4., 1 ritiMk;;'i)u!,y".ion, m.l ' or to "iiriMt." filt"-lii'iiil-'C'oiikii" k" oVr to "Qroow." AIM Wllllil tlio" ills, i-"wr,l III IKUjUlgc tu tlll "0 Ul liou" CiNUt, "SponHlirlttV ura In tlw 'Strath." "Siilmtmn" ihutilj tu tliii".NiHllc" go, . '-Wlnij-I.HjI.fi'H" tu "Uiirgumly-," HOourraainU"limtJil lum-h nf HiiiulwluU" Isles, " Wug" lit tliu ll.iy ofPiln'My, "Bacliulort" 8 to Ilia "U iilt.nl Status," 'Mulls" to tho "lulu of Mnu l" Lot "(liinliior" tju to "Itiitiitiy" Ilay, And 'Sh'jfbtuckV' to ".l.ip.iu,1 Thus pmlniMti',iiuiiiiliiiliic"liiii'U Will tlu-n no louder vox ua Ail'l nil ivli.j nln't u-itvl.l.il for iliul linttur g lu "Texiia." I'mm tlm T.,ti..lu 111 i air. N;isby Continues with, tlio I'rrslilt'it " tlal Party From Detroit lo imllauaiio. lis. ' Post Oitrrs, Conkkuimt X Ho wis, (which ia in llio Slmo uv Kentucky.) September 11 tu. lNliO. I nm at home, mid tfiad urn I lll;lt 1 om at homo. Hero in iiontuoky, Hir rouiided by Dimoorats. immersed a part of tlm tinio in my olliih.d dooiio-i, and a buluncu uv tho timo in whi-ky, with tho privilege wallopiu inseeiM and I lie mora iuestii.t iblo and s-inthin privilege as-usiin in inobbin uv Northern AMisli nists, who are not yet all out uv thu Statu, timo passes pleasantly, and leaves no vain regrets I ullit. go to lied idles focliii that tlio day not bin wait ed. From D"troit thu President cavalcade, or . tlm infamous Jacobin Radical par ty irrelevantly term it, thu ineuajciy, pp cecded t o Ohic:i!.. Tim Keiiep.-liuii-t bis Imperial Highness ruu.-ived tliriui,li Jliuhi;j m wore. lliCtcriti lu thu extreme. I uonUuuo my (li ny. IlMI.INt'V. Al ll)l pill thy President displayed that orhjin.ilily awl terli ity uv imaina-diuu IcaraetorUiie uv him. The reecpsliiin wuzran l The iim-scs call ed tor Giant, and Hi- llic'.ne.n prompt ly respondeil. Ilcaskcl cm el ho was Jadis Iskariot who. won thu Sivjor ! Tliad 'tevens? If so, then after svvi.iyin around thu cirklc, mid linlm tivilors at bothonda uv the line ; I leave tho ISo Slates with oii stars onto em in. your blinds and '' --The train wuz olTamid loud -bouts uv "!!rant, Grant," to which thu President responded by wavm his Int. Ann Aim hi At this pint thu train moved in to thu iiisnirin'' sounds uv a hand nbiviii I!:ih ti t In, f !lii,r' " IFij 1 Majesty smilinty appeared and thaftked j cm for thodeinonstntioii. It was sooth in, 1)0 remarkod, Thu air their band j waz playm, "Hail to tlio Cliuef," uk i npproi'it, c;; lu wiu Chucl .M.i:ri-ti'alu j 11 V tho na-shon, to wliiuh po ;ishen hu hail reauhod hovin bin Alderman uv his na tivo village, U. S Senator, ctso'.lry. Tliu crowd In Horeil Grunt ! Grant !" nnd thu President thanked em for tho duuionstration, It showed him that tho pooplo wuz with him in his cll'n'ts to closo bis eyts (in a Union uv 3J States find a flag uv il'i stars onto it Ei' I mi a traitor, a id hu, warmin up, who is tho Judia Isoariot 1 Ez I in swingin around tnu ciriiiu i una i tiao rv. evens on the ono side JefTDavij on the Tho conductor cruelly, slart-jd tho train without giving him lime lo liin.-li. Tho crowd proposed three cheers f . r Grant, und the President w ived his hat j to om sayin that ho thanked c.n, sh .v in as it did that thu pci lo WUZ Willi bim. Battms CitHKit. A 1 irgu number wuz assumlilod bcio who cz thu tiaiu siop pud yelled "Grunt ! Giant !" All'-cted to teara by tho watiulli uv tlio reception, tho President thanked om for this mark of contideiice. Kf hu ever ha 1 any doubts ez to tliu people's being will) ., I Ho him theso (lonhts wiw removed. wood loavo in their hau ls the 11 u, utid tlio union uv ad states and thu stars thereto appertaining. El' hu wuz a Joo dis I-kariot who wuz , Tho crowd give three hearty iheer.4 "for Giant cz tho train moved olf to which the President responded by wav ing Ins hat. . Kalamazoo. Tho ollishels wete on band at this pint, and so wuz the pooplo i i oiiHiiois nun several inou-aimi pen. pic, which thu latter grouted ua with . I .... 1. I .... 1 ... 1 . I 1 cheers lor Grant ! Grant ! The IVcsi. deiit responded, sayin, that in swinging I around the circle hu hud bin called .Ion. I (lis Iskariot for . sauri licit) uv his-ell tor i tho pooplo 1 Who wuz tho Saviour ! Wuz Thad Stevens ? No 1 Then deer ly into your bauds I louvc tlio Constitu. tion uv 30 stars with 38 States on cm, intact nnd undiesevercd. Tlio ofllshels received the stars nnd States, and amid clieera far Grant, tor winch tlio President thanked on), the train glodo olFinugcKlieally. An so on to Chicago, where we didn't git off our epeech, though from tho rummer in which tho people hollered Grunt ! Grant I wo felt cheered nt real lisin how much they wuz with us. His oiutneiico wanted to sling tht 313 SlatcH . nnd the flag will) tho utara ut em, but cz General Logan wuss lliero ready to ' fling 0111 back, it wuz deemed highly prudent not to 6) il. Hero my trials eotninciist. At the Iliddlo House, in Detroit, ll.o nigger .. wattuis tdiowcd how much a Aliic.in kin be spiled by boin f'reo. They had the t impudence to vefoose tn wait ou us, and for, -ft halt Lour llig.imporiul tluiuiuk wtu ik. - Forced to fust. Tins alarmiu manifosta Hon ii v thu nrgro nialiiiiRnoy uUrtned Ilia Ej!siiHiny. "Thank God," daid ho, ''thai I votoed thu Ii'icL'ilmt.'r.'ti Bu. roo Dill. I hev bin Aldurinan uv my iiitttvo town I huv Bwung uround the entire circle, but this I never druemed uv. What would they do ir they lied their rites 1" Tho incident made an im pression onto him, and ut Chicago ho resolved to trust em no longer. lie ordered his meals to his room, and sent for mo "My friend." ned he, -taste everything onto this tablo !" "U'hy 1 my liege." so I I. 'Niters is cooks," sod lie, "and thia food may lie pi.oi:ed. Tliey hato me, tor I ain't in thu Mosus binuess Taste, my trit iiil." 'IJul spozn,' sod I, 'that , it kho-id ho pi.oued ? What uv uvj bowels 1 My stomiek is uv ex. nr ch vuloo to niu vz yourn is to you ' Nasby,' se, he, 'tastu ! If yoo d.e who mourns ( I'll I die, who'd sling the ling and the O j .stars at the people, and who'd leave the Constitution in their hands ', The country deman Is thu sacri liee, and resides, ol y!a don't, oil' goes your llieial head ' That last appeal fetched mo. llnthet than risk th it ollis I'd chaw strikiiine, for uv what'akkount is a Pimokrut who hez wunsl tasted the sweets uv 1 iceand is ousted And fom Uhhtag o on, I wuz forced to tastu his tood and likker to act i z a wort, of litenin rod to tilled off the vengi'aiu'o uv the nigger waiters I wood taste uv every ifi-h and tb iuk from each bottle, aiid et I didn't :we!l ii and bust in l o limits His Serenu H'ghno.-s wood t'iko hold. I suffered aevcra' divitlis 1 resoom ui d uy. Joi.n-vr I II ! crowd wuz immense. The pcu-untry ; ez tlio train approach el. lent the air wi h -lioats uv (in lit ! (Irani! lbs P itoncy, the President, p omp'ly iicknou lu.lged the coinphinoni. He wuz Micrilicin bi.-self for them who hed m ado Locator saeritiues I Ho bed bin al leriuan uv bis native town, mid Vice Prosid au ho wuz too modest to make n speech, but it hu wuz Jo id is I-kariot, who wuz thu Saviour J lie noil swung arouiiit thu en kl,ianl ho In 1 1 found ii--no so fir. Hu left in their lia.ids the- -And so on, until near Si Louis, when ! I icnotiMlu.j a Meinour. iliu county, uv ! ...i s.i. i : i i t I u oiuu i nooi ineo ins tv. -How knowest th'ou V sez ho 'Easy,' mz I 'I observe in tho crowds a larcc propor tion uv red noses and h its with t o top elf I notice llio housed unpuinlod, I wtii pig-j ens in lroni uv cm; ami wnai 1 is more, I observe that crowds compli j nienl y.io direct, instead id doin it cz heretofore', over Grant's shoulders The K. lights uv the t i .I li-n (,'u kle, which I i , -peel is the identical cukle joo'vo bill s,viii..;ing aiiiund l.i'ciy, love yoo and ; approach yoo confidently.' '. Thu Prc-ideotly brisked up, nnd from t'ii- lo ludi aiiapolis hu spokii will a (1 i.iidilv I never observed in him be fort. I III IV III VilIWi, 'I II'm, H ti.Vll) I I,.. I , i, i, ,'.i '., ,,.,, .,,'. ,. ., , ,i' . latter city our rcceplton was thu m, si ll.it rin uv cny wc have c.vpciiei.ecd. the people, wlien the 1'rvsidciit. 'nppeiir. ed on the ha,-ony uv the line- House, vcl'iil so voi'ib-rou.-.lv l"i' Grant i hut the Pto idetit, when ho stepned forwinl I acknowledge the compliment, ecoilent lie heard at. all. ! le u avi d In.-, hat, ami the mole ho waved it, llio more conip'i- nictit.iiy Hie crowd hecaine. G'.-int ! Giant I tiieyyelhd. uud the m -r-! the I'n siduct r l,o i.-d hiin.-eit tho mole I ihey yelled Grant, until, ovcrpinvci ed by th warmth uv tho iccepslion, mid unwilling to e.vpmu his hcallh, the President rutin d without tdiiigin a speech nt, cm. out. entirely satisikd thai the pcopl wuz Willi him. Tliu next inornin llio olli.-u ho.ders uv the Slate. i ilhoiil .ihe people, usrinliled .... , , i . i i '.. . . -,. . . ,-li oy n.niu ins leoa-i r-puecil to 'III, which appeared to be or uitviu to 1-cih him and t li'-iii The President does mil bku lo sleep with an undelivered speech on his mental a'uuiu k. Ilgiveahim the nilciiiin c. Here I t fi ll o patty f ir n short time, t' ni I mite go homo and attend t my oiliei al doutios Tbeic is live N'ol-il ern lamihcs th.'nr the Comers which iniist Iiuvo notico 'o leavo, and ei Jit ti gges j to li'imr I had oi'ilera to i-eoiet mil,,, ,,,,-u wh.r bn'wecn 1 iavillc and I I. . .V ... ll irrisiiurg. ulin-h 1 8 ali do, cz. t av I'm ''V ot'di-r. I gel uioe ige 'in 1 .-ien. Pki'isoi.i.i m V. Nmiy. P. Al.. (which is Po-tmaster.) (and likewise chapliti to the expcdishuuj An t i; 1 1:1:1 ,ui in T.x s Tlio Tyler (Texas) frpnrltr, i f ihe iilh iiist., nays Unit a detacliiiient of Unite,' Stai.H Ln11n.11 . 1, in h troops, under cominaiid of Capt. Tup" ! per, were li- ed into by an At kansiuti '. , " 11 1 mho wiii 1101 aware unit the war was ov er. Ollici'd inforiuiuiiui received from Retdiani, Texas, shows thai place lo bo in 11 staio of iiiHiu ruction, Tho citizens are all nritied, and patrol the streets to prevent the Holdiers from coining into town. TliM,v,.r.Si, IT - -j --. .j-.i .1. in 1 i-iin ion 1 tq have telegraphed to the Adjutant General of the State to know how tunny men ho could furiiinh to drive thii Yan kees oir. A reply is said to have been received, offering live hundred well j-tn. ed insn, and tnoto if necessary. Tho officer in command of the dulaclinicnlot United States troops, numbering about Ol) men, has entrenched and otherwise fortified hifl position. After receiving a largo .mpply of ainiminition from Galvos ton, he 'expressed eonlldciico in being nblu to withstniid an nttaek. General Slioridnu has left tor the eceno of action. TBMlTDEBLfV STORJI:. A. HEDGE & m IInvo Just received ft New Ktock ot HOOTS AND SHOKS, HATS AND CAPS, COLL.UW, NECK TIES, GbOVE3, HOSI- KUV, TltlMMINOS OF Abb DH SCniPTION3. M"(i have just received n lai'L'e nssDriiiient of the latut kind of ready madu BOOTS AUD SHOi :s which we can warrant to wear, mid do trood service, Also a lew I.ow Priced Hoots nnd Klines which we wiil let w.tiranl Imu 'lit exnresslv to cnnipete with mil' nelihliora. I'on't tail tu o ill il'vnii want to see irood aillcles m tuir me nf trade. It will cost nnlli. in'to Inol; at lliem. Ileineiiilier Hie place. " opiio:-ite the Ci nit II iim'.' U ayncslainr, May 2. tf Alllsntrs litiildinj TAYLOll ODOL & l- AUUt.VS ORGAN. O. J. WILLARD, No. (i-T liKOADWAY, NEW YOlilC. i tj'1'ltU.MENT iiiimul'ac ured, mid llio Ol)1 THE VOUld)F CnmliinlicT SwectncsB and Depth of Tone, li.-ouiiiil and Cha-lc In Appearance. Itu tlnuitr and Kleviiim; hi' its Tenden cies. For ( 'Inuclics, I'ailnrs n? tliu I! mdoiril. has no cipial, tilld h is invarlaliiVtalii a the i-'iusr pitk.Mt- L'.I wherever cxhihiled in Compelillon with other well known manufac turers. Thirty-lour different styles, nnd from one to twelve flops, lion;; Doiihlc Mellows, Dnnhle lllnw I'e.lals, ICnee .wcll, etc., etc., giving srciit pnwefnu:! steadiness of time. THE .Uii li.VSS, applied to the Dmililu TP'ed Oruims, gives a vohiinc of tone riilal to a sixteen foot stop in a Pipe. Oran, and when applied to our Or. 'am c iiit;iiulng thcin, and four s.-ts of Uci'ds the vohnec of tone is, cnal t ' u sj-.'ci.o pipe oran. and costing; only a In id one foiirih us tntteli. K..-n.l for an Itlii.-lrateil Price l,i.-t, j-;S vitiy full oarlica'ais. Ail lics orders, o. J. Wlid.Al:;), Wholesalu A;5"tll, (L'7 lirmidivay, X '. 'Hi': Giticvr i.'N'iiiv'AU'd) ii v o o ! " t' i a no f a n r v The cheaocst lirsi i ! i-s PI mo Foile in the Market. Tiie-e i e.-iiitit'nl iiia'riiiuents an' ast wiiiniic Ihe.r way l.ito puiiHi lav a- T ie tone is lich, full and pinnauil. and fjii-duM f irdi with pceu;i u- n ci tn-s i meloilv, while the touch is easy and 1 1 .s ic. Are tin! ln-,1 in rich ro.-.evo.:d ca-es. with lull iron fianie, over -ti ua;!1 ha." s uti I Freiicli L'raud ncii"n. All have I irge round corners, with hack tin-i.-hrd like ilia ir.-ini. Kvery liistriticent tally wariio, led live vein's. Circulars liivini; enr ivct likeness taki n from pliotoraph. wtih full ill sedjiliv-e price list, sent free to any address on application i . n;e3jul ousjj and 4:..osf k WoCTii Tllll I V ci S IS, Af rnnipanl' , vt ( ircule.r, nnd is worthy of prcscrvali 'll. Dealers will no fur nished thi-tie llc-uilil'iil la st ttl 1 in ills ill the I.OWKST WIlOJ.KSAbK PKICKS and Tc.iclii rs m tht- rales of di,, mint Ad dress all orders to (1 ,1. WlI.b.MtP. Ulioh'salc 0. i ' e ' it m-. V V JV';y5i t,,ri' 'v,y - -vS: Wljolcsale njrents for Win. A. Pond tv ('o's, Picardiuan. tlrny ic t.'o.'s. Win. Kindle ifc C'o.'ii, mi l filler first class Ci'tailu'.s ii'tvii;;; emrtct likcuessus of these celebrated Piano Furt-sand Taylor & Farley's Mo lei ( ins, fnr.vai'diid to ai:y address on iipplieati ni . 1'hu bieest Soiu.'S, Piihlished Janunrv I, ISlili, iiinl nia'ited toauy address free iifpostaue, dli. :-iic' me th it dear old House JI.Ic We've drank from the same cniilcen, hy .1. 0. Ciark. !!". P.caiitil'ul Wales, sang by J It. Thoisias, ."."ic I in'liappy as llic ilay is long, alic Soinchodv's DaiTuiL'. :t..c :i."c' :i:i etic :m :,uc it.-ic Violets uiidcr tliu siiow, liy H. Tucker, fcwuct lie I l.y repose, try ,J. II. 1 hoiiias, Tv'YciilThVi.'' hen I went ci'lu lni.r S illic. Cnm'c, i nuv a wiinereii ros, Mother, I have herd sweet ninle, Pleasant ilrcams of long ag 1, Oh. Hay not a woman's hunt j hnn.mt, Katlilicn dear, lief ne I was iii-Jii'icd. O dear, We'll meet no more at Iwili.-ht hour, .l.iC flO(! I I'd it'll! HOC P.etitililul uleol'lie sea, lu .1. K. I'linmas, il.'.c M I don't can', by W, K. Pmsfard, il.'.o ' T "! ' '" 1 , l,,',,"mit:. ;,'"i i,VL. . ,-,, ,. , 1.. i .i. niiirn bur .10,. ('Icon and I, i ana by Harry TueUcr,' ili'c i'r '"V 'o'' llt,i"' 1 '" w';l'llll' ui' 'I'ueUcr ilui: Mudc on Hie waves, vocal dll,'t, by Ulnvel'tHlc tiV (lliivi'i' UOn .mi .tine imo ine u.n inne, jjou (live the old 10111 11 cli incd. On,-! bright moony night, ciiiic, Hoc They all come homo but mine, iliic Young ninn on the ral way, ,-,(. When Kenliins tight lor freedoiii ,'l'ic . .t... in. .1 1.1 . i . . . . ' " . liown ny inu Kiiii). i.y .1. Tliotnns, L'lll' B-3"P.ll'tlej orderlnir Music Mild 11V1.1. 1., ll' 111, 1 " 1 r,... K... ....11 ..,.,.,.1.,.. 1 1 ... 1 .... 1 ; ' . ii 'V,"" ' ... ... V, . ' """ ,,9W1 l. nn tun ,uuii.:, hi .iL'iiu: win ne selected, as pii'tli'H prefer All orders pnnnpily uituiided to, and any Information cheerfully given, Iti.i'iiiiuscni 1 Hon. O W. Pa'liersrti, ex-(loi'M.-iiiir of New Yorn, Weslll, Id, N Y., T. It Ci.'inan. Prcsldunt Uko Slinru liank, Dun kirk, New York. Nuw roint Ci'T Itpa'i-.ituxens 1 iVllll.im A Pond & Co., William U. ISniilbury, Carhnrt Neeilhimi Co , Siberia Ott ; Hf,, m,l,n,.' Esi , Uuiii'inl Supt. iMotlvu Puwur, Erlu It It' Wheeler & Wilson. 1 WAddrcss Orders, ' O J. VVIbLAIin, Wholesale PlanKorte, Organ & Musi.. Dealer 1 Nn HS7 iiroiidivay, N. Y. JVc, '."). I at;:, -if 1 1 OSS. i I) 8UUUK( lllllIllllF. IViiU. m PHYSICIAN AND 8UUUE0N, "VPrTCEIn Jswdi's hnlldlnt;, West end of Main street, WByncuburg, P, jt,.tf r L i T. 110SKINS0N. NEW GOODS ! Winter Shock. Great 17ariaty MHS, E. S. SAYEHS& IIOSKINSON, H'lyrrs'' Comer, Wayimlury, Va, MES8IW. SAYEUS.t IIOSKINSON Have just opened nn evtcnslvo and entirely uew stock of FASIUONAIibE Boititht In tlm best Eastern market, ul the very lowest ('ash rales, coinpri.sln.g nil slylcsol'thc aio.sl fasliiou.ihlu uud bcrvicealilu textures ol GciitI(!Dicn k Lilies' "Wear It ia Useless to enumerate. They have every -thine in the line, with UOXNKTS, HATS. CAPS, HOOTS And Shoes. Wares of all kinds, an 1 u com plcle variety ol the hesl (iUoCEItllX All iC 'which t Icy "propose pi sell at tl(. very Inu-il azures, , depcMdinij; on the ipi dity and' (-heap ncss ol' their "oiiils to e.du them custom . 1 Nov. .",). isil.-i, t f Bradley & SniitI) AND m saddles, m IIA1SNKSS, THL'NKS, Ac, N'o. U12 Wool Street, At PJTTSE15S2G, PA. J Ki)PbK OF 01 SEEN E COUNTY wishim; L unythiiiK in our line can be furnished on the shortest milieu and MOST HEASOXABLU TERMS Persona from n distnneu seiidiiu! us OltOEIW will have t he in promptly attended t nil on account of hchc; near Market Ilea l Quarters we cau fin nisli s-Mids CIIKAPEU than they can he liought elsewhere. fij;sl 8's 'mv 555e5,, and wc will nive th.eia our strictest, attention and forward jjo-ula lv ICxon-ss to W ayncslinr; hy I, oat or persons liviic; in the erf tint i y can send hy Pddars and 1 luck-ters. liaivc,;.-. tf IHIADI.EY SMITH. 5P-rr I ' . U. Vv pi'ie:..f N INVITIN'! THE PPEl.tt'to hi, patron ! a "c, tin' ii'iil.'i'-i;',ne. 'ee. e aiii hail, that I'V 1 i- l-.li:' ex-M'ience. he will he cnaiili-d t-i render r. ili-faclitin In all llcijiia anlees the t'est a cienaindati ma holh lo nun mid boast M i.y I-'-"'"' Iv .1 W. II I!N f t u r ? UJCTION NOT OF XTWIQN HUT OF GiiOCEHV & CONFECTIOXKHY ! l J H. HdOPl-It would still have his rirnds ill and pulions licar n ndi d. that he t on liu'.ics in the Oroccry anil Conl'c'cli, ncrv trade nl his ii-iia', place ol tioinij l-ttsiiu-fs, and thai Ik; has hist ici.iivcd Mid. I!. d.B.VYEIlS. k Fxesk 8nrrtv'PRY GOODS ! I of the best iititlily of nil aic'cles in his line. TOYS- NOTIONS nnd n creal variety of useful articles always on hand. rXSFHESHLTSnTS, In cdimi'clini) wilh the aliove, Air. Hooper keeps 11 l.'cstiiuriint. win re P't; CI'EA.M, ber ries and all the luxuries of Ihe season can be obtained Tin iiioi:t nllraetivc and nin-.t popular resort jn town. .lune 1 1, '(.".-; y GROCERIES! Let All Persons COME 10 WAYXESnURC BZ30 3rt CHEAP CF;OCEiR:;:t: OF ' rOTTESXUJi & 'P'AYi.OK.- Prnprlcloi-sof Ihe upli-ndld Oroccry iStoro, foi niiu'ly owned by Joseph Vii 'ter. .Mr. Taylor keeps 011 Imiiil 11 trend supply of Ihu very best iSPOAi:, CDIT-'KE. TEAS, Uh'10, MOEAS- sic-t. hPi..;i:s. cAitiiox on-, lamps, LAMP ClIIMNIES. SHOE FINDINUS, Ac, iiu., and, in I'act, EVEItV TIIINU usually kept In a lirsi class Grocery Store. Twodoois Hint of Wilsons Nuw Dulldliir Oct II, 'u.'i-tf -w Ott LOO. ALL persons kuowlnif tli 'iuselyes liidebled to thu lii.i'Uiii.io v Ki-'rici:, cither Inr .loii Wi rli or thiiiSiTipiion iiinimt th" six moi.tiis thu paper was conducted by Mr W.ilkms, will pay tliu accounts to Mr. Jus. E Siycrs, Win. is tUlltmilZi'd to receipt fur the dame. Enily attention lo this matter will save rout,. r mmi ill DOLE & CiiAUK. "- I N E W PHOTOGRAPH JN- WAYNESHUUG, PENN'A, Has lilted up n new nnd splendid riiotogrnoli Gallery in the third story ut ALLISON'S I3U1LDIX0, Wbern be is prepared to execute PHOTOGRAPHS. AMHU0TYPE3. MALEIANOTVPKS. CAH'l'ES I)E VISITK. And all oilier kinds und sizes of pictures. In a stylo eiiial to tlm best artists. Especial ntlcn lion will he niveu lo copying pictures and en laridii'.r lliiau. All iiiifilic.-itiniis will be promnl ly attended to. Their rooms are eoniniodioiis and attractive, nnd every desirable n'-coiiiniii. dalion will he reni'orcd to eustnnicry Till.- is decidedly thu bust opportunity to secure neeti I'ale likenesses ever iilfeivd to Ihe people ol Orecne ( 'ouniy. Call any time it suits you. Pictures taken iinyl'iiiic ifl the day, ami In nil kinds ot wi ather. Nov. t'v m.'.-i. 't wi ii uwmi V I I l.I. eonttnue to curry on dm Marble nnd J Stone cttl titijr business at their lone; esiali lishcd si.-ind inunediatcly East of the Public square, Main Street, Waytii'.-iliuri;. This eslablisluii.-ut has been' ill conalan' operation since s.:l!l, and the loin experience and energy ol' the proprietors, linked -itli the exercise of sound judgment and good taste, have won for them a wide spread und enviable reputation. Auextcnsive slock of the varioii ' varieties nl" the best .marble kept constantly on hand. Special attention paid to polishing, prc.-wdng, carving and engraving. All orders promptly tilled. Dcucnihcr L'.'i, ,si;. DLL W. II. UA8 been in sucecssfitl praclicu for a nuiii licr of years, with ibu expeiieiice of the dillereul hnsphals lu Europe, also a incinluT of llic Anallical Ali.i'.ieal Institute of New York, continues to attend to all profcs.-ional cases nt 1 is ollicu , No. litis l-'ilhcrt Street, PliiU. No patent Medicines nro u.ed or reeoin nu'.nilcil : the remedies adininislia'i'd are those which will not brake down thu constitution, lint renovate the system from nil injuries il. lias sustained from naneial medicines, and leave I ,i . !.. . I i.i i .. . the syste n in n lu.-d.lty and pc.lectly cured ''il viinwri o . v . i- , . hi': si , tlm d. trcsmg disease nnd tell dest oyer ol he id h and happuiess, , er nuning he cm, dtu ..... and ycaily carrun. . it, ,11,1 ... i.t ii. in, ,i,ii ,j ;i.....i, i.iin iiiw.-.,l Ulll- phaiiclly te cured. '. ' ' . " n. ill n an, w.aKn-- or in ltd w h - i rcn.lci-s ,v,i, i ,.,!,'.- c! .via - tliu .!u ,sl.res.r ,,,, ,., , , ( .- ' - I U'lEIMhTH.'d in anV fo-iii or .-ondlll m , hro'iic r -cut.: v 1 r" .,..'. "ti'abl ' ' i-l-,i.;. oMahi.r: ;i'-:.ti;-;i.s' a:l canaue or stub bo. n ca; i s of 1 1 r, r: i) 1 s r: a 'V '' ;' "I I Vol V radically ilesci ipli oil. I dlri' l' removed ; S ilt II. n inn I of ll'cel ill. 111.4 : I'iles and -crnllll- I es w i' li l.avc bullied all previous 1111 ilical skill, can In: cured by my licatincnt; and Itloiiiy aHdt.t-a. s. fves .(,. j can lie cin-..,l l,y wriiiiig iny Medical jan-t which ' ' 1 .1 ' n 1 n Ml l1 1 1 Ht. luri'.' n .1 liusl all clmii of weather in all c'iinati.s Imvlitj; Inveslia iti'd tor yi'iiis the cause and ch u'iieter of ii'lcindl-tcnt..-0'i verand ae.uc) in all parts of ti.e Unilcil Slates will cure pcrniaitoicly nil cliro- ic nr acnl" cas"s ol A.gtie and nervous di.-i i.scs in a 'i'K d 1 vs. L'ANC'Ki! (Tit ED WlTi:ni"r.T!li: KNIFE Ol! Dii.WVlG OP ULlKll). Tape Wcini, that dread In Ihe Unman Faniiiy for yeais, can tie n-niovcil with two ir three doses of icy neu ly di-covered reuiedi, vviirianicd in all ca-es. Consulla ion in thu Enirhs'i and (1 -i-nian I.-uiguagcs free ol'clmrttc. Will make vi-its tiny distance, il'dcsii'cd. Ilay b" addressed by letter (conll ten ndly,) mid .' ieinc sent with proper dirccti iua lo any part nf Hie C'liuilry, OPKIi'lO No. ' hL'rt Filbert Street. Phila. lilaiL'h'ltii- Iv t Jcr .L O .Li 1IAVIN0 BEEN MAD", WE OPEEIt 0U1! . CUSTOM EltS ONE OF THE LAUO i:ST STOCKS OF Lil iit d ll OCA Cj4 n i-i n b A J LEATHER. HOOTS A SHOES, Hats & Caps And u creat vnrlelyof IJONNETS and II ATS till Hill 1-1, til-C ill III:, lou-M.I o..t ...u il lu linn- ni-i-ii sn.ii mi- siiuiu inu couiiuencunieiu of the War. PItIN.T.-'i From 1 2 1-2 to 21 cts. per yd, . Ml'SUN'S,... " 12 12 to III " '" l'TSH At Pitlsbui'elt prices. UKINNaila" ' Card Prices. S.MI " :) per barrel. COTTON YAItN, ill reihiccd rates. We have the goods In storn, nnd nil we nsk of our fiieiids is to call and see for themselves for we arc Hatislled that an examination of our stock and low prices will repay thenj for their ironniu. 1 o our li'ienils at. 11 distance, we ex tend a cordial Invitation to call and see their , old friends wlio aie always clad lo see them, for we can assure them that It will repay them for the trouble. V. II M'COV & CO. The old stand of W. II. M'COY, Greensbo ro, Oreenu County, Pmin'ii. Mayin,'(l."i-tt'l PLAIN AHBlFAlrar JOB PIUNTINCr THE PINES P STYLE. Our prices c uuiot bu nii'vi"sed fur eheip- ness by any oil,...' establishment tu this part ; ot the isluto. Parties wishing done nhiinld glvo us a ca'l. Wo aro read at , ill timet to do unytUlnif In tlio printing Uao. raw Q-Qi mm Pounded in 1840 AND INCORPORATED BY LElilSUTIVG CHARTER. fjlllEONTA' INSTITUTION OP THE KIND 1 in the Union ciiii'Hicled by a Piactlcal bu siness iiiuii. ( lur I ighiisl Ciiniiiiercial Author ilics, east, iiinl. wist, pronoiiuce his systems of Hook kecpiiin- luu'dunlcd eoinpichenilliij; cvrry department .if biisdncss, uud yet sii skillully condensed that Ihu iitlciilive student 'iiasteis the whole in nix uf ciyht weeks, It eon.-lsU of STOCK HOOKS, closed ii ice with a loss nnd twice with a g.iiu exhibiting by llireo dill'erctit inetluids llio .transfer of old to new hooks. PAIi'iWKKSIIIP HOOKS, condiiclcil by three different inetbuds, cx-hiliida-' Ihe transfer of thu old to new book?, whli the iiili-odiiclioii of a new partner ; also practically illiwralmg Ihu PIIIVA'IH LEDGER, by nieiina of hich Hie results of the business arc kept out of the general hooks, for the use III Hu. n.ntiim-u blXTUKS ON hUSINI'.S.S SUIHECTS. Mow every .one may get rich. How to get rich by tiiidin;,'. Thu cause ni Commercial failures. On speculations. Thu mora' inllu mceof integrity in youth, etc. Also lectures upon t U.M.WIU.I. IiMj LAW, r s h i 1 w (i'n r t c t s Ins , nn'ce Com- leX'S on Pnrtn moil Carrh Practical in (Mictions in DETI'.C UNO COUNTEUEEIT BANK. NOTES, by a full set ol' (jeiiuinu vignettes nnd coun ters, iiuda large collection of counlerfeit notes. GUI! li.MLKOAl) IIOOK-KKKl'ING, (in manuscript, ) exhibits the construction and equipment, tliu operating receipts and expen ditures ; the bonds closed and ti dividend re corded. These books are advertised by others but not laiij;ht elsewhere in thu .ciiy, Our new system of PRIVATE HANK HOOKS, (in manuscript,) embraces all thu best forms in use among private, hankers Our new en larged edition of Hull's Slciinhont Hook-keep-in". Our full course of business prneliu in cludes about FlEl'Y UL'SLN'ESH HOOKS, ruled tiraboiit thirty dill'eivu forms, viz t II r . i - l... Iit...l... .t T... ....... I.. I! lllll . IjltlilCM. I W. V unii v, ii .jwuiiiion, u iiiii , , ... j (.sIl ,fm,K 4 ',,,, !k.s Invoice I Hooks, I Discount book, I Cheek Iv'gister, I , , u Ul , 0li1M.lil,n KegUu-s. I T- ,.k, , ,J ,,,, , F,,ilsU'f lM vl . ,. , ,,7, ,,-. Th,,sn 1!(;u, I i nrnctica'lv recor I itlmutjiix hundred liusimjhs ! Ir liMicliiin-', comprehending Dulf's original ,a ,, (1 .., ,,, tii-.oioii. ic triti llcei twen.i , , i ,1,,. i,,,,,. " 'M vc years a.go .11 ow 1 11 olhcis h ivc s ic- eecded ,,, tuiilating i.lnt will be best seen by 1 r';'"! "'"o "" 11!"s.1,,:l'S!' pi1'1",','s "" ". ,,,lr' wa" U,C 8'dualcs "t ; laslitulion. j li'llMif' lI'l-ll't'od I'Mirinn litlllH I b ljLKUi; U 1-UlllDII Ot'' 1 1 1 ! I V 'J WWUrr!.Ml. I ll ' 2. 't. 1 c. iO wnto. $011) HV HOOK SELLERS GEN. Kl.'AI.LY AWAPiDED FOU P. SlI.YEl! MEDALS, Which, wiih'thc tollowin-j; t sthnonials, indi calc llic eliaiaclcr of the work 1 N' otic r work upon. Bnnkkcei ins; explains the subject with so much clearness and miu plicHv.. i W. EDMDNI.'S, Cashier Mechiinics' Hunk, Wall street, N Y. 'As an 1 x'.i iisivc ship owner, American nnd Ec.r a can merchant, bank din cior, cic, be has lionie t ' 1 1 icimtatiiin of Ihe I i.du st orde I oi'liuslncsstilenl.s.' JNO. W lIU'ltNllAM I jMci bant, No. h Hoiiib street, N. Y. 'I I'lMihiat d in DulV's college in half the time I cxpi ctcd. liis iidinii utile system in chid s iiothiu-; suuerllnous, nor leaves out taiythi.m essei.lial. .1. It. COM PTO N, . 'Cashi -r Miaeara Ban!', Lockport, N. Y. ''flic most coinplelu work of the Kind I l.avc ever Ken." .) Ii MUItliY, President Exehantre 11 ink. Pillsiuiruih. The most clear iiini cnnipn hensivu that I have met willi, JOHN SNVDKlt, Cnsliier l!aid( of 1 'it tl mrili. Your committee unanimously concur in tho opiui ni o' the utility of the iniprovcd nicihuil of Mr. Dutf." OUUDOX J LEEDS, Iti.-c-uiiliny Sec. ot the Amer. Insti , N. Y. C xT II nnfl'ii P , iinn. I. i"i Utl V , II. UUll iS i. eilllllinSlHI) . . Fnrthu best litisint'ss and Ornamental Pen tniinship, awarded our pascal Penman, by inu United Stales f ire at Cincinnati! in Wo Peen.-ylviiiiia Stale fair at Wyoming IKlio Western Pennsylvaiii 1 fair at Pittsburg ISlin Western V r-riuia fair at Wlieeliug - lliltn Ohio SI lie fiir at Cleveland ltil2 All of which are cxhihiled at our ofllue. OUR TKRMS. Have never been advanced, while others are ehnruhig .sk'ill tuition fee, or -JHU nnd iflo t'X trn foi'iffninansliip. and 1JI2 lo $21) for text hooks and blanks. For tiur crailualing conrse, Incliidlng btisi- lli'kH lienin:iiwli'l:i limn tinlilultn, I lii-n-iilo Tliu eiilii'ge edition ol Dulf's' Kook keep- ing, with blanks ar.d stationery at booksellers' --i"". iiiuun.iessi; pcicui 10 prepare pnar- priccs, S1.-1. niiiceuticitl preparations. Our blanks an; made up of lino extra sized .. T.--t!!W r'U'ties resort to various means of ef pnper ruled complute, wi h lull sets of auxil- """ sncli as copying parts of ndvur s tiscna-nts ot popular remedies, and finishing We tin refore present the business student wi'! certificates, with the fnllnwbi" l"v science of Medicino statues sntiplo, I Mi 'OUT -INT aDV AXTaGTi'S ' pure and inajestic having Fact for Its Basis, . iv 1 ,1 1 ; , Induction foi- Its Pillar, Truth for its Capital c have thu best Penman in I he west. A W(mo 0J, CAUTlOxN.-Hoallli is most ,' ? ' '! I .1 T v '"I ;f;k07)lllffV(rnC" l"P"rtnH nrt the alllicted should not use an honed by the N, w ork Chitniberol Com-, nd -tTtised medicine, or any remedy, unless nicr,.' ) t i.igl, by thu author. Us cnnle.its or ingredletits orUnown toothers .1 1 ho dany lectures otaa experienced nier-l iH,sill,a u,,. ma,uifaclurer, or until they aro c ," 1 . 0 1 sailslied of tho (lunlillcalions of tho party o t A having of seven or eight weeks ia time ,.ii'..i 1 iji.ij u ol siuny. B A saving of tlio same number of weeks boar u A saving of $11 or ft7 In books and sta- tionerv. 7 A diploma signed by ono so long and so lavoritnv tuio .11 as a preceptor, as an recount unt, and as a merchant. For full particulars. - send for circular, 7," pages, with samples of our penman's Huslnuss and Ornamental writing, Inclosing twenty live eenls for postage, to I. MITF St riUSCIPALS, I',!bl7'i;t;-ly ' PITTSnURGH, Pti. T II IC MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS, Forty uifTerent Wlcs, adapted to sacred nnd secular music, for ifHU to lii00 each. THIR TY FIVE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or first premiums awarded them. Illustrated ftlnliiiTu,.a finn. Adi'resa. MASON & HAM- LIN. BosioN.or MASON CltOTIlEHS, Nitw Yontt. tept8,'C5-ly HELMDOLD'Q EXTRACT BUCHU. T T T" r Arnr loinuuiiua uutjiiu. V IIEIjMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELM HOLD'S BUCHU. THE ONLY KNOWN EEMEDY tHA DIABETES, IP.1UTATI0N OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMA TION OF THE KIDNEYSr CATAUIHI OF THE BL A DDE It, STKAN" GUAKY OR painfuj. urinating!- l'"or Ihesu (11acitsPM.it la truly a soUroiml I'eniedy, mid too iiiueli cannot ho Said in fig praise. A siui;li) dnsi! has been known to re lieve Ihe most urgent symptoms. jue. nu irouniea with Hint distressing pi, : In the buck and ihrnuuli tho bins? ' A ten, spuoiilul a day of llclnibokl's Bucliii will ru 1'i'vo ymi, 'ii H 'J i P x illllilflflffi PLEASE NOTICE. I niiikc no secret ofliijredionts. HelmlioUl'g Extract Buclni is coiiiiieseil of Eiiehn. Cnlwim ' "ml hm'r with great euro, ! 1,r"lm'Ulh" 1",t""ml '" rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. Theso ingredients are known as tho most valuable Diuretics allenlcd. A DIURETIC Is that which ads' upon the kidneys. liGLMSOLD'SHTRlCTBWU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste ami odor, free f-0111 nil injurious properties, and immediate In its action. FOU THE SATISFACTION OF ALL See Medical Properties contained la Dispcnsn- itory of the U. S., of which tho following Is a Ppy i.n.: t. ..-.m. ... "i cue. iw oonr . sir"iig, oiiiiisivc, anil ; Bl) ..1(.wlla, tll.oniatic, i's tnsiu bitterish, nnd nmr,m t)lh.M , mint.Wt-ls given chiefly in coniplnitils nf the Urinary Omaiis. such as , (lv. Chmnic Calarrl, of the (iladdcr, Mor- j bid Irritation of the Bladder luuj Urethra, Diseases of Ihe prostrate, nnd lletcnliou or ' the loeonil.ience oJ'Uiiim, from a 1 jss of tonu In the pnrts'onfaTned in its evaeivdirin. it i,., 01. ,..,, ,.,.,. 1. ,.i ... ...... 11.10 111.-1.' im-.-ii 11 , 1 11 11 1 1 1 . 1 11 1 1.. j 111 1 ... n'ui.lll, Chronic liheimiiitiBin,; C'utiiucous Atlecllons, and Diopsy. ' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See Pi-ofcssi- Dewccs' valuablo works on the pi nctiee of I'lirslc. ' . tii-u Remarks Hindu by tlio celebrated JJr. Physic, of Philadelphia, , - See any and all Standard Works on Medi ci lie, J FROM THE mmsini i.iiui .11 tui.iu ilium . 1." Tim noi&LD I am neriuaiiilcd with H. T. IIeliuboltl j ho occupied the di uic store opposite my residence and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been ciUidIy so bcli.ro him. 1 have been favorably Impressed with Ids character uud enterprise. . WM. W EIOIITMAN, x (Firm of Powers & Weiglitnian,) Manuf during Chemists, Ninth and Htowii Streets, Philadelphia. From Ihu Philadelphia Evening liulhlin, March loth We nru gratified to hear of tho coniinucd success, in- New York, of our 1 '"wi'snuin, Mr II. T. Helmbold, Druggist. His store, neMtolheMetropnlitan Hotel, is 28 I....I I....,, I .l'lll I-....I rl. ,. .....1 M..n n.....t..n l 101 in111, -.n. n, i iu-1..., nun iivu oiuiius iu lieiglit. Jt is ceilatnly a grand establishment, und specks fiivorably ol thu merit nf Ins arti cles, lie retains liisOlllee nnd Laboratory in this city, which are also model establishments of their class. The proprietor lias been Induced to make this statement from tho fact Hint his remedies, although advertised, are Genuine Preparations, And knowing that the intelligunt refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine) order most of which ara prepared by scll'-styled Doctors, who tiro too Ignorant to road a iliysician's simplest pros HELM30LD'S'GENUINE PREPAPATIONS FLUID EXTItACT BUCHU, FLUID.EXTUACT SA11SAPAEILLA, AND IMPI10VED ROSE WASH, Established upwards of 10 years. Prepared by H.X HELMBOLD. " ritiM ii'AL aiEroTs. IIEr,MnOLD'8 DHUQ AND CIIEMICAI, WAKLAJUSE, BJUlrtmdway New York. And IIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT 101 South Tonth Street, Philadelphia p. , BT Alt DKl'Q GISTS. . Nov. 15, 18U5 lyi . TV