ST WAYN KSU UKU: WEDNESDAY, SKprFAtllKIt 21, tsilii. BEPUUUU.YN MEETIXUS. ' There will b, Towu-hip mei'tiii ;'o held at the following named jductg on . hp days appointed, i Mapi.k' Oil Vkllh, Weduosdav Sep. 2Cth 18(!(i. 1 Mt. Momma. Thursday, Sept. 27 'Cfi. Jaoksonvii.i.k, Saturday Sept. 2'J, (',(',. Joi.r.Kvrows, Monday, Oct 1st '(ill. VuiTiiS Mii.i.8, Tuesday Out. 2.1. CG. JwrKitsoN, Saturday Oct. Clli lbTiG. Han. Guoitc.K V. Lawiiunoh, dpt. 'Bent, and others w ill address the people. Let a full iiUciidance deui hrwtrato the earnestness you feel in the Rood cause. Tint Washington Fair ha been post, poned on account ef t'ho inclemency of the weather, uu'.il the Joih and lUili of Oct. " . The next Ses-iion of Vayru''shurj i -ii ii -. 'vuuoge win open oil .Uomlay, October 22, 180G. ! Sinu thu mud and rain of lit week, our street!) are being swap'! and clean ed, adding considorably to their appear. nnco. Tiik weather i.s again beautiful, and the warm polar nys am exercising a beneficial ilt'cct upon tiui corn. It it continues tor any length of time all fears of a loss will .prove groundless. The buckwheat never promised a better .yield.' " : . Dmiomtiom Too old house on the corner east of the, Wright House is being removed for tho purpose of bail. ling. This will bo an improycaient indeed. Ii aovoral more of the old shai.iics and shells on M lin were to givu plaeu to res jpootabli divelling'ho.isjj it, would not "be amiss. Off roil this Convi-.ntiom. A large number of soldiers ami civilians left here Monday morning lor tlu Soldier's Con vention at Pittsburg. The three days of this week beginning with Tuesday, will be a brilliant eidsoJo in tho hi.-tory of that city. 5JI),UOO signatures repre senting individu lis an. I organ':, itions liave signed the call. livery hotel in the City was full by ii iturday night last, and for thu thousands that conlinua'.lv n.-mr in, the eilizens will, of coiir.-c. lie unable ! to provide. Such an -overwhelming' demonstration f tho ' I iys in Uluu' j from every Slate in thu Uiiioa cannot l)lit h ivo its eifect on thu October and November elections I AiToisriai. Archibald Kolierison, Esq.; of l)Kvr.u county, has In en ap pointed Collector for i!.e2Uli iJistrie.t, in place of D ivid S mkuy, H ip, ol J.nv reneo county, Tiie former gent e a in lias given his oili,:i.u bm l, be u sworn in, uud has enteielupou the discharge of tho dulie pert lining lo his oll'cc. 'VANTAdK" VH "15AII.Y " TIlU tWO IJ.tso Ball Clubs of the loreg.i'mg n iin-s, thu former of Uoiontown uud the litter of Waynusbn.g, played a m itch g mie between the first nine of ea.Oi at Union town, on last Suur l ty ul'teruoon. The f A jwing is their respective seore : VANTACK. ros. o ii. Moore of' 8 8 Schnatterly ss 4 7 Coopov p 19 Boall S E. 2 b 7 5 li aily 8b' 47 Litmnn lb 10 UoyJ o 4 7 HuallC.II.lf 3 7 Lynn r f 0 9 Total 27 03 Inninqs 1 2 3 Vantage 3 (i 4 Daily -i 0 0 lllll.Y. I'OS. O.K. a a y ;i 3 2 3 t M'Fann s s Smalluy i) b Wilson 1 f IS til v I b It nehart 2 b 2 3 Conpbell C.rf I I Wiley p 4 2 Oiuipbcll T. ct 2 2 Campbell Act';) 2 Told 27 22 I ') 0 7 8 9 18 (i 17 4 3 7 8 3 '1 0 1 0 Passed balls Vantuno .r, I5iily2l)i missed lly ciili'hfs Vantage 1 t; tly-calehus Vintage 3, ll.iily 7 "Cm piro J. G Johnston, of the Vantage ; Scorers, J. H. E.vtng, lien. Campbell Time 3 hours and 2il minutes. Several hundred speeta.ors witnessed Iho play. The boys were well pleased with their visit .speaking in ilm highest terms of the good treatment received and tho universal respect shown Ilium alter their defeat, especially complimenting tha satisfactory decisions of thu Umpire Mr. Johnston. Thu -.Ilaily' is a now olub having had but litd.o practice, and although badly worsted in this contest ore not disheartened. They will expect tlio Uniontowu boys over soon to play them on their own grounds, ATI EN I) TO TUB AS.4nis.MKN TS. Lot our friends throughout iho county pee to it at once that every Union voter I assesstd. Uemouibor that Siturday tho 29th nist ; is thu last day for attend ing to this, duty, , It no vote bo lost through" liegleel to see to it in lime. ANkwYouk iCxoiHNoK has tho fol lowing ooinplinumlaiy noiice. which we 4iopy lor tho benefit of our readers : Tho namo of Chlelceriiitf has been ns ooiated, with thu iiniimlacturij oi pianos lor nearly titty years Jonas C'hicker. ing was one of Ihe pioneers In' iho busi ness, and hi early mui-eM oirered ihe flrst fcflecliial check to the large impor tation of piano-lories from Iiiiropu. . Al that period, nnd for many yens Micr the demand for pianos wiw'veiy llmiicd. o that as one sltor nnolher nmnulucturur lining up, following at ft distance the had ol C'lilckitiini, it became pos-iblc lo supply the homo demand by ho in muiiutacliiro, and llm publio al lenglh, boliuvirg in tho sterling vsiccllcaice of llie American product, ccaiod to order from abroad, and tho businvs nt iinporling pianos died ou, it being impnsiiblo tor pursue it with profit. " Fur thirty year Ihe house ot Chick- eiing it S his was the foremost hoii-u in Anuuiea, its 'business doubling ihitof any oilier maker, mi l lhronp;liout the whole length mid breidtii ut the country the name of I'l.lekering, 1! islon," was a talisman and a uuiranty, which has penetrated into a thousand of American homos, and was t lie ii as mm ha house hol l word in proportion as it is this day, whole ilsti.irty tliousiml pianos am for ever the simple words '-Chick- eiing, Boston. '''" 1 "s"".' . , . WVy. M... UW.v IS bee advertisement in another UmiiiniiJpi,!,, t!, jjSS uANS CIIANUE IX THE M0T1E OK YOTIXCf. Wo would call the attention of all our readers to that w-ction of the SliQiifTg lVoulam ilion under the above heading Aeipuiut yourselves wilh'it and commit no bl.iinlois when you hind in yuur bal lot. I)hski:ti-:i.s. T.le listol deserters from the ili'iny, dislVanuhised by the lav men tinned in tha Sacid's rroelaniation of our coming election. is now in the olliee of the Clerk of t'uo Court, and any per son desirous of pro lin ing the Haines (if Hiiid deei lers can obtain a copy lor his Town.ihip Iroln the t'li-i k. COMiKXttLU J4l.NSU;i.SM. It has h.'eii observed that his Aari -deiicy i.s in his spctciies slightly given to rep 'lition, and that in lict a very few ideas serve him its the subject- matter of a groat in my orati-ms ' ' th Ciiiejgo ICcmimj Jutv.'iitl hiving studied the subjii'M, gives the following oxuclhrit IJigest ofthe 1'iesid- nt's Stump Speechi os :' They, say I'm a domagague I aio't. Tlu y fay I'm a truitoi I ain't. Tuey say I'm a usurper. I ain't. They Hay I'm a I) unit I ain't, They wiy I'm undignified I ain't. They say my lubits are li id- they ain't. They say I'm a' ways hii ingon '.Mj Policy' I ain't. They :iv I'm eg.'tislic I ain't Tney say I'm ubvtii ite I ain't. They say I make partisan i-jiecches I don't. They say I talk shout, myself I don t. They say I us-j the prouoiiji I over much I don't They say I mint bj got'.eu out of the way I miisln't. They say I ought to have my head clioppe I oil' I oaght i'C I run this ( ) nvorirncnt 1 lui c la i ii iii tver cincc I ca'--n ni 'inb -r. I have b ; 'ii a'.-ler.n in, o instable, s ip ; iso", tax-.'.ll herer, Con gr.'-soian, and. bv 111 help ol I! n:,h. fio-id.-n'.. 1 a ii t'l only tVien I I'l-; n..'gr. h is left. I pill, d v :i the reh'.'llioii. I am I'M' la-t hop ; ol' i.lie 11 'pnhlie. I am the underpinning of the C msti tiiiini I mil, I myself altngeiher, ami no other man uud 'I leave the Cons'.Uu lion in vour hands geulleincn.' Ttt.VYin.IN'iSON" TIIK FLU.. I I'lciniosii. Va , WepU'uiber 111, Ui!,.li 1 At G:en iale. ueirr .M t'.veru Hill, are culleeted ami iulerre I liie remains i-t inir sol. lien who fill la the liatdes nf h' farm and M-dvern IMI in IHli2. 'I le-re arc also gsihmed into this cenn lery the remains of those who f-ll in the cavalry luids nf Sheridan .uud Wilson, whercvir lliev could he fiiind along ill . Ciiai Irs ciiyro el. Eleven liuuditi I lie' niutey . ; seven liodiiN have been galhered at tins spnt by the li ivernnic o inniil parlic, in chart e ol' M j u' llynes. Toe cemi - i lu'y is really e,.clo-ed. the grave- m irk- I ed di-iiuc.tly with all da a Hint could he ' olil .lined oi the fallen soldiers, nod in the I ceiitte ol the grounds a stall' was raised', i from wh.o i every morning is unfurled liie oid il ig f ir which they gave up their lives. Last week (hi Hag was torn down and trampled in tho ground by somu of the loyal (?) paoiilu who livo in the vici nity, who could II ii t no oilier way of cxpre-ing their iiH'eiiiou f,r the Gov eminent. Thesis in ly be gratifying cvid.inees to some people of the love and re-poet eulertiiine.i by die reeou-lriudi'd f r die Union an 1 t'ho emblem of its honor and power, but those soldi, is who loll slain comrades tit Malvern Hill and Fra.ur's Farm, mid who rode wiih Sheridan and Wil-on, will perhabs look at il dilleicnt- A DeinocriUio paper i sserts thi.t 'the spirit of tho immortal Jackson ani mates Andrew John-mi.' A slight mis tiko.ail 1 a si mder on llle'iminorlal.' It is nolliing but I lie spirit ol rye, uud very poor ul that, JlojilliIlrsfiirOdober. Tun I.Miy's . FniicMi. The October number of this charming periodical, opens with a beautiful uud sumtive ons;rav iug, emilled 'Hugh .Maxwell's Heir.' Thu double colored sticl Fudiiou l'lato is us elegant and rclined as usual. Thu other illustrations refer lo the Fashions, and lady's work, such as the Work lias kct with pocko Is, Dress with High Waist and Wennvublo llanpie, lliuing Habits, SiamoislJoiiiiet, Trianon Uoniitl ifco. ite. Thu literary contents ure invit ina. GoJcii Ltulis Jloolt.Tho beautiful stocl plate- 'The Rest on the Hill' is one that will bear thu most caivfid ex iiiniuntion. Tho subject is liandl d in n miisluily iiinniier. 'J'tiu wood-cut Fash ions arc brought down to llm latest dales by a Walking and Travclii.g Dress, Lit tlu (luls Uosinnie, l.'roinoimdo Unit for a young lady, twelvo lashiouabln Uoiinets, I two new stjle for Aprons, a Urculfa-t-cap. Thii rea bug m iller in the Octo ber mimbur cannot bu excelled by si y lalies niagaams in the country. Now is tint time tor forming Clubs. Terms same us those for lSlitl, t . . n ' . Arthurs Home ilizme.IU jour- u:i, miii in iiniAius in merary eiceiicnc', and is aeknoA'hiilgod by till lo contain the best of lircsidd rea ling mat'or. lis einbeHi-dnnoiits, fashion pi ties, it ), are well time 1, preeiitinif Hi once, la-lu, noil noss and g-iod de-ign. It should be in every family. o.i tint ;l ii h ot ug , by Hev. I N Cvans of mesyille. aii J. l!i:i;vi:s of (Jreeiib Co., i'a. On the 8lh of Sept., by the same, Mil. Lot Jj. Iitmi to Miss Lou. U wyn .ill of Cirucnu Co., I'a. On the I2lh of .Sept., by tho samo, Mr. Fni'.miAN Iu.i.i.y to Miss Maky Smiti'' suck nil ol'CnrimehucIs, (Jreeno Co., Pa Al the hoil-'O of Pel er Prowil, F,-q , of this place, 'on Thursday ( veiling, September l.'i, ISIili, by Uev. J. Medn tyre, of l he M. K Chuich, Mr Jons P. Ai.r.u.M of Masoulowii, Fayelle Co., Pa., t) Miss If Caki.ii: ljiiocii ol'Moi-i gantown, V . V a. Oa Sept by Kev. II. C.Craig, Mil Oiivii.i.k L. O ai.'im r, id Greene Co. Pa., and Miss Li:iu Kini.'.md, ol Wash ington Co Pa., Oa iho lfi'.h ins!, at the brides resi dence in Centre by .las Call F-. Mr ISrunici's lo Mus. Sn.'.ui Tiio.ui' son, till of lireelie Co. Pa. TOV CAN' SAV1J MO.N'KY i c V l'.UVINU YOUIl COOTS. AM) BIIOC;5 AT H A Ii STUD'S!! WAYNlCi:i'.U SHOW STOCK, XKXT FAUMI'.iW AND DIIOVJICS' NATIONAL CAN1C. nugs,-ll' JIWilfcTrTUBfWtgKttJTTyyyiWiWiirJBiyliVCP MAV Y)!v MtiNKV MAKKKT. Sept Hold closed ijuietly ut 1 1;: J. Vayuoshurg llarket, i.'oiiiiia-ri.n wiaaii.v iiv .1. linllcr, fiesli roll $ :n Collee per II :'1 to :S."i Corn per l.ii';!i-l no Coin meal per luislie.1 Mil Ciainlry Soap per H lis Cimdlcs, mould per lh C:ll!'l!r", ilt;:pei! " ' 'J't ( heese per ill 'J.1 PlleO I'enele-S per III I'i'-js pi r !'iZ"ii I'lour per hlil I'iax seed per Imsliel t'eailiers per lh La nl per Hi !i W. l''loiir per lh Molasses 7." O ils per Im-le-l live per Imsliel 'I'iinolliy seed per lill-liel I'.'il) l.'i ...lit ."m ... I Hll .10 I". ... 07 to l no into !ki lo I no i."i lin e per Hi Sii-;.-ir. cni-ili-d per Hi Sa r.r. r-!ine.l " " Sie.r.0-. New Orl'-ius (i Ihs 1 1'. I!. Si era.-, H His 1 Svrup. p, riraiinn Sail. No. I pir hid 11 S"l't t'vi-ip pi r iralloa I ar per '.iII-hi I nil Tc a per lh '.'a-' -lo Turin mine per jrallon 'J ?.o Tallow per lh l.", Wle-al per Irashi'l 2 .Ml While 1,-a-l per I.-'l'.... -I to " 0" While Lime pcrhiisnel re Wo 1 ei.ieei'in lo iln .Hindu l'otiil M .. p -i- hu-hi -1 no to I oil union, Seplemher:'l.isilii. GC.Vi;, 1 cut . nl den nl C-e in Ciiekwheal PLOUC-Sprinj; Wheut nl Winter ' at., live nl 7.v;-r,e. h.-.e. dull. I, ""'('' i-,uo. Ci;i,ini(.-i$i:i, fj-i;. i(rf--si;. 7.. if".'2.m V l"ii. is.ooev.Ti.iin. IIAY-Cale'd ill Loose nt K(i(H Sales nt I'llLlOSC Western Ceserve lit 1 f iuiilmi-o- nl KeW VorU (lichen ii', CUTTCll-l'iiiue !! at '.".'(.f.'.'le. Iii..il7 l"(f IH. tMi.f.'L', :1I(..I2. Cai.timoiih Caiti.u M.i;ki:t. Uai.timoiih, Sept- L'I. Heel' ('tittle. Tin; oILeimrs (liv ing the past week were li.'lil head iieaiin'sl. Miort head previous week. Fries loday ranged ns follows: Inferior caille ij.l.rii!(.pii,,iu, e .minion lJei,7.'.ir7.'-'.-.i eoml f.M to lis, nll p;im,i M.2.-.(.i.i..-.i per inn li..'., ndih a few al a ,.m:i heller pi ices. The inarkci el is - d ilull. wit'i n ileehiini'' tendency. Sheen Snoolv 1'iirllie Kill's Were ma 'e lit .-. to III ets for 1'iir'to mi ne "!"' ,7(.i7eper Ihit'oss, for extra o inlitv Hoi's Tim siiinilv liasheen moilerale.'hlll. thedcin-in.l iilhefliht this WccUjSiles lit ip l.'i to I.",.i0 per 1(10 l!is net. Nnw Yoiik Piiv (loons Mviiki'.t. Xiw Sepleiiilier !. Hi own Hliwilnss-At- inline i, -': (; Aiuo-;ini A L'I. I c; I'epperell H '.'He; Fehperell O :) ' i.-; i ep leren m,.. Ille.ielieil Ph.-elim; X.-w Yoik A ,ls. -laej lay .Mills li.ic; IllaeU-tone. ie: Hope. :f!)e, Fihlls Merrlinnc ,A'.L"n'.j'.'e;Merrim:i(.' 1). L'he; nam. eon, le-.e: a ni Hean, in'.e; IV anr.';;uiy ISe. Crown l)i iilMIViniei-i. II '-.... U I, !?,...-,. in.. i o... . . .T ' V. . " "i'- ..... - wi.. i, .ii.uif, ii.;ii-M, i.jc; j.Miiiiui-:eii L'llc; Wiish'ngloii a.iltcen, L'."ic. Sr. Loris Maiikct -Kr Lnris. Seiileniin.i. L' I. I' lour nnd wheat flrni nnd unchnnucd. Corn linn nnd hli'lier, at litU7i. Oais and pork nnclianed. B een eiisiei, clear siilca L'llaL'iiie. should.'is 17c. Wlilskv ndv anceil to ifiL' illliiL' III a'tt. a.. vjsww.t.-wiat!Twrjafliiftft'tiwicTiwtwiN SPE 01 Al, NOTICES mine coxfssioxs axd KXFiciiiKxcrj X Ol' AS IWAI.IO. PuhlWiedforihebenelll nndiis a CAUTION TO YOUXU 5IHN mid otheis, who sull'er IVoni Nervous Debility, Premature Decay ol' Manhood. &c., sap; living ul, llie same time Tun Muvnn oi' Shi.i'-Oiiiiu. By one who lias cured himself after iindcr,'oiim eonslderahlc (piaekery. By imelosln n postpaid addressed envelope, single copies, free of elinrjjo, limy hu had of Ihe author. NATUAN1KL MAYFAIll, Ks.j,, .May;;! T!U.-ly Brooklyn, Kin,;, Co., N. Y. WlIISKKRSt WIII3KEE3 t ! Dr. L, O. Aluxn:.' tinmin, tho ir'oiiti'st sllinul itor In the world, win 'rco whiskers or IliiHnclies In jirow on II, e smoothest fncu or chin I never known to fall sample lin' I rial sent free lo my one desirous of IcsIIiil' Its merits, Address, UEHVIiiS & CO., 78 Nub 8,'iuHt. N, . . jyll.-.'lin. I'llBE DlittS, JlFDIl'IXSS, m PAINTS AKD DYs STJFF3, IP 6 rfu 53. ory, tnll.ET AKriCLKS ASD ASCT SOM. A LAI.'GK STOCK O.V IIANO-A NKW SUPPLY EVEUY WEKlv ! mmim imi Ovn conm have ueex nouo it lor casli, selecli'd with care, inul will bu warranted as rejin'S-iit l, ' mid s-)U at thu very lowest c:l U prices ! ALL TIIK POITLAU PATIOXT AllCWCINKS SOI. I). AND MOST OFTilKM ATOLDPKU'F.S. 7I?J3G, DA?2D3S3, GUI ALCOHOL. TUKPEN'TINK. VAKN'ISIIES, Ae., ALL AT S5II02T PROFITS. (all anil iipn nur iliie!; liefore liureliiisiie' I clsewlicrit. Th-mUI'iil lin Hie very i'Xleiis:vn patronage alreicly lies'oweil, we liope-l" merit a eoiit'uui.uiec of llie same I) Nh'.lil Clooiiiiii!! ('er.ns al I'dtAOKN'S. J.A1)!-:S sliil .-"lis live Koul.'sfaU'e l'ow I ) ileis lor our dollar. MVr. hoes M'L-i'K's I 'ills fir one dollar, I nl lilt ! ICS'S Cheep Drug Store. IIAUMCItS hav'.nj: I am" sheep, eoine nnd 1 jri'l me ii'-iiiet:) cure t'lcui nt I'd! DI'.X S IIiul: Store, Wayiie.-hni. niy. -(i(5-ly iwr i"..::vi !: rc.i tic: :!AM)ivi:!:ii:c:i'. EE!tiniiiij tVrrtis." rialDii'ii A inst rxiitr l' th-lii ii'i', . rru'f:uit IVrfinnc, itn- mul tii'iuitiful ll nvci' tViu dli'i li-tl from tlu i ui i wli.cli it taki's, liH ihiiiic. MtinufiU'tiin d only hy nr.wAin: or ('ih'vit.rkkits. ASK roil VIlALON-TAIvB NO OTIIlltt. jy'Ji (.-1 trov. ol GR-IJ1KS &0. FALL AND WINTER STOCK!' IT CKFOCK Till': ADVAXon IX I'KICES. TO SUIT liVMKYCODV. Dr" d- O O CL i2- ! f jllllOah'.ve lirm. located nt While ('olta-e, ' Ciri-iie c nniy. F.i , tai;e pi. asiire in an tiouiH'Mi.u' lo their li-'eauN and the pn!i!ie lli.-it lh V h ive and are rcccivi:!-.- from lh" cistern ei'.i.'S a laire sloe!; of -topi ami I'nicv. for ei'iiand domesiie DiIV ( ! )l II IS A Nl") NO 'II INS. 'Pais loc!i ( ii is: -I s of Calicoes. De laines, Cas.-i.ei -re..;, Tweed i. I Ian i!o-i'elu- ls, Laces. 11 npS:.i-ls. r,c;-.ia l.i'ieni. l:!--aeli-e l and li o vn Mii iim (iiovrs nnd llosierv, (1 eils' Cravats mel Ti", Cul'ais, Jaeoueils lliiil t-'il.: 1 1'leS, LailUs l)i'e.-s GoikU, Ready Mado C!otIiing, Coot?, O s. Oj'iieeiies, nnrdu'are, Q'ieen.3 Ware. I ' i: .'Im-s. t'ce.. i:e. All of wh'n.'i. lliey wilt s dl as ln-,v as possi hh' lo cash huy. is or for e uinlry -.roiluee, nt su-'li rales as iviil en ,U them to mahe a liv lii ir Fl-,-O'e remi tn! crthis h Hie old fll'lil of F. M. (ililMI-'.S. 'Micy have e:ot a new linns , new ilrni. nnd Ihe hi st of nil m;w noons. Sept. in, l,siir,.-u'. ii.uin in CACMiCILCr, OIIKBXU C'OUNTV, FA. Q O. H iniais is p"r:ii!inenllv l ieale l in the I.J. nhove n uie'd place and w'oiild riupeell'iil- ' ly invite the ilt.-nlion ol tha pu'ilic to Ids Well j arranged siivi ionr i:ai.i.i:nv. of every virlely, p'zi and ; slyle, mid a tine nsi'iitiuent of Alliums, Fr one , Cards, ecc, always on har.dsfor sale. tsepl. r.i, I mo trrJVM:Kls:s3ir C?v4l"?l MMi'erv jj'.ai. M'CLF.I.L.WD'S FiliOC, CUil- IN . j a t to ch.ui" d .Maikct. ! I'.xtrn Ki i Coll'ee, ;l Ihs. $1 on in 2 in I r.n 111. I7.rdS lu, '.'- 'Jl! Il.i.l(l lilla'.lil 1- el) L'I) I (111 I .'.,l. Impcii d, l lh., l i .' , . ,i. Best oitie; llvson, per Hi. II. ...i l ,1.,,,., V..., ii. . ,.,. SlITip. ' p'l 1 L 1.- , i, i.i'ai' w ,i X. O. Molar per ji-al. , , . ,,i. ,..,. I"1 11 ! 'Air i Sun,', LowcriiiL't. iicriral.. Su:ur Cured nnd Family Hants pel' lh. L'o.j '-'!) Siyir Cured Fried I'luef per lb. Cast, V. li. Ciiee. e, per lh, L'd Can lies, plain and fancy, UOci-U , Or omes, oar ilny.en, , Xleo Ciilnm Lamps, ill) els. to I fin Pure While C ubon Oi! per I'ul., Hi) I Bal-on. tier Hi.. 411 ruts, pel Hi., Ill runes, per II) , Sloiicwiire, per mil., L'O Tomato .Iiioi- ifc Fruit Jars, per do,, 2 fiato.') no II pi, Fruit Cans, Self sealers per do)!. I W Fxlrn Wired Brooms, lioine made, each, il'i Pat Buckels, l)"i Nulls, per lb, ; . llm 10 L'liu IiIiIh. Sail, by bid. cieli,' !' " Old Vii'iilnia Tolmceo, 7 yours old, 1 i'11 Best, TIN WABK ol every description war ranted at lo v prioes. Also, every tlilu kept In a first class Ororu ry, from u nuedlo to a pitch fork, ut low pi lees. All rjoods s ild cheaper when taken In large (Uiuilhles Full sallsfiicllon nuiranleud. Flaxseed and all kinds of Proline) taken at IliKhesl prices. Call at Co-army's Building, n few ilinny be low F. & I), ive'lona! Bank, nuili If. W,l.,leil lor SIX ell I. civ new lllMCics, JiHi oul. addresaO, T, UAUICY, City Bulldiun, Bidde ford, Mine. InnU.'CO.-lT. 6919 it i mm. mmwnunmm N. CLARK & SON ARE NOT TAKING GOLD FOU CUT CkJ'I'CJjJj.ICJ.S nstsl 4':3S5'a. CURRENCY!! WILL I'.rV.VNY .VltTK'LK OF (:r.OTII. ing or (u-nts Kiirnishiii.: llooils you may Ibid In their new livi mul Well sikcted tlockJlU lioii"ht in tliu HI W Jl Mas And 'wliicli, for variely nnd clii'iipnnss, lliu lik'j litis not been seen' or heard ol for nnae than u.t tun xa a-a iM tXii(..l,ib1iu k.3. We will only fdva a Tew nrtheleudinrjnrlMi's Willi prices uud ash vou, one and all. Income nnd si ii lor selves, nnd wi; will' prow 1 more oiau we say. e nave From in lo L'."i doll-ii-5, liit-tness coats from 4 lo hi dollars, and liir.1. ilullars will sell you n coat we will insure Vai.ts from I 7" 1 1 HI dollars, will sell ALL WOOL pants nthl Vc;l fur S.lio ilollars, lln'se , we will jiuaranlee ; ve.,ls I'roia I .Into -1 UO j do lars. A complete n.-iioiUnent of Fur Men nnd Hoy.-', price rnn-i:i IVoni 7." cts. lo il on (llillais. ijlispi'lliler", . ' Hosiery, Drawers. Linen, Muslin and Drilling, Shirts, wool, muslin nnd linen, (iloves. Ties, in:., dec., in endless variety. Suspenders I ruin '.'a els. to 7.1. Ties for ;"i und r.'i cents, mid a splen did (ollon hose for 1'-'.', cents. Ke.uly ojipo.-'ite Caiuplioll's dinier, Main Si reel. M-iv Hi. I v. aykus cathautio fills t Itl-ilhe ino.,1 purjalive which we IV nir iihln to 1,1'oilnceo! whicli we Ihliikhns ever yet iieen m.nle hy unvhodv. Their ef- I'eels have Irxai iihuu danlly shown to the c "iiumuilty liowumcli liny excel the nidi nary medicines hi use. They nri. Sal'e nnd pieasanl lo take, poweilul to cur; Their pcnelrntinij properties stimulate the vilnl nclivrk.s oi i Ut;, removini; thu olKlriieiions of its oians, pinify llie hlood. expel iliseiin,', They pur. e out iln I'oul lie mors which hreed mid h'iow (li.iteniper. slim, ulalc slavish or ilUorilered organs into Iheir nalural action nnd imp ill a healthy lone with f ll'eliilh to the whole sjvtelll. Not only do they cure tlu cverv-d.iy coinpla'uils of (vcry'oiuly, but also fonnida!i!e and dainrer ihh ilisras.'S. While Ihey produea iowerl'ul clleels, lie yarn ni. the same time, in diminish ed dos-s. Him sid'esl. and best physie Hi it can be e.nol lyed f irciiililreii. Il-'ia.;; suar-coat-ed, tliey are piensaut lo take j uud. belli;: purely venelahle, are free fi;om nny rlslt ol 1 l. ii-ni' ('no u Ii.iv.i lu. en mi-i.Im lelit.'.l, u I bi'li"!', were they not siihstanli ited by men ol saeh ex lited p.i.-'e.i m and character ns to forbid llie suspicion of unlrutli. Many cmln enl clet'eyn en m il physicians have lent their names tdeerlifv to the put. lie the reliability of our remedies, while otueis have sent ns'thc ursiirnncu ol their convielion, our Frepn rations cnntrbille Immensely In thu relief of on r nlllie.ed, Mill'erine; fellow men. Tiiu Agents below n niicit is pleased lo j fui'iii-li eralis our Amerieiia Alumnae, con- I tahiiii din clions for Ihe use nnd ' ol'lheir cures, ol'llie following (oniil dnls ! ' Cosliveness, Piliims Complaiubi, Ulieuma-j llsin, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache, inlslner ' IV. in Foul slomaeh. iStiusca, ludiircsiion, I Morbid lnai liim of ihe Bowels nnd Fnin nii-ini; Ihercliom, Flatulency, Loss of "A p. pe'dle. nil Diseases which rciiiirc nil evueiu-li-ui me lii-iue. Tiiev, bv pudlyhnj; the bl. mil nnd stlinul-iliuu llie system, cure tunny canpl lints which il would not be iilppo-'e'd they could rem li. such ns Deafness, Faili d Blindoe-s, Xeiiral da ami Xervoeslrritahilily, l)enin;;ements of the Liver nod Kidneys, (colli, mid o'lier I'.ladred ciaiplaluls iirlsim; IVoni u low Main of llie body, or ohslrtieliou of lis I'ttnelioiis. Do not he pat oil' by unprincipled dealers with oilier prep.unlions wliicli Ihey make more prolil on. Demand Avi.n's nnd taket.o ethers. The sick want the best nld there la is for Ibeiii, nnd Ihey should Have it. I'rep.ired bv .1. ( A Kit A- CO., Lowell, Miss., nnd sold bv Dr. D. W. Iliaden,: Dr. Win. I,. Orci.s'i. M. V Harvey, Waym-slniru;, Fa., nn ' i.l'iii'iij . s'diroualioul Iho couuly, nu :.s, L'm $i,soo pen ye Aii i wo w .oil aeimin every where lo s-ll our nienovifii fir1"-!" Sewing' M limtues. Three new kinds. Undor nnd upper feed. Warranted llvu years. Above salary or larne eoimuMoiia piid. The only in mimics s old In ihe United Slitles lor less tlniii lu, hlei are hilly licens. ed hy Howe, Wheeler & Wll'ou, (irover it Biker, Sim;er is Co., uud llaeheliler. All oilier cheap machines are iiifriiieiuenU and the seller or user are liable lo arrest, line and linpris.soniueiit, Cireulais free. Address or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddd'ord, Mahu or Chlea.'o, 111. Jan. 17-ly, 323. M. S5frtro:r3, attoux i:y axd couxsfllou at law. Will allend to nil clalnis for hack pay, b'lltn ty and pensions of s oh Hers and llieir represenla llves Thu Pensions of llie followhiji; class am liicreused il'uiu 'H to $1,1 uud il'.I pet liionlh, nnd w dows lor children under sixteen years per inonlll each, VIZ I 1st, Tho-e wlio h ive lint Iho sljllt oil' bulb eyes, Iho inn of both bunds, or otherwise total ly disabled nnd l.icipacilaLcd Irom perfoi'iiiln in iinntl labor. L'd' All widows li'ivln;! children under Ai teen veins ol',i;;o ire cullilcd lo ijij per month nildillimtil for each child, ild, (iilniilians repre-n'iilliiL,' Ilia imW e, dini of soldiers tin! eutltlial to lliu s line lacicase ii8 If thu mollar was living. uujf.lg'iiu. tf CLOTHING, 8, IJ. M'Elkot. Jas. Dn Kkos. J. T. Siiask. OOOI33 T WWOl.KSAl.K I . S E P T E 21 UK R 1 8 6 6 . MoELEOT, DIOKBON a CO. 31 FIFTH STREET. PITTSO'JSGH, PA,, I'res'nt their FALL STOCK, now pomplole, ami invite thu wtteniion (,f il. nlers to their carelully selected assoitiiiiiit of mo 2 0FPEHED AT rorULAH'I';UCE3. Tim Ti-nonnM lliiln.,'l....a In ....l.w, .P ..II .1. tlu ..v,,ji.. I,. v., ,1 i , ,..,!, Ill .,IIV, ,l l(I lll'.T ciipdons ol '.Me"eli mdise. renders it n matter of especial propriety nun puicrases siiouw hu l'reiiienl and therefore the nearest market he com. s theone lii-st adapted lo ruoplyi'if; retail dca'crs with needs they sell. I'nrclinsers from We-lern lViuisyiv.uu i, Kasleru Ooio ami WesU rii Yir:',hiii are invlicd lo viiil Tills huruli and iu-jieel t!iis Si'Oi'lv Oi'' lll)()D.-i wliicli will he kept lull il'iihi,' Ihe i-cnsou. TLUMS, net c.ia'i, uud piices reasoiiahle. 5PEIM, DItSSOJ & CO., replemlicr r, 'iiii-iim" A y 0 u x (i :.i !: n , Jit at V'i,, hi it ,,n! J'rica A T.eernu; ox Tin: N.mi in:, Tiii:at'.ii:nt ami Cailienl Cure of Sin raialon liie i. or S, miiial weakness Involiiutarv Kmi.-si lis, S-xiial De- Inhly, nnd Iuipedimenlslo m irria-,'e cicrally. Ncrvoie iii u.i. (uiisnmi !,,., l'-,il, .,.,,1 l.'li'j. Mi iitol an .1 1'h.vsicnl Incap-.eiiv. r.'.-uliln IVoni Sell' Alice. .Ve II,' IMI'l'li r I l l'l v'Cll. WKLL, ,M. D., Author ol the ' Ureeu ll.iek," &( Till! WOllll-renowned 'lollini- In llej r..'ml. l'ahle Lei'lllre. elcarle in-.. ee l'i-,.,., 1. 1.. ,-,.., exiicriiaice tli.-it the awful eoiisiMuenees of s.'lf.- iu-.i-e mny oe e: -euiatU' rem oV-al willmut iiieilicinc, and willnmt dangerous surgical ope rnlioiis, liove'iis. iiis'i-mni'iit-t. iln-.-.-. in- i. ii-. dials, poinliii;! imiI n mode of cure al .nicy ecr- lamimii i iieeiu il, ny winch every sail -rur, no matter what his I'on.liiioii nor i,.. m.,. ..m... hiiusi'l:' cheiply, piivatilv, anil' ra'deallv. I Ins lecture will piovj u Ij.kiii to thousand:.! nnd Ihoiisiiuls Sail iiiuli r seal, to nny nddresi, in n plain sealed envelope, on ihe receipt of fix cents, or two postage shams, hv MiMic-iii"' i i t AM J. C.'RLISIO &h, li'i liowerv, Newiork, Fust O.liee No. niniL' li'iici- ly ill. PUBLIC L E VAI.FAIil.K.lilOA!, KSTATF .TdiM CXDCliSIONKD AD.MIXISTKA II bus oflhe I ale 1,1)1' LKO.v'AU.i, ,, v. , wik "Her HI piibiie k il.-. on Ihe (.ivmi.-cs, n;'i SA'I'L'KI )AY. loih day oi.Seiil., .si;c,, uu. '. lottliiR ilcse-ihed Farm, 1 ,e llie properly i,( sal. I deceased) to wil i A Irnel. of laml sil'nate in .b llerson lowiiship. Cveciie eoimty, Fn.; icljoininj; lands of II. tl. ltoiils.-. i,r;h,' Jacob Bush, Ksi., nnd others, cent lain". TWO lllNDltid) AM) I'll 111 Inl'M ACJU.S, ni" r I'f-'K. iibniit o!i hundred nnd t-ixly of wliieh me cleared, end on which are creel ed n TttoSlory Frame tlweHlnir I louse, n eo.l Frame 'I'cr.ant. Ioii.m one nnd n lia'f sl'ories ld:;li, Frame Cam thirlv feci hv forty, mid oilier ncce-xary oul IniiulinoH This is nmom; llie ino.-i ilesiialile Finis in the c. icily, nmi i we'l ' woilli Ihe nlteiilion of purchasers. Tiicre are aevih'al hanks of excellent opened oiuhe premises. There is idso a line oieliiud of apples; sonic peaches ami ot.icr Ireil lives on llie farm, 'l'he Farm is situated convenient lo schools and churches i.nd with in one mi. e ol' Hie Irmipike. Ajfund eii.-l nnd SIW Inill nilioil'h llie iiioni. i-ti- 'Cl.MT 1.. known on ilaeol's il -. LIA'I Li:oXAI!D, J011X S. BAVAliD, ah'"1 It Admliiislralom. D (I. SI'i.llllV,,,, WAYNjiSilUKQ, GRliiKH CO.. PA. ' fjMIH .Mibserilier reiipccl fully amioiinees lo , 1. llie pnhlie lh il he has lali'-n 'eh:i,-j;e nl'lha llamillon House, which lie is deb-rmiiied Id, conduct ns a I'ma class holcl. Lam; exoerl ence in holel-k epin Ins (pialilled' liluv lor I. c business, nnd lie feels perfectly nmliiFnt , lliil he can satisfactorily ciiterl'iiu nil who 1 may tuvor lilm wiih a cdl, The house is lar.e nn I w.-ll furnish si. It has umler:;oiiea lliorouslienoviitiou mid been ivliilc I in such style ns renders it iiiile plenum), '-IL. ,.,';,,, huvii heen rc-papered and newlv p duleil j the table Isubundaiillv Mippded wiihlhc bejt, e.ll tiles thu coiuiliy nil'iul.i, and pains aru ti'ien lo,rel! ler ullesls coiiiforuhle. li ites as low oi' oilier lioli ls. J). (.(. Nei.iaiY, IiIV83 r V MTAEJS.,3':. Tiicre 'Ho miieohd with Ilia llaaiilloit Hons:! a Livery Si, ilil.,, wiih ; 1 liortes. carria-ea imd huj'.l.'S for Ilia neeo'iiod Pioii iil'il,,, i',. lie, 11 ir.-es h i.irde.l, and well aticnde.l lo nt lindcralu rates D. ti. Seamy & Son. iiu,;l,i, hiil.-ly Wayni:s!ii'iiu, I'a., ' I ) I'.SI'Kl "I'Fl l LV-lv, s iiotleethal. be lias U located In Wnync.iiioi' Fa., where he in tends to inunui'aolure 0 A U U I A (i V. s 1)1' every description, From liis experience In Ine business. In, feels eou!l leiil,1h-,t Ida work, i'l style, lluisli and duraMliiy, will uivu ctilh'i) fei'i-l'.iction. D hi-idelermlnatlonlopurcbiise .lie best lilileriil In inai'liel., nnd employ none bill eonipelciil woikme a. Cv.VII ii" -.v work warreiitcil for one year. Wnviii;slnie, Feb, L'I, I.Silo tj GaOG53RY. TIIK OI.K NMIK lit''!' IN M V IIAMlS, I' . W . T II O M l ,S () N I r.VVINU piirch'iseil llie above named (!co. .1 1 eery, h h reilue i nnd rctoeked It I In h isil coniplcle slock nl Coiil'cclloiiei'y,di'iic;es, Lemons, Su,'ai', Cnll'ee, Tea, (jtrei'ii inul black), Syrup,, .r il uses, canned fntll el se, rice, so la ash, white lime, soft snap (country in nle) I'liinlles, crackers nl all kinds, i l, pit's, t ihu 'Co, (die liny; ami sMoklm;) ll.-.h, lamps, nl', small fiiney liillcles, Ae. Any onu tieeillu llm iiilieles meiilloued il' (UlVlllllW III Ilia liiiu not will do Well lo call. Produce taken in irmlii. Ilcni'mibcr llm place, ilia "F.irnieiV Uroeery," t'oriniu'W owned liy P. Brown, iMav i), tin. -1 v. XNlOJLCO IS IIKHIOBY (I IV ION TiIAT APPLIf' I lion will be made at Ih.i next Hksloii id Ilia Pennsylvania Legislature, by the Odd Fa lows Assoelallii i, ul Wiiyucnlmrj, Ih'eclie unit v. Pi.. In eh ma, i II, n liamo of Ihe sniuu lo llm l',ein,n,! IU-,u m, V wvi-.mti iio. Also, lo iiu'hoil,' sil I lick i i Isitii rlock In shares of lli'i y do'lars eneh, t it Whole lint to tX 'i'ed one leni'lre I Hi msiad dohrs J0!1. F. UAN'DOLPII. Jtllyll.'CO.-Oill. -1'lxBidctit. STOP.! IM IT .THIS!! HOUSE STEAUM3 IS ''PLAYED OUT." 'jllfK CiUEAT KASI'KIIN iktectit: L llorss and Uve Sun k InsiUAneeCompnny. CU atlcrod hy the State of l'cuusylvuuia. CAPITAL ... . . $100,000, Ilorsi s. Mill,., urn Caltlua'-niust tosses result. iii:,lrom riietl and Death, by Ihe, uccldentnr na urn causa. , .'".'l1'11' 108 Boutl till hlrect, Fiiihulelplilii. l'rcsideiit, Col. WUULK3 Fit ALKY, ... , . r . I'oltsvilie, Fcnn'a. V ico-Frese lent, T). L Kstiuilt, do do Sec'y. Dn. B. B .cki'.h, Fliil'n. O-nernl Ai'cnt, F. Hntf-i, ,i ESfHlrtivte by fevieiinioji. To Hon. Simon V micron, ll-inisbur Fcnn'a Byrd Fatten, J-;-:i., Fnllsville, Fu. , ' Gen. Jos. Stilehler, llai divuru' Merchant, HeHiliiif?, Fa. , , ; -. P 't-viile "pa" ''i"'V"U;1, K"5!l-. Uoinn-.JKlj, JJr. Jolm (iloninjcr, iV(J.l,!nt Lebanon B ank, Fa. . . . T,.- Whitney l!.ikeV. Petlaville, Fu., nri'd others. Bee circular. Bausons why you should Insure in this Company . Our rates sre lower in proportion lo nny oilier reliable Insurancu Company. While they only insurn- njrainst Fire we i"sure n:;aiiist all risks, Theil, mul Dei lh by lire, accident or disease. For fur ther iniormation we refer vou to our local iient, N.,11. MeCLKLLAND, Wuynesbnrg, A cnt lor ( Ireem; couuly. nui;'.':) tf. CUICKLUiXO AXD VsFiAXO& Tun K rim.isiiMCNr or t:ic Fium. This celebrated niiifai lory nf Pianos was founded in Jioslon, in, by ihe lute Jonas Cliiek-erina-, wiio.-o mechanical skill practical in .nennily and im'iiinj; Industry soon palei-d liiiu as ihe :oreino.-l Pi ul linker in 1 hi- country, and his insiiumeiils bar beyond those of liis competitors. Iln name ii iiiscpirarably con. neelcd Willi the histoiy of Ihe proercss ol'tlm Piano on neciiunt, o the many valuable Im provements he introduce 1, ' the perfection of his inniinf mime mi l thu vast (p.iaiitity i-l liis J-l HO III I lO . I on Fiii:si:nt Fii'.M consists ol'tlm Sonsof loll is Clilekeiim' wil l iissnmed llio iii", U of hu -In s-on his license la IS.10. Tney , ne, ill practical piano makers, eni'li one haviui; s-'i'vi'd :n llie woik beneh and learned every put of llie nianuf'etiire nf Pianos. Their, cnt-u'piise nnd ninbilinn has cliableil them not out v to sustain tuu unrivaeludrepu tation they mil- rited but to creally Increivii 1 1 -X'.ieli'il'ls'liave been tell unliieil by Cliiekeiilig V Sons to farilii r perfect llieir 'iu.itriuiieiils, cxperinieu's and clian:;es have been niadu wilhout number, until lin y h ivu now attained their pren-nl suivnssiii.j; I'Xi.cllence. Tin- Lit;; luei.ovi-.Mnvrs nude by Chlekcr lm; it S nis, wi, bin Ihe Inst two years, have been ofthe most marked eh ivao ler, by which n urea-, volume and imiiiy ol tone isolilaini-il, conili'uied wiih a swe, -1 :-.itit;iii-jf (piallly ii vailing llie liuimiu voier, By receiil improvements : in Hie 'acli.i:!' ihe touch is rendered more cl.islio nnd prompt, ro that rapid, illllicull mil-t-ie'caii he p .'rhiraied wit:l the renteU I'.icility wldioul f itieite 'I'm: F.iei!iin:s rou Maxi:f.cti!ihsi pos j'si,d !'' Chiekciiii:; iV Hans, ure unequalled. Tncir Fuclory is l.irayr than any l'iano Factory" in America by nearly onu third, uud moio t'nan double as Liiu as any in Kuropo. Il, Is provide;! willi every kind of lulmr snvini; in icliincvy Cnuicli of which is iieeuliar to the Factory, belli" Hie Invention of ihu .Messiu C.,iel;,-iii,e' ihennclves) liy wliicli Ihu work is done hctlcraiid Willi more uniformity tliandiy hand. The'enl of the ilryine; rooms i-imble th"in In always have on hand a lai'O ' supply of properly seasoned wood, which is iilisolulely necessary for llie production of ft durable instriiineiit By thesi means awfar ejc,l, niv isailaiued in Ihe Chlekerine; Pianos. 'I'm: Mi nns oe X,,w Jmos are so treat nnd iipii.ircul that Ihey have gained ihenp proval ol'th.i beat mlisi.i ol llei coimtiy and caused lli'-in lo lie soiii'bl after more lU.'in ever by the public. . Tho Cliiek'!!'!,!.'; Pianos are Undeniably tho ' .UO.-fT I'lUil'EVT J'.iXOX MADE. Kvery Instalment warranted forFivo Years,' Tlie f ii')seri');.r arc Iho nulliori.eil exdusiyo nircnt.s I'or Cliiekerinf: it Sons, for Pittsburgh, Wesleru Pcnnsvlvania, Kasleru Ohio, und Wet, Virginia, uud by special ummeeiiieiit arc enabled toaell their Pianos atcxiictly tho' ::: c fi'ricc as al fhc Factory nt Boston, thus wiving purchasers tho cost of liuin-poi'lalion und risk, A choic! nssorlmeiit nlwnya lo ho found at this Agency. illustrated circulars sciit, In any Addi'fss. t llAFJ.KSC. MKLLOli, ii CO., til Wood .Street, Between -Ith SlrecWV. Diamond Allcv, Firrsiinuuu, Pa. Sep.", '(Hi II. at u as n E'j ti IVv s n , Jcli.'i'snn, trt't'iio Couuly, rciiii'it. li. J. tlUMCAnSKU, Vtujwktrei. UAYIMI HW'BNTLY FITTKDUF TIIW well known estatilisinnenl, Mrs. Biim o iiisi. ii I-prepared lo tl, lM, lo Iho irnvcllin.e; publle. Tne T.MiLK ulwnys sup plied with the eh',1 csl. delie ieles, Ih.i BAH with Ihe lliicsl Wlucs i uid Lnpiors, ifood sleep in' iiparlnients. and an iibimdauce of stable loom nlladied to Ihe premises. Publio patrniiae'c solicited May l':l,V,i! -ly. AV. I., IM.Uil.l'iiN. V .JONICb, . JttA,iH'. &, JO'E'N MAXLFAlTL'KIOiiJ' OF STONIOWAItK fall vailcllesaml liatleriis, Tneiiboyu Urn, have recently estiiblnlieil a mailiifaelory of lliu kind named in (JUHHNSiJOUO, (MiKIiNIC CO, I'A., : and ure. prepared lo turn nut. (veryihliii; In' llieir Hue, such ns Churns, Pileliers, Jars I'or pri.'scivlii": frilil. iVe Ae, A supply keptcnii.' sluully on hand. The public, and country mci'clianls oai'llenl ii'te. urn ii,ii.ii..i l , . (id to call uud I'Xiiinlnu their utock kufum purciinsinir cisewuei'.i, . Oiilers iiomii liistaucu will roclevu iironipl idtendon. uin;,.lm. '"mmwAi; house? JUST OPKNIM) BY pOJUIlVLLY llm muM, completi! Hold In L our town. Kverylliln comlilncd to I'iin nlsh the Iie4 iiccoiinuodidlon ever vol oll'ercdi lo llie public, ' , Menu liiinlilicd ul all hours, talile provlib ''i Willi llie best of the season, Also, a lino ii'ii ci'ioi K'lfmiit llltid up nnd id'uchcd to tho home, nnd n ii mi unrivalled for Ihu variety and iiinlity ol'ttscoidmilii Choice wines nnd brandies, uood whiskey, ale, Hue cluarn, tVo., form a few anions ti(u promlueiii item. I'r ivclleis uud lliose ili'slrou of icfivslnnent will do well lo call, "Tom" still rebilns Ids old reputation of uu nccomtiio, lulliitf eciilleiinm, illld hospitable landlord. House, llm one for merly occupied bv the "Mvsscnei'' Olllcv. M,'iyi,'iiil,.y.