M ilite WAYNESBURG: - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29. 18ifl. Srop Thief!- Farmers you may woll Vejoioe! Look ,it the advertisement of Hie ' Live Stock Insurance (Jo" under liead of Now Advertisements. Ok it Ci.uii The young men ot our town havo succeeded in orutiizin.i; a Geary club- Two meetings havo boen bald audit bida (air to become a foriuU dablo and. u.nful organization. This is what the young men of every eoinniu Wty in our uout'itv should do. Hand yourselves together. "In Union tiihiikis VriiENGTii " Wo all know that an army Compact and disciplined is 'invulnerable, 1ut it become broken and it is easily rout ed. Unite then and present a firm and "bristling Iror.t, against which the masses of our enemy will thunder in vain, and finally troiu wliiuli the.y will recoil panic "stricken, dismayed and confused! ' 'CojIMI'.NCKMIiNT EXKIICISICS AT WaYNKS' iiuun Coi.i.kuk. The Sermon before the the Graduating Classes will bo preached on Sabbath evening. Sept. 0, 1800, by Rev. Wm. Coller, D. D. Add less before the Philuanniitj Enimu Wilhrd Literary Societies, by Rev. Alexander Clark, of Cincinnati, O , Mon day evening, Sept. 10. A Musii-iil and Literary Entertainment will bo given by the Young Ladies, on Tuesday evening, St'pt. 11. 1 Public examination of Classes in tho tomato Depart nient, Wednesday, Sept. 12. Ladies' Commencement, Wednesday evening- Meeting of the Alumni Association, Thursday, Sept, 13 at 2 o'clock i: m. Gentlemen's Commencement, Thurs day evening. To all these Exorcises tho friends of education are respect fully invited. An Eaoi.k. Our nciuhbors jn tjio vi 'cinity of Nineveh, havo had the honor of a visitor in the slinpo ot a monster Raid Eagle. He stayed with them for ft short time regaling his ina.v upon choice poultry, lambs, &u , and departed ..u u..u.H, ... p.easeu witn ins visit - ; Those that saw him, describe him as a whopper 'Unsuccessful attempts were ' "",uu l" ' AsicsBMKNr and IssTitccTio. A series of popular Experiments, enlivened bv ' ,. . , ' ' I lUigio lantern ISxIiiuil una was a von bv i'rot. W. G Suott on the evening of (ho 23d inst. in (hu College Chapel, for (ho purpose of procuring money to invest in Apparatus for tho .Institution. Tho i night was disngreablu, being rainy and cold, and but few of cur citizens aware j of the entertainment, hence their attou- ' dance was not so largo as 1-mked for, or ' as it would have been had it been a pleas- ! ant evening. Q.iite a nice little s.im ; was realize I. ! A r a meeting of tho Republican citi zens ot our place at tho Hamilton House' on Tuesday evening 23d inst. numerous delegates were appointed to attet d the Loyal Suiithern Convention to bo held in Philu Sept. 23d. prox. We understand that quite a number are going, and that an enthusiastic time is expected. Success to till. 13c sums and call at llalsted's Wiiynesi burg Shoe Store and e'xainine his stock and pi ices before you buy your winter supply. Re warrants tho home made woik. Ouit streets still exhibit a pitiable con dition. Were it not for tho dillicully in selecting subjects, wo believe a few cases of cholera or somo other epidemic would excrciso a beneficial effect. And thou, our pavements I It reminds us of the story told' by the local ot the Frank lia Repository, Ho says t A few davs sinco a stranger accosted ns with great politeness, and yet with a suspicious smilo upon his face : "Sir, is not this town largely engaged in the . vholesalo. manufacture of boots and shoes?" "No Sir," wo replied with some littlo astonishment. "Well then," persisted mv interlocutor, "m-n'nt. ilm most of you tanners?" Still more sur prised I answered in tho negative. '"For," continued ho, "you havo the Worst pavemonls and the fewest I ever . 'saw anywhere." We felt naturally in diguant, and thought that it was nono ol his business, and indeed intimated that to him. but upon subsequent reflection tJOiicluded that ho had soma groun Is whore upon to base his opinions. Just so horo. It would be tho naturel Conclusion of almost any stranger. Tho feeent improvements introduced Aw Messrs. Mason & Hamlin into (heir Harmoniums havo increased wonderfully tho popularity of instruments of this 'class. Admirers of true organ music, "of sustained hnrmenios, aro no longer "confined to theasthmnihlo, or weak-lung' ( 'ed tneMeon, or the noisy, ear leailug reed torgari. An instrument is now obtain ablo, which is much more under tho oontroj of the performer, is capable of producing the softest tones, and yet pos sesses many times the power of any me-) lodeon. As tho Mason k ilamlin iostru- inonts having these now improvements (we map specify as particularly valuable the Automaton Swell) are sui generis, hko those of no other maker, and sinco thero aro other instruments called bar nionious without thoso exuellenoes.Messrs Mison it Hamlin havo adopted and eopyrighted tho name of Cabinet Organs' as their special trade mark. As we have said, the great advantages possessed by these Cubhiet Organs make them very desirable for the drawing room, and they 'are rapidly becoming a necessity for the family. The low price at which they aro afforded, brings them within tho means of almost ovory house hold; and as lovers of musio we weloomo tho popularity they havo already attain ed Jteio York Madcnl Review. See advertisement in another column. Tilt', grass and weeds growing over tho "habitations of tho dead" north of town, seems to indicate disrespect, if not criminal neglect to thoso "departed. "-i-Rnnk vegetation and the rum wrought by predatory animals havo almost oblit erntod tho marks that designated thoso two lots as bii'ial grounds. An occa sional sandstone crumbling to decay, tho few marble slabs glistening amid tho denso foliage, every month ii.clining' f . V i iaimer oariiiwaru, suggest norrowtui re flections. Are thero none in our midst who o.in recall tho lime when they hoard tho dull rattle of clods upon the coffin of sonio dear one in thoso lonely yards f Surely there is. Then let a decent res pect lor their remains iirgo upon you immediate action. Restore tho fences to a proper condition clear away the no cumulating undergrowth, and preserve to ourselves and posterity tho memory of our earlier citizens. Lost. Somowhoro on Main Street, last Tuesday, a flat gold tube ab;mt J of nn inch long, with a gum string nttaelier Tho finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this ollleo. D.vm Ii;r.!tiKi) Tlio repairs to Dim No. 2 havo been completed, and tho Monongahcla packets will hereafter run regularly, Evuht S.vriiitDAV is .1 hew jotirnnl.nnd with the first numoer for Sept will bo enlarged from 32 to 40 nnsros. TIm great success of the journal justifies nnd demands this. Tho conductors have engaged the sorvioes of such prominent auditors, ns II as Henry Kingsley, Alex D",lla Anthony Tn.lopo, &a., &o , A m0St lh,'il,in2 8tory fl-on' French of til " "'" " 8 "l" "lioktior& Fields Pubs. Boston Mass. Dhau John L. Gow. ono of the .oldest and most cstiniiiblo citizens of Washington, in this State, died at his residence in t''nt town at an advanced ago. Mr. Gow is well known as ono of the ablest lawyers In Washington county, Ho Ins, during his life time held many positions of honor and trust. Ho leaves a largo (ami y, and an extensive circle of friends to mourn his loss. Tiitstitt is great siarcity of teachers for common Schools in Washington County so says the Monongtthda RcpHlilicnn. Friend Ilazzard send along your sheet wb dont get it inoro than hall the tune. Hits'. IIoiii.ton Waimi lately made a speech in Maryland, in which he said: "Who are against tho Radical Con gross ? Jcir Davis is against it. Robert E. Lee, is against it. Henry (iilmoieis against it. Every rebel is against it. The sumo men that burned down your dwcllingsat night, and made war hideous along your borders, are again.-1 it. Tho sneaking.hissing, Northern Copperhead is against it. I say to you who is tor it? Everv mother who bus lost a son; and every wife who has given her husband; and every one Who visits tlm sacred graves that aro sprinkled all over tho land, in tears and sorrow; every lover ot his country, North and South, aro in favor of it." WHO DID it! . The last North American presents the ease of Radicalism vs. Democracy jtl the following clear light: - The Republicans' in Congress labored through tho whole of tho latu session to provide protection for the freedmcn in their now'.y acquired rights. How much didtheDeimcrats in Congress do toward that object? The Uopiblicans in Congress sought earnestly and persistently to provido somo means ot scouring the personal safety and the rights of-the persecuted Union men of the south against tho vcnginooof tho defeated rebels How much did tho Democrats in Congross do toward that object? Tho Republicans in Congross endeav ored to give the regularity of a statute enactment to tho reconstruction plan ot Prcsldont Johnson, and to phico upon our records tho lonns "of re-admission as a future security for';both south and north. How much did the Domoorats In Congress do toward that object? The Republicans in Congress sought by legislation and by constitutional nniondmontlo guurrantee to overy citizen of tho republic eqmlity of civil rights beforo the law. How much did tho Democrats do toward that object? Uepublicans in Congross sought to break up the foundations of socesuiou And rebellion by making citizenship national and not sootioual. How much did the Democrats do toward that object? The Republicans in Congress tried to the extent of their powers to abolish throughout the bounds ot the republic the evils of caste-, as second only to those of slavery. How much did the Domo oraU do toward thai objoett The Republicans in Congress provid ed, tho Freodinen'a Bureau, a means of defending the rights of the emancipated slaves against the opp-csions of their latu masters, by civil agents and tri bunals. How much did tho Democrats do toward that object? The Republicans in Congress strove to guard against all future chances of rebel Attempts to repudiate tho national war debt by amending the Constitution so as to make tho debt inviolate. How much did the Democrats do toward that object? Tho Republicans in Congress tiiulto guard the tre.nmry and the tax-payirs against being saddled with the payment of compensation to slave owner for emancipated slaves. Row much did the Democrats do toward that object? Tho Republicans in Congress endenv ored to guard against oligarchy by pro ,, , through viding for impartial renresontation a constitutional amendment. whereby tho representation of a Stae would bo apportioned to its voters. How much did tho Democrats io toward that object? An answer to thoso queries is rcspoct' fully requested from thoso of our Domo emtio ooto.iiporaries who have been so fluent in their denunciation of tho Re publicans in Congress. A SIGNIFICANT OMISSION. It is a noteworthy f ict says tho Phila delphia Press, ono, indeed, that may well challenge the uttonlion of the whole country that iu tho entire proceedings ot the late Mongrul Convention, the name of Aukaiiam Lincoln does not oncooccur. The address, prepared with so much care, and read with bo much dramatic emphasis, by Mr. Raymond purports to give a liistoiic sketch of the late civil war, and of tho antecedcii events connected therewith; and one woulJ naturally look tor frequent mention of the name of tho illintiions martyred Pnsideiit in rispio.luction,if 'anywhere Ami yet even from tiis, deference, of course, to the teilmgsof the rebel fuiiirv who listened to its reading, the nttine of Mr. Lincoln is studiously and success, fully excluded ! This is os if one should writothe history ot tho American Revo lution with the name of Gho. Wasii'inu ion omitted; or tlm history of I'ein.syU vani.t without once introducing the namo of William Punn; or a narrative ot the battle of Now Orleans without once nam ing Andiikw Jackson! But, let it pass However much unreconstructed rebels, unrepentant Copperheads and apostate Johnsonians may oSsay to pour con tempt on the nami of Aiihaii v.m Lincoln, ho is indelibly enshrined iu the hevrts of the loyal millions ot the country, and his illustrious name does not need to be, in any wio, incorporated in their pro-; oeodiiigs, to secure to it a slorious im moilahty. Still, thu omission serves to show wli it mu'iner ot spirit the Co per johnsons nie of! "Have you been naturalized!" asked 0110 of our up-uoni.try Demo-copper- i crnts of a returned OOili Regiment 1. V. I tioy. "He aisy, now," replied the 'bowld ; solder,' 'I'm iverylbing but acCJMir- i tisted I" 1 A political Cabinet weuther-enek is; likely to fall 111 tie dirt and be Sewer-1 ed! I iI )tto for the Hoys in I line: "Tliose who aio not tor U. S. are against us " Has any ono seen Andrew Johnsoe's new talking parrot? What parrot? His pretty pull-ye see I A lato dispatch from Denver says: Chileoll, radical Republican, was elected doleoiito to Congress, over Hunt, Ad ministration. The dispatch referred to by Sjnator Doolittio, iu tho I'hiludelphia Convention, is erl'oueoits. Southern counties, hitherto Democratic, return large Republican majorities. EDUCATIONAL. The undorsmnoil, .Count supuiinten uani in urennu (Jointly will exaiiiine Teachers at tho following times nnd 1 places, viz : j tfor Cuinborland tp. and Carmichnels i uoro, at uarmiehaels, Saturday Sept. 15. For Greene tp. atUurrards t'ort, Mon day Sept. 17. . , For Monoiigahula tp. nt Maplolown, Tuesday Sept. 18. For Uuiikard tp ut Davistown, Wed nesdsy. Sept. 19. For Furry tp. and Mt. Morris nt Jit. Alorris, Tuesday Sept. 20. For Whitely tp. nt Newtown, Friday Sent. 81. ' For Franklin and Marion tps. Monday Sept 2-1 For Wayno tp. nt Sprhgpfs school ll(Uio, Tuesday Sept. 2") For Gilmore tp ut Jolleytown, Wod noday, Sept, 20. Springliill tp at Freeport, Thitrsduy Sept. 27. For Alloppotp. at lSlbins sehcol house Friday Sop'.. 28, For Jackson tp. at Millikon's sohool house, Saturday Sept. 29. v For Centre tp. at Itogersvillle, Mou day Oct. 1. For Riohhill tp. at Jaoksonvillo, Tues day, Oct. 2. For Morns, tp. ut Nirlbveh, Wcdosdav Oct. 8. For Washington tp. nt Ross' sohool house, Thursday Oct, 4. For Morgan tp1. at Centre school houso, Friday Oct. 8. For Jefferson tp (Itid Jefferson borough at Jefferson, Saturduy'Oot. 0. , The examination commence at 10 o'clock A, M. Alplic8nti niUBt be ' ' V '' .. : -A" present at that time and should come provided with Osgood il. Fifth Reader, Stoddards Intejlcclnal Arithmetic, paper pencil, pen and ink and ten couts in mon oy the equivalent of postage and rev enue stamps. Teachers must avail them selves of this opportunity of obtaining certi6cates, as private exatmnuions will not bo granted, nor old certificates en dorsed, except Upon undoubted proof of satisfactory reasons of non-attendance at the public examinations. The examina tions in the Theory of Teaching will be based on Wickerstram's School Econo my Directors and citizens aro invited to bo present. Persons writing to mo on Olliuiul business and wishing a reply should enclose a postage stamp. Rich s Lammso, T. J. Tfc.u- Aug. 22 'GO. Co. Snp't rilTSBIIKO UKXKUAI, MAKKKT rtmiiunaii, Augustas, I sail. CHAIN-WI cat at $ 40 tn nt 778c. KyO nt info. Buckwheat -.. dull. FLOUR Spring Vlieut at !i,'oOftin,oo. Winter " at...v.. iilo,25(iji!i,w Hyo at $,2iV.-to,50. HAY Baled nt ftin.un V tun. Loose nt $'J0.00Q'i5 on. EOOS-Balcs At I7rls. C1I liESK Western Iteservo nt 1 4)3 1 r.J. Iltimlnirg nt n 17. New York Goshen at OPiaL' I: BUTTER Prime Roll nt u. S02-,. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. August 28. Uold closed quietly ut US Waynesburg Market, COIIliKCTKIl WKEKLY I)Y J. IIIIIIII.H. Butter, fresh roll.-.u.-. $ E"i Collee per tb...u 33 to 8" Corn per bushel 100 Corn meal per huslial , 100 Country Soap per lb 08 Oimlles, mnulil per lb ar, Caudles, dipped " "... ' 2.5 Cheese per lb 25 Dried Peaches per 11) 2! Kf?.us pir dozen i-.. ir Flour per bbl ift 60 Flnx seed per bushel... C.5 Feathers per lb f,o Lard per lb 15 B. W. Flour per lb 07 Molasses 75 to 1 Ot) Oats per bushel 40 to 45 Rye. per bushel... ..;....!..;.. ...... DO Rioft per lb . ...... 15 Sugar, crushed per lb 22 ijuijar. reiineil " " , 20 hiijpir, JNow Orleans, 0 lbs ..)-.-.. ..-. 1 00 t'. U. tiusar, 8 lbs 1 no brrup, pergslion ,.i 1 00 Salt, No. 1 per bbl 3 75 Soft Soap per gallon 25 Tar per Knllon.. 1 no l ea per lb yuS 40 Turpentine per gallon 2 BO Wheat per bushel White Lead perkeir , JllllllH JUI 1IJ f, 2 no ... 4 to 5 00 1 50 ........ rniii;o ,.1 20a 1 80 While Limo perbusnol..., vo. 1 common to line Potatoes per bushel yOU CAN SAVE 5IONEY BY BUYING YOUR BOOTS AND SHOES AT ii a l s t e d s ! i waynesburg shoe store, next Farmers'' and drovers' national bank nng8,-tf SPECIAL NOTICES, AXEW PKBFl'ME F0K THE UAXBREttCHUT. I'iinlon'n IVinIit Blooming d-i-cn." Plinlon'a ".Mglil Illooiulns t'crcii.." Phnloii'n ".M(-lil Kloomiiig Ccrciia." Plinlon'a ".Mj;lil Itloiimiiiji 'rrrn." I'linlnn'a "i;i':l SEI:iSii;; 'i-rrus." A Itlol MXqli-ilf . ilrlii-iilt', iiikI Ti ii,!,! uiit. riM fiimr, ilintl led from tlm nii'u ttul bL-miiiiul llowur Iroui wbioli it tutu lu iiiiuie. . MnnUnitatirril only by VII A 1, 4M ti HU, Kcw VoiU. w:vAHE ov .aovxv'mrKni ASK I'Olt rttALON'S-tAKt! t0 OTHKn, jy25,' i(i.-lyo(Wi 3- AN EXTENSIVE SALE AND D13- ! T1UBUTION of Pianos, Melodoons, Gold and Silver Ware is now going on at tho Salesrooms of Rkkd & B110 , at Liberty St., N. Y. TliBso goods nfe sold at TWO DOLLARS EACH, RiiiiARin.Kss of Valuh. Send TWENTY PI VB Cents for ono numbered Notice, or ONU DOLLAR for SIX. The Number on oacli Notice corresponds with tho number on ramo article of goods, which will bo sent on rcccpt of 2. Tho money will bo refunded or the goods do not give satisfaction. Agents make TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER WEEK. Send for a Circular. . R13I1D & BRO. Orflcol ' P. O. BOX, 5I!18, H I Liberty St. New York. Aoril 18, I y A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing In South America, as a missionary, discovered a sale and simple remedy for the euro of Nervous Weakness, Earl' Decay, Diseases of the Urinary nnd Seminal Organs, aud tho wholo train of disorders brought on by baneful nnd vicious habits. Oreat numbers havo been already cured by this noblo remedy. Promp ted by a desire to bcnc'flt the uftllctod and 1111 fortuimto I will send tho roclpo lor roparlng and Using I his medicine, la a soalod envelope, to any ond who noeds It, free of cliarao. Please Incloso a post-paid etivolopo, ad dressed 10 yoursolf. Address, JOS. T. INMAN, Slntlon D, Biblo Mouse, April, ly Now York City; WmaKERS WHI8KERS 1 J Dr. Li O. Months' CWoffn, tho greatest stimulator In tho world, will forco whiskers or mhsiacheS to grow on (he smoothest fare or chin 1 never known to full 1 saniplo for trial sunt free to rny ono desirous of lusting Its merits,' Addross, REEVES & CO., 78 Nas sauSt. N, Y, . Jyll.-flm. milE CONP88IOIW AND EXPERIENCE X Of AN INVAI.III. Published for Mlo benefit and as a CAUTION TO YOUNU MEN and others, who suffer from Norvous Debility, F"rcmaturo Decay of Manhood, &o., supplying at (he snmo timo Tub Mhans or Si:i.r-Cun. B oub who has cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. By enclosing a potpald addressed euvelopo, single copies, frod of charge, may bo had of tho author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., May23 '66-ly Brooklyn, Kings Co., N. Y. ' t TOr.'SORIAL, THOMAS FEHREL rcspectrully announces that he has purchased the shop of Charles Mickey, and solicits a call from those who may desire his services as Barber aud Hair-Dresser, lie occupies room No 5, Campbell's Row, where he Is prepared to perform Ilalr-Cutting According to the latest mode, and do Shaving with real magnum bonum rotors. Coma hltU ,-r, come hituor, by night or by day, Fur tho gay and the witty lie shnves anc cuts htiir, And as quickly asouo, dressed slid brushed, goes away, Another la sure to drop down in tile Clmiri And tho chin that is smoothed, and the hair that is dressed. 80 polished nnd graceful and neatly npponr That If Taste iwsa mansion on earth, 'tis con fessed, It Is hero U Is horo I Here Fancy dcslgnp, and as gay the design As tho gnyest winch Fashion o'er tauglit to the tnulo, Aud graceful thewae of tho locks as they shine. Where Fen-el's band has their beauty array ed s ' ' Then let old and young, all tho lovers of Taste, For if Taste lutsu mansion 011 earth, hither baste. It is here it Is hero 1 Waynrsburg, nugl,-tf. mm A LECTURE Aa"tty TO YOUNG M E N., Jmt l'ulilhhr.d, in a Sealed Entthpt. Price six A liKCTDiir. ox tiih Natuiik, Tiieatmkst and Raiheid Cure lf Hpeliniilonliaju, or Si-niltml weakness Invohintnry Emissions, Sexual De bility, and Impediments to marriage generally. Nervousness, Consuni lion, Epilepsy and Fits; Mi ntal an l 1'hysicnl Incapacity, resulttus from -noiise, vc lly UUU1SKT J. DUI.VEU tvtiutj, ni, u., Author of tho "Green Book,'1 lEC TIlO WOlld-renOWneil niltlmr In lliia arlml. rable Lecturo, clearly proves from his own experience that tho awful consequences of sulf amic may bo cll'ectually removod without iiieuieiiio, nuu witiiout dangerous surgical ope rations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cor dials, pointing out a mode of cure stonco cer tainnnd effectual, by which every sud'erer, uo hiatler what lils condition nifty be, may euro hiuiselt cheaply, privately, and radically, this lecturo will pcovo a boon to thousands and thousands Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on tho receipt of tlx cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing .CIIA8 J. O. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Ofllee No. 4586. uurz-t: tiii-iy "SHERMAN HOUSE, , JUST OPENED BY Tli. oss. iOrctcLle.y jvoiuviujx 1110 most completo Hotel in L our town, Everytlihia combined to fur nish tho best accommodation ever yet offered to the public, f Meals furnished nt M hours, table provid ed with the best of the season. Also, a fine ice cream saloon lilted up and at'achcd to tlitj house, and a iiab unrivalled for the variety and quality of its contents Choice wines and brandies, pood whiskey, nle, line cigaiB, &c, lorm a few among tho prominent Hums. travellers and itmsu desirous of refreshment will do well to call, "Tom" still retains his old reputation of an accommodating gentleman, and hospitable landlord. House, the oho for merly oecuplod bvtho "Messenger" Ollice. MnyO,'im..y. U R U K X H II H U s if', Ji'tTersoiij Crccno County, reiin'n, MRS. R. J. DUMC'AItXER, Proprietress'. HAVING RECENTLY FITTED UP THIS well known establishment, Mrs. Bum oakneb Is prepared to furnUh the ftejt, to the travelling public. The TABLE always" sup plied with the choicest delicacies, tho BAR with the finest Wines and Liquors, good sleep ing apartments, aud an abuudsnce of stable loom attached to tho premises. Public patrontigo soieitedj .. May 23,'6G-1 y. "t)R TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. D'.KD ,I'Mr0L',' what a pretty and Interest mg child I saw last wetk 1 But now, alas! it is no more. Such was tho conversation of two gentlemen riding down town In tho cars Uiedot croup! how strange I when Dr. To bias Venetian Liniment, is a certain euro, If taken In time. Nn. 'Vfi.iiioi-a on.,n..i Voti. Ills not for the paltry gala and pr0t wo make, but for thns.ilrn ,'.rvnni-li,f,,i ni,u,1 that now lies playing at, your feet. Croup is b uangerons uises ; but use Dr Tnhlns o.ii.-.i.iu iiiiiineni m mne, nntl it is robbed of its terr .re. Always keel It In the house : you may not want it to-night, or to-morrow uii leinng wnen nut iirmou with this llhlmcut you are prepared, let it como when It will i'rice only 40 cents,, bottle. Ollleo 50 Cort- laiidt blruct. Now York. Anh h ii a Sold by all druggist DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT. A CERTAIN CURS fr pains In limbs ana 1 Vback, sorethroal, cronn, rhcuinatism.colic, &o. A perfect, family mudicino, nud nover falls. Read! Red 11 Read III Livonia, Wavnk Co., Mich., Juno 18, '".!). This Is to certify that my wire was taken with Qninsey Sore Throat it commenced (o swell, nnd was so soro that alio could iot swallow, and coughed violently. I used you Liniment, and uiado a perfect cure in ono week. I ilrinly believe that but for tho Lini ment sliu would havo losl her life. JOHN II. HARLAN. Prlco 40 and 80 cents. Sold by all drugeists. Olllcc'il! C.irtlandt Street, N. Y. SJ3J.,SOO PER YEAR! We want agents every where to sell our imimiovkd vn cowing machines. Three new kinds. Under nnd upper feed. Wnrrantod flvu years. Abovo salary or largo commissions psiu. urn oniv machines sold la I ho United Slates for less than $40, which are fully licens ed by Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, Urovcr & Raker, Singer & Co., ond Bacheldcr. All other cheap machines aro Infringements nnd the seller or user nru liable to arrest, (lno nnd hnprls.soiiment. Circulars free.. Address or call upon Shaw & Clark, Blddeford, Mnlus or China go, 111. Jan. 1 7-1 v- For JSftlo ! rpiIE 8UBS(.!RIBER OFFERS FOR SALE 1 the property known us tho TYGARD FARM, situate at New Brownsville, Monongalia coun ty, W Va., three miles from lilacksvillo, Dunkai'd Creek, containing about 2111 acres, It is iu title order, good now dwelllmr. can luge house, b.ims, sheep pens and all ne cessary out. oumiings. fences are In good repair i a lino young orchard of cholco fruit ution tlio promises. It Is near to churehnu schools, stores, mills, Jfco,, &o. Tlio farm will no snown fy Jur. a. w. lennent, near tho promises, ot'by tho subscriber. AUGUSTUS ESENWEIN. May 28, -tf M'toel F-i-m n.-,'f.i . . FARMERS' OROiiUJHrr. TUB OI.I) NASIK UUT IN NKV HANDS. L . W . T II O M P S O N . HAVING purchased tho abo'Ve named Gro ccry, has rofltted and rcntockod It Ho lias a complete stock ot Confectionery, oranges, Lemons, Sugar, Coffoo, Tea, (green and black), Syrup, Molasses, canned fruit chaoso, rico, soda ash, white limo, soft soup (country made) candles, crackers ot all kinds, cigars, tobacco, (choA'lng and smoking) fish, lamps. ol1, small fancy urllclcs, &o., &o. Auy one needing tho articles mentioned or anything in tho lino not mentioned will do well to call. Produce taken fn trade. Remember the place, tho "Farmers' Grocery," formerly owned by P, Brown. May 9, '(l6.-ly. AT A mtmm it premium! Ni CLARK & SON ARE NOT TAKING GOLD FOR -BUT- Greenbncks anil Pi iui'n. GURPiKNCY!! WILL BUY ANY ARTICLE OF CLOTH ini? or flouts Furnishing Goods you may llnd In their new fresh and well selected stock Just buiight lu the v Eastern Cities, And which, for variety nnd cheapness, tho liks has not beca seen or heard of for more than Wn will only b'ivo u few of tho leadintr Rril. li.o wiiii prices ami aaK you, one ami all, to come and see for yourselves, and we will prove more than we say. We havo From 10 to 25. dollars, business coals from 4 to Hi dollars, nnd for B dollars will sell you 11 coat wo will insure Patds front 1 7' to 10 dollars, wlllsell ALL WOOL pants and vest for 8.00 dollars, thcRe woivillguarauteoi vests from 1 no to 4 00 do hua A Complete ussortiuent of For Men nnd Eovs, prico ranging from 7fl cts. to B OO dollars. Suspenderi, , Hosiery, Drawers, Linen, Muslin and Drilling, Blihts, wool, muslin and linen, Gloves, Ties. &c. &c, in ondlcss variety. Huspenders from 2" cts. to 75. Ties for 1 and 75 conts, and a spleu did cotton hose for 12J cents. Nearly ODOOSito Cnmobell'a r.ornnr. M iin Street. May lii. lv. NE"WFIRM ! 1 1 ME UNDERSIGNED havo associ Uod them X ' Selves together in the namoand stylo of HUGHES AND LUOJS, nt the old stand of Hoohks. Bataiid & Co., In Rices Landing, Pa for the purpose of carrying on tho Grocery, Forwarding and Commission business in all Its various branches, They hopo, by the long experience of ono ot tho Partners, and strict attention to business, to receive a' liberal slmro of tho publio patronugo iu their linn nf Itnuin.xa aM,.i. ....v Wt uusiiiLooi Aiiuy nut KEEP CONSTAN TLY ON HAND ' Ltl m,PP'y of Ornceflcs, sufcli ns Siigar' Collee, Rico, Molasses. Nails and Iron. (Ilia IJulllt,8' nmi ll" rtlclns usually kept iu a " ' uu,y ",re' an 01 which tney will sell at a Kty email advnnen over cost and carria "0, M.N1EY HUGHES, TUOMAS LUCAS. May 3, '65 tf T ... T) T 1 r ' 8 reriOUlCal Dl'ODS v THIS GREAT FEMALE REMEDY P R -,- IRREGULARITIES. ' These Drops aro a scientifically compound ed fluid preparation, nnd better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being liquid; their notion is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, speedy nnd certain specitlc for tho cure of nil obstructions nnd Biinnres- sions of nature. Their popularity is Indicated by the fact that over loo.ono bottles' aro nn- nually sold nnd consumed b by the ladies of the j United Slates, everv n United nlates, everv ono the stronu'est terms of f nraiso of their im'nt " """ unn in merits. They- arv ratiMly takimr tile nlnco fit every other Fomilo .Remedy, nud nro con sidered lij nil who know might of them, ns uiesuiesi, saiesi ami most lninllihlo prepara tion in the world, for tho cure of all 1'emalo complaints, the removal of all obstructions or nature, and Ihn promotion ol health, reinihirl-' ty and strength. , Explicit directions staling when they nuy he tlsed, and explaining When and wli) they should not, nor could not bo used without producing 'effects contrary to nature's chosen laws, will bo found carefully folded around each bottle, with tho written signature of John L. Lyon, without which none nre genuine . Prepared by D. JOHN L. LYON, 1!S Chapel Street, New Haven, Conn., who can bo consulted either personally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp,) concerning alPprlvate dis eases and female wniknesses. Sold by Druggists everywhere a g. cLark & co., , General Agei.ts for U. 8. and Canadas. Nov. 8, '(;.. I v. ElobtrJ s oitii-j, Carrinsc gg UliinufacMirer . WAYNKHimitfl,. Pa., MESPECTFUT.LY reives liotlco that ho has 11) lOCatod In Wnvn.ll.nnr P.. u-lu.rn Im In. tends to manufacture OARHIAOES Of ('VnrV (lnqcptnllnn Vm. 1,1- AvnA.t,. l. tho business, ho feels confident that his work, iu stylo,, finish nnd durability, will give entire satisfaction. It is lils determination to purchase .hu uusi mniormii m marliot, aud employ none but competent workmen. . WAll now work warranted for ono year. Wavucsburg, Fob. 21. 18(30 tj - TSTOtlO TS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA I tl"n will bo mado at the neit Session ol tho Pennsylvania Legislature, by the Odd Fe lows Association, at Wnyncsburg, Grccno county, Pa,, to change the mime of the same to the ExoiiANas Bask of vyyNKsuqiio. Also, to authorize snld bnnlt to Issue stock In, shares of fitly dollnrs each, (.ho wholo hoi to exceed ono hundred thousand dollars. i JOS, K. RANDOLPH, JiilyJIea.-Brnj Jresldont $OO A MONTH I-a WHUted lor six anllrcly new articles, Jusv out. addrei laO. T. QAREY, City Building, Blddo lord, Mine. lanl7,'U0,.iy. T r ' 11'.. T. tr IY.1 BOW STOP TO LOOK IM; 0 0 RIGHT IN i ko Tlllt BTOHB OF ... T V, nr A' i oia ki n vO. t w m r w m w imi m-m ww nr. h . niHE abovo named firm has pun has ' J. Cohulete stock In thu East mid are pt reduced prices, ll coaipiisesa genera' soHnient of DRY GOODS, C1R0CERIES, 1IARDWA' iiUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SUCKS. . i CASSIMERES, &o.i fto.', . . . if. : Wo would nlso call tho special ntteu'.ic -tho LADIES to the largest lot of DcLaiiBcg and Calicir- ever offered la this market, and it prie. ,i low as beforo the war, also, our full li" '. i '. limnoNs, . veils, . duess goods, uhess trimmings. BUTTONS, r HOOF SKIRTS. BALMO. SKIRTS, v , . i. You would do woll to call Immedh'.telv rices aro already sliU'cnlng in tho L : market, Don't forget tho place', at tho OXVD f&JSJSiX In Minor's Building, nearly opposite U & D. N. Bank, Waynesburg, Pa, April is, 'tiu-tf. CHQLBSA1 CHOLUK HOW TO AVOID THE DRKAD' i)ISEAh COME TO TOWN, FOIt RINEIIART & IN6IIP.A HAS JUST RETURNED PHC.H city, and havo opened tho largest . - . f. .. New Grocer In town. They des'ro to inform the ' of Waynesburg and vicinity of the cn- have taken in selecting stock, having v' a cood supply of CONFECTIONS, TOBACCO, GARS, TAR, , nlso, PROV I ONS, BACON, DRIED BEE. POTATOES, FISH, DRIED PEACHES; . &0,, &0 , &0. Call and see thiol hs they ' have You will find them accomodating, w sell lower thall any ono lu the plac . suro to go to the right place, hi LEDWITH'S OLD BUILD!'3 opposlto tho Court Iloine, aiid fori'.i' cupicd by tho Post Ollleo. aps ,'. -tt. ONE IIUNDRED DOLLARS VM OPPERED BY NIXON & BURCHir SMITIII-IULD, FA VETTH CO, 1A. MANUFAOTUltUHS OV CASE MILLS AND COOK'S EV.ti'O- . Tlds is tlio only successful Evtipor making a No. I Syrup with economy n, patch. Over ten thousand were used last fu ! ono of which was insured, and not one n.,i.At.l ... .'. - in mu inn jvnniriiiur nee irom j : fo'rihfringBiuent upon somo previous . We are also agents for tltb celebrate .' TOR CANE MILL, "manufactured by soiuio machine co. Wo offer Ono i Dollars Premium for sample of be (boo pilco list of Cnno Mills and Eve; sent Ireo of charge.) to bo awarded l ' um Convoutioit, the tlmo and place i lno samples to bo dcturmlia'd by the tiou. D. OWENS. also, Proprietor of ti - EAGLE FOUND, n WHERE ho keeps constantly e STOVES of ull kinds and C of all descriptions. Orders solicite . ... . id promptly- . rtpr Gin , WAYMKsaui ... 7 .-. S. B. M'Ei.iibv. Jas. Dickson. J. 'i SPRING TRADE, 1 : SDi." "oo:..;: at wuoi.r.s.u.ii I M'ELROY; DICKSON l FIFTH STREET, PITTSBUr.L : , i- Now ou"erH.elrSPRING GOODS at : market price Iteiims cash tho st. ' kept completo. during the Sanson. tront eastern and central Ohio, '. Pennsylvania and West VJrgluia, V i tocall and examine tlio assortment. , , ' , ; .THE' MASON & HA ML IN CABINET : Forty ulfforont styles, adapted tot u secular muslo, Tor f Ho to ahuu ctu.i . r TY FIVE GOLD or SILVER Miii - ' llrst prcmiuras awarded them. Catalogue freo. Adf'rcss, MAS( UK, Boston, or MASON BROTHI Yo"K- - . ' sepl; . , T Notice. ALL persons knowing turaisolvi- -.' ' to tho lkrunuoAH Omo, cllhe , Work or Subscription during the B'- r the paper was couduotod by Mr ' will pay (he accounts to Mr. Jas. V..- i. who Is authorized to receipt for '. . Early attention to this matter will - - -MESSRS DIDDLE t t.Ar aug8. ' i-iv.n. it., iiimnii. i.. iv. r. va 1