mi iWnttcv-s. ) WAYNESUUltU: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1800. Quit It. It may bo remarked that j tho following comes from an unwurruiit. source, but, nevertheless, us mi exponent of at least a few ot our good and order loving citizens, we cull tho attention ot all concerned to the habit of street tout ing on the Sabbath. This custom, not as of old confined to a few whom all con sidered beyond the pale of tespuulubihly, in becoming alarmingly prevalent among those who think themselves in the high er order of gentility. Of tli'i bin ilsell and the vices growing out of it, it is un necessary to remark; the petty annoy ances to passers by uro sulllcient argu ments to produce an abatement of tin nuisance. The pure morning air taint ed with the stench ot tobacco, the side walk bespattered with lilihy slime hardly passable for ladies, beside tl.ebal terles of curious eyes brought to ben upon all who chance to go by j is it n"i a severe gauntlet for unyonc to run ? Ti be sure it is dono thoughtlessly' wtlhoui malice ol intention, but see tho indelica cy and inconvenience forced upon others. Some means can be devised other than this to while away the time. Let all then, on the Sabbath, either go to church or stay in tho house any where else but on the street. If. however, it is impel' atively necessary to loaf on tho corners quit spitting on the sidewalk ! Foil Sai.kI Ten Thousand Dollars worth of New Goods at J. Guinea's. FiiKSii ExmirioN. The members and ministers ot the different christian do. nominations in our town havo united. their efforts to agitate once more tlio subject ot Temperance. A series o meetings are being held and nn organi sation perfected with the aforesaid pur pose in view. Lust Sunday evening was the second limoot meeting at the M. K, Church, services being omitted in the other churches. Remarks were made by tho several pastors, and a temporary organization tffioled. This is certain ly tor tho interest ot tho community at largo, and a creditable, earnest feeling among our citizens displays itself in their largo attendance. No lover of morality Ciii object, , and,' we may add, no place else does the matter need mo'u urgent attention than just heio. Uuinii still bells the cheapest Muslin. 1 '--TiiiCcool evenings are coming j the long nights are upon us s and whers to spend the hours from supper to bed time is a question only to be settled by call ing at Bradley's Oyster Saloon and Ink inga dish of those excellent bivalves, not Ul) in ' Tours" best style ' Tom'' knows how to cook Oysters, and a fry, a roast or a slew, pn-paied by him would ' , ... ...i ' please the taste ot the most, taste ul - Cull and see. Wo tried them uml pro- fuss lo know. GuillKll bells cheai Flannel. A nmtcii game of Urso Hall, between tho "Vantago" club of Unionlown, nn tho ''liaiiy" blaved on Af Wiivtipshure-. will be SaturJav October 13th, kjiliuivtxj, tinriV All tha iri'oiinils of tho latter J" v.- , o rtay is to begin at 12 o'clock, M , or as ,600U thereafter as possible. Ainplo lie cominotlation is afforded for all who wish to bo spectators ot the game. Ti-uFairat Jefferson is on tho 11th and 12th of this month. Guihgu lias benefitted this count). Rhad the Quarterly Statement of the First National Hank iu to day's Uia-i n- I.1CAN. If you want Boots and Shoes go to. Gum Kit's Pkiisonai, We welcome homo our old friends and acquaintances, Hubert Adams and K. K. Ilolphenslinu. These gentlemen have for aomo timn past been filling clerkships in Washington City, and are at prcseut enjoying a short res pite from business oares. They lire well socially, pliysioally and political ly. IV you want to know the Market go to Gumuii. ComtBcmoN.- -In our last issno we stated that tho Washington County Ag ricultural Society bad adjourned their exhibition until the 15th and lGth. It should have boou lGth aad 17th in.-t. An account of the exooution ot Hich ard Thairwell, for thu murder of James HouBenjan.atCookstown, Fayetto conn ty, last BUtumer, may bo found on our first pago. Mrs. Houseman, who . was Tliairwell's particep orimims, gold out her household cffeoti in Oookstown and removed to the West. Shu owes her lite to the magnanimity of' Thairwell, who refused to testify against her, and is well aware she tnu tdrag nut the bitter ' little that remains among strangers. Her Her Dresonoe would not be toloruted thereabouts and if she had been in Fay ette oounty at the time ot the execution he might have been summarily dealt with bjr thft incensed populace, eonsidor able indigiiution being m;ni(bstcj on acuouut of her escape from justice. --.... - Guiiiku has the largest stock in town. Tuk Jacksonvii.i.b Faiu. Tlio Fair at Jacksonville on the 3rd ami 4th inst , j)(W' am ouo 0f thu fcutuvca of the past wt.,.k- jj0,g t,0 j,.Hl huM in that placo, t1(,,.0 wa4 considerable curiosity inuiii- tested in the county and consequently.a largo crowd was drawn thither. There was a grand rush ot vehicles and horse men through our streets during the day and night previous to the opening of the fair, and the result was an almost entire depopulation of our village for n day or two. Ueport says it was a perfect "Donny brook." No. 2, without tho ruffianism usually displayed at tint far lamed locality. Wo Imvu no inlorma lion as to the success of tho Society, the exhibition, nor the characteristics of the lisphiy From 'suitaeu indications" it is In be presumed there was the usual umtniiil of 'kill-mo-quick" imbibed Greene county is much Demoeratio and its deni.eiw embrace every opportunity of enjoying tho beneficent influences ol of their tuition. GrniKii him. says no man shall undersell linu tiiti.. Autumn with her long and dreamy day, steals in upon us like fairy breezes, ripening rains ami suns hn.y skies, and golden tinted verdure. The trees hanging laden with their ripe and luciotts fruit, and tho busy hum of the thrashing stiikes on the listless ear. The fat of the laud is being garnered from the elements, contentment and hap piuess reigns supreme' Hut that happi ness is only brought to tiertoclio.i w hen you buy vour Dry CJjoils, Hoots and Shoes ot J. Giiniiit. Tiik Winter Term of our Union School began on Monday last. It opens with fair prospects and a large attend auee. Tun Vi:nv 15i:sr thai are made is the cttcuinitim passed oi! the docketing Piano, oy Air, Bowen, one of the most, eminent of the Pittsburgh Musical Pro fessors. Se his letter : Mi:. 0. C. Mki.i.oii D,v,. Vr.l have now used the diickering Pianos for nearly eighteen years, and from this experience, 1 pronounce them to lie tho most pel feel lust ninients in every par ticular, thai I have ever used myself or taught upon. Their rem nkaMc purity, brilliancy and nobleness t tone, an. I ease and prompt liess of mecliai i-in, aie qualities inu-t satisfactory and inspiring to the urii.-t, and highly conducive to the rapid ami thorough-improvement ot ilie student. I c-jHri ily recommend tho t'hii ker.ng Pianos, tor the use ot pupils, as I have remarked from actual ob-ervalion, that they obtain a most correct appreciation of iniisicil lone, and gain a great free dom and evenness of linger by miotic inif on these iiistruinouis My preference is most decidedly ia fa vor of the Cliickormg Pianos, and I lo eoumieiet llieui to tlio I untie as i,ein tliis Veni best I'mims tlal arc iibil i J M 11. S ISowi.n. Se inlvertiseineiit in another column. 15'ich Itemliuij Hon, Charles Sum ner, of Massachusetts . Gov. L. On', of Smith Caiolinu , Jonu II. N'oyes ; John John I ieipoint i Win. Harvey, inula lvallir Chief ot Mo.aiuhiiitic, Willi oilier illiisiraiions. u'iveu in the October mini- , . I,.. ...... I I,.., .1 I, ,j lier Ul Ilie I llieiioniyu-ni .ioiiiu.u. iu i- a very interestnie; uiimliei only id cts or 2 a vent. A'Mro.'S Fowler it Wells, US'.) UroaiLvay, New York. i Cii'iiiiai is n good Luyer. Ti.mh Fmks When iu the course of - human event it becomes necessary thai the people lay by their summer good- land ami put on articles appropriate to the Fall ami Winter, wo Iru-ttliey will remember J. Giiiir.u, ami call and see him before purchasing elsewhere-. A little L'lil. hvo years ot ngo, was whippi d li) death in Sarnia, C V., on tho 12th inst., for refusing to nay her prayers Tho whipping was inllieteil by the mother i t the child with u raw hide, in the evening, anil in thenorning thoclnlil was found dead, ifoin niu father and mother have been uommitted to prison to awuil their trial for murder The Indian Chief's on the lino of the Powder Wiver, Dakota Terilory, recent y made the following proposition us the tonus upon which they would nllow white men lo trade or travel on that route i 'oucan inuko tho roan on there for 100 wagons loaded with Indian jroods, 1,'JOU American horses, 1.000 I rifles, 50D lund ot cows, 2.000 he id of heep. 1,00 head of hogs, fiOO roosters, 1,000 chickens, 200 colored men to raise com.' Judge Muir of the Court of Common Pleas, ul Louisville, has refused a writ of habeas corpus to John Chf'.on (color en) and Molly, his wife (white), who havo been arrested at Louisviliu fir amalga mation. It will bo remembered that tlio parties were married at Xeuia, Ohio, In llelgiiim mid Holland, linen is pre pared beautifully, because the washer women use refined borax, instead ot soda, as a washing powder. Ono large handful of borax is used to uvorv leu gallons of boiling water, and the saving in soap iii miid lo bit one-half For la ces mil cambric an extra quantity is used ISornx does not injure tho linen, and it sofiens thu hardest water. A tea. spoonful of borax added to an ordinary sized kettle oi hard wat.er, in whiuh it is allowed to boil, will oflootuully sulteulhu water. French noldiers are Jesertinat Maxi milian, Seventeen havo arrived at Mo bile with ooDsiderublo money.' The emigration of squirrels westward., wlllcn was imucco. an oyur lliuommw Michigan a short time ago, is now being followed by a migration of bears. The same reasou accounts for boih j a scar city of mast, as both of these animals depend alike on nuts, eto , for food. Twenty thousand ounces ot gold, valu ed nt l?'itJO,000, wei o deposited in the branch mint at San Francisco on the 10th nil., tiio largest amount ever re ceived in a single day. A young rope walker named Joseph Gorman fell from his rope in Ooruiuu. Mich . on the lStli. sustaining fatal in- j ;ries. An Italian has been niMcstod at New Orleansjfor poisoning a family of four persons with a veil mious ring, a scratch from which caused death Winter has oninmetiood early down South. Snow fell in Western Virginia hst week. Moines, ti raises Ki.OOO.OlW bushels of wheal this crop. The Commissioners ot Emigration, in their official report tor the mouth of Sep tember, shows that 1 f.Holi emigrants arrived at New York during that lime. yUU CAN SAVJ5 MONEY 1! V BUYING YOUR BOOT AMI) SHOES AT H A LST ED'S!! WAYNESIIUHQ SHOE STOKE. NEXT FARMERS' AND DltOVEKS' NATIONAL BANK. nugS,-tl' NEW YORK MONEY MARK KT. Oct. U. Uold closed quietly atM'Jj. Vaync3burg Marke', I'llllHrXTKll WI1KKI.Y 11V .1. UCIIIIII. Butter, fiesli roll Collce per Hi Corn per lmsliel (.'"in meal per bushel (V.tintry Soap per lb Ciinilles, moiilil per lb Caudles, dipped " " Cheese per Hi Drieil reaches per H Kgns pi r dozen Flour per Mil F'nx seed per bushel Fealhers per III I.nrd per III 15. W. Flour per II) Molasses Oats per liu-hel Rye per lmsliel Tiuiolliy seed per lmsliel Kiee per Mi Sugar, crushed per Hi S-ig.ir. refined " " Sugar, New Orleans, (i His.. l'.'li. Sugar, lb Syrup, pur gallon Salt, No. l' per lilil rt.ift Soap per gallon Tar per gallon Tea per Hi Turpentine per gallon Tallow per Hi Wheat per lmsliel While Lend peruej; White liiniu perlinsiiel , Wo-1 coniiiinn to tine I'otatoes per bushel ; .:ia to l.-. .10 I.". (i; .. .."."I to 1 20 :)oio :ir. i on ..Hsu to 1 uu l.-i on L'a'2 III 2 f.(H r, '. Ml . 4 to " no I r,i no.uiu .75 to l uo niTSIH'Kli (JK.VDKAh .UAKKKT . l'lrisiiumiii, OeLolier H, I Willi. CHAIN Wheal at i V, .' .r,o Corn at une.H'-'e, l!yu at i .uo. Hack wheat dull. VLOUIl Spring Wheat tit t3,5ncl2,8n. Winter " al .$i3,.ti:t.,J: ltyc at .. iJ(l,."ii!(.sii,T.V HAY Bahal at sI-L'L'.nii V ton. Loose ul s.uiif,(.i.-,.oo. EOG.S Sales nt l'7i".'He. CilEUiE Western lteservo lit 17k IS. Hamliiirj ul lUeiin. Ni:w York Goshen at Klcr'."-'. BUTTEU I'liine Koll at Bai.timouk t'.iiri.K M.Miui:r. Bm.ii.moki:, Oet. -till. Heel' Cuttle. The ulleliugs ilur iu;t the past week were VIM head aaiost V.Wl heau'pi'esiima week, filers today landed as follows: Inferior cattle iji.",oii.il,(i, common .yil,(i(io(il.'.'."i; yood S;i7,7a lo s,,nii, and primu per loo His, with u lew at a shade lielti.T pi ices. The market cl.ised Very dull, wila a deelinlii.i; ten 'eney. Sheep There was a lar;;e supply of Ihin rti.eep on bale lo fanners this week, which solo til 2, "." lo ijja per head; sales were ma c at, .IJ to 6 ets per lb jj:ess, for fair to Btioil fat sheep. Hops Thu sup ply has lieen fair and prices, linn thH week; sales at $1 lia'l.'i per loo lts licit. New YoitK Duv Ooons jr.KKUT. New Yoitu (Mutter U. Brown Sheelhifis-At-lanlic A, '.':'li'i Amoskemj A 2Hoi fepnerell It '-'He; 1'efiperell () 'Jnli'; feiperell N IHc. Ble.ielicd Slu-etliiir New York Mills. 4.1c; Bay Mills :i:,c, lllaekslone, '.'.-,(; Hope, Stic, flints MeiTlmac W.ata'J'.'cjMerrimnc) I). Sill"; Hamilton, P.i'.c; Am ilean, is.le; Waiiri'sany I He, Brown Drills fepnerell,"'jrir: Wluthrop, llle. I'orset .leans Kates. i;le; Naumkeag, Sllej Washlnloii salteen, L'.'ic. Sr. Loi:tn M auk nr. fr. Lons, Oelo'ier 0. Vlour steady anil uiicliani:eil. When! !! ale lower. Corn drooplm:, Oats deillned to 4 "nil Hp. fork heavy. Baenn lowre i eleni' sides, '.'Uc shnulili is Uljo. Whisky unclnin cd. Ciiicaciii, Oetolier d. Vlottr qnlet and de clined I :ti I ."!. Wheat declined '.'mile, sales nt ijjr.MWii'.'. to lor No. I, nnd iJl.Tiial,!1!! for Nn. 'J. Corn (pilet and declined In. sales il'Ja i::U for No- I. and III .1, aiw for No. '1. Oats firm and held at !17 for No. I, and :t:l. to lor No. 2. 'Mess fork, s&;l2,uo to !!., 'J.l. SPECIAL NOTICES J.E7i' I'EUI'IME I'OU THU llAVUKiiiTtlilTF. Ptinlon'a ".'VlKtil Itloonitim Cirfiin." I'hnlon'a "MkIU ISIoouiinu eii ii. riinlnu'a "MkIiI Hliiomlli( t'irciiK." I'bolnu'a ".M(tl Itlooiulnji t'eniin." riinlon's ".Mali ICIonmliiK Chum." " t A mint oqnltio. ili lli'iitn, mill I'mnmnt fprfiimc, iHml li'il from llm fa "ul1 beuulll'ul llnwor from iv lilch It tuliuii In UIIIIIO, Miunifucliin il only by l"IIAI.OrV tc M., New York. ur.WAitn of cousTKUi'Ki'ra. AHK l'Olt l'IIALON'S-TAKB NO OTIll'.K. Jya.",' (l.-lyoow. . riMIECONrSSBlNSAND EXPERIENCE 1 Ol' AN INVALID, fulillshed for ' he benollt and as a CAUTION TO YOUNU MEN nnfl others, who sillier from Nervous Debllltv, f reinutitru Denny of Mimhnnd, &o siipplylni? at the Biimu tlmo Tiik Hkm or aia.r-OutiB. By ono who has cured liluiBelf after undurnoliiir consldorabh' (liiackery. By enclosing a pntnuld tuldressHil euvelono, ulimle copies, free ot chargo, may bu hud of llin author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., May2'86.-ly Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. PlIItE DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS. PAINTS AND DYE-STUFFS, Porfumery, TOILET AnriCtES ASO FANCY SOAJ'S. LAUGE STOCK ON HAND A NEW SUPPLY EVEUY WEEK ! CASH AT E mum a 'Uuuff 0UII GOODS HAVE BEEN BOUU IT tur cash, selected with care, and will lie warranted as represent ;d, uud sold at the very lowest cash prices ! ALL TIIK POPULAR PATENT MKDIOINES SOLD. AND MOST Oin'llKMATOLDPUlC'hX s, WINES, BRAHDIES, CiN ALCOHOL. TUltPENTINE. VAltNISHES, Ac, ALL AT SHOUT PKOFIIS- Call and see our stock before purchasim: elsewhere. Thankful lor tlio very extensive patronage already li.stowed, we hope lu merit a contimiaiiee ot'llie same 1)l'KNETT SCoeoaine, (Veole Hair Oloss, ) Niuht-Bloimihm (Vrcus at UKAOEN'S. 1)I!AI)EN still sells live Foilt.'s Cattle Pow ) ders lor (iii! dollar. l.lVKIioxes M'liiine's Fills lor ono dollar, V ni 1!H A DUN'S Cheim 1 ritr Store. 1 1 MIMKitS Imviini lame sheep, come mid V iri-t meilieineto cure llieui at BKADEN S Drill? Store, Wayiieslinri?. aug bli-iy wmsxEasV WUISKEP.S i T)r. L. O. MosTnz' CarroHtt, thu K'eatest stimulator in the world, will loree whiKers or ,,i,wtii.iua to L'mw on inn smoothest laee or ,.i,i , iinvcr known to all ! sain nil lor trial nt iVi'p to inv one ih'siroiis of testing Us .lirrils. Address, HEliVbs B W-, i was sail St. N Y. jy ".- IIVVIUTUUOFA WHIT OF YENDITI- li oni ftxiMNAs. issued out of thu Court ol Comnuin l'lcas of of Cireene couiitv, and tome ilinwted. thi'l''i will lie exposed to pulilic sale t tin, Ceiirt House. In Wavncstiiui?, on Satur- dav. ltd dav of November next; al I o'clock. l "M . Hie following nrolii-rtv, viz: All ilmriirht. til'e. iiuerst and claim of do renileiit of.' in and to a certain tract of lam kittiatu in SpiiaijhiU township, containing s 'veuleen tier s. more or les, ndj lining lands of William Bissett, John Uenilersoa aiM o hcrs. of whieh there are aliout ID acres cleared, and erected tlwruon oac c.vbiu hous. 'I'aUeiiin execution as the property of O. II Bissclt at the suit of Frank ISanrer. HEATH JOHN:. ShenlT. Sep'. 21. 'leV-lt. ' A DM I N I STH AT JUS N Oil CH. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of HASTEN 0 lEDISTKH. late of t'eiitru tp. GiccneCo. ilec'd., haviuir lieen granted (olhe utidrrs L'lied liv thu Bemsler ot drecneto nil persons knowini? themselves Indebted to said Estate me renuested lo pay the same and those liavlni! ciahns against said Estate too roipiesh'd lo'preseut them duly autheulieatcd tor scttlen:ent. ATKINSON CHEDISTEH. Adm'r. P.M. GRIMES cUO. LATEST ARRIVAL ! FALL AND WINTER STOCK BOfGHT BKVOKK TUB ADVANCE IN Pf.ICKS, TO SUIT BVEItYBODY. IDTST GZr O O CI S3 mHKaliove firm, loeated nt Whito Coltaire, I liiTctie ciainty, ra , iiikc picasuiu 111 iiouiiein.e; to thi-lr lriend" mid the puiilin tiiat IheV Imvu nnd.are leceivine; from the eastern cities a l.vrjio stocK of staple mid l.iney, lor d..ii and donicstie DHY GOODS AND NO TION'S. This stock consists ol l iilteoes. De laines, Cas-lmcies, Tweeds, llandkcrchicls, Laces, II opS.drts, Tickings, Linens, lileach ed ami Brown Muslins, Gloves and Hosiery, Onls" Cravats mid Ties, Collars, Jacouetls uml Can lines, Lathes Drets Gonils, Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Sl'O' S. Groceries. Hardware, Queens ware, Dye Slull's, iVc, ike. All of which they will sell as low ns possi ble to cash buyers or lor country produce, at such rates ns will enable them to make a liv- nir. ' flcaof re nein'ier t!m Is Hid old Itrm 01 r. M. GIHMKS. They have ait a new bouse, new firm, and the bef.l of all suw noons. Sept. 11), I.SilH.-tl, PHOXOailAPin AND AH3R0IYPES MA lll-l IX CAR.MiCll.HLSi GREENE COUNTY, PA. SO. Roiimis is pi'rin.ineiillv located in tho ,w . above named place nnil would resp-clfal-ly invite the intention of the public, to his iVtll ill mused Kit vi.nm t' 0M.1.KUY. Pholoexiphs of every varr'ty. si..) nun style, and a linn u'Hirtinaiil ol Alliums, r raaii"?, uims, ccc, unvays on wiimsim Scpt.lt), lino 551,SOO Ptfl YEAR I Wo want au'ents every where to sell our nti'iiovim AJO SewiiiL' Machines. Three new kinds. Under ami upper 'teed. Warranted live Abnvn. salary or larire commissions paid. Tlie only Machines sold iu Hie Imlted States for less than iJKI, which are hilly lieeus ed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, G rover Rilier. Singer & Co., ami Bacheldcr. AU other chcup inaelilnes are Infrltih'enients nnd the seller or user are liable to arrest, tine and linprlssonnient. Circulars free. Address or csll upon Slmw & Clark, BiiUclord, Mains or I'hlcnyn, 111. . .Ian. 1 7-1 v. jn. ivr. mayors, ATTOBNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Will attend to all claims for hack pay, boun ty and penslonsof soldiers anil their represuula tlves Tlio Pensions ofthe following classaru lneronsed Irom tS-S lo ifjl.t ami pur inontli, ami w .lows for children under sixteen yours 2 per month each, vim , , , . . 1st. Those who havo lost tlio sight of both eyes, tho usu of both hands, or otherwise total ly disabled and Incapacitated from purlonulng manual labor. ... , , 2d- All widows lmvlmr children under six teen years of ago are entitled to a por month additional for each child. ad, Guardians representing tho minor clnl drm of loldlurs are entitled to tho same Inuoaso as if the mother was living. aug- 1,'00-tr GREESB1CKS AT I ?MWf. N. CLA.11K & SON' AUK NOT TAKING GOLD FOIl BUT Mi'oca!)ai'Sii and rnn'n. CURllliNCY!! WILL BUY ANY AltTK'LE OF CLOTH- lii? oMtents Varnishing Ooods you may liud la their new tresli una well suecieu kiock jusi bought hi tho stern Cities, And which, for variety mid cheapness, the lik'i has not been seen or heard of for more Ihau We will nnlv uivo a few of tlieleuiliii'' articles willi prices and ask you, one andall, tocome and see lor yourselves, mid we will prove more than we say. n c navo From in to 2.T dollars, liushies? mats from I to in dnllars, imd lor " dollars will sell you u nut wo will Insure 11 u Pat.ts from 1 7" to 10 dollars, will sell ALL WOOL pants and vest for 8.00 ilollars, these we will ituantntee j vests irom i no lo 4 uo do lars, A complete assortment of 3rX Site dE3 On 2? 3 For -Men and Bovs, price ranging from 7.V cts. to n on dollars. Suspender, liosierv. Drawers. Linen, Muslin and Drillim:, sjhiits, wool, mttsliti mid linen, tilovcs, I les, eve.. tVe in endless variety. Suspenders from els. to 7"i. Ties for I " ami 75 cents, and a spleii did cotton hnse for I'ji cents. Nearly onnosite Cunilihell's corner, Main Street. May t'!. Iv 3. B. M. K1.110V. , .vs. Dii Ksox. J. T. Siiasi: GrOODS AT Wlltll.l'.SAl.H I s : r t jc .1 it ; n 1 8 c c Mcelroy, DICKSON & CO 3-1 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA Present their FALLSTOCIC now complu'c and invile the attention of dealers to heir carelully selected assortment of AND ffl T 1 Iff S OFFERED AT POPULAR PftlCES. The freqiicn: llueluaiions in value of all des ctiptions of Mereh imlis'i. renders it a matter of especial propriety that puiel ascs should be frequent and therefore the nearest markcl be eolil.'S the one best adapted to siinplying retail dea'ers with e;oods they sell. Purchasers from Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and Western Vlr-jinia are invited to visit PitN bursb and inspect this Sl'iR:lv OK GOODS which will be kept full diirini; the seeson. TERMS, net cash, uud prices reasonable. r mnir cmv . f, fin .o. 31 Wood Stic.t, September u, 'liii-ilm' v us: b: i i: mots i: , Jefferson, (irccne t'oiinfy, rcnn'ii. Mllii. H. J. liUMClAllSMl, rromctress. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, .Mrs. Bum oaiinhii is prepared to furni-h tin i fcet, to the travelling public. Tnu TABLE always sup plied willi the choicest delicacies, th.i UAH with the llnest Wines and Liquors, good sleep ing apartments, and an abundance of sluble mum attached to the premises. Public patronage solicited May L'ilOII -ly. FARMERS' GRG'CEIIYT THU Ol.l) NMH llt'T IN NKW HANDS. Ti . V . T II O M P S O N , I T A VINO purchased the above named G ro ll, eery, has relived and restocked it He has a cotiipleto stock ot Confectionery, oranges, Lemons, Sugar, Cotl'ee, Tea, (green and black). Hvrun. Molnsses. dinned fruit cheese. rice, soiUash, white lime, soft soap (country ( made; canities, crackers ol all kinds, cigars, toliarcn. (chmvlng mid smoking) tlsli, lamps, ul', small fancy arlicles. &c, &c, Any one ieedilig the articles mentioned or anything m the lino not mentioned will do weilto call. Produce taken lu trado. ltemember tho place fhu "Farmers' Grocery," formerly owned by P, Brown. Mav ll, 'mi isrotloe TS HERKUY GIVEN TIIAT API'LICA I lion will be made at thu next tjcsslon ol the Pennsylvania Legislature, by the Odd Fu lows Assoclatlo i, at Wiiynesburg, Oreenu e mtity, Pa., to change tho nanio of tho Biuno to tlio ExeiiANwn Bask of IVAVScsnmm. Also, to uuthorizj said bank to Issue Block In share! of titty dollars ouch, tho whole not to exceed one huudred thoimtfd do'Urs. JOS. F. RANDOLPH, Julyll.'Cn-Oin. Preslrlent $90 A MOWTH !-Ao n.s Wailed fur six elilirelv lleW arlicles, JllSt out. addivi aO. T. GABBY, City Bulldhif, Bldde rord, Uno. - iauir,'ii.-ly. HORSESTEALING IS DETECTIVE L Horse and livo Sinck Insuranoe Company, thutered by thu btuto of fcuusylvuniu. CAPITAL - - - $100,000. I3M3XTI?l.I3 i Ilorsi s, Mules and Cattle against losses result ing from Theft and Death, hy tiro, accident or natural causa. Principal ollleu, IO South 111! Street, fhiladelplda. President, Col. C'HAIfLES V BALKY', Potlsvihe, Penn'a. Vico-Presedent, I). L 12s mar, do do Bec'y. Uu. B. Bccuiiii, fliil'n General Aaent, P. Haifa, do Ilvltercucc by Pci'miMMio.t. To lion. Simon Cameron, llarrishtir Pcnn'u. Bvrd f atlon. K., f ollsville, fa. Oeu. Jos. KtUchter, Hardivaro Merchant, Kciidin,!, fa. Beni iiuln Havwood, Kaq., Bulling Mills, Pottsv'illc, fa.. " Dr, Joliu (iloniuj'pr, Preslilint Lebanon Bank, fa. L,. Whitney Biker, fettsville, fa., mid others. Sue circular. Bcusons why you should insure iu this Company : Our rates nru lower In proportion to any other reliatile Insurance Company. While (hey only insure iicahist l'"ire we insure ugaliist all risks, Thctt, and Det.th hy lire, ticcident or disease. For fur ther information we refer you to our local ne,cut, N. II. MeCLBLLAND, Wuyncsliiirg, jenl tor Orectio cininty. uwi'M tf. AYKKS UATHAUTKJ PILLS i RE the most perfect purgative whMi we V are able to produce or which wo think has ever vet been inane by anybody. their et leets have lieen aliiui- dautly hIiowii to the c.itniniinity how much they excel tho ordi nary medicines iu use. They are safe and pleasant to lake, bi t powetlul to curn T'licii pene t r a tin a pvopcrlies stimulate tho vital aclivi'ies 01 tlu body, removing the obstruclions of its organs, purity thu blond. vnel d sease. T'.iev liurc mil lli'J loin nu- niors which breed uud grow distemper, Btiui uluteshifl.nish or disordered organs Into their alttral action, and imparl a neaiiny lone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cure tlu cverv-Uay complaints 01 vervbody. but also tnrundalile una danger ous diseases. Wluiu they produce powertul eilerts, tin y are at tlio same tune. In Uiuiuusu ed doses, the safest and best physic that can be employed lorcliililren. lieing suar-coai-ed, they are pleasant lo take ; and. being purely vegetable, are freu, from any risk o harm. Cures have been made whieh surpass belief, were they not substantiated by men it such exalted position and character its lo forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many emin ent clergymen and physicians have lent their names tocertily to the piumc mo renatnuty oi our remedies, while others have sent us the assurance ol' their conviction that, our P repa rations contribute immensely to the relict of our aniieled, siill'ering fellow men. Tnu Aireuts below n mien is pieaseu 10 furnUh gratis our American Almanac, con taining directions for the use mid certificates of their cures, of the tiSllowing complaints s Coslh-eness. Bilious Complaints, Khctima- tism, Dropsy, Heartburn. Headache, arising i-.iin h'nii stnniaei. iviusen. liiiiiiresuou, Morbid Iiiacl inn ol I he Bowels and ram aiising Ihercl'roin, l'latuleney, Boss ol An petite, all Diseases which require an evacua tion memciuo. rney atso, uv puinviii me blood and st'niuilatiui; the system, cure many oi mil ihdnu which it" would not bo supposed ihev could teach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia ami Nervous irruannuy, Dci-anircinenta of tlio Liver and Kidneys, Gout, and o'hej U'mdred cnniplaints arising fin m a low state of the body, or obstruction ofiu liineltons. Do not be put i lf by unprincipled dealers willi other iiren.w.vliims which tliey make more profit on. Demand Avku's and take no others. The sick wi.nt the lu'St aid there in Till' them, mid they should have it. l'renared bv .1. C. AY Elt & CO., Lowell, Ma.. and siild bv Dr. D. W. Braden, Br Win. L. tJreigli. M. Harvey, Wiiynesburg, l'a., am? arl)rugg.it.s throughout the county iiugH, 2 in HAMILTON HOUSE, 1) O. SPKBHY, PitofitiKToit, WAYNKSBUaO, GREENIS CO., PA flMIE subscriber respect fully announces to L the public that tin has taken charge ol the Hamilton J louse. Whleli lie is ilelernuneu ID conduct as ti Hist clnss hotel. Lone; experi ence iu liolel-k cpinj; h is qualilieil him for ti o business and he feels perfectly ennlidciit that he can satisfactorily entertain all who mav tavor him with a call, Tim liousu is large and well-furnished, It bus undergone a thorough renovation and been relitlcd in such style ns renders it quite pleasant. The rooms have bceiire-p.iiered and newly painted ; llle table is abundantly supplied with the best rill bles the couutiy all" nils, and pains are takcu to render guests eoniforUiblc Bates as low as those of other hotels. D. G. Si'Luhv, BiBVri-':!' MTABifJi. Tlici'i' iseoiineeted with the Hamtllon Ilnttse a l.ivery Maine, wuu gouu nurses. iMitiages and buggies lor the uccumoda'imi ol the pub lie, Horses boarded, and well attended to, tit moderate rales. D. G. Si',.iu:v & ijos. nilgl.", 'iii.-ly KSobi'i't i oiiiifa'dj, tlft Maiinfactiirer WAYN'usmnui, J'A., 1 i'.SPF.CTFULLY gives notice that he has li located iu Wiiynesburg, Pa., where he in tends to manufacture O A It It I A O K S Of every description. From his cNperieneeiu (lie business, he feels conlldeut that his work, iu style, finish and durability, will give entire fa'isi'action. It is his determination to purchase .he best matori.ll in market, and employ none but competent workmen. C3All new work warrented for one year. Wavucshurg, Feb. HI, I8tit 1 1 w. L. IIAMH.TOK. 1'' JONKb. IlA,TIlIiT?. & jO.'IS MANUFACTL'REB? OF STONEWAUE t nil vai idles and pat terns. The above lirni liavu recently established a iiiiumfactury of Ilie kind named iu GREENSI30RO, GREENE CO , PA , and are prepared to turn out everything In their lino, such us Churns, Pitchers, Jara for preserving fruit. &c &c. A supply kept con stantly on hand. The public, uud country merchants particularly, are earnestly request ed to call and examine their stock before purchaslnirclsewhei''). Orders liom a distance will reelevo prompt attention. ugH,-!lm. "SHERMAN HOUSE," JUST OPENED BY Tlx os. TZmzXloy I)OSlTTVELY the most complete Hotel In ourtaWn, Everylhlna combined to fur nish tlio best accommodation ever yet offered to tho public, Meals furnished at all hours, table provid ed w ith tho best of the season, Also, a line im c.rtmm mluon lilted up and nt' ached to the house, mid a iiaii unrivalled for the variety and quality of Us contents Choice wines and brandies, good whiskey, ale, line cigars, &o., limn n few among tho prominent Items. Travellers and those 'desirous of refreshment will do well to call, "Tom" slid retains his old reputation ot nn iiceiimmnilatlng gentleman, and hospitable landlord. House, the nut, for, nierly occupied bv tlio "Messenger" Olllco. Ma-j-il,'iiii.-ly. L. K. KVANII OR BACK HUT GO HIGHT IN! TO THE BTOIIE Of CEO. E. MINOR & THE above namod firm has purchase! a .1 complete stock In the Bust and are soiling at reduced prices, It comprises a general as sortment of DBY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, 8HOE9, IIAT3 AND CAPS, CLOTHS, CASSDIEHES, 4sc, i&c, o- We would also call tho special attention the LADIES to thu largest lot of DcLaiucs and Calicoes ' ever offered In this market, and at prices as low as bclore thu war, also, our full line or HIP. HONS, VEILS, DllKSS OOODS, DKKSS TRIMMINGS. MUTTONS, HOOP SKIPtTS. OALMO. SKIRTS, &a. You would (lo well to call immediately, as ices are already stiilcnlng in the Eastern market, Don't forget the place, at tho In Minor's Building, nearly opposite tho F. & D. N. Bank, Wayncsburg, Pa. April is, 'lili-tl. tmm CHOLERA! now ro AVOID TUE DllEAD DISEASE! COME TO TOWN, F0U RINB1L1RT & INOURAH HAS JUST BETUUNED FUOM THIS city, uud have opened tho largest New Grocery. in town. They des're to inlorm tnu citizens of Wayncsburg and vicinity of tlio care they have taken in selecting stock, having on band a good supply of eONKKtJTlONS, iODALAJU, GAliS, TAR, nlso, PROVISI ONS. IIACON, DRIED BEEF POTATOES FISH, DRIED PEACHES, &a , &s , &o. Call and seo them as they have Just You will find them accomodating, and can sell lower than any ono in tho place, Bo sure to go to the right place, in LEDWITH'S OLD BUILDING. ' opposite the Court Houso, and formerly oc cupied by tho Post Olllce. np;H,'(i(j.-tf. 0 Nli 11UNDBED DOLLAUS PREMIUM OFFEItED BY NIXON & BURCHINAL SMITUKIKI.D, KAYKTTK CO, l'A. . SIANUFACTUIIBltl OJT CANE MILLS AND COOK'S EVAP0BAT0U. This Is the only successful Evaporator for making a No. I Syrup with economy and dis patch. Over ten thousand were used Inst fall, svory oTio of which was insured, and not ono rslurn- It Is tlio only Evuporator free from liabilities lor ItUlUigeineni upon boiiiu ihuyujuo uium, We m e also agents for the celebrated "VIC TOR CASE MILL,"manuliielured by clabk's , soiioo MAciiisn co. We olfer One Hundred, Dollars Premium for sample ot best Syrup, (see piieo listof (Jane Mills and Evaporators, sent free of charge,) to be awarded by Sorgh um Convention, the lime and place to exam ine samples to bo determined by the O inven tion. U. OWBNS. Agent. Aim PROPKIETOROF THE EAGLE FOUNDRY WHEUB ho keeps constantly on hand, STOVES of all kinds and CASTINGS or all descriptions. Orders solicited aad lil ed promptly, upr '.' urn WAYNKfliumn, Pa, NEW JPIEM ! i 1IIE UNDERSIGNED havo associated thorn- 1 selves together lu tho name and stylo of HUGHES AND LIIOAS, at tho old stand of IIooiim, BavahuA Co.. In Bice! Landing, Pa for the purpose of carrying on the Grocery, Forwarding and Commission business in nil its various branches, They hope, by tho long experience of one ot the Partners, ' and strict attention to business, to rocolvo a liberal sharo of tlio public patronago lu their lino of business. They will KEEP CONSTAN TLY ON HAND a good supply of Grocorles. suoh ns Sugar' Coil'ee, Hlco, Molasses, Nulls and Iron, Oils and Paints, and all article! usually kept In a Grocery Store, all of which they will loll at fery iiuall advance over cost nnil cnrrlago, LINDSEY HUGHES, THOMAS LUCAS. May 3, 'iM-tf Fo A YE AB made by any ono with $g,UUv fin-Rtcncll Tooli. Noexporl encu necessary, The Presidents, Cashiers, and Trcusttrcrsnf8 Banks Indorso the circular, Sent IVeu with samples. Address tho Ameri can Stencil Tool Works, bpilngflyld, Ver mont. MigV-aq.