.''.,'v'.i - 1 " r lit jgtpttMuait J, E. SAYERS7 Edlior nnd Publisher, WAYNKSUURG: "WEDNESDAY, 8En?EMu'i;:yi2,"uCfl,'" UNION STATE TICKET FOR GOVERNOR, GEN. J. W. GEARY, OF CUMBERLAND COUNTY. DISTBICT AND COUNTY TICKET. " CONGRESS, HON GEO. V. LAWRENCE, Of Washington County. 8ENATE, OAPT. JNO. W. DEFOItD, Of Fayette Co, ASSEMBLY, LIEUT. J AS A. WOODS, Of C. ntcr Tp. ASSOCIATE JUDGE, ELIAS STONE. Es(j., Of Mouor.gahela Tp. PROTIIONOTARY, LIEUT. TIIOS. LUCAS, Of Jefferson Tp. REGISTER AND RECORDUR, COltl' L. TIIOS. F. lUiPI'EUT, Of Monongiiliela Tp. COMMISSIONER, CAPT. JOHN A. JJUUNS, Of Hiclil.ill Tp. AUDITOR, LIEUT. GEO. W. SFIOUGH, Of Gilmoro Tp. . POOR HOUSE DIRECTOR, COL JOS. COOKE, Ot Marion Tp. "REPUBLICAN MEETINGS. There will he Township meetings held at the following named places on the days appointed. : GitKENsnoito, Wednesday Sept. 20 'CO, . Mapi.k's, Dunkaiu) tp. on tho evei.ing of same day. Mr. Mourns. Thursday, Sept. 27 'CO. Jacksonville, Monday Sept. 29, 'CO. Hjh. Gkokok V. Lawukscb, Copt. Bunt.' Doslev, and others will address the people. Lot a full attendance dem. onstrate tho earnestness you feel in the good cause. The Loyalists Convention I Philadelphia in a Blaze or Enthusiasm! The Convention held in tho city of Philadelphia lust week was the largest gathering ot the people of our republic since the welcoming of the honored La fayette. No pen can do adequate jnstieo in a description of this glorious welcome to the firo tried patriots of tho South. Many among the eminent statesmen of the country were present to do them honor, and the city was filled to over., flowing with those who camo to hear and see lor themselves. Accounts char acterize the sentiment of a majority of the Southern delegates as extremely rad kill. They say that their constituents are prepared at once for Universal SuN frage and bitterly denounce those from the Border States as being too conserva tive in their views. We would like to give our readers a full account of their proceedings, but we must pass all this by and merely append their Address and Resolutions. The facta set forth in these cannot be disput ed, but it will be observed they demand radical cures tor radical evils. These being the principles of loyalists South, it seems that we of the North are far be low their standard ol ladicahsm. They being the better judges it remains for u to aay whether their appeal for aid shall be disregarded or not. The following is their Address and Resolutions: THE APPEAL OF THE LOYAL UNION m u mis suu tu TO THEIR FEL LOW CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES, ' The representatives of eight millions 1 Amoricun citizens appeal for protec tion and justice to their friends and brothers in the States 'that havo been pared the oruelties of ihe rebellion, and ihe direst horrors of civil war. Hero on the spot where freedom was prepared and pledged by tho fathers of the Repuh. lie, we implore your help against an or ganized oppression whose solo object is .to remit the control of our destinies to the oonnivers of the rebellion, after they have beon vanquished in honorable battle thus at-otice to punish us for our devo tion to our country and to entrench tuemsuives iu uio oliioial tort'fionlions of the Government. Others have related the thrilling story of our wrongs from reading and observation. Wo come bekJrt jpu as uiuhallonirod witnesses nd speak trorg personal knowledge onr ad experience. If yon fail us wo are more utterly deserted and betrayed than if the eontest had boen decided against us, for in that case even victorious sla- very wouio navo lound profit in tho vonge of the beaten conspirators, and now the rebels , who offered to yield ev erything to save their own lives, are seeking to consign us to bloody graves! Where.we expected to And a benefactor we find a persecutor. 'Having lost our champion, we return to you, who can invoke Presidents and punish traitors Our last hope under God is the unity and firmness of the Status that elected Abraham Lincoln and defeated Jcft'ur son Daj:is. . The best ttatcmont ot our caso is tho appalling yet unconscious confession of Andrew Johnson, where in savage ha trod' of his own record, he proclaims his purpose to clothe four millions of trai tors with the power to impoverish and degrade eight millions of loyal men. Our wrongs bear alike on nil races, and onr tyrants, unchecked by yon, will award the same fato to white and black We can remain us wo are, 'only as infer riors and victims. We may lly from onr homes, but wo should fear to trust our fate with those who, after donotin (ting and defeating treason, refused to riglit those who havo bravely assisted them in their good work. Till we are wholly rescuod thore is neithor peace for you nor prosperity for us. We cannot belter define st once our wrongs and our wants than by declar ing That since Andrew Johnson affilia ted with his slanderers and our constant enemies, his hand hat been laid heavily upon eyery earnest loyalist in the South. History, the just judgement of the pres ent and stern continuation of the future. invitcs.commands us to declare that after repeating his own romedies tor restoring the Union, he has restored the wea pons of traitors to bruise and beat down patriots. That after declaring that none but the loyal should govern the reconstructed South, he has practised upon the maxim that none but traitors shall rule. That while in tho North ho has re moved conscientious men trom olllce and tilled many of tho vacancies with the sympntizcrs of treason in thd South, he has removed proved and trusted patriots and selected tho equally proved nnd con victed traitors. That after bravo mun who had fouslit for tho old Hag, have boon nominated tor positions, their names have been recalled and avowed rebels substituted. That every original Unionist in the South who stands fast to Anda-v John, sen's covenants from 1801 to 1 SCO, has been ostracised. That ho has corrupted tho local courts by offering premiums tor the defiance of tho laws ot Congress, nnd by openly discouraging the observance of tho oath ' against treason. That, whilo refusing to punish ono conspirator, though thousands had earn ed the penalty of death, more thai: n thousand devoted Union citizens havu been murdered in cold blood since the surrender cf Lee, and, in no caso have their assassins been brought to moV. nient. That he has pardoned some of tho worst of tho rebel criminals North and South, including some who have taken humm lito under ciieumstances of un parallel) d atrocity. That whilo denouncing and tottering the operations ot tho Freudmen's rant that stood rem I'. ! In ueopie in jeunesscu w strngliug to maintain a government ereot ud by Imuselt against his and other trai tor's persecutions, was even more eager to illustrate his savage policy by clothing with the mont despotio power, tho riot ers ot New Orleans. Notwithstanding this heartless deser tion and cruel persecution by Andy Johnson, tho Stales nf Missouri, Ken tucky, Teunesseee, West Virginia, Mary land and Delaware, imbued with the Democratic nnd Republican principles which the fathers ot the republic design ed for all Ameiicn, are now making de termined battle with tho enemies office Constitutional Government, and by the blessing of God, theso Slates will soon rango themselves in line with the former f'reo States, and illustrate the wisdom and bonellceueo of the great charter of American liberty by their increasing population, wealth and prosperity. In the remaining ton States tho seeds of oligarchy, planted in tho Constitution by its slavery feature, have, grown to monstrous power, whose recognition thus wrung from tho framurs of that great iiir-.tniment enabled theso States to entrench themselves behind tho doctrines of State Rights, and sheltered by a claim of Constitutional obligation to maintain slavery in tho States, to present to the American Government the alternative of oligarchy with slavery, or Democratic republican Government without slavery. Tho Government, owing to a supposed Constitutional holiest, acquiesced in the former alternative. Tho hand ct the uovernmeiii was stayeu. me princi ples of Constitutional liberty languished for want of Goverment support i tho oli garchy matured its power with subtle design. Its history for eighty years is repleio with unparalleled injuries and usurpation. It developed only the agri cultural localities, Georgia, ifcc , distin guished from tho freo labor localities, and in loss than ono-third of the whole with Atiican slavery, it held four mil lions of human beings as chatties, vet .1... I.. ! . -1'. ' . . J iiiuuu inu uusim oi unjiisi power lor tiiem selves' iu tho Federal and Stato Govern ments. To maintain their enslavement, it excluded millions of treo white labor ers trom the richest agricultural lands ot tho world, forced themselves to remain inaetivo and unproductive in tho min eral, manufacturing and lumber locali ties, comprising two-thirds of tho whole States iu square miles, and real unde veloped wealth, simply beenuso tho lo calities wore agriculturally too poor tor slave labor, and condemned them to ag. riciilture on this agricultural territory and consigned them to unwilling igrior nneo nod poverty, Uy denying capital and strangling eiiterprise.it lepelled tho capital, energy nnd will ot the free Stales from tho free labor localities. Uy un mitigated intolerance and persecution, thus guarding tho approaches to the slave domain against democracy. The Btatuto bonks groaned under desnotin laws against assembly, aimed at the con stitutional guarantees ft tho right to peaceably assemble ami petition for a re dress of grievances. It proscribed dem ocratic literature as incendiary. It nul lilied constitutional guarantees ot free dom and treo speech and a free press. It deprived citizens of tho other States of llieir privileges and immunities iu tho .pDU.v r..uUU u. u.oSB wno nan iieen tutional law, is more revolting than that TTH i LT' .,07 P"?100""1 which evicts him of refusing to arrest Iwi-Hilv in Inn hitYhuaf-. i, anA ti,,i ... fi..: .. . . .. s wfc , . I "' " " uv i mo preparations tor that savage corn va . ernment, accidentally filled by ono who and not only of refusing to punish Iu adds oruelty to ihjustico and forgives the authors, but of toiling to throw the guil guilty as he prosonbesthe iunooent, has ty responsibility upon unoffending and stimulated tlw almost extingmshed ro. innocent froodmon. The infatuated ty, Burenu, he,- with full knowledge of tho ; Slates, and injury and usurpation alike (.il.mli An1 1 n nK n a...- .1 1 I. a. al. .It I 1. T unjust to Northern citizens nnd destruc tive nf the best interests of tho Slates themselves. Offended at the progress ot Democracy in the .'ace of evory dis couragement, at last it sought immunity , by secession and war. The heart sickens with tho contenipla I tion of the four years that followed, for ced loans, imprisonments, conscriptions, with bloody hands 'and bayonets ; the number of aged men who had long laid aside the implements ot labor, but who hud been summoned nnew to the field by the conscription ot their sons to support their children and grandchildren ; redno ed from comfort to the verge ot starva tion, tho slaughter ot noble youths, ties of physical manhood forced into an un holy war against those with whom they were identitied by every intcrost, long months ot incarceration in rebel bastiles, banishment from homes nnd hearth stones, are but a partial recital ot the long catalogue of horrors. But Demo crats North and South, combined, de feated them They lost What did they IcseT Tho causo of oligarchy. They lost Alrican slavery bv name cnly. As soon as the tocsin ot war closed, as soon as theclang ot arms was was hushed, they raise the cry of immediate admission, and witn that watchword seek to organizo under new forms, a contest to perpeluato their ....I...: II J .. m. i ... uiiuimiuu swuy. nicy renanitate wita their "sweeping control of all' local and iatate organizations. The Federal Exe cutive, easily reduced, yields n willing obedsenuo to his old manors. Aided by nis unscrupulous disregard oi the Con. stilution ntid laws, by Ins mrci!oss proscription ot true Democratic opinion. una oy nil nis appliances ot despotio power, they now delia- lly enter the l'nts in tho loyal North,' and seek to wring from tied men an -indorsement ot their wicked designs. Every foul agency is in worn iu acoompiiMi inis.rcsu.it, falsely professing to assent to tho abolition ot slavery, they are contraven ing to continue Us detestable power by legislative nets against pretended va. grants. I hey know that an v form of servitude will answer their unholy pur- i-unu. iuuy pronounce ino tour years war o brilliant sword scene iu tho great jmiHinaiy urnuia. rrosonptivo pub lie sentiment holds high carnival, nnd profiting by tho example of tho Presi dential platform, ho comes out threaten ing slaughter against loyalty anj no groes, and denounces all legal restraints, and assails with tho tongue of malignant slander the Constitutionally chosen rep resentatives if the people. To still the voice ot hberty.dangorous aloue to tyrants, niiJnight conflagra tions, nssassinnlions and murders in open day, are called to their aid. A reign of terror through nil theso ten Slates inakos lofalty stand silent in the presence ot treason, or whisper in bated , breath -. Strong men hesitate openly to speak for liberty, nnd decline to nttend a conven tion at Philadelphia, for fear of ujostruu. tion. Bat all Soutfiern- men are nnk vat awed into submission to. treason, and 'we t-llrinhnnfl hna nUnvrr rwl iLnt tl.n ' ....WW..VUV., ..uv vulllgUU iiiiiv mo uiuutfc inon nro lazy nnd rebellious, and has concealed the fact the more whites than blacks havo been protected and fed by that noble organization, and that while declaring thnt it was corruptly managed and expensivo to the Government, ho has connived at a system of profligacy in tho use of the public patronage and public money, wholly without parallel, savo when the iriitors bankrupted tho Treasury and sought to disorganize and scatter the armv 8 ml Iho navy, only to make it inoro easy to capture tho Gov ernment, That while declaring against the in justice of leaving eleven States unrepre sented, he has refusod to indorse the liberal plan of Congress, simply because it recognizes the loyal majority, nnd re fuses to propitiate tho traitor minority. That in every State South of Mason and Dixon's line, his policy has wrought the most deplorable consequ: noes, social, moral and political. It has emboldened returned rebels to threaten civil war in Maryland, Missouri, Wett Virginia and Tennessee. The pa trims who saved and sealed these States to the old flag surrendered before their arrogant demand. Itlmsoorrupted high Stslo official.', elected by Union men and sworn to enforce the laws against returned rebels, and made them ihe meio instruments of the authors of the rebellion. ' It has encouraged a new alienation between the sections, and by impeding emigration to the South, has creeled a formidable barrier against free nnd friend ly interests in the North and West. It has allowed tho rebel soldiory to persecute tho teachers of the colored schools, and to burn the churches iu which tho freedineu havo worshipped tho living God, That 'a system so barbarous should havo culminated in tho bloody riot of Memphis, nnd tho still more appalling massacre of Now Orleans, was as natural as that a bloody war should flow from tho teachings ol John C. Calhoun and Jeff. Davis. Andrew Johnson is responsible for all thfso unceasing cruelties, and as they were unprovoked, so he justifies and np. pluuds them, sending his -agents and euimissarius into the refined and patri ouo metropolis to insist upon making his reckless policy a lest upon n Chris" turn people, llo torgot that tho pro'.oo- tion extended to the Hlh of August convention in riiiunieipMia, was not only denied to the freo pooplo ot New Or leans, on tho 4tl) ot July, whon they as semble! to discuss how best to protect themselves, but denied it niuidst the slaughter of hundreds ot innocent men No page in the record ot his recent outrages upon human justice and oonsti sembled from all these States. eterimned that liberty wheft endanger ed shall Hud a mouth piece, and thnt the Government of the people, by the peo ple, for tho people, shall not perish from theenrlh, -. We are here to oonsult together how best to provide for Union of truly renub ican States, to seek to resume thirty six stars on the old flag. We are here to seo lhat ten of theso stars, opaque oodles, paling their ineffectual fires be neath the gloom of darkuoss of oligar chial tyranny and oppression. We wish them to be brilliant stars, emblems of Constitutional liberty, glittering orb", sparkling with tho life-giving principles cf tho model Republic, fitting ornaments of tho glorious banner of freedom. Our last and only hope Is in the forti tude of the loyal peoploof America, in the support and ' vindication of the Thirty-ninth Congress, and tho election of a controlling Union majority in tho succeeding or Fortieth Congress. Whiln the now article amending tho National Constitution offers tbo most liberal con ditions to the author of the rebellion. and docs not come up to the muasuro of our expectations, we behove its ralilioa Hon would be the commencement of a complete nud lasting protection to all our people, and, therefore, we accept it as the best present remedv, nnd nppoal to our brothers and friends in the North and in the West, to make it their watch word iu the coming election. The tokens are auspicious of overwhelming success Ilowover little tho verdict uf the bal lot-box may effect the reckless man in the Presidential chuir,- we cannot doubt that tre traitors and sympathizers will recognize that verdict as the surest indi cation that the mighty power which crushed the rebellion still lives, and that those who attempt to opposo or defy it win no so at the risk ot their own des irucuon. uur commence in the over ruling providence of God prompts the prediction and intensifies tho belief, that when this warning is suthoiently taught to tnese misguided nnd reckless men, tho iioerated millions of the rebellious South will bo proffered those rights and franchises which may bo necessary to adjust ami settle this mighty controversy in the spirit of the most enlarged anil christian philanthropy. Guoniiu W. Sidnky, of Mississippi. John N. Atkinson, of West Virginia. John II. Ai.ouumcu, ot Delaware A. W. Hawkins, ot Tennessee. Samukl Knox, ot Missouri. WimiiiT R Fisk, of Louisiana. ' Milton J. Saki-oiid, ot Alabama. P. Fazhl, of Florida. I) R. (looi)i.oK, ot North Carolina, D. C. Foiinky, District, of Columbia. John A. J. Ciikssww.l, of Maryland. G. Wasiiuuknk, of Georgia. Mr. Hamilton, ot Texas, from the Committee on Resolutions, reported the ioiiowing: 1. llcs'ilvcJ, That the loy.il people of fie South cordially unite with the loyal people ol i he North iu thanksgiving to the Almighty, through whose will a rebellion unparalleled for its catWlcssucss its cruelty, its criminality, has beon over ruled to iho vindication of tho suprem acy of the Federal. Constitution over every Stale and Territory of the Repub. ho. 2. Resolved, That we demand now, ns we havo demanded at nil limes since the cessation of hostilities, the restora tion ot Iho States in which ..we live to their old relations with the Union on the sin-plcst conditions consisted witn the prelection ot our lives, property and politiual rights, now injuop-irdy from the unquenched enmity ot lel.cls lately in arms. 1). Jlisolucd, That the unhappy policy ot Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, is in its effect Upon the io) ai people oi tho South unjust and op pressivo i and accordingly, however nr ueniiy wo uosire to seo our respective States onco more represented in the Congress of the nation, wo would delay their restoration on the inadequate con ditions prescribed by the President, as tending not to abate but only to inagni- ly int perns nud sorrows ot our condi tion. A . 7j.., I I mi . .i , . ii.-avif.-eu, mai ino weicomo we have received ti om the lojal citizens of i unaueipnia, under the root of the time honored hull In which the Declaration ol Iiidependance was adopted, inspires us with the animating hope that the prin ciples ofjust and equal government which were made iho foundation ot the revo lution at its origin, shall becomo the corner-stone ot the constitution. '. 5. fimloed. That with pride in tho patriotism of the Congress, with rali lude for the tearless and persisteursup- pori mey nave given to tne causo ot loy ally, and their efforts to restore all the Slates to their former conditions as States in the American Union, wo will stand by the position taken by them, nud use all means consistent with a peaceful and lawful course to secure iho ratification ot the Amendments to the -Constitution of tho United States, as proposed by Con ,gess fit its reuont session, and regret that the Congress in its wisdom did not provide by law for the greater security of the loyal people in. Stales not yet ad mitted to represoiitalion. C. JtcS)loel, That Iho political pow er ot the Goyorninent ot tho United Stales, in the administration of public affairs, is by its Constitution confined to the popular or law-making department ot the Government. 7." A' soloed. That the political status of the States lately iu rebellion to the United Slates Government and the rights of the people of such Slates are political questions, and are, therefore, clearly within the control ot Congress, to the exclusion ol and independent of any and every oilier department of the Govern ment. H. moleed, That there is no right. political, legal, or constitutional, in any C...... ... I. ... . . , r uwuo iu seceuo or wuuuraw irom the Unioiiii'iit they may by w eked and unam Ihnrized revolution and torco sever the relations which they have sustained to the Union, and when they do tliev assuinn the altitude of public enemies, at ar with tho United Slates, and miliiiinr. ihoiiiHelves to nil tho rules and pnnoiplos of international law and the taws nurnr applicable to bolligore-ats,. according to modern usage, , . 0, Resolved, That wcr are unalterably in favor of tho Union of the States, and earnestly desire the legal and speedy restoratiou of all. the' Stales to their proper places iu the Uuion, and the establishment in each of thorn or influ ences of patriotism and justice, by which the whole nation shall be combined to carry forward triumphantly the princip les of freedom and progress, . until all men cf all races shall everywhere be neatlitho flag of our cou"lry have accor ded to them frocl.v all that their virtues, industry, intelligence, and energy may entitle them to attain. 10. R:solvedti That organizations in unrepresented States assuming' to be Statu Governments, not having been legally established, are not legitimate Governments until reorganized by Con gress. 11. Iltsolved, Thut wo cherish with lender hearts the memory of the virtuous patriotism, sublime faith, upright Chris, tiau life, and generous nutuie ot the martyr President. Abraham Lincoln. 12. Itrmlued, That wo are in favor of universal liberty tho world over, and feel the deepest sympathy with the oppressed people of all countries iu their struggle tor freedom, and the inherent right ot all men to decide and control for themselves the character of tho Government under which they livo. 13. Revolved, That the lasting grati tude of the nation is due 'to men who bore tho brunt of battle, and lit covering themselves with iuiperishablo glory, havo showed to the world tho hope of freo government, and relying on the invinci ble soldiers and sailors who made the grand army nnd navy ot the Republic to bo true to tho principles for which they fought, we pledge them that we will stand by them in maintaining the honor duo tho soldiers and sailors of tho nntion, and iu scouring the fruits of their victories. 14 Asgonibly entitled "An Act relating to execu tions, kihI for other purposes, "approved April IU, 1840, It li emu-leu that tea aturusiiid IMtli section "ahull not be so construed hi tu pre vent any military oflleer or borough olllcer from Burvlin- ui Judftu, luapcclor or clerk at uny gene aX or special election u this Com mon wealth. Also, Unit tu tho 61st seclintl of said act fcl enneled that "cyerv general uud special elec tion sliull bo onuncd betwueu tlm hours of eight and ten ot the forenoon, and shall con tinue without nito' ruptloii or adjournment un til levtm o'clock In the evening, when the polls shall bo closed." Tho general, special, city, Incorporated dis trict mill township elections shall bo conduct ed by Inspectors and judges elected ns afore said, and by clerks appointed as hereinafter provided. "No person shall bo permitted to voto at any election ns aloresald but a white freeman of the ago ot twenty-one years or more, who shall have reald, d in this Hlato at least one year, and iu the election district where he of fers to voto ut least ten days immediately pro ceeding such election, ami wlllilu two years paid a State or County tax, which shall hive been assessed at least ten days before tho election but a citizen of the United Slates, who lias previously been a qualified voter of tills State und removed therefrom, and return ed, ami. who shall have resided in the election' district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall bo entitled to vote alter residing hi this State six months : Provided, -That white freemen, citi zens ot the United States, between tho ages of twenty-one and twonty-two, and having resided in tho election dlsti let ten days as afore said, sliull bo entitled to veto, although they shall nut havo paid taxes. 'No person slrdl be permitted to vote whose name is not contained in the list of tax able inhabitants, furnished by the Commls (doners, unless first, ho produce a receipt for the payment within two years of a state or county tax, assessed agreeably to tho consti tution, and give satisfactory evidence, ellher on his own oatli or alllruialhn ol' another, that ne nas puiu sucn a lax, or on lailuru to pro- un mo iinra iiav alter l ie day of the election S'flS "N rumY,. Till litU DAY UUli) UWt, I8tf, iben and there toperfom the duties required bylaw of said Judges. iso, that wljirs a Judge, by sicknou or un avoidable accident. Is unable to attend mcb meeting of Judges, then the certlflcate or re. turn shall be taken chargo of by one of Ihe inspoetors or clorks of the election or the dis trict, who shall do and perform tho duties re. quired of said judge Unable to attend. IclKCTloX n juiuimm Abo, by an Act nlalinn ' the KlecHm ofjmhu. ii.ti..?.S.Ulli',i",,.??.,'!',,,,f Mi ".! n.Kl " ""' Iti'llm maw muiiuw In nil Hull IX IPftMl iiflilU Mill i. .mi .,ij,1iu,i,,u, u,i .ii 'u,;u'irj; UHI IUK3U 1(1 ltl tlV tU tltU ItllfftlulU fin Uuiinm t ln..i!t.f riut ll,.i.,,f ku,ni .hall ,lVu7, uJJ ?of uU...r Ju.Ik roanir.,! iu b hwued ltt iK5 m autw ni'purutu ii-eo ui p.inr. wiw vuaaouitir- 6. At h iiuwiinii iiffw rotum Ju.lr. ol Urn- .il J.I.-I Ium U WrUa. I., iim-Ii . pivK t u, i.-r.-in MiirnmioU, ilu.ll,toroturB,of uw JiiTriEi hi nui-b oiuiiily r..r J.,,1,,,, , , ,,i Yr. ,.S 1 .1? Jim Kv.wlilrli tin. .(imliSml Yolt. of .wh ! m 1L mi.-, tiiur ti.m.u, ,.,,,,on, XJwni Kunntyor .Harlot, -lll I U11 , by ih. lX?,r l.i-.l orr-lun. JimIk oiunrfwhli-h Miirn. II . FrUl'lJni ,il'u."i:"r-'..," "" "."" 01 'pi?J Tui; : j,.ii..i uiuui iiirim uiiiii oiirlim, In . ,.ii .ilLL i. .1...11 i 7" ",""""!- win 1 " " , , "iirw-i in tin, MwrittAi-V of tlu ommouwivilli ,. iinrt ,,l,-. It l t10 ,.,, .j,, IIK'Ulllllftll UIU fl'Mini lll.l.r.xi T. '" '' lKm Klri.. .t .uol. ,l,tl.H, JithM Jml iy ilm cIci-kh tho Ilm- whli-li almll IhIkihhI l,y mkiiiuJiZn tliKciniiity liir (ivi-ry xirn yotitl fur nun win ul aula Itnliri-a ,lmii ulh ,.i..., ... imil i-. lii-KI on tin. ...vuiith ,y ttnr , e.Bi oiillrt lmil.M,r,ii.f l, uouutiil, tu uoBxi-illiy'takllii! mii li njuutiua nlluriintfly In lli.-lr nlplnliotUnl outer. 7. 1 In. Ju.lKii uf tliu iHivi-rl i-anht Ion IuitIiik k, ,IHt almll -" - -I- "-.,.... ....tuny rfli liiliiilicr uI'i-oiiIum of n iri-liorul fur mii'li ollk-u in wild iliHtrint, i tll'v. llllil ono of H-likrh lhi. .1 dueo a receipt shall make oath of tho pay- i oiiiim ir tliu ir.iiiunuur.v r Hi ment thereof", or second, Ifheclalm a vole by lltS 'jelng an elector between Hie ages of twenty-1 ihmht i-,-M-rifi hy th siif. one ulul twenty-two years, he s all depose on oath or alllrmatlou that ho has resided in the Slate at leant ono year before his application, and make such proof of his residence, iu iho district ns required by this act, and that he uocs verily ncllevo Irom, tliu accounts given JlfiSoloed. That, renninoerim- with him that he is of tho aire aforesaid, anil civs profound gratitude and love Uio precepts 8UC'1 "tllur ov,dence as is required by this act; of Washington wu should l,,,tL I whereupon the name of the person, so admit oi iv asn uaton, wu sliuul.l accustom t01 l(, votu HllUl bo Insorted in the alphabet!- i , ., , . . . mi iijiu niiuii uu iiiBuneu in inu iiiiiuaucu ourselves to consider tho Union as the mil list hv tiifiiiiu..T.m, nmi ,,..i.w, primary object of patriotic desire, which posite thereto by writing the word "tax," if has heretofore sustained us with great ' 'u s1'"" uu adnillted to vote by reason of hav nower in onr lovn of ITntnn U t : I""1' tax, or tho word "ago" it' ho shall bo 1 . J 11 i ii " '. T I HMUrt K vote bv reason of such ago, and many ot our neighbors in the bouth shall bo called out to the clerks, who shall were waging war for its destruction: make Hie like notes in the list of voters kept our deep und abiding love for the mem- "v ihein. oi v of the fither nf his coiintrv nnd fur 1,1 i;naes wlicre tho namo of tho person ?1 it..:1" ? . . J ' S h,!,,('""try, and tor c,alnll , voi0 ,s f -mu, m M -l,1.;iiahct, eonimissioners and assessor, or his our hearts than ever. NEW ADVEHTISEMEjSTS. jjKNKKAL ELKCT10K I'll O 0 L A 31 A PI 0 Nl WiimtKAs, in ami by an Act of tho denorul Assemlily of t he. Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled, "Au Act relating to the elec tions of the Commonwealth, passed 2d day of July A. 1)., ln;v.l, it is made the duty ot tho Sheriff of every county within this Common wealth .to give public nojicu id' iho Uencrai Elections, and in such notice to enumcrat.: : 1, The olllcers to be elected" '.. Dtsii-nato tlie nlace at which thuuluction is to bo held. I. HEATH JOHNS, high Sheriff of Iho county of Uicene, do hereby make known,' and give pulilio notiix- to the Electors of tliu county ol Urcene that on the 21) TUESDAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, (being the nlnt'i day of the month,) a general election will beheld at the several election dis tricts established by law In said county, at which time they will vote bv ballot inr ilm several olllcers hereinafter named, viz ONE PERSON for the olllce of Uovernor oi inu wnimonweaiui oi rennsyivania. ON IS PERSON for member .of Congress from the Twenty-Fourth District. ONB I'EUSON for Senator of the Common wealth ot Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON for member of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. TWO PERSONS for IheolUco of Associate Judge of the county ol'Oieene. ONE PER -SON tor tit.! olllce of Proihouo tary of the euiinty of Greene. ONE PERSON for the olllce of Register ami Recorder of llio county of Urcene. ONE PERSON for the ottleo of Coinmis sioissr of the county of Urcene. ONE PERSON lor tho olllco of Audi or ino county ot Urcene. Liu-i ii i UK nuvf-i-iu (.-oiiurw rHrnr.. .....i ........... . lniml.iT o ,U, i,t jfi aorol uru r , yuXm , fur nm-li iillluu lii wiiii dl.trl.it, f W,ch ,h,y .i, tl lv, mill .m of wlikli tlii.ywn ImIk ibrthwlth In tho- inu oimi-t or vomnioii iMeiu, of if whluli tlmy nliull tncluv of ft J l-tlllllllOIIWOIlltll. Ill mtfltl.iii if l.u u... S. Ill l!IIHlt uf tllU ullH-tlllll Of I.IIV lllili.i. ,,- ah. .u jveor. now nxlalliiK or ln-runft..r to ho ur.itml, luivlnu Jur. lH.li.-tU.il ovi r t. rrltory lyh, williin nn.l imt lnchulliTii .11 o Unv iionnty tho r.ilnni JiuIk.w of tliunwruml t-lwllm illati li tH within nu ll li-rrlloi-y .hull riui.tlluto a b,rd of rmuin JuiIb... with rwiwct loaueh ulwalon, .ml .hull, ut Jin. Minn. 1 1 ino nn.l plnuoof tho in.i llnK of tho mliirn JiiilK.-.i-..u h county, ir,K-i-Hl hi all nvjiocU In mlutloit to iiiii?Ii i-hiilliiii im i. r.i.iilii.d of tho enmity uourd in thv III h mnitliiii linroifu xept Ou.ttliiiyHlii.il Mm ono oftlur iliilillnttn ri turiu iu Iho ulllcu or llio clurk of mlil-omirl of coiunion iiluiw Tliu O.iimr.uloiwl Return JnAgm will meet Ih nc'oor lUiioi, wttli un A.-t iiii-ovwl Jy i, lsu, , h.Cuort Hiiimo, ill Hi . biirouuh ol Ibmiror, ill tho-eoiiuty of llunTor oil tin. .i.y.nlli ,ly ,utoi tliu oloctlon, Ix'lnij Tuundny.Ot' tobur lttth, 1H0U. " Tlii.S..iiiit,irliilu,tiiriiJii.lx, win mr,,.t, In rtrir.lium' with un A. t niiiiriini l M.vi tli IH.U ..t n. -,. n Ilm llormi.'li ul Hiilmitowii, In th , comity of fnyutt. on tlm 7tli Myaltortluvliiaiiuli..liijTup4ay,iX,t(ilMrlOtli IstH), TIURRTHR.' PlHfRAJICIIf.lSa LAW. A. Ih.ir.-lii .llriicj-.l, 1 ,il.ii Klvo ollU-lnl notion or tlm Ail lowliiu iriivl.liiu of mi A.-t ii.tovwI Juno 4th, lkott, rn-tlth-il "A furlli.ir ailppli-iui-iit to tlioclwllouiii ol tliU- C.lltll).MIW..llllll." . Wiikubah, lly Iho net of the Congr of tho llnltr Btut. , i-iilllli-.l 'An net to ium ml tlm .uvurul act. lu-ruto-loro pnniHl to irovl.lo fur thu oiirolllnit ..ml ciilllnu out lliw liiiti.iunl luii it. mi. I lor oth.ir v..rHw. b," oli.lniiiir.iVMl Mulch llili.l, lino thoii.iiii.1 Kht liiioili-oil mid .Ixty.tlvo nil iionuiiM who hiivii dinortnl Iho military or imvul wir vli ool liu tinlti-il Slut,., nml who Imvo not own diM-luu-it-cl or n-llnviHl from tlm pi-milty or ill. . blllty ih.-n-tn nrib vi.l.-.l,iiru ilmninil iiit.l tk. ii loluivu voluutnrlly n'lln qili.hcil .iii.l tiirioit.-il thrlr rh-ht. Inlmimn clliu'na, .n, nr.- .l.-jirlvwl ofi-xon-iaing liny right, of cltlMnvj tlierniri nii.l , ' WiiK-titAfi, Pithoim nut clllwn. of tho United Stnli nr not, miller tlm ra itiillon nn.l Inwi of l'euiiylvuly Hilillllleilelectul-H ol Hum I'.iiiui wcullh t - Sii. Tl.m 1. lie it icteil hy the H.-iinto nn. Iloniii'ol ... 1.,.,-...,l,vn .,. ..luoioiuniiwoiiiiii oi rciin.yivutiln in right to vote, whether fnnnd thereon or not isol jected to hy any qualilled citizen. It sliall bo tho duty of the tiiHpoclors to ex imino such person ou oath as to Ids qiialillcatioi.s, and if lie claims to havo resided within tho (-State for ouo year or more, hU oath shall not bo sulll elent proof ihereof, but ho sha'l make proof thereof hy at leuat ono competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector, lhat he h.& resided within the district for more llian ten days next prccec.ilins said election and shall alt o himself swear that his bona tide residence hi pursuance of Ids lawful calling, is within tho district, and that ho did not remove into said district lor the nut-nose ol'votintr IIhti-mi. "Every person qualilled as aforesaid, and I i''','!",! A,T.'i'!!,'':v i!"1, '.' '"''T1'; ""' tho who shail ,'naku due proof, as required, of his , ffW i.-ni.iuiieu tiiiu iitj-mull l wi t;v.i;s Hliuesaid, j.i'iki"" iiti-iii-i-nin, oi miy mii-ii oincilon to rccctvo nny shall lie atl i ltt d to vot-i in tho townshiii, '. , r"m '".v il'" ' vnimu tini.nui i of ward or district in whlcli he shall reside. "ll'any person s'nill prevent or attempt to pro vent any olllcers unilcrtliis uct from holtling such election.or use or threaten any violence to unv 8ii. li olllcer, orsh.dl interrupt or impropur lyuitertere with him in tho execution ol his du t', or shall block up thu window or avenue to any window wIctj lliesiinu nny bu holding or shall riotously disturb tliu peace at such election, or shail use or practice any intinil dating threats, force or violence,' Willi design tolnlfiieiieti unduly or overawe any elector or to prevent him from voting or to retain thu freedom of choice, such nuisoa on couvlc l m ; shall lie lined in any sum not exceeding live nutuireu Hollars ami linpnsonnieai lor any time not leas than one month nor more than twelve months, nnd If it shall he shown tho court where the trial of such olf.mcu shall bo had. that the pel son so olfeiiiling was not a resident of tho citv, ward, district, or tho township where the said oilmen was commit ted and ii"t entitled to vote therein, then on ihu conviction he shall bu simtunco 1 to pay a lino of not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars and ho Imprisoned not less than six months uor mote than two years." "Il shall be. the duty of the several asses sors, respectively, to attend at the place of ; ,- i. Muni iiuiiinnwiiii tor tfifr Jn.lKBor iii.icctuin offiuy muh Finclion to receive nny hull.it or tmllul. from nny ier.on or iernoiu tiiiliniriil In the ll-..vi.f..ll. uud .ol.ject to tlm .Uniiliilllv li,,.,..-.-l i... :lhl net "I ('utiitrwu uiirovi'd Jlnreli tliinl, one thoilmn.'l .ilKlillimi.lrii.lnii.l.ily.lvo, ami it .hull ho unlawful fun liny Hll. li iei-..ii tnollrrt.i vutuntiy hullotor luillota. Hmi. '2. Thut II nny .null J.nlxo ii.Ml iiuoetoiii of cl:'. linn, or nny mm of Hu m, .kill rorclve or coinciit to ni-i-i-ivii unv ..l.h imlnwliil liullut or Inlloto from nny auel, ili.iili.lilluil ihumiii, ho or they aunlfi iiilliiK ahull be fdtllly f '"'"I '-nii'ir, mail upon conviction llu nul In nny Court of Ouurter Scwiona, of tliU Coiniiioiiweultli, hu ahttll fur l-ll.-ll uir. nee IniHi iitniceil to uiy n Illicit not leu, Uinnoiia liiniilre. ilolli.n, nnd to nml.-nu nu inipii.,u nt In Ilia j.iii w. "ti" ii.'ii-rcmiii.y lor IUU 1CHH itiiiuelxtv iliiy... ... i - HK0..1. Tli.it if nny (mmon deiu-lv.-.l of cit'licnnhlp mf ' ill..il illlled u, .ifure.ul.1, .lull ut nny el.iction hurcnller to bo Iil-IiI in lhl.Coinlnnnweultli, voto or t.-ndrr to tho otlt-' curs I hereof nn.l ollei- to vote ii lmll.it or bulliila, nny pur mill ao iiireii.lliiK almll he ileeuie.l Kullly of u luia.leinrnor un. I mi coiivlcliun th.i unr In any coiii t of iiuirtrr k-Iiuh of tliUciuiiiiiiiliwunltlialiull fori-iiclloll'eucu huiiiiiai.Hi in like m.tnner na I. i-ovi.l.nl In the ireoi.liii)r ainaion nf tlili net in cwea oroiHucra ofeluctlun ri-ucivlog ain.li uulnwtul ui.i i, iii Hiiiiii.n Mkc. 4. ONE PERSON for the olllco of Direnlor nl'! holding every mineral, special or to.vnshin ino roor oi tno countv ol Ureene. ONE PERSON for tho olllco of Stites At torney of tho county ofOreeno. Tho said election will be held throughout Uio county as tollows : Tlie electois of Franklin township, will meet ai tne nousu oioiuiiii ureeue. Tlie electors of Marlon in., will moot nt tlm .west window of tlie Court House, in VVaynos- Ulllg. The electors of Whitely tp., nt tho houso formerly of Lewis Iloadlee, Eji., In Ne wiown. The electors of Dunkard In., at tho iTwhI- llng house of Kussart's Mills. 'Iho electors ol Greene to., nt tho brick house formerly occupied by II, J. Davis. The electors of Jlouongahela tp.,. at the house occupied by Win. Mesterzatt, in Maple- town. The electors of Jefferson to., will meet at tlie houso of Wm. Kelly, in Jeffuraon. Tlie electors of Morgan tu.. at tht School House neur W. T. II. Pauley. The electors of Jackson to., at Johnson's School House. The electors of Cumberland townshln. at ino west window oi ino nouso occupied by jnscm uure, in arnucnaeH, Thu electors of the Borough of Carmlchaels win meet ut. uie cast winuow or tliu house oc lainied h JostMih Uoro. In Curnilclunls. Tho electors of Center tp,, ut tho house of oamuei "voous, in v union. Tho electors of Morris tp., at the house of iiiuwaru isaraer. I ho electors of Wayne tp., nt Phillip's OCIl.lOl iLOUSO. ( Tho ele-tors of Washington tp., nt the mien ociiooi nouso on ino 'arm or Jteaili Johilf. The electors of Allcppo tp., at tho houso of August Miner, on Wheeling creek. The electors of Richhill tp., nt tho houso f,w,..iK ,,f T.Q....I. 1....l. I. i..i tn .u.iiivi'j w.uuoi.j11 L-uillV. Ill OIlCKailllVlllU. Tho electors of Perry tp., at the house for merly occupied by John Minor, In Mt. Morris. Tho electors of Uiliuoro tp. ut the houso ot Enoch Hennon, in Jolleytown. . Tho Electors of Spriiighill tp, ut Stephen White's Mill. I election, during the liiuu said election Is kept open, tor Ihu purpose id givitg lul'oiination to tho Inspectors and Judge:, wliun cillotl on. h relation to the right of any person assessed by mem to votu at aucii elections, or sueli othur matters h rulaiiuu to tlie ass jssment of voter as tlie suit! Inspectors or cither of them shall from tiino to time require." It any porsonor persons shall make nny bet or wagur upon mo resuil ol any election within this C.nniiionweal h or shall oiler to makonny such bet or warer. uithur bwer bal proelani-Uion thereto or bv unv orbited nr written advertisement, cliiillengo or Invito any person or persoas lomaKO such bet or wager, ui.on conviction thereof, ho or thev shall for felt nnd pay threu times thu amount so oll'or d to ne Oct. it any person not by law. qtmlllled, .shall irtuuJuloiitly vote at any election in this Coin monwealth, or being otherwise qualified, sliull voio nuio; nis nrnneruistr ct, or unv i-erson. knowing tho want of such (tiialttlcaiion. uhml aid or procure such person to voto, tho person on conviction, shall bo lined iu uny sum not exceeding two lituulrea dollars and bo im prisoned lor any term not exceeding three UlOll.llS. I make known and glvo notice, ns in and by tho 13th Miction of tliu aforesaid act I urn directed, "that ovory person, excepting jus tices of tlie peace, who shall hold nny olllce or appointment of profit or trust under tlm Uoverninunt of Iho United States, or of this Stato, or any city or incorporated district, wliellior a commissioned olllcer or otherwise, a subordinate olllcer, or agent who is or shall bo employed under tl.o legislative Judiciary or executive department of this Statu or United States, or of any city or Incorporated district, and also that ovory memhur of Cougress and tho State Legislature, uud of tho select und common council or any city, commissioners of any Incorporated district, is by law Incapa ble ol holding or exorcising at the same time the olllce or appointment of Judgo, Inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judgo or other olllcer at any such eluutlon. shall be eligible to any olllce then to bo votod for." Also, tbt In the fourth section pf the set of 'I'h.lt If nnv nnfutn .l,.,n'lw.-,...n... tj ' n.lvlau nny pvr.im or peraona deprive! or rltlminalilu ami lllaiiliilllleilna iirureniiM to nlVeruiiy Imllot or uiilli.tam Ihu Oilier of nil uler.tl.il. Iii-reiti'lee I,. Iu, 1...I.I 1.. tl... i. n. -hi in, or r.uoi pei-.uii.i.. or nuviau uny aiiehotllct-r lore--ceivo miy Imllot or Iwllota Hum uny ponton deprive! of i-illr.i'll-ihlpuliil illaii.ilill,.(laiif.iror.iit; audi puraon m iiir.-iiillnx ahull Ii - (jiillty of n iiilailem.-iinor, und upon con vlvtl.na Ihereol iii nify court of quurtor aeaalnna or llila loiiiiouiiwenllli, .h.illbu piiulHlie.1 In llko inniiii. r mf priivlili-d In thu a.-ci.n.l aut-liuii of tin. net in cnao oTuffleora) ul audi ulaetlun roccivliig au. li unlawful b illot or l.illnta. rilANUK IN 'rilK SlilOK OV VOTISO. Aa thoruiu .llrecte.1, 1 Hlaogivoofllciul notluiiof tliufiillow-lli(ir.iV.al.inao- unuetU.iiove.l Murch at), lSIM,eulitlnl "An Act ri'K.lliitliiu tl... un-.lc of rutin; ut nil uloctiou Itvi llluaevelulcouiltiea ufthia Coiiimouwuullli -," 8smo.l I. It.- it ennctuil by the 8 .to mul llonm of ' ll.Hil-e.enlutivea.il tliu Coiuiuonwculth of I'cluiayliintiln in ' ll.-ll.-rnl A.aeiulily met, nml ilia lieiuby ennct.al by tho ail. tliiii-ityot tlicHiimo.Tliut tbuoi.iiiia.nl v..i..eM r iiu,.,.v..-..i cuuiitleaolthl., t'oiiinwinvuiillli, n( nil Retierul, town-hip,. lHiniiiv.il, uud apeclul ulrolloua. nro liareliy heniiftiT ailtlioA' rl.i-il.iii lre,iilr...llovololiyllcli..ta pili.Uil or wrlllmi-or' partly pi lnteil or wrltli everully cluaalll.i.1 na fullowa: One tl.-lietali.ill emliMcu tin. Iran... or nil Jielirm of cullrU voted r.r, nml lo Im li.hul.-d oulalilo'-Juilicinrv," ono ll.-kel' aluil einbr.ie.. lluiiiiiuu.aul'iillStiito olllcer. viil.al fur and Im lilla-lled -SUtui" ulin Ikk italliill ollllinico thillluuiut ufnll tiiunly ulll.vnivoteilliir,iiielu.liun olllco of Snuiior, mam-b.-l Ullillilelolicraof A.a.iiul,l.v, ifvntl fur, ami nialllucni t ori'.niKnua, If votcl lor, und liu l.lliul.al' IowihIiIih1' tlrilet aliull etiibnicu ll ll.llll.ia of lUI bnr...l;jll urlki-ra voted lor, un.l bu lube led -liuruuifU;' aud rilcli Cluaa aliull bo doimaltudiuai'iKirulobullot-liuXH. ., (Ilvim iiiiilerniylinnit.nt tnyoBlrin.lii Wiivnailmrtt, till 10th iluv ol Seiteiiiliur, in thu your or our Liinl otto tiKaw niulolxlit liiimlruil unit alxty-sl, nnd In tliu nluutlolhyoar ulthu llldopuliwuuool'tliu United Stntea. - . , llKATUJO!I.NS,SliorhT. , ', Septunihur 12, U0.tc ADiMINISTRAT 0118 NOTIC'K. ' Letters of Administration upon the Estate ' nr AS,rERCi-lEDlSTKI. Into of Centre tp.. , v-..TO v.rr. t;c u.f Having occn granted to the undei-stL'tietf bv flm Tr.riv,i,. ..r rjnr. all nursons knowing themselves Indobted to Naiil Jistate aro reonested tn nnv tin, n.. nit muse Having ciaiins against said Estntosre renucsted to nresmit. tli-m .i..lu ..,!i,...t.,i for settlement. ATKINSON CTIEDISTEK. Adm'r. ' U ajucsbui-tf Kctail (Grocery market. f II. MCLELLAND'S PRICES; STBl. : ll . lect to chane-u ol .M.nnt Extra Wu Collco, a thu. on Itusl ImporlalToa, per lb., ' s iry Dust Young Hyson, tier lb.. trt Host Oolong Tea per lb., . i my Ilrown Sucar, 12.1. 14. lit. in 17,.iii' n tr..t... u ' ' ' . .-v." i-iiiu i? jiiiu rjuiiir KICO, Sorghum, N. O, Molasses por gal. Candles per It) , Extra Syrup, Loworlnes, por sal.. ' Sugar Cured and Family ilams per lb Sugar Cured Dried Bool por lb. -Best W. It. Cheese, por lb. Candles, plain and fancy. urangos, por dozen, Nice Carbon Lamps, t'ure White Carbon Oil liaisons, por lb., Figs, por lb., Prunes, per lb., Stonownro. ner eal.. Tomato .Tugs & Fruit Jars, pcrdoz. 2Mto3 or H pt Fruit Cans, Self sealers per dor. 1 AO Extra Wired Brooms, home mndo,. each-, 8f Pat. Buckets, 89. Nulls, per lb, . Oralo- 200 libts. Salt, by bbl. each, i 71V Old Virginia Tobacco, 7 yeaTs old, I BO Best TIN WAKE of ovory doscrlntlou war ranted at low prices. Also, ovory tiling kopt in a nrst class Urooe- . ry, from a usedle to a pitch fork, t lorv prici.-H. If any pers -m sliall voto at moro llian one uiuciiou uisuu-t, or oinerivise I'liuuiueutiy vole mora than outtu on thu safno day,, or shall Iraudulcntly lold nud deliver to the inspector two uckcu togeiiier, witu tup intent Illegally to voto, or uu vise and procure- another solo uo, lie or they slum ou conviction bu lined in any sum not less than llfty nor inoro than live hundred dollars, und bu imprisoned not less than three nor more man twelve months, If any person not qualllled to voto iu tills uominouweiiiin, ugreeumy to law, (except the sons of qualified citizens.) shall appear at any place of election, for tho purpose of Issuing tickets r,r of influencing clliz-ns qualllled to vote, Ire sliall, on conviction, forfeit and pay any sum not oxceoding ono hundred dollars tor every such otlunce, unl be imprisoned tor unv torm not exceeding twelve months. In caso the person who sliall havo recolvod tho second hlghost numherof votes for Inspec tor shall not attend on the dav of election. then tho person who sliall havo received tlm second highest numbur cf votes for Judgo at thu nuxt spring clue; ion shall act as Inspector In bis place and Incase tho person who shall havu received thu highest numbur of votes for inspector shall not attend, the nuraon eleetml Judgo shall appoint an Inspector In his place; unit iu caso uio person elected judgo sliall not attend, then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge In his placo t or if unv vacancy sliull continnn in tho board for tho space of ono hour after tho tlnio fixed bv law for tho onenlmr of tlm election, tho qualllled voters of tho township, ward or district for which such olllcer shall havo boen elected, present at tho placo of election shall select one out of their number to fill such vacancy. rurstiaiu to mo provisions contained in inn ah- i. i , 07th section of tho act first aforesaid, the judges " """" lm9 of the uforesald districts shall respectively take , Fu gutisfaotlou gnarantcod. chargo ottho certificates ot return ot the eleo- vinxaood and idl khuU nf Pmilm ... tion of their respootlva districts, and produce 1 .thtehert Difii thorn ut tlio meeting of one Judge from each CiM nt Cosirmv's Ttullillnir a f,., rl. I.. dMdcsatlw bofoughof WAESBUUQ, Jow.ftSM 30, ;t l-t.jfm oouim 1 AQ ao 1 no 37(i('.'l ao Sb!0' 7 ao eta. to i no1 per gal,, 80 40 40 SO i -J