FARMEBS' COLUMN. "Speed tlio plow aiilspoed the barrow; Pcaeo and plenty Bond abroad, Butter fur the ipuilo und barrow; Than tho eimiion nnd tlio sworn. THIS FARMER'S GUIDE. 'Tls fHIy In the extreme to till Extensive Molds nnd till them ill. Tho farmer, pleased, nmy bonst aloud His bushels 8wp, Ids wires plowed, And,- pleased, indulge the cheering hnpo That lime will bring a plenteous crop. Shrewd commou-senao bits laughing by, And sees liU hopes abortive die, For, when maturing bensous smile, Thin sheaves sliall disappoint his leil, Advised, llio empty pridu dispel, Till 11 tie, and that little well. 01' taxing, fencing toil, no more Your ground reuiuies when rich than poor; And more one fertile acre yields Thau t..e hugo breaddi or barren fluids, "Nuat bo your farms: 'tis long confessed The neatest limners are the best. Each bog aud marsh industrious dram, Nor let vile balks deform the pUlu, No bushes on your headland grow, No briars a sloven culture show. Neut bo your barns, vour nouses new, Your doors ho clean, your court-yards swoetj No moss tho sheltering roof enshroud. No wooden panes the windows cloud, No filthy kennels foully How, . No weeds with rankling poison grow; But shade trees expand, and lruit trees bloom, And Hovering shrubs exhale perfume. With pales your garden ciicle round, Defend, enrich and clear the ground; Prize high this pleasing, useful rood, And till with vegetable good. "Let order o'er your tlmn preside, And method all your business guide. Early begin and end your toil, Nor let great tasks- your hands embroil; Ono thing at once be still begun, Contrived, resolved, pursued and dono. Hire not for what yourselves c:mdo, And send not when yourselves can go; Nor till to-morrow' light delay What might as well be done to day: By Btoady efforts all men thrive And long by moderato labor live; While eager toil and anxious care Health, strength anil p-'iico, and 11 c im pair. "Nor thine a life of toil severe; No ljfa lias blessings no sincere. Its meals so lucions, sleep so sweet, Such vigorousliinbs.siich health complete, No mind so activo, brisk and gay, As his who toils the livelong day, A lite of sloth drags hardly on; Buns set too late and rUo too soon. Youth, manhood, age, all linger slow ' To him who nothing bath to do, The drone, a nuisance to the hive, Stays but can scarce be said to live; And well the bees, those judges wisu, i'l.iguu, clia3e and sting liiui till he dies." CARE OF COWS, In tlio discussions of the Annual Fair of tho New York- State Agricultural Society, Geo. A. fllooic gives his method ci caring for his cows as follows: My best co W9 tlo not go dry over six or eight weeks Tlio best cow I have, was milked at night nnd had a ca!f by Iter side tho next mornig, Cows must bo sheltered, groomed, well fed and . cared for. A cow should go in tho burn when tho first cold weather comes on in the autumn and stay ihuro till it is over in the spring. Of course tho stablo should bo well ventilated. I have found that cows kept in tho bain through tho winter, do just as well as those which are lot out. Air, light, gjod water and good food aro essential. With those provisions, cows are kept in good health, there are no miscarriages, and too eon crsl effect upon tho health and usefulness of tho animal is good. Cows "come in" with ns when twenty-four months old, and wo brood and milk them right along Three years ago I picked tho poorest and oldest cows from my herd, kept them housed from Christmas till March, loosed them from tho ties mid turned them out, nnd they plavod like calves. They gave more milk and did butter tho following season than they did tho year before I have kept cows in stanchions from Novoinbor to May.oai'ing for and groom ing thum well, and they bred better, thero were fewer losses, and they were healthier, nnd did bolter tlio succeeding season, that if they had boon left out, or Allowed to. run out in tho usual way prefer to tie cows for 'winter feeding, but use stanchions in my milking stnbios SEASONABLE HINTS. Now comes a lull on tho farm, a chance for a holliday to revive' tho lag ging energios of tho body you would do woll to enjoy an occasional one, that you may bo bettor prepared for the evcre labor that follows. Over work ' is tho great cause of mucii of our sick ness. The month of August is tho most favorable season to destroy weeds and bushop. Wago an exterminating war on all weeds, you can now ho successful. Sharpen up the briar scytho and clean out the fonce comer. of all rubbish, such as blackberries, elder, &o., and with a little care you can totally destroy the I nuisances. Don t let the weeds go to sood, for it lakes time to do away with the harm they will do. ' Watch your gram and hay stacks, as they sotllo, thoy may need re.topping to guard ngaiusi me rains, You can sow turnips during tho Grst of tho month and have a good crop. Examine' your fruit trees and see it tho caterpillars aro t work remove the pe&t wherever found. Attend to the budding of your trees, as the bark runs treo and ripe buds can be bad. See that your stock hns pure nnd fresh water a lack of good water often eanses a serious loss by stunting young took. Look for a supply of good clean plump grain for seed have it perfectly free from woed scods, Tlio troublo will renav vou. Should you wish to tone up a field with a dressing ol greon manuro, it is yet time to bow buckwheat for that pur pose. - A Lady fixed tho following loiters in . the bottom of a flour barrel, and asked her husband to road thorn t OsICU ! B-M-T. A London morehnnt recently ndvertis d for a olerk who could "bear confine " meat." He received an answer irom ' one who had been upward of seven years in the- penitentiary.. Of oourse ho was ' eligible.. "I'LL CALL TO-MORROW " It's never safo to bt impolite. A Bos ton mniiufactnrcr onco lost some exten sive orders from want of atten tion to visitors, and the following inci dent, said to bo literally true, is told of a' Philadelphia trader, who subjected himself to groat mortification by impo liteness to Washington Irving. Ho hail boon much annoyed by many idle calls, aud became n litllu crusty. About this tune, tho owner was one day standing i" his door, when up came a rough looking man, in well bundled overcoat, wearing, course, unpolished boots nnd carrying in his hand a whip who accosted bun- 'Good day, sir. Aro you tho owner of this establishment?' 'Well, Iain,' replied tlio other, with a look which seemed to say. ''now, you want to try it don't you?" 'Have you any lino carriages!" in quired tho stranger, apparently not hoed ing tho boorisluiess of tho other. "Well, I have." "At what pitces?" "Different prices, of courso " "Ahl yes. Cau I lojk at them?" "You o.-in do as you please, stranger. They are in there " Tho stranger bowed politeiy and pass ed in, examined tho vehicles for a few minutes, returned, and said: "Thero is one I think, will answer my nunioso:" poiulins toward ono, "what I. is the price?" "Two hundred dollars," "Is that tlio lowest?'' "'Hint is the lowest?" "Well, sir, I will call and givoyonmy decision to-morrow," and tho Btranger walked away. "Yes, you'll cull to morrow! Oh, yes, certainly," replied tho owner, in a tone irony, not ho low but tlio stranger heard him; but ho kept on his way, taking no outward notice of it. "Fool me, will you?" and tho owner commenced whistling. The next day came, and with it the stranger also- "I have como according to my prom ise," said ho. ' "I see you have, s'r," replied tho own er, a little abashed. 'I will tako that carriage, sir" and to tlio astonishment of tho other, ho pulled out an old wallet, well stuffed with bills, and deliberately counted out two hun dred dollars. Tho owner was completely staggered Here was something new. A cabman with so much money,! lie took tho money, looked at it. and men at tlio Htrnnirer, n od hiin from head to loot and oven examined his boots attentively Thou ho counted his money over and over, and hold up each bill to tho light to see if it was counterfeit.- No all was good. A thought struck hint; ho would find out his n a i ne! I suppose you should like n 'receipt?' said he, at length, to the stranger: "It may bo as well." "Yes, sir. WhU name?" . "Washington Irving." "Sir," said the other, actually starting back with amazement, "did I understand your liamo was " "Washington Irving," replied the other, an almost inperceptablo smile hov ering around his mouth. "Washington Irving Sir my dear sir," stamcred tho owner, confusedly, -I I I really, sir, beg ten thousand par dons, sir, but I mistook you for n cabman, sir! I did indeed!" .'No excuse, my friend,' replied Irving, 'I am no bettor thai) you took me for. You acted perfectly right,' and havingat length succeeded in getting his receipt, amid n host of apologies, ho politely bade tho humblo carriage-maker Igood day,' aud left him to tho chagrin that he had mistaken for a cabman a man wlicse lolly genius had commanded tho admi-. ration of tho wholo world. THE MERINO STORM A. HEDGE k SON Have 'just received a New Stock ol ROOTS AND SHOES, 11 ATS AND CAPS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSI ERY, TRIMMINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MHS. K. r. IIOSKINSON. NEW GOODS ! Spring Stock. NEW We have lust received a largo assortment of the latest kind of ready made BOOTS AND SHOES which wo can warrant to wear, und do.good service. Also a few Low Triced Roots and Shoes which wo will not warrant bought expressly to compete with our neighbors. Don't fail tor all if you want to seo good articles in our lino of trade. It will cost noth ing to look at them. Remember the place, "Allison's Building, opposilo the Court 11 also." Wayncsburg, May '-, tf. Great Warieiy MRS. E. S. SAYERS & IIOSKINSON, iS'iit'Ts' Corner, Wtiyncsbunj, Ai. MESSRS. SAYF.RS Si IIOSKINSON Have ust opened an extcnslvo nnd entirely new stock of FASHIONABLE TAYLOR & FARLEY'S MODEL ORGANS 0. J. WILLARD, No. G27 BROADWAY, T NEW YORK. IMIE MOST COMPLETE MUSICAL IN STRUMENT manufactured, and the Model 3:rsi23L OF THE WORLD! Combining Sweetness and Depth of Tone, lleaiititul anil ('haste in Appearance, Ko fming and Elevating in Us Tenden-. ties. For Churches, Parlors or the Boudoir it has no efiiul, and has invariably taken the FIRST PREMI UM wherever exhibited in Competition with other well known mamifac- U1PTS. TbirtV-fonr different styles, nnd from ono to twelve stops, Long Double Bellows, Donolo Blow Pedals, Mieo wen, etc., eie., giwiig irreiit nowei and steadiness of tone. fo ....... ...... M.L.J II.. .1 ... .(. TV. ,,1.1.. lllTj ,HJ1-1.13' llllieu III llli: umi..n. It 1 Orirans. elves a volume ot tone equal to a sixteen foot stop in a Pipe Organ, and when applied to our Organs containing tnein, him four sets of Reeds the volume of time is eipial t'i a S'-HHM pipe organ, and costing only aiioui ono fourth as much. Send for mi illustrated Price List, giving full purlicMlnts. Address orders, O.J. WILLARD, r Wholesale Agent, t!L'7 Broadway, N. . THE (11115 ATi J X I II VALE I) II w n o c ii I I 11 n P n B T fl VUdb r in liuiw The cheapest first class Piano Forte in the Market. These beautiful Instrimienls are last winning their way into public favr. The tone Is rich, full and powerful, and gushes forth with peculiar sweetness a melody, while Hie touch is easy and elastic. Are finished in rich rosewood cases, with full iron frame, over-strung bass and French urnnd action. All have large round corners, with hack fin ished like the Iront. Kvery instrument fully warranted live vears. Circulars giving cor rect likeness taken from photograph, wilh full descriptive price list, sent free to any address on application. A CSiaiitiful Sons anil CJos-:is WOltTII TIIIUTV CISTS, Accompanies tho Circular, and is worthy oi preservation. Dealers will no fur nished thesu Beautiful In struments nt the LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES, and Teachers at the rales of discount. Ad dress all orders to O. J. W1I.LARD, A Wholesale Agent, Bioulway, N. . rionirht In' thn heat Eastern market, attho very lowest cash rates, comprising all styles of the most fashionable and serviceumu icxiurus ui Gentlemen & Mies' Wear, It Is useless to enumerate. 'They have every thing in the line, wilh HON NETS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS Ami Slioes. Wares nf nil kinds, and a com- nlete vurietv of the best UIH ICEIUES. All of which they propose to sell at the. very lowest figures, depending on uie tpiamy uuu cnemr ness of their goods to gain them custom. Nov. I'D, l.sil'i. t f Bradley & Smitli MANUFAdTUHEHS AND IN $A SADDLES, $A HARNESS. TRUNKS. Ac, & No. 132 Woo l Street, Pittsburgh pa. PHOTOGRAPH G A Ii L B 3EL "ST -1N- WAYNKSBUIIG, PKNN'A. lias fitted ui) a new and splendid Photograph Uallery in tho third story ut ALLISON'S UUILDIXO, Whern hn Is prepared to . execute- PHOrOUUAl'IIS. AM15UOTYPES, MA LEI ANOT V 1 KS. CAUTKS UK VISITE, And all other kinds and sizes of pictures, In a slyle eipial to the best artists. Lspeeial atten tion will lie given to copying piciures ami en lareinir them. All ainilicntionswlll he pronurt- lv attended to, Their rooms are commodious ami attractive, and every desirable aecommo dation will he rendered to customers This la decidedly the best opportunity to secure accu rate, likenesses ever oll'ered to tlio people ol Greene County. Call any time it suits you. I'letures taken anytime 111 uie day, ami in an Kinds 01 weather. Nov. n. i" n Founded in 1840 AN I) INrUKriMTliD BY LEGISLATIVE CHARTER. mil E ONLY INSTITUTION OF TUB KIND In the U.liion conducted liy a rracueai ou- sinessman. Our highest Uonuncrcini Auiuor ilies, east and west, pronounce his systems of Book keeping unedualed compreneliil'lig evf-ry department of business, aiul yet so skillully condensed lhal llio nuenuvc muuuin musters tho whole in six of eight weeks. It couists of w Jk i' ft :s nric u ,n . tn I. m ro. WORKS! mm i aim CJ'I'ILL continue to carry on the Marble tnd kj 8tone culling business at their long esiab lislied stand immediately East of llio Public square, Main Street, Wuyneabur)-. This establishment has been in constant operation since I -?:!, and tho long experience and energy of Ihe propriclgrs, linked with the exercise of sound judgment and good taste, have won for them a wide spread and enviable reputation. Anextensive slock of the varioin varieties of the best, marble kept constantly on hand. Special attention paid to polishing, pressing, carving and engraving. All orders promptly tilled. l)demlicr'-':l. inns. 1)11 ir II. TOMOKB nEOI'LEOK (JREF I anything In our line can be furnished on COUNTY wishing the shortest notice and most rj:AsoxM)Li: tkhms Persons from a distanci Bending us ORDERS will have Ihem promptlv attended to, and on account of being near Market Head Quarters we can furnish goods CHEAPER than they can he bought elsewhere. Kt:i'tl I s Your Order. and wo will give them our strictest attention and forward go-ids by Express to Wayncsbiirg by boat or persons living in the ccuntiy can send by Pedlars and Hucksters. nmrJ'.m.-i tf BUALM.KY to SMITH. Bxcliani 0-:roo n ssT30 r o .1. V. MAUN. Proprietor. TN 1NY1TIXG THE PUBLIC to his patron L age, the undersigned feels cunfiilent, lhal by his long exp.erience, he will be enabled to render satisfaction to nil. He giiaianlees the best accommodations both to 111:111 end beast. May R'li.Vly .1. W. IIARN. HECONSTUUCTIOiN NOT OF AS been in successful practice for a num ber of years, with the experience til the dillctvnt hospitals in hurope, also a nieiiihcr of Iho Analytical .Medical Inslilule of New York, continues to aP"nd to all professional cases at 1 is olllce , No. 'J:'B Filbert Street, Piiili. . No patent ledl'dnes are med or reconi mendi d ; Ihe remedies adaiinislered an! those which will not brake down Iho constitution, bill renovate the sy.-lcin from all injuries it lias sustained from ndueial medicines, anil leave the syslc 11 in a healthy and perfectly cured condition. DYSI'EPSIV, that distressing ilisenso and fell destroyer ol'li 'idth and happiness, iimler m'ming the constitution mid yearly carrying thousands to untimely 'graves, can most cm nleiliellv be cured. ,.. . ......... .... .11.. .Melancholy, Aiioenauon, inni siaiem auu- nati .n and wi akness of mind which renders persons incapable ol enjoying the pleasures or perliirmimr the duties of life. RHEUMATISM, iu any form or condition, chronic 1. r aeeute, uarranled curable. Epi- .lepsv, or falling sickness, all chronic or stub born cases ol .am .1 1: urs i:a ses radically removed ; Sail Rheum and every description of ulcerations , Piles and tcrolul ons diseases which have bullied all previous medical skill,.ean be cured by my treatment; and 1 do say alldiseaes, fves Co:wimition) can he cured bv weaiiiu' niv Medical .lacet, which is a protection to Ihe luns against all changes of weather in all climate having Investigated for years thn cause and character of inlciniil leiiis(ft verand ague) in all parts of the United Stales will cure permaneiiily all chronic, or acute cases 'ol Ague and nervous discuses in a CANCER CURED WITHOUT THE KNIFE OH DR.WVINO Ol' lll.OOt). Tape Worm, that dread to Iho Human Family for years, can be removed with two -r three ilosi sof my newly discovered remedy, warranted in all cases. CoiiHulla lon in the KiU'lis'.l and (lemmn Languages free of charge. Will miike visits any distance, if desired. May be addressed bv letter ( eontldcn. Hilly, ) nnd Medicine sent with proper directions to any pari ol (lie country. oi'l'UT. 1N0. ic.' rmieri carcci, vnar'-'h'iiil-ly STOCK 1500KS, closed oaco with a loss and twice with a gain exhibiting by three dill'crcnt methods the transfer of old' to new books. PAinNEi:sniP looks, omwlmteil liv Ihreo dillercnt methods, ex hibiting tho transfer of the old to new books, with the introduciion of a new partnur ; also practically illustrating th I'KIVATE LEIXiEIl, bv means of which the results of the business are kept out of the general books, for the use ol the partners only. LECTUUSON RUS1XESS SUBJECTS, How every one may get rich. How to get rich by ti ailing. The cause ol Commercial failures. On speculations. The moral inllu juce of Integrity ft youth, etc. Also lectures upon COMMHKCIAL LAW, on Partnerships, Contracts. Insurance, Com mon Carriers, the Statute of Limitations, etc. Practical in-lniclions in DETECTING COCNTEREEIT RANK NOTES, by a full set of genuine vignettes and coun ters, and a large collection of counterfeit notes. OUU UAILUOAI) HOOIClvEICPlNO, (in manuscript,) exhibits the coaslrucllon and eiiuipmcnl, Ihe cperaling receipts and expeu illnm's: the hoods closed ami a dividend re- curded. These books ure advertised by others ! but not taught elsewhere in the city, our new system of PHIVATEI'iAXlv BOOKS, (in manuscript,) embraces all Ihe best forms in use inni ng private bankers. Our new eu larueil edition of Hull 's Steamboat liook-keep-ie.r" Our full course of business practie In cludes about FIl'TY BUSINESS HOOKS, ruled to about thirty ilillcrcu' lorius, vi, : 11 Lcdaers. 7 Day Hooks, S Journals, (I b'ill 1! 10'Us, ('ash flunks. 4 Saics Hooks. 2 Invoice Hooks. 1 Discount Hook. 1 Cheek Register, I Deposit lleglslc; - .'olleclii-ll Uegislers. 1 Tickler, I Hands li-'gisier. 1 rrciuin. i"", -l'assage'Uooks. I Fuel Hook. These Hooks in-actirallV record llboulsix himdred business tr nsaeliiiil'', coniprehending Hull's original pi., 11 of business education, introduced twenty-live years ago. 1 low far others havu smc ceeded in imiliiliug hhn will he best seen by coinparim: the business papers and houks ot other pupils with those ot tlic graduates this inslitulion. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, IIELMUOLD'8 BUCIIU. IIELMROLD'S.'IIUCIIU. IIELJIBOLD'S BUCIIU. THE ONLY KNOWNLKEMEDY FOR DIABETES, IltltlTATION OF THE KECK OF THE BLADDEIt, INFLAMMA TION OV THE KIDNEYS, CATAUUIl OF THE DLADDEU, STUAN GUA11Y Oil PAINFUL UIJINATING. For lliesii dlsenscs It is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot bo said in its praise. A single dose lias been known to re lieve the most urgent symptoms. Arc you troubled with that distressing pain in the hack and through the hips r A tea spoonful a day of llehnbold's Bucliu will re lieve you. PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Helmhnld's Extract Huchil is composed of Iluchu, Cubebs, and Juniper Hcrrics, selected w ilh great euro, prepared in and according to rules of FHAKMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These Ingredients aro known as tlio most valuable Diuretics iilforded. A DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidneys. of ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taste and odor, freo ftnni nil iniurious properties, uud immediate in Its i action. I I FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties cont dncd in Dispensa tory ul llio U. S., ot which the tollowlugis a copy ; 'liixiiu. Its odor is strong, diffusive, and Boiicwhnt aromatic, i's tasio bitterish, nnd analogous to Unit of mint. It is given chiclly in coiiiplainls of Ihe Uiiuary Organs, such as Ciavel. Chronic t'alarrh of the iSladder, Mor bid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Discuses of the prostrate, and Retention or the Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concerned in its evacuation. It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism,; Cutaneous All'ections, and Dropsy. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Harper's DUFF'S Enlarged Edition OP BOOK-KEE-ItfG. Wholesale ngenls for Wm. Reardman, Gray it Co, 's. Wn Tuif Memphis Anjus,' a violent rebel piper, said of Andrew Johnson in 18G1: "Wo -should lika to see Andrew Johnson's lying tongue torn from his toul mouth and his miserable carcass thrown out to poison mad dojjs, or hung j on a gibbet us high as Hainan, to feed! the carrion buzzards." Since Andrew Johnsoa has determin ed not to "inaku treason odious," the Argus thinks belter of him, and now says: "The iron linrtncss, tho undismayed soul ot a singlo man, (Andrew Johnson,) is all that stands between us and the fearful vortex of anarchy nnd resultant despotism which lias oiigulted tho lives and fortunes of so many -millions beforo us. Let us rally to tho side of that man, determit'cd to save or polish with the Republic" If we would havo tho kindness of others we must endure their follies. Ha who cannot periuado himself to withdraw from society must bo content to pay a tributo of his time to a multi tude, of tyrants. Not ono paper in the State ol Mary land which advooatod the re-election of Mr, Lincoln endorses Johnson's policy- . Yon should forgive many things In others, but nothing In yourself. A uso-nim, A. Pond & Co's, 111. JMIUOCM Co. s, 1, ml nlher lust, class Piano T-'ortos Circulars giving correct likenesses of thesis celebrated Piano Fortesand Taylor X Farley's Model Organs, forwarded to any address on application. Tho Latest Songs, Published January 1, 1 8(lii, and mailed tunny address free of postage, Oh, sing me Oiat dear old song We've drank from tlio same canteen, by J. G. dark, !,'"'P Rcautlful Wales, sung by J. R. Thomas, a.'.c I'm hinmv as tho day is lomr. "''c Somebody's Darling, Violets under the snow, by II. Tucker, bweet be thy repose, by .1. II. Thomas, Hov.g ot the spoon, n new college song. The Angel Guide, by Favagcr, When 1 went courting Sallie, condc, Only a withered rose. Mother, 1 have heard sweet music, Pleasant dreams of long ago, Oh, say not a woman's heart Is bought, Kathleen, dear, Relbro I was married, 0 dear. We'll meet no more nt twilight hour, Hcaulil'ul Isle of H10 sea, by .). R. Thomas, 3,"ie Old don't care, by W. K. Rasford, alio Light of my soul, of thee Pin dreaming, Ilae Five o'clock in the mnrnlng, Kic Cleon nnd I, snna by Harry Tucker, life Come, Nellie dear, I'm weeping, by Tucker Sue Music on Iho waves, vocal duel, liy Glover liOe ll.-.c 1S.-C a.'ie fide iloc SI)C .laC 3ae iliic 5llc ll.'C arm 3uo HUT OF Tr - t 17, r7s GROCERY & CONFECTIONERY 1 MR. HOOPER would still have his riends and patrons bear 11 mind, that hn con tinues in the Grocery and Confectionery trade at his usual place ot doing business, nnd that lie has just received A. Fresli Supply of the best quality of all 111 t'dcs in his lino. TOYS NOTIONS ami a great variety of useful articles always on hand. BEFRESHMEHTS, In connection with the nhovc, Mr. Hooper keeps a Restaurant, where ldf-; CllHAM, ber ries ami alt the luxuries 01 me seasou cau uo obtained. The moct attractive and mint popular resort in town. luno 14. '(ij-lv t No timu like the old tlmn, 3llc Give tho old man a chance. 3tc One bright moony night, comic, ar,e They all cnniu homo but mine, Hoc Young man on the railway, ll;,c When Fenians fight tor freedom 3iic Down bv the Biite, by J. R. Thomas, !!0c esrPa'rllea ordering Music and over payina for the samo will receive their ehaiigo inclosed with tho Music, or Music will he selected, lis parties prefer. All oalers promptly attended to, and any Information cheerfully given. Rni'KiuiNor.s s lion. G. W. Patterscn, cx Govornor of New York, Westlkld. N. Yl. T. H. Oilman, President Lake Shore Runk, Dun kirk, New xork. Nkw foiiK City ItrvunnNCKS 1 William A. Pond & Co., William R. Hradhury, Carlmrt, Noodham & Co., Siberia Ott ; Hugh Riddle, Ksq., GeiiMal Supt. Motive Power, File R. R. Wheelet A Wilson. a-yAddress Orders. O. J. WILLARD, Wholesale I'lanoForto, Organ & Music Dealer, No. 027 Broadway, N. Y. Dcd. 20. lSOii.-tf .Tl W . ROSS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, -VFFICE In Jewell's building, WeBt end of J Main street, Waynosburg, Ta, apl,-tf GROCERIES! Let All Persons .COME TO WAYNESHURG J5 O C3rO"t CHEAP GROCERIES -OF t'OTTERKfi'' TAYI.OK.' n.....i aM'tiw. Biileiidid Grocery Store, foi nu.rlu liv Joseph Yontor. Mr. Taylor k irood sniinlv of tho very best SUGAR COFFEE. TEAS, KICIi, MOLA8 SES SPICES, CARIION OIL LAMPS, ? a nci IMNMES. SHOE FINDINGS, &c. to ami hi fact, EVERV THING Usually kept lu a first class Grocery Store. Two doors East of Wilsons Now Building Oct II, '115-tf lil.lll'U; I EMM, TvKALER la Rooks and St itlotiory, Muga- 1 lines. Dully Pa PC, F anq Alleles, j VYayneimira, r.. April I, itc, 6B'-iy rhila. P 23 A C B HAVING. BEEN MADE, WE OFFER OCR CUSTOMERS ONE OF THE LARG- EST STOCKS OF DRY GOODS!! mm, mm. LEATHER, ROOTS & SHOES, CL. KAILS :M1 SAffF, And a crcat varielv of BONNETS and HATS for tho ladies, at. the loweft prices that Goods have been sola tor since the coinnicnceineiii of the War. PRINTS From 12 1-2 to 2.".cts.peryd, MUSLINS,... " 12 1-2 to III " . " FISH At -Pittsburgh prices. IRON&Nails" ' Card Prices. SAM " 3 per barrel. COTTON YARN, at reduced rates. Wo havo the goods in store, nnd nil wo nsk of our friends Is to call and seo for themselves for wo aro satlslled that an examination of our stock and low price" will repay them for their trouble. To our friends nt a distance, wo ex tend a cordial invitation to call and see their old friends who ate always glad to seo them, for we can assure them that it will repay them for the trouble. W. 11. M'COY & CO. Tho old stand of W. II. M'COY, Greensbo ro, Greene County, Pcuu'a. LMaylO.'iir.-tt' 3PLAIH AND FANY JOB PRINTING TIIE FINEST STYLE. Our prices cannot bo surpassed for chonp neBS by nny other establishment m this part of tho 'Statu. Parties wishing dono should glvo us a cnU. Wo aro ready at all times to do unytulng in tho printing lino. 1'rice ?2. J'oit t jC 2D cents. HOLD HY HOOK SELLERS GEN KRALLY. AWARDED FOUR SILVER MEDALS, Which, with the followinj; tesliinoniid Indi cate thu character of the, work : , nilii r work 1111011 lloukkeerlng explains the subject with so much clearness and Hin : ..-.... J w w i.iiioi w. pill II V . A .... - . Cashier Mechanics' Hank, Wall street, N. . As an exlenive shin owner, American nnd European merchant, bank director, etc., ho has borne the repuialion of (lie highest nrdo oi'busine.-std, nls.' JXO. W BURNTIAM Mc.-i haul, No. h Soulh street, N. Y. 'I L' d hi 1 )ulT's ' college In half the time I cxpi cled. His adniirable system in eludes nolhing superfluous, nor leaves out nnvlbing essential. .1. R. COMPTON, "Cashier Nlapifa Bunk, Loekport, N. Y. "Tue moht complete work ol'lhn liiud I have cvei-K-en." .1. B. MURRY, President Exchange Rank, l'iltsburgh. The most clear and comprehensive that I have met wilh. JOHN SNYDER, Cashier Rank of Pittsburgh. Your committee unanimously concur iu the opinion nl the ulillly of Ihe improved method of Mr. Dnir." GURDON J. LEEDS, Recording Sec. ot the Anier. Insli , N. Y. OuW. II. Dud's renmanship For tho best business nnd Ornamental Pen manship, awarded our present Penman, by thu Unilcd Stales fare at Clnclnnalll. hi 1(!() Pennsylvania Si ite fair ut Wyoming IKliO Western Pennsylvania lair ut Pittsburg ISlio Western Virginia fair at Wheeling 1(1(10 Ohio St-ili) fair al Cleveland 18(12 All of which are exhibited til our office. OUR TERMS. Have never bten advanced, wbllo others aro charring ijifill tuition fee, or iJIO nnd ijilii ex Ira for penmanship, and $12 lu Ij'-'U for text books and blanks, For our graduating course. Including busi ness penmanship, lime unlimited, are 10, The cnlaige l edition ol Hull 's Rook keep ing, with blanks and Btallonery nt booksellers' prices, ip.-i. . Our blanks aro made up of duo extra sized paper ruled complete, wi h lull -sets of auxil iaries. Wo thercforo present llio business student with the following IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES : 1 We havo tho best Penman In tho west. 2 Dull 's System of Book keeping, (sane tinned by the New York Chamber of Com merce,) taught by, tho author. 8 The daily lectures of an experienced mer chant. 4 A saving of seven or eight weeks lu tltno of study. r A saving of tho samo number of wcoks board. 0 A saving of if 0 or $7 hi books and sta tionery. 7 A diploma signed by nno so. long nnd so favorably kno n ns a preceptor, nsau recount ant, and ns a merchant. For full particulars, Bend for circular, 75 pages, with samples of our penman's lhudniiss and Ornamental willing, inclosing twenty five cents for postage, lo P. DUFF St SON, PRINCIPALS, febl7'6G-ly PITTSBURGH Pa. See Professor Dewecs' valuable works on tho practice of Physic. See Remarks mado by Iho celebrated Dr. Physic, of Philadelphia See any and all Standard Works on Medi cine. FROM T1T S3, TBBE WOULD I am ncqnalnled wilh II. T. Helmhold j lio occupied the ding store opposite my residence and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. 1 have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise. WM. WEIGIITMAN, (Finn of powers it Weightmnn,) Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. From tho Philadelphia Evening luMSn,' March Kith We nre gratified to hear of thu continued success, iu New York, of our townsman, Mr II. T. Ifehnbold, Druggist. His store, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 28 feet front, 2110 feet cletp, and live stories in height. It is certainly a grand establishment, nnd specks favorably of the merit of his arti cles. Hu retains his Olllce and Laboratory In this city, which aro also model establishments of their class. The proprietor has been Induced to make Ibis statement from the fact that his remedies, although advertised, aro Genuine Pj cpaiations, And knowing that Iho intelligent refrain from using any thing pertaining to Quackery, or the Patent Medicine order-most of which are prepared by self-styled Doctors, who aro too Ignorant to read a physician's simplest pres cription, much less competent to preparo phar maceutical preparations. These parlies resort to various means of ef fecting sales, such as copying parts of adver tisements of popular remedies, and finishing 1 Willi cerlillcales. I The Science of Medicine statnds slmplo, pure nnd majestic having Fact for its Basis, Induction for hs Pillar, Truth for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most Important ; and the ulllicted should not use an advertised medicine, or niiy remedy, unles3 lis contents or ingredients are known toothers besides the iniiiiiifneturcr, or until they aro salislied of tho qualifications of tho parly so olfeiing. HELMBOLD'S'GENUINE PREPARATIONS. FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, FLUIDJCXTRACT SARSAPARILLA-, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established upwards of 10 year. Prepared by H.,T.!HELHBOLD'. riUMUVVfi 31 E POTS HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WARFAOUSK, 5U4 Broadway Now York. And 104 Smith HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT! :h Tenth Street, Philadelphia Pa, RY AM DIU'GGISTS. Nov. W, 1808-ijr.