I '". . ., " " t ' ' t , .Vs '. ' '.'i iiiii ........ .. . FIRMNESS IN THE RIGHT AS GOD GIVES U3 TO SEE THE RIGHf.-ZiVieoM. Ja0lM ta oliac' ttotutc, lomp, gjlgiMr anil SMMmkim kt, fc. VOL. X fo ifrjiuhUcan. KVKKI WKDM8UAY MOKNING, iiv JAS. E. BAYERS. WnCK IN WILSON'S HUII.IUNO, HAIK 8TREKT. TKKMS Of SVliSCUIPTIQX. Two dollars a yearpayable Invariably In advance.. One tlollur for six months, puyuble, invariably In advance. TEEMS OF ADVERTISING. . Advkhtiskm kntb inserted at $1 BO pcrsqtroro . for three insertions, and rOcts. a square fr each additional insertion; (ton lines or less counted a square.) ' Local advertising and Special Notices, 10 cents per line for oNBinscrtlon, with tKrA liberal deduction made to yearly ad vc flitters. Advertisements not marked with the num. licr of Insertions desired, charged for until ordered out. rtfrObituary notices and tributes of respect inserted as advertisements. They must be paid for In advance. FIRST NATIONAL BMR, OF Wayncslours, D. Bo-run, Fres't. .1. C. Flknmkes, Colder. DISCOUNT DAY-TUESDAY May 10, MiC.-ly. W. E. GAP EN , ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBURG, PA. tfg-Oi'KicE In N. Clark's building, fel)IO'(i(itf II A. M'OONNBLL. . J. HUFFMAN. M'CONNELL & HUFFMAN Attorneys and Counsellors nt taw tyaunetlmrq, Ptnn'a. erOrnch .n the ". Wripht House," East dopre. Collooi'ori. &c, will rcceivo prompt attention. Waynoshurg At '1st 2(1. 1BC2. tf. R. W. DOWNEY, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW SSfOince in Lndwlth's Building, opposite the Court House, Waynesburg, Pa. , Nav. 4, 18(13 ly. OHO. TVVI.T. ' .I.A .1. 1II1CIIANAN. WYLY & BUCHANAN . ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW Ify OFFICE In tho old Bank Building, Waynesburg, Pa. . February 8d," 1 8fi!). t-f. LEWIS DEALER IN B.ioks, Stationery, Wall Paper, Window Paper. &c. Sunday School Books of all' kinds constantly on hand, Way nesburg, Pa., opposilo'Post Olllee. May !), '(iC.-ly f. P, MITCtHEU, Main St., nearly opposite Wright House, IS prepared to do stitched and pegged work, from tho coarsest to tho finest ; also, puts up the latest stylo of Boots and Shoes. Cobr bltng done on reasonable terms. May2,fim. IV . II , II II V P HI A. W", MERCHANT TAILOR, ItOOM lit DLACIILKV's'lHlILDINO, WAYNBJnUBO. WORK made to order, in finest CJ best style, Cutting and Fitting done prompt ly, and according to latest lashion plates. Stock on band and for sale. May J Bailey, WATCHES AND JEWELUY. MAIN 8TI1EET, OPPOSITB WUimiT II0U8B. KEEPS ON HANDS ALWAYS A' choice and select assortment of watches and Jowelry. Repairing done at the lowest rates, apl, ly N. G. HUGHES, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, Main St., nearly opposite Wrigh'. House, READY made work on hand, and having secured the services of two lirst-class work men he is prepared to execute all orders in tho neatest and best style. May2.6m. T HIRST NO MORE! 00 TO "joo" Turner's UK HAS JUSrOfBNKU A NEW SALOON!! Keeps Good Rye Whiskey, Brandies of all lclnds, Qln, Wlno, Alo.&o. And has tlio whore wlth to put up Fancy Drinks. Call and see Idm In the brick part of the Adams Inn. apr 26i0m PEOPLE'S LINE. 8TRAMER "CHIEF TAIN," R R. AnnAMS, Commander, Capt U. C. Mason, Clerk) loaves fclrconsboro, for Pittsburgh very Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 0 a. m. Leaves Pittsburgh for Greensboro every Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday. May l0,'8.-0m. BTEAMER "ELECTOR," Robkbt Phil Vips, Commander R. G. Taylor, Clew t loaves Greensboro for Pittsburgh every Tues day, Thursduy and Saturday. Leaves Pitts burgh for Greensboro every Monday, Wednes ttay and Friday. SLATEU ODENBAUGH, TEALER TN DRUGS, MEDICINifiS, LT 1J quors and every thing pertaining to a tlrst 'class Drag Store. Prescriptions carefully com pounded. . "Crelgh's Old Htand," Waynos wg, P. i May Q, '(16.-Iy. MOIICE S.MFERY. TVEALER in Bonks aud Btntlonery, Muga 1J tinea, Dally Pape, Fanoy Articles, &o., Waynesburg, Pa. April 1, '68-ly. MONTHLIES FOR SEPTEMBER. THE LADY'S FRIEND. A clmrimng Steel Engraving of Mother bending over her sleeping Child, adorns the September number of this favorite monthly. The other embellish ments nre engravings ot Bonnets, Vails. Promenada'Suit, Ball Dress, Collars, Uulli. .Among the literary matter wo may mention 'How the Mary Jane Came Homo,' 'Out in I ho iRain,' A Premature Proposal, Ijii lit-- f ot CookH, He coipts, DuSi fashions, &c &o. Price $2.VoV T Specimen numbers will be sent Uj cents. Address Deacon & Poterson, 319 Waluut Street Philadelphia. Godev's Lady's Book For tho next month is filled with interesting and in structive matter. "Resting at the wfll," is the beautiful steel engraving. It has a goodly amount of excellent reading and contains nil the late fashions, and novelties of dress. A fine specimen of architecture for country residence forms n prominent feature. Arthurs Home Maoaximb "Tho little Teaso" is tho nmusing embellish ment for Sept. "Words fitly Spoken," Revolutionary Heroines," &o , are eon tribulions. It cannot bu surpassed for mcral excellence by any of our journals,. and should be rcid by every household misadi.ks monthly mis magazine is made up of the best original matter. History, Travel, Anecdotes, Romance, nro fully represented It offers a good neiu lor research, instruction, improve ment and amusement. C3"Tho No. for August has not been received Tim Atlantic Monthly, has a choice variety of valuable and e itert; l ing art-' do". 'Tho Surgeon's Assistant' is an in tercsting and thoughtful story turning upon incidents of the wnr. University Reform' is tho oration de livered at the meeting of tho Harvard Alhiinni, by Dr. Hedge. ' 'The Johnson Party' is a polished and very caustic discussion of the political situation. The remaining articles valuable for their intiinsio interest are : 'Life As surance j' 'An Italian ItainStorm Incidents of the Pot tlnnd Fire s' &o. . Ticknor & Fiki.ds. Publishers. T 11 E GREENE CO. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Wit.!. HOLD T1IKIR FOURTEENTH. ANNUAL EXHIBITION AT ON Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 18GG. KTJLE3 AND REGULATIONS. Any person pavine fifty eents into the treasury, becomes s member of the 0 )ciety and will be furnished wiiho ticket admitting lumsclt and all members of his family except malos over fifteen years ot gos and tutitling bim to exhibit as many articles and animals as ho may desirei except horses two years old 6nd over, tor which ho will bo sharged twentyfive cents each. Members will p-ivo up their ticket at the gate, and receive a check whieh will entitle thorn to their tickets again, on retiring with v'ew to return. All persons not members will be charg ed 25 ecnts for tickets of single admis- Bion . Committees will bo called the first day at 1 o'clock, P. M , and on tho secoud at 11 A. M. All stock will bo exhibited (ho first day except Nos. four and five of Class first. The Seoretaiy and Tresuror will be at tho oflloe at an early hour of each day, for tho purpose of soiling tickets and making entries. No stock will be admit tod into tho grounds until regularly entered at the olUco. Doors will be opened at 6 o'olock, A. M. No entries will bo made after 11 o'olock on tho second day and it is vory desirable that all articles Intended for exhibition bo entered on tho first day, The Hall will be closed btrtwoen the hours of 1 1 and 1 o'olock, on the second day, and nil persons excluded except the Committees and such of the mnnngera as have control of that portion of the ex hibition. , . , Person! applying for premiums on Bold crops must enter them during the lair, and aooompany their report to the committee with the certificate of a aur veyor who shall have chained the around and computed iu content! and also WAYNESBURG, the certificate ot one or more disinterest ed persons who shall havo scon the gram measured. The grain in all cases to do itirasncu or shelled betore ineasur. ment. The eommitte on field crops will meet on tne nrst ot January, in uarmichauls I ne committee on stock will give special attention to the lollowing points, vizi ' , Svmmotrv. siza. earlv mntnniv and general characteristics of the breed. They aro expressly directed not to give encouragement to over lea animals. Ihevare further dirwtri tn nan. mi noticed all articles or animals when the exhibitors attempts to use undue influ ence to produce on unfavorable decision. No manufactured nrticle having taken a Dl'CUliuin twice in suueession. will ha Permitted to comnete for n nrnmliim The presence ot the ladies is not only uemrauieanu essential on tne second day, but tlirv are mostnordmllv inviiiul tn nt. i .-j VM .J M . - tend on the first day of exhibition. liiose wishing to improve their stpek, or comnare their own with nthnr. o.o cordially invited to attend, under the as suranco that they will find a greater vari ety, and a much mora numerous llm. tion ot fine stock, than can be found at any similar exhibition. We cordially invite all to come to our nxhiliitinn dor tho assurance that we will make'eve ry effort for the comfort of visitors A'l premiums awarded will ha nrnmnt. ly paid at tho close.ot the Fair. Any premiums not cnllei for within a year, aro forfeited to tho society, OI'HCKIIS Capt. II. II. CKEE, Pres. f Ei.ias Stonh, V. Pres. ! '0N' I"AAC Ki"'8n"i 1 Iaviyiiiu tfl.n.i..... " T. P. Pollock. DIIIKOTOllH. -m J. Gwviin. J. D. Fletiniknn. 11 T)niir. hn, David Shroycr, John Wiley, J M. I lamer. Win, Cree. Win. V. V on nitron Jacob K. Hitcluu, Joshua Gwynn, N. II. II!J Ik T T M - diuiiio, j. is tJi'ago. Wji. II aiitman, Trcas. II. C. HoilNKK, J. P. MlTCIIKNKII, Secretarys. LIST OK PliKMIUMS TO p,K AWARDED BY THE GKEENE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL AND MANUFACTURING- SOCI KTY. AT CAR.MILIIAELS. THUUSDAV AND FUIDAY, OCTOBER 4TH AND 5TH, 1800. CLASS I HOUSES NO. 1. Best Draught Stallion r, 00 2 " 4 no Beat Draught Animal. 4 no 3 " " a on Best 8 year old Station 4 00 2 " " 3 (10 BeBt 2 year old " 8 oo 2 ' " 2 no Best Yearling Ilorso Colt .....3 oo 2 " 2 00 Best Spring Horse Colt a 00 " " 2 00 committe'k. Josoph F Rnndol;:h. Aaron nacknev. Ell. as Stono, Jerry Davidson. NO. 2. Best Brood Maro witli foul at feet 4 -00 3 " " " a oo Best 2 year old Goldlng 8 no 2 " " 2 00 Be8t2ycar old Mara 8 00 2 " ' .2 00 Best yearling mnro Colt 8 on 2 " " 2 00 Best Spring Maro Colt 8 00 a " 2 00 COMMITTf;K. Ellis Campbell, J. C. Noal, Solomon Higgle. no. 3. Best Jack . 3 00 2 " 2 oo BestGonnct 8 00 2 " 2 00 Best 2 year old Mule 2 00 2 " " 1 oo Boot Yearling Mule 2 00 H " " 1 00 Best Spring Mule Colt ...2 00 " " 1 00 COMMITTEE. Robort Wiley J. T. Bailoy, J. G. Black. no. 4. Bsst Riding and Drlvlnj Stallion .8 00 2 " " " s oo Bost Mure for all purposes 5 00 8 " ' 4 00 Best Family Animal 5 00 3 " " 4 00 Best 0 year old Mnro 4 00 2 " " a oo Best 8 year old Gelding 4 no a " " 3 OO COMMITTKIS. Honry Sharpuock, Dan. Moredock Dick Long. no. 5. Best Pair Mulched Animals 8 00 2 " " .5 00 Best Driving Animal n oo 2 " " s 00 Bost Pair Driving Mulos 4 oo " " 8 no Best Riding Animal 4 00 2 ' ' 8 00 Best Walking Animal 8 00 2 ' " 2 00 Best Trotting Animal 10 no t " " 7 00 Best Pacing Animal 10 00 3 " "' 7 00 COMMITTICR. James M. Ross, G. 0. Johnson, Dr.' Julius Lonioyne. CLAM 2 CATTLE. NO. 1. Best Bull , ., o od , i.ii 4 00 Beit Bull under 2 years old.nt; ...ft 00 2 It it m s nn Best bull call undor 0 montliiol'd'.'..,..'.'.'.'.'.'.8 00 " ." " 2 00 Bost yoke oxen M & oo - ," "...... 8 00 Best yoke oxen undor 8 years old 4 00 " " " 8 00 COMMITTKH. James Cree, Cephas Morris and Hugh Kcenao. PA- WEDNESDAY. NO. 2. Best Cow 4 2 " 8 Best heifer between 2 & 3 years old a 2 " ' " ) 00 00 uo 00 00 on Best heifer undor I year old 2 it i .1 COSIMtTTKB. John Wilson, Esq., Joseph Reaves, John Rea. ' CLASS 8 SHEEP NO 1. Best Spanish Buck 6 no H " . : Best yearling Spanish buck "'.a on 3 8 00 Best Spanish buek lamb . 8 ne " , - " 3 no Bestiaxon buek 8 00 2 O fin Best selislan buck a nn 2. ". . "... ..,. 3 00 ixsi souin uown, iciccsier or oxlordslire Buk 6 00 COMMITTER, James Parshall. Jesse Colrnln. T)r w Rodgei-r, NO. 2. Best Spanish ewes, C In number, oo JJ ii t it Best " yr. ewes, G in number 8 00 3 00 2 00 8 no Best " lambs 2 " ti Best snxon ewes, 2 00 3 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 Best " lambs " 2 " " ti Best selislan ewes, " 2 ! II Best " 'lambs " 2 1 00 Best display of southdown, Leicester or oxltirilsliiro ewes 4 n 4 Ross, Best fat sheep, 10 in number z uo do UOMJHTTKE Williilin Corn. .Tnannh Jehu Jamison. NO. 8. SWKKI-STAKES. Best buck Bes'. owo . . 10 00 8 00 In caso the swonrs'nlte ntvmlum ! cd to either Bucks or Ewes in cither or tho nbovo classes, tlio first premium will be re funded to the Society . CLASS 4 SWIS'E. Best lmar a 00 i (If) a Best brord sow 2 2 do do 1 ' Best litter of pigs over three months old 2 uo do 1 Best do Hnder three montliii nl',1 2 2 do iin 1 Best fat hog g z uo . 1 - 2 Committer. Jacob Durr. .Tntm TTu,m James. MeClure. ' CLASS 5 AOItlUULTCnAI. IMl'I.KMHSTS so. 1. Best farm wagon 4 2 do uo - 8 r Best spring wagon 4 2 do do 2 Best bupgy 0 2 do I 4 Best carriage j n 2 do ! 8 Best grain drill , 4 2 do " 2 Best wheelbarrow 1 Committee E. B. Bnllcy, Robert D.uigucr ty, Julm Brooks. no. 2. , Best mowing machine 4 2 do do j 2 B'.'st feed cutter 2 2 do j 1 Best roller I ' 8 2 do 2 Best horsorako, 2 2 do j 1 Best grain cradle i 1 2 do j 50 liest hlle gun 1 8 Best and largest display of tu) ware 4 2 do do do 3 Best hand rakes, 2 in numbir fit Best sicklo j . i Best drawing knife I r( Committer John Mcsstroro, Thomas Al free, K. A. Flenniken 1 no 8. I Best Iwo horso plow 2 2 do do ' I 2 1 1 CO t ro m no CO 1 CO 2 1 50 Wm. Best harrow 2 do Best cultivator 2 do Best shovel plow 2 do do Best mattock do broad hoo d ' draught chains do shod horso 2 do Best cook stove 2 do Best fire stove CoMEimu Paul Roa, Jojah Pratt, Canon. CUM (J so 1 Bout tmram Pent bwliimd nt churn Uoflt net wlmtHor clmlrn S do do Ui'itt Arm clinlr Hunt nt npllt-botlom clixlrt a do do Bcnturni cltnir, Hhllt.bnttom, 8 00 a 00 1 00 a 00 1 no 1 00 1 00 00 1 00 76 60 1, Ciimnilm, llitrvoy mil iiniiuuKen uruotlll . a tio do COMMITTKI. Dcuiiv, K.M. Jim. Stcilionn, T. So. 2, ! Dint nitrar mill 4 00 a do do I a 00 lM nvaixiMor I 00 a do a 00 Coxsiittbi. Dr. J, H.Otooiih, Doitiln Dolnny, F. A. Hurt. ouh 7 lutings u.irntu, tc. Brut lot doublo hnrnoM ft OO a do do 3 00 llmt m't lngU lliil'lli'wi 8 00 a do do a 00 nrftt gitnt'll Hftddlo 8 00 a do do a 00 HMtLfiillM'initillli ,.5 00 a tio iio ' 3 00 Bmititrnti'udilMrcM In numlur 1X do liulli do do 1 00 do uir kin 1 00 do itclo nppgr Irathor 1 00 do tin nolo do 1 00 Cohiiittm.-J. T. Hook, Lowla Qreonlcc, T. R H'HInn. cum 7so 1. Drat pnlr Una bootn, nwotl . ' 1 00 a do do 1 00 Bmt do nraiNl a 00 a do 1 do 1 00 Bril do omvriB do 1 00 . do do do TO BntwoniMti' ItnmihoH.iiiwtd, 1M i da iln .i. ' tui Dnt do do pckim) 1 00 do do do 00 Oonmitii. B. D. Mlckle, Jno.ProUrtun, J. C. Bur- nvtt. OUH 8. Sontcnndlwnu,twoln ournbtr 100 a do do 80 Brat lard, til to llott hony, 8 IM 1 00 S do do 80 Batinpl(iiiii,lM id Dnt niaplo mnlmuH, 1 nllori ift umi mapio miiiMiH, 1 nl lint iorji'i uta mm, 8 lb a on 1 00 Mt icrfimra moiMwt, ; infion i oo OOHKiltsfM'!. Burto.lt, CpnMrortM,D.uitoi. SEPTEMBER 5, 1866.! CUM 0 MANUHCTUD ARTICMi 0 1. Brat flillnl cloth 'i do dt Bmt rod tlnnni'l ill) Boil driau KmfU,iliiniitlo 'i tlo ilo do nnt inlr Aicturjr liliiiiknli 2 ilo do 3 00 1 00 i 00 I 00 , I 00 1 01) il ou 1 oo Itou, Sumuul Itobltuun. a oo 1 00 a oo 1 00 . i t od CoxxiTtta. M. HUnljr, TIiim, ko. 2. llc t pair lilnnkt'ta, homo mutts 'i do do Bent jrarn curpi't 'i do do Aim! rniteMrupt do t)oiinilttwMra. KlljalK-tlt Sw.nn, Ura. D.yld Dred don, Jin. lliiam 11. rktinlk-n. no. . , 1 01) Hest flax linen, five yards 2 do do Best tow linen do 2 do do Best table linen l 2 do do . Rest linen thread, 2 cuts 2 do do do ' Committee Mrs. Mary Armstrong, Miss Betty Jamison, Mrs. Henry Sharp, neck. no. 4 Best white quilt 2" do do Best fancy quilt 2 do do Best em ap qti'lt 2 do do Best patch quilt 2 do do Committee Miss Rebceca Rovnnldn Miss Minerva Cree, Sophronia Flenniken. class 10 no. 1' Best crotchet work 2 do do Best crystnlized work 2 do do Best knit inserting . . 2 do do .Best crotchet edging 2 do do 1 Committee Miss Abby Jamison, Miss Eddie Biddle, Miss Lib. Hartman. no. 2. liest oriental painting 1 2 do do ' Best grecian painting ' 1 2 do , do Best oil painting 1 2 do do Best photographs 1 2 do Committee Miss MaormeMcChntock Miss Jill. Richie, Mjsg Minerva Barnes NO. 3. Best ornamental hair work 1 00 9. a do do 00 Best ornamental slippers 1 00 2 do do 50 Beit pocket handkerchief 1 00 2 do , do 50 Best pin cushion 1 00 2, do do 50 Bust needle book 00 2 do do 50 Committee Miss ElmyraBaily,Orphy Long, Miss Milla Coteral. no. 4. '. Best work baskets 2 do . do Best watch pocket 2 do do Best clicmiso, band and sieves 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 75 50 2 do do do Best ohemise, yoke and sleeves 2 do do do Bust gloves, home made 2 do do Mrs. Hiram Smith, Mrs. James Mrs. Harriet Hatfield. class 11. no 1. Rea, Best coat made by machine 2 do do Best coat made by hand 2 do do Best vest made by machine 2 do " do Best vest made by hand 2 do do Committee N. Clark, Dick John Prior. no. 2. Best pants made by machine 2 do do do Best pants made by hand 2 do do do Best shirt 2 do Best cloak 2 do 2 00 00 1 2 00 00 00 1 1 50 1 00 50 Maflit, 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 50 2 00 1 00 Committee- -Mrs. Richard Long, Mrs. Margaret Jerome, Mrs. Jos, Armstrong, no. 3. Best bonnet, madoby exhibitor 2 do do do Best dress do do 2 do do do BeBt lamp mat do do 2 do do do do 00 50 00 00 00 50 Committee Mrs. Jas. Stophens, Miss Lizzie Black, Miss Emma Downey. no. 4. Best hearth rug made by exhibitor 1 2 do do do Best suit for children do 1 2 do do do 00 50 00 50 00 60 Best rustio work ' do 2 do do do Committee Mrs. Rob't. Grey. 1 Mrs. Hannah Minor, Mrs. Win F. Flenniken. CLASS 12. Best pair ootton hose 60 2 do do 25 Best pair linen do 50 2 do do 2 Best pair woolen do 50 2 do do 25 Bost pair woolen socks 50 ' 2 do do 25 Committee Mrs. David Suhroyor, Mrs, Annie Rlunhart, Mrs. Nelly Crago. cLAsi l8-Fnurr. Bost col. apples, grown by exhibitor 2 00 i B6,t specimen applet. 1 pit do 1 00 50 I 3 dJ id) do do do do do do 50 00 50 00 00 Committee. uev. J. C. MoClintock, Ilov, I. N. Cary, NO. 2. Best col'cction plums 1 Best specimen do gallon Best collection grapes 1 2 do do Best specimen grapes 1 1 2 do do Best domestio wines, 1 pt of oach 1 Best collection currents do do gooseberrlbs do do stiawberries Committee Jas. Burnes, J. K Bailey niiioa ike.t; CLASS 14 QAriDKN VKOkTAllLES. Best collection potatoes, Best specimen potatoes 00 50 Best sweet potatoes do beets do Cabbago, 2 heads do pumpkins, 4 in uumber, do parsnips do collection garden vegetables 2 do do do 1 00 50 50 50 50 00 1 00 Committee. Dan'l. Stephenson, Thos Horner, Esq., Aaron Burwell. class 15 no. 1. Bost and most wheat grown otl two contiguous acres 5 OO 3 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 8 00 2 do do do Best do do corn 2 do do do Best do do oats 2 do do do Committee David Blaker, Wm Armstrong, S. P. Minor. no. 2. . Best specimen wheat, bushel N. 50 do uo corn io do oats do do timothy seed, J bush, .do do do ' do clover seed do do do no 50 do do 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 illi;- 2 Best 2 Best neivly Introduced wheat, A bu. 2 do do dj Bust do do corn do do do do . onts rlrt Committee Davis Darrab:V.rl Corb. Garraril. Cf-AM 10. l'ltESKIIVKS. Bost presorved apples, one qt. X preaorved do . do Best preserved peaches do 2 preserved do do Best preserved pears do 2 preserved do do Best preserved quinces do 2 preserved do do Best preserved goosberries do 2 preserved d do Bost preserved cherries do 2 presorved do do Bust preserved toinatoos do 2 preserved do do 00 50 00 50 1 1 00 60 1 00 60 1 00 50 1 00 50 00 50 Co.MMtTTHK Mrs. Ilettio A. Flenniken Miss Sullie Dareing, Mrs. Corb. Garard CLASS 1 7. JELI.II5S. Best currant jelly one pt. 80 Best quince do do 50 Best blackberry do do SO Best apple butter do 50 Bust tomato do do , 50 Best blackberry jam do 50 Best marmalade 50 OoMMiTTKB Mrs. Daniel Burtnett, Mrs. Alphred Armstrong, Mrs. Rea Dowlin. ti.'.ss 18. Best soft light bread 1 00 2 do do do 50 Best rusk 50 Best pound cake 50 Beat sponge do 50 Best butter five lbs. ' 1 00 2 do do , 75 3 do do 50 Best cheese 75 2 do 50 Best cucumber pickles 50 Best solid soap . . 50 2 do . do i 25 Committee Mrs. JoTfti Wiley, Mrs. S. B. Swan, Mrs,-John Guynu. class 1 9. Best collection of flowers 1 00 2 do do- 50 Best design do 1 00 2 do do 50 Best cactus (popes head) 1 00 2 do do 50 Bust do square 1 00 2 do do 50 Best crystheinum 1 00 2 do 60 Best dahlia 1 00 2 ' do 50 Bust verbena 1 00 2 do .50 Committee Mrs. Eli Long, Mrs. Col lin 'Andrew, Miss Sarah P. Sharpnock. class 20. Beat collection Geological Specimens of Minerels, . 6 00 Committee Rev. A B. Miller, Dr. Phil. Kramer, L. II. Bell. class 21. Directory Committee of Ladies De- 5artment Miss Minerva Lindsey, Mra. araei Bell, Mrs. Heaton Luse( class Ti. Directory Committee on Gentleman's Department Maj. Saml. MoFarland, J. M. Gallaher, George Mustard. ltt The board oi Manager! will ap point a sufflolont number of marshals to superintend the exhibition and see that all stook and other articles are in their proper places. Best collection peaches do 2 do do do Best collection Pears do 2 do do do Best specimen, do Best do quince NO.li 00 2d. Members of the bdard appointed" for the purpose, will atteud each commit tee in viewing stock etc., and if any va cancy occurs thly will appoint suitable persons to fill the same 8d. No premium will be awarded for any anihial or article nnlss the commit tee deem the same worthy of it. , 4th. No stock or other articles shall be entered by the secretary until tho per son entering shall produco a ticket of membership. 5th, No person shall serve on any awarding eommitttte who has any arti cle or stock before the same i and in case the other members ot the committee can not Hgreo rhoy ma aelect aomo other person to sorve with them for tho time beinr Cth. The board will appoint aud or ganize a sufficient number ot policemen and gate koepors to serve durins the 7th Any person exhibiting any arti cle not (numerated in the foregoing list, the awarding committee aro authorized to recommend a dlcrelionnry premium, if the article be considered worthy by said committee. 8th. Competition will be opon to per sons from all quarters. It shall be the duty ot tho officers and persons having charge and control ot the hall, to protect and defend all articles on exhibition from being touched or handled hv others during the exhibition. By the reqniremept of trie charter the election of the Board of Managers takes place on the Inst Satiirdav ot M f each year nt Carmichaels all persons hold ing tickets of Membership are entitled to T ;; , cpt- H. H. CmtK, Pre J. P- Mitch KNBrtSeo'y. LOOKING UP AND LOOKTNn "nnwisi A corrosp'ondolit of the Chicago Tri bune, writing from Georgia, relates the following. ' "I was standing in front of my hotel oho morning ana saw a dozen or more1 diminutive Africans with s'ate and books, walking towards the school house, when 2 A$r8m$a andr sai'd i "Well I suppose we must stand it for a while, yet, but for how long I don't know. There's that little nigger and he pointed tb a boy nbotit nino years old and black as if ho had just emerged from the jungles oi the Gold Coast he is one of mine, or 'was till the Yankees stole turn t he lives at my house now, because I have to hire his mother he's just aa old as my boy, and the Yankee school inarms have been training" him till he reads better than my boy dors. That it a nice pass for things td come to j in i little while these bore niggers, alter thny've learned to read; will be turning1 up their noses at every white maa that can't." I told him things were work ing strangely.-"! tcil you what It U," he continued, if this thing' alii't stopped we will have to establish fagged schools for ovory white child or the niggcra will get the upper liaricl j and that will tax us to duatb, and besides that, it will estab lish that sort, of mobocracy- which pre vails Ih the North, where snch a tbing as a gdritleman is not known, and if one wore td go there, they would tar and feather him, but let's go and take a drink, stranger," said he, changing the subject very suddenly We'd a better not gone to war," lie once very sensibly added i "we would have ruled the Deiuooratio party all the time," he continued, with equal truth, "and then we could hare either controll ed the Government, or so far crippled ' the abolitionists that they oould have . done us but very little harm i only run away our negroesa few hundrod a year at most, while now they can get all of them another punch, bat keeper When we get fully back iuto Congress, we will just confirm them old laws against allow ing negroes to read, and that will put the milter right, if we can't get our nogroea baok, we can keep them under." i ii urn m m - hi There is no Abraham Lincoln Presi dent now,' said Mr. Vallandigham in ' his Kontucky speeoh. Vallandigham la ; about right. What followed must have , hlghtened the effect of bis exultation. Give it to hlml' (meaning Lincoln) , shouted one of tho Rebel crowd. We have an idea that they andVallandigham did 'give it to him,' and that he died of' it. That ii why Abraham Linooln ia not President and Andrew Johnson ia. -jV. Y. Tribune One ot Gough's stories is a neat hit tt those dilatory people who are always behind time. Some one laid to a person of thia class, "I see that you belong to the three handed people." "Three handed 1 that's rather uncommon," "O no, oommon enough two hands like other people and a little behindlhani !'