The Greene County Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 185?-1867, August 22, 1866, Image 4

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    "it own will. They held that wii were
not onu nation, but us many tmiionsns
States, bound tonoihur in co-partnership
by nrtidos the. Count itution, ami
which iniht bu dissolved (it pleasure '
Atto tho Union, there would bo tioilc
it tho IK'in.iur.ilio parly of Ihe North
ha 1 not. been defeated at tlm poll, nnd
tliu Democratic parly of the South hud
not b' on defeated upon the. field ul' buttle,
nnil it will be a curious hiyhl to see, con-
federate ollicers nml soldiers, ineniliers
ol tliu rebel Congress. y;'ict liUiM. North
ern Democruls nml 'Soiis of LibeMy"
Bit down toother in c mnuil in I'li'dailel
jilii:i, nii'l resolve that llii'y tronstiiulo the
"Nali nal Union l'lirly'tlcvisu muasuri'tt
for tuliirn pn lection, and in-iko plu-teis
fir tho wounds inllai'.ed by llu' rebellion.
History records that a lawless iiiiny
once resolved, "that tho I'lirili nndihc
fulness thereof bi'l'itii.'d to tliu Stints,
liml tliL'ii resolved that they were the
moil T.:i'..s.
Every Democratic, orator and nevspa
per agonizes upon the subject ol hindi
taxes They dwell pathetically upon the
oppression ol the people, and pi'eteinl to
thank Hod the .;;in i; in par:y has
no re-ponsihilit in tlm inattei'. I!nt.
how stands the "ru it laet 1 These hi;h
taxes, ore and ail, were levied by the
D.dniior.'itiu arty. '1 h:.t party is the
nutYsr mid ereitor, lib -ohilely, cd th"
grunt debt whieh now rests upon the
omiitry, no!, indeed by ilircet l'ciji.-l itim.
but by briiijjii'i upon thu country the
terrible necessities out. oftthieh it ha
grown Had it. not been for Ihe as-ur-nnees
!ivon by tliu D.'inoei' ilie psity ol
t'noNorili, to the people of the South,
that no resistance wjuIiI be ell', red to
8 Cession, and that the ( !o c nmei.t and
, tin) people of tho Nuilh would he lu-ld
sti'l while the work of establishing a
Southern eonf der.'ioy should be pe t'et
e.l, the rebellion inner would have been
undei",a!:en. Tin is aa Insiorieal t u'!i
that is as will esialili-a.'.'d as the f.c! that
Washington lived, or thai Cel. nil us ills
covered Amcii"! Tlie bloo I, the w i -t
Oil tre isure, the hipnino-s ol I'oniiies dos
troyed. the unloM sud'erino; el this dread
ful war, lo-l II h ii tlicpaily whieh delu
del Southern rebels .villi tin; lml hi that
they ur'it'i( their schem ; nl
secession an I iL's'.ni. li m secu' e f 'oin
1 :i t. suppose lliar. after the war he .an,
nil parlies had I'ni'e I in stippoi.iiinf the
(iovcriiinciit, I'i'Iidl; up the armies ;unl
pj'o-eeul in t1 e war to a su.rrs -ful tr. n-
chl-iou, ho.v lonj;, I ask, could it l-evi-lasted
J Certainly, not- more than t wo
yearns probably not .morn than ore
Now that il is over an 1 the eternal his
tory ol the reliellion is laid ban-, we
know that the last I wo )eai s'of the st i ii:;
gin existed entirely upon the hopes"!
relief and vietoiy bom the success if the
Democratic party in the North. They
had friends and correspondents in every
Northern iicihbuihood.. They were in
receipt of all our newspapers, aml-wcio
thus peileclly iiiloriiicd cd' every political
inoveineul, in our midst, and of the ten.
dency ol piiblii! sentiment. Th.y weio
assured by every D.'iiioci'.'ilhi speaker ol
sympathy nml support, and strengthened
by the declaration that the D.-nioe.ruey
everywhere lvcouied the war as wick
ed and unooiislHiitiomil on our pait. urn!
would, when it canie into power, w'nh -draw
rur armies and i!eknowlid;;o the
The success of the Democratic paity
in the elecliop in ISCd II.U-.l the rebel's
with hirjh hope that it would ,iu'i eed in
tho IVe.-idenlia! election in INi'll, and
t'ms ;i-e them the vietoiy mi l v, hen
the Ohionoo Cnnvoiili'mdeein'e 1 the war
a failure and demanded immediate pcaee.
they leaped fir joy and believed that tie
hour (f their deliverance was at hand.
lJiit-wheu Mr. Lincoln was re-elected
by an nvcrwhclnrng majority, and the
Do. noeratie party was everywheieie over
thrown, the hopes upon which they bad
lived at once expired, and from that" hour
nil regarded the cause as lo. t.
Honed wo say to the Democrati'i par
ty, you have levied there taxes;
have created this debt i you have io!l;
' tod tlie :ko of jfol.J, and if you were
placed inpov, or this day liave no
reinedy upainst tho hvf.x taxes you have
levied but repudiation,
When a Democratic politician comes
around you elamoni! alior.t hi;;'i tax; s.
you can turn to him ami unv as Nniban
did to David, "then nrtnho "man." The
oiieoninixcnient you j'.ive to rebels li;-tj
levied theso taxes. Tho nssi.-tauco yi n !
gaieto rebellion eoitiiuued thiin, imd !
tin persistent and devilish in dice wiiji i
which you traduced the (loveruineitt, tl.e j
nrmy, and the :,'re '.t cause for which e
strnj,'t;ledswe led llctn to what they are ; i
mid now yon : about ' as public iii-tni - !
hers, by falsely ascribing to othvrsi the
.dirott coiiseipienccs of your own wicked'
ha.m.mii: to l.rsi i.r kiiom dcmociiatk: sro
Ami now let me invite ynr ntlenlion
to the (laurel' w hich threatens the i.ntion
should tho calamity happen, that the
Democratic, parly, or I he parly to be
formed out of il. at riiiladclphu, conies
into power. In that case we are nblo to
predict, with inVnlu'.c certainty, their
iirst measures, and to survey in advance
the fntal line of policy which would bo
pursued. The ii;;ht of State nuces-ion
would be n t once asserted tis the funda
mental law of the constitution. Every
rebel idiims to it to-dny with th teiincU
ty with which he eline;s to lile, mid a
lai !.'e pn poriion r.f Northern Democratic
politicians proclaim tho right. hi'e. I here
are noun w ho deny it heartily and in ear
liest, Thu fruits ( f victory wouh! be
nii reiidei ed, mid the filmy of cur arms
tarnished, by dm final dishonor ol the
cause in which our soldiers fought. The
rebels would nt once he i ('stored to pol -iticnl
power, and rewarded by the high
est positions in the Government, while
Union men would be driven from nil olll
rial place nnd subjected to f very ignoiny
which could bu inllielcd by their vjiidie
tivii enemies.
Tho valor, tho endiiranie, tho une
qualled Iicroit m of the Union tinny would J
hu. syhteiiuiticiilly degraded, and their
Success asci ihea solely to the overwhcltm
ing ntimhers and brute foreo i wliilu the
"Chivalry" and story of tho exploits of
tho rebel army would bo magnified throgh
every medium, and exalted by every
ineims thntj power exercised by treason
could devise.
They would phico ribel elllcers Mid
sohlieis upon the sime equality, betorc
the law, with those of tho Union armies,
and pay them and pension them tho same
and make like p''ovi-ions tor their wid
ows and orphans. They would assume
the payment of the rebel war debt, and
decle) coinpcnsati li lor emancipated
-laves They would make pavment for
Smthern property do.-troyed during the
war, and eompensa'c for all the dama
ges inllielcd by our armies, upon the
ground that they were ruthless invaders
of Southern soil,
They would repeal or nullify tho oper
ation of the Civil ii'mhts Hill leaving the
treeilmeii to the intolcral 1 ' opiroj-ion of
their lato masters, who would virtually
reduce them to slavery, by denying them
die enjoyment of all civil rights, ,
They would by malignant legislation
and vindictive pro-veulions, drive into
exile every Union man in the rebel States
who hud opposed the scheme of lebel
lion. They would hold every Union odiecr
responsible in damages lor the arre.-t and
impiisioinieut of conspirators, spies,
bounty jumpers, ''ninaways" froin the
Already the Union men ol Kentucky
have had "a fircta-ted' what would be
done upi.n this subje. t. And if yo'i but
give to tlie rebels tiie uu Ibpu'cd control
lit'llie Government they will in some
lorin or by some process seize upon and
c.'iifi'O.le'thi! estate of every Union man
in Kentucky, and as in Kentucky, so els
They would uV)';h all punidinients,
disabiliii -s and peed ies lor treason.
They would defeat all amendments to
the Con til'.ltloii. They would prevent
representation from I i ing equalized, and
would retain in the ham Is i f rebels, for
all, the unjust advantages they now
possess In short they would do all ill
th ar power to undo the residisel'th: war;
to repair the damage the rebels have
s'.i-ia:i.e.; rc-iss- rl the principles up n
wh'ch the rebellion wai buinded: and
aecomphdi by h gi la'.ioii and fraud, die
original sehcine of secession and nation
al lesti'iiclion which was defeated on the
ihld ol battle.
And now let ine aifhe-s a wmd to
the Union men ol Kentucky many of
rthom aielnre to-d y. uu I iiapii'.'e ulio
compose the Demoeiaey of your State .
Do tt'ey not nuiubcr among them the
men ud'.o, in the guise ot coiifeilerate
. lli ers. soldii.'is. and guerrillas, I. till wa-te
and ravugi d Kentucky, plundered her
towi s, carried away her horses and cat .
lie, destr o ed her railroads, murdered
ihomainl-i of her citizens and drove
thousands of others to seek salely by
llighl'? Do they not number among
them the men who followed John Mor
gan into Indiana, but whose pain h ring
exeurson was nt once conveited into u
(light, and v. ho were trans'onned Iroin
Invaders into fugitives and pusoner,-?
Sixteen months ago they called ihi m
selves coiiledei ates,io-d:iy they call them
selves the Democracy, .-: i s 1 alter thu Mill
el Ailgn-t will call ll.' Kcs by what
ever name may be agreed upon n' 1'hil i
ilclpnhi. And i! then you u iil lml raise
up a eoii.ei' o! their new di.-guise, you
ill perceive under it the rusty "gi.".y
luck" and tho: "stars and liars.' Union
u. en ol Kentucky, yon are alraid of be
ing ohed names, and have' sometimes
been driven from your convictions by hc
eii'ining rebel ei y ot llailie.'il , us
cease lo ipiarrcl about n u: cs. and go into
the sul s'.ancu of things There mil be
but two parties in Kentucky. The one
composed id the lobe's, tin ir a !vo: a'es
and friends, and tho ovliel' ol the umo i
diiionnl Union men, who have presi ri'i d
111' Government, r.nd would kci p it 'n
loyal hands. In ceiy t'ulli, the r.o-
cal'ed Democratic party is the most
radical orgaiiiz iiion in the country.
It is in favor of the mrst radical meas
ures for the immediate ivstora'ion of
rebels to power.
It is. and was throughout the war,
radically disloyal. .
It is radically opposed to equal repre'
seiitattoi). It, is radically opposed lo evety I'rinci.
plo ot justice, humanity and libeity,
which our fathers engrafted upon the
IM.'.'.i'V: il.' r.i.:ii"i'l o.l U .nt l!i1!t..m. II I' "I'l'l" up
i.l Mi. .in ,1 li O" ei lii-ri.v. I" ii":ovi tn iii
li'.ii'llll 111 Mill II I . .1.1 ill-i .'I til ' ll'l 11-111 f I'". 1 1 Ii' II -V .. II
I'll irivl. ill 111,' 111- I...-1 I'.U'l'.i ill ;iri.-. I'll I
in' on'. i-' i.: , v .' I-, , . . its lo .a. I p.1.. .ii.
,v, ',y tli.- Ii'iiini In :ii I.
'iloiil; ii.,.1. II ' li im:- !i i i i' I'll1. 'I'll ' li oi..- rri-tii.w
I iiilL in in li- tiji. inn! I!; ii'i m ill -n'-'ii I" ii. i-lniii'v i!t;e :i
I. Vi i ll lllr lui I'h'i.I- ll 'l!.:.' (i o-i i. i i'.i j' wrl'i' I t'tui'i'll
111' II' I' I'lisi'iil iliiii iil'lni' . nil 111 li !'.
'ill" lli'l nil- II" !'.' Wlll'li X ..111 l-i J - tit -ill ..,,1.
il 'iifi 'l Hi - li'i i-lii it v i-li Hi" r- li'-lli'iii iniK -ton,-i-i it-
ti- .i .l. mi l Hi- l':,il:"l,.;.liiii C.iivi'iit: -i, utll iilui'iiii .1,- nil
tiliii.U whirl, h-iV" lio-li li.'l.t in i!.ul..i, .
,i,lii.vli-li'f1vi--in II -I In' Iniilit ,1. TliiOl-il nriolC,-nl,.,
ll'M l-. .:lit' IHliillii III Iriilllll'li I'l.ilil miiilliliv tl-lil-nil'
II. in-l II ill llnf IM'.V :.ll ill. -II I'l III tli-.l- ll I.V llll'l ll'i.l-'ill
III III" ll.llll.l llll.
'Iln-l-i. will l..-l.!lt In-'iei-ti-M.-i- In It, vl ill On.
Ili-iil, -ii-iiiH uu. I il,-. I,l, ,. M'.l.-l'i n.ivl--II i-i i iiie .-a
villi Ni.rCi -fii ll"i i' ri-. l-. tl.i r" e i o rr: inn w liv tli. -ii-i;l:'-il
Mi-Tin sli'.iilil nit I-" in tln-lr n'i'! !.
'I ll"'iiliT nt l-'.irtiv Mi.iu- i'-sin. ill. I m.t l.i. .-M-!ii l.. I
f, itti til" Niirl.'t v 11111 i-iitin -il mI' 11'- i i-i li li. lml -li'illM
i iliill I..I I'll,,- (ir. -., m! .-it tin- ti-t oi.-l I' r 1 1 iii I Ii.' limy
uiiii .ii.-iiitv. ii- ri" ii I ini-iii-,-, i- i. : i.i. n n.
iiin;-:, i.:' 1,1. .I'lii.'.'-iiii! -.
r iNi it ' :.
I'ni, it! iii, -n i, fill S , ! I'-,:,- -,-,ti :1 Iti-li-i'-t. ymi li-,v.'
fur ti.iit- -tin i.u-l !,-:-:. i-i' -.-!!. i:i i , l,!i i' n tr,i,'' ,ti i ,1,
l-'-l- III, ,ri- llinii Ov,. ,"i-li-lii- I ni'iih k -I li-'ilti I'l-.-M-l-fill
I-I- ii'i-l li :l.i I i -i in- Im!' All I li-in-.
tivii Ill mill. I. I l-iiti- In lii .il l tin. 'I' Ii I', .-'il" i'l li.iilv. ,-n:.
ullli w.intnl- -till 1. 1""., i. i -. Ii"i; , l:i-- .iv.-i- lin-'ie-.-il
l"-tll. .il III,' lmlli..'i,,. Wli.-n y,,ii i,,i- Iti- n,..,-,l
Willi lint nt liio,iiii;i - -:- w Ii -l y.'ll - -1 - i -1 - -1 - lih -,'i-vli-.
I'm In III" riiiiliii-i, mi. I tli" iiini, ii. t- in ,lii-ti li'-i i-.-!iii-t.
Inl-Wiis iii-i'iiiii,.i iliii lii . tli" mniiii linn', llin ii. ymi i-Mii-slili
r lln- lii.lili' n-ili"i.,' Ml lilii i ty. Ii.ynlly ntnl Hi:' I.hI.iii
liy wliii li Ii" I-iil,iliriti-,, uu, I 11,,'iuN tnl-t,' il'iuiuis nf
SMI" III; III', lllili.-,liit..rr-li' II i.l'r. li. l In .i.if, mi.
1' I i;ii.-,l.'ty Ml' r, I., 1- nn.1 l..ynl ini'ii. lv w liinli (N
l-.,t,j tit., ' mill tin. ,in ty w I'll V. !,., Ii h I- iili-lilili, .1 in-.,
ill-tin. Ill-lii iLyi'li w 111 I'. Ml nll'l in. I mll " I'll! ill .,iir
i-iltnlii'iiti'. nml Will, with inu nl. i-nlll't-i i-tii illy i-r-
.iilvi' Unit ti'-tii-lMl (iri'i liniii -h ill l,i' i-l.-rti-il.iM .vn.u-lit ji
n M'titiillvn In tin- tn-t Ci.t'i'-i..
'Him lini" h-i i-iiliii. .i f.-ili-i-in ymtr ill-li lit fruiii tin.
lliinl.lMtii ii'n,.inirli,.'iil ni-iiini-i-i-'.v, mill tlm I'li-iiii-ntM urn
nt Hul l; to nrliii V" tin- L'f nl i-'-nitlt.
fl-Hln i'Vi ty fin I nl' ft 1 Inivn l- Iv.-i w-.if,li nf liii-li
ll ',. ntnl inn rhi'i li-.l Willi tin' n-' lli'iill.-i' Unit tin- 1" nil,.
mi- iil-Miimil to thi'r.l t I-mii'. nml will itii'i'l It im ini'ii mil
Ii iIi-ImI-i, Slntll tin-I'liti-lililti'iinit Atin-li'lini-iit tin inl'ipt
i"l J Sli'ltl Ihi' tiiivi-lliltti-lil In' li' I'l ill 1'iynl IliilnU'f Slmll
tin- I iiImii H'llill'T In' ,i'r(i-i-t-i-il nii'l Itiitiiiriiil i.vit tin' C' li.
iiiliiiiitn r slmll H-i-iiiity 1,1'inlii'ii nciihiii rmiir nan-i.
Ilnti 7 'I'Iii'nii ni-n tlm )e-iiit iiii'-lliinn, nml tuny tin' lnynt
In ni t. ilinlt'l' Ihit lil'iivlili'lli'i' nf O'iiI, HKiilu I'liluc lin lli in
n ininpli.
Wlini'UT fitoiF.' ('ii- fmiiiHtiiltiitiiil Atlli'lt'ttlli'tit ntnl
fltl-lh lll't I'lillilili l lii.i ('MiUi liltiill H hint In llin I'iiImh
Jiiil'ly, innl mti-it hi' fi t iImwii im nuiiln-t lis, W'ln lln'l' Ii" Im
tlm fi-MKiili tit, ii CiiMm-t Minl-ti'fiir yiiin-tti-vt. in-liilili.ii'.
II will ln with miii'iiiw- thnl w-i' i'it-t riitniiitiy with nil Ail-tnlnl-
li'iill.itt W " riiiili-ilinli il In lii-iiiii lulu piiwi'i', innl IVmiii
vlil, It. iii't-Mitinlly, I hnvr ri-ri-lvi-il iniiiiy ImKi-ii.- nt' tiii inl.
Iiilillllil r'ltisliU-intli.ii, yi t II inll IM' llil'i t. wi' will hen
tin Il"iillilli,ti. of lii.lli.yllnr thnt ill' urn l.llt 1'iif-liln ' t,i
lln-ll-I'-vlUlnnli' rum-Ill. inn tin- .iitn I.. M iijimii whlrliwn
lil'iiMI llli-il lilt Will-, mill urniii'i-llililt inllv tinvt.-'lilfi'll ."ii
Ill'i'Oy. tn'onnlii'iil ti"iici'. mill unity, timl tliu I'lttill'i- prun-lirlll)-
nll'l puwi'l' nrihi' NuIImh. .
.A. HEDGE k m
lis vi! Just 'received il New Hock ol
AVe have just ren-ived a large luisn'rliiient ol'
Ihi) liili-rl kind ol' n iitly made
which we can warrant to wear, imd (In roihI
Also a few Low Vi'icctl ltnols nnd Slices
whieh we will not watraiil Imiulit expressly to
conii. le wild our liffclitini'H.
Doa'l tail loe.ill If you want to sen piiti!
iinieii'.s in oni' line nf trade. Il will cost noili
i i i to lnok at llicin.
Hemciulicr the place, "Allison's lillihlillL',
"ppo.-ile the Ci'iiil II ,UM'."
Wnyiiesliiirr, May 'J, tf.
TAVLOll. i'j' h'AKbh.V
n o n i:: l onctno.
rii;-: M'isT COMI'i.l'.T!' -ML'SIi'AL IX
jL Hl'li.L.'.MKNT iiianuf..c urcd, inultliii
oi'' T;i:: U'OKLD!
Comh.iilii.T S'.vef-liii-ss mill IVpih of Tone,
J!- - mi! i: nl mi I Cli'i-I.' in Aioeai'.-inci', Kc
Inotio' innl Ml "..liiii; ia iis 'I'l-ii'lca-lics.
. I'or ('lanele -i, I'a.-lors ut
the 1! -ii'loir ii ! i . s -i no riiial,
ilia! h is itiv iilali vlakt-n
ti.c ri;:sri'iti:.Mi-
L'.M v.-lier. v. r
t'onipi'ti!; with et'ci- well laiu'.vn uiamiCac
turcis.'lv !'' HI' iliiTercnl slvl: s. tl'l-I IV"'U C'fie to
Iwclve :li p-, I,' ivr Doii'hle l.'iilows, poiil.te
Plow I'eilais. Km c -writ, etc., i te., t'.iviu:;
'rent ti.isvct nnil sli'ii aacs of tiiae.
Til:-: ;u:i: r.A. s, msv, to the n..nM-
lieeil I li i:ans. ::i', cs a nlum'.' ' f ton,' f ,ii-il In
a s.ixti-cii I'ool sli iji in a I'ip-- Orenn. tnt-i ivhcn
l':jliii". l-l our (),-.',-iit ; e ii'l.tii'i:'-.' th--e, II lid
four S'-ls of l,'.'i',!.s the voiua'e nf lone is cniril
1 1 a ii -1 eo i.e M'L'an. nml cnslin;; only tilwmt
out.' fourth as unit h. Siaul for mi i!li(-livitcil
l'rici; l.i.-l, giving full i.arii'ii.iis. Aildress
Ol'ileis, (. .(. Wli.l.Alil),
W'holesalo Agent, (!.; Ik'.jatt.vay, X. V.
" V 0 6 E I A N 0 F 0 il T E !
The eheain st Iirst class Piana Foite in the
M.uv'.i't. Tit; so liL'ie.itifiil iiis'iumeuis tire he-t
w illlilnir lhe r way inlo ii'ilic 1 tv ir. Tiie
tone is ri'-h, ftill innl inverltil, nml fiti :lit-s
l' r:h witli peculiar swc. Incsa t'lfloily, liitf
the timeh is ea;-y tiiiil cl:.s:ic. Are iiiiUieil in
lieh r.'.-,cwooil 't ;i,-cs, lull iron fiar..c,
over stiiniL bass iU'd riciu h crain! nellnn.
All have 1 li'" round coi'ie-i-s, wll'i lmek ti l-i.-hcil
Iil;-' the trout, jlvcry iiis'runii'iil Isilly
warraiiti il live vars. ( iii-ttl :is tiivito; cor
rect tiki ness t;i!;i n from pltoli'L'r.ipli. Willi full
th scvi'iive piiee lis!, is.-jit free lo any aihlre-s
on .".pp'iiviii'ui
,Ti i. c 5JjJiic5 '::!; nsv.! C;.ov;i!
. Hie.t '. II Mill: I V I I. NTS,
Ace- i:',;v.!,'rs the ( ircuhir. nml is worthy of
pic-ei vriii. m. D.'.tl' i.s will iii! fur-
llisHc:! ill -so Hi' lllliflll In-
pitiiiin nls t.l tlie
tilld Tccchers al the rates of ei:'. iHlllt. Ad-
I dri -s all or.lei'.s to (). .1, Wll.l.AltO,
A Wholesale A.-rdit, (!'-'7 liio ulwtiy, N. V.
irt.,.1 ...... . . r.,1. UV. l lVi.,1 .t. r:..
l!ei'.i.hiia:i. Iray k -Co,V. Win. Knabe ,1c Co.'s,
t'lld other iirst el.i.-S
1 T".2-.t tr'" '' e"':".-?;-i-7
I .11-1-'I ' S',. ....,' L'' 'r-.J
I Circulars rivinj; correct likenesses of these
! cclcb;-;'t"d Piano I-'ort-'saa I Taylor A Fnrley's
Mo h-I O; :4.1ns, forwarded t J imy uihlresj on
npplicati hi.
I'll'' Ii'est S.inss, reblish'd Jamiary !,
i I set!, tiiitl niai'eil tunny address free of io.slaf.
i (ill, iie.' nit: th ".t dear old son: .Va:
V tt ve iii'.mt; twin i.iu sa;ae canteen, uy J.
li. Ci 11k, ."."a
V, -niil'ii'iil Wales, s uv; by .1. 1!. Thomas, ii.le
I'm liiip'py as Ihe il ty is loiej, ei'i:
Sonieb.'ilV's Dm III);;, ;i"ic
Violets niiili r the snow, by II. Tucker, e
i-wei 1 be I by r.'P'!.;c, by .1. il. Thomas, ;i.".e
sioiiLt et the spoon, n nttw college S0114, elic
The Al'jjcl ll'.lide, liy I'nv i;.''cr, ' tii'c
Win a I winl coniiiiv'; S.tllie, imiicc, . .'!ec
f Lily a wilhcre.l ruse, tl.'ic
Moiln r. J Imve lii'inl s.veet mti.-je, Eti
Picas ml lirenuis nf loin: ii;;.i, ' ;!."i(.
(Mi. sir not a's luail is bought, .it'c
M:. llili en ilcnr, -l llo
r...i'.,i. i i..".i'fi,i n ,',..,.
1 We'll t no more nt tv, hour, ;'.ec
" !!;!, '.111. Ill i.-'c ofilie sea, liv ,. li, TluiiutlK, J!."i;
!. Ol.l iti-iCl care, by V.'. C. !a.-Tard. iWu
i.i.Sii 01 my soui, oi nice 1 m iiii'i.nuti,
1'iveo'eioi ill tiie nioi'iiin " 4iie
( lei-ii .'iti.l I. : :if II by II. my Tilel:-r, Jli'c
('' inc. Ne! i 'ih'tir, I'm wci ; ia..'. by 'I'ni lret-i'.tle
M-i-i "lei' wives, vocal ihi l, by Ciloyer line
No lime hke the eld thee, lle
(live Ihe old man a eli ine,'. ;ii(;
Oiut ltiiv;hl moony ni rht. a inie, ;;."e
They nil 1 out- Inane l ilt mine, . iilic
Yininiy man on lite runway, !i.",r,
Whcli tl:;ht lor freedom
Jlown by Hie uttte. by ,1. K. Tlioni'is, l!iin
l,'.-"i'.arlie.s oiileriii!: .Music nail over paving
for llini-.ame will ri ive Iheirelimre inclost.'il
wilh Hut, or. Music will lie selccrcd, us
pii'iii's prefer. All or.teis prntniitly iitletuleil
to, tniil any iafol'iaaiion cheeriiilly niven.
Iii i-i:i:i;s t. : lion. (J. V. Pn'ttei-st n, ex--(l.u'eiiior
of Xew Yorti, Westll, Id. X. v., ''.
I! (,'i.hti tn s'nleiit Lake Sliui'e l!.,nk, Dun
kirk, Ni'v York.
Mkw i'ohk I'iiv Iti Ki:f.i:ci-:s t William A.
Pond &. Co., William II. Uradhury, Cnrliaik
Needham k Co , Sihcria Oil, j Uni, Ki,lii,.(
Kfi'l , (leie-inl Sept. .Motive Power', Iliiu It. 1,
Vlieclcr& Wilson.
K-"Aihlres3 Orders.
o. 1. wn.r.ATtn.
Wliok fiale Pitmo Furle, Music Dealer,
Mo. o:'7 llroiulwiiy, N. Y.
Dec. 'JO. Sii:.-lf
'f . 'vv . ROSS,
OPI'K I! in .hiwi'll's btiildiue;, West end f
M.tlu slieet, Wuyui'sburg, Pa. tipl.-lf
Spring Stcfck.
tiers' Comer, Wiiynct-bnrij, Pit.
jn-:n.,. s.WKiw.t nosivixsoM
Have lii't opened an cxIeiHvu nnd entirely
new stock of l'ASUION'Alibi;
noierht In the licst Knslern niarlict, nt the very
lowest null rale;', eomprisint; nil styles of Hie
most fa.-.hionalile mid serviceable textures nt
Geiitlt'incii & Lilies' Wear,
It is useless to enumerate. Tlicy have every
tiling in t tin line, witli
And .Shoes. Wares of till kinds, nad a com
plete variety ofthc best ItUOCl'.illKS. Al! ot
wliicli Ihey propo: e In sell at Ihn very lowt i t
enures, il'H:iiilhi! oa the ti 'iily nini ehcap
ni'ss of tlicir'M'ooil-'. lo i'ni litem cii-t uu.
I'uv. i;:i, is,;."), t f "
Bradloy& Smith
a' a
No, Wi V'oo;l S'ttent,
C''S ii l G f J i O 5 PA.
Dll'tl't.KOi GKKl'iXM t'OI'NTY wlslilni;
I. niiythin-.: in our line can be finni.- lu'il oa
thu siioi'icsl noli.ii! and
MOST J!!'ASO:'. IV,. ) TY.UM:
i I'l isons from a dislane" ? rMivs us niiDKKS have them promptly nit, mled lo, and on
iieeiiiint nf lieiii"; nt'.'.r M-trkel Head ( Jnaitel'.
We cm jroiwls t'iiiCAI'iiil! than tle-y
cm be lnai;:hl elsewhere.
CKli lis YMV CijVltT,
nnd we will uive llicin our striclest atlenlion
and foi v.-ard jjo-iila by Impress lo Wiiynesbtir
by beat, or pers.nis Mr in the coiintiy can
s.'lel hv IVillars and I lilcHers.
iiiaria-i;.-, tf llilA 1)1, Iil' & SMITH.
.!. V. !! I'r i)i'i.!i,p
. IXVIT!:;.! TIIK n.TIII.ICloIiI.-, pMron
I Ji.'c. Ihe umlcr.-iiihed feels eoiill Icttl. thu!
j by 1 hi:' excel ieiiee. he nil! lie enabled lo
' r.'iidi r sail-faction to nil. lie Mii i'tititi'i-s He
bi .-l .leei.iiimoihitioiis in lb to ni ni nn,l I'enst.
I M iv !.,., ly .1 W. IIAliN'
' j Ti:. IIOOI'KK v.'cu.l-l Mill Ii-'vb his vie,;:'
! I'l. innl pnt'-ons bciir n 11 ii.d. that ho con
, liniics in the Grocery nnd ('.iiili't'tii.uery (ratio
nl his pl.-ec ol doiitjj l u.-'i:'.;.',!.-'., hi'id that
i lie iu.-t received
of Ilia best finality nf all auk-les in lilslinc.
TOYfl NOTIONS nml 11 .ureal variety of
useful i.itie'es nhvnyson lineal.
In eoMncclion wilh the nbn,'e, Mr. Tronper
j Keeps it ll- stnnraiit, where ICK Clti-iAM, lier
j rics nnd all the liixiuks ofthc .-.'iiiion can be
ol.l aim d.
'I he inn::1 atlraetive nml eiiel pcpiiUv resort
in town. .lane 1 1, '1,-,-iy
Let All Persons
Proprietors of the splciitlltl Grncciy Rtort', foi
nierly owned by Joseph Ye 'liM'. 'Mr. Taylor
keeps on hand ii vood supply of the very best
SPtiAK. COl'TTli;. TKAS, 111(10, MOhAS
Ac, and, hi fnet, KVKItY TlllNO UBiiidly
keiit in a Iirst clie.3 Grocery Store.
Two doniH Hast of Wilsons New Ilc'ikling
Oct II, 'ti.-.-ll'
mm i mm;
TVKAI.KIt.hi Hooks nnd St 'llniiei'v, "M i!;i
) .ines, Dully t'npe, V 1 1 .1 Vrleles, iVc,
Wiiynesljui'i:, Pa. April I, 'U0'-ly
C3r Xji TH 171. ""ST
Has lilted up a new nnd spit ndil riiotnjjrnpli
tiallery in the third story ol '
Where Im Is prepared, to executo
And nil other kinds nnd sizes of pictures, in n
style c(iial to the best artists. Ilspecial attcn
lion will be ;;iveu to copying plcliires and en-lure-inn
theiii. All nptilicalionswlU !e nromnt
ly nlteiidetl lo, 'I'heir rnoiiis tire eonimodioiis
nntl attractive, nnd every tlesirable aecoiiuiin
dalinii will he rendered In customers This n
decidedly the liesl oppoitiuiity to secure accu
rate likenesses ever oli'cl'cil In tliu people ol
(ti'i'ctie County. Cull tiny time it suits you.
Pictures takui any lime iii the day, ntnl in nil
kinds ol wi ntlier. Nov. . I sc.-,. tf.
V, filil UU .11 DSi;i.i'. i.S t';5.S-
1 Ihfi continue to cairy on Ilia Marble ami
O Stone cutting business nt their louir esiali-
lisheil Bland iiiniiedi.itely Kant of the l'llblic
sipiare, Main Street, Wnyrjc.thuri".
This'iit Ins heea in constant
operation t-incc s;;:i, mi. I the Ion;: cvperience
and energy of the proprietors, linked w ith tlie
exercise oi' sounil jiidnieiit nnd g""d ttisle,
have won for them a w idc spread nnd enviable
repnPUion. An extensive stock of the varum :
varieiii s of the be.-l marble kep constantly on
hand. Special atlenlion paid to polihkin;.
piv.-i'ui;;, carving and en .raving.
All ordeisproniptly tilled.
llc.iciii! er Is:'''.'.
I .!
r. ii. wmioi
I AS been in pili c'ssful I'.r.ieHi'e for a nmn-
J Iter il years, Willi the cxpeiit'iica of the
di.e'i'i iil liospllitls in laiiop", also a incmhcr
of the. An.'.luieal U I'.icnl Institute of New
Voil:, 'cm. liiiics lo all. aid lo nil professional
cases at 1 is cilice , No. Uitd l'iibert Street,
No p-itellt. Medicines nr.'. Uni'd or recom
mended : Ilia remedies ailininl.-tcrcd are those
which wid not brake down 'the constiiulinii,
lint reiioviilc Hi 'sy.-tem tiom nil injuries il lias
sii .laii'.e-l from jniecial nici'.ieiiit-.i. tenl icnye
Hie ry.-.l; a ia a k.'allliy mid perfectly cured
I) Vr-'f'ijl'S! v. thai di iti' disease ntnl
fell des' rover ol' h all '1 mid happiness, under
itiiiijii;: the r-otisl il iitiioi nnd yeaily cari vin;;
I h - ii a nil , t-i untinhly graves, can nio.-t ein
p!i iliclly be cmvil.
M. l.iiieholy. Ahl'cri a'i-in. that slate nf Alie
nati .11 nnd wiakne-sof iiand w hi. ii renders
persons incapable 'of r 1 j win;; the pie isbresor
perloriaim: Ihe iluli s ol' ii if.
Kiii'.L'.MATH.M, in nnv I'oitn or condition,
chroiiit: i .r neeute, w al runted curable. Kpi
lepsv, or I'alllii:; sickness, all chronic or stub
lioi'ii cases of
!! M ,1 L ; 1) 1 $ E A S E H
radfc'illy rcinoved ; Salt !th ami and 1 very
desciip'.ion nf u!i er.ili '.ii.s ; Piles and i-crnliil-oits
tliseas, s W i'e li have bullied all previous
medical skilLcan be cured by my treatment;
nnd 1 (lossy disea it. fves Coaminitmii) cull
he cured by we uiii'j my .laei t, which
is a protection to Ihe ln;i"S ii'V iin -t nllchanu'es
of we ilher in nil c inial' 11 leivini; invcsliualed
for yens tlie cause nnd character of Intel iiiil
lenls(i'evcr and ; 1 ; ; 1 1 . J in nil pnl!'. ol'lhc Initial
Stale?. will cure pet nianen ly nil chroeie or
aeul" cases nl A.-;iij nnd nervous iii n':.: t's la 11
lew d ivs.
cANc'i-.i! n-i:::i wrniorTTHKiixiiT.
Ol! DltAWlNC ().' P.i.OOl;
Tape Wi im. iheml lo Hie Ilmiiiin
simlly for years, cm W removed W illi two ir
tince ilnsi s of my nc.vly ili-fovi'i d remedy,
v. eri'niii.'tl in all ca-c.s. Coiisnl'a ion in the
lint hs'j and l! --I'li'im I,:U!';tl aa'cs I'ree ofehniire.
Will make vi. its tiny di-l-iuee, if desired. May
be nil. In ssctl by letter (eontllcn tally.) nn'd
Me. ieine sent with proper directions to any
pail of Hie coiiiitry,
FtT' I-: No. ' li'.'S Filbert Street, Pliila.
'.'.Zj S... .; J...La
P? i!fi( m mm
iLi, i.CJ, Jlj.iiii3.;:.
o ' r f'" T
C.J vcliJ-j .
KA53i :sti;l SALT,
And a !;reat. variety .,r IlliNNKTS and HATS
lor the ladies, at the owct prices thai Goods
have, been sold fur t.inci; the cunniK'liecnielil
nftlu War.
1 1 i'l.M.-'. t'i-o,ii 1'.' to 'J.icts. pcryd,
an. .-Ol AS,,,. " Vi 1-L' lo II) "
PP-iil. Al Pitlsburaji pi lies.
I HON i Nails " ' ('.-ml Prices.
S-M-'l " i') lier barrel.
COTTON YAKN, nt rcdueul rates.
W'u have the floods In, nnd nil we n:k
of 1 ur friends Is to call and see for themselves
for we me sntl-lleil that nn examination of our
s'.'eck nnd low prices will repay thein for their
trouble. To our frieuils at a distance, we ex
1, ....1 .. , ii. ,1 t..,e, ,0 ... 1.. . .,11 1 . ii,,,ii.
11. 1 11 1 1, 1.1 ii 1 11. 11 III 11.11 11 '11 10 , .111 111111 m 1.- 1 11, .1 1
old friends who me alwiivs elad to see them, j
lor we can assure lliem that il will repay llicin
for Hu.' trouble.
W. 11. M'COY A CO.
The old stand of W. II. M'COY; Greensbo
ro! Greene County. I'unn'u. IMai'in.'ii'i-tl'l
Our prices c iiinot be surpassed fur cheai
ness liy any otlti'V estiibllshiiieat lu this part
of tliu 'Slate. Parties Willing
done should nlvo us 11 e i'l. Wo aro ready at
all times to do imylhhii'lii Iho priiitliia line.
- - - - j
Founded in 1840
I in the Union enmlucteil by a Practical bu
siness iiiitii, ( lur hihesl Cnninu'rclitl Aulhor
ilics, east nnd West, pronnniice his systems of
Konkkeepiiti: imetlllnlctl conipreliciulhie;
I'Vi'ry (lepnrlineiil of business, nml yet so
skilfully condensed Hint tlm attentive student
iinslers lliu whole in six of cljjhl weekn. It
consists of
closed on wilh a loss nnd twice with n pilii
cxhibitine; by llnee (lill'crent inetliotls tlio
transfer of old to new books.
conducted by Ihreu dill'erenl methods, ex
hibiting tlm transl'er of the nl 1 to new honks, !
Willi Hie imrnilitclinii ol a new partner ; also
practically ilhisiratim: the
rii'lYATK LKDGKlt,
by means of which the' venules of the business
are kept, out ol the general hooks, for tliu use
ol the parlnci.s only.
I low every one may ;et rieli. How to jjet,
rich by tlailiie:. The cause i'l Coiniuereial
failures. On speculations. Thu moral I11II11
ttnee of liitt"' lily in youth, etc. Also lectures
011 Pai'lin rships, Con':racts. In-urance, Com
mon Cairiers, Ihe Statute of limitations, etc.
Practical hi-t'iielions ia DKTKCTINO
by a full set. nf Menuiiin vinnettc.s nnd cnun
lers, and 11 larn'c collection nl counterfeit nates.
OL'll KAH.UOADnooiMvMlil'lNO,
(111 innnuseript,) exhihil.s Hi" const nu'liou ami
eiiiipnicnt, tlie epernliiij; reeeipls nnd e-ipeii-ililiueSi
the bunds closed aild .a dividend 1M
ci r.letl. These books are ndvi l lised by others
l u! not l.'iiia'hl elsewhere ia the e'uy. Our
new sy.stL'iu of
(in inai.iiseiipt,) emhraci's nil the best I'oims
m use ii'iiem: pi iva'e liaiihi-ts Dm' lii'iv tli
lai'acd edition of Doll's Steamboat lionk-keep-levr.
Our full coui'ie of Im inces praelie i;i
chides ahout PIKI'V IJU.UNKSS ll!)i)lvS,
iii'ctl to aboul lliiriy ilill'.'i'i ii' fornis, viz : II
I.-timers. 7 D i.y l.'ii.iks, ." Jt.urn.ils, li I.'ill
11 oks, I Cash Hooks, I S-ucs Hooka '' Invoice
li ioks, t Discount. Hook, I Check Uecisler. I
Dep'tsit Ui'ulsti . '.' Colh t'licn K.'ai-.i.'1's. 1
'l'ie'.ier4 I Hands U";:islcr, I Fi'eia'ht lino1;, '.'
P esaesi Honks, I Fuel Pool;. Thesa Hooks
prnelically record nboiil six liiintlred buinei-s
tr nsictiiiii'', comprehendlm; Dulf's original
I'l m of business etltieicion. ietrnilneed iwitn-ty-live
yenrs niro. Ilowl'nr others letvu suu
c'eedetl In Imilalnn: nini will be best, seen by
coiiipniiii!: Ihe business pnpetS and books ot
other pupils witli those ol t lie graduates of
Ibis iiis'iitutioii.
Ilaipcr's ICuliirgptl Fililion
i)UFi'"iS uook-kkk".l;-:g.
Vr'ux CS. J..-t( ,r. SO con's.
Which, wilh Ihe lollow'ni; b stimonials. inili
cate the charaeler of the Wei!; :
No niln r wiirh upon Ilonkkeei im; explains
the siil j' ii w'uli sn much tie, iincss nnd sim
plicily. F. W. I'.DMO.NDS,
Cashii-rJIechanle.' Ilanli, Wall sivecf, N Y.
'As an extensive ship owner, Ainericnn and
1 Kur ipean meriicinl, InnU director, etc., tie
lies In rae the repni-llion of Ihe hUrlics! orilit
01 bu.-liie.stilenls.' 'Nil. W IlL'iiN'IIAM
Me.t hai.l, No. S Sniilh street, N. V.
'I mudiial. tl in Unit's c.ille.'e in half ilie
tii;ie 1 c.pi eled. Ids tnhiiii'iilile Mslein in
litl.l s iinlhlil'.',' siljk rilunas, leaves out
nnyll.i.ii e -i -ini ,1. .1. !!. ( OMPl'ON, r.Mnear.i IT.ili-. Loci; port, N. Y.
. '' Tee 11101 1 compihto woii; of the Kind I
I tivc ev. r i. -cii." ,1. li MIK!1V,
Pli si lent i'.':e!,:i:i!.-e I'.ai!;, Pillslnii'Mh.
The me: 1 i l. ;,r innl eonipi'i lieimive lliat I
have met wilh. .JOHN' SNYDKlt,
Cashier lia.el; of Piit,liure;h.
Voureinmuitt 'it iiiuminioii-iy concur in the
opinion nl tliu lllilil.v nl'lhe hiiprny.'il liielhod
of Mr. Dad." GLTKI.K' J. LMKDS,
Kveoiiliuy !:'cc. ol the Ainer. In!i , N. Y.
0;i. II. Dult's I'cnmanship
Fur thu beslhii:iii',wi and t)i-nanienl:d Pen- j
inan.-'-hlp, awaided our pivsint Peiimaii, by
llll! I
Uiiiled ftal fare n' .Cinelniialli In ISiIo
Pe;:iiylviiiii'i '-'I lie fair nt Wyomlm? I -'(!()
Wc.-tc'rn IVim.-ilvaiil.i fiit'.nl. Piilsliur isiio
Wceleiii ' i jh.i i fair al Wheeling HIDil
Ohio :! ill! I' iil' at ('level and IHli
All of which nre exhibited at our nlllco. j
Have never Iron nilvancud. while others nre
clssi-filiS is'iU tu'tlh II fee, or 'I'UI and sjl,", v.
Ira f ir pi'iiin.'m--hip. and sill' lo -vJU iiir text
tioi.hs tniil hhiliks.
For nnr irradiiallns comw. inehidiii'; bni-l-ne-s
peii!tl:ili-hip. linn'' unlimited, nre 'i!IU. I
The citlii '.;e 1 million ol Dulf's Hon!; keep-
ii'ix, with blanks ai.d tliidniiery at boolisiilers'
prices, ;..". 1
Our blanks are madn up of line extra rlz"d I
paper rilk'tl eoiiiplete, wi li lull sets ol auxil
iaries. We tin refore present the business student
with thu fnllowhl.S
I We have Ihe best Pciiinim In tho west.
' Pull's System of liools-Ucoplii!X, Csnnt:- by the New York Chamber tit' Com -in.
rce.) laiiehl by llui 1111tl1.ur.
.i The daiiy leelurcs of 1111 experienced mei'
chant. t A Mtvin;; of seven or ei,;ht weeks hi llmo
of study.
r A savins of tho sumo number of weeks
ii A Having of ij'l or s-7 In hooks an.l sta
tionery. 7 A' diploma tinned by one so Inns and so
I'lvorablv kno .11 as u preceptor, us an reeount
aut. and tis a inerchaiil.
For full piiiileiilars, wftl Cor circular, 7"
P'll'es, with samples of 01 r ii'imvin's llnsliiens
and Ornumenlal wrlllu.'.', luclnsliij; hvimly
llvo cents for postage, lo
v. mm? & soa','
Fr these diseases It is truly a sovcrclgtl
remedy, nnd too much cannot ho said in Ha .
praise. A single ilosu bus been known to ru
iieve the most indent symptoins.
Are you troubled with that distressing pnln
m vim iiiit's 111111 uirouau ine nips 1 A tea
t'.poonliil iiMny of llelmbohl's Uuclm will ru-
lieve you.
I liiahe 110 secret ol"m;:redieiits. Ilehnnoltl's
Kxtracl Ihichu is composed of Pacini, C'ubehs,
anil Juniper licrries, selcctetl with great cure,
prepared in iwno nntl iieeouling to rules of
These ticrcdictils are known 11s tho most
valuable Dainties all'orded.
Is that v.h'n h nets upon lh(i Iddiicys.
1 Is pleasant in taste nnd odor, fico Pom nil
: hijiuioiis propeitiea, nnd iiiiiiiidiittc in its
j ntdioii.
See Medical Properties cent tinetl in Dispenaa
i tory of the U. S., of whieh the following Is a
i copy :
j 'ihviic. Tts odor is ftrnng, diffusive, and
so .H'lvhal nronialic, i's tnsie biUerisli, nnd
: analogous t that of mint. It is given chiefly
; in complainls of tlie Uiiuarv Ui'ar.s, such us
1 (liavel. (iironie Cntarrh of the tjlndtler, Mnr
I bid hiilnliiiii of the JilntUler mid Uretlini,
. 1 liscnses of tins prostrnle, nnd lietention or
tliu toconti icnce ot Li ine, Irian a loss of tone
in the parts conceriietl in its evacuation. It
lias also been recoimuendeil in liyspepsia,
Cliroliic Iiheiimatisin,' Cutaneelis All'cctioiis,
and Diopsy.
See l'i-ol'-;isoi Pcw'ecs' valuable works on tli8
pr elii e nl Pnvsie.
Sec Keniaiks made by Iho celebrated Vr:
I'liy.-ic. of li:i: itleliltia
Sec any ni.fl nil Sl.ind.ud Works on Mcill
cine. I'KO.M THE
r "F?. r- r
TH23 KO:iLI)
I am aciaiaiiitcd witli II. T. Ili lmbold : ho
I occupied the thu;; store opposite my residence
j and wns successful in cniiduiiintr tliu busineps
I where others had not In en eijllally 80 befnni
j him. I have been favorably impressed with
I liis eharaiier and enterprise.
j (Firm of Powers & Wiilitinun,)
I Mi nut cturiiu! Clii'inisls,
j Ninth nml 1'iown titreets, Philadelphin.
1 From Ihe Philatlelphia Fvenin Httlelm,
Clinch loth' U'e ate cruiined to liear of tlio
j eoniiiiiicil pucecrs, in New York, of our
townsman, Mr 11. T. Ilelnibold, Prupgist.
I J lis store, ne.vt to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28
j fed Irimt, 'J:;u feet tleip, and live stories hi
heijd'.t. It is ceitainly 11 grand establislmieii
and specks favorably of tlie merit of his arti
cles, lie retains liisOlliee mid Laboratory im
I I his city, which aro also model establishments;
I of I heir class.
I Tlie proprietor lias been Induced to mnko
this .-tat incut fi 0111 Hie fact Unit his remedies,
tiuhoiiMji advertised, aro
Genuine Preparations,
And Imowhis that the inlcllhji'iit rcfrnhi fl'omi
Ushi"' any iIiuim; pcrlaiiiln io (Juitekery, or
the Patent Mei Heine order must m which are
picpiii'eil by scll'-slyled Doctors, wilt) aro too
l;;noranl to rend a physician's simplest pros
cripti 11, much lesscoiiipelent to prepare phur
innceulieal prep.irnlini's.
These pitHics resort to various menus ofef-.'
tc'i'tiiiLj sides such us copying purls of ntlvttr
tisemenls of popular remedies, mid finishing;
wilh ecrlillcnles.
The Science of Mctlicinn slatnds slmplo,.
inre and majestic hav'nii! Fact for its Iinsis,
Induclion for Us Pillar. Truth for its Capital.
A WOUDOF CAUTION'. Health is most
Imp. slant 1 nml the alliictctl should not use an'
mlvei lined luedicine, or any remedy, unless'
lis contents or ingredients are known toothers'
!iesldcs ihe inanufaelurer, or until they uro
snilelled of Ilia tniiilillcallims of tho party 80'
and iMPnoYi:r hosb wasji.-
Fstabll.'.hed upwards f f II! yutrs.
Prepared by H..T.HELMBOLD-
iii:r,Miioi,r.s nitun and chemicaiV.
WAli! AOUSH, riUUirondway New York.' .
And lirXMIiOldT.'' MKIMCATi' iSeOT,,
till Smith Tenth Street, Philadelphia Pa.
I!V A Mi lli;i!0'(J!STS.
Nov. I", ifiUe iy. ,