vi'irliiu ICwin.
,1. n. Una, 11,1.1 Si.uii,.ii Lami, .1. 11 u-,t. jmi wm
niinaway. Ilyi-t Siixnny Kwi'H. Ai-liili'V Slitilili-. -.Siiil liuiit.
n 11. 111,1,11,-. n,t n,uny i.uhIih. .. 11.1111,11,., -j,i
Iiu, N. II. Hlilill.'. UM Si'lllim Kww, Ai.lmri Stl-lilili,.
rti.i.i nupinv r fsntii tnnn i.iu.-Hit'rur iixtonuiiiro Ku-i-.'
.1. K. Bulky. lli-Ht luliiriiil, Jiiinin ll-ll. --'ml hint,
Hiiimifuri. 1t.1t iiiu-u hw,ii Main, .1. n-y ii,vi.iH.,,
iMrsV,!!!: .'n,. h."'" a, 'ii'lrt.'";
"r'S K
u s Kt.voHll w.i.k iinni.-y. n.t hK, j v.
N'-itl. 2imI I""!.!). C. Ni-nl. Mst Mt'itt whmi, . I. K. Hell.
I lli-Ht Sil'iliK Wiwiin,.l..N.ri-aKii. lli-i-l IIukkJ' J. N (.'liiK,
-.'ml i.ct, .1. M.rr.ip.. m-si ki-iiui hi la, lli,l;ani,v l,n-.
Mm i-i'iiprr itn.i miiwern-iiui'iilii'il) ltiHMi.'Niali-iit Hi-rkmn
k I.iiiik. next Movvr, l llu!iliiiril-i.) Ili"-.iiin ,t Irtin. Ilit
i-i-il i-inti r, II. f . Walmm, ;ln,l li..i, l,.i kuin n i
Il.-f-t luirni' Hay Itiiki-, A. Wulix, Uial i-illu kimi, Juliiiriiut
Tnililll. Ili'.t ilisplny nf Itnwari-, l.i-n I- A. IVmnl-i, ml
lii-i-t, l.i'Wl- A. Wimilii, It-'Kl Iwn liut-st- ilinv, .1. F. Kli-ln'i',
Jml liiwt. .1. I'. Ht.-li.-r. llMt I'miliiiiK Sim-:-, .1. V. Kli-lii-r,
Jml biNt..l. V. Hu ll. r. ' Hi-it W. A.lllti-liK HihI
rltiirn, ll.-i-k uu & lioii:i. Ili't liiill iliii.n ni' Ih-uuiim, Daviii
I'.irk.'i-. lln.1t Ciilii ri-iilii'i-. ilnliii li-a:,'n Sr., 2ml ln--t, Iiv-vl-l
Slinivur. Uo-t Kviitiiriit.ii-, Davl.l Sluiivi r, 2ml ln-itt.
.Mill I'l i;r,i Sr. It.--t lililn S nlilln, It ili,lul,!i ,k Jt,,-ivu'
li st l,:i,ll- Saililh- II A. Smllli. ll.'Hl lli-iin SaiMli.
tl'i'i- iliilln Kei'l ll,nt l.-nlii.H Sil.lilli- t ri-i-s, Jii'm Ki-i-r.
lli-Ht Call Skin, . I. .tin 1 11 .li-. II -it Mill i- iliipi-r I., Hlli, i,
J.illli .'i.,ll.'n, II.--I Si-ln Su!i, .Ii.Iiii riiuil.ii. lll lliu,
II.Kll.l.UrlH.llT. 11. 1 1 II t ll. -Jtill lli'rtt, T. II. Itulli. ll,-t I'lin,
limit ii,-i:)ri'il. Hiiriit-lt & l.ii-Hti.c, -Ju l li.-rit, Win. ili-,i,i-.v.
Hi-ill CniiiMi- Hunt llnnu'lt ,1: liai-lm. 2ml hrnt, T.
II. Until. Il,-M viiiiii.illln-tioi-, T. II. Itulli, -Jml li.-t,
T. II. Until. Hint ivnaiaiM tin:- kIih:-h. ii.ui.i, Ilnnii'tl A
Piirllii. Il,'4t uin-i',1 II mis ,l,ilm , Wilov, -Jn, ti.-Nt
S.iimIi Hart. Il.-nt, Jlr. .lelm Wll.'y. Il..t Ihmicv,
1 im. Julm Owynii llr-t Sniv-I.nni liiiilasv-n, Mr, 0, 11
Anilri w, lin.l lii'-il Mi-i. M irlli I'livviin. II t I'lilli- I cluili,
.liun-ii n.iriii-, -Jml lii-.t, .Mm. I'lin., Ii.i llnrrly. llit mlr,
nl' Kai'tnry lilnnli -t-i, Mi-4. Jiwi ill lltiyuti. II .t p ilr lilnnk
k'-tn, liuini-iitait... Miu .Inlui itaifv. 1, rut, .Mi. M.irllin
Ni-at. Hi-. Cirin Cil'in-I. .Mi-h, W. O. Oi-iiiiiih, 'Jml IkM.
ill in l'.-nl D.iwlln. I!.--.! lt,ix.'nl-i it.-.M. C.Ui-iiiiiiw.'JiiiI
In- t, Mil IhiiIIi K.rlli.M. Ilriit ll.l.X lllllintl, M, H.I, .1,11
O wynii, '-'inl lii-Ht, .Mih. IhiiH.t riin. lli-Ht linv Lillrll, .Mi'H.
Saiiim-I ll.ii, -ml lu'Sl,.MrH, Alirnl AriiiMlr.,ii:. Hi-t talili
lliinn Mi-h. Alth-il Ai'iiiHtrtini, -ml lit-Ht .Mr. Tluw. t'ni-i,
Il'iHtllm-iiTliri-iul, Mrii. .IuhIhIi 0,v,viiii. Ili-nt white .jnilr,
Mi-h. .Iiwi-i'll ArillHlriai-f; lirnt titm-y .illlt, NIi-m. Juhi-.i
ArtllHtriillir. -lilt lli-Ht. Mini Kli.CH Clilllli't ; lli-Ht Hi:t-Hi tlllll,
Jin, II ii, iii! i SiiiIIIi. '.'ml nt, Mini Kali' M Wll.-y ; l.rnt
l'ili liiiilt. )1rn II b'Wrliilit, -JiiU til-si, MIh.i (julnilii.
UivIh; Imst crot:li:t wurk, Mi.w .l.iri; imt Oivyini, -Jn.l liwtr,
Mi'H Alt.x H'iiln--iv. ; lii-Hti-ryHt illil wurk, M-h IV OOr-iiim-..
an lli-Ht. MIh. liaf-M ll.'.vi li.-tknit lum-rlliiK, Mm M
O.voiii. -Jml Ih-hI, .Mi-h M.iry S -atnn; hHt ri-nt li.-t i-il;jtiir,
AIihh l.lz.ii. Il.-i'tiiiaii! Lost ym.-iiiii iiamllnjr, -Mi-h. I C tin .v,
Ju l li.-it, Mi-h T ' M.-Clrllillrl : lu st nil piiliilliiit. Mm'T
M .M 'C'li-llati.1 : lialr. wurk. Mr I. Kl. tml-
k-ii,Jml lii-nt Mi-h.IC flullyi ll.-Ht i"i'li.-l I iknr. lil. f,
Mm Alux lli..lui-rH. ilnil Hi-it, Mi-h Ali'V lt...l)t.-i: Imtpla
i-iihIiIiiii. JIi-hWO Hi ihh. 'Jml l-nt, Mi-h .1 C'lv; lii-t
Nn-illi- l..ik,MI Kill,' M Wlli-y, Jil l.r.t. Mhh Maiy
ICi't-vi-b ; lii-nt watili liui-k'-t. Mihh I'l. ('run 'Jml I ..... t , Mm
Saiiiiit-I Hiiiilin; lii'Ht i-lti'iiei-i liatul unit hIciivi'-i, MIsh
Mv.Iii ll.irliiian, 'Jml Iii-hI. MIhh Aima .Mitr.liii-kr In-nt
i-Ii.-iiiIhii ynki-iilil.H'"ti'l'H, H..h It .1 H -yniililH; lii-Ht kIuvi-h
liiiaiit iiiiiiI... .MIhh .Mim-ri'il Cri-c; l., Ht iiiiiiIi hy iiiu-i-lihi'i.
MIhh I'atli.irllln IIi-.vIhj Ih-hI vt:t niaili) liy iiiacliiiK.
M Irt4 Ciitliin-lii- Dii.'Ihi Ih-hI vi-.'t ina.l.. l.y lialnl, Mi-HY't'
OllllllH, -ill, I lli-Ht. S1M1 Slll'.lll Illll'tl'I.Vl lllHt I:IH main-
l-v Imliil, Mrs W t' llrininiHl ln-it liirt. Mi'h. W O iIi'imiiih,
Jml, .MrH.II.iiiilltiniSnillli; hunt i l.i.ik, Mih T II
c ilw. -Jml Ih-hI Miu Ainiil Mll ",tn,'k : li.-nl li-.iiiM-t, Mi-h.
W I'l-miyt Iii-hL itr,-hH. 1i-h IV O OriHiiiiH, -ml li.-nt, .Minn
M.iltllalllvyi.iu ln--t lamp mat, MIhh Katu M Wlli-v, --'nil
Ih-hI. MIhh Kati-M Wll.-yi ln-t liu.irtli 111--, Mih.I (! Ilul'lv.
'' KliamlU'ii: li.'HtHiilt lurcliilil, MihAI,'x
II".1:;,'-h.'Jii I li.-Ht, Mi-h Win I'l-nny : l,it ruHtin w.nk, Mi
Win I'. nnv. Jl"l l.i-il, Mi.vt Amn .Mitr.l... k: 1. ..'t ri.tlun
hum-, JiiU 0 W t-'valiH.Jn llii-t. MihC It An-livu t li.-nt llimn
Ii.ihi-, Mi-h Aim.-llinavi 11: li.,t injll. n In-s,,, ) j
Halt, Jn, lirat, Slrn ll W Kintn; lu,.. wnulMi H'H'kH, Mr
.l.ilin ll.illi'y,'Jn.ii"it Mi-h l!r,.. A.-tiHtr,.n; Ii-h .-.ill.ii-.
tlun nl' iijipli'H Mm J.mI .Ii Onynii. 'Jli.l ln-nt, Kll .h -'iiiih:
li.-stHp.-i-im-'ii n' api!.i,(! V II.u-ih. -Jii 1 li..t. 0 W .1,-,iiih:
ll:'St HK'lllllUll I if H! UM. Ml'H.l.lllll l.lW.Vim l K,, -L'f lltl-l 1 llf
.lilu','H, Mis iiilti-lil (l ii'ilii,,!-! Iii'.il null Tii-in nl i;nii"H.
Mlnt.l'ilia Uiiiim-I.Jii.l Ii-hI, Mm m n-y Wlli-vi Iii-hI Hp, ;:l.
m, -ll nl' imp h, .Mih-OI -I II il-t.-in-l l'".t, M.-.i .1 I) riminl
ki-ii: lii. it.l.m'ii'iUi: win -h M -hS.i-.i1i II irl ; lm. ,-nlli..'
nl' pnliitni h. J.-.ini-H II u iu-h: Ii. nt mvih-i pijint'i' i, lliratn li
lli.rin It ;' Iii-hI ln-i'tH, ANi'iihain 0,..H-jmin: ln-nt inilil.iKi,,
.l,u-ii!iVili-y! lii'Ht patnpkiiiH, Al.riliun O ...hi'iuiii ; li Ht
li ir.K'iilu. (! It Atl-tri-w; h mi i'.il.i'l,,ii ul' pu- u-ti vu o, Mi-HMarllii (ly in. Ji. I (."Hi. Uu .Inlm Wlliy: l.-nt
Hti.-rliii. n nt' wli-iil, ,Iiihi 'Ii iwi-iiti : li it hk- lm -ii nl", -ii ii
Mini M irlll.i (Iwyitn: hi'-t n).i-imi-fi i.t'oalH, .1 , -1 1 , Mll.y:
hi-Ht hi -(.i..i.ti nl" tlnntliy Hi-i-1. .Inliui Lnn;. -ivl li-'t.
.lai-uli Uiirr; Ii, .it Hpi-i lau-n nl' rlnvm-Hi'i-.!. .IhIiii Cimhii. Sr .,
Ii'-it i.''ii',-.l wli-at, II'iih.iii l-'.-i- ly-o- li.if.1 iitip!.j
pri'v.-rvi-.i. Mi-h l,!ili- I'li'linllmil, -Jii, I Ii Mt M h l'li,)i-lni llnr-i-litlii'Ht
p,'iu-liii-tHi,rvi-H, Mr. l,i,. l'i(.i.l;i,ii. -Jn.i i.i-hI,
MIh S.ili.iua Jciinliiii : l. it pi' ir piVM-'i'ies. Mr V. I.'.
(Ir.ianiH, Jii,l Ir hi, MihT I. Uniieni nt: ipi uru a-. h,.mu.
Ml -h, 'Jul i.,.-i,Mr,i lailu rli-ntilk in la-nt
it'-a o'i,,n-.v .r -h.-i-vi-h, Mi-h I'Iih-'i i !'n ,:ly : licit i:li.irv pr.
. ri-..,, M . . '.IC lliir..ill,'Jii. ! , 'lln O It An .l-.-wj h 1 1 l-i'.n-rv.'H, Mr Win M r i-.iiiiki'ti, Jii'l Ii.-hI, Ml ,
Julm il.-y ; lii-nt ialir,-iil Ji-lli-y.,iiiliti U.ivi.h,i, ;
li.-it .iilii.-.-..-ll,i. Mi M irjr li Miti lini-.i; ki-nl l-lu -Ulu-rry
Ji-lly. Mr-i IVmU ilrih'iim: nnt nppl i J.-lly . M.-h WinU
tlriii.iil : l.i'it appli-litilti-r. MIhh Mary, hi-Ht tnm
1 1 1, nit. a-. Mr i W M r'li'iiiilki-ii t l,-4t lilai-kijnrry Jinn, Mm
W ('IIi-ihiiiih: li-Mt nririn il ulu, Mihh S il.nii i .1 i-itui iirn . ln Ht
lUlit liri-u l, Mr-r It An livw, Jml Ir-l, ,Mih 11,-11 llan,.-lii
orlyi lent l-il-U. Mi'H S llniitlirx I I'i'Ht punti I initio, Ml'Hl
Cylil. l-'li-niilkrii: Ii.-hI;i..rak.H. Mi-h M i-t;(
la.Ht l.'itt.'i'. MIhhS'ii-.'Ii ll.irtt'.y, Jtei 1,-t M'h l'aill It-a,
,'lnl lii-Ht', Mi'H Hal-all llal-L; ln-Ht i-lii..,Hii, MUh M u-y ,l,iinl.i..ii,
'Jii ll..i-t, Mm.l I) I'lrntilki'iii luiwl rii.!iiinl...r ii. kli-H, lr
Hainlltnli Sinl'lt l In Ht anliil Hiiup. .Ml-H W C Ol-inilllH. Jnil
b vt. Mil W'Clll'ni : I. -t ,.,iH. L. 1 1 t ll ,il-.iH, Mi-h Suln.
in-i .l.-nnt.-ixi, '-'ii-1 t"'!. Mt-i M i;rnl,- It .n ini rai-tiw.
(l'nii'Hli.'iiil,iMi'HTNiiit, Jut In-ni.Mi-H llaiiillluti Suiltli;
liiHt i-imtni iHipturi.,l.llHli S,ilntn-i .l.-iintiuHi l."it
MiiHSnlnai'i,!, ti'il'i-ti ln-nt ilalilia, M.'hh Snknn-i
.I'-miiiijH, Jmtii-Ht MIhh .M ntirti- ll.-n-in: lii-nl nlli.rrli.n nl'
(l,'ul,isi.alal, -l;ii-iin..l,,llil Knl.'.'l'H. -Jli.l lii'.t, I. 11 Hull, .
. IIISl.'ltni'l.lNAIU'l'lli-lMII'.MS. '
lii-nt I'lnliu, l'l-..r..l to llal.-l l. -nt I'lann rni-.-r I'rmf. J .V
lliilii: b 'Ht wihIi Kliinil. Itlti-lili-l li.Ht Hpunli.i it'
I... III. 11 ....... H I i If ..! u..l I.i'lll. Oil
t lYnuiuMUnii-uti tm,, t iu-t
I ninniiv illlliivr. li II lli'll! Iii-t in iin-Ani-'l-linn Illl.nt,
' n n Imi i ii J.-aii. iiiirm-in '.-t iiniiji-iii-, .w
I itaiali 11 n l. -Jli'l Ik'M, AIhh jV .1 llarl: lii-Hl-lilaulilKirry
pr. rv.-, .ikh m.i itu-ti ii.-a tmn nn j,.iiy, Amu
,iiii-,i,,i' . l..t i.iii.l.. iii l.iii.i. C k An, rmv.
11. II, Cuns, I'r.iHl.timt.
J. I'. Mitciii:.-::ii, M.i-rolrry.
HIIIIMIflr,l!UH UU ltf-nll,-Vr-"' ( '"-- n ,
Ii'tturs of Ail'Hiiiliir.iil ia iinm tltu Kstato
of Ai.i-.x. DiMtNS. lute of Kirliliill In., lireene
ui., l'ii., tioo it, iiuvin ueen ;rinieu id uiu
unilM-simied by tlio Iteyister oi Uii-one t;o.,
M p,,lwmg klll)wll( u,emsu!ve hidulitud to
JMnUi, a e remiealed to pay tlie suuie,
'nntl tluiso bavins cltiluis asuhist mM lMU
,... r.,(,l,u.,.,.i 1Pl.H,mt ti,,,,,, ,n)v iu
1 . -
l.l.l.AIII'.l 11 Jl.ll.ia. I
A dm tx. .
Oct. 24, 1800 Ot.
i GREENE COUNTY' 8. ' i."
In the Orphans' Co;'rt-of s,:dil Couilly, Ho.,
K1, Dec. Turin IHCJi.
'" . In the mailer of Hid ncciiiuit of J. D. Hon
nlken and 'l A. Flciinlkcn, Atlinlulstral is of
John W. Elenulki'ii, tl"e'd. And now t" wll t
T lino 1.1. Itjtlil.- Tho Court appointed V. E.'
Oanen. Km., luiillt ir lo iixnininii sail account 1
and report i.'U cxcoptlons tllud. !
Bv lliu Court.
, , ' , ' J. F. Tiisti'i.s, Clerk. .
i, Nnllee Is herein' L'lven to tho imi'lles Inter-
ested, that 1 will attend to Hi) dalles of the ;
tiov,i iiivm iiimniit at uiu o jc In Wavnes-:
tmrg, ou Mondny thu SUUi day of November
next,, ,. .'. . , ;; ,
( ,!)t, W. E. Qa.-kx. .
. . ; : Trq-?r
' ' ' ' " "
libl HOKO, lilllllCO,, l'A,
-) Tills School olfirrs exceileiu liiellllios lorolt.
sylvaala, ami oximii.iu thu holder Irom exam
Illation by Hulnitll "111 'ers ' Tlio Winter Term
Illation of nniinoi om -era i
.viiinpun.DjncitilKirMli. .,
For Cl-eular or Catalogue,
: , i-ir
oct 17, 'Uu Ut , J, A. Coornn.
Letters of Administration upon the Estate
I of lir:N.iAMis Ohinnaob, Ia(u of Ccnlre . tp.,
Uruunu Co., oec ii., Having i en (tr iiuim 10
lliu undersigned ly tlio Hi-glstor of Uruem
Co., all persons knowing tliwiiselvcs IihIuIiUmI
tosaiil Estate are requuiled to nay tlui Hinmt,
ami those having claims Hgdnst'aaid Estiito,
nrj requested lo present tluui duly authenti
cated for Hcttlcuicut. -
Jahks Cai.i., C'uniro tp., Adiu'r. r
" Oct. l, lUiil!. tit.
Ia the Orphans (Jourt of said County, No.
S'pl. lerni -
In thu mailer of the iwconnt of .lames D
Klemilken, AilmleUlrntur of E i.ilieth JtlnliV
duc'd. Auo now to wit 1 Si'pt ,l!i, isr.ll. ae '
count presented lo Hie t'oinl of cordlrni-itlim
S-imu tiny exceptions tiled. nnd'W. E. Uapen, . nppilnteil iiniliti-rto ixiiniiuo tlie uc
count mid u.nku repoit.
jiy the Cnurt,
.1. V. Ti.miu.i-:, .Clerk.
Notieo Is liereliy isivi-n lo the n i'tli-s V -
del ted, thnt I will intend to Hie ilu'ies nf tlio
ii'inve HDD hitnieut. id :v.v elllce iii Wnvne
1'Urg, on Almiiluy the ill It du of Novenilier
next. V. K. Om-hs.
Oct. It), IHC.iS -at 1 '
Tills is nn article tor washing without nil)-liin--',
e.i;cit at vi-ry illfty jMici-s, wliieh.wl'l
r (tuire uvery a. mil run, unit uiiliHu oilier
pri-piiriiiioiis ouiico 101 a iu;e pui'iosi',, un.i.
not hot tub ci.o-nii'.s. inn will u .ivc in. in
usu il wear ami tear.
It removes urease spots asil'bv manic, and 1
sollens the tllrt oy soiikui:, so umi ruiMiig will
hi ordiiiiiry -.iseseiillr,-ly ti'inovt'll
'1 bis powder is piqmied la accordance with
eiieiiiicii s- it'll, e, ami uuon a process p -cuu;iv
lo itsilt. which Is seemed by Luttcrs Patent.
ll bus been in use for mure tb ill a year, nnu
has proved ItseT a universal fav. rite whcreverH
ll lias been Usui I. Aiiiun lhu adv.iutiigis
claimed lire the tollowlng, viz :
It saves all the expense of soap usually u ed
oh cotton ami linen &i) ds.
ll stives most of the labor of rubbing, and
wear and tear.
AI-io,br clcaiiimr windows il U 'unsurpassed.
U it It one quarter the. tune and labor usually
retpilred it imparlsa beautiful glosj mid iustiu
tn.ii li uu .I'lur ti i nm- i il Ii.ji- inn li. Nl, i,.i.
iiiin-b sup.-iior to any olli-a' mo le. Mo water
reiiuircd except lo motslen the powder,
lJirei-llons with each 'pnekn.
And can lie readily uppieci iled by a t-'mfxh
trial. Hie eost'of washing for a fandiy ot live
or six persons will imt exceed tiiiiuk cksts.
The umuuliictun-rs ot this powder are aware
Ih it many usi-lefv compounds have been lull-
iduci d to the public which have rotted the
el an, or'lalled in ri'inovluu; the dirt. but know
lug tlie intrinsic excellence, of I Ins. arlii-le, tlu-y
eniiliilent y .proclaim it us being adapted to
meet a demand which has long existed, and
which has heretofore remained misapplied,
llAMlK.lirilillUll nv
L'Oii liroadw.iy lfstim.
For sale liy tirocers and - Dealers every where.
Ot 17'ljtl ;lm
We will send by hx press or as
ordered, seenrely ptieked, a ij""i Si;wimi Ma
ciii.vk, either Wbi'i-ler ii Wilson, or Urover
it linker, to any person sending us, lm on tint
lii-nt iiy ;' ,itimirt, tlio names ot Sixteen
tNuw buli.serilieis to lhu
Ifcw York isfojiei'ver,
with the money X-S-'li) lor one year l-i ailvanci',
CiT On and after January Isf, '.,7, we shall
require KtoiirnKN new suliseii'ii-rs ((!.!).
We liavu sjut away as promiuuw nearly
of.iheso machines, and they give universal
s.tti-lactioii. - .
The new subscribers may be from out;, or
from vaiious places. . .
8 n.l the naini-s as fist t you obtain thum.
wllh tint money, by check, dra't, or Post 01
lleo order. .
Kainplc copies and sent free.
TKUM.S .'l 'o a year ia advance.
tSlDMEY li, MOltltlS .la., & Co ,
0 tlT-y w. 1)7 l'iirn U 'W, New York.
Jewellers, So. 3,'. amybell'a l!ow.
aynes 'iitr.;. Pa.
Havirg reci'iill.i'r.'i elvi-il an extensive stock
inlii-nciiiir wali'iiet, rings, eve glasses. iXC
They nro J.reparu.l lo sell at low rates for cash.
iii-i,iiiiu uu.... .. i .....1 ... - . u..w
, , 1 1..
J. W." Bradley's Cc'K-bratid
. XSL X 3FL S? . : .
The Wondei-liil flexibility un : great -comfort
and pleasure to any lady weaiiiiu llic Du
plex Ulli tic Skirt. Will tin cxp.'rljnoed pu-ilc
ulai ly in all crowded iisM-mlilics. opi-ins,, car
rr.iges, railroad cars, church i.ews, iirincnairs,
for proiui-iiailti and house driiss, as Uu skirt
can be folded wheu lit use to occupy a small
pace us a-hv and conveniently us a Silk or
Muslin Dress, an Iuvalu -ible (i ilily in criuo
lhu), imt found iu any Siimje. iSiaing Skirt.
A lady li ivtnej. enjoyed the pleasure, coin
furt ami great eonvi-nieiice of wearing l he Du
plex Ehlp'lle Sled Spring Skirt for a single day,
will never afterwards wiiliiigl i dispense with
their usu. For Cullilren, Atiss -s and Younu
L-nlies lli'-y arc superior t' all olliers. .
.They will not bend or break like the thinhi
spring, lint wl l preserve their pertict and
graeelul .slnipu wh n three or four ordinal y
sldrls will h ive been thrown aside as useless.
Tuc hoops are covered with double ami twist
ed tin' ad, and the bottom rods aro not o.dy
double springs, but twice (or double) covered:
previMilIng llieni from weaving dUiWluudrag
glngjdowu stoops, st.-iir, M;i ,' '
The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorllu with
all holies and Is universal!) recommended b,
tliiVKaslii'in .M.igiu'n s as lhu stall, laid . skill
ol the fashionable world, -,
To enjoy the following ItiCHlliiiubiu advan
tages in Ciluoliito, viz.: supurior qualit-', pur
feet luauulauliuo, stylish shaiu and fluisli,
llexlhllliv, duralilllty "c anl'ort and eennoinv,
cnipip-e lor .1 W. .liUA DLIiY'S Duplex Ellip
tic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be suru. you
get tlm tieniilno article;
UAU IIO.N. lo guaril against imposition
he particular to NOTICE thai skirts oll'ernd us
"DUPLEX" have tlie red Ink stain , vlz.i -J.
WV Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel .Springs,"
upon the waistband none others are gunuliK!.
Also Nollue Ihiitevi'i-y Hoop will admit a phi
hflnj? passed through 'he cuntro, thus revual-
lint lhu two tor i ounie) spunks orutuiiu to-
get her therein, which Is iiu secret
flexibility and stuengtli, nnd iiconihii:
to ho found in any other Skirt. .
Forsale laull sto-os wln-m tlrst e'
are wild . throughout tlio United St
wiiteii ia uiu aeiaei. oi tiien
conihiiiatloii not
class skirts
Uuitud Stales ami
elsewhere. ' : ,
Maiiul..elui'( d ny tho Holr Ownnrs of tuo
Patuit, r.WKSTS. Blt VDLEY iSs CAUY, - i
7 ChiinbursiSi TUiSs tl lfjiidu Sis , N. Y.
Oet.iD.'iiii-iim -' " , '
C fWU A-Y'E.VIt m uiu by any one with
Jp.UUU- I5 Humcil Took Noexiioil
enco neci'ssary. "Tlio Presidents, .Cashiers,
hud Treusiircrsof ij Itinksladtirsa'the circular.
S.'iit liu -with samples.'' ' Address tho Ammi
ciin Siencll To.l Works, bptlnglluld. Ver;
niont. augl,-ain.
, 1 .ll...,li.l';)lll 1 .... I . ., 1 fl.HJ. ,
111'. MASOJi & UAJ1LIN .
C A BIN li T O It G A N 8 ,
In cases of Itosewood, .'Carved Rosewood,
r.bony, injtraved and gilt i l'lntn Uluck Wul
nul, l).iiili!il Walnut; Curved ltlack Walnut,
iinpplcd Walnut,- l'luln Ouk, Curved Ouk, , .
ike. .
TIi.'sm lnstninieuts arc evklenllv destined to .
Iiueomo us f shiianiblu for ptlvute uo, sod -
even nioiei-xlenslvely uacil, llinn tlio fiuuo
Forte, 'l'lieir ciuiaeitv for lioih secular and
s.tcrud music, the pmlly and richness of their
i.mi-s, iiie ureiii varirt.y oi wnit-ii tiu-y are cu- -l.illi',
and tlii'ir ik-gunce as pk-cusof furni
liii'n are sui iiiioy; tin ir rapid intiodiiction iu
lliu lrawinr rnoiim of Ihe liest uiulc-;il circles,
while tin: low piieeB at which toiuu of the
styles hi nltin caws are ull'orduU, adapt thcni
to tint widi-ft use, .
The I'nl Inet Oigtin lictirs the same ri-latlon
to the Harmonium or Mi-ludt-nn, which the
inndci n l'liino Fortu U-ni-s lo the tymnet of
iikUn ihnes, Its viiliime and be nt) of tone,
and Ihe artistic tllucis of which it Is capable,'
have ntii-ticied t" it an iiinnuut mid denrcu of
iiili-iilloii and favor from niu.di'id coiuioisseura
wliieh hine not beforu been givnu to imi lu
stniiiient ..I' this class,
Anion those who have publicly rcooirnlzcd
the Hlerluig (inalltii-sof Ihe MASON & HAM
IAN t'Alli.NfcTdltUVNS, and who pro-'
iioiiiicc thum nipi-iior io tveiy otlit-r Iiihliu- ,
ii" "' '" """ Lilian in uiu nuiiii, uie U Illl'gO in uiu iii. 'Si l-llllliutll orgillillH, piau-
nnd uuisii -tans In tint i-ountiy . , '
''ills the univursnl opinion of ihe nuixleal
profisslon," s.ivs The New York Ti-iUut,
"tlmt .lisrs. Mason & lliulilhi Imvu kllt-l-i..l
i ed ia niuliing a belter small inslrmiieiit limn,
tiny (.tneri'l Hie nigan kind, tlmt nosiieh jne
eh.iiilrid work of lhu kind cuu bo found lu'
, jmoiie.
; instrunioiils n-prescnt tlie Mhcit
i accoinilUliiueiits id' Industry In this departs'
1 nkiif" says Tlit I'.ukIim Ailverliwr, adoing,'
' "this is nut only our opinion, but lhu unani-
, ,,, Vl!r,iul , tVI,w,s, ..
.-i, , Wlites ,, i'mo i( TlwNe.a York
0im -irt Kiii,mi, instriunent for the ten
,,i,.,, m n-miiiv ,..,, .,,.,1 i i
aiilu lor any con:;rt:giuion, ami so ull'cctlve as
to meet tno tlesirja of the must rvllued aud
.Mr. Uoltsi balk, the celebrated pianist de
clares it "w i thy the high priusc it has rect'lv- '
eil, and nine lo lind 111, way Into every house
htild of t isto nnd reliiii'inenl which can pos
sibly aH'oid its moderate expense."
Tlie luniiiifiielurers rcpcci fully Invito imiBl
c :l professors and aiiiiiluurs to exumiiio tlieHu
instiunu nts, and form their own judgmi-ni
Hpc-iing iheni. Those who are Hot ,.ounlz
...... ...i .. n t. , . a
mil ol lhu progress wh'tcli JI. & H. have re
cently laa.le m Oils class ot Instruments can
not lint, be interusteil in such uu exundntilion, -especially
of the linger sty les of t'aliin"t Or
gans j nnd those who have bein prejudiced
against ..II such instruments, will be likely to
have such pr juilici s removed. '
Aiming llioso who havo kindly expressed
their high appreciation of the Mason & llsm-
tin t'aiiii et Organs, mid ublii ly declared
th. -in the best iiisliumcnis ol their class in tlio
world, mo such well-known orgaiilstsand'art
ists ot l ioston and New York as Ilcrge, liruun, '
limerofi, liruco. U iller, Cutler, Davis, Jiis
felilt, Kii hheig, Fradel. Fries. GoJillicck, Oot
tsch ilk, (ioebliing, lletler, Hill. Kr.-jissnian,
Lang, Luonhiird, Magrat'i, William Mason,
M.irclzek, MilK Moseuthal, Morgan, Meisel,
Pane, Parker, llytn. t'.-ndeison, Sinlth, 8loe
pei, Str.ikoscli, Sjcliullz , Thomas, Tiiiim. .
'I'lleiicrinan, Wells, Wnlfsln n, Whiting, Will
cox, Wceb, Ziledcl, Ziiralill, together Willi
hiiiiill-eds of others iu other principal cities,
including a large portion of the most distin
guished musicians ol tlio whole country.. '.
Ilamllii Cabinet Organs derive tln-ir superiori
ty not aloai! roin gieater excellence of mt
eii d anil workmanship, but also in a measure
from Ihe employment of peculiarities ot con
struction which, being patented,, cannot bo
used by other makers, livery instrument
made by M. & II. bunts upon Us liiiino-hoitrd
tlm words, in I'uil, "MASON & HAMLIN
Circulars with full particulars, and lists of
styles and prices wfiich vary from 41IIO to
.-pi-uuj eneu, vein uec,
CUAKU'S (J, MELLON, & CO., . "
81 Wood Street,
'Between tth Street & Diunond Alloy,'
l'lnsiieiiuii, i'.i.
Sole agents for tho Mason & ilamltn Cabin
et Ogans. Oct. 10, '(!- 4 1. ,
A C Ji N T S W A N T li U'TTTi
Tin; 1'icroiti.vti hojk or
Anccil itc's anil lucideuts .
ra is n cerlniii nortioo oftho war that
ill nev, r go into the renular histories.
nor lie tniliotheil m lomancu or ooetr,-. whitli
u n Ve.ry real part of It, and will, if preserved,
i coiivuy to suceceiiing iieneralloliS a l-ttler
Idea of lhu spirit oftho conlliet Until many dry
rep -ilsor careful, narratives of eye nls, and
this part may bo culled ihe ,gi ssip, the Inn,
the pathos of Ilw war. This illustrates the
character of the leaders, the Immorof the sol
diers, lhu devotion of women, tho bravery ot
men, the pluck of our heroes, lhu romauco
and hardships of the servlco.; ? . . ,.
The v- limiu is prolust-ly illiistratfd with
over Hoi) engravings by tbu'flrst artists, which
are really beautiful ; worthy of examination
its specimens of 1 1 in art. Many of them are
si t into tlw body ol thu text, after the popular
s'yliiof Lossliu's Pictorial Field Book of the
Bcvoludon, . The hook's contents includo re
Iniiiiscenees of cilnip, picket, spy, scout. , bi
vouac, siegi! and battle Held adventures j
tbiiilliig feats of bravery, wit, drollery, couii
cal .nit! ludionms advi'htu'vs, etc.i'oto.. f' :.
viuus menl as well - s instruction may ho
found In evey page, us graphic delnil, lirllli
utit wi', ami Authentic history, and skilfully
interwoven In tuis work of literary ai t. V '
This work sells itself. The people are tired
ol dry details and partisan works, nhd want
something hmnoroiH, roovintlo and startling.
Ow agenls aru m iking from ijtlOO lo I'.'OO per
month, clear ol' all expenses. Send for circu
lars giving full pii-ticnlars, and buo our terms
and proof of tlm above assertion -Addtrsss,
507 4111101' St., Philadelphia, Pa. ..
henfl Kalets,
iom tixeosAs.lHsueil out the Quart: of Com'
moil 1'leas of Oivone County, and to. pie di
rected, tneru will he exposed to public sule, at
til" Court House, in yVaynesbmijj. ou. - -t,.,.
Siurl(i!,pit! 104 ility of November ,-
next, tlio following properly, viz I ', Ll
All thu rl'iht, title, iuturest and claim of Do-
fondant of, in and ,to n certain tract jd' land,
siiuate In Cumherlnud township, Greene Co,,
Pa . iidfolnlng lauds of Morgan Young, Wm.
Slitrpneck, I'etur. Iluwitt, tliu Kleo furni and :
olliers, containing UU ACttKS, trioro or less,
iibnut Ot) Acres cleared And bus eroded there
on one stone and iV.mio dwelling lioujo, two
tenant houses, IVumobaiu and stahlu, oaa ap- .,
pie orchard, &o.
Taken hi cxucutlim as tlio proporty of Geo.
V. Kellcy, at tlio suit of Alvln Cloud, Hlraiu
Cloud and Eleanor Duyall, l'6r tho usu, of El
eanor Duvall. , ' -v :
v ; HEATH JOHNS, Sheriff. '.
. """ . ALSO. - " ' '
'' At the samo thvo and place, all (ho right,,
title interest, and claim of Do cnilant, ot, in,
and to a certain tract of land, situate inl'untro.
towiishlp.iMreenu.Coi, Pa., conhvnlng Uu,
Allli'.s. more nr less, nooiit so acres or which,
are cleared and hascieeliul llu-ruon onu-uam
div-ellltig house, mm tenant house, framQ bniW ,
log stable and ollr-r out buildings, two, npplo '
orchards', Ac lind ad.jolnlng laiidsof Mindl
cal Ivent. Joseph, Huflinan, Hull's of Isaat)
Tl.onvis and t lion. . .' ,.": i- .-.. 1 1
TVkeu In exiicutioii as the property olThoi.
Kent at thu ault of Levi Stuwart. i i
.,', HEATH J0UK3, Sheriff'-.:
Oct IT, 'CO-fit.- , -
.Iwnvnrl 1-0,000!
;. j The jrt huuo lit tlw row wtu occupied ( tu the cluctions.
- Iim mmi. i' i M IT.. . -. 'I'hii n