' ' m,iW nmWW ' ill fttf fit f ;--Mjimi jijiui , jiwwnM,, .., .. .. .. ! TniiiMju, . " F- - , n.. ,- nnwrnrummm i 'i FIUMNESS IN THIS lilCIIT AS GOD GIVES U3 TO SHK THE 1MG!IT. Lincoln VOL. X 1IY " JA3. E. SAYEBS. OFI'ICK IS WILSONS IIIJII.MX.l, MUX Brimi.T ii-.ii iininiraimagffMmr WAYNES1WUG. PA., WEDNESDAY, OOrOliEH "lo7TsGiI VKU'irV KlH.SCIillTIO.V. Two dull ii-h . year, paynbl t invariably in a Ivanoo. Omt dollar lor six months, payable, luvaiiubly in advance. T Kit .US UJ? ADV3RTI3IrI3. Aivi.iitisi:mi;mk Insetted ul 1 SO pers.piar ion una; ius ti ions, im.i.nicts. a square, ha-cacli additional hisuitlon; (U'U lines or less counted tl square ; Local advertising and ni-Kri.w, Noticks, 10 cents per hue lor modus, rlion, w ith 8-T-V liberal deduction mmlu to yearly ml Yenisei's. Advertisements not marked with Ilia m-m ber of insertions desired, cliaigoil for until ordered out. 3-ibitury notices and tributes nl' respect Inserted us advertisements. They must no paid Inr In advance mi MTinni nivv D. Eoxhii, Pros't. J. C. Fi.i-.nn-iu.kn, Cashier. DISCOUNT DAY- TUESDAYS. Muy HI, ';t!.-iy. AV. E. GAP EN, ATTOUXEY AT LAW, W A YNESBURC, PA. C3"0rnct In N. Clark's liiuMin'', fchltngitf K A. M'CONNW.I.. ,J, .1, HI KI'M AN. BI'CONMELL & HUFFMAN Attorneys aiiil Coiiiisi'ilors at l.nw H'njm'x!iri, I'rnn'n. eg-Orm. . th " Vri;;ht House," Ea-t I'.oore. Colli,..".) s, &c., Will ri;c;eive ponn-l attention. -- - ' Iviiyneshars A 'Iff ICli'.' -tr. ATTOirSfA AXI) COUNSELLOR T L W WOlll'M! ill Lod'.Vitll'S nililllill!,', Ollp.'Silr theCniuT. Mouse., Wi'vncsotli'jjr, Ti', Nov. 4, 18(151,. " w - " OHO. Wl'I.V. .1, , ,I.r.! rliN.,,V. WYLY & JU'CIIAaAN .... ATTOn-JEYS CD'JNSfLOa:; AT LAW t!i 1)1(1. Rmk lillil.lin,;. t-f. X- OVFKT. In YVavucfilmr:.', i'a. Kclmmry ;M, isnil. DF.AIJCIMNn.i.ks Ht-itionery. W ill i'a,,,.,-. Window PmiiT. A'r. Sim.l ii- n.ii.i jinoiis oi an KiiiiURiiirOantly on liaml, Way Jlesliiirit. I'a.. oppositu IW Oillee. Miy !l. Mii.-ty Bliocinals. e-i 2 Mum St., newly opposite UV'(,V U.-iiish TS prep treil to do slilrlu'd nnd peirai'd work J Iroiu tin) coarsest to Ihe liiws! ; also, puis upuu! ihiuih Hiyiu oi u iois anil Plioes. t on liiinn dono on riugonnhlu terms. layU.Cm W. 64 13 V V P ,?3 -N , MKUCllAXT TAILOll, HOOM IN llt.AelH.KV'8 lll.'H.liINM, W.l YSI-SliniO, J OHIC uiaile to order, in llncst ami hei-t 1 f style, uiitiinjaiiii ruling done prompt ly, nml necontinL' to In test lusliion plates. Htock on 'laiui.aiul for sale. May 'J, tl' Wm. Bsilley. WA1UI1ES AND Jh'WiauY. MAIN STIIKKT, OPl-OSITK Willi 1 1 IT llofSK KEEPS ON HANDS ALWAYS A elioiee and fleet assort. n,:ni of watelies anil Jewelry. Kupuirliitf dono ut lliu lowest rates, npl, ly N . G.-HUGrllES, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER,- Main St., nenri opposite WritIt JIhum, READY' made work on lmnd, and lmvins 9cured tlio services of two llrHl-class work . men ho is prepared to execute all orders in the neato-t mid liest style. May2.(iin. THIRST NO MORE! OO TO "Joe" T-uLrrLor's IIU HAS JUSrol'KNBll A N R W S A LOO N ! ! Koeps Oood Rvo Whiskey, Brandies of nil kinds, Uln, Wine, AUs.&e. And has tho where with to put up Fancy Drinks. Cull and see lilin in tlio liilck part of the Adams Inn. npr 25 (Im ; PEOPLE'S LIKE. BTEAMF.lt "CHIEr TAIN,"lt. It. Aiiiiamh, C'oniinandei', Cupt It. C. SIa'hon, C'lerki leaves Greensboro, for IMUslmrnh ovory Monday, Wednesday and Friday, ut I) a. m. Leaves PiltsliurH't for Oroensboro ovury Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. M iy tU,'UD.-(iin. STEAMER "ELECTOR," Ronmir Piiir. Ill's, Comiimiiiler It. O Tavi.oii, Clerk ; leiives Oreunshoro for Plttsluirli every Tiies liiy, Thursday and Saturday. Lcuves Pitts liurgli lorOriwinshoroovery Monday, Woducs day and Friday. SLATEK ODENBAUGII, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, LT nuors nnd every HiIiik mirtiiliilnjt to a tnst pluss Drug Btnro. Prescriptions ciirefully com pounded. "Crelgh's Old Hlnnd." Waynes burg, pa. Mny UO, 0,-ly. c irrrrnv uvwuu a Jiui'i'uiii. DEAIj;R In Books ud Stiitloncry, Mniti rliies, Dully Pape, Fancy Articles, Ac, Wnynesburg, ?a. April l,uo -ly.- T II K O I It L 8 . k rinour ox "tiii bso"." Oh I thu s'1''4. Iiu ti'iaairiil girld, Willi tiif lliiilil i-tvi iiixl IIk gulden curlii H.il!i!i;::il ai tlirniili lliu rtMwilul alrct-t, Turning lljo hciij.1 ut'tlu' y.mtliH Iby muot. TiIIIiia 0l!ti!C, S.viumtili:; ululi IJi ;liltllul tflrlt ! ;li"y i-iiii -Jo iiulUIn;; wrnil. 'I'lUt Mi) 1, Oi Ul'' riMI'OII Cilt'll hoI'i, itilnty cIkjcU, In Klil. li Icvcly illnijilra iiliiyhlilt-iiliil'ijiMiiwIi, biU'Wiii.x lliuir illiUl a, uli'l u llltly iiliuyu, 1'uru us all aiicl, UcKlotu luvc, ' oil! tii nil-:- : t:i!ii.Miitirnih-irirt, lllr.v t:.u !i. ij-t a nil 'Mm I nldim v.A wlilrU II r llit. irt nl.jiiil ii.Mfciit lK'lh'iit, Just ;ii-l:i, lllu Ix'.iull.'i forbid U'H to lp'lit. Tlii.ln-, l.:illllill, 9 llurrjlusliy ; Willi iu'iiiU on tliw liiiuiI ai-i',v.'iluticooi"tlip 171, Ami tli'dilllf ilogM hulk, mul with Jiiyoug bound fc5ii.il "t tlif lilti'M tli:tt ii-My al'oiniil. Tho town is iilivi1, iiliili'iirh Iriu-t in 11 wliii-l, Tu WL'k-oini' Hid loininof filch lovoly girl. How lovely they ,,i , i,.y tmbx nl in.;, Hailing fiU'll other Willi kis.He.4 mul rtotli; I Ami p if,t a p jor fellow, HUti im.'ti.orrf, Hash hy, lli'ilit. furiiliioiiic-ht.th.'ti lodt tothveye. Kiiiilli., K'.viiiln, l)a.hiugthe,va". DNreg irdin;; tie. Iireoze that jilaya Imvoc lielow, WithliillX llmtlia; trail, im iiiroiu the sky, To lie traiinieiliii the 111111I liy eiow Is rushing liy j Tohu triiiiiji. d ami ti-a. keil liy ilozeiis,of feet, Till it Idrml s with. t!m In tho liui-rlMo street. OiwI trippeil upon a tllter,iilnl fell lilatlMl pissi'il agailyilreoll)iee Fell.nt'.l my lieuvor l-olleil out III Hid itroet Fell tolieML'i'(l''il tit. anil jeereil ut, and heat. Su-amlilin:,', Cursing, l'ri'a.lliii; to rls,', Ami a'V.ild, on niyHonl, to ojii-n niyeyeH. Alioveuiiil iroiiiid nie Hie lintadest evnnso O!'hiiopth:.terelln ,.,,ly roiluil ilanuo. WihlljMI I.hI 1 dirtedwilli-.nt. And dashe.l down the slivet as tlio hoys raised a sli.mt. Oni'i! Iwasr.vninHie irreenrv,t of leaf, No thing too I.I;; to es.vd my l,',;l-.f; livery girl l,i'.i ;lied ut my i.ui..e. lit y .I'd, Au.l v.nvf.U lo.dieli.t lunula elso but h n-fueo. tll-'elllie'is, Cr."lii:liy. "ir mul nil, rilirioi.M.oit niv I'l'i li.-i 1 1,, :l l y 11, it fall. J le ij;u ii,!hii'; new iMie:.;ii !,s',niit T by, Aii'llillT th'-ir h .. 11". lei. 111111 rh .w.hl ;h, I'l'I-illUli n'riWliiiie ,iV !l.eI ;n ,w, Kl.i- I nipped 111 II,,! tiller im,li;n.L. ineh a an. II .ieslr.ne.-e iflh.it ;i .t.i-.t hen'. I'i.:; l.ino-.in'sii.nv yilOlll'l fll at ll'TTeet oil III.' paVl'lll '111 h'low "' " "'II '' li'di il,dl"iiHI.'hli l.i. 'Hi liivis Sh'.ul !i..ll .1 nviih r iMililroaiilu h. ad 11 il 'prt"i,n. l'ai.ilin;;, I' r. iviiiL". llllshili-,"!!!":: 1 t'lilniii iruloriillsavjilie healllle.i thu- sl,"'l Th til.iiilr...p..dolV, .ml . ft far MM Tie lilll. r, ,. I.iiiui'l llv'ie.- !r In the Willi, tut 'hi worst of all inl.,lii;nl th-yd.i n.in-lil ,r li.ilves, llu'.v hi run.; II. in rminhi' fh"M drop linrfnlioculves! Ti;EU!ON VAULT. TIIK I.ADY AM) Till'-, I.OIJX.-3II I'll. I live in San Finiii'iseo. nml am a lock .iiiiilli lv tra. In .My calling i-i n strnti; one. ;ti!'l oessei a uerlain r.tsoinntioii. I'eii'li'i in it one ut" tlio most nrueaWo of pursuits, Many who follow it sco not!i iny; in it liul lalior t''ii k of notliiiii,' but its reiunis i'u tioIJ ami filvci1. To me, it lias other cliarins tlfau tho money it produces, I am called upon, almost d.iily, ;o open tloors anil peer into long neglected fipartim'iits, to open the stub born locks of sates, and gloat upon the treasures piled wilTiiiu to tpiictly enter the dep ii tiiieiit of la lies with moro beau ty than disure'ion, ami pick thu lucks of drawers containing peace-destroying mi sives, that the dangerous evidences of wimderino aHectioii may not reach the eye of 1 husliau 1, or father; to force the fastenings of cash boxes, and deposi tories of reords, telling of men madu suddenly rich, of eorpur itiona plunder ed, of orphans robbed, of hopes crushed) of families ruined. Is there no charm in all this? no food for speculation ? in Bcopo for tho rmirjii of pleasant taucy? Then, who would not bo a locksmith. though his faeo is begrimmed with tlio nootoftho forge, and his hands are stained with rust I But I have a story to tell not exactly a story, either for a story implies the completion as well as Ihe beginning of a nnrrntivoi and mino is scarcely more than the iutrt dilution to one. Let him who deals in fancy write the rest. In tho spring of 183(5, 1 think it wna in April, I opened a little nhop on Kear. noy street, and soon worked myself into a fair business. Late ono evening, a lady closely veiled, untoreH niyshop, and pulling from beneath a cloak n small japanned box .requested me to open it. Tlie lock was curiously constructed, ami I was ull of an hour litting it with a key. The ludy deemed nervous at tho delay, nnd at length requested niu to close the door. I was a little surprwod nt tho suggestion, but of course complied. Shutting the door and returning to my work, the ludy withdiow her veil, ilinclo sing m sweet a faeo hh can well be iinag. med There was a restlessness in thu eye, and a pallor in the eh- ok. Iiowpvtr, which" pluiuly told of a huart ill al ease, and in a moment every emotion for her had given place to that of pity. 'I'erhaps you are not well, madam, and the nihl air is too chilly ?' said I, rather inquisitively. I felt a rebuke mi her reply : 'In re questing you lo clone to door, I lmd no other object than to escape the attention of persons.' I ilid not reply, but thoughtfully con tinued my wi'ik. Slio resinned! That .1. i , , , iiuiu mix contains valuable papers pii vate papers -ami I h ive lost ihe key, i r it has been stolen. I hhould not wish !o have you remember that I ever came here on such an errand,' shu continued, with sr.mu hesitation, and giving me a look which it was no' difficult matter to uiideiNtand. 'Ccr ainly, madam, if your desiro it If I cannot forget your face, I will at least attempt to lo.-,o tho recollection of ever seeing it here.' The lady bowed rather coldly at whal I considered a line compliment audi proceeded wilh my work, satisfied tint a sudden discovered partiality for tnu hail nothing to do with tho visit. H iving succeeded, after much filing and lining, in turning tho lock, I was seized w ith the curiosity to get a glimpse at the preeiotn contents of t tio box; and mul donly raising ihe lid, discovered a bun die of 1 tiers and a daguerreotype, as I s'owiy pa-Bed the box to the owner She seized it hurriedly, ami placing the letters and picture in her pocket, locked tho b-x. and drawing tho veil over her l ice, pointed to ihe door. I opened ii, and is hhe passed ir.to tlie'sln e., she merely whispered, Keuieiiiher I' Vo met agdo, audi have been l has p:tr'ii'iilar in dcri'iing b, r v st j t.,. shop, to render proh.ibl" a su'jsi ipient fceogiiiion. Alioiit. two o'clock in the mofiiiiF. in the latter part of Miy following, I ivaa awoke by a gu'.tlo lap upon the window "t llie litile room, bark nf ih,i shop, in whi -li I lod.red. Tiimkii.g ol bur-lars. I spuing ut of be I, in a nioiiient w as at llie window, with a-heavy hatr.mui' in my ham!, which 1 usually kept at that dine within convenient reach of my otd siile. ' Who's there V I enquired, raish g the Irimnier, and peering out into thud uk iii'ss lor it was as dark as Eoypt when under the curse ol Israel's (rid. 'llistt!' exclaimed a ligurc, slipping in front ot ilia window; open the door, I have business for you.' 'Uathcr past bii-tncss hours, 1 should say; hut who arc you ' 'N i onu th it would harm you,' relum ed the voice, which I imagined was rather fouiiiiine fir a burglar's. Nor no oi u-i that caul' I replied, rather emphatically by way of u warning, as I lightened my giip on the hammer. ami proceeded to the door. I pushid back thu bull, and slowlv onenini' the 1 .i door, discovered tlio stranger already upon the sleps, What do you waul?' I abruptly en qu'ned. 'I will tell you,' answered thu game soft voice, 'if you daro open the dour wide enough for me to enter.' 'Como in,' said I. resolutely, throwing tho door ajar and proceeded to liuht. a candle. Having succeeded, I turned to examine tho Visitor. Ho was a small and neatly dressed gentleman, wilh a heavy Itaglan around his shoulders, nnd a blue navy cap drawn suspiciously over thu eyes. As I advanced toward him, NO. 19. 'It is a labor common to your calhn:',' replied the lady. 'The price is not .so much for the labor, ns the condition under which it is to be performed.' 'And A-lial is the condition (' I enquir ed. " 1 That you will submit to being enn veyed from and to your own door blind folded ' ? Ideas of murder, burglary, and almost every other crime, hurriedly preseuJed themselves to my vision, and I politely bowed ami said ; 'I mu -t understand something more of the character of llie employment, as well as the cliiliiions to accept your ofTcr ' ill not five hundred dollars answer in lieu of an explanation ?' she enquired 'No nor live thousand.' Shu patted her foot nervously on thu lloor. 1 could see she had placed entire ly too low an estimate on my honesty, and I Lit somo gratiliea'.ion in belli" hble to convince her if the fact. 'Well, then, if it is absolutely necessary tor mo to explain, she replied, 'I must tell you that yoa are required to pick the lock of a vault, and ' 'You have gone quilo far enough, madam, wilh tho explanation,' I inter rupted; -I am not at your service.' 'As I said,' sho continue!1, -you are required lo pick thu lock of a vault, and rescue from de.d h a man who has been confined there fir three days.' To win in does the vault belong?' 1 enquired. '.My husband,' was the somewhat reluctant reply. Th n why so much secrecy ? orrailmi how came a mm confine I in such a place ?' 1 secrelo I linn them, to c-cape the observation if my husband. He Mispcci cd as ni'ir.h, au.l el-is-ed tl,,. door upon him. l'ro-'iliuiii'' ho h;ul . fl. the vaul and qui ted the house by the back door. 1 did ii' I dream, until to-day, that he was confined I lu re. Cei t iin suspicious aet-s of my husband tliis iiln rnooii con viimo me thai he is therc.beyoi.d human he.iring, an I will be starved to d-'atli bv my barbarous husband, unle.-s immedi ately' nseucl For three days lie has not letl. tho house, I di ligaed him leas man at. Hour ago, ami lie is now sosm. pilied thai the look ilia be picked with out bjs inteilereiuie. I have starched his pockets, but could not iim! the key; Ii 'iico my application lo you. Now you know all; will you accompany mo ?' 'To the cud ot the world, on sucli an errand.' 'Are you le idy V she iiiierriiptud iin patiently, hoMiii;; Uin haodk:. reluct to thy eyea. Tho in.jughi Hashed across my mind I lint she iuteuded to pu-h me into tho vault, and bury mo and mv secit'l togellier. She seemed to read the siisp'cion, am! cntiimed : -Do not be ala ined. You are not the man ! I could not mistake tho trulhorlho feat fill -Meaning of the remark, and I shuddered as I bent my head to the hiinilkercl.il t. .My eyes were caielidly bandaged a- betoie, and I was led to llie cab, and ihcn driven home by a more circuitous route, if possible, than tho ono oy which we came. Arriving in lront ol Hid lions,., t, handkerchief was veinovid and I stcp od from the vehiclu A pulse ot live hundred dollars was pla co.i in my hand, and m a moment ti e cab and Us mysterious occupant had turned the corner and were out ot sight. I entered tlio shop, and the purse of gold was llie only evidence I could sum. mon in my bewilderment that all I had just done and witnessed was not a dicniH. A month niter that, I saw the lady, and the gentleman taken. fi i the vault. walking leisurely along Montgomery St. I do not know, but I believe, the sleep, ing hu-l.and awoke within tho vault ami hw bones are there to this. day I The wilo is still a resident ol San Francisco Icidii'g to tho old national road, groups I them, ,dio will insured! v never lack a,l- EXECUTIONOF RICHARD TIIAUtWELL FOR THE MURDER OF JAMES HOUSE MAN, AT UNIONTO'A N, PA. Special Dlnpateh to tho I'lltalmig Coinniereliil. Uxuisrows. Monday, Oct. 1, 'Cfi. The sun shown out respleiuh.'iilly'lliis morning, and betokened that llie day would be unusually plea-amt Tho town was yeiy qu'ct, and a stranger, from in. term 1 judical ions, would baldly judge of llie lr;n:edy about to tr.an-nir. i At a late liour knots of ciii ns aM-t'iiiblnl ir. und the (,'ouit Hoiisn and disenssu.' tin. sulj'.'Ct o( thu exeeuli ui m Mibdacd lo.'es The prisoner was engaged wilh his spiritual advisers lat uighl till twelve o'eloi k.ivhi'ti they withdrew, after which ho retired to his couch and slept sound ly umi eight o'clock thisj morning, I lo ot men women and childri.ii stood upon the sidewalk or in thu dimrwavs. and in respectful silriu-e saw it disappear aiming the shadows ut thetrees. It was almost midnight when the remain reached Ibowns'ville, jet many people were syll in tho streets, anticipating their arrival The body was removed K Mr. IIub bard's res dunce where it remained until 1 grave was dug within a few feet id the M.iiioegahela rivcr.in the yard surround ing Mr II''bharVs house, Mi d uii'n due solemnity, aM that reniain-d of -i hat was om e Hiidiaid Thair.vcll, w.iu eousigned to its last resting ,htM. 'Then jireparo yourself; ihcio is a cub wailing ;:l the door.' I was a little 'surprised, tor I had not heard thu sitind of wheels lla-tily dra wiiii; on a coal, and providing my self wilh thu ii quiied implements, I was soon at the door. There, sure ennui'h. was the cab, wnh the driver in bis scat, re.uly tor thu mys'irious journey 1 entered llio vehicle, tollowid by thu lady. As soon as I was scaled, she Produced a heavy handkei chief, which by thu faint I gi.t, m au iifijaeeni street lump, tdie euro ful y liound round my eyes. The lady seated herself beside nie, mid the cab started. In I. all an hour it stopped; in what part of ihe city 1 am ignorant, as il was evidenlly in anything bat u direct com so from ihe point of starting. Examining iho bandage to see that my vision was completely obscured, the ludy handed me the bundle ot tools with which .1 was provided, then tak'nm me by the arm, led me thu ugh a passage way which could not have -been less than lilty feel in length, and down a flight of hl'utrs into what wis evidently nil tinder ground basement, stopped beside a ho seemed to hesitate a moment, then i vault, and removed the haiidkuichicl raised the cap from Ids forehead and looked nie curiously in the face. I did not drop the candle, but I ackuowlcdgu toahltlo nervousness ns I hurriedly lo k from my eyes. 'Here is the vault; open it.' said she, springing tho door ot a daik lantern, and throning a beam of .light upon the I.I- O l placed the light on the tabbj, nnd silen tly proceeded to invest myself with two I seized a bunch of skeleton kos, nnd after a few trials, which the I uly seemed ...,... ., , , ., i-to watch with the most painful anxiety. ' r',ww. . u,oin! 'prang tho bolt. The door swung upon tng. As the Lord hveth, my visitor was ! iu hiugns, and my companion telling me a lauv, aim iim same tor wnom i hud , "ol ' ciose it, ns it was felt-locking, opened (Jio little box about a month 1 !1"'RI1S tho vault. 1 did not follow. bforel Having completed my liasly toilet, I attempted to staminer an apolo- 1 hoard tlio murmur of low volets within. and the next moment thu ladv rcamicar- ed, and leaning upon lior arm n man, ay for my rudunoss, . but utterly fai.ed. j wnh face so pale and haggard that I The fact is I was confounded. ' ' Hl"'U'd ac the sight. Mow he must have Smiling at my discomlltiiro, she said ! 1 ",n-','l't' ,,,n'i,1K I'm Oireo long days ot 'Disguise is useless 1 presiuuo you ronoguizu niot' 'I believe I told you, madam, I should not soon forget your face. In what way can I servo you ?' 'By doing halt an hour's work before his confinement 1 'Ueinaiu here',' she said, handing me tho 'anloni; -I will bu back in a moment.' Tho two slowly ascended tho stairs, and I heard tlu'in enter a room Immedi ately above where I was Mnndlng. In less than a uuniito the lady 'returned. . I. . )) w . . - ... cuaii i eiose u, madam T said I, pla I...). , . , . . i . 4 l"o'c ie, ma .lam t sum i, inn daylight to morrow, and receivjng llve euig my hilnd upon tho door of the mi.iiiitu uoiiars ior your latior, wus (ho vmin. reply. . . . . , ... ;, r Nol not' she x I ilmod. .hsstil 'It is rot ordinary ' work ' mild I en" n,v '" -U dwfltf HiiotWr oceu- :trmml" ' 1 3"- "n ""ttUi - m arose gi-eutly relrtshed. nitd appareinly iiiore lesigin d to hU siiuatiou than h !. . . I I . , n iu oc-ii snuai ins sentence. .ber l.i had partaken of a slight bre.ak'ast, relig ions exutciies were resinned and emtio ued uuiiJ ii on. Al t venly-live minutes i,r;er hvu o'. clock, the fi out door of the prison was I hi own open, and tin- jury, reporter and olhcislo the number of lliiity, Wert ailmiU'.il. llie prisoner was then .-d iu: llie yard by the Sheriff, and preced ed by Kevs Smith and M ..sell, ni.mnt. ed the scall'ihl. where the i pis-.opa burial seivico was iced by i.'ev Smith. fl-. ' I, ... iiiairwcll nppeiiled lo be in excellent health, mid was drcsstd in a light linen coat, thu ,me he wore at his trial, dark bancd pants, white linen shiit. blue geek tie and Congress shoes. When he reached the platform he sat down upon a chair, but did not exhibit any symp toms of (ear luMlier than shutting Ins eyes and clutching his hands convuls ively. UponMho conclusion of Iho services, ho shook hands nith tho ministers, and bade them farewell.' Sheriff lioyd asked lliu doomed man if ho had anything to say, when he spoke as follows : 'Gi.nii.kJ!i:n ; The hook peblislio l is false. I return my thanks to Sheriff lioyd, wifo nnd family. They have been kind to mo.' Tho rope was then adjusted, nnd at twenty-five minutes before three o'clock the Sheriff touched the trigger, and tho wretched man was htiriied into eternity. Tho lull was about threo feet, nnd the neck of thu culprit was broken, his death of course, being instantaneous. Atler hanging half an lrour, the body was cut down nnd placed in a neatly painted collin. Whilu conveying the oofilii from ifio prison, a la'go crowd was collected in front of thejail, und, at their request, Sheriff Uoyd opened lliu colli n, and exposed thu inanimate feiituies to view, nllor which il was taken to the Poor Farm. The grave for its reception had been dug, and the coflln was about to bu loworoil into it,, when Mrs. Hub. bard", ot IJiowiisvillo arrived wi.h nn or der from Sheriff Uoyd allowing her lo (alio possession ot the corpse and unike such disposition of it ns hu thought proper, 'After some time a wagon was procured in w hich tho colli a w as planed M s. Hubbard, her hu-bui I. nun sev TILlLNb;-.ki..i.s.- ' Most iik-ii liko them, says tho editor ot tho fi(iii,e lihl, p. is mere .affecta tion to deny" il. Else why do they at. tract such universal a'tention and en gross such absorbed admiration t Mor alists may say that sn,.h emotions' are confined to tho trLt,: faoihlei-s wi.,. o - tloong IJivndwny corners wilh their pallid tae.es and preciso costumes, and who Iiavo no employment of a morni'in' for" tlieir bfooefshot eyes exoept to feast hem upon such scraps of !ove!i.ie.-s as forluno sends within tluar rapacious ken. They may say they are confined to dap. per gy ninasts of counters, to grocers' ap- pron'ices, to spruce Wall Sired clerks in general, lo tho it-experienced, '.he thoughtless tho prurient, who have not learned to restrain their lush lmaidna- . ,...r i. - i . , onus, or w am luxuriously g vu way to and revel iu tlieir iirrotij fancies. IJui such au explanation, satisfactory as il may be to ihe pnri-ts (d'.iplim'nm, will not hold wuler. Il is tin!' mnded in tact. The myriad eyes which are riveted upon pausing vehicles, unloading their bevies of fair ones, l,e longing regards whie.ii aie fastened on the piiu house stairs, the intense curiosily wl,i..di focalizes near the pavi-metil on a windy day, do in t belong cxelu-i'.ely lolliu eiUow, the. vicious.and (Ju! underbre l. Hy no manner of means Let us have ih triiib above all things and about ail things,! hough lliu heavens tail. Tnese self aiinointei! insi.,.eiin-j ,d syiniuctry and cimii-ii-seurs of beauty a e omt j asollen of higher grade and lv:s queslioiiablu bive'ing. They frequent ly include g.'iiileoieo of mature agu and professional pur-uils. Among '.hem may bo ob-erveil lawyers oi iu, licit! n, lc : mirers to appieeiato the nivclegn 't'liero is iiothini? inlrinsically more ini' -. l it in showing the lower limbs than in showing thu tipper ono, and a.s llie- laL ler are usually reveaii il wi'liout cover ing and ihe former am not, 'So dUtinn lion, if any. is on the sate su'e.' D-.-id, utlv ihelu is less stig ;i r iion ( f iu lolii a oy even iu a revelation oxw-mliuj.' to Ho ktieo ih.in in tho over hbei;.l e.-.p .sun- of the bosom, too often seen in society, and which fashion still n ( j . i-. lo tMnetion. A nice toot and ankle u i ll h.- -te. ... a rounded continuance well ho. ed. b ,w-ev.'-r aitraerico we have -ecu iheui to im do not convey, nave I i vny minimi and unmanly imaginings, such sigmlieant as-' soeialious ay does thebiazeii rev-almi-nt ot thoso pans ot the figure which decent women, evon of barbarous nation-, havn ever jeabm-ly vailed as the sacred sym bols ot maternity. No! such duvelon- ments to a heahy mind are not entirely shocking and demorali.ii g. Tiiero is only danger that, like ail pleasant, pi quant, or slightly equivocal things, they may bo carried too far or, to bu exact ' that, the sknts may be tilted too high. Excess iu all fashions instantly implies vulgarity. In this one, tho remark in pointedly applicable Tho, mode nt prcH cut justifies modest young woiihv in a display of their pedal charms which fivo years ago would havo been voted onra- goons but tin y shoidd bo cautiau to avoid beingcuiifouuded with iliose wlumt limy blush to hear na ne l, but wilh whom they are of a surety vawsuro to he conf mnded, when Ihuv bow to Daino Oii-hion too low and liti, their nelliooats too high. A crinoline was introduced in London last year, called, if iu our masculine blunder we mistake not. a tent adjustable jupun, which was in. 'ended to afford the usual advantages of exleiision and convenient support rf skirts, whilu by superior flexibility and occult ingenuity, it Viniu in' to life fig ure on emergency, so as to prevent tho uiluriug displays lu which lliu gentlemen seem so paitial. Hat it did not appear t beeiunu pop 1 r there, and probably would prove to be' no more so here llio ladies can bout tell why. IVrhap.-i the b t:ev way lo bridle loo lavish an abai donmeni to an enticing f shion will lio in that contraction of criiio'.iau ampli- inles for which, we learn, thu despotic llii has just oonu fortli. Still when the -kills aru narrowed limy may yl bo drawn to an unseemly lifi-.-lit ; aiid boro tli.ru s-.'eiua-no resouivu f,r tlio.-u who love and respcl the precious sex hut lo coiln.-i.l llkut to good ta-to ;id modern. Il ui. Wo should be iiner hypocrites -vero we lo aver that, we de.siro lo do in-ny allo-i llier wilh llie (harming glimpses we have been m!eu.-tomud to bo ecu wini ; .and U. Pi, ilieisi.le,w tuvkers , f aunfo-ous fame, merclian-s of . .,. "" ;', M""U''il 11 V H"i-.iV fMt. Vr l IK t!,'. im .1,. ihem to yield too much fo puiitanical in tolerance or to ulteily Hu.cinnb lo maid en aunu' invalimis irony. ,,,, cdiin eni'd rea-i.m mid tliejadicio.i-iiiidulg.7nco of iheir tn..ieis be their "aid 's by all means. Above everything' ,.t 0 temp, tatioii sediieu ihem to exhibit an any oc casion soever . liny st-ocktngs or draggU ed ski; a. f, ,- t,,.,(, js ., hallux , '"Jjjj,, which excites the fury ol tvory ri.;!;t minded man. With "tln-o roMrictivo .-afegu.-iids mid suggestions, wo will al low hereafter, any lady whose yeais and physical development rou ter the procosn a decent one. llio piivelegerf lai,-iii!.-h.-r skirls to a hight liot exocc.linjr one 'filth of that of Iim- entire person, frum thu ground. This wa prone uii'.'e a regt la- . lion' which can ;ivp offoiiM. to nomj' id either sex of fair liberal disposition, whilo it obviates thu objection which aKv.ivs altaches lo tlio sudden nnd arbiirarv nttllig oft ot nnv trr.atilieat.ien to which llie publio .hna lieoomo ivi-ustoiiud It is, Uieivfore, promulgated -is a celestial, imperial and Vermillion edict ; let ovcrv crinoline trcinlile and obey ! .......... I. ....1. ..1 .. l: I.... .i ... . in. .ii .i in -ii -onu, ... ,:.'ii.ii('iii"n oi leisure and yet of unimpeachable social position and sometimes, since the -ruth must V..' written, gentlemen with whom t1 e white cravat is an insignia of iheii- chilli. Whoever pa-ses through our principal -I reels nay fine day, say .'it. tour in ihe afternoon, cansee.it houses hism, u-oi.fs strong as In I y writ of th.- j tsticc d our assertions, ife will -ce the gen- (fun opportunities alVnded by fisluun. aided by pulls froiu kindly li areas, bv muddy pavcinents.and by the mountain ous steps of omnibuses, aro ei joyed with avidity by tho educated as well as the ignorant, by the old boys as well as the young ones, by learned do-tors as well 4 a laymen, by a great majority nf th.. lordly six, without a notieeahl ; distinct, ion of class or condition. A thing of beauty,.() Keats! is indeed a joy loiev- er, they all fiooin to sing,, nod since tlio larling women so bountifully afford ns the ilwhciotH ch iiico to gaze, why should wo not gaze our lilt and bu hapny ! Jesting apart, there is no doubt but that plenty of fastidious n3 well ns orwrse minded men havo though' lessly fallen into the liahil of ci joying in -trnngers what, wore it tho caaj of their own wives .laughters or sisters, and wero brought before their own obs'ei vi-tion, lliey would certainly shrink from fnortilied and idleiiilod. Itinnstba ndmittud that it is distasteful to pen such a rclL-ction, but we write ot tilings not as wo would mvo them, but' as they are. And is all this entirely shocking nnd demoralizing I I'erhaps it is when too concretely considered but abstractly thero is no reason why it should lie so ut all. Thht there exists nn lmiucno at traction nb-ut ladies' ankles is tierlninly no proof ot n want at mitiilinrs in tho commtuiiiy where It is obsurviiblo. If a woman's delicacy Is shocked by tlio idea oft' ofroo an exhibition, so far ns her own ease is edncurned sho lias it under Nilire control, and thero is no hck ot eral young men taklnu ncai a, ng side horrid example to illustrate tho enormity of it In Ihe vehielo-nnd Ju.i as. the ' of the prnotice and to fuir-'est Infldliblo shinies of night came down' upon the town, that solitary wagon s'aitud on a journey nt twelve mllpn to Rrnwtmvllh.. mo'hodsfor its correothpi. On th'o'oth. cr hand a pretty foot and a shapely an kle nrr. indphiiably strong otlrnctions In AjitHiihedBjottlythiooghthjbUcttlft womun, and if olio chooses to show A Gentleman, speaking i f the happi ness of the married statu Leforo liis daughter disparagingly said ; 'Mie who marries, does will; but she who does not marry, di es better.' We I then, taid the young lady. 'I will do well; let thosu who 0I1006O do belter.' SiMiiiineiiial Aiithmetii! calculates thus: 2 glances mnkeonolook ; 2 looks lonlcn on.-sigh 1 4 sighs nniko one wait.; 3 waltzs-rinnko 0110 pulpitate; i palpita tions make 0110 call; 1! calls make ono attei.tion; 2 attentions make one fool (somu two); 2 foolsmake one llh tution; 1 flirtation plus 2 bouquets equal to one engagement, equal to onu mui-nago. m . m .. . .. Modurt, sii:ki I Havo you any limbhorn bonnets!' inquired a very mod est Miss of a shopkeeper. 'Any what!' 'Any limbhorn hounds!' 'Any you don't mean leghorn ?' Tlio young lady was brought to by tho proper restoratives. Douglas .tor void calls woman's arms 'The mrpents that wind .about a man's neck, killing his best resolutions.' The 'oldest Inhabitant' says ho don't object to them kind 0' surponts. 'Isn't your hill awfully steep f inquiN ed a spondiltr'fl of his tailor. - 'You ought to know best, for it was run up by yon.' was tho cool reply. , A hot shovel held ov.-.r varniehij tun, tlture will take out whiuj spots. '.-SFV'.iV l-'Mll-I.IVftMI ,' I I ' ' '-L ' '